
Local History Loan Box Contents

Dorking Local History Loans Box

Book:  Dorking: A Brief History, Dorking and District Museum, 2002

Maps of Dorking

6 Maps of Dorking              

  1. Dorking in the Late Middle Ages
  2. Dorking in 1649
  3. Dorking in 1780
  4. Dorking in 1850
  5. Dorking in 1914
  6. Dorking in the Late 20th Century

Transport in Dorking

14 Transport Photos 

  1. Pony & Trap at Holmbury St Mary
  2. Horse and cart, Capel
  3. Dorking Coach at Betchworth Hill, 1869
  4. Coach in front of the White Horse, 1890
  5. Dorking cyclists touring Germany, 1870
  6. Dorking Cycling Club at Rose Hill, 1885
  7. Dorking Town Rail Station, 1850
  8. Deepdene Station, early train, 1860s
  9. Dorking from Dorking West Station, 1850
  10. Station Approach, c.1905
  11. Dorking engine, 1913
  12. Steam lorry at Dorking Brickworks, 1922-3
  13. Townfield House, 1920
  14. Greenline Bus, Dorking to London, 1979

Roads in Dorking

1 Contract and 3 photos                        

  1. Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road Contract
  2. Photo:  the Tollgate in Horsham Road, 1860-70
  3. Photo:  Tarring the road by the Pound in Westcott, 1914
  4. Photo:  Tarmacadam machine, c.1919-24

Trade and Industry in Dorking

15 photos of Trade and Industry in Dorking 

  1. Dorking Market, 1895
  2. Market Day, c.1900
  3. Red lion Hotel, 1907
  4. 98 High street, 1887
  5. The Three Tuns Hotel, 1914
  6. Dutch House and Market house, early 19th century
  7. Miss White’s Hat Shop and The Surrey Yeoman, 1860s
  8. 74 South Street, 1900s
  9. Hollier’s Tradesman’s Tricycle, 1880s
  10. R.J.Cook, 12 & 13 West Street, 1911
  11. Cheesman & Bromley, 10-12 High Street, 1900s
  12. Edmonds Bros advertisement, 1907
  13. Mackney & Pierce advertisement, 1907
  14. Old Dorking Brewery, 1890s
  15. Castle Mill, 1908

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