A. E. Davidson
Dorking is an old town with a great amount of history which is reflected in the Museum’s extensive and wide ranging archive of documents and photographs.
Anyone interested in local history will find that our collections shed light on the growth of Dorking and its people and cover most aspects and periods of Dorking’s history from the 18th century onwards. We also hold transcripts of parish registers, some manorial records and indexes to monumental inscriptions.
We are currently in the process of digitising some of our most popular records which will make these far more accessible for everyone.
Dorking Museum Archive
The archive holds material of many different types and formats including maps, tithe plans, architects drawings, property sales particulars, photographs, photographic slides and postcards.
If you are looking for a specific subject or document then please use the search button box to browse through the index to our catalogue. This is a temporary index while we work on developing it into a full catalogue.
Using the Search Facility
If your search finds an item of interest, it may well be part of a larger record. This will certainly be the case if the Index Reference identified in your result contains the character “/” or ends in “ctd“. For example, if your search finds an item with an Index Reference of S650 ctd, then carry out a new search with just S650 for your search term. This will place your original result in its full context and provide additional information relating to the record.
It can be helpful to simplify your search terms. For example, the village of Westhumble may also be referred to as West Humble in some older documents. In this case, a search for Humble will locate records containing both variations.
Ref No. | Subject | |
E1 | Printed page mounted on card containing a poem, "On the Opening of the Railroad to Dorking," by W H Hart, Jul 1849. The South Eastern Railway's Redhill and Reading branch opened in 1849, was the first rail route to pass through Dorking with stations at Deepdene (originally named Box Hill) and Dorking Town (now Dorking West). (Source: H E Malden (editor) - History of the County of Surrey, Vol. 3, 1911) | |
E2/1-3 | Three photocopies of printed documents issued by the General Post Office showing the timetable of the stage coach routes between London and Portsmouth; London and Poole and Poole and London, with the number of miles and time allowed for the journey, [c.1790?] Date of copy [c.1970s?] | |
E3 | Photograph of a page taken from a Pigot's Directory of 1835 (area of directory unknown), showing the different stage coach services between Dorking and London and where they stopped. It also shows lists of Dorking posting houses and carriers. | |
E4 | Photocopy of an article published by the General Post Office - "The Mail Coach and the Royal Mail," giving a brief history of mail coach services, 1934. 4pp. Crown copyright. | |
E5 | Photocopy [c.1970s?] of an original notice giving details of the London to Dorking coach "Perseverance" including fares and a timetable, [c.1896?]. | |
E6 | Photocopy [c.1970s?] of an original notice announcing the preliminary catalogue for a sale by public auction of the horses for the Dorking coach "Perseverance." To be sold by Messrs W & S Freeman at Aldridge's, St Martin's Lane, London in 1900. | |
E7 | Photocopy [c.1970s?] of an original notice giving details of the Boxhill and London coach, "The Vigilant." Includes a seating plan and fares, 1914. | |
E8 | Menu card for a dinner held at the Railway Arms, Westhumble to mark the re-opening of the stepping stones across the River Mole at Box Hill by the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Clement Attlee, 11 Sep 1946; with a copy of a 19th century print showing Burford Bridge on the reverse. 4pp. | |
E9 | Biographical details with photograph of Harry L. Moore, the proprietor of Rowe's Printing Works in Dorking and the President of the Surrey and East Hants branch of the Master Printers' Alliance, contained in Vol. VII No 10 of "Activity," the journal of the Home Counties Master Printers' Alliance for July 1936, p. 203. His full name was Harry Laker Moore (1882-1957) of Dorking. (see also H3 and SC.E/2/19) | |
E10 | The top right hand corner of a used envelope bearing franking to mark the centenary of the birth of the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. It incorporates a small head and shoulders picture with the wording "Ralph Vaughan Williams 1872-1958" and is dated 01 Jan 1973. | |
E11 | Small printed booklet - "Special Forms of Service in commemoration of His Late Majesty King Edward VII to be used in all churches and chapels in England and Wales," London, 1910. 8pp. | |
E12 | Published booklet - "Dorking By-Pass with illustrations of the alternative routes," [c.1930?], 15pp. The alternative routes chosen were the Deepdene route and the Western or Nower route. There are no indications of the author or publisher but the wording indicates it was issued by a pressure group opposed to the Deepdene route. It includes several photographs of the proposed routes and a map | |
E13 | Programme for a speech day at Dorking County School, 29 Oct 1936. Gives details of prize winners with the words of songs sung at the event on the reverse. 4pp. | |
E14 | Menu leaflet for a dinner given by Dorking Football Club supporters for the players at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 14 Apr 1924 with a programme of a concert on the reverse. | |
E15 | Photocopy of the front cover of "The Ringing World," the journal of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, Vol. LXX No 3290 of 17 May 1974. Includes a photograph of St Martin's Church, Dorking with a short article on the history of the church. 1p. | |
E16 | Large hard bound blotter of the Westminster Fire Office, 1914. The front and back covers have a coloured reproduction of a late 18th or early 19th century painting showing the foreman of the Westminster Fire Office's corps of London firemen clad in the company uniform. The front inside cover has details of the fire insurance company's early history and the inside back cover contains a diary for 1914 together with general postal, telegraph and telephone information. | |
E17/1 | Official programme for the match between Dorking Football Club and the new Corinthian Casuals, 22 Aug 1953. | |
E17/2 | Programme for the first round of the Football Association Cup between Dorking and Plymouth Argyle, 15 Nov 1992 at Meadowbank, Dorking. Gives details of club honours, management teams, players, photographs with articles and statistics about the competition. | |
E17/3 | Photocopy of ticket for the Football Association Cup first round match between Dorking and Plymouth Argyll, 15 Nov 1952. Date of copy c.1992. | |
E18 | Ticket issued on the last bus to leave Dorking Bus Garage 02 March 1990 with an explanatory note signed by driver; 2 items. | |
E19 | Leaflet publicising an open air service of prayer and dedication in preparation for the coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth to be held at the Nower, Dorking, 09 May 1937 together with an order of service leaflet for the event. 2 items. | |
E20 | Small programme for the Festival of Britain celebrations held at Brockham Green, 30 Jun 1951, 8pp. | |
E21 | Small publicity brochure for Arnold & Son, chartered surveyors of 171 High Street, Dorking, [c.1980s?], 6pp. Includes small photographs of the firm's main partners. | |
E22 | Programme for the "Pageant of Abinger," held in aid of Abinger Parish Church preservation fund 14 and 18 Jul 1934, 28pp. Programme notes and text by E M Forster with music composed and arranged by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Also includes a four page listing of the names of the performers. 2 items. | |
E23 | Army Training Memorandum no 37; G S Publications; 1940. 27pp | |
E24 | Order of service leaflet for Thanksgiving for Victory service, 1945. | |
E25 | "A Pigeon's Letter," microscopic photo from The Times; 19 January 1871 containing a memento of the Siege of Paris (1870-71) | |
E26 | Small leather bound booklet with pencil -"The Gem" or "Juvenile Companion" for 1813. Published in London by Suttaby, Evance and Fox in the form of a yearbook and engagement diary. | |
E27/1 | Booklet describing the building known as "The Barons," in Church Street, Reigate used as the Northgate Funeral Home. Includes a brief history with a map and line drawings, [c.1950s?] | |
E27/2 | Illustrated leaflet giving a brief history of "The Barons," in Church Street, Reigate, published by Redland Limited, Redland House, Reigate,[c.1970s?], | |
E28 | Order of service leaflet used at the memorial service held for Rev. John Telford at Dorking Methodist Church, 29 July 1936, 4pp. | |
E29 | Order of service booklet used at the service of dedication and opening of the Christian Centre, Church Street, Dorking; 18 September 1977, 20pp. Includes a brief history of the Centre and a list of members of the Centre's Management Policy Committee. | |
E30 | Leaflet giving information on the organ appeal for Westcott Parish Church, 1957. 4pp. | |
E31 | Centenary edition of "The Spire," the parish magazine of St John the Evangelist, North Holmwood, 1974. 4pp. | |
E32 | Illustrated pamphlet giving short biographical notes on Arthur Keane, actor and elocutionist, [c.1930s?] 8pp. | |
E33 | Play bill for the Grand Cinema, Leatherhead; Feb 17-22, [c.1920s?] 1p | |
E34 | List of exhibitors and stands at the Dorking Trades Exhibition 1935. | |
E35 | Membership cards for the Friends of St Martin's Church, Dorking in the names of E L Sellick, Dec 1944 and D H W Moran, Feb 1945,.2 items. The card incorporates a large line drawing of the church by Geoffrey H Haynes dated 1944. | |
E35/3 | Pamphlet issued by the Friends of St Martin's, Dorking, to accompany the appeal for repair of the Church fabric, April 1982, 6pp. Includes a very brief history of the Church. | |
E36 | Membership handbooks for the Old Dorkinian Association, 1936 and 1977. 2 items. Includes lists of members, presidents of the Dorking High School Old BoyÍs Association and the Old Dorkinian Association, rules of the Association, and a list of associated clubs and societies. The Old Dorkinian Association was an alumni organisation originally formed from the Old Boys Association of Dorking High School for Boys and the Old Girls Association of Dorking High School for Girls. These combined as a result of the change of status of the two schools which merged to become the Dorking County School in 1931. Dorking County Grammar School later merged with the neighbouring Mowbray Secondary School in 1976 to become a comprehensive known as the Ashcombe School. See R742 for records deposited by the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association. | |
E36/1 | Old Dorkinian Association handbook and list of members, May 1936, 39pp. | |
E36/2 | Old Dorkinian Association membership handbook, 1977, 16pp. | |
E37 | Information leaflet for the Dorking High School Old BoyÍs Association, [c.1930?], 2pp. Includes rules and objects of the Association. | |
E38 | Illustrated prospectus for Mickleham Hall School, Dorking, [c.1920s?] 12pp. | |
E39 | Two recipe note books used by Helen Corderoy for lectures at Dorking, 1908, and at Stockwell Practicing Schools, together with cuttings of wartime recipes 1939-45. | |
E40 | Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution for relief of farmers. List of subscriptions, donations etc. for the year ending 31 Dec 1891, 350pp. Includes separate sections for each county. | |
E41 | Souvenir programme of the centenary celebrations of the Dorking District Order of Oddfellows, 1947, 13pp. Includes a brief history of the branch, a programme of a concert held at the Odd Fellows Hall, Dorking, list of the districtÍs lodges and officers, and a programme of lodgesÍ events. Illustrated with photographs. | |
E42 | File containing letter and Christmas cards published by Dorking Museum, 1979-1981, 14 items. | |
E42/1 | Christmas card showing Dorking Museum, 1979. | |
E42/2 | Detail not specified. Item missing. | |
E42/3-E42/6 | Letter cards incorporating images taken from Dorking MuseumÍs collection of old prints, 1976, 4 items. The designs include engravings of Dorking High Street in 1856; a view of Dorking from the Chalk Pit of 1845; Burford Bridge and Box Hill in 1845; and Betchworth Castle in 1845. | |
E42/7-10 | Christmas cards issued by Dorking Museum with designs taken from their collection of old pictures, 1978, 4 items. The cards depict drawings of Castle Mill, Dorking; MasonÍs Grocery Shop, High Street, Dorking; Church Street, Dorking and the Gun Inn, North Street, Dorking in 1940 by Arthur C. Fare. | |
E42/11-12 | Christmas cards issued by Dorking Museum with designs taken from their collection of old pictures, 1979. 2 items. The cards depict etchings of the White Horse Inn, Dorking and the Cattle Market, Dorking by local artist Charles Collins, (1851-1921). | |
E42/13-14 | Christmas cards issued by Dorking Museum in 1980 and 1981, 2 items. The designs depict an engraving of 1868 of Dorking North station and Castle Mill in winter from a scraperboard drawing by Alan S. Brewer | |
E43 | Christmas card produced by Dorking Local History Group with a design showing a panoramic view of West Street drawn by L. Green and M and B Higgins, 1976, 4 items. The card was produced in different versions with four separate colours surrounding the frame of the design. | |
E44 | Records relating to the centenary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1972, 3 items. | |
E44/1 | First day cover bearing a postage stamp depicting Ralph Vaughan Williams and a Dorking postmark issued to mark the centenary of Vaughan William's birth in 1872, 26 Apr 1972. The envelope is addressed to G.C. Green, Honorary Secretary of the Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society. | |
E44/2 | Letter from F. Sutherland, clerk of Dorking Urban District Council and Honorary Secretary of the R. V. Williams Centenary Committee addressed to G.C. Green Esq, 26 Apr 1972. The letter refers to the issue of the centenary stamp by the British post office. | |
E44/3-4 | First Day Cover bearing postage stamps issued to mark various centennial anniversaries including the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 26 Apr 1972. Includes Centennial Anniversaries information leaflet. 2 items. | |
E45 | Card issued for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II., 02 Jun 1953. The card depicts a portrait of the queen with the words of a hymn by the Dean of York. | |
E46 | Catalogue issued by Dorking and District Chamber of Commerce for the Jubilee Year of the Ideal Homes and Trades exhibition, held at Dorking Halls, 21 Sep _ 01 Oct 1955, 44pp. The content includes an index to exhibitions and advertisers and local advertisements. | |
E47 | Certificate of first prize awarded to Dorking Town Band by the Southern Counties Brass and Reed Band Association at a band contest in Reigate,1903 [outsize]. | |
E48 | Programme for Dorking and District Hospital Carnival, 1932, 63pp. Includes articles on the history of Dorking, the Dorking Caves, Leith Hill Tower and some short stories. Also includes local advertisements and two reproductions of paintings of old Dorking High Street. The file also contains a newspaper cutting from the ïDorking and Leatherhead AdvertiserÍ, with an advertisement for Dorking carnival week, 27 May 1932. 2 items. | |
E49 | Programme for Leith Hill Musical Festival's Birthday Celebration Concert in honour of Ralph Vaughan Williams, held at Dorking Halls, 11 Oct 1952, 7pp. The concert was organised by friends of the Leith Hill Musical Festival to mark R. V. Williams 80th birthday. | |
E50 | Supplement to The War Cry, 14 Oct 1916. The supplement depicts portraits of George V and Queen Mary and a message from the king to the International Congress of the Salvation Army, London, 1914. | |
E51 | Menu card for the jubilee dinner and dance of the 17th Dorking (Westcott) Scout Group held at the Martineau Hall, Dorking, 01 Mar 1974, 3pp. | |
E52 | Programme for Speech Day and Prize Distribution at Ashcombe School, 15 Sep 1978, 14pp. Includes list of governors, list of staff of the 1978 autumn term and prize list. | |
E53 | Programme for the QueenÍs Diamond Jubilee events held at Dorking, 22 Jun 1897, 50pp. Includes list of celebration committee and local advertisements. | |
E54 | Order of service leaflet for the unveiling and dedication of the Dorking War Memorial to the fallen of the Great War of 1914-1918, 17 Jul 1921, 10pp. Includes roll of honour | |
E55 | Order of service leaflet for the unveiling and dedication of the tablets at the Dorking Congregational Church War Memorial to the fallen of the Great War 1914-1918, 25 Sep 1921, 4pp. | |
E56/1-2 | Programme for the Armistice Smoking Concert held at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by the Dorking branch of the British Legion,12 Nov 1927, 4pp. Includes announcement of the forthcoming programme for the Dorking playhouse and local advertisements. | |
E57 | Souvenir programme for the opening ceremony of the Memorial Hall at Capel in honour of men who served during the Second World War, 1939-1945, 24 Nov 1956, 20pp. Includes a list of names of the management committee, details of village history and local information, and a plan of the Memorial Hall. | |
E58 | Order of service leaflet for the Friendly Societies special service arranged by the Dorking District of Oddfellows and held at St MartinÍs parish church, Dorking, 17 Jan 1932, 6pp. | |
E59 | Illustrated programme for ñEnglandÍs Pleasant Landî, a pageant play written by E M Forster with music directed by Ralph Vaughan Williams, produced by Tom Harrison and presented by the Leith Hill and District Preservation Society and performed at Milton Court, Westcott on the 9th,14th and 16 July 1938, 24pp. | |
E60 | Programme for the 115th annual show of the Surrey Agricultural Association held at Wotton Hatch, Dorking, 16 Sep 1950, 90pp. Includes a list of past presidents of the Association, a set of rules, names of current officers and trade exhibitors together with a catalogue of competition entries and exhibitors and local advertisements. | |
E61 | Order of service booklet for an open air service of thanksgiving held at the Nower, Dorking on 12 May 1935 to mark the Silver Jubilee of King George V and at which Ralph Vaughan Williams conducted the hymns, 4pp. For photographs of the event see: K752 and K753. | |
E62 | Form of prayer and thanksgiving for the service held at St PaulÍs Cathedral, London to mark the silver jubilee of King George V, May 1935. | |
E63 | George V and Queen Mary, presentation picture for the Silver Jubilee by International Stores, 1935 | |
E64 | ïHolmesdaleÍ railway guide, bus time table and local telephone directory for the Dorking area, Jan 1928, 98 pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
E68 | Information leaflet - ïTomorrowÍs CouncilsÍ compiled by the Local Government Information Office, [c.1972?]. | |
E69 | Page containing an illustrated verse celebrating the Silver jubilee of George V, [c.1935?]. Found inside a visitorÍs book at the Wheatsheaf Inn in Dorking High Street | |
E70 | Manuscript of satirical verses together with a transcript copied from "The Globe" newspaper relating to Disraeli's oration on the Duke of Wellington; [c.1852?] | |
E71 | A magazine and publicity brochure of the Biwater Shellabear Group, 1978-1979, 2 items. The company, located at Station Approach, Dorking, design, build, operate and maintain water companies, water supplies, effluent treatment and desalination plants working in over 30 countries. Now called Biwater, the company was established in Beckenham, Kent in 1968. By 1971 they had located their offices in Dorking. (Source: http://www.biwater.com/Groups/162857/Biwater.aspx accessed Nov 2015) | |
E72 | Card containing a poem called ÍFive Blue EggsÍ with illuminated border. [c.1920s-1930s?] | |
E73/1 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for Alice Songhurst, 06 Jun 1934, 3pp. Attached to the inside cover is a small news cutting from an unidentified paper with an obituary. Mrs Songhurst lived at South Street in Dorking and was a member of the Hampstead Road Hall Assembly. | |
E73/2 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for Alice Chennell at Hampstead Hall, Dorking, 17 Dec 1965, 3pp. | |
E74 | Guidebook compiled by Surrey County Libraries ñSurrey People from the 12th to the 20th century,î [c.1965?], 8pp. | |
E75/1 | Catalogue of the Great Gift Sale for the Dorking Red Cross Week held at the Public Hall, Dorking, 18-19 Jun 1917, 60pp. Includes conditions of the sale, programme of events and local advertisements. | |
E75/2 | List of subscribers for the Dorking Red Cross District Week, June 1917, 32pp. Includes summary of events, summary of district contributions and statement of accounts | |
E75/3 | Programme for the Grand Garden Fete for the Dorking Red Cross District Week, 20 Jun 1917, 15pp. Includes list of stalls and stall holders | |
E75/4 | Catalogue of the Agricultural Gift Sale for the Dorking Red Cross District Week, 21 Jun 1917, 42pp. Includes conditions of the sale, a programme of events and local advertisements. | |
E76/1 | Letter from the Dorking & District Football League recommending E. Denyer of Dorking as a referee, 01 Jan 1931 | |
E76/2 | Programme for the Dorking Hospital Cup Final football match between Ashtead and Leatherhead, held at Pippbrook Mill Ground, 02 May 1931, 8pp. Includes team line ups and local advertisements. | |
E76/3 | Notice from the Football Association to Mr E. Denyer regarding his selection as a referee for the Association Challenge Cup Competition between West Norwood or Nunhead & Leyland Motors or Woking, 18 Sep 1937. | |
E76/4 | Postcard from the Redhill & District Football League Referees Association to E. Denyer of Dorking appointing him as a referee for the 2nd Division, Holmwood & Nutfield football game, Mar 1938. | |
E77 | Information booklet ïLorries and the EnvironmentÍ published by the Freight Transport Association Ltd, undated, 11pp. | |
E78 | Programme for the orchestral concert of the works of Ralph Vaughan Williams performed by the London Symphony Orchestra at Dorking Halls, 09 Nov 1949, 14pp. The concert was conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams and William Cole. Includes a photograph of R. V. Williams and list of names of London Symphony Orchestra musicians. | |
E79 | Programme for the Mole Valley Show and Festival of Sport held at Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 27 Aug 1979, 23pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
E80 | Annual reports for the Leith Hill Musical Competition and Festival for the years 1910-1911; 1929-1930; 1931-1932; 1947-1948 to 1963-1964 inclusive; 1971-1972 to 1976-1977 inclusive; and 1980-1981 to 1984-1985 inclusive. 28 items. They include statements of accounts, list of subscriptions and donations, results of competitions, programmes of concerts and list of choral societies. | |
E81 | Programme and publicity leaflet for a concert performed by Croydon Philharmonic Orchestra at Dorking Halls to mark the 75th birthday of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 10 Oct 1947, 13pp. 2 items | |
E82 | Programme for a concert in the series of "Dorking Orchestral Concerts," held at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 16 Nov 1937, 3pp. | |
E83 | Programme for Bach's "St Matthew Passion", conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams and held at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 22 Mar 1938, 15pp. | |
E84/1 | Programme for the opening of the new Dorking Head Post Office at the corner of High Street and Ansell Road, 03 Aug 1932, 17pp. Includes photographs, general information and historical notes on Dorking Post Office. | |
E84/2 | Typescript list of postal telegraph officers employed at the new Dorking Post Office, 1932. Transcribed from a handwritten list supplied by Roger Howard. | |
E85 | Records relating to the centenary of the Dorking Building Society in 1979 and its merger with the Eastbourne Mutual Building Society in 1982. 5 items. | |
E85/1 | Information leaflet issued for a reception at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, given by the directors of Dorking Building Society to mark the companyÍs centenary, 30 May 1979, 3pp. Includes a list of past and present directors. | |
E85/2 | Letter from the Dorking Building Society, South Street, Dorking, addressed to its members, concerning a proposed merger with the Eastbourne Mutual Building Society, 30 Apr 1982, 3pp. | |
E85/3 | Notice of the special general meeting of the Dorking Building Society, South Street, Dorking addressed to its members, concerning the proposed merger with the Eastbourne Mutual Building Society, 30 Apr 1982 | |
E85/4 | Typescript sheet issued by the Dorking Building Society, South Street, Dorking regarding the proposed transfer of engagements to the Eastbourne Mutual Building Society, and showing the financial position of the two societies. Dec 1982. | |
E85/5 | Handwritten note from R. F. Philpott addressed to Miss Mercer concerning the merger with the Eastbourne Mutual Building Society, and giving the number of votes in favour of the proposal, 14 Jul 1982. | |
E86 | Records commemorating the phasing out of Dorking Urban District Council under the terms of the Local Government Act of 1972. 1974, 3 items. All Urban District Councils were abolished In 1974 to make way for larger district authorities. Dorking is now part of Mole Valley District Council. | |
E87 | Electioneering card for Captain R. H. Rawson, a Conservative and Unionist candidate, in the parliamentary election for the Reigate constituency, (then including Dorking), [c.1896?]. On the back of the card is a handwritten poem in support of R. H. Rawson. | |
E88 | Programme for a concert ïFor All AgesÍ, presented by the St PaulÍs Music Society at St PaulÍs church, Dorking, 21 Jun [c.1980?], 6pp. The concert was introduced and narrated by Roger Salisbury, Vicar of St PaulÍs Church. Includes a short biography of Roger Salisbury first appointed to St PaulÍs in 1973. | |
E89 | Programme for MendelssohnÍs ñElijah,î performed by Dorking Choral Society at the Public Hall, Dorking, 27 Mar 1906, 9pp. | |
E90 | First day cover bearing a commemorative postage stamp issued to mark the centenary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams and franked with a Dorking post mark, 26 Apr 1972, 2 items. The stamp was one of four issued to mark various centennial anniversaries and the envelope contains an information leaflet issued by the General Post Office with further information on these events | |
E91 | Programme for the Dorking Afternoon TownswomenÍs Guild Garden Jubilee Concert held at the Green Room Theatre, Dorking, 31 May 1980, 4pp. | |
E92 | Information leaflets produced by Servite Houses Ltd for the official opening of Servite House, Harrow Road West, Dorking, 03 Jul 1980. Includes the order of proceedings, general information about Servite Houses development scheme, information about the Dorking scheme and a list of the committee. Servite Houses Limited is a housing association which provides sheltered housing for the elderly in London, the South East, the West Midlands, Merseyside and Tayside. 3 items. | |
E93 | Records relating to the topping out ceremony for the British Rail Station building and new head office of Biwater Shellabear at Station Approach, Dorking in 1980. 4 items. For related records for Biwater Shellabear see E7/1 and MH12/1-5 | |
E93/1 | Invitation card from Biwater ShellabearÍs Board of Directors addressed to G. Green, for the topping out ceremony of the Biwater Shellabear new head office and the British Rail Station at Dorking, 13 Nov 1980. | |
E93/2 | Typescript page containing notes on the procedures for topping out ceremonies. From an unknown source, [c.1980?]. | |
E93/3 | Newspaper cuttings from the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser of Nov 1980 with a report on the new buildings for Dorking North Station and Biwater Shellabear Ltd and a photograph of the new Dorking North Station building. 2 items | |
E94 | Programme for an exhibition of photographs and posters commemorating the 800th anniversary of St PeterÍs Church, Newdigate presented by Newdigate Parish Council at the Village School, 30 Jun 1975, 11pp. | |
E95 | Swimming certificate awarded to Robert Coles by Dorking Urban District Council, Dec 1920. | |
E96 | Booklet issued by Surrey County Council and Dorking Urban District Council, for an exhibition on a proposed inner relief road for the A25 at Dorking, Oct 1971, 14pp. | |
E97 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for Ralph Vaughan Williams at St MartinÍs church, Dorking, 28 Sep 1958, 7pp. | |
E98 | Order of service leaflet for evensong held at St MartinÍs parish church, Dorking, 16 Apr 1961, 7pp. The service was accompanied by music composed by Ralph Vaughan Williams. | |
E99 | Football match programmes involving Guildford & Dorking United and Dorking Town Football Clubs, 1974-1979. 8 items Dorking Football Club was formed in 1880, the second oldest club in Surrey. In 1974 the club merged with Guildford City of the Southern League and formed Guildford & Dorking United, with Meadowbank, Dorking as their home ground. After just two seasons, the club collapsed in mid-season, and another club called Dorking Town was formed in 1977 to complete its predecessor's remaining games before joining the Surrey Senior League in 1977_78. | |
E99/1 | Programmes for club matches involving Guildford & Dorking United Football Club, 1974-1975. 3 items. Includes a list of fixtures for future matches. | |
E99/1/1 | Programme for the match against Maidstone United, at Meadowbank, Dorking, 11 Sep 1974, 20pp. | |
E99/1/2 | Programme for the match against Tonbridge, at Meadowbank, Dorking, 12 Mar 1975, 20pp. | |
E99/1/3 | Programme for the match against Dartford, at Meadowbank, Dorking, 26 Dec 1975, 18pp. | |
E99/2 | Programmes for club matches involving Dorking Town Football Club, 1978-1980, 5 items. | |
E99/2/1 | Programme for the match against Uxbridge at Meadowbank, Dorking, 24 Mar 1979, 12 pp. | |
E99/2/2 | Programme for the match against Harefield at Meadowbank, Dorking, [c.1979?], 20pp. | |
E99/2/3 | Programme for the match against Haugar (Norway) at Meadowbank, Dorking. [c.1979?], 20pp. | |
E99/2/4 | Programme for the match against Epping Town at Meadowbank, Dorking, [c.1980?], 20pp. | |
E99/2/5 | Programme for the match against Epping Town at Meadowbank, Dorking, [c.1980?], 20pp. | |
E100 | Programme for Dorking Carnival organised by the Lions Club of Dorking, 06 Jun 1981, 23pp. Includes a list of members of Dorking Lions Club, and local advertisements. | |
E101 | Programme for MendelssohnÍs ïElijahÍ, performed by the Dorking Choral Society at the Public Hall, Dorking, 12 Feb 1896, 3pp. | |
E102 | Two electricity supply meter cards for the Baptist Chapel, Junction Road, Dorking covering the years 1906-1910 and 1911-1917. Each card was valid for four years. | |
E103/1 | Programmes for croquet and lawn tennis tournaments including those of the Pixham, Dorking and Redhill tournaments, 1910-1914, 4 items. | |
E103/1/1 | Programme for the Pixham Lawn Tennis Tournament, Jul 1910, 3pp | |
E103/1/2 | Programme for the Pixham Lawn Tennis Tournament, Jul 1912, 3pp. | |
E103/2 | Programme for the third day of the Dorking Lawn Tennis Tournament, Jul 1914, 3pp. | |
E103/3 | Programme for the Redhill Open Lawn Tennis Tournament, Jul 1914, 4pp. | |
E103/5 | Programme for the Dorking celebrations held to mark the Silver Jubilee of George V, 1935, 51pp. The event was organised by Dorking Urban District Council. The programme includes local advertisements with information on earlier Jubilee events in the town. | |
E104 | Balance sheet for Dorking Swimming Club, 1910. | |
E105 | Brochure containing the programme for Dorking Coronation celebrations published by Dorking Urban District Council, 1953, 32pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
E106 | Programmes for St MartinÍs Church Festival of 1981. 3 items. The festival included an autumn fair, a flower festival and a concert and was sponsored by Biwater Shellabear Ltd. The items include an overall programme for the combined events, and separate programmes for the concert and flower festival. | |
E107 | Programme for BachÍs ïPassion According to St MatthewÍ, held at Dorking Halls, 24 Mar 1931, 15pp. The performance was dedicated to the memory of Margaret J. Vaughan Williams (d. 24 Jan 1931), the sister of the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams. She was one of the founders of the Leith Hill Musical Competition and its first secretary from 1904-1914. | |
E108 | Notice of a public meeting at the Co-operative Hall, South Street, Dorking organised by the National BuildersÍ Labourers and Constructional WorkersÍ Society, with a view to establishing a local branch, 11 Aug 1923. | |
E109 | Christmas card issued by the Biwater Shellabear company of Dorking, showing a print of the old Dorking North station and a photograph of the new Dorking station, 1981. The Head Office of the Biwater Group was situated in the new Dorking Station building. | |
E110 | Product Information leaflets issued by Schermuly Pistol Rocket Apparatus Company manufacturers of marine and military pyrotechnics, [c.1970s?]. 8 items. The leaflets are contained in an insert at the back of a document wallet. The company designed and manufactured allied search and secure appliances such as line throwers, signals, flares and pyrotechnic life-saving equipment. It was located at Newdigate between 1934 and 1981. (Source: Newdigate village website at: http://www.newdigate.org.uk/ accessed Nov 2015.) | |
E111 | Special edition of the magazine ïSt PaulÍs Church NewsÍ marking King George VÍs Silver Jubilee, May 1935, 38pp. Includes local advertisements, church news and biography of George V | |
E112 | Magazine entitled the ñDorking Cockerelî published by Dorking and District Chamber of Commerce giving information on the celebrations for King George V's Silver Jubilee in Dorking, May 1935, 8pp. Includes the Silver Jubilee programme for Dorking and surrounding villages and local news. | |
E113 | Booklet for the official opening of the Henfold Purification Works at Holmwood produced by the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, 16 Mar 1974, 11p.Includes a brief history of the Henfold purification works scheme and plans. | |
E114 | Small booklet with the rules of the benevolent fund known as Dorking WomenÍs Own Help Myself Society, [c.1900-1910?], 8pp. | |
E115 | Advertising handbill for ñDorking relishî sauce, made by William Sellman, High Street, Dorking, [c.late 19th century?]. | |
E116 | Programme for a concert of music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, held at Dorking Halls, 14 Oct 1972, 7pp. The concert was part of the Leith Hill Musical Festival. Includes information about the composerÍs work featured in the concert. | |
E117 | A leaflet issued by St Paul's Church, Dorking appealing for funds for a memorial to the late Rev H J Hutton, [c.early 20th century?], 1p. | |
E118 | Order of service page for the memorial service held for Eric Atkinson, at the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Buckland, 17 Apr 1974, 2pp. | |
E119 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service for Walter John (Bob) Ede, (1896-1978) held at St John the Baptist church, Capel, 16 Dec 1978, 4pp. | |
E120 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for Frederick Lewis Crow, estate agent of Dorking, at St PaulÍs Church, Dorking, 05 Feb 1979, 3pp. | |
E121 | Order of service leaflet for the service of thanksgiving for the life of Marjorie Alice Pratt, held at the United Reformed Church, Dorking, 06 Sep. 1979, 3pp. | |
E122 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service for Major General Edward Henry Goulburn; 21 February 1980, 4pp. | |
E123 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service for the Rev Francis Edward Spurway, at the Parish Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, Holmwood, 04 Apr 1981, 4pp. | |
E124 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for Withiel George Leslie Austin, at St BartholomewÍs church, Horley, 21 Aug 1981, 4pp. | |
E125 | Order of service leaflet for memorial service held for Richard Henry Gresham Leveson Gower, at St JamesÍs church, Titsey, 18 Feb 1982, 6pp. | |
E126 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for John Arthur, at St MartinÍs church, Dorking, 08 Feb 1983, 3pp | |
E128 | Brochure entitled ïComputing with FriendsÍ providing information about career opportunities for graduates in computing, produced by the Friends Provident Life Office, Pixham Lane, Dorking, 1981. The Friends Provident had its headquarters in Dorking | |
E129 | Pamphlets published by Dorking Urban District Council containing byelaws for the regulation of the market or market places, pleasure grounds and advertisements, 1903-1933. 3 items. | |
E129/1 | Bye-laws for the regulation of the market, 1903, 7pp. Includes table of tolls and additional charges. | |
E129/2 | Bye-laws for the regulation of pleasure grounds known as the Glory Wood and the Nower in Dorking, 1933, 7pp. | |
E129/3 | Bye-laws under the Advertisements Regular Act 1907-1925 for regulation of advertisements, 1933, 5pp. | |
E130 | Information leaflet published by Mole Valley District Council with a description and explanation of its coat of arms, [c.1975?], 3pp. | |
E131 | Programmes and news reports of Dorking Cinema, 1938-1950, 3 items. The Gaumont Cinema located in Reigate Road, opened on 28 Feb 1938. It was built by Gaumont British Theatres and Provincial Cinematograph Theatres Ltd who only operated it for a short time as Shipman and King acquired the cinema on 04 Sep 1938 and it was renamed as the Embassy Cinema. It closed on 14 Apr 1973 and was then used by the Jehovah's Witnesses until it was closed and demolished in 1983. | |
E132 | Programme for ïThe Old Fair of AbingerÍ at Abinger Common, 09 Jun 1973, 4pp | |
E133 | Photocopy of the rules for the reading room at Albury, [original c.19th century?]. | |
E134 | Pamphlet entitled the ïCase of Sir Polycarpus Wharton, baronet, by Sir Polycarpus Wharton, relating to Chilworth gunpowder works. | |
E135 | Publicity leaflet for the Hurtwood Inn, Peaslake, [c.1967-1968?]. | |
E136 | Large, hard bound scrapbook of music programmes, pamphlets, catalogues photographs and news cuttings relating to the business of AndrewsÍ Music Shop of the High Street, Dorking, 1908-1912. Contains many programmes of different events in Dorking as well as the product catalogues of the store. | |
E137 | Certificate awarded by Dorking and District Chamber of Commerce to M. J. Holton, a butcher, for an award in the Butchers and Fishmongers category in a window dressing competition for Shopping Week, Nov 1921. | |
E138 | Records of the commemoration and funeral service for the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams held at Westminster Abbey, 19 Sep 1958, 4 items. These include an order of service leaflet, an entrance ticket and a news cutting from the Daily Telegraph with a report on the event. | |
E139 | Records of the memorial service for the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams held at St Martins Church, Dorking, 28 Sep 1958, 2 items. Includes an order of service leaflet and a news cutting from an unidentified source with a report of the event (stuck to the back of service leaflet). | |
E140 | Order of Service for evensong at St Martins Church, Dorking 16 Apr 1961, 7pp. The music was by Ralph Vaughan Williams with representatives of Leith Hill Musical Festival choirs. | |
E141 | Programmes for local music recitals and concerts, 1943-1949. 5 items | |
E141/1 | Programme for a recital of music performed by the Leith Hill Festival Choir and conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams at St MartinÍs church, Dorking, 08 May 1943. | |
E141/2 | Programme for a recital of music performed by the Leith Hill Festival Choir and conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams at St MartinÍs church, Dorking, 04 May 1946, 3pp. | |
E141/3 | Programme for BachÍs ïPassion According to St JohnÍ conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams and performed by Dorking Bach Choir, at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking, 19 Feb 1947, 9pp. | |
E141/4 | Programme for a concert at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking, 22 Oct 1949, 2pp. | |
E141/5 | Programme for a performance of BachÍs ñSt Matthew Passion,î as part of the Leith Hill Musical Festival at Dorking Halls, 05 Mar 1966. | |
E142 | Flyer for the Dorking celebrations to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of George V, 06-12 May 1935. | |
E143/1-2 | Programmes for sports events organised by Dorking and District Amateur Athletic Club, 1923-1925, 2 items. These include events held on 06 Aug 1923 and 03 Aug 1925 at the sports ground in Pixham Lane, Dorking. | |
E143/3 | Programme for the 8th Annual Sports Meeting, organised by ïWÍ Division Metropolitan Police Athletic and Social Club, held at Herne Hill Track, Burbage Road, Herne Hill, London, 07 Jul 1926, 44pp. | |
E144 | Two forms issued by the Amateur Athletics Association and National Cyclist Sport Union for the registration of local club events, 1925-1926. These include six events registered by Dorking & District Amateur Athletic Club. | |
E145 | General Post Office's duty book of the rural post No 1044, listing places of call from Dorking to Milton Court, 11 Jan 1920, 11pp. | |
E146/1 | Small piece of patterned paper bearing the words ñOur Coffee Roomî Band of Hope Dorking with the name underneath of Mary Sarah Williams January 1886 | |
E146/2 | Programme sheet for the annual festival and entertainment organised by the Dorking Band of Hope at West Street school rooms, 14 Mar 1878. | |
E146/3 | Programme for an entertainment organised by the Young MenÍs Bible Class, at the Congregational church, West Street, Dorking, 03 Nov 1902, 2pp. | |
E146/4 | Order of service leaflet for the ordination of J.T. Todman and H.A. Arnold, at the Congregational Church, West Street, Dorking, 04 Jun 1913, 4pp. | |
E146/5 | Order of service leaflet for the unveiling and dedication of the Dorking War Memorial to the Fallen of the Great War 1914-1918, 17 Jul 1921, 10pp. Includes roll of honour. | |
E146/6 | Certificate issued to William Henry Dinnage of Dorking, an employee at the factory of J T Brooker Ltd at Dorking Timber Yard, authorising him to wear the War Service Badge, 1914. These small badges were worn by civilians during the Great War to show that they were engaged in important war-work and not avoiding service in the armed forces. Some were issued by the government and others by private companies. Biographical history: born in Dorking in 1870, William Henry Dinnage was a noted sketcher and watercolourist and there are several examples of his work in Dorking Museum. He was the eldest son of Henry Dinnage, a boot repairer with a shop on Heath Hill, Dene Street, Dorking. Source:http://www.dorkingmuseum.org.uk/collections/watercolour-collection/william-henry-dinnage/ | |
E146/7 | Programme for the celebrations held in Dorking to commemorate the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, 1937, 48pp. | |
E147 | Recruiting Poster for Dorking District, 1914 [outsize] | |
E148 | Advertising circular for Newdigate home-made delicacies, issued by Colonel Herbert French of Cudworth Manor, Newdigate, enclosed in an envelope, Christmas 1940, 2 items. Includes retail price list of the products. | |
E149 | Two Dorking business cards, a business envelope of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, [20th century] and a government issued butter tokens book, 1975, 4 items. | |
E149/1 | Business card for Denyer Bros, Plumbers and Hot Water Fitters, workshop Wheatsheaf Yard, High Street, Dorking. [c.20th century?]. | |
E149/2 | Business card for E. J. Burden, Electrical Engineer and Contractor, 34 Wathen Road, Dorking. 20th century [c.1940s?] | |
E149/3 | Business envelope of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, Brookmead, Station Road, Dorking. [c.20th century?]. | |
E149/4 | Department of Health & Social Security's butter tokens book, Jan 1975. Unused. | |
E150 | Souvenir blotter issued by Foster Bros. mens clothing & outfitters of 29-31 High Street, Dorking, 1938. 12pp. Contains a listing of the company's 146 branches throughout the country with advertisements for several of their products. | |
E151/1 | Printed leaflet with details of an appeal for a band stand in South Street, Dorking including a sketch of the site, [c.1906?] The reverse side has a small news cutting relating to heraldry and the Kings of Arms, [c.1906?] | |
E151/2 | Duplicate leaflet [of E151/1} with a list of supporters of the scheme on the reverse. [c.1906?]. | |
E152 | Poster giving notice of a poll for the election of a county councillor for Dorking Electoral Division on 02 Apr 1955. | |
E153 | Booklet issued to mark the centenary of Dorking District Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 1947. 11p. Includes a list of important dates in the district's history; programme of a concert held at the Odd Fellows Hall, Dorking, 02 Mar 1947; a list of lodges in the district; district officers of 1947; and a brief history of the district with photographs of A H Clear, provisional Grand Master & T. Faux past Grand Master. | |
E154 | Notice of Ordinary General Meeting of the Dorking Swimming Bath Company 10 Feb 1892. Contains a report of the Directors with a balance sheet for the year ending 31 Dec 1891. 4pp. | |
E155 | Booklet containing the text of an address on the past, present and future work of the Leatherhead & District Countryside Protection Society by F B Denyer, 28 May 1954, 15pp. | |
E156 | Souvenir programme of a "Mediaeval Village Fayre" held at the Drill Hall, Dorking 24-25 Jun 1925, 32pp. The objective was to raise money to pay off debt on the caretaker's new cottage opposite St Martin's church and for new committee rooms. Contains several trade advertisements and photographs of St Martin's church. | |
E157 | Leaflet advertising two open air concerts by Dorking Town Band on 28 Mar at the Rotunda, South Street and on 29 Mar at Milton Heath, Dorking, [c.1930s?] | |
E158 | Menu card and programme for a coming of age supper and concert held by the Dorking Allotment Holders' Association 28 Nov 1934, 4pp. The names of Association officials are recorded on the back page. | |
E159 | Souvenir booklet issued by the 11th Sussex (39th GPO) Home Guard Battalion, Jan 1945, 16pp. No 3 Platoon was based at Dorking (see p.9). Includes short notes on the formation, history and role of the Battalion. | |
E160 | Pamphlet issued by Mole Valley District Council to mark the opening of the new council offices at Dorking, Mar 1984, 10pp. Includes information on the 1984-85 budget and a list of local councillors. | |
E161/1-4 | National Savings Committee & War Savings posters (outsize) | |
E162 | Catalogue for the gift sale held at Dorking Halls for Dorking Hospital Carnival, 06 Jun 1932, 21pp. | |
E163 | Photocopy of poster issued by the Leigh Prosecuting Association offering a reward for information and evidence leading to conviction of thieves at Chapel Farm, Dorking, 02 Jan 1846. Original at Horsham Museum. Copyright: Secretary of Horsham Museum Society. | |
E164 | Photocopy of a bill issued by the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, 20 Feb 1792. Original held by Horsham Museum. Copyright: Secretary of Horsham Museum Society. | |
E165 | Photocopy of bill issued by J & W Attlee, millers of Parsonage and Pixham Mills, Dorking to Messrs E & W Charman, 13 Jun 1918. Original at Horsham Museum. Copyright: Secretary of Horsham Museum. | |
E166 | Three embroidered greetings cards from Gunner Sammy Soame, serving with the British Expeditionary Force in France, to Edith Withal | |
E167 | Official souvenir programme for the coronation of George VI & Queen Elizabeth, 12 May 1937,35pp. Published in aid of King George's Jubilee Trust | |
E168 | Souvenir programme for the coronation of Elizabeth II, 02 Jun 1953, 40pp. Published in aid of King George's Jubilee Trust. | |
E169 | Order of service leaflet used at the memorial service for Lord Wolfenden held at Westminster Abbey, 01 Mar 1985. A small news cutting of the event from "The Times" of 02 Mar 1985 and a ticket of admittance have been attached to the inside front cover. John Frederick Wolfenden (1906-1985) was an educationalist. He was made a life peer as Baron Wolfenden of Westcott in 1974. | |
E170 | Page taken from an unidentified local newsletter with a tribute to Maurice and Laura Hart (both died 1984). Feb. 1985.Maurice Hart was a retired dental surgeon in London but had lived for many years in Dorking. The couple were known for their support of the Dorking branch of the Conservative Association and a number of other local organisations. | |
E171 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of Audrey Elizabeth Hughes, at St Martins Church, 01 Apr 1985, 4pp. | |
E172 | Certificate for shares in the Dorking Swimming Bath Company Limited issued to Frederick Flood of Dorking, civil engineer. 19 Feb 1889. | |
E173 | Records relating to the Festival of Britain celebrations at Brockham Green 1951, 13 items. Includes a programme for the event on Brockham Green, 30 Jun 1951 and seven newspaper cuttings from local and national papers of the event. These refer to the costume of Miss Ida Sherlock who wore the dress originally worn by her grandmother, Grace Jury at her wedding to George Sherlock at Brockham on Christmas Day 1864. The file also includes a photograph of Ida Sherlock at the event wearing her grandmother's wedding dress. | |
E174 | Blank bill head for the Dorking Domestic Agency of West Street Dorking, [c.1920?] | |
E175 | Photocopy of Abinger Parish Council by laws for the regulation and management of Forest Green, Abinger Hatch Green and Abinger Hammer Green, 1922. 5pp. | |
E176 | Programme for the concert given by the Beare Green & Newdigate Choral Society, at the Flower and Music Festival, St Mary Magdalene, South Holmwood, including a history of the church, 27 Sep 1985, 8pp. | |
E177 | Records relating to the sung eucharist held to mark the retirement of the Right Reverend Kenneth Evans, Bishop of Dorking at Guildford Cathedral, 07 Nov 1985. 5 items. The records include an order of service booklet, 14pp; ticket of admittance; reserved parking ticket; and two news cuttings reporting the event from the Dorking Advertiser, 07-08 Nov 1985. Kenneth Evans, Bishop of Dorking (1915-2007) was the second Suffragan Bishop of Dorking first appointed in 1958. | |
E178 | Set of programmes for the Leith Hill Musical Competition, 1905-1906, 1913-1914, 1924-1925, 1927-1940, 1948, 1953, 1956-1970, 1972-1981, 1983-1989, 1991, 1993-1994. 129 items. Some include competition rules and schedules. | |
E179 | Extract of page from a Civic Trust publication relating to Heritage Year Awards for 1975. Contains an article and illustrations of the restoration and conversion of the disused Castle Mill, Dorking into a house, 1975, 1p. | |
E181 | Pamphlet with information on the appeal organised by St Martin's Church, Dorking to raise funds for the church organ, 01 Nov 1986, 4pp. | |
E182 | Order of Service leaflet used at the service of thanksgiving for the life of Eric Pett held at St Martin's Church, Dorking, 01 Nov 1986, 7pp. | |
E183 | Page from telephone pad carrying a logo and advertisement for F Warren & Co, coal merchants of 42 South Street, Dorking, [c.1920s?] | |
E184 | Programme for the "Town's Day" or fete organised by the Rotary Club of Dorking in aid of Dorking old people's homes and held at Bradley Farm Meadows, London Road, Dorking, 08 Sep 1956, 28pp. Also provides brief histories and information on the local clubs and organisations who took part. | |
E185 | Programme for a festival weekend at St Martin's Shared Church, Dorking, 21 and 22 Feb 1987, 11pp. The festival included the re-dedication of the organ; a half day seminar on church music; an organ recital by Francis Jackson OBE and services of shared worship with the Methodist church. Also contains five pages on the history of the organ. | |
E186 | Shops: Playfoot & co., Surrey House, Dorking: trade card advertising Eau de Cologne; nd [c.1890?]. | |
E187 | Catalogue of garden tools and sundries including their images and descriptions issued by Stone & Turner Ltd, ironmongers of 28-38 High Street, Dorking, 1963. 80pp. | |
E188 | Invitation card issued by the editor of the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser to a reception at the Council Offices Pippbrook, Dorking to mark the 100th anniversary of the Dorking Advertiser, 14 Mar 1987. | |
E189 | Page from an unknown magazine with an illustration of a poster advertising the "Venture", the horse drawn Brighton and London coach. Includes schedules with timetables and fares, 1911, 1p. | |
E190 | Documents relating to Alan J Kirby, musician of Dorking and founder of Croydon Philharmonic Society. Includes programme for 'The Messiah' conducted by Alan J Kirby at Dorking Congregational Church, 21 Apr 1940; publicity leaflet for performances by the Croydon Philharmonic Society in the 1963-1964 season, and very brief biographical notes written by Mrs M Brown (the donor) of Lancing, Sussex, c.1987. 3 items. [See photograph collection for photos of Alan Kirby] | |
E191 | Photocopy of a poster showing the order of procession at the consecration of the new church of St Martin, Dorking, 18 Jul 1837. Removed there is a better copy at R220 | |
E192 | Letters of acknowledgement and thanks from Buckingham Palace and the Home Office in response to a resolution of sympathy from Dorking and Horley Rural District Council on the death of King George V, 1936. 2 items | |
E193 | Advertising leaflet issued by Downs, the solicitors of 156 High Street, Dorking, 1988. | |
E194 | Published booklet containing the parish accounts for Holy Trinity, Westcott, 1909, 11p. | |
E195 | Records relating to an exhibition held at Dorking Museum in 1988 to commemorate those who took part in the Berlin airlift of 1948-1949. These include a cutting from the Dorking Advertiser with a report of the exhibition held at the Museum, 14 Jun 1988 and photocopies of pages from published books and aircraft magazines giving background information on aspects of the Berlin airlift all published between 1948 and 1988. The file also contains a small book with the title Berlin Airliftæ by Dudley Barker and issued by the Air Ministry and the Central Office of Information in 1949 giving a detailed description of the organisation and running of the Berlin airlift, 61pp. 11 items. For related material see E349. | |
E196 | Printed page mounted on card showing the train timetables between Reading and London Bridge, Dec 1854. Also contains an advertisement for John Goddard, wine and spirit merchant of White Horse Commercial Inn and Posting House, Dorking, including lists of prices for spirits and wine. | |
E197 | Printed page mounted on card containing a poem with the title "The Dorking & Gravesend Cricket Match on Cotmandene, 1847," by W.W.B, 1847. | |
E198 | Business cards carrying advertisements for H G Kingham & Co, family grocers and provision merchants of High Street, Dorking, [c.1920s?]. 3 items. The designs all differ slightly and show that the company was based in Cobham with branches in Dorking, Sutton, Oxted and Limpsfield. | |
E199 | Tickets for performances of Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra at Dorking Halls, 08 May 1948; 17 Oct 1949; 22 May 1950 and 25 Oct 1950. 4 items. | |
E200 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/4/5/5 | |
E201 | Copies of "Pippbrook Post" magazine issued by Pippbrook Garages, London Road, Dorking. No 6, Jul 1968, No 7 Aug 1968 and No 13 Feb 1969, 2pp. 3 items. The Pippbrook Garage business was run by Rob Walker, a pioneering formula one team owner. | |
E202 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/5/13 | |
E203 | Records relating to the centenary celebrations of the church of St Mary the Virgin, Pixham, Dorking, 1990. 5 items | |
E203/1 | Programme for the celebrations of Pixham Church centenary, 21 Apr-06 May 1990, 2pp. | |
E203/2 | Poster publicising Pixham Church centenary, 1990. | |
E203/3 | Order of service leaflet for a service to commemorate the church centenary held at St Mary's, Pixham, 22 Apr 1990. 2pp. | |
E203/4 | Leaflet containing information relating to the colour and symbolism used for the Pixham church altar cloth and lining, 2pp. 1990. | |
E203/5 | Programme for a pageant, "The Mill and the Miss" produced by Pixham Junior Drama Group at Pixham Church, 27-28 Apr 1990. 7pp. | |
E204 | Photocopy from the "Surrey Magazine" with an advertisement for the preparatory school at the Tower House, Dorking run by Gerard Kerr Olivier MA, father of the actor Sir Laurence Olivier, Sep 1900. | |
E205/1 | Small envelope containing an invitation card to the wedding of Beatrice Mary Langdon and John William Felgate at the Congregational Church, Dorking, 14 Jul 1908; addressed to Miss Felgate. | |
E205/2 | Business card for Mr Tom Langdon, agent to the brewery company Friary, Holroyd & Healys Ltd of Guildford at High Street, Dorking, [c.1908?]. Census records indicate that Tom Langdon was the father of Beatrice Langdon (see E205/1). | |
E206 | Small compliments card issued by Harmans of Dorking Ltd, dealers and exporters of antique furniture of 9 & 10 West Street. Contains a very brief history of the 16th century building with a small line drawing of the building, the ñOld Houseî on the front. 4pp. [c.late 20th century?] | |
E207 | Programmes for the Mickleham and Westhumble Music Festival, 1954 and 1955. 2 items. | |
E208 | Order of service leaflet for the induction of the Reverend Roy Grand Currie at Dorking Congregational Church, 08 Sep 1971, 7pp. | |
E209 | Page containing estimate of work to be carried out at the Malthouse, North Street, Dorking by Dorking plumber George Letts for W J Attlee of J & W Attlee, corn dealers of Dorking, 08 Aug 1894. | |
E210 | Programme for a performance of Mendelssohn's 'Elijah' given by Dorking Choral Society at the Public Hall, Dorking, 27 Mar 1906, 3pp. | |
E211 | Photocopy of an article from an unknown newspaper or magazine with the story of two dogs which collected lost golf balls for animal charities. The dogs were owned by Reg Dicker of Brockham Green. [c.1960s-1970s?] | |
E212 | File containing printed card showing portions of the morning and evening services chanted at Dorking Parish Church, [c.1850?] with a letter of 19 Sep 1990 from William Cole, Master of the Queen's Chapel of the Savoy, explaining the origin of the card given to him by 'an old inhabitant.' 2 items | |
E213 | Now part of the Knight collection at DM1/6/2/1 | |
E214 | Order of service leaflet for Matins and the re-dedication of the bells at St Barnabus Church, Ranmore, 04 Nov 1990, 8pp. Includes the history of the church's eight bells. | |
E215 | Order of service leaflet for a thanksgiving service held at St Martin's Church, Dorking to mark the Golden Jubilee of the Girl Guide movement in Dorking, 18 Jun 1967, 4pp. | |
E216 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service of Mary Mayo held at Pixham Church Room, Dorking, 01 Aug 1933, 8pp. | |
E217 | Records of the Old Dorkinian Association, 1945-1959. 7 items. These include: cuttings from the Association's 'Mag-pie' magazine relating to members of staff of Dorking County Grammar School, Mr Norman Squier and Mr C W Goffin, 1951-1953; two printed letters inviting subscriptions for a memorial to Charles Goffin, 1958-1959; and a printed sheet showing a design of a bronze memorial tablet intended to record the names of headmasters of Dorking County Grammar School, [c.1957?] For related records of the Association see: R780/2/2 | |
E218 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of Henry Charles Lee Steere of Jayes Park, Ockley and lord of the manor of Ockley, held at Ockley Church, 30 Mar 1933, 4pp. | |
E219 | Programme for a concert held at 'The Rookery,' Westcott by Westcott Choir as part of the Leith Hill Music Festival, 29 Mar 1939, 3pp. | |
E220 | Programme for a performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion held at Dorking Parish Church, 24 Mar 1937, 6pp. | |
E221 | Music: Leith Hill Musical Festival Choirs: Programme of Bach's St Matthew Passion at St Martins Church, Dorking; 03 April 1943. | |
E222 | Certificate for a swimming test awarded to Greta Stannard by Dorking Urban District Council, Oct 1930. | |
E223 | Records relating to the BBC television recording of ñSongs of Praiseî at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking on 12 and 13 Jun 1972. 2 items including the order of service booklet, 25pp; and a ticket for the rehearsal and recording. The recording was broadcast on 15 Oct 1972. | |
E224 | Annual report and balance sheet of Dorking and District Chamber of Commerce, 31 Dec 1923, 23pp. | |
E225 | Poster for an 'Elizabethan Pageant' held at Belmont School Sports Ground as part of the Westcott Coronation Celebrations, 02 Jun 1953. | |
E226 | File containing two news cuttings relating to the death and funeral of John Le Boutillier of Hampstead Road, Dorking, an evangelist of the local branch of the Christian Colportage Association, 1992. Also contains a printed card of an illuminated biblical text produced by the Dorking branch of the Christian Colportage Association, [late 1980Ís?] 3 items. | |
E227 | Small printed guide ïAn invitation to Dorking' issued by Dorking Antique Dealers & AssociatesÍ, 2pp. Includes a map of Dorking & surrounding area and a list of historic, picturesque and interesting attractions., [c.1980?] | |
E228/1 | Publicity leaflet issued by Marks & Spencer plc to mark the opening of their new store in Dorking, 01 Oct 1991, 6pp. | |
E228/2 | Publicity brochure for the newly opened St MartinÍs Walk Shopping Centre, Dec 1991, 12pp. Includes an article about the Marks & Spencer store and advertisements for the 28 shops in the new centre. | |
E229 | Records relating to Ethel Clear,(1913-1991) a founder member and former Secretary of Dorking Museum, 1991, 2 items. Includes an order of service used at her memorial service at St Martin's Church, Dorking, 30 Dec 1991, 4pp; and pages from an unknown magazine reporting on her life and incorporating a brief autobiography, Dec 1991, 4pp. | |
E230 | An illustrated price list, "Christmas Specialities" issued by H G Kingham, grocers and provision merchants of Clock House, Dorking, 1938, 31pp. | |
E231 | Photocopy of the ïRules and RegulationsÍ of Dorking Fire Brigade, 30 May 1864, 11pp. A note on the front cover indicates that the original belonged to the East Surrey Water Company. Contains a list of the locations of fire plugs (early fire hydrants) and a listing of all names and addresses of Dorking Fire Brigade members with their rate of pay. A hand written list of the names of 18 members of the ñFire Brigadeî in 1861 has also been inserted on the first page. Comparison with the 1861 census returns for Dorking indicates that all 18 lived either in Milton Street, Westcott or Westcott itself. Rather than being members of Dorking Fire Brigade the names on this list were probably members of the estate fire brigade at Bury Hill. | |
E231 ctd | Dorking Fire-Brigade was established in 1843 under the control of the Highways Board of the Parish of Dorking. Its rules were ñre-considered and confirmed by the parishî in 1864. It was re-organised in 1870 as the Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade when it was funded entirely by public subscription. Dorking Urban District Council assumed responsibility from 1912 until 1941 when all fire brigades became part of the National Fire Service. When control was again transferred to local authorities in 1948, this was at a county level so that Dorking's fire service then became part of the wider Surrey Fire Brigade. | |
E232/1 | Publicity leaflet for the Mid Surrey Homeopathic Dispensary at Station Road, Redhill and Holmesdale Road, Reigate, 1871, 2pp. T. H. White of East Street, Dorking is named as a dispenser and collector. Includes a list of medical cases treated, rules for patients, and lists of subscriptions and donations. | |
E232/2 | Attendance card for the Dorking Dispensary issued to Mr Marsh, jeweller, of High Street, Dorking, [c.1870s?] Although called the Dorking Dispensary, this was probably part of the Mid-Surrey Homeopathic Dispensary based In Redhill [see E232/1] as the collector in both cases was T H White of East Street, Dorking. | |
E233 | Programme for the ïFestival of Britain CelebrationsÍ held at Brockham Green in aid of the restoration fund of Christ Church, Brockham, 30 Jun 1951, 12 pp. Signed by Herbert Morrison, MP, Deputy Prime Minister in Clement AttleeÍs government of 1945-1951. | |
E234 | Photocopy of a poster issued by the General Post Office, offering 100 guineas reward for the apprehension of highwaymen on the Leatherhead to Dorking Road, 16 Jul 1827. | |
E235/1 | Programme of the ï26th Athletic SportsÍ events held by the High School, Dorking, 15 Jul 1931, 5pp. Includes list of events and competitors.[Formerly E235] | |
E235/2 | Programme of the ï2nd Annual Athletic SportsÍ events of Dorking County School, 12 Jul 1933, 5pp. Includes list of events and competitors. [Formerly E236] | |
E237 | Records of Dorking County Grammar School, 1946-1949. 5 items. Includes programmes for the school's annual sports events, 1948 and for the school speech day, 1946-1949. | |
E237/1 | Programme of the ÍFifteenth Annual Athletic SportsÍ events of Dorking County Grammar School, 21 Jul 1948, 8pp. Includes list of events, competitors and trophies: [Formerly E237] | |
E237/2-5 | Programmes for Dorking County Grammar School's Speech Day, 1946-1949, 4 items. Includes a list of awards and school successes. The 1949 programme has an additional detailed list of prizewinners. [Formerly E238/1-3] | |
E238 | See E237/2-5 | |
E239 | Photocopy of a small pamphlet -"Abinger Hammer School; some Glimpses from the Past," Apr 1982, 8pp. Thought to have been issued as a catalogue for an exhibition on the history of the school. Includes photographs, extracts from school logs and minute books, a hand drawn plan of the school and a copy of an income and expenditure sheet for the year ending 30 Sep 1890. | |
E240 | Small publicity leaflet for St Martin's Walk Shopping Centre, [c.1991?], 6pp. Includes a map showing the location of the different shops. | |
E241 | Now part of the Knight collection at DM1/9/2/2 | |
E242 | Small pamphlet with images of the coat of arms and heraldic badge of Surrey County Council and a note of their historical background, [c.1974?], 3pp. | |
E243 | Small certificate issued by the Overseas Club of the Aldwych, London with the wording "A Signal wish from the School Children of the Empire who sent Christmas Gifts to our Brave Soldiers and Sailors," 1916. Issued in the name of Doris Kay. | |
E244 | Embroidered silk Christmas ribbon in the form of a bookmark, [early 20th century?] Mounted on a piece of card. Provenance unknown. | |
E245 | Programme for the Sixth Dorking Festival of Entertainment, 15-17 Nov 1962, 16pp.Includes local advertisements. The aim of the festival was to benefit old people within the Dorking Urban District area, | |
E246/1 | Programme for the Dorking and Horley Festival, 17-21 Mar 1964, 15pp. Includes local advertisements. The Festival covered drama, comedy, variety, youth organisations and choirs. | |
E246/2 | Part of a page taken from Newsletter No 24 of the Friends' Provident and Century Sports and Social Club of Apr 1964 reporting on the club's drama production of "The Stunt" by Philip Johnson at the Dorking and Horley Festival on 17 Mar 1964. Friends' Provident is a large insurance company with a branch in Pixham Lane, Dorking and now, in 2015, called Friends' Life. | |
E247 | Programme for Dorking and Horley Festival, 23 to 27 Mar 1965, 14pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
E248 | Photocopy of news cutting of 16 Jul 1930 from an unknown newspaper with an obituary of Mr George Peters, a stonemason of Bailey Road, Westcott. Includes mention of the Peters family who had association with Dorking back to the eighteenth century. Mr Peter's grandfather was one of the first two Dorking constables. | |
E249 | Leaflet entitled "Dorking Town Centre - a Fresh Look," dealing with the subject of traffic schemes through the town centre, 1978, 4pp. Issued jointly by Mole Valley District Council and Surrey County Council. | |
E250 | Photocopy of the first page only of the preliminary prospectus for Dorking County School issued by Surrey Educational Committee, Jul 1931. Includes information on school fees, admission procedures and entrance examinations. | |
E251 | Three newspaper cuttings from the Dorking Advertiser of Dec 1970 mounted on one page. Two report on the passing of one of the oldest baronetcies in the country to Mr John Richard Staples of Butter Hill House, Dorking. Includes a photograph of the newly titled Sir John Staples. The third cutting contains an obituary for Mr Jesse Tyler of Ashley Road, Westcott, veteran of the Boer War of 1900-1902. | |
E252/1 | Programme for the Grand Variety Show for Dorking's Senior Citizens,' held at Dorking Halls, 19 Mar 1969, 4pp. Includes photograph of Mr A L Stanbridge, Chairman of Dorking Urban District Council. | |
E252/3 | Invitation card to the Grand Variety Show at Dorking Halls, 19 Mar 1969. Issued by the Chairman of Dorking Urban District Council, Mr A L Stanbridge to Mr and Mrs Philpott. | |
E253 | Order of Service leaflet for the memorial service held for Marjorie Neville Crow, (1889-1970) at St Martin's Church, Dorking, 13 Aug 1970, 3pp. Marjorie Crow, (formerly Livermore) was the wife of the Dorking estate agent Frederick Lewis Crow. | |
E254 | Publicity leaflet for the opening of Denbies Wine Estate, "England's largest wine estate visitor centre," [c.Apr 1993?], 2pp. | |
E255 | Programme for the opening ceremony of the housing estate at Fraser Gardens, Dorking by the Rt Hon Sir Kingsley Wood, Minister of Health, 18 Jan 1938, 8pp. Issued by Dorking Urban District Council. Includes a list of councillors for 1937-1938 and a history of the Fraser Gardens Estate. | |
E256 | Programme for the eightieth anniversary celebrations of Dorking & District Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club, 23 May 1933, 12pp. Includes a brief history of the club and local advertisements. | |
E257/1 | Souvenir programme for the Great Britain Rifle TeamÍs tour of Canada 1985, 32pp. Signed by the team captain Ted Molyneux of Dorking. Includes a list of team members with brief biographies and photographs and a brief history of the Royal Small Arms factory at Enfield. | |
E257/2 | Letter from Ted Molyneux of Dorking to Mrs Newbery regarding the history of the Dorking Home Guard Rifle Club, 1986, 2pp. | |
E258 | Junior newspapers and a school essay created by Harold William Taylor and K Taylor of Dorking, [c.1916 -1924?]. 3 items. Harold William Taylor (b. c.1908) and John Kenneth Taylor (b. c.1905) have been identified from the 1911 Dorking census as two brothers, the sons of John William Taylor, a house painter of 11 Lincoln Road, Dorking and his wife Emily. | |
E258/1 | Handwritten newspaper ïOur Own Xmas 1916Í edited by K. Taylor, [c.Dec 1916?], 8pp. Includes short stories, poems, drawings. | |
E258/2 | Handwritten newspaper ïChristmas 1920Í edited by Harold William Taylor, [c.Dec 1920?], 12pp. Includes printed Christmas card, drawings, poems, a short story and family incidents in 1920. | |
E258/3 | Handwritten school essay ÍThe Life of the Community-DorkingÍ by Harold William Taylor of Dorking High School, 24 Nov 1924, 17pp. Includes the essayÍs assessment and marks. | |
E259 | Publicity leaflet for the opening of the Greensand Way, a long distance footpath from Surrey to Kent which includes the Leith Hill area, 1980, 2pp. | |
E260/1 | Booklet publicising ïThe Pixham Church Appeal FundÍ for the restoration of Pixham Church, [c.1983?], 10pp. Includes brief history of Pixham Church and information about donations. | |
E260/2 | News cutting from the [Dorking Advertiser?] reporting on the roof restoration appeal for Pixham Church, 24 Apr 1983 | |
E261 | Official Street PlanÍ, depicting street plans of Dorking, Leatherhead, Bookham, Fetcham, Ashtead, issued by Mole Valley District Council, Dec 1990, 8pp. | |
E262 | File containing collection of cartoon newspaper cuttings, [c.19th century?]. 7 items. Includes cut-out figures of cartoon characters, small piece of paper depicting drawing of a Chinese Idol, printed cartoons from an unknown newspaper, printed sheet of paper depicting two puzzles published by E. Wheatley. | |
E263 | Catalogue for the ïClevedon SaleroomsÍ, independent fine art auctioneers & valuers of Bristol, 17 Feb 1994, 40pp. Includes reference to Lot 128, a 19th century water colour, ñThe River Mole from ƒ. Bridge, Betchworth Park, near Dorkingî by Paul J. Naftel with a small illustration at fig. 15. | |
E264 | Small brochure publicising the ïRalph Vaughan Williams Dorking TrailÍ, published by Dorking Museum, [c.2000?], 8pp. Includes a short biography of Vaughan Williams and description of sites on the trail. | |
E265 | Small booklet containing hymn music for the BBC radio programme ïSunday Half HourÍ held at Dorking Halls, 21 Jan 1968, 16pp. | |
E266 | Programme for the ï50th Anniversary Jubilee MatchÍ of the Dorking Rugby Football Club, 19 Mar 1972, 7pp. Includes a history of the club and list of players. | |
E267/1 | Programme for a concert in the second Division of the Twenty-Eighth Leith Hill Musical Festival conducted by Ralph. Vaughan Williams, 06 Apr 1937, 5pp. | |
E267/2 | Programme for the Leith Hill Musical Competition 06_09 Apr 1937, 4pp. Includes schedule of classes and childrenÍs choirs, competition rules. | |
E268 | 2 embroidered postcards from France; First World War | |
E269 | Promotional calendar card for the ïFirst British Osteopathic HospitalÍ at Sun Haven, near Dorking, 1935, 4pp. Includes photographs of the hospital. | |
E270 | Washing book for the receipt and despatch of linen issued by ïDorking Electric and Hand Laundry Co. Ltd.Í of Ranmore Road, Dorking. The content is blank but belonged to Nurse Hayburn of Sun Haven [c.1930s?], 4pp. | |
E271 | Catalogue for an exhibition - ïThe Story of Surrey in MapsÍ -arranged by the Surrey County Branch of the Royal Institution of Chartered SurveyorsÍ and held at the Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston-upon-Thames, 17-29 Sep 1956, 63pp. | |
E272 | Annual report and accounts for the development company St George PLC, 1994, 32pp. Includes references to the Maltings, Dorking and Townfield Court, South Street. | |
E273/1-2 | Attendance certificate and medal for Dorking National School issued by the Surrey Educational Committee and awarded to Richard James Chatfield, 02 Aug 1905. | |
E274 | Photocopy of a poster issued by Taylor & Brookes, timber merchants of Dorking, advertising wood fencing materials and other wood products, [c.late 19th century?] Includes illustrations and prices. | |
E275 | Records of Dorking local government, 1967-73, 2 files. The records include four calendars of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, 1967-1973 and two yearbooks of Dorking Urban District Council, 1968-1973. | |
E275/1 | Four calendars of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council for the years 1967, 1968, 1969 and 1973. They include lists of councillors, committees, dates of meetings, lists of representatives on joint boards, names of county councillors for the local divisions, council officers, parish councils, with details of county council and other services. | |
E275/2 | Two yearbooks of Dorking Urban District Council for 1968-1969 and 1972-1973. They include information on the area and population of the district, members and officers of the council, committees, representatives on other bodies, past chairmen and local Justices of the Peace. | |
E276 | Brochure inviting membership of the Ockley Society in connection with discussions relating to the proposed widening of Stane Street, [c.1960s-1970s?], 8pp. | |
E277 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/8/5 | |
E278 | Photocopy of the official handbook for Dorking Golf Club compiled by T.W. Adams, Hon. Secretary, [c.early 20th century?]. 32pp. Includes information on the origin of the club, a description of the course and details of rules, competitions etc. | |
E279 | Programme for Powell Corderoy SchoolÍs 100th May FestivalÍ, 12 May 1995, 8pp. Includes list of May Queens 1896-1995. | |
E280/1 | Order of service leaflet for the thanksgiving service marking the fiftieth anniversary of Victory in Europe Day at St Martin's Church, Dorking, 07 May 1995. | |
E280/2 | Order of service leaflet for the service of remembrance marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Second World War in Europe held at St. PaulÍs Church, Dorking, 13 Aug 1995, 20pp. | |
E281 | First day cover of commemorative stamps issued by the General Post Office to mark the QueenÍs Silver Jubilee. Addressed to the curator of Dorking Museum, 11 May 1977. 2 items. Additional small card insert gives background information on the stamp designs. | |
E282/1 | Photocopy of the National Trust guidebook to Holmwood Common, 1972, 8pp | |
E282/2 | Information leaflet for Holmwood Common including a map. National Trust publication, 1985-1986, 4pp. | |
E282/3 | Photocopy of a map of Holmwood Common, issued by the National Trust, scale 9 inches to mile, 1972. | |
E283-E285 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
E286 | An emergency news sheet issued by the Dorking Advertiser during a dispute with the Printers Union, 09 May 1980, 2pp. | |
E287-E289 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
E290/1 | Information leaflet referring to Juniper Hall Field Centre, Dorking, issued by the Field Studies Council, 1995. 4pp. Includes brief history of Juniper Hall House and centre. | |
E290/2 | Information leaflet referring to the history of Juniper Hall, written by John Sankey and issued by the Field Studies Council, [c.1960s?]. Includes illustrations. | |
E291 | Small official handbook of the ïDorking Golf ClubÍ at Chart Park, Dorking,1967. Includes brief history of the club, description of the golf course with a map. Illustrated. | |
E292/1 | Copies of ñDorking Lifeî magazine: Vol. 1 nos 1-4, 6-9, 11-12, 1968 and Vol. II nos 1-2 and 6-7, 1969. 14 items. A free monthly magazine circulated in Dorking and the surrounding villages and published by Longfield Publications of Godalming. The content included local useful information and advertisements, items of general interest and a few items of local historical interest | |
E292/2 | Copies of ñDorking Life and Timesî magazine, no 1, 1985, 28pp; and nos. 4-5 1986, 32pp. and no.6, 1987. 4 items. A free quarterly magazine intended to provide ñuseful and helpful information about the town and its environs, interesting facts, popular events and local activities.î | |
E293 | Copy of the magazine ïDorking DaylightÍ, No 7, Aug 1898, 4pp. A free magazine published monthly. The contents included items of general, national and local interest together with local advertisements. | |
E294 | Copy of ïWest Surrey Times Í newspaper No 411, 15 Aug 1863, 4pp. The coverage included Dorking. | |
E295 | Copy of the ïMid Surrey MirrorÍ newspaper, 22 Nov 1879, 11pp. The coverage included Dorking. | |
E296 | Now part of the Knight collection at DM1/3/3/2. | |
E297 | Programme for an organ recital held at the Royal Festival Hall by the London County Council. Includes biographies and portraits of organists Ralph Downes, Arnold Richardson, Susi Jeans, George Thalben-Ball and an organ composition ïThree Preludes on Welsh Hymn TunesÍ by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 27 Mar 1954, 16pp. (Susi Jeans, (1911-1993) was a well known organist and distinguished musician and a former resident of Dorking.) | |
E297/2-3 | Booklet issued for the inauguration of the ïRoyal Festival Hall OrganÍ, 24 Mar 1959, 18pp. Includes history of the organ, its design and building. | |
E298 | Souvenir programme for the Surrey Youth Festival of the Arts held to mark the Queen's Silver Jubilee at Dorking Halls, 28 Nov to 02 Dec 1977, 35pp. | |
E299-301 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
E302/1 | Good Food & Drink Guide, issued by Dorking Rotary & Rotoract Clubs; 1994 | |
E302/2 | Good Food & Drink Guide, issued by Dorking Rotary & Rotoract Clubs; 1996-1997 | |
E303 | Postcard sent to J Clift, South St., inviting him to a meeting to consider the propriety of supporting the Local Authority in its endeavour to acquire the water undertaking, 04 Dec 1887. | |
E304/1 | Photocopy of a souvenir programme for a Grand Evening Concert for the relief of ex-service men, organized by the Society Entertainers at the Drill Hall, Reigate, during Warriors Week 29 Mar 1921, 4pp. | |
E304/2 | Photocopy of the programme and menu for Dorking FreemasonsÍ Ladies Festival, 09 Nov 1927, 5pp. | |
E305 | Church of England Temperence Society membership pledge in the name of Ivy Spooner, 10 Jan 1916. | |
E306 | Memo from Ernest Palmer & Son, bakers and confectioners of Dorking, in original envelope, 1906. | |
E307 | Memorial card for Henry Edward Miller, died 15 October 1872, aged 35 and interred in Dorking Cemetery. Census returns show that Henry Miller was a printer. | |
E308 | Surplus sale notice, with prices, issued by Cheesman & Bromley, outfitters of 4 & 103 High Street, Dorking, 24 Jan -09 Feb 1924. | |
E309 | Order of Service leaflet for a celebration of the life of Ronald Victor Shepperd of Westhumble, at St Michael's Church, Mickleham ,06 Sept 1996. | |
E310 | Illustrated programme for the 18th century cricket match held on Cotmandene, Dorking and organised by the Friends of St MartinÍs Church and Dorking Cricket Club, 07 Jul 1996, 34pp. Includes local advertisements, with information on the laws of cricket, the history of cricket in Dorking, and of St MartinÍs Church. | |
E311 | Information sheet issued by St Mary's Church, Pixham, for Heritage Open Days, 1996 | |
E312 | Official printed circular letter from H M Queen Elizabeth thanking all those who had "opened their door to strangers" during the 1939-45 war. Addressed to Mrs Kent of Dorking. | |
E313 | Membership card for the Junior Branch of the Dorking Conservative and Unionist Association in the name of Ernest Goldman of 32a Church Street, Dorking, 1911, 3pp. | |
E314 | Programme for the St MartinÍs Day concert held at the Martineau Hall, Dorking, 04 Jul [c.1980?], 3pp. Performers included the Dorking SingerÍs Octet, the St MartinÍs Choirboys, Allan Wilkinson and Ruth Dyson. | |
E315 | Programmes for the Football AssociationÍs Amateur Cup matches involving Dorking teams, [c.1950?] _ 1956. 2 items | |
E315/1 | Programme for the Football AssociationÍs Amateur Cup match between Redhill and Dorking held at the Memorial Sports Ground, Redhill, 23 Oct [c.1950?] Includes notes on the clubs and local advertisements. | |
E315/2 | Programme for the Surrey Senior Cup match between Croydon Amateurs Football Club and Dorking held at the Croydon Sports Arena, Albert Road, South Norwood, 20 Oct 1956, 12pp. Includes results of the Surrey County Senior League, notes on the clubs and local advertisements. | |
E316 | Programmes for Speech Days held at Dorking County Grammar School, 03 Mar 1950; 09 Mar 1951; 16 May 1952; 12 Dec 1952; 17 Dec 1953, 5 Items. Includes lists of awards and examination successes. | |
E317 | Programme for the play ïBaa, Baa Black SheepÍ performed by the Southern Railway Deepdene Players at Deepdene Hotel, Dorking, in aid of the St John Ambulance Brigade, Dorking, Nursing Division, on 08, 09 and 15 Dec 1942, 3pp. | |
E318 | Information leaflet for St MartinÍs Church, Dorking produced by the Friends of St MartinÍs, [c.1980s-1990s?], 4pp. Includes short history of the church and its plan. | |
E319 | Souvenir issue of the ñDorking Advertiser,î issued in Mar 1987 to celebrate the centenary of the paperÍs first issue. The content includes many articles of an historical nature relating to events and happenings in the town over the previous one hundred years. Illustrated with many contemporary photographs. Accompanying it is a reprint of the original first issue of 1887. 2 items | |
E320 | Magazines with the title ïFestival NewsÍ produced by the Committee of the Leith Hill Musical Festival, and published twice a year, 1983-1991. The content Includes details of concerts, soloists and obituaries. 12 items which include the following issues: Mar 1983; Nov 1983; Nov 1984; Mar 1985; Nov 1985; Mar 1986; Nov 1986; Feb 1987; Oct 1987; Mar 1988; Jan 1989; Jan 1991. | |
E321 | A booklet produced by the Surrey branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England entitled ïStories of the Surrey HillsÍ, [c.1990?], 35pp illustrated. Includes subjects such as Leith Hill Tower cake recipes and the story of Box Hill. | |
E322 | Small autograph book belonging to Bertha Groombridge (b. c.1903) of Dorking, 1918-1919. Contains several coloured drawings, many of butterflies, by the artist and author Denham Jordan, (1836-1920) of Dorking, also known by his pseudonym ñSon of the Marshesî. Bertha Groombridge had married his nephew Robert in 1925. | |
E323 | Programme for ïRose MarieÍ, a musical play, performed by the Members of the Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 22-25 Jan 1958, 15pp. Includes advertisements. | |
E324 | National Service grade registration card of Joseph I. Foster of 2 Junction Road, Dorking, 18 Dec 1940. The registration was based on medical classification for fitness in military service during the second world war. | |
E325 | Programmes for the annual Heritage Open Days, organised by the Dorking and District Preservation Society, Sep 1996 - Sep 2008. 13 items. Includes programmes of events and visits to properties for the Dorking and surrounding areas | |
E326 | Photocopy of a programme for the Dorking Veteran Car Speed Trials and Hill Climb organised by the Dorking and District Chamber of Commerce and the Veteran Car Club at Denbies Lower Drive, Ranmore, 28 Jul 1951, 26pp. Includes notes on the history of the veteran club, regulations and details of the event, list of competitors, information on the veteran cars, and a map of the course. | |
E327 | Order of Service leaflet used at the memorial service for Diana, Princess of Wales, organised by Mole Valley District Council and held at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking, 14 Sep 1997, 11pp. | |
E328 | Programmes for concerts held at Dorking Halls, 1966-[c.1970?], 6 items including 2 cuttings of press reviews and 2 entrance tickets. | |
E328/1 | Programme for a concert of the London Mozart Players, held at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 05 Nov 1966, 16pp. The event was conducted by Harry Blech and featured the soloist Alfredo Campoli. | |
E328/2 | Programme for a concert of the London Mozart Players, held at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 06 Apr 1968, 16pp. The event was conducted by Harry Blech and featured the soloist Barry Tuckwell. | |
E328/3 | Programme for a concert of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, held at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 03 Oct 1970, 16pp. The event was conducted by Edo De Waart and featured the soloist and pianist John Lill. Includes a cutting from an unidentified newspaper with a review of the concert, [c Oct 1970?]. | |
E328/4 | Programme for a concert of the London Symphony Orchestra, held at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 07 Nov 1970, 14pp. The event was conducted by Andre Previn. Contains a cutting from an unidentified newspaper with a review of the concert and two tickets for the event, [c Nov 1970?]. | |
E329 | Small prospectus for the Dorking Investment and Permanent Benefit Building Society, 1933, 17pp. The society was in existence since at least 1889. It was re-named as Dorking Building Society in 1986 and in 1982 became part of Eastbourne Mutual Building Society. | |
E330 | Small empty photographic album, (4.5 x 3ins) issued by F.C. Peebles, Photographic Chemist, of 2 High Street, Dorking, [c.1930?]. (4.5" x 3" app) | |
E331/1-2 | Membership card for the Junior Branch of the Dorking Conservative and Unionist Association in the name of Ernest Goldsmith of 32a Church Street, Dorking, 1911. Ernest was aged 12 in 1911 and was the son of Herbert Goldsmith, a motor and cycle fitter, and his wife Elizabeth. (Source: 1911 census for Dorking). | |
E331/1-2 ctd | Order of service leaflet used at a service of remembrance and dedication by the Holmbury St Mary branch of the British Legion, [c.late 1940s?] The location of the service is not stated. | |
E332 | Unused government issued motor fuel ration book for motor cars including tricycle not exceeding 11000cc 1-9HP, unused, [c.1970?], 14pp. Donated by Mr Peel of Westcott in 1998. Fuel ration books were issued during the world oil crises in the early 1970s. | |
E333 | Information leaflet for the Dorking & District Museum, the Old Foundry, 62a, West Street, Dorking, Surrey, produced by the Dorking & District Preservation Society, [c.2000?]. Includes description of exhibits with images. | |
E334 | File containing three Sunday School stamp albums containing specially made stamps with a religious theme used to record attendances; together with a small card with a religious picture and text belonging to Ivy Spooner of 5 Mint Gardens, Dorking, 1914-29. 4 items. Ivy Spooner was the eldest child of Charlie & Rosine Spooner and was born in 1908 at what was then Holtiers Tea Shop in Dorking High Street. For further information about her life see R287. | |
E335 | Monthly Programme for the Pavilion and Regent Cinemas in Dorking, Dec 1932, 12pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
E336 | Souvenir issue of the ïSurrey MirrorÍ, commemorating the ñGreat Stormî of Oct 1987 and how it affected Surrey, 1987, 18pp. The file also contains a newspaper cutting from the ïSurrey AdvertiserÍ, with an overview of the ñGreat Storm,î [c.1987?]. 2 items. | |
E337 | Information leaflet for the new Dorking library situated at Pippbrook House, produced by the Surrey County Council, [c.1980?], 6pp. Includes layout of rooms and guide to books. | |
E338 | Order of Service leaflet used for the blessing of 10 bells at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking, 31 May 1998, 10pp. Includes information on the restoration of the bells and on the millennium fund restoration project. | |
E339 | Information sheets with the title ïWestcott Village Association Footpath WalkÍ produced by the Westcott Village Association and published twice a year, May 1975 _ Oct 1979. The content includes maps, guide to the footpath walk and description of places of interest on routes. 11 items. | |
E340 | Information leaflet for the ïFriends Meeting HouseÍ, South Street, Dorking, issued for the Heritage Open Days, [c.1990s?], 4pp. Includes information about the history of the house, its plan and photographs. The Friends Meeting House has been used by the Dorking Quakers since 1846 although their history goes back to 1702. | |
E341 | Leather album containing poetry, prose, autographs and coloured artwork belonging to Bessie Harman Young, 1898, 39pp. Bessie Young (b. c.1884) was the daughter of Henry and Bessie Young of Harrow Road West in Dorking, her father being a wine and spirit merchant. | |
E342 | A booklet produced by the Dorking Urban District Council, entitled ïPublic Service ExhibitionÍ, describing the work of the council and its departments, 1964, 15pp. Includes list of councillors, information about committees and various council departments. | |
E343 | Information leaflet produced by the Surrey Amenity Council, entitled ïLandscape of the FutureÍ, discussing a landscape plan for Box Hill and the Vale of Mickleham and preservation of the landscape 02 Jun 1962, 8pp. The content was reprinted from the Surrey Advertiser & County Times. | |
E344 | A booklet produced by the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources and the Central Office of Information, entitled ïCommon LandÍ, providing a brief guide to the 1965 Commons Registration Act, 1966, 14pp. Includes information about purpose of the act and how the act will work. The Act provided for the registration of common land and of town and village greens. | |
E345 | Souvenir booklet issued for the 50th anniversary of the 17th Dorking (Westcott) Scout Group, [c.1973-1974?], 23pp. The content includes the history of the 17th Dorking (Westcott) Scout Group and many photographs. The 17th Dorking (Westcott) Scout Group was first registered in 1923. | |
E346 | Booklet recording the history of the Dorking Lodge of Freemasons, 1967, 35pp illustrated. Issued to mark the centenary of Dorking Lodge No 1149 of the Province of Surrey. The content includes a programme of the centenary celebrations and details of the history of the lodge together with a list of founders, officers and masters. | |
E347 | Annual planning information handbooks issued by Mole Valley District Council setting out the CouncilÍs policies and procedures on planning matters. Illustrated. 1978 and 1989 editions. 2 items. | |
E348 | Information brochure for Garth House Nursing Home for the elderly, Tower Hill Road, Dorking, 1998, 9pp. An insert at the back of the brochure contains leaflets on the terms and conditions of residence, fee structure agreements and copies of certificates showing that the home met various standards. 7 items. | |
E349 | Menu card for a dinner and dance at Dorking Halls organised by Bond Air Services Ltd to commemorate those who had taken part in the Berlin Airlift of 1948-1949, 02 Sep 1949, 7pp. Contains listings of Bond Air Services staff who took part in the operation with signatures of those attending on the front and back covers. For related material see: E195 | |
E350 | Newsletters published by the Middlesex & Surrey League for the Hard of Hearing. No196, winter 1996; No1, spring 1999; No 2, summer 1999. 3 items | |
E351 | Information leaflet produced by the Surrey Historic Buildings Trust, entitled ïSurrey Homes, Traditional, Old and NewÍ, 1999. | |
E352 | Leaflet produced by Dorking Museum to coincide with an exhibition marking the 150th anniversary of the Dorking railway. The first Redhill-Betchworth-Dorking railway line opened in 1849. | |
E353 | Two Information leaflets for the Dorking Swimming Centre, Reigate Road, Dorking, issued in Jul 1998 and Jun 1999. Includes details of charges, opening hours and pool programmes. | |
E354 | Information leaflet entitled ïThe Story of the GarthÍ by Patricia Bennett, produced to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Garth House Nursing Home, Jun 1999, 11pp. Includes the history of Garth House illustrated with photographs. Garth House was built in the late 1870s by Sir Arthur Cotton. In October 1949, Mr Cyril Beare FRCS became director and founder of Garth Nursing Home Ltd. Mr Beare was a well known Dorking resident. He came to Dorking in 1929 and joined a medical practice under Dr Cornish at the Old House surgery in South Street. The leaflet was based on information provided by Margaret Taylor nee Beare. | |
E355 | Order of service leaflet for the laying up of an old standard and dedication of new, for the Royal British Legion, Dorking Branch and WomenÍs Section, held at St MartinÍs church, Dorking, 25 Jul 1999, 15pp. Dorking Branch was formed on the 1st July 1921 as the one of the first British Legion Branches in Surrey. Dorking WomenÍs Section was formed on the 14th of April 1925. | |
E356 | Winston Churchill Memorial Appeal fund notice enclosed in an envelope, published by the Winston Churchill Memorial Appeal, Charles Street, London, 1965. 2 items. | |
E357/1-5 | Shopfitters' catalogues used at Degenhardt, South Street, Dorking; 1930s and 1950s | |
H1 | Typescript list of Highway Surveyors for Dorking, 1775-1800, with extracts from surveyors' accounts, 1797-1826, [late 20th century?]. 1p. | |
H3 | Historical notes and correspondence compiled by Harry Laker Moore on various aspects of the history of Dorking, [c.1930s?]-1946, 2 files. Harry Laker Moore (1882-1957) was the proprietor of Rowe's printing works in South Street and a keen local historian. For other material relating to Harry Laker Moore see: E9 and SC.E/2/19. | |
H3/1 | File containing sets of manuscript notes by Harry Laker Moore on different aspects of the history of Dorking, [c.1930s?], 7 items. The notes would appear to be used as the basis for a talk that he gave to the Dorking Rotary Club in the 1930s with the title "Scratchings of a Dorking Chick." This featured reminiscences of his boyhood with aspects of local history gleaned from old inhabitants and published historical material. The file includes a draft of the talk with a news cutting from an unidentified local paper with a report of his lecture to the Rotary Club, [c.1930s] | |
H3/2 | File containing manuscript notes and correspondence compiled or collected by Harry Laker Moore on specific topics of Dorking history, [c.1930s-1946?], 13 items. | |
H3/2/1 | Set of manuscript notes by Harry Laker Moore on Dorking Market & Fairs, [1930s?], 7pp. | |
H3/2/2 | Printed card used by Ernest Letts Sellick for a Christmas card which has on the reverse a caption to accompany an attached photograph of the Shrove Tuesday football celebrations in Dorking in 1895 showing the standard on which three painted footballs were taken in procession through the town, 1946, 2pp. | |
H3/2/2A | Notes dealing with Shrove Tuesday football in Dorking and Dorking roads, 1931, 2pp. | |
H3/2/3 | Manuscript notes which deal with Shrove Tuesday football, [c.1930s?], 5pp. | |
H3/2/4 | Manuscript notes on "Industries," [c.1930s?], 13pp. | |
H3/2/5 | Manuscript notes on "Old Town Officials, Customs and Tradesmen," [c.1930s?], 7pp. | |
H3/2/6 | Manuscript notes on events held in the old Public Hall in West Street, which lists examples of the events held there and organisations who used the hall, together with an account of the celebrations in Dorking for the Queen's Golden Jubilee of 1887, [c.1930s?], 5pp | |
H3/2/7 | Manuscript notes on the forestation of the Weald, the origins of the place name Dorking, the route of the Roman road through Dorking, and the history of the Roman Catholic and other non-conformist churches, [c.1930s?] | |
H3/2/8 | Manuscript notes on the woollen and iron industries in the Dorking area, [c.1930s?], 1p. | |
H3/2/9 | Notes written for a toast given at an unknown event involving Dorking County Grammar School, [c.1930s?], 1p. | |
H3/2/10 | Letter written to Harry Moore by H J Chaldecott of Forest Green Road, London on the subject of the re-distribution of boundaries on the formation of Dorking Urban District Council, 16 Apr 1934, 6pp. | |
H3/2/11 | Brief notes on the history of the Dorking area in Saxon times,, [c.1930s?], 2pp. | |
H3/2/12 | Letter to Harry Moore from Miss Clara Philps which mentions her memories of those living in Gumbrells Yard near the Wheatsheaf inn, Dorking, [c.1930s?], 1p. | |
H3/2/13 | Set of manuscript notes dealing with Sondes Place and the Sondes family; Clarendon House, the Public Hall, and various other topics including Moore's own reminiscences of his childhood, [c.1930s?], 20pp. | |
H4/1-6 | Notes on statistics of work by Dorking firms during the second world war possibly collected by F Hagyard | |
H5/1a, b | "Scissors and Paste" collected by A H Lyne; 1931; typescript 12pp (2 copies) | |
H5/2 | Notes from H E Malden | |
H6 | Description of West Street & High Street "50 years ago"; anon; [c.1950?]; ms 4pp | |
H7 | Notes on Court Leet, Court Baron, Homage and Sheriff's Jurisprudence by W James Hawkins; nd; ms 1p | |
H8 | Magwell, Old Post Office, Golden Canister etc, notes by Anon (? Philps) | |
H9 | Historical notes under the headings Romans, Normans, Sports, etc. by Anon | |
H10 | Dedication of War Memorial: Extract from the Dorking Advertiser 20 Jul 1951 about unveiling ceremony in 1921; plus a note by J E N Walker identifying people on the platform. [no picture present]. 2 items. | |
H11/1-2 | Chopstick Place, Dorking: typescript copy of extract from (?) The Dorking Advertiser; nd. Also a covering letter re old files of Dorking Advertiser & Surrey Mirror | |
H12/1-3 | Notes on the Gilliam Family, stonemasons, with photographs; notes by J E N Walker and Mrs Iles with pedigree back to 1640 [the 2 photos transferred to the photo collection]. | |
H12/4 | Article "English Sculptured Monuments" part 2, by Frederick Burgess, taken from "The Monumental Journal" Jul 1953; gives information on the Dorking firm of monumental masons Gilliam Brothers, 2pp. | |
H13/1 | I D Gladstone: "Betchworth Castle and West Betchworth Manor; 1972; typescript 10pp | |
H13/2-4 | Three letters from Ian D Gladstone to "Uncle Lewis" re Betchworth Castle etc.; 1973-76 | |
H13/5 | Photograph of part of Betchworth Castle in a Christmas card folder with note about the age of the Castle; 1972 | |
H13/6 | Photocopy of extract from "John Aubrey and the Realm of Learning" by Michael Hunter (1975) with Aubrey's sketch of "Betchworth Castle from the Road". | |
H14 | "Dorking's Water Supply High Level Scheme Inaugurated" reprinted from the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser, 19 Feb 1934; 2pp; 3 copies | |
H15 | Rowe (printers), South Street, Dorking (pub): William Hicks of Shere who hung himself at the age of 74 years in 1854 [modern typescript] | |
H16 | File of correspondence re the Shearburn family, with typescript obituary of W J Shearburn (14 Jun 1924) and 2 newspaper articles | |
H17 | Notes and recipes relating to water souchy ( a dish of river fish stewed with herbs) which was a delicacy noted in the Dorking area in the 19th century. | |
H18/1-2 | Report on the wall paintings in Mason's Stores, High Street, Dorking by David Evelyn Nye & Partners and E baker; 18 & 24 April 1967 [Mason's Stores later became Robert Dyas] | |
H19 | General notes on Surrey Watermills by G Wilsdon; Nov. 1978 | |
H20/1-6 | Notes for talks, letters re history of Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society, etc. | |
H20/7 | Talking of Old Dorking by R S Scragg; typescript 4pp | |
H21/1-3 | Order of the Bishop of Winchester, altering the boundaries of the parish of St Mary Magdalene, Holmwood | |
H22/1 | Copy of Dorking Tithe Apportionment; 1841 (extracts) [PRO ref IR.29/34/45] 21pp | |
H22/2/1-5 | Copies of deeds concerning Dorking held in the Kent Archives Office [KAO ref U791; T238 & 239] 5pp | |
H23/1-22 | Henry Dendy and his emigrants: historical notes, Dendy genealogies etc, transparencies [transferred to photographic collection] | |
H23/23-30 | Additional items regarding Henry Dendy, including memorial service on the centenary of his death | |
H23/31 | Henry Dendy interest in South Australia (typescript 4pp) | |
H23/33/1-4 | Extract (with transcript) from Brighton Southern Cross newspaper (04 Aug 1900) with biographical note about John Booker one of Dendy's emigrants | |
H24 | Notes on "Some Houses in Dorking which should be preserved from the builder" by H E Malden; 1930 | |
H25 | "A Guide to Boxhill, Home of the White Horse" newspaper article in "Weekender (Victoria, Australia); Aug 1979 | |
H26/1-16 | Notes on the Manors of Dorking, Milton & Norbury; the A25; Nower; South St; Victoria Terrace; Jubilee terrace; Vincent Walk & Lane; The Three Tuns; Dorking Cricket Club; Pixham Lane Sports ground; etc. | |
H26/12/ | Rangiora, New Zealand: Food parcels, late contact etc. | |
H26/15/6 | Photograph of silver inkstand presented by Dorking UDC to Rangiora, New Zealand as Thanks for food parcels in WW2 | |
H26/15/7 | Photocopy of newspaper photograph & text about visitors from Rangiora; 1948 (see cuttings album for original) | |
H26/15/8-9 | Encapsulated photocopies of photos: Britain Needs Food meeting and parcels delivered to Rangiora Post Office; 1948 | |
H26/15/10-11 | Encapsulated photocopies of photos: Food parcels arriving at Dorking Sorting Office and a grateful recipient; 1948 | |
H26/15/12-17 | Photocopies of the first sheets of lists 1-5 & 11 of recipients of food parcels sent from Rangiora to Dorking; 1948 | |
H27 | Notes and letters of enquiry relating to Congregationalism in Dorking, 1956-1960. 6 items. [The records are thought to have been written by R S Scragg and were found loose inside a copy of "Dorking Congregationalism" by T R Grantham]. The notes are taken from various text books and include brief references to non-conformity in the Dorking area. | |
H28 | Published article from Country Life of Oct 1979 entitled "Timekeepers for the Tavern" by Judith Bannister, relating to a clock made by John Wright of Dorking [c.1780?]. | |
H29 | Photocopy of manuscript account of a ghost sighting at Wotton House by A H Welch a night porter at the house in the days when it was occupied by the Fire Service Staff College,1964. 2p including a typed transcription. | |
H30 | Typescript notes on the history of Dorking Water Company, The author is unknown. 1967, 4pp with 2 maps. | |
H31 | Two sets of notes on the history of Holloway Farm, Dorking compiled by Constance Baldry, [c.late 20th century?] The notes cover the period 1397-1872. Both sets are typescript, one is marked as a draft of 22pp and the completed version is of 15pp. Holloway Farm is at the junction of Roman Road and Knoll Road, Dorking. | |
H32 | Typescript notes by an unknown author entitled "A brief chronicle of Dorking (75BC - 1877) and "Dorking in 1931" setting out some of the main events in Dorking's history, [c.late 20th century?], 35pp. | |
H33 | Duplicated typescript article with the title "Dorking (earliest times)" from Roman times to the medieval period, [c.late 20th century?], 3pp. | |
H35 | Papers relating to the Collins family of Dorking several of whom were prominent artists, [c.20th century? -1987], 1 file. | |
H35/1 | Typescript pages of biographical notes on the artist Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (known as Charles) (1851-1921) by his grandson F J Collins, 1981, 2pp. | |
H35/2 | Typescript biographical notes on the artist Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (known as Charles) (1851-1921) by his grandson A E P Collins, [c.1980s?],2pp | |
H35/3 | Manuscript page of biographical notes on the artist George Edward Collins, third son of Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (1880-1968) by F J Collins, 1987, 1p. | |
H35/4 | Manuscipt page containing notes on the family of Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (known as Charles) (1851-1921) by F J Collins, [c.1980s?]. Includes names, and dates of birth, marriage and death of his 9 sons and 1 daughter. | |
H35/5 | Manuscript page with a brief family tree of the Collins family showing the forebears and descendants of Alfred Charles Jerome Collins (known as Charles)(b.1851), 1987. | |
H35/6 | Photocopies from an unknown publication listing members of the Royal Society of British Artists who had exhibited, [c.late 20th century?], 2pp. Includes the names of both Charles Collins and his son George Edward Collins with the title of their paintings and the dates of the exhibition. | |
H35/7 | Photocopy of a manuscript "List of Copper Plates" with the names of paintings by Charles Collins, [c.1980s?], 1p. Date of original c.1912. | |
H35/8 | Manuscript page with a listing of art galleries and institutions holding works by Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, [c.1980s?], 1p. | |
H35/9 | Draft copy of the manuscript page of biographical notes on the artist George Edward Collins by F J Collins. (See H35/3), [c.1987?], 1p. The text is slightly different from that in H35/3. | |
H35/10 | Photocopy of draft manuscript letter sent to the Old Boys' Association of Dorking County Grammar School by Alfred Francis Collins, (father of the donor F J Collins), [c.20th century?], 1p. The author joined the forerunner of the school in 1885 and relates some of his memories. | |
H35/11 | Photocopy of large, handwritten chart showing the family tree of the Collins family from the 18th to the 20th century, [c.1980s?] 2pp. | |
H35/12 | Typescript pages containing biographical details of various members of the Collins family, [c.1980s?], 4 items. Includes "Ambrosini Jerome, (1786-1883); Alfred Collins (1816-1865); Alfred Charles Jerome Collins (1851-1921); and George Edward Collins, (1880-1968). | |
H36 | Photocopy of the title page from a prayer book originally published in 1638 and used by Charles I at his execution in 1649, together with typescript background notes written by Patrick Evelyn, [c.late 20th century?] The original prayer book is owned by the Evelyn family of Wotton. 2 items. | |
H37/1-10 | Records relating to Railway Stations: includes typescript of an article on the Leatherhead and Dorking railway from the Illustrated London News of 24 Aug 1867; extracts from various printers' railway histories, and the Dorking Advertiser of 20 Sep 1974. | |
H37/11-12 | Typed notes on Victorian Railway Stations | |
H38 | Notes on Castle Mill, Reigate Road, by Messrs Buchanon & Lane, owners | |
H39 | Notes on the Surrey Archaeological Society's Conference at Juniper Hall, Box Hill, 21 Nov 1981; 7 items. | |
H40 | Records relating to the discovery of a woolly mammoth's tusk in the grounds of the Friends Provident Life offices at Pixham, Dorking, 1982, 3 items. | |
H40/1 | Black and white photograph of the mammoth tusk, 17.5 x 11.5 cms, [c.1982?] | |
H40/2 | Photocopy of a short report on the mammoth tusk from an unknown publication, [c.1982?], 1p. | |
H40/3 | News cutting reporting the discovery of the mammoth tusk taken from the Dorking Advertiser, 14 May 1982. Includes a photograph. | |
H41 | Three folders of research notes compiled by Ronald Stuart Scragg, (1890-1972) local historian of Dorking, [c.1960s?] The contents are indexed and refer to various aspects of the history of Dorking and the surrounding area compiled mostly from published works. Appraisal: notes taken from publications already in the Museum library were weeded in Jun 2016. | |
H42 | Records relating to research carried out by Miss Kathleen Ivy Spooner (1908-1998) into the history of gardens in the town centre of Dorking, 1982, 2 items | |
H42/1 | An article on ñThe gardens of old Dorkingî by Kathleen Spooner published in St MartinÍs parish magazine, Aug 1982, 3pp. | |
H42/2 | Typescript notes compiled by Kathleen Spooner referring to the gardens which surrounded St MartinÍs church in the 19th and early 20th centuries,[c.1982?] 2pp. The notes were used for a short talk given to Dorking Local History Group. | |
H44 | Photocopy of manuscript notes which contain the memories of a Mr Duffield, an estate worker at Ockley Court. The memoirs relate mostly to his childhood in the 1890s and 1900s, [c.1982?], 15pp. Using census records and the evidence in the document itself, the writer can be identified as Richard Duffield (b.1894), the eldest son of James Duffield, a carter of Heathfield Cottages in Ockley who worked for the Calvert family, the landowners of Ockley Court. | |
H45 | Typescript obituary to George Clifton by an unknown author, [c.1977?], 3pp. George Clifton (1886-1977), was a founder member and former President of Dorking Naturalist Society and a member and office holder of Leith Hill Preservation Society. He was considered an expert on trees, wild flowers, fungi, grasses and mosses and was a member of several other local organisations including the Dorking Gardeners Club, Brockham Horticultural Society and the Surrey Beekeepers Association. | |
H46 | Records relating to a lecture on ñThe Battle of Dorkingî given by Paul Bethell, at the Martineau Hall, Dorking Halls, Dorking, 09 May 1971. 9 items. The imaginary ñBattle of Dorkingî was the title of a novel written by Sir George Tomkyns Chesney and published in 1871 and the lecture was given to mark the hundredth anniversary of its publication. The novel was written in reaction to the German armyÍs swift invasion of France in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870_71. The alarmist story imagined a successful German invasion of England via the east coast town of Harwich, with the final battle inland at Dorking leading to the capitulation of the British government, and the disbanding of the Empire. ChesneyÍs idea was to alert readers to the meagre number of troops in the British Army, and the likelihood that Britain would be unable to defend herself should she need to. _ Source: http://www.bl.uk/collection-items/the-battle-of-dorking#sthash.4t5NpVK4.dpuf accessed Jun 2016. Appraisal: items H46/3, H46/4 and H 46/6 had no archival value and were de-accessioned in June 2016. | |
H46/1 | Manuscript notes used by Paul Bethell for his lecture on "The Battle of Dorking," 09 May 1971, 20pp in two parts. | |
H46/2 | Black and white transparencies used in the lecture on ñThe Battle of Dorkingî by Paul Bethell, 1971. 7 items. Stored in the photographic collection in the negatives album Vol 2 on the last page with lantern slides. T2 (38-44). | |
H46/5 | Letter from Paul Bethell to J E N Walker sent with the text of his lecture and explaining the order of the slides used, 01 May 1971, 1p. | |
H46/7 | Letter sent to Paul Bethell on behalf of the Historical Group and Committee of the Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society thanking him for his successful talk, 17 May 1971, 1p. | |
H46/8 | Statement of account for the costs of the lecture given by Paul Bethell at Dorking Halls, 1971, 1p. | |
H46/9 | Poster for the "Battle of Dorking" lecture given by Paul Bethell at Dorking Halls, 09 May 1971. | |
H47 | Photocopy of letter from the secretary of the Dorking Magazine Society [c.1820?] printed in the Monthly Magazine of 01 Nov 1820. | |
H48 | List of MPs for the County of Surrey 1477-1900 taken from the list on a board in County Hall, Kingston | |
H49/1-3 | Pat Cannon: Address at Funeral; article on the bells of St Martin's Church in the parish magazine; press cutting obituary for Pat Cannon, 14 Oct 1982. | |
H49/4-5 | Memorial Service (29 Jan 1983) and tributes frim "The Ringing Times" | |
H49/6 | Press Cutting "Bell ringer remembered - Pat Cannon"; 27 Jul 1983 | |
H50 | The Broadwood and Bray families taken from the display at Surrey Record Office for the Local History Symposium "Leaves from the Family Tree"; 13 Nov 1982 | |
H51 | "Talking of Old Dorking" by R S Scragg; October 1968 | |
H52 | The history of Interpet: 20th anniversary move to new purpose built head office; nd | |
H53 | Copy of extract of Dorking Urban District Council minute agreeing to the removal of the Falkland Road Fountain for scrap metal, 27 Dec 1941. | |
H54 | The gift of the Cotmandene to Dorking Urban District Council by the Duke of Norfolk; 1895-97 | |
H55 | Photocopy of facsimile of extracts from William Bradford's journal "Of Plimoth Plantation"; 1630 | |
H56 | Research notes, maps and papers of Mr Eric H Rideout of Holmbury St Mary, (1898-1986). The records comprise a series of notes on the history of a number of villages in the Dorking area including Abinger, Capel, Coldharbour, Ockley and Wotton. The subjects cover the origin of place names, land holding, archaeological investigations and the history of a number of families with a special concentration on the surnames Steere and Evershed. They include many transcriptions from tithe apportionments and manorial records and range from medieval times to the 20th century with other material taken from standard printed sources such as county histories and volumes of the Surrey Archaeological Society Collections, The collection also includes a number of maps of the villages in the Dorking area traced or drawn by Mr Rideout from originals. [1970s?]. Extent: 2 boxes. Provenance: the records were deposited by Mr Rideout in 1983. He was a joint author with Jill Lawrence and the Rev. Maurice Collins of a book which he published in 1978 entitled: "The Ockley Visitor: the Church." | |
H56/1/1a | Small exercise book with selective transcriptions taken from the tithe apportionment books for Abinger of 1839. [c.1970s?] | |
H56/1/1b | A list of names, fields and plots reating to Parkland Farm under the heading of "Trustees of Oakwood Chapel 1839." 1p. [c.1970s?] | |
H56/1/2 | Photocopy of page from an unknown publication, [c.19th century?] showing a small map of the parish of Abinger. [c.1970s?] | |
H56/1/3 | Manuscript notes relating to the history of Abinger manors, [c.1970s?] 8pp. | |
H56/1/4 | Manuscript notes relating to the parish of Abinger including a rough map or plan and sections on Abinger motte, Abinger manor, Abinger glebe, Abinger Hatch and Abinger Common. [c.1970s?]., 15pp. | |
H56/1/5 | Manuscript notes on the history of Abinger. Contains a list of names relating to the churchyard enclosure of c.1586. [c.1970s?], 4pp. | |
H56/1/6 | Manuscript notes with transcriptions from a document entitled "An account of quit rents due from the representative of the late Edmund Lomax Esquire." Lists names and rentals from the manors of Abinger Paddington Dean, Paddington Pembroke and Wotton for the years 1846 and 1856. [c.1970s?]. 3pp. | |
H56/1/7 | Manuscript notes relating to Oakwood in the parish of Abinger. Includes information taken from unspecified 19th and 20th century trade directories and other information on the origin of place names, [c.1970s?] 4pp. | |
H56/1/8 | Manuscript notes relating to Sutton in the parish of Abinger based on information from the tithe map apportionment of 1839 and volumes of the Surrey Archaeological Collections, [c.1970s?], 7pp. Includes a copy of a letter to A D Wilson of Bramley from Surrey Record Office of 26 Jul 1976 discussing the origins of the name of Sutton Place Farm, Abinger. | |
H56/1/9 | Manuscript notes on the history of Fulven Farm, Abinger [c.1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/1/10 | Manuscript notes relating to properties in Abinger owned by Edward Budgen during the 18th century, [c.1970s?]. 2pp. | |
H56/1/11 | Manuscript notes relating to the Tolt and Wacher Down in the parish of Abinger, [c.1970s?] 1p. | |
H56/1/12 | Manuscript notes on the River Tillingbourne and its relationship with Sutton and Abinger, [c.1970s?] 1p | |
H56/1/13 | A list of sources used for the research in connection with the history of Abinger. [c.1970s?] 1p. | |
H56/5/1 | Small exercise book with notes taken from the tithe apportionment for Capel of 1839, [c.1970s?] | |
H56/5/2 | Photocopied notes taken from the tithe apportionment for Capel of 1839, [c.1970s?], 8p. | |
H56/5/3 | Manuscript notes relating to Capel taken from printed sources including county histories and volumes of Surrey Archaeological Collections, [c.1970s?], 7pp. | |
H56/5/4 | Manuscript notes relating to Coldharbour taken from printed sources, [c.1970s?], 5pp. | |
H56/5/5 | Photocopy of bill issued by Henry Roffey, butcher of Coldharbour to Mr J. Attlee, Esq, 07 May 1888, [c.1970s?], 1p. The copy is of poor quality. | |
H56/5/5b | Manuscript notes of a few entries from unspecified 19th century trade directories for tradesmen in Capel, [c.1970s?]. 1p. | |
H56/5/6 | Photograph of part of an unidentified 19th century map showing the iron age hill fort at Anstiebury Camp, Leith Hill, 197 x 152.4mm, [c.1970s?] Copyright: Stamp of Surrey Archaeological Society on the reverse. Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
H56/5/7a | Photograph of part of an unidentified 19th century map showing Coldharbour Common, 216 x 165mm, [c.1970s?] Copyright: Stamp of Surrey Archaeological Society on the reverse. Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
H56/5/7/b | Photograph of part of a 19th century map thought to show part of the parish of Capel, 216 x 165mm, [c.1970s?] Copyright: stamp of Surrey Archaeological Society on the reverse. Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
H56/5/7/c | Photograph of part of an unidentified 19th century map thought to show part of the parish of Capel, 216 x 165mm, [c.1970s?] Probably a continuation of H56/5/7b. Copyright: stamp of Surrey Archaeological Society on the reverse. Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
H56/6/1 | Small exercise book with manuscript notes relating to the parishes of Cranleigh and Dorking. Probably taken from the early19th century tithe apportionment books, [c.1970s?] | |
H56/7/1 | Document relating to the Rookery Estate at Westcott purchased by R W Barclay on 02 Sep 1895. Shows a list of properties and rentals, [c.1895?] 2pp. | |
H56/7/2 | Sale notice for the house, land, mill and miller's house at Westcott Hill, [c.late 19th century?], 1p. | |
H56/9 | Photocopies of manuscript notes and transcriptions from the tithe apportionment for Newdigate of 1843, [c.1970s?], 5pp. | |
H56/10/1 | Manuscript notes and selective transcriptions taken from Ockley manor court book, 1638-1880, [c.1970s?], 64pp. | |
H56/10/2 | Manuscript transcripts from Ockley manor rental, 1750-1764, with selective entries from the index to the Court rolls, 1638-1765,[c.1970s?], 10pp. | |
H56/10/3 | Manuscript notes taken from a plan of a freehold estate in Ockley belonging to Robert Harrison Esq. surveyed in 1805, [c.1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/10/4 | Small exercise book with manuscript notes and transcriptions from Ockley tithe apportionment of 1841, [c.1970s?], [H56/10?] | |
H56/10/5 | Manuscript notes with selective transcriptions from the Ockley tithe apportionment 1841, [1970s?], 22pp. | |
H56/10/6 | Manuscript notes with the title "altered apportionment of rent charge in lieu of tithes in certain trades in the parish of Ockley, 1871," [c.1970s?] | |
H56/10/7 | Photocopy of bill issued by Walter Brothers, millers, corn, cake, hay and straw merchants of Forest Green Mill, Ockley to Messrs Attllee, Jul 1890. Copy is poor quality, [c.1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/10/8 | Manuscript notes from Ockley parish registers relating to the names, Steere, Constable and Evershed between 1539-1899, [1970s?], 32pp. | |
H56/10/9 | Manuscript notes from published sources relating to Ockley. These include: Ockley taxation returns of 1332 published in the Surrey Archaeological Collections Vol XVIII of 1923; the lay subsidy returns of 1593 published in Surrey Archaeological Collections in 1906; and the hearth tax of 1664 published by the Surrey Record Society, [volume and year unknown, 20thcent]. [1970s?], 7pp. | |
H56/10/10 | Typed list of squires and rectors of Ockley from Domesday to 1940, [1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/10/11 | Typed list of Ockley ale tasters 1638-1721, [1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/10/12 | Manuscript list of Ockley rectors, 1308-1894, [1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/10/13 | Manuscript notes on Ockley from Volume X of Surrey Archaeological Collections including listings of parish constables from 1606-1645; names of church pew holders from 1619; bequests from local wills and examples of surnames from the parish registers, [1970s?], 19pp. | |
H56/10/13 | Manuscript notes from Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume X, Part 1 relating to Ockley workhouse, [1970s?], 7pp. | |
H56/10/13 | Manuscript notes from Surrey Archaeological Collections Volume X, Part 1 relating to Ockley School, 1721-1746, [1970s?], 7pp. | |
H56/10/14 | Manuscript notes with references to the architectural history of Ockley church and some of the buildings in the parish. Also includes notes on the ownership of Ockley manor from the 13th century to 1784, [1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/10/15 | Printed page from Ockley Magazine mounted on card. Contains a report of an archaeological site survey of earthworks to the north of St Margaret's church Ockley in 1981, Dec 1981, 1p. | |
H56/10/16 | Set of notes containing an index to places, field names, farms and inns in Ockley. Based on original and printed sources. 135pp, [c.1970s?] | |
H56/11/1 | Set of notes with the heading Shere 20 Sep 1844. No indication is given of the original source. Possibly taken from tithe apportionment books. Lists names, properties and rents, [1970s?], 48pp. | |
H56/11/2 | Short notes relating to Netley manor, Gomshall between 1214-1640, [1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/12/1 | Small exercise book relating to the tithe plan of Wotton. Lists land owners, occupiers and the numbers relating to the tithe map and apportionment book of 1839. [c.1970s?] | |
H56/12/2 | Small exercise book containing notes taken from the tithe apportionment of Wotton of 1839, [c.1970s?] | |
H56/12/3 | Notes taken from the tithe apportionment of Wotton of 1839, [1970s?], 5pp. | |
H56/12/4 | Notes taken from the tithe apportionment of Wotton of 1839, [1970s?], 8pp. | |
H56/12/6 | Copy of 4 pages from the Victoria County History of Surrey relating to the Evelyn family and Wotton. Poor quality copy with words missing on the right hand side of the page. [c.1970s?] | |
H56/12/7 | Notes relating to the hamlet of Friday Street and the origin of the place name, [1970s?[, 3pp. | |
H56/12/8 | Notes relating to the will of W.J. Evelyn (d.1902) of Wotton, [c.1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/13 | Chart showing a manuscript family tree of the Bax family of Ockley Court from the 17th to the 20th century, [c.1970s?], 1p. | |
H56/14a | Commercially produced chart showing the family tree of the Evershed family of Ockley from the 13th to 19th centuries, 1976. 1p. | |
H56/14b | Manuscript notes and short pedigrees relating to the Evershed and Constable families of Ockley, [c.1970s?], 21pp. | |
H56/15/1 | Set of printed notes produced by the Steere Family Association of the United States with the objective of trying to find the ancestors of John, son of John Steere, baptised at Ockley in 1634. He was believed to be their ancestor who emigrated to Providence Plantations in America in 1660. [c.1970s?], 35pp. | |
H56/15/2 | Manuscript notes and pedigrees relating to the Steere and Evershed families of Ockley from the 16th to the 19th centuries, [1970s?], 28pp. | |
H56/15/3 | Typed notes relating to the Steere family of Capel and Ockley from the 17th to the 19th century, [c.1970s?],7pp. | |
H56/15/4 | Set of pencilled notes relating to the Steere and Witts families from 17th to 18th centuries. No location is given for the families and there is no indication of sources used. [c.1970s?], | |
H56/16 | Notes containing a translation of an unspecified deed of 1331 relating to a house or holding in" Wyndefelde", [1970s?], 1p | |
H56/17/1 | Manuscript notes entitled "The Vicinal road which ran through the parish of Ewhurst from the Stane Street at Rowhook towards the station near Albury." [1970s?], 4pp. | |
H56/17/2 | Manuscript notes on the Roman road from Rowhook to Farley Heath, [1970s?], 9pp. | |
H56/17/3 | Manuscript notes on the excavation of Alfoldean Roman bridge of 1923-1934; [1970s?], 3pp. | |
H56/18/1-2 | Photocopy with the top half of the page containing a map showing part of the parishes of Dorking and Ockley taken from "The Companion from London to Brighthelmstone, 1787." The bottom half of the page shows a plan of Anstiebury Camp and Homebury Camp thought to be from the same source. [1970s?], 1p. In addition a black and white photograph, 194 x 155mm, shows the same images as the photocopy, stamped on the reverse with the mark of the Surrey Archaeological Society. Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
H56/18/3 | Manuscript notes relating to Anstiebury iron age hill fort and other hill forts south of the Thames, [1970s?], 6pp. | |
H56/18/4 | News cutting from "The Times" of 18 Mar 1974 with a report of two seasons of excavation at the Iron Age hill fort at Anstiebury near Dorking. | |
H56/19/1 | Manuscript notes on Domesday land holders in Ockley, [1970s?], 6pp. | |
H56/19/2 | Manuscript notes relating to Surrey taxation returns of 1332 and subsequent assessments to 1623. The notes are selective and relate to Shere, Albury, Ockley, Dorking and Ewhurst. Taken from Surrey Record Society publications Vol XI, 1923 and Vol. XXXIII, 1931; [1970s?], 9pp. | |
H56/19/3 | Copies of manuscript and typed notes taken from Surrey Record Society's publication on Surrey hearth tax of 1664, vol 17, 1940. Relates to Abinger, Capel, Ewhurst, Ockley, Albury and Wotton. [1970s?], 21pp. | |
H56/19/4 | Copies of manuscript notes headed "Churchyard fence." There is no indication of the orginal source which is 17th century. They give a list of farm names, owners and occupiers for Abinger, Ewhurst and Wotton., [1970s?], 6pp. | |
H56/20/1 | Small exercise book containing notes taken from various 19th century trade directories relating to Abinger, Albury, Capel, Gomshall, Oakwood, and Ockley. [1970s?]. | |
H56/20/2 | Second small exercise book containing notes taken from various 19th century trade directories relating to Abinger, Albury, Capel, Gomshall, Oakwood and Ockley. [1970s?] | |
H56/21 | A rubbing taken from a date stone incorporated in the building of Forge Cottages, Leith Hill bearing the initials of Henry and Mary Worsfold and the date 1719; [1970s?] | |
H56/22/1/1 | Map drawn in ink and pencil on tracing paper showing land and field names at Crossways, Abinger taken from an original map drawn for Edward Budgen for Mr Robert Parkhurst, 1724, [1970s?] | |
H56/22/1/2 | Map drawn in ink and pencil on tracing paper showing land and field names at Sutton in the parish of Abinger from an original map of 1724, [1970s], 615 x 460 mm. | |
M36 | Map drawn in ink on tracing paper taken from "John Rennie's plan for a proposed gunpowder mill for Sir Frederick Evelyn, Bart," [18th cent?] Shows Paddington Farm, Abinger, [1970s?], 590 x 395mm. | |
H56/22/1/3 | Map showing Abinger Common. Scale: 40mm to 0.25 miles; [1970s?], 210 x 297mm. | |
H56/23/1 | Map in ink taken from an original which shows the manor of Albury surveyed by Ab. Walter in 1701 with a pencilled note: "not accurate," [1970s?], 840 x 565mm. | |
H57 | Notes on the Vincent family and the origin of the name of Vincent Lane | |
H58 | Notes on Coldharbour, 2pp typescript | |
H59 | List of buildings in Dorking with dated bricks | |
H60/1 | Photocopy of a page from "Farm, Field & Fireside," of 11 Oct 1889 with an article by W. Cook on Dorking Fowls which includes an illustration of the Dorking cockerel. 1p. | |
H60/2 | Photocopy of a page from "Farm Field & Fireside" of 17 Jan Oct 1890 with an article by W. Cook on the Dorking Fowl with an illustration of a Dorking hen. 1p. | |
H60/3 | Pages from The "Feather Fancier," of Jun 1980 with an article on The Dorking breed of chicken by Dave Otis titled "The Dorking: from the page sof history." 1p. | |
H60/4 | Photocopy of the article described in H60/3, 2pp. | |
H60/5 | Small news cutting from the Surrey Advertiser of 25 Nov 1983 mentioning the Dorking Breed Club formed in 1970. | |
H61 | Cutting from the Surrey Advertiser with an article by Leo Zanelli on the evolution of the pedal cycle, 21 Mar 1981. The article was intended to promote a book by Roger St Pierre titled Book of the Bicycle, published by Ward Lock 1973. | |
H62/1-3 | Notes on Cotmandene Almshouses. Author unknown, and date unknown but presumably written in the early 1980s. The text mentions Mr C E Carr as the current Clerk to the Trustees, and Mrs Martin as the current Warden. H62/1 is titled The Almshouses Cotmandene Dorking 1931, and reads as though it is the first page of a longer article. H62/2 is titled Cotmandene Almshouses 1981 and H62/3 is titled Cotmandene Almshouses 1983. The latter replicates some of the text from H62/1 and H62/2. | |
H63 | "Memories are Made of This" - extract from "London Calling" (Summer 1982) describing a childhood holiday at Mickleham in the early 1900s | |
H64 | Visitors' guide to St Mary's Church, West Horsley. Undated. | |
H65 | Article published on Norman Castles in Scientific American of Mar 1958. Includes Abinger Motte. | |
H66 | Wotton and the Evelyn Family, typescript notes by June La Trobe, Oct 1982. Part family history and part description of the property. | |
H67 | Letter and maps relating to Randall's Crossing on the Reading Tonbridge Line from Surrey County Librarian; 1982 | |
H68 | Article on Ice Houses by Geoffrey Locke | |
H69 | "Surrey Smocks" by Guildford Museum | |
H70 | List of books on Rural Crafts in Surrey County Libraries | |
H71 | "The Cooper's Craft" - Guildford Museum | |
H72 | Survey of Catteshall Mill, Godalming by Alan Crocker; 1976 | |
H73 | Notes by Miss Kynaston for proposed article on Dorking Vicarage / Sondes Place.1 file | |
H74 | Captain John Sutherland - report of case at Admiralty sessions where he was tried for murder of cabin boy; 1809 | |
H75 | Letter from Miss Helen Pease (nee Wedgwood) referring to Leith Hill Place, and the Wedgwood and Vaughan Williams families, 22 Jun 1978. Copyright: No reproduction permitted. | |
H76 | Sketch Plan of Dorking Greystone Lime Company Ltd pits, [c.1956?] | |
H77 | Warburton family tree | |
H78/1-2 | River Mole Flood Areas near Betchworth Castle and Castle Gardens: notes with 6" map by A H Hyde; 05 Feb 1957 | |
H79/1 | Shrove Tuesday Football in Dorking and Pancake Bell; photocopy of notes compiled by M Alexander of Guildford Museum | |
H79/2 | Notes on the colours of Shrove Tuesday Footballs in Surrey, typescript letter; 2pp | |
H79/4 | Reprint of article "Shrove Tuesday football in Surrey" by Matthew Alexander; ? Previously printed in "The Local Historian" | |
H80 | Dorking Churches in the 19c: Chart showing relation of places of worship to each rise of 750 in population [rolled] | |
H81 | "All Change in Surrey" by J Sydney; relates to trade tokens [photocopy] | |
H82/1a | The White Horse Hotel, Dorking: a pamphlet published by Trust House Forte hotels Ltd. Nd (3 copies) | |
H82/1b | White Horse Hotel, Dorking, (Trust House Hotels) 1968 | |
H83 | Typescript note of the inscription on the frieze in the council chamber at Pippbrook, 20 Jun1984 | |
H84 | The story of Pleystowe, Capel: typescript note | |
H85 | Photocopy of "The Walter Family of Bury Hill" (Lady Grimston); Illustration; taken from "The Grimstons of Gorhambury" by Nora King; 4pp | |
H86 | "The Broadwood Morris" by Madeline Hayday; taken from English Dance & Song magazine, vol 46, no 3; photocopy; 2pp | |
H87 | Photocopy of extract from "Victoria and Albert at Home" by Tyler Whittle; reference to White Dorking Eggs for breakfast | |
H88/1 | Genealogical table for the Harvey - Goulburn - Hamilton families, compiled by Alex Sakula; MS photocopy; 3pp | |
H88/2 | Edward Goulburn's Expenses; 17/10/1810 | |
H89/1 | Cutting from the Dorking & Reigate Times, 1984: Box Hill, The Old Fort | |
H89/2 | Cutting from "Country Life" (17 Jun 1987) "Forts on Box Hill etc: "London's Victorian Forts, Strategic Safeguard or Military Folly" - by J Hamilton Baillie; with plan | |
H90 | Typescript note re the bombing of Dorking Isolation Hospital; Aug 1944 | |
H91 | Note by Mick Elphick in the Dorking Advertiser (25 Jan 1985) on the Plough at Blackbrook [public house] | |
H92 | Mary Alexander of Dorking (1741-1833); typescript, 6pp | |
H93 | Dorking Street Numbering: extracts of minutes of Dorking Sanitary Authority; 1881-83 | |
H94 | Cutting from the Surrey Advertiser (1985): John Springfield, son of a Zanzibar chief | |
H95 | Dorking Caves: extracts from the Dorking Advertiser (1896-1935) | |
H96/1-4 | Survey of tombstones & inscriptions at St Martin's churchyard, Dorking by the Dorking Local History Group(1982-84); draft notes and sketch plans | |
H97 | Photocopies of extracts relating to wells, geological notes; nd (post 1963) with map; 7pp | |
H98 | P Chennell: Britain's leading grower of cucumber seed; reprinted from "Parson's Fortnightly Review"; nd | |
H99 | "Betchworth Rejoicing - Eight Bells Rededicated; photocopy of article in "The Ringing World"; 02 Aug 1985 (2 copies) | |
H100 | Joldwyns, Holmbury St Mary: Note (14/7/1982) about the house (pre-1934 photographs transferred to photographic collection) | |
H101 | Photocopy of "Dorking in 1763", reprinted from the Gentleman's Magazine in the Dorking Advertiser; 1956 | |
H102/1-4 | The Barn Theatre, Shere, and The Otherwise Club; photocopies of articles by Rachel Brewis, pub in the Surrey Advertiser 23 Aug - 13 Sept 1985 | |
H103/1-3 | Maritime Anti-aircraft RA: note & Letter from Joseph F Putney, ex-gunner (typescript & photocopy) | |
H104 | Report on inspection of caves under 125/127 High Street, Dorking (Curry's) by Lionel Green & Vivien Ettlinger, 14 Aug 1985. | |
H105 | Historical note on Pippbrook, Dorking, prepared by J E N Walker, Mar 1978, 1p typescript. | |
H106 | A report by the Chief Public Health Inspector of Dorking Urban District Council on properties in Hampstead Road, 20 Dec 1957. | |
H107 | First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1 Moores Road, Dorking; 1p foolscap | |
H108/1 | Dorking & Holmwood service in "Worthing Horse-Drawn Bus Service" pamphlet; 4pp | |
H108/2 | Cutting from the Dorking Advertiser of 25 Oct 1985 with a report on a ride in a horse-drawn bus by Lucy Wakefield on her 80th birthday | |
H108/3-10 | Photographs of the above event | |
H109 | "The Dorking Cock", pamphlet published by the Dorking Local History Group; 1985 | |
H110 | Newsheet of the Dorking & District Chamber of Commerce, "Christmas Lights"; Oct 1985 | |
H111 | Extract from "English Pottery" by Peter Brears about Matthew Day, potter of Dorking (d. c1675) | |
H112 | The 139th Annual Report of the Jewish Blind Society 1957, with notes & pictures relating to Rokefield, Westcott | |
H113/1 | Review of the pageant - "England's Pleasant Land" in the Dorking Advertiser 15 Jul 1938. | |
H113/2 | Article in the Dorking Advertiser of 22 Dec 1944 on Leith Hill Place. | |
H114 | Forty Years of Table Tennis in Dorking & District by Muriel Hayman, typescript, 3pp; 1986 | |
H115 | Leaflet containing historical note on Leith Hill Place and the opening to the public of the Wedgwood Collection with 2 postcards of Wedgwood family by Stubbs and of a Portland Vase. 3 items. | |
H116 | Article on "Delightful Dorking" by Colin Westwood, illustrated by Paul Ashton Way and published in "Surrey Life," magazine, Oct 1984. 4pp | |
H117 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/4/5/2. | |
H118 | Typescript of an extract from the Sussex Agricultural Express of 19 Aug 1840 on the weathercock of St Martin's Church. | |
H119 | Notes on documents and information in West Sussex Record Office relating to emigrants to Canada. | |
H120 | List of tenants and owners of Boxhurst, Reigate Road | |
H121/1-2 | Tobacconists' and Confectioners' mutual aid pact (1941) with 23 signatures (photocopy) and letter from Mr Walker describing mutual aid between Dorking printers in the second world war. | |
H122 | Dunley Hill House, Ranmore Common: Report by R J Wood and Gwyneth M Harmer | |
H123/a&b | Map showing Surrey Licensed Houses and those closed down in 1965 (photocopy, positive & negative) | |
H124 | Roman Dorking: the first of a series of tours through Roman Surrey; duplicated typescript for Surrey Roman Study Group | |
H125 | Transcript of an interview of Jimmy Woolnough by Allan Brigham, with reference to Pippbrook Mill, Dorking; Dec 1973 | |
H126 | Dorking - an Architectural Perambulation by D McMorran; Jul 1961; 3pp typescript | |
H127/1-2 | Dorking Old Pump before 1940, copy and sketch of drawing; Jan 1946 | |
H128 | Memories of Dorking by Marjorie Sherlock, from notes prepared for meeting of the Dorking Local History Group in 1981 & 1986; photocopy of MS notes | |
H129 | "I remember ...." recollections of Dorking by Hilda Chalcraft from notes prepared for a talk to the Local History Group; Dec 1986; typescript 5pp | |
H130 | St Martin's Church: history of the organ by John Horley (1965), photocopy of typescript [G M Room ref PSH/BOM/(RBP1788)] | |
H131/1 | Cutting from Radio Times, illustrated, 31 Jan 1987, "The Day Bill Walker found a Dinosaur" - Baryonyx Walkerii, in clay pit at Ockley | |
H131/2 | Baryonyx Walkerii - "Claws": article by Helen Long in The Lady (May 1987) | |
H132/1-17 | Recordings and measuring drawings, historical notes etc. of Sondes Place Farm by Dorking Local Hstory Group, 29 Jul 1986. | |
H133/1-9 | Articles from "Surrey Life", 1972-77 | |
H134/1-4 | Articles from "Surrey County Magazine", 1975-78 | |
H135/1-2 | A Hypothetical reconstruction of Domesday Dorking from later manorial records by V Ettlinger and a translation of the Dorking entry in the Domesday Survey (pub Local History Group 1985) | |
H136/1-4 | Historical articles from the Surrey Advertiser "Seen in Surrey": Wotton Church, John Evelyn. Albury & Surrey paper mills | |
H136/5 | Article as above: Mathematical tiles | |
H137 | Sir George Alexander Touche(1861-1935): biographical article in "Touche Ross Times" Mar 1987 | |
H138 | Victorian & Edwardian Dorking by Alan A Jackson. Notes prepared for a guided walk for the Victorian Society, 20 Jun 1987 | |
H139/1-5 | Rose Hill Estate: sketch plan (1831-37) by Allan Brigham; occupants of Holly House (1861-71) and the Attlee family; occupants of Rose Hill (1861); occupants of The Cottage (no 18) (1841-71); transcript of will of Richard Attlee by M Sutton (1872) | |
H139/6 | Note on known occupiers of no 4 Rose Hill (1861-1931); 1p | |
H140 | Cutting from the Dorking Advertiser, 27 Sep 1987, Swaynes Farm, Leigh, and Ben Jonson | |
H141 | South Street Caves; pamphlet by Cliff Weight (1987) with plan | |
H142 | Obituary of Robert Jordan, plumber and builder; 1987; Ms 2pp | |
H143 | The Denbies Estate - a presentation to the Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society on 21 October 1987 | |
H144 | Reminiscences of Mrs Anne Shepherd (aged 92) nee Townsend (noted from verbal account by Victoria Houghton, 04 Sep 1982. | |
H145 | Photocopy of extract from "Bicycling News" (08 Aug 1891) about The Southern Camp (cycle camp of SCC) | |
H146/1-2 | Note with 6 photographs by M Elphick re nos. 1 & 2 South Street cottages, originally the south west wing of Dorking parish workhouse; Dec 1987 | |
H147 | The Frith Postcards of Dorking & District: notes and numbered list of postcards | |
H148 | Metropolitan Water Board proposals for Greater London Water Area to include 630 square miles of Surrey; 1946; with diagrams and maps [photocopy] | |
H149/1-3 | Prayer Book used by Charles I on the scaffold: copy of title page with hist. note (original belongs to the Evelyn Family); photo of exhumed head of king & descriptive note; 1813 | |
H150 | Dodd Family Tree, with photocopy; including photographs, stored flat. Ancestors of Dorothy Benson 1902-1977; embroidery | |
H151 | Photocopy of part of the Report of the Royal Commission Minutes of Evidence 1869-1870; examination of James Dewdney of Dorking; 4pp | |
H152 | "The War Years", notes by June Austin an evacuee to Dorking from Grove Vale School, East Dulwich; typescript; 1p; nd | |
H153 | Henley's Telegraph Works at Milton Court: Advertisement brochure for cables made for Operation Pluto during WW2; n.d.; 6pp | |
H154 | Brookside House, Archway Place, Dorking: Historical Note, Architect's report etc; 1944; 6pp typescript | |
H155/1-4 | North Holmwood School: rough ms extracts from logbook made by headmaster, Mr Southon in 1872-1906; 7pp; plus historical note about North Holmwood parish & church; 2pp | |
H156 | Holmwood Common: Article by Holmwood Common Management Committee; 1988; 1p | |
H157 | Photocopy of an article from an unknown publication entitled "Percy Lloyd - one of the First of the Many," [c.1980s?], 3pp. Percy Lloyd, born in Shere in 1865, was an early regional postcard publisher who lived in Albury. | |
H158 | Letter from Ron Shettle of Guildford with historical information about the Holmwood Volunteer Fire Brigade in the early 20th century. 1988. | |
H159 | Samuel Palmer, artist: "The Special Magic of Samuel Palmer"; extract from the Surrey Advertiser 27 Jan 1989 | |
H160 | "Samplers a Centenary of Fine Stitchwork" Exhibition at Guildford Museum; extract from the Surrey Advertiser 27 Jan 1989 | |
H161 | Reigate and Dorking Bank; historical note by D G Harding; 3pp | |
H162/1 | John and Priscilla Alden: an article in American History Illustrated vol xxiii no 08 Dec 1988 by Alicia Crane Williams "John & Priscilla we hardly Know ye" | |
H162/2 | Photograph of house in Bridgewater, Mass., USA (1653) sold to the descendants of John & Priscilla Alden (extract from letter from Alice Baker of California USA) | |
H163 | Historical notes on Shrove Tuesday Football and the Pancake Bell | |
H164 | Historical notes on the artist John Beckett of Dorking, (1799-1863). | |
H165 | Historical notes on the artist and writer Denham Jordan, (1836-1920) of Dorking. | |
H166/1-13 | Sundry historical notes on Dorking, Westcott, Betchworth, Box Hill, The Battle of Ockley, Archaeological finds | |
H167 | Rev. John Warneford (1744-1795) and family: Biographical information from correspondence with Miss E Dougall of 5 Spangate, Blackheath Park, London; 5pp | |
H168 | HMS Titania - note on exhibit no 610 | |
H169 | Henry Talbot of Chart Park Dorking (1700-1784): a preliminary biographical note | |
H170 | Laurence Olivier: press cuttings from The Dorking Advertiser (07 Mar 1980) and The TImes (17 May 1982) | |
H171/1-2 | Surrey Smocks: press cuttings from The Surrey Advertiser 02 & 16 Sept 1988 | |
H172 | Alice Patching (1660-1745) of Dorking Meeting House, a cautionary tale (pamphlet) | |
H173 | Abstract of a particular account of all the inns and ale houses in England with their stabling and bedding for guests; 1668 [PRO Ref WO.30.48] Ms 2pp | |
H174 | Surrey Yeomanry 1914-18: notes; 1p typescript | |
H175/1-2 | Genealogies of Allen family and Walker/Waker/Woker family compiled by J E N Walker | |
H176/1-12 | Sources for the history of local inns, taverns and public houses - notes prepared for a local history course for WEA; typescript and photocopy in 12 sections | |
H177 | Copy of letter from Dorothy Tyson dated July 1949 describing Dorking during the writer's childhood in late 19 century. | |
H178 | MS notes about the Quakers 17c & 18c etc; 3pp | |
H179 | Notes on the history of English pubs | |
H180 | "There's a Wealth of History in British Pub Signs" compiled by Allied Breweries | |
H181 | Historical notes about The White Horse, Dorking, and Temple Elfande, Capel (from the Priory of St John of Jerusalem) | |
H182 | Surrey Fines: Dorking Names from Richard I to Henry VII; 2pp | |
H183 | Ockley Court: Historical note with plan; 2pp n.d. | |
H184 | Notes on the history of Cotmandene Lodge, Dorking (1832-1976) with photocopy of conveyance (1921) | |
H185 | Building News, 20 Oct 1876: extract photocopy of Litho of Fielding's new premises in High Street, Dorking, with description | |
H186 | Typescript notes by David Higgins of the University of Liverpool on the clay pipes in the private collection of David Knight of Westcott, Jun 1990, 5pp illustrated. | |
H187/1 | Facsimile copy of the inscription on the first stone of the Independent Chapel West Street Dorking; 03 Sep 1834;1p | |
H187/2 | Letter dated 19 May 1905 about the purchase of Mrs Kilner's house demolished in 1906 to make way for the Congregational Church extension | |
H187/3 | Dorking Congregational Church: extract from the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser (23 Nov 1912) about the 250th anniversary of the founding of the church with illustration of ministers and buildings, photocopy; 4pp | |
H187/4-5 | 2 letters Alex Gordon of the British Museum to Rev T R Grantham (05 May and 28 May 1914), photocopies of extracts in the BM | |
H187/6 | Typescript copy of the memorial inscription to John Young (d.1816) and Heathfield Young (d.1836) in the Congregational Church | |
H188 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/1/4/2. | |
H189 | Dorking & District Angling Society: Photocopy of "The Stepping Stones" by Phil Walker; 6pp; | |
H190 | Dorking & District Table Tennis League: table tennis in Dorking & District by Muriel Hayman 4pp, photocopy (Aug 1990) | |
H191 | Dorking Life Saving Club: Historical note; n.d; photocopy | |
H192 | Correspondence (Jul-Aug 1990) between Mr Norrington, The Dept. of Transport and Kenneth Baker MP, re the closure of Dorking Bus Garage and sale of site by the National Bus Co.; photocopies; 12 sheets. | |
H193 | Article "Little Egypt and the Stillborn Child" by Denis Harvey extracted from "The Countryman" pp98-101 (Aug-Sep 1990) | |
H194 | Broadwood Family: extract from "Lively Recollections" by Canon Shearne describing a hazardous journey to Lyne in snow | |
H195 | The Willard family of Dorking, Surrey, and Ontario, Canada, by Rosemary Ambrose; 1p typescript | |
H196 | St Mark's Church, Peaslake, Seventy Years 1889-1959 (pamphlet) | |
H197 | Article "Old Glass Bottles" by Jacqueline Booker from "Collectors' Corner" | |
H198 | Box Hill Village Hall: article extracted from Headley Parish Magazine Nov 1971 | |
H199 | Wotton House: "Quarries of Glass from Wotton Surrey" by J Nethercliff; page from Gentleman's Magazine, vol XXI Jun 1844 pasted on card | |
H200-H202 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
H203/1-3 | The Knoll, South Holmwood: Head office of Biwater-Shellabear; photocopies of text and pictures | |
H204 | The restoration of 21 Church Street, Dorking. Extract from "Traditional Homes" vol 4 no 4 Jan 1988. pp28-34 | |
H205 | Brockham Park and research on penicillin by Beecham; cutting from Pharmaceutical Journal, 23 Mar 1991 | |
H206/1-23 | Source material for "A History of St Martin's" pub 1990: Reasons for building new (intermediate) church - extracts from Vestry Minutes 1759-1835; Tables of events in building church 1835-74; Table of events during vicarates of St Martins 1800-1928; | |
H206/24-50 | Source material cont.: photocopies of items in the Surrey Muniment Room at Guildford - St Martin's new Church 1835-37; Restoration and Wilberforce memorial tower 1872-74; Pixham Church (St Martin's Church Room) 1890-1903; Monuments and tombstones; photo | |
H206/51 | Stained Glass in St Martin's Church by James Powell & Sons; notes compiled by Dr D Hadley; ms | |
H207 | Manuscript transcript by David Knight of a report in the Dorking Advertiser of 15 Aug 1908 of the "Auxeto Gramophone Concert at Denbies," [c.1980s?] 2p. Also contains a transcript from pp 68-71 of "Talking Machines," by V K Chew pub by the Science Museum in 1967 and which refers to the auxetophone. | |
H208 | Genealogical Table of Burney showing family connection with Austin family; 2pp | |
H209 | Coldharbour Cricket Club at the Oval for Reg Comber's 50th year with club on 14 September 1991 (extract from "The Times Saturday Review" 14 Sep 1991. | |
H210 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/5/10. | |
H211 | Milton Court: Typescript extract from Country Life" 26 Oct 1901 | |
H212 | Denham Jordan: article by G M Chapman in "Countryside Campaigner" | |
H213 | Notes on the National Freehold Land Society contained in a letter of 28 Aug 1988 to E D Mercer of Dorking. | |
H214 | Thomas Hope: photocopy of an illustrated article by Charles McCorquodale from House & Garden Mar-Apr 1990; 11pp | |
H215 | Letter from the Dept. of the Environment to P M Reid (12 Dec 1991) about Bury Hill House, Logmore Lane, fireplaces | |
H216 | Cotmandene Lodge: photocopy of first page of deed with plan; 23 Jun 1921 | |
H217 | Cutting from "Dorking Times" 1982 - Horse Bus restored | |
H218 | Photocopy of report of meeting opposing the proposed railway loop line through Dorking; 08 Jan 1898 | |
H219 | Letter dated 15 Apr 1992 written by Vivien Ettlinger to Brian Robins about the Tiler/Tyler family and John Nash, musician (1733-1760s) | |
H220 | The Wheatsheaf Inn, High Street, Dorking: news release by Bovis with historical note by J E N Walker; press cuttings | |
H221 | "How to Recognise Flint Implements" published by Guildford Museum; n.d. | |
H222 | The Gun, North Street, Dorking: Historical notes and correspondence (1981) | |
H223 | Photocopy of a extract from a Travelogue of 75 Years Ago by Reg Farby (1918) - walking tour through Dorking, Coldharbour & Ockley | |
H224 | Dorking & District Museum - the first 10 years 2pp, [c.1986?] | |
H225 | "John Evelyn" by Joan Foule in "Surrey's literary greats" series in County Magazine; pub 1973 | |
H226 | Ralph Vaughan Williams by Louise Graham from Surrey County Magazine | |
H227 | Ralph Vaughan Williams and his Dorking Connections by Barbara Yates-Rothwell from Surrey County Magazine | |
H228 | Capel: "From Yew to You" from Surrey Life; Aug 1976 | |
H229 | Shrove Tuesday Football: "Football in the Dorking Streets" note by E L Sellick with photo on Christmas card; 1946 | |
H230 | Inns & Brewing: file of notes made by the Local History Group with plans | |
H231 | Dorking County Grammar School / Ashcombe School: photocopy of article in the Daily Telegraph with reminiscences by Lesley Garner; 08 Apr 1992 | |
H232 | Fans: "The East Through Occidental Eyes: Chinoiserie Fans" from Country Life; 10 Oct 1985 | |
H233 | London & County Bank (Westminster Bank) notes of references in Dorking Museum | |
H234 | Lincoln Road: Historical note with maps prepared by Mr Norrington in connection with an appeal against increase of traffic; 1 file | |
H235 | Obituary for Mr J Sandford 1905; newspaper cutting | |
H236 | Report of award to Westcott Scout Donald Lloyd; Dorking Advertiser, 30 Dec 1949. | |
H237 | Castle Mill: extract from an article "Milling in the Domesday Book" published in "The Miller" 05 Jun 1933 (transcript of cutting) | |
H238 | Dorking Friendly Society: photocopy of letter from Mrs Houghton to the Dorking Advertiser, 16 May 1966 | |
H239 | Photocopy of a manuscript transcript in the hand of David Knight, of an obituary for Percy Thomas Selbit, magician of Dorking published in the Dorking Advertiser of 25 Nov 1938, 1p. The date of the photocopy is thought to be late 20th cent. | |
H240 | Photocopy from "Quicksilver - a Hundred Years of Coaching 1750-1850" by R C and J M Anderson published by David & Charles in 1973, 1p. Includes a reference to an accident at Ewell involving the London & Dorking stage and the Dorking coachman Joseph Walker in 1826. | |
H241/1-29 | Dorking Fair: File of material compiled for a display at the 25th birthday meeting of the Local History Group on 02 Jun 1992 (typescript notes and photocopies of illustrations) | |
H242/1-12 | The Playhouse Cinema / Theatre, Public Hall, Dorking: Notes from memory by Mr Tanner about the building with 4 floorplans from memory and list of performances 1922-29 with newspaper extracts 1894-1933 | |
H243 | "Food Facts: the designer's story" by Eric Feruson; extract from Nutrician Belletin no 66, pp206-211 | |
H244 | Ann Yates, RI, RCA (1887-1952): biographical note by Mrs D Pine | |
H245/1 | Rose Hill Oval: Note re-formation of management trust; typescript; 2pp; 11 Mar 1962 | |
H245/2 | Correspondence with the owners from the Secretary of Trustees re BBC filming Sept 1992 | |
H245/3-5 | BBC film "Century" on Rose Hill: additional items | |
H246 | "Down the Mole by Canoe"; article by Noel McNaught; photocopy; date and source unknown | |
H247 | Photocopy of a extract from the Morning Herald about riots in Dorking; 03 Jan 1831 | |
H248 | "Lady Gordon's School for Educating Shoplifters" from American Weekly 1928; school kept by Jessie Fitzgerald at Elmpark [outsize, mounted] | |
H249 | Ashcombe School: list of exhibits at 60th Anniversary Celebrations; Apr 1992; 12pp | |
H250/1 | "John Wesley & Dorking" by Gwyneth M Harmer; 1987; 2pp dup. typescript & frontispiece | |
H250/2 | Extract from John Wesley's journal re opening of the "new house" at Dorking; 23 Nov 1772; 2pp | |
H251-H252 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/4/5/11 and DM1/9/7. | |
H253 | Note about Logmore Barn railway crossing and signal box by A Jackson; 1sheet | |
H254 | Transcript of text on Arthur Thomas Cotton's tombstone (d.1899) in Dorking Cemetery; made 18 Jul 1993 | |
H255 | Punch Bowl Inn: Correspondence with H F Tunbridge re Sir John Soane's involvement with the design of the inn; 1992 | |
H256 | Parts 3, 4, & 5 of newspaper articles by Walter Moore: "History of the Hundred of Wotton" (2 mounted sections) | |
H257 | Article from Surrey Life, Feb 1972: "Old Dorking in Pictures" | |
H258 | Typed Notes: "The Vincent Family" querying the origin of the road name | |
H259 | Priscilla Mullins: Typed extract from the Domestic Buildings Research Group Newsletter, no 35, 1983 | |
H260 | Printed extract from an unknown magazine "The Chief Events in Dorking During the Reign of George V." | |
H261 | Shrovetide Football: article from an unknown magazine | |
H262 | "The Mole Valley: times past and present" from the Surrey County Magazine; Aug-Sep 1986 | |
H263 | Letter & photocopy of information relating to Capt. R N Stuart VC DSO RD RNR (1886-1954); 2pp | |
H264/1-2 | 2 newspaper articles about Sidney White, and the "Dorking Cock" geranium | |
H264/3-8 | Biography of Sidney White (1909-1973), 7pp and map; Obituaries from Holmbury St Mary Parish News and the Dorking Advertiser; List of geranium varieties (2pp). Poem by Sidney White: photocopy of band championships 1036; programme photograph of Morden Gera | |
H265/1-3 | Items relating to Cyril Edward Beare FRCS (1902-1994): Obituary notice from the Dorking Advertiser 09 Jun 1994; Order of Funeral Service 07 Jun 1994; Memorial address by Roland Bourne (photocopy) | |
H266 | "Vaughan Williams' Surrey Years" from "Surrey Life" Spring 1982 | |
H267 | "Is the Motor-Car Impeding Trade Recovery?" an essay by Robert J Voysey; n.d.; typescript 4pp and title | |
H268 | War damage demand for 32 Deepdene Avenue dated 04 Jun 1943 | |
H269 | "The Philps from Dorking 1734-1994" pp1-18 | |
H270 | Notes on the war production of the Dorking Foundry; 1939-45; typescript; 1p | |
H271 | Early Post Office motors in Surrey; Aug 1994; typescript; 3pp | |
H272 | 2 letters from Dorothy Puttock (1988) with memories of her childhood in Headley and Mickleham | |
H273/1-3 | Photocopies: Page from 'The Military Life of HRH George, Duke of Cambridge, 1905; Page from the army list, July 1876; Page from the 'Records of the Ayreshire Militia' 1884 | |
H274 | Mid-Surrey ' the official Magazine of the Oddfellows Order, no 7, Dec 1994 (including item on the history of the Dorking Lodge) | |
H275/1 | Article on 'Camilla Cottage' Westhumble by John Middleton from the journal of the Georgian Group; 1993 | |
H275/2-38 | Working notes for the above article | |
H276 | Transcript of notes for a talk 'Woodcock's Pharmacy' given to the Dorking Local History Group 06 Dec 1994 | |
H277 | Photocopy of photograph and caption relating to a horse-drawn omnibus discovered near Dorking and restored; published in 'The Times' 07 Mar 1995. | |
H278/1-4 | Newscuttings: 'Dorking's air raid experiences' (nd) with photocopy; 'A magnificent show the Queen's Royal Regiment in Italy' (nd) with photocopy; Photo of the Dorking Urban District Council (31 Mar 1933) | |
H279 | Description of renovation work at 2-8 South Street (Pump Corner); 1995; typescript; 1p | |
H280 | A note on the Surrey Defence Works of the 1890s with special reference to the works on Box Hill; by D W King; War Office Library; 1952; 2pp typescript | |
H281 | Notes on the history of the Surrey Yeomanry; 4pp typescript | |
H282 | Photocopy of 2 pages from 'The Garden' with item on the garden at Hartsfield Betchworth with plan; 27 July 1872 | |
H283 | Correspondence in connection with Catherine and Elizabeth Fraser and 22 Horsham Road; Feb 1993 | |
H284 | Photocopy of a page from 'Family Tree Magazine' with details of the Degenhardt family of Dorking, Aug 1994 | |
H285 | Description of the Red Lion Inn, Dorking with 3 sketches and a plan of the Wolsey Room, 1959. | |
H286 | Typed extracts from Longfellow's poem 'The Courtship of Miles Standish'; 2pp | |
H287 | Extracts from Camden's Britannia | |
H288/1-4 | Extracts from the RHS magazine 'The Garden' articles on old garden tools and plant illustration | |
H289 | Notes on the history of Abinger Common and Abinger Hammer Post Offices with photocopies of photographs; 3pp | |
H290/1-3 | Dorking Area Listed Buildings Resurvey and schedules of listed buildings in the area | |
H291 | Barrack Office Grand Investiture at Garth Palace'; Humorous parody; 02 Nov 1945 | |
H292 | Photocopy of extracts from 'Manorial Records' an introduction to their transcription and translation by Denis Stuart; pub Phillimore; 1992 | |
H293/1 | Correspondence with Prof. J M Pasachoff, Williams College, MA USA relating to William Usherwood (photographer & artist of Dorking) | |
H293/2 | Descendants of John Hughes Usherwood (b.1796); father of William Usherwood (1821-1919), photographer in Dorking | |
H294 | Transcript of notes on back of SE&CR Fares List exhibited in Museum | |
H295 | Photocopy of p.67 from 'The Breweries and Public Houses of Guildford' by Mark Sturley pub by Charles Traylen of Guildford in 1990, which lists brief details of six different breweries in Dorking during the 19th and 20th centuries, 2pp. | |
H296 | Notes and extracts from David Knight's newscutting albums | |
H297 | The History of Elderslie' researched and written by Peter Bryant; 42pp (replaces rough notes receipted 2655, 30 Sep 1995) | |
H298 | Reprinted article from the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser of 19 Oct 1934 on the subject of the inauguration of a high level supply system to Dorking's water supply, 1934, 2pp. | |
H299 | Small note pad with brief notes on Dorking artists during the 19th and 20th centuries, [c.early 20th century?]. Author unknown. | |
H300/1-11 | Set of leaflets on 'Dorking and District's Literary Past' | |
