Thank you to Margaret Dennis for the following research.
Born on 10th March 1892 in Dorking to Joseph and Eliza, Walter Jeal was the sixth of eight children of Joseph Jeal, a grocer. Four of the brothers served in the Army during the First World.
Walter attended Dorking High School. The family lived at Falkland Rd, and later Cliftonville, both in Dorking.

2nd Lieut. Walter Jeal, attached to the 15th Royal Scots, who was wounded on July 4th is the youngest son of Mr and Mrs J. Jeal of Cliftonville, Dorking. Before the war he had spent four years in Ceylon, where he was a member of the Ceylon Planters’ Rifle Club. In September, 1914, he joined the Ceylon Contingent and went with them to Egypt, where he spent the winter of 1914-15. In April 1915, he was transferred, being attached to the Australians and New Zealanders. He remained at Anzac till July, where he obtained his commission, and was attached to the 4th Royal Scots. Subsequently he had an attack of fever, and after being in hospital at Lemnos for some time he was invalided home. After convalescence he joined the Depot at Edinburgh, and in April he went out to France, where he was attached to the 15th Royal Scots. At the time of writing the nature of his injuries had not been ascertained. Mr and Mrs Jeal have three other sons serving in the Army: Co-Sergt-Major W. P. Jeal, 2/2nd London Regiment, Lce -Corpl J. Jeal, 3rd London Rifle Brigade, and Pte. G. F. Jeal, now in training with the 214th Canadians in Manitoba. Another son Harold, who was also with the Canadians, has been invalided out.
Walter Jeal 4th July 1916 Injury Notice © Dorking Advertiser findmypast.co.uk
Walter Jeal worked in Colombo, Ceylon in 1914, and enlisted there in the Ceylon Force, on 2 October 1914. After Serving in the Dardanelles in April 1915, he was then commissioned in July 1915 and attached to 15th Battalion Royal Scots. After being invalided home suffering from fever, Walter then recovered and returned to the Royal Scots in the Expeditionary Force in France.

2nd Lieut. Walter Jeal , who is officially reported killed in action, was the youngest son of Mr and Mrs J. Jeal of Cliftonville, Dorking. At the same time the war broke out, and for four years previously, he was in Ceylon with Messrs Muller and co, where he had as manager Mr. Walter Philps, brother of Mr. Thomas Philps of Dorking. There are or were several other Dorking boys with this firm, including Mr. Tom Dyball (who now holds a Commission in the Army) Mr. Ted Lucock, and a son of Mr WT Heal. Mr. Jeal joined the Ceylon Planters’ Rifle Club which at the commencement of hostilities provided a big contingent for service. He was one of the first to volunteer, and was on his way home to England to complete his training withe the first contingent when they were sent to Egypt afterwards being transferred to the Dardenelles, where they were attached to the Australians and New Zealanders. Mr Jeal was subsequently given his commission, being attached to the Royal Scot, but a month later he had to be invalided home with fever. He stayed with his parents in Dorking for eight weeks and having recovered joined the Depot of the Royal Scots at Edinburgh, and there he remained til February last when he went out to France with a draft. On July 9th intimation was received that he had been wounded; then he was posted missing, and on Wednesday last it was officially reported that he was killed during the great advance on July 4th.
Walter Jeal Death Notice 9th September 1916 © Surrey Advertiser
Walter Jeal was killed in action on the first day of the Battle of the Somme and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial and Dorking South Street Memorial.
Probate was granted to his father Joseph Jeal, effects valued at £210. 9s. 1d.
Born | Dorking, Surrey | |
Son of | Joseph and Eliza Jeal of Yverdon Cliftonville, Dorking | |
School | Dorking High School | |
Regiment | 15th Battalion. Royal Scots | |
Date of Death | 1st July 1916 | |
Place of Death | Somme, France | |
Cause of Death | Killed in Action | |
Age | 24 | |
Memorial | Thiepval Memorial, France |
Previously : A. Lipscomb
Next : H.T. Nicklin