12th November 1914 – continued
CHATEAU at 6am, after 1/2 hours placed under orders of 1st Division and ordered to HERENTHAGE WOOD on the MENIN ROAD to be in close support of the firing line with orders to counter attack if the Germans broke through. Battalions cold, wet and tired out and had little food as there had been no opportunity to draw supplies.
Considerable shelling.
1 killed. 12 wounded. 3 missing.
13th November 1914
Still in support in HERENTHAGE WOOD. Wet and cold. Shelled and sniped but little damage done. Ordered to move back a mile to a CHATEAU at ?, arrived 11pm and at once ordered to move on again to be in reserve in big wood. SOUTH of HOOGE.
1 wounded. 3 missing.
14th November 1914
2am go into Corps Reserve together with London Scottish in Wood South of HOOGE. Becoming a sea of mud. Moved at 9pm to KLEIN ZILLEBEKE big wood into 4th Brigade again, took over trenches from ?. No. 4 Coy in Battalion reserve.
15th November 1914
Remained in position, very cold, rain and snow.
1 Killed. 4 wounded. 1 missing
16th November 1914
Remained in position, cold and wet. No. 3 Company in reserve.
1 wounded 5 missing
17th November 1914
Remain in position. 4th Brigade headquarters shelled out with heavy loss in orderlies and horses. Terrific shelling in morning, heavy attack followed about 1pm, the brunt falling on No. 1 + 2 Companies. Reinforced No. 2 with part of No. 3 Company and attack repulsed with great slaughter. Battalion fired over 24,000 rounds of Ammunition.