H301/1-2 | Photocopy of page from 'The Illustrated London News' of 04 Jul 1857 with an item on the 4th annual meeting of the Surrey Archaeological Society held at the Deepdene, Dorking, [2 copies, one added to the Deepdene study folder] together with a copy of a page from the edition of August 15 1857 which under the heading of "Timber-Wain, Sutton, Surrey includes brief references to walks in the Dorking area. | |
H302 | Notes on Charlie Duffield (d. 1950s); 1p; typescript | |
H303 | Photocopies of 5 selected pages of the official programme for a celebrity cricket match: Abinger v New Zealand; 26 Jun 1983 | |
H304 | Photocopies of 4 pages from 'The Country Home' magazine of Sep 1912: 'Peppermint growing in Surrey' by Donald C Bargman | |
H305/1-4 | 75th anniversary booklet 'Redland News' giving a brief history of Redland PLC, incl. the Dorking Brick Co.; and a newspaper cutting from The Dorking Advertiser 06 Apr 1995 | |
H306 | Article from 'The Sunday Telegraph Magazine' 25 Feb 1996: re Jean Paul Renoir, the owner of Juniper Hall | |
H307/1-2 | Copy of text & handout for talk given to the Dorking Local History Group on 07 Nov 1995 on Abel Philps 'From the Waterworks to Denbies' | |
H308 | Page from the Friends of Brockham Lime Works Newsletter (Winter/Spring 1996) including item on 'Brockham Hearthstone Mine' by Matthew Clark (Nov 1995) | |
H309/1-2 | Photocopies of 2 articles by W Cook about the Dorking Fowl published in 'Farm Field and Fireside' 11 Oct 1889 and 17 Jan1890 | |
H310 | Brief History of the Dorking Institute (1871-1960); 1p | |
H311 | Article from the West Surrey Family History Magazine 'Root & Branch' Dec 1994: 'The Malthus Family of Albury' by Adrian White | |
H312 | Photocopied booklet: 'Peppermint, Lavender and Chamomile growing in Surrey' by S H Chalke; 1961 | |
H313 | Cocks Farm, Abinger Hammer: 1995 excavation; a short report by Steve Dyer, Archaeological Consultant | |
H314 | Photocopy of sale catalogue showing 'Lot 2331 - rare wrought iron & brass turret clock by Stone & Turner, Dorking' brief description and illustration | |
H315 | Information sheet issued by Downs, solicitors of 156 High Street Dorking, on Heritage Open Days 1996 | |
H316/1-4 | Notes on 'Bugatti in Dorking' and 3 photocopied illustrations | |
H317 | Photocopy of page from the Mickleham Parish Magazine (Jul-Aug 1996) 'Graham Gilmore, An Early Aviator from Mickleham' by Frank Dobson | |
H318 | Photocopy of article 'Fighting Firemen' from the magazine 'Vigiles' issue 1, 1996 published by the Fire Brigades of Surrey Preservation Trust (reference to Dorking with illustration) | |
H319/1-2 | Photocopy of pages from The London Scottish Regimental Gazette for Feb 1915 and March 1915 when the regiment were in Dorking | |
H320/1-11 | Transcripts & copies of items connected with Abraham Tucker: Extract marriage settlement; agreement Patching / Tucker / Heathfield (1739); Notes on Tucker & Barker; Inscription on Barker's memorial (1759); accounts (1753-1766); summary probate will of A | |
H321 | Miscellaneous information on Dorking Artists | |
H321/2/2-3 | Photocopy of obituary of A C Fare published in 'The Builder' 24 Oct 1958; photocopy of his application to RIBA | |
H322 | Photocopy of article 'The Art of Mr W Dendy Sadler, Painter & Humorist' by Austin Chester; pub in 'The Windsor Magazine' 23 Dec 1905; 20pp | |
H323 | The Rothes, Leslies and Wathens': article from the Wotton Parish News | |
H324 | Early memories of Annie Goldsmith ne_ Still (b. 1896); manuscript; 7ff | |
H325/1-2 | A history of Beecham Research Laboratories, Brockham Park by Martin Cole; 3pp and photograph; and a brochure early 1970s | |
H325/3 | Photocopy of article 'The Park As it Was' by Jack Powell (head gardener: published in the house magazine of Beecham's Laboratories (1955); 4pp incl map | |
H325/4 | History of Brockham Park, brief r_sum_, photocopy, 2pp | |
H326 | Article 'Box Hill Saved'; reprinted in 'The Times'; original date of publication 08 Nov 1913. | |
H327 | The Harrisons of Wotton and Abinger' : the descendants of John Harrison (b c.1721); 33pp | |
H328 | Article 'Route 70' by B C Bull (with timetable); published in 'Omnibus Magazine | |
H329 | House names in the Deepdene area of Dorking, compiled by Alan A Jackson (1997); 9pp and cover | |
H330/1-13 | Dorking Nurserymen: includes biographical details (1767-1939); sale particulars; correspondence | |
H331 | Copy of charter of feoffment of Dorking Almshouses | |
H332/1-6 | Tables of returns of crops in Surrey (1801-1910) | |
H333 | Correspondence re Gilliam Bros., stonemasons of West Street Dorking; 7pp | |
H334/1-2 | List of records of administration of Dorking Charities listed at 28 Wathen Road in 1978; plus a report on the Williams Charity 1826 | |
H335 | Typescript and handwritten notes on the site of the shop formerly occupied by Margaretta Mills at Pump Corner | |
H336/1-5 | Copies of documents signed by Dissenters (1700-1714) | |
H337 | Notes and photocopy of newspaper cutting (24 Apr 1998) about Gatwick Racecourse and the Old Surrey & Burstow & Surrey Union Hunt point to point held there as the last meeting at the course | |
H338 | Photocopy of article from 'This England' (Spring 1997) 'A Country Album - Surrey's pioneer rural photographer Walter Rose' by Keith Harding | |
H339 | Notes for a lecture 'Picture Postcards of Dorking' given to the Wealden Postcard Club; 11 Jul 1997 | |
H340 | Leaflet with description and history of the windmill in the grounds of Yewdells, Dungate lane, Buckland | |
H341 | Photocopies of an article by Ralph Vaughan Williams 'Local Musicians' written for the Abinger Chronicle, Christmas 1939; and an undated article from an unknown newspaper with a report on the article. | |
H342 | Newspaper cutting of a poem by Ruth Esdaile dedicated to Charles Degenhardt; nd | |
H343 | Study of 'The Priory, Mickleham' by Raymond Jennings; 1971; 15pp | |
H344 | Memories of attending St Paul's School, Dorking, from January 1932 to December 1940; 12pp | |
H345 | Background information to a poster by John Stallard 'The River Mole' (also given to the museum); 2pp | |
H346 | Newscutting (nd) from unknown newspaper 'Death of Mr C R Spratley' National probate indexes record that a Charles Robert Spratley of 67 High Street, Dorking died on 26 Oct 1936. | |
H347 | Newspaper cutting from 'The Times' 02 Jan 1998: 'On This Day - January 2 1928 - Ski-ing in Surrey, A Traverse of Leith Hill' from a member of the Alpine Club | |
H348 | Photocopy article from Mickleham Parish Magazine: 'St Michael's Church Hatchments' by Daphne Rice (nd) | |
H349 | Photocopy of pages from Wotton Quarterly Magazine 1903-1905 relating to the Barr Colonists; 6pp | |
H350 | Typed notes and maps relating to Stane Street issued at talk given to Dorking Local History Group 03 Mar 1998; 5pp | |
H351/1-2 | 2 magazine cuttings (nd and 1998) relating to the redevelopment of Burford Lodge | |
H352 | Brief Biography of John Logie Baird (1888-1946) printed by Box Hill Management Committee, nd post 1988 | |
H353/1-2 | Article by Sir Keith Thomas (post 1991) about a painting 'The Graham Children' by Hogarth 1742; includes mother of T R Malthus; Notes on Malthus by Lionel Green | |
H354/1-4 | Westcott Parish Magazine including historical articles HAVE NOW BEEN RECLASSIFIED AS 02.WE | |
H355 | Newscutting from 'The Dorking & Leatherhead News' nd [c.1942-1945?]; a citizen of Eire declines to do Home Guard Duty; North Holmwood resident sent to prison | |
H356/1-2 | Photocopy: 'Welcome to Plimoth Plantation' guide to the visitor centre (USA) and promotional leaflet | |
H357/1-6 | Papers, letters, presscuttings connected with Dorking Hospital | |
H358 | 4pp from 'Surrey Review' October 1981: Town of the Month, Dorking | |
H359/1-2 | Dorking Town Centre Management: Business plan 1998-2001; 12pp; and Annual Initiatives April 1998 - March 1999 | |
H360 | Dorking Street News: newsletters for the business community in Dorking Town Centre; May 1998 | |
H361 | Miscellaneous Newspaper cuttings | |
H362 | Cutting from unknown paper (07 Mar 1992): 'A Quiet Old Mill Near Dorking' by Simon Courtauld | |
H363 | Photocopy of the history of Anti-Aircraft Artillery (1914-1916) | |
H364 | Cutting from the Weekend Telegraph (31 Oct 1998): Sale of Flint Cottage Mickleham - description of house; illustrated | |
H365 | Extracts from the Wotton Quarterly Magazine (1903-05) relating to Wotton Rifle Club | |
H366 | Public Record Office Provisional Guide to records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (1976) [WAS 08.PRO] | |
H367 | Transcript of article "Surrey Ghosts and Legends" by Andre Page; published in "Surrey Life" Dec 1976; cutting from Dorking Advertiser 2 Jan 1981 | |
H368 | Correspondence with information relating to the composer John Marsh | |
H369/1-11 | Miscellaneous material relating to the Dorking Relief Road Scheme; 1963-1971 | |
H369/12-14 | Newscuttings relating to the Inner Relief Road | |
H370/1 | Photocopy of article "Dorking & its Three Railways" by E G Blackman, published in Southern Railway Magazine, vol XI, no 123; Mar 1933 | |
H370/2-3 | Transcripts of two articles taken from "Southern Railway Magazine"; 1931 | |
H370/4 | Photocopy of article about C G Robertson VC (1879-1954) by Geoff Simson, pub in railway Study Group Bulletin, vol 10 no 1; 2000 | |
H371/1 | Photocopy of article "Stopping the Tanks" published in "British Railways Illustrated", vol. 8; Mar 1999 | |
H372/1 | Short biography of Christopher Whall, stained glass artist, (1849-1924) and details of two exhibitions of his work. | |
H372/2 | Christopher Whall, stained glass artist, (1849-1924): promotional leaflet of 150th anniversary exhibition at the William Morris Gallery; Nov 1999 - Apr 2000 [illustrated biography] | |
H373 | Article "Mellersh & Neale - the Reigate Brewery" by Jeff Sechiari, published in The Holmesdale Society's Bulletin; Apr 1999 | |
H374 | Letter with information about Deepdene station sign and photograph; (the photograph has reference no A4/121) | |
H375 | A directory of Surrey Breweries and Mineral Water Companies, 1839-1938, compiled by Richard Symonds; 1982 | |
H376 | Article "John Evelyn - a Man of His Time" by Retta Gasbard, published in The Surrey Gardens Trust Newsletter, no 16; 1999 | |
H377 | "The Pilgrim Fathers and the Mayflower Ship, 1620" by Arthur L Clamp. 16pp | |
H378/1-2 | Dorking Town Centre Environmental Enhancement Strategy, final report extract and design guidelines by Burns & Nice; Sep 1998. Also financial considerations | |
H379 | 41 page letter giving the history of the Wells family after emigrating from Dorking to NZ in about 1900 | |
H380 | Photocopy of article "Journey into Darkness" published in "Weather Eye" 1999. Includes temperature changes recorded in Dorking during the eclipse of the sun on 11 August 1999 | |
H381 | Notes on the Royal Mail in Dorking in 1770s taken at the Local History Council's Symposium 30 Oct 1999 | |
H382/1 | Photocopies of selected pages from "Cuthbert Heath, Maker of the Modern Lloyds of London" by Antony Brown; 1980. | |
H382/2 | Photocopy of article in the Surrey Advertiser; 1986. This and the above relate to the use of Anstie Grange as a World War 1 hospital | |
H383/1 | World War 2 memories, incl. list of own collection of finds, map and drawing of gun implacement at his house | |
H383/2 | World War 2 memories | |
H383/3 | World War 2 memories (not Dorking) | |
H383/4 | Notes taken at a Dorking Local History Group meeting mainly world war 2 memories of Eric Mansfield | |
H383/5-8 | World War 2 memories of C V Steadman), G J Thompson and Nevil Cox | |
H384 | Steels House Magazine, Dec 1968 (contains article about Sondes Place and Milton Heath House) | |
H385 | "The Rofes of Turnden, Essays in Family History" by B Rofe; 2000 (contains information about D Rofe, who was Timber Reeve of the Deepdene) | |
H386/1-2 | Photocopy article published in Leatherhead & District Local History Society Proceedings, Vol 6 No 3: "Wartime Defences between Box Hill and Shalford" by T Marchington; 1999; 7pp. Supplement - list of GHQ Stop line sites. | |
H386/3 | Supplement to an article in Leatherhead & District Local History Society Proceedings vol 6 no 4 (2000); WW2 defence sites at southern end of the Mole Gap | |
H387/1-4 | Notes originally stored with related photographs | |
H388 | A Brief Account of Major Peter Labilliere, by James Lander; 2000; 23pp | |
H389/1 | Notes on World war 2 air crashes near Leith Hill | |
H389/2-5 | Information relating to World War 2 air crashes near Leith Hill supplied by Eric Pepper of BOTNA; amended final version of article by Stewart Robertson for Dorking History | |
H390 | "Leaves" - the annual magazine of the Friends of Severells Copse; 4 vols; 1988, 1990-92 | |
H391 | Notes about Emily Barclay (b. c1847), later Lady Bray, author | |
H392 | Newspaper article about Thomas Cubitt (1788-1855); published in the Daily Telegraph, May 2000 | |
M1 | Mogg E: London to Worthing Road; strip map; 1814 [long term loan Mar 1978-May 1987] | |
M2 | Roman Road (Stane Street): Probable lines of the Roman Road through Dorking to Westhumble marked in red ink on (?) Roques map of the Dorking area (photograph) | |
M3 | Moll, H: map of Surrey; nd; (reproduction) | |
M4/1-2 | Dorking Defence Map on two O.S. sheets 1:2500; nd 1939-45 [Given to Surrey History Centre, Woking, 20 October 2000] Home Guard | |
M5 | Surrey: Phillips New Series of Wall Map; nd; sectioned | |
M6 | Mickleham, Leatherhead & Ashtead (part); 6":1 mile; nd; paper | |
M7 | Dorking Rural District Council Town Planning Scheme: shows boundary proposed to be included in private open spaces; nd | |
M8 | Arthur Dendy's estate map; property in Dorking Parish; 1845 | |
M9/1 | Manor of Dorking Survey Plan: by William Forster; 1649; 8 photographs, coloured, reduced, of original plan in Arundel Castle Archives (MS.PM191) | |
M9/2-3 | Survey (1649): Redrawings of the Town Centre 25" scale and the whole manor 6" scale by Vivien Ettlinger and Beryl Higgins | |
M10 | Raffe W: Map of Dorking; nd | |
M11 | County of Surrey showing new areas and names; Mar 1973; diagrammatic | |
M12 | Morden Robert: Surrey; nd; Reproductions published by Longales Press | |
M12a | Robert Morden map of Surrey; nd; [c.1695?]; mounted on board | |
M13 | Bowen: Surrey; [c.1760?]; reproduction published by SCC; 1948; with typescript notes (2 copies) | |
M14 | Dorking Boundary Plan: prepared in connection with proposed extension of the District towards Bradley Farm; nd [c.1868?]; tracing paper mounted on linen; [given to Surrey History Centre, Woking, 20 October 2000] | |
Not numbered | Collection of maps published by Harry Margary commemorating 200 years of map making [returned to Mr Walker 06 Sep 1985] | |
M15 | The Modern Atlas of the Earth by William Hughes; published Warne; 1877 edition | |
M16 | Roque Jean: portion of map centred on Dorking; photocopy | |
M17 | Homann (pub) World Map by Professor Hasius and G M Lowitz; 1746; reproduction by Leisure Arts Ltd; nd | |
M18 | Surrey County Council Development plan: Dorking Town Map; 1967 | |
M19 | Dorking Street Plan issued by A H Lyne & Co estate agents; ms notes in coloured pencil of land use, building developments etc; nd post 1928; scale 6" | |
M20 | Dorking Town Plan showing the Nower Route suggested as an alternative for the Dorking By-route; nd [c.1925?] | |
M21 | Plan of SCC area showing Boroughs, UD & RC's; Parish Councils; Parish Meetings; main roads; railways; County electoral divisions; Mar 1896 | |
M22 | Sprotts farm, Capel: plan of property of Richard Mason in 1864 | |
M23 | Hand drawn sketch plan (undated) showing 'present' route of Coast Hill, Westcott, and alternative routes proposed by SCC and the District Council; initialled AGP | |
M24 | Printed Sketch plan (undated) showing 'present' route of Coast Hill and alternative routes proposed by SCC & the District Council | |
M25/1-6 | Holloway Farm & Estate, Dorking, sale plan (1862) and copies and tracings of later plans | |
M26a | Photocopy of John Norden's map of Surrey 1607 | |
M26b | second copy of above | |
M27/1-2 | Reproduction of Bowen's 'Accurate Map of the County of Surrey' sold by J Tinney 1753; with historical note | |
M28 | Reproduction of Bowen's 'Accurate Map of the County of Surrey' printed for Carrington Bowles [c.1760?] | |
M29 | Kelly's Directories (pub) part of Surrey [c.1920s?]. | |
M30 | Bacon's County Map of Surrey with parts of adjoining counties; 1/2 inch to the mile | |
M31 | British Museum reproduction of Christopher Saxton's map of Kent, Surrey, Sussex & Middlesex 1575 | |
M32 | Photocopy: Dorking Town Centre [c.1970s?] | |
M33/1-2 | Scale drawings of elevations of nos. 1-89 Dorking High Street & nos 67-68 West Street Nov 1974: scale 1:100 (2 copies) and 1:50 (2 copies) | |
M33/3 | Scale drawing of the south elevation of St Martin's Church, Dorking, scale 1:100; Nov 1974 (2 copies) | |
M43-M79 | The Rideout Collection of maps & plans (photocopies & tracings): Abinger, Albury, Alfold, Bletchingly, Coldharbour & Anstiebury Camp, Dunsfold, Ewhurst, Ockley, Reigate, Shere, Wotton, Stane Street, County of Surrey | |
M51 | Map of Rookery Estate. To be sold in 21 lots, 02 Jul 1894. No sales documents included | |
M75 | Sights, monuments and mills | |
M76 | Roman road - Newidgate; Ockley; Oakwood Hill; and Leith Hill (1788) | |
M77 | Surrey | |
M78 | Surrey and Parishes | |
M80 | Barnett's Rural District Map of Dorking & Leatherhead; nd [c.1950s?] | |
M81 | Speed's map of Surrey, described and divided into hundreds (1616) advertising copy issued by Strand Magazine; col; half size | |
M82 | Surrey Review Order 1933, Dorking. | |
M83 | Dorking proposed local government district 1867 | |
M84 | Southern Motor Road through Reigate, Newdigate, Capel; parliamentary session 1929 | |
M85 | Diagrammatic sketch of Brockham by Katy Dodson | |
M86 | SURRY published Longman; 01 Oct 1820 (engraved T Starling) | |
M87 | Plan of St Martin's Churchyard recording gravestones as listed by the Local History Group Jan 1983 - Oct 1984 | |
M88 | Tracing of plan of the Nower which accompanied the conveyance of 1931 (see R368) | |
M89/1-2 | Domesday England 1086 SUDRIE: map (with notes) showing Domesday villages by Garrods Williams 1984; pub Garrods Williams Publications | |
M90 | Surrey from Speed's Atlas (1627); very reduced on Christmas card with Speed's text on the back | |
M91/1-2 | River Mole: pictorial map of the Meandering Mole (cartographer unknown, nd; and the above map redrawn with notations by K Dodson 1956 | |
M92 | Bacon's Cycling Road Map of England and Wales; sheet 6 (south coast, Kent and the Isle of Wight, north to Harwich, Baldock & Deddington); nd [c.1920s?]; printed on linen; scale 1" to 1 mile | |
M93 | Sketch map of London under Richard II by Marjorie Honeybourne; redrawn by W H Godfrey & W G Prosser; published 1940 | |
M94 | Roque's Map of Surrey, sheet V; 1770; photocopy | |
M95 | Historic Surrey; map, list & key; pub Surrey Historic Buildings Trust; 1987 | |
M96 | Plan of Dorking High Street based on the O.S. map (88ft : 1 mile) revised 1985, showing street numbering and occupancy & population; 2 copies | |
M97 | Dorking Urban District Street Plan; pub Barnett; nd [c.1950?]; scale 6" : 1 mile | |
M98 | South Orbital Road Scheme: Jul 1947; on composite O.S. map 1934/35; 3" : 1 mile; Leatherhead & Reigate section | |
M99 | Sketch plan of the caves underneath the Wheatsheaf Public House, High Street, Dorking (part of the records of Crow, Watkin and Watkin - see R134 ) | |
M100 | The Deepdene Terrace, Dorking, showing Surrey County Council property and permanent open space; 26 Sep 1941; scale 6" = 1 mile (reduced) | |
M101 | Dorking Urban District 1934 showing town planning details, footpaths etc. copied 1935 by DUDC. | |
M102 | Dorking street & road plan; nd [c.1960s?]; Town & Country Publication (Staples & Hancock Ltd) for Cubitt & West, London Road, Dorking | |
M103 | "Goad" plan of Dorking High Street, South Street and West Street prepared for Mole Valley District Council with names of shops filled in; scale 88ft = 1 mile; revised Jan 1983; plan print, faded. Cross referenced with M96 | |
M104 | Plan of Dorking Town Centre and surrounding district by G W Bacon for White & Sons, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking; 2 maps on one sheet; [c.1930s?]. Also referenced 01.7. | |
M105 | Map from Dorking Directory issued by F W May & Co Ltd, South Street, Dorking; [c.1950s?]. | |
M106 | Surrey: Norden; 1610; British Museum reproduction [RETURNED TO DONOR 24 Nov 1994] | |
M107 | Mickleham: a plan of the boundary of the Parish and Manor 1797; scale 8 ch = 1 mile; tracing [RETURNED TO DONOR 24 Nov 1994] | |
M108/1-2 | Deepdene Caves in World War 2; 2 sketches from memory by Cliff Weight and others | |
M109/1-9 | Roque's map of Surrey 1761; reprinted by Surrey Archaeological Society 1931; preface by R L Atterson; sheets I to IX | |
M110 | New National Trust map of Holmwood Common; Nov 1992 | |
M111/1-2 | Photograph copy of the 1752 redrawing of the 1649 survey of the Manor of Dorking; 2 parts; original in the archives of Arundel Castle | |
M112 | 1:1250 map of Dorking Town Centre; Dorking Urban District Council; [c.1960?], with later additions [c.1970?]; J N Moore surveyor and engineer; 2 copies | |
M113/1-13 | Harry Margary (pub) 'Two Hundred & Fifty Years of Map Making in the County of Surrey' reproductions of printed maps 1579-1823 with introductory notes by Prof. Wm. Ravenhill (1974); 29 sheets, 13 maps | |
M114 | Plan of Dorking (North) Station; [c.1962?]; scale 1" = 40ft | |
M115 | Plan of houses in Westcott first supplied with water from the Rookery; Sep 1895; W J White (tracing) | |
M116 | Plan of The Rookery, Westcott Mill & Deerleap Estates; 1898 | |
M117 | Plan of the Holloway Estate showing the first section laid out for building purposes; 1871 | |
M118 | Westcott conservation areas, [c.1980?]. | |
M119/1-2 | Copies of plan and section of caves under the former Wheatsheaf public house (37 High Street, Dorking); 1969 | |
M120 | Survey of caves at rear of 70-72 High Street (Farnborough Passage); 1939-45 | |
M121 | Plan of alterations to the road at Pippbrook Bridge; [c.1840?]. | |
M122 | Composite 6" sheets 33NE & 25SE copied from the O.S.; stamped 1916; covers Dorking, N Holmwood, Mickleham; Brockham & Betchworth | |
M123 | Dorking Home Guard Map; 1939-45 | |
M124 | Map of Dorking in 7 parts; scale 1:500; shows water pipes, stopcocks etc; 1868-1870 | |
M125/1-2 | Development plans for St Martin's Church area of Dorking; 1966 & 1968 | |
M126/1-2 | Plans for 2 schemes for Station Road / West Street junction; 1976 | |
M127/1-4 | Letter (1985) and three maps showing landscaping proposals for the M25 Reigate to Walton Oaks; Nov 1977 revised 1979; scale 1:2500 | |
M128 | Large scale map of Betchworth Park area; on linen; probably based on the tithe map; [c.1838?]. | |
M129 | 6" Survey of the Dorking - Mickleham area by the Royal Engineers; 1858-1859 | |
M130 | Map of Surrey by J Cary, engraver, map and printseller of London; 1787 | |
M131 | World War 2 Incident Map; copy. | |
M132 | 6" Composite OS map Surrey Sheet XXV, SW; 1897; hand coloured to show large estates in the area | |
M133 | Map of the ecclesiastical parish of St Pauls, Dorking (based on the 1st edition 25" O.S. 1868); produced by James Wyld; printed in colour; mounted on linen and varnished; originally fixed to rollers | |
M134 | Mickleham Conservation Areas designated in 1974 under the 1971 Town & Country Planning Act: Map to be used with descriptions of buildings (R431) | |
M135 | Bacon's County Map and Guide of Surrey for cyclists and tourists, nd [c.1900?] | |
M136 | Bartholomew's new reduced survey of Surrey for tourists and cyclists, half-inch to the mile, nd | |
M137 | Map of the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council area; 1:25,000; reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map; nd. See also M166 | |
M138 | Map (6 inch to 1 mile) showing the Lyne Estate Capel with the Land held by the Broadwood Trust marked; 1973 | |
M139/1-18 | Large Scale copy of 1649 survey of the manor of Dorking in sections | |
M140/1-2 | Maps (2) illustrating the growth and decline of the Deepdene Estate | |
M141 | Map of Anstie Grange based on the 50" OS series; n.d. | |
M142 | Map of the Deepdene Hotel area, 25" OS, [c.1939?] when taken over by Southern Railway for offices | |
M143 | Map of Dorking produced by Ordnance Survey Digital; Jan 1994; scale 1cm to 20m | |
M144 | Map of Dorking town centre showing shops in High Street, South Street and West Street; surveyed Mar 2000; scale 1:1000 | |
M145 | Dorking 1870 | |
M146 | Composite 25" Ordnance Survey map of Dorking showing all railway lines and stations; 1935 | |
M147 | Map of Newdigate showing housing from 1800 to 2004 | |
M148 | Map of Brockamhurst Farm, Betchworth, based on the 25" Ordnance Survey map, 1950. | |
M149 | Map of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council area, scale 1:25,000; not dated | |
M150 | War Incident Map, World War 2. Copied on original 1940 map of the Dorking Urban Area by T F Peachey (Manager of the Dorking Water Company) | |
M151 | Black & white photocopy of the Ordnance Survey relief map, physical features alone, sheet 124 (Surrey); revised 1930-1934; scale 1 inch to 1 mile | |
M152 | Plan showing proposed Dorking Inner Relief Road, [c.1970?], drawn on a 1930s map, scale approximately 1:1250 [repaired with tape prior to receipt] | |
M153/1 | Map showing Conservation Areas in Mickleham designated by SCC (26 Mar 1974) under the Town & Country Planning Act of 1971; ref MV17; scale 1:2500 | |
M153/2 | Map showing Conservation Areas in Newdigate designated by SCC (26 Mar 1974) under the Town & Country Planning Act of 1971; ref MV18; scale 1:2500 | |
M154 | Photocopy of map showing the position of the temporary railway halt built for troops to use the Westcott Rifle Range; 1915; marked on parts of O.S. 25" Surrey sheet XXXIII.1 & XXXIII.2; original at TNA Kew | |
M155 | Agricultural map of Broome Hall Farm, drawn by Mr Hill; 1952 | |
M156 | Approximate areas of Ecclesiastical Districts; Ranmore; Westcott; Coldharbour; Holmwood; North Holmwood; St Paul's; St Martin's. By B.R. Higgins 1990 | |
M157 | OS 6":mile Surrey Sheet XXXIII.NW | |
M158 | OS 1":mile South London Sheet 270 | |
M159 | OS 6":mile sheets XXV - XXXIII 1869-1870. Fetcham,Gt Bookham, Westcott, Dorking, Wotton | |
M160/1 | Tracing of map showing Parish Boundaries 1977 (from the Church Commissioners Plans on OS TQ15 &TQ14 | |
M160/2 | tracing of map showing Ecclesiastical Parishes formed wholly or in part out of Dorking Parish after 1839 | |
M161/1-3 | OS 1:500 1870 Sheets XXXIII.3.8 West St., XXXIII.3.18 Falkland Rd & South ST, XXXIII.3.13 Vincent Lane/South St | |
M162 | Sketch Plan of Ockley, 1841 and 1874 | |
M163 | The River Mole and its tributaries. Drawn by EO Mercer 1980, traced by BR Higgens 1985. mounted for wall hanging | |
M164/1-4 | Kingham's Caves South Street, Dorking. Surveyed by Alan g Finch and Mrs Joyce Banks. Scale 1/4" : 1 foot. 1964 | |
M164 | Surrey described and divided into hundreds by John Speed Description and index on back | |
M165 | OS 33.4 (1:2500) showing boundaries of the proposed [?] Board of Trade Session 1897. Dorking Urban District Council. Electric lighting | |
M166 | Dorking and Horley Rural District, reproduced by permission of the Ordnance Survey. Showing existing and proposed site of Gatwick Airport, [c.1960s?]. By P Caldwell, engineer and surveyor | |
M167 | County of Surrey. Unions, Boroughs, Urban District Councils, Rural District Council. Parish Council, Parish Meetings, Main Roads & Railways. March 1896 | |
M168 | Facsimile of the Ancient Map of Great Britain in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. AD 1325-50 (Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton 1870) | |
M169 | Land Utilisation Survey of Britain. Guildford and Horsham. London School of Economics, London. Surveyed 1931-1935. Completion and checking 1935-1937 | |
M170 | Plan of Rugge, Ewekene's and Churchgardens Farm, Capel. ( Based on OS 1:2500). Showing proposed route of Capel by pass | |
M171 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No.9, Nos. 65, 66 and 67 Dene Street. 25 Jun 1935 | |
M172 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 8, Nos. 7, 8 and 9 Moore's Road. 03 May 1935. | |
M173 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 1, Nos 1-14 Cotmandene Square; 2, 3 and 9 Heath Hill; 9 and 10 Dene Street. 28 May 1935. | |
M174 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 4, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Cotmandene. 03 May 1935. | |
M175/1-2 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 8, Moore's Road. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of dwelling-houses 7, 8 and 9, Moore's Road, owned by Exors. of the late Mr. W. Hutton; cycle shed appurtenant to 8 owned by Mr. Leonard Cousins | |
M176/1-3 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 6, North Street. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying documents detailing planned clearance of North Street dwelling-houses 18, 19, owned by Mrs. J. A. Atkinson; wood shed appurtenant to 21 owned by Mr. G. E. Mansfield; 20, 21 owned by Mrs. F. Nicklin; 22 owned by Mrs. F. Nicklin; 23 owned by Mr. J. A. Atkinson; 24, 25 owned by Messrs. H. G. Kingham & Co. | |
M177 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 6, North Street. 03 May 1935. | |
M178 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 5. A, Nos. 26, 27 and 28 Mill Lane. 03 May 1935. | |
M179 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 7, Nos. 11, 12, 13 Spring Gardens. 03 May 1935. | |
M180 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 5, Nos. 18-23 Mill Lane. 03 May 1935. | |
M181 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 7, Spring Gardens. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of Spring Gardens dwelling-houses 11, owned by Mrs. E. M. Down; wooden store shed appurtenant to 11, owned by Mr. H. Ellis; 12, 13, owned by Mrs. E. M. Down. | |
M182/1-3 | Dorking Urban District Council documents detailing planned clearance of Dene Street dwelling-houses 9, 10 and Heath Hill dwelling-house 9 owned by trustees of W. J. Wing; Heath Hill dwelling-houses 2, 3, Cotmandene dwelling-houses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, wood and corrugated iron shed appurtenant to Dene Street no. 8 owned by Messrs. A. & P. Clear; Cotmandene dwelling-houses 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 owned by Mr. W. Marsh; Cotmandene dwelling-houses 12, 13, 14 owned by Messrs. A. & P. Clear. 28 May 1935. | |
M183/1-6 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No.2, Church Street and Church Street Cottages. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of Church Street dwelling-houses 5-13, owned by Exors. of the late Mr. W. B. Turner; Church Street Cottages dwelling-houses 13, 14, 15, 16 owned by Mrs. Harriet Nuttycombe; chicken house appurtenant to Church Street Cottages no. 14, owned by Mr. Thomas Miller; cycle shed appurtenant to Church Street Cottages no. 13, owned by Mr. Hubert Hook; Church Street Cottages dwelling-houses 6-12, and building, 3, Church Street Cottages, owned by Dr. C. A. Marsh; wood shed and store shed appurtenant to Church Street Cottages No. 12 owned by Mr. C. Gauntlett; store shed appurtenant to Church Street Cottages No. 11 owned by Mr. Cyril Hill. | |
M184/1-2 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 3, Horsham Road. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of Horsham Road dwelling-houses 6, 6a, 6b, owned by Mrs. Edit Rebecca Moorhouse; cycle shed appurtenant to Horsham Road No. 6 owned by M. W. R. Brown; carpenter's shed appurtenant to Horsham Road no. 6, owned by Mr. C. Brown. | |
M185/1-2 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 4, Cotmandene. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of Cotmandene dwelling-houses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, owned by Mrs. A. Etheridge. | |
M186/1-3 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 5, Mill Lane. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of Mill Lane dwelling-houses 18-23, owned by Mr. E. J. Batchelor. | |
M187/1-2 | Dorking Urban District Council plan. Clearance Area No. 5. A, Mill Lane. 25 Jun 1935. Accompanying document detailing planned clearance of Mill Lane dwelling-houses 26, 27, 28, owned by Mr. W. T. Boxall. | |
M188 | Mickleham Valley, Norbury, Before and after the railway based on OS 6" to mile XXV SE & NE, 1857 and 1870 | |
M189 | Map of county of Surrey by Greenwood and Co. 1822-1823 | |
M190 | OS 1" map. Dorking and Leith Hill. Folded with car, cyclists and rambler on cover. [c.1934?]. | |
M191 | Goad plan of Dorking High Street, South Street and West Street prepared for MVDC with names of shops filled in; scale1:100; revised Mar 2002. | |
M192 | Betchworth Manor 1634 | |
M193 | Copy of 1649 survey of the Manor of Dorking. On cloth dated 1783 | |
M194/1-2 | OS Geological Survey of Great Britain Sheet 286 Reigate. Includes Dorking and the Mole Valley. Jul 1912. 2 copies, one with comments | |
M195 | OS Geological Survey of Great Britain Sheet 286 Reigate. Includes Dorking and the Mole Valley. 1978. | |
M196 | OS Geological Survey of Great Britain Sheet N:VII. SURREY 01 May 1816 | |
M197 | Surrey Hills. Proposed Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Based on OS sheets 169,170,171,182. Dated 1956 | |
MA1 | Plan of additions to cottage in Old School Lane, Brockham, for Mr Horton (1949) | |
MA2/1-6 | Shellwood Manor: Architect's plans for house and farm buildings by B Lloyd Bowen of W G Design Group, Leeds (1979) | |
MA3 | William Shearburn, architect: Proposed new post office and council chamber; corner of Junction Road and South Street; signed copy of drawing, (1900) | |
MA4/1-4 | The Wheatsheaf, High Street, Dorking: Douglas Marriott, Worby & Robinson architects drawings (4142/11, 12, 17 & 19); 1976-1977 | |
MA5/1-4 | Clarendon House, West Street, Dorking: plans and sketches for possible conversion of house into flats [not adopted]; prepared for public enquiry; 1977 | |
MA6/1-8 | St Martins Church, Dorking: plans, sections, elevations and perspective view of proposed church; submitted by Anon [J Harrison] as design for the rebuilding of the nave and improving the tower of the church; nd; [not adopted] | |
MA7/1-7 | Betchworth Castle & Stable Block: Sir John Soanes plans and elevation (1798-1801) NB photocopies copyright Sir John Soane Museum, London | |
MA8 | St Michael's Church, Betchworth: plan of churchyard, surveyed 1979, drawn 1980 | |
MA9/1-7 | Oak Lodge, Newdigate: sketches, elevations & plans for addition | |
MA10/1-29 | Sondes Place Farm: 29 surveyors and architects drawings of existing site & buildings and proposals for conversion into sheltered accommodation; surveyor Woodrow Pewter; architects Pinchin Kellow; 1985 | |
MA11 | Plan of the Gun Beerhouse, North Street, Dorking; 12 Feb 1903 | |
MA12/1-5 | Biwater House, Dorking: Redevelopment of Nunns site, Station Approach - plans by Howard Lobb Partnership (1986) and 1 watercolour architectural drawing of site and building, signed 'KM '86' | |
MA13/1 | Church Square, Dorking: Developer's plans for proposed redevelopment of the market site, High Street; St Martins Walk; advertising brochure with plans by Brodero Properties (1990) | |
MA14 | Holder House, 49-51 South Street, Dorking: record drawing of front elevation, nd, [c.1990?]. 2 copies. | |
MA15 | Dorking Halls, Reigate Road: description and plans for the refurbishment; Oct 1993 | |
MA16 | St Martin's Church, Dorking: Sketch plan showing architectural development of the church by B R Higgins (1990) | |
MA17/1-4 | Collection of architectural drawings and plans of St Martins Church, Dorking. 1964-1965 | |
MA18/1-2 | Cotmandene Lodge, Dene Street, Dorking: plans before conversion into 4 dwellings (nd), [c.1950?]. | |
MA19 | Plan of St Martin's Church, Dorking (nd between 1866 & 1873) | |
MA20 | Ground floor plan of the Dorking Union Workhouse; nd [c.1890?]. | |
MA21 | Proposed Plan for the new Public Hall, West Street, Dorking (1869) | |
MA22/1-3 | Survey, plan and elevation for the redevelopment of the Sun Inn, High Street, Dorking (1970); shows cave | |
MA23/1-2 | Pubs: Punchbowl Inn, Reigate Road, Dorking: site and block plan and proposed plans for motel (1970) | |
MA24/1-2 | The Dorking Halls, Reigate Road: architects plans for reconstruction and refurbishment; architects Broadway Malyan; Aug 1995 (due for completion spring 1997) | |
MA25/1-6 | Camilla Lacey (also known as Leladene), Westhumble: 3 architects sketches for extension (Heaton Comya); 1927 & 1933; sketch for new house (nd); designers sketches for Venetian living room and great Tudor Hall 1897 [not carried out] | |
MA26 | Nos. 4-6 Reigate Road, Dorking: Plans for pair of shops with flats above for Messrs. Caldwell and Gwinnett; 1930 | |
MA27/1-8 | Set of drawings for a proposed new villa residence for Mr G A Strong in St Paul's Road; architect F J Dibble; Jul 1893: 4 colour-wash drawings showing plans, elevations and sections and 4 double sided line drawings of various details | |
MA28/1-7 | The Deepdene: Architect's plans and maps relating to proposed alterations during Southern Railway ownership of The Deepdene ; n.d. (purchased June 1939) | |
MA29 | Architects plans for a proposed museum at The Old Lodging House, Church Street, Dorking (Chapel); 1972 | |
MA30 | World War 2: Southern Railway Offices (Deepdene); maps and drawings - proposed camouflage; 1942 | |
MA31 | World War 2: Plans for the new telephone exchange at the Deepdene offices of the Southern Railway; 1941 | |
MA32/1-2 | Drawings of various details of the Deepdene Temple (Folly); n.d. | |
MA33 | World War 2: Drawings of the Deepdene offices of the Southern Railway; 1" to 8'; 1944-1945 | |
MA34/1-4 | Conjectural panoramas of the High Street, Dorking, from Pump Corner to the Dorking Halls, [c.1820?], [c.1880?], [c.1940?]; and for West Street [c.1880?]. Not to be Photocopied. | |
MA35 | St Martin's Church, proposed alterations and improvements. Oct 1965 (Arch. James Ralph) | |
MA36/1 | Details of window guards to ground floor windows, Dorking Museum,No. 6 | |
MA36/2 | Dorking Museum workshop ,West St Dorking. Plans, elevations, sections A-A. B-B. and details. Scale 1:50 Aug 1974 | |
MA36/3 | Proposed Site for the Dorking Museum, Survey Drawing Jan 1974 | |
MA36/4 | Dorking Museum, Facia Board for workshop. Nov 1974 | |
MA36/5 | Dorking Museum proposed display, sketch scheme Feb 1974 | |
MA37 | Church of St Martins Dorking. No.5 Longitudinal section looking North. No date | |
MA38 | Loft conversion 37 & 39 Leslie Road Dorking. 11 May 1993 | |
MA39 | Burford Bridge Hotel. Ground Floor Plan. 16 Aug 1982 | |
MA40 | 15 Parkway. Dining extension 26 Feb 1987 | |
MA41 | 76 Reigate Road. Kitchen extension/breakfast room and front porch. 07 Jan1992 | |
MA42 | 11 Riverside Dorking. Loft conversion 05 Dec 1981 | |
MA43 | 39 Nower Road. Detached garage and store and front porch. 03 Jan 1994 | |
MA44 | The Trivet, Tower Hill Dorking. Conversion of existing flat roofed bungalow to chalet bungalow. 01 May 1987 | |
MA45 | 16 Watson Road, Westcott. Modification to kitchen, porch and garage. 07 Oct 1987 | |
MA46/1-3 | Burford Bridge Hotel. Retention of window and entrance canopy. 23 Mar 1982 | |
MA47 | 32b Church Street. Garage space. 27 Apr 1987 | |
MA48 | Yew Tree Road (?? White House/Joden Rood/ Honey Ditches) Extension plans. No date | |
MA49 | 6 Mowbray Gardens, Dorking. Lounge extension. Jul 1978 | |
MA50 | 10 Vincent Drive. Demolish existing kitchen construction of new. 06 Jun 1980 | |
MA51 | Hart Road, Dorking. Proposed redevelopment to central garage. 08 Feb 1980 | |
MA52 | Oakbank, Norfolkland, Holmwood South. Loft conversion for D Brown 09 Oct 1979 | |
MA53 | Hart Road, Dorking. Norray Developments proposed decreasing bay to Central Garage for J Soule | |
MA54 | 44 Lincoln Road Dorking. Proposed 20' x 10' brick built garage for RW Bishop | |
MA55 | Station Road Dorking. Extension to New central Garage for J Saule 20 Nov 1986 | |
MA56/1 | Prince of Wales, [Hamstead Road?]. Extension of female toilets, new doors and kitchen. | |
MA56/2 | A plan of 21 parking bays, Prince of Wales, [Hamstead Road?]. | |
MA 57 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Dorking, Surrey. Proposal for pergola to enclose garden area to rear of Trusthouse Hotel Forte Hotels LTD, 02 Nov 1981. | |
MA58 | 6 Vincent Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Extension (store room lounge & bed 4). | |
MA59 | Not used | |
MA60 | Not used | |
MA61 | Mulberry House, Horsham Road, Capel, Surrey. Proposed front entrance porch and improved stairwell for Mrs K. Badger. | |
MA62 | 25 Cleardene, Dorking, Surrey. New kitchen extension and conversion of existing kitchen to increase dining room area. 25 May 1977. | |
MA63 | Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed modification to existing garage & addition of new garage to Ormesdale. | |
MA64 | Punchbowl Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed toilet & shower extention to Rowans. 12 Jun 1970. | |
MA65 | Southease Cottage, 52 St Pauls Road, Dorking, Surrey. Conversion of porch entrance to additional toilet & relocate front door. 25 Sep 1978. | |
MA66 | 13 Westbank, Dorking, Surrey. Internal modifications. 20 Mar 1980. | |
MA67 | 82 Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. WC installation. Jul 1973. | |
MA68 | Tower Hill Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed double garage to Gaywood. 05 Nov 1983. | |
MA69 | Conservatory to rear of 39 Nower Road, Dorking, Surrey. 20 Jun 1988. | |
MA70 | 81 Middle Street, Brockham, Surrey. Access slopes for wheelchair. 30 Dec 1987. | |
MA71 | 14 Jubilee Terrace, Dorking, Surrey. Bathroom conversion for S. Snaith. | |
MA72 | Land at the borough, Brockham, Surrey. Pair of semi-detached chalet bungalows for G. Cornwell. | |
MA73 | Proposal for vehicle repair garage. Scheme B. Site location - adjacent to Dorking Town station, Dorking, Surrey. 03 Jul 1980. | |
MA74 | Proposal for vehicle repair garage. Scheme A. Site location - adjacent to Dorking, Surrey. 14 May 1980. | |
MA75 | Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed conservatory to Wyndley. 26 Jun 1981. | |
MA76/1 | Public House, Dene St., Dorking, Surrey. Additional W.C. to Jolly Butcher. 24 Mar 1997. | |
MA76/2 | Public House, Dene Street, Dorking, Surrey. Additional W.C. to Jolly Butcher. 24 Mar 1997. | |
MA76/3 | Public House, Dene Street, Dorking, Surrey. Additional W.C. to Jolly Butcher. 24 Mar 1997. | |
MA77/1 | Roothill Cottage, Roothill Lane, Brockhamhurst, Betchworth, Surrey. Detached double garage. 24 May 1997. | |
MA77/2 | Roothill Cottage, Roothill Lane, Brockhamhurst, Betchworth, Surrey. Detached double garage. 24 May 1997. | |
MA78 | 48 Burpham Lane, Burpham, Surrey. Extension. 05 Aug 1997. | |
MA79 | Gaywood, Tower Hill Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed double garage. 15 Dec 1983. | |
MA80 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Revision to Mark Cuthbert DWG number 129 4001, ground floor bathroom & kitchen. 13 Nov 1997. | |
MA81 | Trivet, Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. En-suite bathroom extension. 17 Sep 1991. | |
MA82/1 | Clovelly, Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Kitchen, W.C. & laundry room. 08 Apr 1997. | |
MA82/2 | Clovelly, Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Kitchen, W.C. & laundry room. 08 Apr 1997. | |
MA82/3 | Clovelly, Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Kitchen, W.C. & laundry room. 08 Apr 1997. | |
MA83/1 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Convert part of existing offices to 2 number one bedroom flats. 11 Jun 1997. | |
MA83/2 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Convert part of existing offices to 2 number one bedroom flats. 11 Jun 1997. | |
MA83/3 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Site location plan. Block plan showing car park. 11 Jun 1997. | |
MA83/4 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Arrangement of edge treatment to flat roof to office W.C. 11 Jun 1997. | |
MA83/5 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Convert to 4 number one bed flats and shop & store. Ground floor plan. Scale I:50. 11 Jun 1997. | |
MA83/6 | 88/92 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. 1st floor plan. Scale I:50. 11 Jun 1997. | |
MA84 | 11 Riverside, Dorking, Surrey. Loft conversion. 05 Dec 1981. | |
MA85 | Torridon, Longfield Road, Dorking, Surrey. Extension bedroom, en-suite bathroom, porch, reposition existing dormers. 26 Mar 1985. | |
MA86 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed entrance porch & ramp. 28 Apr 1984. | |
MA87/1 | Partridge Cottage, Newdigate, Surrey. Proposed kitchen, lobby & shower room for MRS E. Close. 17 Apr 1970. | |
MA87/2 | Partridge Cottage, Newdigate, Surrey. Proposed kitchen, lobby & shower room for MRS E. Close. 17 Apr 1970. | |
MA87/3 | Partridge Cottage, Newdigate, Surrey. Proposed garage & stabling for MRS E. Close. 11 Feb 1969. | |
MA88 | Serles, Ridgeway Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development for K. L. Pirt ESQ. | |
MA89 | West View, Old Horsham Road, North Holmwood, Surrey. Proposed modification to existing outhouse & new conservatory. 17 Nov 1969. | |
MA90 | Knoll Brow, Longmore Lane, Westcott, Surrey. Proposed garage & utility room extension for L. J. O. Lambrick ESQ. 31 Oct 1970. | |
MA91 | Serles, Ridgeway Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed car port for K. L. Pirt ESQ. | |
MA92 | Modification to fenestation to hall at rear of the Old House, Westcott, Surrey for C. G. Elias ESQ. | |
MA93 | Honeyditches, Yew Tree Road, Dorking Surrey. Proposed extension. | |
MA94 | 23 Fairfield Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed car port. | |
MA95 | Torridon, Longfield Road, Dorking, Surrey. Extension bedroom, en-suite bathroom, porch. Reposition existing dormers. 24 Apr 1985. | |
MA96 | 45 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Brick up openings in party wall, fit W.C. to existing bathroom, fit new stairway, fit new W.C. & Wash Basin at ground floor partitions. 15 Nov 1985. | |
MA97 | Pair of detached chalet bungalows at the borough and Hillside Close, Brockham, Surrey. 11 Dec 1979. | |
MA98 | Improvements to number 2 Station Road, Dorking Surrey. 04 Nov 1982. | |
MA99 | Gaywood, Tower Hill Road, Dorking Surrey. Proposed double garage. 05 Nov 1983. | |
MA100 | Oddfellows Hall, High Street, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed housing to bar stock lift (1/2 half an hour fire barrier). 08 Aug 1985. | |
MA101 | 81 Middle Street, Brockham, Surrey. Access slopes for wheelchair. 30 Dec 1987. | |
MA102 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Detail of handrails & supports for lightening to stepped path at rear of hotel. 12 Feb 1983. | |
MA103 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed front entrance porch. 07 March 1984. | |
MA104/1 | 6 Vincent Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Extension (store room, lounge & bed 4). [post 18 Apr 1984?] | |
MA104/2 | 6 Vincent Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Extension (store room, lounge & bed 4). 21 Mar 1984. | |
MA105 | 34 Vincent Road, Dorking, Surrey. Internal modification. 03 Sep 1984. | |
MA106 | Landscaping,31 Barley Mow Close [Betchworth?] as indicated to council. 09 Jan 1984. | |
MA107 | Merilea, Buckland Lane, Betchworth, Dorking, Surrey. Extension to garage. 07 Feb 1983. | |
MA108/1 | 52 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Modification to kitchen. 16 Jul 1996. | |
MA108/2 | Correspondence from Mole Valley District Council to Norman Gray Developments. 01 Aug 2000. | |
MA108/3 | Correspondence from N. L. Gray to the Chief Planning Officer. 10 Jul 2000. | |
MA109 | Proposal for vehicle repair garage adjacent to Dorking Town Station, Dorking, Surrey. 07 Aug 1980. | |
MA110 | Proposed modification to numbers 6 & 7 Spring Gardens, Dorking to provide kitchens & bathrooms. 03 Jan 1981. | |
MA111 | 3 Humhrey Cottages, Dene Street Gardens, Dorking, Surrey. Dormer to existing attic room. 07 Aug 1981. | |
MA112 | 11 Riverside, Dorking, Surrey. Loft conversion for B. P. Bradstock Esq. 28 Sep 1981. | |
MA113 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed pergola layout. 18 Nov 1981. | |
MA114/1 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Surrey, Dorking. Layout of handrails to existing stepped path at rear of hotel. 15 Nov 1982. | |
MA114/2 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Details to handrails to stepped pathway at rear of hotel. 12 Feb 1983. | |
MA115 | Merilea, Buckland Lane, Betchworth, Dorking, Surrey. Extension to garage. 07 Feb 1983. | |
MA116 | 6 Vincent Drive, Dorking, Surrey. Extension (store room, lounge & bed 4). 21 Mar 1984. | |
MA117 | Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed barbecue. 08 Mar 1984. | |
MA118 | Projection sign to the front of the Oddfellows Hall, High Street, Dorking, Surrey. 27 Sep 1985. | |
MA119/1 | The Oddfellows Hall, High Street, Dorking, Surrey. Ground floor plan. 08 Aug 1985. | |
MA119/2 | The Oddfellows Hall, High Street, Dorking, Surrey. First floor plan. 08 Aug 1985. | |
MA120 | Central Garage, Hart Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed store for non-inflammable materials. | |
MA121/1 | 45 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Internal modifications. 01 Feb 1985. | |
MA121/2 | 45 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Internal modifications. 01 Feb 1985. | |
MA121/3 | 45 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. Location plan. 01 Feb 1985. | |
MA122 | 98/102 South Street, Dorking, Surrey. New store building. 18 May 1998. | |
MA123 | 12 North Street, Dorking, Surrey. Conversion of passage to form "bay with window" and "utility Room". 12 Jun 1980. | |
MA124 | 60 West Street, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed WC installation into existing room at rear of shop number 60. 16 Aug 1980. | |
MA125 | 6 & 7 Spring Gardens, Dorking, Surrey. Details to proposed modification to provide kitchens & bathrooms. 30 Apr 1981. | |
MA126 | 1 Harrongate Gardens, Dorking, Surrey. Installation of inside WC. 10 Oct 1980. | |
MA127 | Shaftesbury, Longfield Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed garage with WC. 06 Nov 1980. | |
MA128 | 73 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. 1st floor extension (Bedroom). 27 Apr 1980. | |
MA129 | 13 Westbank, Dorking, Surrey. Conversion of existing utility room to en-suite bathroom & washing machine room. 20 Mar 1981. | |
MA130 | Torridon, Longfield Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed extension to existing bathroom. 26 Apr 1983. | |
MA131 | 17 Chalkpit Terrace, Dorking, Surrey. Kitchen & bathroom. 29 Feb 1984. | |
MA132 | 113 Parkway, Dorking, Surrey. Ground floor WC. 24 Feb 1984. | |
MA133 | 3 Ansell Road, Dorking, Surrey. Bathroom installation. 28 Jul 1984. | |
MA134 | 73 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Residential extension. 08 Jun 1994. | |
MA135 | 52 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Modification to kitchen. 15 Jul 1996. | |
MA136 | 56 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Modification to kitchen. 07 Jul 2000. | |
MA137 | 15 Roses Cottages, West Street, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed front porch. 27 Apr 1980. | |
MA138 | The Malthouse (Public House), Mill Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Construct new toilet accommodation & delete existing. 08 Jul 1984. | |
MA139/1 | Clovelly Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Proposal: demolish existing single garage & replace with double garage with room over. 24 Mar 2001. | |
MA139/2 | Clovelly Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Drainage layout to new double garage with bedroom & en-suite facility over. 27 Jun 2001. | |
MA139/3 | Clovelly Tower Hill, Dorking, Surrey. Demolish existing single garage construct new double garage with guest bedroom & en-suite facility over. 01 May 2001. | |
MA139/4 | Clovelly Tower Hill, Dorking Surrey. Detail of new garage with bedroom & en suite facility over. 27 Jun 2001. | |
MA140/1 | The Pilgrim (Public House), Station Road, Dorking, Surrey. Layout of garage block. 04 Sep 1998. | |
MA140/2 | The Pilgrim (Public House), Station Road, Dorking, Surrey. Layout of garage block. 04 Feb 1998. | |
MA141/1 | The Pilgrim (Public House), Station Road, Dorking, Surrey. Convert loft over existing store to sitting room, bathroom & lobby. 12 Sep 1998. | |
MA141/2 | The Pilgrim (Public House), Station Road, Dorking, Surrey. Convert loft over existing store to sitting room, bathroom & lobby. 12 Sep 1998. | |
MA142/1 | The Red Lion (Public House), Old Reigate Road, Betchworth, Surrey. Convert existing squash court to 6 number bedrooms & en-suite bathrooms. 24 Sep 1998. | |
MA142/2 | The Red Lion (Public House), Old Reigate Road, Betchworth, Surrey. Convert existing squash court to 6 number bedrooms & en-suite bathrooms. 24 Sep 1998. | |
MA143/1 | Vincent Lane/Nower Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development of plot SY 435409. 24 Jul 2001. | |
MA143/2 | Vincent Lane/Nower Road, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development of plot SY 4354 09. 24 Jul 2001. | |
MA144 | 15 Brockham Lane, Brockham, Surrey. New kitchen extension. 23 Apr 1998. | |
MA145 | 71 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Extension - kitchen, study & WC. 24 Oct 1997. | |
MA146/1 | 73 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Elevations showing proposal for first floor extension (bedroom). 27 Mar 1998. | |
MA146/2 | 73 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Modification to kitchen. 14 Jan 1988. | |
MA146/3 | 73 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, Surrey. Attached garage. 03 Feb 1992. | |
MA 147/1 | 27 Bentsbrook Park, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed extension. 31 Jan 2001. | |
MA147/2 | 27 Bentsbrook Park, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed extension. 10 Jan 2001. | |
MA147/3 | 27 Bentsbrook Park, North Holmwood, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed extension. 10 Jan 2001. | |
MA148/1 | Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development of J. Delia & Sons. 16 Aug 2000. | |
MA148/2 | Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development of J. Delia & Sons. 16 Aug 2000. | |
MA148/3 | Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development of J. Delia & Sons. 16 Aug 2000. | |
MA148/4 | Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed development of J. Delia & Sons. 16 Aug 2000. | |
MA148/5 | Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. A plan chest. Scale:1:1250. | |
MA149/1 | Bridge Motors/Old Wood Yard, Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed change of use to residential. 04 Jan 2001. | |
MA149/2 | Bridge Motors/Old Wood Yard, Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed change of use to residential. 04 Jan 2001. | |
MA149/3 | Bridge Motors/Old Wood Yard, Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Proposed change of use to residential. 04 Jan 2001. | |
MA149/4 | Bridge Motors/Old Wood Yard, Pixham Lane, Dorking, Surrey. Suggested layout of 12 number flats ground floor shown, 1st floor similar (see drawing number JD/2003). 05 Feb 2001. | |
MA150 | 88 South Street (Ground Floor), Dorking, Surrey. Proposed plans (building reg.) for garden & first floor. Oct 1997. | |
MA151 | Byways, Adlers Lane, Westhumble, Surrey. Demolish existing single garage & rear store & construct new double garage & rear store. 25 Apr 1997. | |
MTP/AB/1/1-5 | Tithe plan: ABINGER 1839; tracing on 5 sheets | |
MTP/ALF/1/1-8 | Tithe plan: ALFOLD 1840: photocopy on 8 sheets | |
MTP/CAP/1 | Tithe Plan: CAPEL 1839; photocopy on 10 sheets | |
MTP/CAP/2 | Altered apportionments; 16 Jul 1872; photocopy, 2pp | |
MTP/CAP/3 | Altered apportionments; 30 Oct 1872; photocopy, 2pp | |
MTP/CAP/4 | Altered apportionments; 26 Mar 1923; photocopy, 2pp | |
MTP/CAP/5 | Altered apportionments; 30 Apr 1924; photocopy, 1p | |
MTP/CAP/6 | Tithe plan: CAPEL tracing mounted on canvas; nd; rolled | |
MTP/CRA/1 | Tithe plan: CRANLEIGH 1842: photocopy on 6 sheets | |
MTP/CRA/2 | Altered apportionments; 26 Mar 1871, 2pp | |
MTP/CRA/3 | Altered apportionments; 22 Jan 1910, 1p | |
MTP/CRA/4 | Altered apportionments; 21 Aug 1930, 1p | |
MTP/CRA/5 | Altered apportionments; 29 Sept 1931, 1p | |
MTP/CRA/6 | Altered apportionments; 12 Jan 1932. 1p | |
MTP/CRA/7 | Altered apportionments; 10 Feb 1932, 1p | |
MTP/DOR/1 | Tithe plan: DORKING 1841: Northern section only; tracing mounted on canvas; rolled. | |
MTP/DOR/2 | Tithe plan: DORKING: town centre only; tracing | |
MPT/DOR/3 | Tithe plan: DORKING town centre. Coloured reproduction dated 2002 plus older copy | |
MTP/EWH/1-2 | Tithe plan: EWHURST 1840: tracing 13pp, and reduced photocopy not dated | |
MTP/GB/1 | Tithe plan: GREAT BOOKHAM; nd; Western portion only; printed on linen | |
MTP/MIC/1 | Tithe plan: MICKLEHAM nd [1840]: tracing mounted on canvas; rolled. | |
MTP/MIC/2/1-3 | Tithe plan: MICKLEHAM 1840: Western half; photocopy with names of Westhumble farms inserted; 2 sheets | |
MTP/NEW/1 | Tithe plan: NEWDIGATE 1843: photocopy of tracing, 1p | |
MTP/OCK/1-2 | Tithe plan: OCKLEY 1841 photocopies | |
MTP/OCK/3a,b | Altered apportionments, 09 Aug 1871, photocopy, 2 copies | |
MTP/OCK/4a,b | Altered apportionments, 29 Mar 1924, photocopy, 2 copies | |
MTP/SHE/1 | Tithe plan: SHERE 1908 altered apportionment, tracing | |
MTP/WES/1 | WESTCOTT 1841: (western portion of Dorking Tithe Plan); photocopy | |
MTP/WOT/1-5 | Tithe plan: WOTTON 1839: photocopy on 5 sheets | |
R1/1-2 | Two licences issued by the Board of Excise authorising James White of Dorking, to trade as an auctioneer, 17 Mar 1823 and 28 Jul 1854. James White (c.1795-1872) traded as an auctioneer and estate agent in Dorking High Street from 1817. Sources: census returns of Dorking 1841-1871, National Probate Indexes (Ancestry.co.uk website - accessed May 2013), Surrey History Centre Catalogue. For related records see R 24/1-8 and the records of White and Sons, auctioneers, at Surrey History Centre, K99. | |
R2 | Framed manuscript letter addressed to ñDear Courtenayî and written by William Ewart Gladstone, the statesman and future prime minister, in which he asks Courtenay to locate some papers on church matters and send a copy to the Rev. J H Newman of Littlemore, Oxford, 18 Sep 1844. | |
R2 ctd | The Rev J H Newman was John Henry Newman, later to become a Cardinal in the Catholic church. He had been appointed Anglican vicar of St MaryÍs, Oxford in 1828, the benefice of Littlemore being attached to the parish. The letter was written in the year before Newman converted to Catholicism. A typed note on the frame, [c.1970] records that Courtenay was Gladstone's private secretary and that the letter was found in a book given to Dorking library at an unknown date. | |
R3 | Small hard bound notebook with metal clasps recording the results of shooting contests between the Wotton or 14th Surrey Rifle Volunteers and the Reigate or 5th Surrey Rifle Volunteers, Aug. 1860 _ Oct 1861. The meetings were held at Reigate, Dorking and Holmwood. | |
R4/1 | Copy of the deed of co-partnership of the Dorking Gas Company between Charles Barclay of Bury Hill, Surrey, Esq, Thomas Hart of Dorking, Gentleman, Philip Cooke of Dorking, Gentleman and Thomas Stent of Dorking, Gentleman. 17 Jun 1834. 13pp. Lists shareholders of the company with their place of residence. | |
R4/2 | Letter giving notice of a special general meeting of the Dorking Gas Company, 28 Jun 1869. | |
R4/3 | Bound minute book of Dorking Gas Company, 1855-1869. | |
R4/4 | Bound volume embossed with the name Dorking Gas Company on the front cover containing several published acts of parliament relating to the gas industry and covering the period 1847-1871. It includes Chapter cxliii ïAn Act for incorporating the Dorking Gas Company & for enabling them to supply gas within the parish of Dorking in the county of Surrey, 13 Jul 1871. | |
R4/5 | Bill issued by the Dorking Gas Company for work in connection with ïHolmwood wayleaves.Í 27 Jul 1906. 4 separate notes of rough jottings show measurements in feet and associated named houses or properties, 1905-1906. | |
R4/6-7 | Two share certificates for Dorking Gas Company, one in the names of Frederick William Doubleday, Frederick Arnold and Walter Thorn Turner of Dorking for 3 class B shares of £25 and the other in the names of Frederick William Doubleday of Dorking, dentist, and Frederick Arnold of Dorking, auctioneer, for sixteen class D shares of £25, 1915. | |
R5 | Certificate of formal registration of the Dorking Gas Light Company as a joint stock company. 28 Jan 1845. | |
R6 | Double sided page reprinted from the The Surrey Mirror and County Post of 15 Jun 1928 entitled ïThe Redhill Gas Company _ Amalgamation with the Dorking Undertaking.Í A report of an Extraordinary General Meeting held at Redhill in order to change the name of the company to the East Surrey Gas Company and to authorise amalgamation with the Dorking Gas Company. | |
R7 | This number now part of the Knight Collection at DM1/5/9. | |
R8 | Small, hard bound account book marked on the front cover with ïT Philps _ Book of Sundreys.Í1791-1835. There are detailed entries for each month, the majority referring to items such as wool, lambskins and leather, for example on Dec 13 1799: ïSold Mr Fisher 62 Buckskins at 10 pt - this comes to cash £31.0.0.Í Other entries record amounts spent on groceries and also on items relating to a tailorÍs business. Details of wages paid are recorded at the back of the book where there are several loose items. T. Philps was Thomas Philps,(1758-1836) fellmonger of Dorking (see mention of him in a lease - Surrey History Centre catalogue, ref K52/1/10). The 1851 census for Dorking records his son John Philps, trading as a tailor and woolstapler in Dorking High Street. See also other records of the Philps family at SC.R/25. | |
R9/1-11 | File containing papers collected by Leslie Capper of Westcott, a member of the Dorking section of the Air Raid Precautions organisation and from 1951, the Civil Defence Corps. 11 items, 1939-1967. Level: Collection. Includes a leaflet issued for a farewell event for the Dorking Air Raid Precautions wardens at Pippbrook on 16 Jun 1945 and signed by those attending; a certificate of enrolment for the Civil Defence Corps, 1951; and a Civil Defence Long Service medal ribbon (adhesive label used on the whole of the reverse side), [1960s?]. Items of memorabilia including his uniform, cap, badge and whistle have been transferred to the Museum exhibits. | |
R10 | Exercise book containing the minutes of Abinger & Wotton Flower Show, 1954-1959. The minutes include those of annual general meetings and committee meetings , signed by the chairman. A list of committee members is at the back of the book. | |
R11/1-7 | File containing a manuscript entitled "Marches in the 15th Kings Hussars." giving an account of the personal experiences of Edward Latter of Dorking, a Sergeant in the Regiment from the time of his enlistment in 1811 during the Napoleonic wars, until 1833. Original ms, 4pp & typescript copy, 3pp. The format resembles a diary although it is written retrospectively. Born in Epsom c.1793 and a labourer by trade, Latter saw service in Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland. The file also includes correspondence between Dorking Museum and the Public Record Office and Ministry of Defence in an attempt to throw any further light on the account, 1967, 6 items. This was unsuccessful. However, his service record shows that he saw service in Portugal, Spain and France in 1813-1814 where he took part in the battles of Vittoria, Toulouse and Orthes. He also fought at Waterloo in 1815 and "distinguished himself as a brave soldier in action." (Source: Discharge papers at National Archives WO 97/80/33) Dorking parish registers record his burial in Dec 1842 aged 50. | |
R11/8 | Receipted bill for the funeral of Eliza Latter, paid by Mr Latter to Thomas Davey of High Street, Dorking, undertaker; 15 Apr 1864. Eliza is thought to have been the wife of William Latter, a linen draper in Dorking High Street and was probably the sister in law of the soldier Edward Latter. (Source: 1861 census returns for Dorking) (see R11/1) | |
R12 | Bill issued by Sherlock & Son, carriage builders of West Street, Dorking and Brockham to Messrs Attlee, corn merchants and millers, for repairs to a van and cart and warehousing of a phaeton, 01 Oct 1897. Incorporates an elaborate Billhead. | |
R13 | Small notebook containing the accounts of an unidentified tailor's business, 1828, 23pp.. The business would appear to have been local as there are many recognisable local names. The provenance is unknown and there is nothing to indicate who originally kept the accounts. | |
R14 | Records relating to the Fuller family of Dorking. These include eight paid cheques issued by the executors of John Fuller and drawn on the Hampshire and North Wiltshire Banking Company's Dorking branch, 11-28 Sep 1878 and four Dorking Water Company receipts for £2 call per share made out to members of the Fuller family, 11 Mar 1875. 12 items. The records were deposited by Miss M H Fuller of Dorking in 1976. | |
R15 | Certificate mounted on card issued by the Diocese of Winchester and awarded to May Cooper for passing an examination in religious knowledge at Dorkng Parish School, 1905-1906. | |
R16 | Records of Dorking Swimming Bath Club, 1907-1939, 20 items. | |
R16 ctd | The Club was re- formed in 1903 having previously been founded in 1893 when a covered swimming bath was opened in Station Road. (Dorking Advertiser 10 Oct 1903 and Dorking - a Surrey Market Town by Dorking Local History Group, 1991). Their objective was to encourage swimming and to teach life saving. A second club, the Dorking Swimming Club, had already been in existence for over half a century by 1903. (Dorking Advertiser 25 Jun 1904) For related records of the Swimming Bath Club see SCR/9 and for Dorking Swimming Club SCR/10. | |
R16/1 | Certificate awarded to Leslie Fuller for a first class qualification in swimming, Nov 1907. Regulations for the test are endorsed on the reverse. | |
R16/2 | Vellum covered account book issued by the Dorking branch of the Capital and Counties Bank in the name of Dorking Swimming Bath Club, 1911-1939. Overstamped by Lloyds Bank. The front pocket contains 6 Lloyds Bank cheques made out by Dorking Swimming Bath Club in 1939. | |
R16/3 | Small notebook used as a members' subscription book, 1920-1938. | |
R16/4 | Small notebook recording postage and petty cash expenditures, 1933-1939. | |
R16/5 | Pages from an index book containing records of the number of lengths swum by members with their times; also includes some addresses and notes of subscription payments. Most entries relate to 1938 or are undated. 30pp. For data protection reasons this record remains CLOSED until 2033. | |
R16/6 | Club receipt book, 1939. | |
R16/7 | Blank club headed letter paper, [c.1939?], 1p. | |
R16/8-13 | Correspondence between club officials and bodies such as Dorking Urban District Council mostly regarding closure periods for the baths but includes a letter from the Town Clerk of Guildford to the Town Clerk of Dorking Urban District Council inviting Dorking to take part in the Inter-town swimming competition and giving a provisional list of events, 1939. 6 items. | |
R16/14 | Receipts for printing on behalf of Dorking Swimming Bath Club with two business cards of the printers A A Tanner & Sons of 80 South Street, Dorking, 1939. 4 items | |
R16/15-16 | Now incorporated into R16/14 | |
R16/17 | Fixture list for Surrey County Water Polo League, 1939. 1p | |
R16/18 | Fixture list for Dorking Swimming Bath Club, [c.1939?], 1p. | |
R16/19 | Blank printed form to record the results of water polo competions held by Surrey County Water Polo & Swimming Association, [c.1939?], 1p. | |
R16/20 | Small year books incorporating names of officers, committee members, associated clubs, names of members, rules for Surrey County Water Polo and Swimming Association, 1937-1939. 3 items. | |
R17 | Records relating to the Chart Lane Institute. Deposited by Mr Harry Laker Moore of Dorking, in 1950. 1 file. | |
R17 ctd | The Chart Lane Institute, later known as the Dene Street Institute, was founded in 1872 by William John Evelyn of Wotton House, Thomas Farrer of Abinger Hall and others on land donated by Anne Adele Hope, the widow of Henry Thomas Hope of Deepdene. The purpose of the Institute was ñthe promotion of Science, Literature the Fine Arts, for adult instruction, and the diffusion of useful knowledge, ...î Over time the building has been used for a Mechanics Institute, Young ManÍs Friendly Society and Dorking High School for Boys (1892-1931). Between 1931 and 1935 the premises were leased to Surrey County Council for technical education purposes with the powers of the Chart Lane Institute Trust being transferred to Surrey County Council in 1935. In 1964 the building became a full time Adult Education Centre but closed c. 2010. Dorking High School for Boys was founded in 1883 and was first sited in the Public Hall. It transferred to the Chart Lane Institute in 1894 and became Dorking County Grammar School with the Girls High School in 1931. | |
R17/1 | Copy of conveyance between Anne Adele Hope of Deepdene, widow, William John Evelyn Esq of Wotton House, Thomas Hughes of Lincolns Inn, Esq MP, Thomas Henry Farrer of Abinger Hall, Esq, Charles Maw, Arthur Powell, Charles Hart and William Woodland, Esqs all of Dorking, relating to freehold land in Chart Lane, Dorking to be used as a site for an institution for the promotion of science, literature and the fine arts and for a Library and reading rooms to be under the management and control of the said parties and the churchwardens of the parish of Dorking, 22 Jul 1871, 4pp. | |
R17/2 | Newspaper cutting from Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser, 15 Jun 1956, giving a report of a history of technical education in Dorking and of the Dorking Technical Institute also known as the Chart Lane Institute. | |
R17/3 | Correspondence between Down, Scott & Down, solicitors of Dorking, W.J. Evelyn of Wotton House and Howard Chaldecott of Dorking, a solicitor and member of the Local Board, regarding the appointment of new trustees to the Chart Lane Institute and of proposed use of the Institute building as the High School, Dec 1891. 10 items | |
R18 | Lease for a year of land in Ockley & Capel between Richard Sparks Esq of Stoke next Guildford and George Heath Esq of Kitland in the parish of Capel 29 Jul 1833.The land included is named as Pittfield, the Two Acres, the Stomacher Field, Long Steven, and Pheasant Coppice forming part of Stonehurst or Stoneyhurst Farm. | |
R19 | Draft Conveyance of a cottage near the waterworks, Dorking, on the west side of a footpath from Church Street to the Lordship Lands between A H Dendy Esq & others to Geo Eives of Dorking, on forclosure of mortgage of Richard Wix Philps, 16 Mar 1849, 8pp. | |
R20 | Bill of complaint from Chancery proceedings between the plaintiffs James Stace of Pulborough, Sussex, bootmaker, George Stace of Brighton, Sussex, bootmaker, Mary Ann Nye of Horsham,widow, William Manvell of Westcott, labourer, Charles Manvell of Horsham, labourer, and John Norman of Dorking, gentlemen v. Joseph Ede,the defendant, 25 Nov 1861, 4pp. Involves the disposal of one fifth of the residuary estate in Sussex, Surrey and Dorking of John Worsfold, late of Westcott, (d.1861). Includes a separate pedigree of heirs in the case. 2 items. | |
R21 | Used cheque book of the Dorking branch of London & Counties Banking Co Ltd; 1885. Only the cheque stubs remain with no indication of who it was issued to. | |
R22/1-126 | RATE BOOKS: Dorking Poor Rate 1891; Dorking Urban District Council 1901-31; Dorking Rural 1913; Dorking & Horley Rural District Council: Abinger, Effingham, Ockley & Wotton 1930-36; Capel, Holmwood & Newdigate 1934-56; Mickleham 1932-33; Reigate Rural District Council: Betchworth 1918-26; Betchworth, Buckland, Headley | |
R23 | Cloth and leather bound visitors' Book for Leith Hill Tower; 1910-1920 | |
R24/1-19 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1. Nos R24/9-13 had previously been re-numbered as R207/1-5 and are also part of the Knight collection at DM1. | |
R25 | Visitors' book of the Wheatsheaf Inn, 39 High Street, Dorking, 29 Jan 1905-11 Jul 1914 with a few entries to 1925. Contains lively drawings and comments from walkers and cyclists visiting the area from London and the suburbs. The Inn would appear to have been a centre for cycling clubs visiting Dorking. Cloth covered boards with calf back and corners, marbled end papers. | |
R26 | Records of Dorking Villa Building Company, 1849-1946, 9 items. The company was founded in 1846 to build and then let or sell villas and private houses in the Dorking area and was responsible for the Rose Hill development. It was put into voluntary liquidation in 1946 and the properties it owned auctioned. The founding directors were Isaac Brown, schoolmaster; James White, auctioneer; Robert Marsh, draper; William Miller, auctioneer and William Thomas Butler, grocer. The first secretary was John Dendy Sadler of East Street, Dorking. The records were deposited in the 1970s but the provenance is unknown. For other records of the company see: SC.R/12 | |
R26/1 | Bound volume containing articles of association, 1846. | |
R26/2 | Schedules to the deed of settlement comprising two sheets containing a register of names, occupations and addresses of subscribers and shares held, [c.1846?]. | |
R26/3 | Certificate of registration confirming alteration of objects for Dorking Villa Building Company under the Companies Act of 1929, 16 Mar 1939. | |
R26/4 | Shareholders' minute books, 1846-1946. 2 vols. | |
R26/4/1 | Vellum bound shareholders minute book, 1846-1934. Directors' reports are also included showing receipts from properties let at Rose Hill Villas, Dorking with names of tenants. | |
R26/4/2 | Vellum bound shareholders minute book, 1934-1946. The book includes pasted in letters and sample documentation issued to shareholders regarding the liquidation in 1946, as well as sale particulars for the auction of properties at Rose Hill, Dorking on 25 Feb 1946 and winding up accounts. | |
R26/5 | Directors' minute books, 1883-1946. 2 volumes. | |
R26/5/1 | Vellum bound directors' minute book No.2, 1883-1925. Directors' reports are also included showing receipts from properties let at Rose Hill Villas, Dorking with names of tenants. | |
R26/5/2 | Vellum bound directors' minute book No.3, 1925-1946. Directors' reports are also included showing receipts from properties let at Rose Hill Villas, Dorking with names of tenants. | |
R26/6 | Company seal of Dorking Villa Building Company. | |
R27 | Mickleham Parish Committee report on footpaths and rights of way to be presented to Mickleham Parish Council, Jan 1902, 10pp. | |
R28 | Dorking and District Football League minute books 1909-1974 with an additional report of a match in 1919. 8 items. | |
R28/1 | Minute book Jun 1909-Dec 1912. | |
R28/2 | Minute book Feb 1913-Mar 1920 with a fixtures list for 1914-1915 attached. | |
R28/3 | Minute book Mar 1920-Aug 1921. A list of league winners from 1909-1922 is given on the back end papers. | |
R28/4 | Minute book Jun 1934-Jun 1951. There is a gap in the records between Apr 1939 and May 1948 when an inaugural meeting of the re-started league took place on 11 May 1948. | |
R28/5 | Minute book Sep 1951-Jun 1954. | |
R28/6 | Minute book Sep 1954-Feb 1961. | |
R28/7 | Minute book Mar 1971-Jan 1974. | |
R28/8 | Typescript report of a game between Little Bookham & Effingham and Leatherhead Athletic football clubs on 06 Dec 1919, 3pp. | |
R29 | Cloth bound minute book for Dorking Choral Society, 25 Aug 1919-18 Sep 1928. A sheet glued into the front end paper lists patrons, president and vice-presidents for 1920-1921. | |
R30 | Records kept and collected by Beatrice Kynaston of Westcott Road, Dorking, 1939-1945, 4 items. These include a cloth bound personal notebook which gives an account of arrangements for the reception of evacuees in 1939 and also records air raid warnings in Dorking, 1939-1945; a news cutting with a report on flying bombs in the Dorking area (newspaper unidentified c.1944); and loose printed diary pages showing social engagements for Oct 1940. | |
R31 | Collectors' duplicate assessments for income tax and inhabited house duty for the parishes of Wotton and Ockley in the division of Wotton, 1903-1911. 2 items. | |
R31/1 | Collectors' duplicate assessments for income tax schedules A & B and inhabited house duties for the parish of Ockley, 1903-1911. Shows owners and occupiers of property and land with the value of assets and duty payable and covers Wotton, Leith Hill, Friday Street and the Tillingbourne division in the parishes of Ockley and Wotton. | |
R31/2 | Collectors' duplicate assessments for income tax schedules A & B and inhabited house duties for the parish of Wotton, 1903-1911. Shows owners and occupiers of property and land with the value of assets and duty payable and covers Ockley Green and Ockley Street. | |
R32 | A set of letters, some with envelopes and postcards mainly from a childrens' nurse C. Mountford at Purbrooke House, Pixham Lane, Dorking to "my dear Mistress" Mrs Caroline Mitchell of Kingston upon Thames, Oct-Nov 1881, 18 items. The children with their nurse had gone to stay with Mrs H. Knight at Purbrooke House while their mother had another baby and the letters report on their well being while away from home. One envelope is labelled as, and still contains pressed violets. C. Mountford has been identified from the 1881 census for Dorking as Charlotte Mountford who was then a 36 year old widow described as being "rather deaf." Caroline Mitchell was the wife of the barrister Charles Mitchell. By 1891 Charlotte Mountford was working for the Mitchells as a cook in Kensington. | |
R33 | Invoices to Mr. W. & Mr J. Attlee from W. Sellman, Wine and Spirit Merchant of the Wheatsheaf Inn, High Street, Dorking for letting of horses and carriages, 1881-1882, 3 items. J & W Attlee were millers and corn merchants of Parsonage and Pixham Mills, Dorking. | |
R34 | Exercise book containing personal notes taken during committee meetings of a town planning committee for Dorking and district from 1924-1929. The book contains various loose leaf papers and a news cutting from the "District Times and County Post" of 14 Nov 1925 glued into the front cover with an article covering Dorking town planning; a loose news cutting from the Dorking Advertiser of 1926 with an article entitled "Town Planning Postponed. | |
R35 | A set of small printed calendars for Dorking Rural District Council & Board of Guardians with information on the parish area, population and rateable value for Abinger, Capel, Dorking Rural District, Effingham, Mickleham, Newdigate, Ockley, Wotton and Dorking. Also includes names and addresses of council members, of the boards of guardians and various committees and calendars of meetings. The years covered include the financial years from 1896-7 to 1922-23 but there is a gap for the years 1902-3 and 1904-5. 1901-2 has an additional revised calendar. 26 items. | |
R36/1 | File containing records of the proposed purchase of the Dorking Water CompanyÍs undertaking by Dorking Urban District Council and Dorking Rural District Council, 1899-1900, 15 items. | |
R36/2 | Tender document for South Holmwood Drainage prepared by W.M Rapley, Junior, Surveyor, Dorking Rural District Council, including specification, bills of quantities, and schedules of prices, published in the form of a booklet , dated October 1900, with schedules completed by A.J. Tatley, London on 10 December 1900. | |
R36/3 | Documents relating to the making up of Warwick, Norfolk and Buckingham Roads in Holmwood, 1904, 33 items. These include specification of work issued by W.M. Rapley, Junior, for Dorking Rural District Council of Jan 1904, provisional apportionment of expenses, including a description of the properties concerned, their owner, and amount to be charged to them, templated letter to be sent to property owners dated 18 May 1904, and correspondence from property owners enclosing cheques (cheques not included). The correspondence includes some from local businesses including E. Holden & Son, Ironmongers, smiths and hot-water engineers of Ockley, Fred King, registered shoeing smith of Holmwood Corner, Dorking, and W. and Barke, family butcher of Holmwood (memorandum with bull letterhead). | |
R36/4 | Dorking Rural Parish Council TreasurerÍs Bond in the name of Alan Henry Baker, manager of the Dorking branch of the Capital and Counties Bank Ltd, 23 Apr 1906 | |
R36/5 | Letter to G. Alloway Esq. clerk to Dorking Rural District Council, from William Gaine, solicitor to the National Telephone Company, Limited, London, regarding rateable value of telephone lines in the parish, 20 Apr 1907. 3pp. and envelope. | |
R36/6 | Documents relating to validity of Parish of Reigate vestry meetings and election of members of Burial Board, 1875-1900, 4 items. | |
R37 | Government issued ration books and identity cards of the Philpot family of Dorking, 1947-1954, 7 items. Includes food and clothing ration books and identity cards. | |
R38 | Records of national identity and government rationing relating to residents of Westcott, 1941-[c.1979?], 27 items. These include identity cards, food ration and coupon books, motor fuel ration books and petrol coupons issued to Clara Gravett, Kate Stedman and Mildred Wakeford of Watson Drive, Westcott, 1941-1942, and an identity card for Alan S Brewer of Westcott and Dorking, 1943. The records also include typescript notes compiled by E O Mercer showing the recommended amount of rations per person per week for various food commodities and the number of points awarded to each person per month, [c.1979?] | |
R39 | Small printed calendars for Dorking & Horley Rural District Council meetings 1935-1936 and 1960-1961; and a small booklet of Supplemental Standing Orders, 1934, 3 items. | |
R40 | Photographic copy of a lease for 3000 years of a messuage named Tyllies (Tillies) and land at Figges in Forest Green, between William Morgayne of Chilworth and Richard Browne of Cranleigh, lords of the Manor of Padingdeane (Paddington) in Abinger; and Anthony Tydye, of Ockley, husbandman, 18 Mar 1580. The original document was deposited by the Museum in the Surrey History Centre at Woking in 2013. | |
R41 | Surrey County Council Standing Orders; 15 Mar 1904. | |
R42 | Records of the Attlee family of Dorking, 1765-1842, 3 items. | |
R42/1 | Articles of agreement between James Stillwell of Dorking, joiner and carpenter, and John Attlee of Dorking, joiner and carpenter, dissolving their previous partnership agreement, 14 Sep 1765. | |
R42/2 | Copy of the will and Testament of Ann Lea, widow of Dorking, written 18 Oct 1799, and proved 27 Apr 1808. 2pp. (National Archives PROB 11/1477). She names her niece Ann, the wife of John Attlee of Dorking. The family is discussed in an article written by Edward J Davies on "The Ancestry of Clement Attlee," published in Vol 31, no 10 of the Genealogists' Magazine in Jun 2015. | |
R42/3 | Letter from James Thurley of Goderich, Lake Huron, District of Huron, Canada, and formerly of Dorking, to Richard Attlee of Dorking, 19 Jul 1842. The letter gives an account of James ThurleyÍs time in Canada as a farmer. Richard Attlee is most likely to have been the Richard Attlee who was baptised at Dorking in 1795 and later became a miller and mealman having inherited the business of his father John Attlee. | |
R43 | Records relating to Holmwood Common, 1883-1955, 2 files. The records were donated by Mr B Carr of Down, Scott & Down, solicitors of Dorking in 1972. | |
R43/1 | File containing minutes of the Holmwood Common Committee with two circular letters relating to the regulation of the Common, 1880-1891, 3 items. | |
R43/1/1 | Bound minute book of the General and Sub-committees of the Holmwood Common Committee, 1883-1891, 1 vol. The committee acted under the authority of the Court Baron of Dorking cum Capel to protect the wastelands and common of Holmwood. | |
R43/1/2 | Printed circular letter from Hart, Hart & Marten, solicitors of Dorking, to promote a scheme for the regulation and improvement of Holmwood Common, 21 Sep 1880. Originally contained loose in the minute book at 43/1/1/ | |
R43/1/3 | Circular appeal letter issued by the Holmwood Common Committee appealing for increased subscriptions to help preserve and improve Holmwood Common, 03 Feb 1891. Originally contained loose in the minute book at 43/1/1. | |
R43/2 | File containing minute book of the Manor of Dorking Protection Committee later known as the Holmwood Common Committee or Holmwood Common Protection Committee, 1932-1955, together with loose draft minutes, 1944-1948 and separate minutes of the final meeting in 1955, 6 items. | |
R43/2/1 | Hard bound minute book containing the minutes of the Manor of Dorking Protection Committee, 28 Oct 1932 - 19 Feb 1937, and then called either Holmwood Common Committee or Holmwood Common Protection Committee from 30 Apr 1937 _ 12 Jan 1955. At this date the committee was disbanded following the sale of manorial rights over Holmwood Common held by the Duke of Norfolk, to Surrey County Council, Dorking Urban District Council and the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, and its proposed transfer to the National Trust. | |
R43/2/2 | Draft minutes of Annual General Meeting 09 Jul 1944 held at The Holly & Laurel Hotel, Holmwood by F P Down (secretary), 2 pp. | |
R43/2/3 | Draft minutes of the meeting of 06 Nov 1946 held at Folly Farm, Holmwood, 1p. Originally kept loose in the minute book. | |
R43/2/4 | Draft minutes of the meeting of 19 Aug 1947 held at Folly Farm, Holmwood, 3pp. Originally kept loose in the minute book. | |
R43/2/5 | Draft minutes of the meeting of 28 Jul 1948 held at Folly Farm, Holmwood, 1p. Originally kept loose in the minute book. | |
R43/2/6 | Typescript minutes of the final meeting of 12 Jan 1955 held at Brook Lodge Farm, Blackbrook, Dorking, 2pp. Originally kept loose in the minute book. | |
R44 | Two booklets of General Rules for the Dorking Club for 1905 and 1906, 2 items. The Club was a limited company. Its purpose is unknown but it was formed in 1876, the first secretary being W H Lanham. It was wound up in 1905.The secretary in its later years was Howard J. Chaldecott, a Dorking solicitor. (Source: Sussex Advertiser 20 Feb 1877 and the London Gazette 17 Jan 1905). | |
R45 | Records including sales particulars and plans, relating to the sale, following a suit in Chancery of Young v. Young, of the real estate of the late Heathfield Young, Esq in Dorking, Holmwood, Coldharbour, Cranleigh, Mickleham, Leatherhead, Reigate, Ewhurst, Epsom, the manors of Markwick, otherwise Markweeke and Monks otherwise Monkton Hook in Dunsfold and Alfold, an a rent charge chargeable on the Vicarage of Horsham, 1874-1879, 32 items. | |
R45 ctd | Heathfield Young (b.1810) was a solicitor and landowner of West Street, Dorking. | |
R46 | Records donated in 1971 by Miss Evelyn Ault, 1931-1936, 1 file. They comprise correspondence between Miss Ault, the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams and his brother Hervey, and other records in connection with the re-opening of the church organ at Coldharbour. Miss Ault was organist at Christ Church, Coldharbour and teacher of the church choir. | |
R47 | Records relating to footpaths and the implementation of the Rights of Way Act 1932 on the Wotton Estate at Abinger and Abinger Hammer, 1931-1939, 2 files. The process involved drawing up maps of footpaths and collecting evidence where claims and objections were made. The records were donated by Rev S A Smith of Shere in 1980. | |
R47/1 | File containing minutes of the Footpaths Committee, (a sub-committee of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council), Oct-Nov 1937 and Abinger Parish Council bye-laws, 1922, 3 items. The minutes contain testimony from local landowners and tenants providing details of rural life in the area over the lifetime of the witnesses. | |
R47/1/1 | Minutes of the Footpaths Committee held at Abinger Hatch Hotel, 01 Oct 1937, 14pp. | |
R47/1/2 | Minutes of the Footpaths Committee held at the Memorial Hut, Oakwood Hill, 26 Nov 1937, 14pp | |
R47/1/3 | Published booklet containing bye-laws of Abinger Parish Council for Forest Green, Abinger Hatch Green, and Abinger Hammer Green, 10 Jun 1922. | |
R47/2 | Correspondence between Surrey County Council, Dorking and Horley District Council, Abinger Parish Council and others regarding implementation of the Rights of Way Act 1932, 1931-1939, 8 items. | |
R48 | Blank wartime ration card issued by J.F. Humphrey & Son, butcher of Brockham Green, [c.1940s-1950s?]. | |
R49 | Records of Dorking Select Vestry and Overseers of the Poor of Dorking, 1821-1878. They comprise: miscellaneous items, 1821-1878; correspondence with the Reading, Guildford and Reigate Railway relating to the rateable value of the land on its route,1850-1853; correspondence relating to a deputation of Dorking ratepayers to the Poor Law Board in London,1867;certificates for overseers' expenses, [c.1870s?]; and printed circulars and lists of publications relating to the Poor Law Acts of 1850 together with printed copies of parliamentary acts regarding parliamentary franchise and parochial offices, 1852-1861, 9 items. | |
R49/1 | File of miscellaneous items relating to the poor rate, 1821-1878, 7 items. | |
R49/1/1 | Small hand sewn printed booklet of Accounts of the House Committee of the Overseers for the Support of the Poor of Dorking between 01 Apr 1821 and 30 Mar 1822, including itemised expenditure and names of benefactors. | |
R49/1/2 | Case submitted by Down, solicitor of Dorking and counsel opinion signed by James A Foot of the Temple, London, on whether Poor Rate for the Parish of Dorking was enforceable as the allowance was not signed by two Justices of the Peace together, 06 Jan 1865, 2pp. | |
R49/1/3 | Statement from the church wardens and overseers of the Parish of Dorking, requesting the Board of Guardians of the Dorking Union to revise parish valuation lists before the Union Chargeability Act came into force, 08 Feb 1866, 2pp. | |
R49/1/4 | Draft statement submitted to the Assessment Committee of the Dorking Union by the church wardens and overseers of the Parish of Dorking, 22 Feb 1866, 2pp. It highlights examples of the unfairness of rateable values for properties in a number of parishes, including Abinger, Capel, Wotton, Ockley and Dorking | |
R49/1/5 | Order for funds from the Inspectors of the Lighting and Watching District of the Parish of Dorking, John Stringer, Robert John Clark, and Henry Fielder to the Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Dorking for 1877 and 1878, 22 Mar 1877. | |
R49/1/6 | OverseersÍ Warrant of Appointment for Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Dorking, appointing William Shearburn, architect and builder of Dorking, John Laker Mayford, Allan Baxter, and Charles William Kilner, Coal and Coke Merchant of Dorking, 06 Apr 1878, 12pps. | |
R49/1/7 | Typescript page giving a copy of a statement by W. Miller, auctioneer, appraiser, undertaker and general agent of Dorking, thanking his friends for their support in signing a testimonial for the integrity of his character. The original document was dated 16 Nov 1853. Miller became bankrupt in 1853 and the testimonial was probably connected with his bankruptcy hearing. (Source: Morning Post, 09 Nov 1853) | |
R49/2 | File of correspondence between the Reading, Guildford and Reigate Railway and the Overseers of the Parish of Dorking on establishing the rateable value of the line, 1850-1853, 3 items. | |
R49/3 | File of correspondence relating to the arrangement of a deputation of ratepayers of Dorking to the Earl of Devon, Secretary to the Poor Law Board in Whitehall on 22 Jul 1867, 6 items. The deputation included George Cubitt Esq., MP, later Baron Ashcombe of Dorking, Mr. John Ivatt Briscoe, MP for Surrey West and the elected guardians of the Parish of Dorking. | |
R49/4 | Certificates for the overseersÍ expenses of the Parish of Dorking, signed by Philip Hemery Le Breton, barrister of London, [c.1870s?] 2 items. | |
R49/5 | File containing printed circulars detailing public documents and information produced by the Poor Law Board for the use of boards of guardians,1848-1850; a printed list of publications relating to the Poor Law Acts of 1850, [c.1850s?]; and printed copies of parliamentary acts regarding burgesses and freemenÍs parliamentary franchise, and parochial offices, 1852-1861; 9 items. | |
R50 | File containing national identity cards and government issued ration books for Mary A Priest of Betchworth and Kathleen A Lanning of Dorking, 1915-1954, and an insurance book for Bert Lee of Burgess Hill, Sussex, 1912, 7 items. These include identity cards for Mary Priest in 1915 and 1943 and a ration book for the retailer W H Phipps of Betchworth Stores, 1953-1954. | |
R51 | Printed documents of FriendsÍ Provident Institution for the use of agents, and regarding appointment and retirement of board members, 1850-1872. 6 items | |
R52 | Records kept by Donald Hanks McMorran in his capaity as Secretary of Dorking and Leith Hill & District Preservation Society,1935-1956, 4 files. The records comprise those relating to housing associations in Dorking, 1935-1951; the Dorking Guild, 1946-1954; the Dorking Arts and Crafts Club, 1947-1949 and the Dorking Players, 1956. Provenance: deposited by the Dorking & Leith Hill & District Preservation Society in 1980. Related material: for other records relating to Donald McMorran see: E180, H126 and SC.C/11 | |
R52 ctd | Donald Hanks McMorran (1904-1965) was an architect elected to the Royal Academy in 1962. He had moved to Dorking by 1940 and was Hon. Secretary of the Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society between 1941 and 1957(Source: accessions register and Surrey Advertiser 03 Jul 1943) | |
R52/1 | Records relating to Dorking housing associations, 1935-1951, 1 file. | |
R52/1/1 | Pamphlet containing the first annual report of the Association for the Betterment of Housing in Dorking and District, 1935-1936, 3pps. The Chairman was Mrs Roy Calvert, JP. 3pps. | |
R52/1/2 | Pamphlet containing the second annual report of the Dorking Housing Association, 1937, Chairman Mrs Roy Calvert, JP. 3pps. It appears that the Association had changed its name since the first annual report (R52/1/1) of 1936. | |
R52/1/3 | Membership form for Dorking Housing Association, [c.1937?]. | |
R52/1/4 | Pamphlet of "Suggestions and Recommendations," published by the Dorking PeopleÍs Housing and Town Planning Committee, Dec 1944, 3pps. | |
R52/1/5 | Letter to D H McMorran from Mary Griffin Honorary Secretary of the Old PeoplesÍ Welfare Committee Housing Sub-Committee of the Dorking Citizen's Advice Bureau requesting his help in the committee's work, 14 Jun 1947. | |
R52/1/6 | Carbon copy of a letter from Donald McMorran to Miss Griffin in response to her previous letter of 14 Jun 1947 (R52/1/5) saying he was very interested and would like to help, 20 Jun 1947, 1p. | |
R52/1/7 | Membership list for the Old PeoplesÍ Welfare Committee, 21 Jun 1947. The list gives names and the organisations they represented. | |
R52/1/8 | Share Certificate in the name of D H McMorran for the Dorking and District Housing Association Limited, 01 Oct 1948. | |
R52/1/9 | Notice from the Dorking and District Housing Association Limited of an Ordinary General Meeting, 02 Mar 1951, 1p. | |
R52/1/10 | Agenda for the Ordinary General Meeting of Dorking and District Housing Association Limited, 09 Mar 1951, 1p. | |
R52/1/11 | Annual Accounts of the Dorking and District Housing Association Limited, 31 Dec 1950, 2pps. | |
R52/1/12 | Booklet containing rules of the Dorking and District Housing Association Limited, [c.1947?] 44pps. | |
R52/2 | Records relating to the Dorking Guild, 1946-1954, 8 items. The Guild was an association established [c.1946?] as an amalgamation of local organisations which sought to foster social and cultural amenities in Dorking. | |
R52/2/1 | Constitution of the Dorking Guild, [c.1940s?]. 5pps. | |
R52/2/2 | Letter to D H McMorran from the secretary of the Dorking Guild referring to the affairs of the Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society, 08 Dec 1947. | |
R52/2/3 | Letter to D H McMorran from Mrs W M Grant, the secretary of the Dorking Guild, regarding extension of the GuildÍs activities, 28 Jan 1948. | |
R52/2/4 | Letter to D H McMorran from Ralph Vaughan Williams of Dorking regarding a proposal to make him a ñMasterî (of the Guild?), 19 May 1948. | |
R52/2/5 | Dorking Guild Programme for Oct-Dec 1948. Includes a list of member organisations. | |
R52/2/6 | Agenda for Annual General Meeting of the Dorking Guild, 12 May 1949 | |
R52/2/7 | Agenda for the meeting of the Dorking Guild, 12 Aug 1949. Includes a list of forthcoming events. | |
R52/2/8 | Pamphlet entitled ïDorking DiaryÍ, an official publication of the Dorking Guild, Dec 1953- Feb 1954, 7pps. Contents include resumes of the Dorking GardenerÍs Club, the Dorking District Naturalists Society, a calendar of events and a directory of affiliated and associated societies. | |
R52/3 | Records relating to the Dorking Arts & Crafts Club, 1947-1949, 7 items. The Club was established [c.1945?] to promote arts and crafts in the Dorking area. | |
R52/3/1 | Membership card of the Dorking Arts & Crafts Club, [c 1947?]. | |
R52/3/2 | Notes from meeting of the Dorking Arts & Crafts Club, Feb 1947 | |
R52/4 | Circular letter to members of the Dorking Players regarding a Leap-Year Dance and production of ïThe Noble SpaniardÍ, 13 Feb 1956. The letterhead shows Sir Laurence Olivier as President. | |
R53 | Records of Dorking Emergency Committee and of the Dorking War Emergency Fund, 1914-1930, 5 items. The Emergency Committee provided relief to those affected by the war from the Dorking War Emergency Fund. It was disbanded in 1920 but meetings of the trustees of the War Emergency Fund continued until 1930. | |
R53/1 | Hardcover book containing minutes of Dorking Emergency CommitteeÍs Relief Sub-Committee, chaired by Mr F H Harding. Minutes are recorded with varying frequency between 28 Aug 1914 and 12 Feb 1920, when the committee was disbanded. The minute book then records meetings of the Trustees of the Dorking War Emergency Fund, between 12 Jul 1921 and 13 Jun1930. It also contains cut and pasted articles from the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser for 29 Apr and 19 May 1922. | |
R53/2 | Typewritten Statement of Accounts for Dorking War Emergency Fund at 31 Mar 1921 | |
R53/3 | Manuscript letter to H L Playfoot, secretary, from Harry Laker Moore, proprietor of Rowe's printing works in South Street, Dorking and member of the Dorking Emergency Committee. The letter refers to the case of Mrs Stageman of Mount Street, Dorking and her visit to see her son who was suffering from shell shock, 02 Jul 1917. With draft covering letter. 2 items. | |
R54 | Bound hardback report by Eric H Richards on the Dorking Experimental Installation, published by the Royal Commission on Sewage Disposal, May 1909. The report describes experiments carried out at the Dorking Outfall Works, now Dorking Sewage Treatment Works in Pixham Lane. The copy of the report is signed by Eric Richards and is addressed to Mr James Taylor, who assisted in the experiments. | |
R55 | Large poster issued by the Beare Green Society for Prosecuting Thieves, offering rewards for information leading to conviction for named offences against its members, [c.early 20th century?] . Provenance unknown. For other records of the society see:R409 and SC.R/15 | |
R56 | Framed Royal Warrant issued by the Lord ChamberlainÍs Office for Robert Best Ede, chemist and perfumer of Dorking, 25 Aug 1837. | |
R57 | Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams writing as chairman of the Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society to an unnown recipient, asking for support to preserve Deepdene Terrace from the builders, [c.1942?]. | |
R58 | Certificate of Incorporation under the CompaniesÍ Acts 1862 to 1900, for the Dorking Omnibus Company Limited, 04 May 1904. | |
R59 | Telegrams and cards sent to Mrs Baldry of Fir Tor Cottage, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, on her 100th birthday, 09 Jan 1971. Correspondence includes a letter and telegram from the MP for Dorking, Sir George Sinclair, telegrams from Keith Joseph then Secretary of State for Social Services, the Private Secretary to HM the Queen, and a local newspaper press cutting, 12 items. | |
R60 | Two bills for items sold by Thomas Wood, wholesale grocer and candle manufacturer of Dorking, made out to Mr J W Jenden, grocer of Leatherhead, 01 May and 12 Apr 1884. In addition is a list for grocery items, sold to various named customers, probably taken from a day book, 19 Nov 1813. The seller is unidentified. 3 items. | |
R61 | An estimate, specification and invoice from A & P Clear, plumber of Dorking, for constructing a bathroom for Mr E Goldsmith at 3, Wathen Road, Dorking, 1937 together with a blank invoice from the Rotunda Ironmongery Stores, Dorking, [c.1937?], 4 items. The provenance is unknown | |
R62 | Hardback address book used as a register by the Dorking branch of Dr BarnardoÍs Homes Young Helpers League, 1931-1933. Lists names and addresses of members together with press cuttings and play bills of events involving the League, which are pasted into the back of the volume. It also has a photograph of the League in front of Rough Rew, Dorking, the home of the secretary, Mrs Aitken. | |
R63 | Records of the Dorking & District Committee for Refugees from Central Europe, 1938-1949, 1 box and 1 parcel. The records comprise: minutes of committee meetings, 1938-1949; financial papers, 1938-1949; tribunal questionnaires, 1939; correspondence, 1939-1949; and cuttings from the Dorking Advertiser, 1947-1949. | |
R63 ctd | Administrative History: The political events of 1938 and 1939, led to the flight to Britain of numbers of opponents and victims of the German government. Voluntary committees were set up all over the country to find shelter for them. In Dorking a meeting was held at Holly House on 03 Nov 1938 to consider possible local schemes for helping refugees from Czechoslavakia. This resulted in the formation of the Refugees from Central Europe: Dorking Committee. It was re-named two weeks later as the Dorking Committee for Refugees from Central Europe and subsequently became the Dorking & District Committee. | |
R63 ctd | The Committee held its first meeting on 14 Nov 1938 and, with an Executive Committee, a Hostel and Departmental Committee and various subcommittees, continued active work for eleven years, holding its last meeting on 12 Dec 1949. | |
R63 ctd | The first refugees to arrive in the Dorking district were from Sudetenland, of German origin, (possibly the first to reach Britain), to be followed by Jewish refugees from other parts of central Europe. The first parties were accommodated at Fairhaven, Holmbury St Mary and subsequently at Clarendon House and Somerset Hill for short periods until Jun 1939, when the Duke of Newcastle leased Burchett House, South Terrace, to the Committee rent free. Burchett House continued to be the Committee's principal hostel until it was no longer required and was restored to the Newcastle Estate in Aug 1949. During this period it had provided a home, for stays of varying length for 130 people (47 single and 30 families). Between Sep 1939 and Jun 1941 Warren Farm, lent by Mrs Lloyd was also used. Other refugees, adults and children were found accommodation in private houses. | |
R63 ctd | The history of the work of the Committee during eleven arduous years is recorded in the committee minutes. A list of officers and some long serving workers is given in R63/4/13 and a list of the General Committee appears on the sample of letter paper R63/4/12. One of the more notable members of the committee was the composer Dr Ralph Vaughan Williams who played a very active part for much of the war years. | |
R63 ctd | Provenance: at its last meeting the Committee decided to offer its minutes and other records to the Dorking Museum, the formation of which was then under active consideration. They were duly handed over to the Honorary Secretary of the Museum Committee in Jun 1950. | |
R63 ctd | Arrangement: the original order is unknown. The committee records were placed after receipt in one continuous sequence in chronological order regardless of the committee name. They were re-arranged in separate files for each committee in 2016. | |
R63/1 | Minutes of Committee meetings, 1938-1949, 4 files. These comprise the records of the General Committee, 1938-1942; the Executive Committee, 1938-1939 and 1946; the Refugee Committee, 1944-1949; and the Hostel and Departmental Committee, 1940-1944. | |
R63/1/1 | Minutes of the General Committee, 03 Nov 1938 - 05 Jul 1943. 1 file of 34 items. The minutes were at first monthly and from the end of 1939 quarterly. Minutes for the meeting of 16 Jun 1941 [R63/1/1/30] carry a report on the Regionalisation Committee Executive and a meeting with the Regional Commissioner Sir Auckland Geddes. The General and Executive Committees merged in Nov 1939 and were then known as the General Committee. This was later re-named the Refugee Committee from 1944. | |
R63/1/2 | Minutes of the Refugee Committee, 01 May 1944 -12 Dec 1949. | |
R63/1/3 | Minutes of the Executive Committee, 12 Dec 1938 -18 Nov 1939 and 15 Apr 1946, 16 items. From Nov 1939 the Executive Committee merged with the General Committee but met again in Apr 1946. | |
R63/1/4 | Minutes of the Hostel and Departmental Committee, 14 Feb 1940-03 Apr 1944, 75 items. Signed by the Chairman. Meetings were held fortnightly. | |
R63/2 | Financial records comprising petty cash books,1939-1949; cash receipts and expenditure analysis books, 1940-1949; general statements of receipts and payments,1939-1949; and various receipts, bank statements and correspondence relating to refugees receiving help from the committee,1939-1949, 7 files. | |
R63/2/1 | Petty Cash book, 01 Feb 1939-20 Sep 1939, 1 vol. Contains a loose receipt of 1940 for a donation to the Dorking Fund for Refugees. | |
R63/2/2 | Cash book, 06 Apr 1941_17 Apr 1948, 1 vol. Includes weekly expenditure for fuel, domestic services etc and payments from refugees. | |
R63/2/3 | Cash receipts analysis book, 1940-1949, 1 vol. Covers No. 2 account from Jul-Nov 1940 at the end of the volume as well as the main content from 01 Apr 1941-26 Sep 1949. | |
R63/2/4 | Cash expenditure analysis book, 01 Feb 1943-24 Nov 1949, 1 vol. | |
R63/2/5 | Statements of receipts and payments, some signed by the auditor, 1933-1949, 1 file. Some issued half yearly, others monthly. | |
R63/2/6 | Receipts for Burchett House Hostel, 30 Apr -04 Jun 1940, 5 items. | |
R63/2/7 | Committee receipts and records of expenditure, bank statements and some correspondence relating to individual refugees, 1939-1949, 1file | |
R63/3 | Tribunal questionnaire forms, 1939, 2 files. All refugees from enemy territories had to attend police tribunals to determine their status. The forms record the details of those refugees coming under the jurisdiction of the Dorking Refugee Committee. | |
R63/3/2 | Completed questionnaire forms signed by the registrar in a file marked ñforthcoming cases _ next tribunal,î Oct 1939, 1 file. All but one of the forms are numbered (intermittently 1-259c) in the top left hand corner, apparently indicating the Jewish cases; the papers are arranged in the order of the original numbers. The format of the forms is the same as those in R63/3/1. The file includes an undated letter from one of the committee members which reads "Here are the very precious forms. Please don't let them out of your hand....." | |
R63/4 | Reports, correspondence and a tenancy agreement for the Dorking CommitteeÍs hostel at Burchett House, 1939-1949. 1 file | |
R63/4/1 | Copy of a tenancy agreement for Burchett House, South Terrace, Dorking, between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope, 8th Duke of Newcastle, of Harrowlands, Dorking and Theodore Calvert of Burntwood, Punchbowl Lane, Dorking on behalf of the Dorking and District Committee for the Refugees from Central Europe, 08 Jun 1939, 2pp. | |
R63/4/2 | Carbon copy of a typescript report headed ñOutstanding AliensÍ Problems,î [c.1940?], 3pp. The authorship is unknown but appears to be from a national source rather than a local one and is concerned in general with the planning and practical problems involved with housing and accommodating refugees in this country. | |
R63/4/3 | Carbon copy of a typescript report which is a different version of R63/4/2, submitted to Mr F Newson at the Home Office, 06 Jul 1940, 3pp. With notes of his comments on various points. | |
R63/4/4 | An appeal letter from the Dorking and District Committee for Refugees from Central Europe, [c.1940?], 1p. | |
R63/4/5 | A list of subscriptions received showing the names of the subscribers and the amount received, [c.1940?], 3 foolscap sheets. | |
R63/4/6 | Correspondence between the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer on administrative and financial matters, 1940-1941, 8 items. | |
R63/4/7 | Correspondence between Gordon C Touche, (the local MP), the Foreign Office and members of the Dorking and District Committee for Refugees from Central Europe, relating to the mass deportations in Europe, 1944-1945, 5 items. | |
R63/4/8 | Letter from J J Todd of Dorking to Mrs Purser with the typescript in German of a letter published in the "Manchester Guardian" from the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain. Includes an English translation, Dec 1945, 3 items. | |
R63/4/9 | Correspondence between the Dorking Committee, Gordon Touch MP and the Refugee ChildrensÍ Movement on the Home OfficeÍs policy of admitting children from Europe to Britain, 1946, 8 items. | |
R63/4/10 | Page from the Evening Standard of 05 Mar 1946 carrying a report of the enforced repatriation of German refugees from Britain and correspondence between members of the Committee and external bodies seeking clarification on this, Mar 1946, 4 items. The report was later found to be without foundation. | |
R63/4/11 | Letter from L H Green, Chairman and Hon.Treasurer of the Save the Children Fund to the Hon.Secretary of the Dorking & District Committee acknowledging receipt of a cheque for £548 0s 1d being the balance of the CommitteeÍs funds donated to the Save the Children Fund, 15 Dec 1949, 3 items. Includes a receipt for this sum and a cheque marked ñpaid.î | |
R63/4/12 | Blank letter paper headed ñRefugees from Central Europe: Dorking and District Committee. The officers and members of the General Committee are named on the left hand side, [c.1945?], 1p. | |
R63/4/13 | Short historical note on the setting up of the Dorking Committee on 03 Nov 1938 with a list of the ñofficers and workers" from 1939-1945, [c.1949?] 1p. | |
R63/5 | News cuttings of the affairs of the Dorking and District Committee for Refugees from Central Europe, 1947-1949, 2 items. | |
R63/5/1 | Report from the Dorking Advertiser of the death of Joseph Kreibich at Burchett House, the Dorking Refugee Hostel, Aug 1947, 1p. Kreibich had been a prominent figure in the Socialist movement of Czechoslovakia and one of the founders of the Czechoslovak Socialist WorkersÍ Movement. | |
R63/5/2 | Report from the Dorking Advertiser of 16 Dec 1949 with the title: ñCaring for Refugees: Dorking CommitteeÍs Mission of Mercy Ends,î 1p. An account of the work of the Dorking Committee prepared for the press by Miss B R Evans and the Hon. Secretary on the instruction of the Committee at its final meeting on 12 Dec 1949. | |
R64 | A set of 12 Ordnance Survey maps, originally published 1914-1920, marking streets across Dorking and neighbouring villages in which electricity mains were to be laid, [c.1923-1926?]. There is a map for Dorking, (R64/1) and a key overview 1î map marked with the 12 areas for which maps are included (R64/2) Maps 1 and 5 for Mickleham and Ranmore which are marked on the key sheet, are not included. The maps were deposited by Leatherhead Museum Committee in 1981 but the provenance is unknown. | |
R64/1 | Composite 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheets XXV SE and XXXIII NE, pub. 1920, marked with streets where electricity mains were to be laid in Dorking, Westhumble and Mickleham, [c.1923-1926?]. | |
R64/2 | 1î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey, pub. 1914, comprising 2 cut and pasted sheets covering Dorking and Leatherhead, [c.1923-1926?]. The map has been annotated with a key to the higher scale maps, and areas in which mains are to be laid marked in pink (existing areas) and blue (extension areas). Handwritten in pencil is ñElectricity Commission 1926î, ñLeatherhead Electricity (Extension to)î. | |
R64/3 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXVI NW, 1915, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Headley. Area 2 on key sheet. [c.1923-1926?]. | |
R64/4 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXVI SW, pub.1915, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Buckland, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 3 on key sheet. | |
R64/5 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXV SE, pub.1920, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Mickleham, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 4 on key sheet. | |
R64/6 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXV SE, pub.1920, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in East and West Horsley, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 6 on key sheet. | |
R64/7 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXXII NE, pub.1919, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Abinger Hammer, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 7 on key sheet. | |
R64/8 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXXIII NW, pub.1920, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Wotton and Westcott, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 8 on key sheet. | |
R64/9 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXXIII NE, pub.1920, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Dorking and Milton Heath, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 9 on key sheet. | |
R64/10 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXXIV NW, pub. 1919, showing the areas where electricity mains were to be laid in Betchworth and Leigh, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 10 on key sheet. | |
R64/11 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXXIII SE, pub. 1919, showing the area where electricity mains were to be laid in Holmwood, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 10 on key sheet. | |
R64/12 | 6î Ordnance Survey map of Surrey sheet XXXIII SE, pub. 1919, showing the area where electricity mains were to be laid in Abinger and Wotton, [c.1923-1926?]. Area 12 on key sheet. | |
R65/1-13 | Young Family Papers: Deeds & probates, some arising from executorships , trusteeships and solicitors' practice (1710-1871) | |
R65/14- | Young Family Papers: including papers relating to Henry Harmon Young and World War 1 diary of Kenneth Young | |
R66 | Bound manuscript extract taken from an abstract of title of John James Baron de Hochepied Larpent "to the remainder in fee immediately expected on the decease of Mrs Charlotte Rosamund Larpent and in an estate called the Holmwood in the parish of Dorking," 33pp. The text refers to documents during the period 1755-1850 and mentions land called Subbaries or Southbridge or KingÍs Farm as well as other pieces of land in and around Holmwood. Provenance: the item was deposited by J E N Walker, a former curator of Dorking Museum in 1981 but the original provenance is unknown. | |
R67 | Vaccination certificate for Edith Jane Eveleigh, daughter of Abel Eveleigh of Dorking, issued by the Registrar for Dorking, George Alloway, 19 Jan 1897. | |
R68 | Dorking Congregational Church: Refugee register (World War 2) [with loose items Rota of Helpers, postcard showing West Street Independent Chapel (1719-1834), birthday greetings Leith Hill Tower, engraving of Rose Hill] | |
R69/1-2 | World War 1: National registration card of Ethel Glanfield of Brockham; and ditto for World War 2 | |
R70/1-17 | Sixteen receipted bills of Dorking Tradesmen (1875-1901) and 1 packet wrapper labelled "J & W Atlee" [Attlee] | |
R71 | Probate of will of William Swan of Dorking, farmer (26 Jun 1845); on parchment | |
R72/1-2 | Report by Vivien Ettlinger on excavations in the crypt of St Martins Church, Dorking, in 1974; 5pp and plans [also finds (1) 3 fragments of clay pipes (2) fragment of token of Robt. Keeling & Son 1810 (3) misc. pottery fragments - all passed to exhibits] | |
R73/1-2 | TOC H, Dorking Branch minute book (1948-61) and petition by the branch for a lamp (1934) | |
R74 | The "Olde Wheatsheaf" Dorking - account book (21 Aug 1922 - 11 April 1942) | |
R75 | World War 2: Ration book of Winifred M Ellis (1953-1954) | |
R76 | Dorking Baths attendant's accounts & diary (1931-1932) (Dorking Urban District Council) | |
R77/1-45 | Records relating to the family and business of George John Arthur, (1888-1945) of Broomway, Westcott Road, Dorking, and of the building firm of Geo. J Arthur and Sons Ltd. Includes business and family papers including correspondence, leases & tenancy agreements, articles of apprenticeship, marriage & death certificates, share certificates etc. | |
R78/1-4 | Willard Family Papers: 1760-1832; apprenticeship indenture, insurance policies, Dorking Emigration Society | |
R78/5 | Photocopy of photograph of Willards butchers shop in Ockley | |
R78/6-7 | Two letters from Shere Parish Correspondence (1836 & nd) re the emigrartion to Canada of William Moore and the Willard Family | |
R78/8-9 | Two photocopied extracts from the Shere Select Vestry Minutes (30 Jan 1832 and 26 March 1832) relating to Emigration of the poor to Canada; mentions the Willard family and others | |
R79 | Volunteers Return of Strength (ie weekly state of Capt Angus Camerons Independent Company, 03 Feb 1791. | |
R80/1-33 | Dorking & Horley Rural District Council: 33 calendars 1933/34, 1940/41 - 1973/74 | |
R81/1-33 | C W Kilner, Coal & Coke merchant of Dorking & Leathethead Stations: Orders to carmen for delivery of coal (1865) | |
R82/1-5 | N G G Bush, 3 Knoll Estate, Capel: Personal papers including final notice telephone demand 1937; 3 statements of Abbey Road Building Society 1938, 1942 & 1943; letter re contribution under War Damage 1941 | |
R83 | War Incident Map: "All objects dropped from the air in and around the Dorking Urban District during the years 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944 & 1945 prepared from the Civil Defence & Surrey Constabulary records, ARP Office, Thomas M Wood" | |
R84 | Passport 27 May 1881 issued by Viscount Graverelle, secretary of state for foreign affairs, on behalf of Rev Edward Cecil Robinson and his wife for continental travel (father-in-law of donor). | |
R85 | Trouts or Hurst in Ockley & Capel: Mortgage to secure £600; 16 August 1774; parchment 3mm | |
R86 | Photocopy of probate copy of the will of George Borer, citizen & dyer of London, 27 Jun 1637, proved 07 Aug 1646 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Mentions property in Dorking; with extract from catalogue of West Sussex Record Office Additional Manuscript 17442. | |
R87/1-3 | The Old House, South Street, Dorking: Abstract of Title 1941; conveyance 30 May 1941, plan 1925 | |
R88/1-11 | File of correspondence, newspaper cuttings, photographs, programmes & other items collected for use in the booklet "Vaughan Williams in Dorking" published by the Dorking Local History Group [173 items in all] | |
R89/1-4 | Correspondence relating to proposed alterations to the A24 and A25 at Deepdene Roundabout between the Deepdene Vale Property Owners Association, Mole Valley District Council and Surrey County Council; Jun - Sep 1984; with copy of petition | |
R90 | Autograph Album of Miss Alice Challacombe, (b. c.1862), 1879-1930; 52pp plus some loose items. Alice was the daughter of Henry and Susan Challacombe of South Street Dorking, her father being a builder. She later married Edward Huggins. An autograph album belonging to her younger sister Rose can be found at R95. | |
R91/1-6 | Dorking Greystone Lime Company Ltd: memorandum of association, 13 March 1865 and other papers | |
R92 | The Dorking Cock: Research material including published articles, cuttings, illustrations, badges and other material [held in binders] | |
R93/1 | Dorking Evacuation Play Centre, (cubs, brownies, nursery school); scrap book of photos, newspaper cuttings etc. | |
R93/2 | 8 singing games for children, words by Rose Fyleman and music by Ruth Dyson | |
R94/1-5 | Pavilion Cinema Dorking: Exhibitors records and returns to the Board of Trade under the Cinematograph Films Act of 1927 5 vols. 1932-37. | |
R95 | Autograph Album of Rose Challacombe, 1901-21. Rose (b.c.1871), was the daughter of Henry and Susan Challacombe of South Street, her father being a builder. She was the younger sister of Alice Challacombe whose autograph album is at R90 | |
R96 | Autograph Album of J E M Tanner, 1927-29. | |
R97 | M Putney, Lime, Coal & Coke Merchant etc., Railway Station Dorking: delivery note 31 October 1874 | |
R98 | Dorking District Local Board Bye Laws acting as Sanitary Authority 1883 | |
R99 | Leith Hill: Surrey County Planning Scheme under the Town & Country Planning Act of 1932; nd c.1938 with plan, 2 items | |
R100/1-4 | Plan of caves at 56a High Street Dorking, prepared by Pyrford Design Partnership; March 1985; also 2 lists of Dorking Caves | |
R101/1-11 | Deeds (1807-83) with abstract of title (1730-1838) relating to a messuage & premises on the north side of Dorking High Street (no 21) and a pew in the parish church | |
R102/1-5 | Dorking Sports Association minute book and miscellaneous items, 1932-46. | |
R102 | Dorking Sports Association minute book, 23 Jul 1924 - 02 Dec 1932; constitution, rules & bye-laws, 30 Jan 1930 and amended copy, 23 Apr 1932-1939. | |
R103 | Photocopied extract from Richard Attlee's account book of expenditure on new house on Rose Hill, 1844-1845; with some other entries for 1809; 17pp; original in possession of donor | |
R104 | Dorking Petty Sessions - returns for the fully licensed public houses, inns & beerhouses in Dorking & Westcott, Feb 1892; photocopy; 10pp | |
R105/1-2 | Royal Mail contract for conveyance of H.M. mails between Dorking and Redhill by motor mail van , 29 Apr 1909; and cutting, with picture, from the Surrey Mirror of 07 Jul 1905. | |
R106 | Clothing and cash accounts book of Private Hector Melville, 1816-19 and entries for 1829-31. | |
R107/1-5 | Letters: 4 by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1944-50) and 1 by Edith Turner, Hon Sec of the Dorking & District Refugee Committee | |
R108/1-6 | Deeds relating to a plot of land on the Holloway Estate, later called Virginia Cottage, Roman Road, Dorking, 1905-1955; 6 items including plan | |
R109/1-10 | Abstracts of Title for properties in Dorking (Torcherwald), Brockham, Brockham Green, Holmwood & Westcott | |
R110/1-36 | Rules, regulations and bye-laws for conduct of business of Trustees of Dorking Charities; nd; printed; statements of accounts of Trustees (1867-1911); printed duplicate copies | |
R111/1-11 | Correspondence relating to a planning application to convert Sondes Place House to provide physics and chemistry laboratories for Sondes Place School, 1947. | |
R113 | Diary kept by David Mitchell a builder of Capel, recording his work, local events, weather etc., 1885-1891. | |
R114/1-4 | Charles Degenhardt, draper, South Street, Dorking: Four volumes of advertisement scrap books, 1930-79; notebook with lists of advertisement blocks,1918-39; programme of fashion show,1965; stationery samples 8 items. | |
R115/1-11 | Home Guard: Surrey 7th battalion Location Statement List, Nominal Roll at Stand Down (3 Dec 1945); invitations and menu cards for dinners etc (1944 & 1945); [photographs in collection E2/9-12] | |
R115/12 | Programme for a farewell to Dorking Air Raid Precaution Wardens Social at Pippbrook; 16 Jun 1945 | |
R116 | A collection of copies of original records relating mostly to the medieval history of Dorking taken from sources in major repositories including the National Archives, the British Museum, Surrey History Centre and the archives of the Duke of NorfolkÍs estate at Arundel Castle. The collection also includes personal research notes based on these items [c.1970s-1980s?], 2 boxes. The records were deposited at Dorking Museum on 05 Aug 1987 by Gwen Harmar, a local historian and researcher of Dorking. | |
R116/1 | Records of the Manor of Dorking including copies of the court book, 1540-1577; the court roll, 1597-1607/8; surveys of the manor in 1549 and 1649; abstracts of titles, 1603-1625;, a general account of crown lands including the Dorking parcel of the possessions of the Duke of Norfolk, 1546-1548; and a list of tenants, [c.1819-1837?]. 1 box and 4 files. | |
R116/1/1 | Photocopy of the court book, 1540-1577, pp 7-397. Original in Surrey History Centre: ref: 196/1/1. Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
R116/1/2 | Photographic copy of the Court Roll, 1597-1607/8. Original in Arundel Castle archives ref. M809 mm. 1-19v (mm 2v & 3missing) | |
R116/1/3 | Photocopy of the survey of the manor, 3 Ed.VI, 02 Mar 1549. 6pp. Original in National Archives ref: E 36/169 26963 pp. 519-523. | |
R116/1/4 | Photocopy of abstract of titles, 1603-1625. Original in the British Library ref. BM Add. 27535, ff. 1-33v | |
R116/1/5 | Photographic copy of the survey of the manor made by William Forster, 1649. 1 volume. Original in the Surrey History Centre ref. 196/2/1 pp. 1-225. [Stored in separate box] | |
R116/1/6 | Photocopy of list of tenants ñin Dorking manor in Dorking parish,î [c.1819-1837?]. 4pp. Original in Surrey History Centre ref. 196/3/6 contained in Court Book of 1819-1837. | |
R116/1/7 | Photocopy of general account of crown lands, 2 Ed.VI (1546/7-1547/8), 4pp. Includes Dorking parcel of the possessions of the late Duke of Norfolk. Original in the National Archives at SC6/CHAS/447/3959 | |
R116/2 | Records relating to Dorking Parish Church and Rectory. Includes references from charters and accounts granting the church to the Priory of St Pancras at Lewes and also to Reigate Priory, both of whom held the advowson of the church in the 12th to 14th centuries. Also includes research notes and published material relating to Bogo de Clare who held church land at Dorking in the 13th century. 8 items. | |
R116/2/1 | Photocopy of the charter of Godfrey, Bishop of Winchester confirming the grant to the monks of St Pancras of Lewes, of the church of Dorking with the chapel of Hewachne and the lands which ƒ..Isabel, Countess of Warenne gave to the church of Dorking. Late 12th century, 2pp. Original document in National Archives at E40/14238. | |
R116/2/2 | Photocopies of portions of three membranes on 6 sheets showing accounts of lands and possessions ñlately pertainingî to Reigate Priory including the Rectory and other land in Dorking. [c.1540s?] Source unknown. | |
R116/2/3 | Photocopy of a valuation of the possessions of Reigate Priory. Includes the valuation of Dorking Rectory and quitrents for Dorking parish and of farm and land in Capel. Undated but of the time of Henry VIII, 1509-47. Original document in the National Archives at E316/406. | |
R116/2/4 | Typed extracts from sources including Obedientary Rolls, Dugdales Monasticon, and Valor Ecclesiasticus on the history of the Priory of St Swithin with reference to the Church and Rectory of Dorking,[c.1980s?] 4pp. | |
R116/2/5 | File of research notes and published material relating to the local land holdings of Bogo de Clare, [1947-1980s?] 5 items. Bogo de Clare (1248-1294) was the third son of Richard de Clare, 5th Earl of Hertford and 6th Earl of Gloucester and held multiple clerical livings without having been ordained a priest. One of his residences was a manor house near Dorking. | |
R116/2/5/1 | Photocopy of a lecture entitled ñThe Inimitable Chancellor Bogo de Clareî given by Edward, Bishop of Swansea and Brecon to the Friends of Llandaff Cathedral, 18 Jun 1947 and published in the Journal of the Historical Society of the Church in Wales Vol. 1, 1947, pp 15-26, 11pp. | |
R116/2/5/2 | Typescript page of notes on the subject of church lands held by Bogo de Clare including the church of Dorking. [c.1980s?] | |
R116/2/5/3 | Typescript notes containing published references to Bogo de Clare including sources such as the Cartulary of the Treasurer of York Minster, Patent Rolls etc, [c.1980s?], 4pp. | |
R116/3 | Records of Dorking Market. The market was claimed by the Earl of Warenne and Surrey in 1278 as of "immemorial antiquity." (Source; Victoria County History of Surrey Vol. 3, London 1911, p.141). 2 items. | |
R116/3/1 | Photocopy of the Inquisition taken at Dorking to determine the value of the markets and tolls of Dorking, Reigate and Guildford, 1275/6, 1p. Original document at the National Archives at C145/34. | |
R116/3/2 | Photocopy of the pleas of Quo Warranto involving the claims of the Earl of Warenne in Guildford, Reigate and Dorking, 1279. Latin text, printed, 1p. | |
R116/4 | Taxation records for parishes in the Dorking area to raise money for the building of warships, 1677. 2 items. | |
R116/4/1 | Photocopy of the assessment of parishes in Wotton Hundred (Dorking, Capel, Abinger, Ockley and Wotton) under the Act for raising money for the speedy building of thirty ships of war, 11 Jun 1677. Original document in National Archives at E 179/188/486. 1p. | |
R116/4/2 | Typed transcript of R116/4/1 compiled by G. Harmar, [c.1980s.?], 1p. | |
R116/5 | Copies of rate books for the East Borough of Dorking, 1759-[c.1839?) 3 items. The parish of Dorking was divided into six tithings called Boroughs. The East Borough included both the east end of the town and West Betchworth. The original documents were in the possession of Mr J E Walker of Dorking at the time of deposit in 1987. | |
R116/5/1 | Photocopy of the rate book for East Borough, Dorking, 07 Oct 1759, 5pp. | |
R116/5/2 | Photocopy of the rate book for East Borough, Dorking, 21 Apr 1837, 8pp. | |
R116/5/3 | Photocopies of assessment nos 1-1141 for Dorking; (numbers 1148, 1177, 1182, 1184, 1187 and 1188 have been added in the original manuscript), [c.03 May 1839?] No boroughs are indicated. Only the left hand pages have been copied so that the rental or annual value, the amount of assessment, the amount of poor rate, the amount of arrears and total amount to be collected are all omitted. | |
R116/6 | Records relating to Wills and probate with reference to people or property in the Dorking area during the 14th -17th centuries. 18 items. | |
R116/6/1 | File relating to Roger de Freton, Dean of Chichester, (d.1383), who held land and property in Dorking, 5 items. These include:- | |
R116/6/1/1 | Photocopy of the will of Roger de Freton dated 15 Feb 1381/2 and proved at Lambeth, 05 May 1383. From Archiepiscopal Register, Courtenay, pp. 196-203, Lambeth Palace Archives, ref. 1383. Published in Sussex Record Society Publications vol. XLVI. Among many bequests he leaves the lands and tenements in Dorking belonging to himself and his brother to his executors to have obituaries sung for himself and his brother Thomas, | |
R116/6/1/2 | Typed extracts containing references to Roger de Freton from Sussex Record Society publications Vol. XLVI, Chichester Cathedral Chartulary, 1941 and Vol. XLI Transcripts of Sussex Wills Vol 1, 1935. | |
R116/6/1/3 | Typescript notes of references to source material relating to Roger de Freston, [c.1980s?], 1p. | |
R116/6/1/4 | Correspondence between Gwyneth Harmar and Dr Francis Steer, Archivist of Arundel Castle and Librarian for the Dean and Chapter of Chichester, referring to record sources in the archives of the Dean and Chapter of Chichester relating to Roger de Freton, 1978. 2pp. | |
R116/6/1/5 | Manuscript notes written by Vivien Ettlinger, local historian of Dorking, of references to Roger de Freton from Dorking Manor Court Books, 1382/3. 1p. | |
R116/6/2 | Photocopy of will with codicil of John Sandys, gentleman of Yaxley, Huntingdonshire leaving lands in East Betchworth, West Betchworth and Dorking to his son Edward. Dated 28 Sep 1542. 3pp. Letters of administration granted 05 Nov 1543. Original in National Archives at PROB 11/29/471. | |
R116/6/3 | Photocopy of a will with codicil of John Sandys, gentleman of Yaxley, Huntingdonshire, 28 Sep 1542, 2pp. Proved 15 Feb 1547. Original document at the National Archives at PROB.11/32. | |
R116/6/4 | Photocopy of the will of John Panefold - to be buried in Dorking churchyard, 14 Feb 1557, 2pp. Proved 16 Mar 1556/7. Original document at the London Metropolitan Archives at DW/PA/5/155. | |
R16/6/5 | Records relating to the will of Wiliam Longhurste, tavern keeper [of Dorking?], d.1558. 3 items | |
R116/6/5/1 | Photocopy of the will of William Longhurste, tavern keeper, - to be buried in Dorking churchyard, 29 Dec 1558. Proved 09 May 1560. Original document at the London Metropolitan Archives at DW/PA/7/6 | |
R116/6/5/2 | Typescript transcript of the will of William Longhurste, tavern keeper. Proved 09 May 1560. [c.1980s?] [see R116/6/5] | |
R116/6/5/3 | Manuscript notes on source material relating to members of the Longhurst family [of Dorking?] in the sixteenth century.[c.1980s?], 1p. | |
R116/6/6 | Photographic copy of the will of Frances Brockett, yeoman of Waltone, Surrey, 04 Apr 1571, 4pp. Proved 05 Mar 1571/2. The will deals with BrockettÍs property in Dorking. [Original document at the London Metropolitan Archives at DW/PA/5/1571] | |
R116/6/7 | Photographic copy of the nuncupative will of Henry Burstowe, plowewright of Beachworth, [Betchworth], 18 Aug 1593. Latin and English text. Proved 28 Aug 1593. Source unknown. | |
R116/6/8/1 | Photocopy of the will of John Cottingham, citizen and poulterer of London, 09 Jul 1551, 3pp. Proved 13 May 1560. He bequeathed his property in Dorking and Betchworth to his sons John and Thomas. [The original document is held at the National Archives at PROB.11/43] | |
R116/6/8/2 | Manuscript transcript of the will of John Cottingham, citizen and poulterer of London, 09 Jul 1551, [1980s?] 6pp. [see R116/6/8/1] | |
R116/6/8/3 | Typescript of a family tree of John Cottingham (d.1549) covering three generations during the sixteenth century, [c.1980s?].1p. The family lived in Betchworth, Dorking and London. | |
R116/6/8/4 | One page of handwritten notes containing references to various Cottinghams of Dorking and London in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with references to their locations in public records, [c.1980s?] | |
R116/6/9 | Photocopy of the will of John Bristowe the elder, yeoman of Dorking, 04 Jun 1627, 3pp. Proved 10 Oct 1627. [Original document at London Metropolitan Archives at DW/PA/5/1627] | |
R116/7 | Papers relating to land and estate in the Dorking area, 14th-19th centuries. 15 items. | |
R116/7/1 | Photocopy of final concord between Roger de Freton, clerk, plaintiff and John Kentynge of Dorking and Isabella his wife, deforciants. Mentions land, meadow, heath and 2s rent in Dorking, 1378, 1p. Original document in National Archives at CP 25/1/230/60. | |
R116/7/2 | Photocopy of release and quitclaim by John Dawe to Robert Stapylton of one tenement in East Street, Dorking and half an acre in Bovetown., 27 May 1427 with an acknowledgement of the deed by John Dawe 08 Nov 1427, 1p. Latin text together with a transcript and translation, [c.1980s?], 1p. Original document in National Archives at C 54/286. | |
R116/7/3/1 | Reduced size photocopy of a memorandum by William Palmer of London, fletcher, of his right and title to lands and tenements held in Dorking and elsewhere in the county of Surrey, c. [late 15th century? - post 1473], 1p.The bottom of the document containing the date has not been copied. Original document in British Library, Add.Ch.9043. | |
R116/7/3/1 ctd | The lands mentioned include: a) Parcel of lands called Brochammeslond and Balards Lond, formerly of John Huse and William Hawkyn of West Betchworth and wife AnneÍs which on failure of heirs descended to Alice Hawkyn, sister of William and wife of John Palmer, great grandfather of William Palmer, fletcher; b) a field of land in East Betchworth called Netilcombe with appurtenances, formerly of Richard Leukener, who sold to Robert Hawkyn, from whom it descended to Alice Hawkyn. | |
R116/7/3/1 ctd | c) a parcel of land called Palmersbrymshursthe in the lordship of West Betchworth, formerly of Richard Whytinge (?), who in 1392/3 conveyed it to trustees(?) for William, Stephen and Robert Hawkyn:. Through failure of heirs it descended to Alice Hawkyn; d) an acre of land called Chalkaker in the common field of West Betchworth formerly of Robert Bacheler of Dorking, who in 1484/5 gave it to Robert Hawkyn from whom it descended to Alice Hawkyn; e) A tenement with curtilage in West Betchworth, formerly of John Huse who in 1355/6 gave it to Agnes or Annes from whom through failure of heirs it descended to Alice Hawkyn her sister and next heir. | |
R116/7/3/2 | Typed transcript of R116/7/3/1, [c.1980s?] 1p. | |
R116/7/4 | Typescript of the text of a bargain and sale by Edward Sonds of Aylton, Huntingdonshire, gentleman, son and heir of John Sonds, gentleman, deceased, to John Cottingham, citizen and poulterer of London, of lands, meadow, leases, pastures and woods called Bootehill, in the tenure of William Adams, and Gymmelhurst in the holding of John Hether, in Dorking and East Betchworth, 20 Apr 1546. 6pp. Original document in the National Archives at C 54/448 | |
R116/7/5/1 | Photocopy of a release and quitclaim by Edward Sandes otherwise called Sonde of Aylton, Huntingdonshire, gentleman, son and heir of John Sandes alias Sondes, gentleman, to John Cottyngham, citizen and poulterer of London of those lands, meadows, pastures, wood and underwood called Cotehill and Brimmleshurst (?) in Dorking, East and West Betchworth and now in separate tenure of -----Adams and John Hether, 29 May 1546, 1p. Original document in the National Archives at C54/447. | |
R116/7/5/2 | Typed transcript of R116/7/5/1 [c.1980s?] 1p. | |
R116/7/6/1 | Photocopy of a suit between William Wright, plaintiff and James Skinner, deforciant, over ownership of Ruggeland and Cowyck in Capel, 1547/8. 10pp. Original document in the National Archives at E 315/116. The text includes: Interrogatory on the parts of William Wryght, plaintiff against James Skynnere, deforicant, 9 questions; Interogatorys on the part of William Wryght, youngest son of Robart Wryght late of Newdegate against James Skynnere, questions 1 -25; deposition of Richard Bray of Ewell, gentleman aged 60; deposition of --- (name missing) _ refers to the deposition of Robert Horley; deposition of William Willett of Capel, husbandman aged 53; deposition of Thomas Carter of Capel, husbandman, aged 43; deposition of Nicholas Stare of Capel, husbandman aged 40; deposition of Nicholas Thornden of Warnham, husbandman aged 36; deposition of Thomas Stare of Capel, husbandman, aged 30; and deposition of Thomas Staplehurst of Capel, tailor, aged 36. | |
R116/7/6/2 | Rough transcript of R116/7/6/1 by V. Ettlinger, [c.1980s?], 9pp. | |
R116/7/7 | Photocopy of extent and yearly value of all the manors, messuages and lands, tenements and hereditaments late of Sir Thomas Browne, deceased, 04 Aug 1603, which descended to Ambrose Browne his son and next heir at the death of his father. Taken at Cobham, Surrey, 25 Oct 1603. 3pp. Includes the manor of West Betchworth, a quarter of the manor of Dorking and lands in Dorking, Capel, Mickleham and East Betchworth. Endorsed 27 Jun 1609 ñSolde to Sir W Wynne kt for £160.î Original document in the National Archives at WARD 5/42 | |
R116/7/8 | Photocopy of bond between Francis Couchman alias Crouchman of Stoke, Kent, grocer and Edward Badby by which Couchman was bound in the sum of £200; the condition being that Francis Couchman and his wife Elizabeth having conveyed to Edward Badby a yearly rent of annuity from lands and tenements in Ockley, Wotton and Dorking, Surrey, formerly granted to Richard Hill of Godalming, to Richard Agmondasham and wife Elizabeth (now wife of Francis Couchman) for life; and Richard Agmondasham having died, Edward Badby to receive the rent or annuity during the life of Elizabeth, or else the bond to be void, 28 Apr 1621, 2pp. Original document in British Library, (Cart. Harl. 77E16). Copyright: British Library. | |
R116/7/9 | Photocopy of petition from William Golstone to Secretary Cooke, knight, one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty, for payment for timber, lying at Kingston upon Thames and Dorking. Ordered in 1615, but unable to be transported because of the ñsicknes tyme then beingeî to enable it to be transported to the naval yard at Deptford, 08 May 1629. 2pp. Original document in National Archives at SP 16/142. | |
R116/7/10/1 | Typescript containing an incomplete summary of a marriage settlement between William James of Brockham in the parish of Betchworth, tanner and Maria Wattall, daughter of John Wattall. Refers to an annuity of £10 from lands and tenements in Dorking granted by deed poll on 15 Apr 1578, by John Carpenter to Christopher Rythe of Twickenham, formerly belonging to Robert Carpenter, father of John, and in occupation of Thomas Constable, 24 Apr 1650, 1p. Original document in National Archives at O 86/97. | |
R116/7/10/2 | Typescript containing incomplete summary of indenture between George Wattle Mertsham, butcher and Philip Cooke of East Betchworth, Plowright, reciting deed poll of 15 Apr, 20 Eliz, 1p. | |
R116/7/11 | Photocopy of a covenant to produce deeds between Francis Blackwell Bryant, mineral water manufacturer of Dorking and Ann Hammond of Dorking, spinster, reciting an indenture of 01 Jan 1840 between John Bartlett the younger and John Young for 2 messuages or cottages with washhouse and gardens in Back Lane, 05 Sep 1879, 2pp. Source of original document unknown. | |
R116/8 | Records containing historical and genealogical research notes. 9 files | |
R116/8/1 | Photocopies of entries relating to the Warenne family, (Earls of Surrey) from the Dictionary of National Biography, pp. 819-835. [c.1980s]. | |
R116/8/2 | Notes and references to the disposition of the church in Dorking between the Warenne and Arundel families and Lewes Priory between 1147 and 1538. [c.1980s], 7 items. | |
R116/8/3 | Notes and references to Dorking, the manors of Dorking and West Betchworth and the Warenne and Arundel families and others. | |
R116/8/3/1 | Typescript note of the assignment of the manor of Dorking to Edward II from Harl. 57 E33 in the British Library. 1p. | |
R116/8/3/2 | Typescript note of references to the Wrenge family from the Cotton Mss, Nero E VI in the British Library, [16th century?] 1p. | |
R116/8/3/3 | Typescript note on the surrender of the manor of Dorking to the King from the Calendar of Close Rolls, 17 Jun 1326 p. 573. 1p. | |
R116/8/3/4-5 | Typescript notes with references to and extracts from the History of the Warenne Family [?] covering the period 1780-1790 at Surrey History Centre. 2pp. | |
R116/8/3/6 | Typescript note with references from the Valor Ecclesiasticus, or a survey of church finances of 1534/5 held in the records of the Augmentation Office at the National Archives. 1p. | |
R116/8/3/7 | Typescript note of a reference in the Patent Rolls of May 29 1415, p. 336 to a licence to Thomas, Earl of Arundel to hold the manors of Dorking and West Betchworth. 1p. | |
R116/8/3/8 | Typescript notes of references from the Close Rolls, No 103, 16 Edward IV, (1476) of a demise and quitclaim of the demesne and manor of Dorking by William Huse to Queen Elizabeth and others. 1p. | |
R116/8/3/9 | Typescript notes with references to the grant of the manor of Dorking by Edward, Earl of Derby to George, Earl of Shrewsbury and others, 1565, 1p. From an original document at the National Archives ref: WARDS 2/34/121/18. | |
R116/8/4 | Photocopy of printed pedigree showing the family of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, (1517-47) and his children, 15th -16th centuries. 1p. | |
R116/8/5 | Genealogical table of the Neale(s) family, 1546-1635. Thomas Neale held a cottage and heath ground in the manor of Dorking in 1651, (source: manor of Dorking rental in the Arundel Castle archive, A504 Box 2(05), 1 sheet folded. | |
R116/8/6 | Manuscript and typescript references to the Daye, Pollingfold, Frank and Goodwin families and their Dorking properties; obtained mostly from records of the manor of Dorking, c.1496-1753, 10 items. | |
R116/8/6/1-2 | Manuscript references to a messuage and land at the east end of Dorking held by Richard Daye and others, 16th _ 17th centuries, 2pp. | |
R116/8/6/3 | Manuscript references to a tenement held by John Bonwick on the south side of East street in Dorking, with adjoining parts called Bulls and Peppers, during the [16th century?]1p. | |
R116/8/6/4 | Manuscript references to a tenement in East Street held by William Frank and later by Miles Goodwin during the late 16th century.1p | |
R116/8/6/5-6 | Manuscript references to a tenement called Somers and Totnells on the south side of East Street, Dorking held by Edward Goodwin in [1649?], George Goodwin and Widdow Upton 2pp. | |
R116/8/6/7 | Manuscript references to a parcel of Lower Chequers lands on south side of Chergate Lane held by Edward Goodwin in [1753?]. 1p. | |
R116/8/6/8-9 | Manuscript notes on the Goodwin family from the Dorking area in the 16th and 17th centuries. 2 pp. | |
R116/8/6/10 | Typescript note with references to Richard Cherde of Honyngton taken from records of the Wardrobe and Household, 14 Edw.I. 1p. | |
R116/8/7 | Extracts from wills and manorial records relating mostly to the Pollingfold family of Dorking during the 16th and 17th centuries and to the Dorking holdings of John Dawe in the 14th and 15th centuries .14 items | |
R116/8/7/1 | Manuscript extracts from a survey of 40 Eliz. (1597/8) relating to the holdings of the Pollingfold, Smyth, Goodwin and Dawes families in the East Borough of Dorking. 1p. | |
R116/8/7/2-8 | Typescript and manuscript notes of the Ponyngfold family genealogy from Dorking parish registers and other sources, 16th-17th centuries. 7pp. | |
R116/8/7/9 | Typescript of an extract from the will of William Paningford of Dorking, yeoman, dated 04 Nov 1603 and proved 26 Nov 1603, 1p. Taken from the Herringman Register at the London Metropolitan Archives, fo. 412, no. 767. | |
R116/8/7/10 | Typescript extract from Dorking court rolls recording the death of William Ponyngfold, [early 17th cent?], 1p. | |
R116/8/7/11 | Typescript references to the wills of Joane Panningfold, widow of Dorking, 1604 and Matthew Panningfold of Pulborough, Sussex, yeoman, 1604 from originals proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury held in the National Archives. 1p. | |
R116/8/7/12 | Manuscript extract from the survey of the manor of Dorking of 1649 relating to the tenement in East Street called Ringers held by Richard Finch and formerly by Goodwin, Smith and Bowells, 1p. | |
R116/8/7/13 | Manuscript extracts from Dorking court rolls relating to the holdings of John Dawe in the East Borough during the 14th century. 1p. | |
R116/8/7/14 | Manuscript extracts from Dorking court rolls relating to the holdings of John Dawe and Robert Stapleton in the 15th century 1p. | |
R116/8/8 | Miscellaneous notes of persons and places named Dorking taken from sources in major repositories, 13th _ 19th centuries. 14 items. | |
R116/8/8/1-5 | Manuscript notes from Close Rolls, City of London Letter Books, Coroners Rolls, Hustings Rolls etc from 1278-1428, 5pp. | |
R116/8/8/6-13 | Manuscript notes relating to wharves and docks from similar sources as R116/8/8/1-5, 13th -19th centuries, 8pp. | |
R116/8/8/14 | Photocopy of printed Latin text containing an extract from the Register of the Grey Friars in London with references to the land held by John of Dorking in Holborn contained in a statement about flooding by springs and the river Fleet in the parishes of St Giles and St Andrew, [15th cent?] 1p. | |
R116/9 | Listings and notes of record sources including those at Surrey History Centre and Arundel Castle. 10 items | |
R116/9/1 | Sources at Surrey History Centre, Woking. 5 items. | |
R116/9/1/1 | Photocopy of the catalogue of records for the manors of Dorking with Capel and Shellwood at Surrey History Centre, 6pp with notes on availability for copying, [c.1970s?] 1p. | |
R116/9/1/2 | Photocopy of the index cards from Surrey Record Office relating to Dorking material, [c.1980s?], 7pp. | |
R116/9/1/3 | Manuscript note showing a list of registers of licences granted under the Licensing Act 35 & 36 Vic. C.94, sec 36. Surrey Record Office ref: PS7/2. | |
R116/9/1/4 | Typescript note of Dorking manorial records of the 19th century received from the Dorking solicitors Hart, Scales and Hodges, 1p | |
R116/9/1/5 | Typescript note of references to the deposit of Dorking deeds 1647-1724. 1p. | |
R116/9/3 | Photocopy of a listing of Dorking manor court rolls, 1275-1608 and other items held at Arundel Castle, 2pp. | |
R116/9/4 | Typescript page with a listing of documents relating to property in Dorking extracted from ñPalaeography, genealogy and topography,î by H R Moulton, pub. London 1930, [c.1977?], 1p. | |
R116/9/5 | Typescript page of notes with references taken from major record repositories relating to the Priory of St Mary Overy, Southwark, [c.1980s?] | |
R116/9/6 | Photocopy of pages from a catalogue of Surrey deeds and other documents offered for sale by F. Marcham, 9 Tottenham Terrace, White Hart Lane, Tottenham, London, 3pp, [1980s?] Copy obtained from Surrey Archaeological Society. A handwritten note states that the catalogue was issued about 1910 and that some of the deeds mentioned have found their way to the Minet Library at Lambeth. | |
R116/10 | Records relating to people and places outsde Surrey but with an indirect relevance to the Dorking area, [early 13th?] - 17th centuries, 5 items. | |
R116/10/1 | Photocopy of a confirmation of grant of land and properties in Gamanches and Guerreville by Thomas de Saint Wallere and Edela his wife to the church at Llangerniw, Denbighshire or Dodnash Priory, Suffolk. Text in Latin, [early 13th century?]. 1p. Source unknown. No obvious connection to Dorking. | |
R116/10/2 | Photocopy of an extent and yearly value of the possessions of Dame Katherine Sonds, widow, a lunatic in the county of Kent, 09 Jun 1632, 1p. Original in National Archives WARDS 5/42 | |
R116/10/3 | Hand drawn genealogical chart relating to the Burkett or Birkett family of Westmoreland in the 17th century, [1980s?] | |
R116/10/4 | Hand drawn genealogical chart relating to the descendants of Christopher Birkett in the 16th-17th centuries, [1980s?] No place of residence is given. | |
R116/10/5 | Typescript slip of paper with notes from Grey Friars Chronicle published by the Camden Society, 1851, relating to Jack CadeÍs rebellion of 1452 with a note on an earthquake affecting Croydon, Reigate and other places in 1551. [1970s?], 1p. | |
R116/11 | Photocopy of Alphabetical lists of tenants of Dorking and Capel: 'Tenants of Dorking Manor in Dorking Parish." [c.19th cent?] Original at Surrey History Centre 196/3/6. Copyright: Surrey History Centre. | |
R117/1-5 | Items relating to Miss J Hill's service in the Women's Land Army, 1941-46. | |
R118/1-2 | Merchant Navy: A P Kapper's clothing book (1/3/1949); fire alarm instructions RSM Queen Elizabeth issued to A Kapper, storekeeper | |
R119/1-2 | Collins family papers: photocopies of 2 letters by Alfred Collins & Sarah Collins (ne_ Jerome) to Caroline Collins, 25 Nov 1863 & 11 Dec 1863) | |
R119/3 | Apprenticeship Indenture of Alfred Francis Collins (son of Charles Collins and father of the donor) to F Bargman & H S Benson of Dorking, architects and surveyors | |
R120/1-26 | Deeds of Shrub Cottage (nos 8 & 9 Cotmandene); 1728-1913; also nos 35 & 36 and 6 messuages on South side of High Street | |
R121 | Chemist's prescription book (1908-1912) High Street Dorking (not identified, probably Clarks Medical Hall); pp1-601 includes index of clients | |
R122 | Birth certificate (certified copy) of Edward Withers (organist); 28 December 1885; photocopy | |
R123/1 | Walker and Balchin families Genealogical table (1694-1901) | |
R123/2 | Walker and Balchin families Genealogical table (1694-1901) | |
R123/3 | An example of the caligraphy of J E N Walker [a poem 'The Kingdom of God in a Strange Country' by Francis Thompson]; 1976 | |
R124 | Memorandum book inscribed 'James Jones 1769' on the vellum cover, 18pp. It would appear to have been a school exercise book containing at the front mathematical problems; and exercises in calligraphy. On the inside front cover is inscribed in a later, very shaky hand, "George Tigwell, his book aged 16 Oct 27 1867 followed by M A Tigwell aged 11, 27 Oct 185?7 genealogical notes and sundry memoranda; 1769-1898, 1930. In a third hand entered underneath the last is the inscription Mrs Mary Ann Longhurst, Brookwood Asylum, near Woking, Surrey. The book records that the original compiler James Jones was born in 1755 and further research has shown that he was the great-great uncle of George Tigwell.and that Mary Ann Longhurst was George Tigwell's grandmother. | |
R125 | Invoice of J Chitty & Son family butchers of 9 South Street, Dorking addressed to Mr Coghurst, [c.1930s?], 1p. | |
R126/1-13 | Deeds and papers relating to 32a Church Street (1743-1978) including abstract of title 1598-1819 re annuity of £10 from Lower Chequers | |
R127 | Copy of the birth certificate of the actor Laurence Olivier, born in Dorking 22 May 1907. | |
R128 | Dorking High School: Reports for W J Bonner; Jan 1920 - Sept 1925 (18); contained in file | |
R129/1-29 | Powell Corderoy School: Reports, lists of attendances at Managers' Meetings and other sundry items (also framed photograph of Miss Corderoy and 2 slates) | |
R129/30 | Powell Corderoy School Roll Call 30 March 1928; photocopy 10 sheets | |
R129/31-38 | Powell Corderoy School (Dorking British School); Photocopies of 6 items (1895-1940) used in an exhibition; also 2 letters from T E Powell to Miss Corderoy; 21 Jan 1898 & 4 Aug 1898 | |
R129/39 | Dorking British School (Powell Corderoy School) Children's Overseas Reception Scheme letter preforma; June 1940; World War 2. | |
R130 | World War 1: Illuminated certificate that Private H W Cockerell is commemorated in Hooge Crater cemetery, Belgium; 26 October 1917 | |
R131 | Album of autographs and newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous items chiefly relating to the Attlee family and the Knight family of Fareham; 1784-1904; ff1-107 | |
R132/1-5 | Minute books of the Dorking Lawn Tennis Club; 09 Dec 1912 - 26 Jul 1933; 27Mar 1934-03 Sep 1951; 14 Sep 1951-21 Feb 1969; 23 Mar 1971-20 Mar 1974; 06 Mar 1973-14 Apr 1975; some loose papers in books | |
R132/6 | Dorking Lawn Tennis Club membership list, 1978. | |
R132/7 | Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club: membership list and bye-laws 1997 | |
R133 | Apprenticeship Indenture of Charles Gander to William & George King of Abinger Hammer; 10 November 1891; parchment 1m | |
R134 | Records of the estate agents Crow, Watkin and Watkin, chartered surveyors, land agents and auctioneers of South Street, Dorking. | |
R134 ctd | Administrative history: Established in 1886 the firm was founded by Frederick Lewis Crow (1866-1952) who took on the tenancy of Shellwood Manor, Leigh with its farm from the Duke of Norfolk and became the DukeÍs principal tenant. His son also named Frederick Lewis (1886-1979) entered the business in 1905, becoming a partner in Messrs Crow in 1907 and retiring in 1939. The younger Frederick was a founder of Dorking Rotary Club and a founder member of the Dorking branch of the National Farmers Union. He served on Dorking Urban District Council, was a Vice President of the Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society and helped to found Dorking Museum. The company were closely involved in running the last vestiges of Dorking Market. | |
R134 ctd | Lewis Crow (b.1927) was joined in partnership of the firm by W E Keasley, and during their years with the firm of Crow they merged with Messrs Friend & Nightingall of Westerham, Kent, taking over their long established business. The business of Messrs Slocombe & Co was also amalgamated with that of Messrs Crow & offices were situated at Westerham, Tonbridge, Reigate and Dorking. In September 1954 Mr Lewis Crow took into partnership his son F. Maurice Crow. (1927-1984) | |
R134 ctd | Under Maurice Crow, the business of Messrs Watkin and Watkin of Bell Street, Reigate established by William Thomas Watkin in 1918 was amalgamated to form Crow, Watkin & Watkin. Maurice Crow was closely involved with local affairs and was a founder member of the Christian Centre in Dorking. | |
R134 ctd | The company celebrated its centenary in 1986 occupying the same premises at No 16 (previously no 76) South Street. Not long afterwards the Dorking business was taken over by Messrs King and Chasemore of Horsham who traded in Dorking as Osenton Lamden of 275 High Street. The records were deposited at Dorking Museum by King & Chasemore in 1989. In 2015 Crow and Watkin continue to trade from their offices in Reigate. | |
R134/BP/1-7 | Business papers: Dorking Market, Dorking Poultry Market, Christmas Fat Stock Show, Holmwood Stock Show, NFU (Dorking Branch), Ashford Cattle Market (1883) | |
R134/BP/1/14-16 | Bound notebooks in the form of registers relating to client sales and other business showing description and names of properties, names of clients, date of sales etc. From 1927 the entries are defined as valuations, auction sales, private treaty sales or miscellaneous. Three volumes, 1886-1963. | |
R134/BP/1/14 | 1886-1912. | |
R134/BP/1/15 | 1913-1941. | |
R134/BP/1/16 | 1942-1963. | |
R134/BP/1/20/2 | Scrapbook containing cuttings from local newspapers and national magazines with notices of sales held by the firm, 1955-1965. | |
R134/BP/2/5 | Bound notebook with the title 'Dorking Market, Sheep etc' with pencilled notes listing animals sold, buyers, sellers and prices, 1938-1942. | |
R134/BP/2/6 | Bound notebook with the title 'Dorking Market' with pencilled notes listing animals sold, buyers, sellers and prices, 1950-1954. | |
R134/BP/2/7 | Small printed card showing dates of Dorking Market 1904 with a scale of charges on the reverse. Mentions the various sales held by Frederick Lewis Crow, 1904. | |
R134/BP/2/8 | Small printed card showing list of public events for the summer season of 1927 including agricultural shows and livestock markets. | |
R134/BP/2/9 | Pad of numbered market lot tickets issued by Messrs Crow, auctioneers, Dorking, [c.1960s?] | |
R134/BP/3 | Bundle of correspondence relating to poultry market sales and licensing at Dorking Poultry Market, 1958-1960. c.20 items | |
R134/CP/1-14 | Clients' papers: listed by parishes | |
R134/CP/15-16 | Valuations and inventories, rights of way | |
R134/EAP/1-10 | Estate architects' plans | |
R134/PP/1- | Personal papers: Crow family | |
R134/PP/1- ctd | Also includes Sale Particulars at S401-1299 and at SX1-27 | |
R135 | Lease for one year (preliminary to release to complete conveyance) Mr Warnford and others to Richard Lowndes, various properties in Dorking; 7 January 1814; typescript copy | |
R136/1-7 | Ralph Vaughan Williams autograph letters and fragments to Lewis Crow re fire watching, stirrup pumps and thanks for birthday wishes; c.1942 and 1952 | |
R137/1-2 | Schedule of permitted number of persons in houses in Dene Street Gardens, Dene Street and Rothes Road under the Housing Act of 1935; 5 February 1937 | |
R138 | Apprenticeship Indenture of J A Howard to W L Bodman of the Old Foundry Dorking for four years from 1 January 1919 | |
R139/1 | Fixture card of Dorking Cricket Club with list of officers and members of the committee, 1908. | |
R139/2 | Balance sheet for Dorking Cricket Club 1888, with subscription list [photocopy] and officers for season 1889. | |
R140/1 | Large collection of billheads and other ephemera. An amalgam of several different deposits which need re-constructing so that they can be fully and correctly catalogued. | |
R141 | Records relating to Dorking Cricket Club, 1942-1943. 2 items. | |
R141/1 | Pre printed hardback scorebook, with manuscript additions noting the match details and scores, for Dorking Cricket Club first XI during the 1942-1943 season. 104pp including affixed newspaper cuttings reporting on certain matches. | |
R141/2 | Pre printed hardback scorebook, with manuscript additions noting the match details and scores, for Dorking Cricket Club first XI between Jun-Aug 1942, absent from R141/1. 94pp. | |
R142/1-3 | London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority: Charges and tariffs 1940; Dorking & Leatherhead District electricity supply 10/4/1947; Application for electricity supply 28/6/1947 & notice of rates | |
R143 | Photocopy of part of the Conveyance between the Swan Brewery, Leatherhead (J W James liquidator) and Mellersh & Neale of Reigate; 9 March 1922; with schedule of licensed public houses in Surrey (Dorking); 13pp | |
R144/1 | Photocopy of Conveyance from W A Marsh to the London Joint Stock Co Ltd of nos 67 & 68 West St, Dorking; 20 March 1913; 3pp | |
R144/2-3 | Photocopies of Abstract of Title of W A Marsh to the above premises (1805-1866); 1913; 31pp & 3pp | |
R145 | Abstract of Title to 66 West Street, Dorking, of Brothers Investment Trust (1880-1947); 1951; 10pp | |
R146 | Letter from Mr J A Cole of 45 Downs Wood, Epsom, to Miss E D Mercer giving particulars from memory of former tenants of nos 64, 65 & 66 West Street from c.1951; 15 Sept 1982 | |
R147 | Visitors Book for Rookhurst, Coast Hill, Westcott,1931-33, and 1940-41 | |
R148 | Ashcombe Road (nos 70, 72, 51 etc): File of papers re appeal against valuation & rating assessments on account of increased traffic causing nuisance | |
R149/1-2 | Photocopy of letter dated 17 November 1888 from John Hart, solicitor, stating that he had taken into partnership J Merrick Head and George Scales: and the business was to be carried on as Hart, Head & Co; also a reply from C B Carr dated 27/8/1992 to D Knight. | |
R150 | Dorking Football Club: Rules, fixtures, officers 1909-10 | |
R151/1-3 | Old Paulonians Cycling Club: Rules (n.d.); list of officers, members, fixtures etc 1909; list of officers & winter programme 1909-10 | |
R152 | No 2 Platoon, B company, 7th Btn Surrey HC, Brockham Home Guard (1941-44): Register of equipment issued; platoon roll; guard book; papers re training, mustering, subsistence, company orders, etc.; also official Home Guard Manuals and Army M | |
R152/55 | Home Guard Instruction No 51; Battlecraft and Battle Drill for the home Guard; Part III Patrolling; 1943 | |
R152/56 | Qualifications for, and Conditions Governing, the award of Home Guard Proficiency Badges and Certificates; 1943 | |
R152/57 | General Knowledge for Home Guards, by Major G S Mackay; 1941 | |
R152/58 | The Home Guard Fieldcraft Manual, by John Langdon-Davies; 1942 | |
R152/59 | Pocket Notes on Identification of German Units; January 1941 | |
R152/60 | R/T Signal Procedure; 1942 | |
R152/61 | Dos and DonÍts Message Writing and RT; 1943 | |
R152/62 | Surprise, The First Principal of Attack, A Handbook for NCOs; 1941 | |
R152/63 | Camouflage Simply Explained, by Lt.-Col. C H Smith; ña handy and practical book of hints and tips for Home Guards ƒî; n.d. | |
R152/64 | The Defence of Bloodford Village; by Col. G A Wade, M.C.; 1940 | |
R152/65 | Booklet: 'Notes on Musketry for the Home Guard', 2nd edition, 1940 | |
R153 | Memorandum of Agreement between the Governors of Dorking High School for Boys and Surrey County Council superseding the agreement of May 1892 between the Committee of the School and Surrey County Council, 04 Feb 1909, 6 pp. The agreement relates to the governance of the school. | |
R154 | Printed lists for the County Courts Circuit No 48, sittings for 1942-1944. Shows the location and date of the sittings held in each year for the towns of Dorking, Epsom, Guildford, Horsham, Redhill and Lambeth, Also includes a manuscript note of the text of the oath sworn by witnesses. 4 items | |
R155 | Blank pro forma documents issued for the Petty Sessional Division of Dorking relating to the conveyance of a defendant to prison following conviction, c.1900; the order for a defendant to be imprisoned, c,1900 and a probation order, c.1930. Also includes three similar documents issued for national use, c.1900. 6 items | |
R156 | Bound volume containing the Minute Book and Rules of the Dorking Society for the Suppression of Intemperence 04 Dec 1840-19 Aug 1869; including Rules of the Dorking Band of Hope, 18 Mar 1863. | |
R157 | Copy of Court Roll of the Manor of Dorking (28 Oct 1816): Surrender by Wm Bisshop and his wife, Lucy, of Holmwood Windmill etc. and admission of Edward Swan; typescript; 1 sheet. From the album in the Sellick collection SC/P/1 | |
R158 | Petty cash book of Herbert G Kingham & Co, grocers, Dorking, used as a recipe book by M Papworth | |
R159/1-6 | Buckland Court Estate: deeds and plans (1904-47) with conveyance to Buckland Silica & Sand Co Ltd; 1947 | |
R160 | Collection of items relating to the sale of The White Gates, Westcott Road by Ralph Vaughan Williams, including sale particulars, photographs, posters, correspondence and notes, 1953, 18 items. | |
R161/1-2 | Written description and plans for the refurbishment of the Dorking Hall; 1993 | |
R162 | Newdigate Parish Council campaign against a second Gatwick Airport runway including literature to date and a handbill published by Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign; October 1993. 2 items. | |
R163 | Worshipful Company of Farriers certificate of registration for Jesse Overton, 1897. The 1901 census shows Jesse Overton at Brook Valley, Holmwood aged 38. | |
R164/1-8 | Collection of items connected with the Girl Guides Dorking Local Association, including 4 minute books (Feb 1919 - June 1978); AGM notices (1960s and 1970s); booklet about guiding movement | |
R165 | A letter written by E A English, Dorking cricketer, when aged 102 in 1966 | |
R166 | Minute book of the Dorking Branch of the Young Imperial League (an early predecessor of the Young Conservatists) ; 1926-1932 | |
R167 | Photocopies of balance sheets for Dorking Cricket Club: balance sheets, 1889, 1893, 1894, 1896. | |
R168 | Surrey County Archaeological Unit: A watching brief at 98-102 South Street Dorking; Aug 1993 | |
R169 | Surrey County Archaeological Unit: A watching brief on part of the former Dorking Bus Garage, South Street; Aug 1993 | |
R170 | Photocopy of marriage certificate of Henry Francis Vickery (son of George Vickery of Harrowlands, Dorking) and Dorothy Isabel Larking; 14 August 1914 | |
R171 | Extracts from General Committee minutes re the pageant 'Englands Pleasant Land' written by E M Forster, music by Ralph Vaughan Williams; 1937-38; typed; 1p | |
R172/1-3 | Items relating to no 2 Cotmandene Lodge, Dene Street, Dorking: Conveyance dated 12/9/1946; conveyance dated 20/11/1957; land registry entries 27/12/1957 to 28/10/1964 | |
R173 | Certificate issued by Surrey Constabulary to mark the retirement of John Parish; 1921 | |
R174 | Job record book of G A Strong, builder, painter & decorator of Horsham Road, Dorking; 1871-1921 | |
R175 | This number now part of the Knight collection at DM1/5/7. | |
R176 | Inventory of contents of Pippbrook House bequeathed in the will of William Henry Forman; 1869. Photocopy of original book made by Mrs June Spong | |
R177-178 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1/11 and DM1/7/14 | |
R179/1-14 | Collection of items connected with Ralph Vaughan Williams including: letters written to Clarice Newbery, 1943 & 1949; photocopy of newspaper article on his marriage to Ursula Wood; Royal College of Music magazine, obituary edition 1958; British Museum exhibit | |
R180 | Photocopy of charter 9043(BM) reciting the properties in Betchworth inherited by William Palmer, fletcher of London; early 16c; mounted in folder with transcript & summary | |
R181-R186 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R187 | Photocopy of a notice of first assessment under the Income Tax Act of 1857 addressed to Lady Macdonald of Holmwood in respect of a house owned by Captain Caslet in the hundred of Wotton, 02 Dec 1857, 1p. | |
R188-R200 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R201 | Home Office information sheet on air raid precautions at inland bulk or distributing depots and petrol filling stations; 01 Jun 1939, 5pp. | |
R208 | List of building work and alterations carried out under the superintendance of J E Spicer during his service with Colls & Sons (later Trollope & Colls) and signed by him; 1874-1928; 2 copies, one with additional amendments. Lists name of architect, name of place and works executed and the name of the owner. | |
R209/1 | Small hard bound rent book showing money received from tenants, 1935-1946. The early entries only show the amount received per week and the surname of the tenant. Later entries show addresses in Rothes Road, Orchard Road and Falkland Road, Dorking. The name of the landlord is not entered but may have been C.Plant of Thornton Heath as suggested in the records at R210. | |
R209/2 | Small, hard bound rent book showing weekly rents received and the surnames of tenants, 1955-1957. No indication of the location of the premises is given but the surnames entered would appear to be the same as those in the later entries of R209/1. | |
R210 | A bill from Pledge & Keen, builders and decorators of 63 Falkland Road, Dorking to C. Plant of 13 Wharfedale Gardens, Thornton Heath, Surrey for work carried out at 30 Falkland Road, Dorking, 26 Feb 1947, together with a quotation also addressed to C.Plant from Pledge and Keen, for building work to Nos 76, 77, 80, and 81 Falkland Road, Dorking, 07 Feb 1949, 2 items. The properties involved also feature in the rent book at R209/1. | |
R211-R213 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R214/1 | Transcript of an agreement between Resta Patching of Dorking, mealman and Thomas Harris of Dorking, gentleman of the first part; Abraham Tucker of Betchworth Castle, Esq of the second part; and Edmund Heathfield of Dorking, tanner of the third part, relating to Dorking Waterworks, 22 Nov 1739, 8pp. The transcript was compiled in 1981. The location of the original document is not known. | |
R214/2 | Typescript with an explanation and commentary of the document at R214/1. Thought to have been compiled by the donor Mr J Berry Clark of Ockley in 1995. | |
R215-R219 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R220 | The order of procession at the consecration of the new church at St Martin's, Dorking, 18 Jul 1837, 1p | |
R221-R222 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R223/1-25 | Transcripts of deeds relating to Fawkners in East Street, Dorking (now 44 High Street, Dorking), 1668-1832. 25 items. The original records were donated by Mrs Margaret Pantrey in Aug 1995 and then deposited by Dorking Museum at the Surrey History Centre in Jan 1996. The transcripts were compiled by Vivien Ettlinger c.1995. | |
R223/1-25 ctd | In 1646 John Dendy the younger, innholder of Dorking and Elizabeth his wife had sold Fawkners to John Long, miller of Westcott, Dorking for £140. (See documents at Surrey History Centre 222/4/1-3). Dendy had inherited the property from his grandmother Margaret Wood. In 1668, Longe mortgaged the property to William Margesson, yeoman of Ockley, (R223/1) and in 1677, left Fawkners to his wife Anne for life, remainder to his daughters Mary and Anne (R223/2-5). | |
R223/1-25 ctd | In 1680, Margesson joined with Longe's widow and daughter Mary (married to Andrew Johnson of Abinger) in mortgaging Fawkners to Thomas Brooker, yeoman of Abinger (R223/6). In 1697, Brooker's son Joseph,of Merrow. joined with Mary, now married to Robert Bartlett, miller of Abinger, in assigning the mortgage to Thomas Sawyer, yeoman of Abinger (R223/7-9). | |
R223/1-25 ctd | In 1700, the Bartletts and Sawyer sold Fawkners to its tenant Ephraim Heather, baker (R223/10-11). Heather died in 1707 and administration was granted to his widow Mary (R223/12). In 1709, Ephraim Heather, citizen and tallow chandler of London, and presumably the son and heir of the first Ephraim, sold Fawkners to his mother Mary for £100 (R223/13-15). In 1718, Mary Heather left the property to her daughter Mary; in 1754, John Heather left it to his kinsman John Evershed of Ewhurst; and in 1764, Evershed left it to his sister Mary Stantial for life, remainder to her son John (R223/16-18). | |
R223/1-25 ctd | In 1769, the Stantials sold Fawkners and a slip of land to Walter Gatford, feltmaker of Horsham, Sussex, for £225 15s, and in 1777, Gatford's daughter and heir Elizabeth sold it to Sarah Hubbard, widow of Dorking, for £315 (R223/19-22). In 1795, Sarah Hubbard sold it to John Wright, watchmaker of Dorking, and his trustee, William James, gent of Dorking, for £405 (R223/24). In 1832, Wright's executors sold it to his son Thomas Wright, gent of Dorking, and his executor Richard Chitty, wheelwright of Dorking, for £850 (R223/25). [Source of description: Surrey History Centre catalogue ref:6326/1-25) | |
R224 | Records relating to street collections for "Playing Fields Day" organised by the Dorking branch of the National Playing Fields Association, 1934-1936, 2 files | |
R224 ctd | The Association was founded in 1925 to deal with the problem of providing every town and village throughout the country with a reasonable supply of recreation grounds. It was realised that the widespread and growing shortage of playing fields would have a serious effect on the physical, moral and mental welfare of the youth of the country and that a national effort was needed, unconnected with any political creed, to remedy social conditions which condemned the great majority of young people to pass through life without opportunities of health-giving play. | |
R224/1 | File of correspondence between the officers of the Dorking branch of the Association, its London headquarters, the Surrey County Playing Fields Association and other local organisations, 1934-1936. The subject matter mostly deals with the organisation of Dorking flag days. Also includes an envelope containing a car transparency sticker with the Association's logo. The file appears to have been compiled by a member of the Dorking branch, G W Hewett of Pixham Mill House, Dorking, who features much in the correspondence. | |
R224/2 | Playing Fields Day, Motor car Badge | |
R224/3-5 | Three posters of different sizes advertising the national "Playing Fields Day," [c.1935?] | |
R225-R237/1 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R237/2 | Photocopy of a notice with the heading "Conversation between two labourers residing in the County of Sussex," Dec 1830. The text was connected with the widespread agricultural unrest which was then prevalent, one of the labourers being of the opinion that "a man of the name of Grey was going to make a pretty big alteration and if he done his duty and did not deceive us, we should have better times again." From the original held at the National Archives, HO 52/1, 1p. Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
R237/3 | Short article by R F Kersley on "Captain Swing and the Dorking Riots," published in "Surrey Life" magazine Jul 1973, 1p. | |
R238 | R238 returned to donor | |
R239/1 | Photocopy of a page from an unknown publication with brief biographical details of Henry Percy Adams, (1865-1930), the architect of the infirmary at Dorking Union Workhouse; | |
R239/2 | Photocopy of a drawing of the Workhouse infirmary from "Building News" of 31 Aug 1900. | |
R239/3 | Photocopy of a plan of the infirmary from an unknown source, original c.1900. | |
R240/1-10 | Brief history of Somerby Cottage, 3 Falkland Road, and 9 photocopied documents of deeds of the house (1855-1931) | |
R241/1-2 | Two cash books of the Old Dorkinian Hockey Club, 1947-1951 and 1966-1974. | |
R242/1-2 | Prescription issued by Clark & Co, chemists of Dorking, to Mr J Taylor in original envelope (21 April 1938) | |
R243/1 | Folder with the history of the Langdon family in Dorking in the late 19c, contains several photographs, written by Dorothy Tyson (nee Langdon) for her niece | |
R243/2 | Letter written in 1949 by Dorothy Tyson (nee Langdon) (b.c.1887) detailing some of her memories of her youth in Dorking in the 1890s & 1900s. | |
R244 | Draft agreement for tenancy of Maycott, Lincoln Road, Dorking, between E J Batchelor and S E Miller (Feb 1926) | |
R245/1-3 | Dorking Christmas Fat Stock Show (7 Dec 1938) prize list and list of purchasers; committee meeting notes (07 Mar 1938) | |
R246 | Conveyance of land and buildings in Coldharbour from the Duke of Norfolk to Henry Roffey (13 Nov 1888) | |
R247/1-5 | Timetables, ticket and newspaper cuttings relating to the Post Bus service Dorking-Coldharbour-Ockley (1973) | |
R248 | Photocopy of 2pp from 'Great British Motorcycles of the Thirties' by Bob Currie, pub 1981 - reference to Harry Nash of Dorking with photograph | |
R249 | Transcript of details of Court of Bankruptcy in respect of the Reigate and Dorking Bank with list of principal creditors (1850) | |
R250/1-4 | 3 letters written by the Dorking Postmaster to Mrs Hylton Foster allowing her to convey the mails from Dorking to Westhumble; with original envelope (Dec 1915) | |
R251 | Records relating to the artist and writer Denham Jordan, (1836-1920) of Dorking, 1 box. These comprise personal and literary papers,1866-1936, 2 files; unpublished manuscripts, 1896-1898,1 file; research notes on Denham Jordan's family origins, 2005, 1 file; and coloured, printed copies from scanned images of bird paintings, 1859-1903, 1 file. | |
R251 ctd | Biographical History: Denham Jordan was born in Milton Regis, Kent in 1836, the son of a plumber and painter's foreman. His family moved to Dorking in the late 1840s and settled in Church Street. He became a house painter and interior decorator by trade but was also an amateur artist specialising particularly in wild life. He also became a writer on natural history, producing ten books with his "editor" known as Miss J A Owen, but in reality Mrs Jean Visger, the works appearing under the pseudonym of "Son of the Marshes." As "Son of the Marshes" he contributed many articles to Blackwood's Magazine between 1890 and 1897, mostly on the natural history of Surrey or Kent with titles such as "The Weald," 1892. He was considered to be the leading nature writer of his day as his works contained the recollections and reflections of a lifetime spent in the observation of wildlife and country matters mainly in Surrey and North Kent. (Source: R251/3) | |
R251 ctd | Provenance: with the exception of the research notes on Jordan's family origins (R251/3) and the copies of bird paintings, (R25/4) all the items in the collection were donated by Mr F Plant of Dorking in 1996. R251/3 and R251/4 were donated by Mr Clifford Uwins in 2004 and added to this collection shortly afterwards. | |
R251/1 | Personal and literary papers, 1866-1936, 2 files. | |
R251/1/1 | Personal papers, 1866-1911, 1 file of 7 items. | |
R251/1/1/1 | Original copy of Denham Jordan's marriage certificate, 29 May1866, 1p | |
R251/1/1/2 | Manuscript agreement between Denham Jordan of Dorking and Frank Colebrook of Tooting, Surrey, for Colebrook to act as Jordan's literary agent, 08 Oct 1898, 2pp. | |
R251/1/1/3 | Letter to Denham Jordan from Richard Arnold of Dorking which accompanied a payment of £5 for unspecified pictures, 1899, 1p. | |
R251/1/1/4 | Itemised receipt addressed to Denham Jordan from Frederic Allatson, undertaker of West Street, Dorking in connection with the funeral of Denham Jordan's wife, Mrs Mary Jordan, 1903. | |
R251/1/1/5 | Sealed document from the Principal Probate Registry granting letters of administration to Denham Jordan for the estate of his late wife Mary Jordan of London Road, Dorking, 1903. | |
R251/1/1/6 | Manuscript copy of Denham Jordan's will in his own hand, 21 Jan 1911, 1p. | |
R251/1/1/7 | Letter from Ronald S Scragg of Dorking to Mr Jordan, (a member of Denham Jordan's family) regarding the work of Frank Colebrook in trying to find a market for Denham Jordan's unpublished manuscripts, 1968, 1p. | |
R251/1/2 | Correspondence between Denham Jordan's literary agent Frank Colebrook and members of Denham Jordan's family, 1920-1936, 10 items. Frank Colebrook who was also the owner and editor of the Dorking Advertiser in the 1890s, was trying, unsuccesfully, to find a market for unpublished manuscripts of Denham Jordan's work, following his death in 1920. It seems very likely that the unpublished material is the same as that at R251/2. | |
R251/2 | Unpublished manuscripts, 1896-1898. 8 items. All are short articles with the name of Denham Jordan and his pseudonym "Son of the Marshes," appended at the end. The subjects are mostly on aspects of natural history and one on folk lore. They include the following titles:- "The Ebb and Flow," 1896, 30pp; "The Return of the Migrants," 1896, 30pp; "When Winter Leaves Us," 1896, 42pp; "Past and Present," 1898, 20pp; "Folk Lore of the Surrey Highlands," [c.1896?], 17pp; "Vanishing Forms of Bird Life," 1898, 26pp; "Reminiscences of the Foreshores," 1898, 20pp; and "Misadventures in Fowling,"1898, 16pp. The manuscripts in this file are very probably those referred to in the correspondence at R251/1/2. | |
R251/3 | Research notes on the family origins of Denham Jordan compiled by Clifford Uwins, 2005, 33pp. Includes the text of an article by G M Chapman, "Son of the Marshes," reproduced from Blackwood's Magazine of Jun 1975 and an article by George Frampton, "Denham Jordan's Milton Regis" published in Bygone Kent, Vol. 17 no 4, 1996, (copyright Meresborough Books) | |
R251/4 | Coloured printed copies from scanned images of water colour paintings by Denham Jordan. The collection comprises 41 colour paintings of the heads and upper bodies of birds and one painting of a stag beetle. Most but not all have descriptive text of their habitat and some have added comment. They are all signed and dated 1902 or 1903 and each measures 4.5" x 3.5." They would appear to have been painted for a common purpose but what that purpose was remains unknown. A much older picture of a robin, painted by Denham Jordan in 1859 has also been added to the collection, the original image of which is 9.25" in diameter. | |
R251/4 ctd | Provenance: the printed copies were deposited by C M and N J Uwins of Redhill in 2005. The original paintings were obtained partly at auction and partly by direct purchase from a dealer trading as "Wigs on the Green," of Nether Poppleton, York. The original of the older picture of the robin of 1859 was owned (in 2005) by Mrs Madill of Edmonton, Alberta who inherited it from her grandmother, Edith Ames, (nee Jordan), a niece of Denham Jordan. | |
R252 | Photocopy of notice of 28th Annual General Meeting of the Redhill branch of the National Farmers Union with list of members; 4pp; 11 December 1944 | |
R253 | Booklet: Families of the Pilgrims - John Alden and Priscilla Mullins | |
R254 | Album with 4 postcards and a description of a day out at Friday Street (19 April 1949) | |
R255 | Letter with information about Darking Bank, Peters & Co and Reigate and Dorking Bank; laser copies of bank notes; 7pp | |
R256/1-2 | Deeds: Abstract of title of Mrs F Stokes to no.4 High Street Buildings, Dorking (Shrub Hill Estate) with plan (1929) | |
R257 | Dorking Chamber of Commerce: misc. memorabilia as listed below. (Founded in 1904) | |
R257/1/1-3 | Minutes (Oct 1949 - Oct 1953), (Oct 1953 - Nov 1960) & (Dec 1960 - Mar 1966) | |
R257/2/1-41 | Annual reports and balances 1918-19; 1932-40, 1946-52, 1954-64, 1973-84 | |
R257/3 | Rules (nd) | |
R257/4 | Receipt for War Loan (1915) | |
R257/5 | 2 receipts for 5% National War Bonds (1918) | |
R257/6 | Receipt - N A Master Bakers personal insurance (1919) | |
R257/7 | Receipt for Defence Bonds mutual plate glass society (1941) | |
R257/8 | Pact in event of damage to premises (1941) | |
R257/9 | Letter - return of 3% defence bond book (1941) | |
R257/10/ 1-6 | 6 letters regarding war damage to 145 High Street, Sutton (1942) | |
R257/11 | Receipt for bond book (?1943) | |
R257/12 | Royal Insurance liability policy for Christmas Lights (1975-77) | |
R258/1-5 | Diary kept by Capt. Charles M H Massey of Townfield House, Dorking; written in 'Ladies Year Book'; includes accounts, register of calls & addresses (1909); details of career supplied by Ted Molyneux [article in 'Dorking History 2000' based on diary | |
R259 | Prescription Register belonging to Doubleday, chemist. Dorking High Street (1899-1900) | |
R260/1-55 | Records relating to objections under the Dorking Town Plan to the development of Sondes Place Farm (1973-78); includes a large scale map of Dorking showing the proposed changes | |
R261 | Material connected with L/Cpl Thomas Lucas (c.1884-1918) of Dorking, Royal Sussex Regiment, including photocopies of the citation for the award of the Military Medal at Ypres (1917), war office notification of death (killed in action 21 Mar 1918), and a newspaper cutting of his obituary from the Dorking Advertiser | |
R262/1 | Family tree of the Wakeford family (c1600-1750) | |
R262/2-3 | Family trees for Wakefield and Jeale families; photocopies abstracts of wills of Jeale family (1662-1748); Wakeford family (1700 & 1705) | |
R263 | Letter and map for listed building consent for Bell Inn, West Street, Dorking (1982) | |
R264/1-2 | Cocks Farm, Abinger Hammer: interim reports of archaeological excavations on a Romano-British building in 1995 & 1996 | |
R265/1-17 | Material connected with Eric Phillips and Norah Phillips nee Dewdney including biography of Norah, marriage certificate (1902), misc. official documents (1927-66), Stokes family history | |
R266 | Typescript listing of names, initials and dates of the graffiti carved in the caves below H.G. Kingham & Co's in South Street, Dorking, 4pp | |
R267 | Book of Condolence opened for Diana Princess of Wales (Sept 1997) | |
R268/1-3 | Deepdene Gardens Restoration project: 3 volumes restoration and management plan for the Dorking and District Preservation Society [report, appendices A-K, appendix L and illustrations]; Dec 1996; Cazenove Architects Cooperative | |
R269 | World war 1: confirmation of war savings certificate for £19.7.6d; MOD no 253; in name of Alice Wylde (26/9/1917) | |
R270 | Documents from the collection of David Knight. Paper listing only inside the box. | |
R271 | Letter to Miss Moye from Margery Cullen thanking her for help with Ralph Vaughan Williams' 80th birthday party; Leith Hill Musical festival (15 Oct 1957) | |
R272/1-3 | Dorking Foundry: registration of business certificates for 1 Smyth & Co (H G Carter and P G Smyth, 1931); 2 Smyth & Co (G H Carter 1934); 3 The Dorking Foundry (1934) | |
R273 | Laminated laser copy of One Pound Note issued by Joseph Peters & Co, Darking, Surry (1819) | |
R274/1 | Copy of the Daily Mail printed Monday 31 December 1900 'to commemorate the dawn of a new century'. | |
R274/2 | Transcript of the obituary for Lord William Beresford printed in the Daily Mail, 31 December 1900 | |
R275/1 | Official edition, Shops Act 1934 - Employment of Young Persons (under 18 years); shows changes made 27 December 1936 | |
R275/2 | Correspondence (The Clerk to the Justices; Messrs Down, Scott & Down; Alexander Rubens & Co) in the case of Burnham v Crocker re the Barley Mow, Betchworth; Addition comprising 3 garages with a club room over; June 1950 | |
R275/3 | List of licensed premises in Dorking 21 April 1937 | |
R275/4 | List of licensed premises in Dorking 1 April 1942 | |
R275/5-6 | 2 Lists of licensed premises in Dorking (nd) | |
R275/7 | Part of a list of applications for extensions to licensed hours; December 1946 | |
R275/8 | List of applications for extensions to licensed hours; December 1950 | |
R275/9 | Part of a list applications for extensions to licensed hours: December 1955 | |
R275/10 | Correspondence: Hodgsons Kingston Brewery and The White Hart, Old House at Home, The Spotted Dog and The Punchbowl; relates to a trust deed; 12 February 1953 | |
R275/11 | Register of Licenses, (c1911-1930s) | |
R275/12 | Register of Licenses, Dorking Division (c1923-1960s) [N.B. loose papers removed & numbered separately 30 April 2008] | |
R275/13 | Loose pages from Register of Licenses (bound); 1957-1980 | |
R275/14/2-4 | Correspondence re closure of The Gun public house due to bankruptcy of licensee Geraint Griffith; July 1955 | |
R275/15/1-4 | Correspondence re Prince of Wales public house and addition of names to the Register of Licenses 1954 with references to 1927 & 1952 | |
R275/16/1-2 | Red Lion Hotel: written confirmation of ownership vested in Messrs Meux's Brewery and notice of new tenancy agreement between the brewery and the Red Lion Hotel (Dorking) Ltd; 1950 | |
R275/16/3-4 | Red Lion Hotel: Renewal of License for one year to Ronald Percy Birch and George Christopher Cooper; 6 April 1958 | |
R275/16/5-6 | Correspondence relating to the sale and closure of the Red Lion Hotel; April 1959 | |
R275/18 | Three Tuns: Letter confirming closure; 1960 | |
R275/19 | Windmill: Note of application to Licensing Sessions (licensee Harriett Ellen Wackett; 1961 | |
R275/20/1-7 | The Railway Arms, Westhumble: Correspondence relating to change of name to The Stepping Stones; 1954 | |
R275/21/1-5 | Deepdene Hotel: Protection Order and transfer of license; 1939 and correspondence re the discontinuation of the license by reason of war circumstances; 1943 | |
R275/22/1-3 | Timothy White & Taylor Ltd: Correspondence re wine license; 1935-55 | |
R275/23 | Kingham & Co Ltd: correspondense relating to license for the sale of alcohol: 1941 | |
R275/24 | Tyler & Co Ltd: Letter to the clerk of the licensing justices: 1958 | |
R275/25/1-3 | Breweries: correspondence relating to changes of names: 1958-59 | |
R275/26 | Handbill announcing Petty Sessions Court Days for the Dorking Division; 1948 | |
R275/27/1-4 | Correspondence relating to licensing Justices in Crawley and Horley; 1948 & 1959 | |
R276 | Folder containing notes on the Stilwell family (1515-1998), illustrating the family's long association with Dorking and Townfield House; illustrated; 42pp [associations with the Gilliam family] | |
R277 | L & F Pledge, builders and decorators: invoice issued to R H Beaumont, Flint Hill [shop]; April 1905 | |
R278 | Photocopy of apprenticeship indenture: G Herbert W Jay and James W Jay of Vincent Road, Dorking, to Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner [Stone & Turner] (1894) | |
R279 | Photocopy of An Act for Confirming the sales made under the directions of the Court of Chancery of several estates ... divised by the will of Thomas Cooper, d.1800; 1807; 31pp and title sheet | |
R280/1-3 | Holloway Estate, Dorking: working notes, photocopies of sale particulars (1873), restriction conditions, transcripts of legal documents etc contained in ring binder; card file of properties with information; 5 tracings of maps | |
R281 | Indenture of apprenticeship of William Thurlow of Epping, Essex, to Robert and William Marsh of Dorking, drapers and clothiers (1841) | |
R282/1-2 | Two school exercise books of George Sherlock, aged 9 (1853) | |
R283/1/1-3 | Strudwick and Sykes: family trees, mainly living in Holmbury | |
R283/2-6 | Alfred Strudwick of Holmbury: misc. papers (1900-20) and his recollections | |
R283/7-8 | Fanny Sykes (nee Goford) m William Sykes: copies of birth marriage and death certificates; photographs of family | |
R283/9 | Kathleen Sykes, b.1905: identity card and photograph | |
R283/10 | Notes on the Sykes family by Barbara Sykes | |
R283/12 | Greetings cards (1920s - 1930s) | |
R283/11 | Letter by Barbara Sykes with recollections of childhood visits to family in Holmbury | |
R284 | Copy of 6th supplement to the London Gazette (5 April 1918), award of Victoria Cross to L/Cpl Charles Graham Robertson | |
R285 | Water Supply: copy of legend on large scale map giving Dorking Urban District standposts and hydrants (Sept 1905) | |
R286 | Photocopy of Mrs Blackstock's article on the search for John Owen (Methodist minister in Dorking c1850); printed in the Wesley Historical Society (NE Branch) bulletin no 70; 1998; 5pp | |
R287 | Kathleen Ivy Spooner (1908-98): short biography | |
R288/1-3 | Ronald Henry Burcham: certificate of registration of birth (29 June 1910); RAF service and release book,1940-45; information about the Burcham family and 3 Hart Road | |
R289 | Pneumatic Tent Company: Scrapbook of 'The Igloo' and its many uses; including loose photographs (1936-37) | |
R290 | List of volunteers from the Royal West Surrey Regiment to the City Imperial Volunteers (total 34 men) | |
R291 | Microfiche of the trade directory from John Rowe's handbook of Dorking (1858), introduction by Cliff Webb | |
R292 | Letter from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission addressed to Mrs S Tombs of Dorking which encloses a listing extracted from their database of casualties from the Dorking area, 1998, 48pp. | |
R293 | World war 2: receipt for one vehicle impressed for purchase for HM Forces (1939) | |
R294 | World war 2: tobacconist and confectioners mutual aid pact (signed); 1941 | |
R295 | Details relating to Dorking properties taken from the Hand-in-Hand fire insurance policy registers (1720-75) formerly held in the Guildhall Library and since transferred to the London Metropolitan Archives. (Catalogue number Ms 8674) | |
R296/1-2 | 2 binders of correspondence and research documents relating to William Mullins; work done by John Walker & David Crump; 1970-1992 | |
R297 | Printout of database entries taken from the Dorking United Reformed Church registers: marriages 1772-1801; burials 1772-1837 | |
R298/1-4 | Documents relating to the Holloway Estate (1) Large plan of plots 1871 with Statutory Declaration by Charles Heart - 1878; (2) Abstract of Title 1878, 25pp and 2 maps; (3) Conveyance of plot 58, 1879; (4) Abstract of Title of plot 58, 1896, 4pp and m | |
R299 | Collection of receipts, orders, billheads etc in binder; late 19c - early 20c | |
R300 | Inventory of Boxhurst, Dorking, for EWH Ritchie, for insurance purposes; May 1913 | |
R301 | Autograph Album / scrap book; contains information about the Ritchie Family | |
R302 | Transcript of inventory of fittings, Furniture and Contents of Box Hill Station (LBSC Railway); May 1897 | |
R303/1-2 | Photocopy of 1851 Census of Dorking and index of names compiled by Cliff Webb of the West Surrey Family History Society. | |
R304/1-8 | 8 diaries of John Henry Lance; 1837, 49, 55, 60, 62, 63, 68, & 70. A John H Lance appears in the 1861 census for Dorking as a 67 year old barrister at Brook Lodge, Holmwood. | |
R305 | Photocopy of cover of license to erect and maintain stepping stones over the River Mole at Mickleham; AW Arnold to Blackdown & Lyne; 1932 | |
R306 | Letter of thanks to Doris Way and Amy? from German Prisoner of war working at Holmwood Brickyard; 1946 | |
R307 | Copy of probate Inventory of John Price of Denbies; 21 April 1740 | |
R308/1-76 | The Walker Collection: Copies of 63 charters relating to Dorking held at the British Library with transcripts & translations; 13c-16c; Photographs of the 13 membranes of the 1282-3 Court Roll of the Manor of Dorking with transcripts and translations | |
R309/1-8 | Lists of justices acting in and for the Petty Sessionals Division of Dorking of the County of Surrey; 1853-1928; 1 mounted sheet and 7 loose sheets | |
R310/1-7 | 1: Specification for erection of nos 4-6 Reigate Road; 1930; 2: Lease of no 4 between Messrs Caldwell & Gwinnett and Evelyn Lawrence (hairdresser; 1933; 3: Agreement: Eugene Ltd. and E Lawrence; 1934; 4: Income Tax Form; 1945-6; 5: Indenture of A. For plans of the properties in 1930 see MA26. | |
R311 | Letter written by F Field praising Wardens Miller & Pete and Fireman Warner (ARP) during an oil bomb incident in Parkway, Dorking. 29 Oct 1940 | |
R312 | Presentation book for Mr S Cousin on his retirement as headmaster of Powell Corderoy School (Dorking British School) in 1928; contains handwritten list of past pupils and staff who contributed | |
R313/1-4 | 4 Indentures on parchment for the lease and sale of properties in the Manor of Breach, Ockley & Ewhurst, mainly Lower Breach; 1702-3, 1750 & 1788 | |
R314/1-2 | Attested copies made in December 1811 of a settlement and release of the estate of the late George Barnes in 1781, and the lease for 1 year of the property in 1781 | |
R315/1-2 | Final agreements between Henry Prewett and Richard Corffe & wife: Robert has sold 2 tenements etc. and 230 acres to Henry for £260; 1743 [2 identical documents on parchment] | |
R316 | Memorandum Book, sold by Robert Best Ede, stationer and successor to E Langley of Dorking; includes accounts of receipts of money by an unknown person (Nov 1821 - Sep 1822) | |
R317-R347 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R348/1-6 | Photocopies of pages taken from "The Churches of Wotton, Abinger and Oakwood," by F R Fairbank, privately printed 1911. 6pp. The extracts relate solely to Wotton. They include the photo of the administration of the Glanville charity in Wotton churchyard in the 1870s with a list of names of the persons in the photo; a list of the rectors of Wotton and information relating to John Evelyn, the diarist (1620-1706) and the Evelyn family. | |
R349-R354 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R355 | Photocopy of an article on the pulpit of St Martin's, Church, Dorking, by Kim W Woods, published 1999 in "Oud Holland"; 14pp | |
R356 | Abinger & Coldharbour Parish News; June 2000; containing an article on the Lugard family of Abinger by Sheila Meade (nee Lugard) | |
R357 | Photocopy of article "Percy Cane at Pixholme Court" by Patience Gapper; published in the Surrey Gardens Trust Newsletter no 18, 2000 | |
R358/1-2 | Photocopies of (1) Reviews of "England's Pleasant Land" performed at Abinger, July 1934 from "The Times" and "The Surrey Advertiser" with transcripts; & (2) A review of the performance at Milton Court in 1938 from "The Surrey Advertiser" with transcript | |
R359/1-3 | Airograph written to Eileen Kapper, (later Mrs O'Kelly) 1943; Transcript of article "The Army on the Common and the Fire" by T O'Kelly, published in the Abinger & Coldharbour Parish News May 1999; Transcript of letter written by T O'Kelly descr | |
R360/1 | Photocopy of the apprenticeship indenture of Israel Walker, son of John Walker; 1812 | |
R360/2-3 | Modern prints from old plates of 2 trade cards of Israel Walker coach builder | |
R360/4- | Copies of trade cards of I Walker coach builder | |
R361 | Photocopy of the prospectus for he Dorking Omnibus Company Ltd, 1904. Duplicate. | |
R362/1-3 | Photocopies of the first entries in the Dorking Parish Registers for Baptisms from 1538, marriages rom 1539 and burials from 1542. | |
R363 | British Museum Postcard: "The Robin's Nest" the first known composition of Ralph Vaughan Williams written at the age of 6 years in 1878 | |
R364 | Facsimile of holograph letter (extracts) from Queen Victoria to the sister of General Gordon thanking her for the General's Bible (16/3/1885); with portrait of Queen Victoria | |
R365 | Copy of a conveyance to Walter Curry of 2 messuages and gardens on the north side of High Street Dorking; formerly part of Lordship House; 10 Oct 1882 | |
R366/1-3 | Copies of an Order for a footpath diversion through the property of William Finch of Albury with plan (1885); Deeds (1928) re lease of Woolpits (Ewhurst) to Sir Henry Doulton with biographical notes of Sir H D and Plan & Drawings of house 1885-88; plans and no | |
R367 | Photocopy of an estimate for erecting a house at Cliftonville, Dorking, for G R Turner and receipt for payment; 20 Feb and 7 Jul 1905, 2pp. | |
R368 | Photocopy of Conveyance of the Nower to the Dorking Urban District Council; with plan; 17 Jan 1931 | |
R369 | Transcript by Maureen Cole of extracts from "The 1851 Religious Census" originally transcribed by Cliff Webb and published by The Surrey Record Society (Vol XXXV) 1997; 14pp | |
R370/1-16 | The Rock Brewery and Beerhouse, High Street, Dorking: copies of leases (1896 & 1903) and correspondence (1913) re compensation following loss of license | |
R371/1 | Photocopy of the orders for Regiment of the Surrey Yeomanry under Col. Leslie; 4 Aug 1801 | |
R371/2 | Photocopy of Regimental order to the Surrey Yeomanry; 1833 | |
R372 | Photocopy of letter from Charles Peirson to White & Sons; 11 Oct 1909 [good letter heading] | |
R373-R375 | These numbers now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R376 | Copy of Dorking Vicarage plan of Glebe; May 1776 | |
R377 | Photocopy of list of planes shot down in Surrey during the Battle of Britain, Aug - Oct 1940, 21pp | |
R378/1 | Copy of letter by Samuel Higmore, Congregational Minister; 18 Dec 1712 | |
R378/2-3 | Copies of 2 letters from Alex Gordon to the Rev T R Grantham (5 May & 28 May 1914) re non-conformist Ministers in Dorking | |
R379 | This number now part of the Knight collection at DM1/1/1/4/3 | |
R380 | Copy of extract from the account book of Elliot & Hill re repair and maintainence of the organ at St Martin's Church; 1831 | |
R381 | Photocopy: Final Concord (3 Feb 1422) Rorbert atte Sonde and John Godeson and wife Matilda messuage and land in Dorking and East Betchworth; with transcript and translation | |
R382/1-3 | Copies of 3 bills; Furniture bought in July 1883; Photographs from James Lloyd, Albury in Aug 1883; Funeral arrangements from W & G King in July 1886 [Harrison family Gt Grandparents of Mr O'Kelly] | |
R383 | Copy of bill for repairs to Brockham Bridge; 19 Feb 1812 | |
R384 | Photocopy of a plan of Arthur's yard (builders), High Street, Dorking (n.d.) from a deed belonging to Midland Bank | |
R385 | Photocopy of advertisement for Rowe, stationers, and Rapley, fishmonger; mid 19c | |
R386/1-4 | Material issued to guests at the launch of the Dorking Heritage Trail (16/7/2000): Trail leaflet. Photo of a plaque, programme for opening ceremony and press release | |
R387 | Photocopy of the Dorking Union Statement of Accounts for the half-year ending Michaelmas 1856; 2 sheets A3 | |
R388/1-2 | The Holland Family: A compilation by John Holland of material collected about the descendants of Thomas Holland born (c.1737); vol 1 The Early Years; vol 4 The Abinger Group; 1998 | |
R389 | Leaflet 'Dorking Library 1949-1979' with historical notes of libraries in Dorking and the Dorking Public Library in particular; produced by the staff of the library; November 1979 | |
R390 | Day Book of The Dorking Brick Company's North Holmwood works; 1916-23 | |
R391 | A survey of the graffiti on the temple on The Nower, Dorking, made during restoration work in July 2000; 1 handwritten page [8 photographs added to the photo collection ref. C2/7-14] | |
R392/1-5 | Photocopies of correspondence between Dorking Urban District Council and Col. R W Barclay of Bury Hill about the Government Evacuation Scheme and the requisitioning of Nower Lodge; 1941; originals found by Chris Kohler and given to Nower Lodge School | |
R393 | Letter from John Holland of Rochester giving information about Thomas Tidy (1802-63) who spent much of his life in Dorking Workhouse, and members of his family | |
R394 | 'Capel, Ockley and Newdigate Magazine', August 1899; includes obituary of the Rev Lancelot Studdert Kennedy, Rector of Newdigate | |
R395 | Leaflet giving facts about the proposed Dorking Inner Relief Road, details of an exhibition and encouragement to fight against it; also gives list of councillors; n.d.; c.1964 | |
R395/2-40 | Material related to the proposed building of an Inner Relief Road (1971-2) including correspondence of a protest group | |
R396 | Theatre Programme for a production of 'A Busy Day' by Fanny Burney; June 2000; originally written in 1800 at the request of Richard B Sheridan, the manuscript was lost and not published until the 1980s; contains biographical details etc. | |
R397 | Article about T W Mercer (Tom Mercer, d. 1947) and the Co-operative Adult School Movement in Dorking in the 1920s; NASO magazine, June 2000 | |
R398 | This number now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
R399/1-19 | Correspondence connected with the sale of stock of 'The Old Curiosity Shop' in South Street, Dorking, and illness and bankruptcy of Jack Sanford (town crier); 1904 | |
R400/1-5 | Correspondence connected with the bankruptcy of Richard Uwins; 1858 | |
R401 | Article 'Collection rescue and rediscovery' by Simon Timberlake; published in 'Geology Today'; May-June 1990; mentions the pliosaur polyptychdon interruptus Owen and other fossils in Dorking Museum | |
R402/1-2 | 2 photocopied articles 'Early Days at Dorking' published in 'Vigiles' (the Fire Brigades of Surrey Preservation Trust); pub 1996 & 1997 [complete magazine issue no 2, 1996 added at 08.FBS] | |
R403 | Booklet 'Writers Inspired by Surrey'; pub SCC Environment, 2000; 10pp: brief notes about various authors who have lived in or written about Surrey | |
R404 | Photocopy of article from Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society newsletter of October 2000; mentions Charles Driver (1832-1900) architect of Box Hill Railway Station | |
R405 | Two trade advertisements c1907 for Messrs. A H Lyne & Co estate agents and Thomas Dawes job master & carriage proprietor; mounted on both sides of album page | |
R406 | Draft manuscript of an unidentified guide book of Dorking and District; c1912-1923; author unknown; 66 loose pages between stiff covers | |
R407/1-2 | Listing of cheques from the records of the Dorking Greystone Lime Co Ltd, 1888 & 1943-45, 8pp typescript; 3 cheques dated 1888 paid to London, Brighton & South Coast Railway Co, South Eastern Railway Co and Wages; 11 cheques dated 1944-45 paid to Dorking | |
R407/3-9 | List of correspondence relating to The Dorking Greystone Lime Co Ltd compiled by Paul Sowan, 24pp, typescript; sets of correspondence with Smyth & Co (The Old Foundry, West Street) 1929-34; Dorking Foundry 1940-42; Dorking Allotment Holders Assn. 1953-58 | |
R408/1-51 | Documents relating to Mulberry Cottage, Westhumble [previously known as Box Hill Cottage, Mole Cottage & The Nook]; 1824-1970. Records donated by Alan Jones of Westcott in 2001. | |
R409 | Study folder on the Beare Green Prosecuting Society compiled by Brian Overell containing indexes to the photocopied minutes [SCR.15] and minute books, rule books and miscellanea contained in the Crow Archive [R134.PP35/1-15] and reprints of articles | |
R409 | Photocopy of poster for the Beare Green Prosecuting Society c1910 | |
R410/1-5 | Hardback notebook containing handwritten wills of Elizabeth Piper dated 9 April 1827 and Ann Attlee (d.1846) dated 14 February 1843 [both leave bequests to the Wells family of Milton Court Mill]; receipt for £1199.4.7 paid by John Wells to Jas. Rudge | |
R411 | Poster and price list for Lascelles, Tickner & Co Ltd, 53 High Street, Dorking, nd [in cover & in two pieces] | |
R412 | Photocopy of obituary of Dr Wilfred Hooper of Reigate (1881-1950), solicitor and antiquary. | |
R413 | Photocopy of 'Dorking and District Illustrated Business guide'; c1900; 17pp | |
R414 | 'The Daily Telegraph' issued during the General Strike on 8 May 1926; incl item about a bus named 'The Surrey Fowl' | |
R415/1 | Copy of letter from Richard Hunt of the Fort Newhaven Military Display Team with information about Frank Bourne (1855-1845) who fought at Rorkes Drift in the Zulu wars | |
R415/2 | Copy of pages 182-187 from David Ratrays Guidebook to the Anglo-Zulu War Battlefields: Colour Sergeant Frank Bourne, who fought at Rourkes Drift & later lived in Dorking | |
R416/1-7 | Invitations, press reports, chairman's report & list of those present at the official ceremony to mark the 25th anniversary, extension and registration of the Dorking & District Museum; 9 June 2001 | |
R417 | Article 'Commemorating the Fallen ... and the making of the Memorial Chapel at St Barnabas Church, Ranmore (The Cubitt family and World War 1); by Keith Grieves; published in Surrey History Vol VI, No 2; 2000; pp107-124 | |
R418 | Material relating to Beechams Pharmaceuticals Research Division at Brockham Park | |
R419 | The archives of the Leith Hill Musical Festival | |
R419/29 | Photographs of display cases in the exhibition to mark the centenary of the Leith Hill Musical Festival mounted at the Surrey Performing Arts Library, 2005 | |
R419/30 | A handlist to the Vaughan Williams Collection, the Vaughan Williams / Leith Hill Musical Festival Orchestral Library, held at the Surrey Performing Arts Library; compiled by Rene Stewart, 2005; 57pp, spiral bound | |
R419/31 | RVW's Programme Notes for Leith Hill Musical Festival by Renee Stewart; 20pp, card covers [to be added to the LHMF Archive] | |
R420 | Domestic History: Diary issued by J Salmon & Son Ltd with household hints, recipes and many advertisements (1934) | |
R421 | Photocopy of three obituaries for Frank McCormack (d. 17/5/2001); with illustration | |
R422 | Osborne House: official guide with references to Thomas Cubitt (illustration); 40pp; card covers | |
R423 | London ABC Guide' Twentieth Century Edition; published 1901; hard back; 98pp and 32 page advertisement for Chas Baker & Co Stores. | |
R424/1-2 | Card from the Chairman and General Manager of Southern Railway to Mr R Taylor of Dorking, expressing thanks for assistance rendered during the General Strike of 1926; covering letter dated 24 June 1926 from A D Jones, Locomotive Running Superintendent | |
R425 | Card showing the bus fares charged by Arthur King who has sole right of supplying bus and carriages for hire to the S E & C Ry Station; nd | |
R426 | Copies of 'The Daily Chronicle' dated Monday November 11 1918 and Tuesday November 12 1918 marking the end of the Great World War | |
R427/1-2 | Chapter from 'A Slice of Life' by F J Medland, dealing with Denbies during World War 2; plus aerial photograph showing how the house was used | |
R427/3 | Newspaper article (Sunday Telegraph, 20 Oct 2002); refers to the autobiography of Ida Crowe and wartime job at Denbies Home Guard School | |
R428 | Order of Service for the induction of the Rev. Paul Bryer at St Paul's Church, Dorking, 30 Aug 2001. | |
R429 | Booklet: 'The Geological Inspiration for the Denbies Vineyard' by Prof Richard Selley; 8pp and card cover; incl. maps; pub. Denbies Wine Estate, nd | |
R430/1-8 | copies of papers relating to Thomas Napper, surgeon, (1811-1871): includes family trees, marriage certificate Dec 1840, death certificate, professional qualification 1836, will; Domestic Buildings Research Group report on his house in Ockley; modern photographs of house | |
R431 | Mickleham Conservation Areas designated 26 March 1974 under the Town & Country Planning Act of 1971: descriptions of buildings; 27pp | |
R432 | Short biography of William Kelsey; 1p | |
R433 | Article on the renovation of two shops in South Street, at one time the White Lion pub taken from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings News, Vol 21, No 2, 2000: | |
R434 | Photocopy of minutes of meeting held on 1 October 1948 referring to Champion Gardener's trophy | |
R435 | A Small Farm in Surrey' an account of family holiday in the 1920s by Dorothy Lillico; 17pp and 2pp | |
R436 | A brief history of the United Reformed Church, Dorking, issued for Heritage Open Days; 1 A4 sheet, folded | |
R437 | Photocopy of the Introduction to 'In Pursuit of the Picturesque' a book by the Surrey Gardens Trust describing William Gilpin's Surrey Excursion (1768); map and illustrations showing estates visited; 1p | |
R438/1-5 | Four plans showing the caves at Deepdene House and their use during the second world war with a brief note dictated by Mr Salter to A Jackson. | |
R438/6 | Caves at Deepdene House: Site Record for World War 2 Southern Railway Traffic Control centre carried out by Subterranea Britannica; 1999; 6pp; illustrated | |
R439 | Advertising card for Little Dudley House restaurant, South Street, nd; illustration of interior | |
R440 | Programme for a New Year Dinner Dance on the occasion of the presentation to Sir John Hay by the staff of Guthrie & Co Limited; held at Burford Bridge Hotel; 04 Jan 1940; signed by guests at top table | |
R441 | Programme for the Ladies Festival of the freemasons Dorking Lodge 1149 held at the White Horse Hotel; 24 January 1940; signed by some guests | |
R442 | Advertisement for Wm. Penn Ltd of London; mail order products including a rugmaker; nd, c1942 [relates to exhibit in needlework cabinet] | |
R443 | Advertisement card for R W Fielder; drapery, clothing and boots store; High Street Dorking, line drawing of exterior of shop; nd, c1895 | |
R444/1-2 | Front page from the Sunday Pictorial dated 4 July 1915; gives details of M. Gilbert's world war 1 air attack on Germany with 4 illustrations; copy of B Overell's article about Gilbert's landing in Holmwood in 1911 | |
R445/1-2 | World War 1 experiences of Percy and Ernie Fuller of Betchworth: Diary kept by Percy in France 27 July - 11 November 1915, hand-written on loose pages, 47pp; account by Ernie of capture and time as prisoner of war in France & Germany March 1918 - January | |
R446 | Receipt from C & J Attlee Tooting Brewery (Dorking Stores) addressed to Mr J Lawrence; 1873 | |
R447/1 | Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II: Souvenir brochure & programme for The Mole Valley District; 1977 | |
R447/2 | Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II: Programme of events in Brockham and Strood Green; 1977 | |
R448/1 | Photocopy of address given by Mrs de Garis at the funeral of Bess Dowling; 2002 | |
R448/2 | Photocopy of obituaries of Bess Dowling and Margaret Yeatman published in St Martin's Magazine; February 2002 | |
R448/3 | newspaper cutting: obituary of Bess Dowling | |
R449 | Diet for a normal healthy child from 9 months to 1 year issued by the Old House Surgery, Dorking; 1930s | |
R450 | Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society: Programme for a perfomance of 'The Mikado' at Dorking Halls; January 1961 | |
R451 | Brief biography of David Bax after he left Dorking in 1874 | |
R452/1-2 | Programmes: Embassy Cinema, Dorking, December 1944; Carroll Levis Talent competition at Dorking Halls in aid of SSAFA, November 1946 [annotated with results] | |
R453/1 | Leaflet: The Geology of Dorking & its Caves by Prof. Richard Selley | |
R453/2 | Water Supply: Geology Plan View and Section of the Sutton & East Surrey Water area, showing treatment works, boreholes and wells | |
R454 | Trade card for Mollie Wyatt Strong; 30 Horsham Road; teacher of elocution; nd | |
R455/1-3 | Notebook containing minutes of committee meetings of the Dorking Branch of the Federal Union;1941-46; chairman Ralph Vaughan Williams; annual report and statement of accounts 1946 on separate sheets | |
R456 | Postage stamp booklet issued to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of King George V in May 1935; includes some stamps; also 4 stamps loose inside King George VI, part Victory set (1946) | |
R457/1-2 | Photocopies of both sides of postcards sent to Charles Dowling: Station Hotel, Dorking with results of general election 1910; 2 Photographs of William King with message continuing on backs | |
R458 | 'A Guide to the Notable Graves in Dorking's Historic Cemetery' produced by Mole Valley District Council; 32pp illustrated | |
R458/1 | A Guide to Notable Graves in Dorking's Cemetery, 2004 edition, produced by MVDC [replaces older version] | |
R458/2 | Dorking Cemetery History, 4pp typescript | |
R458/3 | Notes on Dorking Cemetery and Sydney Marsh (superintendent 1952-1974) | |
R458/4 | 'The War Graves of Dorking Cemetery' produced by Mole Valley District Council; 12ff'; n.d. c2005 | |
R459 | Booklet: '24 Views of Dorking for 1s'; published J Rowe; mostly engravings from Brayley; nd mid19c; loose picture of Wotton Church. | |
R460 | Surrey Quarries in 1925' Report by P Sowan; 2001; 7ff | |
R461/1 | CNH&SS Proceedings vol. 17, part 5, Sept 1982 including articles on Swallow Holes along the River Mole and Patent lime kilns at Brockham | |
R461/2 | CNH&SS Proceedings vol 17, part 7, Sept 1983: including references to Betchworth Quarries | |
R461/3 | CNH&SS Proceedings vol 17, part 8, Dec 1984: including references to the Tillingbourne Valley | |
R462 | Biography of Frank Gower Sutherland (1908-2002): an address given by Bert Bucknall at a Rotary Club of Dorking dinner to celebrate his ninetieth birthday on 17 Nov 1998; additional note added after his death; typewritten, 3pp | |
R463 | Photocopy of programme for Coldharbour's celebrations of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee; June 23 1897; 1p | |
R464/1-23 | Collection of items relating to William Hunt, oilman of Meadowbrook Road, and his family; c1910-c1950; [full list in schedule] | |
R465/1-4 | Correspondence between Mrs Barbara Turnbull and P E Bond relating to a painting by W W Caffyn; biography of Walter Waller Caffyn (1850-1897) and a list of his work | |
R466/1-3 | Charles Skilton (d.1905): Photocopy of memorial card and Parish Register burial entry with covering note | |
R467 | Forms of Prayer with Thanksgiving for general use on the day of the coronation of George V and Queen Mary; 22 June 1911 | |
R468 | A3 tri-fold colour free programme for the Dorking Golden Jubilee Carnival; 1 June 2002 | |
R469/1-2 | Garden Design' number 8. Winter 1931 and 'Country Life' Vol. LXXXI, no. 2093, Feb. 1937: both contain articles about the garden at Pixholme Court, residence of Sir Malcolm Fraser; fully illustrated | |
R469/3-5 | Letter & cards relating to Pixholme Court | |
R470/1-2 | Poor Law: document witnessing that Richard May & his wife Anne & daughter Elizabeth are legally resident in Dorking, 1747: document - Bond in Bastardy binding James Johnson of Reigate to pay £40 to the Churchwarden & Overseers for his bastard child | |
R471 | Railways: Letter from Alan Jackson with information about foot-warmers issued on trains (c.1850-1910) plus copies of 5 photographs | |
R472/1-2 | Bessie Dowling: Baptism Card (1915) and card enabling her to be confirmed (1933) | |
R473 | Transcript of obituary of Reginald Philpott (1910-2002) by his son John, published in St Joseph's Church magazine (Pentecost 2002); typescript; 2pp | |
R474 | The History of Anaesthesia Society Proceedings, Vol 29, June 2001: pp13-20 article on the mastectomy performed on Fanny Burney without anaesthesia; 1811 | |
R475/1-3 | Summary of documents owned by Nigel Evans (USA) relating to 94 (later 54) High Street Dorking [1787-1957] and 65 West Street Dorking [1919-1936]; extracts from covering e-mail with information about Thomas Charles Warner and Thomas Henry Warner bootmaker | |
R476 | Large collection of papers relating to the Bury Hill Estate and Robert Barclay assembled by David Drummond while researching the gardens | |
R477 | Programme for Pippbrook Park Open Day; September 1969 | |
R478/1-17 | Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society: Annual Reports 1930-38; 1950, 1955/6 - 1964/5; Draft Constitution, amended & adopted 1938; 'Landscape of the Future' leaflet reprinted from The Surrey Advertiser 1962 | |
R479 | Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria, 1887: Report with Statement of Accounts and List of Subscribers | |
R480/1 | Programme for the Dorking Coronation celebrations, 22 Jun 1911, 24 p. Also contains local advertisements. | |
R480/2 | Large poster advertising the programme of events for the celebrations in Dorking for the coronation of George V, 1911 | |
R480/3 | Poster advertising the names of prize winners in various categories for the Coronation festivities in Dorking, 1911. | |
R480/4 | Dorking Coronation Celebration Committee balance sheet, list of members of the committee and list of subscribers, 1911, 4pp. | |
R481 | Poster for recruitment of Special Constables in the County of Surrey, 1914 | |
R482/1-2 | Family trees for the surname Weller, including many from Newdigate; photocopies 14pp; copy of birth certificate of Emily Sarah Weller, b. 1869 in Newdigate | |
R483/1-34 | Rent Books for the property 5 Harrow Road East, Dorking; October 1933 - October 1991; tenant Mr A Austin and later Mrs E A Austin; includes some correspondence | |
R484/1-5 | Information relating to the Tilt and Cosens families who emigrated to Canada from Dorking in 1832: includes details of what happened to them in Canada, copy of an advertisement for Tilt's Brickyard (Ontario c.1900) and family trees | |
R484/6 | Photocopies of selected pages from English Immigrant Voices, labourers' letters from Upper Canada in the 1830s | |
R484/7 | Pages downloaded from the Petworth Emigration Project web-site relating to the Tilt & Cosens families who emigrated to Canada in 1832 | |
R484/8 | List of references to the surnames Tilt and Cosens in the Dorking Court Rolls, Parish Registers and Churchyard inscriptions | |
R485 | Article: "Mines, Pits and Quarries in Surrey in 1858" by Paul Sowan; July 1999 ; 7pp | |
R486 | References to The Limeworks at Dorking; compiled by Paul Sowan March 2002; 12pp | |
R487 | Programme for a performance of Verdi's Requiem at Dorking Halls; 16 May 1970; in aid of OXFAM | |
R488 | Copy of certificate issued by The National British Women's Total Abstinence Union (Dorking Branch) to the parents of Eric Mansfield in The Little White Ribboners department; 18 May 1930 | |
R489 | Brochure for The Lincoln Arms Hotel, Dorking, giving a brief history of the pub (also called The Star and Garter and Happy Days Hotel) | |
R490 | Copy of article: "The Pay and 'Perks' of Country Station Masters" by Alan A Jackson; published in the Journal of the Railway & Canal Historical Society; no 183; November 2002 | |
R491 | Photocopy of illustration with note of a Tavern Clock by John Wright of Dorking c1780-85; published in 'British Clocks Illustrated' by Brian Loomes | |
R492/1-3 | Adlard & Son Ltd: Articles of Apprenticeship of Lawrence John Ewing to Mr H L Moore of Adlards, 6 April 1943; reply to letter by L J Ewing applying to return to Adlards after serving in the armed forces (1946-49); Agreement for completion of apprentice | |
R493 | St Martins Parish Church, Dorking, Year Book 1956 | |
R494/1-3 | Bellasis House, Headley: scanned copy of newspaper cuttings & photograph and details of its use during world war 2 | |
R495 | Programme for a concert for children at the Dorking Halls; Ernest Read and The London Senior Orchestra with William Cole; n.d. 1950s? | |
R496 | Shaking Hands with the Queen' poems by Dorking children to celebrate the Golden Jubilee, 2002; includes details of the town's celebrations | |
R497 | The Hungry Forties' descriptive letters and other testimonies from contemporary witnesses of life under the Bread Tax, 1840s, with an introduction by Mrs Cobden Unwin; published T Fisher Unwin 1905. | |
R498 | William Earl of Lovelace (William King), 1805-93; reprint of paper by Stephen Turner published in the Surrey Archaeological Society's Collections, vol LXX, 1974 | |
R499 | Newspaper cutting from the 'Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser' - Report on the council meeting celebrating the grant and first use of Dorking's Coat of Arms; nd mid 1950s | |
R500 | List of kit to be taken to a Girl Guide camp; August 1928; handwritten; 1 sheet | |
R501 | Article with the title "A New Chapter for Wotton House," extracted from 'Surrey Life' magazine, [c.2003?], 2pp. It refers to an extensive refurbishment of the property carried out by Hayley Conference Centres and also to the building's history. Illustrated with several colour photographs. | |
R502 | Typescript sheet containing notes describing the TOC H Canteen in Dorking High Street during the second world war. The author is unknown. [c.late 20th century?] The notes were written in connection with a picture painted by Miss Joan Warren (museum exhibit no DOK/2060/03 | |
R503 | Items belonging to E L Sellick of Dorking, including a certificate of admission to St Martin's Church Choir, 1890, and 2 certificates of service as a special constable with the Surrey Constabulary, 1914-1918, and 1925. 3 items. E L Sellick was Ernest Letts Sellick (1879- 1960). | |
R504/1-2 | Items belonging to Lieutenant J N L Sellick of the Royal Engineers, 1939-1940. 2 items. These include a British Expeditionary Force Officers' Identity Card , 30 Dec 1939 and a temporary permit, 1940. The permit was used for military purposes although the exact purpose is not stated. The text is in English and French. J N L Sellick was John Nevill Letts Sellick, (1912-2013), the son of Ernest Letts Sellick, (1879-1960) of Dorking. | |
R505/1-2 | An invitation card and entrance ticket to "Ye ancient pancake supper" at The White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 21 Feb 1928 and 12 Feb1929. 2 items. | |
R506 | Price List for Dorking & District Supply Stores, at the Clock House, 15 High Street, Dorking, the premsies of T Wood & Co, wine and spirit merchants, Jul-Aug 1889. 62pp. Contains many advertisements for local and national trades and businesses. Many pages are loose. | |
R507 | Original copy of the "Surrey Standard" newspaper of 01 Jul 1888. Includes some items about Dorking. Also included is a photocopy reproducing an article on a musc festival at Dorking Parish Church, 1888, 1p. [c.late 20th century?]2 items. | |
R508 | Small hard-backed booklet containing the standing orders and regulations of Dorking Urban District Council; 16 Jan 1934, 25pp. | |
R509/1-2 | Photocopy of pages 52-54 and 55 from the publication 'Companion from London to Brighthelmston, a Branch from Dorking to Reygate' by James Edwards, 1801. Date of photocopy [c.late 20th century?] An additional page of typescript notes contains a description of Dorking from the same work, 1989. 2 items. | |
R510 | Photocopy of the Report of the Charities Commissioners into the charities relating to the County of Surrey 1819-1837. 10pp. Date of copy [c.late 20th century?] The content includes information relating to various charities in the parishes of Abinger, Capel, Dorking and Ockley.. | |
R511/1-3 | 3 volumes of The Capel Parish Millennium Book for the villages of Beare Green, Capel and Coldharbour. [c.2000?] Illustrated with many colour photographs. To celebrate the Millenium, Capel Parish Council decided to create three books, one for each village within the parish. The books were to become a permanent record of the villages featuring the properties that make up the parish. Each volume details individual properties with information on their history and their occupants. There is a duplicate of the Coldharbour volume at R851 which is in poor condition. | |
R512 | Manuscript report by John Walker, later curator of Dorking Museum, on the archaeological dig carried out when Pippbrook Bridge at London Road, was widened in 1963, 3pp. Includes 2 coloured plans and 3 black and white photographs of the excavation with a photocopy of a report published in the Dorking Advertiser with the title "Where the Romans Crossed the Pippbrook? 4 items. | |
R513 | Undated cutting from the Leatherhead Advertiser with a report on the death of Frederick Arnold, senior partner of the firm of F Arnold & Son, auctioneers and estate agents of 37 High Street, Dorking. [c.early 20th century?] The article gives a brief history of Mr Arnold's association with the business and a report on his funeral. | |
R514 | Photocopy incorporating a photograph taken c. 1908 at Dorking High School For Girls with a group of 10 children at an outside location with information which identifies the children shown in the photograph. The origianl photograph is at D6/95. D | |
R515 | Old Dorkinian Association: menu for Fifth Annual Dinner at the White Horse Hotel; 1937; including list of first world war casualties | |
R516 | Licence to James White allowing him to deal in Silver and Gold; 1819 | |
R516 ctd | bill | |
R517 | Powell Corderoy School: programme for an exhibition in connection with the Triple Jubilee of the school (1816-1966) | |
R518 | Leith Hill Tower: Brief history printed on card | |
R519/1 | Copy of a lease for The Abinger Arms public house between Friary Holroyd and Healy's Breweries and Charles Rich of the Abinger Arms at a quarterly rent of £30 per annum, 07 Mar 1903 ; 3pp. | |
R519/2 | Photograph of William Rich, landlord of the Abinger Arms public house between 1869 and 1902. He is shown seated at an unknown outside location holding a large, decorated drinking flagon, [c.late 1800s] 6 x 8 cms. | |
R520/1-3 | Dorking Ladies Swimming Bath Club: Minute book 1922-36; Accounts 1929-33; Programme for a Sports & Gala 1936. | |
R521/1-16 | Correspondence and other papers relating to proposed development of land at end of Lincoln Road, Dorking; 1995-6 | |
R522 | Dorking Poultry Society: Balance Sheet for year ending 31 December 1884 | |
R523 | Dorking Cricket Club: Balance Sheet for season 1897 | |
R524 | Leaflet: 'Smugglers Caves as Wine Cellars' produced by H G Kingham & Co; reprint of article published 1924 | |
R525 | Unassigned | |
R526 | World War 1: newspaper cutting - Lance Corporal Robertson VC honoured; photograph also shows Israel Walker | |
R526/2 | Citation for the award of the Victoria Cross to L-Corpl. Charles Graham Robertson, 10th battalion Royal Fusiliers of Dorking with note on back written to Mr & Mrs S Exell when they moved to 5 Longfield Road in 1993. His Victoria Cross was awarded in 1918. | |
R527 | Invoice issued by Playfoot, family draper, High Street, to Attlee; 1876 | |
R528 | A Charge given at the Quarter Sessions (Dorking 1692) by the hon. Hugh Hare (justice of the peace for Surrey); printed in London 1692; 32pp. | |
R529 | Computer copy of above photo with information & names | |
R530 | Iron Age Hillforts in Britain: Structures of Aggression or Defence?; a dissertation by Charles Van Der Lande; 2003; 39pp in binder | |
R531 | Probate copy of the will of William Broad, retired stage coach master and proprietor of Dorking (d. 30 Dec 1862), written 01 Apr 1861 and proved 03 Feb 1863;, 1m vellum | |
R532 | Typescript transcript of part of the confirmation of a charter by John de Warenne granting rent from his tenants in Dorking, 1307-1313, together with a description of the extent of the Manor of Dorking, 1307, 5pp. Authorship and source of original documents not stated, c.late 20th century? | |
R533 | A report by Reginald J Wood and Gwyneth M Harmer;on the discovery of a well at Dunley Hill House, Ranmore, 1985; illustrated 11pp | |
R534 | The Surrey Endowments of Lewes Priory before 1200 by John Blair; reprinted from vol LXXII (1980) of the Surrey Archaeological Society Collections | |
R535/1-20 | "Old Dorking Notes" by H E Malden published in St Martins Parish Magazine; July 1922 - May 1924 | |
R536 | Warenne, Master John, Rector of Dorking (c1294-1322): extracts from Diocese of Winchester Register 1308-1314 with notes | |
R537 | Roman Finds in Dorking: copies from reports in Surrey County Council records on finds in the modern parish of Dorking; 1989 | |
R538 | Chelsea Speleological Society Newsletter (Nov 1973) with article on Dorking Sand Caves and plans | |
R539/1-2 | Dorking Vestry Accounts: photographs of pages 134-5 & 138-9 December 1812 - June 1814 [originals at Surrey History Centre, Woking] | |
R540/1-4 | Programmes for events at Lyne House, Newdigate, home of the Broadwood family: Reception (standardisation of concert pitch) 1939; Concert by the Tudor Singers 1954; Reception by High Sheriff, 1957; Reception by Alderman Capt. Evelyn Broadwood 1960 | |
R540/5 | Visiting card & envelope for the Misses Broadwood | |
R540/6 | Booth Line Royal mail Steamers card addressed to Miss Joan Broadwood; 1903 | |
R540/7 | Photocopy of letter from Guildford Borough Council (1978) relating to articles (reputedly Etruscan & Roman) brought from Italy by Bertha Broadwood in 1875 | |
R541 | Deepdene Avenue, Dorking' a report of the public exhibition held for Linden Homes on 19-21 June 2003; by Green Issues Communications | |
R542/1-8 | Programme and tickets for Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society; 1952-62 (run incomplete) | |
R543/1-10 | Brockham Village Hall: Programmes for various events (1955, 1957, 1960, membership card 1961, Brockham Green festivals 1958 & n.d. | |
R544 | Dorking Halls: programme of orchestral concerts in 1962-3 season | |
R545/1-4 | Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society: programme for production of 'The Happiest Days of your Life' n.d.; tickets for productions in 1951, 1969, 1973 | |
R546/1-13 | Lamp Manufacturing and Railway Supplies, Dorking: promotional brochure with details of products supplied; 1960 | |
R547/1-6 | Wedding invitations and other cards relating to Pirt, Rapley, Tickner, Grimmon and Bowell families | |
R548 | The Dorking and Leatherhead Gazette; September 1938 | |
R549 | Programme for concert at Way House, Brockham,1955 | |
R550 | Dorking & District Chamber of Commerce: details of day trip for members, 1967 | |
R551 | Surrey Hills Motor Club: Programme for grass track meeting at Capel; 1958 | |
R552 | The Long Eaton Cable Company Ltd, South Street, Dorking: letter relating to takeover bid, 1963 | |
R553 | Trade card: Le Bistro (French restaurant), South Street; illustrated; c1985 | |
R554 | Programme of Private Theatricals held at Parsonage House, Dorking, on 4 January 1889. Found during renovations of Waveney House Hotel in Beccles | |
R555 | St Martins Church: Programme of Songs by St Martins School Choir at the Missionary Fete; 4 July 1945 | |
R556/1-2 | Copies of transcripts of a few entries in Sun Insurance and Royal Exchange Fire Policies registers relating to Dorking properties; 1725-1830 | |
R557 | Photocopy of article about Wotton House by Marcus Binney; published in 'The Times'; 1/9/2003 | |
R558 | The Diary of Joseph Harrison for the years 1874 (at Wotton) and 1877 and part of 1898 (at Englefield Green); transcribed, printed and bound by T O'Kelly 2001; 120pp | |
R559/1-10 | Surrey County Council: Year Book 1975-76; 9 Year Book & Diaries (1976-85) | |
R560 | 'Scouting in Dorking, 1907-2003' by Brian Smith 47pp plus 'Roll of Honour 1907-2003', 23pp; | |
R560/1 | 'Scouting in Dorking 1907-2004'; compiled by Brian Smith; 72pp [to replace accession number 2003/82] | |
R560/2 | A revised edition of "Scouting in Dorking, 1907-2004," compiled by Brian Smith, 90p. Additional sections include chapters on the histories of scout groups at the United Reformed Church, Westcott, and South Holmwood, Capel abd Ockley. | |
R561 | St Pauls Church, Dorking: Leaflet detailing reordering and rebuilding projects; 2003; illustrated; A3 folded | |
R562 | Article by Yvonne Haskett giving the history of the circus in Mole Valley, in particular "Lord" George Sanger and Billy Smart; 2pp; illustrated | |
R563 | Photocopy of advertising brochure for Messrs. Crow, land agents and auctioneers, 76 South Street, Dorking; nd c.1920s; illustrations | |
R564 | Photocopies of architectural descriptions of Lyne House (Capel), Broome Hall Clock House and Hunting Lodge at Broome Hall, Coldharbour; Highland Cottage (Broome Hall Road); 3pp | |
R565 | Article: 'A Literary Walk at the Foot of Box Hill' unattributed; 5pp | |
R566 | Photocopy of article about the Evelyn family and Wotton House by Anne Sutcliffe; published in The Guildford Magazine; illustrated; November 2003 | |
R567/1-9 | Derby Day shown in six reliefs, painted by George Cruikshank; published by Raphael Tuck & Sons; n.d.; also 2 laser copies of complete set | |
R568 | Customer's book issued to Mrs G Mulley by Dorking Electric and Hand Laundry, Ranmore Road; not used; includes Terms and Conditions as revised 1946 | |
R569 | Correspondence between Jane Atkinson and Westcott Local History Group including memories of 1930s & 1940s in Dorking | |
R570/1-2 | Westcott Sewerage 1904, contract No 1: Tender for construction of Sewers, Pumping Station and Disposal Works for Dorking Rural District Council; Specification, bills of quantities, schedules of prices and tender; completed but not signed; 30pp; newscutting pasted on loose cover. | |
R571/1-10 | 'Pippbrook Post' nos 2, 5-13; March 1968 - Feb 1969; produced by Pippbrook Garages, London Road, Dorking; issued with compliments of Rob Walker | |
R572 | Leaflet 'Summer in Dorking 1969' News from the Recreational & Cultural Activities Committee and calendar of events June - September | |
R573 | Photocopy of the Account of the Manor of Dorking; 1622; 43pp; including 4 additional copy papers | |
R574 | Loose cover for Radio Times issued 1940s with advertisements for local businesses. | |
R575 | War Savings Association members subscription book issued to William John Saunders; 1918 | |
R576 | Programme for a Grand Boxing Tournament at the Dorking Halls; 14 March 1949; autographed by Jimmy Wilde | |
R577 | Programme for Christmas Entertainment at Mickleham School; 15 December 1916 | |
R578 | Advertisement for auction of paintings at Sotheby's taken from Country Life (1971); illustrations of two Views from the Deepdene Terrace by Samuel Hieronymus Grimm, dated 1791 | |
R579/1-3 | Official programmes for the Dorking celebrations of (1) Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, June 22 1897: (2) Edward VII Coronation, June 26 1902; (3) George V Coronation, June 22 1911 | |
R580/1 | A History of Part of the High Street of Dorking from the mid-17C to the present day, Ram Alley to Pump Corner; typescript; 30 and xxii pages | |
R580/2-6 | Research papers used in project "Ram Alley to Pump Corner" | |
R581 | Cycling Cartoon published 2 July 1898 relating to ladies wearing "rational dress" (bloomers) in The White Horse Hotel | |
R582 | Leaflet issued by C T Duffield, Health Specialist and Physical Culture Expert, of The Old Schoolhouse, West Street, Dorking; n.d. c1900 | |
R583 | Surrey Gardens Trust Newsletter; no 26; Spring/Summer 2004 | |
R584/1-2 | Booklets issued to mark the 40th and 50th anniversaries of the Dorking and District Motorcycle Club; 1994 & 2004 | |
R585 | Sondes Place School Gambia Project, February 1987; 39pp | |
R586 | Booklet: Dorking Flyfishers' Club, The First Ten Years; pub. 1989 | |
R587 | Tenants handbook for retirement flats at Chapel Court, Church Street, Dorking issued by Mole Valley District Council, 1983 | |
R588/1-2 | St Martins Methodist Church records for years ending 31 August 1988 & 31 August 1989 | |
R589 | Copy of article about Ralph Vaughan Williams by Sue Fox, pub. Classic fm magazine | |
R590/1-4 | North Holmwood Over 60s Club scrap books | |
R591 | Programme of events for Wings for Victory Week in Brockham; n.d. May 1943 | |
R592 | Order of Service for the unveiling and dedication of The Memorial Cross at Christ Church, Brockham Green; 11 July 1921 | |
R593/1-3 | Programmes for celebrations of Royal events: 1937 Coronation of George VI (Brockham); 1953 Coronation of Elizabeth II (Brockham); 1977 Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II (Meadowbank, Dorking) | |
R594/1-2 | Programmes of events in Brockham: 26 June 1954 Village Festival; 28 June 1958 15th Century Festival and Fair | |
R595/1-2 | Photocopy of obituary for Joan Harding, archaeologist and founder of the Domestic Buildings Research Group (d. 10 June 2004 aged 93), published in The Daily Telegraph 30 June 2004; and memorial service report, DT 19 July 2004 | |
R596 | Photocopy of Statement as to postal ballot papers in Mole Valley constituency at the Parliamentary Election 11 June 1987; signed by A A Huggins, returning officer 15 June 1987 | |
R597/1-4 | Collection of documents relating to traffic experiment in Pixham Lane; 2000-04 | |
R598/1-3 | "Guildford City Outlook" Vols 142, 143, 146; July, August & November 1935. Publications of the Guildford Institute | |
R599/1-8 | "Fifty Years with Johnstons, 1904-1954", the story of Johnston Brothers and its associated companies; and 7 prints of engineering drawings produced in the drawing office 1948-54 | |
R600/1-8 | Copies of photographs of George Arrowsmith (1815-79) and his family. [other material from correspondence etc relating to the family and GA's house Wintershaw, Westcott] | |
R601/1-7 | Minute books of The Dorking Auxiliary of the British & Foreign Bible Society 1813-1992; Records of a Women's committee,1963-1987; committee meetings attendance records 1969-1992; Auxiliary Handbook | |
R602 | Recollections of working at Dorking Foundry about 1948; 1p | |
R603/1-4 | Papers relating to Wotton House - report by chief planning officer 1999; planning application by Veladail Hotels, demolitions and extensions for a hotel & conference centre pp30-53; leaflets for visitors 2001 | |
R604 | Surrey Archaeological Society 1854-2004 Anniversary Brochure with brief history, description of functions, diary of 2004 events | |
R605 | Copy of obituary of Lady Heald (nee Daphne Constance Price) 1905-2004; published in the Daily Telegraph 31 August 2004 | |
R606 | Programme for the Retirement Evening of Arthur Webster, headmaster of the Ashcome School; 2 July 2004 | |
R607 | Recollections of Nan Kenway (Helen Young) from a friend; 4pp photocopy manuscript, & photocopy of newspaper obituary 2001 | |
R608/1-12 | Surrey County Council: Papers for a meeting of The Local Committee for Mole Valley looking at transport matters held at Pippbrook, Dorking; 23 July 2003 | |
R609 | A brief history of the Norfolk Arms, Holmwood, its occupations and neighbours by S E Worrow with additional material by Kathy Atherton, produced for "Dorking History," 2004; typescript, 6pp | |
R610/1-2 | Photocopy of newspaper cutting and 6 photographs relating to Pixholme Court during its use by the Canadian Army during the second world war, 1941. | |
R611 | Envelope for "The Prescription" dispensed by Alan Woodcock, 136 High Street, Dorking for Mr Peacock; n.d. (c1940) | |
R612/1-27 | Papers relating to the Merchant Navy career of Henry G B Pinkney including his involvement in the Malta Convoys in 1942 and decorations received | |
R612/1 | Letter dated 25/3/15 to Mrs Pinkney from Chas. W Link of Link & son. A commendation for son Harry on leaving his employment for "sea life" | |
R612/2 | Authority to wear war medals for the mercantile marine. Henry George Bacon Pinkney. British War Medal ribbon 15.8.19, Mercantile Marine Medal ribbon 15.8.19, British War Medal (and clasp) 15.8.2? Dated 16 August 1922 | |
R612/3 | Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood. Appointment of Henry George Bacon Pinkney Esq. to the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire MBE. No date | |
R612/4 | Letter from The Navigators and Engineer Officers Union congradulating H Pinkney on his MBE. 15 June 1942 | |
R612/5 | Letter Port Line Ltd to Chief Officer H.G.B. Pinkney congratulating him and requesting photographs. 18 June 1942 | |
R612/6 | Central Chancery of The Orders of Knighthood re inversiture of MBE on 14th July 1942. dated 4 June 1942 | |
R612/7 | Card The most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Instructions as to wearing Insignia. | |
R612/8 | From Flag Officer Force "F" to General [blank] instructions re Malta convoy. Signed T.O.O. 0759B/10.8.1942. | |
R612/9 | Letter Air Vice Marshal K.R.Park to Captain Pinkney 14 August 1942 | |
R612/10 | Major General C.T.Beckett to Master of the "Port Chalmers, invitation to lunch. Dated 18 August 1942 | |
R612/11 | Naval Message V.A.M to "General" Congratulations on the relief of Malta. | |
R612/12 | Telegram to Div. S.T.O. Malta (for Master of Port Chalmers) From D.S.T.O 22 August 1942 | |
R612/13/1 | Chairman of Port Line Limited to Captain GB Pinkney MBE 30/9/42 [airgraph] | |
R612/13/2 | Chairman of Port Line Limited to Captain GB Pinkney MBE 1 October 1942 [Airmail] | |
R612/14 | Director Port Line Ltd to Captain HGB Pinkney. Grateful thanks of the Council of Government. | |
R612/15 | Telegram Master of Port Chalmers to D.S.T.O 19 October 194? | |
R612/16 | Letter Lord Leathers, Minister of War Transport to Captain Pinkney 19 October 1942 | |
R612/17 | Letter from Lieutenant-Governor's Office, Malta. To Captain H Pinkney . November 1942 | |
R612/18 | Letter from Joyce Read, M4 Ward, 90 General Hospital, Malta to Capt. Pinkney 12.11.42. A thank you letter. | |
R612/19 | Printed material. Fifth Supplement to The London Gazette. 6th November 1942. Appointment of Captain Henry George Bacon Pinkney, Master. to be companion of the Distinguished Service Order | |
R612/20 | Letter, Admiralty Whitehall to Captain Henry George Bacon Pinkney 12 November 1942 re. DSO. Signed H V Markham | |
R612/21 | Letter, Sea Transport Office, Valleta to Captain H Pinkney 20th November 1942 Re. DSO | |
R612/22 | Letter from The Palace, Malta to Captain H Pinkney 21st November 1942 Re. DSO. Signed? | |
R613/23 | Letter E Watts to Captain H G B Pinkney 26th February 1943 Re investiture of DSO on 9.3.43 | |
R613/24 | Letter from General Register and Record Office of Shipping and Seamen. To Mr H Pinkey 05.03.46. Re ribbons and emblems : the African Star, the Atlintic Star, The Pacific Star | |
R612/25 | Printed Material. Port Line Ltd. Malta Convey Commemorative Lunceon. M. V. "Port Chalmers" 30.06.65. Includes photograph of M.V. Port Chalmers | |
R612/26 | Printed material. G.W.Z.C Calling the Journal of Port Line Limited September 1965. Photograph p5, Some of the Malta veterans who served in !Port Chalmers" including Cpt. HGB Pinkney | |
R612/27 | Envelope, no contents, to Captain Pinkney from Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society 17.1.74 | |
R613/1-3 | Weather logbooks including other information including, newspaper cuttings, kept by Capt. H G B Pinkney, MBE, DSO, MN Ret. 1953-74 | |
R614/1 | Memories of Dorking Town Band pre-1939, written by Jim Aslett in 2004 | |
R614/2-3 | Memories of a semi-pro musician in Dorking in the 1920s-30s; and of his early life in Westcott, Wotton & Dorking by Jim Aslett (b1915); written 2004 | |
R614/4 | Memories: Jim Aslett, between the wars, mainly natural history; written 2005 | |
R614/5 | Memories: Jim Aslett, Printing trade and other memories of Dorking & Westcott; 1920s - 1940s; 7pp manuscript written 2005 | |
R614/6 | Memories of the printing trade in Dorking in the 1920s and 1930s, written by Jim Aslett in 2005 | |
R614/7 | Memories of life between the wars; written by Jim Aslett 2006; 6pp photocopied manuscript | |
R615 | Copy of letter written by R Vaughan Williams to young fans Bill, Annette and Jane ???; 17 October 1947 or 1948 | |
R616 | 'West Street Phoenix'; Autumn/Winter 2004 | |
R617/1-3 | 'Eighteen Voluntaries for the Organ' by John Marsh (1752-1828) edited by John Lawson Baker, 2002; in 3 volumes with short biographical details | |
R618 | Notes on the Rennie Family of civil engineers (1749-1874) | |
R619/1-2 | Brochure for Wotton House, a Hayley Conference Centre, 2004; illustrated; with a brief history of Wotton House & the Evelyn family. | |
R620 | Menu for Mole Valley District Council Chairman's Charity Dinner at Wotton House; 13 March 2004 (chairman Cllr. David Sharland) | |
R621 | Photocopy of the obituary of Maurice Keen, former chairman of Betchworth Parish Council; taken from the Dorking Advertiser, 10 April 1997 | |
R622 | Photocopy of cutting from The news Chronicle 30 July 1934: report on cricket match at Brockham between teams of players from 50 years before - "Plays Game of his Life at 84" | |
R623 | Copy of progress report on the Surrey Dendrochronology Project by Ron Wild; published in Surrey Archaeological Society bulletin 380, Jan 2005 | |
R624/1-4 | Sidonie Goossens OBE (1899-2004): Obituaries published in The Daily Telegraph, 16 Dec 2004, and The Dorking Advertiser, 30 Dec 2004; copies of maps showing her home Woodstock Farm, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth. | |
R624/5 | Obituary of Sidonie Goosens published in St Joseph's, Dorking parish magazine, Pentecost 2005 | |
R625/1-9 | Correspondence relating to Dorking Hospital, 1948-1958 | |
R626/1- | An illustrated history of Nower Lodge School, published 1990 (originally Charlton House School, South Street) and photocopies of press cuttings, concert programmes, etc., kept by Flora Evans, headmistress 1923-40 | |
R627 | Photocopy of scroll commemorating the death of Valentine (Joe) Strudwick, killed in action in France 1916 | |
R628 | First Day Cover to commemorate the centenary of Dorking Golf Club, Chart Park; post mark 19 May 1997 | |
R629 | 'Nelson at Dorking and the Burford Bridge', theory about origins of legend of Admiral Lord Nelson and Emma Hamilton visit to Dorking before the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805; includes transcripts of excerpts from local newspapers in October 1905 | |
R630 | Official copy of The Highway Code issued by the Minister of War Transport with the authority of Parliament; n.d. 1939-45 | |
R631 | Annotated mounted map relating to Pixholme Court, giving tenants etc., n.d. c1950 (based on 1934 25î O.S.) | |
R632 | Historical notes on Cleveland Lodge, Westhumble by John Harvey dated 1963 | |
R633/1-5 | Family History: Ancestor Chart for R E S Miller; Descendent Charts for Henry Edward Miller (b. c1830) John Oldfild (b. pre-1820); James Walker (b. c1750); photocopies of family photographs | |
R633/6/13 | Copies of newspaper articles and photographs relating to the Miller, Walker and Oldfield famillies | |
R634 | 'The Life of Thomas Charles Warner (1853-1931) compiled by his great-grandchildren Ellen Gaboury and Nigel Evans; 125pp (includes general Dorking history & many illustrations) | |
R635/1-2 | 'A Day to Remember' by Tim Henessy, written 1999; tells his adopted daughter about his quest to find out about her birthplace - St Aubins home for unmarried mothers, Harrow Road West, 1962 | |
R636/1-2 | Two scrapbooks of material relating to The Deepdene | |
R637 | 'The First World War Diary of Kenneth Harman Young' published by the Axe Valley Heritage Association; 2002; 40pp, card covers, illustrated | |
R638 | Leaflet for The West Street Traders Association Summer Festival; June 2005; illustrations & details of traders | |
R639 | Chart showing the Descent of the Lordship of the Manor of Dorking; produced by John E N Walker in the late 1980s; handwritten on stiffened linen roll | |
R640 | Invalid Discharge certificate issued to Capt. G London, 2nd County of London Westminster Dragoons; World War 1; mounted on card | |
R641/1-2 | Registers of Employees of The Dorking Brick Co Ltd., North Holmwood (from 1939 the Sussex & Dorking United Brick Companies Ltd); c1925-80 | |
R642 | Short biographies of Sir Anthony Browne (1487-1548); Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montague (1526-1592); Henry Wriothesley, Baron Titchfield (1545-1581); published by Send & Ripley History Society, 1982 | |
R643 | Bound photocopies of title page and pp148-160 of 'The Beauties of Surrey' by William Keane, published by Groombridge & Sons, 1849; describing the gardens of Bury Hill, Deepdene, Denbies and Betchworth Castle | |
R644 | 'Dark Age and Medieval Settlement on the Edge of Wastes and Forests' by E M Yates, reprinted from Field Studies Vol 2 no 2 1965 [with references to the Sussex Weald] | |
R645 | Catalogue of Surrey Houses recorded by The Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey); published 1995 [gives dates of buildings and map references] | |
R646/1-3 | Annotated copy of 'A Corner of West Street' by Doris Mercer, pub. 1983; an index of personal names; a note 'Bartlett and the Dorking Foundry' by Doris Mercer 1981 | |
R647 | Bound copy of an article 'Timber-framed Buildings in Surrey. A pattern for development c.1300-1650' by Joan Harding; reproduced from the Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society vol 37 1993 | |
R648 | 'Planning in Mole Valley' a booklet for Mole Valley District Council; published Pyramid Press Ltd, nd c.1991 | |
R649 | Dorking Urban District Council election 2nd April 1927: general printed letter to the electors from Winifred Frogley, a candidate with support from the Labour Party and Dorking Trades Council | |
R650 | Scrapbook of photographs, newspaper cuttings, notes etc compiled by Edwin Sykers (1914-2005) | |
R651 | Edwyn Sykes (1914-2005): biographical notes used in the address at his funeral | |
R652 | Photocopy of part of a history of Waterland Farm, Holmwood researched & compiled by Annabelle F Hughes; 2005 | |
R653/1-3 | Photocopies of newspaper cuttings referring to Capt Kenneth Barker and the fire at an ammunition depot in Abinger (1942) and his marriage to Jean Alexander in 1943 | |
R654/1-2 | 'Dorking & Leatherhead Gazette' Vol 1 nos 2-3; August & September 1938 | |
R655 | Notice of Agenda for a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Box Hill (Australia) on the occasion of the presentation on behalf of the chairman & members of the Dorking Urban District Council of a shield with the Coat of Arms of Dorking thereon; 1961; signed by the mayor, town clerk and others | |
R656/1-4 | Dorking Home Guard (LDV); Notes including use of Molotov Bottles & the Road Block Scheme, June 1940 ; Capt. A V Barclay, 7th Dorking Bn. Home Guard: 2 Reports on the 4th course at the Home Guard School located at Denbies, October 1940; | |
R657 | Bound unpublished research paper: Nonconformity in early Victorian Dorking, Rev. Connebee, Rev. Philps and the Independent Chapel" by Allan Brigham; May 2008. Also bound with it "Scandal in Surrey? Nonconformist connections past and present" by Allan Brigham, an article published in Local History Magazine Sep/Oct 2005. Includes Dorking Congregational Church: transcripts of membership lists and alphabetical membership list, 1834-1846 and church leaders to 1847 | |
R658 | Binder of notes, loose pages and newspaper cuttings relating to the River Mole compiled by Doris and Edith Mercer [probably used for the script for their slide show presentations] | |
R659 | Photocopy of article "Dorking Town in the 1960s", by J L Cox; published in British Railway Journal, no 24, 1988; 8pp, illustrated | |
R660 | Photocopy of brief history of the Adult Learning Centre (previously Chart Lane Institute, Mechanics Institute), Dene Street; sent to the Dorking Advertiser for publication 2003 | |
R661 | Photocopy of article "A Mystery unfolded: The (St) Lawrence Home for the aged deaf and dumb", by Doreen Woodford; published in the Journal of the British Deaf History Society, Dec. 2005 | |
R662/1-3 | 2 letters to the librarian of Sir John Soane's Museum relating to Joseph Peters' limeworks at Dorking (1798) and a copy of a short article on the subject written by Paul Sowan for the Surrey Industrial History Group newsletter; 2005 | |
R663 | Transcript of deed - property at Pump Corner, 1683; assignment of term (Henry Trigg of Dorking & Roger Mott of Southwark, Thomas Arnold and Charles Woodman, both of Betchworth [original held at Surrey History Centre - ref 7907/1] | |
R664/1-2 | Letter from JJ Hill & Weaver, auctioneers and valuers, of Moorgate, EC", to A J Locke, clerk to the justices, of Dorking, 1 June 1950 (reports the formation of a new limited company, The Red Lion Hotel (Dorking) Ltd, by G L Turk & Co Ltd, licensed caterers, tenants of the Red Lion under Messrs Meux Brewery; licence holder Granville Bowen Morgan). Also copy of covering note on return of tenancy agreement, 11 Aug 1950 | |
R665 | Programme for the Ideal Home and Trades Exhibition, Dorking Halls; August 1965 (lacks cover); 38pp | |
R666 | A small binder of rough photocopies of Ralph Vaughan Williams' notes relating to fire watching in Dorking during world war 2 and a world war 1 RAMC bugle call & letter (1915) | |
R667 | Photocopy of article "Dorking's factory of fizz - W R Butler & Sons" by Terry Wooden; published in Surrey Bottle Collectors Club News, February to April 2006 | |
R668/1-2 | Photocopy of the 1589 survey of Dorking (original Arundel Castle ref. MD1203) 43ff; translation-transcript by Violet Whitehead, 43ff (manuscript) | |
R669/1-16 | Photocopies of documents in the National Archives relating to Jeremiah Smith, distiller, and James Clark, nurseryman, and properties at the Mint in Church Street and 100-104 High Street, Dorking; c.1761-1783 [see schedule for full details] | |
R670 | Photocopy of conveyance of Stapleton House, Dorking, 24 January 1764/5, under the will of Jeremiah Smith, distiller of Dorking. [original in the National Archives] | |
R671/1 | Year Book & Medical Guide issued by C W Firth MPS, 3 New Parade, High Street, Dorking; 1933 | |
R671/2 | Powell Corderoy School: history exercise book written by Daphne Hill; 1935 | |
R671/3/1-3 | Dorking County School: Housewifery, History & Hygiene exercise books written by Daphne Hill; late 1930s | |
R671/4 | Programme: 30th Leith Hill Musical Festival Concert at the Dorking Halls; 21 April 1939 | |
R671/5 | Wireless Licence issued to H T Hill; 1941 | |
R671/6/1-2 | 2 receipts issued to Miss Hill by Stone & Turner, 32-38 High Street, Dorking; December 1957 | |
R671/7 | Programme & booking form for the 1982 season of productions at the Polesden Lacey Open Air Theatre | |
R671/8 | Installation leaflet for Crane Domestic Boiler, fitted at 25 Fairfield Drive; n.d. | |
R671/9 | Advertising flier for "An Evening of Music For You" at the Dorking Halls; 3 December (no year given - post 1971) | |
R672 | A Town and Country Plan for Surrey' by the Surrey Federation of Labour Parties; plans & maps 1943, refers to post war planning; 24pp card covers | |
R673 | Sales Ledger for F W Mays, motor dealers of South Street, Dorking, 1964-73 | |
R674/1- | Chart Park research papers | |
R675 | Photocopy of a monochrome watercolour by J M W Turner (c.1793) said to be of Dorking Church, held by Elgin Museum. Covering letter | |
R676 | The Dorking section of the Post Office Directory , published by Kelly & Co, 1855; downloaded from the internet website www.historicaldirectories.org | |
R677/1-3 | Election poster for John Butcher standing in the Mole Valley District Council elections for the Liberal-SDP Alliance party (nd. c1981-88); presscutting with illustration relating to John Butcher as Chairman of Mole Valley District Council 23 July 1998. Short explanatory note. | |
R678/8-31 | The Abinger Monthly Record: 24 consecutive issues, February 1890 - December 1891 (including Christmas 1890) Missing as at 23.06.2022 | |
R678/1-7, 32-41 | The Abinger Monthly Record: July 1889 - January 1890; January - August 1892; January & July 1893 | |
R679/1-5 | The Abinger Monthly Record inserts: 4 Black & white prints of the covers of the some 1890-91 editions showing Abinger Hatch, Gosterwood Farmhouse, Paddington Farmhouse and Abinger Rectory resp. and a map of Abinger showing a proposed diversion of roadway and footpath inserted in the November 1891 edition. | |
R680/1-2 | The Wotton Quarterly Magazine: January 1907 (lacks cover) & July 1908 | |
R681 | The Abinger Church Monthly, May 1904 | |
R682 | 'The Scrapbook of The Holmwood', compiled, written, illustrated and designed by members of the Holmwood Womens Institute | |
R683 | Pages 3-6 of the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser, Saturday March 23 1912. | |
R684/1-2 | Photocopy of "Some Memories of Abinger and its Village School" by W J Kerr' 10pp typescript; and a short undated obituary for Mr Kerr, 1p typescript | |
R685 | Photocopy of anonymous memories of life as a schoolteacher in Westcott Church of England School and Wallis Wood C of E School; c1916 onwards. 4pp typescript | |
R686/1-2 | Okewood District Church of England School: Photocopy of the 1937 school magazine, 14pp; Aileen Owen-Burke memories of Okewood 1942-76, 1p typescript | |
R687/1/1-4 | John Higdon's memories of 2 events in Dorking and schooldays at St Pauls School during the second world war. 4pp MS | |
R687/2/1-3 | World War 2: Bob Miller - photocopied memories of 3 events (2 from Dorking Advertiser); copies of 2 photographs of him at work in the council offices; drawing of sandbag emplacement in London Road | |
R687/3 | Mrs Pamela Reid memories of 1940-42; 1p typed | |
R687/4 | Marion Meadows - childhood memories of Punchbowl Lane & Powell Corderoy School; 2pp typed | |
R687/5 | Doris Reed, nee Walker, memories of crashed German bomber in Parsonage Lane, Westcott, February 1944; 1p typed | |
R687/6 | World War 2: David Wiscombe - childhood memories; 5pp typed | |
R687/7 | World War 2: Margaret Holmes, nee Wiscombe - childhood memories of Station Road, Powell Corderoy School, railways etc; 3pp typed | |
R687/8 | World War 2: Dr Phyllis Wells - childhood memories staying with relatives in Braeside, Deepdene Park Road; Pixham Infants School & Charlton House School; 5pp MS | |
R687/9 | World War 2: Fred Thorogood - report of bombing in Watson Road, Westcott, 5 January 1944; 2pp typed | |
R687/10 | World War 2: Dorothy Hay - working for the BBC in London from 1943; 2 sides MS | |
R687/11 | World War 2: transcript of letter relating to the death in action of Marcel (Mike) Demont | |
R687/12 | World War 2: Reports of VE Day street parties reported in the Dorking Advertiser & reprinted in May 2005; 4pp photocopies | |
R687/13 | World War 2: Information taken from the Dorking Urban District War Incident Map giving details of all the bombs, air crashes etc in the district; 2 4pp, spreadsheet printouts in date order & location order compiled by Terry Turner | |
R687/14 | World War 2: Photocopy of article "When My Village Went to War" (Abinger Hammer), published in "This England" winter 2004/5 | |
R687/15 | World War 2: photocopies of 3 pages from "Surrey Home Guard" and 1 page from another publication not named relating to weapons used, in particular the Northover Projector | |
R688 | Transcript of W J Evelyn's account of a visit by J J Rousseau, published in the Abinger Monthly Record November 1889; with a later note relating to Rousseau's Walk, Parkhurst, published June 1892; 1p typescript | |
R689/1-2 | The wartime memories of James (Jim) Mann 4pp and title page; biographical note. [given to Mrs Cole by James Mann's widow] | |
R690 | Betchworth Park Golf Club: purchase of freehold from Mole Valley District Council; photocopy of article published in the Dorking Advertiser 25 May 2006; illustrated | |
R691 | 'Burney Letter', newsletter of the Burney Society, vol. 12 No 1; Spring 2006; 18pp | |
R692 | Dorking Rugby Football Club: Souvenir supplement issued by the Dorking Advertiser to mark the club reaching the final of the Powergen Junior Vase competition at Twickenham, 9 April 2006 | |
R693/1-4 | Clockhouse Brickworks & Smokehouse Claypits: designated new Sites of Scientific Interest 1992; Notification from English Nature to Mole Valley District Council, Planning Policy Committee report and covering letter, 16 Sep 1992 | |
R694 | Photocopy of page from "Merton & Morden Past & Present" showing London General Omnibus Company route 107A bus travelling from Clapham Common to Dorking in 1920; also a Nostalgiabus vehicle outside Age of Elegance shop in Dorking High Street, 2000 | |
R695/1-7 | Friends Provident and Century Group house magazines nos 32-38; Christmas 1969 to Christmas 1972 | |
R696/1-4 | Photocopies of photographs of Joseph Gilliam, stone mason of West Street, Dorking & his family in about 1900; his mother Eliza; his aunt Martha. [also added curators letter and print of 1891 census details for information] | |
R697 | Gardener's account book, inscribed H Gumbrell and dated 1921 on flyleaf, working for Rev. Twist, Bramerton 15 March 1921 to 9 April 1929; front cover and first 2 pages loose. [found in a cupboard in Chalkpit house, Limeway Terrace] | |
R698 | Line of descent from William Avelin or Evelyn (d.1476) to John Harcourt Chichester Evelyn (b.1876) through 13 generations; 1p, printed | |
R699 | Letter from H S Lindfield, Antiquarian Book Dealer, to J E N Walker (21 May 1956) giving entry for Pipp Brook (Mole) in 'English Place Names of Surrey' Vol. XI, Gover, Mawer and Stenton; C.U.P., 1934 | |
R700 | Arundel Castle Archives, Interim Handlist no. 6: Maps and Plans; issued by The West Sussex County Council, 1963; 95pp, card covers | |
R701 | Notebook kept by an unidentified person in Dorking with entries from 17 January 1832 to May 1857, mainly financial accounts [from entries referring to Poor Rate etc. it could have belonged first to James Cheesman, d. 25 December 1857] | |
R702 | World War 2: Personal message sent to all school children by King George VI; reverse gives a list of important war dates; printed on card with Royal Coat of Arms; 8th June 1946 | |
R703/1-2 | Dorking Football Club official programme and emergency evacuation plan issued for the F A Cup match with Plymouth Argyle; 15 November 1992 | |
R704 | Illustrated note about Westcott Rifle Range and the railway halt constructed for it in 1915 | |
R705 | A brief history of Warren Farm Barns, Headley Lane, Mickleham including reports by Marion Herridge (1989) and drawings by Joan Harding (1987) for Domestic Buildings Research Group with plans and maps; issued by National Trust during Heritage Open Days, 2006, 17pp | |
R706/1 | A guide for people who live, work or own property in Mickleham Conservation Area; published by Mole Valley District Council, n.d. (current 2006); includes schedule of properties | |
R706/2 | A guide for people who live, work or own property in Westcott Conservation Area; published by Mole Valley District Council, n.d. (current 2006); includes schedule of properties | |
R707/1 | Two pages from 'The Tatler' pub. 11 January 1950 showing photographs of the Surrey Union Hunt's New Year Eve Meet at Hurtwood House, Holmbury St Mary | |
R707/2 | Two pages from 'The Tatler' pub. 11 January 1950 showing photographs of a reception given by Capt. Evelyn Broadwood to celebrate the recent centenery of Chopin's death and his visits to Britain | |
R707/3 | One page taken from 'Country Life' pub. 23 December 1971 showing an advertisement for an Auction by Sotheby's. Black and white illustrations of 2 paintings by Samuel Hieronymus Grimm of views from Deepdene Terrace (1791) | |
R708 | 4 lever arch binders, 3 box files and 1 document wallet all containing histories of families connected with Brockham and Betchworth and surrounding areas compiled by Victoria Houghton. Includes correspondence with family members, census and parish register information, copies of photographs etc. [later addition of 1 box file & 7 document wallets] | |
R709/1-3 | Dorking Gas Company: Letter to Mr C Higley offering his son, Ronald, a fortnight's trial, 2 February 1925; letter to Ronald Higley offering him a four year's apprenticeship, 15 February 1925; SEGAS Journal vol 6 no 5, with Dorking references and photographs, March 1953 | |
R710 | ARP concise and fully illustrated Practical Guide for the Householder and Air Raid Warden; by S Evelyn Thomas; published Simkin Marshall Ltd; 1939; colour illustrations; 80pp, card cover (loose) | |
R711 | Copy of work on fossilised Fish Remains from temporary exposure of Hythe Beds near Godstone, Surrey; by Trevor Batchelor and David Ward, published Mesozoic Research, Vol 2 part 4, Leiden, 1990 | |
R712 | Attestation form for the Territorial Army completed by Neil Monie of West Horsley, later of Westcott Street; 7 September 1939 | |
R713/1 | Research paper: Accidents at the Brockham hearthstone mine and limeworks, 1910-1934; Paul Sowan, 2004 | |
R713/2 | 'The Brockham Brick Company Ltd and Brockham Lime and Hearthstone Company Ltd. General Register - accidents 1910 to 1934' introduction and extracts compiled by Paul Sowan; 2004 | |
R714 | Brockham Lime Works - lime kilns and hearthstone mine (scheduled ancient monument 22780): information supplied by English Heritage with suggested rewording by Paul Sowan; April 2004 | |
R715 | Details extracted by Paul Sowan from a 1913 sale catalogue of stock in trade of the White Down Brickyard, Abinger, and the New Place Brickyard, Holmbury | |
R716 | Photocopy of an Historical Note and Assessment of Cleveland Lodge, Westhumble, prepared by W H H Van Sickle Ltd; 2005; 9pp and title | |
R717 | Price list of "seasonal lines" issued by International Stores Ltd, 11 High Street, Dorking; 1896; (found under floorboards at 1 Vincent Road) | |
R718 | 'Townsend Hook and the Railways of the Dorking Greystone Lime Co Ltd' by J L Townsend; published by Brockham Museum Trust, 1980; 36pp and card covers; illustrated | |
R719/1-4 | Photocopy of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Rt Hon G Cubitt M.P. and Capt Harman Young, Officer commanding "G" company 2nd Volunteer Battalion (Queens) Royal West Surrey Regiment for using the Westcott Rifle Range on the Denbies Estate 19 Nov 1889; and Indenture assigning the rights to The Territorial Force Association of the County of Surrey, 22 Nov 1909 (contains plan) (4pp) | |
R720 | List and descriptions of aerial oblique photographs obtained by the North Downs National Trust from Aerofilms Ltd and prints of six of Box Hill (1920-49) and two of Leith Hill (1934) [not to be copied]. | |
R721/1 | "John Evelyn, Diarist" by Peter Gurnett; pub Lewisham Local History Society, 1984; card covers 10pp | |
R721/2-4 | John Evelyn (1629-1706): Booklet "A Celebration of John Evelyn, The Renaissance Man & His Garden"; Leaflets "The Gardens of Wotton House" and "The Grounds of Albury Park"; all published by Surrey Gardens Trust, 2006 | |
R722 | Transcript of an audio tape recording of a Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society (now Dorking & District Preservation Society) Management Committee relating to Clarendon House, West Street; 28 December 1978 [tape now inaudible] Meeting chaired by Doris Mercer | |
R723/1-8 | Letter to Martin Cole from Rob Hewer, National Trust Head Warden, North Downs West, relating to second world war pill boxes; includes illustrations of 7 examples with grid references & information. March 2007 | |
R724 | Minute book of the Blackbrook Welcome Home Fund (Later The Blackbrook Club); 1945-46 | |
R725/1-6 | Letter from Dorking Urban District Council to RF & DC Bargman of 76 South Street, Dorking, dated 21 June 1932. Relates to complaints of inconvenient parking outside Dorking Motor Company of The Rotunda, South Street. Also 5 dated and timed photographs of The Rotunda used in mitigation by Mr Bargman. | |
R726 | Paper "Parkgate Limekilns", Newdigate, by Jane Lilley; 2007; 10pp typescript | |
R727 | 'The Red Phone Book of trades & professions, Brighton, Eastbourne, Hastings and Tunbridge Wells District'; published 1925; includes Dorking | |
R728/1-3 | Telephone Directory for the Brighton telephone area, September 1939, includes Dorking residents & firms; supplements - Card showing 'How to Use the Telephone' and an advertisement for the United Electric Lamp Factories Ltd. | |
R728/4 | Dorking Telephone Directory, issued September 1939 | |
R729 | Brochure for Sondes Place Dairy, proprietor T W Broom; illustrated; nd 1930s | |
R730 | Postcard showing the corner of London Road & Reigate Road printed on the back with an election advertisement for Pardon-Howe in the Dorking Urban District Council Election of 1907 | |
R731 | Photocopies of the first 2 pages of 'The Art of Coppersmithing' by John Fuller, published in New York, USA in 1894; and a photograph of the author. | |
R732/1 | Brief biography of Ambrose Heath, the pseudonym of journalist and food writer Francis Gerald Miller (1891-1969) who lived at Wotton. | |
R732/2-3 | 2 press-cuttings _ articles by A Heath | |
R732/B/1-49 | 49 books by Ambrose Heath (list attached) | |
R732/B/1 | 'Good Food', month by month recipes; published Faber & Faber 1932; 276pp; hardback | |
R732/B/2 | 'More Good Food' published Faber & Faber 1933; 248pp; hardback | |
R732/B/3 | 'Good Savouries'; published Faber & Faber; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/4 | 'Good Soups' a culinary anthology of 250 recipes; published Faber & Faber 1935; 126pp; hardback | |
R732/B/5 | 'Vegetable Dishes and Salads' for every day of the year, collected for the British Growers Council; published Faber & Faber 1938; 210pp; hardback | |
R732/B/6 | 'From Creel to Kitchen', how to cook fresh-water fish; published Adam and Charles Black 1939; 110pp; hardback | |
R732/B/7 | 'Open Sesame', two hundred recipes for canned goods; published Nicholson & Watson 1939; 128pp; hardback | |
R732/B/8 | 'American Dishes for English Tables' in English measures; published Hamish Hamilton 1939; 179pp; hardback | |
R732/B/9 | 'Cooking in War Time'; published Nicholson and Watson 1939; 128pp; hardback | |
R732/B/10 | 'There's Time for a Meal'; published Robert Hale Ltd, n.d. c1940; 111pp; hardback | |
R732/B/11 | 'Good Food Without Meat'; published Faber & Faber 1940 108pp; hardback | |
R732/B/12 | Good Fish Dishes'; published by Faber & Faber 1940; 104pp; hardback | |
R732/B/13 | 'Kitchen front Recipes & Hints', extracts from the first seven months early morning broadcasts; pub. Adam & Charles Black, 1941; 95pp; hardback | |
R732/B/14 | 'More Kitchen Front Recipes' further extracts from early morning broadcasts with other recipes and hints; published Adam and Charles Black 1941; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/15 | 'Cooking in Wartime'; published Faber & Faber 1941; 124pp; hardback | |
R732/B/16 | 'New Dishes for Old' food values & substitute recipes; published Adam and Charles Black 1942; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/17 | 'Good Food in Wartime' a selection for the present times of a hundred and seventy recipes from the author's 'Good Food' and 'More Good Food' with annotations; published Faber & Faber 1942; 78pp; hardback | |
R732/B/18 | 'Simple American Dishes' in English measures; published Faber & Faber; 80pp; hardback | |
R732/B/19 | 'Good Cheese Dishes'; published Faber & Faber 1943; 78pp; hardback | |
R732/B/20 | 'Vegetables for Victory', some 600 main vegetable dishes; published John Gifford Ltd, 1944; 197pp; hardback | |
R732/B/21 | 'Good Cold Dishes; published Faber & Faber 1946; 80pp; hardback | |
R732/B/22 | 'Good Cooking on Rings'; published by Faber & Faber 1947; 132pp; hardback | |
R732/B/23 | 'Good Jams, Preserves & Pickles'; published Faber & Faber 1947; 91pp; hardback | |
R732/B/24 | 'Good Puddings and Pies'; published Faber & Faber 1947; 94pp; hardback | |
R732/B/25 | 'Good Sweets and Ices'; published Faber 1947; 124pp; hardback | |
R732/B/26 | 'Whats Wrong with the Cooking?'; published The Restaurant Trade Journal Ltd 1947; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/27 | 'Good Cakes, Bread and Biscuits' published Faber & Faber; 84pp; hardback | |
R732/B/28 | 'The Book of Sauces'; published Faber & Faber 1948; 227pp; hardback | |
R732/B/29 | 'Good Vegetables'; published Faber & Faber 1949; 244pp; hardback | |
R732/B/30 | 'Good Sandwiches & Picnic Dishes'; published Faber & Faber 1949; 115pp; hardback | |
R732/B/31 | 'Good Salads & Salad Dressings'; published Faber 1949;106pp hardback | |
R732/B/32 | 'Good Food Again'; published Faber & Faber 1950; 164pp hardback | |
R732/B/33 | 'Good food for Children'; published Faber & Faber 1947; 123pp; hardback | |
R732/B/34 | 'Fare Wisely and Well'; published Ward Lock & Co Ltd, 1951; 322pp; hardback | |
R732/B/35 | 'Pig Curing & Cooking'; published Faber 1952; 195pp; hardback | |
R732/B/36 | 'Small Meat Dishes'; published Faber & Faber 1953; 103pp; hardback | |
R732/B/37 | 'Good Poultry and Game Dishes' published Faber & Faber 1953; 124pp; hardback | |
R732/B/38 | 'Dishes Without Meat'; published Herbert Jenkins 1953; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/39 | 'Kitchen Table Talk'; published Vistor Gollancz Ltd 1953; 160pp; hardback | |
R732/B/40 | 'Home-Made Wines and Liqueurs'; published Herbert Jenkins 1953; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/41 | 'Children's Party Fare'; published Herbert Jenkins 1953; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/42 | 'The International Cookery Book' edited by Ambrose Heath; published Frederick Muller Ltd 1953; 304pp; hardback | |
R732/B/43 | 'Little Cheese Dishes'; published Herbert Jenkins 1911; 96pp; hardback | |
R732/B/44 | 'English Cheeses of the North'; published G.G. Harrap & Co. Ltd 1956; 25pp; hardback | |
R732/B/45 | 'Honey Cookery'; published Neville Spearman 1956; 88pp; hardback | |
R732/B/46 | 'Soups and Soup Garnishes'; published Herbert Jenkins 1957; 93pp; hardback | |
R732/B/47 | 'The Queen Cookery Book'; published Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1960; 323pp; hardback | |
R732/B/48 | 'Haybox Cookery'; published Herbert Jenkins 1961; 95pp; hardback | |
R732/B/49 | 'Madame Prunier's Fish Cook Book' a Penguin Handbook edited by Ambrose Heath; published by Penguin Books 1963; 249pp; card covers | |
R733/1 | Admiral Sir Leopold George Heath (1817-1907) of Moorhurst and later Anstie Grange, Holmwood, Surrey; 13 pages of biographical details from various sources collected by JJ Heath-Caldwell | |
R733/2 | Lady Genista Hamilton (nee Heath) (1899-1990): 4 pages of biographical details collected by JJ Heath-Caldwell | |
R733/3 | Leopold Cuthbert Heath (1894-1966): biographical detail | |
R733/4 | Ancestors and relatives of JJ Heath-Caldwell (b 1959); 2pp | |
R734 | Information on the Dutch House and its site in Dorking High Street (1307-1996) taken from the Manor Court Rolls and other sources; 3pp typed; 1996 | |
R735/1-10 | Material relating to Harry Christmas Mitchell born Capel 1882, killed in action 3 May 1917 | |
R735/1 | Photocopy of photograph of David Mitchell of Capel, late 1920s | |
R735/2 | Photocopy of photograph of Harry Christmas Mitchell (b1881) while working for a local grocer (possibly J M King); mid 1890s | |
R735/3 | Photostat of part of the Capel Parish Magazine, July 1917, reported the loss of Sgt. Harry Mitchell, Pt. Ernest Ranger, Pt. Oscar Marshall and Pt. Albert Leadbitter | |
R735/4 | Commonwealth War Graves Commission, pages relating to Sgt. H C Mitchell | |
R735/5 | Photograph of Sgt. Mitchell's name on the Arras memorial | |
R735/6-8 | information about the 12th (eastern) division and the battle of Vimy Ridge, 1917 | |
R735/9 | Photocopy of the certificate sent with a "Death Penny" | |
R735/10 | Photocopies of photos of a world war 1 "Death Penny" and Vimy Ridge today | |
R736/1 | Bound typed transcript of an unpublished work "The Tillingbourne Valley" by George Edward Collins (1880-1968), including many of the author's original natural history drawings; 107pp; card covers (transcript & binding by Terry O'Kelly, 2007) | |
R737/1 | Spring Festival, 7th-10th May (no year given); includes performances of "The Private Ear" by Peter Schaeffer; "Between Mouthfuls" by Alan Ayckbourn; "The Dumb Waiter" by Harold Pinter; "Little Glasshouses" by Philip Johnson | |
R737/2 | "84 Charing Cross Road" by Helene Hanff; not dated | |
R737/3 | "Romanoff and Juliet" by Peter Ustinov; a rehearsed reading performed in the Green Room Theatre, Dorking, 24th-26th September 1981 | |
R737/4 | "Company" by Stephen Sondheim; performed in the Green Room Theatre on Friday 7th June and Saturday 15th June 1985 | |
R737/5 | "The Vigil" by Ladislas Fodor; a playreading in the Green Room Theatre; 5th-7th September 1985 | |
R737/6 | "Born in the Gardens" by Peter Nichols; performed in the Green Room Theatre 6th-9th November 1985 | |
R737/7 | "My Fair Lady" by Lerner & Loewe; performed in The Dorking Halls, 1st-4th March 1989 | |
R738 | Balance Sheet for the Dorking & District Hospital Mounted Gymkhana; 20 May 1933 | |
R739 | Printed sheet explaining the Dorking Market Tuberculosis Insurance Fund; listed committee members T W Broom, James Atkinson & Jabez Swan for the farmers and George Peters, A Balchin & A J Fuller for the butchers. Hon Sec & Treasurer Lewis Crow; April 1925 | |
R740/1-4 | Copies of SPAN, The Parish Magazine of St Pauls, Dorking; July-October 1974 | |
R741 | Material relating to St Martins Church, Dorking | |
R741/1 | Minutes of meetings of St Martin's, Dorking, Parochial Church Council; 24 May 1968 to 2 October 1975 (with some gaps); 67ff | |
R741/2 | List of members of the Parochial Church Council with addresses; 1972 | |
R741/3 | Order of Procession to be Observed at the Opening and Consecration of St Martins Church; 18 July 1837 (original) | |
R741/4 | Fund for the restoration of Dorking Church and Bishop Wilberforce Memorial Tower, including a list of subscribers; 14 April 1874 | |
R741/5 | List of principal funds and societies, parochial and general, with names of the respective treasurers; 1917 | |
R741/6 | Account of rent paid for the creche and Old School House; 1926-1927 | |
R741/7/1-7 | Books of accounts of Tithe Rent Charged to the year end (October 1st); 1887-1892 and 1896 | |
R741/8 | Counterpart tenency agreement for the term of 3 years for Mayfield, London Road, Dorking (photocopy); between the Rev Jack Roundhill & churchwardens John Hunt & Charles Weller AND John Nicholl; 14 March 1966 | |
R741/9/1-19 | Correspondence regading the Old School House, 19 Roses Cottages, West Street; requisition for demolition and proposed redevelopment of site; 1958 - 1959 | |
R741/10/1/-8 | Papers relating to provision of a Garden of Remembrance in St Martins Churchyard for interment of ashes; includes plan; 1961 | |
R741/11 | Bound report on St Martins Church under the Inspection of Churches Measure of 1955; date of report 20 March 1975; 10pp and cover | |
R741/12 | Bound report on Pixham Church under the Inspection of Churches Measure of 1955; date of report 17 November 1975; 9pp and cover | |
R741/13 | Bound typed history of the organ in St Martins Church, written and compiled by John Horley; 9pp and cover; 1965 | |
R741/14/1-12 | Churchwardens Log Book (1955-1977) in hard cover note book; contents:- handwritten table of work carried out, naming contactors and costs; annual reports 1965-1977; (1972 & 1973 handwritten in book; 1965-1971 & 1974-1977 typed and sellotaped into book). | |
R741/15 | Transcript of extracts from old vestry minute books | |
R741/16 | Plan of St Martins Church showing proposed Lighting Design Service scheme; carried out by Philips of Wandsworth; 30 March 1965 | |
R741/17/1-4 | Plans for a new Dorking Christian Centre; 1973-74 | |
R741/18 | Order of Ceremonial at the Consecration of The Venerable Kenneth Dawson Evans, M.A. to be Bishop Suffragan of Dorking; at Guildford Cathedral, 28 Oct 1968 | |
R741/19 | "Pixham 1862-1912" Written by Mary Mayo; printed at the Chiswick Press; 1912 | |
R741/20/1-5 | Photographs: View of church from Cotmandene; the Vicarage from Vincent Lane and from Westcott Road; Church Street looking towards church; the junction of Vincent Lane and Westcott Road looking west; c.1900 | |
R742/1-24 | Ashcombe Dorkinian Association Archive | |
R742/1 | Photocopied index to Admission Register, 1930s. Gives names only of first 1210 pupils admitted from 1931 to 1943 | |
R742/2/1-7 | Correspondence relating to new pupil | |
R742/2/1 | Duplicated letter to new parent with invitation to meeting at school; 21 May 1959 | |
R742/2/2 | Duplicated letter from SCC to parent offering place at Dorking County School; June 1959 | |
R742/2/3 | Duplicated letter from school to parent regarding application for daughter's travelling expenses; 15 June 1959 | |
R742/2/4 | Duplicated letter from SCC to parent granting a bus pass or rail season ticket; 14 August 1959. | |
R742/2/5 | Duplicated copy of school regulations and other details n.d. c1959 | |
R742/2/6 | Duplicated list detailing School Dress for Girls; n.d. c1959. | |
R742/2/7 | Receipt for items of school uniform bought at Charles Degenhardt Ltd, South Street, Dorking; 13 June 1959 | |
R742/3 | Duplicated letter to parents explaining the aims and objectives of The Amenities Fund; 11 February 1961 | |
R742/4/1-7 | Speech Day Programmes | |
R742/4/1 | Dorking County School, 12 December 1945; lists school successes. | |
R742/4/2 | Dorking County School, 12 December 1945 [many autographs on front, has been folded] | |
R742/4/3 | Dorking County (Grammar) School, 4 December 1946; lists school successes [holes punched at side] | |
R742/4/4 | Dorking County (Grammar) School, 3 December 1947; lists school successes [holes punched at side] | |
R742/4/5 | Dorking County (Grammar) School, 25 February 1949; lists examination successes [holes punched at side] | |
R742/4/6 | Dorking County (Grammar) School, 3 March 1950; lists examination successes [holes punched in side] | |
R742/4/7 | Dorking County Grammar School, 9 March 1951; lists examination successes [holes punched in side] | |
R742/5/1-11 | Programmes for musical performances | |
R742/5/1 | Performance of Messiah by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 29, 31 March & 1 April 1947 [punched holes on left] | |
R742/5/2 | Performance of Elijah by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 24, 25 March 1948 | |
R742/5/3 | Performance of Israel in Egypt by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 12 March (no year ?1949) [punched holes on left] | |
R742/5/4 | Performance of Saint Paul by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 3 & 5 June 1950 [punched holes on left, display label attached to front] | |
R742/5/5 | Performance of Messiah by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 3 & 5 February 1951; autographed | |
R742/5/6 | Performance of Elijah by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 22 & 24 March 1952 | |
R742/5/7 | Performance of Messiah by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 13 & 15 February 1954 | |
R742/5/8 | Performance of Messiah by the Surrey Philharmonic Orchestral Society; 26 December 1948; includes Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society [punched holes on left] | |
R742/5/9 | Duplicated typed programme for Choral Concert by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 24 July 1948. | |
R742/5/10 | Duplicated typed programme for a performance of Messiah by the Senior Choir and the Old Dorkinian Musical Society; 14 December no year given. | |
R742/5/11 | Duplicated typed programme for a performance of Church Music by the Senior Choir; 20 July no year given. | |
R742/6 | Drama Programme: Trio, One-act plays 3, 4 & 5 March 1949 | |
R742/7 | Programme for the Sixteenth Annual Athletic Sports; 20 July 1949; lists competitors [punched holes on left] | |
R742/8/1-3 | Newspaper cuttings with reviews of various school activities | |
R742/8/1 | Review of a performance of Messiah at Leatherhead Parish Church; newspaper and date not given | |
R742/8/2 | Review of a performance of Messiah at the school; newspaper and date not given | |
R742/8/3 | Photocopies of various newspaper cuttings; 1949-50; probably the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser; 6pp | |
R742/9 | Booklet issued to commemorate the 60th Anniversary School Reunion, 3, 4 & 5 April 1992; A Glimpse of School Life from 1931-1991 | |
R742/10/1-10 | Photographs | |
R742/10/1 | Mounted photograph of Sub-Prefects, 1950 | |
R742/10/2 | Mounted Photograph of Prefects 1949-50 | |
R742/10/3 | Mounted photograph of Prefects, 1950-51 | |
R742/10/4 | Mounted photograph of 1st XI Football Team, 1949-50 | |
R742/10/5 | Unmounted photograph of a 1947-48 Football Team | |
R742/10/6 | Unmounted photograph of Geoffrey & Michael Pearson, (father & son) - captains tossing up in annual parents Rounders match; 1949 | |
R742/10/7 | Unmounted photograph of the Cricket first XI, 1947; autographs on back | |
R742/10/8 | Colour photograph of Norman "Brute" Bradshaw at the ceremonial opening of the Memorial Gates at the Ashcombe School, 14 October 2000 | |
R742/10/9 | Colour photograph on tablet on the War Memorial Gates; 14 October 2000 | |
R742/10/10 | Computer prints of 27 school groups (sports teams, Sixth Forms etc), on 8 A4 sheets plus small prints of 2 girls Hockey Teams | |
R742/11 | On CD-Rom Football 1st XI 1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49, 1949-50; Cricket 1st XI 1946-47, 1947-48, 1948-49, 1949-50; Prefects 1949-50, 1950-51 | |
R742/12 | Magpie, The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of The Old Dorkinian Association, nos 182 & 184; April & August 1968 | |
R742/13 | 19th Dorking (Grammar School) Scout Troop: Menu and programme for a Reunion Dinner held at The Holly and Laurel, South Holmwood; 26 October 1968 | |
R742/14/1 | The Ashcombe Dorkinian Association: Menu & programme for Luncheon to commemorate the 7th anniversary of the association, 9 October 1999 (includes a list of those present) | |
R742/14/2 | The Ashcombe Dorkinian Association: Menu & programme for Luncheon to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the association, 13 October 2001 (includes a list of those present) | |
R742/15/1-5 | Memorial Gates Project | |
R742/15/1/1-47 | Correspondence of the sub-committee set up to organise the project (i.e. John Hayns, chair; John Gent; Peter Mills; Anthony Lockwood; ex-officio Rosemary Dale). Also includes references to the residue of the 1992 Reunion committee funds and its proper ownership & use; November 1999 - August 2000 [includes 9 very badly faded faxes retained for continuity] | |
R742/15/2 | Letter to all Ashcombe Dorkinian Association members appealing for funds | |
R742/15/3/1-29 | Selection of letters from members making donations | |
R742/15/4 | Chairman's report and list of donors | |
R742/15/5/1-2 | List of former pupils killed in both world wars with 31pp information about most of them downloaded from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Website | |
R742/15/5/2 | Francis Collins, Douglas Denham, Ivor Fraser, Alexander Gardiner, John Gorsten, Geoffrey Head, Archibald Holden, Ronald Holt, Robert King, William Luff, Maurice Mills, Morris Norgate, Peter Read, Bernard Cushing, James Byrne, George Brett, Douglas Bond, D R Baple, Marcus Arnold, Owen Withers, Walter Jeal, Edmund Vialls, A M Thompson, Harry Verrells, Sydney Reeves, Oliver Pullen, P R Nicklin, H T Nicklin, Percy Pierce, Arthur Lipscomb, Richard Harman, Reginald Harman, George Jerome, Stanley Gardiner, Leonard Furnival, Reginald Farindon, Frederick Eveleigh, Frederick Woodman, Arthur Cousin, Brian Collins, G S Boorer, Edward Arthur, Derryck Northfield, Claude Maynard, Ernest Teede, | |
R742/16/1-3 | Dr Derek Moore Morgan (Doc Morgan) | |
R742/16/1/1-26 | Committee Correspondence relating to the Doc Morgan Award | |
R742/16/2/1-25 | Copies of letters received with donations to the Award; Email from Hebe Morgan thanking everyone on her husband's behalf | |
R742/16/3 | Printed Email from Hebe Morgan thanking everyone on her husband's behalf | |
R742/16/4 | Dr Derek Moore Morgan (Doc Morgan) (1915-2007): Thanksgiving Memorial Service at St Martins Church, Dorking; 14th June 2008; 8pp; photo | |
R742/17 | Archibald Charles Barnes (1931-2002): funeral eulogy by his son | |
R742/18 | Norman William Bradshaw (1905-2003); order of service for funeral, 19th June 2003 | |
R742/19/1 | Facsimile copy of The Dorking High School Magazine, Spring term 1917 | |
R742/19/2 | Tales Out of School, an article written by Eileen Fox based on the 1917 magazine; photocopies of photos of the School Cadets, 1915 & 1916, Sidney Worrow aged 15 in uniform, and an etching of Pear Tree Cottage by Charles Collins. | |
R742/20/1-5 | The Dorking High School Magazine, published termly at the School, Chart Lane | |
R742/20/1 | Autumn Term, 1916 | |
R742/20/2 | Spring Term 1917 | |
R742/20/3 | Summer Term, 1917 | |
R742/20/4 | Autumn Term, 1917 | |
R742/20/5 | Spring Term, 1918 | |
R742/21/- | The Dorkinian, The Magazine of the Dorking County School | |
R742/21/20 | No. 20; Summer 1940 | |
R742/21/22 | No. 22; Summer 1941 (with lunchtime timetable written inside back cover) | |
R742/21/23 | No. 23; Spring 1942 (with spelling test written on title page) | |
R742/21/25 | No. 25; Spring 1943 | |
R742/21/26 | No. 26; Summer 1943 | |
R742/21/27 | No. 27; Summer 1944 | |
R742/22 | The Dorkinian, the magazine of the Dorking County (Grammar) School. Volume 2, No. 5; July 1950 | |
R742/23/- | The Dorkinian, newsletter of the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association | |
R742/23/4 | No. 4; Spring 1994 | |
R742/23/5 | No. 5; Autumn 1994 | |
R742/23/6 | No. 6; Spring 1995 | |
R742/23/7 | No. 7; Autumn 1995 | |
R742/23/8 | No. 8; Spring 1996 | |
R742/23/10 | No. 10; Spring 1997 | |
R742/23/11 | No. 11; Autumn 1997 | |
R742/23/12 | No. 12; Spring 1998 | |
R742/23/13 | No. 13; Autumn 1998 | |
R742/23/14 | No. 14; Spring 1999 | |
R742/23/15 | No. 15; Autumn 1999 | |
R742/23/15 ctd | later issues accessioned in library section 01.4 | |
R742/23/32 | The Dorkinian newsletter of the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association; no 32, Spring 2008 | |
R742/23/33 | The Dorkinian newsletter of the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association; no 33, Autumn 2008 | |
R742/23/34 | The Dorkinian newsletter of the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association; no 34, Spring 2009 | |
R742/23/35 | The Dorkinian newsletter of the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association; no 35, Autumn 2009 | |
R742/24/- | Accent on Ashcombe | |
R742/24/1 | No. 1; October 1998 | |
R742/24/2 | No. 2; February 1999 | |
R742/24/3 | No. 3; July 1999 | |
R742/24/5 | No. 5; March 2000 | |
R742/24/6 | No. 6; July 2000 | |
R742/24/9 | No. 9; October 2001 | |
R742/24/11 | No. 11; October 2002 | |
R742/24/12 | No. 12; May 2003 | |
R742/24/13 | No. 13; October 2003 | |
R742/24/14 | No. 14; April 2004 | |
R742/24/15 | No. 15; September 2004 | |
R742/24/16 | No. 16; April 2005 | |
R742/24/17 | No. 17; September 2005 | |
R743/1-5 | State events: Order of Service for the marriage of HRH The Duke of York with The Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, 26 April 1923; Orders of Service for The Royal Maunday at Westminster Abbey, 17 April 1924 & 9 April 1925; Funeral service for Her Late Majesty Queen Alexandra, 27 November 1925; Order of service Ypres Memorial Church Fund, 16 February 1925 | |
R744 | Sheet Music: "Song in Praise of Dorking and Places Nearby"; words by Douglas Young and music by Gwen Lewis; November 1961; printed on cover "all proceeds from the sale of this song will go to Newra (Dorking's Home for the Aged)" | |
R745 | A History of Milton Court, researched and compiled by Paul Cattermole; 2008 [so far unpublished]; 390pp; many illustrations | |
R746 | History of Brockham Warren on Box Hill, by Su Johnston, including photocopies of sale particulars, maps, photographs etc.; spiral bound; 12pp text; total 26pp; unpublished; copyright Su Johnston 2006 | |
R747 | Small booklet: "Leith Hill Place" by C V Wedgwood; printed for private circulation 1953; 16pp; illustrated; soft cover | |
R748 | A Ranmore Archive; a self produced booklet by Dick Glover (2007); using photographs from the collection of the late Mabel Hedger with supporting text; 28pp and paper cover | |
R749 | Exhibition Folder: Celebrating the life and work of Ralph Vaughan Williams; compiled for exhibition commemorating the 50th anniversary of RVW's death in 1958. | |
R750/1-3 | (1) Unpublished paper "Who was the youngest rifleman of the Rifle Brigade killed in the Great War", by DA Haighton; given to NEC Molyneux, who made corrections in red with the permission of the author; 6pp and ii and title; spiral bound. Includes mounted photographs. (2) Photocopy of birth certificate of Valentine Joe Strudwick (3) Covering letter from DA Haighton to NEC Molyneux, dated 17 March 2009 | |
R751/1 | Birth certificate of John Johnson, son of Joseph and Ann Johnson in Pontefract, Yorkshire; 28 December 1781; (marked with exhibit number 129) | |
R751/2 | Indenture of apprenticeship for Alfred Weston to Christopher Edinborough, tailor of Dorking; 1 May 1849 | |
R752/1-10 | Material relating to the Collins Family | |
R752/1/1-3 | Three hand-written exercise books - manuscript of book The Valley of the Tillingbourne; by George Edward Collins (1880-1968); 3 loose pages inserted in volume one for prologue etc.; nd | |
R752/2/1-10 | Manuscript pages for Mid Song of Birds by George Edward Collins, introduction and 9 chapters (one chapter typed) | |
R752/2/1 | Contents and introduction to Mid Song of Birds | |
R752/2/2 | Chapter 1 of Mid Song of Birds: Mid song of birds and insects murmuring (5pp) | |
R752/2/3 | Chapter 2 of Mid Song of Birds: The Pipp Brook (14pp) | |
R752/2/4 | Chapter 3 of Mid Song of Birds: The Squires Great Wood (17pp) | |
R752/2/5 | Chapter 4 of Mid Song of Birds: Brook Farm (20pp) | |
R752/2/6 | Chapter 5 of Mid Song of Birds: Sand Martins (10pp) | |
R752/2/7 | Chapter 6 of Mid Song of Birds: In the Glory Wood (14pp) | |
R752/2/8 | Chapter 7 of Mid Song of Birds: A Parlement of Foules (8pp) | |
R752/2/9 | Chapter 8 of Mid Song of Birds: Holmwood Common (11pp typescript) | |
R752/2/10 | Chapter 9 of Mid Song of Birds: The Stone Street (11pp) | |
R752/3 | Typed essay: Headley Heath; by George Edward Collins; 13pp | |
R752/4/1-2 | Biographies of Alfred Charles Jerome Collins (Charles Collins) 1851-1921 by (i) his grandson A E P Collins, typed carbon copy, 2pp; and (ii) anonymous, typed photocopy, 2pp, dated 19 March 1981 | |
R752/5/1-4 | George Edward Collins (1880-1968): short biography and documents relating to his Will | |
R752/5/1 | Brief biography of George Edward Collins (1880-1968); typed 1p | |
R752/5/2 | Covering letter to Miss S H C Collins (daughter) from solicitors Triggs Turner & Co, of Guildford, 26 Nov 1968. | |
R752/5/3 | Invoice for professional services in attending to the general administration of G E Collins, deceased, and winding-up thereof; 26 Nov 1968. | |
R752/5/4 | Estate account with brief summary of the will of G E Collins, deceased; 1968 | |
R752/6/1-2 | Alfred Francis Collins (1877-1966): (i) Copy of Will dated 17 August 1963 and (ii) letter from solicitor to Mr W Collins (brother & co executor) dated 15 November 1966 | |
R752/7/1 | Wilfred Collins (1893- ): University of London Matriculation school-leaving certificate, Dorking High School; July 1909 | |
R752/7/2 | Wilfred Collins (1893- ): Certificate of appointment to Second Lieutenant in the Territorial Force, London Electrical Engineers, Royal Engineers; 25 August 1916 | |
R752/7/3 | Wilfred Collins (1893- ): Military Identity Card with photograph & signature; rank of Major; 22 June 1940 | |
R752/7/4 | Diary written in pencil on 10 loose leaves of paper from 30 July 1914 to 14 January 1915; may have been written by Wilfred Collins | |
R752/8 | Alfred Edward Patrick Collins (Pat Collins) (1919-1991): obituary written by Chris Lynn, Environment Service, Historic Monuments & Buildings, Belfast; probably for publication in the Journal of the Ulster Archaeological Society | |
R752/9 | Family trees of Charles and Georgiana Collins written in pencil on the inside covers of an empty drawing book. Not easy to read in places | |
R752/10/ | Photographs of the Collins family: | |
R752/10/1 | Large mounted portrait of Charles Collins (1851-1921) in middle age; photo by Moorhouse | |
R752/10/2 | Large mounted portrait of Mrs Georgiana Collins, nee Waddingham (1849-1937) in middle age; photo by Moorhouse | |
R752/10/3 | Mounted portrait of Mrs Georgiana Collins, nee Waddingham (1849-1937) in old age; photo by Moorhouse | |
R752/10/4 | Reprinted photograph of Charles and Georgiana Collins and their 9 sons and 1 daughter; c1898 | |
R752/10/5 | Mounted photograph of Charles and Georgiana with their daughter Maggie, 5 of their sons, daughter in law, Winnifred and grandson Wilfrid John; July 1909 | |
R752/10/6 | Small photograph in a Christmas mount inscribed from Ciss - possibly Maggie Collins, daughter of Charles & Georgiana; c1940 | |
R753/1-8 | Material relating to Kenneth Taylor of Dorking (1903-1962) | |
R753/1 | School report for Kenneth Taylor (age 10), pupil at Dorking British School; July 1913 | |
R753/2/1-9 | School reports for Kenneth Taylor, pupil at The High School Dorking; 1916-1919 | |
R753/3 | Certificate of Junior School Examination for Kenneth Taylor, pupil at Dorking High School; 1918 | |
R753/4 | General School Certificate awarded to Kenneth Taylor; Pupil at Dorking high School for Boys; 1919 | |
R753/5 | Diploma of Membership to the Permanent Way Institution awarded to John Kenneth Taylor; 1 November 1930 | |
R753/6/1-2 | Tillings Staff Magazine containing articles by Kenneth Taylor; August & October 1930 | |
R753/7/1-2 | The Motor Coach Booking Agents Journal containing articles by Kenneth Taylor; November & December 1930 | |
R753/8 | Press cutting from the Dorking Advertiser: obituary for J Kenneth Taylor (1903-1962) (photocopy) | |
R754 | Duplicate Deed of Transfer of the Dorking Halls from the Dorking Halls Limited and others to Dorking Urban District Council; 20 December 1946 | |
R755/1-4 | Dorking Homes Ltd: Prospectus and Application Form for shares at £1each, January 1933; Statutory Report, April 1933: Annual Reports and Balance Sheets, 1933 - 1947 | |
R756/1-14 | Dorking Water Company: Half-yearly Reports of Directors and Statements of Accounts; June 1897 - Dec 1903 | |
R756/15-17 | Dorking Water Company: Half-yearly Reports of Directors and Statements of Accounts; Dec 1904 - Dec 1905 | |
R756/18-48 | Dorking Water Company: Half-yearly Reports of Directors and Statements of Accounts; Dec 1906 - Dec 1921 | |
R756/49-56 | Dorking Water Company: Half-yearly Reports of Directors and Statements of Accounts; Dec 1922 - Dec 1925, Dec 1926 | |
R756/57-77 | Dorking Water Company: Annual Reports of Directors and Statements of Accounts; Dec 1927 - Dec 1947 | |
R757 | Holmesdale Directory to Dorking & Leatherhead for 1912. | |
R758/1-39 | Programmes of various musical events at the Dorking Halls; 1964-1986 | |
R758/1 | The Children's Annual Musical Festival organised by the Dorking District Schools Music Association; conductor J Alexander Smith, accompanist Ruth Dyson; Combined Recorder Ensemble of Mowbray and Dorking Grammar Schools, conductor Christopher Weatherhead; guest artist Bernard Brown (trumpet); 3 March 1964 | |
R758/2 | The Children's Annual Musical Festival organised by the Dorking District Schools Music Association; conductor J Alexander Smith, accompanist Ruth Dyson, guest artist Darryl Walters (clarinet); 9 March 1966 | |
R758/3 | Concert by the London Mozart Players, leader John Ludlow, conductor Harry Blech, soloist Martin Ronchetti (clarinet); 5 October 1969 | |
R758/4 | Concert by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, leader Neville Taweel, conductor Lawrence Foster, soloist John Williams (guitar); 28 November 1969 | |
R758/5 | Concert by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, leader Brendan O'Brien, soloist Monique Haas (piano); 31 January 1970 | |
R758/6 | Concert by the Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra, leader Jurgen Hess, conductor Kathleen Riddick, soloists Phyllis Sellick (piano), Marjorie Thomas (contralto) & Kenneth Bowen (tenor); 7 February 1970 | |
R758/7 | Concert by the students of the Yehudi Menuhin School; 21 February 1970 | |
R758/8 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, leader Rodney Friend, conductors Rudolf Schwartz and Robert Simpson, soloists Rodney Friend and Gerald Jarvis (violins); 21 March 1970 | |
R758/9 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchetsra, leader Rodney Friens, conductor Edo de Waart, soloist John Lill (piano); 3 October 1970 slight damage caused by dividing stuck pages | |
R758/10 | Concert by the London Symphony Orchestra, leader John Georgiadis, conductor & soloist Andre Previn (piano); 7 November 1970 | |
R758/11 | Concert by the English Chamber Orchestra, conductor Raymond Leppard, soloists Kenneth Sillito (violin) and Cecil Aronowitz (Viola); 30 January 1971 | |
R758/12 | Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society production of Die Fledermaus; 10-13 February 1971 | |
R758/13 | Concert by the Amadeus String Quartet with Cecil Aronowitz (viola); 15 May 1971 | |
R758/14 | Concert by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Jorge Mester, soloist Daniel Adni (piano); 9 October 1971 | |
R758/15 | Concert by the London Symphony Orchestra, conductor Vernon Handley, soloist Stoika Milanova (violin); 6 November 1971 | |
R758/16 | Performance of Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro, by the London Opera Group, conductor David Sutton, producer Peter Lehmann Bedford, director Norman Lilly; 7 & 8 January 1972 | |
R758/17 | Concert by the English Chamber Orchestra, leader Jose-Luis Garcia, conductor Andrew Davis, soloists Richard Adeney (flute) and Osian Ellis (harp); 22 January 1972 | |
R758/18 | Concert by the students of the Yehudi Menuhin School; 5 February 1972 | |
R758/19 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, leader Rodney Friend, conductor Rudolf Schwarz, soloist Rodney Friend (violin); 25 March 1972 | |
R758/20 | Celebrity recital by Radu Lupu (piano); 6 May 1972 | |
R758/21 | Recital by Claudio Arrau (piano); 5 May 1973 | |
R758/22 | Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society presentation of Mame, 13-16 February 1974 | |
R758/23 | Concert by Yehudi Menuhin and pupils of the Yehudi Menuhin School; 31 January 1975 | |
R758/24 | Recital by The Octet of the Academy of St Martins in the Fields, directed by Iona Brown; 3 May 1975 | |
R758/25 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, leader Dennis Simons, conductor Walter Weller, soloist Roger Winfield (Oboe); 8 November 1975 | |
R758/26 | Concert by The Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Vernon Handley, soloist Maureen Smith (violin); 9 October 1976 | |
R758/27 | Concert by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Zdenek Macal, soloist Hans Richter-Haaser (piano); 6 November 1976 | |
R758/28 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Walter Weller, soloist Cristina Ortiz (piano); 19 March 1977 | |
R758/29 | Concert by the Ashtead Choral Society and the Capriol Orchestra of London, leader Bernard Andrews, conductor Arthur Diamond, soloists Elizabeth Simon (soporano) and in Caddy (baritone); 26 March 1977 | |
R758/30 | Concert by The Philharmonia Orchestra, leader Carl Pini, conductor Eduardo Mata, soloists Carl Pini (violin) and Csaba Erdelyi (viola); 15 October 1977 | |
R758/31 | Concert by The Northern Sinfonia Orchestra, leader Barry Wilde, conductor George Malcolm, soloists Barry Wilde (violin) David Haslam (flute) & Graham Mayger (flute) ; Part of the County of Surrey Youth Jubilee celebrations; 5 November 1977 | |
R758/32 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Nicholas Braithwaite, soloist Alexander Cameron (cello); 21 January 1978 | |
R758/33 | Concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Hans Vonk, soloist Anthony Goldstone (piano); 11 March 1978 | |
R758/34 | Concert by the London Mozart Players, leader John Glickman, conductor Harry Blech, soloist Dmitri Alexeev; 4 November 1978 | |
R758/35 | Concert by The Academy of St Martins in the Fields, directed by Iona Brown; 17 February 1979 | |
R758/36 | Concert by The English Chamber Orchestra, leader Jose-Luis Garcia, conductor & soloist Barry Tuckwell, (horn); 13 October 1979 | |
R758/37 | Concert by the London Mozart Players, conductor Philip Ledger, soloists Paul Tortelier (cello) Christopher Hyde-Smith & Celia Chambers (flute) and John Gluckman (violin); 3 November 1979 | |
R758/38 | Concert by the Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Vernon Handley, soloist Nigel Kennedy (violin); 19 January 1980 | |
R758/39 | Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society presentation of Fiddler on the Roof; 12-15 March 1986 | |
R759 | Programme for the May Festival and Prizegiving and Dorking Powell Corderoy School; 1 July 1959 | |
R760 | John Attlee's copy of Bright's History of Dorking with several newpaper cuttings pasted inside | |
R761 | Barometric trace recorded during the week ending Saturday 18th October 1987 showing drop in pressure during the Great Storm on 16th | |
R762/1/1-2 | Brian Hodges (1921-2001): Order of service for A Thanksgiving and Farewell; held at St Martins Church 22 November 2001 Text of the tribute given by his son, Andrew Hodges, at the service.(3pp) | |
R762/2 | Robert Edward Stanley Miller (Bob Miller) 1925-2009: Order of service for funeral held at St Martins Church 11 June 2009 (with photograph) | |
R762/3/1-2 | Henry Robert Bargman (Robin Bargman) (1932-2010): Order of service for thanksgiving at St Martins Church, 5 February 2010; (with photos) Notes for tribute by his brother Peter Bargman | |
R763 | To be input | |
R764/1 | Dorking men's own Help Myself Society, belonging to the Congregational Church ,West Street. Contribution Card for H Wood | |
R764/2 | Planning for to-Morrow. Reports and accounts of the Brotherhood movement, year ending December 1937 | |
R764/3 | various recipts associated with the Dorking men's own Society, 1939/40. 19 items | |
R765 | Dorking & District Preservation Society, leaflet | |
R766 | Set of laminated records relating to William Mullens, shoemaker of Dorking, one of the original Pilgrim Fathers who emigrated to America in the 17th century, [c.2000?], 3 items. Provenance unknown. | |
R766/1 | Reproduction of the "noncupative will of William Mullens", probably written 21 Feb 1621 with a transcript, [c.2000?] | |
R766/2 | Information sheet on William Mullins, [c.2000?] | |
R766/3 | Reproduction of the design of "the New World Tapestry"which features the story of some of the Pilgrim Fathers in pictorial form., [c.2000?] | |
R767/1-5 | Leith Hill Music Festival 2012 | |
R768 | Brockham Primary School, Summer Fair and Donkey Derby, July 1971 | |
R769 | Postal Intelligence and calendar 1910 | |
R770/1-40 | Drawings, watercolours, cartoons by R (Dick) J Gale. Dated 1996-2003 | |
R771 | Hard bound notebook labelled Fire Brigade Drill Book. - a drill record book for Henley Fire Brigade between 1943-1944 when it was part of the National Fire Service. The back of the book has been used for notes relating to exhibitions at Dorking Museum in 1985. | |
R772 | British Rail Timetable Waterloo to Horsham. Sundays June1960 to June 1961. Sundays | |
R773/1-12 | Air Training Corps. No.1408 (Dorking) Squadron. | |
R773/a | Photo Album of Robert Edward Stanley Miller; enrolled Ait Training Corps.13.9.41 | |
R774 | Conversation between Connie Farce, Betty Harrison and Ethel Clear Re: Winifred G Reed. June 1984 | |
R775 | Dorking Brick Co.,Ltd. Catalogue | |
R776 | Wonham,1827. Small print of house | |
R777 | Records of the Ancient Order of Foresters, "Court Robin Hood," (No 5366), Holmwood, 1921-1961. Includes membership records, 1921-[1930?]; byelaws, [1934?]-1939; financial records, 1927-1961; welfare records, 1932-34; and administrative records, 1930-1938. 2 boxes. | |
R777 ctd | Administrative History: The Ancient Order of Foresters was established as a friendly society in 1834. The Holmwood branch was formed in 1869 as part of the Dorking, Epsom & West Surrey branch and was known as "Court Robin Hood," (No 5366). For related records, 1912-1989 see those at Surrey History Centre at 7374/3. | |
R777/1 | Membership records, 1921-[1930?]. 3 files | |
R777/1/1 | Set of membership record cards recording members "on the Court books" on 31 Dec 1921. 111 items. Information includes name, date of birth, date of admission, occupation and a record of contributions made. | |
R777/1/2 | Set of membership record cards, [1930?]. 102 items. Information includes name, date of birth, date of admission, occupation, name of wife, date of marriage and age at admission. | |
R777/1/3 | Membership renewal forms, 1930. 87 items. Includes name, occupation, date of birth, and date of admission to court. | |
R777/2 | Bylaws, [1934?]-1939, 4 items. Published booklet containing the "General Laws of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society," 1938. File also contains two pamphlets recording partial amendments of the General Laws of the Order, 1936 and 1939, together with a leaflet of the "Partial Amendment of Branch Rules of "Court Robin Hood," (No 5366), [1934?] | |
R777/3 | Financial records including annual and quarterly returns, 1927-1946; annual accounts, 1935-1939; annual financial statements, 1933-1946; and printed accounts and balance sheets, 1939-1946. 7 files | |
R777/3/1 | Annual returns made under the Friendly Society Acts 1896 to 1924, 1927-1946. Printed forms of 10pp with entries made in manuscript. | |
R777/3/2 | Annual accounts, 1935-1939. Manuscript. | |
R777/3/3 | Quarterly returns made to the Dorking, Epsom & West Surrey District, 1941-1942 and 1945-1946. | |
R777/3/4 | File contains: annual financial statements of Court Robin Hood, 1933-1938 and 1940-1946.; annual financial statements of the Dorking, Epsom & West Surrey District, 1936, 1937 and 1939; and a small bank book of the Midland Bank Dorking, showing payments received for "Court Robin Hood," 1931-1932. | |
R777/3/5 | Annual Accounts and balance sheets for "Court Robin Hood,"1939-1946. Typescript. | |
R777/3/6 | Copies of balance sheets for Dorking, Epsom & West Surrey District, 1937-1939, and 1942-1944. Typescript. Also contains balance sheets for "Court Good Intent," Dorking branch for 1940 and 1961. Typescript. | |
R777/3/7 | Schedule of fire insurance policies giving name and address of insured, insurance society, sum insured & date of renewal, [1940?]. Also contains income tax repayment claim forms showing income received on mortgages of properties, 1930 and 1932 | |
R777/4 | Welfare records, 1932-1934. Correspondence relating to member W.S. Webb and the Order's assistance with his dental treatment, 1933-1934; and papers relating to Walter John Scott concerning death benefits, 1932. | |
R777/5 | Administration records, [c.1930?]-1938. Includes notice of district meeting held in Dorking on 19th Jan 1938 with agenda; minutes of district meeting held at Holmwood on 15 Jul 1936; publicity leaflet for the benefit of prospective members, [c.1930?] and notification from the Registry of Friendly Societies Central Office acknowledging notice of the appointment of "Court Robin Hood" trustees, 25 Jul 1932. | |
R778 | Records of the Mole Valley Geological Society, 1979-2011. 4 boxes. The records include detailed summaries of society lectures, 1998-2004; newsletters, 1979-2010; reports of social events, 1989-2009; members' reports, 1985-2009; reports of regionally important geological sites, 1991-1998; members' obituaries , 1990-2011; reports of Geologists' Association reunions, 1985-2009; press reports and membership lists, 1980-2004; news cuttings and scrapbook items, 1979-2004; reports of society walks, exhibitions and outside events, 1979-2000; reports of week-end field excursions, 1980-2003; and reports of day excursions, 1979-2010. | |
R778 ctd | Administrative History: the Society was founded in 1979 as a local group of the Geologists' Association (established 1858). Monthly meetings are held for lectures, members' evenings and occasional field excursions to study the geology of the Mole Valley and beyond. (Source: Society web-site) | |
R778/1 | Lecture summaries, 1988-2004, 3 files. Brief summaries of lectures given to the society by various speakers. | |
R778/1/1 | Lecture summaries, 1988-1994. | |
R778/1/2 | Lecture summaries, 1995-2000. | |
R778/1/3 | Lecture summaries, 2001-2004. | |
R778/2 | Newsletters, 1979-2010. The series is incomplete and lacks issue numbers 101 and 102 for 2008. | |
R778/3 | Reports of social events, 1989-2009. | |
R778/4 | Members' reports, 1985-2009. Reports submitted by members as a result of visits, field trips and lectures. | |
R778/5 | Papers relating to Regionally Important Geological Sites (RIGS). Contains photographs and descriptions of sites in Surrey with completed application forms for the adoption of specific sites in the locality, 1991-1998. | |
R778/6 | Members' obituaries, 1990-2011. Includes those produced by the Society and press reports. | |
R778/7 | Reports of Geologists' Association reunions, 1985-2009. | |
R778/8 | File containing press reports of society activities, 1980-2004; and membership lists, 1983-1997. The membership lists are closed for a period of 75 years. In accordance with data protection legislation. | |
R778/9 | File containing cuttings of geological interest from local and national press; correspondence; rules and lists of members of the Geologists' Association, 1987; the Geologists' Directory, 2nd edn,, 1987; certificates awarded by the society to its members; newsletters and leaflets of geological interest from other organisations; 1979-2009. | |
R778/10 | Reports of society walks, exhibitions and outside events, 1979-2000. | |
R778/11 | Reports of week-end field excursions, 1980-2003. | |
R779 | Records of Dorking Bowling Club, 1912-2012. The records comprise committee minutes, 1914-2006; minutes of annual general meetings, 1996-2006; annual reports and balance sheets, 1921-1975; statement of accounts and balance sheets, 1929-1940; membership receipt books, 1913-1930; games fees notebook, 1939-1945; club fixture records, 1915-1925; a published history of the club, 1912; receipts and expenses ledgers, 1926-1980; club rules, 1913; photographs, [1913-c.1960]; and correspondence, 1912-1979. | |
R779 ctd | Administrative History: Dorking Bowling Club can trace its origins to 1912 when a small pocket of land at Drill Hall Road in Dorking was secured on a 16 year lease from the future Lord Ashcombe. It was officially opened in 1913 and first affiliated to the Surrey County Bowling Association in 1919. Membership was opened to ladies in 1963. (Source: Published history at R779/8) | |
R779/1 | Committee meeting minutes, 1914-2006. 14 files. Minutes before 1996 are contained in bound notebooks, those after this date are unbound. The earlier volumes include news cuttings with reports of club activities and lists of officers. | |
R779/1/1 | Committee meeting minutes, 1914-1921. | |
R779/1/2 | Committee meeting minutes, 1921-1925. Includes attendances at the back of the notebook. | |
R779/1/3 | Committee meeting minutes, 1925-1927. | |
R779/1/4 | Committee meeting minutes, 1927-1932. | |
R779/1/5 | Committee meeting minutes, 1932-1936. | |
R779/1/6 | Committee meeting minutes, 1937-1940. | |
R779/1/7 | Committee meeting minutes, 1940-1944. | |
R779/1/8 | Committee meeting minutes, 1944-1949. | |
R779/1/9 | Committee meeting minutes, 1950-1957. | |
R779/1/10 | Committee meeting minutes, 1957-1970. | |
R779/1/11 | Committee meeting minutes, 1977-1989. | |
R779/1/12 | Committee meeting minutes, 1990-1996. | |
R779/1/13 | Committee meeting minutes, 1996-2001. | |
R779/1/14 | Committee meeting minutes, 2002-2006. | |
R779/2 | Minutes of annual general meeting, 1996-2006. Unbound. 2 Files. | |
R779/2/1 | Annual general meeting minutes, 1996-2002. | |
R779/2/2 | Annual general meeting minutes, 2003-2006. | |
R779/3 | Annual reports and balance sheets containing lists of officers, brief annual reports and a statement of accounts, 1921-1975. The coverage is not complete but includes the years 1921, 1927, 1929-1931, 1936, 1938 and 1941-1975. | |
R779/4 | Statement of accounts and balance sheets signed by the club's auditors, 1929-1940. 11 items. | |
R779/5 | Membership receipt books. Two bound notebooks showing sums received from subscriptions, games fees and locker key fees, 1913-1930. | |
R779/6 | Games fees records. Hard backed notebook showing date, type of game, the amount of fee and signatures, 1939-1945. | |
R779/7 | Club fixture records. Hard backed notebook showing club fixtures and names of participants with several news cuttings of match reports, 1915-1925. | |
R779/8 | Published history. "Dorking Bowling Club, 100 Years of History, 1912-2012," 72pp. Illustrated with several colour and black and white photographs. | |
R779/9 | Receipts and expenses ledgers, 1926-1980, 11 files. Includes ledgers from 1926-1933 and from 1955-1980 together with a notebook recording loans to members, 1922-1931. The loan scheme was originally intended as a means of raising funds for the club green in 1912 whereby loans of £1 were issued to the members and friends at an interest rate of 5% and subject to repayment by ballot at the end of the season. | |
R779/9/1 | Bound foolscap ledger of receipts and expenses, 1926-1933. | |
R779/9/2 | Small bound notebook recording loans made to members, 1922-1931. | |
R779/9/3 | Income and expenditure ledger, 1955-1959 | |
R779/9/4 | Income ledger, 1959-1969. | |
R779/9/5 | Expenditure ledger, 1963-1974. | |
R779/9/6 | Income ledger, 1963-1968 | |
R779/9/7 | Income ledger, 1969-1973. | |
R779/9/8 | Expenditure ledger, 1974-1985. | |
R779/9/9 | Income ledger, 1973-1977. | |
R779/9/10 | Income ledger, 1977-1985. | |
R779/9/11 | Income and expenditure ledger, 1977-1980. | |
R779/10 | Photographs. 3 copies of original black and white photographs taken c.[1920s-1930s?] showing groups of members in front of the club pavilion. Copies taken c.[2000?]. In addition there are six outsize photographs at D8/149. | |
R779/11 | Poster showing printed rules of the Dorking Bowling Club, 1913 with a poem entitled "The Laws of the Green." [c.1913?] 2 items. Both have been fixed to album pages with adhesive. One has adhesive residue on the reverse of the album page. | |
R779/12 | Correspondence, 1912 -1979, 15 items. Includes a printed letter of 1912 announcing a fundraising scheme of loans to finance the new club green. Others relate to club fixtures, the provision of club trophies and badges and the maintenance of the clubhouse and property. | |
R780 | Records collected by Norah Simpson of Dorking. Comprising records of Charles H. Simpson & Co. of Dorking, nurserymen & florists, 1906-1970; records of Dorking secondary schools, 1922-1950; wartime and civil defence records, 1939-1954; programmes and souvenirs of local events and performances, 1931-1985; and miscellaneous and family records, 1919-2014. Extent: 3 boxes and 3 unboxed large ledgers. | |
R780 ctd | Biographical History: Nora Mary Simpson, (1914-2011) was a life long resident of Dorking. She was the daughter of Charles Harwood Simpson, a nurseryman and florist of Dorking and Constance Lucy Ivery. Her father ran a nursery in London Road, Dorking and later a florist's shop at 268 High Street under the name of Charles H Simpson & Co . No less than five generations on both her mother's and father's side of the family were either gardeners or nurserymen and Nora herself assisted with the running of the florist's business until her retirement. She was connected with the Girl Guide movement all her life and was a Brownie leader for many years. During the war of 1939-1945 she was a Squadron Leader in the Dorking section of the Women's Junior Air Corps. A long term member of the Dorking Local History Group, she was a steward at Dorking Museum from its beginnings, serving on the Museum Committee in the 1980s. She died in 2011. (Sources: Dorking Museum Archive accession register, records from the collection, Dorking parish registers, Dorking census returns of 1901 and 1911.) | |
R780/1 | Records of Charles H. Simpson & Co, Nurserymen & Florists of Dorking, 1906-1970. The records comprise order and day books, 1906-1972; cash books, 1912-1962; bills and invoices, 1911-1970; fire prevention records, 1941-1943; and price lists and licences, c.1925-1939. Extent: 2 boxes and 3 unboxed large ledgers. | |
R780/1 ctd | Administrative History: The company was founded in London Road, Dorking by Nora Simpson's father, Charles, who took over the business of his maternal grandfather Henry Appleby (d. 1902). The earliest surviving records date from 1906 with a surviving quotation of 1904 from the company's predecessors Appleby and Hammond. A florist's shop was later established at 268 High Street, Dorking, managed for many years by Nora Simpson herself and which continued to trade until the 1970s. The nursery is thought to have been located on the site now occupied by Ashcombe School near the junction of the present Ashcombe Road and London Road. (Sources: information from the collection and from the depositor) | |
R780/1/1 | Order and day books, 1906-1962. They record orders, costs and customers. Extent: 5 volumes or files | |
R780/1/1/1 | Order book, 1906-1962 | |
R780/1/1/2 | Order book, 1913-1942. | |
R780/1/1/3 | Order book, 1917-1927. | |
R780/1/1/4 | Day book, 1917-1927 | |
R780/1/1/5 | Order book, 1928-1945. | |
R780/1/2 | Cash Books, 1912-1972. They record receipts and expenditure. Extent: 3 volumes or files. | |
R780/1/2/1 | Cash book, 1912-1972 | |
R780/1/2/2 | Cash book, 1923-1938. | |
R780/1/2/3 | Cash book, 1939-1962. | |
R780/1/3 | Bills and Invoices. 1911-1970. The records include bills and invoices received from utility companies and traders in Dorking, Newdigate and Betchworth, 1911-1942; and Bills and invoices received from traders in London and other local towns, 1910-1970. Extent 2 files. Related records: See also R 177 for Dorking Billheads. | |
R780/1/3/1 | Bills and invoices from utility companies and traders in Dorking, Newdigate and Betchworth, 1911-1942. Extent: 137 items. Arrangement: arranged chronologically. The records include invoices and billheads for the following: | |
R780/1/3/1 ctd | Thos. Andrews, pianoforte & music warehouse, High Street, 1917; R. Arthur, house furniture and removal contractor, High Street, 1921; W & H Atkinson, millers and forage contractors, corn & seed merchants, West Street, 1915, 1927; J & W Attlee, 1920; S & H Banbury, blouse special costumier, silk mercer & drapers, 1918; G J Beams, bootmaker, High Street, 1915; Beau Brummell Ltd, dry cleaners, Rose Hill Approach, 1933; Bon Marche, (Mont Smith), tailor & outfitters, High Street, 1932; Charles T. Bond, stationer, bookseller, painter and bookbinder, 1915; Bradley Estate Office, 1932; Bradley Farm Dairy, L.Kewell, Lincoln Road, 1920; W F J Brown, coal and coke merchant, Holmwood Station, 1926; W H Carpenter, builder and contractor, Vincent Lane, 1926; F G Carter, boot maker and repairer, Dene Street, 1930; Carter, Paterson & Co Ltd, Dorking Depot, 1926; Chalcraft & Sons, Reigate Road Nurseries, 1930; A. Charman, coal & coke merchant, High Street, 1931; Cheesman & Bromley, High Street, 1920; P.Chennell, nurseryman, Hampstead Road & Ridgeway, 1917; H. Child, florist, plant grower & jobbing gardener, High Street, 1932; Clark & Co, dispensing and photographic chemists, 1927; A & P Clear, builders & decorators, 52 Dene Street, 1914; Cole Ltd, leather merchants, High Street, 1934; R J Cook, fishmonger, High Street, 1921; John Cooke, Dorking Grey Stone Lime Works, 1926; The Creamery, High Street, 1940; H. Croucher & Co, fruiterers & florists, South Street, 1925; W B Cull, watchmaker, jeweller & optician, High Street, 1917, 1941; Walter Curry, boot maker, High Street, 1920; | |
R780/1/3/1 ctd | Deepdene Gardens, 1919; Charles Degenhardt, draper & ladies outfitter, South Street, 1916, 1931, 1932; Dorking Drapery & Clothing Stores (Large, Poole & Co), High Street, 1932; Dorking Electricity Supply, South Street, 1927; Dorking Gas Company, High Street, 1926; Dorking Motor Co. Ltd, automobile engineers, Myrtle Road, 1926; Dorking Water Company, 1918; The Fruit Stores, fruiterer and greengrocers, High Street, 1933; A J Fuller, family butcher, High Street, 1926; S W Fuller, cycle maker, agent and repairer, 1916, [1925?]; Funnell & Son, fruiterers, florists & market gardener, West Street, 1926, 1930; A Green & Son, builders and decorators, Rothes Road, 1933; J. Hamilton Mortimer, consulting optician, High Street, 1941; Hart, Scale & Hodges, solicitors, 1932; H Head, baker & grocer, Lincoln Road, 1918; J. Hollands, costumes, coats, blouses, raincoats, South Street, 1921; Mary Holman & Son, carmen & contractors, Junction Road, 1924; Donald Holton, butcher, South Street, 1924; Home & Colonial Stores Ltd, High Street, 192[?], 1933; G Inglefield Ltd, drapers & furnishers, High Street Buildings, 1926; International Tea Co's Stores Ltd, Dorking, 1926; Herbert W Jay & Co Ltd, corn, forage, flour, seed, bulb & horticultural sundries merchants, High Street, 1936; J F Jeal, motor transport, removal & storage, sand & ballast merchant, South Street, 1925, 1927; H G Kingham & Co, wine & spirit merchants, 1916, 1927; | |
R780/1/3/1 ctd | London Boot Company, High Street, 1926; London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, Dorking Station, 1916; E Longhurst & Sons, timber & building material merchants, Station Approach, 1925; T. Luck & Son, wood merchants & cartage contractors, Leslie Road, 1932; A H Lyne & Co, auctioneers, estate agents & valuers, Station Approach, 1913 and at London Road, 1926; Mc Donald & Murray Ltd, painters and decorators, Dene Street, 1969; Macfisheries, fishmongers & poulterers, High Street, 1926; T. Meakins & Son Ltd, coal & coke merchants, High Street, 1936; George Mence Smith Ltd, hardware & domestic stores, High Street, 1933, 1936; Edward Mercer, carpenter & joiner, 12 Falkland Road, 1915; J W Moorhouse, photographer, Shrub House, Dorking, 1927; Moore & Weller, drapers, West Street, 1915, 1917; F P Mulholland, automobile engineer, Myrtle Road, 1920; W Newbery, watchmaker, jeweller & silversmith, 1926; F G Newman, decorator and building repairs, Station Road, 1934, 1939; C J Peirson & Co Ltd, general & furnishing ironmongers, High Street, 1927; Pledge & Keen, builders and decorators, Falkland Road, 1936; W H Reeves, tailor & habit maker, High Street, 1926; | |
R780/1/3/1 ctd | L. Rembridge, 1916; Rowe's, commercial & general printers, publishers, stationers, South Street, 1930; George Rowls of South Street, 1915; Charles H Simpson, bulb grower and nurseryman, London Road, 1911; S. Skilton & Son, wholesale stick & hoop dealers, Holmwood, 1924, 1925; W H Smith & Son, Dorking North Railway station, 1925; Smyth & Co, ironmongers, founders & smiths, the Old Foundry, West Street, 1932; Stone & Turner, ironmongers, High Street, 1916, 1931; Stonestreet & Co, fruits & florists, High Street, [1917?]; A Tanner & Son, printers, South Street, 1923, 1938; Tebbs Brothers, tailors, clothiers & outfitter, High Street, [1920?]; A E Turner, signwriter, Junction Road, 1942; B Turner, family butcher, Hampstead Road & High Street, 1917; Robert T Voysey, stationers, High Street, 1918; T C Warner, boot & shoe specialist, High Street, 1925; F Warren & Co, coal, coke & builders' merchants, South Street, 1932; P L Watts, wood merchant & general carman, Newdigate, 1925; White & Sons, auctioneers, 1915; Timothy White's, cash chemists & household stores, Dorking Branch, 1932; Young Bros, coal, coke & corn merchants, Betchworth Station, 1926, 1931. | |
R780/1/3/2 | Bills and invoices received from traders in London and other local towns, 1910-1970. L Extent: 71 items. | |
R780/1/4 | Fire Prevention Records, 1941-1943. Papers relating to fire prevention in business premises issued by Dorking Urban District Council. Includes an application by C H Simpson & Co for approval by the Council under the terms of the Fire Prevention (Business Premises) (No.2) Order 1941, with details of company staffing and building construction, 16 Feb 1942. Also includes a paper on the reporting of fires due to enemy action with a plan of action in residential areas and in business premises, 1943. 7 items. | |
R780/1/5 | Price Lists, licences, and quotations, 1904-1939. Extent: 3 items. A company bulb price list, 4pp, [c..1925?]; a licence to trade as a retail dealer in fresh fruit and vegetables issued by the Food Control Committee of Dorking Urban District Council in the name of C H Simpson, 09 Oct 1939; and a blank invoice sheet with the company billhead, [c.1930?]. | |
R780/2 | Records of Dorking Secondary Schools, 1922-1949. Extent: 2 files. The records comprise those of Dorking High School for Girls and Dorking County School, 1922-1935; and alumni records, c.1925 - 1949. | |
R780/2/1 | Records of Dorking High School for Girls and Dorking County School, 1922-1935. These include programmes for speech days and distribution of prizes at Dorking High School for Girls, 1922-1931; an issue of Dorking High School for Girls magazine, 1929; and programmes for Dorking County School speech days, 1934-1935.. Related records: see R742 for records deposited by the Ashcombe Dorkinian Society. Also see records held by the Surrey History Centre for Dorking High School for Girls including governor's minutes, 1917-1931, articles of government, deeds, agreements and other papers, 1907-1948; together with records of Dorking County School including managers' minutes, 1931-1948. | |
R780/2/1 ctd | Administrative History: St Martin's (Church of England) High School for Girls opened in 1903 in a corrugated iron room in Junction Road. In 1908 the school was moved to Parsonage House in Station Road. The co-educational Dorking County School opened in Ashcombe Road in 1931 to replace both the High School for Girls and Dorking High School for Boys which had originally opened in 1884. A separate Mowbray County Secondary School was built on an adjoining site in Ashcombe Road in 1959 but the two schools later merged in 1975 to form a comprehensive known as the Ashcombe School. The name of Nora Simpson features in several of the speech day programmes and she evidently attended both Dorking High School for Girls, (alternatively referred to as Dorking Girls High School) and following its merger with Dorking High School for Boys in 1931, the new Dorking County School. (Sources: catalogue of the Surrey History Centre and Dorking Local History Group's "Dorking: a Surrey Market Town through Twenty Centuries," Dorking, 1991). | |
R780/2/1/1 | Dorking Girls' High School Magazine. Vol. 1. No. 10, Summer 1929. | |
R780/2/1/2 | Programme for Dorking High School for Girls Distribution of Prizes, 29 Nov 1922. | |
R780/2/1/3 | Programme for Dorking Girls' High School Speech Day, 28 Feb 1928. | |
R780/2/1/4 | Programme for Dorking Girls' High School Speech Day, 28 Nov 1928 including separate song sheet and pass list for Poetry Society's Examination in verse speaking. | |
R780/2/1/5 | Programme for Dorking Girls' High School Speech Day, 20 Nov 1929 with an inserted song sheet. | |
R780/2/1/6 | Programme for Dorking Girls' High School Speech Day, 04 Mar 1931. | |
R780/2/1/7 | Programme for Dorking County School Speech Day, 24 Oct 1934. | |
R780/2/1/8 | Programme for Dorking County School Speech Day, 08 Nov 1935. | |
R780/2/2 | School Alumni Records, [c.1925?]-1949. The records include the Old Dorkinian Association handbook, 1936; copies of the Association's annual publication, "The Old Dorkinian," 1934-1949 (incomplete); and a fund raising letter of the Dorking High School Old Boys Association, [1925?]. 6 items. | |
R780/2/2 ctd | Administrative History: The Old Boys Association of Dorking High School for Boys and the Old Girls Association of Dorking High School for Girls combined as a result of the change of status of the two schools which had merged to become the Dorking County School in 1931. A joint magazine called the "Old Dorkinian" was then issued three times a year. In 1943 the magazine was suspended but was reconstituted in 1946. (Source: Surrey History Centre catalogue) . Related records: See R742 for records deposited by the Ashcombe Dorkinian Association. | |
R780/2/2/1 | Pre-printed open letter issued by Dorking High School Old Boys Association regarding a proposed memorial fund for the former Headmaster, Rev H R Roberts (d.1923), [1925?] | |
R780/2/2/2 | The Old Dorkinian Association handbook and list of members, May 1936. | |
R780/2/2/3 | "The Old Dorkinian," Vol. 1. No.2. 1934 | |
R780/2/2/4 | "The Old Dorkinian," Vol. 1. No.6 1938. | |
R780/2/2/5 | "The Old Dorkinian," Vol. 2. No.2 1947. | |
R780/2/2/6 | "The Old Dorkinian," Vol. 2. No.4 1949-1950. | |
R780/3 | Wartime and Civil Defence Records including records of social events, 1939-1945; the Dorking section of the Womens' Junior Air Corps, 1942-1945; miscellaneous wartime records, 1941-1954; and ration books, 1942-1954. Extent: 4 files | |
R780/3/1 | Records of Social Events including Christmas cards and tickets, menu cards and programmes for dinners, dances and concerts organised by local units of the military or civilian services, 1939-1945. Extent: 14 items | |
R780/3/1/1 | Menu card for a dinner at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking on 20 Oct 1945 for members of the Dorking Report Centre of the Dorking Civil Defence. Signed by those attending. | |
R780/3/1/2 | Christmas card issued by the Civil Defence. The front of the card depicts cartoon characters from the civilian services including policemen, firemen, wardens and members of rescue and demolition parties. There is no local context and the card was probably produced nationally. [c.1940?] | |
R780/3/1/3 | Christmas card issued by the Old Comrades Association of the 2/3rd London Field Ambulance, 1939. | |
R780/3/1/4 | Postcard showing an artist's impression of the White Horse Hotel, High Street, Dorking issued by the Hotel for Christmas 1941. | |
R780/3/1/5 | Ticket for a Royal Army Service Corps dance at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 02 Aug 1940. | |
R780/3/1/6 | Ticket for a Grand Cabaret Dance at Holmbury St Mary, 31 Jan 1941. | |
R780/3/1/7 | Ticket for a Royal Army Service Corps dance at Holmbury St Mary, 14 Mar [1941?] | |
R780/3/1/8 | Ticket for a Royal Army Service Corps dance at Holmbury St Mary, [1941?] | |
R780/3/1/9 | Ticket for a dance with the Royal Army Service Corps Swing Band at Holmbury St Mary, 25 Apr 1941. | |
R780/3/1/10 | Ticket for a Royal Army Medical Corps dance at Holmbury St Mary, 09 May 1941. | |
R780/3/1/11 | Ticket for a Royal Army Service Corps dance at Holmbury St Mary, 10 May 1941. | |
R780/3/1/12 | Ticket for a Royal Army Service Corps dance at Holmbury St Mary, 24 May 1941. | |
R780/3/1/13 | Invitation card to a "subscription social" of the No. 1408 (Dorking) Squadron Air Training Corps at St Martin's Church Hall, Dorking, 31 May 1943. | |
R780/3/1/14 | Programme for Dorking Air Raid Precautions Service's concert, [c.1943?] | |
R780/3/2 | Records of the Dorking section of the Womens' Junior Air Corps comprising nationally produced rules, regulations and drill books, 1942-1944; and records of membership, training, fund raising and social events, 1942-1945. Extent: 2 files | |
R780/3/2 ctd | Administrative History: In 1939 the Army Cadet Force, Air Training Corps and Sea Cadets Corps already existed as organisations for boys who were intended for transfer to the Forces when they were old enough. But there were no similar organisations for girls who would also be subject to conscription to war work. Girls and women mostly worked in occupations considered suitable for females. The situation changed with the outbreak of war and women joined the Women's Services and other organisations such as the Land Army, Fire Service etc, or they were conscripted into factories and other bodies involved in war work. Girls who were not old enough to do these jobs wanted to get involved and so went along to meetings of the Air Training Corps, Army Cadet Force or Sea Cadets Corps meetings asking to join. It was not until 1942 that the Minister for Education, Florence Horsburgh, was instructed to set up an organisation to be known as the National Association of Training Corps for Girls. | |
R780/3/2 ctd | Under this umbrella, three Corps were formed - the Girls Training Corps, Women's Junior Air Corps and Girls Nautical Training Corps. The two latter organisations specialised in Air and Sea training whilst the Girls Training Corps covered a more generalised programme of training. Local ladies of some standing were recruited as leaders and girls flocked to join. In Dorking Nora Simpson was appointed a Squadron Leader in the Womens' Junior Air Corps. Cadets learnt morse and semaphore, small household repairs like changing a fuse and fitting a tap washer and learnt drill. The Womens' Junior Air Corps followed courses on aircraft recognition, basic aviation and other air related subjects. They were all involved in helping the war effort, doing things like collecting milk bottle tops and going out in groups to gather rose hips and other hedgerow plants which would be used to make vitamin additives for children They also acted as messengers for Air Raid Precautions Wardens and assisted in many other ways depending upon the needs of the locality in which units operated. Membership was considerable and the three Corps were well known and took part in many regional and national events. When the war ended it was felt there was no longer a need for the Corps and plans were made for them to be wound up. However, once again, the membership had other ideas and wanted things to continue. From 1964 they were known as the Girls' Venture Air Corps. (Source: Girls Venture Air Corps website: http://www.gvcac.org.uk/history/ Accessed Nov. 2013. | |
R780/3/2/1 | Rules, regulations and drill books, c.1942-1944. Nationally produced publications. Extent: 6 items. | |
R780/3/2/1/1 | Women's Junior Air Corps. Duties of Officers and NCO's. Syllabus of instructions. [c.1942?]. 19pp. | |
R780/3/2/1/2 | Women's Junior Air Corps. Handbook of rules and regulations, [c.1942?] 14pp. | |
R780/3/2/1/3 | Women's Junior Air Corps. Rules and regulations, [c.1942?] 7pp. | |
R780/3/2/1/4 | Drill Book for the Air Training Corps, [c.1942?]. 45pp. | |
R780/3/2/1/5 | The National Association of Training Corps for Girls Drill Book, 1944. 35pp. | |
R780/3/2/1/6 | "Drill-up-to-date." A short manual for soldiers and airmen, Home Guard, WAAF & ATS & Air Training Corps, 1942. | |
R780/3/2/2 | File containing records of membership, training, fund raising and social events for the Women's Junior Air Corps, 1942-1945. 17 items. | |
R780/3/2/2/1 | Open letter from the President and Chairman of the Dorking unit of the Corps inviting contributions to their welfare fund, c.1942. | |
R780/3/2/2/2-3 | Certificates of membership of the Dorking Unit of the Women's Junior Air Corps in the name of Jean Phyllis Chivers, 20 Feb 1945 and ƒƒ.Smith [no first name entered], 20 Jun 1944. | |
R780/3/2/2/4 | Second certificate of membership in the name of Jean Phyllis Chivers with the addition of a signature with her parent's consent, 20 Feb 1945. | |
R780/3/2/2/5 | Four pages from an exercise book listing members of the Dorking Corps with their identity numbers, religion and date of issue of uniform items, 1942-1943. FOR DATA PROTECTION REASONS THESE RECORDS REMAIN CLOSED UNTIL 2027. | |
R780/3/2/2/6 | Typescript pages listing names of members of "D" Squad led by Nora Simpson as Squadron Leader. [c.1943?] | |
R780/3/2/2/7 | Small, hard-backed exercise book listing attendances of members, c.1943. | |
R780/3/2/2/8-9 | Two small, soft backed exercise books with notes kept by Nora Simpson. One labelled "D Squad notes" covers subjects such as first aid and the required qualities of officers, c.1944. The second lists payments received from squad members for items of uniform, c.1944. FOR DATA PROTECTION REASONS THE SECOND NOTE BOOK REMAINS CLOSED TO ACCESS UNTIL 2029. | |
R780/3/2/2/10 | Small, soft-backed notebook labelled "Training Notes." The notes were taken by Nora Simpson at an officers' Training Corps meeting at Reigate on 27 Sep 1942. They include topics such as running a unit and service etiquette. | |
R780/3/2/2/11 | Ticket for the Dorking & District Unit of the Women's Junior Air Corps dance at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 17 Mar 1943. | |
R780/3/2/2/12 | Ticket for a "social" in aid of the RAF Benevolent Fund at the Womens Junior Air Corps, Pippbrook, Dorking, 19 Dec 1942. | |
R780/3/2/2/13 | Routine orders for Dorking & District Unit for week ending Sunday 21 Mar [1944?]. Typescript sheet. | |
R780/3/2/2/14 | Routine orders for Dorking & District Unit for week ending 23 Jul 1944. Typescript sheet. | |
R780/3/2/2/15 | Routine orders for Dorking & District Unit for week ending 29 Apr 1945. Typescript sheet. | |
R780/3/2/2/16 | Collecting card with a record of contributions for the Dorking & District Unit of the Women's Junior Air Corps Welfare Fund Special Appeal, c.1944. | |
R780/3/2/2/17 | Two typescript sheets of drill commands, [c.1944]. | |
R780/3/3 | Miscellaneous Wartime Records, c.1941-1945. The series comprises letters of thanks to Nora Simpson for her services during the war, [c.1945?]; a letter relating to air raid precautions in Dorking, [1941?]; a news cutting, [1943?]; order of service leaflets for church services connected with youth training organisations, 1945; and 2 photographs, c.1944-1945. 10 items. | |
R780/3/3/1 | Envelope from Buckingham Palace addressed to Miss Simpson containing a pre-printed message from Queen Elizabeth thanking all those who had shared their homes with evacuees or refugees during the war of 1939-1945, [1945?]. | |
R780/3/3/2 | Typed notice issued to parents of St Martin's Parish Church Sunday School, Dorking relating to air raid precautions in war time. Addressed to Miss Simpson, St Martin's Sunday School Superintendent. [c.1943?] | |
R780/3/3/3 | Letter from St Martin's Forces' Canteen thanking Nora Simpson for her services. [1945?] | |
R780/3/3/4 | News cutting from unidentified national newspaper relating to 30 women drivers of Dorking Civil Defence ambulance unit awarded their first government contract to rivet steel plates for assembly in an aircraft factory. [c.1941?] | |
R780/3/3/5 | Order of service leaflet for a "Thanksgiving for Victory" church service, 1945. No location for the service is named. | |
R780/3/3/6 | Order of service leaflet for the National Association of Training Corps for Girls Annual Cadets' Day, 1945. No location for the service is named. | |
R780/3/3/7 | Order of service leaflet for the Empire Youth Service at Westminster Abbey, 10 Jun 1945. | |
R780/3/3/8 | Instructions for flame proofing materials and making woodwork fire retardant etc. 1p typescript issued by the Womens' Voluntary Service, [c.1943?] | |
R780/3/3/9 | Identity card issued to Nora Simpson with a small head and shoulders photograph showing her in service uniform forage cap (of the Womens' Junior Air Corps?). The card is dated stamped 22 Mar 1944. | |
R780/3/3/10 | Print out from scanned photograph of a wartime procession passing the bandstand in South Street, Dorking. The view shows a women's service contingent, possibly ARP (Air Raid Precaution) The occasion is unknown but maybe a VE or Victory in Europe day parade in 1945. | |
R780/3/4 | Ration Books comprising government clothing and Ministry of Food ration books issued to Nora Simpson, 1942-1954. Extent: 5 items. | |
R780/3/4 ctd | Administrative History: In 1939 less than a third of the food available in the country was produced at home. Enemy ships targeted incoming Allied merchant vessels preventing vital food supplies from reaching the United Kingdom. To ensure fair distribution of supplies the Ministry of Food issued ration books to every person, with families having to register at one shop. Official rationing began on 08 Jan 1940 and continued until 1954 due to the state of the economy as a result of the war and Britain's responsibility to feed those parts of Europe under its control. Rations were distributed by weight, monetary value or points. Clothing rationing came into effect from 01 Jun 1941 and lasted in a gradually reduced format until 1949. Its aim was not only to ensure fair shares but to reduce consumer spending, free up valuable factory space and release workers for vital war industries. Each item of clothing had a points value usually displayed with the price. The more fabric and labour needed to produce a garment, the more points were required. (Sources: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ and http://www.iwm.org.uk/history/ accessed Dec. 2013) | |
R780/3/4/1 | File containing two clothing ration books, 1942-1943 and 1947-1948; with three Ministry of Food ration books, 1951-1952, 1952-1953 and 1953-1954, all issued to N.M. Simpson. | |
R780/4 | Programmes and Souvenirs of Local Events and Performances, 1931-1985. The records comprise programmes for performances and events held at Dorking Halls, Reigate Road, Dorking, 1931-1980; records of performances and events at other Dorking venues, 1931-1985; and programmes for light opera productions at an unknown Dorking location, [1930s?] Extent: 3 files. | |
R780/4/1 | Programmes for Performances at Dorking Halls, 1931-1980. Extent:19 items | |
R780/4/1/1 | Programme for childrens' dance matinee by the pupils of Miss Betty Walker, 02 May 1931. | |
R780/4/1/2 | Programme for a three act comedy "Tilly of Bloomsbury," 09-10 Oct 1931. The performers are not identified. | |
R780/4/1/3 | Programme for Dorking & District Operatic & Dramatic Society's "The Middle Watch," 02-03 May 1934. | |
R780/4/1/4 | Programme for J S Bach's St Matthew Passion by the Betchworth, Bookhman, Capel, Headley, Merrow, Shalford, Shere & Westcott Choirs with members of 23 Leith Hill choirs & choristers from St Martin's Church, Dorking conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 22 Mar 1938. | |
R780/4/1/5 | Programme for a Chopin Recital by Benno Moiseiwitsch, 14 Sep 1947. | |
R780/4/1/6 | Programme for "A Sea Symphony" and "Five Tudor Portraits" by the Croydon Philharmonic Society & London Symphony Orchestra in honour of Dr Ralph Vaughan Williams on the occasion of his seventy fifth birthday as a small token of their affection and gratitude for all he has done for choral singers, 11 Oct 1947. 12pp. | |
R780/4/1/7 | Programme for a concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, 12 Nov 1947. | |
R780/4/1/8 | Programme for the Anglo-Netherlands Festival concert with Zang Na Studie Choir of Amsterdam, Alexandra Choir of London & Guildford Symphony Orchestra, 16 Nov 1947. | |
R780/4/1/9 | Programme for a concert by the Surrey Philharmonic Orchestra, 08 May 1948. | |
R780/4/1/10 | Programme for a concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, 28 Jan 1948. | |
R780/4/1/11 | Programme for a concert by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, 28 Jul 1948. | |
R780/4/1/12 | Programme for a concert by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, 17 Oct 1964 | |
R780/4/1/13 | Programme for a concert by the Joachim Orchestra, 25 Apr [1964?] | |
R780/4/1/14 | Programme for a performance of "Journeys End," by R C Sherriff, 18-19 Nov [1960s?] | |
R780/4/1/15 | Flyer for a performance of a Tchaikovsky programme by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Wed. 28 Jan. [1960s?] | |
R780/4/1/16 | Programme for a concert by the BBC Concert Orchestra -"Friday Night is Music Night," 13 May 1966. | |
R780/4/1/17 | Programme for a performance by the singer John Hanson - "Melodies for Everyone," Sun Jun 15 [1969?] | |
R780/4/1/18 | Programme for "Lions in Africa," a film and talk by Virginia McKenna & Bill Travers presented by the Rotary Club of Dorking, 08 Jan 1969. | |
R780/4/1/19 | Programme for Dorking Dramatic & Operatic Society's "The Sound of Music," 13-16 Feb 1980. Includes black and white photographs of the cast. | |
R780/4/2 | Programmes and souvenirs of events held at other Dorking venues, 1931-1985. 13 items | |
R780/4/2/1 | Programme for a performance of Dorking Madrigal Society, 14 Dec 1932. The location of the performance is not named. | |
R780/4/2/2 | Programme for Bach's St Matthew Passion at Dorking Parish Church, 28 Mar 1934. 7pp. | |
R780/4/2/3 | Programme for the production of a pageant play "England's Pleasant Land," by Dorking & Leith Hill District Preservation Society held at Milton Court, Westcott, July 9th, 14th & 16th 1938, 18pp. Written by E M Forster with music directed by Ralph Vaughan Williams. | |
R780/4/2/4 | Flyer for a summer rally and pageant of youth at Milton Court, Westcott, 15 Jul 1942. | |
R780/4/2/5 | Order of service leaflet for a Thanksgiving for Victory service as part of Dorking Urban District Council's Thanksgiving Sunday, 13 May 1945. 1p | |
R780/4/2/6 | Order of service leaflet for the first production given by members of the Dorking Dramatic Society - I'll Leave it To You," by Noel Coward at Betchworth Village Hall, 10 May 1947. | |
R780/4/2/7 | Programme for a ceremony held to mark the adoption of "C" Company, 5th Battalion, the Queen's Royal Regiment (Territorial Army) No 9 (Surrey) Platoon and "B" Company, 304 (Eastern Command) Battalion, Womens' Royal Army Corps/Territorial Army by Dorking Urban District Council, 15 Apr 1951. | |
R780/4/2/8 | Programme for the BBC television programme "Songs of Praise" from St Martin's Parish Church, Dorking, 15 Oct 1972. 26pp. Contains words and music for the hymns sung at the event. Copyright: Unknown. The programme is marked "For copyright reasons please destroy this leaflet after recording." | |
R780/4/2/9 | Leaflet issued by Dorking Urban District Council outlining the celebrations planned in Dorking to mark the coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953. | |
R780/4/2/10 | Programme for a special service to mark the 40th anniversary of V.E. (Victory in Europe) day at St Martin's Shared Church, Dorking, 05 May 1985. 5pp. | |
R780/4/2/11 | Page from the Daily Sketch of 23 Jul 1931 with a report and several large photographs of the handing over of the Nower, (a hill to the south west of the town) to the people of Dorking. | |
R780/4/2/12 | Page from the Sunday Pictorial of 28 Jun 1931 with several large photographs of Princess Mary inspecting Surrey Red Cross and Voluntary Aid Detachment members (VAD's) at Dorking. | |
R780/4/2/13 | Page from the Daily Sketch of 24 Apr 1936 with photographs of the Children's Day Concert at Dorking held in connection with the 27th Leith Hill Musical Festival. | |
R780/4/3 | File of six programmes for performances of light opera productions, [1940s?] Published in the pages of an unidentified Dorking magazine, the location and date of the performances are unknown but include productions of: "The Vagabond King," "Tom Jones," "The Gondoliers," "Ruddigore," "Iolanthe," "The Mikado," and "HMS Pinafore." | |
R780/5 | Miscellaneous and Family Records, 1919-c.2011. The records comprise those relating to the history and ownership of Elm Grove Farm, Brockham, 1925-1983; post cards of local views, Nora Simpson's recorded memoirs and other miscellaneous items, 1919-1997; correspondence and articles written by Jane Morgan of Ontario, Canada, a former Dorking teacher during the 1940s, 1982; print outs of scanned images of Nora Simpson's family records and photographs, c.2011; and notes and charts of Nora Simpson's family history, 2014. Extent: 5 files | |
R780/5/1 | File containing records related to Elm Grove Farm, Brockham, 1925-1983. Extent: 3 items | |
R780/5/1/1 | Supplementary abstract of title of Mr Richard Chart to Elm Grove Farm, Brockham, 1925. 3pp. | |
R780/5/1/2 | Abstract of title of Mr George Frederick Sanders to the freehold of Elm Grove Farm, Brockham between Hon. Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope (commonly called Lord Francis Hope) of Castleblaney County Monaghan, Ireland (the vendor), and Nigel Leslie Campbell of Southsea House, Threadneedle Street, London and Richard Chart of Dungates Farm, Buckland, Betchworth, 1936. 7pp. | |
R780/5/1/3 | Typescript history of Elm Grove Farm, Brockham, 1983. 24pp. The page numbering and index pages indicate that several parts of the text are missing as there were originally over 40 pages. As well as Elm Grove Farm there are sections on the history of The Holmwood and Stoke d'Abernon, all being the home at different times of the Sanders family. The author is unknown but must have been a son or daughter of Mrs Mary Sanders who is referred to as "Mother." | |
R780/5/2 | File containing postcards of local views, Nora Simpson's recorded memories and other miscellaneous items, 1919-1997. Extent: 9 items. | |
R780/5/2/1 | Large postcard, 10.5 x 7 ins showing several aerial views of Dorking including West Street; Meredith's House, Boxhill; St Martin's Church and High Street; Deepdene Mansion Hotel; and St Martin's Church and White Horse Hotel, [c.1930s?] | |
R780/5/2/2 | Standard size postcard showing five views of Dorking including High Street, the Old Mill, River Mole and Bridge and the Zig Zags, Boxhill. Published by Francis Frith & Co of Reigate. [c.1930s?] | |
R780/5/2/3 | "Surrey Foot Ways," a poem by John Sammes, 2pp. Published by J. Sammes, bookseller, Reigate. The front cover has a black and white drawing of Friday Street by Gregory Chase, 1919. | |
R780/5/2/4 | Card issued by the Surrey Anti-Litter League showing its aims and rules for members [c.1930?] The League was formed in 1928 by the Shere Womens Institute. | |
R780/5/2/5 | Small leaflet showing the programme of events to mark the Festival of Britain at Brockham Green, 30 Jun 1951. | |
R780/5/2/6 | Cassette tape of Nora Simpson's memories of "Growing up in Dorking." Recorded at her home in Dorking by Mrs C Major, 03 Apr 1997. Approximately 1 hour's duration. | |
R780/5/2/6a | Transcript of cassette recording of Nora Simpson's memories "Growing up in Dorking," Recording made 03 Apr 1997, Transcribed by Maureen Shettle, Jan. 2014. 11pp. | |
R780/5/2/7 | Four page leaflet produced for a children's quiz entitled "Know Your Town." It shows 12 black and white photographs of buildings and places in Dorking for identification but with no supplied answers. Issued by Dorking & District Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with Sussex Mutual Building Society, 1982. | |
R780/5/2/8 | "You and Your Church," an illustrated booklet issued by the Parish of Dorking with Ranmore for the "Planned Giving" fundraising campaign, Nov. 1959. Illustrated with several photographs showing church buildings and the life of the church. | |
R780/5/3 | File containing correspondence and articles received by Nora Simpson from Jane Morgan of Ontario, Canada, (a former Dorking teacher during the 1940s), 1981-1982. 3 items. | |
R780/5/3/1 | Letter from Jane Morgan of Ontario to Nora Simpson, 10 Apr 1982. Refers to the articles written by Jane Morgan (at R780/5/3/2-3) and to her family life in Canada. | |
R780/5/3/2 | "The Parachute," a typescript article of 10 pages written in 1982 by Jane Morgan describing her experiences as a French teacher during the blitz in Dorking. This includes an incident where her pupils encountered a wounded German pilot who had bailed out after his plane was shot down in the locality. | |
R780/5/3/3 | "The War Brides," a typescript article of 14 pages by Jane Morgan relating her own experiences as a war bride from Dorking, 1981. | |
R780/5/4 | File containing printouts taken from scanned images of family records and photographs, c.2011. Extent: 17 items. | |
R780/5/4/1 | Page of printed extracts from Dorking cemetery burial registers relating to the Appleby family. These include Nora Simpson's great-aunt Agnes Appleby (d.1911) and her great-grandparents Elisabeth Appleby (d.1901) and Henry Appleby (d.1902). | |
R780/5/4/2 | News cutting reporting the golden wedding of Mr and Mrs Henry Ivery of Dorking, the grandparents of Nora Simpson. The cutting is from an undated and unidentified local newspaper, [c.1933?] | |
R780/5/4/3 | News cutting reporting the death of Henry James Ivery, nurseryman and florist of Dorking and grandfather of Nora Simpson. Undated and from an unidentiifed local newspaper, [c.1941?] | |
R780/5/4/4 | News cutting reporting the wedding of Nora Simpson's grandparents, Henry James Ivery and Emele Nichols. From an unidentified local newspaper, 1883. | |
R780/5/4/5 | Composite page of 5 photographs with different views of the Ivery family home and nurseries at London Road, Dorking, [c.1880s?] . The location is thought to be in the area now occupied by Rothes Road. | |
R780/5/4/6 | Copy of photograph of black and white drawing of the Ivery family home and nurseries, London Road, Dorking, a site now thought to be occupied by Rothes Road. Original drawing [c.1890?] | |
R780/5/4/7 | Family photograph showing Henry and Emele Ivery of Dorking with their eight children, [c.1905?] Nora Simpson's mother Constance, as the eldest child is thought to be on the extreme right. | |
R780/5/4/8 | Photograph of Box Hill nursery and house showing signboard for H.Appleby, nurseryman, seedsman and florist, [c.1880]. The nursery was located on the site opposite the present day Deepdene Station, then called Box Hill Station. The business was eventually acquired by Charles Simpson, Nora Simpson's father and grandson of Henry Appleby. | |
R780/5/4/9 | Composite page of 5 photographs showing the inside of the Ivery family nursery in London Road, Dorking on a site now occupied by Rothes Road. c.1890?] | |
R780/5/4/10 | Composite page of 5 photographs showing the Ivery family house and its surroundings, on a site now occupied by Rothes Road.[c.1880s?] | |
R780/5/4/11 | Composite page of 4 photographs showing members of the Ivery family (identities unknown) in the nursery, [c.1900s?] | |
R780/5/4/12 | Composite page of 5 photographs showing members of the Ivery family, (identities unknown). [c.1900s?] | |
R780/5/4/13 | Composite page of 5 photographs showing members of the Ivery family, (identities unknown), [c.1900s?] The photographs are faded and of poor quality. | |
R780/5/4/14 | Composite page of 5 photographs showing members of the Ivery family (identities unknown), [c.1890s?] | |
R780/5/4/15 | Copy of marriage settlement agreement between Charles Harwood Simpson, nurseryman and seedsman of Dorking, Constance Lucy Ivery, spinster of Dorking and Clifford James Ivery, solicitor's clerk of Dorking, 26 Jul 1913., 7pp. | |
R780/5/4/16 | Copies of pages taken from the Simpson family bible recording the family births, marriages and deaths. They include entries for the Woodward family of Wolverhampton who were linked by marriage to the Simpsons and cover the period from 1769-1929. There are also records of childhood vaccinations in the early 1800s. Copies taken from a digital image made in 2014. | |
R780/5/4/17 | Notes on the Ivery family history drawn up by David Simpson (the depositor) and nephew of Nora Simpson, 2014. They include information from 19th century census returns for Dorking and records from Reigate Road cemetery from 1859-1941. 2pp. | |
R780/5/5 | Notes and reports on the family history of Nora Simpson, generated on family history software and drawn up by the cataloguer Maureen Shettle, using the records in the collection, internet sources and correspondence with David Simpson, the depositor and nephew of Nora. Includes details of the Ivery family of Dorking and Eltham between the 1790s and the 20th century; the Simpson family of Wolverhampton, Bromley and Dorking from the 1790s to the 20th century and the Appleby family of Durham, Yorkshire and Dorking from the 1790s to the 20th century. 3 items. | |
R781 | Transcript of three volumes of the Dorking Police occurrence books, 1838-1841, 1841-1845 and 1845-1849. 233 pp. Extent: 2 files. The volumes run for 11 years and record every day crimes of assault, theft and vagrancy with one instance of murder (p.5) and one of manslaughter. (p.50) They also record the duties of the police officers. The sequence of the three volumes runs as follows with the pages of the transcripts in brackets: 12th Nov 1838-02 May 1841 (1-51); 03 May 1841-01 Jun 1845 (52-134); and 02 Jun 1845-03 Apr 1849 (135-209). Pages 210-233 of the transcript contain indexes to the following subjects: names, shopkeepers, public houses and beer shops, owners of beer shops, trades, magistrates, Dorking & surrounds (buildings and places), and other locations. | |
R781 ctd | Provenance: Originally compiled and kept by Police Officer William Donaldson and transcribed by C A Willeard of Dartford, Kent in 1994. The three separate leather bound books were originally purchased from R B Ede, bookseller of Dorking by a Mr Donaldson (a relative of William Donaldson?). They passed into Mr Willeard's family three generations previously and in 2003 he retained the originals. They have since been deposited at the Surrey History Centre. Transcript deposited by Dorking Local History Group. | |
R781 ctd | Administrative History: As superintendent, William Donaldson led a small police force in Dorking from 1838-1851. The Surrey Constabulary was not formed until 1851 and although local policing often existed prior to this it is unusual to find such a detailed insight into their work at this date. The force initially consisted of three officers, Superintendent Donaldson, and Police Constables No.1. William Brown and No 2 Jonathan Lewin. They were based in a Station House, at first in South Street near the town's workhouse. William Donaldson later transferred to the Surrey Constabulary when it was formed in 1851. He had postings at several locations in the county but eventually moved to Haslemere where in 1855 he had the dubious distinction of being the first Surrey police officer to be murdered on duty while dealing with a serious disturbance. (Source: "Early Policing in Dorking, Surrey," published by the Open University and the International Centre for the History of Crime, Policing and Justice and accessed in Jan. 2014 at: http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/history-from-police-archives/RB1/Supp/supDorkingOb1838.html) | |
R781/1 | Transcript of pp. 1-105 of the Dorking Police occurrence books, 1838-1843.. A photograph of the original front page of the first volume is included on the first page of the transcript. | |
R781/2 | Transcript of pp 106-209 of the Dorking Police occurrence books, 1844-1849. | |
R782 | A collection of copies of original wills or letters of administration relating mainly to the Spencer and Tugwell families of Newdigate, Ockley, Wotton, Dorking, Wonersh, Cranleigh and Ewhurst. Also includes wills of related surnames including Brown, Burberry, Constable, Elliott and Muggeridge. The wills are mostly 19th and 20th century and are printouts obtained from the Principal Probate Registry, 2011-2013. Two are from the Archdeaconry Court of Surrey proved in 1763 and 1844 and another is from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury proved in 1720. The last mentioned are printouts obtained from the website of Ancestry.co.uk. Extent: 24 items. Arrangement: alphabetically by surname. | |
R782/1 | Copy of will of Gordon Hargreaves Brown of 12, Grosvenor Gardens, Middlesex and of Holmwood, Surrey, Captain in the Coldstream Guards, died 29 Oct 1914. Proved 28 May 1919. 3pp. | |
R782/2 | Copy of will of Lilly Annie Burberry of 2 Lances Cottages, Newdigate, Surrey, widow, died 29 Nov 1950. 2pp. | |
R782/3 | Copy of letters of administration for Sarah Constable, wife of William Constable the elder of Dene Farm, Leigh, Surrey, died 25 Nov 1935. 1p. | |
R782/4 | Copy of will of Thomas William Elliott of Wisborough Green, Sussex, yeoman, died 30 Mar 1893. Will dated 08 Feb 1889 and proved 09 Aug 1893. 2pp. | |
R782/5 | Copy of will of Ellen Muggeridge of Myrtle Cottage, Oakwood Hill Surrey, wife of George Muggeridge, died 14 Oct 1935. Will proved 30 Dec 1935. 2pp. | |
R782/6 | Copy of letters of administration for Ann Spencer, late of the White House, Wisborough Green, Sussex, spinster, died 10 Apr 1893. Admon. granted 19 Jul 1893. 2pp. | |
R 782/7 | Copy of the will of Elizabeth Spencer, wife of Frederick Spencer of 2 Lances Cottages, Newdigate, died 09 Feb. 1954. Will proved 23 Mar 1954. 2pp. | |
R782/8 | Copy of will of Emma Elizabeth Spencer of 9 Coleman Road, Aldershot, Hants, widow, died 16 Feb 1946. Will proved 03 May 1946. 2pp | |
R782/9 | Copy of will of Frederick Spencer of Mole Street, Ockley and formerly of Volvens Farm, Abinger, Surrey, died 09 Jan 1898. Will proved 08 Apr 1898. 3pp. | |
R782/10 | Copy of will of Frederick Spencer of Fir Tree Cottage, Beare Green and formerly of 2 Lances Cottages, Newdigate, died 25 Oct 1955. Will proved 17 Dec 1955. 2pp. | |
R782/11 | Copy of will of Hannah Spencer, late of Ockley in the parish of Abinger, widow, died 28 Apr 1864. Will proved 08 Oct 1864. 3pp | |
R782/12 | Copy of will of Hannah Spencer of Oakwood Hill, Wotton, spinster, died 09 Nov 1905. Will proved 14 Dec 1905. 3pp. | |
R782/13 | Copy of will of James Spencer of Parklands Farm, Ockley, died 20 Feb 1919. Will proved 23 Jul1919. 4pp. | |
R782/14 | Copy of will of John Spencer of Ockley, died 26 Apr 1902. Will proved 03 Jun 1902. 1p. | |
R782/15 | Copy of will of John Spencer of Dorking, Gentleman. Will dated 20 Nov 1708. Proved Prerogative Court of Canterbury 07 Mar 1720. 5pp. | |
R782/16 | Copy of will of Martha Spencer of 18 Lansdowne Street, Brighton, Sussex, spinster, died 08 Aug 1897. Will proved 08 Oct 1897. 3pp. | |
R782/17 | Copy of will of Sarah Spencer of Oakwood Hill, Surrey, widow, died 17 Aug 1880. Will proved 05 Mar 1881. 3pp. | |
R782/18 | Copy of will of Mary Ann Spencer of 16 Tyrrell Road, Peckham Rye, Surrey, spinster, died 16 Nov 1893. Will proved 30 Nov 1893. 3pp. | |
R782/19 | Copy of will of Hannah Tugwell of Cranleigh, Surrey, widow. Will dated 20 Jun 1830. Proved Archdeaconry Court of Surrey, 19 Sep 1844. 2pp. | |
R782/20 | Copy of will of James Tugwell of Utworth Farm, Cranleigh, Surrey, farmer, died 01 Jun 1865. Will proved 25 Jul 1865. 3pp. | |
R782/21 | Copy of will of William Tugwell of Wonersh, Surrey, farmer, died 07 Oct 1862. Will proved 22 Dec 1862. 2pp. | |
R782/22 | Copy of will of William Tugwell of Ewhurst, Surrey, farmer. Will dated 11 Jan 1759. Proved Prerogative Court of Canterbury 06 Mar 1763. 2pp | |
R782/23 | Copy of will of James Whitbourn of Cranleigh, Surrey, yeoman, died 06 Feb 1898. Will proved 01 Apr 1898. 5pp. | |
R782/24 | Copy of will of Mary Whitbourn of Cranleigh Common, Surrey, widow, died 17 Mar 1898. Will proved 15 Apr 1898. 2pp. | |
R783 | A paper on "The Organs of Dorking Independent Meeting through to Dorking United Reformed Church," by Peter Essex, former Organist and Director of Music of Dorking United Reformed Church in connection with the evening of "350 Years of Church Music" which he led there on 17 Mar 2012, 2013. 3pp. The donor and provenance are unknown. | |
R784 | Photocopy of the particulars and conditions of sale of two rooms on the north side of St Martin's Churchyard, belonging to the National Schools, St Martin's, Dorking to be auctioned by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, 18 Jul 1861. 3pp. Copy made c.1985. The original document is at Surrey History Centre (PSH/DOM/16/3) Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission of Surrey History Centre. | |
R785 | Menu card for the Annual Dinner and Concert of Dorking Cricket Club held at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking on 21 Oct 1938. Signed on the front with an illegible signature. | |
R786 | Records relating to Rose Hill and Holly House at Rose Hill, Dorking, 1791-1987; 1 file of 6 items. Provenance: unknown. | |
R786/1 | Bound account book kept by John Attlee, corn dealer of Dorking, 1791-1845. Entries between 1791 and 1838 were originally partitioned by string inserted into the front pages. Entries from 1844 contain many references to large quantities of bricks, tiles and lime and may refer to the building of Holly House at Rose Hill. Administrative History: John Attlee opened a corn dealer's shop in Dorking High Street in 1788. His son Richard (b.1795) played an important role in the expansion of the business. Richard's two sons John and William took over the business c.1860 which eventually became J & W Attlee. Richard Attlee died in 1873. (Source: Alec Bennett: 200 years - A History of J & W Attlee, 1788-1988.) | |
R786/2 | Typed notes showing a brief chart of the Attlee family history of 1722-1944; and transcripts from 19th century census returns of entries relating to the occupants of "The Cottage, Rose Hill between 1841-1871; [c.1980s?] 2pp | |
R786/3 | Two letters from Allan Brigham of Cambridge to Dr Kellett-Carding enquiring into the history of the development at Rose Hill, expressing an especial interest in Holly House, [1980s?], 3pp. | |
R786/4 | A short history of Holly House, Rose Hill, Dorking. A small pamphlet written by David Kellett Harding, 1987, 7pp. | |
R786/5 | Letter from Mary Sutton of Dorking Local History Group to David Kellett-Harding, 28 Jan 1987, 1p. She expresses the opinion that the accounts contained in R786/1 referred to Cedar Close and not Holly House. | |
R786/6 | Index card showing the occupants and owners of Holly Hill, House, Rose Hill, Dorking between 1844 and 1979 extracted from rate books by Mrs Mary Sutton, [1980s?] | |
R787 | Records of Dorking Hospital, 1870-1936. They comprise treasurer's accounts, 1870-1876, committee minutes, 1873-1878 and 1915-1928 for Dorking Cottage Hospital; an offences and punishment book for Dorking Union, 1915-1936; and an out-patients register, 1903-1923. 2 boxes. | |
R787 ctd | Administrative History: Dorking Hospital evolved from the 1841 General Mixed Workhouse of the Dorking Union and the adjacent Poor Law Infirmary of 1901, these buildings becoming a County Hospital in 1936 and a National Health Service General Hospital in 1948. The nearby Cottage Hospital which had been opened in South Terrace, Dorking in 1871 and enlarged and modernised in 1926, became known as the Dorking & District Voluntary Hospital in 1919 and was amalgamated with the former County Hospital to form the Dorking General Hospital after the introduction of the National Health Service in 1948. The old Cottage Hospital was pulled down in 1986 and its site sold off for development as private residential flats. (Source: Dorking Local History Group - Dorking - a Surrey Market Town through twenty centuries. 1991). Provenance: deposited by the Friends of Dorking Community Hospital in 2014. | |
R787/1 | Ledger containing Treasurer's Accounts for Dorking Cottage Hospital, 1870-1876. 1 volume | |
R787/2 | Ledger containing minutes of the House Committee for Dorking Cottage Hospital , 1873-1878. 1 volume. | |
R787/3 | Dorking Hospital Out-Patients Register, 1903-1923. Contains name, age, occupation, locality, disease, date admitted etc. I volume. | |
R787/4 | Minute book for Dorking Cottage Hospital, 1915-1928. Contains minutes for the House Committee and General Committee signed by the chairman. 1 volume. | |
R787/5 | Offences and punishments book for Dorking Union, 1915-1936. Records name, offence, date of offence, punishment order, and whether approved by guardians. 1 volume. | |
R788 | Notes on the Wicks family of Leigh, Brockham and Betchworth from c.1725-1980s, typescript. 26pp, [1992?] Includes photocopies of old picture postcards of the area, family photographs, images from family bibles and a family pedigree chart . | |
R789 | Records donated by A J Coombes, antiquarian bookseller of Horsham Road, Dorking. The records consist of property sales notices and catalogues, 1854-1930; records received from the local historian David Knight of Westcott, 1845-[1980?]; a set of 78 black and white photographs taken c.1980 of original images of local views of Dorking and its neighbourhood from the 1880s-1930s; and other miscellaneous items, 1841-2004. 1 box. | |
R789 ctd | Administrative History: Established in 1967 the company specialised in topography and local history, closing on the retirement of the proprietor in 2013. Provenance: the records were deposited by John Coombes in 2013. | |
R789/1 | Property sale notices and catalogues. The records comprise printed sale notices and catalogues for property in Dorking, Mickleham, Abinger and Betchworth, 1854-1930. 1 file of 12 items. | |
R789/1/1 | Large sales notice or poster issued by White & Sons, auctioneers of Dorking, with particulars of a freehold messuage occupied as two tenements on the north side of the road connecting Chart Lane with the Cotmandene, Dorking. 08 May 1856. Duplicate at S363. | |
R789/1/2 | Large notice of a sale by auction of "all the genteel modern furniture" of No 6 Rose Hill Villas, Dorking to be sold by James White of Dorking, 21 Jun 1854. | |
R789/1/3 | Notice of a sale by auction by White & Sons of Dorking of the household furniture of premises in Mickleham lately in the occupation of George Dockery, deceased, 09 Nov 1857. | |
R789/1/4 | Particulars and conditions of sale of certain freehold estates on the south side of East Street and in Chert [or Chart] Lane, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Aug 1856. 4pp. Duplicate at S170 | |
R789/1/5 | Particulars and conditions of sale for the Dorking Nurseries Estate, London Road, Dorking, consisting of twenty three plots of freehold building land. For auction by White and Sons of Dorking 10 Sep 1896. 7pp. Duplicate at S85. | |
R789/1/6 | Particulars with conditions of sale of "Ivy Thumb Cottage," overlooking the village of Abinger; the "Old House," a detached private residence on the outskirts of Dorking set well back from the main road to Horsham; and a block of three cottages, numbers 80, 81 and 82 Orchard Road, Dorking - all to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 17 Mar 1898. 4pp. | |
R789/1/7 | Sales particulars for a butcher's shop and dwelling house at 47 West Street, Dorking; a detached residence "Ashcombe Villa," London Road, Dorking; and a pair of semi-detached villas at Nos 2 and 4 Lincoln Road, Dorking, all to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 27 Jun 1907. 7pp. Duplicate at: S152. | |
R789/1/8 | Particulars and conditions of sale for Rose Hill House, Rose Hill, Dorking, the Rotunda, South Street and Rose Hill Cottage no 24 South Street, Dorking - to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 13 May 1909. 7pp. Duplicate at S218. | |
R789/1/9 | Plan of property at Dorking offered for sale by auction by Messrs Nash at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking 25 May 1854 showing 10 plots of land to the west of Station Road, Dorking bounded by land belonging to Thomas Cubitt, Esq. | |
R789/1/10 | Particulars and conditions of sale of several plots of freehold building ground at the western entrance to the town immediately opposite the station. For sale at Dorking by J & J Nash of Reigate, 25 May 1854. | |
R789/1/11 | Particulars and conditions of sale of five brick built and slated cottages in Rothes Road otherwise Jubilee Terrace, Dorking to be sold by auction at Dorking by Mr E Butcher, 29 May 1890. 4pp. | |
R789/1/12 | Photocopy of particulars, plan and conditions of sale of the freehold of Little Abbots Farm Cottage, Gadbrook, Betchworth to be sold by auction by Messrs Marten & Carnaby at London Auction Mart, 155 Queen Victoria Street, London, 25 Jul 1930. 3pp with plan. | |
R789/2 | Records received from the local historian David Knight of Westcott. The records comprise documents relating to the Dorking agency of the Phoenix Fire Assurance Company Limited and their local agents Messrs J & W Attlee, 1887-1898; records relating to the businesses of Richard Attlee, corn miller and J & W Attlee, corn millers of Dorking, 1845-[1970s?]; records relating to distraint for rent or property, 1856-1878; and miscellaneous records [c.1830 - c.1980?]. | |
R789/2/1 | Documents relating to the Dorking agency of the Phoenix Fire Assurance Company Limited. 1887-1898. The agents were Mr John Attlee, & Mr Edmund Waller Attlee trading as Messrs J & W Attlee, corn millers. The file includes three pre-printed requests for renewals of premiums, 1887-1888; a printed company advertisement flyer with the name of the local agents and details of the rates charged on the reverse, c.1887; a memorandum from the sign writers J. Down & Co of Langham Street, London to Messrs Attlee, Dorking, 1887; and a pre-printed letter issued by the Phoenix Assurance informing Mr John & Mr Edmund Waller Attlee of their appointment as agents to the company, 1898. 6 items | |
R789/2/2 | Records relating to the businesses of Richard Attlee, corn miller, and J & W Attlee, corn millers. The records include: four printed receipts issued by Richard Attlee, 1845; a pre-printed blank company receipt form, c.1850; various invoices issued by J & W Attlee, 1886-1945; three postcards placing orders with the company, 1905; three company receipt forms, 1961; a photocopy of a published article on the history of Parsonage Mill, Pippbrook, [ c.1970?], source unknown, 2pp.; and a torn page of a printed article describing the Attlee business including a photograph of the shop premises in Dorking High Street, [early 20th cent?], source unknown. 28 items. | |
R789/2/3 | Records relating to distraint for rent or property, 1856-1878. 5 items | |
R789/2/3/1 | Warrant to distrain goods and chattles on premises in Howard Road, Dorking for £5 10s 6d for rent due from Richard Bonner, 20 Dec 1856. | |
R789/2/3/2 | Letter received by Messrs White & Sons, auctioneers of Dorking from Green & Allin of Angel Court Bank, London concerning a receipt of £150 on behalf of Mr Miles Stringer, a landlord of property in Effingham Hill, 1865. 4pp | |
R789/2/3/3 | Letter addressed to Miles Stringer, c/o Messrs W J Lindsay & Co, Austin Friars, London from G. Edmonstone of Effingham Hill relating to the maintenance of a property of Mr Stringer, 22 Jun 1864. 1p. | |
R789/2/3/4 | Notice to quit possession of Indian Farm, Effingham Common in the parish of Effingham, the landlord being Mr Miles Stringer, 23 Feb 1865. | |
R789/2/3/5 | Notice to distrain on lands and premises numbered 1482-1488 in the apportionment of the rent charge of the parish of Dorking, for arrears of rent liable to the Rev. Peter Righton Atkinson, 29 Jan. 1878. | |
R789/2/4 | Miscellaneous records, [c.1830?]-[c.1980?] 4 items | |
R789/2/4/1 | Statement of distribution of funds on the death of Mrs Sarah Bristow, 1875. 5pp. The document contains mention of shares held on trust of the will of Mrs Elizabeth Piper with the proceeds being divided between members of the Attlee and Philps family of Dorking. National probate indexes refer to the will of a Sarah Bristow of 7 Burch Road, Rosherville, Kent, widow who died 26 Sep 1874. Probate was granted in Oct 1874, the executors being her nephews George Philps, warehouseman of Tufnell Park, Middlesex and Thomas Wix Philps of the City of London, builder. | |
R789/2/4/2 | Catalogue of the sale of household furniture and effects of "Sunrays," Milton Avenue, Westcott, to be sold by auction 22 Mar 1950. 10pp. | |
R789/2/4/3 | Photocopy of a plan of St Martin's, Churchyard, Dorking signed by W. Attlee, 1879. Shows the plotting of individual gravestones. Most are named and a few have dates and other information provided. [Photocopy c.1980?] | |
R789/2/4/4 | Engraving of a view of Dorking Parish Church. Published by Simpkin, Marshall & Co, [c.1830s?] | |
R789/2/5 | Copy of the Surrey Standard Newspaper of 08 Nov 1892. The only Dorking content is on page 8 with a report of the proceedings of the Dorking Bench. 8pp. 1 item. | |
R789/3 | Collection of black and white prints taken from older photographs of local views obtained from Derek Middleton, a former resident of Sheepfold Cottage, Ranmore Common, Dorking, in the 1980s. 78 images. [c.1980s?] Includes many Dorking street scenes and views of the surrounding villages in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Also includes photographs of engravings and artist's pictures. | |
R789/4 | Miscellaneous records 1841-2004. 1 file of 12 items. | |
R789/4/1 | Fifth annual report and balance sheet of the Dorking, Leatherhead and District branch of the Starr-Bowkett Building Sociey, 1888. 4pp. | |
R789/4/2 | Report and balance sheet of the Dorking, Leatherhead and District branch of the Starr-Bowkett Building Society for the year 1892-1893. 4pp. | |
R789/4/3 | Print showing "View of Leith Hill from a sketch taken during the Government Survey 1844." Mounted on the front of a Christmas card of late 20th century. | |
R789/4/4 | Studio photograph of an unknown man taken by W. Usherwood of 32 High Street, Dorking, [c.1890s?]. | |
R789/4/5 | Typed transcription from Abinger Hammer School log book no. 1 covering the period Feb 1879-Sep 1895, [late 20th cent?]. 2pp. The original records are now at Surrey History Centre at Woking. The transcription gives the reference number CC188/1. | |
R789/4/6 | Certificate of merit for spelling awarded to Mollie Strong by St Joseph's Priory School, Dorking, Jul 1920. | |
R789/4/7 | Small paper bag printed with the advertisement and logo for J & W Attlee of High Street, Dorking, millers, corn, seed and forage merchants, [c.1920s?]. | |
R789/4/8 | Notice issued to Thomas Dale of Horsham Road, Dorking by James White of Dorking for the seizure of goods, chattels and effects for rent arrears to William Legg in the sum of £2 6s 9d, Dec 1841. | |
R789/4/9 | Notice issued to the representatives of George [Dorking?] deceased by Archibald White of the seizure of goods, chattels and effects from premises in Mickleham for rent arrears to Benjamin Haynes for the sum of £14 10s, 1857. 1p. Includes an inventory of furniture and effects. | |
R789/4/10 | Notes for an obituary for Alan Arthur Jackson (b.1922), 2004. 2pp. His career was in the civil service but he was well known, particularly after his retirement, as a researcher and lecturer on social, railway and local history. A former editor of the Dorking & District Preservation Society's Newsletter he made many contributions to transport periodicals and was also editor of "Dorking History" and other Dorking Local History Group publications. | |
R789/4/11 | Photocopy from the magazine "Cycling News" including an article with the title "Box Hill by Moonlight," 01 Nov 1878, 1p. | |
R789/4/12 | Photocopy from the magazine "Cycling" with 5 small photographs of the leading club officials of Dorking Cycling Club, 18 Apr 1896, 1p. The officials include the President Sir Trevor Lawrence, the Captain, John Wood, the Sub-Captain W D Russell, the Hon. Secretary W T Neal and the Treasurer Arthur Gumbrell. | |
R790 | Parish magazines for St Mary Magdalene, Holmwood, 1991- 2013, 2 boxes. Issued monthly. Some years are incomplete. Missing issues include: Jan-Jul and Nov. 1991; Aug 1992; Jul, Sep, Oct and Nov 1993; April, Aug, Oct & Nov 1998; Feb, Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct & Nov 1999; Jan, Mar, Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct and Nov 2000; all issues between 2001 and 2004; Feb, 2005; Oct 2006; Feb 2008; Jan & Feb 2009; and Jan & Mar 2010. The format changed from A5 to A4 size in 2009. | |
R791 | Conveyance for a property in Harrow Road West, Dorking between Thomas Moreland of Croydon, Esq., Conrad Wilkinson of Beckenham, Kent and William Tanner of Milton Street, Westcott, labourer, (the purchaser), 02 Jun 1859. | |
R792 | Deed of apprenticeship between Stone and Turner Ltd of 32-38 High Street, Dorking, ironmongers and Arthur William Richardson of 163 London Road, Redhill, 24 Jul 1950. 8pp. | |
R793 | Report produced for the Surrey Hills Estate of the National Trust by Ray Tantram on the history and possible importance of the yew tree situated at the edge of footpath 587, Ten Acre Field, Ranmore, Dorking, Feb 2014. 27pp. 1 item Illustrated with photographs, maps and plans. | |
R794 | Documents deposited by Betchworth Village Archives in 2014.. Includes sales particulars for property in Dorking, 1953, a catalogue of farming stock from Etherley Farm, Ockley, 1955; a research paper on the Dendy family from the Horsham and Dorking areas, c.1930s?; and newscuttings relating to the Dodd family of Holmwood and the Dalton family of Dorking, c.1980 -1993. 6 items. | |
R794/1 | Particulars and conditions of sale for the Bungalow, Archway Place, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, estate agents of 16 South Street, Dorking, 20 Apr 1953. 4pp. | |
R794/2 | Catalogue of the live and dead farming stock of Etherley Farm, Ockley to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow of Dorking on the instructions of Messrs Holland Brothers, 12 Oct 1955. 6pp. | |
R794/3 | Copy of typescript research paper entitled "Some Memorials of the Dendy Family" by Sir William J Collins, KCVO, MP , [c.1930?] 13pp including genealogical charts. The paper deals mostly with the Dendys of the Horsham and Dorking area in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. | |
R794/4 | Letter from Victoria Houghton of Betchworth addressed to Mr Carr relating to the Dendy family of Brockham who emigrated to Australia in 1842; 11 Mar 1997. 1p | |
R794/5 | News cutting illustrated with photographs from [the Dorking Advertiser?] relating to the family of Henry and Lucy Dodd of Holmwood who were residents of the village in the late nineteenth century. [ c.1980s?] | |
R794/6 | Page from the [Dorking Advertiser?] of 18 Nov 1993 with a report on a gathering of the Dalton family held at Box Hill Village Hall. Includes several older photographs of the family who were originally from Norfolk but came to the Dorking area in 1909. | |
R795 | Copies of documents relating to the Royal Engineers during the First World War of 1914-1918. Includes a photograph of a Royal Engineers football team, c.1916; a news cutting illustrating the regiment's work, c.1916; and a letter from a government department granting permission to enlist in the regiment as a telegraphist, 1914. 3 items. The records are thought to have been collected by a Mr Burgess, a former resident of Dorking. | |
R795/1 | Copy of a photograph showing a Royal Engineers football team c.1916. The location and the identity of the team members are unknown. | |
R795/2 | Copy of cutting from an unidentified magazine or newspaper showing five photographs of the work of the regiment during the first world war. c.1915. 1p | |
R795/3 | Copy of letter from an unknown government department granting permission for Mr Burgess to enlist in the Royal Engineers as a telegraphist for the duration of the war, 12 Sep. 1914. 1p. | |
R796 | Records donated by Simon Jervis of Dorking consisting of a copy of a painting of Dorking Parish Church, 20th century, and a mounted photograph of a Scout meeting at Denbies House, Ranmore, 1914. 2 items. | |
R796/1 | Mounted copy of a painting in sepia of the medieval Dorking Parish Church. Viewed from the south east before 1835. 20th century. | |
R796/2 | Mounted photograph, 20 x 30cms, showing a large group of people gathered on the steps of Denbies House, Ranmore. The group has been identified as scout leaders gathered for a camp meeting of Surrey Boy Scouts which was held at Denbies, the home of the Lord Lieutenant, Henry Cubitt in the summer of 1914. The scouts were reviewed by the Chief Scout, General Sir Robert Baden Powell who is in the centre of the group at the foot of the staircase. | |
R797 | A eulogy for Christopher Gordon Childs, (1929-2015) written by members of his family, 2015, 3pp. Originally published in the June/July 2015 issue of St Martin's Magazine. Chris Child was formerly a trustee of the Dorking & Leith Hill Preservation Society and an active volunteer at Dorking Museum. | |
R798 | "A short history of Pippbrook House," compiled by the Dorking & District branch of the University of the Third Age, 2015, 3pp. | |
R799 | Year book of the Brockham Green Horticultural Society, 2000, 32pp. | |
R800 | Copy of a page from "Surrey Life" Magazine with a feature on Alexandra Wedgwood, Curator of Paintings at Dorking Museum, 2015. 1p. | |
R801 | Leaflet advertising Dorking Museum's Quiz Night, 27 Oct 2014. | |
R802 | Letter to Dorking Museum from J N Greenwood of Romiley, Cheshire with information and personal memories of The Star Inn, West Street and West Street in general in the early 20th century, 2013, 1p. | |
R803 | Newsletter of The Queen's Royal Surrey Regimental Association of the Queen's Regiment, No 42, 1987, 3pp. Includes two pages on William Edward Molyneux of Dorking (1896-1982) and his experiences during the First World War. | |
R804 | Draft conservation statement for Box Hill School, Mickleham, 2008, 178pp. Prepared by John Gajewski of Atisreal Ltd, 90 Chancery Lane, London. 2 folders. | |
R805 | Sales catalogue produced by the house builders Crest Nicholson for Chorus Gardens, Beare Green, a collection of 3 and 4 bedroom houses., 2014, 28pp illustrated. | |
R806 | Collection of local business cards, [late 20th century?] 18 items. Includes cards for: Clear & Knowles, building contractos; F W May & Co, car dealers of South Street, Dorking; Colourflow, 13 High Street, Dorking; HSBC Bank, West Street, Dorking; Dorking Lighthouse, specialist lighting of West Street, Dorking; Foundry Classics, car restorers of West Street, Dorking; Woolwich Plc, High Street, Dorking; the Rev Andrew J Foran; David Owens, blacksmith , Ranmore Common Road, Dorking; Hulsta Studio, South Street, Dorking; Philip Conway Thomas, solicitors, West Street, Dorking; Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking; Hebeco, silver and glass, West Street, Dorking; Graham Leather, fine china and glass, West Street, Dorking; Louise Fowkes, publisher, Spring Gardens,Dorking; King's Arms Inn, Stane Street, Ockley; and the Watermill, Reigate Road, Dorking. | |
R807 | Records donated by Renee Stewart of Dorking in 2015, 3 items. | |
R807/1 | Order of service booklet for the funeral of Sir Martin Wedgwood, of Dorking, (1933-2010) held at Mickleham Church, 21 Oct 2010. | |
R807/2 | Leaflet produced by Surrey Performing Arts Library, Dorking on the Vaughan Williams collection and display, [c.2010?] 5pp. | |
R807/3 | Page containing summary of the Ralph Vaughan Williams and Leith Hill Music Festival archive at the Surrey Performing Arts Library, by Renee Stewart, 2010. | |
R808 | Documents relating to the crash of an RAF Dakota aircraft of 271 Squadron at Leith Hill in 1944, [2007?-2015], 5 items. Donated by Alexander Peebles of Billingham in 2015. | |
R808/1 | Letter from the donor explaining the background to the documents, 2015, 1p. | |
R808/2 | Lecture notes by Alan Hartley, Secretary of the RAF Down Ampney Association on the circumstances of the crash of the aircraft. 2pp.[c.2007?] | |
R808/3 | Photocopy of large format photograph showing the aircrew of 271 (T) Squadron Royal Air Force, 24 May 1944. | |
R808/4 | Large coloured poster showing a Horsa glider which carried the British 1st & 6th Airborne Divisions air landing Brigades to Sicily, Normandy, Arnhem & the Rhine in 1944; signed by many of the survivors, [c.2007?] | |
R808/5 | Large coloured poster showing a Dakota aircraft of 271 Squadron at Arnhem on 19 Sep 1944. [c.2007?] | |
R809 | Videotapes deposited by Bill Lancaster of Crawley in 2015. 2 items. | |
R809/1 | VHS videotape of the refurbishment of Milton Court Mansion produced by Cloud 9 Productions of Vincent Road, Dorking, 1993. | |
R809/2 | VHS videotape of "Dorking, Past, Present & Future," produced for Dorking & District Preservation Society by Cloud 9 Productions, [c.1993?]; | |
R810 | An account of the life story of Rose Heath (b. 1912) of Norfolk Court, North Holmwood, Dorking, entitled "Rose Remembers," 2002, 14pp. Rose was born in London but moved to Dorking in 1939. Deposited by Louise Baxter of Hexham, Northumberland in 2014. | |
R811 | Records of Dorking Lawn Tennis and Squash Club Limited, 1977-1986. These include minutes of the Board of Directors and of minor committees,1977-78 and 1980; and an attendance register for these meetings 1977-1986. 3 files and 1 items. See also R132 | |
R811/1 | Minutes of the Board of Directors signed by the Chairman, 1977-78 and one meeting from 1980. | |
R811/2 | Minutes of the Board of Directors, Jun 1977-18 Jan 1978 and for 07 Feb 1980. | |
R811/3 | Minutes of the Board of Directors, 20 Jan 1977-18 Apr 1977. | |
R811/4 | Small hard-backed notebook containing an attendance register for Board of Director meetings, 1977-1986. | |
R812 | Records deposited by Mr B Mills of Tadworth in 2014. 2 items. | |
R812/1 | Printed letter from John P Fearon of the Temple, London, advising property owners of an application for an Act of Parliament to authorise the formation of the London and Portsmouth Railway with planned links to the South Eastern Railway near Reigate, Dec. 1844. The schedule on the reverse is addressed to William Alloway, Butcher of Dorking as the occupier of arable and meadow land in the parish of Dorking owned by John Deverill. | |
R812/2 | Coloured print showing a lime kiln near Dorking, pub 1802 by Laurie & Whittle, Fleet Street, London. | |
R813 | Documents relating to an exhibition at Dorking Museum in 2011 on the subject of the Olympic torch in Dorking. The exhibition was held in connection with the then forthcoming 2012 Olympic games in London. Includes a large notebook "Dorking's Olympic Dream," with contributions from members of the public recording their memories of the Olympic torch relay which passed through Dorking in 1948 and their thoughts on the forthcoming torch relay. Other memories have been typed out on laminated sheets for display purposes. Also included is a copy of the Official Report of the organising committee for the 1948 Olympic Games held in London, 17pp. | |
R814 | Photocopy of the death certificate of Alfred Tate of 44 Church St, Dorking, a Private in the 6th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers who died at Western Heights Military Hospital, Dover on 03 Aug 1916. Deposited by Mr George Gordon of Guildford in 2014. | |
R815 | Unassigned | |
R816 | An A3 sized hard back presentation album entitled "An Illustrated Survey of Ranmore", compiled by Ranmore Womens Institute, as entry into the Leith Hill Group Challenge Cup competition, 1962. 21pp incorporating, illustrations, paintings, postcards and photographs throughout. The front cover displays a watercolour of Ranmore Church copied from an original painting by G W Mote, 1869. The album encompasses the following topics, with details of the main photographs: | |
R816 ctd | 1: Ranmore in spring with photographs. 2: Map of Ranmore with the key locations annotated. 3: Overview of Ranmore with a photograph of Old Dene Cottage. 4. Prehistory of Ranmore with illustrations. 5: Denbies mansion with original photographs of the 3rd and 4th versions of the main residence. 6: The Cubitt Family with original photographs of Henry Cubitt (later second Lord Ashcombe) with the Denbies Fire Brigade, in his role as Chief Officer (seated to the left in the driving seat); The second Lord and Lady Ashcombe; and The second Lord and Lady Ashcombe with Queen Mary. 7: Ranmore School, with class photographs between 1931 and 1962 incorporating evacuees. 8: Ranmore Church (St Barnabas) including photographs and postcards. | |
R816 ctd | 9: Natural history of Ranmore with original watercolour sketches of flora and fauna. 10: National defence with original photographs Ranmore Home Guard and defence fortifications. 11: Daily life and crafts including a photograph of Denbies Cricket Team taken for a charity match, Top Hat Cricketers, 1911. 12: Visits from famous people with an original group photograph of Lord Ashcombe, the Rt Hon Hore Belisha (the Home Secretary), and Captain M L Sant (Chief Constable of Surrey). 13: Scout rallies on Ranmore with photographs. 14: Notable events detailing the Veteran Car Speed Hill Climb with photographs, 28 Jul 1951.The event was televised by the BBC. 15: Summary with 2 postcards from [c.1900s] and [c.1960s] and photographs of rural Ranmore taken in spring and summer. | |
R817 | Records relating toproperties in Leigh,Newdigate and Charlwood 1825-1997. Deposited by Mr Peter Baker of Brockham in 2017. Provenance: some items are thought to have come from David Knight, the local historian of Westcott (d.1995). For other records collected by David Knight see: DM1 | |
R817/1 | Sale particulars, catalogues and posters, 1825-1985, 2 files. | |
R817/1/1 | Sale particulars and catalogues for properties in Leigh, Newdigate and Charlwood, 1825-1985, 9 items. | |
R817/1/1/1 | Catalogue of the household furniture and other effects of the late Samuel Wilton Esq at the Rectory House, Leigh to be sold by auction on the premises by Fuller and Son, 19 Sep 1825, 8pp. | |
R817/1/1/2 | Catalogue of the farming stock, crops, household furniture and effects of Mr Richard Burberry at Hearns Head Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction on the premises by Fuller and Son, 05 Aug 1831. 7pp. | |
R817/1/1/3 | Large poster advertising the farming stock, wagons, carts, stacks of hay, orchards and household furniture of Church Grove Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction by White & Sons, 25 Sep 1901. | |
R817/1/1/4 | Sale particulars for Tudor House, Leigh, with gardens of 4 acres, to be sold by auction by Hampton & Sons at 20 St James' Square, London SW1, 28 Oct 1924,12 pp illus. The property is now (in 2017) known as Dawes Green House. | |
R817/1/1/5 | Sale particulars for Shellwood Manor in the parishes of Leigh and Newdigate including Shellwood Manor Farm, Ewood Farm and several cottages, the whole extending to 1079 acres, to be sold by auction by Knight, Frank & Rutley at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jun 1926, 25 pp with plan incorporated. Originally part of the David Knight collection. | |
R817/1/1/6 | Large plan of Mynthurst Estate, Leigh offered for sale by auction by Knight, Frank & Rutley in conjunction with Messrs Hewett & Lee, 1931. | |
R817/1/1/7 | Sale particulars for Rowgardens Wood Estate, Charlwood including Collendean Farm and Nutley Dean Farm, Charlwood Place Farm, Brittleware Farm, Rose Cottage Farm, Lawrence Green House and the stud at Lincoln Lodge, to be sold by auction by Knight, Frank & Rutley in conjunction with Messrs Crow at the Market Hall, London Road, Redhill, 27 May 1964, 15pp illus with separate plan. 2 items. The area includes part of the parish of Leigh. | |
R817/1/1/8 | Sale particulars for Priest's House, Leigh, a 15th century Grade II residence with grounds of 4 acres, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1983, 5pp. A news cutting from the Dorking and Reigate Times of 09 Mar 1983 with a short article on the history of the property has been glued to one of the internal pages. Originally part of the David Knight collection. | |
R817/1/1/9 | Sale particulars for "Bunts Place," Shellwood Road, Leigh, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1985, 2pp. Originally part of the David Knight collection. | |
R817/1/2 | Sale particulars for Leigh Place Estate, 1910-1919, 3 items. | |
R817/1/2/1 | Sale particulars comprising the moated manor house of Leigh Place, outbuildings, cottages, meadow and arable land with woodlands and plantations; four small holdings including a blacksmith's shop and forge and general shop with Post Office attached; the whole containing about 373 acres; to be sold by auction by Daniel Watney & Sons at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 21 Jul 1910, 13pp with separate plan. | |
R817/1/2/2 | Sale particulars comprising the moated manor house of Leigh Place, outbuildings, meadow and arable land with two small holdings of grass land; and the general shop on Leigh Green, the whole containing about 160 acres, for sale by auction by Daniel Watney and Sons at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 20 Jul 1911 with separate plan. | |
R817/1/2/3 | Sale particulars for Leigh Place Estate including farm buildings and cottage, meadows and an arable field all comprising 110 acres, for sale by auction by Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard at Old Broad Street, London, EC2, 05 Jun 1919, 10pp illustrated with a plan enclosed. | |
R817/2 | Large plan of Mynthurst Estate, Leigh offered for sale by auction by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley, 1931. | |
R817/3 | Photocopy of notice issued by the Leigh Prosecuting Association offering a £5 reward for evidence leading to the conviction of persons who had destroyed some gates at the farm of Mathias Cane at Flanchford, Reigate, 08 May 1845. Originally part of the David Knight collection. Copy made [c.1990s?] | |
R818 to R832 | These numbers were allocated in error and should not be used. | |
R833 | A collection of small customer account books for Dorking tradesmen 1904 - 1939. 7 items. Donated by an unknown person from Brockham in 2011. | |
R833/1 | Bound customer account book of T W Broom, dairyman of Sondes Place Farm, Dorking, for milk and dairy products, 05 Jan 1903 to 17 Apr 1903. Issued in the name of Mrs Holdsworth. | |
R833/2 | Cloth bound customer account book for A. Butcher & Son, bakers & confectioners of 41 West Street, Dorking, 22 Oct 1904-Apr 1905. Issued in the name of Mrs Holdsworth. | |
R833/3 | Bound customer account book of J Chitty and Sons, butchers 3 South Street Dorking, Oct 1931-Apr 1934. Issued in the name of Mrs Hall of Bentworth Priors, Tower Hill, Dorking. | |
R833/4 | Bound customer account book of H Croucher and Co, fruiterers and florists, of 69 South Street Dorking, Jun 1932-Jan 1934. Issued in the name of Mrs Hall of Bentworth Priors, Tower Hill, Dorking. | |
R833/5 | Bound customer account book of Loyns Ltd, confectioners & caterers of 105 & 57 High Street Dorking, Jan 1933-May 1934. Issued to Mrs Hall of Bentworth Priors, Tower Hill, Dorking, Jan 1933 to May 1934. | |
R833/6 | Paper bound customer account book of the Croydon American Laundry, Gloucester Road Croydon,1939. Issued in the name of Mrs Fisher Chart Mead, Chart Lane, Dorking. | |
R833/7 | Paper bound customer account book for milk, March -Jun 1939,. Issued in the name of Mrs Fisher but the supplier is not identified. | |
R834 | Records relating to the Brockham Lime & Hearthstone Co. Ltd and the Greystone Lime Burners' Association, 1911-1926. 2 items. Donated in 2011 by Mrs Scott of Dorking. | |
R834/1 | Bound volume containing statements of accounts for the Brockham Lime & Hearthstone Co. Ltd, 1911 to 1926. 90pp. | |
R834/2 | Counterpart agreement for lime burning for a period of five years between the Greystone Lime Burners' Association Ltd and the Dorking Greystone Lime Co Ltd, 12th April 1911. 9pp. | |
R835 | Single colour photograph comprising "sale particulars and conditions of sale of the reversionary interest expectant on the demise of a lady now in the 72nd year of her age and to the money which may arise from the sale of an extensive copyhold estate in the centre of Dorking, abutting Church Lane, formerly the King's Arms Inn, under the will of the late Edward Turner. To be sold by Mr James White at the Red Lion Inn on 13 Aug 1823. 5pp. includes a plan and list of tenants names including Mrs Palmer, Mr J Bartlett, Mr J Sugden, Mr T Turner and Widow Weller, all tenants in common. The original document is held at the Surrey History Centre (catalogue number G85/2/1/2/34.) | |
R836 | Sale particulars for 61 West Street Dorking, Agents: Robinsons of Reigate. [c.2012?] 3pp. A listed building, it was originally owned in the 17th century by William Mullins, a shoemaker who later became one of the Pilgrim Fathers who sailed in the Mayflower to America in the 17th century. Colour photographs also show shop fronts for Surrey Hills Antiques and Old Stockhouse Antiques with three colour photographs of the interior of 61 West Street.. Item donated by Mrs Beryl Higgins in 2012. | |
R837 | 3 items relating to Brockham Park mansion and its history deposited in 2012. Includes a typescript sheet giving details of previous sales of Brockham Park mansion between 1871 and 1945 compiled by Dr Maurice Soulal; and two prints from The Architect June 23rd 1883 which show different aspects of the building | |
R838 | Records and photographs relating to Edward James Arthur of 2nd/4th Bn The Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment (d. 1915) of Dorking, and the family of George Edward Whiting (b. 1901) of Dorking and Thomas Edward Peters. 2 files. Donated in 2012 by Marian Haines of Fetcham who provided the information that George Edward Whiting Junior was a choirboy at Brockham Church and lived in the Vicarage cottage at Brockham Green. Thomas Edward Peters is believed to have been the grandfather of George Edward Whiting. | |
R838/1 | Records relating to Edward James Arthur of 2nd/4th Bn The Queen's (Royal West Surrey ) Regiment (d. 1915 aged 25) of Milton Street, Dorking. 8 items. Includes information downloaded from the websites of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Ancestry.co.uk in 2014. They contents include information on the Helles memorial at Gallipoli where his name is recorded; details from the First World War medal rolls index cards; and a photocopy of an "In Memoriam" card. | |
R838/2 | Records and photographs relating to George Edward Whiting (1871-1951) of Dorking and his son also named George Edward Whiting (1901-1976) of Dorking. 5 items. These include copies of a reference from a former employer at The Manor, Brockham Green, a testimonial from the Head Teacher at Brockham School and the Vicar of Brockham, all dated 1915, 2pp; a page containing reproductions of three photographs, one of George Edward Whiting Senior wearing the uniform of the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment, c.1915, a second showing George Edward Whiting Senior in civilian dress with his son George Edward Whiting junior in naval uniform c.1920s?; and a photograph of a military band, all wearing the uniform of the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment. This has been identified by the donor as the Dorking Town Band but it seems unlikely that their members would all have been in the same military unit. Thomas Edward Peters has been identified on the extreme left. | |
R838/3 | Page containing photocopies of photographs of Thomas Edward Peters (1870-1946) taken during the First World War and showing him in military uniform. His cap badge shows that he was a member of the Queens (Royal West Surrey Regiment) . Two of the images are military group photographs, one of them taken at Tadworth on 08 Aug 1914 and the other unidentified. The other three images show Thomas Peters in uniform. | |
R839 | Conservation Management Plan for the Deepdene Estate published for Mole Valley District Council, Land Management Services and Sarah Couch Historic Landscapes, 2014. 2 vols. | |
R840 | Order of Service used at the Service of thanksgiving for the life of Terence James O'Kelly (1920-2013) at St James' Church, Abinger Common on 08 Jan 2014. Includes a photograph of him on the front cover and has a separate sheet with an obituary for him. Terence O'Kelly was a volunteer at Dorking Museum and was at one time its curator. | |
R841 | Sale particulars for 18 Anstiebury Close, Beare Green. Agents: Patrick Gardner of Dorking. 3pp. [2014?]. Includes colour photographs and plan. | |
R842 | Two items relating to the village of Coldharbour from an unknown donor, 2013-2014. | |
R842/1 | Programme for Coldharbour village fete held on 17 May 2014, 20pp including advertisements from local traders. | |
R842/2 | Page compiled by B C Shepherd and Sons, pipe organ builders which gives a description of the renovation of the pipe organ at Christ Church, Coldharbour in 2013. Includes colour photographs of the church and organ. 2pp [c.2013?] | |
R843 | Programme for a "Pageant of Sport" held at Abinger Common, 07 Jun 1952 15pp. Includes a very brief history of the village. | |
R844 | Annual report for Age Concern, Dorking & District branch, 2013-2014, 14pp with separate agenda sheet for the Annual General Meeting of 15 October 2014. 2 items. | |
R845 | 2 items relating to the opening of Bradley Arts Centre at The Ashcombe School, Dorking on 25 Jan 2006. | |
R845/1 | Programme for the opening of Bradley Arts Centre at the Ashcombe School, Dorking on 25 January 2006. | |
R845/2 | Invitation card to the opening of the Bradley Arts Centre at the Ashcombe School, Dorking 25 Sep 2006. | |
R846 | Pages taken from the magazine of the Ashcombe School, Dorking magazine "Accent", 2004-2005. 3 items. | |
R846/1 | Page from the Ashcombe School magazine Issue 15, September 2004, with articles on the retirement of Mr Webster and the appointment of Mr Blow and photographs showing scenes from Activities week. | |
R846/2 | Page from the Ashcombe School magazine Issue 15 September 2004 with an article on Sport in the Community and a listing of the key dates for the school year 2004-2005. | |
R846/3 | Page from the Ashcombe School magazine Issue 16, April 2005, with an article on the school's "Awards Evening in Dec 2004" and several news items on the reverse. | |
R846/4 | Copy of the Ashcombe School magazine Accent, Issue 28, Autumn 2011, 16pp. | |
R847 | Programmes and invitations to the awards evening at the Ashcombe School, Dorking. The programmes cover the years 1999-2000, 2002-2008, and 2010-2012, 12 items; with invitation cards for the years 2003-2005, 2008-2009 and 2011-2012, 7 items. | |
R848 | The Youth Hosteller magazine Nov 1962 which includes a very short report on the fourth annual overnight walking rally at Tanners Hatch Youth Hostel near Polesden Lacey on p.8 | |
R849 | Programme for the Mole Valley Arts Alive festival 2014. 51pp | |
R850 | Programme for a production of 42nd Street at the Dorking Halls 24-28 Feb 2009 by the Dorking Dramatic & Operatic Society, 18pp.. Includes a ticket for the 27 Feb performance. 2 items | |
R851 | The Capel Parish Millennium Book for Coldharbour Ward. A listing which describes properties in the village, with names of the current residents. 1999. Illustrated with colour photographs and also containing historical information for some properties. It begins with the recollections of Marguerite Lipscomb, then the village's oldest inhabitant. This is a duplicate of the volune at R511. | |
R852/1 | Order of service leaflet used for the funeral or memorial service at St Bartholomew's Church, Leigh for Richard Ingle (1926-2011), 28 Oct 2011. 4pp. Includes several colour photographs of Richard Ingle on the back page. | |
R852/2 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service of Fred Woodcock (1943-2010) at St Paul's Church, Dorking, 14 Dec 2010. 6pp. | |
R852/3 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service of Martin Wedgwood (1933-2010) at St Michael and All Angels church, Mickleham, 21 October 2010 . 12pp. | |
R852/4 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service of Lionel Edward Green (1926-2010) at St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood, 07 Jul 2010 6pp. | |
R852/5 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service at the Trellis House Chapel, Dorking, for Frederick George Bennett (d. 03 Aug 2010), 23 Aug 2010. 4pp. | |
R852/6 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service at St Martin's Church, Dorking for Winnie Viner (1917-2010) 06 July 2010. 4pp. | |
R852/7 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service for Brian Overell (1927 to 2009) 25 Feb 2009, 4pp. The location of the service is not stated. | |
R852/8 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral service for Alan A C Jackson (1922 to 2009), 6pp. The location of the service is not stated. | |
R852/9 | Pamphlet containing short biographies for all those named on the Great War memorial at St John the Evangelist Church, North Holmwood, compiled by Jim Edwards, 2013.18pp.. | |
R852/10 | Order of service leaflet for the marriage service of Sarah Elizabeth Hawkes and W Michael Sheridan at Dorking United Reformed Church on 22 May 2010. 4pp. | |
R853 | Certificate of proficiency for the Home Guard for Private A J Gale of A Company, 7th Surrey Battalion Home Guard, 07 Oct 1943. | |
R854 | Small memorial booklet "George Meredith 1909" by J M Barrie published by Constable & Co, [c.1909?] 12pp. | |
R855 | Leaflet publicising the seasons programme for Dorking Chamber Orchestra 2008-09 Season Programme leaflet | |
R856 | Programme for a concert by Croydon Male Voice Choir at St Martins Church, Dorking 19 Sep 2009 on behalf of Dorking Deepdene Rotary Club. 10pp. | |
R857 | Booklet marking the centenary of the Dorking branch of HSBC in West Street | |
R858 | Photocopy of an article by Spencer Thomas entitled "Phew, Pews! Disputes and Death Furore over Church Seating" published in West Sussex History of Autumn 2014. 2pp. It includes a very brief mention of Dorking on p.24. | |
R859 | Documents relating to the Brunswick Walk development by Martin Grant Homes. The development is located off Moores Road, Dorking, 2013. | |
R859/1 | Sales brochure for the Brunswick Walk development produced by Martin Grant Homes (c.May 2013) 23pp. | |
R859/2 | Price list for the Brunswick Walk development featuring nine 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes (c.May 2013) 1p. | |
R859/3 | Invitation card from Hamptons estate agents for Brunswick Walk sales event 30 May 2013 | |
R859/4 | News cutting with a full page advertisement from an unidentified national newspaper dated 23 May 2013 advertising the Brunswick Walk development. 1p. It includes five colour photographs, some of which show general Dorking views. | |
R860/1 | Card containing a sales description for 8 Harrow Road East, Dorking, [c.2014?]. Agents: Gascoigne- Pees of Dorking. 4pp [circa 2014] | |
R860/2 | Coloured sales description for Crossways,Horsham Road, Dorking. Agents: Haart of Dorking. 4pp including a small map of the area and a plan of the property. [c.2014?] | |
R860/3 | Sales description for Paddock Grove, Beare Green, Dorking. Agents: Haart of Dorking, 4pp. [c.2014] | |
R860/4 | Coloured sales description for St Peters Cottage, North Street, Westcott. Agents: White & Sons of Dorking, c.2014..4 pp. | |
R860/5 | Coloured sales description for 5 North Street, Westcott. Agents: White & Sons of Dorking c.2014.. 4pp. | |
R860/6 | Coloured sales description for 70 Dene Street, Dorking. Agents: White & Sons of Dorking, c.2014. 4pp. | |
R861 | Catalogue of Lamp Manufacturing & Railway Supplies Ltd. 72pp. Undated, but post 1933 The company was formerly based in Dorking bur re-located at a later date to Leighton Buzzard. | |
R862 | Typescript page which incorporates a photocopy of a short report [ from the Dorking Advertiser?] on the remodelling of Dorking North station in 1937 and the author's own comments on the work that was done and the reasons for it. It includes a small diagram of the station layout from the author's memories. It also includes four additional photocopied pages probably taken from an unidentified trade directory [c.1908?] These contain railway timetables between Charing Cross and Waterloo and Reading and between Redhill, Tonbridge and Hastings; as well as pages of advertisements for Adams's stores in Redhill and Reigate. A personal card was attached to the first page with the name of John H Wettern of Fetcham who is presumed to be the donor. | |
R863 | Two items donated by Maureen Cole of South Holmwood in 2014 relating to Bill Brunell, a photographer, racing driver and former resident of Brockham, whose works were added to the Motoring Picture Library's website in 2014. | |
R863/1 | News cutting from the Daily Telegraph of 17 Jul 2014 relating to Bill Brunell, a photographer and racing driver whose works have been added to the Motoring Picture Library's website. The cutting incorporates two photographs which are examples of Bill Brunell's work which show the hazards of motor sport in the 1920s and 1930s. | |
R863/2 | A printout of an article relating to the work of Bill Brunell downloaded from the National Motor Museum website in 2014. | |
R864 | Records donated by Mr J Powell of Brockham in 2014. 5 items. | |
R864/1 | Programme for the flower festival and gift day at St Michael's, Betchworth, 30 Jun -01 Jul 1984, 12pp. The programme also includes hsitorical notes on the memorials inside the church as well as the church bells. | |
R864/2 | Parish magazine for St Paul's Dorking, May 1925, 26pp. | |
R864/3 | Colour brochure which shows pictures of the Brockham and Strood Green Golden Jubilee celebrations, Jun 2002, 6pp. | |
R864/4 | Programme for Jubilee Flower Festival at Christ Church Brockham Green, Jun 2002, 4pp. | |
R864/5 | Large illustration from an unknown book showing the silver grey Dorking cockerell [late 20th cent?] | |
R865 | Two pages from The Challenger magazine with a short article by Elizabeth Fuller on S C Fuller's sports and outdoor shop in South Street, Dorking (est 1892) May 2013 | |
R866 | Copy of newspaper article downloaded and printed from the internet with a report on a donation made by David Drummond of Dorking to the Surrey Wildlife Trust in memory of his wife and to help secure the future of Nower Wood as an educational facility. The original article appeared on the Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser of 17 Oct 2014 | |
R867 | Typescript copy of an introductory speech made by Chris Heaps, the Chairman of the Dorking & District Preservation Society at the opening of Dorking Museum 18 April 2013. 5pp. | |
R868 | A plan and five photographs of the site and building of Dorking Museum at the Old Foundry, 62 West Street at the time when renovations were made in May 2006. | |
R868/1 | A plan of the site and buildings of Dorking Museum at the former Old Foundry at 62 West Street, Dorking. Scale 1:100. May 2006 | |
R868/2 | Colour photograph showing the front of the library and exhibits buildings from the West Street approach to the museum, 12.5 x 18 cms | |
R868/3 | Colour photograph showing the front of the buildings and main entrance taken from the old foundry yard. c.2006. 12.5 x18 cms | |
R868/4 | Colour photograph showing the reception desk and display of paintings in the main museum building, c.2006. 12.5 x 18 cms | |
R868/5 | Colour photograph showing the exhibits hall in the main museum building looking towards the agricultural display, c.2006. 12.5 x 18 cms | |
R868/6 | Colour photograph showing the first floor housing the library and archives c.2006. 12.5 x 18 cms. This part of the building is now used as the museum store.. | |
R869/1 | Photograph (16 _220 cms) of Dorking High Street looking towards Pump Corner [c.1950s?]. | |
R869/2 | Christmas card produced by Rowe's Printers and Stationers of 70_ South Street Dorking., [c.early 20th cent?] The front cover has a reproduction of an early 19th century print of Rose Hill Dorking. | |
R869/3 | Print engraving titled Dorking from the Railway Station, c.mid 19th century. 10 x 7 cms The spire of St Martin's Church can be seen in the centre background and the station is thought to be the present Dorking West. The publisher's name of J. Rowe is given at the bottom left. | |
R869/4 | Print engraving titled St Pauls Church and Rectory, (Dorking) , [c.mid 19th century?] 10 x 7 cms. The publisher's name Rowe of Dorking is given at the bottom left. | |
R869/5 | Print engraving titled Denbies from the Railway. [c.mid 19th century?] 10 _7 cms. Publisher: J. Rowe | |
R869/6 | Print engraving titled Rose Hill Dorking showing a horse drawn vehicle carrying two passengers in the foreground, [c.mid 19th century?] 10 x 7 cms. Publisher: J. Rowe | |
R869/7 | Print engraving titled East Entrance to Dorking, [c.mid 19th century?] 10 x 7 cms. Publisher: J. Rowe. | |
R869/8 | Print engraving of St John's Chapel, Richmond titled, [c.mid 19th century?] Engraver: J H Kernot10.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
R869/9 | Print engraving titled "The Duke of Buccleuch's Villa, Richmond as seen from the river on the occasion of the fete given by His Grace to Her Majesty the Queen." [c, mid 19th century?] 16 _110cms. Engraver: T A Prior | |
R869/10 | Print engraving titled Richmond Hill,as seen from a short distance above the Bridge, " [c.mid 19th century?] Engraver: E Radclyff. 11 x 17 cms. | |
R869/11 | Print engraving titled Asquith House, Richmond, [c.mid 19th century? Engraver/publisher: T. Allom , T Fleming. 10.5 x 17.5 cms. | |
R870 | Photograph of the steam locomotive No.73096 at Dorking station [c.late 20th century?] The locomotive carries the name board "Surrey Hills Limited" | |
R871/1 | Colour postcard view of Dorking High Street looking towards Box Hill with the White Horse Hotel on the right, [c.1960s?] Published by J Arthur Dixon. | |
R871/2 | Colour postcard view showing South Street, Dorking, [c.1960s?] No publisher's name is mentioned, | |
R871/3 | Colour postcard showing the green and the parish church at Brockham, [c.1960s?]. Publisher: J Arthur Dixon. | |
R872 | A collection of pupil's log books and reports on school visits and other activities made by Sondes Place school , 1960 -2013. The log books contain itineraries of their journey with details of expenditure and mileage. | |
R872/1/1 | Manuscript exercise or log book for the school's Sheffield Expedition titled "Starboard Watch Log", May 1960. Has a number of loose sheets inserted, including a typed itinerary, a news cutting from the Dorking Advertiser of 13 May 1960 describing the trip, a summary report and several leaflet guides to the Sheffield. | |
R872/1/2 | Pupil's manuscript exercise or log book for the school's Sheffield expedition with the title "Port Watch Log" 1980. | |
R872/2/1 | Pupil's manuscript exercise or log book titled Starboard log for the Sondes Place school's expedition to South Wales, May 1961 Has a number of loose sheets inserted, including a typed itinerary. | |
R872/2/2 | Pupil's manuscript or log book titled Port Log for Sondes Place school's expedition to South Wales, 1961. | |
R872/2/3 | Typescript itinerary booklet for Sondes Place School's South Wales expedition, 1961. The first page lists the members of the party. | |
R872/2/4 | Photograph of one of the expedition minibuses outside the school with the members of the South Wales expedition lined up alongside it, May 1961. | |
R872/3/1 | Pupil's manuscript or log book titled "Sea and Shore Expedition Torquay, May 1962 "Sea Hare Log." | |
R872/3/2 | Pupil's manuscript or log book titled "Sea and Shore Expedition May 1962 Torquay Expedition "Sea Urchin Log" | |
R872/4 | Worksheets for London River Visit. 6pp [1960s?] 16pp. | |
R872/5 | Typescript "log" of a visit to the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, pub HMSO {c.1960s?] | |
R872/6 | Pupil's manuscript log book titled City of Canterbury Wealden Expedition Log 16 -22 Apr 1966.pril 1966 Wealden Expedition Log. | |
R872/7 | Printed booklet with the title "Norwegian Cruise Report 1967 to Norway, " 33pp. It identifies members of the party, and was written as a record of the trip. | |
R872/8 | Printed booklet with the title "Sondes Place School 1971, SS Uganda Voyage 229" A report written as a record of the trip from Southampton to Corunna, Madeira, and Lisbon, 25 Apr - 05 May 1971. Includes names of the staff and pupils. 24pp. | |
R872/9 | The Young Mariner's Cruise Journal, published booklet by Joyce and Lionel Joseph, 2nd edition dated 1979, not specific to a particular school trip. 80pp | |
R872/10 | Letter from Lionel Joseph, a teacher at Sondes Place School to the Editor of the Surrey Advertiser of May 2013 in which he gives an account of external visits made by the School from the 1960s onwards. 2pp.. Item R872/2/4 was attached to this letter. | |
R873 | Printouts of pages from the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser Jul to Dec1914 34pp. Accession number 2014/32. To be de-accessioned. | |
R874 | 7 colour photographs of the re-enactment of an 18th or 19th century cricket match at Cotmandene., [c.1990s?] 20 x 15cms. | |
R875 | Records of Betchworth Quarry Action Group, 1982-1983. Donated by Tony Hines of Brockham in 2017. | |
R875 ctd | Administrative History: Following a planning application to Mole Valley District Council by Nionisle Ltd for the proposed filling and reclamation of the quarry for use of farming and grassland, a committee was set up by the residents of Betchworth to consider the proposals and their effect on: the local residents, the highway, the environment and natural resources and public health. | |
R875/1 | Records of committee meetings of the Betchworth Quarry Action Group, 1982-1983. 6 items. | |
R875/1/1 | Minutes and agenda papers for a committee meeting on 21 October 1982 which includes the minutes of a sub-committee meeting of 18 Oct 1982 and a list of committee members. | |
R875/1/2 | Minutes of the meeting on 17 Mar 1983 | |
R875/1/3 | Agenda papers for the meeting of 18 May 1983 including the minutes of 14 Apr 1983. | |
R875/1/4 | Minutes of the meeting of 06 Jul 1983, 3pp. | |
R875/1/5 | Minutes of the meeting of 04 Aug 1983, 3pp. | |
R875/1/6 | Minutes of the meeting of 25 Aug 1983. | |
R875/2 | A report on the Dorking Lime Works at Station Road, Betchworth by the Betchworth Quarry Action Group, [c.1982?]. 8pp. The report was commissioned to look into the hazards and dangers associated with the planning application by Nionisle Ltd for the proposed filling and reclamation of the Quarry for use as farmland and grassland. It was also intended to bring these potential hazards to the notice of the population affected by the changes and to the notice of the authorities with the powers to consider them | |
R875/3 | A second report by the Betchworth Quarry Action Group, 5 Nov 1982.11pp. It provides details of the planning application submitted by Nionidle Ltd, provides information about the Action Group itself and makes representations on behalf of the community | |
R875/4 | A copy of the petition supporting Betchworth Quarry Action Group opposing plans to fill Betchworth Quarry including a summary by polling district, [c.1983?] CLOSED ACCESS until 2083. | |
R875/5 | Copies of the proof of evidence submitted to a public local enquiry into an appeal by Nionisle Ltd against the refusal by Surrey County Council to grant planning application for the filling and reclamation of Dorking Lime Works in Station Road, Betchworth for use for farming and downland grass land. 1983 9 items. | |
R875/5/1 | Proof of evidence of Major Robert Nicholas Manning Milton, CVO OBE, 1983. 13pp. proof of evidence to 13 September 1983 planning appeal inquiryPro | |
R875/5/2 | Proof of evidence of Dr A Lindley, 1983. 23pp. | |
R875/5/3 | Proof of evidence of Maurice Keen, 1983. 3pp. | |
R875/5/4 | Proof of evidence of Anthony Raymond Hines, 1983. 3pp. | |
R875/5/5 | Proof of evidence of Dr Alan George Weeks, 1983, 5pp. | |
R875/5/6 | Proof of evidence of R C Vallance, of the County Engineers Department of Surrey County Council, , 1983. 5pp. | |
R875/5/7 | Proof of evidence of J N Dixon, Assistant County Planning Officer for Surrey County Council, 1983. 46pp. | |
R875/5/8 | Proof of evidence of Mr Alan Furneaux, soil consultant, 1983. 11pp. | |
R875/5/9 | Proof of evidence of David Charles Evans, Chairman of the Betchworth Quarry Action Group, 1983. 23pp. | |
R876 | Collection of bill heads, correspondence, orders, receipts and other ephemera sent or received by Dorking trades and businesses, 1870 to 1921 Donated by Tony Hines of Brockham in 2017 along with the items at R875. Many of these items were sent or received by Messrs J & W Attlee, corn dealers of Dorking High Street. | |
R876/1 | Carbon copies of typescript sheets listing the different businesses within the collection of billheads, according to trade with the address of the business and the date of the document. 4pp [c.late 20th century?] Not all of the items listed are in the collection and the last page lists those not present in the collection. | |
R876/2 | Compliments slip from Mr Archibald White dated 30 Jan 1890 from White and Sons auctioneers of 18 High Street, Dorking. | |
R876/3 | Order for oats and linseed from White and Sons auctioneers of 18 High Street addressed to Mr Attlee. 27 Nov 1891. | |
R876/4 | Sale particulars and catalogue for fire and burglar resisting safes manufactured by Messrs Samuel Withers & Co of West Bromwich for sale by auction by Edward Butcher at Dorking Public Hall, 31 Mar 1892 4pp. | |
R876/5 | Order placed with Messrs J & W Attlee by Dorking Greystone Lime Works for two sacks of ground peas, 22 Feb 1871 | |
R876/6 | Order placed with Messrs Attlee by John Cooke of Dorking Lime Works for oats and bran, 02 Feb 1899. | |
R876/7 | Memorandum sent by J Humphrey of 11 Dene St Dorking placing an order with Messrs J & W Attlee, 29 Feb. 1900 | |
R876/8 | Memorandum sent by J Humphrey, sand and gravel merchant, of 11 Dene St Dorking placing an order with Messrs Attlee for five sacks of flour, 11 Jan 1899 | |
R876/9 | Order placed by F J Wright of Colls & Sons with Messrs J & W Attlee for oats and [flour?] 28 Feb 1902. | |
R876/10 | Order placed with Messrs J & W Attlee, corn merchants of Dorking for oats and poultry mix by John Cooke builders' merchant of Dorking Lime Works , 10 Feb 1902 | |
R876/11 | Invoice from [?] A & W A Hamblin, builders and contractors of West Street, Dorking to Messrs J & W Attlee bill, Apr 1890 | |
R876/12 | Bill sent to Messrs J & W Attlee by William Rapley, Junior, contractor for the supply of flints, stone, gravel, stoneware & pipes for the supply of 4 yds carriage road, [24 March] 1891 | |
R876/13 | Bill from A C Cole, builder, contractor and house decorator of 21 West Street, Dorking addressed to F Arnold (John Attlee Esq) for repairing breakages, 24 Jun 1893. | |
R876/14 | Bill and receipt from T F Tracy (late H W Cannon), family butcher of South St Dorking and Buckland, sent to Mr Attlee, Dec 1890. | |
R876/15 | Note sent by T Maslin, butcher of 13 West Street, Dorking requesting a sack of chaff. Receipient not identified but probably J & W Attlee. Undated c.1890s? | |
R876/16 | Bill of W Beal, family butcher of 47 West Street, Dorking sent to Mr J Attlee referring to items purchased during Jul and Aug of that year, Sep 1890. | |
R876/17 | Bill of W Attree & Sons, pork butcher of 71 High St, Dorking, 14 Oct1893. The recipient is not named. | |
R876/18 | Bill of W Attree & Sons, pork butcher of 71 High St, Dorking, 02 Jan 1893. The recipient is not named. | |
R876/19 | Receipt issued by W Attree & Sons, pork butcher of 71 High St, Dorking, Aug 1893. The recipient is not named. | |
R876/20 | Receipt issued by W Attree & Sons, pork butcher of 71 High St, Dorking, 27 Jul 1900. The recipient is not named. | |
R876/21 | Receipt issued by B Turner, butcher of 50B High Street, Dorking to Mr Attlee, 13 Jul 1893. | |
R876/22 | Bill of G W Jenkins (late H W Cannon), family butcher of South St Dorking issued to Messrs J & W Attlee, 1878. | |
R876/23 | Receipted bill of S Moores, family butcher of Hampstead Road, Dorking, addressed to Mr J Attlee Jan 1890. | |
R876/24 | Receipt of H Franklin, cabinet maker, upholsterer, decorator and undertaker of 106 High Street, Dorking, addressed to Mr J Attlee, 1891 | |
R876/25 | Bill of John Chart, cabinet maker, upholsterer and general house furnisher of High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee, 1879. | |
R876/26 | Bill of Charles Allatson, upholsterer, undertaker, cabinet maker and paper hanger of West Street, Dorking, addressed to Mr H Attlee, 06 Apr 1890. | |
R876/27 | Handbill introducing Beetham Wilson, chemists of 95 High street, Dorking as successors to Clift & Co, c.[c.1890s?] A separate business card, originally attached to the handbill is also included.. 2 items. | |
R876/28 | Bill from W W Clark, pharmaceutical chemists of Medical Hall, Dorking, addressed to J. Attlee, 1889. | |
R876/29 | Bill from F W Doubleday, dispensing chemist of The Pharmacy, Dorking , addressed to J Attlee Esq, Rose Hill, Dorking, 1890. | |
R876/30 | Bill from Clift & Company wholesale, retail and manufacturing chemists, addressed to John Attlee Esq, 1889. | |
R876/31 | Bill dated 1871 from Durant and Company, pharmaceutical and family chemists, addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee, receipted 17 Jul 1871. | |
R876/32 | Photocopy on an A3 sheet reproducing copies of bills form the following: F W Doubleday, dispensing chemist of The Pharmacy, Dorking addressed to J Attlee, Jul 1893; G O Goddard, bicycle & tricycle maker, gasfitter, engineer, machinist and general ironmonger, 17 Sep 1890 with the name of the recipient illegible; and H W Saubergue, furnishing ironmongers, gas and hot water engineers, bell hangers, & locksmiths addressed to the Dorking Cycling Club, Aug. 1892. | |
R876/33 | Bill from James Johnson coal, coke and wood merchants of South Street, Dorking, addressed to Mr Attlee, 1890 with two delivery notes from the same company also addressed to Mr Attlee, 29 Feb 1888 and 12 March 1891. | |
R876/34 | Bill from E Dudley & Sons coal and, coke merchants of 29 Falkland Road and 5 West Street,Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee, 01 Sep 1891 with a delivery note from the same company addressed to Messrs Attlee, 16 Mar 1888. | |
R876/35 | Receipted bill from Thomas Meakins, coal and coke merchant of High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee, 31 Dec 1890 | |
R876/37 | Receipted bill from H A Butcher of Dorking Dairy at 70 South Street, addressed to Mr Attlee, 18 Dec 1897. | |
R876/38 | Receipted Doctor's bill from Chaldecott and Brock of South Street, Dorking addressed to Mr John Attlee, Dec 1889. | |
R876/39 | Receipted bill from A B Inglis, tailor, hosier, hatter and gentleman's outfitter of 3 High Street Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee of Rose Hill, Dorking, 30 Jan 1890. | |
R876/40 | Letter from Ford Ashdown, draper of 75 South Street, Dorking to an un-named recipient relating to a draft for rent. Mention is also made of the workhouse, which "I have decided to erect myself." 30 Sep 1893. | |
R876/41 | Letter from Playfoot & Sons of Surrey House Dorking to an un-named recipient advising that they held a large stock of carpets, [c.early 1900s?] The reverse carries a pencilled order for flour and corn headed "Order Attlee." | |
R876/42 | Receipted bill from Everett, boot makerof Dorking, 1889. The top left corner is missing . | |
R876/43 | Small printed memorandum from William Hollier, tea dealer of 18 West Street, Dorking with an order referring to "Abbott of 6, Ludgate Arcade." [c.1880s?] | |
R876/44 | Memorandum from J Mason, family grocer, of High Street, Dorking placing an order for oats, bran and straw form Messrs Attlee of Dorking, 30 Nov 1900. | |
R876/45 | Memorandum from Herbert G Kingham, grocer and provision merchant of Clock House, Dorking addressed to Messrs Attlee requesting an account from the end of the previous month, [c.1890s?] | |
R876/46 | Bill for salt from Herbert G Kingham, grocer of Dorking addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee, 28 Nov 1899. | |
R876/47 | Handbill advertising W Thirtle's "Handy Provision Store" at 63 Dene Street, Dorking, [c.1905} The reverse has been used for a hand written order for 2 bushels of flour sent to Attlee & Sons by W. Thirtle which is stamped with the date of 22 Dec 1905. | |
R876/48 | Receipt from R Pearce, tea dealer and provision merchant of High Street Dorking, addressed to Mr Attlee, 29 Mar 1890. | |
R876/49 | Small printed order slip from H G Kingham of Clock House Dorking with an order for 5 sacks of oats. The name of the supplier is not given but was very probably J & W Attlee. 07 Jan 1899. | |
R876/50 | Bill from H G Kingham & Co, grocers and provision merchants of Dorking for 2 balls of twine addressed to Messrs J & M Attlee, 10 May 1902. | |
R876/51 | Bill of Herbert G G Kingham, grocer of Clock House Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee, 10 Jul 1899. | |
R876/52 | Bill of F Hart grocer, tea dealer and provision merchant of Leslie Stores Dorking sent to Mr Attlee, 08 Apr 1902 | |
R876/53 | Memorandum from R Caven, grocer of Rothes Road, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee placing an order for oats and straw, 07 Jul1899. | |
R876/54 | Bill from Butler and Pigott of South Street and Rotunda Stores, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee, 08 May 1890. | |
R876/55 | Letter written on a printed iinvoice sheet, from W J Bishop grocer of Leslie Stores, Dorking addressed to Mr J W Attlee placing an order for flour, 22 Jun 1900. | |
R876/56 | Bill from R Pearce, tea dealer and provision merchant of High Street Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee, 20 Sep 1890. | |
R876/57 | Order for corn and barley meal placed by Herbert G Kingham, family grocer of Clock House Dorking with Messrs J W Attlee, 04 Feb 1899. | |
R876/58 | Letter written on a printed invoice sheet from W J Bishop, grocer, tea and provision merchant of Leslie Stores, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee placing an order for a sack of flour and mixed corn, 09 March 1901. The letterhead includes an advertisement for Blue Cross tea | |
R876/59 | Receipt from J Portsmouth, grocer, of 74 South Street, Dorking, addressed to Mr J Attlee, 23 Jun 1891. | |
R876/60 | Bill from Joseph Mason (late P Caffyn), family grocer, tea dealer and provision merchant of Dorking High Street addressed to Mr Attlee, 14 Jun 1890. | |
R876/61 | Order slip, addressed to Mr Attlee, from E H Swift at the Three Tuns Inn, Dorking for 1 bag of meal, 22 Oct 1900. | |
R876/62 | Memorandum from the manager of Dorking Coffee and Refreshment Rooms addressed to Mr Cheeseman querying the date of a previous payment, [1880s?] | |
R876/63 | Receipted bill from the White Horse Hotel, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee, 30 Jul 1875. | |
R876/64 | Letter from W Breem of the Red Lion Brewery< Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee, informing him that one of his vans had knocked down a portion of the wall of the "Old Kings Head" in North Street and asking him to send a bricklayer to repair the damage. 04 Nov 1886. | |
R876/65 | Order slip from L H & W Saubergue addressed to Messrs J & W Attleee for a quarter load of straw and 12lbs of dog biscuits, 30 Jun 1882. Memorandum from L H & W Saubergue, wholesale and furnishing ironmongers of High Street, Dorking with an order for oats and dog biscuits sent to Messrs Attlee, 12 Nov 1885. 2 items. | |
R876/66 | Letter from Stone & Turner, engineers & ironmongers of 62 West Street, addressed to Messrs Attlee asking them "to cut chaff once more," 12 Jul 1888. | |
R876/68 | Bill from L. H & W Saubergue, furnishing ironmongers of High Street, Dorking sent to Mr J Attlee of Rose Hill for new handles to saucepan covers and a knife board, Dec 1899. The bill incorporates an engraving showing the front of Saubergue's store with a horse drawn vehicle passing it. | |
R876/69 | Bill from William John Rossiter, ironmonger of Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee, Midsummer 1879. | |
R876/70 | Letter from Trower Brothers, corn and seed merchants of High Street, Dorking addressed to Messrs W & J Attlee requesting their prices for grinding, crushing and cracking maize, peas, oats & barley, 18 Jun 1890. A short list of prices is pencilled on the reverse. | |
R876/71 | Letter from J Dewdney at Pixham Mill, Dorking addressed to Mr J W Attlee asking him to send by wagon "2 qrs of good oats." 09 Jun 1871. | |
R876/72 | Delivery slip from Trower Brothers, seed, corn, hay and straw merchants of High Street, Dorking addressed to Messrs Attlee for a three quarter load of straw, 04 Oct 1892 | |
R876/73 | Delivery note from James W Atkinson, corn, seed and forage merchants of West Street, Dorking for one sack of rye, 09 Nov 1899. | |
R876/74 | Letter from J W Atkinson & Son, corn, seed and forage merchants of 49 West Street, Dorking placing an order woth Messrs J & W Attlee note dated 06 Jan 1899. Left hand side of the letter is torn and missing. | |
R876/75 | Receipted bill of Trower Brothers, corn and seed merchants of High Street, Dorking , and with premises at Church Street and London Road, addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee, 31 Dec 1888 | |
R876/76 | Memorandum from James Ivery & Son, nursery seedsmen & florists of Dorking and Reigate, addressed to Mr John Attlee which mentions a meeting of creditors which Mr Attlees had said he would attend. The text ends with "I shall always feel indebted to you for anything you may do to assist me in this unfathomable difficulty." 15 Jun 1888 | |
R876/77 | Receipted bill from Trower Brothers, corn and seed merchants of High Street, Dorking with stores in Church Street and London Road, addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee for linseed cake and peas, [ April?] 1891. The top right hand corner is missing. | |
R876/78 | Postcard sent to Messrs J & W Attlee, corn merchants of High Street Dorking, by H Conlan of Boxlands, Dorking, placing an order for chaff and bran, 07 Jul 1899. | |
R876/79 | Postcard sent to Messrs Attlee, corn merchants of High Street Dorking, from an unknown sender at Pixholme, Dorking, placing an order for oatmeal and rice, 03 Feb 1890. | |
R876/80 | Postcard addressed to Mr Attlee of High Street, Dorking from F Mills of High Ashurst, Dorking placing an order for sacks of maize and wheat and a bag of dog biscuits, 31 Jan 1905. | |
R876/81 | Order from T A Cox, confectioner of 63 High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee with an order for 2 bushels of oats, [c.1890s?]. Incorporates an advertisement from Johnson & Johnson & Co's pure tea on the front and reverse. | |
R876/82 | Receipted bill from Underwood and Son pastry cooks of 92 High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee, Xmas 1899. | |
R876/83 | Memorandum from C Palmer & son, bakers cooks and confectioners of 57 High street, Dorking addressed to Messrs Attlee of High Street, Dorking, placing an order for 5 sacks of Town Whites, 05 Feb 1902. | |
R876/84 | Memorandum from C Palmer & Son, bakers and confectioners of 57 High Street and Lincoln Road, Dorking addressed to Messrs Attlee placing an order for meal, 10 Jul 1902. | |
R876/85 | Receipted bill of Underwood and Son, pastry cooks and confectioners of 92 High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee for bread, 20 Sep 1893. | |
R876/86 | Memorandum from George Bate, baker and confectioner of Holmwood, Dorking, addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee of High Street, Dorking, postponing a previous order for 10 sacks of flour, 02 Mar 1902. | |
R876/87 | Memorandum from James Scott, family baker and confectioner of West Street, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee placing an order for 1 gallon of best Vienna flour, 27 Aug 1886. | |
R876/88 | Memorandum from James Scott, baker, confectioner and refreshment contractor of 41 West Street, Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee, placing an order for 10 sacks of whites, 01 Apr 1902. | |
R876/89 | Order sent by Francis Turner, pastry cook and confectioner, of 63 High Street, Dorking to Messrs J & W Attlee od Dorking for a sack of brown flour, 17 Feb 18[91?[. | |
R876/90 | Memorandum from Francis Turner, pastry cook and confectioner of 63 High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr John Attlee asking if he had any field for turning out his pony who was lame, 22 Jun 1888. | |
R876/91 | Memorandum from J Kirton, baker and confectioner, of 32 Hampstead Road, Dorking addressed to J & W Attlee of Dorking placing an order for 1 sack of "country whites", 09 Feb 1907. | |
R876/92 | Order from T Wild, Son & Co of Moore's Road,Dorking adressed to Messrs J & M Attlee placing an order for "2 sacks of middling" to be sent to Ansell Road. The nature of T Wild's business is not stated. The billhead mentions other branches at Guildford, Chichester, Devizes and East Grinstead. Kelly's 1899 Directory for Dorking includes the name of Thomas Wild , yeast merchant and baker's sundriesman of 27 Wathen Road. DATE | |
R876/93 | Account from Edward Batchelor, plumber, painter, glazier and paperhanger of 3 Arundel Street, Dorking addressed to Mr John Attlee for work carried out at properties in Church Street and Rose Hill between Oct 1885 and March 1888. 10 Apr1888, 3pp. | |
R876/94 | Receipted bill from T & J Brickwell, plumbers, painters, glaziers, paper-hangers & house decorators of West Street (opposite the town hall), addressed to John Attllee Esq, 24 Jun 1879. | |
R876/95 | Letter from G A Strong of Horsham Road, to an unnamed recipient informing them that he had succeeded to the business of Messrs T & J Brickwell, plumbers and house decorators and secured the premises at 39 West Street, lately occupied by them and hoping for the continued support which they had been favoured with, 24 Jun 1882. | |
R876/96 | Memorandum from G Letts , painter, plumber and house decorator of 55 South Street, Dorking, addressed to Mr J Attlee of Dorking with a quotation for repairing brickwork to the foundation of a monument, 31 Aug 1893. | |
R876/97 | Receipted bill from Bargman & Son, decorators and plumbers of 18 Bride Lane London EC, Grange Road, London SE and South Street, Dorking, addressed to Messrs Attlee, 31 Dec 1890. | |
R876/98 | Receipted bill of G M Boorer, painter paperhanger and house decorator, of 103 High Street, Dorking addressed to John Attlee Esq for work done at Mr Brown's, Westcott, 20 Jun 1893. | |
R876/99 | Receipted bill of Charles Dye,fishmonger, poulterer and ice merchant of Dorking addressed to Mr Attlee for 4 rabbits and 2 lemon soles, 21 Aug 1893. | |
R876/100 | Small memorandum slip from Ongley, fishmonger,, game dealer and ice merchant of 8 West Street, Dorking informing the unnamed recipient that "Mr Ongley would like the 3 geese and would like them Monday or Tuesday next." [c.1890s?] | |
R876/101 | Receipted account from G W Smith, saddlers and harness manufacturers of 39 West Street, Dorking addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee for work done betwen Jun and Sep 1897. Torn with parts missing at the top and bottom of the document. | |
R876/102 | Account from R Adams, saddlers and harness makers of 6 West Street and 67 High street, Dorking addressed to [Messrs?] Attlee for work completed between Jun and Sep dated Michaelmas, 1890. 2pp. | |
R876/103 | Receipted bill from R Adams, saddlers of 6 West Street and 67 High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee for work done between Oct and Dec 1887. Xmas 1887. | |
R876/104 | Receipted bill of William Gittins, whitesmith and hot water engineer of East Street, (now High Street), Dorking addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee for work done between Jul and Aug 1882, Xmas 1882. | |
R876/105 | Receipted bill of H Dopson, machinist and general smith of West Street, Dorking, addressed to Messrs Attlee for horseshoes 31 Mar 1891. | |
R876/106 | Receipted bill from Rowe's, printers, publishers and stationers, of 70_ and 71 South Street, Dorking, 13 Dec 1921. The recipient is unnamed. | |
R876/107 | Receipted bill from Spratley & Co, booksellers, stationers & tobacconist of South Street, Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee for different publications, Michaelmas, 1883. | |
R876/108 | Bill from Agate and Murray, booksellers and stationers of High Street, Dorking addressed to J Attlee Esq, 25 Mar 1891. The billhed originally read Ann Agate and is overprinted with the name Agate & Murray. | |
R876/109 | Order from Adlard and Son of the Bartholomew Press Dorking, addressed to Messrs Attlee for quantities of straw and hay, 03 Sep 1902. | |
R876/110 | Receipted bill of R J Clark, printer, bookseller and binder of 16 High Street, Dorking addressed to Mr J Attlee for supply of "The Times" between Jul and Dec, 06 Feb1889 | |
R876/111 | Bill from A Payn stationer and bookseller of 58 West Street | |
R876/112 | Invoice dated April 1890 from Charles Rowe, machine printer and bookbinder of 70_ South Street | |
R876/113 | Post card dated 1 January 1883 from Taylor and Brooker, timber merchants of Albion Saw Mills | |
R876/114 | Bill dated 31 December 1890 from Taylor and Brooker, timber merchants | |
R876/115 | Order form dated 28 January 1890 Taylor & Brooker timber merchants | |
R876/116 | Note dated 13 October 1886 from Taylor and Brooker, timber merchants | |
R876/117 | Note dated 28 August 1886 from Taylor and Brooker, timber merchants | |
R876/118 | Note dated 8 June 1888 from Taylor and Brooker, timber merchants | |
R876/119 | Veterinary infirmary & forge of High Street, order for oats dated 12 [January?] 1899 | |
R876/120 | Walter Smithers, veterinary surgeon of Dorking and Ockley. ledger entry dated 1891 | |
R876/121 | Bill dated 15 September 1893 from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of Dorking | |
R876/122 | Order, Edwin Souter, Dorking Aerated & Mineral Water Company of Ranmore Road | |
R876/123 | Note from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of Dorking | |
R876/124 | Note dated 4 June 1888 from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of Dorking inviting advertisements for inclusion in price list | |
R876/125 | Bill (undated) from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of Dorking | |
R876/126 | Bill from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of 15 High Street (Clock House) | |
R876/127 | Note from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of 15 High Street (Clock House) | |
R876/128 | Bill dated 29 August 1889 from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of 15 High Street (Clock House) | |
R876/129 | Bill and receipt from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of 15 High Street (Clock House) | |
R876/130 | Bill from Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchant, of Dorking | |
R876/131 | Order from W A Gilbey wines & spirits (no other details) | |
R877 | Attlee correspondence. Also pages from Doubleday's Almanack and Directory 1893 | |
R878 | Bound collection of handwritten notes and illustrations titled Rambles Round Dorking, an unpublished work by Miss M E Statham. The entries cover the period 1927 to 1962. When Miss Stratham died in 1964 the book was bequeathed to Surrey County Library, and subsequently donated to Dorking Museum. The illustrations are mostly ink drawings or water colours, there are also some photographs and newspaper cuttings. The places described include: Abinger Common, Abinger Hammer, Betchworth Castle, Bishop Wilberforce memorial , Box Hill, Burford Bridge Hotel, Chactonbury Ring, Chart Lane, Coldharbour, Cotmanene, Deepdene, Denbies, Dorking Almshouses, Dorking Vicarage, Friday Street, Glory Woods, the Hogs Back, Holmwood Common, Juniper Hall, Leith Hill, North Street, Old Rope Walk, Parsonage Mill, Pippbrook Mill, Pixholme Mill, Polesdon Lacy, Ranmore Church, Rose Hill House, the Silent Pool, St Martha's Chapel, Stane Street, the Temple of the Nower, tomb of W Glanville, West Humble Chapel, White Horse Inn, A G Vanderbilt memorial stone, Wotton Church | |
R879 | Brochure produced by Surrey County Council in 1991 presenting proposals for modifications to the A24 at Mickleham. Includes a questionnaire form. | |
R880 | Inventories and valuations concerning Gosterwood and Waterlands Farms. | |
R880/1 | An inventory of tenant's property at Gosterwood and Waterlands Farms in the parishes of Wotton and Abinger from the executors of the late William Charman to W J Evelyn, Esq, 17 Apr 1901. | |
R880/2 | An inventory of one half share of the tenants interest, live and dead farming stock etc at Gosterwood and Waterlands Farms in Wotton and Abinger from the executors of Miss M A Charman, decd to Mr C R Rofe, 28 Oct 1920. | |
R880/3 | Probate account for the estate of Miss Mary Ann Charman died 18 Oct 1920. | |
R880/4 | Two handwritten notes accompanying the valuations. | |
R881 | Papers relating to changes to Dorking Museum buildings 1997-1998 | |
R881/1 | Application to Mole Valley District Council for building regulations approval. Letter from the Dorking and District Preservation Society and Building notice form. | |
R881/2 | Correspondence with Mole Valley District Council concerning the application. | |
R881/3 | Surrey County Council Fire Safety Officer's report. | |
R881/4 | Quotations from K L M Regent for the building work. | |
R881/5 | Floor plans and notes. | |
R882 | Dorking at the heart of the Surrey Hills 2001 | |
R882/1 | Project report produced by Rod Shaw, 13_ A4 sheets stapled, includes an appendix listing local businesses that were consulted | |
R882/2 | Letter from Mole Valley District Council dated 2 July 2001 inviting participation in the project | |
R882/3 | Agenda for Dorking Town Centre Forum meeting on 3 September 2001 | |
R882/4 | Notes from Dorking Town Centre Forum meeting on 3 September 2001 | |
R882/5 | Donation letter dated 18 January 2017 from Martin Cole adding some context to this item | |
R883 | Correspondence relating to an enquiry about Mulberry Farm, Newdigate in 2017 | |
R884 | Collection of Dorking Football Club programmes 1956 - 1996. 32 items. | |
R884/1 | 8 Sep 1956, vs Tunbridge Wells United | |
R884/2 | 26 Jan 1957, vs Maidstone United | |
R884/3 | 5 Oct 1957, vs Crawley | |
R884/4 | 26 Oct 1957, vs Farnham Town | |
R884/5 | 5 Apr 1958, vs Maidenhead United | |
R884/6 | 24 Apr 1958, vs Redhill | |
R884/7 | 23 Aug 1958, vs Wembley | |
R884/8 | 25 Aug 1958, vs Hengelo (of the Dutch National League) | |
R884/9 | 7 Feb 1959, vs Chesham United | |
R884/10 | 14 February 1959, vs Erith & Belvedere | |
R884/11 | 7 March 1959, vs Edgware Town | |
R884/12 | 14 Mar 1959, Dagenham | |
R884/13 | 27 Mar 1959, vs Slough Town | |
R884/14 | 28 Mar 1959, vs Epsom | |
R884/15 | 11 Apr 1959, vs Eastbourne | |
R884/16 | 18 April 1959, two matches, vs Redhill and Dorking reserves vs Uxbridge reserves | |
R884/17 | 28 Apr 1959, vs Leatherhead | |
R884/18 | 30 Apr 1959, vs Horsham | |
R884/19 | 26 Aug 1959, vs Wokingham Town | |
R884/20 | 29 Aug 1959, vs Edgware Town | |
R884/21 | 12 Sep 1959, vs Erith & Belvedere | |
R884/22 | 26 Sep 1959, vs Metropolitan Police | |
R884/23 | 3 Oct 1959, vs Slough Town | |
R884/24 | 24 Oct 1959, vs APV Crawley | |
R884/25 | 21 Nov 1959, vs Eastbourne | |
R884/26 | 5 Dec 1959, vs Wembley | |
R884/27 | 19 Dec 1959, vs Letchworth Town | |
R884/28 | 28 Dec 1959, vs Arsenal XI | |
R884/29 | 9 Jan 1960, vs Epsom | |
R884/30 | 19 Mar 1960, vs Chesham United | |
R884/31 | 26 Mar 1960, vs Ulysses | |
R884/32 | 9 Apr 1960, vs Horsham | |
R884/33 | 18 Apr 1960, two guest teams, Dorking & District vs Wimbledon & District | |
R884/34 | 18 Apr 1960, vs Leatherhead | |
R884/35 | 23 Apr 1960, vs Uxbridge | |
R884/36 | 26 Apr 1960, vs Reigate Priory | |
R884/37 | 2 May 1960. vs Woking | |
R884/38 | 17 Sep 1960, vs Erith & Belvedere | |
R884/39 | 24 Sep 1960, vs Wimbledon | |
R884/40 | 1 Oct 1960, vs Three Bridges United | |
R884/41 | 8 Oct 1960, vs Walton & Hersham | |
R884/42 | 5 Nov 1960, vs Croydon Amateures | |
R884/43 | 13 Nov 1960, charity event, Showbiz XI vs International Managers XI | |
R884/44 | 19 Nov 1960, vs Letchworth | |
R884/45 | 26 Nov 1960, vs Eastbourne | |
R884/46 | 3 Dec 1960, vs Maidenhead United | |
R884/47 | 17 Dec 1960, vs Slough Town | |
R884/48 | 24 Dec 1960, vs Leatherhead | |
R884/49 | 14 Jan 1961, vs Wembley | |
R884/50 | 28 Jan 1961, vs Epsom | |
R884/51 | 4 Feb 1961, vs Erith & Belvedere | |
R884/52 | 25 Feb 1961, vs Uxbridge | |
R884/53 | 4 Mar 1961, vs Wokingham | |
R884/54 | 3 April 1961, vs Edgware Town | |
R884/55 | 5 Apr 1961, vs Reigate Priory | |
R884/56 | 11 April 1961, vs Worthing | |
R884/57 | 13 April 1961, vs Maidenhead | |
R884/58 | 4 May 1961, vs Chesham United | |
R884/59 | 6 May 1961, vs Chesham United | |
R884/60 | 19 Aug 1961, vs Edgware Town | |
R884/61 | 30 Aug 1961, vs Horsham | |
R884/62 | 13 Sep 1961, vs Walton & Hersham | |
R884/63 | 7 Oct 1961, vs Epsom & Ewell | |
R884/64 | 14 Oct 1961, vs Farnham Town | |
R884/65 | 21 Oct 1961, vs Slough | |
R884/66 | 4 Nov 1961, vs Erith & Belvedere | |
R884/67 | 9 Dec 1961, vs Dulwich Hamlet | |
R884/68 | 30 Dec 1961, vs Worthing | |
R884/69 | 13 Jan 1962, vs Vickers | |
R884/70 | 7 Apr 1962, vs Chesham United | |
R884/71 | 25 Apr 1962, vs Portsmouth | |
R884/72 | August 1965(?), vs Redhill | |
R884/73 | August 1965(?), vs Redhill | |
R884/74 | 10 Oct 1992, vs Dover Athletic | |
R884/75 | 15 Nov 1992, vs Plymouth Argyle | |
R884/76 | 12 Dec 1992, vs Aveley | |
R884/77 | 15 Dec 1992, vs Redhill | |
R884/78 | 30 Jan 1993, vs Purfleet | |
R884/79 | 13 Feb 1993, vs Maidenhead United | |
R884/80 | 2 Mar 1993, vs Borehamwood | |
R884/81 | 12 Apr 1993, vs Tooting & Mitcham | |
R884/82 | 12 Apr 1993, vs Lewes | |
R884/83 | 31 Aug 1993, vs Stevenage Borough | |
R884/84 | 16 Oct 1993, vs Aylesbury United | |
R884/85 | 2 Nov 1993, vs Hayes | |
R884/86 | 26 Mar 1994, vs Carshalton Athletic | |
R884/87 | 20 Aug 1996, vs Horsham | |
R885 | Address Book Mercantile Where is It? Mrs Langdon, 19 Vincent Road, Dorking July 29th 1913 | |
R886 | Note on Royal Warrant of Appointment 1837 for Robert Best Ede as Chymist to the Queen Two original labels Clark's Lavender Water and R.B.Ede's Lavender Water 1869 | |
R887 | Architect's plan/drawing of The Pilgrim, Station Road. Friary Meux. 28th July 1989. There is a note the Pilgrim was founded in 1624 | |
R888 | Dorking County School History exercise book R. Miller form IV Tudor time - graph showing the Parliament power 17th Century. | |
R889 | Notes on a query about shops of Joseph Seymour Arthur with photos. Two letters about these shops with information about JSA who was a watch and clockmaker and a working jeweller in 29-31 High Street | |
R890 | Royal Silver Jubilee Celebrations D.U.D Souvenir Programme, 1935. Booklet gives a list chief events in Dorking 1910 -1935 | |
R891 | Dorking Congregational Church War Memorial Unveiling & Dedication Service September 25th 1921 | |
R892 | Ideal Home & Trades Exhibition 19th - 26th September 1959 at Dorking Halls: Official Catalogue | |
R893 | Dorking & District Hospital Carnival Programme: 1932 | |
R894 | Charles Graham Robertson VC by Stephen Sellick in: Great Eastern Journal No.146, April 2011 | |
R895 | Paper prints of photographs taken circa 1920 of Peirson & Son Ironmongers shop front, 101 -105 High Street. Also a note from Revd. David Tomlinson that accompanied the donation giving some historical context. | |
R896/1 | Bound ledger containing handwritten descriptions of lamps. Circa 1940s? | |
R896/2 | 2 brochures of Adlake Railway Lamps, by Lamp Manufacturing and Railway Supplies Limited, one brochure on electric lamps in English and one brochure on oil and acetylene lamps in English, German, French and Italian. | |
R897/1-5 | 5 certificates 1942-1946 Safe Driving Competition for Alfred Edward Frost, Head Post Office, Dorking | |
R898 | Typescript and copies of articles about the development of the garden at Fairfield 22 Knoll Road. | |
R898/1 | Garden notes 1994 and 1998 | |
R898/2 | Garden News Gold Award David and Anne Drummond 1996 with news cutting | |
R898/3 | Selection news cuttings 1998 to 2007 | |
R898/4 | Gardens of Surrey Open for Charity 2001 page 16 and 2004 page 15 | |
R899 | Examples of 4 official documents, three c.WW2 and one 1892 | |
R899/1 | Registration for Employment Order 1941 for Miss G.M. Johnson dated 16th March 1945 issued at Old Post Office, 60 South Street. | |
R899/2 | Letter from the Electricity Commission to Rose Hill Nursing Home, 9 Rose Hill regarding the change over from gas to electricity. | |
R899/3 | A specimen leaflet to be displayed prominently in buildings giving the building particulars and fire risks. | |
R899/4 | Certificate from Brockham Brick Company Ltd. Regarding tax free dividend payable on B.Shares to the executors of the late G. Carter? Morrison dated February 1892 | |
R900 | St Martin's Church. Act of Remembrance service leaflet at Dorking War Memorial - undated. | |
R901 | 6 Leaflets on Walking in the Mole Valley Nos. 7,9-13. | |
R901/1 | Walk No.7 The Mole Gap | |
R901/2 | Walk No. 9 Dorking, Westcote and Ranmore | |
R901/3 | Walk No.10 Westcott, Wotton & Leith Hill | |
R901/4 | Walk No.11 Dorking to Brockham | |
R901/5 | Walk No.12 Dorking and North Holmwood | |
R901/6 | Walk No.13 Dorking Town | |
R902 | Typed copy of a note from PT. FE Jones, Reg. no. 3454. B Coy., London Scottish, 22 Rothes Road to mother in Walthamstow. Dated 6th Jan 1915 | |
R903 | Print of Silver Grey Dorking Cockerel | |
R904 | Petty Sessional Division of Dorking, taken by JPs. Florence M Douglas and ? (signature not clear), Clifford Percy Hilton of Dorking, Superintendent of Police presented the following 6 cases plus one summons to appear at court | |
R904/1 | Case dated 26th Sept. 1945: On 14th July 1945 Benjamin Hedley Baigent of Thatched Cottage, Garden Walk, Hooley, Coulsdon had unlawful possession of a firearm. | |
R904/2 | Case dated 20th September 1945 : On 5th September 1945 James Butler of 2 Chestnut Road, Kingston on Thames no reflecting mirror on vehicle | |
R904/3 | Case dated 20th Sept.1945 : On the 19th August Harold William Crouch of "Bydawee", Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent unlawfully drove a vehicle with attached caravan that had no number plate. | |
R904/4 | Case dated 20th September: On 5th September 1945 James Butler of 2 Chestnut Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey did unlawfully drive a lorry without a licence | |
R904/5 | Case dated 26th Sept. 1945: On18th September 1945 Alfred Powles, Lowfield Park, Lowfield Heath, Charlwood, rode a bicycle at night without visible lighting either back or front. | |
R904/6 | Case dated 20th September 1945: On 19th August 1945 Harold William Crouch of "Bydawee", Main Road, Biggin Hill, Kent did drive a vehicle without a rear view mirror. | |
R904/7 | Dated 24th September 1945: A summons for non-payment of rates to Banstead Council in 1944 issued to N.E. Collyer, E. Perry, G. Perry, A. Palfrey of 28 Woodmansterne Road, Streatham Vale, S.W.16, to appear at The Court House Reigate, on the 10th October 1945 | |
R905 | Dorking Bowling Club trade bill receipts | |
R905/1 | Receipts dated 1943 from: C. J. Peirson & Co. Ltd. 107 High Street; Alfred Last & Son Ltd. 93 High Street; A.A. Tanner & Son, 80 South Street; E.H.Cummins & Co. Ltd. Station Road: Longhurst & Pratt Ltd. Station Approach; Mr. J.A Dipple; Messrs C. Baker & Co.; Imperial Services Club, 47 West Street. | |
R905/2 | Receipts dated 1944: W.R. Butler & Sons, Portland Road; J. A. Dipple, 78 High Street; P.W. Turner, 10 West Street; C.J. Peirson & Co. Ltd., 107 High Street; Earnest Bone, 61 High Street; H.G. Kingham & Co. Ltd.,40 High Street; Alfred Last & Son, Ltd. 93 High Street; Stone & Turner, Ltd, 32-38 High Street; A.A. Tanner & Son; Dorking Water Company; White Horse Hotel; W.R. Butler & Sons, Portland Road; W.B. Cull (Dorking) Ltd., 10 High Street. | |
R905/3 | Receipts 1945 from: H.G. Kingham & Co., Ltd.46 High Street; J.A. Dipple, 78 High Street; S.D.I.Producing Unit, North Street (works) Portland Road (Offices); C.J. Peirson & Co. Ltd., 107 High Street; Alfred Last & Son, Ltd., 93 High Street; | |
R906 | Lamson Pneumatic tube co. Instruction Book for Cashiers & Authorizers; together with a Lamson Cash Tubes Instruction card. Undated. Connection with Dorking (e.g. which shop this came from) unknown. | |
R907 | Booklet titled Mole Valley Leisure Guide. Published by Burrows Communications Ltd on behalf of MVDC, listings of local groups and advertisements for local businesses. Undated, but probably produced between 2000 and 2010. | |
R908 | Flyer for Lincoln Arms Hotel from Kestrel Pub Group. | |
R909 | Sales brochure for St Paul's Mews Dorking. May 2004. | |
R910 | History of Castle Mill 1086 to 1981. (The typed sheets inside say to 1984.) | |
R911 | A development concept for land adjacent to Reigate Road/Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, comb bound book produced by Linden Homes, 2003. Also has a llose flyer and some relayed correspondence from A A Jackson. | |
R912 | Sales particulars for 6 Burford Lodge, London Road, Westhumble, dated 2012 | |
R913 | 3 Letters regarding Dorking Parish Records and new address for Diocesan Record Office in Surrey. | |
R914 | Article from Dorking Advertiser dated 14 May 1998 on history of the Dorking chicken. | |
R915 | National Fire Service Form S.46 Recovery of uniform from discharged personnel from FM Beasley, E.B. 1945 | |
R916 | "Cascade" postcard from Padstow, Cornwall dated 7 October 1941 to telephonists in the Dorking Report Centre at Pippbrook from B.G. Beasley. | |
R917 | World War II official luggage label issued to C.J. Mercer, Hillside, Deepdene Drive, from the Home Office to be used for immediate evacuation on a German landing. | |
R918 | BBC Central News Desk bulletin introduction dated 15th August 1945 regarding Unconditional surrender of Japan. | |
R919 | A letter from Staneside, Roman Road to Mr. Taylor regarding photos for distribution by him dated 25th no month or year | |
R920 | A short typewritten history of Ivy Cottage, 1 Hampstead Road , as it appears in two manorial surveys dated 1622 and 1649 | |
R921 | A note From Martin Cole to Terry Wooden regarding attached documents containing information on Beecham Research Laboraties, Brockham Park, Betchworth. | |
R921/1 | Antibiotics discovered and developed by Beecham Pharmaceuticals at Brockham Park from 1956 to 1996 | |
R921/2 | Article on penicillin research at Brockham Park until its closure in 1996 | |
R921/3 | Letter dated 2nd September 1997 to David Tidy from Martin Cole regarding donation of articles. | |
R921/4 | Newsletter of the Dorking Museum dated 3rd June 2000 with reference to a museum display case for Beecham Research. | |
R922 | Letter dated 9th May 1996 to Mrs V. Higgins concerning her ancestors Samuel Yeo and William Bones from M. Turner | |
R923 | To R.P. McFarlane letters and certificates of blood donations from Greater London Red Cross Society Blood Transfusion Service, where volunteer donors travelled to London Hospitals requiring freshly drawn blood, in early 1950s plus three leaflets. | |
R923/1 | 10 certificates relating to blood donations by R.P. McFarlane dated 1949 - 1950, each certificate records which hospital used the blood, for what disease or injury and the outcome of the transfusion. | |
R923/2 | Three letters to R.P. McFarlane regarding the award of a British Red Cross Society Badge for 10 donations dated June 1954 and July 1954 | |
R923/3 | Three leaflets relating to the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service ; A Quarterly Circular dated July 1954 includes an article from R.F.Haynes of Dorking, a donor, page 5; A leaflet with a short history of the Red Cross Society Blood Transfusion Service dated Oct. 22nd 1927 and updated December 31st 1938; A Leaflet for prospective volunteers. | |
R924 | 4 Diplomas from the National Safety First Association dated 1931,32,33 and 34 to Albert Edward Frost, Post Office, Dorking for driving a vehicle and having or causing no accidents in that year. | |
R925 | Tales of old inns, No.1 The White Horse at Dorking. Issued by Trust Houses Ltd. C.1930 | |
R926 | Letter from Gillian Hill, 2 Feldmor Cottages, Holmbury St Mary dated 10th August 2009 with typed note regarding the Map of Broome Hall Farm which she also donated. | |
R927 | Various Pamphlets regarding Dorking: Christmas 1986 Dorking Life & Times includes street plan; Dorking and District Sport '88 on 7th & 8th May program of activities; Dorking and District Chamber of Commerce 1989 and 1990/91 Year Books containing list of past presidents and current members. | |
S1-S152 | Now part of the Knight collection at DM1. | |
S153 | Sale particulars which include a separate plan, for the Norbury Park Estate, Mickleham in the parishes of Mickleham, Leatherhead and Fetcham; for sale by auction according to the will of the late Thomas Grissell, by Messrs Debenham, Tewson, Farmer & Bridgewater at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, Bank of England, London, 05 Aug 1890, 20pp, 2 items. Lot 1 included the mansion, the estate comprising 862 acres, two lodges, stabling, pleasure grounds, kitchen and fruit gardens, the Home Farm, additional farm buildings and cottages, residences known as The Priory, Foxbury, Cowslip Castle, Bockett or Bocketts farm, and Norbury Chapel in Mickleham Church. Lots 2 and 3 were freehold meadow land and lot 4 a pair of freehold cottages. | |
S153 ctd | The greater part of the property was bought by Thomas Grissell from the trustees of Henry Piper Sterling by an indenture of 06 Jan 1874 between Winthrop Mackworth Praed and Thomas Grissell. The title to lots 3 and 4 commenced with a conveyance of 12 Oct 1871 between Miss Mary Ann Talbot and Thomas Grissell. The catalogue includes full page lithographic reproductions of sketches entitled ïNorbury Park,Í ïView from the Rose Garden,Í and ïNorbury Park, North Front,Í by the lithographer T Way of London. The front cover is a reproduction of The North View extending to St PaulÍs Cathedral. | |
S154/1-2 | Catalogue of sale particulars with a separate plan and views of Norbury Park in the parishes of Mickleham, Fetcham and Leatherhead, for sale by auction, by direction of the public trustee in the estate of the late Leopold Salomons, by Messrs Knight Frank & Rutley at the Estate Room, 20 Hanover Square, London, 20 Jun 1916, 2 items. The catalogue includes an historical note on the estate. Lot 1 included the Mansion, Press Forward Lodge, park and woodlands of about 500 acres, stabling, the clock tower, pleasure grounds, gardens, the Ancient Priory or Dower House, Norbury Park Farm, Flint Pit cottages, and the Norbury Chapel at Mickleham Church. | |
S154/1-2 ctd | Lot 2 comprised Cowslip Cottage, the Norbury Stud Farm and the Lodge Farm; lot 3 consisted of Foxbury and Beechy Wood; Lot 4 comprised a small holding with two cottages in Foxbury Lane and 20 acres of water meadows; Lot 5 comprised the Chapel at Ease in Foxbury Lane, West Humble; Lot 6 comprised arable and pasture land on the Dorking to Leatherhead road; Lot 7 comprised Bocketts Farm; Lot 8 comprised Hawksbury, Fetcham; Lots 9 and 10 were pasture land on the Leatherhead and Guildford Road; Lot 11 comprised Woodbury, Mickleham; Lot 12 comprised Micklebury, Mickleham; Lot A comprised Thorncroft Farm, Leatherhead and Leatherhead Cricket Ground; and Lot C consisted of a house and shop adjoining Woodbury, Mickleham. | |
S154/3 | Front page of "Country Life" magazine Vol 156, no 4030, advertising the sale of Norbury Park, Mickleham by Knight, Frank and Rutley, 26 Sep 1974. The page is illustrated by five photographs showing interior and exterior views of the property. | |
S155 | Sale particulars for No 330 High Street, Dorking, a light industrial premises with offices, to be sold by tender through agents Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking, 02 Nov 1971. 10pp including a small plan. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions and covenants contained in: 1: A conveyance of 27 Nov 1896 between William Moran Emery and Alice Turner. 2: A conveyance of 25 Feb 1914 between T. Wild, Son & Co Limited (the Vendors) and Sydney Stuart Wild (the Purchaser). | |
S156 | Sale particulars for Ranmore School (also known as St Barnabas Church of England Primary School), Ranmore Common, Dorking, a Grade II listed Victorian school built in 1858, to be sold by auction by Cubitt & West, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Lincoln Road, Dorking, 20 Sep 1976. 9pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. A manuscript note on the back cover, dated 17 Oct 1976, states that the property was sold privately after auction. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Oct 1920 between the Rt Hon Henry Baron Ashcombe and Cubitt Estates Limited. | |
S157 | Sale particulars for the Fredley estate, Mickleham, to be sold by auction on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss Emily Drummond, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 06 Nov 1930. 15pp including photographs, a coloured plan and an historical note compiled from published sources and from the historian H E Malden of Rose Hill, Dorking. The executors and vendors were named as His Honour Judge Eustace Gilbert Hills and Mr Maurice Barry O'Brien. The 80 acre property incorporated Fredley, a country house with a small farm, stables, gardens, grounds and a lodge; and a secondary detached residence, Fredley Cottage, dating to the 16th century. | |
S158 | Records relating to the sale of Brockham Warren, Betchworth, [c.1850?]. 2 items. | |
S158/1 | Photocopy [mid 20th century?] of the sale particulars for Brockham Warren, Betchworth, the seat of Mackley Browne Esq, to be sold by private contract, [c.1850?], 8pp including a sketch of the north front and a ground plan of the rooms. The terms of sale list some of the contents, including the painter AlbanoÍs "Four Rounds" (the four elements), as being the only copy in England. The 21 acre property incorporated a country house, a small farm, gardens, grounds and 2 lodges. | |
S158/2 | Photocopy [mid 20th century?] of a small poster advertising the sale by private treaty of Brockham Warren, Betchworth, [c.1850?], 29.7 x 42 cms. | |
S159 | Sale particulars for Collingwood, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction by Arnold & Son, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 16 Oct 1922. 6pp. | |
S160 | Sale particulars for 68 lots of freehold building land in the Horsham Turnpike Road, Dorking, and Orchard Road (a newly built road), Dorking, adjoining the Harrow Lands estate, for sale by auction by Mr E Butcher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 16 Nov 1868, 8pp. Title to the lots commenced with the will dated 16 Jan 1846 of Frederick Finch of Greenwich (d. 05 Jun 1850). The properties are referred to in the codicil of his will dated 24 Oct 1848 and subsequently proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 24 Jun 1850 as ñrecently purchased freehold premises known by the several names of ñOur Brotherhood Croft, or the Old Harrow and ClarkeÍs Croft.î | |
S161 | Sale particulars for 43 plots of building land in Pixham Lane and Leslie Road (a newly designated road not yet built), Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 Oct 1881. 4pp. The property formed part of the estate settled by the will of the late Lady Elizabeth Jane Wathen, late of Shrub Hill, Dorking. | |
S162 | Sale particulars for 91 building plots (title states 100 sylvan sites) on Box Hill, Dorking, for sale by auction by Watkin & Watkin at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 13 Jun 1923. 19p including plan of the Box Hill Building Estate showing the plots as located along Ashurst Drive, Boxhill Road, and Headley Heath Approach. The property included 2 bungalows on plots 3 and 91, situated at the junction of Ashurst Drive and Boxhill Road. Title to the majority of the land commenced with the will of the Rt Hon. Henry Dudley, 4th Earl of Harrowby (d. 11 Dec 1900). | |
S163 | Sale particulars for Lynmouth, Lonsdale Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction by Messrs A H Lyne & Co, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 22 Sep 1924. 10pp. Title to the greater part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 10 May 1905, between John Thomas Brooker and Charles Alexander White; and in respect of a small strip of garden, with a conveyance of 08 Dec 1905, between John Thomas Brooker of the one part, and James Alexander White and George Archibald White of the other part. | |
S164 | Sale particulars for Holmwood Park Farm, Holmwood, Dorking, a 134 acre property incorporating Knoll Cottage and South Lodge, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, under the direction of Mrs P Bradfield, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 13 Sep 1953. 10pp including a coloured plan and with manuscript notes recording the sale price of the lots. The farm was at one time known as SwiteÍs Farm and a previous owner of the mansion is named as E Heasman. | |
S164 ctd | Title to the Holmwood Park Farm commenced with the following: 1: A conveyance on sale of 13 Dec 1929, between John Cradock Morgan Nichols, William Dillworth Crewdson and Frederick Beaumont Morgan of the one part, and Edwin Henry Hoare of the other part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 18 Jun 1928 between Gordon Ralph Hall-Caine and Edward Benard Montesole of the first part, and Frederick Boxall of the other part. 3: A conveyance on sale of 25 Apr 1934 between William Byron Stillwell of the one part, and Eric Cyril Brown of the other part. | |
S164 ctd | Title to Knoll Cottage commenced with a conveyance on sale of 10 Aug 1887 between Bertram Savile Ogle of the first part, Robert Henry Maude and Caroline Anna Mary Maude of the second part, Bertram Savile Ogle and Gerald Edward Maude of the third part, Adela Dillon of the fourth part, and Sydney John James Hack of the fifth part. Title to South Lodge commenced with a conveyance on sale of 13 Dec 1929, between John Cradock Morgan Nichols, William Dillworth Crewdson and Frederick Beaumont Morgan of the one part, and Edwin Henry Hoare of the other part. | |
S165 | Catalogue for a three day sale of the contents of Goodwyns Place, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises, on the instruction of the executors, by Arnold & Son, 15-17 Mar 1955. 42pp. The 922 lots are listed room by room, with items of antiquity or particular interest highlighted in bold. | |
S166 | Sale particulars for The Post Office, South Holmwood, Dorking; and adjoining land, to be sold by auction, by order of the executor of the late Miss W J Crofts, by Messrs Crow, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 05 Dec 1960. 4pp including a manuscript note recording the sale price with the name A F Stanford. The property was situated between Holmwood Common, Norfolk Road and Betchetts Green Road and included the Old Fire Station, the Old WheelwrightÍs shop and a detached bungalow. | |
S167 | Sale particulars for Swires Farm, Henfold Lane, Beare Green, a dairy and arable enterprise with 358 acres, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executors of the late Herbert Melliar-Smith, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 26 Apr 1973. 10pp including a coloured plan. The property included 2 cottages at Nos 3 and 4 Stockrydings, Henfold Lane, Beare Green. Title to part of the property commenced a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1941, between George Septimus Firth of the one part, and Herbert Meliar-Smith of the other part; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale also of 12 Mar 1941, between George Septimus Firth, Cecil William Mallaby Firth and William Dommett of the one part, and Herbert Meliar-Smith of the other part. | |
S168 | Sale particulars for Minnickfold, Holmwood, a country house dating to 1899 with 10 acres, to be sold by private treaty on the instruction of Kennington Holdings Limited, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin, [c.1975?]. 9pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. | |
S169 | Sale particulars for properties in Brockham and Betchworth, including a house on Brockham Green; 2 meadows, including Elm Field, on the road from Brockham Green to Leigh; and the Hand-in-Hand public house, with 3 acres, to be sold by auction, by direction of the trustees of the will of the late Captain Young, by E Butcher, at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking, 07 May 1868, 4pp. A memorandum of purchase on the back page is completed in the name of James Dundas Down for Elm Field (lot 2). The freehold residence on Brockham Green was occupied by Mr R G Reeve; the 2 copyhold meadows were let to Mr Arthur Batchelar; and the tenant of the Hand in Hand pub was Mr William Longhurst. | |
S169 ctd | Title to the house commenced with purchase deeds of 03 and 04 Sep 1823, to the late Henry Harman Young; the titles to the meadow land commenced with the copyhold admission of 26 Oct 1837 of Mary Heathfield Young; the title to the Hand-in-Hand commenced with the copyhold admission of 22 May 1832, of Henry Harman Young. | |
S170 | Sale particulars for freehold estates on the south side of East Street, and Chert Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 28 Aug 1856, 4pp with manuscript additions recording the names of the purchasers and the sale prices of the two lots. Lot one is described as business premises previously occupied by William and Charles Alloway, butchers, on the corner of East Street, (now High Street) Dorking and Chert Lane, (now Dene Street) Dorking. Lot two is described as a slaughterhouse, cart yard, piggeries and a tenement, then occupied by Messrs Alloway, on the West side of Chert Street, (now Dene Street) Dorking. | |
S171/1 | Poster describing the sale of cottages and building plots known as the Old Potteries, Holmwood, to be sold by auction in seven lots by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 29 Jun 1871. The reverse of the poster records in manuscript the names of the purchasers, the amounts paid for each lot and the account of expenses and costs. | |
S171/2 | For a plan of the Old Potteries see DM1/1/2/9/1/3/1 | |
S172 | Records relating to the sale of Ferndale Cottage and Holly Cottage, Holmwood Common, Dorking, Jul 1871. 3 items. | |
S172/1 | Sale particulars for Ferndale Cottage and Holly Cottage, Holmwood Common, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 27 Jul 1871. 4pp. The sale was under the instructions of the will of the late Mr J G H_hmann. Ferndale Cottage was let to the Misses Doggett, and Holly Cottage was let to Mr Nottingham, all annual tenants. | |
S172/2 | Letter signed by Sarah Chaldecott, Charles W Chaldecott and Arthur Chaldecott formally authorising the executors of the will of the late William Chaldecott, (d. 01 Jun 1866) to purchase the property named as Ferndale Cottage and Holly Cottage, to form part of the estate of the late William Chaldecott, 22 Jul 1871, 2pp. | |
S172/3 | Letter written by Arthur Chaldecott to the executors of the will of the late William Chaldecott, authorising arrangements for rents and taxes for Ferndale and Holly Cottages, 22 Jul 1871, 2pp. | |
S173 | Sale particulars for Mount Oliver, on the south side of Harrow Road West, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Messrs White and Sons, 09 Aug 1871. 4pp. The property was part of an estate purchased for the National Freehold Land Society, the title commencing with conveyances of 14 Sep 1857 and 06 Apr 1865. | |
S174 | Sale particulars for Sunnyside, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 03 Jul 1872. 4pp with a manuscript note suggesting that the property may be located in Falkland Grove. The particulars state that the residence is at the southern entrance to Dorking, near the Horsham Road, in the St Pauls district, Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 30 Mar 1858 to the trustees of the National Freehold Land Society. | |
S175 | Sale particulars for one acre of freehold building land on Tower Hill Estate, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Jul 1874. 4pp. The land was sold by the vendors, Dorking Water Company, as superfluous land and was formerly copyhold held of the Manor of Dorking. | |
S176 | Sale particulars for two cottages at Black Brook, Holmwood Common; a house in West Street, Dorking; two houses with shops in West Street, Dorking; and two villas in Falkland Road, Dorking, for sale by auction, under instructions of the will of the late George Bartlett, by Messrs White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 16 May 1878, 4pp. The properties were to be sold in 5 lots as follows: | |
S176 ctd | Lot 1: A pair of cottages with a small plot of building land, at Black Brook, Holmwood Common, let to Mr James Wiles and Mr John Cummins. Lot 2: A dwelling house with a yard, opposite the Public Halls, West Street, Dorking, let to Mr William Boorer. Lot 3: 2 small shops with accommodation, adjoining Lot 1, let to Mr Brickwell and Mr Brothers. Lots 4 & 5: A pair of villa residences on Falkland Road, Dorking, let to Mr William Usherwood (photographer and artist) and Serjeant McGregor. | |
S177 | Small poster advertising the sale of Dutch autumn flower roots, for sale by auction by White & Sons in the Market Place, Dorking, 06 Oct 1881. 1p. | |
S178 | Catalogue for the sale of the household furniture and effects of St GeorgeÍs Villa, 32 Wathen Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs White & Sons, 27 Mar 1903. 8pp with manuscript additions recording the names of the purchasers and sale prices of the lots. The sale was on the instructions of Mr W Hollingshead. | |
S179 | Large poster advertising the sale of Bentsbrook House, Holmwood Common, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London EC, 19 Jun 1905. | |
S180 | Large poster advertising the sale of builderÍs stock plant and machinery at Myrtle Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instructions of W W Mitchell, by Messrs White and Sons on the premises, 1913. | |
S181 | Poster advertising the fourteenth annual sale of nursery stock at The Nursery, Reigate Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instructions of A Chalcraft, by White and Sons, 06 Nov 1913 | |
S182 | Sale particulars for Ivyholt, Dorking, a detached freehold cottage, previously part of the Dorking Nurseries Estate, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Oct 1922. 7pp. Although not named in the document, trade directories confirm that the location of Ivyholt was in London Road, Dorking, which was also the location of the Dorking Nurseries Estate. | |
S183 | Sale particulars for The Cottage, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executors of the late Francis P Down, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Sep 1955. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S184 | Catalogue for the sale of furniture from The Cottage, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises, on the instruction of the executors of the late Francis P Down, by Messrs White & Sons. 28 Sep 1955, 20pp. | |
S185 | Sale particulars for a small copyhold estate consisting of six acres of meadows on the road from Brockham Green to Leigh, near Brockham Green and Brockham Church, to be sold by auction by E Butcher, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 05 Jun 1873. 4pp. The 2 meadows are names as Elm Field and Highly Grove, both in the occupancy of Arthur Batchelar. Title commenced with the copyhold admission of 26 Oct 1837 for Mary Heathfield Young | |
S186 | Sale particulars for a small freehold estate adjoining Anstiebury Camp, Coldharbour, consisting of two cottages and land with a stable and a cowhouse, to be sold by auction by order of the executors of the late John Edwards, by Mr James White, at the Plough, Coldharbour,18 Apr 1849. 4pp.The two cottages, on the east side of the road at the entrance to Coldharbour, were occupied by James Stenning and Allen Risbridger. Title to the property commenced with indentures of sale and release of 28 and 29 Jul 1824 between Timothy Lifford and his wife, to William Charman. | |
S187 | Catalogue for the sale of the household furniture and effects of Kitlands, Coldharbour, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executors of Mrs F J Heath, by White & Sons, on the premises, 30 Sep 1953. 22pp. | |
S188 | Particulars and conditions of sale for freehold building land, previously used as a nursery garden, together with timber and slated buildings, in South Street, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 Apr 1855, 4pp. Manuscript additions record the sums bid for the different lots. See also DM1/1/2/7/111 (S11 and S69) | |
S189 | Handbill advertising a sale of goods by order of Dorking County Court to be sold by auction by James White, at the Market Place, Dorking. 22 Dec 1864, 1p. The sale was a result of a judgement in the case of Peters v. Eames and the goods to be sold are entered in manuscript. | |
S190 | Poster advertising the sale of household furniture and effects, to be sold by auction by order of J Byford, J Foster Legg and others, by White and Sons at the Public Hall, Dorking, 11 Dec 1901. | |
S191 | Sale particulars for No 16 West Street, Dorking; Bryngarrd and an adjoining house in Harrow Road West, Dorking; a 2 acre building site at The Ridgeway, Holloway Estate, Dorking; and shares and debenture stock in the Dorking Water Company, the Dorking Gas Company and the Dorking Public Hall Company; all to be sold by auction, by order of the trustees of the late P L Saubergue, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 Oct 1905. 8pp including a coloured plan. Further details of the properties are as follows: | |
S191 ctd | 1: No 16 West Street, Dorking, a double fronted residence with offices, a yard, stables and a kitchen garden; let to annual tenant Mr J W Atkinson. A completed memorandum of sale details that this property was sold to James Whitbread Atkinson of Goodwyns Farm, Holmwood, on 19 Oct 1905. 2: Bryngarrd and an adjoining residence, Harrow Road West, Dorking, 2 villas let to Mr G R Langford and Mr A C Loughnan respectively. | |
S192 | Typescript copy [c.20th century?] of original sales particulars for Dorking Waterworks Estate in 1848. 2pp. The sale comprised the Dorking Waterworks, the water engine and Fountain Villa. The information is given that the waterworks were developed by Abraham Tucker (then owner of the Betchworth Castle Estate), Resta Patching and R W Philps. See original at S1321 | |
S193 | Sale particulars for the Old Lodging House, 48- 51Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction, by order of the Trustees of the Broadwood Trust by Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Dorking Halls, 05 Apr 1979. 7pp including a small plan. Information is given that the Old Lodging House was built as a Wesleyan Chapel in 1772. | |
S194 | Sale particulars for Brickyard Cottage, Station Approach, Ockley, a detached residence with one and a quarter acres, to be sold by auction by Crow, Watksin & Watkin, at the Town Hall, Market Square, Horsham. 20 Jun 1979. 7pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The property was previously known as Youngs Cottage and as Station Brickyard Cottage. | |
S195 | Sale particulars for the Old Rectory and Rectory Cottage, Headley, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the White Horse Hotel, High Street, Dorking. 30 Nov 1978. 12pp including photographs, a location map, a coloured plan and manuscript additions recording the amounts paid for each lot. The Old Rectory was a detached country residence dating to c.1800, with 2 acres; and Rectory Cottage was a detached cottage, built in the early 1900s, with 1 and a quarter acres. | |
S196 | Sale particulars for Oakhurst, Plaistow, West Sussex, a detached period residence with 3 acres, to be sold by auction by Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Town Hall, Market Square, Horsham, West Sussex, 20 Jun 1979. 8pp including a coloured plan. | |
S197 | Documents relating to the sale of the Broome Hall Estate in 1945 together with earlier photographs and postcard views of the estate, [early 20th century?]-1945, 8 items | |
S197/1 | Particulars and conditions of sale of the Broome Hall Estate, Coldharbour, near Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Weller, Son & Grinsted at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 11 Jun 1945, 32pp, 18 illus. The estate comprising 837 acres, was sold in 23 lots which included: Broome Hall, chauffeurÍs or groomÍs cottage, head gardeners house, ornamental grounds; Broome Hall Home Farm, Broome Hall Home Farmhouse, Mosses Cottages, DairymanÍs cottage; Woodyers Farm (also known as Upper Aviary Farm); Cockshot Farm; cottages at Rowe Mount, Coldharbour; Highland Cottages, Rowe Mount, Coldharbour; Gordon Lodge; East Lodge (also known as KeeperÍs Lodge); Bearehurst and Beare Lodge, Henhurst Cross Lane, Coldharbour; Trouts Farm; Henhurst Lodge; Park Cottages; Buckinghill Farm; Lodgeland Barn; together with woodland and grassland. | |
S197/1 ctd | Title to the property commenced with the will of 03 Apr 1919, of Sir Alexander Hargreaves Brown, Bart, (d. 12 Mar 1922); the vendor, Ernest William Smith Bartlett of Westgarth, Shortheath Road, Farnham, Surrey, purchased the properties under a contract of 06 Feb 1945 from the representatives of Sir John Hargreaves Pigott-Brown, Bart, Deceased. 2 copies. The first has photographs of the different lots affixed to the catalogue with manuscript additions recording the sale prices of some of the lots. The second copy is without photographs but has manuscript additions recording the sale price of most of the lots. | |
S197/2 | Schedule of timber, timberlike trees, poles and conifers and plantations, to be sold by auction, 11 Jun 1945, 12pp. | |
S197/3 | Photograph postcard of Broome Hall, [c.1905?] | |
S197/4 | Photograph postcard of Highland (or Highlands) Cottages, Broome Hall Estate [c.early 20th Century] | |
S197/5 | Photograph postcard of Broom Hall (sic) and Leith Hill, [c.early 20th Century] | |
S197/6 | Photograph of Sir Alexander Hargreaves Brown, the previous owner of Broome Hall, with the gamekeeper E Fane and the farm bailiff R Collett, [c.1912?]. | |
S197/7 | News cutting form the Dorking Advertiser reporting the planned sale of Broome Hall by the actor and film star Oliver Reed, 22 Jun 1979, 1p. | |
S198 | Poster advertising the sale of a growing crop of potatoes and seed hay to be sold by auction on the instructions of D R Green of Brockham Court Lodge Farm, by John Lees, at Black Lands, Reigate Road, Brockham, 06 Aug 1869. | |
S199 | Plan of the Deepdene Park Estate, showing lots already sold and lots available for sale through agents Arnold & Son of Dorking, [c.1920?]. The estate was bound by Reigate Road in the north, Punchbowl Lane in the east, and Moores Road and Chart Lane in the west. | |
S200 | Records relating to the sale of the Rookery Estate, Westcott, Dorking under the will of George Arthur Fuller (d.1892), 1894, 2 items. | |
S200/1 | A map of the Rookery Estate, Westcott, Dorking, to be sold by auction in 21 lots by Messrs White & Sons, 02 Jul 1894, 2 copies. Both copies have sections which are hand coloured but one has certain sections outlined in ink. (with 2 duplicate copies) | |
S200/2 | Sale particulars and conditions of sale with plans and views of The Rookery Estate, Westcott, Dorking, to be sold by auction under the direction of the will of George Arthur Fuller, deceased, by White and Sons at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London EC, 02 Jul 1894, 14pp. Lot One comprised the Rookery Estate, the house and 359 acres of land, Florence Farm, Upper Logmore, Brook Farm, and a farmhouse at Westcott Hill; a further 20 lots consisted of Westcott Mill and land; Holcombe Cottage; Heath Cottage, Westcott Heath; Logmore Field, Westcott Heath; land called Coneybury; Rookery Farm House; land known as Coombe Meadows and Hurst Coppice; Springfield Farm and house, Upper Springfield and Lower Springfield; Little Chadhurst, Westcott; paddocks; cottages in Westcott; the BlacksmithÍs Forge, Westcott; and the WheelwrightÍs shop and premises, Westcott. | |
S201 | Sale particulars for High Ashurst, Box Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Hampton & Sons at the St JamesÍs Estate Rooms, 20 St JamesÍs Square, London SW1, 18 Jun 1935. 13pp including photographs. The 84 acre property incorporated a mansion, a lodge, 4 cottages, a chapel, stables, grounds, parkland and woodland. High Ashurst mansion was built in 1795 and was formerly the property of the Earl of Harrowby. The property was to be sold subject to an indenture of release of 24 Dec 1800 between Henry Boulton and Robert Ladbrooke. | |
S202 | Records relating to the sale of Hazelbourne, Pixham Lane, Dorking, 1908-[c.mid 20th century?]. 5 items. | |
S202/1 | Photocopy [c.late 20th century?] of the sale particulars for Hazelbourne, Pixham Lane, Dorking; and a building plot of 10 and a half acres at Pixham Lane, Dorking; to be sold by auction by Cockett & Hendersen at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 19 Oct 1908. 9pp. The 15 acre property included a main residence, gardens, paddocks and 2 small cottages. | |
S202/2 | Photocopy [c.late 20th century?] of a plan of Hazelbourne, Pixham Lane, Dorking, issued by Cockett & Henderson for the auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 19 Oct 1908. 1p. | |
S202 /3 | Photocopy [c.late 20th century?] of a photograph (poor quality) of Hazelbourne, Pixham Lane, Dorking, [c.early 20th century?] | |
S202/4 | Original photograph showing Hazelbourne, Pixham Lane, Dorking, and Box Hill, taken from the paddocks at the property, [c.20th century?]. | |
S202/5 | Photocopy [c.late 20th century?] of a handbill advertising the sale of the contents of Hazelbourne, Pixham Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the premises, by Messrs Cockett & Henderson on 21 Oct 1908. 1p. | |
S203 | Records relating to the sale of Palmersbeare Farm, Beare Green, Dorking, 16 Jul 1980. 2 items. | |
S203/1 | Sale particulars for Palmersbeare Farm, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, to be sold by auction by Crow, Watkin & Watkin, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 16 Jul 1980. 12pp including photos, a coloured plan and with manuscript notes recording the bids. The lots included: 1: Palmersbeare Farmhouse (also known as Palmers Farmhouse), Newdigate Road, Beare Green, dating to the 16th century, with 4 and a half acres. 2: Cherry Tree Cottage, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a detached period cottage. 3: Farm buildings, pasture, arable land and woodland over 128 acres, between Newdigate Road and Henfold Lane. | |
S203/2 | Preliminary sale particulars for Palmersbeare Farm, Beare Green, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 16 Jul 1980, 7pp including a photograph and a plan. | |
S204 | Sales particulars for Cockshot, Abinger Road (also known as Mosses Wood Road), Leith Hill, Dorking; and a 6 acre woodland site known as Hangers Field; to be sold by auction by Crow, Watkin & Watkin, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 16 Jul 1980. 8pp including a coloured plan and a loose page addenda to the conditions of sale. Cockshot residence consisted of a pair of semi-detached listed cottages with 3 and a half acres. Title commenced with a conveyance of 10 Oct 1945 between E W S Bartlett of the one part, and P H Lee-Steere of the other part. | |
S205 | Records relating to the sale of the contents of Deepdene House, Dorking, known as the Hope Heirlooms, 1917, 3 items. | |
S205/1 | Catalogue of 1821 lots for the sale of the contents of the Deepdene, Dorking, the property of the Honourable Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope to be sold by auction by Humbert & Flint, on the premises over six days between 12 -14 Sep 1917 and the 17-19 Sep 1917, 122pp, 19 illus. Five news cuttings have been pasted to the inner front and back covers. These describe Deepdene, the sale of the Hope pictures and of the Hope sculptures, [c.1917?] and the loss of the Spanish Chestnut trees of Deepdene, from the Daily Telegraph of 01 Oct 1925. | |
S205/2 | Photocopy of the catalogue for the collection in 261 lots of Greek, Roman and Egyptian sculpture, being a portion of the Hope Heirlooms from Deepdene House, Dorking, the property of the Honourable Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope, to be sold by auction, by Messrs Christie, Manson & Woods at 8 St JamesÍs Square, London, 23 Jul 1917, 47pp including 21 plates as illustrations. | |
S205/3 | Photocopy of a catalogue of the library of books formed by Thomas Hope being a portion of the Hope Heirlooms from Deepdene House, Dorking, the property of the Honourable Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope to be sold by auction in 655 lots by Messrs Christie, Manson & Woods at 8 St JamesÍs Square, London, 25 Jul 1917, 65pp. | |
S206 | Sale particulars for Shootlands Farm, Abinger Common, Dorking, to be sold by tender by Stanley Bruinvels, 06 Jun 1980. 10pp including a plan and a location map. The 58 acre Rare Breeds enterprise and Deer Farm, incorporated a Georgian farmhouse, originally a pair of cottages, farm buildings and farmland. | |
S207 | Sale particulars for Fir Tor and Fir Tor Cottage, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co, at the London Auction Mart, 18 Jun 1931. 12pp including a coloured plan. The vendors were Wilfrid Ramsay and Ernest Ramsay. Fir Tor, a detached residence with grounds of 2 acres, fronted both Ridgeway Road and Knoll Road. Fir Tor Cottage and a separate kitchen and fruit garden plot, were located on the opposite side of Ridgeway Road to the main residence. | |
S208 | Sale particulars for Punch Bowl Inn, Reigate Road, Dorking, with building land and three cottages in Punch Bowl Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Humbert & Flint at the London Auction Mart, 07 Jul 1926. 9pp including a coloured plan. Title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, late of Deepdene, Dorking, written on 11 Apr 1876 and proved on 29 Jul 1884. The vendor was the tenant for life under the will. The properties, over 7 acres, incorporated the following: | |
S208 ctd | 1: Punch Bowl Inn, Reigate Road, Dorking, a licensed premises with one acre, let to annual tenant Miss Greaves. 2: Building landing of 5 acres, fronting Reigate Road and Punch Bowl Lane, Dorking. 3: A pair of freehold cottages on Punch Bowl Lane, Dorking, let to monthly tenants Thomas Rugman and Francis Cornwall. 4: A freehold cottage on Punch Bowl Lane, Dorking, let to weekly tenant Frederick Still. | |
S209 | Catalogue of the sale of farming stock, husbandry implements, household furniture and effects, the property of John Day of Collick Moor Farm, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the premises by I B Rouse of Town Sutton, near Maidstone, 26 Sep 1833. 8pp with woodblock prints of farm animals and farmyard scenes on four of the pages. | |
S210 | Plan of lands and premises in the Vale of Mickleham, for sale by James White of Dorking, 1850. There are no accompanying sale particulars. The land is located between Westhumble and the River Mole, and the plan identifies Westhumble Street, Pray Bridge, Boltons (formerly Summers) and Occupation Way. | |
S211 | Sale particulars for Dalewood Cottage, Mickleham, built in 1890, issued by Bridgers of Dorking, [c.1981?]. 2pp including a photograph. | |
S212 | Sale particulars for 57 West Street, Dorking, issued by Martin Brown of Dorking, [c.1981?]. 2pp including a photograph (poor quality). The Grade II listed property was also known as Bell House and was formerly the Bell Inn. | |
S213 | Sale particulars for Pixham Mill Cottage, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a 17th century period cottage located next to the old mill race, issued by Arnold & Sons of Dorking, [c.1982?]. 2pp including a photograph. | |
S214 | Mounted photograph with brief property details, used as an advertisement for the sale of Windyridge, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson Cole & Shorland of Dorking. 15 Oct 1953. 1p. | |
S215 | Summary sale details for a house only identified by a manuscript note as Deepdene Grange, Dorking, a pre-war residence with one acre, issued by Pearson, Cole & Shorland, [c.1950s?]. 1p including a photograph. | |
S216 | Sale particulars for 2 Broome Hall, Coldharbour, Dorking, issued by Mann & Co of Dorking, [c.May 1991?]. 2pp including a photograph. The residence formed a significant portion of the original Grade II listed Broome Hall. | |
S217 | See Knight collection at DM1/1/2/14/38. | |
S218 | Sale particulars for Rose Hill House, Rose Hill Cottages and The Rotunda, South Street, Dorking, for sale by auction, on the instruction of the executors of Miss Frances Newland, deceased, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 13 May 1909, 10pp. Title to the properties commenced with an indenture of 08 Sep 1887 between Joseph Turner and Frances Newland resulting from the wills of Mary Ann Newland, deceased and William Newland, deceased. The Rotunda was let to the Dorking Literary Institute which used it as an Institute and reading room. Dr J D Rawlings was the tenant of 1 Rose Hill House and a dental surgeon, Mr A J Maurice was the tenant of 2 Rose Hill House. | |
S219 | Records relating to the sale of Pippbrook, House, High Road, Dorking | |
S219/1/1 | Sale particulars for Pippbrook House, High Road, Dorking together with Devonshire Cottage, Branscombe Cottage and 7 other cottages; as well as orchards, paddocks and meadow land; all to be sold by auction by order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery division, in the case of Browne v. Collins,,by Norton Trist & Gilbert at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London,18 July 1890, 12pp, 3 illus. The conditions of sale were published in a second edition very shortly after the first editon in 1890. A photocopy of the front cover and conditions of sale taken from the second edition have been attached to the original first edition. | |
S219/1/2 | Photocopy of the sales particulars for Pippbrook House, High Road, Dorking, 1890 as in S219/1/1 but with the addition of manuscript notes recording the bid prices of some of the lots. | |
S219/2 | Plan of Pippbrook House showing the layout of the ground floor, prepared by Norton Trist & Gilbert, 1890 | |
S219/3 | Location plan of Pippbrook house with individual lots shown in colour, 1890, 1p. | |
S219/4 | Typescript giving a summary of the history of Pippbrook House from 1777 to 1914, [c.late 20th century],1p. | |
S219/5 | A manuscript list recording the sales prices of the four lots of Pippbrook House and gardens sold in 1891. Copied from a contemporary list owned by Alan Finch of Hart Gardens, Dorking, [ c.late 20th Century],1p. | |
S220 | Sale particulars for Nos 64, 65, and 65a South Street, Dorking, (now 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, and 60 South Street), to be sold by auction under instructions of Dorking Urban District Council by joint agents Messrs Hillier, Parker, May & Bowden of London and Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, at the London Auction Mart, 20 May 1936, 12pp including a coloured plan. The premises were originally built, about 1902, by Lilian Warren, (known as Lily), Duchess of Marlborough, to provide the town with accommodation for Municipal Offices and a General Post office. No 65 and 65a were later leased to the London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority. | |
S220 ctd | Title to the properties commenced with a conveyance of 03 Oct 1924 between the Rt Hon Henry William Edmond, Earl of Kerry and Arthur George Hamilton of the one part, and the Dorking Urban District Council of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: An agreement of 01 May 1905 between Lilian Warren, Duchess of Marlborough of the one part, and Francis Joshua Bargman of the other part. 2: An agreement of 22 Sep 1911 between John William Palmer and Arthur William Montague Marshall of the one part, and Frederick William Doubley of the other part. | |
S221 | Sale particulars for Cockshot, Leith Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 16 Jul 1980. 7pp including a coloured plan. The sale incorporated a main residence made up of a pair of semi-detached period cottages with 3 and a half acres; and the adjacent 6 acre Hangers Field. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 10 Oct 1945 between E W S Bartlett of the one part, and P H Lee-Steere of the other part. | |
S222 | Records relating to the sale and history of Hartshurst Manor, Ockley, Dorking, [c.late 20th Century?]. 2 items. | |
S222/1 | Sale particulars for Hartshurst Manor, Ockley, to be sold by auction by Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 04 May 1977. 9pp including 1 photograph, a coloured plan and a loose addendum to the particulars. The 7 and a half acre property incorporated a Grade II listed period farmhouse dating to the 16th century, farm buildings, grounds and farmland. Title to the property commenced with a vesting assent of 26 Oct 1899 between H C Lee-Steere of the one part, and C W Lee-Steere and F T Rushton of the other part. | |
S222/2 | Manuscript notes relating to the Astone, Stone, Humphries and King families of Hartshurst, Ockley, based on entries in Wotton parish burial registers. The notes also cover the subject of the place name Hartshurst, [c.late 20th century?]. 3pp. | |
S223 | Sale particulars for Winterfold Estate, Cranleigh, to be sold by auction by Messrs John D Wood, at the Manor Hotel, Farncombe, Surrey, 17 May 1978. 14pp including a location map and a plan of Winterfold House. The lots included: Winterfold House, Horseblock Hollow, Cranleigh; Winterfold Court; Winterfold Lodge; the Coach House; the GardenerÍs Cottage; the Bothy Cottage; Lower Lodge; Winterfold Farm; Colemans Farmhouse; woodland and pastureland. | |
S224 | Records relating to the sale of Summersbury Manor Farm, Ewhurst, 1920-[c.late 20th century?]. 2 items. | |
S224/1 | Sale particulars for Summersbury Manor Farm, Ewhurst, to be sold by auction on the instructions of the Rt Hon Lord Abinger, by Messrs Hewitt & Lee, at the Lion County Hotel, Guildford, 10 Aug 1920, 4pp including a coloured plan. The 180 acre property incorporated a period farmhouse dating to 1526, farm buildings, a cottage, pasture, arable and woodland. The particulars only relate to Lot 1 in the sale of the wider 1,198 acre Summersbury Estate, which incorporated the following: | |
S224/1 ctd | Summersbury Manor Farm (180 acres); Hill House Farm (170 acres); Smoke Jacks Farm (101 acres); Exfold Cottage and land (63 acres); Froggetts Farm (45 acres); Chapel House Farm (70 acres); Plough Farm (51 acres); and Lower Breach Farm (99 acres). | |
S224/2 | Sales notice for Summersbury Manor, Ewhurst, issued by Strutt & Parker, [c.late 20th century?]. 1p. | |
S225 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture, fixtures and stock-in-trade of Mr G Sandford, shopkeeper, to be sold by auction by James White, on the premises, High Street, Dorking. 08 Nov 1825, 8pp.The sales prices of each lot have been added in manuscript. | |
S226 | Handbill advertising the sale of ponies and foals which had strayed into the Manors of Dorking and Shelwood, to be sold by auction by Fuller & Son of Dorking, in the Market Place, Dorking, 01 Jul 1819. 1p. | |
S227 | Handbill advertising the sale of 2000 gallons of "capital strong beer" to be sold by Fuller & Son of Dorking, from the cellars at Betchworth Castle, 31 Mar 1828. 1p. | |
S228 | Photocopy of sale particulars for a freehold shop, trading as a grocer, baker and provision dealer, with cottage and garden at The Camp, Leith Hill, Dorking; three cottages at Black Brook, Holmwood Common, Dorking; and three cottages, known as Hill View Cottages, Hart Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction, on the instruction of the executors of the late Mrs M Edwards, by Mr E Butcher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Jun 1884, 4pp. The memorandum of sale which is usually incorporated in the sales particulars as a blank document has been completed in the name of Henry Roffey as purchaser of the shop, cottage and garden at the Camp, Leith Hill. | |
S229 | Sale particulars for The Tower, Tower Hill, Dorking, issued by Gascoigne-Pees estate agents, [c.1984?]. 3pp including a photograph (poor quality). The original tower was built as a folly in 1828 and the house was added c.1904, and was the former childhood home of Lord Olivier. | |
S230 | Records relating to the sale of Denbies Estate, Dorking, 1984. 3 items. | |
S230/1 | Sale particulars for Denbies Estate, Dorking, to be sold through joint agents R H & R W Clutton of East Grinstead and Savills of London, 1984. 20pp including photographs, a location map, a coloured plan and an historical note on the property. The estate incorporated Denbies House, a mansion with a lodge, 2 cottages and a flat; Denbies Farm; Bradley Farm and farmhouse (a mixed pig, beef and arable enterprise); 4 cottages at Nos 1, 2, 3 & 4 Bradley Cottages; and Yew Tree Cottage. | |
S230/2 | A page from Country Life Magazine advertising the sale of the Denbies Estate, Dorking, 10 May 1984. 1p including a photograph. | |
S230/3 | News cutting from the Dorking Advertiser reporting the sale of the Denbies Estate, Dorking, to Mr Adrian White and the Biwater Treatment Group, Dorking, 19 Oct 1984. 1p. | |
S231 | Catalogue for the sale of furniture and office equipment belonging to Mole Valley District Council, from their offices at Chalkpit Lane and Pippbrook, Dorking, to be sold by auction by P F Windibank at the Council Chambers, Pippbrook, Dorking, on 18 Jun 1984. Also includes furniture and equipment from the Red House and Council Chambers at Leatherhead, to be sold by auction by P F Windibank at the Assembly Rooms, the Red House, Leatherhead on 19 Jun 1984, 36pp. | |
S232 | Photocopy of a handbill for the sale of livestock and husbandry implements at Mr ChennelsÍ, Deacon, Ewhurst, to be sold by auction at the premises by Plumer & Son under distraint for rent, 30 Dec 1814, 1p. | |
S233 | Sales brochure for Goodwyns Place, Tower Hill, Dorking, a period mansion to be sold or let as freehold office space, issued by Healey & Baker, estate agents, 1984. 6pp including photographs, a small plan and a small location map. | |
S234 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
S235 | Sales notice for the furnished lease of Newlands Cottage, Rose Hill, Dorking, a cottage adjoining Rose Hill House, issued by Messrs Crow, estate agents of Dorking, 1964. 1p. | |
S236 | Sales notice for 59 West Street, Dorking, issued by the estate agents Messrs Crow in the form of a letter of authorisation to view, which was to be presented to the occupant, Miss Tarling, 1964. 1p. Brief details of the property are included in the letter, detailing that it incorporated a shop with accommodation above and an old brewhouse at the rear, being formerly part of a 17th century coaching inn. | |
S237 | Sales notice for the lease of Nos 4 & 6 South Street (at Pump Corner) , Dorking, issued by the estate agents Hiller, Parker, May & Rowden, Mar 1968. 3pp including a photograph. The premises, which partly fronted onto West Street, incorporated a shop with accommodation above, a yard, and an old bakery. | |
S238 | Records relating to the sale of plots of land on the Deepdene Estate, Dorking, [c.1922?]. 2 items. | |
S238/1 | Booklet advertising the sale of plots of land for large or small country residences on the Deepdene Estate, Dorking, to be sold by Arnold & Sons, [c.1922?], 40pp. Contains advertisements for local shops and businesses; a plan of the estate; an etching by E Goldsmith showing the main entrance and several photographs of the estate and local views. Four of the photographs are by F J Holden. | |
S238/2 | Large plan of the Deepdene Park Estate showing land for large or small country residences, with the sole agents Arnold & Son, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking and Leatherhead. Surveyor: William Shearburn. [c.1922?]. | |
S239 | Sale particulars for Tanhurst Farm, dating to the 16th century, and Marelands Farm, Rusper Road, Newdigate, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instructions of the Broadwood Trust by Crow, Watkin & Watkin. at the Burford Bridge Hotel, Boxhill, Dorking, 10 Jul 1985. 17pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The total acreage for sale was 322 and incorporated further pasture, arable land and woodland. | |
S240 | Sale particulars for 5 cottages at Nos 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Rothes Road, also known as Jubilee Terrace, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the mortgagees of the Wathen Estate, Dorking, by Mr E Butcher, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 30 May 1889. 4pp. The cottages were let to Mr John Gibson, Mr Frederick Hake, Mr John T Gaunt, Mr George West and Mr William Mole (since deceased) respectively. Title to the properties commenced with a conveyance of 12 Aug 1882 between George Fletcher Jones and Robert Pigott Oldershaw. | |
S241 | Records relating to Holmwood House, Holmwood, [c.1850? - c.mid 20th century?], 3 items. | |
S241/1 | Photocopy of a handbill advertising the furnished lease of Holmwood House, issued by James White, auctioneer and estate agent, [c.1850?], 1p. Copy made [c.mid 20th century?]. The 100 acre property incorporated a detached mansion, parkland and farmland. | |
S241/2 | Photocopy of a handbill advertising the sale of books, household furniture and effects, husbandry implements and livestock of Holmwood House, to be sold by auction on the premises by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking on the 22, 23, 24, and 26 Apr 1861, 1p. | |
S241/3 | Manuscript notes on the history of Holmwood House from 1830 to 1940. Author unknown, [c.mid 20th century?], 2pp. | |
S242 | Photocopy of a sales notice for Nos 14 & 15 West Street, 2 shops with accommodation above, issued by Messrs White & Sons estate agents, 1938. 1p incorporating an authorisation to view. No 14 was let to weekly tenant Mr C Realff, harness and shoe maker. | |
S243 | Sales notice for the sale of apartments in Lyne House, Capel, a Georgian mansion, issued by Gascoigne-Pees estate agents, [c.1986?]. 6pp including photographs, a site plan, floor plans, apartment specifications, and a brief history of Lyne House and of the Broadwood family, the former occupants. | |
S244 | Records relating to the sale of apartments at Anstie Grange, South Holmwood, [c.1986?]. 2 items. | |
S244/1 | Sales notice for apartments at Anstie Grange, South Holmwood, Dorking, issued by Crow Watkin & Watkin, [c.1986]. 8pp including a location map, a site plan, apartment specifications and a brief history of Anstie Grange. The original property was built in 1862 for Admiral Sir Leopold Heath. | |
S244/2 | A montage of five photographs of the exterior and interior of Anstie Grange, [c.1986?]. | |
S245 | Particulars and conditions of sale for building materials taken from the Old Workhouse, Police Station House and Cage Mill House, South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr Miller of Dorking at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 10 Jul 1845, 4pp. A manuscript note records the names of the purchasers and the amounts paid for each lot. | |
S246 | Sales notice for Pear Tree Cottage, at Nos 27-28 Dene Street, Dorking, a Grade II listed cottage dating to the 13th century, issued by Hilbery Chaplin, [c.1980s?]. 4pp including a photograph. | |
S247 | Records relating to the sale of building land on Cotmandene, Dorking, 1883, 2 items. | |
S247/1 | Sale particulars for freehold building land on Cotmandene (between Moores Road and the almshouses), Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 17 May 1883, 6pp.The land is described as being a portion of Shrub Hill, formerly the residential property of the Earl and Countess of Rothes. Title to the properties commenced with a conveyance of 25 Nov 1881 from the trustees under the will of Lady Elizabeth Jane Wathen, deceased, under direction of the Court of Chancery, to the vendor, who is not named. | |
S247/2 | Photocopy of a plan of the Shrub Hill Estate showing 7 building plots, produced by Messrs White and Sons, to accompany the sale of 17 May 1883. | |
S248 | Photocopy of sales particulars for Stapleton House, South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 31 Jul 1902. 9pp including photographs and a plan. The property incorporated a detached residence dating to 1668, 2 cottages, stables, extensive sand rock caves and an Italian Garden. | |
S249 | Coloured brochure containing sale particulars for Castle Mill, Dorking, a Grade II listed residence with mill race and pond, to be sold by auction by Jackson-Stops & Staff, at the Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Dorking, 19 May 1987, 16pp including photographs, a brief history of the mill, a location map and a reproduction of a painting, titled The Dewdnay Mill dated 1830. The property was offered for sale subject to a Deed of Grant of 04 Feb 1950, between William Whitbread Atkinson and Henry Linton Atkinson of the first part, Frank William Gifford of the second part, and Florence Edna Gifford of the third part. | |
S250 | Records relating to the sale of Dunley Hill, Ranmore Common, 1929-1930, 2 items. | |
S250/1 | Photocopy of sales particulars for Dunley Hill, Ranmore Common, Dorking, a 39 acre freehold detached residence with parkland, to be sold by auction by King & Chasemore, at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, 16 May 1929. 18pp including photographs. A small portion of land was let to Mr Harry Elmer. Title to the property commenced with a mortgage of 09 Jan 1895 between Admiral Frederick Augustus Maxse of the one part, and the Trustees of the Provident Life Office of the other part. | |
S250/2 | Photocopy of illustrated sales particulars for Dunley Hill, Ranmore Common, Dorking, a 39 acre freehold detached residence with parkland, to be sold by auction by King & Chasemore at the Town Hall, Horsham, 1930, 14pp including photographs, an illustration of Dunley House, and a ground floor plan. Title to the property commenced with a mortgage of 09 Jan 1895 between Admiral Frederick Augustus Maxse of the one part, and the Trustees of the Provident Life Office of the other part. | |
S251 | Records relating to the sale of the household contents from an unnamed premises in East Street (now High Street) Dorking, 16 Apr 1866. 2 items. | |
S251/1 | Photocopy of a catalogue listing the furniture, engravings, linen, silver plate and other contents of the house, to be sold by auction on the instructions of the executors of Mrs John Bartlett, deceased, by White and Sons, on the premises in East Street (now High Street) Dorking, 16 Apr 1866, 11pp.The names of purchasers of the lots and the prices paid are added in manuscript. The original document is at the Surrey History Centre. | |
S251/2 | Photocopy of manuscript account of the expenses and proceeds of the sale described in S251/1, 16 Apr 1886, 2pp. The original is from the Surrey History Centre. | |
S252 | Sale particulars for The Grove and The (Old) Beehive, London Road, Boxhill, Dorking, an 8 acre estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs White & Sons of Dorking and Messrs Brackett & Sons of Tunbridge Wells, 28 Sep 1931. 17pp including photographs, a coloured plan and historical notes. The sale was on the instructions of Andrew W Arnold and Miss Arnold. The property was to be sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S252 ctd | Lot 1: The Grove, a detached country mansion with gardens and woodland, once the home of the Marquess of Wellesley, Governor General of India. The main portion of the property was freehold and title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 15 Apr 1858 and a subsequent deed of 03 Feb 1860, both between Samuel Relf of the first part, and Edward Arnold of the other part. For the small part of the property that was leasehold, title initially commenced with an indenture of lease of 01 Jan 1788 between Judith Tucker, Lady of the Manor of West Betchworth, of the first part, and Jane Elliot of the other part; and latterly with a deed of 03 Feb 1860 between Alfred Singer and James Pringle Barclay of the first part, Harriet Singer of the second part, James Pringle Barclay, Julia Katherine Hastie and Catherine Singer of the third part, Edward Arnold of the fourth part, and Walter Upward of the fifth part. | |
S252 ctd | Lot 2: The (Old) Beehive, a period cottage residence, formerly a roadside inn that was situated at the Tollgate on the turnpike road. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Dec 1884 between Herbert Young of the first part, John Young of the second part, Dodsworth Haydon and Gilbert John Smallpeice of the third part, and Edward Arnold of the fourth part. | |
S253 | Sale particulars for a residence with shop on the south side of the High Street, adjacent to the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, to be sold by auction under the directions of the will of late John Sanders, a baker, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Feb 1858, 4pp. The property, which included a bakehouse, a warehouse, a stable yard and a garden, was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in an agreement of 01 Feb 1830 between William Combes, then owner of the Red Lion Hotel, and John Sanders. | |
S254 | Sales brochure of leasehold sheltered accommodation at Sondes Farm, (also known as Sondes Place Farm), Glebe Road, Dorking, to be sold by private treaty by Crow, Watkin and Watkin of Dorking, [c.1987?]. 12pp including photographs, a brief historical note on Sondes Place Farm, floor plans, a site plan, terms and conditions of the development and a price list for the 38 separate units. | |
S255 | Sale particulars for Rose Hill House, South Street, Dorking, an early 18th century town house, to be sold by auction by order of the executors of the late Dr Cyril Henry McComas, by Messrs Crow, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 21 Apr 1952. 12pp including photographs and an historical note on the property. Previous owners or occupants included Charles Howard Junior (later 11th Duke of Norfolk); Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans; Henry Peter Brougham (later Lord Brougham) and John Wesley. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 14 Oct 1919 between Frederick Thomas Corkett of the first part, the Dorking Motor Company Limited of the second part, and Cyril Henry McComas of the third part.. | |
S256 | Sale particulars for Glencara, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a detached residence with one acre, issued by joint agents Savills of London and Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, [c.1976?]. 3pp including a photograph. | |
S257 | Sale particulars for Holbeck, Ladygate Road, Dorking, a detached residence, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin, [c.1976?]. 3pp including a photograph. | |
S258 | Sale particulars for Dog Kennel Green Farm, (also known as Ranmore Stud Farm) Ranmore, Dorking, issued by Pearson Cole estate agents, [c.1976?]. 5pp including photographs. The 8 and a half acre property incorporated a main residence dating to the 18th century, stables, exercise yards and paddocks. | |
S259 | Sale particulars for Stumbleholt, Blackbrook, Dorking, a detached residence reputed to date to the late 16th century, issued by Pearson Cole estate agents, [c.1976?]. 3pp including photographs. | |
S260 | Sale particulars for Appledore Cottage, Dog Kennel Green, Ranmore Common, Dorking, issued by Cubitt & West estate agents, [c 1976-1977?]. 2pp including a photograph. The detached residence was originally 2 farmworkers cottages dating from the 18th century. | |
S261 | Sale particulars for Ratsfield, Betchworth, a detached residence with one acre, issued by Stanley Bruinvels estate agents, [c.1976?]. 3pp including photographs (poor quality). The house was originally 2 farm cottages built in 1902. | |
S262 | Sale particulars for The Weald, Betchworth, a detached residence with 2 acres, issued by Vernon Smith & Co of Reigate, [c.1977?]. 2pp including photographs and an historical note detailing that the house had been designed in 1939 by Dr Ernst Freud, the son of Sigmund Freud. | |
S263 | Sale particulars for Cranmer Cottage, Pebble Hill, Betchworth, a detached residence with one and a third acres, issued by Stanley Bruinvels estate agents, Apr 1976. 2pp including a photograph (poor quality). Whilst the cottage was built in 1929, it was constructed almost entirely from 17th century materials, reputed to have originated from Archbishop Cranmer's palace. | |
S264 | Sale particulars for Crossways Farm, Betchworth, issued by White & Sons estate agents, [c.1977?]. 2pp including a photograph (poor quality). The 13 and a quarter smallholding incorporated a detached 1930s bungalow, farm buildings and pasture land. | |
S265 | Sale particulars for PettyÍs Farm, Rectory Lane, Buckland, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin, Sept 1977. 4pp including photographs. The 6 and a quarter acre property incorporated a detached period farmhouse, dating to the 17th century, gardens, grounds and paddocks. | |
S266 | Sale particulars for Garstons Farm, Beare Green, issued by Agriservices of Bristol, [c.1977?]. 6pp. The 4 and three quarter smallholding incorporated a detached bungalow dating to the 1950s-1960s, farm buildings, enclosures and pasture. | |
S267 | Catalogue for the sale of the contents, including paintings and fine art, of Smallburgh, Beare Green, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises, by Messenger May Baverstock of Godalming, 12 Apr 1978. 36pp including photographs. | |
S268 | Sale particulars for Misbrooks Cottage, Capel, a detached country residence dating to the 16th century with 2 and a three quarter acres, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, Mar 1976. 3pp including a photograph. | |
S269 | Sale particulars for Misbrooks Cottage, Capel, a detached country residence dating to the 16th century with 2 and a half acres, issued by Savills of London, [c.1977?]. 3pp including a photograph. | |
S270 | Sale particulars for Redroofs, Capel, issued by Stanley Bruinvels estate agents, Apr 1976. 2pp including a photograph (poor quality). The 10 and a half acre property incorporated a detached country residence, outbuildings, gardens, paddocks and grounds. | |
S271 | Illustrated brochure issued by the joint estate agents Cubitt and West of Dorking, and Knight, Frank and Rutley of London, for the sale of converted units at Broome Hall, Coldharbour, [c.1977?]. 32pp including photographs, individual sale particulars for each unit, floor plans and a site map. The conversions included 5 units in the main building of Broome Hall, and three additional residences on the wider estate at The Clock House, The Hunting Lodge and The Garden Cottage. | |
S272 | Sale particulars for Brookwood House, Moorhurst Lane, South Holmwood, a detached residence incorporating a separate flat and with one and a quarter acres, issued by White & Sons estate agents, Apr 1976. 3pp including photographs. | |
S273 | Sale particulars for Moor Lodge, South Holmwood, a mid-Victorian detached country house with 2 acres, issued by White & Sons estate agents, Aug 1976. 2pp including photographs. | |
S274 | Sale particulars for The Old Croft, Mill Lane, South Holmwood, a detached country house dating to the early 20th century with 4 and a half acres, issued by Stanley Bruinvels estate agents, [c.1977?]. 3pp with a manuscript addition noting that the photograph was absent. | |
S275 | Sale particulars for Pound House, Okewood Hill, a detached country residence with 3 acres, issued by Weller Eggar estate agents, [c.1970s?]. 2pp including photographs. | |
S276 | Sale particulars for Upper Sent, Oakwood Hill, an Elizabethan house, issued by King and Chasemore estate agents, [c.1970s?]. 6pp including photographs. The 13 acre property incorporated the main residence, outbuildings, Nos 1 & 2 Upper Sent Cottages, paddocks and woodland. | |
S277 | Sale particulars for Surrey House, Stane Street, Ockley, a Grade II listed residence dating to the 17th century, issued by Arnold & Son estate agents, [c.1970s?]. 3pp including a photograph (poor quality). | |
S278 | Preliminary auction details for the sale of Hartshurst Manor, Ockley and a building plot in Cricketers Close, Ockley, to be sold by auction at an unspecified venue by Crow Watkin & Watkin, 04 May 1977. 3pp including a photograph. The 7 and a half acre property incorporated a Grade II listed period farmhouse dating to the 16th century, outbuildings, grounds and paddocks. | |
S279 | Sale particulars for the Cedars, The Rookery, Westcott, a detached residence built in the 1960s-1970s, issued by Martin Brown estate agents, [c.1970s?]. 4pp including a photograph. | |
S280 | Sale particulars for Hillside, Westcott Heath, Westcott, a detached residence dating to the early 19th century, issued by Stanley Bruinvels estate agents, [c.1976?]. 2pp including a photograph. | |
S281 | Sale particulars for Mulberry Cottage, The Street, Westhumble, a residence with one acre, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin estate agents, 1976, 5pp including a sheet of photographs. The period Regency property was originally built as a cottage in 1826. | |
S282 | Sale particulars for Abbotsford, Pilgrims Way, Westhumble, a detached residence, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin estate agents, Mar 1976. 2pp. | |
S283 | Sale particulars for Hurtlands, Sutton Place, Abinger Hammer, issued by Martin Brown estate agents, 1976. 2pp including a photograph. The 4 and a half acre property incorporated a detached 1930s country house, gardens and paddocks. | |
S284 | Sale particulars for High Barn, Abinger Hammer, issued by Knight Frank & Rutley estate agents, [c.1970s?.] 2pp with a loose photograph. The 6 acre property incorporated a detached country house, gardens and paddocks. | |
S285 | Sale particulars for Blue Cedars, Sutton Place, Abinger Hammer, a detached 1950s bungalow, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin estate agents, Mar 1976. 2pp. | |
S286 | Sale particulars for Radnor House, Holmbury St Mary, issued by Humbert, Flint, Rawlence & Squarey estate agents, [c.1970s?]. 7pp including a strip of three photographs. The 22 and a half acre property incorporated a detached Georgian residence, gardens, paddocks and woodland. | |
S287 | Sale particulars for Rotherwood, The Glade, Holmbury St Mary, a detached residence with one acre, issued by Martin Brown estate agents, Aug 1976. 4pp including a photograph. | |
S288 | Sale particulars for Alderbrook between Holmbury St Mary and Forest Green, issued by Weller Eggar estate agents, [c.1970s?]. 3pp including photographs. The 25 acre property incorporated a detached country house, grounds, paddocks and woodland, and was originally a cottage dating to the early 19th century. | |
S289 | Sale particulars for Tyndrum Farm House, Holmbury St Mary, a 7 and a half acre country residence built in 1935, issued by Humbert, Flint, Rawlence & Squarey of London, [c.1970s?]. 3pp. | |
S290 | Sale particulars for Clay Hill Farm, Leigh, issued by John D Wood estate agents, [c.1977?]. 6pp including photographs and a plan. The 20 acre property incorporated a farmhouse residence dating to the 18th century, farm buildings, grounds, paddocks and pasture land. | |
S291 | Sale particulars for HeronÍs Head Farm, Mynthurst, near Leigh, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin estate agents, [c.1977?]. 3pp including a photograph. The 4 and a half acre property incorporated a Grade II listed farmhouse dating to the 15th century, gardens and grounds. | |
S292 | Sale particulars for Hook Farm House, Leigh, a period farmhouse residence with 2 and a half acres, issued by White & Son estate agents, Jun 1978. 4pp including photographs. | |
S293 | Records relating to the sale of Oakleigh Grange, Leigh, a residential and commercial farming property, Jun 1976. 3 items. | |
S293/1 | Sale particulars for Oakleigh Grange, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the Burford Bridge Hotel, Dorking, by Agriservices of Bristol, 16 Jun 1976. 14pp including photographs and a coloured plan. A manuscript note on the front cover summarises required offers after the failed auction. The 146 acre property included a main farmhouse residence, dating to 1670, farm buildings, pasture and woodland. The property was to be sold subject to provisions contained in a lease of 22 Jun 1959 between George Edward Robert Chatham of the one part, and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food of the other part. | |
S293/2 | A typescript letter from Agriservices of Bristol, to an interested party, acknowledging his interest in the sale of Oakleigh Grange, Leigh, 04 Jun 1976. 1p. | |
S293/3 | A typescript letter from Agriservices of Bristol, stating that Oakleigh Grange, Leigh was not sold at auction and was being offered at a revised price. Manuscript additions indicate potential interested parties in each lot, 24 Jun 1976. 1p. | |
S294 | Preliminary sale particulars for Charmans Farm, Leigh, a 16th century farmhouse with stables and paddocks, issued by Humberts of London, May 1978, 3pp. | |
S295 | Coloured brochure for the sale of Coverwood House, Ewhurst, issued by joint agents Weller Eggar of Guildford and Savills of London, [c 1970s?], 10pp including photographs and a plan. The 14 and a half acre property incorporated a detached country residence, gardens and grounds. | |
S296 | Sale particulars for Puddenhole Copse, Betchworth, a detached cottage, issued by Martin Brown estate agents, Apr 1976, 2pp including a photograph (poor quality). | |
S297 | Sale particulars for Pixholme Cottage, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a detached Victorian lodge cottage, issued by Nationwide Anglia estate agents, [c.1980s?]. 4pp including a photograph. | |
S298 | Sale particulars for Holmwood Chapel Cottage, South Holmwood, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, issued by Prudential Property Services estate agents, [c.1980s?]. 2pp including a photograph. | |
S299 | Photocopy of sale particulars for a house and shop, with store room, cellars, bake-house, yard and garden in South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Gardom at the White Horse Inn, Dorking, 10 Jun 1816, 2pp. The premises were occupied by Robert Beckett, grocer and baker, and a kitchen and small room were let to Mr Henry Oram, tenant at will. A manuscript note acknowledges the purchase of the premises by R Lindsay. | |
S300 | S300 renumbered S401 - S1299 by Mary Turner. June 1995 | |
S301/1-11 | Architects drawings and sales notices for the conversion into 3 dwellings and sale of The Old Vicarage, Westcott Road, Dorking. [c.late 1980s?] 11 items. | |
S302 | Poster advertising an auction sale, in aid of the Prince of WalesÍ National Relief Fund, of livestock, crops, carriages and implements, to be held in the Market Place, Dorking by James White and Lewis Crow of Dorking, 04 Mar 1915. 59 x 84 cms. | |
S303 | Poster advertising the sale of the stock-in-trade of furniture, rugs, trunks, boxes and other household items, to be sold by auction on the premises, 106 High Street, (now 83 High Street) Dorking, on instructions of the executors of H W Franklin, deceased, by White and Sons, 17 Feb 1904. 84 x 118 cms. | |
S304 | See DM1/1/2/14/42. | |
S305 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the White Hart Public House, and an adjoining property split into 3 tenements, on the east side of Chertgate Lane, (now Dene Street) Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White, at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Dorking, 16 Nov 1849, 4pp. The White Hart was occupied by Widow Upford, tenant at will, and the 3 tenements by James Scott, Avis Taylor and John Beadle. The property was a copyhold tenure of the manor of Dorking, which was held by the Duke of Norfolk. | |
S306 | Catalogue for the sale of livestock, agricultural implements and brewing utensils, to be sold by auction by White & Sons on the premises of Elm Grove Farm, Brockham, 29 Sep 1858, 12pp. The sale was on the instructions of John Taylor who was leaving the farm. A manuscript listing of the names of purchasers and the prices of the lots is interleaved and sewn into the catalogue. | |
S307 | Sale particulars for the Cotman Dean Estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by John Miller, 02 Mar 1798, 1p mounted on a wooden frame. The sale included the following properties: Lot 1: Cotman Place, a freehold residence, occupied by Pendock Neale; a cottage and premises occupied by William Steer; and a garden plot leased to Mrs Earlham. Lot 2: A 5 and three quarter acre copyhold field known as Waterdean. Lot 3: A house with 2 tenements occupied by Mrs Earlham and Mr Jackson; and a freehold cottage and garden occupied by John Morris, tenant at will. | |
S308 | Records relating to the sale of Flint Cottage, Box Hill, Dorking, [c.1980s]. 2 items. | |
S308/1 | Sale brochure for Flint Cottage, Box Hill, Dorking, a Grade II listed cottage dating to the 1780s, issued by Hamptons of London, [c.1980?]. 4pp including photographs. An historical note details that property was formerly purchased by George Meredith, the novelist and poet, in 1858. | |
S308/2 | Sale particulars for Flint Cottage, Box Hill, Dorking, issued by Messrs Crow Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 1983. 6pp including a location map. The vendor was the National Trust. | |
S309 | Sales notice for Pixham Mill Cottage, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a Grade II listed 16th century cottage, issued by Mann & Co estate agents, [c.1990s?]. 2pp including a photograph. An historical note refers to Sir Michael Sonnes as the owner in the 1620s. | |
S310 | Sales particulars for Cockshott Cottage, Headley Lane, Mickleham, a detached Victorian cottage, issued by Nationwide Anglia estate agents, [c.1990s?]. 2pp including a photograph. | |
S311 | Photocopy of the sale particulars for The Knoll, Mill Road, South Holmwood, Dorking, a large Victorian residence, issued by Ibbett, Mosely, Card & Co estate agents, [c.1980s?]. 2pp. The premises were being utilised as offices and research laboratories. | |
S312 | Records relating to the sale of Bury Hill House, Westcott, Aug 1991. 2 items. | |
S312/1 | Brochure for sale by private treaty of Bury Hill House, Westcott, a country estate, by joint agents Messrs Knight Frank & Rutley of London and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, Aug 1991. 16pp including photographs, a coloured plan and a location map. The 115 acre property incorporated Bury Hill House, a secondary residence named Danehurst, Nos 1 & 2 Florence Cottages, gardens, grounds and woodland. The sale also included the option to purchase an additional 624 acres of Forestry Commission land and Westcott cricket pitch. | |
S312/2 | A circular issued by Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, summarising the guide prices for the lots for sale at Bury Hill House, Westcott, 20 Aug 1991. 1p. | |
S313 | Records relating to the sale of Berry (or Bury) Hill Estate, Dorking,1811-1812, 4 items. | |
S313/1 | Sale particulars for Berry Hill Mansion, farm and lands, to be sold by private contract by Mr Leonard, land surveyor, 1812, 20pp. The property was held on a lease that expired 01 May 1811, by Robert Barclay. The lots comprised: Berry Hill Mansion, Berry Hill Farm, Chudhurst Farm, (later known as Chadhurst Farm), West LeeÍs Farm, BondÍs tenement, NiceÍs Lands, Sond Place Farm, Parsonage Farm, The Parsonage water corn-mill, Bradley Manor Farm, Shambles Farm, Redlands Farm, White House Farm, Ansty Farm, Grove Cottage and Damphurst Farm. The names of the various tenants are listed. | |
S313/2 | Plan of Berry Hill Estate, 1811, 1p. | |
S313/3 | Original copy of The Morning Chronicle of Tues 02 Jun 1812, 4pp. Includes a notice of the sale of Berry Hill Estate (p.3 column 3). Other properties advertised include: Hatchetts, near Capel (p.4 col 5) and Wonham, Betchworth (p.3 col 3) | |
S313/4 | Typescript transcript of items printed in "The Morning Chronicle" of Tues 02 June 1812 advertising the sale of Berry Hill Estate; Hatchetts, near Capel; and Wonham, Betchworth, 2pp. | |
S314 | Records relating to the sale of Bury Hill Estate, Dorking, 1914, 5 items. | |
S314/1 | Sale particulars for Bury Hill Estate, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Knight, Frank and Rutley at the Estate Sale Room, Hanover Square, London, 23 Jul 1914, 38pp, illus. A manuscript addition notes this as the revised proof. The estate comprised: Bury Hill Mansion, pleasure grounds, garden and parkland; The Nower, The Home Farm, Milehouse Cottages, Chadhurst Farm, and Milton Farm. Includes several full-size photographs of: Bury Hill mansion and lake, the dining room, the drawing room, views looking towards Leith Hill, views in Milton Street, the walled gardens and glasshouses, the Home Farm House, and Chadhurst Farm House, | |
S314/2 | Plan of Bury Hill Estate, Dorking, [c.1914], 1p. | |
S314/3 | Map of central Surrey showing the Bury Hill estate reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map, [c.1914], 1p. | |
S314/4 | Letter from Knight Frank and Rutley to Mr Robert Barclay as a covering note for the revised proofs of the particulars of sale, sale plan and key plan, 10 Jun 1914. | |
S314/5 | Small sketch map in ink on tracing paper showing Milton Street on the Bury Hill Estate in 1914, and the locations of the houses of some of the estate workers such as the head coachman and the butler, [c.late 20th cent?]. | |
S315 | Records relating to the St MartinÍs Walk retail development, High Street, Dorking, [c.1991?]. 2 items. | |
S315/1 | Brochure detailing the St MartinÍs Walk retail development, High Street, Dorking, issued by Bredero Properties Plc, [c.1991?], 10pp including illustrations, plans of the units, a location map and a plan of the neighbouring named businesses on the High Street. | |
S315/2 | Brochure advertising St MartinÍs House, High Street, Dorking, issued by Bredero Properties Plc, [c.1991?]. 2pp including illustrations and a location map. | |
S316 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of the nursery stock of John Bradley to be sold by auction by Fuller and Son on the Nursery Ground premises described as ñat the West entrance to Dorking,î 11 Dec 1826. 16pp. | |
S317 | Catalogue for the agricultural gift sale of the Dorking and District Red Cross in Dorking Market Place during Red Cross week, 21 Jun 1917. 40pp containing many advertisements for local businesses. | |
S318 | Photocopy of sale particulars for properties (Lots 1 to 6 below) in Church Lane (now North Street), Dorking from the estate of the late John Bartlett; and properties (Lot 7 below) in Chertgate Lane (now Dene Street), Dorking, from the estate of the late Mrs Rebekah Bartlett, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 10 May 1866, 4pp including a coloured plan of the properties in Church Lane. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers and the prices of the lots. | |
S318 ctd | Lots 1 to 6 ran the entire length of the west side of Church Lane from the junction with West Street to Church Street. Lot 1: A house and shop on Church Lane, with a part frontage on West Street, occupied by Messrs T W & W A Marsh, linen drapers and clothiers. Lot 2: A house and shop on Church Lane, with a part frontage on West Street, occupied by Mrs Mary Ann Robertson, a coopers and turnery warehouse. Lot 3: A large residence on Church Lane, formerly part of the Queens Arms, occupied by William Wren and Richard Rose. Lot 4: A walled plot on Church Lane, used as a garden by Mrs Mary Ann Robertson. Lot 5: A walled plot on Church Lane, used by Mr George Bartlett. Lot 6: A residence and yard on the corner of Church Lane and Church Street, occupied by Mr George Bartlett. Lot 7: 3 tenements at the south end of Churtgate Lane, occupied by John Molyneux, Thomas Molyneux and Mrs Dennis. | |
S319 | Sale particulars for No 66 West Street, Dorking, a business premises occupied by Stand Easy Clothing, issued by Cubitt & West estate agents, Sep 1982. 2pp. | |
S320 | Tracing of a plan of the Gun Beerhouse, North Street, Dorking, produced for White & Sons estate agents, 12 Feb 1903, 1p. The owner's name is supplied as W. Boxall & Son and the tenant as Willie Sanders. From an original in Surrey Record Office (ref 99/6/5A - records of White & Sons estate agents) | |
S321 | Catalogue for an auction to be held at The Property Business Show, Olympia, London, issued by Conrad Ritblat & Co, 25 Feb 1992. 28pp including photographs and plans of Dorking High Street from Lyons Court to Pump Corner naming individual businesses. A cutting from the Dorking Advertiser of 05 Mar 1992 describing the sale, has been affixed to the inside front cover. The sale included the following properties: Nos 29-35 High Street, Dorking, occupied by Lunn Poly. Nos 37-39 High Street, Dorking, occupied by Book Ends. Nos 41-45 High Street, Dorking, occupied by Cottage Bakery. No 47 High Street, Dorking, occupied by The Linen Shop. Nos 51-53 High Street, Dorking, occupied by Hearing Aid Centre. Nos 54-56 High Street, Dorking, occupied by Fruits Galore. | |
S322 | Sales particulars for Butterhill House, Butterhill, Dorking, a Grade II listed semi-detached Queen Anne town house, issued by White & Sons estate agents. Mar 1992. 4pp including photographs and a brief historical note on the property which states that former tenants and owners may have included the Duke of Northumberland, King Louis Philippe of France and John Wesley. | |
S323 | Sales brochure for Castle Mill, Reigate Road, Dorking, a Grade II listed converted water mill on the River Mole, issued by Hamptons estate agents, Mar 1992. 4pp including photographs and a brief historical note on the property. | |
S324 | Sales particulars for Brooklands, Old School Lane, Brockham, a detached Victorian residence with one and a half acres, issued by White & Sons estate agents, Mar 1992, 5pp including photographs and a plan. | |
S325 | Sales particulars for Elm Grove Farm, Old Coach Road, Brockham, a Grade II listed farmhouse dating to 1634 with 2 acres, issued by White & Sons estate agents, Mar 1992 5pp including photographs and a plan. | |
S326 | Sale particulars for Waterlands Farm, Blackbrook, Dorking, issued by White & Sons estate agents, Mar 1992. 6pp including a plan and a general location map. The photographs originally incorporated in the particulars are absent. The 20 acre property included a 16th century farmhouse (originally a smoke bay house), Waterlands Cottage, outbuildings, paddocks and woodland. | |
S327 | Sale notices for new houses on the Meadowbank estate, Dorking, issued by National Housing Development Limited, [c.1930s?]. 2pp. | |
S328 | Sale particulars for 23 Howard Road, Dorking, a semi-detached Victorian residence, issued by White & Sons estate agents, [c.1992?]. 2pp including a photograph. | |
S329 | Sale particulars for Sutton Cottage, Sutton Abinger, a listed detached cottage and former farmhouse, dating to the 1630s, issued by Hamptons estate agents, [c.1992?]. 2pp including photographs. | |
S330 | Plan of the Effingham Estate, Effingham, Surrey, issued by agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1925?]. | |
S331 | Sales particulars for Betchworth Station buildings and yard, Station Road, Betchworth, issued by Patrick Gardner & Co estate agents, Oct 1992. 4pp including a photograph and a site plan. | |
S332 | Sale particulars for Bury Hill Estate (Duplicate of S314/1 and S1123): 1914. | |
S333 | Sale particulars for Vann House, a 26 acre property, issued by Crow, Watkin & Watkin, estate agents, [c.1990s?], 8pp including photographs and a location map. The property included the main residence dating to the 18th century, The Stables Cottage, Vann Lodge and a stud farm. | |
S334 | Sale particulars for The White Gates, Nutcombe Lane, Westcott Road, Dorking, a detached residence with one and two third acres, to be sold by auction by Messrs Hampton, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by direction of Dr Ralph Vaughan Williams, O.M.,13 Jul 1953, 12pp. For related material see: R160. Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 16 Jan 1923 between Cubitt Estates Ltd of the first part, Thomas Walwin Broom of the second part, and Frederick William Peach of the third part; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance of 16 Oct 1933, between Thomas Walwin Broom of the one part, and Ralph Vaughan Williams of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions in a deed of grant of 30 Oct 1933 between Reginald Douglas Arthur of the one part, and Ralph Vaughan Williams of the other part. | |
S335 | Advertisements for sale of Norbury Park, Mickleham, 2 items, 1974-6. MISSING in 2016. | |
S336 | Sale particulars for Brook Farm, Leigh, a residential and agricultural holding, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate, 28 Mar 1979. 16pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The 84 acre property incorporated a 17th century farmhouse, an adjoining flat, a detached bungalow named Sunnybanks built in 1960, farm buildings and farmland. | |
S337 | Records relating to the sale of Burford Lodge, London Road, Dorking, 1994-1997. 3 items. | |
S337/1 | Sale particulars for Burford Lodge, London Road, Dorking, issued by Knight Frank & Rutley, estate agents, on the instructions of Seeboard PLC, 1994, 16pp, illustrated. Includes floor plans and a location plan. The details state that previous owners included John Eckersall, George Barclay MP, Sir J J Trevor Lawrence MP, and Sir William M T Lawrence. | |
S337/2 | Sales brochure for Burford Lodge, London Road, Dorking detailing its conversion into apartments by Berkeley Homes, [c.1997?], 24pp including photographs, some of the property in 1899, and floor plans. The apartments were named as The Lodge, Mews Cottages, The Stables and the Coach House. A reproduction of a painting named as ñThe River Mole by Sutton Palmer circa 1900î has been used as an end paper. | |
S337/3 | A circular from Patrick Gardner & Co, estate agents, listing the individual apartments of Burford Lodge, London Road, Dorking and their prices, 06 Feb 1997, 1p. | |
S338 | Records relating to the sale of Bonnetts Farm, Horsham Road, Capel, 1995, 3 items. | |
S338/1 | Sale particulars for Bonnetts Farm, Horsham Road, Capel, a Grade II listed former yeomans house dating from the 15th century, issued by agents Cubitt & West, 1995. 7pp including photographs. | |
S338/2 | Press cutting from the Dorking Advertiser of 09 Feb 1995 with a report on the forthcoming sale of Bonnets Farm, Horsham Road, Capel. It includes an illustration of a painting of the farm by W Biscombe Gardner dated 1889 and also gives a brief description of the property with a reference to its history. | |
S338 /3 | Press cutting from the Dorking Advertiser of 02 Feb 1995 relating to the sale of Bonnets Farm, Horsham Road, Capel, entitled: ñRare chance to acquire Grade II listed building.î | |
S339 | Photocopy of the sale particulars for the lease of Milton Court, Dorking, a 30 acre property incorporating an Elizabethan mansion, a small farm and gardens, to be sold by auction by Farebrother, Clark & Co of London, at GarrawayÍs Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, London, 17 May 1865. 5pp including a coloured plan of Milton Court, with illustrations of the house (The original document is held at the British Museum). Title to the property commenced with a lease of 31 Dec 1862, from William John Evelyn. | |
S340-S400 | Now part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
S401 | Catalogue for the sale of the entire live and dead farming stock belonging to Anstie Grange, Anstiebury Farms, Holmwood, to be sold by auction on the direction of Captain L. C. Heath, by Messrs Crow, 10 Sep 1952, 14pp. | |
S402 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a building site known as Almonds, Cudworth Lane, Cudworth, Newdigate, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt and West, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking North Station Approach, 25 Sep 1961, 7pp including a plan. The sale was on the instructions of the personal representatives of the late Mrs Harriet Ellen Almond. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Apr 1907 between The Small Holdings Association Limited of the one part, and the Co-Operative Brotherhood Trust of the other part. | |
S403 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Anderid, South Holmwood, a detached cottage, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executors of the late Miss Florence Marsh, by Messrs Arnold and Son, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 26 Mar 1962, 4pp. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 01 Aug 1917 between Henry Helsham Helsham-Jones and others of the one part, and Florence Marsh of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in 2 conveyances of 21 Sep 1876 and 26 Oct 1876, both between William Joseph Shearburn of the one part, and Edward Taylor of the other part. | |
S404 | Sale particulars for Apple Trees, Peaslake a detached residence with 2 acres and a cottage, Apple Trees Cottage, for sale by auction by Messrs Strutt & Parker and Lofts & Warner at the Angel Hotel, Guildford, 20 Sep 1962, 11p including a photograph and a coloured plan. Annotated notes on the front cover record that it was not sold at the auction. | |
S405 | Sale particulars for three small building plots adjoining 25 Ashley Road, Westcott, for sale by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking by Messrs Crow and Messrs White & Sons, 19 Nov 1962. 5pp including a coloured plan. | |
S406 | Sale particulars for Axelholm, Capel, a freehold detached cottage, for sale by auction at The Burford Bridge Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin, 14 Oct 1981, 6pp including a photograph and a small plan. | |
S407 | Sale particulars for ñan Abinger Estateî in the parishes of Ewhurst, Abinger, Wotton and Ockley, for sale by auction by Messrs Driver, 4 Whitehall, London, 18 pp, 1894. Includes a coloured plan. The estate is not specifically named as the front page to the particulars is missing. The details of the 6 lots are complete however and are as follows: | |
S407 ctd | Lot 1: the freehold estate of ïBurchettÍs FarmÍ in the parish of Abinger, consisting of over 153 acres including the farm house and various farm buildings. Lot 2: a small freehold property with a cottage and land known as ïYardlandsÍ on the west side of the road to Forest Green forming part of ïBurchettÍs FarmÍ. | |
S407 ctd | Lot 3: the freehold property of ïBridgeham FarmÍ in the parish of Abinger, with over 50 acres including a farm house, and homestead, a cottage and farm buildings. Lot 4: the freehold property known as ïSmokejack FarmÍ, containing over 99 acres in the parishes of Abinger and Wotton. | |
S407 ctd | Lot 5: the freehold of ïChapel House FarmÍ, ña small sporting property,î including the Scarlett Arms Public House, and the small holding ïNorth CroftsÍ cottage together with Game Coverts known as ïOakwoodland WoodÍ containing over 129 acres. | |
S407 ctd | Lot 6: the freehold of a sporting estate in the parishes of Abinger, Ewhurst and Ockley consisting of the following farms: Lyefield, Stubberts, Cobbetts, Pondhead, Wastlands and Drug Cottage, Lower Breach, Lower House, Waleyswood (otherwise Wallis or Wallace Wood), Froggetts, Summersbury and Hill House, and a part of ïSmokejack FarmÍ with other houses, homesteads and labourerÍs cottages including Bungtore cottage, Lyefield Lodge, Cranleigh Lane End cottages, Knoll cottage, Exfold cottage and Nine Acres cottage. Lot 6 had a further 657 acres of game coverts and woodlands with 1,590 acres in ring fence. | |
S408 | Sale particulars for Burys Court, Leigh, a residential estate, for sale by auction by Hampton & Sons in conjunction with Messrs Crow of Dorking at 20 St James's Square, London on 30 Jun 1925, 11pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale was on the directions of Captain E S Charrington. The 93 acre property incorporated a detached country residence, a lodge, 2 cottages, Home Farm known as Skeets Farm, grounds, parkland and woodland. Title commenced with a resettlement of 08 Sep 1874 between Harry Nicholl and Charles Charrington of the first part, Edward Charrington and Nicholas Edward Charrington (d. 14 Mar 1894) of the second part, and Spencer Charrington of the third part. | |
S409 | Sale particulars for Boxlands, London Road, Dorking, a residential property of over 9 acres, incorporating the adjacent residences The Beehive and The Old Lodge, for sale by auction by Messrs Hewett & Lee of Guildford and John D Wood & Co of London at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, 02 Oct:1946, 21pp including photographs and a plan. The sale was on the instructions of Her Grace Helen Magdalen Duchess of Northumberland. The property was to be sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S409 ctd | Lot 1: Boxlands, London Road, Dorking, a 6 acre detached country residence with a Chauffeurs Cottage, stables, grounds and woodland. Lot 2: The Beehive, London Road, Dorking, a cottage residence dating to the Tudor period and a former inn. The residence was requisitioned by the Ministry of Health on 25 Jun 1946. Lot 3: The Old Lodge, London Road, Dorking, a 2 acre property adjoining Boxlands, incorporating a main residence, a kitchen garden and woodland. | |
S409 ctd | Title to the property commenced with the following: 1: A lease of 01 Jan 1788 between Judith Tucker of one part, and Jane Elliot of the other part. 2: A mortgage of 18 Aug 1905 between Mary Mackenzie of the one part, and Eliza Ann Pearson of the other part. 3: A conveyance of 16 Jan 1934 between Sir John Malcom Fraser, Bart of the one part, and Caryl Walter Craven of the other part. | |
S409 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 29 Jul 1891 between John Richards Croft Deverell of the first part, John Croft Deverell of the second part, and Mary Mayo of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 21 Dec 1931 between Andrew William Arnold and Ellen Arnold of the one part and Caryl Walter Craven of the other part. 3: A conveyance of 25 May 1933 between Reginald Edward Arnold, Andrew William Arnold and Ellen Arnold of the one part, and Caryl Walter Craven of the other part. | |
S410 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Nos 5 & 6 Bentsbrook Road, North Holmwood, a pair of cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Messrs Arnold & Son of High Street, Dorking, 27 Oct 1947, 4pp. The vendor was the personal representative of the late Hubert Arthur Arnold. The properties were let to weekly tenants Mr H Lucas and Mr H Edser, respectively. Abstract of title commenced with a general device contained in the will of Frederick Arnold who died on 01 Nov 1918. The property was conveyed to Hubert Arthur Arnold by an indenture of 05 Feb 1924 as part of his share of the estate of Frederick Arnold. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in an indenture of 12 Jul 1906 between William John Hodges, Ernest Hodge and Arthur Cuthbert Langham of the first part, Leonard Pledge and Frederick Pledge of the second part, and Peter Frost of the third part. | |
S411 | Sale particulars for Briarsfield, South Holmwood, a freehold detached bungalow, to be sold by Messrs Arnold & Son, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 27 Oct 1947, 7pp including a sketch plan. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 22 Jun 1923 between Charles Alan Carlos Perkins of the one part, and Harry Sutton of the other part. | |
S412 | Sale particulars for Bentworth Priors, Tower Hill, Dorking, a detached residence with one acre; and a small garden site opposite, previously the kitchen garden for the property, to be sold by auction by Messrs Arnold & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 Jul 1948, 7pp. The house was split into flats with the first floor let to Mr R D Poland and the top floor to Mr W A Harlow. | |
S413 | Sale particulars for Broome Perrow, Old Road, Buckland, Betchworth, a freehold detached residence of over 2 acres, together with adjoining cottage, for sale by auction by Messrs Jackson_Stops & Staff of London, at the Market Hall, Redhill, 21 Mar 1949, 11pp including photographs and a small coloured plan. The cottage was let to Mr J G Pollard, a tenant since October 1939. | |
S414 | Sale particulars for the freehold bungalow Briarsfield, South Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the estate office of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of High Street, Dorking, 16 Feb 1950, 7pp. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 22 June 1923 between Charles Alan Carlos Perkins of the one part, and Harry Sutton of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in a conveyance of 24 Nov 1947 between William Vincent Seear of the one part, and Erroll Bruce and Silvia Daphne Bruce of the other part. | |
S415 | Sale particulars for The Brown House, Holmbury St Mary, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Mar 1952, 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of Theodore Waterhouse. | |
S416 | Two copies of the sale particulars for the Bury Hill Estate, Westcott, with a freehold of 1000 acres including The Home Farm, Chadhurst Farm, Westlees Farm, 33 houses and cottages, Old Bury Hill Gardens and land, with building sites and woodlands: for sale by auction by Messrs Chas. Osenton & Co., Guildford, at Dorking Halls, Dorking, 23 Jul 1952, 34pp. Each copy has different manuscript amendments showing the prices fetched for each lot and sometimes the name of the buyer. Two separate coloured plans showing the estate divided into 35 lots are included. 3 items. | |
S417 | Sale particulars for the freehold properties Cottage Farm and Blacklands, Reigate Road, Betchworth, for sale by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Sep 1953, 12pp including a coloured plan showing the premises divided into 2 lots. The sale was on the instructions of D Macintosh and the trustees of the late E Macintosh. Cottage Farm incorporated a cottage residence, farm buildings and 83 acres; Blacklands incorporated a detached residence with outbuildings and grounds of 2 acres. Title commenced with a conveyance of 30 Jul 1923 between The Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the second part, and Ewen Macintosh of the third part. | |
S418 | Sale particulars for Brooklyn, Clarkes Green, Capel, a smallholding incorporating a bungalow and grassland of 10 acres, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 May 1953, 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Edwin Brookes. | |
S419 | Records relating to the sale of BuntÍs Place, BuntÍs Corner, Leigh, 1954. 2 items. | |
S419/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of BuntÍs Place, BuntÍs Corner, Leigh, a 4 acre residential property, for sale by auction by Pepper, Angliss & Yarwood, and Hampton & Sons of London, at the St JamesÍ Estate Rooms, 6 Arlington Street, St JamesÍs, London, 10 Jun 1954, 9pp including photographs. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions and covenants contained in the following: 1: A deed of 15 Oct 1953 between Sidney Leon of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 23 Dec 1913 between Henry Duke of Norfolk of the first part, the Hon Henry Hugh Baron Clifford of the second part, and Julia Grace Corbett of the third part. | |
S419/2 | A typescript circular from Hampton & Sons, 6 Arlington Street, St JamesÍs, London, detailing the failed sale of BuntÍs Place, BuntÍs Corner, Leigh and a reduction of its price, 18 Jul 1954. 1p. | |
S420 | Catalogue for the sale of the furniture and household contents at Belmont, St Pauls Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executors of the late Mrs Thirza Mary Elliott, by Messrs Crow, at the premises, 13 Apr 1955, 15pp. | |
S421 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Belmont, St Paul's Road, a detached residence, Dorking, for sale by auction on the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 13 Apr 1955. The sale was by direction of the executors of Mrs Thirza Mary Elliott. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 26 Sep 1924 between the Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the second part, and Angelus Beyfus of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 11 May 1931 between Angelus Beyfus of the one part, and Nathaniel George Wilkinson of the other part. | |
S422 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Bramerton, Harrow Road West, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executors of the late Rev. J. F. Twist, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Sep 1955, 6pp. | |
S423 | Records relating to the sale of the freehold of Bregsell's Farm, Beare Green, a residential dairy farm, 1954-1973. 5 items. | |
S423/1 | Sale particulars for BregsellÍs Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction by Harrods Ltd., at the Knightsbridge Estate Sale Rooms, 32/36 Hans Crescent, London, 02 Jun 1954, 10pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The 148 acre premises incorporated the main residence, outbuildings, two cottages, farm buildings, pastureland, arable and woodland. | |
S423/1 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to numerous covenants and restrictions detailed in the sale particulars, which included the following named parties: John Gilliam Sitwell, John Pakenham Sitwell, Henry Duke of Norfolk, Rt Hon Marmaduke Francis Baron Herries, Hon Ralph Drury Kerr, Bessie Katherine Watson, Eric Cyril Brown, Frederick Lewis Crow, Frank Everatt Ford and Ronald Martin Smith. | |
S423/2 | Plan of Beare Green outfall sewer, produced by the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council and sent to Messrs Crow of Dorking. 1973. Scale 1:2500. Shows existing and proposed sewers. | |
S423/3 | Plan showing proposed road improvements at Beare Green, produced by the Surrey County Council Highways and Bridge Department, Apr 1967, scale 1:2500. | |
S423/4 | Plan drafted by Messrs Crow of Dorking, showing the proposed development of twenty terrace houses and a restaurant at Beare Green, 1971-1972, scale 1:500. | |
S423/5 | Plan of BreggsellÍs Farm, Beare Green, drafted by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 1973, scale 1:2500. | |
S424 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Broomells, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a 62 acre residential estate, to be sold by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the White Horse Hotel, High Street, Dorking, 22 May 1958. 2 copies of the same sale particulars with different manuscript notes on the bids; 1 copy 17pp including photographs and a coloured plan; the second copy 16pp with the photographs and plan absent. The premises incorporated a main residence, a lodge, a flat, stables and a dairy farm. Title commenced to the main part of the property with a deed of 23 Aug 1915 between William Archibald Calvert of the one part, and Charles Archibald Calvert of the other part; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 09 Dec 1919 between Reginald Mortimer and Sidney Mortimer of the first part, Charles Mortimer of the second part, and Charles Archibald Calvert of the third part. | |
S425 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture, garden effects and other items from the residence known as Blue Ridges, Vann Lane, Weare Street, Ockley, to be sold by auction on the instruction of Miss Heron, by Messrs Crow, at the premises, 18 Mar 1959, 8pp. | |
S426 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Brasted, Westcott Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 10 Oct 1960, 4pp. | |
S427 | Catalogue for the sale of live and dead farming stock, implements and machinery belonging to Bradley Farm, London Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises, by Messrs Crow, 28 Sep 1961, 9pp. | |
S428 | Sale particulars for a small agricultural estate known as Brookwood Corner, Holmwood, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 27 Mar 1961, 10pp including a coloured plan of the estate. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñSold £2,825î. The 92 acre premises incorporated the main residence, 5 cottages ( 3 un-named residences in Moorhurst Lane and Nos 1 & 2 Jersey Farm Cottages), farm buildings and farmland. | |
S428 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: An indenture of 06 Jul 1907 between Cuthbert Eden Heath of the one part, and Arthur Frederick Perkins of the other part. 2: A deed of grant of 03 Sep 1953 between Bertram Walter Archibald Watney of the one part, and The Dorking Water Company of the other part. | |
S429 | Sale particulars for the residence known as Badgers, Coldharbour, formerly the Old Broome Hall Laundry, for sale by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, 01 Oct 1962, 7pp including a photograph. A manuscript note on the front cover records that the property was sold prior to auction. | |
S430 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Beaconsfield, Capel, a terrace villa, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Arnold & Son of 171 High Street, Dorking, 19 Jun 1963, 4pp. A manuscript note records that the property was sold for £1,850. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Samuel Knight. | |
S431 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Bridge Cottage, Stonebridge, Dorking, a detached residence, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Star and Gartner Hotel, Dorking, 11 Mar 1963, 5pp. Manuscript amendments record that the property was sold for £2,500. | |
S432 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Box Cottage, Beare Green, a semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the Executors, by Messrs Harrie Stacey and Son of Redhill, at the Market Hall, Redhill, 28 Feb 1963, 4pp. A manuscript note records that the property was sold for £1,280. | |
S433 | Sale particulars for the freehold of No 2 Brockham Warren, Boxhill Road, Dorking, a modernised wing of a Georgian residence, to be sold by auction by J. Trevor and Sons, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking North Station Approach, 07 Apr 1964, 9pp including a photograph. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñSold for just over £8,000î. | |
S433 ctd | Title commenced with a disentailing assurance of 06 Mar 1909 between Sir Benjamin Vincent Sellon Brodie of the first part, Benjamin Colin Brodie of the second part and William Alexander Cardwell and Thomas Herbert Warren of the third part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 19 May 1950 between Cyril Hector Gibson Soper of the one part, and Charles Salmon of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 23 Mar 1954 between Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie of the one part, Charles Salmon, Leland Frederick Francis Long and Montague Francis Davy Cobbold of the second part, and Phoebe Mary Brodie and Olive Marjory Brodie of the third part. | |
S434 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Blackbrook House, North Holmwood, a detached country residence, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt and West, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 25 Apr 1966, 8pp including a coloured plan. The 2 acre premises also incorporated a cottage built in the 1950s. | |
S434 ctd | Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 04 Apr 1938 between Clifford Albert Hern of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 06 May 1930 between Sidney James Williams of the one part, and Otto Langer of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to conditions contained in the following: 1: An agreement of 25 Jan 1950 between King & Barnes Limited of the one part, Reginald Edward Freshwater of the second part, and Ernest Harry Lever (the Vendor) and Ann Cassells Evans of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 30 Oct 1941 between Kathleen Una Langer and Marie Langer of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part. | |
S435 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Bushy Croft, Anstie Lane, Coldharbour, a detached residence dating to the 1920s, for sale by auction by Harrods Estate Offices, at the Knightsbridge Estate Sale Rooms, 32/36 Hans Crescent, London, 16 Nov 1966, 11pp including photographs. The premises incorporated the Thatched House, a GardenerÍs Cottage and grounds of over 1 acre. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñSold Privately over £18000î. Bushey Croft was formerly occupied by Guy John Fenton Knowles (d. 08 Apr 1959). | |
S436 | Sale particulars for Nos 3 and 4 Brickyard Cottages, 2 terrace properties, and an adjoining building plot at Coles Lane, Capel, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 23 Feb 1967, 8pp. Includes coloured plan. | |
S437 | Sale particulars for the freehold of residential properties situated at Redhill, Dorking, Godalming and Witley in Surrey and Fleet in Hampshire, to be sold by auction in 7 lots, on the instructions of British Railways, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co, at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Woodbridge Road, Guildford, 26 Oct 1967, 16pp. The Dorking property was Lot number 3 for Brook House, London Road, Deepdene, Dorking. The premises incorporated the 17th century house and garden of one third of an acre. Title commenced with a conveyance of 21 Dec 1899 between George Ellis of the one part, and The South Eastern Railway Company of the other part. | |
S438 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Braeside at No 6 Glenwood, Dorking, a detached residence dating from the 1930s, for sale by auction by Messrs Crow, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Station Road, Dorking, 22 Jul 1968, 6pp. | |
S439 | Preliminary summary sale particulars for 7 freehold properties in the Dorking area; and 2 building plots forming part of the Bentsbrook Park Estate, Horsham Road, North Holmwood, for sale by auction by Pearson Cole, 24 Jun 1971, 3pp. The properties, all dating from the mid 1930s, were: 1: No 1 Barn Cottages, Curtis Gardens, Station Road, Dorking, a detached cottage. 2: No 2 & 3 Cotmandene, Dorking, two semi-detached cottages. 3: The Cottage, Moores Road, Dorking, a semi-detached residence. 4: Byways, Adlers Lane, Westhumble, a detached bungalow. 5: Netherdene, Reigate Road, Dorking, a detached residence. 6: Newlands, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a detached residence. | |
S440 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a semi-detached cottage known as Birdlands, The Glade, Holmbury St. Mary, a semi-detached country cottage dating from the 1870s, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the Attorney Administrator of the late Florence Amina Frances Livingstone, by Messrs Crow, Watkin and Watkin, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 11 Apr 1973, 7pp. A manuscript note on the front cover records that the property was sold prior to auction on 04 Jun 1973 for £13,800î. Title commenced with a conveyance of 1945 between Joan Dorothy Parkes of the first part and Florence Amina Frances Livingstone and Audrey Morris Smyth of the other part. | |
S441 | Brochure for the sale of flats and units, subdivided from Broome Hall, near Coldharbour, to be sold through Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1980?]. 17pp including photographs, a general location map and floor plans. The properties offered for sale were 5 main units in Broome Hall, 3 flats in Broome Hall, and Garden Cottage & the Hunting Lodge, located in the grounds. | |
S442 | Sale catalogue for the freehold of the estate of Broome Hall, near Coldharbour, to be sold by auction by Aylesford & Company, 440 Kings Road, Chelsea, London, [c.1970?], 8pp including photographs. The premises incorporate the Hall, stables, a self-contained flat in the Clock Tower, the Hunting Lodge, GardenerÍs Cottage, walled garden and parkland of 50 acres. Broome Hall was built in 1830 by Andrew Spottiswoode, later President of the Royal Society. | |
S443 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Breakspear Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction on instruction from Stephen Chitty, by Messrs Crow, Watkin and Watkin, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 05 Dec 1978. 10pp including a general location map and a plan. The premises included Nos 1 & 2 Breakspear Farm Cottages, a pair of semi-detached cottages; Walnut Cottage, a detached bungalow; farm buildings and permanent pasture of 10 acres. | |
S444 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Brook Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, Watkin and Watkin, at the Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate Hill, Reigate, 28 Mar 1979, 13pp including photographs and a plan. The premises of over 84 acres incorporated Brook farmhouse with adjoining self-contained flat, a range of farm buildings and a detached bungalow named Sunnybanks. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñSold Prior to Auction £200,000î. | |
S445 | Records relating to the sale of Brookwood Farm, South Holmwood, Jun 1980. 2 items. | |
S445/1 | A brochure containing sale particulars for the freehold of Brookwood Farm, South Holmwood to be sold by auction, by Messrs R. H. & R. W. Clutton of East Grinstead, at Burford Bridge Hotel, Dorking, 19 Jun 1980, 16pp including photographs and a plan. The vendors were Thomas Borthwick & Sons (UK) Ltd. The premises incorporate Brookwood Farm with the farm buildings and land; Nos 1 & 2 Jersey Farm Cottages with paddock and woodland; and No 2 Brookwood Cottages, a semi-detached cottage dating from the 1950s, with accommodation land and a paddock; the whole comprising over 90 acres. | |
S445/2 | A typescript circular from Messrs R. H. & R. W. Clutton of East Grinstead, noting the upcoming sale of Brookwood Farm, South Holmwood, and highlighting a previous inaccuracy of the total acreage involved, 11 Jun 1980. 1p. | |
S446 | Sale particulars for the freehold of the Commercial Hotel and tea garden, West Street and Junction Road, Dorking; The Lecture Hall, with a pair of dwelling houses, at Junction Road, Dorking; and a pair of pre-war villas at Ellerslie and Rose Villa, Parkgate Lane, Newdigate, to be sold by auction in 2 lots, on the instruction of the trustees of the Dorking Oddfellows, by Messrs Arnold & Son, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 31 May 1928, 9pp. At the time of the sale the tenant of The Commercial Hotel was Mrs C J H Stevens; Ellerslie was let to weekly tenant Mrs A S Wyatt, and Rose Villa was let to quarterly tenant Mr J Trow. Additional manuscript notes record that several elements of the sale were withdrawn when not reaching the reserve figure. | |
S447 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a butcherÍs shop with dwelling house, an adjoining semi-detached cottage and a field, at the rear in Capel, to be sold by auction, on the instruction of the executors of the late George Peters, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 15 Jul 1929, 6pp. The sale included the goodwill of the butchers business. The cottage was let to Alfred Arnold. | |
S448 | Sale particulars of The Croft, Gomshall, a country residence, to be sold by auction as a whole or in 2 lots, by Messrs Cubitt & West, London Road, Dorking and Harrods Ltd, London, at HarrodsÍs Estate sale rooms, London, 23 May 1933, 11pp including photographs. The details of the lots are as follows: | |
S448 ctd | Lot 1: The residence known as The Croft, Gomshall, built in 1889. The premises incorporated a garage and gardens of over 3 acres. A manuscript note reads: ñnow freeholdî. The main portion of the property was held on lease for 54 and a quarter years, at a ground rent of £26 per annum, the reminder being freehold. Title commenced with a lease of 01 Apr 1890 between Reginald More Bray of the one part, and Charles Waithman of the other part. Lot 2: A pair of freehold cottages known as Croft Cottages, Gomshall, incorporating a pasture and a cultivated garden of over 2 acres. Title commenced with an indenture of settlement between Edmund Lomax Fraser of the one part, and Algernon Barlow and Albert Hamilton Godfrey of the other part. | |
S449 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Cudworth Lodge, Newdigate, a country residence, for sale by auction by Messrs John D. Wood & Co., 23 Berkeley Square, London and Messrs Cubitt & West, London Road, Dorking, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 Jul 1948, 6pp including a photograph. The premises incorporated gardens and grounds of over 7 acres. A manuscript note reads: ñsold at £5,500î. | |
S450 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Chantry House, Capel, a detached period cottage, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 04 Apr 1949, 5pp. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñNo sale at £3,000î. | |
S451 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Nos 19, 20, 21 22, 23, 24 & 25 Church Gardens, Dorking, a block of 7 cottages, incorporating a lock up store known as The Coach House at No 21, to be sold by auction, on the instruction of the Trustees of the late Henry Cole, by Messrs Chas. Osenton & Co., at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 15 Aug 1949, 7pp. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñsold £1550î. The properties were let to Mr Weekes, Mr Andrews, Mr Smithers (including The Coach House), Mr Hewson, Mr Beadle, Miss Taylor and Mr Carpenter, respectively. | |
S452 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Clarks Green Farm, Capel, a dairy farm for sale by auction on the instruction of Mr A T Cudlipp by Messrs Henry Smith & Son of Horsham, at the Town Hall, Horsham, 09 Sep 1949, 9pp. The premises included the farmhouse and farm buildings, and Pear Tree Cottage, the whole comprising about 90 acres. The sale was subject to an agreement of 31 Jul 1911 made between Gertrude Grose and William Dommett of the first part and Dorking Rural District Council of the second part. A manuscript note on the front cover reads ñwithdrawn £12750.î | |
S453 | Sale particulars for the freehold of 20 Church Street, Dorking, a cottage, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the administrators of the late Edith HowardÍs estate by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 Sep 1950, 4pp. A manuscript note on the front cover reads ñwithdrawn £825.î | |
S454 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a detached bungalow known as Cilroc, Shellwood Cross, Leigh, to be sold by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, 27 Mar 1950, 6pp. The premises incorporated land of over 1 acre. Title commenced with a deed of conveyance of 28 Mar 1930 between Bernard Marmaduke, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Edmund Bernard, Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent of the second part and Percy Portway Harvey of the third part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 23 Mar 1933 between Bernard Royce of the one part, and John Todd of the other part. | |
S455 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Cudworth Lodge, Newdigate, a country residence, to be sold by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 30 Jan 1950, 6pp including a photograph. The premises incorporated a garden and grounds of over 7 acres. | |
S456 | Sale particulars for 5 freehold of properties at Oakwood Hill to be sold by auction in 3 lots by Messrs King and Chasemore at the Town Hall, Horsham, 02 Jul 1952, 16pp including a map. The properties comprised: | |
S456 ctd | Lot 1: Chenies, Oakwood Hill, a detached residence built in 1902, incorporating gardens, a garage block, Nos 1 and 2 Chenies Cottages and a paddock of over 9 acres. Lot 2: The Post Office and Stores, Oakwood Hill, incorporating a bakehouse, two stables, a coach house, store rooms and a cottage at No 2a Chenies Cottages. The Post Office was let to Edward Henry Reynold and the cottage to Mrs Hart. Lot 3: Nos 3, 4 & 5 Chenies Cottages, Oakwood Hill, a block of 3 cottages let to Mr J Gibbins, Mrs Shayler and Mrs Crompton respectively. | |
S456 ctd | Title to part of Lot 1 commenced with a conveyance of 28 Feb 1906 between William Frederick Lovell of the first part and Arthur Edmund Gill of the second part. The title to the remainder of Lot 1 and to Lots 2 & 3 commenced with a conveyance of 02 Oct 1911 made between Stephen Peacock and Winifred Warren of the first part and Arthur Edmund Gill of the second part. | |
S457 | Sale particulars for Clarence Cottage, 13 Watson Road, Westcott, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the administrators of the late Mrs Catherine Albery, by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 May 1952, 5pp. Title commenced with a conveyance of 19 Sep 1913 between William Sawyers of the one part, and Sophia Mary Purdue of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to the conditions of a conveyance of 21 May 1907 between Edwin Watson of the first part, and William Sawyers of the second part. | |
S458 | Recrods relating to the sale of of Coneyhurst Cottage, Wonham Way, Peaslake, Jan 1953. 2 items. | |
S458/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Coneyhurst Cottage, Wonham Way, Peaslake, for sale by auction by Messrs Pattison & Co of Old Brompton Road, London at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, 13 Jan 1953, 4pp. The premises incorporated gardens of half an acre. | |
S458/2 | Typescript letter by Messrs Pattison & Co, to an unknown recipient regarding the cancellation of the sale of Coneyhurst Cottage, Wonham Way, Peaslake, 05 Jan 1953. 1p. | |
S459 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Cudworth Manor, Newdigate, to be sold by auction as a whole or in lots, on the instruction of Miss Anne French, by Messrs Cubitt & West and Messrs John D. Wood & Co., 23 Berkeley Square, London, at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking, 20 Jul 1953, 17pp including a coloured plan. Brief manuscript notes record whether the different lots were sold with indication of prices, or whether they were withdrawn. The manor house is a grade II listed building with medieval origins. Very brief details of previous owners are supplied. Details of the 8 different lots are as follows: | |
S459 ctd | Lot 1: A moated manor house known as ñCudworth Manorî, Newdigate, consisting of gardens and grounds of over 9 acres. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 2: An adjoining dairy farm comprising about 4 acres with a range of five buildings, an adjoining pair of cottages, an annexe and farmland. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 3; The smallholding known as ñMoss Side Cudworthî adjoining Lot 2 and near Lot 4, consisting of a Paddock of over 2 acres. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 4: A smallholding known as ñBurnt Oak Farm Cudworthî adjoining Lot 8 and near Lot 3 extending to over 15 acres. The premises incorporate a bungalow and a substantial range of farm buildings. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 5: Productive farmland of about 70 acres adjoining Lots 2 and 6. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 6: Productive land of 45 acres adjoining Lots I, 2, 5 and 7. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 7: Grassland of about 1 acre adjoining Lots 2 and 6. | |
S459 ctd | Lot 8: Woodland known as ñCudworth Copseî of over 9 acres adjoining Lots 4 and 6. | |
S460 | Sale particulars for 19 Cotmandene, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the administrators of the late Mrs S.A. Jordan, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 06 Dec 1954, 4pp | |
S461 | Sale particulars for the freehold of 4 Castle Gardens, Betchworth, a detached bungalow, to be sold by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Star and Garter Hotel, 30 Sep 1957, 6pp including a photograph. | |
S462 | Sale particulars for the freehold of 8 residences in Dorking and Brockham, to be sold by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son, at The Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 27 Mar 1957, 12pp. The sale was on the instructions of the administrators of the late L Holland. The properties to be sold were as follows: | |
S462 ctd | No 6 Clifton Terrace, Cliftonville, Dorking, a semi-detached residence let to Mr R Barnes. Nos 31, 33 & 35 Tynedale Road, Strood Green, Brockham, 3 semi-detached residences, let to Mrs Fuller, Miss L Hubbard and Mr W H Grove, respectively. Nos 60, 62 & 66 Nutwwod Avenue, Brockham, 3 terraced villas, let to Mr B H Finch, Mr W A Candy and Mr T Bond. No 8, The Close, Strood Green, Brockham, a semi-detached residence, let to Mr J Saunders. | |
S463 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a detached bungalow known as Cilroc, at Shellwood Cross, Leigh, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 15 Sep 1958, 7pp. Title commenced with a conveyance of 23 Mar 1933 between Bernard Royce of the one part, and John Todd of the other part. | |
S464 | Sale particulars for the freehold of an agricultural and sporting estate known as Cotterells, Shere, to be sold by auction as a whole or in 5 lots on the instruction of the executors of the late Rt Hon Margaret Haig Viscountess Rhondda of Llanwern, by Messrs Strutt & Parker and Lofts & Warner, at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, 28 Oct 1958, 20pp including a plan. The estate of over 277 acres comprised: | |
S464 ctd | Lot 1: The dairy farm known as Cotterells Farm, Shere, incorporating the house built in 1948, farm buildings, a bungalow, land and sporting woodland of over 177 acres. Lot 2: Cotterells Pig Farm, Shere, incorporating a range of buildings and land of over 31 acres. Lot 3: Cotterells House, Shere, incorporating a garden, an orchard, a garage and stores of over 1 acre; let to annual tenant Mr A McIntosh. Lot 4: A cottage known as Dilton Farmhouse, Shere with land of over 1 acre. Lot 5: Farmland comprising 3 enclosures of waste land and woodland of over 38 acres. | |
S464 ctd | Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 15 Dec 1925 between John George Sparkes of the first part, Harry Hay Sparkes of the second part, Benjamin Arthur Milne and Gertrude Elizabeth Milne of the third part, Edith Isabella Dobree of the fourth part, Catherine Georgina Sparkes of the fifth part, and Percy Alport Molteno of the sixth part. The properties were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: Lot 1: A deed of 28 Apr 1954 between The Viscountess Rhondda of the first part, Queen Street Nominees Limited of the second part, and Seymour Lindsay Baker of the third part; and a conveyance of 05 May 1945 between Frederick Thomas Dallyn of the one part, and The Viscountess Rhondda of the other part. Lot 3: A lease of 06 Feb 1958 between The Viscountess Rhondda of the one part, and Alfred McIntosh of the other part. | |
S465 | Sale particulars of ñCroftsideî, Harrow Road East, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the trustees of the late F.J. Bargman, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 09 Mar 1959, 7pp. A manuscript note reads: ñ£4150 sold Wilkinsonî. | |
S466 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Camilla, Lincoln Road, Dorking, a detached residence, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 25 Sep 1961, 5pp | |
S467 | Sale particulars for the freehold of several properties in Westcott and Dorking to be sold by auction in 6 lots by Messrs Arnold and Son at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 18 Sep 1961, 10pp. The lots comprised of the following: | |
S467 ctd | Lot 1: No 19 Church Street, Dorking, a cottage. Lot 2: Nos 48 & 50 St Johns Road, Westcott, a pair of cottages. Lot 3: Nos 52 & 54 St Johns Road, Westcott, a pair of cottages. Lot 4: Nos 76, 78 & 80 St Johns Road, Westcott, 3 terrace cottages. Lot 5: Nos 82, 86 & 88 St Johns Road, Westcott, 3 terrace cottages. Lot 6: No 84 St Johns Road, Westcott, a terrace cottage. | |
S467 ctd | Title to the lots commenced as follows: Lot 1: A conveyance of 27 Dec 1922 between Helen Maria Marsh, Florence Marsh and John Rickman of the first part, Helen Maria Marsh, Florence Marsh, William Marsh, Charles Alfred Marsh and Edward Harold Marsh of the second part, and Helen Maria Marsh of the third part. Lot 2: A conveyance on sale of 22 Aug 1922 between James Allen Atkinson, William Whitbread Atkinson, Henry Linton Atkinson and Henry Edward Miller of the one part, and Helen Maria Marsh of the other part. Lots 3 to 6: The will of William Alfred Marsh (d. 23 Dec 1918), written on 11 Aug 1917. | |
S468 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Cradhurst, Westcott, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 27 Nov 1961, 8pp including a plan; The property was formerly Belmont School. | |
S469 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Charmans, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow, at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 19 Nov 1962, 4pp including a photograph. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 13 Dec 1929 between Gordon Ralph Wall Caine and Edward Bernard Montesole of the one part, and Jack Harold Mitchell of the other part. | |
S470 | Sale particulars for the leasehold of 27 Chalkpit Terrace, Dorking and the freehold and leasehold of properties in Dorking, Westcott and Effingham, to be sold by auction in 5 lots by Messrs Cubitt & West, at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, 11 Mar 1963, 10pp. The lots comprised: | |
S470 ctd | Lot 1: Freehold of Nos 2 and 4 Parsonage Lane, Westcott, 2 semi-detached residences. Title to Lot 1 commenced with a conveyance on sale of 22 Jun 1933 between Robert Wyvill Barclay of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part. Lot 2: Leasehold of 27 Chalkpit Terrace, Dorking, a semi-detached residence. Lot 3: Leasehold of Nos 21, 22, 23, and 24 Chalkpit Terrace, Dorking, 4 semi-detached residences. Lot 4: Leasehold of Nos 25, 26 and 28, Chalkpit Terrace, Dorking, 3 semi-detached residences. Lot 5: No 15 Norwood Place, Effingham. | |
S471 | Catalogue for the sale of the entire live and dead farming stock, implements and machinery belonging to Chantersluer Cottage Farm, Norwood Hill, for sale by auction by Messrs Crow, at the premises, 01 May 1964, 8pp. | |
S472 | Sale particulars for Chantersluer Estate at Norwood Hill, to be sold by auction as a whole or in 2 lots, by Messrs Watkin & Watkin, at the Market Hall, Redhill, 27 May 1964, 12 pp including a plan and photographs. A manuscript note on the front cover reads: ñsold £30000î. Includes three handwritten pages of rough auctioneerÍs notes. The sale was on the instructions of the represen tatives of the late H A G Dix. The estate comprised: Lot 1: ñChantersluer Houseî, Norwood Hill, incorporating a staff bungalow, a garden, a pond, a greenhouse and grounds of over 1 acre. Lot 2: ñChantersluer Farmî, Norwood Hill, incorporating a ñChantersluer Cottageî, farm buildings and a land with plantation, the whole of over 41 acres. | |
S472 ctd | Title to differing parts of the property commenced with: 1. A conveyance on sale of 19 Jul 1937 between Roland Frederick Winder of the one part, and H A G Dix of the other part. 2. A conveyance of 29 Jul 1937 between Hugh Ravensford Dixon of the one part, and H A G Dix of the other part. | |
S473 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Church Lodge and Gardens Cottage, Juniper Hill, Mickleham, to be sold by auction in 2 lots on the instruction of the executors of the late Sir John Leigh, by Messrs John D. Wood & Co, 23 Berkeley Square, London, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 18 Jun 1964, 9pp including a photograph. Manuscript notes read: Lot 1 ñSold for £5950î, Lot 2 ñSold for £3400î. | |
S474 | Catalogue for the sale of implements and machinery belonging to Clarkes Green Farm, Capel, for sale by auction by Messrs Crow, at the premises, 05 Jun 1964, 8pp. | |
S475 | Sale particulars for the agricultural and woodland estate of ñChapel House Farmî, Oakwoodhill, to be sold by auction by Henry Smith & Son, at the Ye Olde KingÍs Head Hotel, Horsham, 26 Aug 1965, 7pp including a photograph, a plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The estate included the farm house, a bungalow cottage, farm buildings, land and woodland, the whole comprising about 67 acres. A manuscript note reads: ñSold £16500 to Rex [Colum?]î. The vendors were the representatives of the late Miss L H Hamer. Title commenced with a deed of conveyance of 05 Sep 1923 between Florence Medwin on the first part and Leslie Gwyneth Hamer on the second part and another of 01 May 1924 between John Ritchie Hamilton on the first part and Leslie Gwyneth Hamer on the second part. | |
S476 | Sale particulars for the freehold of ñChart Cottageî, Punchbowl Lane, Deepdene, to be sold by auction, by Harrods Estate Offices, at the Knightsbridge Estate Sale Room, 32/36 Hans Crescent, London, 03 Nov 1965, 10pp including photographs. The premises included a bungalow and gardens, the whole comprising about 6 acres | |
S476 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 19 Feb 1921 between The Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Alfred Henry Tarleton and Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Maurice Chance of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 17 Aug 1923 between Sydney Clive King George and Evelyn A'Court Bergne of the first part, Laurence Charles Villebois Bathurst and Richard Hugo Douglas of the second part, and Guy Roger Coles of the third part. 3: A conveyance of 22 Mar 1921 between Maurice Chance of the one part, and Sydney Clive King George and Evelyn A'Court Bergne of the other part. | |
S477 | Sale particulars for the freehold of ñCapel House Farmî, Capel, to be sold by auction, by Messrs Crow, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 22 Jul 1968, 11pp. Includes a separate plan. The premises included the cottage, farm buildings, pasture and arable land, the whole comprising about 62 acres. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in numerous covenants and deeds of grant involving the following named parties: Ada Annie Tompkins, Lilian Harrier Esther Taylor, Vernon Geoffrey Gravestock, Joan Eva Gravestock, William Rotherham, Doris Irene Howard, Albert Edmund Harwood, Georgina Ruth Harwood, Edgar Hackett Farley, Ernest Edward Higgins and Anne Marion Squires. | |
S478 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a former police house at Coldharbour Lane, Coldharbour, to be sold by auction, on the instructions of Surrey County Council, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 10 Sep 1973, 8pp. Includes a separate plan, a photograph and a typescript draft memorandum advising a revised date of the auction. A manuscript note reads: ñSold [£17700?]î. Title commenced with a deed of conveyance between Flora Jean Heath and Frederick Dunbar Heath of the first part, Arthur Raymond Heath of the second part, Cuthbert Eden Heath and Flora Jean Heath of the third part and the vendors of the fourth part, of 02 Jun 1931.The house was built in the 1930s as the residence for the local police officer. | |
S479 | Sale particulars for the freehold of ñCorner Cottageî, Deanoak Lane, Leigh, to be sold by auction, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 22 Jun 1976, 9pp including a photograph, a location plan and manuscript notes on the property and the bids. | |
S480 | Sale particulars for the freehold of land and buildings at Copsbridge Farm, Weare Street, Ockley, to be sold in auction by Messrs King & Chasemore, [c.1980s?], 4pp including location map and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S481 | Catalogue for the fifth annual sale of 80 pure bred black pigs, belonging to Cyril C. Pyke OBE, for sale by auction, by Messrs John Thornton Co of London, at Capel Leyse, Holmwood, 06 Nov 1924, 28pp with full pedigree histories of the livestock. | |
S482 | Sale particulars and schedule for the outlying portions of Denbies Estate: 1921. Aston T: Broom T W: Harris F P: Atkinson J A: Timber Works: Rate Mrs: Attlee E W : School: Wood Miss: Chalcraft A: Bowling Green: Dibble F J: Nursery: Swimming Bath: Childs G: Sand Pit: Jeal J F: Hollingdale J: Punter A: Sturgess H: Humphrey E: Skelton Mrs: Cubitt George: Hopgood John: Cubitt Henry: Cubitt William: Ashcombe Baron: Messenger W H: Jay Herbert W and Co. | |
S483 | Sale particulars for 4 freehold residences in Dorking, and 2 leasehold residences in Walthamstow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold and Son of Dorking, 26 Jun 1922. 8pp. The properties were as follows: 1: Vincent Villa at No 29 West Street, Dorking, a detached residence with a walled garden. 2: Nos 30 & 31 West Street, Dorking, a pair of semi-detached villas, let to annual tenant Mrs Alderson, and quarterly tenant Mr Dudley, respectively. 3: No 27 Meadowbrook Road, a detached cottage, let as a workshop to quarterly tenant Mr E Croucher. 4: Nos 61 & 63, South Grove, Walthamstow, 2 cottages. | |
S484 | Sale particulars for 12 freehold cottages in Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 02 May 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs M J Saubergue. The properties to be sold were as follows: 1: Nos 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Leslie Road, Pixham. Dorking, a block of 6 cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr Bacon, Mr Robjent, Mr Figg, Mr Smith, Mr Morris Jnr and Mr Morris Snr, respectively. 2: Nos 4, 5 & 6 Harrowgate Gardens, Dorking, a block of 3 cottages let to weekly tenants Mr Wakeford, Mr Mav and Mr Chapman, respectively. 3: Nos 6, 6a & 6b Horsham Road, Dorking, a block of 3 cottages let to weekly tenants Mr Brown, Mr Winch and Mr Waite, respectively. | |
S485 | Sale particulars for a freehold shop, 6 semi-detached villas and 29 cottages in Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Apr 1947. 15pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was part of the estate of the Todman family and was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Joseph Todman, James Todman, Miss E G Todman and Miss E M Todman. The properties were to be sold in 12 lots as follows: | |
S485 ctd | Lot 1 & 2: Pontac and Hillview, Cliftonville, Dorking, a pair of semi-detached villas, let to quarterly tenants Mr Everitt and Mr C C Hicks, respectively. Lot 3: Hynford, Cliftonville, Dorking, a semi-detached villa, let to quarterly tenant Mr R N Parsons. Lot 4: Lynwood, Cliftonville, Dorking, a semi-detached villa, let to quarterly tenant Miss L Saunders. | |
S485 ctd | Lot 5: 8 terrace cottages at Nos 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7a, 7b & 7c North Street, Dorking; and a semi-detached cottage with a store and a yard, at No 8 North Street, Dorking, let to tenants Mrs Kitchenside, Mr D Wadey, Mrs S Holland, J Bravery, Mrs Buckee, Mr Taylor, Mr Prew, Mr Overington and Mr Jackson and Arnold & Son, respectively. Lot 6: Nos 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 Orchard Road, Dorking, 6 terrace cottages, let to weekly tenants Miss Middleton, Mr R Dudley, Mr A Dinnage, Mr A R Cooke, Mr P W Barker and Miss S J Burt, respectively. | |
S485 ctd | Lot 7: Nos 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 & 23 Orchard Road, Dorking, 6 terrace cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr Rose, Mr Howe, Mr Hughes, Mr Puddicombe, Mrs Lake and Mrs Devereux, respectively. Lot 8: Nos 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29 Orchard Road, Dorking, 6 terrace cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr W Burfoot, Mr R Jenner, Mrs Still, Mr King, Mr White and Mr Hazelden, respectively. Lot 9: No 66 West Street, Dorking, a business premises with accommodation above, let to annual tenant Mr E J Samson, hairdresser. | |
S485 ctd | Lot 10: No 18 Church Street, Dorking, a residence, and the adjoining No 18a Church Street, Dorking, a garage and workshop, let to Mr Kenward and Mr F J Terry, respectively. No 2 Archway Place, Dorking, a cottage, let to weekly tenant Mr White. Lot 11: No 26 Wathen Road, a semi-detached residence let to tenant Mr C R Johns. Lot 12: No 47 Hampstead Road, Dorking, a semi-detached residence let to Mr R de Vere Hunt. | |
S485 ctd | Title to the properties commenced as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 & 10 with the will of Joseph Todman (d. 27 Apr 1893), late of Leslie Road, Dorking, written on 27 Apr 1893 and proved on 20 May 1893. Lots 6, 7 & 8 with the will of James Todman (d. 14 Feb 1898), written on 13 Jun 1894 and proved on 22 Mar 1898. Lot 11 with a conveyance on sale of 08 Dec 1899 between Frederick Arnold and another of the one part, and the Misses Edith Grace Todman and Ellen Marth Todman, both since deceased, of the other part. Lots 12 with the will of James Todman (d. 14 Feb 1898), written on 13 Jun 1894 and proved on 22 Mar 1898, which contained a specific devise of this property to his niece, Ellen Martha Todman, who died 26 Feb 1939. | |
S486 | Sale particulars for 7 freehold residences in Dorking, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 03 Sep 1947. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties to be sold were as follows: 1: Nos 4 & 5 Pixham Lane, Dorking, a pair of semi-detached villas let to weekly tenants Mr C Eveleigh and Mr A Cotton, respectively. 2: Nos 15, 15, 16 & 17 Spring Gardens, Dorking, 4 terraced cottages, let to weekly tenants Mrs Stallard, Mrs Rose, Mrs Otterway and Mr Elphic, respectively. 3: No 14 Hampstead Road, Dorking, a terrace cottage, let to weekly tenant Miss A B Dennis. | |
S487 | Sale particulars for No 20 Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 22 Sep 1948. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S488 | Sale particulars for 17 freehold villas and cottages in Dorking and North Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 31 May 1948. 12pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Thomas Stroud. The properties were as follows: | |
S488 ctd | Nos 18 & 19 Hart Road, Dorking, 2 terrace villas let to weekly tenants Mr G Potts and Mr E Betteridge, respectively. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 27 Mar 1902 between Abel Eveleigh of the one part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the other part. | |
S488 ctd | Nos 10, 11, 12 & 13 Leslie Road, Pixham, Dorking, a block of 4 cottages let to weekly tenants Mr E Goddard, Mr H Connor, Mrs E Covey and Miss A Arnold, respectively. Title commenced to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 10 Nov 1922 between John Dunkley of the one part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the other part; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 10 Nov 1922 between Emily Ada Dunkley and John Dunkley of the one part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the other part. | |
S488 ctd | Nos 6 & 7 Hampstead Road, Dorking, a pair of semi-detached villas let to weekly tenants Mr W Lancaster and Mr F Grice, respectively. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 01 Jan 1924 between Alfred Arthur Tanner of the one part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the other part. | |
S488 ctd | Nos 7, 8, 9, 10, 22 & 23 Lyons Cottages, off High Street, Dorking, 6 terrace cottages let to weekly tenants Mr J Sawyers, Mr J Haley, Mrs Manuel, Mr G Brooker, Mr C Ellis and Mrs Rogerson, respectively. Title commenced to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 11 Jul 1908 between Abel Eveleigh of the one part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the other part; to another part of the property with a conveyance on sale of 11 Jul 1908 between Harry Alfred Jay Brewer of the first part, Abel Eveleigh of the second part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the third part; and to the remainder of the property with conveyance on sale of 11 Jun 1910 between Abel Eveleigh of the one part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the other part. | |
S488 ctd | No 9 Jubilee Terrace, Dorking, a terrace villa, let to weekly tenant Mr A Nicholls. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 22 Nov 1914 between Mary Farmer of the first part, Joseph Walker of the second part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the third part. | |
S488 ctd | Willowdene and Weston Villa, North Holmwood, 2 adjoining residences, let to weekly tenants Mr Charles Peters and Mr R F G Parris, respectively. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 14 Sep 1918 between Ellen Kirksby of the first part, William King, George King and Frederick Bargman of the second part, William John Down and Francis Patton Down of the third part, and the testator, Thomas Stroud, of the fourth part. | |
S489 | Sale particulars for Downton, Newdigate, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 07 Nov 1949. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 07 Apr 1922 between Amos William Broughton and William George Macro of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part. | |
S490 | Sale particulars for Nos 1-26 The Dene, Abinger Hammer, and a hall adjacent to No 26, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Sep 1950. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late George King. The cottages were let respectively to weekly tenants Mr J Cooke, Mr F J Overington, Mr V E Etherington, Mr A Thorndall, Mr S Smith, Mr J Francis, Mr F E Daniels, Mrs E Hunt, Mr F Harrison, Mr J Errett, Mr J J Harrison, Mr B Bodle, Mr W J Bentley, Mr H T Cole, Mrs E K Mortimer, Mrs R H Nicholas, Miss M Miller, Mr E Chennell, Mr T Cole, Mr G W Bodle, Mr F E Lucas, Mr J Bishop, Mr B Overington, Mr A Overington, Mrs D E Plumbridge and Mr A Francis. Title commenced with a deed of exchange of 09 Nov 1891 between William John Evelyn of the one part, and William King and George King of the other part. | |
S491 | Sale particulars for 2 freehold business premises and 5 cottages at Dene Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Sep 1950. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were as follows: | |
S491 ctd | A block of 3 premises at No 63 Dene Street, Dorking, a bakery with a shop, a yard and accommodation, let to annual tenant Mr F W Goldsmith; No 63a Dene Street, Dorking, a lockup shop let to annual tenant Mr T Hunt; and No 64 Dene Street, Dorking, a cottage, let to weekly tenant Mrs B M Gray. Title commenced with a conveyance of 31 Oct 1922 between Clara Philps of the one part, and Sidney Watts James of the other part. | |
S491 ctd | A block of 4 cottages at Nos 68, 69, 70 & 71 Dene Street, Dorking, Nos 69-71 were occupied by weekly tenants Mr J Gill, Mrs Boxall and Mr R E Hill, respectively. Title commenced with a conveyance of 20 Apr 1910 between Thomas Philps of the first part, Emma Westbrook of the second part, and Clara Philps of the third part. | |
S492 | Sale particulars for 5 freehold residential properties in Dorking and Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 12 Mar 1951. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Fred Curry. The properties to be sold were as follows: | |
S492 ctd | Nos 26 & 28 Hart Road, Dorking, 2 terrace villas, let to weekly tenants Mr Fred C Warburton and Miss E J M Cottrell, respectively. Title commenced with a mortgage of 02 Jun 1921 between Mary Jane MacMahon of the one part, and the trustees of The Dorking District Independent Order of Odd Fellows Manchester Unity of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 conveyances; one of 27 Aug 1884 between George Fletcher-Jones and Robert Piggot Oldershaw of the one part, and Charles Hart of the other part; and one of 29 Sep 1882 between George Fletcher-Jones and Robert Piggot Oldershaw of the one part, and Charles Allatson of the other part. | |
S492 ctd | Nos 6 Curtis Gardens, Dorking, a terrace cottage, let to weekly tenant Miss R M Jackson. Title commenced with a conveyance of 19 Apr 1920 between Kate Mitchell of the one part, and Frederick Curry of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 17 Aug 1901 between Abel Eveleigh of the one part, and Kate Miller of the other part. | |
S492 ctd | Nos 17 & 19 Watson Road, Westcott, a pair of semi-detached cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr William Batcock and Mr W Gardiner respectively. Title commenced with a conveyance of 18 May 1909 between William Sawyers of the one part, and Frederick Curry of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 03 May 1906 between Edwin Watson of the one part, and William Sawyers of the other part. | |
S493 | Sale particulars for Denton, Cotmandene, Dorking, a freehold terrace residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 24 Nov 1952. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S494 | Sale particulars for Dale Cottage, Horsham Road, Hombury St Mary, a freehold detached residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Ronald Warren & Co of Dorking and Messrs Ashworth & Ashworth of Cheam, 20 Jul 1954. 5pp including a loose photograph and with manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendor was Reverend Canon William Alexander Dunn. | |
S495 | Sale particulars for The Dene Estate, Abinger Hammer, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Nicholas of London, 28 Jun 1954. 8pp including a photograph and with manuscript additions noting the bids. The 3 acre property incorporated 26 cottages, Nos 1-26 The Dene, Abinger Hammer, and a hall adjacent to No 26. The cottages were let respectively to weekly tenants Mr J Cooke, Mr F J Overington, Mr V E Etherington, Mr A Thorndall, Mr S Smith, Mr J Francis, Mr F E Daniels, Mrs E Hunt, Mr F Harrison, Mr J Errett, Mr Swanborough, Mr B Bodle, Mr W J Bentley, Mr H T Cole, Mrs E K Mortimer, Mrs R H Nicholas, Miss M Miller, Mr E Chennell, Mr Pearce, Mr G W Bodle, Mr F E Lucas, Mr J Bishop, Mr B Overington, Mr A Overington, Mrs D E Plumbridge and Mr A Francis. Title commenced with a deed of exchange of 09 Nov 1891 between W J Evelyn of the one part, and Messrs W & G King of the other part. | |
S496 | Sale particulars for No 35 Dene Street, Dorking, a freehold period cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A R & J Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 17 Feb 1954. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs V D Courtenay. Title commenced with a mortgage of 10 Aug 1921 between Archibald Horace Clear and Percy Leonard Clear of the one part, and John Richards Croft Deverell and Richard Mountford Wood of the other part. | |
S497 | Sale particulars for 2 building plots totalling one and a half acres, at Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, opposite the junction with Deepdene Drive, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 10 Jan 1955. 8pp including a coloured plan and with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Surrey County Council. | |
S498 | Sale particulars for Cedar Close, at No 40 Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold residence built in 1927 and with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Osborn & Mercer of London and Messrs A R & J Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 20 Jul 1955. 10pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: A deed of 23 Aug 1920 between the Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Alfred Henry Tarleton and Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Maurice Chance of the third part. 2. A transfer of 04 Jan 1927 from Maurice Chance to Percy Hill Beckett. | |
S499 | Sale of Deepdene Estate in Dorking Brockham & Holmwood: 1955. Barrs: Fox Lt-Cmdr: Reynolds: Baker: Robertson Miss: Atkinson W W and H L. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Nos 68 and 69 Brockham Coach Road: 1955. Pearce Mrs: Wood. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Nos 2 to 12; 14 &15; and 17 to 22 Castle Gardens: 1955. Alton: Hodges: Lewis: Thompson. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Betchworth Castle: 1955. Anderson: Edey: Petrie: Walker Mrs. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Betchworth Park Golf Course: 1955. Arnold: Gibbs: Willmott. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Bushbury Farm and Parkpale Cottages: 1955. Smallbone E. | |
S499 ctd | Sale of Deepdene Estate in Dorking Brockham & Holmwood: 1955. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Nos 21 and 22 Punchbowl Lane: 1955. Hall: Building Land: Meadows. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Chalcrafts Nursery in Reigate Road: 1955. Chalcraft: Nursery. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of part of Glory Farm: 1955. Chitty James Robert. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Burchett House (Porlock Hotel); and Burchett Cottage: 1955. Turton Mrs: Downing. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Dorking Golf Club (Chart Park): 1955. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Nos 1 to 4 St Pauls Road; Wood End; and Kirkstall: 1955. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Carnbrae and Sandrock in Horsham Road: 1955. | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of Inholms House and Cottage: 1955. Robertson L N. (Blackbrook, Holmwood) | |
S499 ctd | Deepdene Estate - Sale of The White Barn; & Inholms Lane Playing Field: 1955. Todd Major C D H. | |
S499 ctd | Sale of Deepdene Estate in Dorking Brockham & Holmwood: 1955. Playing Field. | |
S500 | Sale particulars for a 2 acre building plot, part of the grounds of the vicarage at Westcott Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Three Tuns Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 15 Oct 1956. 7pp including a coloured plan and with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Reverend Canon K D Evans, with consent of the Church Commissioners. | |
S501 | Sale particulars for 4 freehold properties in Dorking and North Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Three Tuns Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 20 Aug 1958. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late H Croucher. The properties were as follows: 1: No 18 Falkland Road, Dorking, a terrace villa residence, let to weekly tenant Mrs Brown. 2: No 4 Bentsbrook Cottages, North Holmwood, a semi-detached cottage let to weekly tenant Mr W E J Webb. 3: Nos 5 & 6 Bentsbrook Cottages, North Holmwood, a pair of cottages, let to weekly tenants Miss R M Hutson and Mr A T Chalke, respectively. | |
S502 | Sale particulars for 2 small building plots off Ridgeway Road, Dorking, one adjacent to Chennells Nurseries, to be sold by auction at the estate office of Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Jan 1959. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and that the plots had been sold to Billinghurst. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late P Chennell. | |
S503 | Sale particulars for 4 freehold properties in Dorking and Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking and Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 20 Feb 1961. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were as follows: 1: No 22 Horsham Road, Dorking, a detached residence. 2: No 40 Chalkpit Lane, Dorking, a semi-detached residence. 3: No 65 Orchard Road, Dorking, a terrace cottage. 4: No 70 St Johns Road, Westcott, a cottage. | |
S504 | Sale particulars for Drydown, The Hildens, Westcott, a detached freehold residence built in 1946, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Aug 1961. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late L P Roberts. | |
S505 | Records relating to the sale of Des Espoirs, Burney Road, Westhumble, Jul 1963. 2 items. | |
S505/1 | Sale particulars for Des Espoirs, Burney Road, Westhumble, a freehold post-wat detached chalet bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Star &Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt and West of Dorking, 15 Jul 1963. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S505/2 | A compliments slip issued by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, with manuscript additions regarding the pricing for the sale of Des Espoirs, Burney Road, Westhumble, 13 Jul 1963. 1p. | |
S506 | Catalogue for the sale of furniture, household contents, garden effects and 2 cars, at Dawes Green House, opposite the Seven Stars public house, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 26 Jun 1964. 31pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and including a loose page of supplemental items added to the sale. | |
S507 | Sale particulars for a freehold building plot at Kenclare (to be demolished), Riverside, Pixham, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 16 Mar 1964. 8pp including a coloured plan and with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S508 | Sale particulars for 2 small freehold building plots, one adjacent to Bury Edge, Milton Avenue, Westcott; and one adjacent to Little Meadow, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 27 Jan 1964. 8pp including a coloured plan of the Ridgeway Road site and with manuscript additions noting the bids and comments on the specifications. The plot at Ridgeway Road was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 conveyances of 28 Sep 1878 and 04 Apr 1879, both between William John Rossiter and George Curtis of the one part, and Alfred Chabot of the other part. | |
S509 | Records relating to the sale of Deer Leap, Westcott, 1965. 2 items. | |
S509/1 | Sale particulars for Deer Leap, Westcott, a freehold detached residence built in 1928 and with 2 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 15 Sep 1965. 7pp including a photograph. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 31 May 1926 between Cecil John Alvin Evelyn of the first part, Arthur O'Neill Cubitt Chichester, Walter Augustus Chapman and the Hon Godfrey Walter Phillimore of the second part, and Richard Herbert Alexander Hunt of the third part. | |
S509/2 | A typescript summary form and brief particulars for the sale of Deer Leap, Westcott, issued by Messrs Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking, 07 Aug 1965. 3pp. | |
S510 | Sale particulars for 5 commercial and residential properties at South Street, High Street and Lincoln Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by joint agents Messrs Crow of Dorking and Messrs H E Foster & Cranfield of London, 24 Mar 1965. 13pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and including detailed location plans naming the businesses and premises in the vicinity of each property. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees department of the National Provincial Bank Limited, acting as executors. The properties to be sold were as follows: | |
S510 ctd | 1: Nos 4/6 South Street, Dorking, located at Pump Corner, a shop and bakery with accommodation above, occupied by Loyns bakers. The site had been a bakery since 1779 and the premises date to the 1690s. 2: No 2 South Street, Dorking, located at Pump Corner, a shop with accommodation above, occupied by Messrs Margretta Mills, ladies wear. 3: No 203 High Street, Dorking, a single story shop occupied by Loyns bakers. 4: Nos 6 & 8, Lincoln Road, Dorking, a pair of semi-detached residences. | |
S511 | Sale particulars for 5 commercial and residential properties at South Street, High Street and Lincoln Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by joint agents Messrs Crow of Dorking and Messrs H E Foster & Cranfield of London, 24 Mar 1965. 15pp with 5 provisional location maps. This is a preliminary draft version of S510 and includes extensive manuscript notes throughout providing detailed edits to be made prior to the final printing. | |
S512 | Sale particulars for Dalesford, off Coast Hill, Westcott, a freehold detached residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 19 Oct 1966. 7pp including a photograph. | |
S513 | Sale particulars for Nos 249/251 High Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises with accommodation above, situated at the junction with Wathan Road, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart by Messrs Charles Osenton, Lockwood & Co of Guildford, 07 Jun 1966. 14pp including 3 location maps. The premises were occupied by Mann & Co estate agents. The sale included properties at No 4 Bridge Street, Leatherhead; No 8 Church Street, Leatherhead; and Nos 1 to 7 Market Parade, Ewell. | |
S513 ctd | Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 27 Mar 1920 between Cedric Kennedy Scales of the one part, and Charles Osenton of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: A lease of 31 Aug 1953 between Martha Osenton of the one part, and Ernest Wickens and Frederick Henry Wagner of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 11 Dec 1882 between George Fletcher Jones and Robert Piggott Oldershaw of the one part, and Frederick Durrant of the other part. | |
S514 | Sale particulars for Deepdene House, Dorking, a freehold mansion, to be sold by private treaty through agents Messrs Harold Williams & Partners of London, 1965. 9pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. See S515 for a revised version. The sale was on the instructions of the British Railways Board. Title to the main part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Jun 1939 between Lewis Richard Peters of the one part, and The Southern Railway Company of the other part. | |
S515 | Sale particulars for Deepdene House, Dorking, a freehold mansion with 20 acres, to be sold by private treaty through agents Messrs Harold Williams & Partners of London, 1965. 9pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. This is a revised version of S514 with amended or additional details printed in red. | |
S516 | Records relating the sale of 5 commercial properties at High Street, South Street and West Street, Dorking, May 1968. 4 items. | |
S516/1 | 2 copies of same sale particulars for the sale of 5 commercial properties at High Street, South Street and West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 22 May 1968. Both copies 13pp but with differing manuscript notes on the bids and alterations to the specifications. The properties were to be sold in 5 lots as follows: | |
S516/1 ctd | Lot 1: No 11 West Street, Dorking, a double fronted shop with accommodation above occupied by J F P O'Connor Antiques. Lot 2: No 16 West Street, Dorking, a double fronted shop with accommodation above occupied by Gerard Dupree ladies hairdressers. Lot 3: No 42 West Street, Dorking, split into 3 enterprises: a double fronted shop with accommodation above occupied by Norman Curzon Antiques; a double front shop with offices occupied by James W Sergeant Ltd builders merchants; and a garage and store also occupied by James W Sergeant Ltd. Lot 4: No 304 High Street, Dorking, a restaurant with a flat above, occupied by Dorking Chinese Restaurant. Lot 5: Nos 80 to 82 South Street, Dorking, split into 3 enterprises: No 82 South Street, occupied by P M Cottrell Ltd ladies wear; No 80 South Street, a ground floor shop, workshop and yard let to Dorking Tyre Services Ltd; 80 to 82 South Street, first and second floor offices and flat let to Holmesdale Press Ltd. | |
S516/2 | A typescript circular from Messrs Crow of Dorking, with summary details of the properties that had not been sold at auction, 27 May 1968. 1p. The properties were No 16 and No 42 West Street, Dorking, and No 80 to 82 South Street, Dorking. No 7 Hatchlands Road, Redhill is also listed. | |
S516/3 | A typescript letter from Cannorth Property Investments Ltd of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, outlining a formal offer for No 42 West Street, Dorking, 28 May 1968. 1p. | |
S517 | Sale particulars for Dormers, Camilla Drive, Westhumble, a detached 1930s residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 03 Dec 1971. 8pp including a photograph and with manuscript additions noting the bids and the general interest received in the property. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Major F B W Jacomb. Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Mar 1938 between Henry Russell Ellis of the one part, and Sidney Victor Gruchy of the other. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 16 Mar 1945 between Henry Russell Ellis of the one part, and Rosalie Amelia Jacomb of the other. | |
S518 | Records relating to the sale of the site of the Methodist Church (to be demolished), South Street, Dorking, 1973. 4 items. | |
S518/1 | 2 copies of same sale particulars for the site of the Methodist Church, South Street, Dorking, to be sold by private treaty through Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, Dec 1973. Both copies 11pp including a location map and floor plans of the preliminary approval for the construction of offices, showrooms and flats on the site; one clean copy and one copy with manuscript notes on an offer tendered on 14 Dec 1973. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 30 Mar 1899 between Joseph John Fuller of the one part, and Reverend John Telford, Frederick William Doubleday, George Tice Nicklin and Montague Wheeler William Lewis Smith of the other part. | |
S518/2 | A typescript note from Dorking Urban District Council regarding planning application for the site of the Methodist Church, South Street, Dorking, 26 Nov 1973. 1p. | |
S518/3 | A typescript note from Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, detailing discrepancies in the planning application for the site of the Methodist Church, South Street, Dorking, as reported by Dorking Urban District Council, 29 Nov 1973. 1p. | |
S519 | Records relating to the sale of Dukes Wood, Boxhill, Dorking, Oct 1973, 2 items. | |
S519/1 | Sales particulars for Dukes Wood, Boxhill, Dorking, a 47 acre residential property, to be sold by auction at the Burford Bridge Hotel, Mickleham, by Messrs Strutt & Parker of London, 24 Oct 1973. 17pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property incorporated a country house, gardens, Keepers Planting cottage, pasture land and woodland. The main residence and the cottage were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 13 Jul 1931 between Sir Oscar Emanuel Warburg of the one part, and The East Surrey Water Company of the other part. | |
S519/2 | A manuscript note written by Messrs Crow, Watkin and Watkin of Dorking, with details of potential interest in the sale of Dukes Wood, Boxhill, Dorking, as reported by Messrs Strutt & Parker of London, 08 Oct 1973. 1p. | |
S520 | Records relating to the sale of Dawes Green House, Dawes Green, Leigh, [c.1973?]. 2 items. | |
S520/1 | Sales brochure for Dawes Green House, Dawes Green, Leigh, to be sold through agents Messrs Frank, Knight & Rutley of London, [c.1973?]. 4pp including photographs. The 10 acre property incorporated a country house, a cottage, paddocks and grounds. | |
S520/2 | A manuscript note from an unknown source, detailing a suggested price for the sale of Dawes Green House, Dawes Green, Leigh, [c.1973?]. | |
S521 | Sales particulars for Eastbury, Watson Road, Westcott, and Nos 44 & 46 St Johns Road, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Jul 1945. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late F W Sawyers. Eastbury, a detached cottage was subject to a war damage claim. Nos 44 & 46 St Johns Road, a pair of cottages, were let to weekly tenants Mrs Taylor & Mr Hunt respectively. | |
S522 | Catalogue for the sale of an Ayrshire herd of livestock and farming implements and machinery at Evergreen Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction on the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 14 Dec 1962. 8pp | |
S523 | Sale particulars for 2 building plots, available upon the demolition of the existing property, Heulfre, Cranleigh Road, Ewhurst, to be to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 16 Mar 1964. 8pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 30 Sep 1920 between Frederick Carpenter of the one part and Henry Stemp of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants and easements contained in a conveyance of 11 Jan 1905 between Lyonell Barlow, John Francis Barlow and Arthur Robert Gray Thompson of the first part, Algernon Barlow and his wife Essex Frances of the second part, and Albion Broomer and George Knight Ledger of the third part. | |
S524 | Sale particulars for Elm Lodge, Capel, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 15 Dec 1965. 7pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in a conveyance of 30 Jul 1929 between Isabel Mary Bremner of the one part, and Lilian Harriet Esther Taylor of the other part. | |
S525 | Records relating to the sale of Effingham Hill Farm, Ranmore, Dorking, 1966, 3 items. | |
S525/1 | Sale particulars for Effingham Hill Farm, Ranmore, Dorking, a 144 acre residential property and dairy farm, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by joint agents Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs Morgan, Baines & Frost of Dorking, 20 Jul 1966. 17pp including photographs and floor plans of the residences. The property incorporated a main residence, Barn Cottage, farm buildings, farm land and 2 building plots of 2 acres each. Differing parts of the property were to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: A transfer of 15 Oct 1945 from Frank Calburn and Charles Clement Calburn to Sir Phillips Allan Warter. 2: A deed of 24 Sep 1949 between Frank Calburn and Charles Clement Calburn of the one part, and Ernest Frederick Orby Gascoigne of the other part. | |
S525/2 | A typescript note from Hampton & Sons of London, stating that Effingham Hill Farm, Ranmore, Dorking, had not been sold at auction and was being offered at a revised price, 27 Jul 1966. 1p. | |
S525/3 | A typescript inventory of fixtures and fittings relating to the sale of Effinham Hill Farm, Ranmore, Dorking, [c.1966]. 1p. | |
S526 | Catalogue for the sale of furniture and household items at Fosterwood, Reigate Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 11 Sep 1947. 10pp.The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr S C Lander. | |
S527 | Sale particulars for No 2 Falkland Gardens, Dorking, a freehold terraced cottage in a block of 6 residences, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 15 Feb 1949. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 25 Jul 1899 between Henry Turner, Francis Turner and Alfred Turner of the one part, and Laura Turner of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 07 May 1857 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the one part, and the Vendors of the other part. | |
S528 | Sale particulars for No 4 Falkland Gardens, Dorking, a freehold terraced cottage in a block of 6 residences, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 17 Jan 1949. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 25 Jul 1899 between Henry Turner, Francis Turner and Alfred Turner of the one part, and Laura Turner of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 07 May 1857 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the one part, and the Vendors of the other part. | |
S529 | Sale particulars for Furzefield, Peaslake, a 9 and a half acre property, to be sold by auction at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Clarke, Gammon & Emerys of Guildford, 26 Apr 1949. 11pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property incorporated a detached country residence, 2 cottages, grounds and meadowland. The majority of the land was let to a neighbouring farmer, Mr Walter F Wonham, on an annual tenancy. | |
S529 ctd | Differing parts of the property were to be sold subject to covenants contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 29 Jul 1907 between the Corporation of Wardens of St Saviours Southwark of the one part, and George King of the other part. 2: A lease of 01 Jun 1948 between Edith Clemence Paine and other of the one part, and Edith Preston of the other part. 3: A conveyance of 23 Apr 1913 between Robert Scarlett Fraser Mackenzie of the first part, Algernon Barlow and Albert Hamilton Godfrey of the second part, and Anna Mary Paine and Edith Alice Paine of the third part. | |
S530 | Sale particulars for Fairyland (also known as Dean Cottage), Blanks Lane, Newdigate, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 13 Feb 1950. 4pp. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Mr Paul Buchler, who died in 1932. The property also incorporated a small 3 room bungalow known as Ratcatchers Cottage. Fairyland had previously been occupied by James Elliot, a cowman for Mr Buchler, and Ratcatchers Cottage had been occupied by a niece of the wife of Mr Buchler. | |
S531 | Sale particulars for No 27 Falkland Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 02 Oct 1950. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss Fanny Pledge. The cottage was let to weekly tenant Mr R W Bowring. Title commenced with a mortgage of 29 Apr 1924 between Fanny Pledge of the one part, and William John Hodges, Ernest Hodges and Arthur Cuthbert Langham of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in a conveyance of 01 Aug 1855 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the one part, and Job Pledge of the other part. | |
S532 | Records relating to the sale of Folly Farm, South Holmwood, Jun 1950, 2 items. | |
S532/1 | Sale particulars for Folly Farm, South Holmwood, a 77 acre dairy enterprise, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs White & Sons of Dorking and Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 15 Jun 1950. 13pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property incorporated a main farmhouse residence, a Bailiffs house, 4 cottages at Nos 1 & 2 Bungalow Cottages and Nos 1 & 2 Bushey Croft Cottages, farm buildings and agricultural land. | |
S532/1 ctd | Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 10 Nov 1922 between John Bernard Lethbridge Stilwell of the one part, and Robert Thomas Brammall and Kathleen Brammall of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance on sale of 29 Aug 1923 between Robert Thomas Brammall and Kathleen Brammall of the first part, Westminster Bank Limited of the second part, and George Christian Garrick of the third part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 30 Nov 1925 between Robert Thomas Brammall and Kathleen Brammall of the one part, and George Lee of the other part. 3: 2: A conveyance on sale of 12 Feb 1930 between Robert Thomas Brammall and Kathleen Brammall of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part. | |
S532/2 | A typescript note from Messrs White and Sons of Dorking and stamped as received by Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating that Folly Farm, South Holmwood, had been sold by private treaty prior to auction, 09 Jun 1950. 1p. | |
S533 | Sale particulars for Nos 1 & 2 Forest Green Cottages, Forest Green, a pair of freehold residences, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Sep 1950. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late George King. The properties were let to weekly tenants Mr W Muggeridge and Mr W Baker respectively. Title commenced with a mortgage of 28 Aug 1905 between George Bryant of the first part, and George King of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 24 Sep 1903 between Alfred Weller and Harold Worsfold of the first part, and George Bryant of the other part. | |
S534 | Sale particulars for 7 properties at Nos 67 to 73 Falkland Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Oct 1952. 7pp including manuscript additions noting that none of the properties sold at auction. Nos 67 & 68, a pair of cottages, were let to weekly tenants Mrs Bacon and Mrs Haines respectively; Nos 69, 70 & 71, a block of 3 cottages, were let to weekly tenants Mrs Pickard, Mr Garrish and Mr Garman respectively; Nos 72 & 73, a pair of cottages, were let to weekly tenants Mr Whitmore and Mrs Killick respectively | |
S534 ctd | Title commenced with the will of Henry Thomas Challacombe (d. 18 Aug 1928) written on 01 Jun 1922 and proved on 29 Oct 1928. Nos 67 to 71 were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 15 Nov 1862 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the one part, and James Dundas Down, of the other part. Nos 72 & 73 were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 08 Oct 1863 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the one part, and William Joseph Shearburn, of the other part. | |
S535 | Sale particulars for Fern Villa at No 18b Horsham Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 09 Jun 1952. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss E H Marshall. | |
S536 | Sale particulars for Fredley Barn, Mickleham, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Jones, Lang, Wootton & Sons of London and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 30 Jun 1952. 8pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 5 acre property incorporated a main residence, formerly a tithe barn, stables, gardens, grassland and woodland. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 15 May 1933 between the County Council of the Administrative County of Surrey of the one part, and William Morley Reynolds of the other part. | |
S537 | Sale particulars for No 11 Fairfield Drive, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached 1930s residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 12 Oct 1953. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S538 | Sale particulars for Nos 5 & 6 Falkland Road, Dorking, a pair of freehold semi-detached villas, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Oct 1954. 5pp including a manuscript note dated 19 Oct 1954 stating that both properties had been sold to the tenants. No 5 was let Mr E Oliver and No 6 to Mr Ward. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 21 Dec 1922 between John Sebastian Morley of the one part, and Herbert Moates Ellis of the other part. | |
S539 | Sale particulars for Frolbury Manor, Sutton Abinger, a 27 acre freehold property, to be sold by auction at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Wilson & Co of London, 21 Jun 1955. 19pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property incorporated a main detached residence, a kitchen garden, Frolbury Cottage, outbuildings, grounds, parkland and accommodation land. The garden plot was let to Mr and Mrs Stewart, the owners of Frolbury Cottage. | |
S539 ctd | Different parts of the property were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A transfer of 09 Jun 1933 from William Gosselin Trower and the Hon George Hugo Chomondeley to William Deane Barnes-Brand. 2: A transfer of 17 Aug 1934 from William Gosselin Trower and the Hon George Hugo Chomondeley to Walter Hugh Brown. | |
S540 | Records relating to the sale of Farm Place Estate, Ockley, 1958-1959, 5 items. | |
S540/1 | Sale particulars for Farm Place Estate, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 13 Oct 1958. 21pp including photographs, a coloured plan and with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 22 Nov 1921 between Frederick William Scott of the one part, and Thomas Glass of the other part. The 290 acre estate included accommodations plots, arable and grassland, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S540/1 ctd | 1: Farm Place, Ockley, a Tudor residence with 9 acres, including outbuildings, a flat, gardens and grounds. The property also incorporated an entrance lodge which was let to service tenant Mr R Martin. 2: Farm Place Farm, a 112 acre dairy and pig fattening enterprise. The property included 2 flats, one of which was let to Mr J Illman. 3: A 46 acre small holding at Paynes Green, including a farmstead and 2 cottages, one of which was let to Mr Bowler. 4: Four pairs of cottages at Nos 1 to 8 Paynes Green. No 3 was let to service tenant Mr R Neal, Nos 5 & 6 to weekly tenants Mr Frith and Mr East respectively, and all other cottages were vacant. | |
S540/2 | Un-headed manuscript notes on the lots and acreage for Farm Place Estate, Ockley, [c.1958]. 1p. | |
S540/3 | Typescript summary of the remaining post auction lots for Farm Place Estate, Ockley, issued by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, [c.1958]. 2pp. | |
S540/4 | Un-headed typescript letter to J D Price of Horsham, stating that they had clients who would be interested in the lots that he had purchased at auction for Farm Place Estate, Ockley, if he wished to resell, 14 Oct 1958. 1p. | |
S540/5 | Un-headed typescript letter to Mr Parker of Croydon, suggesting alternative properties, as they had been informed by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, that an offer had been accepted on Farm Place Lodge, Ockley, 24 Mar 1959. 2p. | |
S541 | Sale particulars for Fernbank Stores, Abinger Common, a freehold detached residence and business, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Martin Brown & Co of Dorking, 22 Feb 1961. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was to be sold as a going concern and incorporated a general stores, a sub post office and a tea garden. | |
S542 | Records relating to the sale of stock and machinery at Fishfold Farm, Ockley, 1961. 2 items. | |
S542/1 | Catalogue for the sale of a pedigree Jersey herd, beef livestock, farming implements and machinery at Fishold Farm, Ockley, to be sold at auction at the premises by joint agents Messrs John Thornton & Co of London and Messrs Henry Smith & Son of Horsham, 16 Mar 1961. 40pp including full pedigree histories of the livestock. | |
S542/2 | A black and white plan of Fishfold Farm, [c.1961?]. 1p. | |
S543 | Sale particulars for Friars Elm, Ranmore, Dorking, a freehold residence dating to the 18th century, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Morgan, Baines & Frost of Guildford, 28 Sep 1962. 5pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 5 acre property was originally a gamekeepers cottage. | |
S544 | Sale particulars for Farnhurst Farm, Alfold, Cranleigh, a freehold dairy and mixed enterprise, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Guildford, 29 Sep 1964. 11pp including a coloured plan. The 120 acre property incorporated a 17th century farmhouse residence, farm buildings and farm land. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1918 between the Ironmongers Company of the one part, and the Vendor of the other part. | |
S545 | Catalogue for the sale of farm implements and machinery at Fishfold Farm, Pisley Lane, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 14 May 1965. 9pp | |
S546 | Sale particulars for 2 agricultural properties at Fortune Farm, Leigh, a 525 acre dairy enterprise; and at Chantersleur Farm, Norwood Hill, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Horsham, 01 Sep 1965. 30pp including photographs, 2 coloured plan (one of each property) and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S546 ctd | Fortune Farm incorporated a main residence, farm buildings, arable, meadow and woodland, and 7 cottages at Nos 1 to 7 Fortune Farm Cottages, all occupied by service tenants. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions in many detailed covenants and transfers, including those involving the following named parties: Rowland Frederick Winder, Cyril Edward Winder, Peter Stewart and Hugh Curling Campbell. | |
S546 ctd | Chantersleur Farm, a 41 acre property, incorporated a main residence, farm buildings, a cottage, and farm land. | |
S547 | Sale particulars for Foxborough, Dean Oak Lane, Leigh, a freehold period cottage with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Chequers Hotel, Horley, by Messrs William Wood, Son & Gardner of Crawley, 07 Sep 1966. 6pp including a photograph and a manuscript addition noting that the property had been sold prior to auction. The whole property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 22 Jan 1932 between Sir Eastman Bell Baronet and Thomas Hume Bischoff of the first part, Percy William Rampton of the second part, Rowland Frederick Winder of the third part, and Archibald Sutcliffe Knight of the fourth part. The eastern portion of the property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in two conveyances. The first, of 20 Oct 1932, was between Archibald Sutcliffe Knight of the one part, and Lydia Trussler of the other part; the second, of 10 Aug 1938 was between Lydia Trussler of the one part, and George William Welfare of the other part. | |
S548 | Preliminary sale particulars for Four Oaks, Cat Hill Lane, Ockley, a freehold detached residence built in 1929 and with 7 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, by Messrs Charles J Parris & Quirk of Tunbridge Wells, 15 Dec 1975. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss E G Baker. | |
S549 | Sale particulars for Froggetts Farm, Walliswood, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 18 Oct 1978. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, both with 10pp including photographs and a coloured plan but with differing manuscript additions noting the bids. The 64 and a half acre property incorporated a period farmhouse dating to the 16th century, a piggery, farm buildings and farm land. Title to the main part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 11 Jul 1949 between Alice Irene Green of the first part, Lloyds Bank Ltd of the second part, and Vernon Jillard of the third part. Title to a small portion of arable land commenced with a conveyance on sale of 03 Oct 1951 between Robert William Cooper of the one part, and Vernon Jillard of the other part. | |
S550 | Particulars and conditions of sale for the sale of the remaining portions of the Grenehurst Park Estate in Ockley and Capel, to be sold by auction by Knight, Frank & Rutley at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking,13 Oct 1924, 18pp with map. The catalogue lists all 24 lots, including Stylehurst (Lot 7), Stylehurst Farm (Lot 9) and Stylehurst Cottages (Lot 8). It includes a map, based on the Ordnance Survey map of 1913 1:25, of Grenehurst Park Estate, showing the individual lots to be sold. A newspaper cutting naming the purchasers and amounts raised by each lot is fixed to the inside front cover. | |
S551 | Catalogue for the sale of farming implements, machinery and household furniture at Stylehurst Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 27 Sep 1924. 17pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Philip Hunloke and formed part of the disposal of the Grenehurst Park Estate. | |
S552 | Sale particulars for 2 outlying properties of the Wotton Estate; Gosterwood, Forest Green and Woodside, Mayes Green; and an additional 90 acres of building land, accommodation land, meadow and woodland, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 26 Nov 1924. 28pp including photographs and 2 coloured plans, one for each property. | |
S552 ctd | Gosterwood, Forest Green, incorporated a main residence dating to the 15th century, farm buildings and 31 acres. The vendors were selling as trustees of the will dated 28 Jan 1908 and proved 07 Aug 1908, of Willian John Evelyn. Title commenced with an indenture of reconveyance of 28 Aug 1850 between Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan and others of the one part, and William John Evelyn of the other part. Woodside, Mayes Green, incorporated with detached country residence with one acre. The vendors were selling as personal representatives under the will of John Harcourt Chichester Evelyn, who died 02 Jan 1922. | |
S553 | Sale particulars for Glorydene, St Pauls Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 04 Oct 1926. 6pp. The property was purchased in 1923 from Lord Francis Hope (the tenant for life of the Deepdene Estate, Dorking). | |
S554 | Sale particulars for The Gables, Reigate Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Mar 1928. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Robert Downie Leslie. | |
S555 | Sale particulars for Glenshiel, Deepdene Vale, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 29 Jul 1929. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S556 | Sale particulars for Gloverswood, Charlwood, to be sold by private treaty through agents Messrs Ewart, Wells & Co of London, 1929. 7pp including photographs. The 58 acre property incorporated a main period farmhouse residence, stables, 2 cottages, gardens and parkland. | |
S557 | Sale particulars for Greenways, Nower Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 11 May 1931. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with an indenture of settlement between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part, and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S558 | Sale particulars for The Grove and The (Old) Beehive, London Road, Boxhill, Dorking, an 8 acre estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs White & Sons of Dorking and Messrs Brackett & Sons of Tunbridge Wells, 28 Sep 1931. 17pp including photographs, a coloured plan and historical notes. The sale was on the instructions of Andrew W Arnold and Miss Arnold. The property was to be sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S558 ctd | Lot 1: The Grove, a detached country mansion with gardens and woodland, once the home of the Marquess of Wellesley, Governor General of India. The main portion of the property was freehold and title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 15 Apr 1858 and a subsequent deed of 03 Feb 1860, both between Samuel Relf of the first part, and Edward Arnold of the other part. For the small part of the property that was leasehold, title initially commenced with an indenture of lease of 01 Jan 1788 between Judith Tucker, Lady of the Manor of West Betchworth, of the first part, and Jane Elliot of the other part; and latterly with a deed of 03 Feb 1860 between Alfred Singer and James Pringle Barclay of the first part, Harriet Singer of the second part, James Pringle Barclay, Julia Katherine Hastie and Catherine Singer of the third part, Edward Arnold of the fourth part, and Walter Upward of the fifth part. | |
S558 ctd | Lot 2: The (Old) Beehive, a period cottage residence, formerly a roadside inn that was situated at the Tollgate on the turnpike road. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Dec 1884 between Herbert Young of the first part, John Young of the second part, Dodsworth Haydon and Gilbert John Smallpeice of the third part, and Edward Arnold of the fourth part. | |
S559 | Sale particulars for The Gables, Chichester Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 26 Mar 1934, 8pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S560 | Sale particulars for Grassington Lodge, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 07 May 1934. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the personal representatives of the late Joseph Standring Dronsfield Harries-Jones. | |
S561 | Sale particulars for Gadbrook House, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 23 Sep 1935. 10pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 6 and a half acre freehold property incorporated a main detached residence; 2 cottages at Nos 1 & 2 Speedwell Cottages, built in 1897 and let to Mr J Swan of Gadbrook Farm and Mr C W Day respectively; and a plot of accommodation land let to Mr Jones of Woodstock Farm. | |
S562 | Sale particulars for Glenside, South Terrace, Dorking, a freehold detached residence with a small plot of adjoining building land, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 15 Jun 1936. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss Mary Sturt. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 03 Oct 1918 between John Bartlett of the one part, and Henry Malcolm Hubbard of the other part. | |
S563 | Sale particulars for Greeba, Middle Street, Brockham Green, Brockham, a freehold bungalow, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 03 Jun 1947. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in a conveyance of 07 Jul 1922 between The Onyx Property Investment Co Ltd of the one part, and Andrew Douglas Dick of the other part. | |
S564 | Sale particulars for Grassington Lodge, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking and Messrs F L Mercer & Co of London, 15 Nov 1948. 9pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the personal representatives of the late Joseph Standring Dronsfield Harries-Jones. | |
S564 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 23 Aug 1920 between Lord Francis Hope of the first part, Alfred Henry Tarleton and Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Maurice Chance of the third part. 2: A transfer of 01 Sep 1931 between Maurice Chance of the one part, and Nathaniel George Wilkinson of the other part. 3: A transfer of 02 Sep 1925 between Maurice Chance of the one part and Frederick May of the other part. 4: A transfer of 22 Mar 1926 between Maurice Chance of the one part, and Albert Henry Woollatt and Emmeline Woollatt of the other part. | |
S565 | Sale particulars for Greenheys, Milton Avenue, Westcott, a freehold residence from the 1930s, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 13 Jul 1953. 8pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Mary Hutton Maxwell. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 28 Dec 1934 between William Smith of the one part, and Edmund Arthur Maxwell of the other part. | |
S566 | Sale particulars for Greenside, Brockham Green, Brockham, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 27 Apr 1953. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Mrs Vinall was in residence at the property. Title commenced with an indenture on sale of 13 Dec 1922 between Maurice Chance of the first part, Lavinia Louisa Balchin of the second part, and Ruth Helene Bryson of the third part. | |
S567 | Sale particulars for Grove House, Newdigate, a detached country residence, to be sold by auction at the Market Hall, Redhill, by joint agents Messrs Curtis & Henson of London and Messrs Skinner & Rose of Reigate, 25 Jun 1953. 8pp. Mrs Holman was in residence at the property. | |
S568 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, and agricultural machinery and implements, at Gatton Manor Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 22 Sep 1954. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mr W Hazeltine. | |
S569 | Sale particulars for Glory View, Tower Hill, Dorking, a small detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 05 Jul 1954. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S570 | Sale particulars for Greenside, Misbrooks Green,Capel, a freehold semi-detached villa built in 1898, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 11 Jul 1955. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Roberts who was in residence. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 07 May 1927 between Maurice Chance of the one part, and Frederick Higgs of the other part. | |
S571 | Records relating to the sale of Gosterwood Manor, Forest Green, [c.1955?]. 2 items. | |
S571/1 | Brochure of photographs and with brief details for the sale of Gosterwood Manor, Forest Green, through agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, [c.1955?]. 3pp. | |
S571/2 | Typescript sheets of sale particulars for Gosterwood Manor, Forest Green, issued by agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, [c.1955?]. 4pp. The 170 acre property incorporated a period manor house dating to the 16th century, farm buildings, a secondary farmhouse, 4 cottages and farm land. | |
S572 | Sale particulars for Grove Farm, Deanoak Lane, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Weller & Co of Guildford, 03 Jun 1957. 10pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The owner in residence was Mrs Vera Kathleen Nellie Walter. The 35 acre property included a Tudor farmhouse residence, a model farm and farm land. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 covenants of 22 Jan 1932 and 12 Mar 1932, both between Sir Eastman Bell and Thomas Hume Bischoff of the first part, Percy William Rampton of the second part, Rowland Frederick Winder of the third part, and Alfred Edward Peters of the fourth part. | |
S573 | Sale particulars for Glen Lyn at No 1 Junction Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 12 Dec 1960. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Sep 1920 between Ellen Jones of the one part, and Katherine Elizabeth Douglas, Margaret Alice Douglas and Florence Mary Douglas of the other part. | |
S574 | Sale particulars for Gatergrounds Farm, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 30 Apr 1962. 12pp including photographs, a coloured plan, a draft black and white version of the plan, and manuscript additions noting amendments to the specifications. The sale was on the instructions of the administrator of the estate of the late Mrs E M Gardner. The 40 acre property included an Elizabethan farmhouse, farm buildings, pasture, arable and woodland. | |
S575 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects at Greenheys, Milton Avenue, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the premises by agents Messrs Crow of Dorking, 19 May 1962. 17pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and amendments to the sale items. The catalogue was originally printed for a sale on 15 Jul 1953 under the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs M H Maxwell but this date had been altered in manuscript to 19 May 1962, and the instructions had also been changed in manuscript to just read 'the executors'. | |
S576 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects at Greenheys, Milton Avenue, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the premises by agents Messrs Crow of Dorking, 11 Jul 1962. 25pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and amendments to the sale items. | |
S577 | Sale particulars for The Greenings, Charlwood, a 155 acre residential and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the Knightsbridge Estate Sale Rooms, London by Harrods Ltd of London, 26 Jun 1963. 17pp including photographs, a coloured plan and a manuscript addition noting that the property had been sold prior to auction. The estate incorporated a main farmhouse residence, Home Farm, a Bailiffs House, gardens and grounds; a Dairy Farm with an additional farmhouse, a pair of cottages and farmland. | |
S577 ctd | Title to differing parts of the property commenced with the following: 1: A conveyance of 22 Jul 1931 between Vyvyan Drue Drury of the one part and Francis Frederick Muecke of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 08 Jul 1937 between Lyle Elliot Young and William Wallace Young of the one part and Francis Frederick Muecke of the other part. 3: A conveyance of 02 Feb 1938 between John Wigram Shephard of the one part and Francis Frederick Muecke of the other part. | |
S578 | Sale particulars for The Garden House, Westcott, a freehold bungalow with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 27 Aug 1964. 9pp including a photograph, a location plan and with manuscript additions noting amendments to the specifications. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late James D Dow. | |
S579 | Sale particulars for Grenehurst Place, Capel, a 149 acre residential and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by joint agents Messrs George Trollope & Sons of London and Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Horsham, 11 Jun 1964. 30pp including photographs, a coloured plan and 2 loose pages, one with typescript supplements to the stipulations and one with manuscript notes on the estimated sale price. The property incorporated a main residence built in the 1860's, Home Farm, a pair of cottages, North Lodge built in 1889, accommodation land and woodland, including Grenehurst Copse, Spring Copse and Peters Wood. The cottages were at Nos 1 & 2 Stylehurst Cottages, Weir Street, Capel. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Oct 1924 between Philip Hunloke (the Vendor) of the first part, Walter Mercer Gillett of the second part, and Cecil Philip Adcock (the Purchaser) of the third part. | |
S580 | Records relating to the sale of Gatergrounds Farm Estate, Newdigate, 1966. 5 items. | |
S580/1 | Sale particulars for Gatergrounds Farm Estate, Newdigate, a 163 acre residential and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 06 Oct 1966. 16pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids and alterations to the specifications. The property incorporated an Elizabethan residence, farm buildings, accommodation land, farmland, Hammonds Copse and North Lake. | |
S580/2 | Manuscript notes on the potential tenancy incomes for Gatergrounds Farm Estate, Newdigate, 25 Aug 1966, 4pp. | |
S580/3 | 3 copies of a coloured map for Gatergrounds Farm Estate, Newdigate, each with different manuscript notes determining the area and acreage of the lots, [c.1966]. 3 items. | |
S581 | Sale particulars for Greenings Farm, Charlwood, a 111 acre dairy and stock enterprise, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Guildford, 02 Jul 1968. 17pp including photographs, a coloured plan of the whole property and a detailed coloured plan of the farm buildings. The property included a main residence, built in 1963; and a semi-detached cottage, No 1 Greenings Cottages. | |
S582 | Sale particulars for Gowan Lodge, Mid Holmwood Lane, North Holmwood, a detached country house built in 1913 and with one acre, to be sold by auction at the May Fair Hotel, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 31 Oct 1973. 8pp including photographs. | |
S583 | Sales brochure for Gosterwood Manor Farm, Forest Green, a 137 acre property, to be sold through agents Weller Eggar of Guildford, 1979. 10pp including a photograph, a general location map and a plan. The property incoorporated a period farmhouse dating from the 16th century, a dairy farm, farmland and Gosterwood Manor Farm Cottage, built in 1952. | |
S584 | Sale particulars for Holmesdale House and Holmesdale Cottage, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 10 Nov 1910. 9pp including 3 affixed pages of manuscript notes on the fixtures, fittings and tenancies. The freehold property included a main residence which was partially let to Mrs Adolphus; a small farmyard let to annual tenant Mr E H Bond, and Holmesdale Cottage which was let to annual tenant Mrs Howard. | |
S585 | Large illustrated sales particulars for the Henfold Estate at Holmwood. 3 copies - two are undated [c.1918] and appear to be issued at the same time for sale by private treaty, (although there are slight differences) with the extent of the estate comprising 10 to 211 acres. The third copy is different again where the estate was for sale by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Messrs Crow on 23 Jul 1918. There is an additional large plan of the estate produced by the Sales Manager's office of the East Surrey Gas Company on a scale of 25 inches to the mile [c.1939?] | |
S586 | Sale particulars for the Dendy Estate, Dorking for sale by auction held at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, 30 Jul 1919 with 2 plans. Lot 1: the freehold of an ironmonger's shop premises at 99 High Street, Dorking. Lot 2: the freehold of a shop at 100 High Street. Lot 3: the freehold of business premises at 101 High Street; Lot 4: the freehold of banking premises of the London County Westminster & Parr's Bank Ltd at 102 High Street, Dorking | |
S586 ctd | Lot 5: the freehold of the "Dorking Advertiser" offices and hosier's shop at 9 High Street, Dorking; Lot 6: the freehold of a 2-storied carpenter's shop & store room and plot of garden ground at Cape Place, High Street, Dorking; Lot 7: the freehold of a detached house called Holder House at nos 15 and 16 South Street, Dorking; Lot 8: the freehold of Dudley House at 18 South Street, Dorking; | |
S586 ctd | Lot 9: two freehold gardens fronting Chequers Lane, Dorking; Lot 10: a freehold building property of 6 acres between Rose Hill and Deepdene, Dorking then utilised for allotment purposes; Lot 11: a block of accommodation and building land of over 2 acres adjoining Dene Street Gardens, Dorking; Lot 12: a freehold paddock of about 1 acre adjoining the boundary of Lot 11. | |
S587 | Sale particulars for Hawthorne Dene, Westcott, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by joint agents Harrods Ltd of London and Messrs A H Lyne of Dorking, 28 Sep 1920. 13pp including a photograph. The 3 acre freehold property was formerly a small part of the Rookery Estate and incorporated a detached residence, a lodge, stables and grounds. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 31 Jul 1892 of which the late Mortimer Drew Malleson was a party to. Full details were complex due to a clerical error in the original indenture and the property was to be sold with a statutory declaration of 31 Dec 1909 by Frederick Fisher, a previous owner, stating that he had held the property since 31 Jul 1895 free from all claims. | |
S588 | Sale particulars for Holly House, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold residence with walled grounds of one and a quarter acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs White & Sons of Dorking and Hampton & Sons of London, 20 Sep 1920. The sale was on the instructions of the Public Trustees. | |
S589 | Sale of High Ashurst Estate: 1921. Praed Winthrop Mackworth: Hope Anne A: Harrowby Earl of: Hope Lord Francis: Pettit: Ladbroke Robert: Ryder Henry D: Wilson James C: Bagot Mathilda: Lucas Thomas: Young William L: Bagot Ponsonby: Bagot Villiers: Latour William Young: Ryder Edward A: Cricket: Inn: Manor. (including Betchworth, Headley and Mickleham areas) | |
S590 | Sale particulars for 3 agricultural properties covering 475 acres at Vann Farm, Ockley; Knoll Farm, Capel and Holbrook Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 07 Nov 1921. 20pp including photographs, a combined coloured plan of the 3 properties and an additional detailed plan of Holbrook Farm. The sale included building plots and an additional 165 acres of land at Clarkes Green Field, Knoll Woods, Holbrook Woods and The Birches Wood. | |
S591 | Records relating to the sale of the Holmbury Estate, near Dorking, 1923. 4 items. | |
S591/1 | Sales brochure for the Holmbury Estate, near Dorking, to be sold by private treaty though agents Messrs Robinson, Williams & Burnands of London, 1923. 21pp including photographs. The 80 acre property included a mansion, gardens and parkland, 2 cottages, pasture and woodland. | |
S591/2 | Typescript letter from Messrs Robinson, Williams & Burnands of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, accompanying a brochure and confirming the sale price for Holmbury Estate, near Dorking, 15 Feb 1923. 1p. | |
S591/3 | Typescript letter from Messrs Robinson, Williams & Burnands of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, suggesting an alternative property at The Lodge, Effingham, for a client of Messrs Crow, 15 Feb 1923. 1p. | |
S591/4 | Typescript letter from Messrs Robinson, Williams & Burnands of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, accompanying a brochure, omitted from an earlier dispatch, for Holmbury Estate, near Dorking, 17 Feb 1923. 1p. | |
S592 | Records relating to the sale of Hook Farm, Leigh, 1922-1923, 7 items. | |
S592/1 | Sale particulars for Hook Farm, Leigh, a 123 acre freehold agricultural holding, to be sold by auction at the White Hart Hotel, Reigate, by Messrs Farebrother, Ellis & Co of London, 11 Oct 1923. 11pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale as on the instructions of Mr J Pickersgill. The property incorporated a main residence, farm buildings, farmland and a pair of cottages. Title commenced with the marriage settlement of 03 Feb 1904 of the late Henry Duke of Norfolk. | |
S592/2 | A coloured plan for an earlier sale of Hook Farm and Ashcroft Farm, Leigh, issued by auctioneers Messrs Marten & Carnaby of London, 1922. 1p. | |
S592/3 | A set of 5 loose photographs issued by Messrs Marten & Carnaby of London, to accompany the sale of Hook Farm and Ashcroft Farm, Leigh, 1922. 5 items. | |
S593 | Sale particulars for Hookwood Lodge, Horley, to be sold by auction at the Chequers Hotel, Horley, by Messrs Baker & Baker of Horley, 28 May 1924. 8pp including a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of J G Wilkinson. The 115 acre property incorporated a main residence, farm buildings, pasture and arable land. | |
S594 | Sale particulars for Hatchlea, Ockley, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 05 Jul 1926. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Reverend P Marshall. | |
S595 | Sale particulars for Hollybush, Newdigate, a 10 acre freehold property, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 23 Jun 1926. 8pp. The property included a main detached residence, outbuildings, gardens, an orchard and meadowland. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 25 Oct 1904 between The Small Holding Association Limited of the one part, and Percy Turner Glanville of the other part. | |
S596 | Sale particulars for No 84 High Street, Dorking (now Nos 100-102), a freehold business premises with accommodation above and a large garden, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 May 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr William Hollier. The property was let to Mr W B Cull, a watchmaker and jeweller. | |
S597 | Sale particulars for Hill View, Harrow Road West, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 09 May 1927. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S598 | Sale particulars for Holbrook Farm, Ockley, an 89 acre dairy holding, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Rooms, London, by Messrs Harrods Ltd of London, 29 Mar 1927. 11pp including photographs, a coloured plan and with manuscript additions noting the bids and observations on the specifications. The property included a main farmhouse residence, farm buildings, a bungalow, pasture and woodland. | |
S599 | Sale particulars for Nos 63 & 64 High Street, Dorking, a pair of business premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 23 Jul 1928. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendors were John Frederick March Tickner and Mary Lilian Margaret Eveleigh, trustees of the late Mrs Mary Tickner. No 63 incorporated a bakehouse and yard and was let to Mr James White, a baker and confectioner. No 64 incorporated a small shop and was let to Mrs Kelsey, a confectioner. | |
S600 | Sale particulars for Holmesdale, St Pauls Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Jun 1928. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S601 | Sale particulars for Nos 17 & 18 Hampstead Road, Dorking, a pair of freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 04 Nov 1929. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Dopson. | |
S602 | Sale particulars for Hartsfield, Betchworth, a 32 acre property, to be sold by auction at the premises by joint agents Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard of London and Messrs Foster of London, 06 May 1929. 11pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and observations on the specifications. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr H Gifford. The property included a main residence built in 1869, a lodge, stables, gardens, a lake and parkland. Title commenced with a conveyance of 15 Nov 1893 between Maria Olivia Miller of the first part, George Livesey of the second part, and Higford Higford of the third part. | |
S603 | Records relating to the sale of Hatchetts, Newdigate, May 1929, 2 items. | |
S603/1 | Sale particulars for Hatchetts, Newdigate, a 104 acre freehold residential and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard of London, 08 May 1929. 13pp including a coloured plan and a general location map. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Aspland Jones. The property incorporated a main residence, Home Farm, accommodation land and woodland. | |
S603/2 | A typescript letter from Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating that Hatchetts, Newdigate, had not sold at auction and was being offered for private sale, 10 May 1929, 1p. | |
S604 | Sale of the Holmwood Park Estate including farm; cottages and 2 Lodges: 1929: Bryans Arthur: Rutter Mrs G F: Renville: Tickner. 3 items | |
S605 | Sale particulars for a freehold site rented from Southern Railways at Holmwood Station, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, my Messrs Crow of Dorking, 23 Dec 1929. 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr W F J Brown. The property included Starmount Villa, let as 2 tenements to weekly tenants Messrs Overton & West; an adjoining semi-detached cottage, let to Mr Crockford on a service tenancy; garages, stables and a yard. The site was to be sold with the goodwill of the existing coal merchants and carting contractors business; and lorry and motor hire business. | |
S606 | Sale particulars for Highbank, London Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Cavey & Co of London, 18 Feb 1931. 8pp including 4 pages with descriptions of other properties across London and the South East. | |
S607 | Sale particulars for a freehold building plot at Warwick Road, South Holmwood; and a freehold garage at Norfolk Road, South Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 08 Jun 1931. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S607 ctd | The building plot at Warwick Road was formerly the kitchen garden of Holm Cottage, and title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 02 Jan 1895 between the Reverend Archdale Palmer Wickham, the Reverend James Franck Bright and Reginald Bosworth Smith (the executors and trustees of the late Edmund Dawe Wickham) of the one part, and Wildman Cattley of the other part. The garage at Norfolk Road was let to quarterly tenant Mr J Tyrell, and title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 19 Aug 1892 between The Capital and Counties Bank Limited of the one part, and Wildman Cattley of the other part. | |
S608 | Sale particulars for No 43 High Street, Dorking, a freehold residence located on the north side of the High Street adjacent to Grices bakers & confectioners, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 12 Sep 1932. 7pp including a coloured plan of the premises and with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property incorporated a garage and garden which were partially let to Mr R Arthur, an annual tenant. | |
S609 | Sale particulars for Nos 63 & 64 High Street, Dorking, a pair of business premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking and Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 07 Nov 1932. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. No 63 incorporated a bakehouse and stores and had been let to J & F White, a bakers and confectioners. No 64 had been let to Mrs Frances A Kelsey, a confectioner (Kellys Directory 1932). | |
S610 | Records relating to the sale of No 73 High Street, Dorking, Nov-Dec 1932, 2 items. | |
S610/1 | Sale particulars for No 73 High Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 05 Dec 1932. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The premises had been occupied by an antique furniture business and let to Philip Esdaile. The double fronted property included showrooms, outbuildings, a workshop and a walled garden. | |
S610/2 | Manuscript sketch plans of the room layouts for No 73 High Street, Dorking, 28 Nov 1932, 7pp. | |
S611 | Sale particulars for Holmbury Cottage, Cliftonville, Dorking, a freehold pre-war residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Jun 1932. 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Martha Smith. | |
S612 | Sale particulars for No 3 Horsham Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 07 Nov 1932. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 07 Jun 1892 between Dora Maria Frances Wyllie of the one part, and Frederick Lewis Crow of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 08 Jan 1869 between Frederick Cotton Finch of the first part, Frederick George Finch of the second part, and Walter Wilson Browne of the third part. | |
S613 | Sale particulars for No 20 Horsham Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 23 Jul 1934. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a mortgage of 27 Aug 1897 between Arthur Read Braid of the one part, and Robert Fry of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 08 Apr 1859 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the one part, and William Chapman of the other part. | |
S614 | Sale particulars for 10 freehold cottages at Jubilee Terrace and Hart Gardens, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 Jul 1934. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Clara Susannah Tracy. The properties were as follows: | |
S614 ctd | 1: Nos 10, 11, 12 & 13 Jubilee Terrace, Dorking, a block of 4 cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Rumsby, George, Pank and Stone respectively. 2: Nos 17 & 18 Jubilee Terrace, Dorking, a pair of 2 cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Hill & Stenning respectively. 3: Nos 14, 15, 16 & 17 Hart Gardens, Dorking, a block of 4 cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Cook, King, Anderson & Kelsey respectively. | |
S615 | Sale particulars for Holmbury Villa, Vincent Lane, Dorking, a freehold residence in a block of 3 properties, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 16 Jul 1934. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late J J Fuller. The property was let to quarterly tenant Mrs Knight. | |
S616 | Records relating to the sale of High Ashurst, Boxhill, Dorking, Jun 1935, 2 items. | |
S616/1 | Sale particulars for High Ashurst, Boxhill, Dorking, an 84 acre property, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 18 Jun 1935. 14pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The freehold property included a country mansion built in 1795, a lodge, a chapel, outbuildings, 4 cottages, and grounds and woodland. The residence was the former home of the Earl of Harrowby and a county seat. The property was to sold subject to restrictions contained in an indenture of release of 24 Dec 1800 between Henry Boulton of the one part, and Robert Ladbroke of the other part. | |
S616/2 | A typescript postcard from Hampton & Sons of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating the High Ashurst, Boxhill, Dorking, had not sold at auction and was being offered for private sale at a revised price, 19 Jun 1935, 2p. | |
S617 | Sale particulars for Highbury, Capel, a freehold detached bungalow with grounds of 4 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 01 Jul 1935. 6pp including a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of the personal representative of the late Charles Stephen Bassett. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 30 Oct 1919 between Charles Mortimer of the one part, and Charles Weeden of the other part. | |
S618 | Sale particulars for No 3 High Street, Dorking, a business premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by joint agents Messrs Stimson & Sons of London and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 11 Jul 1935. 3pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs E Skinner. The premises were occupied by Pearks Dairies Ltd. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 02 Mar 1903 between Thomas Weston of the one part, and Edmund Samuel Gunn of the other part. | |
S619 | Sale particulars for No 183 High Street, Dorking, a business premises with accommodation above, located next but one to the General Post Office, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 02 Nov 1936. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Maslin. | |
S620 | Sale particulars for Holmdale, Holmbury Hill, Holmbury St Mary, a 44 acre estate, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 11 Jun 1936. 21pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the will of the late Henry Barlow Webb. The property included a detached country residence, a lodge, stables, gardens, grounds and pastureland. The estate also incorporated 4 cottages, known as Holmdale Cottages, located in the village of Holmbury St Mary, 2 of which were let to weekly tenants Mr Cole and Mrs Page. | |
S620 ctd | Title to differing parts of the property commenced with the following: 1: A conveyance of 29 Sep 1899 between Arthur Edmund Street of the one part and Henry Barlow Webb of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 28 Feb 1901 between Arthur Phelips Hoskyns and Charlotte Lydia Hoskyns of the first part, Elizabeth Margaret Sylvia Kerr of the second part, and Henry Barlow Webb of the third part. 3: A mortgage of 28 Jun 1900 between Arthur Phelips Hoskyns and Charlotte Lydia Hoskyns of the first part, and Elizabeth Margaret Sylvia Kerr of the other part. 4: In relation to the 4 cottages with a conveyance on sale of 18 Jul 1902 between Henry Weller and Mary Weller of the one part, and Henry Barlow Webb of the other part. | |
S620 ctd | Part of the property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a deed of release of 30 Jul 1930 between Edward Standen Morphew of the one part, and Emily Jane Webb, Allan Ernest Messer and Charles Richard Woodroffe of the other part. | |
S621 | Sale particulars for Holmwood Lodge, North Holmwood, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Sale Rooms, London by Harrods Ltd of London, 04 May 1937. 12pp including photographs and a manuscript addition noting that the property had been sold privately on 20 Jul 1937. The 11 acre freehold property incorporated a detached country residence, a lodge, a flat and gardens and grounds. | |
S622 | Sale particulars for Nos 100-102 High Street, Dorking (formerly No 84), a business premises with accommodation above and a large walled garden, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Mar 1938. 6pp with a manuscript addition noting that the property had been sold prior to auction. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Sarah Jemima Arnold. The premises were occupied by a watchmakers and jewellers, leased to Mr W B Cull. | |
S623 | Sale particulars for Nos 262-264 High Street, Dorking, a business premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Aug 1938. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The premises were occupied by The Wool Shop, leased to Mrs Hibberd. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in an indenture of 29 Sep 1887 between Eliza Ledger, Matthew Ledger and Frederick William Ledger of the one part, and Charles John Rowe of the other part. | |
S624 | Sale particulars for 9 freehold properties across Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 08 Nov 1943. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Mr F Bailey. The properties were as follows: | |
S624 ctd | 1: No 3 Lyons Court, Dorking, one of a terrace row of cottages, let to weekly tenant Mrs Carpenter. 2: Nos 7, 8 & 9 Horsham Road, Dorking, a block of 3 cottages, let to weekly tenants Mrs A E Edwards, Mr A W H Brown and Mr J Banbury respectively. 3: Nos 1, 2 & 3 Harrowgate Gardens, Dorking, a block of 3 cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr H Trafford, Mr C Chapman and Mr H Knight respectively. 4: Nos 61 & 62 Hampstead Road, Dorking, a pair of semi-detached villas, let to weekly tenants Mrs Shilling and Mr Steadman respectively. | |
S625 | Sale particulars for The Hermitage, Tower Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Jul 1945. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S626 | Records relating to the sale of a house named Heath Crest at Westcott. [c. 1938?]-1946. 4 items. | |
S626/1 | Sale particulars for the detached freehold house known as Heath Crest at Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 09 Dec 1946. 5pp. The sale was on the instructions of the estate of the late R N Mackenzie. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 27 Nov 1922 between George Christian Garrick and Roderick Ninian Mackenzie. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 31 Aug 1931between John Sutherland and Sidney Ernest Redfern of the one part, and Madeline Augusta Garrick of the other part. | |
S626/2 | A digital copy of the sales particulars described at S626/1.Images created [c. early 20th century?] 5 jpg images. | |
S626/3 | A digital photograph taken from the Dorking and Leatherhead Street Directory of 1938-1939 published by the Dorking Advertiser, which shows a listing of Westcott residents and includes an entry for R N Mackenzie at Heathcrest. Jpg image. | |
S626/4 | A photograph taken of the front cover of the Dorking and Leatherhead Street Directory 1938-1939, published by the Dorking Advertiser, [c. 1938?] Date of photograph [c. early 20th century?] Jpg image. | |
S627 | Sale particulars for High Barn, Sutton Place, Abinger Hammer, a freehold detached country residence with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 11 Aug 1947. 6pp including a photograph. Title commenced with the will of Edmund Lomax, who died 24 Feb 1847. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 09 Jun 1937 between Otto Spillern of the one part, and Elfrida Mary Hervey Bathurst of the other part. | |
S628 | Sale particulars for Highfield, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 03 Jun 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S629 | Sale particulars for Nos 258-260 High Street, Dorking, a double fronted business premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 18 Dec 1947. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendor was Walter Arthur Reeves of Grantham Hotel, Newquay, Cornwall. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Sep 1887 between Elizabeth Ledger, Matthew Ledger and Frederick William Ledger of the one part, and Charles John Rowe of the other part. | |
S630 | Sale particulars for No 57 Hampstead Road, Dorking, a freehold cottage part of a short terrace, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 15 Dec 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 08 Nov 1920 between Caroline Ann Rickman of the one part, and Helen Maria Marsh and Florence Marsh of the other part. | |
S631 | Sale particulars for Nos 4, 5 & 6 Harrowgate Gardens, Horsham Road, Dorking, a block of 3 freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs C F Rutley of London and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Aug 1948. 5pp. The sale included a small building plot in front of the premises and adjoining Tollgate Garage. The cottages were let to The Salvation Army, Mr Mills and Mr Ward, all weekly tenants. | |
S632 | Sale particulars for No 5 Hart Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 21 Apr 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 29 Feb 1908 between William Edser, Robert Collins and Henry William Saunders of the first part, Thomas Coops of the second part, and William Archibald Watson of the third part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 29 Sep 1882 between George Fletcher Jones and Robert Piggot Oldershaw of the first part, and Israel Walker of the other part. | |
S633 | Sale particulars for Hillside, Calvert Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 31 May 1948. 6pp including photographs and with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Oct 1920 between the Rt Hon Henry Baron Ashcombe of the first part and Cubitt Estates Limited of the other part. | |
S634 | Sale particulars for Hill View, Horsham Road,Beare Green, a detached freehold chalet bungalow, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 21 Oct 1948. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 15 Apr 1920 between Percy Portway Harvey of the first part, and William Frederick Hawkins of the other part. | |
S635 | Sale particulars for The Hollies, Horsham Road, Beare Green, a freehold semi-detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 01 Mar 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title to the main part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 29 Sep 1925 between Charles Alan Carlos Perkins of the first part, and Allen Ansell of the other part. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a conveyance of 09 May 1935 between The Most Noble Bernard Marmaduke, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, the Rt Hon Edmund Bernard Viscount Fitz Alan of Derwent, The Most Noble Gwendolen Mary Duchess of Norfolk, Baroness Herries and the Public Trustee of the second part, The Most Noble Gwendolen Mary Duchess of Norfolk, Baroness Herries and the Public Trustee of the third part, and Henry William Embling of the fourth part, | |
S636 | Sale particulars for Nos 4 & 5 Hart Gardens, Dorking, 2 freehold terrace cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 08 Aug 1949. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs E M M Faires. The properties were let to weekly tenants Mr Mercer and Mr Anderson respectively. | |
S637 | Sale particulars for Hawthorne Cottage and Filbert Cottage, Shere, 2 detached freehold residences, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 18 Jul 1949. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and including an affixed typescript note detailing a supplemental condition of sale. Hawthorne Cottage incorporated an adjoining workshop and was let to annual tenant Mr M W Sanders. Filbery Cottage was let to quarterly tenant Mr W C King. Title commenced with the will, dated 22 Apr 1899, of Augusta Spottiswoode, who died 03 Aug 1912. The property was to be sold subject to a grant of probate being made available associated with the will of Elizabeth Mary Champernowne. | |
S638 | Sale particulars for Hillcrest, Harrow Road West, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 08 Aug 1949. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendors were Lt Col Patrick Charles Maw and Magdalene Margaret Maw. Title commenced with a conveyance of 30 Aug 1886 between Emily Attlee of the first part, William Bainbridge Calvert of the second part, and John Caparn Calverton and Henry Attlee of the third part. | |
S639 | Sale particulars for Hill View, Cudworth, Newdigate, a detached freehold country residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 03 Oct 1949. 5pp with a manuscript addition noting that there were no bids. | |
S640 | Sale particulars for Heathdene, Vincent Drive, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 20 Mar 1950. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S641 | Sale particulars for Highfield, Yew Tree Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Jan1950. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late T R W Bray. Title commenced with a lease of 04 Jul 1937 between Cubitt Estates Limited and Tom Redvers Winsley Bray. | |
S642 | Sale particulars for Nos 17 & 18 Hampstead Road, Dorking; and Nos 3 & 4 Redlands Bank Cottages, Holmwood, two pairs of freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Jul 1951. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late James Rich. Nos 17 & 18 Hampstead Road were let to weekly tenants Mrs Griffin and Mr Shepherd respectively; and Nos 3 & 4 Redlands Bank Cottages were let to weekly tenants Mrs Birch and Mrs Batchelor respectively. | |
S643 | Sale particulars for No 245 High Street, Dorking, a freehold shop premises with accommodation above, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 12 Mar 1951. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Otto Langer. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Sep 1882 between George Fletcher Jones and Robert Piggott Oldershaw of the one part, and Henry Walker of the other part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in an indenture of 08 May 1893 between Henry Walker of the first part, George Scales of the second part, Edward Ventham of the third part, and Blackmore Turner of the fourth part. | |
S644 | Sale particulars for Holme, Gomshall, a freehold detached chalet bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A R & J Gascoigne-Pees of Leatherhead, 12 Mar 1951. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a mortgage of 07 Oct 1912 between R S Fraser-Mackenzie and J O A Fraser-Mackenzie of the first part, A S Kennard and the Reverend J S Holden of the second part, and A G Ferguson, H G Papillon and E S Wilbraham of the third part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance on sale of 10 Apr 1923 between A G Ferguson, H G Papillon and E S Wilbraham of the one part, and Alfred Cox of the other part. | |
S645 | Sale particulars for Heathcroft, Howard Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 24 Mar 1952. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Westminster Bank Ltd, executors for the late Miss A M Tebbs. Title commenced with a conveyance of 04 Jul 1918 between Fanny Whaley of the one part, and Frank Marriot Tebbs, William Henry Tebbs and George Clementson Tebbs of the other part. | |
S646 | Sale particulars for Holmes Farm, Betchworth; and Oakwood Lodge and Golden Lodge, Boxhill, Dorking, properties of 145 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs James Styles & Whitlock of London and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 21 Jul 1952. 10pp including a coloured plan and with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Sir B C Brodie. The properties were sold in 4 Lots as follows: | |
S646 ctd | Lot 1: Holmes Farm, Betchworth, a 115 acre property, incorporating Holmelea and Holmes Farm House, a pair of residences, farm buildings, a pair of cottages and agricultural land. Lot 2: Oakwood Lodge, Boxhill, Dorking, a detached cottage with an adjoining builders yard and 4 and a half acres. Lot 3: Golden Lodge, Boxhill, Dorking, a detached bungalow with 1 acre, let to weekly tenant Mrs Trussler. Lot 4: 24 and a half acres of arable land and woodland at Boxhill, Dorking. | |
S646 ctd | Title to Lots 1 to 3 and part of Lot 4 commenced with a vesting deed of 23 May 1926 between Sir Thomas Herbert Warren, Benjamin Colin Brodie (the vendor) and Phoebe May Brodie of the one part, and Sir Benjamin Vincent Sellor Brodie Bart of the other part. Title to the remaining part of Lot 4 commenced with a conveyance on sale of 21 Dec 1921 between Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope (Lord Francis Hope) of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Brockham Lime & Hearthstone Co Ltd of the third part. A portion of land in Lot 4 was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 25 Apr 1942 between Ernest Arthur Browne of the first part, Brockham Lime & Hearthstone Co Ltd of the second part, and Sir Benjamin Colin Brodie of the third part. | |
S647 | Sale particulars for No 1 Hart Gardens, Dorking, a freehold cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 27 Jul 1953. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late James Brett. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 14 Aug 1902 between Abel Eveleigh of the first part, John Charman, Alfred Charman, William Rapley and William Rapley Junior of the second part, and John Tugwell of the third part. | |
S648 | Sale particulars for Hillcrest, Franksfield, Peaslake, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 26 Oct 1953. 8pp. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Mar 1910 between The Corporation of Wardens of St Saviours Southwark and William Pullen. | |
S649 | Sale of Holmbury Estate including 3 farms; lodge & cottages: 1953. Parker G C: Stevens K G: Baron Lady Elsie: Guinness Hon A. | |
S650 | Sale particulars for Holmwood Park Farm, Holmwood Common, a 134 acre residential and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 14 Sep 1953. 10pp including a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs D Bradfield. The property incorporated a farmhouse residence, farm buildings, and a pair of cottages, one of which was let on a service tenancy to P Bale, the farm foreman. The property also included 2 further detached cottages; Knoll Cottage, Holmwood Park, built in 1873; and South Lodge, Holmwood Park, let to service tenant H Hughes, a gardener. The farm, formerly known as Swites Farm, had previously been damaged by enemy action in WW2, when it was sold to Mr E Heasman. | |
S650 ctd | Title to differing parts of the property commenced with the following: 1: A conveyance on sale of 13 Dec 1929 between John Craddock Morgan Nichols, William Dillworth Crewdson and Frederick Beaumont Morgan of the one part, and Edward Henry Hoare of the other part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 26 Jun 1928 between Gordon Ralph Hall-Caine and Edward Bernard Montesole of the first part, and Frederick Boxall of the other part. 3: A conveyance on sale of 25 Apr 1934 between William Byron Stillwell and Eric Cyril Brown. 4: A conveyance on sale of 10 Aug 1887 between Bertram Savile Ogle of the first part, Robert Henry Maude and Caroline Anna Mary Maude of the second part, Bertram Savile Ogle and Gerald Edward Maude of the third part, Adela Dillon of the fourth part, and Sydney John James Hack of the fifth part. | |
S651 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, implements and machinery, at Holmwood Park Farm, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 09 Oct 1953. 6pp.The sale was on the instructions of Mrs D Bradfield who had sold the freehold of the premises (see S650). | |
S652 | Sale particulars for No 5 Hurtbank, Holmbury St Mary, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 26 May 1953. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Theodore Waterhouse. | |
S653 | Sale particulars for Hatchetts, Newdigate, a freehold country residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 11 Jul 1955. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S654 | Sales particulars for Halesbridge Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Incorporated Auctioneers Sales Rooms, London, by joint auctioneers Messrs John D Wood &Co of London, and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 04 Jul 1956. 12pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 68 acre property included a Tudor farmhouse residence, farm buildings, 2 cottages dating from 1947, and agricultural land. | |
S654 ctd | Title to differing parts of property commenced with a number of agreements, of which the 2 named conveyances were: 1: A conveyance on sale of 23 Oct 1924 between Anna Maclean Young of the first part, William Robertoun Young of the second part, and Samuel Cox of the third part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 24 Jun 1912 between William Thomas Tapsell and Samuel Cox. | |
S654 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 20 Sep 1932 between Sir Eastman Bell and Thomas Hume Bischoff of the first part, Percy William Rampton of the second part, Rowland Frederick Winder of the third part, Cyril Edward Winder of the fourth part, and Horace Garde Ryan of the fifth part. 2: A conveyance of 19 Oct 1932 between Sir Eastman Bell and Thomas Hume Bischoff of the first part, Percy William Rampton of the second part, Rowland Frederick Winder of the third part, Cyril Edward Winder of the fourth part, and Allen Ansell of the fifth part. 3: A conveyance of 14 Feb 1934 between Annie Louis Russell of the first part, John William Ansell and Sydney Hunt of the second part, and Horace Garde Ryan of the third part. 4: A conveyance of 28 Sep 1936 between John William Ansell and Sydney Hunt of the one part, and Arthur Lawrence Legon of the other part. 5: A conveyance of 23 Oct 1934 between Samuel Cox and Norman Bezzant. | |
S655 | Sale particulars for Hawthorne, Horsham Road, North Holmwood, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 05 May 1958. 5pp. Title commenced with a voluntary conveyance of 01 Aug 1895 between William Rapley and Martha Rapley. | |
S656 | Sale particulars for Nos 312-314 High Street, a single commercial and residential property, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 20 Mar 1961. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Florence Stokes. The property incorporated No 312, a ground floor shop; and No 314, a first floor surgery and second floor residence. The property had previously been designated as No 4 High Street Buildings and later as No 314 High Street. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 20 Aug 1921 between Rose Dandridge Cox and Florence Stokes. | |
S657 | Sale particulars for Holbrook Farm, Ockley, a 128 acre property, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by joint auctioneers Messrs H J Burt & Son of Steyning, and George Trollope & Sons of London, 28 Nov 1961. 14pp including photographs, a coloured plan, an affixed newspaper cutting confirming the sale, and manuscript addition noting the bids. The property included a 16th century main residence, farm buildings, 3 cottages and agricultural land. | |
S658 | Sale particulars for Heath Cottage, Westcott, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Nov 1962. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was to be sold subject to benefits contained in an agreement of 02 Nov 1931 between Richard Bates Dunkley of the one part, and Friary Holroyd and Healys Breweries of the other part. | |
S659 | Sale particulars for Horsehills Farm, Norwood Hill, a 130 acre residential and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs Weller & Co of Horsham, 16 Jul 1962. 16pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The property included a Grade III listed Tudor residence, farm buildings, 2 cottages (Horsehills Farm Cottages), a detached bungalow (known as Mi Feliz Casa), and agricultural land. | |
S659 ctd | Title to the main part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 17 Jan 1919 between Philip Herbert Oakey and John Daniel Arthur of the first part, Godfrey James Oakey of the second part and Albert Eustace Berry of the third part. Title to the remainder of the property, including Mi Feliz Casa, commenced with a conveyance on sale of 22 Sep 1919 between Bernard William Parsons and Derbe Carlton Berry. | |
S660 | Sale particulars for No 13 Howard Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 30 Apr 1962. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S661 | Sale particulars for Hill Grove, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Washington Hotel, Curzon Street, London, by Messrs Collins, Collins & Rawlence of London, 12 Jun 1963. 9pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S662 | Sale particulars for 4 building plots, totalling 1 acre, adjoining Hawthorndene, Westcott Street, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 26 Jul 1965. 9pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S663 | Sale particulars for Hound House, Shere, a detached Georgian residence with a detached bungalow and 5 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by joint agents Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Guildford, and Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 24 Oct 1967. 15pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 08 Aug 1918 between Robert Copland Sparkes of the first part, John George Sparkes and Stanley Roots Carden of the second part, and Edward Shrapnell Shrapnell-Smith of the third part. 2. A deed of ratification of 28 Apr 1954 between the Rt Hon Margaret Haigh, Viscountess Rhondda of the first part, Queen Street Nominees of the second part, and the vendors of the third part. | |
S664 | Sale particulars for Hunters Moon, Abinger Hammer, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Sep 1967. 8pp. The property included a detached house, farm buildings and land of 3 and a half acres. | |
S665 | Sale particulars for Holmwood Farm, North Holmwood, a 140 acre dairy enterprise, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 21 May 1969. 2 items, 2 copies of the same sale particulars, one clean copy and one with manuscript additions noting the bids and additional specifications, both 11pp including a coloured plan. The property incorporated a farmhouse built in 1964, farm buildings, pasture land, accommodation land, and a pair of cottages at Nos 1 & 2 Spook Hill, North Holmwood. | |
S666 | Records relating to the sale of a block of 5 shop units with accommodation above at Nos 108 to 116 High Street, Dorking, Jul 1973. 2 items. | |
S666/1 | Sale particulars for Nos 108, 110, 112, 114 & 116 High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Healey & Baker of London, 26 Jul 1973. 11pp including a photograph, a coloured schematic of the High Street with named businesses, and manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were occupied by the following: No 108 by the Temperance Permanent Building Society; No 110 by John Farmer; No 112 by Anita hairdressers; No 114 by Domino Gifts; and No 116 by John Manson butchers. | |
S666/2 | A typescript memorandum from an unknown source (not from the auctioneers), summarising additional tenant details for the sale of Nos 108 to 116 High Street, Dorking, Jul 1973. 1p. | |
S667 | Sale particulars for Nos 22 & 22A Hart Road, Dorking, and No 112 Rothes Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at Bedford Park Hotel, Streatham High Road, London, by Messrs May & Philpot of London, 10 Nov 1976. 8pp extracted from a larger original catalogue and with manuscripts additions noting the bids. | |
S668 | Sale particulars for a half acre plot of building land at the former site of Hales Cottages, Cricketers Close, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 04 May 1977. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The original cottages dated from the 16th century and were demolished in 1972. The land was to be sold with confirmed planning permission and a commitment to rebuild a new detached period cottage, to be designated as Hale Cottage, utilising the oak framework that had been retained from the original properties. Title commenced with a vesting assent of 26 Oct 1899 between H C Lee-Steere of the one part, and C W Lee-Steere and F T Rushton of the other part. | |
S669 | Sale particulars for Hartshurst Manor, Ockley, a Grade II listed farmhouse dating to the 16th century with 7 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 04 May 1977. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a vesting assent of 26 Oct 1899 between H C Lee-Steere of the first part, and C W Lee-Steere and F T Rushton of the other part. | |
S670 | Sale particulars for 3 adjoining retail premises, with offices and accommodation, at Nos 296-298, Nos 300-302, and No 304 High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at Caxton Hall, Westminster, London, by Messrs Athawes, Son & Co of London, 22 Feb 1977. 18pp extracted from a larger original catalogue, including a photograph, a schematic diagram of the properties on the High Street in the Moores Road to Wathen Road area, and manuscripts additions noting the bids, alterations to the specifications and rental calculations. The properties were as follows: | |
S670 ctd | Nos 296-298 High Street, Dorking, a vacant freehold shop premises with offices above, located on a corner site with the passageway leading to Paper Mews. Nos 300-302 High Street, Dorking, a freehold hairdressing salon with accommodation above, occupied by Robin G Renee ladies hairdressers. No 304 High Street, Dorking, a freehold restaurant with accommodation above, occupied by the Curry Palace. | |
S671 | Sale particulars for No 9 The Hatch, Stane Street, Ockley, a semi-detached Grade II listed 16th century cottage, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 05 Jul 1978. 8pp including a photograph and a black and white plan. Title commenced with a vesting assent of 26 Oct 1899 between H C Lee-Steere of the first part, and C W Lee-Steere and F T Rushton of the other part. | |
S672 | Sale particulars for No 12A Hart Gardens, Dorking, a freehold terrace residence, to be sold by auction at the Cumberland Hotel, Marble Arch, London, by joint agents Messrs Willmotts of London and Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Sep 1979. 5pp extracted from a larger original catalogue. | |
S673 | Records relating to the sale of Hound House Farm, Partridge Lane, Newdigate, 1983. 3 items. | |
S673/1 | Sale particulars for Hound House Farm, Partridge Lane, Newdigate, a Grade II listed farmhouse dating to the 15th century with 31 acres, to be sold by auction at Burford Bridge Hotel, Boxhill, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 14 Jul 1983. 9pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting previous planning and ownership details for the property. | |
S673/2 | A photocopy of the coloured plan from the sale particulars for Hound House Farm, Partridge Lane, Newdigate, 1983. 1p. | |
S673/3 | Manuscript note from Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking detailing offers received prior to auction for Hound House Farm, Partridge Lane, Newdigate, and observation about the property, 11 Jul 1983. 2pp. | |
S674 | Sale particulars for Ivyholt, London Road, Dorking, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 23 Oct 1922. 7pp. The property was formerly part of the Dorking Nurseries Estate. | |
S675 | Sale particulars for Inholm, Holmbury St Mary, an 11 and a half acre property, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 23 Jul 1929. 12pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included a main country residence, a flat, outbuildings, stables and a double cottage. Title to differing parts of the property varied and included parts that were formerly copyhold of the Manor of Gomshall, Towerhill, and as a consequence title to the overall property was complex. Full title details are provided in the original document, which reference Arthur Phelips Hoskyns and Charlotte Lydia Hoskyns. | |
S676 | Sale particulars for Innstead, Parkgate, Newdigate, a 16th century cottage with 1 acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 30 Sep 1932. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a mortgage of 01 Aug 1899 between Henry Horley and Joseph Mason. | |
S677 | Sale particulars for Ivy Cottage, Brockham Green, Brockham, a freehold detached residence dating to the 17th century with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs John Churchman & Sons of Horsham, 23 Apr 1934. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss Jane Kensett. Miss Evershed was in residence at the property. | |
S678 | Sale particulars for Ivy House Farm, Newdigate, a 92 acre dairy holding, to be sold by auction at the Market Hall, Redhill, by Messrs Harrie Stacey & Son of Redhill, 13 Sep 1950. 11pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a period farmhouse residence, farm buildings and 2 cottages. | |
S679 | Sale particulars for Invereshire, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a freehold detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 28 Jul 1955. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of D H Stewart. | |
S680 | Sale particulars for Inholms House and Inholms Cottage, Stonebridge, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 17 Jul 1964. 10pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included Inholms House, a main residence with stables and 1 acre; and Inholms Cottage, Inholms Lane, a detached 1930s residence. | |
S681 | Sale particulars for Ilex Trees, Mickleham, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Fox & Manwaring of Edenbridge, Kent, and Messrs Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking, 30 Mar 1966. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the representatives of the late Mrs L G Fosbery. Title to differing parts of the property commenced with conveyances of 16 Jan 1935 and 26 Mar 1936, both between Watney Combe Reid & Co Ltd of the first part and Lucie Gwendaline Fosbery of the other part. | |
S682 | Records relating to the sale of Ivy Cottage, Tranquil Lane, Betchworth, 1973. 2 items. | |
S682/1 | Sale particulars for Ivy Cottage, Tranquil Lane, Betchworth, a freehold cottage dating from the late 19th century, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 10 Sep 1973. 11pp including a photograph, 2 duplicate copies of the same coloured plan, and manuscript additions detailing the setting of the sale price and noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Surrey County Council. | |
S682/2 | A typescript circular, issued by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, confirming the postponement of the original auction (set for 04 Jul 1973) and the establishment of a new date (set for 10 Sep 1973) for the sale of Ivy Cottage, Tranquil Lane, Betchworth, 11 Jul 1973, 1p. | |
S683 | Sale of The Jordans and 4 Cottages, Newdigate: 1927. 5 items. Broadwood James H: Goldney Sir Gabriel: Pollock George F: Watson Eliza M: Goldney Frederick H: Mathieson James H: Mortimer Foster: Broadwood Henry F: Hanbury George: Mitchell Francis H: Watson William Farnell: Corfield Reginald: Walker Francis. | |
S684 | Sales particulars for Jessamine Cottage, South Street, Dorking, a freehold residence located opposite Mays Garage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 14 Sep 1936. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs L Rich. The property included a small lock up shop, let to weekly tenant Mr Knight. | |
S685 | Sale particulars for the Juniper Hill Estate, Mickleham, a freehold estate of about 94 acres comprising a mansion, a lodge and three cottages for sale by auction by John D Wood & Co in the Sale Room at 23 Berkeley Square, London W1, 06 Oct 1936. 12pp with coloured plan. | |
S686 | Sale particulars for Juniper Hill, Mickleham, an 18th century country house, to be sold by auction at St James Estate Rooms, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 28 Oct 1964. 25pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included a main residence, staff flats, outbuilding, gardens of 8 and a half acres, and adjoining woodland of 48 acres. The woodland was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a deed of covenant of 01 Aug 1945 between th+C2e Rt Hon Richard Bedford Viscount Bennett and The National Trust. | |
S687 | Sale particulars for Nos 14, 15 & 16 Jubilee Terrace, Dorking, 3 adjoining residences, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 21 Jun 1954. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 indentures; the first of 10 Apr 1888 relating to No 14, and the second of 23 Aug 1888 relating to Nos 15 & 16, both between George Fletcher Jones and Robert Piggott Oldershaw of the first part, and George Weller of the other part. | |
S688 | Records relating to the sale of the outlying portions of the Jayes Estate, near Dorking, Sep 1965. 5 items. | |
S688/1 | Sale particulars for the outlying portions of the Jayes Estate, near Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 20 Sep 1965. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, both with a photograph and a coloured plan, but one with additional manuscript additions noting the bids and revisions to the specifications, including a loose page of annotations. 17pp and 14pp. Title commenced with a vesting assent of 13 Dec 1934 between Charles Stanley Gordon Clark, Roy Thornton Monier-Williams and Alfred Alexander Gordon Clark of the one part, and Charles Augustus Lee-Steere of the other part. The sale included the Lordship of the Manor of Cudworth, covering 1,800 acres in the parishes of Newdigate, Leigh, Charlwood and Rusper. The 252 acre residential and agricultural estate incorporated the following named properties: | |
S688/1 ctd | 1: Batts Farm, Hales Bridge, a 130 acre property, including a farmhouse built in 1947, a cottage, farm buildings, arable, pasture and woodland. 2: 24 acres of accommodation land formerly part of Hound House Farm. 3: Hammonds Copse, Newdigate, 74 acres of woodland. 4: Former cricket field at Parkgate, opposite the Surrey Oaks public house. | |
S688/2 | A typescript notes from an unnamed source stating that the majority of the outlying portions of Jayes Park, near Dorking, including the Lordship of the Manor of Cudworth, had been sold by private treaty prior to auction, [c.1965]. 1p. | |
S688/3 | A typescript circular from Messrs Crow of Dorking, with summary details of the upcoming auction for the outlying portions of the Jayes Estate, near Dorking, 16 Sep 1965. 1p. | |
S688/4 | A typescript circular from Messrs Crow of Dorking, noting that certain lots were still available for sale after the auction of the outlying portions of the Jayes Estate, near Dorking, 22 Sep 1965. 1p. | |
S689 | Sale particulars for 2 freehold detached 1960s bungalows at Juniper Hill, Mickleham, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs Morgan, Baines & Frost of Dorking, 16 Feb 1966. 8pp including a photograph. | |
S690 | Sale particulars for Juniper Hill, Mickleham including maps and photos 1975. 3 items | |
S691 | Sale particulars for 21 acres of building land at Knoll Farm, Capel, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 29 Jun 1925. 9pp including a coloured plan. The land was to be sold in 15 plots, 10 of which fronted the main Horsham to Dorking Road and 5 fronted a private road off Weare Street. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 20 Jun 1901 between Emmeline Agnes Cazalet of the first part, Edward Henry Edsworth, William Dawes Freshfield and Henry Bacon of the second part, and James Hawkes Dennis of the third part. | |
S692 | Sale particulars for Ketleas, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 07 Feb 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Flight Lieutenant Frank Starr Moore (RAF). The property was previously mortgaged to the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society between 1904 and 1920. | |
S693 | Sale particulars for Knoll Cottage Estate and Woolards Farm, Mays Green, Ockley, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Rooms, London, by joint agents Harrods Ltd of London and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 14 Jun 1932. 15pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property was to be sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S693 ctd | Lot 1: Knoll Cottage and sporting estate, Ockley, a 145 acre property incorporating a main bungalow residence, occupied by W H C Barr; Wastelands, a small homestead with a pair of cottages, one of which was let to annual tenant Mrs Spratley; Bennetts Grove Cottage; Pondhead Farmhouse; pasture and woodland. Title commenced with the will of the Rt Hon William Frederick Baron Abinger, who died 16 Jan 1892. Lot 2: Woolards Farm, Ockley, a 16 acre property incorporating a main farmhouse residence, farm buildings, pasture and woodland. Title commenced with the will of William John Evelyn, who died 28 Jun 1908. | |
S694 | Sale particulars for No 2 Kingsland (formerly known as No 2 Brendon Cottages, Kingsland), Newdigate, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 06 Nov 1947. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S695 | Sale particulars for Kiln Meadow, Leigh, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 27 Jun 1949. 5pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a settlement of 03 Feb 1904 made by Henry Duke of Norfolk. | |
S696 | Records relating to the sale of Knoll Farm, Capel, Jun-Jul 1962. | |
S696/1 | Sale particulars for Knoll Farm, Capel, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Whatley, Hill & Co of London, 18 Jul 1962. 13pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 72 and a half acre property included a main farmhouse residence dating to the 17th century, farm buildings, a bailiffs cottage, agricultural land and woodland. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in a conveyance of 31 Dec 1924 between Walter Mercer Gillett and Maurice Chance. | |
S696/2 | A typescript letter from an unknown source to Messrs Whatley, Hill & Co of London, requesting two copies of the sale particulars for Knoll Farm, Capel, 19 Jun 1962. 1p including an affixed cutting from the Sunday Times advertising the sale of the property. | |
S697 | Sale particulars for Kilnbrook, Coneyhurst Lane, Ewhurst, a freehold detached 1930s residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Cranleigh, 02 Apr 1968. 9pp including photographs. | |
S698 | Sale particulars for Langley House, Barrington Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Oct 1924. 8pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Dr George Fisher. | |
S699 | Sale particulars for Langholm, South Holmwood, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 13 Jun 1935. 8pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Patterson. | |
S700 | Sale particulars for Nos 1, 2 & 3 Leslie Road, Dorking, 3 freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 04 Mar 1929. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. No 2 was let to weekly tenant Mr W P Brewster and No 3 to weekly tenant Mrs Carter. | |
S701 | Records relating to the sale of Little Abbots Farm Cottage, Gadbrook, Betchworth, Jul 1930. | |
S701/1 | Sale particulars for Little Abbots Farm Cottage, Gadbrook, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Marten & Carnaby of London, 25 Jul 1930. 2pp including photographs. The 2 acre property included a cottage, farm buildings, a barn and building land. Title commenced with a settlement of 09 Nov 1891 on the marriage of Ida Watney and John Hubert Oakley. | |
S701/2 | A coloured plan for the sale of Little Abbots Farm Cottage, Gadbrook, Betchworth, produced by Messrs Marten & Carnaby of London, 1930. 1p. | |
S701/3 | A typescript letter from Messrs Marten & Carnaby of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating that Little Abbots Farm Cottage, Gadbrook, Betchworth, had been sold to Mr Watkins in a private sale, 31 Jul 1930. 1p. | |
S701/4 | A typescript note from Messrs Marten & Carnaby of London, listing the unsold properties from a recent auction, including Little Abbots Farm Cottage, Gadbrook, Betchworth, 25 Jul 1930. 1p. | |
S702 | Sale particulars for 5 leasehold cottages at Nos 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 Limeway Terrace, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 05 Oct 1931. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Messrs E H Cummins & Co Ltd and the properties were leased by Cubitt Estates Ltd. | |
S703 | Sale particulars for 19 acres of pasture land adjoining Pisley Farm at Holden Brook Lane, Leith Hill, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 25 Apr 1934. 4pp. Title commenced with the will of William Frederick Baron Abinger, who died 16 Jan 1892. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 01 Jun 1933 between Frederick Bertrand Bosworth (the vendor) and Andrew Andersen (the purchaser). | |
S704 | Sale particulars for The Larches, Reigate Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, and residual items of furniture, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 16 Dec 1936. 6pp with a manuscript addition noting that the property was sold prior to the auction. The residence formed part of Elmgrove Farm and the title commenced with a conveyance of 28 Oct 1921 between the Rt Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope (Lord Francis Hope) of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Richard Chart of the third part. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 14 Jun 1926 between Richard Chart and Sidney Farley. | |
S705 | Sale particulars for Leslie House, Church Street, Dorking; the adjoining Old Coach House with a small garden; and a building plot opposite Brookside, Archway Place, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Apr 1947. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids, The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Joseph Todman. Leslie House was a freehold detached residence and the adjoining Old Coach House comprised of 3 stable stalls and garage. The garage was let to weekly tenant Mr Skilton. Title commenced with the will, written on 27 Apr 1893 and proved on 20 May 1893, of Joseph Todman, who died on 27 Apr 1893 (Note: Duplicate dates are as presented in the original document). | |
S706 | Sale particulars for Little Abbots Farm, Betchworth, a small freehold farmstead with an orchard, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 12 Jul 1948. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and modifications to the specifications. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 13 Oct 1919 between Dendy Watney Robert Charles Kerr and Percy James Curtis of the first part, Sir John Hubert Oakley and Dame Ida Oakley of the second part and Frank Walter Marten of the third part. | |
S707 | Sale particulars for Leith Vale, Standon Lane, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 21 Jul 1949. 22pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of R D Trotter. The 59 acre freehold property included a detached country residence, 2 lodges, 6 cottages, stables and grounds. Four of the cottages were let to weekly service tenants Messrs T Price, T Frogley, C Martin and E Lee. The entrance lodge was let to Mrs Moore and south lodge, known as Copse Lodge, was let to Mr Buckingham. | |
S708 | Sale particulars for Little Leighs, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 15 Feb 1949. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and that the property had been sold to Mr Scott. | |
S709 | Sale particulars for Little Orchard, Pippbrook Gardens, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Nov 1949. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and modifications to the specifications. The sale was on the instructions of the estate of the late Mrs Roger. | |
S710 | Sale particulars for Lychgate House, Holmbury St Mary, a 17th century farmhouse residence with outbuildings and a barn, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Wilson & Co of London, 10 May 1949. 9pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids and modifications to the specifications. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 17 Feb 1928 between E S Morphew and L Knight. | |
S711 | Sale of Leigh Place Estate (historical notes): 1954. Charrington Arthur F: Bell Henry: McDougall Katherine: Motion Sydney H: Watney Daniel: Watney Walter D: Waterhouse George G: Waterhouse Catherine L: Cooper Charles: Kane Rev Thomas: Watney Stephen C: Canterbury Archbishop of: Southwark Bishop of: Bell Sir Eastman: Read George: Winder Rowland F: Bischoff Thomas H: Winder Frederick: Brewse: Bounty of Queen Anne: Dendy Richard: Moss: Shelly William: Harrington: General Store: Peeling: Woodman John: Bristow Robert: Gurney Miss: Rees Mrs: Warrington: Appleby: Hewitt M: Quare Col.: Salmon Mrs: Bowyer Miss: Clergy: Spurrier Mrs: Adams: Weller Mrs: Smith: Rampton Percy: Southwark Bishop of: de Aderne John: General Store: Peeling: Woodman John. | |
S712 | Sale particulars for Ladyrig, Chart Lane, Dorking, a freehold detached with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 31 Oct 1955. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting that the property had not been sold. | |
S712 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 26 Sep 1924 between The Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the second part, and Angelus Beyfus of the third part. 2: Conveyances of 08 Jul 1927 and 26 Nov 1928 between Angelus Beyfus and Marjorie Gladys Hoyle Grant. 3: A conveyance of 15 Jun 1931 between The Noble Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope, 8th Duke of Newcastle of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the second part, and George Frederick Cotton of the third part. 4: A conveyance of 24 Jan 1947 between Dame Ethel Cotton and the vendor. | |
S713 | Sale particulars for Little House, Pilgrims Way, Westhumble, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 15 Aug 1955. 6pp including manuscript additions noting the bids and that the property had been sold to Mr Quinn. | |
S714 | Sale particulars for Little Denshot Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction at The Market Hall, Redhill, by Messrs Skinner & Rose of Redhill, 06 Jul 1956. 10pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 25 acre property included a main residence dating to the 16th century, farm buildings and 2 cottages known as Little Denshot Cottages. Title to the greater part of the property commenced with a mortgage of 27 Jan 1900 between Helen Carrington of the first part, Harry Julian Carrington of the second part, and the Yorkshire Fire & Life Assurance Co of the third part. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a conveyance of 19 Sep 1910 between Thomas Sanderson Furness, John Codley Baxter and Sir John Watney of the first part, Daniel Watney of the second part, and Georgina Pryce Mary Charrington of the third part. | |
S715 | Sale particulars for Lower House Farm, Lower House Lane, Ewhurst, a period residential and agricultural property, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by joint agents Messrs W B Hallett, Fox & White of London and Messrs Weller & Co of Cranleigh, 28 May 1957. 12pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The 39 acre property included a 16th century farmhouse, a cottage, a barn, farm buildings, gardens and pasture land. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 27 Aug 1925 between Ian Mackintosh Smith and the Hon Ivor Spencer Churchill. | |
S716 | Sales particulars for Laurel Cottage and Meadow Cottage, Beare Green, a pair of cottages located on the Wigmore Estate, to be sold by auction at the Three Tuns Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 03 Nov 1958. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S717 | Sale particulars for Little Burfords, Norwood Hill, Charlwood, a 4 and a half acre detached freehold residence with stable and paddocks, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Harrods Ltd of London, 26 Jun 1963. 8pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S718 | Sale particulars for The Little House, Upper Street, Shere, an 18th century cottage, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Morgan, Baines & Frost of Guildford, 26 Sep 1963. 5pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S719 | Sale particulars for Little Chantersleur, Norwood Hill, Charlwood, a freehold detached Elizabethan residence with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the George Hotel, Crawley, by Messrs William Wood, Son & Gardner of Crawley, 15 Sep 1964. 8pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 05 Aug 1933 between Archibald Sutcliffe Knight and Hugh Ravensford Dixon. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 22 Jan 1932 between Sir Eastman Bell and Thomas Hume Bischoff of the first part, WIlliam Rampton of the second part, and Rowland Frederick Winder of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 14 Jun 1946 between Harold Arthur George Dix of the first part, Barclays Bank Ltd of the second part, and the vendor of the third part. | |
S720 | Sundry papers - Sale of outlying portions of Lyne Estate, Capel: 1964. Batchelor A: Markham M: Porges W: Patton T: Clapshaw W. | |
S721 | Sale particulars for Lodgelands Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the White Hart, Beare Green, by Messrs Crow Watkins & Watkin of Dorking, 05 Dec 1979. 15pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 31 acre property included a bungalow residence, farm building, pasture and woodland. | |
S722 | Sales brochure for Leith Hill House, Coldharbour, a freehold detached Victorian residence with 2 acres, available through joint agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London and Messrs Pearson Cole of Dorking, [c.late 20th century]. 7pp including photographs. | |
S723 | Sale particulars for Minnickfold, Holmwood, an 18 acre property, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Messrs Giddy & Giddy of London, 30 Jul 1907. 14pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included a detached country residence, 2 estate cottages, stables, grounds and parkland. Parts of the property described in the particulars as freehold, were formerly copyhold, partly in the Manor of Westcott and partly in the Manor of Dorking, and as a consequence title to the overall property was complex. Full title details are provided in the original document, which contain reference to the following. | |
S723 ctd | 1: A will dated 04 Apr 1848 of George Heath, Sergeant-at-Law, who died 21 Jan 1852, and attested by his sons, Rev John Moore Heath and Douglas Denon Heath. 2: A deed of enfranchisement of 09 Jan 1856 between William John Evelyn of the first part, Rev John Moore Heath of the second part, and Charles Hart of the third part. 3: A deed of enfranchisement of 09 Aug 1898 between William John Evelyn and Sir Leopold George Heath. 4: A deed of enfranchisement of 10 Nov 1898 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, the Rt Hon Marmaduke Francis Lord Herries and the Hon Ralph Drury Kerr of the second part and Sir Leopold George Heath of the third part. 5: An indenture of 29 Nov 1898 between Sir Alexander Hargreaves Brown of the first part, and Eva Maria MacLaren and Sir Charles Benjamin Bright MacLaren of the other part. | |
S723 ctd | The property was to be sold subjects to restrictions contained in the following: 1: An indenture of 08 Aug 1898 between Sir Leopold George Heath of the first part, Cuthbert Eden Heath and Henry John Tschudi Broadwood of the second part, and Eva Maria MacLaren and Sir Charles Benjamin Bright MacLaren of the third part. 2: An indenture of 15 Nov 1898, and modified by a conveyance of 22 Nov 1898 between Eva Maria MacLaren and Sir Charles Benjamin Bright MacLaren of the first part, Walter Stowe Bright MacLaren of the second part, and Sir Alexander Hargreaves Brown of the third part. 3: An indenture of 25 Aug 1873 between Sir Leopold George Heath and Douglas Denon Heath of the first part, and Frederick Pennington of the other part. | |
S724 | Sale particulars for Moorfield (formerly known as Furzlea), Holmwood Common, a freehold country house, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Giddy & Giddy of London, 13 Oct 1920. 9pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The vendors were Sir James Roderick Duff McGrigor, Bart, and Edward Albert Bliss. The 4 acre property included a main residence, 2 estate cottages, stables and gardens. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Oct 1902 between Jane Anna Golding Bird and the late Sir William Taylor. | |
S725 | Sale particulars for Moorfield, Holmwood Common, a freehold country house, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Samuel Wallrock & Co of London, 11 Apr 1923. 17pp including photographs. The 4 acre property included a main residence, 2 estate cottages, stables and gardens. | |
S726 | Sale particulars for Milton Heath, Milton Court Lane, Dorking; and Nos 24 & 25 Howard Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 05 May 1921. 16pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late James Carr Saunders. The properties were to be sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S726 ctd | Lot 1: Milton Heath, Milton Court Lane, Dorking, a 22 acre freehold property incorporating a large country residence, a lodge, a cottage, stables, a model farm, a reservoir, grounds and parkland. A small parcel of land was subject to an agreement of 12 Aug 1882 between the Arthur Powell and the Dorking Water Company. Lot 2: Nos 24-25 Howard Road, Dorking, a pair of freehold cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr Stockton and Mr Tyler, respectively. | |
S727 | Sale particulars for Milton Heath, Milton Court Lane, Dorking, to be sold by private treaty through Messrs Duncan B Gray & Partners of London, [c.1920s-1930s]. 13pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The 22 acre freehold property incorporated a large country residence, a lodge, a cottage, stables, a model farm, a reservoir, grounds and parkland. | |
S728 | Sale particulars for Milton Heath and Sondes Place, Dorking, 2 freehold country houses; and adjoining plots of building land at Milton Court Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Nov 1930. 19pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Details of the properties and titles are as follows: | |
S728 ctd | Milton Heath, Milton Court Lane, Dorking, a 22 acre property, incorporating a large country residence, a lodge, a cottage, stables, a model farm, a reservoir, grounds and parkland. A small parcel of land was subject to an agreement of 12 Aug 1882 between the Arthur Powell and the Dorking Water Company. | |
S728 ctd | Sondes Place, Dorking, a 7 acre property, incorporating a large country residence designed by Thomas Cubitt in the 1850s, outbuildings and gardens. Title to the property and to 21 acres of building land at Milton Court Lane, Dorking, commenced with a settlement of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part, and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S729 | Sale particulars for Moleside Croft, Brockham, a freehold pre-war cottage with 1 acre, including a small 3 room bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Feb 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Miss Knipe who was leaving the area. | |
S730 | Sale particulars for The Mid Surrey Lime Works, Abinger, a leasehold property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 01 May 1928. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included lime kilns, a mill house, store sheds, offices, machinery, equipment and large deposits of chalk, sand and gravel. The site had access to sidings off the Southern Railway branch line that ran between Redhill, Guildford and Reading. Title commenced with a copy counterpart lease of 30 Jun 1926 between Cecil John Alvin Evelyn and Norman Lindsay Fawcett. | |
S731 | Sale particulars for the farm buildings and a small paddock of one acre at Manor Farm, Abinger, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 07 May 1930. 5pp including a coloured plan. Title commenced with the will, written on 28 Jan 1908 and proved 07 Aug 1908, of William John Evelyn, who died 26 Jun 1908. | |
S732 | Sale particulars for Mertinga, Knoll Road, Dorking, a pre-war freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Sep 1931. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and modifications to the specifications. The sale was on the instructions of H C Duffin. | |
S733 | Sale particulars for Mill View, Charlwood, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the White Hart Hotel, Reigate, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 28 Jul 1931. 7pp. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 08 Sep 1881 between Henry John Hunt and Abraham Wilkins. | |
S734 | Sale particulars for Milton Farm House, Westcott, with 5 cottages, and building land, all of 15 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Whatley, Hill & Co of London, 27 Jul 1931. 19pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Dudley Cory Wright. The cottages were Rosemary Cottage and Lavender Cottage, a pair of cottages at Stones Lane, Westcott; The Garden House, a detached cottage in the grounds of the Red House, Westcott; The Barn, a detached residence formed of 4 former cottages at Stones Lane, Westcott; and Chauffeurs Cottage, Stones Lane, Westcott. Some of the building plots incorporated part of the gardens of the Red House, Westcott. | |
S735 | Sale particulars for the Mynthurst Estate, Leigh, Newdigate and Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the White Hart Hotel, Reigate, by joint agents Messrs Hewett & Lee of Guildford and Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 18 Nov 1931. 45pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and an affixed page detailing that the contents of Mynthurst Mansion were to be sold by auction at the premises, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 16 Nov 1931. The vendor had contracted to purchase the property from Percy William Rampton under an agreement of 15 Sep 1931. The extensive 1,890 acre freehold residential, agricultural and sporting estate included accommodation land, pasture and woodland, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S735 ctd | 1. Mynthurst, a mansion built in 1856 and main residence of the estate, an 81 acre property including stables, grounds, 2 cottages, South Lodge and a model dairy. The property also incorporated Ridgen Farm House, let to Mr Henson. 2: Home Farm, Mynthurst, an extensive 417 acre property incorporating; Park House Farm; Dowces Farm; Herons Head Farmhouse, let to Mr H Pescud; Keepers House, let to Mr L Marshall; Bailiffs House, let to Mr Rusbridge; and cottages let to Mr H Burrows, Mr H Pelham, Mr A Marshall and Mr W Flint. 3: Sheepcote Cottage, near Mynthurst, a residence with 34 acres of pasture. 4: Shellwood Cottage Farm, a 22 acre property, let to Mrs C Pescud. 5: Profits Farm, Clayhill Road, an 81 acre property; and Brook Farm, Shellwood Cross, a 75 acre property; both let to Mr C Payne. 6: Norwood Place Farm, a 95 acre property, let to Mr William Wells. | |
S735 ctd | 7: A bakers shop with accommodation at Dawesgreen, let to Mr Edward Paige. 8: A pair of semi-detached cottages at Dawesgreen, let to Mr F Grinstead and Mr William Hillman; a vacant detached cottage at Dawesgreen. 9: Clayhill Farm, Leigh, an 83 acre property, let to the executors of Mr R J Coleman. 10: Cramps Farm, Leigh, a 35 acre property, let to Mr Allan Edward Briant. 11: A pair of semi-detached cottages at Clayhill Road, let to the executors of Mr R J Coleman. 12: A pair of cottages at Leigh, let to Mr Harry Young and Mr George Reed. 13: Swains Farm, Leigh, a 183 acre property, let to Mr E O Edwards. 14: Dene Farm, Deanoak Lane, Nalderswood, a 162 acre property, let to Messrs W Constable & Sons Ltd. | |
S735 ctd | 15: Groves Farm and Groves Farm House, Nalderswood, a 39 acre property, let to Mr Thomas J Bishop. 16: Nalderswood Cottages, Deanoak Lane, a block of four residences, two of which were let to Mr J Woods and Mr J Lucas. 17: Arnolds Farm, Nalderswood, a 66 acre property, let to Mr Archibald Martin, and with a plot of pasture land let to Mr E O Edwards. 18: Chantersleur House and Lodge, a 12 acre residence, let to Mr Harold Dix, and with a plot of land let to Mr T F James. 19: Chantersleur Farm, a 100 acre property, let to Mr Thomas Frederick James. 20: Halesbridge Farm, a 104 acre property, let to Mr Horace G Ryan. 21: Roundabout Cottages, a pair of residences, let to Mr William Wells and Mr Tom Smith. 22: Hillside Cottages, Norwood Hill, a pair of residences, let to Mr C Pratt and Mrs Humphrey. | |
S735 ctd | Title to the overall estate was complex. Full details are provided in the original document, which contains reference to the following named parties: William Marriage, Sir Henry Bell, William Dawes Freshfield, James William Freshfield, Edwin Freshfield, Douglas William Freshfield, Sir John Watney, Thomas Sanderson Furniss, John Cordy Baxter, Daniel Watney, Walter Daniel Watney, Dendy Watney, Arthur Gordon Watney, Arthur Finch Charrington, Arthur Robert Garland, John Ownsworth Garland, John Elsey, Thomas James Bishop, Henry Richard Smith, William Smith, Ellen Smith, Richard Burt, George Henson Burt, Sir William Phillips Sawyer, John Newnham and William Dancy. | |
S736 | Sale particulars for a 10 acre freehold building site at The Meadowbank Estate, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Crow of Dorking and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 21 Mar 1932. 8pp including a coloured plan and an affixed manuscript page noting the bids and supplemental property details. The site incorporated a house, known as The Old House, a lodge, and grounds of the Meadowbank Estate. The sale was on the instructions of Dorking Urban District Council. Title commenced with an indenture of settlement of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part, and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S737 | Sale particulars for Mount House, South Street, Dorking, a freehold residence, originally a farmhouse dating to the 17th century, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 03 Jun 1935. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs E A West. | |
S738 | Sale particulars for a small parcel of building land at London Road, Mickleham, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 31 Jul 1939. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the Mickleham Hall Estate. Title commenced with a conveyance of 30 Sep 1891 between E H Morrison of the first part, N P Morrison, F C Morrison and James Nightingale of the second part, R H Haynes of the third part, and H H Gordon Clark of the fourth part. | |
S739 | Sale particulars for Millside, Reigate Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 21 Apr 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Claude Edward Barker and Mrs Margaret Louise Barker. Title commenced with a vesting deed of 13 Oct 1926 between Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the one part, and the Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the other part. Earlier title of the Hope Settled Estates commenced with the will and codicils of Anne Adele Hope, who died 31 Mar 1884. | |
S740 | Sale particulars for No 7 Mount Street, Dorking for sale by auction at 279 High Street, Dorking by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland, 21 Oct 1948. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 4th Dec 1920 between Walter James Wing and Harold Longhurst. | |
S741 | Sale particulars for Mayfield, London Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 26 Sep 1949. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the estate of the late Miss Clara Philps. | |
S742 | Sale particulars for Mayfield, Brockham Lane, Betchworth, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 19 Sep 1949. 6pp with a manuscript addition noting that there were no bids. | |
S742 ctd | Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Oct 1921 between Lord Francis Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Richard Chart of the third part. Part of the property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a deed of 19 May 1930 between Richard Chart of the first part, and John Maitland Bryson and Ruth Helene Bryson of the other part. A further part of the property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 22 Apr 1927 between Richard Chart and Charles Edward Stent. The remainder of the property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a transfer of 21 Nov 1933 from Sidney Farley to Charles Edward Stent. | |
S743 | Sale particulars for No 24 Mill Lane, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Nov 1949. 6pp. Title to part of the property commenced with the will, proved 11 Apr 1888, of William Boxall, who died 15 Mar 1887. | |
S744 | Sale particulars for No 6 Moores Road, Dorking, a freehold cottage, to be sold by auction at the estate office of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 05 Apr 1949. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S745 | Sale particulars for Mulberry Cottage, Westhumble Street, Westhumble, a freehold country residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 08 Aug 1949. 6pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Jul 1903 between Harold Shipley Cluse and Annie Douglas; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 18 Oct 1920 between Baron Ashcombe and Cubitt Estates Limited. | |
S746 | Sale particulars for Midway, Gadbrook Cross Roads, Gadbrook, Betchworth, a detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the estate office of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 16 Feb 1950. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S747 | Sale particulars for 3 properties in Brockham, Dorking and Great Bookham, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 13 Oct 1952. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs E Batchelor. The properties were to be sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S747 ctd | Lot 1: No 102 Middle Street, Brockham, a semi-detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mr Marshall. The property was subject to a war damage claim. Title commenced with a conveyance of 28 Oct 1921 between Lord Francis Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and James Boxell of the third part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 12 Mar 1934 between Stanley Leonard Mighell and Edward John Batchelor. | |
S747 ctd | Lot 2: No 43 Hart Road, Dorking, a semi-detached villa let to weekly tenant Miss Plummer. Title commenced with a conveyance of 31 Dec 1919 between Charlotte Wiles and Frank Charles Champion of the first part, and Edward John Batchelor of the other part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 29 Sep 1882 between George Fletcher Jones and Robert Piggot Oldershaw. | |
S747 ctd | Lot 3: Leverton, Howard Road, Great Bookham, a detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mr G A J Hoad, Title commenced with a conveyance of 19 Jun 1918 between Henry Keswick and Hippolyte Louis Wiche du Coudray Souchan. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 19 Nov 1923 between Allan Ansell and Neal Charles Hartley. | |
S748 | Sale particulars for Moleway, Reigate Road (opposite the Punch Bowl public house), Dorking, a freehold detached residence with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 28 Jun 1950. 10pp including photographs. The sale was on the instructions of Messrs Williams Deacons Bank Limited acting for the late Mrs Julie Dixon Hine. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 13 Dec 1923 between Alfred Alexander Pepper and Julie Dixon Hine. | |
S749 | Sale particulars for Mercaston, at No 24 Deepdene Vale, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 11 Oct 1954. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Hawley. The property was sold subject to covenants contained in a transfer dated 17 Mar 1928 from Maurice Chance to William Gilbert Lowndes. | |
S750 | Catalogue for the sale a farm implements and machinery at Marelands Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the premises, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 01 Oct 1958. 4pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mr A Dooley who was leaving the business. The sale included the property of Mr G E Sparks, the incoming tenant; Mr W A Ford of Lodge Farm, Holmwood; Mr G H Steer of Chaffold Farm, Newdigate; Messrs G J Crutchers & Sons of New House Farm, Newdigate; Mr T Holt of Tanhurst Farm, Newdigate; and Mrs Skinner of Highway Farm, Cobham. | |
S751 | Sale particulars for 2 small building plots, a parcel of land and a detached lodge bungalow at Mickleham Hall Gardens, London Road, Mickleham, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 03 Mar 1958. 12pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S751 ctd | The property formed part of a privately owned estate and was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in 3 agreements as follows: 1: A deed of grant of 06 Jul 1956 between the vendors on the first part, Norman Pemberton Macdonald of the second part, and Elizabeth Elliston Watson of the third part. 2: An agreement of 01 Feb 1950 between the vendors of the first part, and Desmond Cecil Langford of the other part. 3: A conveyance of 15 Oct 1947 between Henry Michael Gordon Clark, Nathaniel John Gordon Clark, Alfred Alexander Gordon Clark and Francis Felix Gordon Clark of the first part, and William Haydon Bull of the other part. | |
S752 | Sale particulars for Moor Lodge, South Holmwood, a freehold country house dating from the 1890's, with 2 acres; and Gunyah Cottage, Warwick Road, South Holmwood, a semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at St James Estate Rooms, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 20 Sep 1961. 8pp including a photograph. | |
S753 | Records relating to the sale of Mynthurst Home Farm, Leigh, a freehold dairy farm, agricultural and sporting estate, Apr-May 1961. 2 items. The 525 acre property included a farmhouse, farm buildings, 4 cottages, arable, pasture and woodland. The cottages were No 1 Mynthurst Farm Cottages, a detached residence; Nos 2 & 3 Mynthurst Farm Cottages, a pair of semi-detached residences; and Dowces Cottage, a detached property. | |
S753/1 | Sale particulars for Mynthurst Home Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Weller & Co of Horsham, 17 Apr 1961. 22pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids and modifications to the specifications. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 21 Mar 1932 between Rowland Frederick Winder and Cyril Edward Winder. | |
S753/2 | Revised sale particulars and a covering typescript letter issued by Weller & Co of Horsham, stating that Mynthurst Home Farm, Leigh, had failed to sell at auction and was being offered for private sale, 04 May 1961. 3pp. | |
S754 | Sale particulars for Monks Tower, Oakwood Hill, a detached freehold residence converted from a coach house, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs Jackson-Stops & Staff of London, 05 Sep 1962. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S755 | Sale particulars for Maple Cottage, Ockley, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking, 29 Sep 1965. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S756 | Sale particulars for Merton House, North Street, Westcott, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Sep 1965. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late Miss A M Johns. | |
S756 ctd | Title commenced as to the main part of the property with a conveyance on sale of 07 Jul 1931 between Sir Arthur Cory Cory-Wright and The Reverend Gilbert Montague Hall of the first part, and Amy Helen Johns, Lucy Kate Johns and Alice Mary Johns of the other part. Title commenced as to the remainder of the property with a deed of exchange of 20 Dec 1933 between Amy Helen Johns, Lucy Kate Johns and Alice Mary Johns of the first part, and Edith Mary Parton of the other part. | |
S757 | Sale particulars for Milehouse Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, a period detached residence with 2 and three quarter acres, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 28 Jun 1965. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each including a photograph but with different manuscript additions and with only one copy including a coloured plan. Title commenced with a vesting assent of 13 Dec 1934 between Charles Stanley Gordon Clark, Roy Thornton Monier-Williams and Alfred Alexander Gordon Clark of the first part, and Charles Augustas Lee-Steere of the other part. | |
S758 | Sale particulars for Marrondale, Marlborough Road, Dorking, a detached 1930s freehold chalet bungalow; and a small adjoining plot of building land; to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 10 Nov 1966. 8pp including a general location map. | |
S759 | Sale particulars for Marlwood Cottage, Ifield Road, Charlwood, a freehold detached residence dating to the 18th century, to be sold by auction at the Cambridge Lodge Hotel, Horley, by Messrs Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking, 13 Mar 1968. 7pp including a photograph. The property had been converted from two original farm cottages into a single residence. The premises were to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a grant of probate of 25 Apr 1958 between Donald Stewart McKenzie (grantor) in the first part, The Dorking & Horley District Council in the second part, and Thomas Wickens (grantee) in the third part. | |
S760 | Records relating to the sale of Minnickwood Estate, Coldharbour, 1971-1972. 4 items. | |
S760/1 | Sale particulars for Minnickwood Estate, Coldharbour, to be sold by auction at the Dorking Halls, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 27 Jul 1971. 28pp including photographs, a coloured plan, manuscript additions noting the bids, and an affixed addendum page with revisions to the conditions of sale. The 212 acre agricultural and residential estate included farmland, woodland, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S760/1 ctd | 1: Minnickwood House, Coldharbour, a 7 acre property and main residence of the estate, dating to the late 19th century. 2: Rose Cottage, Coldharbour, a 2 acre property adjacent to Minnickwood Estate, incorporating a stone built barn dating to 1840. 3: Minnickwood Cottage, Coldharbour, a detached period residence. 4: Kitlands Farm, Coldharbour, a 72 acre property. 5: Nos 1 & 2 Chasemore Cottages, Coldharbour, a pair of semi-detached residences. 6: Anstiebury Camp, an ancient monument over 28 acres. Additional notes outline the discovery of flint axeheads and Roman coins at the site, and date it to between the 2nd and 1st century BC. 7: Named woodland areas include Moor Wood, Hog Orchard Copse, Gill Wood, Springate Copse, and Bushey Copse. | |
S760/1 ctd | Title to the overall estate was complex. Full details are provided in the original document, which contain reference to the following named parties: F H Sparks, M R Heath, C H Heath-Caldwell, O A Davis, R M Campbell, F M Campbell, H L Barlow, A C Walters, the Reverend A Murphy, the Reverend J Smith, the Reverend F Briady, the Reverend G Rathe, P J N Roberts, A J Cockinis, Lady J M Maxwell, and G Lipscombe. | |
S760/2 | A provisional ordnance survey map with draft outlines of the lots to be sold at Minnickwood Estate, Coldharbour, drawn up by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, [c.1971]. | |
S760/3 | A typescript circular detailing a summary of the lots to be sold by auction at Minnickwood Estate, Coldharbour, issued by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, Jul 1971. 1p. | |
S760/4 | A typescript circular, detailing the remaining lots at the Minnickwood Estate, Coldharbour, that were not sold at auction, issued by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 12 Jan 1972. 2pp. | |
S761 | Sale particulars for Mizbrooks Farm (also known as Misbrooks Farm), Capel, to be sold by auction at the May Fair Hotel, Berkeley Square, London, by joint agents Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs Crow, Watkins & Watkins of Dorking, 19 Jun 1974. 9pp including photographs, a coloured plan and historical notes outlining the association of the property with smuggling. The 10 and a half acre property included a Grade II listed main farmhouse residence dating to the 16th century. Title commenced with a mortgage of 23 Nov 1921 between Captain Evelyn Henry Tschudi Broadwood and the London Assurance Corporation. | |
S762 | Records relating to the sale of No 2 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, and to public right of way issues for the adjoining property at No 1 Marshlands Cottages, 1979, 6 items. | |
S762/1 | Sale particulars for No 2 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, a freehold semi-detached residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Dorking Halls, by Messrs Crow, Watkins & Watkins of Dorking, 05 Apr 1979. 7pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions with brief observations on the property. The sale was on the instructions of the Broadwood Trust. Title commenced with an indenture of 23 Nov 1921 between Captain Evelyn Henry Tschudi Broadwood and the London Assurance Corporation. | |
S762/2 | A second copy of the same sale particulars as S762/1 for No 2 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, 05 Apr 1979. 8pp including a photograph, a coloured plan but with different manuscript additions to S762/1. | |
S762/3 | A typescript addendum to the sales particulars regarding the rights of way issues relating to the adjoining property at No 1 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, 1979. 1p. | |
S762/4 | A typescript note from V.H. (full name unknown) regarding the use of footpaths by ramblers at No 1 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, 30 Mar 1979. 1p. | |
S762/5 | A typescript letter to Mr Crow of Dorking, regarding the use of footpaths by ramblers at No 1 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, 30 Mar 1979. 1p. | |
S762/6 | Photocopies of maps and written details, issued by the Highways Department, outlining the location of the footpaths relating to No 1 Marshlands Cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, 1979. 4pp. | |
S763 | Sales brochure for More Place, Wonham Lane, Betchworth, a Grade II listed detached residence dating to the 15th century, to be sold through the agents Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, [c.1970s-1980s?]. 6pp including photographs. The 11 acre property included Nos 1 & 2 More Place Cottages, two Grade II listed residences, converted from former stables. | |
S764 | Sale particulars for New House Farm, Ockley, a residential property with 18 acres; and High Chimney, a leasehold cottage at Wineham, Henfield, Sussex, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Ockley, by Messrs Henry Smith & Son of Horsham, 13 Aug 1925. 9pp including a coloured plan of New House Farm, Ockley. High Chimney cottage was let to Mr J Gow, a quarterly tenant. Title to New House Farm, Ockley, commenced with the will of William Mitchell, who died on 24 Sep 1860, and who bequeathed the main part of his estate to Henry Mitchell and John Chart. Title to High Chimney, Wineham, commenced with the original lease of 29 Apr 1858 and with the will of Emily Mitchell, who died on 02 Feb 1925. | |
S765 | Sale particulars for Northacre, Deerleap Road, Westcott, a freehold pre-war residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 22 Nov 1926. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and with brief observations on the property.. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 13 Aug 1920 between Landowners Ltd of the first part, Herman Ambrose Saunders and Mabel Joyce Saunders of the second part, and the vendors of the third part. | |
S766 | Sale particulars for Nuthatch, Ockley, a detached freehold country residence with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Henry Smith & Son of Horsham, 25 Jul 1929. 9pp. Mr S Hutchins was in residence at the property. | |
S767 | Sale particulars for New Clan (originally known as Kingthorp), Harrow Road West, Dorking, a detached freehold residence built in 1901, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Crow of Dorking and Messrs Walter Hall & Sons of London, 12 Oct 1936. 6pp. | |
S767 ctd | Title to the greater part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 01 Apr 1901 between the trustees of the will of the late Walter Wilson Browne and Emma Hays Bargman. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a conveyance of 04 Apr 1901 between Frederick Bargman and George Thorn. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 01 May 1869 between The British Land Co Ltd and Walter Wilson Browne. | |
S768 | Sale particulars for Northdown, Peaslake, a detached freehold residence built in 1912, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Wallis & Wallis of Guildford and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 27 Jul 1953. 8pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendor was Mrs Edith Brereton Touche and the property of one acre incorporated Northdown Cottage, a detached residence built in 1928. | |
S769 | Records relating to the sale of Newdigate Place Estate, Newdigate, 1944-1954. 2items. | |
S769/1 | Sale particulars for Newdigate Place Estate, to be sold by auction at the Railway Hotel, Crawley, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 24 Jun 1954. 22pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 511 acre estate included accommodations plots, woodland and lakes, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S769/1 ctd | 1: Ockley Lodge, Newdigate, a 7 acre residence, with gardens and grounds. 2: Home Farm, Newdigate, a 222 acre dairy and mixed enterprise, let to Mr T E Haynes, including a farmhouse and 2 cottages. 3: The Haven, Newdigate, a cottage with outbuildings, let to Miss Cornish. 4: Ockley Bungalow, Dukes Road, Newdigate, a detached residence. 5: West Lodge, Newdigate, a small residence occupied by Mrs Hampshire. 6: Newdigate Place, Newdigate, an 8 acre property, formerly main the residence of the estate, with outbuildings, gardens and grounds. The stable block, garage and a cottage, was let to Mrs Pocock. | |
S769/1 ctd | 7: Cidermill Farm, Newdigate, a 144 acre dairy holding, let to Mrs W E Howes & Sons. 8: Cidermill Hatch, Newdigate, a 2 acre residence, with outbuildings and gardens, let to Mr T Woodfine. 9: Nos 1 & 2 Cidermill Lodge Cottages, a pair of residences, let to Mr S W Beadle and Mr J Sanders, respectively. 10: Boothland Farm, incorporating Boothland House, Newdigate, a 44 acre property. 11: Boothland Lodge, Newdigate, a bungalow residence. 12: Fir Tree Bungalow, a one acre property with an orchard, let to Mrs Monk. 13: Nos 1 & 2 East Lodge Cottages, Newdigate, let to Mrs Roberts and Mr H Pope, respectively. | |
S769/1 ctd | The property formed part of the endowments of a charity constituted by a deed of trust of 30 Jun 1937 between the Reverend William Francis Buttle of the first part, the Reverend William Francis Buttle and the Church Property Trust Limited of the second part, the Reverend William Francis Buttle, Arthur Macdonald, the Reverend Frank Dodgson Wilkinson and Lt Col Gladwin Albert Hurst Buttle (as managing trustees) of the third part, and the Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Company Limited (as custodian trustee) of the fourth part. Title to the property commenced with the following: 1: A conveyance on sale of 02 Nov 1903 between Ellen Charlotte Herron, George Frederick Herron and Walter Fitzroy Herron of the one part, and Kenneth Chester Herron of the other part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 30 Mar 1904 between Ellen Charlotte Herron, George Frederick Herron and Walter Fitzroy Herron of the first part, Thomas Rawle of the second part, and Ellen Charlotte Herron of the third part. | |
S769/2 | A coloured plan of Old Newdigate Place and Ockley Lodge, Newdigate, for sale through Messrs Crow of Dorking, 1944. 1p. | |
S770 | Sale particulars for No 2 Preston Villas, Walford Road, North Holmwood, a freehold semi-detached villa built in 1903; and Nos 1 to 4, Blackbrook Cottages, Blackbrook, a block of 4 cottages, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Arnold & Son, Dorking, 28 Jan 1957. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the personal representative of the late Mrs K E Pierce. | |
S771 | Sale particulars for Northcote, Henfold Lane, Holmwood Common, a detached bungalow with one acre, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 29 May 1961. 4pp. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late Miss W J Crofts. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 03 Feb 1928 between Jean Liotard Vogt, Jacques Marchegay and Albert Japy of the first part, Gordon Ralph Hall Caine and Edward Bernard Montesole of the second part, and Arthur Baker of the third part. | |
S772 | Sale particulars for Newlyn, Croft Avenue, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West Dorking, 24 Sep 1962. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S773 | Sale particulars for New Barn, Ockley, a detached 1930s residence, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 30 Jul 1963. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S774 | Catalogue for the sale of agricultural implements and machinery at North Barn Farm, Capel, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 25 Nov 1966. 10pp. | |
S775 | Sale particulars for Nowerside, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 02 Nov 1966. 7pp including a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of Heatherdene Property Co Ltd. | |
S776 | Sale particulars for Nyes Place, Rusper Road, Newdigate, a detached freehold farm cottage dating to the 16th century and with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Market Hall, Redhill, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 29 Jun 1972. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S777 | Sale particulars for Nyes Place, Rusper Road, Newdigate, a detached freehold farm cottage dating to the 16th century and with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 28 Nov 1973. 8pp with manuscript additions of brief observations on the property. The sale was on the instructions of Omerdean Properties Limited of London. | |
S778 | Sale particulars for Nyes Place, Rusper Road, Newdigate, a detached freehold farm cottage dating to the 16th century and with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 18 Jul 1974. 7pp. The sale was on the instructions of Omerdean Properties Limited of London. | |
S779 | Sales brochure for Norbury Park, Mickleham, a Grade II listed Georgian house, with 2 cottages (East and West Cottage) and 31 acres, to be sold by private treaty through the agents Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, [c.1980?]. 13pp including photographs, a coloured plan, historical notes including a list of past owners of the property, and an affixed newspaper cutting of unknown source dated 27 Sep 1974 detailing additional historical notes on the premises. | |
S780 | Sale particulars for Oak Lane Cottage, Newdigate, a residence and a freehold dairy and poultry farm with 18 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 18 Oct 1906. 6pp. The main residence was built in 1904. | |
S781 | A coloured plan for the sale of The Oakdene Estate, Holmwood, to be sold by auction through the agents Messrs George Trollope & Sons of London, 1907. 1p. The map incorporates the following named premises as part of the coloured lots: Oakdene, Oakdene Cottage, East Lodge, Vigo Farm, Syringa Cottage, Brookwood Farm, Brookwood Cottage, Jersey Farm Cottages and Breakspeare Farm. | |
S782 | Sale particulars for The Olive, St Johns Road, Westcott, a detached cottage; and Redlands Bank Cottages, Holmwood Common, a pair of cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 19 Dec 1921. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Jane Truelove. The Olive was let to weekly tenant Mr Thompson, and Redlands Bank Cottages to weekly tenants Mr Batchelor and Mrs Moore. | |
S783 | Sale particulars for Oak Bank, Holmwood, a pre-war semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 22 Jun 1925. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S784 | Sale particulars for Oakhurst, Tower Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence with a cottage and one acre, to be sold by auction at the Estate Auction Hall, King Street, London, by joint agents Messrs Goddard & Smith of London, and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 11 May 1926. 13pp including a photograph and with manuscript additions. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 09 Feb 1898 between William Shearburn and Thomas Conlan. The property was sold subject to restrictions in a conveyance on sale of 26 Oct 1871 between Frederick Montgomerie Davenport Davidson and the vendor. | |
S785 | Sale particulars for The Oaks, Holmwood common, a freehold country house with a flat and one acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Harrods Ltd of London and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 20 Jun 1927. 6pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The sale was on the directions of the trustees of the marriage settlement of the late Mrs Fanny Hornby. The property was the former residence of the late Captain St John Hornby and the late Mrs Fanny Hornby. | |
S786 | Sale particulars for Old Mead, Capel, a detached Tudor residence, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Constable & Maude of London, 23 Mar 1927. 14pp including photographs and with manuscript additions. The 31 acre property included a main residence, outbuildings, a cottage and gardens and grounds. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 06 Jul 1891 between Charles William Lee Steere and Frederick Thomas Rushton of the first part, Lee Steere Steere of the second part, Anne Steere of the third part, and William Vaughan of the fourth part. | |
S787 | Records relating to the sale of The Old Mill House, Balchins Lane, Westcott, a detached country residence, 1927-1959. 3 items. | |
S787/1 | Sale particulars for The Old Mill House, Balchins Lane, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Son of Dorking, 07 Nov 1927. 10pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of Landowners Limited. | |
S787/2 | A newspaper cutting, thought to be from The Guardian (London Edition), containing the obituary for Mrs Ethel Anna Tod (died 13 Dec 1958) of Old Mill House, Westcott, [c.1958-1959?]. 1p. | |
S787/3 | A manuscript note from an unknown source detailing the maintenance and repair requirements for Old Mill House, Westcott, the former property of the late Mrs E A Tod, 08 Jan 1959. 1p. The note states that the property was sold to MacMillan in 1927 and to Mrs Tod in Apr 1928. | |
S788 | Sale particulars for No 35 Orchard Road, Dorking, a pre-war freehold cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 09 May 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mr W G Elms. | |
S789 | Sale particulars for Nos 8, 9, 10 & 10A Orchard Road, Dorking, a block of 4 pre-war freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Aug 1929. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were let to weekly tenants Messrs Yeomans, Sawyers, Boswell and Duffield respectively. | |
S790 | Sale particulars for Oakleigh, Knoll Road, Dorking, a pre-war detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 21 Jul 1930. 10pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of L C Andrews who was leaving the area. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Apr 1899 between John Child, Edith Grace Todman and Ellen Martha Todman of the first part, and Helen Drane of the other part. | |
S791 | Sale particulars for The Old Bank at No 96 High Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises with accommodation and a large garden, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 06 Nov 1930. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was occupied by Kingham & Co wine and spirit merchants and was leased to Mr H G Kingham. | |
S792 | Sale particulars for Oak Tree Cottage, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 24 Apr 1933. 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of F C Deane. | |
S793 | Sale particulars for Oakdale, Holmwood Common, a freehold detached residence with a lodge and 11 acres, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Sale Room by joint auctioneers Harrods Ltd of London and Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 26 Mar 1935. 11pp including photographs. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late John Vivian Hampton Hampton. | |
S793 ctd | Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 14 Jul 1879 between Jane Brannan Dealtry and John Vivian Hampton. Title to a further part of the property commenced with a deed of enfranchisement of 25 Mar 1886 between the Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Baron Herries and the Hon Ralph Drury Kerr of the second part, and John Vivian Hampton of the third part. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a deed of exchange of 11 Aug 1890 between the Lord of the Manor of Dorking and John Vivian Hampton. | |
S794 | Sale particulars for Oaklands Park, Newdigate, a 160 acre residential and sporting property, to be sold by auction at the Sale Room, Berkeley Square, London, by joint auctioneers John D Wood of London and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 23 Jul 1935. 13pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendors were Harold Harris Bailey and Gordon Pullman Bailey. The property, which had previously been the home of Captain R E Palmer and his pedigree herd of Kerry cattle, included a detached country residence, outbuildings, a lodge, 2 cottages, a flat and Home Farm. | |
S794 ctd | Title to a portion of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 27 May 1892 between William Hampson Topham of the first part, and Richard Elliot Palmer and Minnie Merritt Palmer of the other part. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 27 Aug 1906 between George Arthur Trist, Harry Marmaduke Langdale and Edward Guy Langdale of the first part, Henry Marmaduke Langdale and Rose Ellen Langdale of the second part, and Richard Elliot Palmer and Minnie Merritt Palmer of the third part. | |
S795 | Sale particulars for Otford, Nower Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Aug 1938. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was let to annual tenant Mr G Landini. Title commenced a settlement of of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the foruth part and John Hopgood of the fifth part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 29 Aug 1927 between Ernest Henry Cummins and James Wickham. | |
S796 | Sales particulars for a 232 acre estate consisting of Old Newdigate Place Farm, an agricultural holding, and Ockley Lodge, Newdigate, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 12 Jun 1944. 2 items which are 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each of 9pp including a coloured plan but with different manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Kenneth Chester Herron. | |
S796 ctd | Old Newdigate Place Farm included a period farmhouse, farm buildings, 2 cottages and a lodge, with 224 acres. The property was let to Mr E G N Haynes and a small plot of land was let to Dr W H Passmore. The farmhouse was originally part of a moated mansion and was the seat of the Newdigate family between the 14th and 17th centuries. Ockley Lodge included a main residence, let to Mr E S Morphew and assigned to Mr A Mouravieff Apostol; a bungalow let to A Moffat; and a flat let to Mrs Cornish. Both Old Newdigate Place Farm and Ockley Lodge suffered damage by enemy action during World War II and had claims lodged with the War Damage Commission. | |
S797 | Sale particulars for Oakleigh, Vicarage Lane, Capel, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 25 Nov 1946. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S798 | Sale particulars for Outwood, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 18 Dec 1946. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S799 | Sale particulars for Oakcroft, South Holmwood, a freehold detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 09 Oct 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S800 | Sale particulars for No 8 Oakdene Close, Brockham, a semi-detached villa residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 05 Jul 1948. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S801 | Sale particulars for Old Glade Cottage, Holmbury St Mary, a detached country cottage, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 15 Dec 1948. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Mrs Finch was resident at the property. Title commenced to the greater part of the property with 2 conveyances of 02 Apr 1913 and 03 Mar 1916, and to a small portion of the property with a conveyance of 18 Jul 1921 between The Hon Noel Maitland Farrer and Charlotte Ellen Bennie. | |
S802 | Sales particulars for Nos 71 & 72 Old School Lane, Brockham, a pair of freehold semi-detached cottages, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 21 Apr 1948. 2pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. No 71 was let to George Luff. Title commenced with a conveyance of 26 Oct 1921 between The Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Charles Smith of the third part. | |
S803 | Sale particulars for The Old Cottage (also known at The Cottage), Roothill Lane, Brockhamhurst, Betchworth, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 01 Sep 1952. 5pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs A Bowry. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 08 Nov 1876 between James Bagot Morris of the first part, Sarah Rebecca Morris of the second part, James Bagot Morris and William Scott Strangeways of the third part, Willian Chennells and Harriet Chennells of the fourth part, Alfred North and Maria North of the fifth part, and William Scott Strangeways and John Paul Poncione of the sixth part. | |
S804 | Catalogue for the sale of furniture and household items at Oakthorpe, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 31 Mar 1955. 9pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late C W Massey. | |
S805 | Sale particulars for Oakthorpe, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, a detached chalet bungalow built in 1937, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 31 Mar 1955. 8pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late C W Massey. Mrs Spicer was in residence at the property. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in an indenture of 06 Jan 1907 between Weldon Thomas Broughton of the first part, Howell Powell Edwards and William Edward Martyn of the second part, and Frank Eli Voller of the third part. | |
S806 | Sale particulars for 6 freehold cottages at Nos 1, 2 & 3 Orchard Cottages, South Holmwood, and at Nos 1, 2 & 3 Co-operative Cottages, Gomshall, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A R & J Gascoigne-Pees, Dorking, 23 Nov 1955. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Nos 1, 2 & 3 Orchard Cottages, South Holmwood were let to Mr Comber, Mr Norton and Mr Skilton respectively. Nos 1, 2 & 3 Co-operative Cottages, Gomshall were let to Mr Knowles, Mr Osborne and Mr Still respectively. | |
S807 | Sale particulars for Ockley Lodge, Newdigate, a 7 and a half acre property, to be sold by auction at the Dorking Halls, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 18 Oct 1956. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of J H Beatty. The property included the main residence and Ockley Bungalow, fronting onto Dukes Road, Newdigate. | |
S808 | Sale particulars for Old Barn, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a freehold detached residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 06 Apr 1959. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S808 ctd | The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in 4 indentures as follows: 1. An indenture of 23 Aug 1920 between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Alfred Henry Tarleton and Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Maurice Chance of the third part. 2. An indenture of 20 Apr 1921 between Maurice Chance and Sidney William Rochford. 3. An indenture of 04 May 1936 between Maurice Chance and Christine Margaret McCombe. 4. An indenture of 07 Sep 1936 between Christine Margaret McCombe and Charles James Purvis. | |
S809 | Catalogue for the sale of antiques, furniture and household items, at Oldway, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 04 Nov 1959. 11pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs B N Stirling. | |
S810 | Sale particulars for 10 and a quarter acres of meadow land at Oakwood Hill, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 19 Jun 1962. 6pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 22 Aug 1949 between George Mercer Taylor and Dora Marjorie Schoonenberg. | |
S811 | Sale particulars for Okewood and Ditchers Green Cottage, Walliswood, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 16 Sep 1963. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each including a photograph but with different manuscript additions. One copy also includes an affixed coloured plan and an additional page of manuscript notes of the bids. The residential properties were sold in three lots as follows: Lot 1: Nos 2 & 3 Ditchers Green, Walliswood, a pair of semi-detached cottages. Lot 2: No 1 Ditchers Green, Walliswood, a detached cottage. Lot 3: Okewood Cottage, Walliswood, a detached residence. | |
S812 | Sale particulars for Ormesdale, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, a detached residence built in 1915, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 20 Apr 1964. 8pp including a photograph. The 4 acre property incorporated Sandy Cross, a detached cottage. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Col C M Jickling. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 29 Apr 1915 between Robert Wyvill Barclay, Thomas Hubert Barclay and Hubert Frederick Barclay of the first part, Robert Wyvill Barclay of the second part, and Georgina Lacon-Gordon of the third part. | |
S813 | Sale particulars for The Old School House, Coldharbour, a detached residence built in 1851, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 11 May 1967. 2 items which are 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each of 8pp including a photograph and a coloured plan but with different manuscript additions. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 26 Aug 1929 between Sir Edward John Harding of the first part, and Karl Pearson and Margaret Victoria Pearson of the other part. | |
S814 | Sale particulars for Osbrooks, Capel, a period residence dating to the 16th century with later additions by Sir Edwin Lutyens, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, and Messrs Taylor & Tester of East Grinstead, 31 May 1967. 19pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 18 acre property included a main residence, a farm and Osbrooks Cottage. Title commenced with a mortgage of 23 Nov 1921 between Evelyn Henry Tschudi Broadwood and the London Assurance Corporation. | |
S815 | Sale particulars for 3 cottage residences at Brockham and at Walton on the Hill, to be sold by auction at the Market Hall, Redhill, by Messrs row, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 01 Nov 1972. 10pp. The properties were sold in 3 lots as follows: Lot 1: The Old School House at Nos 55 & 56 Old School Lane Brockham, a semi-detached cottage dating to the early 19th century, with a small adjoining wing. Lot 2: No 2 Marion Cottages, a central terrace 1930s residence. Lot 3: No 2 Kingswear Cottages, a central terrace 1930s residence. | |
S816 | Sale of The Old Vicarage, Leigh (4 items including 2 Posters): 1974. Fell Rev Joseph: Norfolk Duke of. | |
S817 | Sale particulars for 4 and a half acres of freehold grazing land at Old Dene Paddock, Ranmore Common Road, Westhumble, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 20 Sep 1976. 5pp including a plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Oct 1920 between the Rt Hon Henry Baron Ashcombe and Cubitt Estates Ltd. | |
S818 | Sale particulars for the lake at the Old Brickworks, Bognor Road, Ockley, a 4 and a half acre site including cleared woodland, to be sold through the agents King & Chasemore of Horsham, [c.1984?]. 3pp including a general location map. | |
S819 | Sale particulars Parkland Farm, Ockley, a 135 acre freehold estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 02 May 1907. 2 items which are 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each of 8pp including a coloured plan but with different manuscript additions. The property was part of the glebe land of Oakwood, Surrey, and included a farmhouse, farm building, pasture land and building land. The vendor was the Vicar of Oakwood and the sale was being made with the consent and under the authority of the Board of Agriculture. | |
S820 | Records relating to the sale of Pixham Firs, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a 19 and a half acre country residence, Jun 1932. 2 items. | |
S820/1 | Sale particulars for Pixham Firs, Pixham Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction at St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 13 Jun 1932. 19pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included the main residence, 5 un-named cottages (one of which was let to Mr Mann), orchards, a model farm, paddocks and pasture land. | |
S820/2 | A typescript postcard note from Hampton & Sons of London, to Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating that the property had not been sold at auction and was to be offered for private sale, 19 Jun 1922. 2pp. | |
S821 | Sale particulars for Parkend, Coldharbour Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 02 May 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr F J Dibble senior. | |
S822 | Sale particulars for Pasture Wood House, Abinger Common, a freehold country residence with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 10 Oct 1927. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Dr George Fisher. | |
S823 | Sale particulars for Pineview, Brockham, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 09 Jul 1928. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Oct 1921 between The Hon Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope (Lord Francis Hope) of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, and Richard Chant of the third part. | |
S824 | Sale particulars for Poundgate, Ockley, a freehold country residence with 2 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Rooms, London, by joint agents Harrods Ltd of London and Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 16 Jul 1929. 8pp including a photograph. Miss P Inham was in residence at the property. | |
S825 | A coloured plan for building plots at Park Copse, Dorking, to be sold through agents Humbert & Flint of London, [c.1920s?]. 1p. | |
S826 | Sale particulars for Pippbrook Mill Estate, London Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 19 Sep 1932. 12pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and an affixed cutting from an unidentified newspaper, dated 17 Sep 1932, detailing the results of the initial sale and the subsequent re-sale of the estate. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late H G Aggs. The 21 acre property included Mill House and mill, stores, Mill Pond, Willow Walk, 4 cottages (of which 2 were named as Nos 1 & 2 Pippbrook Villas), tennis courts, building land and pasture land. The mill and outbuildings were let to Mr J T Woolnough, a corn merchant, and 2 small plots of land were let to Mr A J Fuller and Miss J Atkinson. | |
S827 | Sale particulars for Pelleton House, Knoll Road, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 May 1933. 12pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. The 1 and a quarter acre property included 2 small building plots. | |
S828 | Records relating to the sale of Pratsham, Holmbury St Mary, near Leith Hill, a country residence with 71 acres, Nov 1933. 3 items. | |
S828/1 | Sale particulars for Pratsham, Leith Hill, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Farebrother, Ellis & Co of London, 16 Nov 1933. 12pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The property included a main residence, a cottage, grounds, pastureland and woodland incorporating Sillfield Copse and Bull Copse. 2 small parcels of land were let to annual tenants Mr L Dodson and Mr J Berry. | |
S828/1 ctd | Title to parts of the property commenced with 4 agreements as follows: 1: A conveyance on sale of 15 Oct 1884 between Leopold James Yorke Campbell Scarlett of the first part, George Mantagu Jull of the second part, Christine Eliza Jull of the third part, and Charles Ernest Hensley of the fourth part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 16 Aug 1887 between Leopold James Yorke Campbell Scarlett of the first part and Charles Ernest Hensley of the other part. 3: A conveyance on sale of 31 Dec 1888 between Charles Marett of the first part and Charles Ernest Hansley of the other part. 4: A re-conveyance of 28 Aug 1850 between Sir Charles Morgan Robinson Morgan and others of the first part and William John Evelyn of the other part. | |
S828/2 | A detached page from The Estate Gazette, detailing properties for sale, including Pratsham, Leith Hill, 18 Nov 1933. 2pp | |
S828/3 | A typescript postcard note from Farebrother, Eliss & Co of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating that Pratsham, Holmbury St Mary, was not sold at auction and was to be offered for private sale, 17 Nov 1933. 2pp. | |
S829 | Sale particulars for Petherton, Upper Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 07 Dec 1936. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S830 | Records relating to the sale of Parkhurst, Abinger Common, a 63 and a half acre freehold residential and agricultural property, with a lodge and 3 cottages, 1937-1966. 3 items. | |
S830/1 | Sale particulars for the sale of Parkhurst, Abinger Common, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 25 May 1937. 13pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The main residence ws in the occupation of Rev Edward Collingwood Pitt Johnson. 2 of the cottages were un-named, one of which was let weekly tenant Mr Curtis. The third cottage, named as Cherry Cottage, was let to annual tenant Mr C J Sprigge. The lodge was let rent free to Mrs Mills and a small portion of land was let to The Abinger Hill School. | |
S830/1 ctd | Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 04 Feb 1886 between Charles Morant Churchill, Edward Henry Berkley, John Henry Monins and Charles Valentine Knightley of the first part, Francis Barlow, The Rt Hon William Frederick Baron Stratheden and Campbell, The Hon Dudley Campbell and William James Scarlett of the second part, Leopold James Yorke Campbell Scarlett of the third part, and Thomas Herbert Lewin of the fourth part. The remainder of the property commenced with a deed of exchange of 01 Jun 1892 between William John Evelyn and Thomas Herbert Lewin. | |
S830/2 | A set of typescript notes issued by the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, outlining the planning applications received for Parkhurst, Abinger Common, Apr 1966. 5pp. | |
S830/3 | A typescript note issued by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, detailing minor amendments to the sale particulars details for Parkhurst, Abinger Common, 11 May 1937. 1p. | |
S831 | Sale particulars for Pentire Cottage, Lonsdale Road, Dorking, a freehold detached house utilised as 2 flats, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 14 Jan 1946. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The ground floor of the premises was let to weekly tenant Mr D Tucker and the upper floor was vacant. | |
S832 | Sale particulars for No 38 Parkway, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Jul 1947. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of F D Lewis. | |
S833 | Sale particulars for Pippbrook Garage, at the junction of London Road and Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold garage and petrol station built in 1931, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Goddard, Davison & Smith Ltd of London, and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 25 Jul 1947. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Caldwells Garages Ltd acting on behalf of the late G M Caldwell. An historical note records that the premises were requisitioned by the War Department from 1940 to 1945. | |
S834 | Sale particulars for Parsonage Farm, Capel, a freehold residential and agricultural property with 33 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 May 1949. 6pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a mortgage of 30 Sep 1920 between Robert Bell and Harold Batchelor. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a deed of 29 Jul 1910 between Charles Mortimer and William Webb of the first part, and George Simmins of the other part. | |
S835 | Sale particulars for The Priory Bungalow, Harrow Road East, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 26 Apr 1949. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Apr 1872 between Edward Butcher of the first part, James Todman and Joseph Todman of the second part, and the Dorking Water Company of the third part. | |
S836 | Sale particulars for Parkside, Gomshall, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 17 Jul 1950. 6pp. | |
S837 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a pair of cottages at Nos 6 and 7 Pixham Lane, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on 02 Oct 1950, 4pp. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 24 Jun 1884 between George Weller and Alfred Mitchell. | |
S838 | Sale particulars for Pebbledown, Pebble Hill Road, Betchworth, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Ibbett, Mosley, Card & Co of Reigate, 19 Feb 1958. 8pp including a photograph. | |
S839 | Sale particulars for Park Farm, Alfold, Cranleigh, a freehold residential and agricultural holding of 20 acres, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller & Co of Guildford, 22 Nov 1960. 10pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and a manuscript addition noting that the property was not sold at the auction. The sale included an additional 30 acres of freehold land and copse at Dunsfold Road, Dunsfold. | |
S840 | Sale particulars for Pitland Street House, Holmbury St Mary, a freehold detached residence with 8 and a half acres of grounds and gardens, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 07 Dec 1960. 12pp including photographs and a manuscript note stating that the property was sold privately prior to the auction. | |
S841 | Sale particulars for The Post Office, South Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 05 Dec 1960. 4pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss W J Crofts. The property included a Post Office and general store, a main residence and a detached bungalow. | |
S842 | Sale particulars for Pan Cross Rolls, Rusper Road, Newdigate, a detached 1950s country residence with a flat and one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 11 Oct 1961. 13pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S843 | Sale particulars for Pisley Farm, Ockley, a residential, dairy and pig holding of 100 acres, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 26 Apr 1961. 19pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a 17th century farm house, a secondary residence known as Pisley Cottage dating from the 1950s, 2 bungalows, farm buildings, and agricultural land and woodland. | |
S843 ctd | Title to differing parts of the property commenced with the following conveyances: 1: A conveyance on sale of 15 Jan 1929 between the Hon Kenneth Hallyburton Campbell and Francis Edmond Bray of the first part, Jonathan Best of the second part, and John Baptiste D'Ardenne Jnr of the third part. 2: A conveyance on sale of 31 Jan 1929 between Hon Kenneth Hallyburton Campbell and Francis Edmond Bray of the first part, Leonard Evelyn Cotterell of the second part, and John Baptiste D'Ardenne Jnr of the third part. | |
S844 | Sale particulars for No 6 Pixholme Court, Dorking, a freehold residence converted from a wing of a Georgian house, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 11 Sep 1961. 5pp with a manuscript note stating that the property had been withdrawn from the auction. The property was to be sold subject to conditions contained in a conveyance of 02 Sep 1947 between Sir John Malcolm Fraser and George Styles. | |
S845 | Sale particulars for Pollingford, Oakwood Hill, Ockley, a 12 and a half acre property, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 11 Sep 1961. 10pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of The National Trust. The property included a period cottage dating to the 15th century, gardens and grounds, and 3 paddocks. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 02 Mar 1938 between Annie Helena Christie and Sir George Henry Gater. | |
S846 | Sale particulars for a 3 acre plot of building land at Peaslake, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 15 Oct 1962. 11pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 16 Aug 1929 between Charles Gottlieb Jospeph Volkert of the first part, and Henry Isaac William James of the other part. | |
S847 | Sale particulars for Pentire Cottage, Lonsdale Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 20 Aug 1962. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 10 Sep 1921 between Orliffe (written as Olaf) Wilfred Presland and Ethel Maud Carew-Hodge. | |
S848 | Sale particulars for The Plough Inn, Coldharbour, a freehold licensed public house, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 01 Oct 1962. 7pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S849 | Sale particulars for Priests House, Leigh, a period residence dating to 1413 with 4 acres, to be sold through agents Messrs Crow of Dorking, 1962. 8pp including a photograph and a brief historical note on the property. | |
S850 | Sale particulars for Puffins, Beare Green, a freehold cottage, to be sold by auction at the White Horse, Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Nov 1962. 6pp including a photograph. The property included a small adjoining residence, Post Office Cottage. | |
S851 | Sale particulars for Parklands, Mayes Green, Ockley, a freehold Tudor residence with 6 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Crow of Dorking, and Messrs Frank, Knight & Rutley of London, 25 May 1964. 7pp including a photograph. | |
S852 | Sale particulars for Pagewood Farm and Greysouthen, Charlwood, a 66 acre residential and fruit holding, to be sold by auction at The Market Hall, Redhill, by joint auctioneers Idris Jones & Partners of Redhill, and Strutt & Parker, Lofts & Warner of London, 14 Jul 1965. 16pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included 2 residences, Pagewood Farmhouse and Greysouthen, outbuildings, pasture land, and apple and plum orchards. | |
S853 | Catalogue for the sale of livestock, agricultural implements and machinery, and surplus furniture at Palmers Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 09 Sep 1966. 12pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S854 | Sale particulars for Parkhurst, Abinger Commom, a late Georgian mansion, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Farnham, 28 Oct 1966. 13pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 21 acre property included the main 18th century residence; and Dormer Cottage. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Dec 1931 between Sir Nicholas Edward Waterhouse and Thomas Martin Macdonald of the first part, and Edward Collingwood Pitt-Johnson of the other part. | |
S855 | Catalogue for the sale of livestock and farming implements and machinery at Palmers Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 19 Sep 1979. 9pp. | |
S856 | Records relating to the sale of Palmersbeare Farm, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a residential and agricultural property with 132 acres, Jun-Jul 1980. 3 items. | |
S856/1 | Sale particulars for Palmersbeare Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 16 Jul 1980. 13pp including photographs, a coloured plan and a loose page with addendum notes. The property incorporated a farmhouse residence dating to the 16th century, farm buildings and Cherry Tree Cottage. | |
S856/2 | A typescript letter from the auctioneers to Desmond Hampton of London, detailing guideline prices for Palmersbeare Farm, Beare Green, prior to the auction, 02 Jun 1980, 1p. | |
S856/3 | Preliminary sale particulars for Palmersbeare Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 16 Jul 1980. 7pp including a photograph and a general location map. | |
S857 | Catalogue for the sale of household goods at Pleystowe, Rusper Road, Capel, to be sold by auction at the premises, 24 Apr 1974. 20pp. The page numbering indicates that the front and back covers are missing, resulting in the absence of details regarding the auctioneers. | |
S858 | Sale particulars for Quakers Bungalow, Peaslake, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 10 Nov 1947. 5pp. Title commenced with a settlement of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part, and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S859 | Sale particulars for Rose Hill House, Rose Hill; The Rotunda, South Street; and Rose Hill Cottage at No 24 South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 13 May 1909. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the estate for the late Miss Frances Newland. Rose Hill House, a residence and dental practice, incorporated No 1 Rose Hill House, let to Dr J D Rawlings and No 2 Rose Hill House, let to dental surgeon A J Maurice. The Rotunda was let to the Dorking Literary Institute and Reading Room. Rose Hill House, situated at the junction of South Street and Rose Hill, incorporated a residence, a walled garden, stables and a coach house. Title commenced with a conveyance of 08 Sep 1887 between Joseph Tuner and Frances Newland, and was in pursuance of an appointment effected by the wills of the Mary Ann Newland and William Newland. | |
S860 | Sale particulars for the freehold of the property known as Ridgeways, Dorking with grounds of 3 acres for sale by auction by Waring & Gillow Ltd at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking on 19 Nov 1913, 10pp. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 10 Dec 1870 between Maria Matthew, Dame Elizabeth Lawrence, John Gosling and Theo Aston; Sir James John Trevor Lawrence and William John Rossiter and George Curtis. | |
S861 | Sale particulars for Rickettswood Estate, Norwood Hill, Charlwood, a 225 acre sporting and residential property, incorporating pasture, arable and woodland, to be sold by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Messrs Harrie, Stacey & Son of Redhill, 18 Jun 1918. 21pp incorporating photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids, including a loose page of annotations. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Sir Alexander Meadows Rendel. The main property was Rickettswood, a 55 acre country residence, with an entrance lodge, stables, a Bailiffs house, farm buildings, 3 cottages, gardens and parkland. | |
S862 | Sale particulars for The Red House Estate, between Newdigate and Parkgate, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Cocketts & Henderson of London, 08 Jun 1920. 23pp including photographs and 2 copies of the same coloured plan, one with additional manuscript notes on the plots. The 342 acre residential estate included building plots, accommodation land, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S862 ctd | 1: The Red House, Parkgate, Newdigate, a 37 acre freehold country residence, built in 1884, with stables, an orchard, gardens and grounds. 2: Hatchetts, Newdigate, a 12 acre freehold residence, with stables, gardens and parkland, let to annual tenant Mrs Aspland Jones. 3: Sturtwood Farm, Parkgate, Newdigate, an 80 acre property incorporating a farmhouse, a homestead, a cottage, arable, pasture and woodland. 4: Blanks Farm, Parkgate, Newdigate, a 22 acre property, including a small farmhouse, outbuildings, arable and pasture land. | |
S862 ctd | 5: Coombers Farm, Parkgate, Newdigate, a 29 acre property incorporating a small farmhouse, outbuildings, arable and pasture land. 6: Hatchetts Farm, Newdigate, a 32 acre property, with a pair of cottages, outbuildings and pasture land. 7: A 47 acre plot of arable and pasture land at Parkgate, Newdigate, known as New Barns. 8: 3 cottages at Parkgate, 2 of which were in the occupation of the unnamed vendor, and the other by Mr John Knight. 9: An 18 acre plot of accommodation and building land at Little Shellwood, north of Parkgate. | |
S863 | Sale particulars for the remaining portion of Red House Estate, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 16 Jun 1924. 10pp including a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Leopold Goldberg. The 133 acre property incorporated Coombers Farm, a farmhouse, farm buildings and an orchard; and New Barns, an accommodation holding of 39 acres. | |
S864 | Sale particulars for Ruckmans, Oakwood Hill, Ockley, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard of London, 25 May 1921. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each 17pp including photographs, a coloured plan and a floor plan of the main residence, but with different manuscript additions. The 80 acre property included a period farmhouse, Home Farm, 3 cottages, agricultural land and woodland. The completed sales memorandum page notes that the property was sold to Michael H Salaman of Wadlington, Lodsworth, Sussex. | |
S865 | Sale particulars for the Rookery Estate, Dorking, a 177 acre property, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 16 Sep 1924. 18pp including photographs. The property included a main Queen Anne residence, a lodge, farm buildings, a lake, woodland, arable land, and 4 cottages, 2 of which were named as Rooks Nest Cottage and The Coachmans Cottage. 37 acres of arable land was let to annual tenants Messrs J & J Mansfield. | |
S866 | Sale particulars for Rozel, St Pauls Road, Dorking, a detached country residence with building land, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Apr 1925. 7pp. The sale was on the instruction of Major H G James who was leaving the area. Title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, written on 11 Apr 1876 and proved on 29 Jul 1884. | |
S867 | Sale particulars for The Red House, Newdigate, a freehold residence with 37 acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Ewart, Wells & Co of London, 05 Oct 1926. 13pp including photographs (2 loose), a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs L F Harrison. The property included a main residence, a flat, stables, an orchard, grounds and woodland. | |
S868 | Sale particulars for Reffolds, Parkgate, Newdigate, a freehold country cottage with 1 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 04 Nov 1926. 7pp. The sale was on the instructions of A Everitt. | |
S869 | Sale particulars for No 2, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold pre-war residence with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 04 Oct 1926. 7pp including a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of E W Attlee. | |
S870 | Sale particulars for Rose Hill Cottage, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Mar 1926. 7pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 06 Aug 1909 between William Hunter Cockburn, Frederick Cuyler Frink and Humphrey Percy Smallpeice of the first part, Frank Davey of the second part, and Eleanor Mary Jeffree of the third part. | |
S871 | Sale particulars for Rose Bank and White Lilacs, Beare Green, a pair for freehold cottages with a plot of building land, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 20 Jun 1927. 4pp. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Miss E A W Cranmer. The properties were erected for Lady Ashbourne in 1921. Rose Bank was let to weekly tenant Mr James Weller and White Lilacs was let to quarterly tenant Mr F R Jose. | |
S872 | Sale particulars for No 7 Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 28 Mar 1927. 8pp including photographs and a manuscript addition noting that the property was sold to Major Chance and re-sold within 24 hours to Commander Campbell. The sale was on the instructions of the executrix of the late Miss Bessie Emma Rawlings. | |
S873 | Sales particulars for No 27, 33 & 35 Rothes Road, Dorking, 3 pre-war freehold residences with a plot of building land between Nos 27 & 33, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 19 Dec 1927. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The detached No 27 was let weekly tenant Mr C J Murrell and Nos 33 & 35, a pair of semi-detached villas, were let to Mr J Coomber and Mrs Roberts respectively. | |
S874 | Sale particulars for No 72 Rothes Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Sep 1927. 5pp. The property was let to quarterly tenant Mr A Aves. | |
S875 | Sale particulars for The Red Cottage, Holmbury St Mary, a freehold country residence with one acre, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Duncan B Gray and Partners of London, 06 Mar 1928. 11pp including a photograph and a typescript letter affixed to the particulars. The letter, dated 14 Feb 1928, is from the auctioneers to Messrs Crow of Dorking, confirming the proposed sale price of the property. The property included the main residence and a cottage known as The Glade House. | |
S876 | Sale particulars for The Rowans, Horsham Road, Dorking, a pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 13 Aug 1928. 9pp. | |
S877 | Records relating to the sale of Redlands, Betchetts Green, Holmwood, a residential estate with 67 acres, 1929-1949. 2 items. | |
S877/1 | Sale particulars for Redlands, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 10 Jun 1929. 16pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Cleasby. The property included the main residence, 3 cottages, a lodge, stables and a small farm. | |
S877/2 | A manuscript note of unknown origin, detailing proposed changes to a coloured plan to accompany the sale of Redlands, Holmwood, 04 Jun 1949, 1p. On the reverse is an unrelated typescript note issued by the Regional Petroleum Officer setting out the new standards for petrol rationing for private cars and motor cycles, 1948-1949. | |
S878 | Sale of The Rookery and its estate, Westcott: 1929. England Mrs: Building Land: Huggett Mrs. | |
S879 | Sale particulars for Rozel, St Pauls Road, Dorking, a detached residence with 1 acre, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 13 Jun 1929. 11pp. The sale was on the instruction of Paymaster Rear Admiral B C Allen. The property incorporated half an acre of woodland building land for which title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, written on 11 Apr 1876 and proved on 29 Jul 1884. | |
S880 | Sale particulars for Russ Hill, Charlwood, a freehold residential estate, to be sold through the agents Messrs Crow of Dorking, 1929-1930. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each 10pp including photographs and a coloured plan, but with different manuscript additions. The 138 acre property included Russ Hill, the main residence; Russ Hill Farm, incorporating 2 cottages; a pair of cottages formerly known as Westlands Farm House and dating to the 16th century; and a lodge. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late James Webster. | |
S881 | Sale particulars for No 4 Redlands View, Holmwood, a freehold semi-detached pre-war residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 24 Mar 1930. 7pp with a manuscript addition noting that the property was unsold at auction. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Langdon Davies. | |
S882 | Sale particulars for 3 freehold cottages at Nos 19, 21 & 23 Rothes Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Sep 1931. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The detached No 19 was let to weekly tenant Mr Lake, and the semi-detached Nos 21 & 23 were let to weekly tenants Mrs Freeman and Mr Orbell respectively. | |
S883 | Sale particulars for The Ridge, Capel, a freehold residential property, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 17 Mar 1932. 16pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a main residence, a lodge, a cottage, farm building and 11 acres of grounds and pasture land. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Vaughan Lynn. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 19 Nov 1883 between Thomas Jennings White and Henry Houseman of the first part, and William Phillips Sawyer of the other part. | |
S884 | Sale particulars for Nos 1 & 3, Rothes Road, Dorking, a pair of adjoining pre-war semi-detached residences, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 14 Sep 1936. 6pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 04 May 1896 between John P Stiles and Arthur J Stevens of the first part, Georgina Elizabeth Stilwell of the second part and John Thomas Brooker of the third part. | |
S885 | Sale particulars for Rolls Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 May 1938. 11pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a 17th century farmhouse, farm buildings and 151 acres of grounds, grassland, arable land and woodland. The greater part of the property, including the residence, was let to Mr R J Sparks who was leaving the business. Title commenced with the will written on 03 Aug 1888 and proved 20 Nov 1896 of William Young who died 10 May 1896. | |
S886 | Sale particulars for The Red House, Capel, a freehold country residence with 1 and a quarter acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 15 Nov 1943. 3pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced to the main part of the property with a conveyance of 10 Oct 1898 between George Coldham Knight, Gilbert John Smallpiece and Herbert Young of the first part, and Charles Mortimer of the other part. Title to the remaining part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 31 Oct 1898 between Henry John Tschudi Broadwood and Bertha Marion Broadwood of the first part, James Henry Tschudi Broadwood of the second part, Charles Algernon Whitemore and James Richard Upton of the third part, and Charles Mortimer of the fourth part. | |
S887 | Sale particulars for Nos 1 to 9 and Nos 12 to 14 Roses Cottages, off West Street, Dorking, 12 freehold cottages (4 blocks of 3 properties), to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 08 Nov 1943. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were to be sold in 4 lots and were let to weekly tenants as follows: Lot 1: Nos 1, 2 & 3 let to Messrs H A Baker, J Richard and J Lucas respectively. Lot 2: Nos 4, 5 & 6 let to Messrs G W Ede, H Beesley and A J Durbridge respectively. Lot 3: Nos 7, 8 & 9 let to Messrs H J G Baldwin, W Wright and Mrs A Goldsmith respectively. Lot 4: Nos 12, 13 & 14 let to Messrs E A Fishlock, C Jackson and A J Davidson respectively. | |
S887 ctd | Title commenced to Lots 1 & 2 with a mortgage of 03 Sep 1913 between Charles Rose of the first part, and Adrian Young and James Murphy of the other part. Title commenced to Lots 3 & 4 with a mortgage of 14 Dec 1876 between Joshua Rose of the first part, and Richard George Davis Frampton Frampton and Adrian Young of the other part. | |
S888 | Sale particulars for Ricketts Wood Estate, Norwood Hill, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Alfred Pearson & Son of Fleet and Messrs Weller, Son & Grinsted of Guildford, 29 Jul 1946. 20pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 217 acre residential and agricultural estate included accommodation land, woodland, and the following named properties and tenants: 1: Ricketts Wood, a 22 acre country residence, with outbuildings, gardens, grounds, a cottage and a lodge. 2: Ricketts Wood Farm, a 132 acre dairy and mixed enterprise, including a farmhouse, farm buildings and 2 cottages, once of which was let to weekly tenant Mrs Pounce. 3: Nos 1 & 2 Woodside Cottages, a pair of semi-detached residences, near to Norwood Hill House, on the Charlwood to Newdigate road. | |
S889 | Sale particulars for Nos 3 to 8 Rose Hill, Dorking, 3 pairs of semi-detached villas, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 25 Feb 1946. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, each 9pp, but with different manuscript additions. The sale was by order of the liquidator of the Dorking Villa Building Co. The properties were let to the following annual tenants: No 3 to Mr P F Floyd, No 4 was vacant, No 5 to the Misses Hooper, No 6 to Mrs Phillips, No 7 to Mrs Griffin and No 8 to Mr A R Jackson. | |
S890 | Sale particulars for Redcot, Reigate Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the offices of the agents Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 16 Jul 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was sold subject to covenants contained in a transfer of 30 Aug 1928 from Maurice Chance to William Chapman. | |
S891 | Sale particulars for Roywood, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a freehold detached residence with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 28 Jul 1947. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the public trustees of the late Harold Morphew. | |
S892 | Catalogue for the sale of the household contents of Rough Rew, Horsham Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 15-16 Sep 1948. 27pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late R M Aitken and included a collection of paintings and books. By agreement with the auctioneers the sale included additional items belonging to Miss Hubbersty. | |
S893 | Sale particulars for Redcote, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a freehold residence with one and three quarter acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 May 1949. 8pp including a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of the representatives of the late Mrs J M Mitchell. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 06 Aug 1924 between Edwin John Stevenson and Marshall Campbell Mitchell. | |
S894 | Sale particulars for Ridge Farm, Capel, a 60 acre residential and agricultural property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Wilson & Co of London, 21 Feb 1949. 7pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions. The freehold property included an Elizabethan residence, a farm, a lodge and a bungalow. The sale was on the directions of Sir Joshua Scholefield. | |
S895 | Catalogue for the sale of the household contents of Romanys, Peaslake, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 27 Apr 1949. 14pp with manuscripts additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Miss H D Chapman. | |
S896 | Sale particulars for No 3 Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 26 Sep 1949. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 27 Mar 1949 between Dorking Villa Building Company of the first part, Francis Patton Down of the second part and Maurice Chance of the third part. | |
S897 | Sale particulars for No 22, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 10 Jan 1949. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a mortgage of 24 Jun 1902 between Caroline Ann Rickman of the first part, and Joseph Lister Godlee and Montague Spencer Blaker of the other part. | |
S898 | Sale particulars for Nos 1 & 2 Redlands Bank Cottages, Holmwood, a pair of freehold residences, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 29 Oct 1951. 4pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. No 1 was let to Miss Moore and No 2 to Mrs Dodd, both weekly tenants. Title commenced with a conveyance of 03 Jan 1922 between William John Hodges and Joseph Tyrell. | |
S899 | Sale particulars for Ruckmans Farm, Oakwood Hill, Okley, a 106 acre property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs John D Wood of London, 24 Mar 1952. 17pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a detached residence, a model farm, five cottages and a flat. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Jean Baylis. The property was sold subject to benefits and restrictions contained in a conveyance on sale of 08 Nov 1940 between Michael Hewitt Salaman and Colin Buist. | |
S900 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a detached country residence and garden at Radworth, Wonham Way, Peaslake, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt and West, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 22 Jun 1953, 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S901 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Rill Cottage and garden at Vann Drive, Ockley, to be sold by auction by Messrs Cubitt and West at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Oct 1954, 6pp with manuscript additions. | |
S902 | Catalogue for the sale of furnishings from the freehold of The Rise, at Milton Avenue, Westcott, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executor of the late R. J. Walker, Esq., by Messrs Crow of Dorking, at the premises, 27 Jan 1954, 10pp. | |
S903 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Rose Cottage, Brockham Green for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt and West at the Star and Garter Hotel, North Station Approach, Dorking, 25 Jul 1960, 6pp including a partial photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The premises incorporate a cafe, shop, garages and a workshop garage. | |
S904 | Sale particulars for the freehold of the ïRookeryÍ, Westcott, for sale by auction by Messrs Crow of Dorking, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 30 Apr 1962, 7pp. The Georgian mansion was let as 10 flats together with 8 garages and 3 acres of land. Includes a coloured plan showing the estate and handwritten planning notes. The house was built in 1759 by David Malthus, whose son Thomas, the economist, was born there in 1766. | |
S905 | Sale particulars for the freehold of ïRookhurstÍ, at Coast Hill, Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow of Dorking, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Dorking, 29 Oct 1962, 9pp. The premises incorporate grounds of 3 acres. Includes photographs, a coloured plan showing the premises and handwritten notes. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late A G Palmer. | |
S906 | Catalogue for the sale of the remaining household, furniture and effects of ïRookhurstÍ, at Coast Hill, Westcott, to be sold by auction on the instruction of the executor of the late A. G. Palmer, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, at the premises, 21 Mar 1963, 12pp with manuscript additions. | |
S907 | Sale particulars for the freehold of ïThe Red HouseÍ, Newdigate, for sale by auction by Tresidder and Co, London, at The London Auction Mart, 155 Queen Victoria Street, London, 26 Jun 1963, 10pp including a photograph and manuscript additions. The premises incorporate woodland of over 8 and half acres. A coloured plan showing the estate divided into two lots is included. | |
S908 | Sale particulars for half an acre of freehold building land adjoining The Rectory, Cranleigh, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Cranleigh, 28 Apr 1964. 7pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S909 | Sale particulars for Red Roofs, Capel, a 60 acre property, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by joint auctioneers John Churchman & Sons of Horsham and Ryde, Sons & Browne of London, 26 Aug 1964. 12pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The freehold property included a vacant main detached residence with outbuildings and gardens of 11 acres; and 49 acres of arable land. | |
S910 | Sale particulars for Rowgardens Wood Estate, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at The Market Hall, Redhill, by joint agents Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 17 May 1964. 21pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The Rowagardens Wood Estate was occupied by the late Mr A E Berry, from 1910 until his death in 1961. The 837 acre freehold agricultural and sporting estate included the following named properties and tenants: | |
S910 ctd | 1: Collendean Farm, a 123 acre dairy enterprise, including a period farmhouse and farm buildings. 2: Nutley Dean Farm, a 176 acre mixed enterprise, with a farmhouse, farm buildings and 2 cottages. 3: Charlwood Place Farm, a 216 acre dairy enterprise, with a period farmhouse, farm buildings and 3 cottages at Nos 1 & 2 Charlwood Place Cottages and No 2 Brittleware Cottages. 4: Brittleware Farm, a 189 acre dairy holding, incorporating Lawrence Green House, the main residence, a second farmhouse, farm buildings and 2 cottages at Nos 3 & 4 Brittleware Cottages. | |
S910 ctd | 5: Rose Cottage Farm, a 110 acre dairy enterprise, including 2 cottages named as The Lodge and No 2 Clifton Cottages. 6: Lincoln Lodge stud farm, a 19 acre enterprise, incorporating a main residence, outbuildings, gardens, a cottage and paddocks. 7: 2 cottages at No 1 Clifton Cottages, Norwood Hill, and No 1 Brittleware Cottages, Charlwood. | |
S911 | Sale particulars for Rose Cottage, Coldharbour, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 07 Dec 1967. 8pp with manuscript additions. | |
S912 | Records relating to the sale of Nos 12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, & 12e Rothes Road, Dorking, five modern town houses built in 1965. May 1971. 2 items. | |
S912/1 | Sale particulars for Nos 12a to 12e, Rothes Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 12 May 1971. 10pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the Secretary of State for the Department of the Environment. | |
S912/2 | A typescript letter from the agents to Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, addressing the defects at the properties, 11 May 1971. 3pp. The letter including manuscript additions noting the proposed pricing for the properties. | |
S913 | Sales particulars for the sale of one acre of building land at Rough Rew, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, to be sold by tender through agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, closing day for bids 29 Sep 1976. 9pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the South Eastern Electricity Board. | |
S914 | Catalogue for the sale of agricultural implements and machinery from Raikes Farm, Abinger Common, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 21 Apr 1980. 14pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S915 | Sales brochure for Rivermede, Weare Street, Ockley, a 6 acre country residence with gardens, paddocks and meadows, to be sold by agents Bruce Trent & Company of Horsham, [c.1980s?]. 9pp including photographs and a general location map. | |
S916 | Sales brochure for Rose Cottage Farm, Norwood Hill, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the Bridge House Hotel, Reigate, by Bernard Thorpe & Partners of London, 03 Jun 1981. 29pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The 188 acre property included a period farmhouse residence, farm buildings, a lodge, a pair of semi-detached cottages (Nos 1 & 2 Clifton Cottages), paddocks and agricultural land. | |
S917 | Sales particulars for St Margarets, Westcott, a freehold country residence with 1 acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 03 Feb 1919. 7pp including photographs. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Millington. | |
S918 | Sale particulars for the Duke of Norfolk's Surrey Estates: 1921. Shootlands Farm (Abinger); The Redlands (Holmwood); Hook Farm, The Old School House and Bunce Common Farm (Leigh); Property in Newdigate - Ewood Farm, Mill Cottage, Shellwood Manor Farm, Shellwood Cross Cottages, Snellings and Charmans Farm; Property in Wotton - Tillingbourne House, Bailiffes House, The Pheasantries, Severells and the Warren Cottages - people: Heath C E: de Jersey Rev C B: Mountain W H S: Horley John: Crow F L: Iles Edmund: Rumsby B: Ricardo S H: Rice Wm: Beecher Stephen. For the accompanying plan to these particulars see: S399. | |
S919 | Sales particulars for Strathmore, Knoll Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 02 Oct 1922. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S920 | Sale particulars for Shiremark, Capel, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Constable & Maude of London, 30 Jul 1924. 13pp including photographs. The 20 acre property included a detached country residence, a lodge and stables. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Lyster, the widow of the late John Lionel Lyster who died in 1908. | |
S921 | Sales particulars for Southsea House and Upton Villa, Harrow Road West, Dorking, two adjacent freehold residences, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 28 Apr 1924. 10pp. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late J W Field. The properties incorporated a small plot of building land and Upton Villa was let to annual tenant Miss Julia Elizabeth Punnett. | |
S922 | Records relating to the sale of Stone House, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, Jun 1924. 3 items. | |
S922/1 | Sale particulars for Stone House, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 16 Jun 1924. 5pp including a photograph and manuscript additions. | |
S922/2 | A manuscript document relating to Stone House, Rose Hill, Dorking, from the solicitors Messrs Sweetland, Greenhill & Stinson of London, 06 Jun 1924, 3pp. The document provides details of notes originally written on 27 May 1919, outlining the conditions and restrictions referenced in a conveyance of 12 Dec 1839 between William Newland and Robert Marsh. | |
S922/3 | A manuscript note from A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 04 Jun 1924, 1p. The note outlines the estimated property price for Stone House, Rose Hill, Dorking, prior to auction. | |
S923 | Sale particulars for Sandlands, Roman Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence built in 1893, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 07 Sep 1925. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Mary Ann Randall. Title commenced with a conveyance of sale of 09 Nov 1892 between Lacklan Mackintosh Rate and Mary Ann Randall. | |
S924 | Sale particulars for Southcote, Cliftonville, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Apr 1925. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S925 | Sale particulars for Sandycross Cottage, Coldharbour Lane (at the corner of Ridgeway Road), Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 15 Nov 1926. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The freehold property included 3 and a quarter acres of grass paddocks and building land. The sale was on the instructions of A S Crum. | |
S926 | Records relating to the sale of the Shellwood and Ewood Estates, near Dorking, 1926. 2 items. | |
S926/1 | Sale particulars for the Shellwood and Ewood Estates, near Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Knight, Frank and Rutley of London, 1926. 33pp including an affixed summary of the valuation of timber on the property. The 1079 acre residential and agricultural estate included building land, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S926/1 ctd | 1. A grazing enterprise near Parkgate, with 194 acres, incorporating Ewood Cottages, West Barn and New Barn. 2: Ewood Farm, near Parkgate, a 230 acre property including a farmhouse, farm buildings and a cottage. 3: A cottage known as The Mill House, near Parkgate. 4: A pair of cottages at Parkgate, with 7 acres of enclosures and woodland, let to Mr W Pratt, a service tenant and Miss Dickinson, rent free. | |
S926/1 ctd | 5: Shellwood Manor and Farm, a 275 acre property, including a period manor house with gardens and grounds, a farm, a Bailiffs house, and a pair of cottages. The farm and the cottages were let to annual tenant Mr F L Crow. 6: Snellings, Westwood Common, a small holding of 38 acres, with a cottage and grazing land. 7: Slatterwicks Barn, a small holding incorporating Westwood Common, a 58 acre property including Westwood Cottage (derelict). 8: A pair of cottages and a detached cottage at Shellwood Cross, let to Mr F L Crow, and occupied by Mr R Streeter, Mr T Woodgate, and Mr J Cooling respectively. | |
S926/1 ctd | Title to the majority of the property commenced with a settlement of 03 Feb 1904 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Gwendolen Mary Constable Maxwell (Gwendolen Mary, Duchess of Norfolk and Baroness Herries) of the second part, James Fitzalan Hope and the Hon Bernard Constable Maxwell of the third part, and the Rt Hon Edmund Barners Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent and the Hon Ralph Drury Kerr (Lord Ralph Drury Kerr) of the fourth part. Title to a small portion of the property commenced with a voluntary conveyance of 20 Sep 1904 between Jessie Crosbie Ferguson of the one part, and Elizabeth Henderson of the other part. | |
S926/2 | A coloured plan for the sale of the Shellwood and Ewood Estates, near Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Knight, Frank and Rutley of London, 1926. | |
S927 | Sale particulars for Southfield, Ockley, a freehold detached residence with one and a quarter acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 26 Oct 1926. 11pp including a photograph. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 06 Jul 1907 between Emily Mary Ansell and Clara Hind. | |
S928 | Sale particulars for No 33, South Street, Dorking, a freehold double fronted shop with accommodation, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 15 Nov 1926. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mr H C Strugnell. | |
S929 | Sale particulars for Standon Farm, Stane Street, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 18 Oct 1926. 18pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Amsden. The 117 acre freehold property included a farmhouse, farm buildings, arable land, water meadows, building land and a lodge; Bungalow Lodge, let to weekly tenant Mr Harry Bravery. A small portion of land was let to Mr J A Prevett. | |
S930 | Sale particulars for Sundial, Holmwood Common, a freehold detached pre-war cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 16 Aug 1926. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of J Langdon Davies, who was emigrating. | |
S931 | Sale particulars for St Brelades, Knoll Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Joseph Stower of London, 25 Jun 1926. 9pp including a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of the administrators of the late Mrs Alice Jane Beattie. | |
S932 | Sale particulars for Salamat, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 21 Mar 1927. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the directions of Robert Courtney Gardiner Shaw, who was emigrating. | |
S933 | Records relating the sale of Swires Estate, Holmwood, 1927-1928, 3 items. | |
S933/1 | Sale particulars for Swires Estate, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 23 Sep 1927. 25pp including 2 versions of the same coloured plan (one a preliminary draft) and manuscript additions noting the bids. The conditions of sale were to be issued as a supplementary document (see S933/2). The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Charles Gustave Aguet. The 744 acre agricultural, residential and sporting estate included building plots and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S933/1 ctd | 1: Keepers Cottage, Henfold Lane, let to Mr A Longhurst, keeper of the estate. 2: Petersfield Farm, a 72 acre mixed enterprise, let to annual tenant Mr J Shipton. 3: Lodge Farm, Holmwood Common, a 142 acre farm, let to annual tenant Mr G Dennis. 4: Gaterounds Farm, an 83 acre mixed enterprise, let to annual tenant Mr D Hopkins. 5: Swires Farm, a 166 acre arable and dairy enterprise, let to Messrs Spiller Brothers. 6: Two pairs of cottages known as Stockridings, Henfold Lane, let to Mr J Shipton, Mr W Skelton, Messrs Spillers Brothers and Mr C Warren. | |
S933/2 | Supplementary pages detailing the conditions of sale to accompany the sale particulars for Swires Estate, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 23 Sep 1927. 4pp. Title to the property commenced with a settlement of 03 Feb 1904 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Gwendolen Mary, Duchess of Norfolk (then Gwendolen Mary Constable Maxwell) of the second part, James Fitzalan Hope and the Hon Bernard Constable Maxwell of the third part, and Lord Edmund Bernard Talbot and the Hon Ralph Drury Kerr of the fourth part. | |
S933/3 | A typescript letter from land agents Duncan B Gray and Partners of London, to Mr F L Crow of Dorking, stating that their client, named as Mr Hall Caine MP, would consider negotiated offers for a number of plots to be sold at Swires Estate, Holmwood, 19 Jan 1928. 1p. | |
S934 | Sale particulars for Swires Estate, near Dorking, to be sold by private treaty through agents Hampton & Sons of London, [c.1920s-1930s?]. 9pp including a coloured plan. The 738 acre freehold sporting and agricultural estate included building plots and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S934 ctd | 1: Keepers Cottage (also known as Keepers House), Henfold Lane. 2: Swires Farm, Henfold Lane, a 156 acre property, let to annual tenant Mr W Voice. 3: Lodge Farm, 126 acre property, let to annual tenant Mr G Dennis. 4: Gaterounds Farm, an 116 acre property, let to annual tenant Mr W L Hopkins. 5: Petersfield Farm, a 77 acre property, let to annual tenant Mr J Shipton. 6: 2 cottages at Stockridings, Henfold Lane, let to Mrs Warren and Mr F Tyler. The cottages were incorporated as part of Swires Farm and Peterfield Farm. 7: Plots of grassland and arable land, let to Mr F L Crow. | |
S935 | Sale particulars for St Marys Cottage, London Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 13 Jun 1927. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs J A Lawrence. The property was formerly part of the Box Hill Estate. | |
S936 | Records relating to the sale of Sandrock, Horsham Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence. 1928-1929. 2 items. | |
S936/1 | Sale particulars for Sandrock, Horsham Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 24 Sep 1928. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the directions of Norman Bellerby. | |
S936/2 | Typescript fixtures and fittings list, compiled by Messrs Crow of Dorking, for Sandrock, Horsham Road, Dorking, Aug 1929. 5pp. | |
S937 | Sale particulars for Sandy Brae, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 09 Jul 1928. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of G A Taylor. | |
S938 | Sale particulars for Stoneways, Rusper Road, Cudworth, Newdigate, a detached residence with 4 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 27 Nov 1928. 9pp. Title commenced with a conveyance of 13 Dec 1906 between Small Holdings Association Limited and James Hookham. | |
S939 | Sale particulars for No 4 St Pauls Road, Dorking, a pre-war semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 May 1929. 8pp including a manuscript note stating that the property sold prior to auction. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Ernest Hodges. Title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, written on 11 Apr 1876 and proved on 29 Jul 1884. | |
S940 | Sale particulars for Shiremark, Capel, a 41 acre freehold property, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 26 Jun 1929. 16pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included a detached residence, 2 cottages (a double lodge, Nos 1 & 2 Lodge Cottages), gardens, grounds, meadowland and woodland. | |
S941 | Sale particulars for No 2 South Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises with a studio, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 29 Jul 1929. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The vacant premises had most recently been occupied by Mr F J Holden, a photographer. | |
S942 | Sale particulars for Steyning Cottage, Horsham Road, South Holmwood, a freehold detached villa with a garden, garage and workshops, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Jameson & Messenger of London, 27 Aug 1929. 5pp including a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late William Hoad and the property was let to annual tenant Mr Hoad. Title commenced with 3 conveyances as follows: 1. A conveyance of 08 Jan 1879 between William Joseph Shearburn and John William Hoad. 2. A conveyance of 09 Jan 1879 between William Joseph Shearburn and William Jenner. 3. A conveyance of 05 Aug 1882 between Charles Alexander White of the first part, Peter Loubert Marten of the second part and John William Hoad of the third part. | |
S943 | Sales brochure for Sunnyside, Holmwood, to be sold by agents Messrs F L Mercer & Co of London, 1929. 6pp with photographs and manuscript additions. The property of 13 acres included a detached period residence converted from a farmhouse, stables, a model farm, 3 cottages and grounds and pasture land. The sale was on the instructions of F P Barney who was in residence at the property. | |
S944 | Sales particulars for Shellwood Manor, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Golbie & Green of London, 12 May 1930. 2 items; 2 copies of the same sale particulars, both 28pp including coloured plan and a detailed historical note on the property and the Manor of Ewood; but with differing manuscript additions noting the bids. The vendor was Percy Portway Harvey. The extensive 1084 acre residential and agricultural estate included building and accommodation plots, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S944 ctd | 1: Shellwood Manor, Shellwood Manor Road, an period manor house with 17 acres. 2: Shellwood Farm, a 61 acre agricultural property. 3: Ewood Farm; Ewood Cottages; West End Barn and The Mill House at Newdigate. 4: Bailiffs House at Leigh. 5: Snellings small holding; Slatterwicks Barn and Westwood Cottage at Westwood Common. 6: Plots of land let to tenants Mr Bush, Mr W Pratt and Mr H Horley. | |
S944 ctd | Title to the majority of the property commenced with a settlement of 03 Feb 1904 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Gwendolen Mary Constable Maxwell (Gwendolen Mary, Duchess of Norfolk and Baroness Herries) of the second part, James Fitzalan Hope and the Hon Bernard Constable Maxwell of the third part, and the Rt Hon Edmund Barners Viscount FitzAlan of Derwent and the Hon Ralph Drury Kerr (Lord Ralph Drury Kerr) of the fourth part. Title to a small portion of the property commenced with a voluntary conveyance of 20 Sep 1904 between Jessie Crosbie Ferguson of the one part, and Elizabeth Henderson of the other part. | |
S945 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery from Shellwood Manor Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 11 Apr 1930. 18pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of Frederick L Crow who was leaving the business in consequence of the sale of the estate. | |
S946 | Sale particulars for Sondes Place, Dorking, a freehold 13 acre estate with building land, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 21 Jul 1930. 13pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a country house, a lodge and gardens and grounds. Title commenced with a settlement of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, the Rt Hon George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, the Rt Hon George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part, and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S947 | Sale particulars for Stowe Maries, Westcott, a freehold detached residence with stables, a cottage and 8 acres, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs F L Mercer & Co of London, 23 Jul 1930. 12pp including photographs. | |
S948 | Sale particulars for Sunnyholme, Deepdene Gardens, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Sep 1931. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was occupied by Mr Ellicott. | |
S949 | Sale particulars for Shellwood Cross, Leigh, a period country cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking and Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 07 Nov 1932. 9pp including a manuscript addition on the reverse of the document stating that the property was not sold. Title commenced with a settlement of 03 Feb 1904 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Gwendolen Mary Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) of the second part, James Fitzalan Hope and the Hon Bernard Constable Maxwell of the third part, and the Rt Hon Edmund Bernard Talbot and the Hon Ralph Dury Kerr of the fourth part. | |
S950 | Records relating to the sale of St Marys Cottage, Beare Green, a freehold residence with 1 and a half acres. 1933. 2 items. | |
S950/1 | Sale particulars for St Marys Cottage, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 31 Jul 1933. 5pp. The sale was on the instructions of Lady Ashbourne and the property was occupied by Mrs Flanders. | |
S950/2 | An 'Order To View' slip, issued by Messrs Crow of Dorking, to be presented at the premises. 1933. 1p. | |
S951 | Sale particulars for Simons, Newdigate, a freehold period farmhouse with 1 acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 19 Nov 1934. 9pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Dr F E Gowland Hopkins. A brief historical note states that tradition had it that the the leader of the baronial revolt against King Henry III, Simon De Montfort [c.1208-1265], 6th Earl of Leicester, took shelter in the house. Title commenced with a deed of voluntary resettlement of 25 Apr 1910 between E H T Broadwood of the first part, and B M Broadwood and R G Seton of the other part. The property was sold subject to a covenant contained in a conveyance of 06 Oct 1922 between R Y M C Matthews and E L Young of the first part, J M Young of the second part, and H B Robertson and D E B Robertson of the third part. | |
S952 | Sale particulars for Nos 50A, 50B & 50C South Street, Dorking, a block of three freehold pre-war villas with a garden and garages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 Apr 1934. 8pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Clara Susannah Tracy. No 50A (also known as Clovelly) was let to quarterly tenant Mr F Edwards, No 50B (also known as Brent Hill) was let to annual tenant Mr C S H D Mills, and No 50C (also known as Allington House) was vacant. The garages were let to quarterly tenant Mr F Edwards and Mr G Brown, a monthly tenant. | |
S953 | Sale particulars for Shala, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 11 Feb 1935. 7pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs M K Milligan who was leaving the area. The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a registered transfer of 12 Dec 1923 between Maurice Chance and the vendor. | |
S954 | Sale particulars for Steps, Deepdene Drive, Dorking, a freehold detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 20 Jun 1935. 6pp including a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of Mr L A Brook. | |
S955 | Sale particulars for Surrey House, Stane Street, Ockley, a village shop with accommodation and a garage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, 01 Oct 1945. 4pp. The sale was on the instructions of Messrs W A Prideaux and J W E Drummond-Hay. The main property was let to weekly tenant Mr C H Pearce, a bookbinder, and the garage was let to weekly tenant Mr J Carpenter, a baker. Title commenced with a conveyance and assignment of 22 Jul 1895 between George Arbuthnot Leslie of the first part, James Woodgate Arbuthnot and Annie Susan Charlotte Arbuthnot of the second part, and Lawrence Colville Jackson and Herbert Robinson Arbuthnot of the third part. | |
S956 | Sale particulars for Southbrooks Farm, Gomshall, a freehold dairy farm, to be sold by auction at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 May 1946. 8pp including a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of Mr W F Wonham. The 68 and a half acre property included a detached main residence, farm buildings and a cottage. | |
S957 | Sale particulars for Stane Vue, Horsham Road, Capel, a freehold semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 25 Nov 1946. 7pp. The house was let to quarterly tenant Mr R A Ronnebeck. The property formed part of the Knoll Farm Estate and was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance on sale of 20 Jun 1928 between Walter Irving Savage and Alick Dunn. | |
S958 | Sale particulars for Stone House, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the premises, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 25 Feb 1948. 7pp including brief historical details on the Rose Hill Estate. The sale was on the instructions of the representative of the late Mrs L E Stone. Title commenced with a conveyance of 08 Aug 1928 between John Edwin Garratt and Arthur Neville Ashton. | |
S959 | Records relating to the sale of Shootlands, Wotton Common, Abinger, a residential and agricultural estate with 62 acres. The property included a main residence, farm buildings, 2 cottages, gardens, pasture and woodland. May-Jun 1949. 2 items. | |
S959/1 | Sale particulars for Shootlands, Wotton Common, Abinger, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 31 May 1949. 12pp including photographs. One of the cottages was occupied by Mr and Mrs Tardew. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 31 Dec 1921 between The Viscount Fitz Alan of Derwent (Viceroy of Ireland), Gwendolin Mary Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) and Sir Charles John Stewart of the first part, Gwendolin Mary Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) of the second part, and Norman Dalziel of the third part. | |
S959/2 | A typescript note from the agents Hampton & Sons of London, providing details of the confirmed sale at the auction, 04 Jun 1949. 1p. | |
S960 | Sale particulars for Solway House (formerly known as Promised Land), Holmwood Common, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 26 Sep 1949. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S961 | Records relating to 2 separate sales for Staneside, Roman Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence. 1949-1952. 2 items. | |
S961/1 | Sale particulars for Staneside, Roman Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 18 Jul 1949. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Dr T F Budden. Title commenced with a conveyance of 25 Jun 1919 between Arthur Crofts Powell and Frederick William Martino. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 14 Oct 1890 between Revered Chisnall Hamerton and Arthur Crofts Powell. | |
S961/2 | A typescript sheet containing brief details of the sales particulars for Staneside, Roman Road, Dorking, issued by Messrs Crow of Dorking, Nov 1951. 1p. The property was occupied by Mrs Jerons. | |
S962 | Sale particulars for Spreydon, Cliftonville, Dorking, a semi-detached townhouse, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 21 Nov 1955. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S963 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery, from Strood Green Farm and Coleshill Farm, Brockham, to be sold by auction at Strood Green Farm (opposite the Spotted Cow public house), by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 05 Oct 1955. 7pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mr E Stanford who was retiring from the business. | |
S964 | Sale particulars for Sent Farm, Oakwood Hill, Ockley, a freehold smallholding of 14 and a half acres, to be sold by auction the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 05 Sep 1956. 9pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale included an additional 10 acres of nearby meadow land. Title commenced with a vesting assent of 13 Dec 1934 between George Stanley Gordon Clark, Roy Thornton Monier-Williams and Alfred Alexander Gordon Clark of the first part, and Charles Augustus Lee Steere of the other part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in the following: 1: A conveyance of 22 Aug 1949 between George Mercer Taylor and Dora Marjorie Schoonenberg. 2: An agreement of 28 Aug 1949 between Dora Marjorie James and George Mercer Taylor. | |
S965 | Sales brochure for Standen Homestead, Ockley, a freehold estate, to be sold by agents Messrs Wilson & Co of London, 1956. 13pp including photographs. The 175 acre property included a 17th century main residence, 3 cottages, a model farm, gardens and pasture and arable land. | |
S966 | Sale particulars for St Margarets, 194 South Street, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Fox & Sons of Brighton, 12 Jul 1956. 8pp. The property, located on the corner with Vincents Lane, Dorking, was under requisition by the local authority, Dorking Urban District Council. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 26 Sep 1922 between John Herbert Hugill and Helene Maria Bisgood. | |
S967 | Sale particulars for Springholme, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a freehold detached 1930s residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs William Willett Ltd of London and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 30 Sep 1957. 6pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S968 | Sale particulars for Stubbetts, Forest Green, a country residence, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 09 Oct 1958. 11pp including photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 14 and a quarter acre property included a main residence, outbuildings, gardens and grassland, of which 7 acres was let to annual tenant farmer Mr H L Plummer and 4 acres was let to annual tenant Mr D Hayllor. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Jul 1928 between Frank Hay and the Hon K H Campbell of the first part, and Louis B Baron of the other part. | |
S969 | Sale particulars for St Davids, South Terrace, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached 1930s residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 15 Sep 1958. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 03 Oct 1918 between John Bartlett and Henry Malcolm Hubbard. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 16 Feb 1938 between George Henry James Hooper and Benjamin George Elliott. | |
S970 | Records relating to the sale of Shootlands, Wotton Common, Abinger, a residential and agricultural estate with 62 acres. May 1960. The property included a main residence, farm buildings, and 3 cottages; West Cottage, East Cottage and Barn Cottage. 2 items. | |
S970/1 | Sale particulars for Shootlands, Wotton Common, Abinger, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 25 May 1960. 19pp including photographs and a general location map. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 31 Dec 1921 between The Viscount Fitz Alan of Derwent (Viceroy of Ireland), Gwendolin Mary Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) and Sir Charles John Stewart of the first part, Gwendolin Mary Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) of the second part, and Norman Dalziel of the third part. | |
S970/2 | A typescript note from Hampton & Sons stating that the property failed to reach its reserve at auction and was to be offered at a reduced price. 27 May 1960. 1p. | |
S971 | Records relating to the sale of the residential and agricultural properties Smokejack Farm, Walliswood, Ockley, a 116 acre dairy farm with a 16th century farmhouse, farm buildings and 3 cottages; and Rose Hill Farm, Walliswood, Ockley, an 8 acre smallholding with a semi-detached cottage, No 2 Rose Hill Cottages. Jul 1960. 2 items. | |
S971/1 | Sale particulars for Smokejack Farm and Rose Hill Farm, Walliswood, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller & Co of Cranleigh, 19 Jul 1960. 16pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of Sir Arthur Vere Harvey CBE MP. The main part of the property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 01 Jul 1936 between Geoffrey Eyre Greenwell of the first part, Sir Bernard Eyre Greenwell of the second part and Isabel Mary Bedford of the third part. | |
S971/2 | A manuscript note, assumed to be from the auctioneers, stating that the property was sold prior to the auction, 20 Jul 1960. 1p. | |
S972 | Sales particulars for Nos 176, 178 & 180 South Street, Dorking, a block of freehold business premises with accommodation and a rear garden, to be sold by auction at the Three Tuns Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 05 Sep 1960. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property consisted of the following: No 176 South Street, Dorking, accommodation. No 178 South Street, Dorking, a gentlemans hairdressers. No 180 South Street, Dorking, a boot repairers. | |
S973 | Sale particulars for Sunnyholme, No 21 Deepdene Gardens, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 11 Sep 1961. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S974 | Sale particulars for Sherlock's Stores, Brockham Green, Brockham, a freehold general store and grocery business, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 02 May 1962. 10pp including details of the fixtures and fittings which were part of the sale and with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S975 | Sale particulars for Stiles, South Holmwood, a freehold 1930s residence with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 15 Jul 1963. 7pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S976 | Sale particulars for Soneryl, Glenfield Close, Brockham, a freehold detached 1960s bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 08 Dec 1965. 6pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting that no bids were received at the auction. | |
S977 | Sales brochure for Slythehurst, Ewhurst, a freehold residential and agricultural estate of 108 acres, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co of Guildford, 27 Sep 1966. 17pp including photographs, a plan and a preliminary summary of the property details. The estate included an Elizabethan farmhouse, farm buildings, a broiler unit, and 3 separate residences as follows: Slytheurst Bungalow; Slythehurst Cottage, built in 1962; and No 3 Hill View Cottages, Cranleigh Road, Ewhurst. | |
S978 | Sale particulars for a freehold retail shop and offices, occupying a corner site at Nos 54 to 60 South Street, and the adjoining No 1 Junction Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 26 Jan 1972. 9pp including a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the South Eastern Electricity Board. Title to Nos 54 to 60 South Street, Dorking, commenced with a conveyance of 03 Jul 1936 between Dorking Urban District Council, and the London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority. | |
S979 | Sales brochure for Swires Farm, Henfold Lane, Beare Green, a 292 acre freehold dairy and arable enterprise, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs T Bannister & Co of Haywards Heath and Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 26 Apr 1973. 11pp including 2 copies of the same coloured plan, one with manuscript additions. The property included a main residence, farm buildings and 2 cottages, Nos 3 & 4 Stockrydons, Henfold Lane. | |
S979 ctd | Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1941 between George Septimus Firth and Herbert Melliar-Smith; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1941, between George Septimus Firth, Cecil William Mallaby Firth and William Dommett of the first part, and Herbert Melliar-Smith of the other part. | |
S980 | Sales brochure for Swires Farm, Henfold Lane, Beare Green, a 358 acre freehold dairy and corn enterprise, to be sold by auction at Ye Olde Kings Head Hotel, Horsham, by joint auctioneers Messrs John D Wood & Co of London and Weller Eggar of Horsham, 07 Nov 1973. 10pp including a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The property included a main residence, farm buildings, a lake and 2 cottages, Nos 3 & 4 Stockrydons, Henfold Lane. Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1941 between George Septimus Firth and Herbert Melliar-Smith; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1941, between George Septimus Firth, Cecil William Firth and William Dommett of the first part, and Herbert Melliar-Smith of the other part. | |
S981 | Records relating to the sale of Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, a freehold detached Edwardian country residence with gardens and grounds of 9 acres. Jun-Jul 1978. 2 items. | |
S981/1 | Sale particulars for Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 05 Jul 1978. 10pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The vendor was the personal representative of the late Edmund David Patrick Barkworth, who died 26 Jan 1972. | |
S981/2 | A page of manuscript notes in different hands, thought to originate from the estate agents, of phone calls relating to the sale, 19 Jun 1978. 1p. | |
S982 | Sales brochure for Standon Homestead, Standen Lane, Ockley, a Grade III listed 17th manor house with 170 acres, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham by Messrs King & Chasemore of Pulborugh, 09 Jul 1981. 27pp including photographs, a coloured plan, a general location map, a brief historical note, and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late V H Deucher, who died in 1980. The property included a main residence, farm buildings, gardens and parkland, arable, pasture and woodland, and 3 lodge residences; North Lodge, East Standon Lodge and Middle Lodge. | |
S983 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects from Sunrays, Milton Avenue, Wescott, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow, 22 Mar 1950. 13pp. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late W T Brattle. | |
S984 | Catalogue for the sale of surplus machinery and equipment from Pains-Wessex Schermuly (manufacturers of marine signal and rescue products), Mill Lane, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 16 Sep 1981. 2 items; 2 copies of the same catalogue with different manuscript additions, each 24pp. | |
S985 | Sale particulars for Triscombe, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence with a stable and grounds of 1 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at The Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 01 Apr 1920. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instruction of P Johnson. Title commenced with the will of 26 Nov 1894 of John Shenton Bright, a Congregational Minister who died 04 Nov 1895 and is known as the author of "Dorking - A History of the Town," published in 1876. | |
S986 | Sale particulars for Tifters Farm, Charlwood Road, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart by Messrs Harrie Stacey & Son of Redhill, 27 May 1927. 8pp including a coloured plan. The 43 acre property included a period farmhouse, farm buildings known as The Homestead, with pasture and building land. | |
S986 ctd | Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 26 Aug 1919 between George Chivers Bower (Secretary of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales and the Official Trustee of Charity Lands) of the first part, William Edward Peters, Grantley Charles Martin, Clayton Turner Lane, Frank Lasham, William Stevens, George Enticknap, Harry Shepard Higlett, Harvey Mansbridge Lunn, Philip Griggs Palmer, William John Stubington and Thomas Gatton Swayne (all being Trustees of Charity known as Archbishop Abbotts Scholl, Guildford) of the second part, and Charles James Ireland of the third part. | |
S987 | Sale particulars for Thetford Lodge, Westcott Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 16 Dec 1932. 8pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Minns. Title commenced with an indenture of settlement of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S988 | Sale particulars for The Tollgate, South Holmwood, a freehold period cottage which was part of the former toll house, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs Douglas Ross & Son of Billingshurst, 11 May 1932. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title to the greater part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 02 Jan 1900 between Mary Campbell McLaren of the first part and Cecil Gradwell and Octavia Richardson of the other part; and to the remainder of the property with a conveyance of 04 Jan 1922 between Amy Laurie of the first part, and Mabel Alice Mary Vandeleur and Emmeline Augusta Spenning of the other part. | |
S989 | Sale particulars for Torthorwald, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 19 Nov 1934. 13pp including a photograph, a coloured plan, and manuscript additions noting the bids. The freehold property of 6 acres, which formerly fronted onto Chart Lane prior to the by-pass road (Deepdene Avenue) being built, included the main residence, a lodge, a detached cottage known as Tor View, paddocks and grounds. Title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, written on 11 Apr 1876 and proved on 29 Jul 1884. | |
S990 | Sale particulars for Torthorwald, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold 1890s detached residence with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 06 Jul 1936. 7pp including a photograph, manuscript additions noting the bids and the word 'Glenwood' added in manuscript to the front cover. Title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, who died 31 Mar 1884. | |
S991 | Sale particulars for Top O' The Rise, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a freehold pre-war detached residence with 1 acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 31 May 1937. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S992 | Sale particulars for Top O' The Rise, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a freehold detached residence with 1 acre, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 15 Nov 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S993 | Sale particulars for Tivoli, Middle Street, Brockham Green, Brockham, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the offices of the auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 16 Jul 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 30 Apr 1926 between James Boxall of the first part, and Alfred Charman and Ellen Charman of the other part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 18 Jan 1935 between William Arthur Peacock and Henry Edwin Beach. | |
S994 | Sale particulars for Twelve Trees (formerly known as New Barn Cottage), Cathill Lane, Ockley, a freehold detached cottage with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the offices of the auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 14 Oct 1948. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 12 Mar 1929 between Otto Spillern and The Hon Gabrielle Margaret Ariana Borthwick. | |
S995 | Sale particulars for Twelve Trees, Cathill Lane, Ockley, a freehold detached cottage with 2 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 04 Apr 1949. 6pp with manuscript additions. | |
S996 | Sale particulars for Terangi (formerly known as Pinehurst), Harrow Road West, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the offices of the auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 01 Mar 1949. 6pp. Title commenced with a mortgage of 24 Jul 1889 between Walter Saubergue of the first part, and John Dibble and Mary Jane Saubergue of the other part. | |
S997 | Sale particulars for No 20 Tynedale Road, Strood Green, Brockham, a freehold semi-detached 1930s residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 18 Dec 1950. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Oct 1921 between Lord Francis Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part and James Boxall of the third part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 conveyances as follows: 1: A conveyance of 30 May 1934 between S L Mighell and Ellen Elsmie Aitken. 2: A conveyance of 26 Aug 1937 between Ellen Elsmie Aitken of the first part, and Frederick Phillipson and Elizabeth Phillipson of the other part. | |
S998 | Sale particulars for The Tollgate, South Holmwood, a freehold cottage close to Holmwood Station, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 22 Jun 1953. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was originally part of a toll house. | |
S999 | Sale particulars for Three Oaks, Horsham Road, Beare Green, a freehold detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the offices of the auctioneers Cubitt & West of Dorking, 16 Jul 1956. 6pp with a manuscript addition noting that the property was sold prior to the auction. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 03 Oct 1927 between Elizabeth Prentis Mortimer of the first part, Elizabeth Prentis Mortimer, Harold Egerton Dennis and Reginald Mortimer of the second part and William Henry Fowler of the third part. | |
S1000 | Sale particulars for the Three Tuns, a hotel and public house with a garden, High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Guildford, 04 Jul 1960. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids and including a coloured plan of the premises, and a manuscript plan of the High Street detailing the names of all the businesses on both sides of the street from Church Walk to the Surrey Yeoman public house. The vendors of the property were Friary Holroyd & Healys Breweries Limited of Guildford. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 30 Jan 1925 between the vendors of the first part, The Law Debenture Corporation Limited of the second part, Alan Sidney Wentworth Stanley and John Harold Houghton of the third part, and Dorking Urban District Council of the fourth part. | |
S1001 | Sale particulars for Tor Cottage, at The Hildens, Logmore Lane, Westcott, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 07 May 1962. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with the will of Robert Barclay, dated 05 Jul 1911, and the property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 31 Mar 1938 between Robert Wyvill Barclay of the first part, and William Edward Preston and Kenneth Barry Habgood of the other part. | |
S1002 | Sale particulars for Trevor, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a freehold residence built in 1911, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Oct 1963. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Charles Longhurst. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 02 Nov 1922 between Alfred Alexander Pepper and Arthur Bacon Apted of the first part, and Charles Longhurst of the other part. | |
S1003 | Sale particulars for The Thatched House, Walliswood, Ockley, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 25 May 1964. 9pp with photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 2 and three quarter acre property included a main residence from the 1930s and a bungalow. | |
S1004 | Sales particulars for 2 residential properties and 2 adjacent freehold building sites at Tower Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 22 Nov 1965. 14pp with photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late L S Emms. The properties were Thirlestane, Tower Hill, a detached late 19th century residence, and Tower Cottage, Tower Hill, a detached cottage, previously part of Tower House, a larger property since demolished. | |
S1005 | Sales particulars for The Tuns, Ockley, a cottage residence, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 28 Sep 1966. 7pp with a photograph, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced to part of the property with a conveyance on sale of 03 Oct 1924 between Bertha Marion Broadwood and Frank Bernard O'Neill; and for the remainder of the property with a conveyance on sale of 19 Dec 1924 between Francis Pierre Du Sautoy and Frank Bernard O'Neill. | |
S1006 | Sales brochure for the sale of Tilling Springs, Abinger Common, a freehold detached country residence, to be sold by auction at the May Fair Hotel, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 21 Nov 1973. 11pp including photographs and a general location map. The property of 5 and a half acres included a main residence, a cottage, gardens and a trout lake. | |
S1007 | Sale particulars for No 2 Uplands, Harrow Road West, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 04 Nov 1929. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1008 | Sale particulars for Upton Villa, Harrow Road West, Dorking, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 28 Jul 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was occupied by tenant Squadron Leader Burchill. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Oct 1896 between Lavinia Horne and John William Field. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 conveyances as follows: 1. A conveyance of 24 Oct 1861 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the first part, and Edward Henry Morris of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 28 Aug 1863 between Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson of the first part, and Charles Nunn of the other part. | |
S1009 | Sale particulars for Upton House, Parkgate, Newdigate, a freehold detached period cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 10 Jan 1949. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with the will of William Butcher, dated 06 Jun 1877. | |
S1010 | Sale particulars for Upwey, Newdigate, a freehold detached 1930s residence with 5 acres, to be sold by auction at the Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, by Fox & Sons of Brighton, 09 Apr 1964. 9pp with a photograph. | |
S1011 | Sales brochure for 229 acres of agricultural properties and land at Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the Russ Hill Hotel, Charlwood, by joint agents Messrs Strut & Parker of London and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Jul 1979. 18pp including a photograph, a coloured plan, a general location map and manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties included Upper Prestwood Farm, Ifield Road, Charlwood, a 15th century farmhouse with farm buildings and 19 acres; Windacre Farm, Russ Hill, Charlwood, a farm bungalow with farm buildings and 113 acres; and accommodation land and building land at Ifield Road, Beggar House Lane and Russ Hill, Charlwood. | |
S1012 | Catalogue for the sale of pigs from the Buryhill Herd at Upper Logmore Farm, Logmore Lane, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs John Thornton, Hobson & Co of London. 25 Feb 1938. 24pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The farm formed part of the Bury Hill estate and the livestock to be sold were the property of Lieutenant Colonel R W Barclay of Bury Hill, Dorking. | |
S1013 | Sale particulars for No 3 Victoria Terrace (known as the Vic Boarding Establishment), South Street, Dorking, a freehold property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 14 Dec 1925. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale as on the instructions of Mr L Gilliam. | |
S1014 | Sale particulars for No 31 Vincent Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Mar 1926. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was let to quarterly tenant Mr P Goodings. | |
S1015 | Sale particulars for No 36 Vincent Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 04 Oct 1926. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1016 | Sale particulars for Vale Bank, Reigate Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 25 Jul 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Emily Mary Chalcraft. | |
S1017 | Sale particulars for Vann Farm, a 208 acre freehold agricultural and residential property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 02 Jul 1928. 16pp including a photograph, 2 copies of the same coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instruction of Joseph Keele. The property included a pair of cottages, farm buildings, pasture land, building plots and woodland known at The Birches. | |
S1018 | Sale particulars for Vann House, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 29 Apr 1930. 9pp with photographs. The 25 and a half acre freehold property included a main residence, a bungalow cottage, stables and grounds. Part of the land was let to annual tenant Mr Hamilton. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 20 Jun 1901 between Emmeline Agnes Cazalet of the first part, Edward Henry Ebsworth, William Dawes Freshfield and Henry Bacon of the second part, and James Hawke Dennis of the 3rd part. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in an agreement of 18 Jul 1924 between Joseph Keele and the unnamed vendor. | |
S1019 | Records relating to the sale of two separate industrial sites at Vincent Lane, Dorking. Apr-May 1948. 2 items. | |
S1019/1 | Sales particulars for a level industrial site at Vincent Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Apr 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The site was located between Messrs Sherlock & Sons coachbuilding works, and Messrs Saco's timber yard and works | |
S1019/2 | Sales particulars for an industrial site at Vincent Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 31 May 1948. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The site included a main premises and a builders shed. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Oct 1920 between Henry Baron Ashcombe and Cubitt Estates Ltd. | |
S1020 | Sale particulars for Vincent House, at No 29 West Street, Dorking, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 03 Sep 1951. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs M E S Jones. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 09 Aug 1922 between Louisa Anna Cole and Minnie Ellen Shepherd Jones. | |
S1021 | Sale particulars for Vine Cottage, Ockley, a freehold 16th century cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 10 Aug 1953. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1022 | Records relating to the sale of No 1 Vincent Drive, Dorking, a freehold detached residence. Oct 1953. 2 items. | |
S1022/1 | Sale particulars for No Vincent Drive, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the St James Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 28 Oct 1953. 8pp with a photograph. Title commenced with a conveyance of 11 Nov 1921 between Cubitt Estates Ltd and George John Arthur. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in a conveyance of 30 May 1923 between George John Arthur and Edith Jane Wilson. | |
S1022/2 | A typescript note from Hampton & Sons of London, stating that the property was not sold at auction and was being offered at a reduced price. 30 Oct 1953. 1p. | |
S1023 | Sale particulars for No 17 Vincent Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the offices of the auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 29 Jul 1954. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Miss N L Marshall. Title commenced with a conveyance of 25 Jun 1914 between Richard Harris Castle of the first part, Richard Harris Castle and Horace David Edwards of the second part, Horace David Edwards, Annie Bertha Swift and Lilian Maud Edwards of the third part, and John Reddy of the fourth part. | |
S1024 | Sale particulars for the Vann House estate, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Chamberlaine Brothers & Edwards of Cheltenham, 06 Sep 1965. 13pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The 26 acre property included an 18th century main residence, 2 cottages, gardens and parkland. The grounds were sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 conveyances as follows: 1: A conveyance dated 24 Sep 1928 between Joseph Keele of the first part, Maurice Chance of the second part, and Gertrude Mary Gooden-Chisholm of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 29 Oct 1930 between Joseph Keele and Robert Lee. | |
S1025 | Sale particulars for half an acre of building land, adjacent to the Vicarage, at Vicarage Lane, Capel, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 23 Feb 1967. 12pp including two versions of the same coloured plan at different scales and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with an indenture of 04 Jan 1911 between Charles Mortimer and William Webb of the first part, and the Ecclesiastical Commissioner for England of the other part. | |
S1026 | Sale particulars for Waterland Farm, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs White & Sons of Dorking and Messrs Frederick Arnold & Son of Dorking, 09 Apr 1914. 9pp with a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The freehold property included a farmhouse, farm buildings and 51 acres of pasture, arable land and woodland. | |
S1027 | Sale particulars for the outlying portions of the Wigmore Estate, extending from Beare Green to Capel, to be sold by auction at the estate rooms of Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 09 Sep 1919. 23pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale was on the directions of Charles Mortimer. The 419 acre agricultural and residential estate included accommodation land and building plots, and the following named properties and tenants: | |
S1027 ctd | 1: Churchgardens Farm, Capel, an 84 acre property, with a farmhouse, farm buildings, a cottage, arable and pasture land. 2: Bennetts Wood and cottage at Bennetts Green, Capel, a 33 acre small holding, let to annual tenant Mr C Edwards. 3: 4 cottages at Coles Lane, Bennetts Green, Capel, let to Mr Austin, Mr Ruff, Mr Butcher and Mr Ede. 4: Capel House Farm, Capel, a 75 acre property, with a farmhouse, farm buildings, arable and pasture land. | |
S1027 ctd | 5: Misbrooks Green Cottages, Misbrooks Green, two pairs of cottages, let to Miss Mitchell, Mr Stone, Miss Styles and Mr Rawlings. 6: Hillhouse Farm, near Misbrooks Green, a 51 acre property, with a farmhouse, farm buildings, arable and pasture land. 7: Hillhouse Farm Cottages, near Misbrooks Green, a pair of cottages with 7 acres of arable and pasture land. 8: Hoyle Farm, Hoyle Hill, near Beare Green, a 127 acre mixed enterprise, with a farmhouse, farm buildings, arable, pasture and woodland. 9: A 3 acre plot of pasture land in Capel was let to Mr Packham. | |
S1028 | Sale particulars for Woodcote, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, a freehold residence with one and a quarter acres, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by joint agents Hampton & Sons of London and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 12 May 1920. 12pp with photographs. The property was occupied by tenant F H Harding. Title commenced to part of the property (formerly part of the British Land Co Ltd estate) with a conveyance on sale to William Attlee dated 10 Mar 1869, and to the remainder of the property (part of the Holloway Estate) with a conveyance on sale to William Attlee dated 21 Oct 1871. | |
S1029 | Sales particulars for Warren Farm, Mickleham, a freehold 68 acre dairy farm, to be sold auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Watkin & Watkin of Reigate, 28 Nov 1921. 6pp with photographs. The premises included a farmhouse, farm building and 3 cottages. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 17 May 1882 between James Christopher Wilson and Henry Dudley Ryder. The property was previously owned by the late Dudley Francis Stuart (3rd Earl of Harrowby), who died Mar 1900, and was occupied by Susan Marie Juliane Hamilton (Countess of Harrowby), who was a former tenant for life and died Jul 1917. | |
S1030 | Sale particulars for Winterlands Farm, Watts Place Lane, Ewhurst, to be sold by auction at the George Hotel, Robertsbridge, by Messrs Powell & Co of Lewes, 25 Sep 1922. 9pp including a coloured plan. The property included a farmhouse and farm buildings with 102 acres, accommodation land of 7 acres and 2 hop gardens of 6 acres. The sale was on the instructions of A McClean Marshall. | |
S1031 | Sale of Wotton Estate (parts in Abinger, Forest Green, Holmwood, Leith Hill, Ockley and Wotton): 1922. Archer Mrs: Harrison J: Overington D S: Smith Mrs: Coleman Mrs: Reid A: Watt W F: Holland T: Rofe C: Morgan Charles M: Abinger Baron: Evelyn William J: Roffey Mrs: Evelyn John H: Bleach J: Farley Harry: May Alexander: Stillwell Harry: Buss Mrs: Etherington William: Overington Frank: Tucker H J: Bridger A: Tickner T: Bridger E: Fulker R: Lugard Lady: Sparks J: Campkin E: Dewdney H and F: Tickner A: Booker Amos: White Peter. | |
S1032 | Sale particulars for Westfield, West Street, Dorking, a freehold detached pre-war residence, and for the sale of shares in Dorking Water Company, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Dec 1924. 8pp with a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late F J Dibble. | |
S1033 | Sale particulars for No 30 West Street, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Sep 1924. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1034 | Sale particulars for No 56 West Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises with accommodation and a yard, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Mar 1926. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The premises were occupied by confectioners and tobacconists, that also provided refreshments and bike shelter for touring cyclists. | |
S1035 | Sale particulars for Whitby Cottage, Norfolk Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 16 Aug 1926. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr J J Fuller. | |
S1036 | Sales particulars for The White House, a freehold semi-detached cottage fronting the village green at Holmbury St Mary, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 01 Nov 1926. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1037 | Sales particulars for Nos 17 & 18 West Street, a freehold business premises with accommodation, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 May 1927. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr William Hollier. | |
S1038 | Sale particulars for Nos 60 & 61 West Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 05 Dec 1927. 9pp with a coloured plan, manuscript additions noting the bids and a detailed historical note stating that the property was formerly part of the Queens Arms, a 16th century inn, and outlining its connection to Edward Goodwyn (1539-1603). The Elizabethan property extended through to Church Street and included a double fronted shop, accommodation, stores and a yard with a workshop. The sale was on the instructions of Mr F Allatson. | |
S1039 | Sale particulars for Woodview, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached pre-war residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 23 May 1927. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr William Hollier and the property was let to annual tenant Mr H G Harper. | |
S1040 | Sale particulars for Westfield, West Street, Dorking, a freehold detached pre-war residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 13 Aug 1928. 7pp with a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of James Scott. | |
S1041 | Sale particulars for Nos 60 & 61 West Street, Dorking, a freehold business premises, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 29 Oct 1928. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The Elizabethan property extended through to Church Street and included a double fronted shop, accommodation, stores and a yard with a workshop. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr F Allatson. | |
S1042 | Sale particulars for The Wilderness, Home Lane, Brockham, a freehold semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 31 May 1928. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was formerly part of the Deepdene Estate and title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 03 Nov 1921 between Lord Francis Hope and others of the first part, and Maurice Chance of the other part. | |
S1043 | Sale particulars for Wimborne, off Westcott Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 26 Mar 1928. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1044 | Sale particulars for Westleigh, Deepdene Drive, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 28 Jan 1929. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1045 | Sale particulars for The White House, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 29 Jul 1929. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Frederick Jamieson Forster, an architect, who owned and designed the property. | |
S1046 | Records relating to the sale of Woodburn, Chart Lane, Dorking, a freehold detached 1920s residence. 1929-1930. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs H M Joss. 2 items. | |
S1046/1 | Sale particulars for Woodburn, Chart Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 17 Jun 1929. 7pp including a photograph, manuscript additions noting the bids, and a completed agreement page stating that the property was sold to Mr Hutchinson of Mickleham Cottage, Mickleham. Title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope, late of Deepdene, Dorking, written on 11 Apr 1876 and proved on 29 Jul 1884. | |
S1046/1/2 | A letter, part typescript and part manuscript, from Mr Hutchinson to Messrs Crow, confirming his offer to purchase the freehold of Woodburn, Chart Lane, Dorking, 07 Jan 1930. 1p. | |
S1047 | Sale particulars for Westcott House, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Constable & Maude of London, 1931. 12pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of G H Rees. The 15 acre property included a main residence, a lodge, 2 cottages, stables and a model farm. The exact date of the sale was not stated. | |
S1048 | Sale particulars for Woodbury, Moores Road, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 06 Jul 1931. 8pp with manuscript additions. | |
S1049 | Sale particulars for White Gables, Moores Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 30 Sep 1932. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late G C Breese. | |
S1050 | Sale particulars for Woodside, Mayes Green, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Real Estate Action Rooms of auctioneers William Whiteley Ltd of London, 24 May 1932. 7pp. The 5 acre property included a freehold detached residence, outbuilding, poultry houses, gardens and grassland. Title to the residence and grounds commenced with a conveyance of 12 Aug 1903 from Jennie Wing to William J Evelyn, and to the remainder of the property with the will dated 28 Jan 1908 of William J Evelyn. | |
S1051 | Sale particulars for Woodlands, Brockham, a freehold detached residence with one and three quarter acres, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Sale Rooms, London by joint auctioneers, Harrods of London and Cubitt & West of Dorking, 16 May 1933. 11pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title to the main part of the property commenced with a conveyance on sale of 26 May 1898; and to a strip of copse with a conveyance of sale of 19 Oct 1921, whereby certain lands of which the copse formed a part, were conveyed on sale by Lord Francis Hope, as tenant for life under the will of Anne Adele Hope, who died on 31 Mar 1884. | |
S1052 | Sale particulars for No 19 Wathen Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 08 Oct 1934. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced a conveyance of 15 Dec 1894 between James Ashworth and Abel Eveleigh. | |
S1053 | Sale particulars for Westwood Farm, Shellwood Road, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 02 Jul 1934. 4pp with manuscript additions noting that the property was not sold. The 22 acre smallholding included a pair of cottages, farm buildings and pasture land. Title commenced with a settlement of 03 Feb 1904 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Gwendolen Mary, Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) of the second part, James Fitzalan Hope and Bernard Constable Maxwell of the third part, and Lord Edmund Bernard Talbot and Lord Ralph Drury Kerr of the fourth part. | |
S1054 | Sale particulars for Wonham Manor, Betchworth, a freehold residential property with 74 and three quarter acres, to be sold by auction at the Estate Rooms, Hanover Square, London, by joint auctioneers, Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London and Messrs Constable & Maude of London, 24 Jul 1935. 21pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting that the property was not sold. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Sir Reginald Butler, Bart, and the vendors were Sir Reginald Thomas Butler, Bart, and Gladys Marjorie Wayland-Smith. The manor dated from 1199 and the property to be sold included the main residence, which was rebuilt in 1788, 2 lodges, 3 cottages, stables, gardens, parkland and Home Farm. | |
S1055 | Sale particulars for a block of 3 freehold shop premises at Nos 2, 3 & 4 West Street, Dorking, and 2 plots of land fronting Mill Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Oct 1936. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late William Thomas Boxall. The properties were to be sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S1055 ctd | Lot 1: No 2 West Street, Dorking, a shop with a yard and a first floor residence, let to annual tenant Mr C H Fowler; and Nos 3 & 4 West Street, Dorking, two shops with first floor rooms, let to annual tenant Mr C H Le Feuvre. Lot 2: A plot of building land on the site of the demolished properties at Nos 26, 27 & 28 Mill Lane, Dorking, adjoining the Evening Star public house; and a plot of garden land opposite the public house let to an annual tenant Mr F W Jee. | |
S1056 | Sale particulars for Woodside, Deepdene Wood, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 06 Jul 1936. 6pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1057 | Sale particulars for 49 acres of freehold building land, adjoining Waterland Farm, fronting Lodge Lane and Brimston Lane, South Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Messrs Clarke, Gammon & Emerys of Guildford, 28 Jun 1937. 6pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Sep 1914 between William Henry Deverell and Edward Neston Williams Habershon. | |
S1058 | Sale particulars for the greater portion of the Wigmore Estate, Capel, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Aug 1944. 10pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Leonard Mortimer. The 255 acres for sale included Wigmore House with grounds, a lodge and 3 cottages, Rugge and Ewekenes Farms with 5 cottages, and Woolpack Cottages and Red Lodge Cottages. The property was to be sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1058 ctd | Lot 1: Rugge and Ewekenes Farms, Capel, 169 acres including 2 farmhouses, farm buildings and 5 cottages, one of which was let to weekly tenant Mrs Hawkins. Lot 2: Woolpack Cottages, Capel, a block of 3 cottages, let to weekly tenants Messrs Luff, Hooker and Worcester. Lot 3: Red Lodge Cottages, a single cottage with an adjoining bungalow, let to Messrs Bowyer and Stonestreet respectively, and a pair of cottages let to Messrs Thorpe and Vaughan. Lot 4: Wigmore House, Capel, a country mansion with outbuildings, parkland of 86 acres, a lodge let to Mr Williams, a pair of cottages let to W Fordham and Mrs Blunden, and a cottage at Henhurst let Mr Worsfold. | |
S1059 | Sale particulars for Woodhurst, Tower Hill, Dorking, a freehold house converted into 8 flats, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Feb 1944. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. The flats were let to weekly tenants Messrs Powell, Jones, Burt, Hooper, Gordon, Beet, Mrs O'Connor and Mrs Brint. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Dec 1903 between Henry Stilwell and Florence Rosa Wright. | |
S1060 | Sale particulars for a pair of freehold 1940's semi-detached villas at Walliswood Green, Walliswood, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Feb 1945. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. Title commenced with the will of William John Evelyn who died on 26 Jun 1908. | |
S1061 | Sale particulars for No 31 West Street, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Sep 1946. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 16 Nov 1926 between Louisa Anna Cole and William Edser. | |
S1062 | Sale particulars for Woodstock Farm, Gadbrook, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 06 Oct 1947. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The freehold property included a farmhouse, farm buildings and 28 acres, with part of the land being let to annual tenant Mr J Turnbull. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 01 Nov 1912 between John Henry Phillips and Edward Victor Amsdon of the first part, Sarah Elizabeth Hollands of the second part, Mary Elizabeth Hollands and Sydney Hollands of the third part, George Edward East and David John Edmonds of the fourth part, George Edward East of the fifth part and John Nathaniel Clark Jones of the sixth part. | |
S1063 | Sale particulars for No 61 Wheelers Lane, Brockham, a semi-detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Apr 1948. 4pp with manuscript additions of the bids. The sale was on the instructions of George Howard Coxon. Title commenced with a conveyance of 30 Jul 1923 between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Lesley Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the second part, and Ewan Macintosh of the third part. | |
S1064 | Sale particulars for Whitby House, Norfolk Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 01 Mar 1948. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1065 | Sale particulars for Woodlands, Westcott, a detached residence with a cottage and 4 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 17 Oct 1949. 7pp with a photograph and manuscript additions. The property was sold subject to restrictions contained in 4 conveyances as follows: 1: A conveyance of 24 Aug 1933 between Gerald Brooke of the first part, and Walter Amedee Fairclough and Thomas King Fairclough of the other part. 2: A conveyance of 09 Oct 1911 between William Henry Monk and John Burnet Geake. 3 & 4: Conveyances of 09 Oct 1911 and 24 Jun 1927 between John Burnet Geake and Frances Elizabeth Matthews. | |
S1066 | Sale particulars for Wildwood, Shere, a freehold 1920's residence with a cottage annexe and 6 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 02 Oct 1950. 7pp with a photograph. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 13 Oct 1925 between John George Sparkes, Harry Hay Sparkes, Gertrude Eilzabeth Milne, Edith Isabella Dobree and Catherine Georgina Sparkes of the first part, Benjamin Arthur Milne and Getrude Elizabeth Milne of the second part and Sarah Madeleine Martineau of the third part. | |
S1067 | Sale particulars for Woodburn, Dean Oak Lane, Leigh, a freehold detached cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 13 Nov 1950. 9pp with a photograph. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Captain E R Harbord. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Sep 1903 between Arthur Robert Garland and John Ownsworth Garland of the first part and Henry Bell of the other part. | |
S1068 | Sales particulars for 41 West Street, Dorking, a long established bakers and confectioners, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 23 Jul 1951. 5pp. The premises included a shop, a bakehouse, a yard with stores and a first floor residence, and were let to a unnamed annual tenant, presumed to be A Butcher & Son Ltd, bakers (Source: Kelly's Directory of Dorking, published 1950). | |
S1069 | Sale particulars for Wilcox Corner, Abinger Common, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 13 Aug 1951. 5pp. | |
S1070 | Sale particulars for Woodway, Glenwood, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 24 Mar 1952. 6pp including manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Sidney Albert Sherlock. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 30 Dec 1933 between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton (Eighth Duke of Newcastle) of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isitt and Guy Pelham Clinton of the second part and Surrey County Council of the third part. The property was sold subject to restrictions stated in two conveyances; the first of 17 Jan 1935 between Surrey County Council of the first part, Ernest James Baker of the second part, and Archibald Horace Clear and Percy Leonard Clear of the third part; and a conveyance of 16 Oct 1936 between Archibald Horace Clear and Percy Leonard Clear of the first part and Sidney Albert Sherlock of the other part. | |
S1071 | Sale particulars for No 11 Wathan Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached corner residence (with Hart Road), to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Aug 1952. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1072 | Sale particulars for No 61 West Street, Dorking, a freehold Elizabethan business premises, the be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 13 Sep 1954. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Mr J Delia. The vacant premises had been a photographic business and incorporated a studio and a developing room. The sale included a separate outside workshop which was let to annual tenant Mr R J Simmonds. | |
S1073 | Sale particulars for Nos 17 and 18 West Street, Dorking, two adjoining freehold business premises with a single flat above, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A R & J Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 15 Jun 1955. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Messrs Sherlock. | |
S1074 | Sale particulars for Westlees Farm, Logmore Lane, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Weller, Son & Grinsted of Guildford, 23 Jul 1956. 14pp including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The freehold premises of 226 acres included a farmhouse, farm buildings and 3 cottages; No 1 Brook Cottages, a detached residence let to weekly tenant Mr W Bundy, and Nos 3 & 4 Brook Cottages, a pair of semi-detached residences. | |
S1075 | Sale particulars for Westlands Farm, Russ Hill, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the George Hotel, Crawley, by Messrs William Wood, Son & Gardner of Crawley, 01 Oct 1957. 13pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Stokes. The property of 116 acres included a 16th century farmhouse, farm buildings and 2 semi-detached cottages, and was sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S1075 ctd | Lot 1: The farmhouse, farm buildings and land. Title commenced with 3 conveyances as follows: 1. A conveyance of 01 Aug 1884 between George Wise and Abraham Wilkins. 2. A conveyance of 19 Aug 1937 between Sydney John James Hack and Evelyn Lovell Hewitt. 3. A conveyance of 12 Jan 1948 between Alfred William Rawlinson and Walter Stokes. Lot 2: No 1 Rosemary Cottage, Rosemary Lane, Westcott. Title commenced with a conveyance of 02 Dec 1898 between Thomas Denman and Thomas Flint. Lot 3: No 2 Rosemary Cottage, Rosemary Lane, Westcott, let to weekly tenant Mr Wright. | |
S1076 | Records relating to the sale of the freehold agricultural and residential properties Logmore Green Farm, a 1950's farmhouse with farm buildings and 64 acres, and Applegarth Fields, a nearby residence at The Hildens, Logmore Lane, Westcott. Mar 1959. 6 items as follows: | |
S1076/1 | Sale particulars for Logmore Green Farm and Applegarth Fields, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Three Tuns Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Jackson-Stops & Staff of London and Knapman, Son & Bament of Salisbury, Wiltshire, 23 Mar 1959. 13pp with photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale also included an additional 32 acres of pasture land which were partially subject to a lease of 20 Jul 1952 between Robert Edwards Barclay and Francis Peter Frost, and a lease of 22 Sep 1954 between Francis Peter Frost and Walter Stanley Barrow. | |
S1076/2 | Four small single page manuscript notes of phone calls relating to the sale, and a single page typescript note from Jackson-Stops & Staff of London, confirming the sale of all lots apart from Logmore Green Farm, which did not reach the reserve. Mar 1959. 5 items. | |
S1077 | Sale particulars for Woodside, Holmwood, a freehold cottage, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 12 Sep 1960. 6pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 31 Jul 1922 between William John Down of the first part, Florence Mary Dodd of the second part and Helen Beatrice Webber of the third part. | |
S1078 | Sale particulars for No 30 West Street, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 27 Feb 1961. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 17 Sep 1925 between Minnie Emily Alderson of the first part, Alfred Charman of the second part, and Winifred Elizabeth Hunt, Emily Grace Hunt and Hannah Margaret Hunt of the third part. | |
S1079 | Sale particulars for Worlds End, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, a 1950's detached bungalow with one and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, 25 Sep 1961. 4pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 08 Mar 1930 between Percy Louis Watts and Joseph Sturridge. The property was sold subject to restrictions stated in a conveyance of 03 Feb 1928 between Jean Lictard Vogt, Jacques Marchgay and Albert Japy of the first part, Gordon Ralph Caine and Edward Bernard Montesole of the second part, and Arthur Baker of the third part. | |
S1080 | Sale particulars for Wyphurst Home Farm (also known as Fowls Farm), Cranleigh, a dairy and mixed farm of 106 acres, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Market Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Whatley, Hill & Company of London, 12 Sep 1961. 10pp with photographs and a coloured plan. The property included a Jacobean farmhouse, 2 cottages built in 1947 and farm buildings. The vendors were spinsters Mary Phillips, Susan Harkin, Elizabeth O'Brien and Allison Lafferty, all of Chigwell Convent, Woodford Bridge, Essex. | |
S1081 | Sale particulars for Westcott Hill House, Logmore Lane, Westcott, a freehold barn conversion residence, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 19 Nov 1962. 8pp including a photograph. | |
S1082 | Sale particulars for Woodlands, Norwood Hill, a freehold residential and agricultural estate of 73 acres, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs Weller & Co of Guildford, 30 Jun 1962. 10pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The property included a main residence, farm buildings and a pair of cottages. | |
S1083 | Sale particulars for Wallflower Cottage and The Twittens, Westcott, neighbouring cottages, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Stanley Bruinvels of Dorking, 18 Nov 1964. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 16 Jun 1892 between William Joseph Fell and William John Rossiter of the first part, and John Johnson of the other part. | |
S1084 | Documents relating to the sale of Walliswood Farm, Ockley, a 17th century farmhouse with 23 acres, including farm buildings, Thistledown Cottage, gardens and arable land. 1964. 3 items: | |
S1084/1 | Sale particulars for Walliswood Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Jackson-Stops & Staff of Dorking, 07 Jul 1964. 12pp with photographs and a coloured plan. | |
S1084/1 ctd | Title commenced with 5 conveyances on sale, each relating to various unspecified parts of the property, as follows 1: A conveyance of 17 Apr 1923 between John Ritchie Hamilton and George James Smith. 2: A conveyance of 03 Sep 1927 between John Ritchie Hamilton of the one part, and Phyllis May Waterhouse and Vera May Hindley of the other part. 3: A conveyance of 30 Dec 1925 between John Ritchie Hamilton and George James Smith. 4: A conveyance of 05 Oct 1928 between John Ritchie Hamilton and David Willian Rolfe Green. 5: A conveyance of 30 Oct 1929 between William Etherington of the one part, and Phyllis May Waterhouse and Vera May Hindley of the other part. | |
S1084/2 | A sales flyer for Walliswood Farm, Ockley. 1964. 1p with photographs and summary specifications. | |
S1084/3 | A typescript letter from Jackson-Stops & Staff of Dorking to an unnamed recipient, stating that the sale Walliswood Farm Ockley, failed to reach the reserve price at auction, 09 Jul 1964, receipted 10 Jul 1964. 1p. | |
S1085 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery, at Walliswood Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 15 Jul 1958. 11pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mr and Mrs K H M Crabbe, who were reducing their farming enterprise. The sale included agricultural equipment owned by Mr Vernon Jillard of Froggetts Farm, Walliswood. | |
S1086 | Sale particulars for Windy Ridge, Peaslake, a freehold detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 16 Mar 1964. 5pp including a photograph and with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1087 | Sale particulars for Walnut Tree Cottage, Sutton Abinger, a 17th century cottage, involving two separate sales, 1965-[c.late 20th century?]. 2 items: | |
S1087/1 | Sale particulars for Walnut Tree Cottage, Sutton Abinger, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Morgan, Baines & Frost of Dorking, 24 Mar 1965. 9pp including photographs. | |
S1087/2 | Sale particulars for Walnut Tree Cottage, Sutton Abinger, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.late 20th century?]. 3pp including photographs. | |
S1088 | Sale particulars for 4 adjacent building plots totalling 1 acre, adjoining the property Hawthorndene, Westcott Street, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 26 Jul 1965. 9pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1089 | Sale particulars for a freehold building plot at No 6 Woodside Road, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 22 Apr 1965. 4pp. | |
S1090 | Sale particulars for Windmill Cottage, Pitch Hill, Ewhurst, a freehold detached 1930's residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 25 Apr 1966. 8pp including photographs and with a typescript addition stating that no bids were received. | |
S1091 | Sale particulars for Woodlands, The Denfield, Dorking, a detached 1950's chalet bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Morgan, Baines & Frost of Dorking, 16 Nov 1966. 6pp including a photograph. | |
S1092 | Sale particulars for No 1 Walford Road, North Holmwood, a semi-detached residence dating from the early 1900's, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 15 Jul 1968. 6pp with manuscript additions noting that the property was withdrawn from auction and sold to a member of the family. The sale was on the instructions of the representatives of the late William Goody. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 29 Sep 1919 between William Illman and Ellen Illman of the first part, Jesse Wakefield of the second part and William Goody of the third part. | |
S1093 | Sale particulars for Westbury, No 7 Vincent Drive, Dorking, a detached 1920's bungalow, to be sold by auction at the offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland, Dorking, 30 Jul 1968. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Title commenced with a conveyance of 11 Jul 1924 between George John Arthur and John Terrell Brown. | |
S1094 | Sale particulars for Westland Farm, Ewhurst, a small country estate with 22 acres, to be sold by auction at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Messenger, May & Baverstock of Guildford, 30 May 1968. 10pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The property included a main residence, outbuildings, a staff cottage and pasture land. The sale was on the instructions of the representatives of the late Dr William Shelley Walker. | |
S1094 ctd | The property was to be sold subject to restrictions contained in 2 agreements: 1: A conveyance of 24 Jul 1918 between Reverend P E Amigo, Sir Mark Sykes and Sir Alfred Louis Bower of the first part, W H King and G Forester of the second part and Sir Charles Friswell of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 31 Dec 1920 between Sir Charles Friswell and Charles Davenport Bettison. | |
S1095 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery, at Woodhams Farm, Oakwood Hill, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 13 Sep 1968. 13pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1096 | Sale particulars for No 5 Watson Road, Westcott, a freehold 1930's detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by joint agents Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking and Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 30 Jul 1969. 6pp. | |
S1097 | Sale particulars for The White House, Westcott, a freehold Georgian cottage, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 30 Jul 1969. 7pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1098 | Sales particulars for 2 freehold shops, a commercial premises, and 2 residences at Nos 16 and 42, West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at The Cumberland Hotel, London, by Messrs C H & J W Willmott and through local agents Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 05 Jul 1972. 5pp with photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. These pages have been extracted from a larger catalogue with a wider geographical coverage. The properties were sold as 2 lots as follows: | |
S1098 ctd | Lot 55: A freehold shop and residence at West Street House, No 16 West Street, Dorking. The premises were occupied by a Ladies Hairdressing Salon and incorporated 2 flats, Nos 16a & 16b West Street. Lot 55a: A freehold shop and commercial premises at No 42 West Street, Dorking. The front of the property contained a ground floor shop and a first floor residence, occupied by Norman Curzon Ltd, an antiques business. The rear of the property incorporated a ground floor premises, office, store and garage, and was occupied by James W Sergeant Ltd, a builders merchants. | |
S1099 | Sales catalogue for the sale of fine wines from Burton Sheen Limited, to be sold by auction at the Burford Bridge Hotel, Mickleham, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 30 Nov 1974. 25pp with manuscript additions. | |
S1100 | Sales brochure for The Wotton Hatch Development, 27 new properties off Sheephouse Lane, Wotton, to be sold by Joviel Properties Ltd of Feltham and through the agents King & Chasemore of Horsham, [c.1970s?]. 15pp including specifications, a coloured site plan, floor plans, an overview location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1101 | Sale particulars for Yew Tree Cottages, Reigate Road (at the junction with Pixham Lane), Dorking, a pair of freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Mar 1928. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The properties were let to weekly tenants Messrs Dinnage and Jenner. Title commenced with the will dated 1876 of Anne Adele Hope, who died 31 Mar 1884. The property had been purchased by a previous owner from Lord Francis Hope in 1921. | |
S1102 | Sale particulars for York Cottage, London Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 31 Jul 1939. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr H G Annis. | |
S1103 | Sale particulars for 2 ground floor factories with offices at Victoria Works, High Street, Crawley and Rutherford Way, Crawley, to be sold by auction at The City Auction Hall, Coleman Street, London, by Messrs Chamberlain & Willows of London, 16 Mar 1965. 10pp including a photograph, a location map and a coloured plan of each site. | |
S1104 | Sale particulars for freehold properties, premises and land at High Street, Cotmandene, Dene Street and Ansell Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold and Son of Dorking, 20 Jun 1921. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was by the orders of the executors of the late William Henry Deverell. The properties, premises and land were sold in 16 lots as follows: | |
S1104 ctd | Lot 1: Forge Cottage, Ansell Road, Dorking, let to weekly tenant Mr F Newman, and an adjoining forge with stabling let to annual tenant Mrs Parfitt. Lot 2: Freehold premises The Cinema Royal (formerly known as The Old Club), High Street, Dorking. Lot 3: Club Cottage, a freehold residence close to Lot 2, High Street, Dorking, let to weekly tenant Mr Sharp. Lot 4: Nos 1 to 4 White Horse Cottages, High Street, Dorking, a block of 4 freehold properties, let to weekly tenants Messrs Walton, Cook, Murphy and Bell respectively. Lots 5 to 7 & 10: Nos 25 & 26, Nos 27 & 28, Nos 32 & 33 and Nos 39 & 40, Dene Street, Dorking, 4 pairs of freehold cottages let to Messrs Gibbs, Peters, Rose, Roberts, Brassington, Sanford, Batts and Peters respectively. | |
S1104 ctd | Lot 8: No 34 Dene Street, Dorking, a freehold villa, forge and stabling, let to annual tenant Mr Worsfold. Lot 9: Nos 35 to 38 Dene Street, Dorking, a row of 4 freehold cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Utting, Sward, Clark and Sadler. Lot 11 & 12: Nos 14a, 14b, 15a, 15b, 16a, 16b, 17a, 17b and 18a, 18b, Cotmandene, Dorking, 2 pairs of freehold villas, each villa with 2 residences. The properties were let to tenants Messrs Head, Simmonds, Wells, Parfitt, Beesley, Thrower, Harris and Stanbridge respectively. | |
S1104 ctd | Lot 13: Nos 18 to 20 Cotmandene, Dorking, a block of 3 freehold villas, let to tenants Messrs Field, Southon and Williams respectively. Lot 14: Nos 21 & 22 Cotmandene, Dorking, a pair of freehold cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Jordan and Simmonds. Lot 15 & 16: 2 plots of freehold building land, Dene Street, Dorking, one of which was let to annual tenant Messrs Clear Brothers. | |
S1104 ctd | Title as to lots 1, 4, 9 (part) & 10 commenced with an indenture of disentailing assurance of 02 Jul 1858 between William Henry Deverell and John Deverell. Title as to lots 2 & 3 commenced with a conveyance on sale of 25 Apr 1876, between Dodsworth Haydon, William Fitzgerald Pilcher and Henry Drayson Pilcher of the first part, Henry Drayson Pilcher of the second part, John Pakenham Stilwell and Arthur James Stevens of the third part and William Henry Deverell of the fourth part. | |
S1104 ctd | Title as to lots 5, 6, 9 (part), 11 to 14 & 16, commenced with a general devise of real estate made by the will of a testator who died in 1880. Title as to lots 7 & 8 commenced with a conveyance on sale of 04 Dec 1876 between Dodsworth Haydon, William Fitzgerald Pilcher and Henry Drayson Pilcher of the first part, John Pakenham Stilwell and Arthur James Stevens of the second part and William Henry Deverell of the third part. Title as to lot 15 commenced with a conveyance on sale of 13 Jan 1885 between Rachel Sturt and Tom Smith of the first part and William Henry Deverell of the other part. | |
S1105 | Sale particulars for Arnolds, Ockley Road, Holmwood, a freehold residential property with 68 acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, London, by Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard of London, 09 Jul 1924. 18pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property included a main residence, a model farm, a lodge, 4 cottages, gardens, a lake, pasture land and woodland. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Ernest Harry Coles, and the vendors were Ernest James Coles and Guy Roger Coles. | |
S1106 | Sale particulars for Ackender, Westcott Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached 1920's residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 01 Nov 1926. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1107 | Sale particulars for Apple Porch, adjoining Hurtwood Common, Peaslake, a freehold cottage residence, to be sold by auction at the Lion Hotel, Guildford by Messrs Wallis & Wallis of Guildford, 09 Oct 1928. 6pp. A conveyance of 08 Oct 1886 between George Cubitt MP and William Cubitt of the one part and William Cumper of the other part, placed restrictions on the usage of the property. | |
S1108 | Records relating to the sale of freehold and leasehold properties and building land at Westcott, and the sale of debenture stock of The Dorking Water Co, Jun 1916. The properties and stock were part of the estate of the late Mr William Mansell. 2 items: | |
S1108/1 | Sale particulars for 21 cottages, 1 shop and debenture stock, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 15 Jun 1916. 4pp. The properties and stock were to be sold in 9 lots as follows: | |
S1108/1 ctd | Lots 1 & 5: 2 plots of freehold building land at Alley Fields, Westcott. Lots 2 to 4: 3 pairs of cottages at Alley Fields, Westcott, let to weekly tenants Mr Walter Smithers, Miss Garrard, Messrs Shepherd, Stedman and Edser (one cottage was vacant). Lot 6: A freehold shop with a bakery at St Johns Road, Westcott, let to Mrs Marie Elliot, and an adjoining cottage let to weekly tenant Walter Hutchens. Lot 7: 12 leasehold cottages (three blocks of 4 cottages), at St Johns Road, Westcott. Lot 8: A pair of freehold cottages at Watson Road, Wescott let to weekly tenants Messrs Tunnell and Tickner. Lot 9: Debenture stock of The Dorking Water Co. | |
S1108/2 | A small newspaper cutting, reporting that Lots 1 to 5 (Alley Fields, Westcott) from the above sale were bought by Dr H T Maw; Lots 6 & 7 (St Johns Road, Westcott) were unsold; Lot 8 (Watson Road, Westcott) was bought by Mr George Funnell and Lot 9 (Dorking Water Co stock) was sold to Mr Leslie Page. 1916. 1p. | |
S1109 | Sale particulars for Avonmore, Knoll Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 24 Jun 1935. 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs D M Halse. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 16 Aug 1883 between Robert Coulson and Harry Bolt. | |
S1110 | Sale particulars for 7 freehold residential properties at Arundel Road and Cotmandene, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Oct 1936. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late Mr J Dunkley and the properties were to be sold in 2 lots as follows: Lot 1: No 7 Arundel Road, Dorking, a pre-war detached villa, let to annual tenant Mrs Horley. Lot 2: Nos 23 to 28 Cotmandene, Dorking, a block of 6 cottages, let to weekly tenants Messrs Truelove, Ede, Webb, Mrs Newman, Mrs Andrews and Mrs Barnes respectively. | |
S1111 | Sale particulars for Arundel Lodge, Howard Road, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Oct 1936. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr William Thomas Boxall. | |
S1112 | Sale particulars for Ashurst, Vincents Drive, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 02 Nov 1936. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was by the orders of Miss Challacombe. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 18 Oct 1920 between Henry Baron Ashcombe and Cubitt Estates Ltd. | |
S1113 | Sale particulars for Allesley, Knoll Road, Dorking, a freehold pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 07 Dec 1936. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1114 | Sale particulars for 17 freehold residential properties in Dorking and Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 11 Dec 1944. 10pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr J Cheesman and Mrs Cheesman. The properties were to be sold in 12 lots as follows: | |
S1114 ctd | Lot 1: Ambush, Lonsdale Road, Dorking, a freehold semi-detached villa. Lot 2: Nos 9 & 10 Hart Road, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Mrs Shurville and Mr H L J Child. Lot 3: Hillview, No 11 Arundel Road, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mr A Dipple. Lot 4: No 5 Howard Road, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mr H A Miller. Lot 5: Nos 42 & 44 Rothes Road, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Messrs Reynolds and Hughes. Lot 6: No 21 Meadowbank, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mrs Gibson. | |
S1114 ctd | Lot 7: No 11 Curtis Gardens, Dorking, let to weekly tenant Mr Rose. Lot 8: Nos 8 & 9 Pixham Lane, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Messrs J W Windley and B J Gooch. Lot 9: Nos 83, 84 & 85 Orchard Road, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Messrs F S Dinnage, T H Beasley and T Shepherd respectively. Lot 10: No 21 Church Street, Dorking, let to weekly tenant Mr G Feist. Lot 11: No 35 Cotmandene, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mr A Chandler. Lot 12: No 8 Bailey Road, Westcott, a semi-detached residence, let to weekly tenant Mr W J Filary. | |
S1115 | Sales particulars for fire damaged industrial premises at Ansell Road, Dorking, formerly occupied by Messrs H W Jay & Co Ltd, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 08 Sep 1947. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The premises included a petrol pump and offices. | |
S1116 | Sale particulars for Askham, No 35 Fairfield Drive, Dorking, a freehold chalet-style residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 01 Mar 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1117 | Sale particulars for Adversane, No 143 Parkway, Dorking, a freehold villa, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 11 Oct 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1118/1-26 | Sale of Anstie Grange; Lodge; 3 cottages; 2 farms; (with correspondence): 1952. Baxter John H: Heath Cuthbert E: Whatman George D: Baxter Edward G: Heath Arthur R: Broadwood Henry J: Heath Sir Leopold G: Andrews H A: Hill: Meech R T: Taylor: Bovill Mrs: Keswick Miss: Page C H: Watkins Mrs: Heath Leopold C Capt: Pyke Mrs. | |
S1119 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery at Anstie Grange and Anstiebury Farms, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 10 Sep 1952. 15pp with manuscript additions. The sale was by the instructions of Captain L C Heath of Moorhurst, The Holmwood. | |
S1120 | Sale particulars for Kirkleas, Old Road, Buckland, a freehold residence converted from the wing of a country home in 1956, to be sold by auction at The Market Hall, Redhill, by joint auctioneers Messrs Skinner & Rose of Reigate and Messrs Ibbett, Mosely, Card & Co of Reigate, 11 Jul 1968. 9pp with photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1121/1-4 | Sale of part of Deepdene Estate: 1921. Arminson T: Pescud S: Bravary R: Neale: Bowry A: Elliott George: Lander S C: Hockblock John: Hope Henry T: Barrow R: Building Land: Hope Lord Francis: Parsons C: Turner A F: Budd: Holman: Morgan A F: Bowry A: Forsyth: Laing: Sherlock G: Cornish R: Brockham Lime Co: Hawkins Mrs H P: Lime Works: Monk Mrs: Smallbone T: Banham: Kempe H R: Mills Mrs J R: Steer J: Cummins G: Harding Rev J: Reid Andrew: Tidey Mrs J: Apted: Sand Pit: Homewood Mrs: Maiklem W: Sadler: Arnold Mrs: Brick Works: Mott P L: Boot Jas: War Agricultural Cttee: Pepper: Capon Mrs: Gordon J M: Rickett A C: Smith C: Balchin: Butcher: Pullen G H: Smithy: Steavenson F: Beazley F T: Phillips W: Tate: Boxall James: Mellersh: Chitty J: Atkinson W W and H L: Mill: Monnery J. | |
S1121/1-4 ctd | Sale of part of Deepdene Estate (including nos 11 & 12 Cotmandene): 1921. Hutton: Monnery Mrs: Smith Mrs Stapylton. | |
S1122 | Sale particulars for Buckland Lodge, Buckland, a freehold residential estate with 55 acres, to be sold be auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by joint auctioneers Messrs Daniel Watney & Sons of London and Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard of London, 09 Jun 1921. 15pp including a photograph and a coloured plan. The property included a residence, outbuildings, gardens, parkland, a lodge and 4 cottages. A small plot of arable land was let to annual tenant Mr Richard Chart and one of the cottages, situated off Dunsgate Lane, was let to Mr Hewitt. | |
S1123 | Sale of Bury Hill Estate, 1914. 49pp with photographs and a coloured plan. (Duplicate: see S314 and S332). | |
S1124 | Sale particulars for Brookside, Archway Place, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Apr 1925. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mr William James. | |
S1125 | Sale particulars for Broome Park, Betchworth, a Georgian house and estate of 56 acres, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and Loftus & Warner of London, 23 Mar 1920. 17pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The property consisted of the main residence, 2 lodges, farm buildings and three cottages, one of which was named as Yew Tree Cottage. | |
S1125 ctd | Title as to the major portion of the property commenced with two indentures of conveyance of 16 Nov 1893 and 25 Sep 1894, between William Williams of the first part, and Augustus Henry Macdonald Moreton and Theophilus Basil Percy Levett of the other part. Title as to the remainder of the property commenced with an indenture of conveyance of 24 Jun 1898, between William Unwin Heygate, Sir William James Colville and William Frost Wood of the first part, Mary Emily Beaumont of the second part, Francis Henry Beaumont of the third part and Augustus Henry Macdonald Moreton and Theophilus Basil Percy Levett of the fourth part. | |
S1126 | Sales particulars for Broadstone Farm, Oakwood Hill, to be sold by auction at the Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 29 Jul 1925. 13pp including 2 copies of the same coloured plan. The freehold agricultural property of 148 acres included a farmhouse, farm buildings, Sketchers Cottage and Pound Farm, a small farmstead. Adjoining Pound Farm was a small Kitchen & Fruit garden, occupied by Miss Steer, a life tenant. | |
S1127 | Sales particulars for Byways, Broad Lane, Newdigate, a freehold detached cottage, and a small plot of adjoining building land, to be sold by auction at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, by Messrs Bowditch & Grant of Croydon, 29 Apr 1926. 4pp. Title commenced with a conveyance of sale of 16 Sep 1921 between The Viscount Fitzalan of Derwent (Viceroy of Ireland), Gwendolen Mary Duchess of Norfolk (Baroness Herries) and Sir Charles John Stewart of the first part and Dora Janet Winn of the other part. | |
S1128 | Records relating to the sale of Bridgham Farm, Forest Green, a freehold residential and sporting estate. 1926-1927. The property of 112 acres included a 12th century farmhouse, farm buildings, a tithe barn, Garden Cottage, Sheep Fields Cottage and building plots. The sale was on the direction of the Rajah of Sarawak. Title to the property commenced with the will of 25 Jul 1888 of William Frederick Baron Abinger, who died 16 Jan 1892. 2 items as follows: | |
S1128/1 | Sale particulars for Bridgham Farm, Forest Green, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 20 Sep 1926. 20pp including 2 copies of the same coloured plan and manuscript additons noting that the property was sold privately prior to auction. | |
S1128/2 | A typescript letter of 11 Feb 1927 from Messrs Knight, Frank and Rutley of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, stating that although the property had been previously withdrawn from auction after a private sale, that the sale was not completed and that the property was being re-offered for sale. | |
S1129 | Sale particulars for Browlands, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Nov 1926. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1130 | Sale particulars for Brook Lodge and Waterland Farm, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at the St James' Estate Rooms, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Jul 1927. 14pp including photographs, a colour plan and manuscript additons noting the bids. Brook Lodge was an early 19th century residence with 9 and a half acres and included outbuildings, a model farm and a gardeners cottage. The adjacent Waterland Farm, a small holding of 51 acres, included a farmhouse and outbuildings, and was let to Mr N B Manners, a yearly tenant. | |
S1131 | Sale particulars for Bankside, Cliftonville, Dorking, a freehold pre-war semi-detached villa residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 25 Jul 1927. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1132 | Sale particulars for 8 plots of freehold building land at Ashurst Drive, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, by Messrs Farebrother, Ellis & Co of London, 11 Oct 1928. 6pp including a coloured plan. | |
S1132 ctd | The land originally formed part of the Birchingrove Farm Estate and title commenced with the following 3 agreements: A conveyance of 30 Jul 1925 between Percy Alfred Bayman of the first part, Suburban Developments (London) Ltd of the second part, and Roy Percival Heath of the third part. Two conveyances of 08 Jul 1924 and 11 Feb 1925 between Percy Alfred Bayman of the first part, Suburban Developments (London) Ltd of the second part, and John Ball Ball and the unnamed vendor of the third part. | |
S1133 | Sale particulars for Brockham Park, Betchworth, a freehold estate including a mansion with 71 acres, 12 cottages and accommodation land of 142 acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, London, by Messrs Winkworth & Co of London, 24 Jul 1929. 32pp including photographs and 2 copies of a coloured plan. The sale was on the instructions of Mrs Laura Whitelaw. The estate was to be sold in 12 lots, of which the named properties and tenants were as follows: | |
S1133 ctd | Lot 1: Brockham Park, a property of 71 acres, including a mansion, farm buildings, 4 cottages and 2 lodges, North Lodge and South Lodge. Lots 2 & 3: A pair of semi-detached cottages at Gadbrook Road, Betchworth, one of which was occupied rent free by former head gardener, Mr C Baring. Lot 4: A cottage and adjoining laundry at Reigate Road, Betchworth, let to Mrs Truswell, a weekly tenant. Lot 10: Coleshill Farm, fronting onto the Brockham to Charlwood Road, including a cottage farmhouse converted from 2 properties, outbuildings and 5 acres. | |
S1134 | Sale particulars for Breaside, Mid Holmwood, a pre-war semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Ossenton & Co of Dorking, 17 Jun 1929. 8pp. The sale was on the instructions of Commander H C Oliver. | |
S1135 | Sale particulars for 7 pairs of pre-war cottages at Nos 1 to 14 Beare Green Cottages, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 26 Aug 1929. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the orders of the executors of the late Miss F Hayler. The properties were let to weekly tenants, Messrs Cooper and Welsh, Miss Stedman, Messrs Way, Dean, Capon, Cooper, Bourne and Wood, Mrs Lucas, Messrs Ede, Tarling, Mitchell and Brucker respectively. | |
S1136 | Sale particulars for The Brookwood Corner Estate, Holmwood, a property of 173 acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, London, by Messrs Osborn & Mercer of London, 28 Jun 1921. 16pp with photographs and manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late A F Perkins. The property was to be sold in 5 lots as follows: | |
S1136 ctd | Lot 1: Brookwood Corner, Moorhurst Lane, Holmwood, consisting of a main residence, a model farm, Jersey Farm Cottages, let to tenants Mr D Baker and Mr G Bowerman, and 79 acres, partially let to Mr H Hart, a yearly tenant. Lot 2: Breakspear Farm, a property of 31 acres adjoining Holmwood Station, including a farmhouse occupied as 2 cottages, one with an attached laundry and let to Mrs Dedman, an annual tenant. Lot 3: Allotment gardens of 2 and a half acres fronting onto the London to Horsham Road. Lot 4: Accommodation pasture land of 1 and a half acres, adjoining Holmwood Common Corner, and let to annual tenant Mr King. Lot 5: Accommodation and building land of 58 and a half acres, adjoining Holmwood Station, and partially let to annual tenant Mr W Brown. | |
S1137 | Sale particulars for 6 acres of freehold building land fronting on to Middle Street, Brockham Green, Brockham, to be sold by auction the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, London, by Messrs W G Kimpton & Son of London, 25 Jun 1930. 5pp including a plan. The land was to be sold in 12 plots, with one plot, adjacent to the property "The Bungalow", containing a barn and a well. | |
S1138 | Sale particulars for Brackenfel, Vicarage Lane, Capel, a freehold detached cottage with 6 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 11 May 1931. 6pp. The land was being utilised for a poultry business. | |
S1139 | Sale particulars for Brookside, Bentsbrook Road, North Holmwood, a freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 19 Dec 1921. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was let to Mrs Bagot, a quarterly tenant. | |
S1140 | Sale particulars for Berryscroft, Westhumble Street, Westhumble, a freehold detached residence with 2 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 19 Jun 1933. 9pp. Title commenced with a settlement of 19 Mar 1888 between George Cubitt of the first part, Henry Cubitt of the second part, George Cubitt and William Cubitt of the third part, George Cubitt, William Cubitt and Henry Cubitt of the fourth part, and John Hopgood of the fifth part. | |
S1141 | Sale particulars for Boxview, Calvert Road, Dorking, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 12 Feb 1934. 9pp with photographs and manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1142 | Sale particulars for Birchlea, Cliftonville, Dorking, a pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 02 Jul 1934. 7pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the sale price. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Conradi. | |
S1143 | Sales particulars for 5 newly built freehold properties on The Betchworth Estate, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Osenton & Co of Dorking, 09 Apr 1934. 14pp with manuscripts additions noting the bids for each lot. The sale was on the instructions of Mr S Farley, the builder. The properties to be sold were: Norton and Cross Views, 2 detached houses on Brockham Lane, Betchworth; Nutley and Wayside, 2 detached bungalows on Reigate Road, Betchworth; and Fernroyd, a semi-detached bungalow on Brockham Lane, Betchworth, which was let to an annual tenant Mrs Wellstead. | |
S1144 | Sale particulars for Bentworth Priors, Tower Hill, Dorking, a pre-war detached residence with a cottage and 3 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 03 Jun 1935. 8pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the sale price. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Beatrice Hall. The cottage was occupied on a service tenancy by J W Chase, a gardener. | |
S1144 ctd | Title commenced to a portion of the property with a conveyance on sale of 24 Mar 1914 between Kate Millicent Powell of the first part, Charles Martin Powell, Herbert Andrews Powell and Charles Richard Canney of the second part and Charles Edmund Hall of the third part. For a further portion of the property, title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 24 Mar 1907 between Cyril D'Arcy Leaver and Charles Edmund Hall. For the remainder of the property, title commenced with a deed of partition of 16 Dec 1919 between Charles Edmund Hall of the first part, Agnes Charlotte Sinclair of the second part and Edwin Hart of the third part. | |
S1145 | Sale particulars for Bentsbrook, North Holmwood, a freehold detached residence, a cottage and an 18 acre building estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Dec 1936. 7pp with a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1146 | Sale particulars for Butter Hill House, Rose Hill, Dorking, a freehold Queen Anne residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 19 Apr 1937. 8pp with photographs. The sale was on the instructions of Lieutenant Colonel Sir S S W Paddon. The property was to be sold with reference to a restrictive covenant contained in a conveyance of 14 Oct 1919 between Frederick Thomas Corkett of the first part, Dorking Motor Co Ltd of the second part, and Herbert Moates Ellis of the third part. | |
S1147 | Records of the sale of The Broome Hall Estate, Coldharbour, an 837 acre freehold residential and agricultural property, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 11 Jun 1945. 3 items: 1: Sale particulars including photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids; 2: A second copy of the sale particulars without photographs and without a coloured plan but with different manuscript additions; 3: A catalogue detailing the timber on the estate which was to be sold at the same auction. The estate was to be sold in 34 lots, of which the named properties and tenants were as follows: | |
S1147 ctd | 1: Broome Hall, a mansion and main residence, with 50 acres, including outbuildings, 3 cottages, a laundry and parkland with a lake. 2. Home Farm, a model farm of 235 acres, including a house, outbuildings and 4 cottages named as Mosses Cottages and Dairymans Cottage. 3. Trouts Farm, a dairy farm of 123 acres, including a farmhouse and farm buildings, let with an adjacent 10 acres of grassland to annual tenant Mr A Charman. 4. Buckinghill Farm, a farmhouse and farm buildings with 2 cottages and 128 acres. 5. Bearehurst, a residential property fronting onto Henhurst Cross Lane, including Beare Lodge, outbuildings and with 124 acres, let to annual tenant Mr R Langford James. | |
S1147 ctd | 6: Woodyers Farm (also known as Upper Aviary Farm), including a cottage and with 38 acres. 7: Cockshot Farm, a smallholding of 3 acres including 2 cottages. 8: Properties and land at Rowe Mount, including 7 cottages, three of which were let to tenants Mr R Longhurst, Mrs Ayling and Mr W Durnford, and 2 acres of accommodation grassland let to Mr George Lipscomb. 9: 3 lodges; Keepers Lodge, Henhurst Lodge and Gordon Lodge. 10: 2 pairs of cottages; Highland Cottages and Park Cottages, one of which was let to annual tenant Mr A Charman. 11. Minnickfold Field, 5 acres of accommodation grassland let to Mr H C Hodges. | |
S1147 ctd | The property had been purchased by the vendor, Mr Ernest William Smith Bartlett of Farnham, under a contract of 06 Feb 1945 from the representatives of the late Sir John Hargreaves Piggot-Brown Bart, and the purchase had yet to be completed. Title to the main part of the estate commenced with the will dated 03 Apr 1919 and proved 12 Apr 1922, of Sir Alexander Hargreaves Brown, Bart, who died 12 Mar 1922. Title to the main part of Home Farm commenced with a deed of exchange and subsidiary vesting deed of 07 Jul 1932 between Arthur Raymond Heath of the first part, Cuthbert Eden Heath and Flora Jean Heath of the second part, Flora Jean Heath and Frederick Dunbar of the third part and Walter Hargreaves Brown, Edward Clifton Brown, Geoffrey Edward Heath and James Bruce Jardine of the fourth part. | |
S1148 | Sale particulars for Broome Hall Farm and Buckinghill Farm, Coldharbour, to be sold by auction at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, by joint auctioneers Messrs Weller, Son & Grinsted of Guildford and Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 07 Sep 1954. 25pp including photographs and a coloured plan. The sale was under the instructions of R G B Vessey. The properties with 470 acres were sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1148 ctd | Lot 1: Broome Hall Farm; a farmhouse residence, outbuildings including a flat with a bothy, 6 cottages and 272 acres. The cottages were 2 detached properties, Dairy Cottage and Holly Tree Cottage, and 2 pairs of cottages, Mosses Wood Cottages and Home Farm Cottages. The stable flat was occupied rent free by estate pensioner Mr F Ede, and the underneath bothy by weekly tenant Mr Ayling. Lot 2: Buckinghill Farm; an arable and pig rearing holding of 145 acres, with a farmhouse converted into 2 cottages, outbuildings and a pair of cottages, Buckinghill Cottages, one of which was let to weekly tenant Mr Gayford. Lots 3 and 4: 53 acres of accommodation land and woodland. Title to the majority of the property commenced with the will of 03 Apr 1919, proved 12 Apr 1922, of Sir Alexander Hargreaves Brown, Bart, who died 12 Mar 1922. | |
S1149 | Sales particulars for properties and land fronting Henfold Lane, Rusper Road, Parkgate Road and Trig Street, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White and Sons of Dorking, 30 Jul 1945. 12pp with a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the sale prices and purchasers. The sale was on the instructions of the trustees of the late William Farnell Watson. The properties were sold in 15 lots as follows: | |
S1149 ctd | Lots 1 to 5: Nos 1-10 Henfold Cottages, Henfold Lane, Newdigate, let to weekly tenants Messrs Beck, Farley, Pescud, Gadd, Smith, Elliot, Voice, Sturt, O'Callaghan and Shore respectively. Lot 6: Gosscroft, Henfold Lane, Newdigate, a cottage residence with 2 acres, let to annual tenant Mr James Pratt. Lots 7 to 9: 3 detached cottages, Rusper Road, Newdigate, let to weekly tenants Mr W Steadman, Mr W Burberry and Miss Gadd. Lot 10: Village Stores and Post Office, Rusper Road, Newdigate, let to Mr A J Stanford under a lease agreement with Mr W L Dean. Lot 11: Brooklag Farm, fronting Henfold Lane and Parkgate Road, Newdigate, a farmhouse and farm buildings with 28 acres, let to annual tenant Mr H R Hickman. Lot 12: 12 acres of meadow land fronting Rusper Road, Henfold Lane and Trig Street. Lot 13: 35 acres of arable land and woodland, fronting Trig Street, Newdigate. Partially let to Mr W Spiller under an agreement with Mr Thomas Ackland, 11 Jan 1908, and a small garden plot let to annual tenant Mr P Puttock. Lot 14: 22 acres of arable land and woodland fronting Trig Street, Newdigate. Lot 15: A cottage, woodland and 2 enclosures, fronting Trig Street, Newdigate, partially let to Mr J Edwards. | |
S1149 ctd | Title to the portion of the property which was always of freehold tenure commenced with a general devise contained in the will of the William Farnell Williams, who died in 1897, and to the remainder of the property with an enfranchisement deed of 13 Apr 1908. | |
S1150 | Sale particulars for the remaining portion of Brockham Court Estate, Brockham, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Humbert & Flint of London, 25 Jul 1946. 11pp with a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The 222 acre estate as sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1150 ctd | Lot 1: Box Hill Farm, 146 acres including a farmhouse, farm buildings, a block of 2 cottages and a cottage at No 39 Dorking Shaw, Reigate Road, Brockham. The property was let to annual tenant Mr H C Alexander, a renowned breeder of pedigree Ayrshires. Lot 2: Blacklands Cottage Farm, 76 acres including a cottage farmhouse. The property was let to annual tenant Mr George Mayle and a small plot of land was let to Mr B Banham. Lot 3: Rimmelton, a bungalow residence, let to annual tenant Miss J M Hay. Lot 4: A cottage at 38 Dorking Shaw, Reigate Road, Brockham, let to weekly tenant Mrs Firman. | |
S1151 | Sale particulars for Bountrol, No 17 Sondes Place Drive, Dorking, a detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 26 Feb 1947. 7pp with a manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1152 | Sales brochure for Little Mynthurst Farm, Norwood Hill, Leigh, a country detached residence with a cottage and 21 acres, to be sold by auction at the May Fair Hotel, Berkeley Square, London, by joint auctioneers Hampton & Sons of London and William Wood, Son & Gardner of Crawley, 26 Jun 1968. 14pp with photographs and a plan. | |
S1153 | Sale particulars for Broomhurst, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, a freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 May 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the instructions of Norman John Gordon Robertson. | |
S1154 | Sale particulars for Boreas, No 79 Fairfield Drive, Dorking, a semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 03 Jun 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. The property was to be sold subject to covenants contained in a transfer of 20 Feb 1935 between Maurice Chance and Francis Walter Bennett. | |
S1155 | Sale particulars for Bondhu, Gadbrook Crossways, Betchworth, a detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the estate offices of auctioneers Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 24 Sep 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1156 | Catalogue for the sale of agricultural implements and machinery and 11 hives of bees at Horsielands Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 13 Oct 1949. 9pp. The sale was on the instructions of E V Tomalin who had sold the freehold. | |
S1157 | Sale particulars for Horsie Land Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 24 Jun 1907. 2 items; two copies of the sale particulars, both with a coloured plan and one with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property comprised a farmhouse and farm buildings with 128 acres, including two enclosures of building land, and was let to Mr John Rusbridge. | |
S1157 ctd | The property previously formed part of the Lyne Estate. Title commenced with an indenture of resettlement of the Lyne estate of 11 Aug 1876, between Henry Fowler Broadwood of the first part, James Henry Tschudi Broadwood of the second part, Henry William Birch and Henry Peregrine Birch of the third part, James Crofts Ingram and Edmund Craster Craster of the fourth part and Henry William Birch and Henry Peregrine Birch of the fifth part. | |
S1158 | Sale particulars for The Lay Rectory of Capel and for Parsonage Farm, Vicarage Lane, Capel, a freehold smallholding with 50 acres, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 02 May 1910. 10pp with a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the sale prices. The sale was under the instructions of the trustees of the late Lady Osborne. The Lay Rectory of Capel included the right to receipt of a commuted tithe rent charge. Parsonage Farm was for sale with an adjoining 5 acres of meadow land and was let to annual tenant Mr G H Lintott. | |
S1159 | Sale particulars for Crutchfield Farm, Horley and Edolphs, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Harrie Stacie & Son of London, 08 Jul 1919. 20pp with photographs and including 2 coloured plans. Crutchfield Farm, a 16th century farmhouse with farm buildings, a pair of cottages and with 154 acres, and was let to annual tenant Mr James Henton. Edolphs, a farmhouse residence with farm buildings, 3 cottages and with 346 acres, and was let to annual tenant Mr A H Chalmers. | |
S1160 | Sale particulars for Coast Hill Cottage, Westcott, a freehold detached property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Mar 1925. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1161 | Sale particulars for residential and sporting properties, building and accommodation land, covering 987 acres at Newdigate and Charlwood, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 06 Jul 1903. 3 items which include a sales brochure with photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions of the sale prices, and 2 separate coloured plans, one a duplicate of the plan contained in the brochure. The properties and land for sale formed part of the estate of the late Mr William Farnell Watson and included the following named lots: | |
S1161 ctd | Lot 1: Ockleys, Newdigate, a main residence, and Old Newdigate Place, Newdigate, a farmhouse used as 3 cottages, with 195 acres. Lot 3: Newhouse Farm, Newdigate, a main residence, and New Place, Newdigate, a farmhouse used as 2 cottages, with 108 acres, let to yearly tenant Mr F L Crow. Lot 4: Duke's Copse, Newdigate, comprising meadow, arable and woodland of over 100 acres, let to yearly tenant Mr F L Crow. | |
S1161 ctd | Lot 5: The Glovers, Charlwood, a 275 acre freehold estate including The House, a detached residence let to W F Ladenburg, a pair of cottages and Glovers Wood. Lot 6: Page Wood, Charlwood, a 60 acre estate with a farmhouse, let to Mr T Stepney, an orchard, Queens Field Cottage, and land partially let to Mr T Stepney and Mr S Cox. Lot 8: Welland, Charlwood, 22 acres of meadow land let to Mr J J Standing. Lot 13: The Cider Mill, Newdigate, a main residence, 2 cottages and 28 acres. The remaining lots were sporting, building and accommodation land including 25 acres of meadow land at Charlwood let to Mr A Cook. | |
S1162 | Sale particulars for 10 cottages and a builders premises at Capel, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 21 Jun 1926. 9pp with photographs and manuscript additions of the sale prices. The properties were sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1162 ctd | Lot 1: A pair of cottages at Misbrooks Green, Capel, let to tenants Miss Styles and Mr Rawlings. Lot 2: Morden Cottage, Capel, a detached residence, let to an unnamed police constable. Lot 3: Brickyard Cottages, Brimstone Corner, Cole's Lane, Capel, a block of 4 residences let to Mr C Edwards, Mrs Eede, Mr Ruff and Miss Reed. Lot 4: Woodfield Cottages, Capel, a block of 3 residences with an adjoining builders workshop and yard. The cottages were let to Mr Manville, Messrs Atkinson and Potter and Mr Smith, and the builders premises were let to Messrs Atkinson and Potter. | |
S1163 | Sale particulars for a cottage and garage at 16a Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Nov 1926. 5pp. The sale was under the instructions of Mrs M E Sargent. | |
S1164 | Sale particulars for Cudworth Lodge, Newdigate, a freehold cottage residence and smallholding with 7 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 28 Feb 1927. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1165 | Sales particulars for freehold properties at Dene Street and Cotmandene, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 25 Jul 1927. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the sale prices. The properties were sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1165 ctd | Lot 1: No 34 Dene Street, Dorking, a freehold villa, forge and stable, let to annual tenant Mr W Worsfold. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 04 Dec 1876 between Dodsworth Haydon, William Fitzgerald Pilcher and Henry Drayson Pilcher of the first part, John Pakenham Stilwell and Arthur James Stevens of the second part, and William Henry Deverell of the third part. | |
S1165 ctd | Lot 2: Nos 14a, 14b, 15a and 15b Cotmandene, Dorking, a pair of freehold villas with two upper and two lower tenements, let to weekly tenants Messrs Head, Simmonds, Wells and Davidson respectively. Lot 3: Nos 16a, 16b, 17a and 17b Cotmandene, Dorking, a pair of freehold villas with two upper and two lower tenements, let to weekly tenants Messrs Beesley, Rickson, O'Byrne and Stanbridge respectively. Lot 4: A builders store, workshop and an adjoining plot of land fronting Dene Street, Dorking | |
S1166 | Sale particulars for Club Cottage, High Street, Dorking, a detached pre-war property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 18 Jun 1928. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was located at the end of a private passageway heading off the High Street, close to Nos 78 & 79, and was let to weekly tenant Mr Sharp. | |
S1167 | Sale particulars for Cudworth Manor, Newdigate, a moated manor house dating from 1269 with 8 acres of grounds, to be sold by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, by Messrs Duncan B Gray & Partners of London, 07 May 1929. 16pp with photographs, a coloured plan, manuscript additions and an historical note relating to previous owners of the property. The sale was on the instructions of Dr Herbert French CBE. | |
S1168 | Sale particulars for 46 freehold cottages in Dorking and Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Leonard Frederick Arnold of Dorking, 30 Dec 1929. 14pp with manuscript additions of the sale prices. The sale was on the instructions of Mr Justice Maugham of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, pursuant to an order of 11 Jul 1929 regarding the estate of the late Daniel Pullen. The properties were sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S1168 ctd | Lot 1: Nos 2 to 14 Church Gardens, Dorking, and Nos 15 & 16 Mill Lane, Dorking. Nos 2 and 3 incorporated a corner shop and were let to quarterly tenant Mr J Peters; Nos 4 to 14 were let to weekly tenants Messrs Dennis, Jackson, Knight, Jee, Bell, Orchard, Rowland, Brackley, Pomphrey, Mrs Clark and Mr Letts respectively; Nos 15 and 16 Mill Lane, Dorking, situated beneath Nos 7 to 10 Church Gardens, were let to weekly tenants Messrs Peters and Burrow. Title commenced with a general devise contained in the will of 24 Nov 1878 of Daniel Pullen, who died 11 May 1879. | |
S1168 ctd | Lot 2: Nos 1 to 20 St Martin's Place, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Miss Lucas, Messrs Lucas and Baker, Mrs Chart, Messrs Monk, Bristow, Cousens, Eggleton, Mrs Ede, Mr Miles, Mrs Seymour, Messrs Cox, Taylor, Dudley, Tyler, Webb, Mrs Fillery, Mrs Dennis, Mr Salter and Mrs Cooper respectively. Title commenced with an indenture of mortgage of 21 Jun 1870 between Daniel Pullen and Frederick Budgen. | |
S1168 ctd | Lot 3: Nos 1 to 9 Thorndale Cottages, Westcott, let to weekly tenants Mr Harris, Mrs Balchin, Messrs Mears, Arnold, Brown, Miles, Wilkinson, Wright & Sawyers respectively. Title commenced with an indenture of mortgage of 13 Jun 1870 between Daniel Pullen and George Wallington Grabham. | |
S1169 | Sale particulars for Nos 26 to 29 Church Gardens and Nos 18 to 23 Mill Lane, Dorking, 2 blocks of freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 11 May 1931. 4pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Miss Emma Lucy Boxall. The properties were sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S1169 ctd | Lot 1: Nos 26 to 29 Church Gardens, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Mr J Elms (No 26), Mr J E Kisler (No 28) and Mr W Berry (No 29). A manuscript addition notes that Nos 28 & 29 were found to be unfit for habitation and all 4 properties were consequently withdrawn from sale. Title commenced with the will of 08 Mar 1871 of William Boxall, who died on 05 Mar 1887. Lot 2: Nos 18 to 23 Mill Lane, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Mr E Cresswell, Mrs Ayres, Mrs Crowther, Mr S Jordan, Mrs Rickett and Mr C Skinner respectively. | |
S1170 | Sale particulars for 5 freehold cottages at The Street, Capel, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Clarke, Gammon & Emerys of Guildford, 30 Jun 1931. 4pp. The properties consisted of a pair of semi-detached cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Wright and Mitchell, and an adjoining block of 3 cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Ede, Spooner and Ward. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 25 Jun 1906 between John Haybittle and Richard Haybittle of the one part and Walter Collinson of the other part. | |
S1171 | Sale particulars for 3 leasehold residences, Stonecroft, Combe House and Dorne House, Chichester Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 05 Oct 1931. 8pp with manuscript additions noting the sale prices. | |
S1172 | Sale particulars for 9 freehold cottages at Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the White Hart Hotel, Reigate, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 28 Jul 1931. 7pp. The properties were sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S1172 ctd | Lot 1: A block of 3 cottages at Rectory Lane, Charlwood, let to weekly tenants Messrs Warren, Paine and Wright. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 21 Mar 1907 between John March Dalton and the unnamed vendor. Lots 2 and 3: Sun Cottages, Capel, a block of 4 cottages let to weekly tenants Messrs Ede, Webb, Coomber and Charman and an adjacent block of 2 cottages, let to weekly tenants Messrs Austin and Winchester. Title commenced with a mortgage of 01 Dec 1906 between William Wilkins senior and The Haywards Heath and District Permanent Benefit Building Society. | |
S1173 | Sales particulars for Camilla Lacey (formerly known as Leladene), a freehold mansion and estate, to be sold by auction at The Estate Room, Hanover Square, London, by joint auctioneers Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London and Messrs Rushworth & Brown of London, 21 Jan 1932. 28pp with photographs, a coloured plan and an historical note outlining the property's connection to the novelist Fanny Burney (1752-1840) and the D'Arblay family. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late Victor E Freeman. The estate of 80 acres consisted of the mansion, Chauffeurs Cottage, a riding school, formal gardens, woodland and orchards, a model farm, a lodge, Bailiff's House, Groom's House, Old Laundry Cottage, a block of 2 adjoining cottages and 3 cottages at Burford Bridge Road. The original mansion was destroyed by fire in 1919 and was rebuilt in 1921. | |
S1173 ctd | Title to the greater part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 04 Jan 1875 between Ann Hudson of the first part, Frances Mary Bridgman of the second part, Thomas Dolling Bolton and Reverend John Holbeche Short of the third part and James Leverton Wylie of the fourth part. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a deed of enfranchisement of 20 Nov 1889 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Marmaduke Francis, Lord Herries, Baron Herries and Ralph Dury Kerr of the second part, and James Leverton Wylie of the third part. | |
S1174 | Sale particulars for Coombers, Newdigate, a freehold farmhouse residence with 19 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 21 May 1928. 6pp including a coloured plan. The sale was on the directions of Alfred Ravenscroft Kennedy, KC, MP. Miss Dickinson was in residence at the property. | |
S1174 ctd | Title for part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 23 Aug 1880 between Maria Attree (widow) and Leopold Goldberg. Title for the remainder of the property commenced with a conveyance of 01 Mar 1882 between, Stephen Humphrey of the first part, Stephen Humphrey, William Humphrey, Mary Kelsey (widow), Sarah Jarvis (wife of James Horace Jarvis), Thomas Humphrey, James Humphrey, Caroline Hardwick (wife of John Jessop Hardwick) and Jane Hardwick (wife of Thomas Bishop Hardwick) of the second part and Leopold Goldberg of the third part. | |
S1175 | Sale particulars for 5 cottages at Capel and a house, shop and cottage at Ockley Green, to be sold by auction at The Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 08 Mar 1933. 7pp. The properties were to be sold in 5 lots as follows: | |
S1175 ctd | Lots 1 to 3: Nos 1 to 3 Elm Cottages, Capel Street, Capel, let to tenants Mr F R Tullett senior, Mr J Adams and Mrs W Wales respectively. Lot 4: Nos 1 & 2 Bakers Cottages, Capel, converted from a single farmhouse, let to tenants Mr F R Tullett junior and Mr J Miles respectively. Lot 5: A property at Stane Street, Ockley Green, consisting of a house, a harness makers and sadlers shop, both let to yearly tenant Mr A E Gibbs, and an adjoining cottage let to quarterly tenant Miss Stone. | |
S1176 | Sale particulars for No 3 Clifton Terrace, Dorking, a pre-war freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 03 Jun 1935. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1177 | Sale particulars for Clare, St Paul's Road, Dorking, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 01 Dec 1930. 7pp. Title commenced with the will, dated 11 Apr 1879, of Anne Adele Hope. | |
S1178 | Sale particulars for Corner Cottage, Clarks Green, Capel, a detached freehold residence with 1 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Mar 1938. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1179 | Sale particulars for Corner Cottage, Clarks Green, Capel, a detached freehold residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 07 May 1945. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. Title commenced with a conveyance of 23 Jul 1924 between Henry Hamshire and Albert Henry Tidy. | |
S1180 | Sale particulars for Churt Gate House, Westcott, a single residence converted from 2 Tudor cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 08 Aug 1938. 8pp with photographs. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 07 Aug 1895 between Mortimer Drewe Mallison of the first part, Arthur Clarges Loraine Fuller of the second part, Arthur Clarges Loraine Fuller, Craven Burrell Fuller and Henry Claude Fuller of the third part, Arthur Brooke of the fourth part, and Landowners Ltd of the fifth part. | |
S1181 | Sale particulars for Crossviews, Brockham Lane, Brockham, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 24 Apr 1939. 6pp. The sale was on the instructions of the administrators of the late Mr F A Cook. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 28 Oct 1921 between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part and Richard Chart of the third part. | |
S1182 | Sale particulars for 3 freehold properties on Lincoln Road and Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Son of Dorking, 22 Jan 1940. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price of each lot. The sale was on the instructions of the administrators of the late W Rathborn. The properties were to be sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S1182 ctd | Lot 1: No 3 Lincoln Road, Dorking, a semi-detached residence. Lot 2: No 5 Lincoln Road, Dorking, let as 2 flats to weekly tenants Mr Bowry and Mr Hirst. Lot 3: No 36 Church Street, Dorking, a semi-detached cottage let to weekly tenant Mr Bunker. | |
S1183 | Sale particulars for Camilla, Lincoln Road, Dorking, a freehold 1920's detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Son of Dorking, 14 Oct 1946. 5pp. The property was let to weekly tenant Mrs Ayling. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 17 Jun 1912 to E J Batchelor (second party not named). | |
S1184 | Sale particulars for Charnwood, South Drive, Deepdene Park, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at 279 High Street, Dorking, the auction and estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland, of Dorking, 07 Mar 1947. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1185 | Sale particulars for Crantock, Moores Road, Dorking, a 1900's semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at 279 High Street, Dorking, the auction and estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland, of Dorking, 30 Jul 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1186 | Sale Particulars for Danesmount, Tower Hill, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne & Co of Dorking, 29 Sep 1924. 7pp. | |
S1187 | Sale particulars for a freehold residential and agricultural estate of 126 acres, comprising of Capel Lodge and Sprotts Farm, Beare Green, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Aug 1948. 8pp with a coloured plan. The sale was on the directions of Captain John Mortimer Dennis. | |
S1187 ctd | Capel Lodge comprised of a country residence with 2 acres, let to yearly tenant Mr H Gilbey, and Bungalow Cottage which was under requisition by the Dorking & Horley Rural District Council. Sprotts Farm, formerly part of the Wigmore estate, comprised of Sprotts Cottage (referred to here both as Sprotts Cottage and also Bungalow Cottage, probably incorrectly), a pair of cottages known as Hoyle Cottages, farm buildings and 124 acres. | |
S1188 | Records relating to the letting of The Deepdene, Dorking, a furnished mansion with 200 acres of gardens and parkland, 1918-1919. The property was the residence of Lord Francis Pelham Clinton Hope and was formerly occupied by Lily, Duchess of Marlborough. 5 items as follows: | |
S1188/1 | Brochure for the letting of The Deepdene, Dorking, let through land agents and surveyors Messrs Humbert & Flint of London , 1919. 4pp including a photograph | |
S1188/2 | Typescript letter from Messrs Humbert & Flint of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, 05 Jul 1918, providing letting details for the property and discussing the possibility of a sale. | |
S1188/3 | Manuscript letter from Messrs Humbert & Flint of London to Messrs Crow of Dorking, 10 Jul 1918, providing further details as to a possible sale to an unnamed enquirer. | |
S1188/4 | Typescript letter from Surrey County Council to Messrs Crow of Dorking, 08 Oct 1919, stating that the property had been inspected by their Mental Deficiency Committee and had been found unsuitable for their purposes. | |
S1188/5 | Typescript letter from an unknown source (possibly Messrs Crow of Dorking) to Messrs Humbert & Flint of London, 19 Dec 1919, asking if the property was still on the market as they understood it may have been offered to Sir Thomas Devitt. | |
S1189 | Sale particulars for Denecroft, North Holmwood, a pre-war freehold semi-detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Nov 1926. 7pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the instructions of H Harvey. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 07 Oct 1902 between The Capital & Counties Bank Limited of the first part, Thomas Francis Tracy , William Short Batley and George Hodges of the second part, and William Short Batley of the third part. | |
S1190 | Sales particulars for a pair of villas, Lincoln Road, Dorking, and 8 cottages, Dene Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 02 May 1927. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price of each lot. The sale was on the instructions of the executor of the late William Hollier. The properties were to be sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1190 ctd | Lot 1: Nos 30 & 32 Lincoln Road, Dorking, a pair of freehold villas, let to weekly tenants Mr G L Lambourne and Mr J Wheatland respectively. Lot 2: Nos 15 & 16 Dene Street Gardens, Dorking, a pair of pre-war freehold cottages, let to weekly tenants Messrs Valentine and Hooker respectively. Lot 3: Nos 1 to 4 Humphrey's Cottages, Dene Street, Dorking, two pairs of pre-war freehold cottages, let to weekly tenants Messrs Joyes, Cook, Jones and Neil respectively. Lot 4: Nos 50 & 51 Dene Street, Dorking, a pair of pre-war freehold cottages, let to weekly tenants Mr G Oliver and Mr W Beadle respectively. | |
S1191 | Sale particulars for Deneholm, Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a freehold 1920's detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 11 May 1931. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1192 | Sale particulars for Dunley Hill, Ranmore Common, a freehold residential property with 2 cottages and 39 acres, to be sold by auction at The Town Hall, Horsham, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 07 May 1930. 13pp with photographs, a coloured plan and manuscript additions. The pasture land was let to tenant Mr Harry Elmer. Title commenced with an indenture of mortgage of 09 Jan 1895 between Frederick Augustus Maxse and the trustees of the Provident Life Office. | |
S1193 | Sale particulars for Danesmount, Tower Hill, Dorking a pre-war detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking and Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 24 Jun 1935. 6pp. | |
S1194 | Sale particulars for Denton, Cotmandene, Dorking, a pre-war residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Charles Osenton & Co of Dorking, 25 Jun 1936. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the purchaser and sale price. The sale was by the direction of the public trustee and executor of the late Edward George Tarrant. | |
S1195 | Sale particulars for Denfield, Tower Hill, Dorking, a detached residence and lodge with 14 acres, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs H Lidington of London, 02 Dec 1937. 2 items; a sales brochure with photographs and a coloured plan, and a separate letter of 23 Feb 1938, from chartered surveyors Messrs Wood, Son & Gardner of Crawley to Lewis Crow of Dorking, discussing the valuation of the property. The sale was on the instructions of C Bertram Flood. | |
S1196 | Sale particulars for Durlocks, Deepdene Woods, Dorking, a freehold 1930's detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 14 Mar 1938. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1197 | Sale particulars for Dunley Hill Farm, Effingham, a 224 acre freehold sporting and agricultural estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs King & Chasemore of Horsham, 12 May 1942. 4pp with a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the sale price. The property was formerly part of the Evelyn (Wotton House) estate and included a farmhouse, farm buildings and 3 cottages, Malthouse Cottage and Courtland Cottages. A portion of the lands were in the occupation of the Surrey War Agricultural Committee and 2 enclosures of woodland were requisitioned by the War Department. | |
S1198 | Sale particulars for 8 freehold cottages and land at Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 19 Nov 1945. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the instructions of Thomas Albert Cole. The properties and land were to be sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1198 ctd | Lot 1: Nos 1 & 2 Dolby Cottages, Dolby Side, let to weekly tenants Messrs Parker and Gates respectively. Lot 2: Nos 1 to 4 Providence Cottages, let to weekly tenants Messrs Humphrey, Illman, Monk and Foredick respectively. Lot 3: Nos 1 & 2 Fry's Cottages, let to weekly tenants Mrs Alice Higgs and Misses Killick respectively. Lot 4: Fry's Meadow, 17 acres of arable and meadow land fronting onto Horley Road, let to yearly tenant Mr Max Saalheimer. | |
S1199 | Sale particulars for Dene Croft, Deepdene Drive, Dorking, a 1930's freehold detached property, to be sold by auction at 279 High Street, Dorking, the auction and estate offices of Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland, of Dorking, 13 Aug 1947. 6pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. | |
S1199 ctd | Title commenced with 2 covenants; 1: A conveyance of 20 Jul 1920 between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Alfred Henry Tarleton and Nigel Leslie Campbell of the second part, Landsdowne Limited of the third part, and Deepdene Limited of the 4th part, and as varied by a conveyance of 17 Jun 1935 between Henry Francis Hope Pelham Clinton Hope of the first part, Nigel Leslie Campbell, Frank Seymour Nilsson Isett and Henry Edward Hugh Pelham Clinton Hope of the second part and Maurice Chance of the third part. 2: A conveyance of 04 Apr 1932 between Lewis Richard Peters and Maurice Chance. | |
S1200 | Sale particulars for The Elms, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, by Grant Taylor & Atkinson of London, 12 Oct 1910. 20pp with photographs and a coloured plan. The estate of 17 acres, included the main residence, gardens and grounds, a model farm and Norman Cottage. | |
S1200 ctd | The main property and grounds were formerly part of the Broadwood Estate. Title to this part of the property commenced with an indenture of resettlement of 11 Aug 1876 between Henry Fowler Broadwood of the first part, James Henry Tschudi (written here as Ischudi) Broadwood of the second part, Henry William Birch and Henry Peregrine Birch of the third part, James Croft Ingram and Edmund Craster Craster of the fourth part, and Henry William Birch and Henry Peregrine Birch of the fifth part. This part of the property was also sold subject to a covenant contained in an indenture of conveyance of 23 Feb 1904 between Bertha Marion Broadwood and William Archibald Calvert of the first part, Charles Algernon Whitemore and Arthur Mowbray Upton of the second part and Thomas Weller of the third part. For the remainder of the property, consisting of Norman Cottage and grounds, title commenced with an indenture of conveyance of 28 Sep 1878 between Richard Baggarley and Elizabeth Pocock. | |
S1201 | Sale particulars for The Dutch House, South Holmwood, a freehold detached residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by joint auctioneers, Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, and Messrs F L Mercer & Co of London, 06 Sep 1948. 7pp with a photograph and a manuscript addition noting the sale price. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 26 Oct 1921 between Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence and George Christian Garrick. | |
S1202 | Sale particulars for Eutrie House and 8 country cottages, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 30 Jul 1914. 10pp with a photograph and manuscript additions noting the sale prices. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Misses J L Chaldecott and E C Chaldecott. Sold in 8 lots as follows: | |
S1202 ctd | Lots 1: Eutrie House, a freehold country residence with 4 acres of grounds, let to G L Kennedy Esq. Lots 2 and 3: Ferndale and Holly Cottage, a pair of adjoining cottages. Lot 4: Braeside, a detached cottage, let to yearly tenant J J Stavridi. Lot 5: Mill Cottage, Mill Bottom, Holmwood. Lot 6: Clematis Cottage, let to weekly tenant Mr W Edser. Lot 7: The Old Cottage, a pair of cottages occupied as one, let to annual tenant Mr T E Penrose. Lots 8: Lynwood Cottage, let to Miss E Copper and The Uplands, let to Miss Truscott, a block of three cottages occupied as two. | |
S1203 | Sale particulars for The Elms, Holmwood Common, a freehold detached country residence dating from the 1850's, to be sold by auction St James's Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of Dorking, 18 Nov 1930. 10pp with a photograph, manuscript additions noting the bids and an historical note outlining the properties link to soldiers returning from the Crimean War who were allowed to build dwellings on Holmwood Common. | |
S1203 ctd | Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance of 28 Feb 1873 between Charles Bannister and Frederick Hume Wilcox of the first part, Thomas Nevins Hunt of the second part and David Punnett of the third part. Title to the remainder of the property commenced with a deed of enfranchisement of 22 Oct 1907 between Henry, Duke of Norfolk of the first part, Baron Clifford of the second part, and William Henry Punnett and George Thomas Punnett of the third part. | |
S1204 | Sale Particulars for Ethne House, Little Sutton, Abinger Common, a freehold detached residence in one and a half acres of grounds, to be sold by auction at Harrods' Estate Sale Rooms, London, by Harrods Ltd of London, 20 Jul 1933. 7pp with photographs. Mrs Trench was then in residence at the property. | |
S1205 | Sale particulars for Emaria, West Bank, Dorking, a detached freehold property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Messenger, Morgan & May of Guildford, 10 May 1948. 5pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. Mr Duncalf was then in residence at the property. | |
S1206 | Sale particulars for numbers 1, 2 and 3 Elm Villas, Old Dorking Road, Betchworth, a block of leasehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Jun 1949. 6pp with a manuscript addition noting that there were no bids. The sale was by order of the trustees of the late John Belchamber. | |
S1206 ctd | The cottages were let to tenants Mrs M N Earnshaw, Mrs Fuller and Mrs Harrison respectively. The properties suffered damage by enemy action in World War II. Title commenced with a lease of 05 Jul 1878 between Edward Goulborn and Henry Batchelar. | |
S1207 | Sale particulars for 27 acres of freehold land off Shere Road, Ewhurst, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 17 Oct 1949. 6pp with a coloured plan and manuscripts additions noting the sale price. | |
S1208 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural machinery and implements, at Etherley Farm, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the farm, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 12 Oct 1955. 5pp with manuscript additions. The sale was on the directions of Messrs Holland Brothers who were leaving the business. | |
S1209 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural machinery and implements, at Ewood Farm, Broad Lane, Parkgate, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 24 May 1963. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the final bids for each lot. The sale was on the instructions of Messrs S.P.R.A. Ltd (Schermuly Pistol Rocket Apparatus Ltd). | |
S1210 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural machinery and implements, at Lemons Farm, Abinger Common, to be sold by auction at the farm, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 18 Oct 1963. 11pp with manuscript additions noting the final bids for each lot. | |
S1211 | Sale particulars for Fernfield, Holmwood Common, a freehold detached residence with 8 acres of grounds, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Frederick Arnold & Son of Dorking, 09 Apr 1914. 6pp with photographs and manuscript additions noting the bids. | |
S1212 | Sale particulars for Folly Farm, Holmwood, a freehold residential estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 25 Sep 1922. 12pp including 3 coloured plans and manuscript additions noting the bids. The estate of 87 acres included a farmhouse, farm building and 2 cottages at Bushey Croft Cottages, Horsham Road, Holmwood. The sale was under the instructions of Colonel John Bernard Lethbridge Stilwell and the farm was let to the executors of the late Mr W Barker. The estate lands included a garden plot adjoining Warwick Road, let to John Buckland. | |
S1212 ctd | Title to the greater part of the property commenced with the will of the late Mr William Stevens, dated 24 Dec 1866 and proved 15 Nov 1871. Title to the remaining parts of the property commenced with an indenture of conveyance of 29 Sep 1888 between Alice Reed and John Pakenham Sitwell, and with an indenture of conveyance of 12 Dec 1876 between William Joseph Shearburn and John Packenham Sitwell. | |
S1213 | Sale particulars for Folly Farm, Holmwood, a residential estate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Powell & Co of Lewes, Sussex, 06 Jul 1925. 11pp including a coloured plan. The estate of 74 acres included a farmhouse, farm building and 2 cottages at Bushey Croft Cottages, Horsham Road, Holmwood. The sale was under the instructions of Mr and Mrs R T Brammall and the farm was let to their son Leslie de Sauty Brammall. | |
S1213 ctd | Title to the greater part of the property commenced with the will of the late Mr William Stevens, dated 24 Dec 1866 and proved 15 Nov 1871. Title to the remaining part of the property commenced with an indenture of conveyance of 29 Sep 1888 between Alice Reed and John Pakenham Sitwell. | |
S1214 | Sale particulars for Fourvents Cottage and Wymbletons, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 23 Jun 1919. 7pp with manuscript addition noting the sale price. The properties were to be sold as part of the estate of the late Mr George Gough. Fourvents Cottage with 5 and a quarter acres was let to H B Legge, and Wymbletons, with 8 and three quarter acres, was occupied by Mrs Faringdon. The sale included an additional 13 acres of building land. Title to both properties commenced with the will of George Gough who died 28 Jan 1883. | |
S1215 | Sale particulars for Ferncroft and Orchard Cottage, Holmwood, two freehold cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Osenton & Co of Dorking, 22 Jun 1925. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price of each property. The sale was under the instructions of the executors of the late Mr W Barker. | |
S1215 ctd | Title to Ferncroft commenced with an indenture of conveyance on sale of 03 Oct 1894 between Archdale Palmer Wickham, James Franck Bright and Reginald Bosworth Smith of the one part and Walter Barker of the other part. Title to part of Orchard Cottage commenced with an indenture of conveyance on sale of 11 Aug 1890 between Alfred Benecke and Walter Barker, and to the remaining part of the property with an indenture of conveyance on sale of 12 Jul 1890 between John Joseph Chapman and Walter Barker. | |
S1216 | Sale particulars for Farm Place, Paynes Green, Ockley, a freehold Tudor residence and estate, to be sold by auction at Hanover Square Estate Rooms, London, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 01 Oct 1928. 25pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the sale price of each lot. The sale was on the direction of Thomas Glass. The estate of 352 acres included the main residence, a mixed farm and 4 cottages, one of which was let to Mr A Worsfold, a half yearly tenant. | |
S1217 | Sale particulars for 50 Falkland Road, Dorking, a pre-war semi-detached freehold cottage, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 30 Dec 1929. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the bids. The property was let to Mr H W Steer, a weekly tenant. Title commenced with the will of John Scragg, who died 02 Jan 1873. | |
S1218 | Sale particulars for Fredley, Mickleham, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Nightingale, Page & Bennett of Kingston upon Thames, 28 Sep 1931. 15pp including a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the bids. The sale was on the directions of Surrey County Council. The country estate incorporated 2 properties; Fredley, the main residence dating from 1865, with 20 acres of grounds and Fredley Cottage, a former farmhouse dating from the 16th century, with 15 acres of grounds. Title commenced to both properties with the will, dated 06 Feb 1879, of Maria Drummond, who died 15 Jan 1891. | |
S1219 | Sale particulars for Four Ways, Holmbury St Mary, a freehold detached country cottage residence, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mosely, Card & Co of Reigate, 11 May 1932. 10pp with photographs and a manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1220 | Sale particulars for The Firs and The Willows, Westcott Street, Westcott, a pair of pre-war freehold houses, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 31 Jul 1933. 6pp with a manuscript addition noting the sale price. The sale was on the directions of C Carey Druce. | |
S1221 | Sale particulars for Fillebrook, Pixham Lane, Dorking, a detached residence built in 1912, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Nov 1926. 2 items; sales brochure, 6pp, and a separate undated summary of the property issued by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 1p. Title commenced with the will of the Anne Adele Hope of Deepdene, 11 Apr 1876. | |
S1222 | Sale particulars for Four Elms Cottage, Capel, a pre-war property bounded by Misbrook Green, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Cubitt & West of Dorking, 26 Mar 1934. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 12 May 1898 to Charles Henry Mortimer. | |
S1223 | Sale particulars for Fulwood, Ockley, a detached country house with a gardeners bungalow and 9 and a half acres of grounds, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Cubitt & West of Dorking, 08 Jul 1935. 8pp with photographs and a manuscript addition noting the sale price. The sale was on the instruction of the executors of the late H P Lancaster. The property was sold subject to a deed of grant of 24 May 1929 between Otto Spillern of the one part and Dorking Water Company of the other part. Title commenced with the probate of the will of William Frederick, Lord Abinger, who died 16 Jan 1892. | |
S1224 | Sale particulars for site and premises of J T Brooker Limited, Timber Merchants, Station Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises, by joint auctioneers Messrs Leopold Farmer & Sons of London, and Messrs Clarke, Gammon & Emerys of Guildford, 29 Sep 1936. 2 items; a sales brochure incorporating a coloured plan and manuscript additions noting the sale price, and a separate hand written note summarising advance interest in the property dated 22 Apr 1936. The sale of the freehold site of 7 acres, adjacent to Dorking Town Railway Station, included 2 woodworking mills, a sawmill plant, machinery and timber stock. The sale was by the order of the receiver for the debenture holders, A Page F.C.A. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 11 Nov 1921 between Cubitt Estates Limited of the one part and J T (John Thomas) Brooker Limited of the other part. | |
S1225 | Sale particulars for 5 freehold properties on Vincent Road and Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 01 Feb 1937. 9pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price of each lot. The sale was under the directions of the executors of the late Mr George Gardiner. Sold in 3 lots with Lots 1 and 2 being formerly part of the Catsfield Estate. | |
S1225 ctd | Lot 1: 16 Vincent Road, Dorking, a detached villa residence. Lot 2: 14 and 15 Vincent Road, Dorking, a pair of pre-war semi-detached villas, let to Mrs Robinson and Mr R J Davey respectively. Lot 3: A pair of freehold villas known as Fairbank and Somersby, Rose Hill, Dorking. | |
S1226 | Sale particulars for 12 cottages in Dorking and Capel, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Sons of Dorking, 31 May 1937. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price of each lot. Sold in 3 lots as follows: | |
S1226 ctd | Lot 1: 3 freehold cottages, numbers 1 to 3 Turners Cottages, Capel, situated on the main Dorking to Horsham Road. The properties were let to Messrs Edwards, Knight and Chatfield respectively. | |
S1226 ctd | Lot 2: A block of 6 pre-war cottages, numbers 1 to 6 Falklands Gardens, Dorking, and a pair of pre-war cottages, numbers 7 and 8 Falkland Gardens, Dorking. Let on weekly tenancies to Mrs Lane, Mrs Walden, Mrs Devine, Mrs Norris, Mrs Marshall, Mr Mansfield, Miss Tyler and Mr Strudwick respectively. Previous vendors of numbers 1 to 6 were Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson in a conveyance of 07 May 1857. | |
S1226 ctd | Lot 3: A detached freehold cottage at 38a Hampstead Road, Dorking, let to weekly tenant Mr S G Carter. The property was adjoining Lot 2 and was formerly known as Albany Cottage, Falkland Gardens, Dorking. Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson were previous vendors of the property in a conveyance of 07 May 1857. | |
S1227 | Sale particulars for Fairmount, Parsonage Lane, Westcott, a detached 1920's property, which was scheduled to have been sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Sons of Dorking, 28 Sep 1925. 7pp with manuscript additions removing references to the auction and noting that the residence was "the property of F W [Tooch?], now resident therein". The sale was under the instructions of T B Giffen. | |
S1227 ctd | Title commenced to the northern portion of the property with an indenture of 14 Mar 1851 between William John Evelyn of the first part, John Worsfold of the second part and James King of the third part. Title commenced to the southern portion of the property with an indenture of 14 Nov 1848 between John Worsfold of the first part, Philip Cooke of the second part and James King, John Bull, Thomas Wood, Alfred Wells and Joseph Ede of the third part. | |
S1228 | Sale particulars for Fishfold Farm, Ockley, an agricultural estate over 121 acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Brett's Limited of Richmond, 05 Sep 1945. 9pp with a location map and a coloured plan. The sale was on the directions of G R Wilkins (printed as E G Wilkins but initials altered in manuscript). The estate incorporated a 16th century farmhouse, farm buildings and 2 cottages. The sale included 3 additional residential plots of 47 acres adjoining Holdenbrook Lane and a private road. Title commenced with the probate of the will of William Frederick, Lord Abinger, who died 16 Jan 1892. | |
S1229 | Sale particulars for an agricultural and sporting estate over 313 acres in Abinger, incorporating Fishfold, Pisley and New Barn Farms, to be sold by auction at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, by Messrs Hewett & Lee of Guildford, 22 May 1928. 15pp including 2 coloured plans. The sale was on the directions of the trustees for William Frederick, Lord Abinger and title commenced with the probate of the will of William Frederick, Lord Abinger, who died 16 Jan 1892. Sold in 6 lots as follows: | |
S1229 ctd | Lot 1: Pisley Farm, a cottage farmhouse with farm buildings and 72 acres. Lot 2: Fishfold Farm, a 16th century farmhouse with farm building in 207 acres. Lot 3: New Barn Farm, a cottage farmhouse with farm buildings and 32 acres. Lot 4: A pair of semi-detached cottages with 3 acres of arable land. Let to tenants Giles and Duffell. Lot 5: Lyefield Lodge, a detached cottage with 13 acres of pasture and woodland. Lot 6: 6 acres of freehold accommodation pasture land. | |
S1230 | Sale particulars for Fredley House, Mickleham, a freehold country residence in two and three quarter acres, to be sold by auction at St James's Estate Rooms, London, by Hampton & Sons of London, 25 Jul 1933. 11pp with photographs and a location map. Title commenced with a mortgage agreement of 16 May 1866 between Maria Drummond of the one part, and Sir George Richard Philips and James Weston of the other part. | |
S1231 | Sale particulars for Fairfield, South Holmwood, a detached property, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 22 Aug 1938. 7pp with a manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1231 ctd | Title commenced with a conveyance of sale of 24 Jul 1901 between Wildman Cattley and Kate Dullea. The property was to be sold subject to stipulations and restrictions contained in the schedule to a conveyance 02 Jan 1895 between Archdale Palmer Wickham, James Frank Bright and Reginald Bosworth Smith of the one part and Wildman Cattley of the other part. | |
S1232 | Sale particulars for 22 Fairfield Drive, Dorking, a semi-detached bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by White & Sons of Dorking, 24 Feb 1947. 4pp with a manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1233 | Sale particulars for Freninten, Hillside Garden, Brockham, a freehold bungalow, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Arnold & Son of Dorking, 01 Nov 1948. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the bids, the property was not sold. | |
S1234 | Catalogue for the sale of standing oak timber on the Brockhamhurst Estate, Betchworth, to be sold by tender by Messrs Crow of Dorking, Feb 1908. 6pp. | |
S1235 | Sale particulars for Brympton, Ridgeway Road, Dorking, a freehold detached residence, 2 detached cottages and 7 acres of land, to be sold by auction at Harrods Estate Sale Rooms, London, by Harrods Ltd of London, 28 Oct 1930. 18pp with photographs and a coloured plan. Mrs Stanton was in residence. The property was to be sold in 6 lots as follows: | |
S1235 ctd | Lot 1: Brympton main residence with two and a half acres of grounds. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 10 Nov 1906 between J I Wynn Williams and M Wynn Williams of the one part and Charles Marsh Schomberg, Hubert John Elliot and William Thomas Slater Dauntesey of the other part. | |
S1235 ctd | Lots 2 to 4: 1 & 2 Brympton Cottages and one and a half acres of adjoining building land, fronting Ridgeway Road. Title commenced with two conveyances on sale of 28 Sep 1878 and 04 Apr 1879, both made between Messrs Rossiter & Curtis of the one part and Alfred Chabot of the other part. | |
S1235 ctd | Lot 5: Two and a half acres of building land adjacent to Dorking Tennis Club, Ridgeway Road. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 15 Aug 1912 between James Beattie and John Edward Saul of the one part and Charles Marsh Schomberg and Hubert John Elliot of the other part. | |
S1235 ctd | Lot 6: Half an acre of wooded building land, adjacent to Lot 1 and with access from Roman Road. Title commenced with a conveyance on sale of 19 Jul 1893 between George Scales and Henry Thomas Challacombe. | |
S1236 | Sale particulars for the Sussex portion of the Broadwood Estate, Kingsfold, for sale by auction by Messrs Crow, chartered surveyors of Dorking, on the instruction of Captain Evelyn Broadwood, 6 Oct 1955, 26pp; 5 illus; fold out plan; map affixed to inside front cover. Some manuscript notes. Broadwood E H T: Holden J R: Broadwood E H T: Clapshaw W E G: Phillips A and A J: Worsley C P: Farnfield S G: Batchelor J and W: Johnston J: Burrage Mrs E A: Daniels H F. | |
S1236 ctd | The estate comprises 7 dairy and stock farms, woodlands and 2 cottages, totalling 814 acres. It includes Stone Farm, Warnham, Denne Farm, Ockley and Warnham, Brookhouse Farm, Warnham, Marches Farm, Warnham, Tickfold Farm, Warnham, Wattlehurst Farm, Capel and Ockley, and Hewells Farm, Warnham and Capel. | |
S1237 | Sale particulars for 35 plots of freehold building land to be developed as Box Hill Estate, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Fredk L Crow of Dorking, 28 Jun 1888. 10pp including a coloured plan. The land was adjacent to Box Hill Railway Station (now Dorking Deepdene Station) bordered by London Road, Lincoln Road and Pipp Brook, and formed part of the surplus lands of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Company. | |
S1238 | Sale particulars for Rosewood Cottage, North Holmwood, a copyhold house with adjoining bakers shop, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 01 Aug 1901. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. The property was let on a repairing lease to Mr Frank Butcher and Mrs Elizabeth Butcher. | |
S1239 | Catalogue for the sale of horses, carriages and harnesses at Red Lion Yard, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 19 Sep 1901. 12pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr T W Lawrence who was relinquishing the Job Masters business. | |
S1240 | Sale particulars for 3 acres of freehold building land and a kiln at Stonebridge, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 05 Apr 1906. 5pp including a coloured plan. The land was off the Newdigate Road, near to Holmwood Common, one mile from the centre of Dorking. The sale was as a result of a dissolved partnership of unnamed parties. | |
S1241 | Sale particulars for 2 pairs of adjoining cottages at Redlands Bank, Holmwood, near to the Norfolk Arms, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 05 Mar 1908. To be sold in 2 lots. 4 items; all variants of the same sales particulars but with differing manuscript additions. | |
S1241 ctd | Lot 1: Pair of cottages let to weekly tenants James Moore and Amos Batchelor. Lot sold to Mrs Mary Peters of Dene Street, Dorking. | |
S1241 ctd | Lot 2: Adjoining pair of cottages let to weekly tenants Arthur Skilton and William Heaseman. | |
S1242 | Poster for the sale of 2 pairs of adjoining cottages at Redlands Bank, Holmwood, near to the Norfolk Arms, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 05 Mar 1908. See item S1241 for the sale particulars. | |
S1243 | Sale particulars for Vitae Cottage and Laurel Cottage, Warwick Road, South Holmwood, a pair of freehold villa residences with stabling and building land, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 23 Oct 1913. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price. The sale was on the directions of the trustees of Mr Meredith Pledge. Vitae Cottage was let to Mr Frederick James Wade, a weekly tenant; Laurel Cottage to Mr William Dawes, a quarterly tenant and the stabling to Mr John Buckland, a quarterly tenant. | |
S1244 | Sale particulars for Wellpoles, Charlwood, a freehold estate with a residence and outbuildings in 16 acres, to be sold by auction at The Half Moon Inn, Charlwood, by Messrs Baker & Baker of Horley, 03 Oct 1906. 7pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price and including a plan of the estate. Title commenced with a conveyance of sale of 11 Aug 1877 between John Thompson and Edgar John Clayton. | |
S1245 | Catalogue for the sale of agricultural equipment and tools at Raikes Farm, Abinger Common, to be sold by auction at the farm by Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 21 Apr 1980. 12pp including a location map. | |
S1246 | Sales brochure for the freehold estate of Home Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, for sale through the joint agents Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking and Strutt &Parker of London, [1980s?]. 11pp with photographs and a coloured plan. The property consisted of Home Farmhouse, farm buildings, Stable House and Stone House, in 158 acres. Home Farmhouse was originally a bailiffs house on the Bury Hill Estate and was built in the 1830's. | |
S1247 | Sale particulars for Holmwood Park Farm, Mill Lane, Dorking, a 1950's property with farm buildings, a pair of cottages and 132 acres of land, to be sold by auction at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 14 Sep 1964. 11pp with photographs and a coloured plan. | |
S1248 | Sale particulars for Shellwood Manor Estate, Shellwood Manor Road, Leigh, a 17th century manor in 391 acres, to be sold by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Bidwell and Sons of Cambridge, on the instructions of Trinity College, Cambridge, 09 Jul 1947. 22pp with photographs and a coloured plan. The estate properties comprised of Shellwood Manor, Shellwood Manor Farm dairy holding, Millfield House and 4 cottages, and was to be sold in 8 lots as follows: | |
S1248 ctd | Lot 1: Shellwood Manor with 12 acres of grounds. Let to yearly tenant Mr C Hankin. | |
S1248 ctd | Lot 2: Shellwood Manor Farm with 366 acres and 2 cottages, let to yearly tenant Mr C Hankin. | |
S1248 ctd | Lots 3: Millfield, Shellwood Manor Road, a detached property let to yearly tenant Major A N Allen. | |
S1248 ctd | Lots 4 & 5: A pair of semi-detached cottages let on a quarterly tenancy to Mr C Hankin. | |
S1248 ctd | Lots 6 to 8: 3 plots of land over 13 acres, let to yearly tenant Mr C Hankin. | |
S1248 ctd | Title commenced as to the greater part of the property with a conveyance on sale of 28 Mar 1930 between the Duke of Norfolk on the first part, Viscount Fitz Alan of Derwent, the Duchess of Norfolk and the public trustees on the second part, and Percy Portway Harvey on the third part. | |
S1249 | Sales brochure for the freehold property, Gosterwood Manor, Ockley, a manor dating to the 13th century in 32 and a half acres, to be sold by auction at The Estate Room, London, by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of London, 22 Jun 1937. 22pp with photographs, a coloured plan, historical notes and an artist's illustration of the property. The sale was on the directions of Mr H K Longman. | |
S1249 ctd | Title commenced with the reconveyance of mortgage of 28 Aug 1850, whereby the property was conveyed with other properties to William John Evelyn. | |
S1250 | Sale particulars for the freehold property, 9 The Hatch, Ockley, a semi-detached Grade II listed 16th century cottage, for sale by auction at The Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 05 Jul 1978. 8pp with photograph, location map and manuscript additions of the bids. | |
S1250 ctd | Title to the property commenced with a Vesting Assent of 26 Oct 1899 between H C Lee-Steere on the one part and C W Lee-Steere and F T Rushton on the other part. | |
S1251 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, household furniture and effects at Rowles Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 24 Sep 1901. 26pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr Thomas Rusbridge who was leaving the business. | |
S1252 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, household furniture and effects at Redlands Farm, Redlands Lane, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 20 Sep 1901. 20pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mrs Charman who was leaving the business. | |
S1253 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools at Park Farm, Wotton, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 23 Sep 1901. 25pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr Mark Rose who was leaving the business. | |
S1254 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects at Park Farm House, Wotton, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 25 Sep 1901. 18pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr Mark Rose who was leaving the business. | |
S1255 | Catalogue for the sale of garden implements, garden tools, plants and poultry at Holmwood Cottage, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 23 Jun 1903. 12pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Louis Paine whose lease on the premises had expired. | |
S1256 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools at Profits Farm, Clayhill Road, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 27 Feb 1903. 10pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr John Danbury who was leaving the business. | |
S1257 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, dairy and brewing utensils, household furniture and effects at Chaffolds Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 01 Oct 1904. 15pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr N Hogsflesh who was leaving the premises. | |
S1258 | Catalogue and 2 letters for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools at Lower Springfield Farm, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 02 Jun 1905. 3 items. The sales catalogue, has manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot, and the 2 letters are from Mr Holmand of 3 Junction Road, Dorking, to the auctioneers, giving instructions on the contents and reserve prices for items in the sale. The sale was on the directions of Mr L R Rate. | |
S1259 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects at Henfold Cottages, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 24 Jun 1905. 18pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late Mr Thos Baker. | |
S1260 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools at Rowles Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 25 Sep 1906. 20pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Messrs Atkins and Burberry who were leaving the business. | |
S1261 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects, carriages and harnesses at The Cottage, Ockley, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 21 Sep 1906. 28pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late Mrs H Lee-Steere. | |
S1262 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, household furniture and effects at Moores Farm, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 18 Sep 1907. 20pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mrs Parsons who was leaving the area. | |
S1263 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, household furniture and effects at Hill Lands Farm, Russ Hill, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 02 Oct 1907. 27pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr W Franks who was relocating abroad. | |
S1264 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools at Goodwyns Farm, North Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 27 Sep 1907. 19pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr J W Atkinson who was retiring. | |
S1265 | Catalogue for the sale of household furniture and effects including a collection of watercolours, engraving and books, at Ockley Lodge, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 13 Mar 1907. 31pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. | |
S1266 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools at Greens Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 22 Nov 1907. 17pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. | |
S1267 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, household furniture and effects at Blanks Farm, Park Gate, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 21 Sep 1908. 13pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of Mr John Harkett who was leaving the business. | |
S1268 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, at Home Farm, Mickleham Hall, Mickleham, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 08 Jul 1908. 18pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of H H Gordon Clark who was letting the farm. | |
S1269 | Catalogue for the sale of the remaining household furniture and effects at The Rectory, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 28 Jul 1909. 2 items which include an auctioneers copy and a clerks copy both, with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late Reverend W Noble. | |
S1270 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and tools, at Home Farm, Ockley Lodge, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 06 Sep 1909. 2 items which include an auctioneers copy and a clerks copy, both with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the directions of C L Enderby who was leaving the area. | |
S1271 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery along with surplus household furniture and effects at Profits Farm, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 28 Sep 1909. Sale on the directions of Mr H Diment who was leaving the business. 2 items both with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. Auctioneers copy 15pp and Clerks copy 14pp. | |
S1272 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery at Little Park Farm, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 22 Apr 1909. Sale on the directions of Mr H Stanley Eggleton. 2 items both with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. Auctioneers copy 18pp and Clerks copy 16pp. | |
S1273 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and a few lots of household furniture and effects at Oak Lane, Cudworth, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 16 Feb 1910. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 13pp. | |
S1274 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery at Greens Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 17 Oct 1910. Sale on the directions of Mr H Oliver who was leaving the business. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 13pp. | |
S1275 | Catalogue for sale of household contents at Lyne House, Capel, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 27 Oct 1910. Sale on the directions of Mr E H T Broadwood upon the property being let. 2 items both with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. Auctioneers copy 41pp and Clerks copy 35pp. | |
S1276 | Catalogue for the sale of the remaining household furniture and effects including upwards of 700 volumes of books at The Vicarage, Leigh, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 21 Feb 1910. Sale on the directions of the executrix of the late Reverend Clement Lucas. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 21pp. | |
S1277 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock and agricultural implements at Ashcroft Farm, Gadbrook, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 27 Sep 1910. Sale on the instructions of Mr Lawrence Lidbetter who was leaving the business. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 7pp. | |
S1278 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery at Bentsbrook Farm, Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 19 Sep 1910. Sale on the instructions of Mr Daniel Fairbrother as a consequence of the land being sold. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 15pp. | |
S1279 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery at Horsieland Farm, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 09 Jun 1932. Sale on the instructions of E V Tomalin. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 17pp. | |
S1280 | Postcard addressed to Messrs Crow, South Street, Dorking, advertising the sale of shares in Dorking Water Company by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs A H Lyne of Dorking, 01 Apr 1920. | |
S1281 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock, agricultural implements and machinery at Brittleware Farm, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 19 Nov 1947. Sale on the instructions of Mr D Bowerman. 9pp. | |
S1282 | Sale particulars for two pairs of newly built freehold cottages on Glovers Lane, Charlwood, to be sold by auction at the Half Moon, Charlwood by Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 03 Oct 1906. 4pp. Sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S1282 ctd | Lot 1: two cottages let to weekly tenants F Bicknall and J Burberry; manuscript addition noting sale price. | |
S1282 ctd | Lot 2: two cottages, adjoining Lot 1, let to monthly tenant H Lingard and quarterly tenant W Laker. | |
S1283 | Sale particulars for a freehold country residence with household items, gardens, stabling, coach-house, land and six cottages at Redlands Bank, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 06 Jun 1906. Three copies, each with differing manuscript additions including the sale price of each lot. Each 6pp with one including a separate inventory of the household fixtures and two containing a coloured estate plan. | |
S1284 | Sale particulars for a freehold gabled residence with gardens, stabling and two cottages at Redlands Bank, Holmwood Common, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 26 May 1908. See S1283 for previous sale. 9pp | |
S1285 | Sale particulars for Boskoop, a semi-detached residence in The Borough, Brockham, to be sold by auction by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 16 Jun 1948. 6pp with manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1286 | Sale particulars for freehold properties in Brockham, Strood Green and Nutfield, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 21 Jun 1948. 10pp with manuscript additions noting the sale price of each lot. Sold in 4 lots as follows: | |
S1286 ctd | Lot 1: A pair of cottages on Middle Street, Brockham; Hollybourne, let to Mr S C Moppett and The Willows, let to Mrs E Lucas. Title to both properties commenced with an agreement of 23 Apr 1920 between Elizabeth Brooks and John William Rowe Brooks of the one part and William Harman of the other part. | |
S1286 ctd | Lot 2: The Bungalow, Middle Street Brockham, let to Mr F A Franks. Title to the property commenced with an agreement of 19 Apr 1924 between John Thomas Belchamber and Horace Miles of the one part and Cyril Berry of the other part. | |
S1286 ctd | Lot 3: 4 Middle Street, Strood Green, Betchworth let to Mrs A M Sole. Title to the property commenced with an agreement of 30 Apr 1926 between James Boxall of the one part and Alfred Charman the younger and Ellen Charman of the other part. | |
S1286 ctd | Lot 4: two cottages; 40 Mid Street, South Nutfield let to Mr P D'Arcy and 42 let to Mrs M E Luff. Title to the properties commenced with an agreement of 11 Sep 1893 between Saunders Jeal of the one part and William Cornelieus Charlwood of the other part. | |
S1287 | Sale particulars for the detached Brook Cottage, Gadbrook Road, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 05 Jun 1950. 5pp with manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1287 ctd | Title to the property commenced with an agreement of 09 Nov 1918 between the executor of the will of the late Robert Gordon of the one part and Graeme Alexander Lockhart Whitelaw of the other part. | |
S1288 | Catalogue for the sale of household items at Brockhamhurst, Brockham, to be sold by auction at the premises by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 16 Sep 1905. Sale on the instructions of the Misses Talbot. Auctioneers copy with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. 13pp. | |
S1289 | Sale particulars for woodland known as Nower Woods and Pignut Woods on Headley Court Estate, Headley, to be sold by auction at the New Bull Hotel, Leatherhead, by Messrs Weller, Eggar & Co. of Guildford, 04 Nov 1971. Sale on the direction of the trustees of the will of the late Rt Hon Walter Baron Cunliffe of Headley. 10pp with coloured estate plan and manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1290 | Sale particulars for five freehold cottages, Nos 28 to 38 Bailey Road, Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Arnold & Son of Dorking, 27 Oct 1952. Sale on the order of the personal representative of the late W J R Hunt. 6pp with manuscript addition noting that the properties were not sold. | |
S1291 | Sale particulars for Boxhill Cottage, a detached period cottage in Westhumble, to be sold by auction at an unspecified location by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland of Dorking, 16 Jun 1948. 7pp with manuscript addition noting the sale price. | |
S1291 ctd | Title to the property commenced with the will of the late John Matthew who died on 07 Aug 1869 and later through a vesting deed of 29 May 1930 between Henry Herbert Gordon Clark James William Freshfield and John Thoburn McGaw of the one part and Sir William Matthew Trevor Lawrence, Bart of the other part. | |
S1292 | Sale brochure for Bonnets Farmhouse, Capel, through agents Crow, Watkin & Watkin, Dorking, [c.1979?]. 6pp with map and photographs. | |
S1293 | Catalogue for the sale of farming stock at Wattlehurst Farm, Capel, to be sold by auction at the farm by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 26 Oct 1944. Sale on the directions of Mr E S Williams who was retiring. 4pp. | |
S1294 | Cover from sale particulars for Pembury Cottage, Ockley, sold through joint agents Strutt & Parker of London and Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, [c.1980?]. Photographs only with no accompanying details. 1pp. | |
S1295 | Sale particulars for Jordans Farm, Forest Green, comprising of farmhouse, agricultural buildings, orchard and land, to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 24 Jun 1907. Sale on the instructions of Henry Charles Lee Steere. 8pp including coloured estate plan. | |
S1295 ctd | The property was settled by the late Mr Lee Steere, grandfather of the vendor, on the marriage of his eldest son the late Mr Lee Steere Steere, the uncle of the vendor. The property was sold subject to the existing tenancy of Mr James Charman as to the farm and Lord Abinger as to the shooting. | |
S1296 | Sale particulars for 12 lots of underwood in the parishes of Wotton, Abinger, Ockley and Ewhurst, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Inn, Ockley by Messrs White & Son of Dorking, 03 Dec 1880. 5 lots on the estate of the Rt Hon Lord Abinger and 7 lots on the estate of the Hon P C Scarlett. 3pp. | |
S1297 | Sale particulars for 2 freehold cottages and a blacksmiths shop with dwelling house, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Mr Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 30 May 1901. Sale on the directions of the executors of the late Mrs Esther Reeves. 2 copies, one with manuscript additions noting the price of each lot. Each 4pp. Sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S1297 ctd | Lot 1: 2 cottages at Kingsland, Newdigate, in the occupation of Messrs Sturt and Wyatt. Title to the properties commenced with an indenture of conveyance on sale of 10 Nov 1886 by the late William Farnell Watson. | |
S1297 ctd | Lot 2: A blacksmiths shop and dwelling house, Rusper Road, Newdigate. Title to the properties commenced with an indenture of conveyance on sale of 08 Nov 1886 by the late William Farnell Watson. | |
S1298 | Catalogue for the auction of shares in Dorking Water Company at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 10 Aug 1905. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the amounts paid. | |
S1299 | Sale particulars for two freehold cottages on Blanks Lane, Newdigate and a freehold orchard fronting onto Hound House Road, Newdigate, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Frederick L Crow of Dorking, 17 May 1906. Cottages let to J Ilman and Mrs Lucas as weekly tenants. 4pp. | |
S1300-S1335 | Part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
S1336 | Sale particulars for 5 Rose Hill, Dorking, sold through agents Nationwide Anglia-King & Chasemore of Dorking, [c.1990?]. 7pp with photographs. | |
S1337 | Sale particulars for The Tower, Tower Hill, Dorking, sold through agents Patrick Gardner & Co. of Dorking, [c.1995?]. 5pp with photographs. Includes a brief history of the Tower which was built in 1828 as a folly for Mr Dendy. The house itself was built onto to the Tower in around 1902 and was known as Tower Hall. This was once occupied by Rev G K Olivier (1869-1939), the father of the actor and director Laurence Olivier (1907-1989), who ran a small prep school for boys here whilst he was the local curate. | |
S1338-S1342 | Now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
S1343 | Auctioneer's copy of a catalogue for the sale of the entire stock of 'The Old Curiosity Shop,' South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the premises adjoining the Post Office by Messrs White and Sons of Dorking, 15 Sep 1904 to 16 Sep 1904. 27pp with manuscript additions which note the names of the purchasers and the price of each lot. The sale was under the instructions of the trustee of Mr John (known as Jack) Sanford. 2 items which include a photocopy of a poster advertising the sale. Date of the photocopy: [c.late 20th century?]. See R399/1-19 for associated correspondence. | |
S1344-S1347 | Now part of the Knight collection at DM1 | |
S1348 | Sale particulars for the Dutch House at Horsham Road, South Holmwood, to be sold through the agents Alliance & Leicester of Dorking, [c.1995]. 6pp illustrated with photographs. A Grade II listed property, it was built at the turn of the 20th century and designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. | |
S1349 | Sale particulars for 2 Spring Gardens, Station Road, Dorking, to be sold through the agents Alliance & Leicester of Dorking, [c.1995?]. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1350 | Sale particulars for 2 Spring Cottages, Westcott Street, Westcott, to be sold through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, [c.1990?]. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1351 | Coloured plan for the sale of Wonham Manor Estate, Betchworth, to be sold by auction at an unspecified location by joint agents White & Sons of Dorking and Hampton & Sons of Cockspur Street, London, 1913. The sale was under the direction of the executors of the late R C Clutton. There are no associated sale particulars. | |
S1352 | Coloured site plan showing lots 13 to 15 only, for the sale of Collick Moor Farm, Logmore Lane, Dorking, [c.mid to late 1800s?] There are no associated sale particulars and therefore there are no details of the vendor, auctioneers or the date and place of the auction although it is noted that the farming stock was sold in 1833. | |
S1353 | Sales brochure for a new development of apartments at Highacre Grange, The Lowburys, off Ridgeway Road, Dorking, to be sold by Cala Homes of Staines, Middlesex, Jun 1996. 16pp including general specifications, a coloured site plan, particulars and floor plans for two of the apartment blocks named Chartwell Court Grange and Clandon Mews, a price list, a location map and artist's illustrations. | |
S1354 | Photocopy of the sale particulars for a freehold property with a bow fronted shop on the south side of East Street (now High Street), Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, by Mr J C Stevens of Covent Garden, London, 15 Oct 1851. 2pp. Date of the photocopy [c.late 20th century?]. The vendor was not stated but the property was let to Mr John Bellchamber, a yearly tenant. | |
S1355 | Sales brochure for a new development of 18 properties at St Martin's Mews, off Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by Barrats House Builders, 1996. 17pp including specifications, coloured site plan, floor plans, price list, overview location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1356 | Sale particulars for Corner Cottage, 164-166 South Street, Dorking, to be sold through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1996. 4pp with photographs. The cottage and adjacent premises were formerly occupied by F W Mays & Co. car dealership. | |
S1357 | Sale particulars for Hillhouse Farm, Misbrooks Green, Capel, to be sold through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1996. 10pp with photographs, house plan and site plan. The property included the farmhouse and equestrian facilities with 39 acres of land. | |
S1358 | Sales brochure for a new development of 10 properties at Rose Hill Gardens, South Terrace, Dorking, to be sold by Laing Homes, Crawley, 1997. 17pp including specifications, coloured site plan, floor plans, price list, overview location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1359 | Sales particulars for a Victorian country house at Moorhurst, Moorhurst Lane, Beare Green, for sale through the agents Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, [c.1977]. 5pp with photograph. | |
S1360 | Sale particulars for the period property and estate at Stumblehole, Leigh, to be sold through the joint agents Willian Wood, Son & Gardener of Crawley and Knight, Fowler & Rutley of Hanover Square, London, Jan 1958. 4pp with photographs. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Dorothy Hartman and the estate consisted of 2 staff flats, 4 cottages, farm buildings, a pig unit and 100 acres of land. | |
S1361 | Sale particulars for freehold building land at South Street, Dorking, on the site of the old Dorking Workhouse, to be sold in 3 lots at auction at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, by William Miller of Dorking, 10 Jul 1845. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale prices. | |
S1361 ctd | The land belonged to the Dorking Charity and the sale was pursuant to an order by the High Court of Chancery. The property was formerly in the estate of the late Richard Browne who conveyed it to trustees on 18 Jun 1613 for charitable purposes. | |
S1362 | Sales particulars for 3 freehold cottages at Flint Hill, Dorking, to be sold at auction at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking by Mr Frederick Arnold of Dorking, 13 Apr 1899. 4pp which incorporates a memorandum of the agreement of sale of 26 Apr 1899 to Robert Henry Beaumont of South Street, Dorking. | |
S1362 ctd | Sale on the directions of Mrs Elizabeth Gibbens and comprised of a pair of cottages on the south side of Flint Hill which were let to Messrs Arthurs and Edwards as weekly tenants and a detached cottage, let to Miss Jupp, a weekly tenant. | |
S1363 | Sale particulars for the Georgian Grade II listed Flint Cottage at Box Hill, Dorking, to be sold through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1985. 4pp with photographs. Flint cottage was the former home of the poet George Meredith between 1868 and 1909. | |
S1364 | Sale particulars for Byways, Chichester Road, Dorking, to be sold through the agents Pearson Cole of Dorking, 1985. 3pp with photograph and general location map. | |
S1365 | Sales brochure for a new development of 7 properties at Rose Hill Arch Mews, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1998. 5pp including specifications, overview location map, price list and artists illustrations. | |
S1366 | Sales brochure for a new development of 14 properties at Redcote Place, Pixham Lane, Dorking, to be sold by the builders Berkeley Homes and for sale through the agents Patrick Gardner & Co of Dorking, 1998. 21pp including specifications, coloured site plan, floor plans, price list, overview location map, artists illustrations and an insert of a Mole Valley District site plan with typed observations from a resident. | |
S1367 | Photocopy of the sale particulars for Boxlands, London Road, Dorking, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1951?]. 6pp with a poor quality photograph and a manuscript note stating "To Martin Cole from Arthur [Locke?] who lived here before moving to Capel Leyse, South Holmwood". Date of the photocopy [c.1990's?]. The property is described as a Georgian residence with 9 acres of land and 2 accompanying residences, The Beehive and the Old Lodge. The Beehive at that time was under requisition by the Ministry of Health. | |
S1368 | Sale particulars for The Sundial, Folly Lane, South Holmwood, to be sold through the agents Halifax Property Services of Dorking, Jul 1999. 6pp with photographs and a brief history of the Sir Edwin Lutyens designed residence. | |
S1369 | Sale particulars for the freehold estate known as Gatwick at Charlwood, to be let or sold by auction at an unspecified location and date by Debenham, Tewson & Farmer of Cheapside, London, [c.1890?], 7pp, illustrated including a plan and a small location map. Additional manuscript notes are faded and mostly illegible. The estate, of 525 acres, comprised a family residence, stabling, pleasure and kitchen gardens, a model farm and parkland. | |
S1370 | Sale particulars for Lime Kiln Cottage at Dog Kennel Green, Ranmore, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1998. 6pp including photographs and two full page illustrations of the north and south elevations. The property is described as 18th century and included 29 acres of land. | |
S1371 | Sale particulars for a split level flat at 2 The Green, Parsonage Lane, Westcott, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, May-Jul 1988. 2pp with photographs. | |
S1372-S1506 | Part of the Knight Collection at DM1 | |
S1459 | Sale of Heath Rise & land in Parsonage Lane & Institute Road, Westcott, 1881. (Part of Knight collection) | |
S1507 | Sale particulars for a freehold house with shop in Dorking and ten cottages in Dorking and Westcott, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr E Butcher of Dorking, 24 Apr 1884. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the sale prices. For sale in 3 lots as follows: | |
S1507 ctd | Lot 1: 4 freehold cottages at Bailey Road, Westcott, let to weekly tenants Messrs Jeater, Edser, Cooper and Smith. | |
S1507 ctd | Lots 2: 2 freehold cottages at Pixholme Lane, Dorking, let to quarterly tenants Mr Smith and Mr Butcher. | |
S1507 ctd | Lot 3: A freehold house and shop together with 4 freehold cottages situated at "the angle" on the north side of Leslie Road and Pixholme Lane, Dorking. The shop was let to Mr Wallace Breem, a brewer, who took over the running of the business in Michaelmas 1882. The 4 cottages were let to weekly tenants Mr Holloway, Mr Cooper, Mr Dawes and Mr Dennis. | |
S1508 | Records relating to the sale of building land on Westcott Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction at The Crown, Westcott, by Mr James White of Dorking, 10 Jan 1840. Sale in 4 lots and on the instructions of the landowner John Gadd of Westcott. 4 items. | |
S1508/1 | Poster advertising the sale and with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids, 10 Jan 1840. | |
S1508/2 | Bill issued by Robert Best Ede, bookseller, printer and stationer of Dorking, to Mr White, auctioneers of Dorking, for printing services, 16 Jan 1840. 1p. | |
S1508/3 | Signed letter from the landowner, John Gadd, to Mr James White the auctioneer, authorising Mr J W Sherman to be able to bid on his behalf at the auction on 10 Jan 1840 and to not be subject to auction duty, 09 Jan 1840. 1p. | |
S1508/4 | Signed conditions of sale agreement between the landowner, John Gadd and the three successful bidders, D [Daniel?] Pullen with 2 lots, R W Philps and J Walker, 10 Jan1840. 3pp. | |
S1509 | Sales brochure for a new office development at Abinger House, Church Street, Dorking, to be sold through the joint agents Butler Rosyth of Epsom, Bryant & Partners of [Beckton, London?] and Shearer Harris & Partners of [Luton?], 2002. 4pp including an office floor plan, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1510 | Sale particulars, including a separate plan, for the sale of freehold building land at "Harrow Lands", Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr Whittingham of Moorgate, London, 10 Aug 1859. 2 items. The land was to be sold in 35 lots fronting onto South Terrace, Harrow Road and Tower Hill. | |
S1511 | Sale particulars, including a separate plan, for the sale of freehold building land at "Harrow Lands", Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Mr Whittingham of Moorgate, London, 10 Jun 1862. 2 items. The land was to be sold in 21 lots fronting onto South Terrace, Harrow Road and Tower Hill. | |
S1512 | Sale particulars for freehold properties and land on Holmwood Common and in Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 16 Aug 1866. 6pp with manuscript additions. The sale formed part of the real estates of the late Mr George Eives and was to be sold in 5 lots as follows: | |
S1512 ctd | Lot 1: A freehold estate known as "The Holmwood", Holmwood Common, consisting of a farm cottage, cattle yard, orchard and an ornamental cottage residence let to Mr W Dewdney, a yearly tenant. Title to the estate commenced with an indenture of release of 10 Jan 1785 and as to the rectorial tithes an indenture of 15 Sep 1832. | |
S1512 ctd | Lot 2: A small freehold property and cottage on Holmwood Common, held by the Reverend E D Wickham and an unnamed yearly undertenant. Title to the properties commenced with indentures of lease and release of 28 & 29 Sep 1786 and as to the rectorial tithes with a deed of 15 Sep 1832. | |
S1512 ctd | Lot 3: A small ornamental freehold cottage located close to Dorking Waterworks, let to weekly tenant Mr Charles Cheesman. Title to the property commenced with an indenture of lease and release of 07 & 08 Mar 1817. | |
S1512 ctd | Lot 4: 2 dwelling houses, incorporating large shops, located on the south side of High Street, Dorking, adjoining the London & County Bank and both with access to a large yard accessed via a carriageway from the High Street. The properties were in tenure of Mr William Latter, a draper and hosier, who held a lease for 7 years from Lady Day 1866 and Mr Joseph Clift a chemist and druggist who held a 21 year lease of which 14 remained unexpired on Lady Day 1866. Title to the properties commenced with the will of the late George Whitewick Eives dated 04 Aug 1823 and proved on 13 Sep 1823. | |
S1512 ctd | Lot 5: Freehold pasture and garden land known as "The Back Fields" for accommodation development, located at the rear of Lot 4 and under occupation by Mr Joseph Clift as a yearly tenant. Title to the land commenced with the will of the late George Whitewick Eives dated 04 Aug 1823 and proved on 13 Sep 1823. | |
S1513 | Sale particulars for a new development building estate known as "The Wathen", off High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, by Mr E Butcher, Dorking, 29 Aug 1882. 4pp with manuscript additions. The vendors were J F Jones and R P Aldershaw and the land developed formed part of the estate settled by the will of the late Lady Elizabeth Wathen of Shrub Hill, Dorking. | |
S1513 ctd | The development consisted of 56 plots; 51 lots were a mix of terraced, single and semi-detached housing and 5 lots were shops. The sale particulars include a signed memorandum of sale to Richard Fielder, a draper from Dorking, for 4 residential plots, dated 29 Aug 1882. | |
S1514 | Sale particulars and an associated newspaper advertisement for Little Orchard, St Pauls Road West, Dorking, for sale through the agents Hampton International of Dorking, 2002. 2 items, both with photographs. The property was formerly called Glorydene and was the residence of Ralph Vaughan Williams for a short period in the late 1920's prior to his move to The White Gates, off Westcott Road, Dorking. | |
S1515 | Sales brochure for a development of refurbished apartments and new mews cottages at Westfield Gardens, Drill Hall Road, Dorking, developed by Laing Homes of Leatherhead and for sale through the agents Patrick Gardner & Co of Dorking, 2002. 17pp including specifications, site plan, floor plans, price list, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1516 | Sales brochure for 11 apartment conversions at Brockham Park House, Gadbrook Road, Brockham, for sale by Bewley Homes of Esher, 2002. 33pp including site history, specifications, site plan, floor plans and general location map. | |
S1517 | Poster for the sale of freehold properties in Dorking and copyhold properties in Holmwood, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by White & Sons of Dorking, 09 May 1861. The sale was under instructions issued in the will of the late William Ryde. The properties sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S1517 ctd | Lot 1: 2 small freehold houses in South Street, Dorking, let to tenants Mr Walter Philps and Mr Francis Franks. | |
S1517 ctd | Lot 2: 2 copyhold cottages set in a large garden plot near to the Norfolk Arms and adjoining the turnpike road on "The Holmwood", let to tenants Mr William Smith and Mr John Knight. The copyhold tenure was held by the Manor of Dorking cum-Capel and contained three quarters of an acre. | |
S1518 | Sale particulars for 5 freehold cottages on Jubilee Terrace, Rothes Road, part of the Wathen Estate, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Mr E Butcher of Dorking, 30 May 1889. 4pp. The sale was by order of the mortgagees of Wathen Estate. | |
S1518 ctd | The 5 cottages, numbered 10 to 14 inclusive, were let to weekly tenants Messrs John Gibson, Frederick Hake, John T Gaunt, William Mole and George West. Abstract of the title commenced with a conveyance of 12 Aug 1882 between Messrs George Fletcher Jones and Robert Piggot Oldershaw. | |
S1519 | Catalogue for the sale of furniture and household items belonging to Mr Thomas Curtis of South Street Dorking, for sale by auction at the premises by James White of Dorking, 01 Feb 1819. 11pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. Mr Curtis was relocating to Colchester. | |
S1520 | Sale particulars for The Wheatsheaf, High Street Dorking, consisting of a free tavern and commercial inn, stabling, trade accommodation and 2 nearby cottages, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 11 Mar 1880. 4pp. The sale was under the instructions of the unnamed proprietor. The properties were sold in 2 lots as follows: | |
S1520 ctd | Lot 1: The inn with access to a large yard which was to be used in common with the adjoining property belonging to Walter Philps. The yard had a livery and a bait stables which was let to annual tenant William Sellman, Flymaster, until midsummer 1883. | |
S1520 ctd | Lot 2: 2 brick cottages located near to The Wheatsheaf and accessed off Gumbrell's Yard, Dorking, let to weekly tenants Messrs Ross and May. | |
S1521 | Sales brochure for a new development of 9 apartments and 3 houses at Downsview Place, Deepdene Vale, Reigate Road, Dorking, for sale by Try Homes of Leatherhead, 2003. 16pp including site plan, specifications, floor plans, price list, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1522 | Sales brochure for a new development of 22 apartments at Old Brewery Court, High Street, Dorking, for sale by Michael Shanly Homes, Cobham and through the agents Patrick Gardner & Co of Dorking, 2003. 17pp including site plan, specifications, floor plans, price list, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1523 | Sales brochure with photographs and an agents price confirmation letter for Flint Cottage, Boxhill, Dorking, for sale through the agents Hamptons International of Dorking, 2003. 2 items. Flint Cottage is a Grade II listed Georgian property held on a National Trust lease of 99 years dated from 1983. The cottage was the former home of the poet George Meredith between 1868 and 1909. | |
S1524 | Sale particulars for 14 The Avenue, Brockham, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1525 | Sale particulars for Pebble Hill Cottage, The Coombe, Betchworth, a detached property dating from 1815, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1526 | Sale particulars for Manor Cottage, The Street, Betchworth, a property dating to the 16th century, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1527 | Sale particulars for Charmans, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, a detached property in one acre of grounds, for sale through the agents Prudential of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1528 | Sale particulars for Hill Farm, Logmore Lane, Westcott, a detached property in one and a half acres of grounds, for sale through the agents Halifax Property Services of Dorking, 1991. 5pp with photographs. | |
S1529 | Sale particulars for Holly House, Knoll Road, Dorking, a detached Victorian town house, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1530 | Sale particulars for Posterns Farm, Henfold Lane, South Holmwood, a detached Victorian lodge cottage set in nine acres of pasture and grounds, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photographs. | |
S1531 | Sale particulars for Green End, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a detached 1920's property, for sale through the agents Prudential of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1532 | Sale particulars for Burley, Old Road, Buckland, a detached 1930's property, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1533 | Sale particulars for Sawrey Cottage, Horsham Road, Mid Holmwood, a 19th century property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photograph and a pencil sketch floor plan with observational notes on the property. | |
S1534 | Sale particulars for Chelston, 9 Brockham Lane, Brockham, a detached property for sale through the agents Alliance & Leicester of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1535 | Sale particulars for Craigmore, 5 South Terrace, Dorking, a detached 1920's property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1536 | Sale particulars for Box Hill Cottage, Westhumble Street, Westhumble, a detached 17th century period cottage, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking. 2pp with photograph. The property was originally two cottages that were converted into a single residence. | |
S1537 | Sale particulars for 23 South Terrace, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with no photograph. | |
S1538 | Sale particulars for Marama, Roman Road, Dorking, a detached 1920's property for sale though the agents Alliance & Leicester of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1539 | Sale particulars for Trespassers W, 26 Harrowlands Park, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1540 | Sale particulars for 2 Mosses Wood Cottages, Coldharbour, a late 17th century semi-detached Grade II listed period property, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1541 | Sale particulars for The Hermitage, Holmwood Corner, South Holmwood, a 17th century period cottage, for sale through the agents Mann & Co of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1542 | Sale particulars for The Hollies, 41 St Paul's Road West, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents Hamptons Bridgers of Dorking. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1543 | Sale particulars for Saffrons, Ewood Lane, Newdigate, a detached 1930's cottage in two and a quarter acres of grounds, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1544 | Sale particulars for Lavender Cottage, 12 Wheelers Lane, Brockham, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1545 | Sale particulars for Ferncroft, Horsham Road, South Holmwood, a detached Victorian property for sale through the agents Martin Brown of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1546 | Sale particulars for Peveril, Pilgrims Way, Westhumble, a detached 1930's property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1547 | Sale particulars for Copper Bend, New Barn Lane, Newdigate, a detached 1930's property for sale through the agents Prudential of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1548 | Sale particulars for Cotmandene House, Dene Street, Dorking, a Grade II listed Georgian townhouse, for sale through the agents Hamptons Bridgers of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photographs. | |
S1549 | Sale particulars for Chestnut Cottage, Bunce Common Road, Leigh, a detached cottage from the early 1900's, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1550 | Sale particulars for Church Fell, Brockham Green, Brockham, a late Regency to early Victorian period property, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1551 | Sale particulars for 7 Bentsbrook Park, North Holmwood, a detached 1950's property, for sale through the agents Mann & Co of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1552 | Sale particulars for The Clock House, Garth Mews, Tower Hill, Dorking, a Victorian coach house conversion, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1553 | Sale particulars for 33 Sondes Place Drive, Dorking, a detached 1930's property, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1554 | Sale particulars for Stable Cottage, Tanhurst, Leith Hill, Dorking, a Grade I listed Queen Anne house, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs and a location map. The house is converted from the formers Ostlers cottage and stable building of the Tanhurst Estate. | |
S1555 | Sale particulars for 10 Deepdene Avenue, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1556 | Sale particulars for 4 Ladygate Close, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1557 | Sale particulars for Rest Harrow, London Road, Dorking, a Grade II listed Georgian property, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1558 | Sale particulars for Woodhams Cottage, Oakwood Land Lane, Oakwood Hill, Ockley, a Grade II listed 16th century property, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photograph. | |
S1559 | Sale particulars for Mallows, 17 Glebe Road, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with no photographs. | |
S1560 | Sale particulars for Carpoles, Stane Street, Ockley, a 17th century period farmhouse, for sale through the agents King & Chasemore of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1561 | Sale particulars for Applewalk, 42 Knoll Road, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1562 | Sale particulars for Hillside, 83 Ashcombe Road, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1563 | Sale particulars for Chestnut Cottage, Bunce Common Road, Leigh, an Edwardian country house, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1564 | Sale particulars for Lawrence Green Farm, Norwood Hill Road, Norwood Hill, a 1920's detached farmhouse with land, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. The property consisted of a farmhouse, outbuildings, 8 acres of pastureland and 38 acres of grassland and woodland. | |
S1565 | Sale particulars for Woodlands, Glebe Lane, Abinger Common, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs and a sketch of the ground floor plan. Manuscript additions in pencil give brief observations on the property. | |
S1566 | Sale particulars for Weald House, Newdigate Road, Beare Green, a large detached 1930's country house, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1567 | Sale particulars for Dun Dulac, South Drive, Dorking, a detached property for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991. 2pp with photographs. | |
S1568 | Sales particulars for Spring Cottage, Abinger Bottom, a detached 17th century period cottage, 1991. 2 items. | |
S1568/1 | Sale particulars for Spring Cottage, Abinger Bottom, for sale through the agents Crow Watkin of Reigate, 1991, 4pp with photograph. | |
S1568/2 | Sale particulars for Spring Cottage, Abinger Bottom, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1991, 3pp with photographs. | |
S1569 | Sale particulars for Blue Ridges, Vann Lake Road, Ockley, a detached property with one and a half acres of grounds, for sale through the agents King & Chasemore of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photograph and a general location map. | |
S1570 | Sale particulars for Skeynes House, Guildford Road, Westcott, a Georgian villa [c.1795], for sale through the agents Mann & Co of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph and brief historical notes. The property was formerly called Ellerslie and was one of a pair of villas with the adjoining property named Heathcote. For earlier sales particulars relating to Ellerslie see:æ S446 and S1441. | |
S1571 | Sale particulars for Beechwood, Pebble Hill, Betchworth, a 1920's cottage for sale through the agents Mann & Co of Dorking, 1991. 3pp with photograph. | |
S1572 | Sale particulars and a separate mounted photograph for Hardrigg, Deepdene Park Road, Dorking, a detached 1920's property, for sale through the agents Prudential of Dorking, 1991. 2 items with photographs. | |
S1573 | Sales particulars for The Field House, Brockhamhurst Road, Betchworth, a detached property with a range of outbuildings and one acre of grounds, for sale through the agents Prudential of Dorking, 1991, 5pp with photographs. | |
S1574 | Sale particulars for Fontenay, Pilgrims Way, Westhumble, a detached 1930's property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1575 | Sale particulars for Birchacre, Woodlands Drive, Weare Street, Capel, a detached bungalow with in one and three quarter acres of grounds, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1576 | Sale particulars for Myrtle Farm House, Norwood Hill, a period farmhouse [c.1725] with 4 acres of grounds including formal gardens and paddocks, for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1577 | Sale particulars for Borrowdale, 15 Deepdene Drive, Dorking, a detached 1930's property for sale through the agents Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1991. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1578 | Sales brochure for a new development of 14 houses at Bentsbrook Place, Westlees Close, North Holmwood, for sale by KingsOak Homes of Coalville, Leicestershire, 2004. 31pp including company overview, specifications, site plan, floor plans, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1579 | Records relating to the sale of The Rotunda (numbers 15, 17 and 19), South Street, Dorking, which were freehold commercial premises for sale through the agents Messrs Crow of Dorking, 1938. 2 items as follows: | |
S1579/1 | Statement issued by Messrs Crow of Dorking outlining the existing rents per annum and the freehold prices of the 3 properties that formed the Rotunda, South Street, Dorking, [c.1938]. 1p. | |
S1579/2 | Letter from Messrs Crow of Dorking to Messrs Edward Erdman & Co of Regent Street, London, in response to a request for further details on the existing tenancies at the 3 properties that formed the Rotunda, South Street, Dorking, 23 Mar 1938. 1p. Details are provided of the names, type and length of each tenancy which included: | |
S1579/2 ctd | 15 South Street, Dorking, a Fancy Goods, Hosiery & Wool shop, in the tenancy of Mary Smith. | |
S1579/2 ctd | 17 South Street, Dorking, a dog & livestock shop, in the tenancy of Mrs Ivy Crawford. | |
S1579/2 ctd | 19 South Street, Dorking, The Wel-Don Shoe Repairing Depot. | |
S1580 | Sale particulars for 66 West Street, Dorking, a leasehold shop in the tenancy of Stand Easy Clothing, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1970s?]. 2pp with photograph and a manuscript note stating that the property once formed part of the Queens Arms. | |
S1581 | Catalogue for the sale of timber and meadow hay on farms and lands throughout Surrey and Sussex, to be sold by auction at the Bull's Head Inn, Dorking, by Mr James White, 13 Apr 1840. 4pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids. Sold in 10 lots as follows: | |
S1581 ctd | Lot 1: 136 oak trees and 26 ash trees on Henhurst Farm, Ockley, occupied by Mr Hamshar. Lot 2: 164 oak trees on Garratts Farm, Ockley in the tenure of Mr Southon. Lots 3 to 9: each lot 15 oak trees on Prestwood Farm, between Charlwood and Ifield, held by Mr John Tyler. Lot 10: 20 loads of meadow hay on land of unspecified ownership on the west side of Pixham Lane, Dorking. | |
S1582 | Sale particulars for Priests House, Small Hills Road, Leigh, a 15th century Grade II listed property in 4 acres of grounds, for sale through the agents Messrs Crow of Dorking, [c.mid 20th century]. 8pp with historical and architectural notes. | |
S1583 | Sale particulars for three adjoining freehold properties off Cotmandene Lane, Dorking, fronting onto Cotmandene, to be sold in one lot by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Blake, Son & Haddock of Croydon, 23 May 1872. 4pp including a coloured plan. The properties consisted of 2 residences with a shared garden, yard, stable and coachhouse and an adjoining cottage. All were previously in the tenure of the late Mr Prevost. | |
S1584 | Sale particulars for Dorne House, Chichester Road, Dorking, a detached 1920's property for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1980s?]. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1585 | Sale particulars for Hillside, Glebe Lane, Abinger Common, a detached country house dating from 1908, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1980s?]. 4pp with photographs. | |
S1586 | Sale particulars for Tallboys, Hammerfield, Abinger Hammer, a detached 1930's property with one and a half acres of grounds, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1980s?]. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1587 | Sale particulars for Walnut Tree Cottage, Horsham Road, Sutton Abinger, an early 17th century Grade II listed period property, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, [c.1980s?]. 3pp with photographs. | |
S1588 | Sales brochure for a new development of 6 semi-detached homes at Portland Cottages, Portland Road, Dorking, for sale by Cliveden Homes, Dorking, [c.2003]. 8pp including site plan, specifications, floor plans, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1589 | Sales brochure for a new development of 8 apartments at Sherlock Court, Myrtle Road, Dorking, for sale by Martin Grant Homes, Abinger Hammer and through the agents Patrick Gardner & Co of Dorking, 2005. 12pp including site plan, specifications, floor plans, general location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1590 | Sale particulars for Cleveland Lodge, Westhumble Street, Westhumble, an early 19th century country house, with 28 acres of grounds, for sale through the agents Waring & Gillow of London, [c.early 20th century]. 13pp with photographs. | |
S1591 | Sales brochure and 3 associated newspaper advertisements for a new development of 34 apartments at Deepdene Square, Reigate Road, Dorking, sold by Linden Homes of Caterham, 2005. 4 items. The contents of the sales brochure include specifications, site plan, floor plans, general location map and computer generated illustrations. | |
S1592 | Sales brochure and an associated newspaper advertisement for a new development of 6 houses at The Old Dairy, Ansell Road, Dorking, for sale by Havensilver, Epsom and through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, 2005. 2 items. The contents of the brochure include specifications, site plan, floor plans, general location map and artists illustration. | |
S1593 | Plan of the freehold land and property "at the west end of the town of Dorking" belonging to the devisee in trust under the will of Mrs Robertey Lockwood, widow of Betchworth, which was written in 1829 and proved in 1842 .The property was offered for sale by auction at Garraways Coffee House, London by Messrs Joseph and John Nash 10 Jun 1853. There are no associated sales particulars. The lands are bordered by Westcott Road, Station Road, Spring Gardens and Parsonage Brook, Dorking. Mrs Lockwood's will states that this land was then in the occupation of Richard Chitty and was formerly part of the estate of her late father Edmind Wickes. (Source: will of Robertey Lockwood, 1842: National Archives PROB/11/1972). | |
S1594 | Poster for the sale of household furniture and brewing equipment from a property in Capel Street, Capel, to be sold by auction at the premises, located opposite the church, by White & Sons of Dorking, 14 Apr 1856. The sale was on the instructions of the owner, Mr C Richardson, who was leaving the premises. | |
S1595 | Sale particulars for the conversion into 6 apartments at 1-6 Chapel Mews, 48 Church Street, Dorking, for sale through the agents Cubitt & West of Dorking, 2005. 2 items: a development overview with prices, 2pp with photograph; detailed specifications for plot 2, 4pp with photographs. | |
S1595 ctd | An historical note provides a brief history of the premises which was constructed in the 1770's and opened as a Wesleyan Chapel on 22 Nov 1772. In later years it was also the site of a doss-house or a common lodging house. | |
S1596 | Sales brochure for a new development of 30 homes at Longfield Grove, Longfield Road, Dorking, to be sold by Cala Homes of Staines, Middlesex, 2005. 16pp including specifications, site plan, floor plans, general location map and computer generated illustrations. | |
S1597 | Sale Particulars for Freehold Sporting Estates in Ockley, Abinger, Ewhurst and Wotton; 10 July 1894; by direction of the trustees of the late Lord Abinger [Burchetts Farm; Bridgeham Farm; Smokejack Farm; Chapel House Farm; Scarlett Arms Public House; North Crofts; Lyefield Farmhouse; Cobbetts and Stubberts; Pondhead and Wastlands; Drug Cottage; Lower Breach; Lower House; Northlands; Waleyswood (Wallis Wood or Wallace Wood); Froggetts; Summersbury; Hill House Farm; Bungtore Cottage; Lyefield Lodge; Knoll Cottage; Exfold Cottage] | |
S1598 | Sale particulars for The Field House, Brockhamhurst Road, Betchworth, a detached property for sale through the agents Patrick Gardner of Dorking, May 2005. 6pp with photographs. | |
S1599 | Sales brochure and an agents covering letter for Great Brockhamhurst Farmhouse, Brockhamhurst Road, Betchworth, a detached 17th century country house with 4 acres of grounds, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, May 1999. 2 items. The sales brochure includes photographs, a floor plan and a location map. | |
S1600 | Catalogue for the sale of glasshouses, garden appliances, garden tools and plants from The Deepdene Gardens, Dorking, to be sold by auction at the gardens by White & Sons of Dorking, 15 Dec 1914. 34pp with manuscript additions noting the purchasers and final bids for each lot. The sale was on the instructions of the executors of Lily, Duchess of Marlborough (1854-1909). | |
S1601 | Sale Particulars of the remaining portions of the Real Estates of Heathfield Young; In Chancery Young v Young; July 1876 [includes The Dorking Brewery, Dorking Public Houses - The Bell, The Bulls Head, The Ram, The Surrey Yeoman, The Station Inn, and The Beehive at Gyles Green, The Running Horses at Mickleham, The Norfolk Arms at Holmwood; Butchers shop & Slaughter house in South Street, House & Malthouse in West Street, Houses in South Street, East Street & Ram Alley; Felix Botting, Joshua Rose, Horace Chaldecott, Richard Wright, Mrs Snelling, George Gissing, Simeon Edwards, John Oakshott, Mr Pierce, Misses Cheeseman, W T Butler, Arthur Fuller, C Lucas, Mark Edwards, Mrs Brown, T Worsfold (Smithy), P Daws, John Constable; Plans of lots included] | |
S1602 | Sales Particulars for The Tower Hill Estate; Holloway Farm andTower Hill Mansion and Lodge for sale by auction on 23rd August 1870; . Plan of Tower Hill Estate,(in 16 lots);Scale 66' to an inch. Plan of Holloway Farm, Dorking, scale 2 chains to an inch [Field names - The Brown Loaves, Brickyard Meadow, The Ox Pasture Meadow, Birchet Field, Ducks Nest Meadow, Crouch Field; Neighbours - Attlee, Barclay, Lee Steere, The Tower Hill Estate lots 1-16 in the same sale] | |
S1603 | Sale particulars for the outlying portions of the Denbies Estate; 1921; includes illustrations and map [property includes Sondes Place, Pippbrook Mill, Brookmead, Parsonage Mill, Sondes Place Farm, Drill Hall and cottage, Chalcrafts Nursery, The Highlands, British Timber Works, Westfield, Swimming Bath, Sandpit in Vincents Lane, Bowling Green, Cottages in Archway Place & Vincents Lane & Hampstead Lane] | |
S1603 ctd | Sale particulars for the outlying portions of the Denbies Estate; 1921; includes illustrations and map [named tenants include T Aston, Herbert W Jay & Co Ltd, J A Atkinson, R Humphrey, F P Harris, J T Brookers Ltd, T W Broom, E W Attlee, Dorking Urban District Council, Miss Wood, Surrey T F Association, Dorking Bowling Club, A Chalcraft, G Childs, J F Jeal, J Hollingdale, A Punter, H Sturgess, Mrs Skelton, Mr Humphrey, Dorking Water Co] | |
S1603 ctd | Sale particulars for the outlying portions of the Denbies Estate; 1921; includes illustrations and map [includes building land in Milton Court Lane, Westcott Road, Vincents Lane] | |
S1604 | Statement issued by Messrs Crow of Dorking outlining the existing rents per annum and the freehold prices of the 3 properties that formed the Rotunda, South Street, Dorking, [c.1938]. 1p. | |
S1605 | Sale particulars for a freehold site flanked by the entrance to the new Model Market Place and occupied by the vacant shops 26a and 27 High Street (now 127 High Street), Dorking, for sale by auction at the London Auction Mart, by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 22 Jul 1926. 5pp. The sale was on the direction of the Dorking Urban District Council. | |
S1606 | Sale particulars for the freehold manor of Dorking, to be sold at auction at The Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 27 Jun 1921. 5pp. The sale, which included manorial rights and sporting rights over the wastes of the manor, was on the direction of the trustees of Bernard Marmaduke, Duke of Norfolk (1908-1975). | |
S1606 ctd | The common lands for sale covered 675 acres including Holmwood Common, Betchetts Green, Beare Green, Seamans Green, Misbrooks Green, parts of Bennetts Green and roadside wastes in the parishes of Dorking and Capel. Title commenced with an indenture of settlement made on the second marriage of the late Henry, Duke of Norfolk, 03 Feb 1904. | |
S1607 | Sale particulars for Stowe Maries, Balchins Lane, Westcott, a detached Grade II listed 16th century country house in two and a quarter acres of grounds, for sale through the agents Jackson-Stops of Dorking, 2007. 8pp with photographs, floor plan and a brief history of the property which notes that for a short time in the 1930's the house was the home of the actor Leslie Howard. For photographs of Leslie Howard and his family, some of them thought to have been taken at Stowe Maries, see: DM1/12/37/6/15. | |
S1608 | Sales particulars for Round Down Estate, Cole Kitchen Lane, Gomshall, a Victorian main residence converted into 9 flats, 4 cottages and 29 acres of grounds and farming land, to be sold by auction at The Lion Hotel, Guildford, by joint auctioneers Messrs Weller, Son & Grinsted of Guildford and Messrs John D Wood & Co of London, 27 May 1952. 12pp with photographs and a coloured site plan. The sale was on the directions of the executors of the late A J Wood. Sold in 5 lots as follows: | |
S1608 ctd | Lot 1: Round Down House converted into 9 flats, gardens and a gardeners cottage, all under requisition by Guildford Rural District Council. Lot 2: 9 acres of pasture land, to the north of the Round Down House, with vacant possession. Lot 3: Garage block incorporating 2 cottages and stables, all under requisition by Guildford Rural District Council. Lot 4: Detached cottage adjacent to Cole Kitchen Lane and under requisition by Guildford Rural District Council. Lot 5: 20 acres of arable and accommodation land, to the south of Round Down House, let by an assignment from an annual Lady Day agreement to Lt-Col Hoseason, 30 Mar 1947. | |
S1609 | Sales brochures and sale particulars for properties in Dorking and Capel, 1996 to 2014, 3 items. | |
S1609/1 | Sales brochure for a new development of 18 properties at St Martin's Mews, off Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by Barrats House Builders, 1996. 17pp including specifications, coloured site plan, floor plans, price list, overview location map and artists illustrations. | |
S1609/2 | Sale particulars for Taylors Farm, Rusper Road, Capel, a Grade II listed medieval house and barn in 15 acres of grounds, for sale through the agents White & Sons of Dorking, [c.2006?]. 9pp with photographs, floor plan and site plan. The property dates to the 14th century and is formed from two medieval halls with later additions in the 17th and 20th centuries. | |
S1609/3 | Sale particulars for Temple Elfande, Temple Lane, Capel, a 16th century manor house in two and a half acres of grounds, for sale through joint agents Patrick Gardner & Co of Dorking and Strutt & Parker of London, [c.2014?]. 11pp with photographs, floor plan, site plan and location map. An historical note provided states that whilst there had been a property on the site since the 13th century, the current house was built in 1541 with later additions in the 17th and 19th centuries. | |
Library Reference 01.3.15 | Sales particulars Norbury Park, Mickleham, Surrey. Knight Frank: 2006/7 | |
DM1 | Records from the collection of David Knight, local historian of Westcott, Dorking. They comprise: land and property records, 1715-[c.1990s?] ; lawsuits, 1759; records of local government, (1692)-1983; records of local businesses, 1819- [c.1979?]; local organisations, clubs and societies 1887-[c.1981?]; records relating to the Dorking and Horsham Turnpike Road, 1834-1880; local events and performances (1827)-[c.1990s]; services and facilities, (1864)-1988; records of people and families, (1797)-1990; military and wartime activity, [c.1980s?]-1990; scrapbooks, 1839- 1984; photographs and photographic postcards, (late 16th century?)-1987; print engravings, paintings and drawings of local views and people and of subjects by local artists, 1788-1985; newscutting transcripts and personal research,1964-[c.1980s?]; and ephemera, [c.1900s?]- 1982. Extent: 34 boxes, 83 files and 35 items. | |
DM1 ctd | Biographical history: David Knight died at the age of 58 in 1994. He had spent all his life in Westcott, where he lived in Furlong Road and worked as a gardener. He took a deep interest in the history of Dorking and Westcott and built up a large collection of local records and photographs. He also had a great interest in the Dorking and District Museum, donating to it many individual items. He collaborated in the production of Dorking Past & Present (a book of photographs of the town published by Kohler & Coombes in1980) and in addition wrote Dorking in Wartime which he published himself, and Growing Up in Westcott (published by Dorking Local History Group in 1994). | |
DM1 ctd | Arrangement: the original order is unknown as the various elements of the collection were split up and widely scattered in different sections of the main archive collection. They have now been re-structured and arranged in written form only, in the current listing. The location number in column C should be used for access purposes. | |
DM1 ctd | Provenance: Many of these records originally came from the business dealings of James White and Sons, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking (est.1817) who also acted as tithe agents, and surveyors of the turnpike during the 19th century. Others have come from the business and family records of John and William Attlee, corn merchants of Dorking, during the 19th and 20th centuries, while the rest would appear to have been collected on an ad hoc basis reflecting David KnightÍs interest in the history of Dorking and the parishes immediately surrounding it, particularly Westcott. Their provenance is unknown or uncertain and they have therefore been arranged according to type and place. Some items were deposited by David Knight before his death. The rest were ether donated by, or purchased from his executor between 1995 and 2000. The bulk of his collection of photographs were purchased by Dorking Museum from his estate and funded by public subscription. Oher parts of his collection were deposited at Surrey History Centre in Woking. While there are a large number of original records, many others are photocopies. The date of creation of the photocopies is mostly unknown but thought to be between the 1970s and 1995. Where photocopies were made, some of the original documents were later deposited at Surrey History Centre in Woking but in many cases the location of the original documents is unknown. | |
DM1/1 | Land and property records comprising leases, agreements and conveyances, 1715-1953; records of property sales and sales particulars, 1813-[c.1990s?], records of building and estate management, 1857-1985; house and building histories, 1977-1985; writs and notices for the seizure of goods and property, 1840-1877, and tithe apportionment in connection with the land of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 1875-1878; 9 boxes. | |
DM1/1/1 | Leases, agreements and conveyances including abstracts of title, 1715-1956, 1 box. These comprise records relating to the sale of Pippbrook Mill, Dorking, 1715,; the lease of a messuage adjoining the "Cardinal's Cap" inn in Dorking High Street, (1720)-[c.1990?]; the sale of the Shrub Hill Estate in 1883, [c.1980s?]; leases and agrreements for other properties in Dorking, (1715)-1916,; records relating to land near St John's Parsonage, Westcott, 1888-1898; leases and agreements for other properties in Westcott, 1872-1956; and leases and agreements for properties in Sompting, Sussex and Reigate, Surrey, 1731-1902. | |
DM1/1/1/1 | Copy of indenture between Resta Patching, junior of Dorking, mealman and the Earl of Rockingham for the sale of Pippbrook Mill, 20 May 1715; with a manuscript transcript, [c.1990?], 2 items. | |
DM1/1/1/2 | Records relating to a lease for a messuage in Dorking High Street adjoining the Cardinal's Cap, later known as the Red Lion, (1720) - [c.1990?], 2 items. | |
DM1/1/1/2/1 | Photocopy of a lease for a year between Thomas Lea of Dorking, gentleman and Thomas James of Wotton, gentleman, for a messuage, barn, stable buildings, garden orchard and appurtenances in Dorking High Street then in the tenure of Thomas Lea, abutting on a messuage formerly known as the Cardinal's Cap and now of the Red Lion on the east, and on a messuage formerly of Edward Goodwyn and afterwards of Matthew Carleton Esq on the west, 01 Apr 1720, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/1/2/2 | A transcript of the lease described at DM1/1/1/2/1, [c.1990?], The compiler is unknown. 3pp. | |
DM1/1/1/3 | Manuscript transcript by an unknown author of the abstract of title of John Ledger Esq to lot 1 of the sale of Shrub Hill Estate adjoining Cotmandene in Dorking of 1883, [c.1980s?],1p, together with a manuscript note which summarises the sale of the Shrub Hill Estate in 1883, [c.1980s?], 1p. 2 items | |
DM1/1/1/4 | Leases and agreements for other properties in Dorking, (1715)-1916, 5 items. | |
DM1/1/1/4/1 | Photocopy of a lease for a year between John Rogers, Bachelor in Divinity and Fellow of Corpus Christi in the University of Oxford, and Thomas Reason of London, gentleman of the one part and Resta Patching the younger of Dorking, corn factor, of the other part, for freehold land in the parish of Dorking near Carters mead and mill pond mead, part of which was formerly called Stanbridge mead, 14 Jun 1715. | |
DM1/1/1/4/2 | Photocopy of a bill of sale by way of mortgage between Thomas Buck of Dorking, clock and watch maker and Alfred William Coote of Pimlico, draper, for the goods and chattels in the house and shop occupied by Thomas Buck on the north side of the High Street in Dorking, 20 Sep 1850, 4pp with schedule. | |
DM1/1/1/4/3 | Photocopy of a memorandum and agreement to sell The White Horse inn, Dorking, between Jane Goddard, widow, and Frederick Cooke, 27 Feb 1872. | |
DM1/1/1/4/4 | Photocopy of a memorandum of agreement between Ralph William Clutton as agent for the trustees of A A Hope of Deepdene, Dorking, (the landlord) and William Payne of Holmwood Farm, Dorking, (the tenant), to let Castle Mill, Dorking for £150 per annum with the house, premises, two cottages and 16 acres of land in the parish of Dorking, 23 Feb 1884, 6pp. | |
DM1/1/1/4/5 | Agreement for tenancy of "The Club Rooms", High Street, Dorking between Frank Harry Trower of Epsom, corn merchant, (the landlord) and Hugh Theophilus Weare Blakeney of "Denehurst," Dorking, and Frederick John Dibble of "Westfield," Dorking, the trustees of the Dorking Club, 13 Apr 1916, 4pp. The nature of the Club and its precise location have not been identified. | |
DM1/1/1/5 | Records relating to land near St John's Parsonage, Westcott, 1888-1898, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/1/5/1 | Lease between Robert Barclay Esq of Bury Hill, Dorking Alfred Venn of 55 Oak Village, Gospel Oak,Haverstock Hill, gardener,and Leonard Venn of 62 Green Street, Park Lane, butler, for nine perches of pasture land near St John's Parsonage at Westcott, 15 Nov 1888. | |
DM1/1/1/5/2 | Licence granted to Alfred Venn to assign nine perches of land near St John's Parsonage, Westcott to the Hon. Florence Catherine Blunt of Westcott, 13 Sep 1898, 1p. | |
DM1/1/1/5/3 | Receipted invoice made out to Robert Barclay Esq for the costs relating to a lease of premises at Westcott to Alfred Venn and others, by "the late firm of Hart, Hart & Marten," 27 Nov 1888, 1p. | |
DM1/1/1/6 | Leases and agreements for other properties in Westcott, 1872-1956, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/1/6/1 | Draft letting agreement for Wintershaw Cottage, Westcott between Maria Fuller of Rokefield, Westcott, widow, and the Revd. Henry H Methuen of No 7, Kidbrooke Park Road, Blackheath, Aug 1872, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/1/6/2 | Draft agreement for the sale of Westcott Dairy between George Arthur Garner Tunnell of Westcott Dairy, dairyman and E J Vacher of Sutton, Surrey, 1951, 6pp | |
DM1/1/1/6/3 | Photocopy of the abstract of title of the Bennet Property Company Ltd to the freehold property of 7 Furlong Road Westcott, 1956, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/1/7 | Leases and agreements for properties in Sompting, Sussex and Reigate, Surrey, 1731-1902, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/1/7/1 | Agreement to levy a fine between Thomas Bridges, citizen and barber surgeon of the City of London and Elizabeth his wife and George Spencer of Goring, Sussex, gentleman, 27 Apr 1731. Most of the rest of the details are illegible due to the poor condition of the document. Property believed to be in Sompting, Sussex. | |
DM1/1/1/7/2 | Agreement for the tenancy of meadow land in the parish of Reigate between Charles Alexander White of 15 High Street, Dorking, land agent to the trustees of The Hon. Mrs Emmeline Way and Leopold Salamons Esq of Norbury Park, Mickleham, 26 Mar 1902. In 1914. Leopold Salamons purchased 230 acres of Box Hill to protect it from development and which he subsequently donated to the nation. | |
DM1/1/2 | Sales particulars and other records of property sales including catalogues, posters, valuations and inventories, bills and receipts and related correspondence, 1813-[c.1990s?], 7 boxes. Although mostly for buildings and land, the records also include general sales of household furniture and effects, stock in trade, livestock and agricultural implements, timber, carts and carriages etc. Arrangement: arranged firstly according to location and then chronologically. General sales including household furniture and other items which cannot be tied to a location are listed last. | |
DM1/1/2/1 | Abinger sales records, [c.1850s?]-1985, 1 file and 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/1/1 | Coloured plan showing lands in the parish of Abinger, originally part of sales particulars for an unknown property, [c.1850s?] Scale: 3 chains to an inch. A note at the bottom states that it is a plan of the late Rev G Turner's land made in 1810 but it also shows the Reading & Reigate railway, which was built in the 1840s and must therefore have been re-issued at a later date. | |
DM1/1/2/1/2 | Records relating to the sale of live stock, agricultural implements and household furniture at Rakes Farm, Abinger,to be auctioned by James White on the instruction of William Baker, 29 Apr 1853, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/1/2/1 | Large poster advertising the sale, 29 Apr 1853, 59.4 x 84.1cms. | |
DM1/1/2/1/2/2 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale, 29 Apr 1853, 7pp. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers, the price of each lot and the final account | |
DM1/1/2/1/3 | Sale particulars for Old Gate Cottage, Abinger Common,for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1985, 3pp with colour illustrations. | |
DM1/1/2/1/4 | Brochure issued by Hampton & Sons, estate agents of Guildford, containing sale particulars for "Shootlands," at Wotton Common, Abinger. The property comprised the main house at Shootlands with outbuildings and Barn Cottage, together with a pair of cottages known as East and West Cottages and farmland and woods of nearly 51 acres, 1974, 10pp including plan. | |
DM1/1/2/2 | Photocopies of sale particulars for the Wonham Estate, Betchworth for sale by auction by W. Butcher at GarrawayÍs Coffee house, Change Alley, London, 07 Aug 1845, 2 copies. The estate includes the principal residence known as The Holmesdale, the Park and Rice Bridge Farm. The contents of both copies vary as one includes a plan of the estate whereas the other includes the full conditions of sale. | |
DM1/1/2/3 | Box Hill and Westhumble sales records, 1841-[c.1990s?], 4 files. These include records for Box Hill Farm, Box Hill Villa and Pixholme Court, 1853-1872; "Boxlands," Box Hill, 1841-1905; High Ashurst Estate, Box Hill, [c.1850s?]-1923; and properties at Westhumble, 1837-[c.1990s?] | |
DM1/1/2/3/1 | Sales Records for Box Hill Farm, Box Hill Villa and Pixholme Court, 1853-1872, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/3/1/1 | Catalogue for the sale of agricultural implements, livestock, husbandry and household items at Box Hill Farm, Dorking, to be sold by auction, on the direction of R Brice, by White & Sons of Dorking at the premises, 17 Sep 1858, 16pp. A manuscript listing of the names of the purchasers and the amounts paid for each lot has been sewn into the catalogue. | |
DM1/1/2/3/1/2 | Sale particulars for Box Hill Villa (also called Box Hill Cottage), The Grove, and building land in Mickleham, to be sold by auction by Farebrother, Clark and Lye at GarrawayÍs Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, London, 04 May 1853, 4pp. Includes a plan. | |
DM1/1/2/3/1/3 | Sale particulars for the freehold of "Pixholme Court," with 10 acres of land at the foot of Box Hill, Dorking, for sale by auction by Hampton & Sons in conjunction with White & Sons of Dorking at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 17 Jul 1906, 8pp illustrated. Title to the property commenced with the will of James Alexander Gordon proved on 15 May 1872. | |
DM1/1/2/3/2 | Sales records for "Boxlands," Box Hill, 1841-1905, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/3/2/1 | Letter from S N Singer Esq of Vauxhall, London to James White, auctioneer, regarding the tithe valuation of "Boxlands," 04 Mar 1841, 1p. Incorporates a reply from James White on the same document. The document has been folded and the last page used as an envelope addressed to James White with the use of a wax seal. | |
DM1/1/2/3/2/2 | Photocopy of sales particulars for the freehold of "Boxlands," with 2 acres of ground including a coachman's cottage, at the foot of Box Hill, Dorking. Sale arranged by Messrs Tresidder & Co of 13a Cockspur Street, Pall Mall, London, 1904, 9pp. Includes a timetable of "the best trains" between London and Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/3/2/3 | Sale particulars for Boxlands, Box Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Tresidder & Co. at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, Bank of England, London EC, 06 Jun 1905, 8pp. The property included stabling, a coachmanÍs cottage, and extensive grounds. | |
DM1/1/2/3/3 | Sales records for High Ashurst Estate, Box Hill, [c.1850s?]-1923, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/3/3/1 | Large plan which originally accompanied sales particulars for the High Ashurst Estate near Box Hill, Dorking, sold by auction by Messrs Davis and Johnstone at the Mart [London?], [c.1850s?]. | |
DM1/1/2/3/3/2 | Photocopy of a plan showing High Ashurst Estate, Headley near Dorking, to be sold by auction by Watkin and Watkin at Dorking, 19 May 1921, 1p | |
DM1/1/2/3/3/3 | Photocopy of sales particulars for the mansion of High Ashurst, Boxhill, Dorking with 84 acres to be sold by auction at St James's Estate Rooms, 20 St James' Square, London by Hampton & Sons in conjunction with Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, 15 May 1923, 12pp. With a separate plan. 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/3/4 | Sales records for Westhumble, 1837-[c.1990s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/3/4/1 | Photocopy of a plan showing freehold land at West Humble, near Dorking, described as rich meadow adjoining the river Mole, for sale by E & G N Driver at the Mart, London, 09 May 1837, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/3/4/2 | Sale particulars for 2 Boxhill Station House, Westhumble Street, Westhumble for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, [c.1990s?], 3pp. Illustrated with 2 colour photographs. | |
DM1/1/2/4 | Photocopy of sale particulars for Brockham Lodge and grounds, to be sold by auction by orders of the executors of the late Mr James Anning, by Brown, Roberts, Radmall & Co, at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 19 May 1887, 8pp. Includes an engaving of the south view of the house. Title to the property commenced with a lease and release of 12 and 13 Mar 1822, between Henry Howard and Charles Morris. Also Includes a photocopy of a plan of the Lodge, 1887. 2 items | |
DM1/1/2/5 | Capel sales records, 1863-1952, 1 file and 1 item. | |
DM1/1/2/5/1 | Records of the purchase of land in Capel for the Horsham, Dorking and Leatherhead Railway, 1863-1864, 4 items. | |
DM1/1/2/5/1/1 | Notice to treat for the purchase of land in the parish of Capel for the Horsham, Dorking and Leatherhead Railway from John Gilliam Stilwell Esq of Bredsell Farm, Capel, 09 May 1863. 3pp with plan attached. | |
DM1/1/2/5/1/2 | Letter addressed to Messrs White & Sons, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking from John G Stilwell of Bredsell Farm, Capel regarding renumeration for land purchase, 10 Jun 1863. | |
DM1/1/2/5/1/3 | Report and fee from White & Sons' Auction, Estates and Land Offices, Dorking for acting in agreeing the amount awarded for the sale of land at Bredsell Farm, Capel to the Dorking & Horsham Railway Company from John Gillam, 21 Jan 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/5/1/4 | Letter addressed to Messrs White & Sons, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking from Wm Gascoigne Roy, solicitors of Westminster, to enclose a cheque for the fee in connection with the Horsham, Dorking and Leatherhead Railway, 17 Jun 1864 | |
DM1/1/2/5/2 | Catalogue for the sale of crops, livestock and farm implements of Greenhurst, Capel, to be sold by auction by Mr James White, on the premises, Oct 1952, 8pp. Manuscript additions note the purchasers and amount raised for each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/6 | Coldharbour sales records, 1849-1905, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/6/1 | Sale particulars for a freehold messuage and two cottages in Coldharbour, to be sold by auction under the will of the late John Tyler, by James White at the Plough Inn, Coldharbour,18 Apr 1849, 4pp. The cottages are described as being near to the new district church. | |
DM1/1/2/6/2 | Sale particulars for Oak Bank, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 08 Jun 1905, 8pp.The land was originally offered for sale to the members of the National Freehold Land Society by Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson in Oct 1857 and title commenced with an indenture of 29 Feb 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/6/3 | Photocopy of a plan of Waterden and Crockers Estates, Coldharbour prepared by J White, auctioneer, 1851, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7 | Dorking sales records, 1813-1988, 3 boxes. Arrangement: chronologically according to street location and house name or number. Those with no specific street name have been placed last. | |
DM1/1/2/7/1 | Sale particulars for stabling and garage premises, in Ansell Road, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jul 1930, 4pp. The premises were then occupied by Messrs Meakins & Son, Ltd, coal and coke merchants of 60 High Street, Dorking. A manuscript note reads: Í£1450 Withdrawn.Í | |
DM1/1/2/7/2 | Sale particulars for freehold cottages at numbers 5 and 6 Cape Place, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Crow of Dorking, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 04 Aug 1921, 4pp. The current tenants are shown as Miss Minnie Holden and Alfred Kitchingside. A manuscript notes indicates that no 6 was unsold. | |
DM1/1/2/7/3 | Sale particulars for the freehold building land known as the Catsfields, extending from VincentÍs Lane to South Street, Dorking, with barns, outbuildings and garden in South Street, to be sold by auction in 35 lots by direction of the trustees of James Cheesman, deceased, by E Butcher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Jun 1872, 6pp with separate plan. 2 items. The Catsfields was later re-named as Vincent Road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/4 | Records of the sale of the furniture and effects of John Bryant of Chertgate Lane (now Chart Lane), Dorking, under a distraint for rent, Mar 1841, 5 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/4/1 | Notice of distraint for arrears of rent served on John Bryant by James White on behalf of William and Charles Alloway, 08 Mar 1841, 1p. An inventory of his effects has been added in manuscript but is faded and hardly legible. | |
DM1/1/2/7/4/2 | Receipt issued by Robert Best Ede, bookseller, printer and stationer of Dorking, for printing the catalogue produced for the sale of the furniture and effects of John Bryant of Chertgate Lane, 10 Mar 1841,1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/4/3 | Catalogue of the furniture and effects of John Bryant of Chertgate Lane (now Chart Lane) to be sold by auction by James White at the premises, 13 Mar 1841, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/4/4 | Small notice or flyer for the sale of the furniture and effects as desribed in DM1/1/2/7/4/3, listing the lots to be sold, 13 Mar 1841, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/4/5 | Manuscript note, headed Alloway against Bryant, of the charges and fees incurred in the sale of the furniture and effects as described in DM1/1/2/7/4/3, [1841?], 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/5 | Large poster advertising the sale of a messuage occupied as two tenements on the north side of the road connecting Chart Lane with the Cotmandene, Dorking, to be sold by auction under the direction of the will of the late Thomas Hubbard by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 08 May 1856. | |
DM1/1/2/7/6 | Photocopy of sales particulars for the freehold of "Torthorwald", Chart Lane, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs Pearson, Cole & Shorland at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 Nov 1934, 12pp with plan. Abstract of title commenced with the will of Anne Adele Hope proved 29 Jul 1884. | |
DM1/1/2/7/7 | Sale particulars for Chart Park Estate formerly belonging to the late Sir Charles Talbot, Bart, to be sold in six lots by Winstanley & Son at the Auction Mart, near the Bank of England, London, 03 Jun 1813, 8pp with a separate plan. 2 items. Condition: use of masking tape on the spine. The estate comprised a gothic mansion, cottage and orchard; a large meadow and two pieces of arable land called North Brooks of 26 acres; a small farm called Woollock's with a farmhouse and buildings and 15 acres of land on lease to John Friday; Chart Farm, late Lustates, with 51 acres of meadow, pasture, arable and woodland adjoining Chart Woods with a farmhouse and detached cottage; 5 inclosures of arable, pasture and woodland called the Harrow land of over 22 acres; and Pixham watermill near Chart Farm. | |
DM1/1/2/7/8 | Sale particulars, including a plan, for numbers 15 and 16 Church Street, known as Cottage Place, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instructions of the trustees of the will of J R Cousins, deceased, by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 17 May 1888, 6pp. Title commenced with an indenture of 16 Nov 1849 between Edward Kerrisch of the first part, Arthur Hyde Dendy, Samuel Frederick Dendy, Henry Frederick Napper of the second part, Robert Hiorne Hobbes of the third part and Thomas Seatter of the fourth part. | |
DM1/1/2/7/9 | Sale particulars for numbers 41 and 42 Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the OddfellowsÍ Hall, Dorking, 30 May 1907, 4pp. The vendors cite in the conditions of sale, a previous indenture of 24 Jun 1865 between John Rose Cousins and William John Rossiter and for the remainder of the property, formerly part of the rear of 21 High Street, an indenture of 01 Apr 1882 between Frederick Durant and Elizabeth Esther Durant on the one part and William Sawyers on the other. | |
DM1/1/2/7/10 | Sales particulars for the freehold of Leslie Cottage, Church Street, Dorking for sale by Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 1979, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/11 | Sales particulars for the freehold of Leslie Cottage, Church Street, Dorking for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1985, 2pp. Includes colour photographs of the exterior and interior. | |
DM1/1/2/7/12 | Sale particulars for The Mint, a copyhold property on the north side of Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White at the Bulls Head Inn, Dorking, 26 Apr 1849, 4pp.The property is described as "including The Mint, divided into six tenements, two cottages and a detached tenement." | |
DM1/1/2/7/13 | Sale particulars for The Old Dorking Brewery, Church Street, Dorking, for sale by auction by White and Sons at The Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 28 Jun 1906, 8pp. The premises included yard, cottage and offices, brewery building, stores, stabling, piggeries, garden and orchard, comprising over an acre of ground. | |
DM1/1/2/7/14 | Sale particulars for freehold building plots forming part of the Old Brewery and Myrtle House Estates, Church Street, Dorking, to be sold at auction by Messrs Crow at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 Apr 1912, 4pp. Includes map and a plan of the building plots. Manuscript additions note the amount raised for each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/7/15 | Sale particulars for business premises, consisting of a house, garden, a plumberÍs and painterÍs shop, and three cottages, fronting on to Church Street and Church Lane, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr White at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 14 Jun 1849. 4pp. The tenant of part of the premises was Thomas Harbroe, plumber, painter and glazier. | |
DM1/1/2/7/16 | Sale particulars for three houses known as St Moritz, Broxmore and Burleigh, in Cliftonville, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 17 Nov 1887, 4pp. Title commenced wth a previous indenture of release of 17 Aug 1821, between Charles, the late Duke of Norfolk and James Olive in respect of Lot One ; an indenture of lease and release of 03 and 04 Sep 1824, between James Cheesman, Henry Miller, Benjamin Esdaile, Thomas Hart and William Barnard in respect of Lot Two. | |
DM1/1/2/7/17 | Sale particulars for Milehouse Farm, Coldharbour Lane, Dorking, offered for sale by Cubitt & West of Dorking, 1984, 4pp with colour illustrations. | |
DM1/1/2/7/18 | Large poster for the sale of a freehold estate of six cottages on the west side of Cotmandene, Dorking to be sold by auction on the instructions of the executors of Mrs Priscilla Gardiner, deceased, by White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 20 May 1858. | |
DM1/1/2/7/19 | Sale particulars for numbers 35 and 36 Cotmandene, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold & Son, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 27 May 1909, 4pp. Title to the premises commenced with the will of Edward Miller, dated 19 Jul 1889, who died 15 Sep 1893. A manuscript amendment records that the properties were unsold. | |
DM1/1/2/7/20 | Sale particulars for numbers 1, 2 and 3 Croft Avenue, London Road, Dorking, for sale by auction by Mr Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking. 25 Jun 1908, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/21 | Sale particulars for two freehold cottages at Nos 5 and 6 Curtis Gardens, Dorking and a pair of "modern cottages" in Watson Road, Westcott. To be sold by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on 07 Dec 1925, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/22 | Sale particulars for the freehold cottages, numbers 9 and 10 Curtis Gardens, Dorking, for sale by auction by White & Sons on the instructions of the executors of Mr F Allatson, deceased, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 29 Oct 1928, 4pp. The current tenants were shown as A E Davidson at number 9 and Ernest Bax. at number 10. | |
DM1/1/2/7/23 | Sale particuars for numbers 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 Dene Street, Dorking, and several building sites on Dene Street, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 22 May 1884, 4pp. Includes a plan showing the five lots. | |
DM1/1/2/7/24 | Sale particulars for the bakerÍs shop, dwelling house, stable and yard at 63 Dene Street and the cottages at numbers 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, and 71 Dene Street, for sale by auction by White & Sons on the instructions of the executors of the late Mrs Westbrook, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 02 Apr 1908, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/25 | Sale particulars for 11, Denfield, Tower Hill, Dorking, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1988, 3pp, 2 copies. The text of the 2 copies is the same but a different set of photographs have been used for each. | |
DM1/1/2/7/26 | Large poster advertising the sale of a residential property in Falkland Grove, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking.,04 Nov 1858, 1p, 59.4 x 84.1 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/7/27 | Sale particulars for Kilcare, formerly known as Nower View, Falkland Grove, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on the instructions of Mrs E G Maw, 14 May 1935, 4pp. A manuscript amendment records that no bids were offered at the auction. | |
DM1/1/2/7/28 | Sales particulars for the freehold of two pairs of recently constructed cottages on Falkland Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 Sep 1872, 4pp. In two lots. The title to both lots commenced with a conveyance from the trustees of the National Freehold Land Society of 31 Oct 1856. | |
DM1/1/2/7/29 | Sale particulars for the house and shop at number 31 Falkland Road, Dorking, a stable in Chopstick Place, off South Street, Dorking, and 17 £5 shares in the Dorking Public Hall Company, from the estate of W T Butler, deceased, to be sold by auction by White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 08 May 1913. The tenant of 31 Falkland Road is shown as Albert Edward Waghorne, grocer and the tenant of Chopstick Place is named as T Coles. | |
DM1/1/2/7/30 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the freehold of a corner shop and house at 31, Falkland Road, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 June 1919, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/31 | Sale particulars for the freehold building estate at Flint Hill, "upwards of 100 acres," and a plot of building land formerly part of the Tower Hill Estate and seven nearby cottages, to be sold by auction at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Messrs White and Sons, 27 Jul 1881. | |
DM1/1/2/7/32 | Sale particulars for numbers 13 and 14 Hampstead Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Arnold and Son, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Apr 1921, 4pp. A manuscript amendment records that the property was sold to Chalcraft. | |
DM1/1/2/7/33 | Sale particulars for 54 Hampstead Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 May 1889, 4pp. Title commenced with an indenture of 06 Nov 1858 between Zephaniah Greenfield and the National Freehold Land Society. | |
DM1/1/2/7/34 | Sale particulars for Bolt Villa, Harrow Road East, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold & Son, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 15 Aug 1912, 4pp. A manuscript amendment records that the property was unsold. | |
DM1/1/2/7/35 | Poster for "the sale of crops of wheat and meadow grass on a part of the lands belonging to the National Freehold Land Society at the south end of Dorking," by Mr J White on 16 Jun 1854 (no venue), comprising three lots. Lot 1: The crop of upland grass on 2 enclosures of the "Harrow Lands" of about 11acres. Lot 2: a crop of meadow grass on the "Well Field," near the Harrow Turnpike Gate, on the east side of the road, and also the crop of grass on the "TurnpikeField," opposite, containing together about five acres. Lot 3; a crop of wheat with straw on the "Sandy Cross Field, near containing about 7 acres. Manuscript notes on the reverse record verbal conditions for payment and the clearance of the grass; sums raised for each lot and the name of the buyers, and a draft note dated 16 Jun 1854 to M M Monro Esq explaining the arrangements made for payment and grass clearance. | |
DM1/1/2/7/36 | Plan of the Harrow Lands estate, Dorking, signed by J White, auctioneer, 1857, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/37 | Photocopy of sale particulars and a plan for a newly-erected property in the Harrow Lands, Dorking, to be sold at auction by Norton, Trist, Watney & Co, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, 12 Nov 1869, 4pp. The property was being sold by the British Land Company and is shown on the plan as lying on the junction of Tower Hill and South Terrace. | |
DM1/1/2/7/38 | Sale particulars for "Woodhurst," Harrowlands, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 04 Jul 1901, 10pp. The property included a vinery and a large kitchen garden situated on the other side of the road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/39 | Sale particulars for numbers 15 and 16 Hart Road, Dorking to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 25 Jun 1908, 4pp. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 06 Oct 1892, between George Fletcher Jones, Robert Piggott Oldershaw and John Hart. | |
DM1/1/2/7/40 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture and the remaining stock in trade of Thomas Buck, watchmaker and jeweller, to be sold on the premises near the Wheatsheaf Inn, High Street, Dorking, 1853, 1p, 42 x 59.4cms. | |
DM1/1/2/7/41 | Records relating to the sale of the household furniture, and other miscellaneous effects of the late John Niblett, to be sold by auction by James White, on the premises, 1853_1854, 2 items. John Niblett who died in Dec 1853 was a retired undertaker with premises in the High Street. (Source: burial registers for St Martins, Dorking and the 1851 census for Dorking) | |
DM1/1/2/7/41/1 | Catalogue for the sale of the household furniture, and other effects of John Niblett, 20 Dec 1853, 10pp. The household effects included ñan upright 8-day clockî by Wright of Dorking. The purchasers, amounts raised and final account are entered in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/7/41/2 | A bill issued by James White, the auctioneer to the executors of the late John Niblett, 1854, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/42 | Records relating to the sale of the house and baker's shop and the furniture and effects of John Sanders, baker, deceased, late of Dorking High Street, 1858. 4 items. John Sanders died in 1842 and his will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in the same year. This made provision for his wife Jane to have the use of the property during her lifetime. The sale of furniture must have come about on the death of Jane, whose burial is recorded in the parish registers in Oct 1857. (Source: Dorking Parish Registers and images of wills from the Prerogative Court of Canterbury available on the website of Ancestry.co.uk accessed in 2017) | |
DM1/1/2/7/42/1 | Sale particulars for a freehold estate on the south side of the High Street, Dorking comprising a residence, offices, shop and bakehouse, to be sold by auction under the will of John Sanders, baker, deceased, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 11 Feb 1858, 4pp. The property is described as bordering the Red Lion Yard, and backing on to Back Alley. A plan of the property is included. | |
DM1/1/2/7/42/2 | Catalogue of the sale of household furniture and other effects of the late John Sander(s) to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, on the premises adjoining the Red Lion Hotel in the High Street, Dorking, 06 Jul 1858, 18pp. A manuscript list of the names of the purchasers and the amounts paid for each lot has been sewn into the catalogue. | |
DM1/1/2/7/42/3 | A manuscript account compiled by White & Sons, of the proceeds and expenses of the sale of the furniture and effects as descibed in DM1/1/2/7/42/1 1858, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/42/4 | Poster for the sale of household furniture and a baker's trade implements to be sold by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking 06 Jul 1858 on instructions from the surviving devisee in trust under the will of the late John Sanders. | |
DM1/1/2/7/43 | Records of the sale of household furniture, musical instruments and the stock in trade of R Uwins, stationer and music seller, 1858, 2 items. An advertisement for R. Uwins & Sons, booksellers, stationers and music sellers of High Street, Dorking is included in Rowe's "Illustrated Handbook of Dorking," published in 1858. Related material: for records of the bankruptcy of Richard Uwins see R400. | |
DN1/1/2/7/43/1 | Photocopy of a large poster advertising the sale of household furniture, musical instruments and the stock in trade of R Uwins, stationer and music seller, to be sold by auction, for the benefit of creditors, from premises opposite the Bell Inn, West Street, Dorking, by White and Sons, 09 Aug 1858. | |
DN1/1/2/7/43/2 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of household furniture, and other items described in DM1/1/2/7/43/1, 09 Aug 1858, 12pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/44 | Handbill advertising sewing machines sold by Mr George Latter, draper of High Street, Dorking, authorised agent for the Wheeler and Wilson sewing machine., [c.1870s?]. | |
DM1/1/2/7/45 | This is a photocopy for which we also have the original (DM1/1/2/7/63) This copy should therefore be removed. Photocopy of sale particulars for freehold estates next to the Corn Market Place, High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jul 1881, 4pp. One property, on the north side of the High Street, adjoining the Corn Market Place, is described as let on lease by the former owner Mr John Olive to the late Mr George Dewdney, harness maker, and currently occupied by Mr George William Smith, harness maker, and Mr Walter Curry, bootmaker. The second property, described as on the south side of the High Street, is occupied by Mr J S Arthurs, watchmaker and jeweller. Title to the first property commenced with an indenture of release of 17 Aug 1821, between the devisee in trust appointed by the will of the late Duke of Norfolk, to the late John Olive; title to the second property commenced with indentures of lease and release of 03 and 04 Sep 1824, between James Cheesman, Henry Miller, Benjamin Esdaile, Thomas Hart and William Barnard. An original copy is at DM1/1/2/7/63. | |
DM1/1/2/7/46 | Sale particulars for houses and shops at numbers 1 and 2 High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by C J Baker at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 May 1870, 4pp. The property is described as being at the east end of the south side of Thomas Harbroe, deceased, dated 09 to 10 Aug 1825. The tenants of 1 High Street are shown as Messrs J & A Ede, millers and bakers while the tenant of 2 High Street was E Miller, boot and shoe manufacturer. | |
DM1/1/2/7/47 | Sale particulars for The Old Post Office, number 1 High Street, Dorking, together with the yard known as the KingÍs Head yard, to be sold by auction by F Davey & Co at the Red Lion Hotel, 20 Jun 1901, 4pp. Title commenced with the will of Henry Lanham dated 08 Nov 1858. | |
DM1/1/2/7/48 | Sale particulars for the shop and house at number 4, High Street, Dorking,(now 17 and 19 High Street), to be sold at auction by Messrs Wickenden of Tunbridge Wells by order of the executors of the late Mr John Maber, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 13 Feb 1913, 4pp. The tenants were then Messrs Cheesman & Bromley, drapers and tailors. | |
DM1/1/2/7/49 | Sale particulars for freehold properties in the High Street, Dorking, for sale by auction by Edwin Evans and Messrs A H Lyne & Co at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 Nov 1908, 4pp. Condition: The map has tears on the folds. The properties included numbers 7 High Street Buildings, (now 300 High Street), occupied by Mr J S Brown, draper; 8 High Street Buildings, (now 298 High Street), occupied by Mr G Chiverton, bookseller and stationer; 2 plots of building land, 1 block of stables and 1 plot of garden land. Manuscript additions note the purchasers and amounts raised by each of the lots. | |
DM1/1/2/7/50 | Sale particulars for a house with shop, out-buildings and yard, in the High Street, Dorking to be sold by auction by Robert W Fuller & Moon at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking, 28 Mar 1872, 4pp. The tenant of the premises was Henry Cole, a currier. Evidence from trade directories suggest that the premises were at 17 High Street (now 264 High Street). | |
DM1/1/2/7/51 | Sale particulars for numbers 22 and 22a High Street, Dorking, [now 107 and 109 High Street], part of the estate of J Rickman, deceased, by White & Sons, auctioneers, at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking, 13 May 1909, 4pp. The property is described as an ironmongers and dealers in glass, china and earthenware, currently occupied by Messrs C J Peirson and Co. and with blacksmith and tinsmiths shops at the rear. | |
DM1/1/2/7/52 | Sale particulars for Camden House, 41 High Street, Dorking (now number 197 High Street) and garages in Hart Road, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs Charles Osenton, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking,10 Oct 1927, 14pp. The title to the property commenced with a conveyance of sale, dated 17 Apr 1902, between George Scales and Leonard Wood. | |
DM1/1/2/7/53 | Plan of 43 High Street, Dorking, (now 215 High Street) for sale by auction by Messrs White & Sons, 1932. The property is shown as adjacent to W Grice and Sons, bakers and confectioners (now 219 _ 223 High Street). | |
DM1/1/2/7/54 | Records of the sale of carriages and harness of E. Ventham and Son, coach builders of 50 High Street, Dorking, 1919, 4 items. The coachbuilding business was founded by Charles Ventham (c.1816-1879) at Bridge Street, Leatherhead and following his death was run by his two sons Edward and Charles. The death of the Dorking coachbuilder Israel Walker in 1882 gave them the opportunity to expand and to purchase the coachbuilding premises in Dorking High Sreet. The Dorking branch closed in 1919 although the Leatherhead side of the business was not finally closed until 1936. (Source: D W Inkel- "Ventham, Coachbuilder of Leatherhead and Dorking," Leatherhead and District Local History Society Proceedings, Vol. 5, No 7, 1994) For photographs of the coachbuilding premises see DM1/12/13/10/22/6/6; DM1/12/13/10/22/8/18 and DM1/12/13/10/22/8/19. | |
DM1/1/2/7/54/1 | Catalogue for the sale of the carriages and harness of E. Ventham and Son, coach builders of 50 High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons, auctioneers of Dorking, 01 May 1919, 12pp. The purchasers and the amounts raised by the lots have been added in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/7/54/2 | Poster advertising the sale by auction of the carriages and harness of E Ventham & Son, itemising the various lots.,01 May 1919., 59.4 x 84.1 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/7/54/3 | Bill from White & Sons, auctioneers to Mrs Ventham, for the proceeds, commission, charges and expenses of the sale of carriages, 21 May 1919, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/54/4 | Bill from White & Sons to Mr A G Williams, for the proceeds, commission, charges and expenses of the sale of carriages and harness. 21 May 1919, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/55 | Sale particulars for numbers 50 and 50A High Street, Dorking (now numbers 233, 235, 237, and 241 High Street, Dorking) to be sold by auction by Messrs Charles Osenton & Company at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 16 Dec 1932, 12pp. The premises were occupied by Smiths Popular Stores Ltd and The General Trading Agency, and a forge and workshop then in the tenancy of W. Worsfold. | |
DM1/1/2/7/56 | Sale particulars for shops and houses at number 65, 66 and 67 High Street, Dorking, (now 178, 180, 182, 184, 186 High Street), for sale by auction by Frederick Arnold under the instructions of the executors of the late Miss Allatson, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 28 Mar 1901, 4pp. The current tenants of the properties are shown as Mr Wilkins, tobacconist at no 65; Mrs White at no. 66; and Mr Adams, harness maker at no 67. | |
DM1/1/2/7/57 | Sale particulars for 70 High Street, Dorking, (now 168 High Street) , to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 Jul 1887, 4pp. The tenant is named as Eber Henry Girling, agent to the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Title commenced with an indenture of 05 Jul 1845, between William Alloway, Charles Alloway, John Alloway, Thomas Alloway, Alexander Hart, John Hart and Charles Hart. | |
DM1/1/2/7/58 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the freehold of a shop and dwelling house, at 84, High Street, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 18 Apr 1907, 4pp. The previous occupier was Thomas Marsh, a watchmaker and jeweller | |
DM1/1/2/7/59 | Sale particulars for number 90 High Street, Dorking (now 70 High Street), used as the business for a porkman and butcher; and numbers 1 and 2 FarnboroÍ Alley with warehouse, garden and plot of land, the estate of Allan Baxter, deceased, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 29 Sep 1898, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/60 | Sale particulars for The Old Bank, 96 High Street, Dorking, (now 44 _ 46 High Street) to be sold by auction by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 06 Nov 1930, 4pp. The tenants were then H G Kingham & Company, wine and spirit merchants. | |
DM1/1/2/7/61 | Sale particulars for number 98 High Street, Dorking, (now number 32), to be sold by auction by order of the executor of Miss Elizabeth Fuller, deceased, by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Nov 1910, 12pp.The property comprised business premises, a house and garden, workshops, warehouses, stores and outbuildings then used as an ironmongery and engineering business by Messrs Stone and Turner. Title to part of the property commenced with the will dated 27 Nov 1869, of James White who died 19 Feb 1872. A manuscript amendment states that the property was withdrawn at £1450. | |
DM1/1/2/7/62 | Sale particulars for a freehold house with shop, garden and premises ñin the centre of the High Street, Dorking now occupied by Mr George Reynolds, chemist and druggist," to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Sep 1850, 4pp. A list of the bidding prices has been entered in manuscript on p.3 | |
DM1/1/2/7/63 | Sale particulars for a freehold estate adjacent to the Corn Market Place, High Street, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jul 1881, 4pp. Lot One comprised of a house on the north side of the High Street, formerly owned by James Olive, leased to George Dewdney, deceased, harness maker, then currently occupied by George William Smith, harness maker and Walter Curry, bootmaker. (This was probably 24 - 25 High Street, Dorking, now 119 - 123 High Street). | |
DM1/1/2/7/63 ctd | Lot two: a house on the south side of the High Street, occupied by J S Arthurs, watchmaker and jeweller. (This was probably 61 High Street, now 200 High Street). Title commenced with a previous indenture of release of 17 Aug 1821, between Charles, the late Duke of Norfolk and James Olive in respect of Lot One; and an indenture of lease and release of 03 and 04 Sep 1824, between James Cheesman, Henry Miller, Benjamin Esdaile, Thomas Hart and William Barnard in respect of Lot Two. | |
DM1/1/2/7/64 | Sale particulars for a dwelling house on the north side of the High Street, Dorking, and two freehold cottages and seven freehold tenements, to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Jul 1847, 4pp.The house was leased by the London and County Banking Company, and the cottages and tenements were in the yard at the rear of the property. | |
DM1/1/2/7/65 | Sales particulars for the freehold of "The Sun" beer house on the north side of the High Street, adjoining the Three Tuns Inn to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on 12 Jun 1862, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/66 | Typescript of an inventory of horses, carriages, harness, contractors plant etc, the property of Mr R H Swift of The Three Tuns, High Street, Dorking taken 10 Jul 1901, 7pp. | |
DM1/12/7/67 | Records relating to the sale of the Wheatsheaf inn in the High Street, Dorking and associated rights of way, 1880-1899, 7 items. Includes sales particulars, 1880 and later correspondence relating to rights of way, 1889-1899. | |
DM1/1/2/7/67/1 | Sale particulars for the "free tavern and commercial inn known as The Wheatsheaf" in the High Street with two nearby cottages having a separate approach from the High Street known as "Gumbrell's Yard,", to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Mar 1880, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/67/2 | Letter from William Sellman of the Wheatsheaf, Dorking, which originally enclosed a payment for £25, 28 Mar 1889, 1p. The recipient is not named. | |
DM1/1/2/7/67/3-7 | Correspondence between the solicitors Hart, Scales & Hodges and Messrs Down, Scott & Down relating to rights of way from the Wheatsheaf fronting Church Street to the High Street, 1899, 5 items. Mr William Sellman who then occupied the Wheatsheaf had previously purchased from Walter Philps certain land in Church Street which abutted Gumbrells Yard. | |
DM1/1/2/7/68 | Sale particulars for a freehold building site on The Holloway Farm Estate, Dorking, for sale by White & Sons, auctioneers, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking,17 May 1888, 4pp.. The plots described had frontages on Roman Road and Sandy Cross Road. A map of the Holloway Farm Estate is included. | |
DM1/1/2/7/69 | Sale particulars for the Gate House, Garth Lodge, Horsham Road, Dorking, for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, [1988?], 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/70 | Sale particulars including a plan, for freehold building land fronting on to the Dorking to Horsham high road, near the Turnpike Gate; to be sold by auction by Mr Whittingham, at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, 20 Apr 1871, 6pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/71 | Sales particulars for the freehold of residential houses known as Nos 1 & 2 Ormonde Villas, Horsham Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 Jul 1872, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/72 | Sale particulars for numbers 18a and 18b Horsham Road, Dorking, for sale by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 28 Mar 1901. | |
DM1/1/2/7/73 | Sale particulars for the shop and house at 13 Horsham Road, Dorking, for sale by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Nov 1901, 4pp. The current tenant is shown as George Brown, grocer and provision dealer. | |
DM1/1/2/7/74 | Photocopy of sale particulars for Wick House and Grove House, a pair of semi-detached villas on Horsham Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jul 1898, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/75 | Sale particulars for two semi-detached villas and a cottage on the west side of Howard Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 28 Aug 1856, 4pp | |
DM1/1/2/7/76 | Records relating to the sale of three houses in KingÍs Head Square, Dorking, May 1853. 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/76/1 | Large poster advertising the sale of three houses on the north side of KingÍs Head Square, off the High Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction, by direction of the will of the late Edward Swan, by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 May 1853, 42 x 59.4 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/7/76/2 | Photocopy of flyer announcing that the sale of three houses in King's Head Square advertised for 12 May 1853 had been cancelled, 05 May 1853. | |
DM1/1/2/7/76/3 | Photocopy of the reverse of a copy of a sales flyer, the detailsof which are also described in DM1/1/2/7/76/1, with a manuscript note explaining the reason for cancellation of the sale, 05 May 1853, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/77 | Sale particulars for the Star and Garter Hotel at the junction of Lincoln Road and Station Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons, 16 May 1889, 4pp. The property had previously been sold to William Shearburn in 1867. | |
DM1/1/2/7/78 | Sale particulars for The Grove Estate, London Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Page, Relf and Lees, auctioneers and surveyors of Reigate and Dorking, at the Auction Mart, Bartholomew Lane, London. 13 Jun 1856, 6pp. The estate, formerly a residence of the Marquis of Wellesley, was to be sold in nine lots as eight building plots and the residence with pleasure grounds. A plan showing the estate divided into nine lots is included. Manuscript additions note the amounts raised by each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/7/79 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the freehold of the residential property Meadow Bank, [close to Dorking Town station] with building land of 29 acres, to be sold by auction by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley, 09 Jun 1926, 17pp including a coloured plan | |
DM1/1/2/7/80 | Photocopy of sale particulars for a freehold building site of nearly 10 acres including the house, grounds and lodge of the Meadowbank Estate, Dorking to be sold by auction jointly by Messrs Crow of Dorking and Messrs Cubitt & West of Dorking, 21 Mar 1932, 5pp with plan. Title to the property is dated to an indenture of 19 Mar 1888 between the Rt Hon George Cubitt; Henry Cubitt; George Cubitt and William Cubitt; and John Hopgood. | |
DM1/1/2/7/81 | Sale particulars for the freehold cottages at numbers 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 Mint Gardens, to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by Messrs Crow, auctioneers of Dorking, 04 Aug 1921, 4pp. The cottages were built in 1901. The current tenants of Nos 4 and 5 Mint Gardens were George Jackson and W J Brooker and the tenants of numbers 7, 8 and 9 Mint Gardens were Maurice Hills, Mrs Knight and H W Hubbard. | |
DM1/1/2/7/82 | Sale particulars for The Old Drill Hall, Mint Gardens, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Apr 1923, 4pp. The property comprised a crche, nursery and gymnasium, and a yard with a cart lodge and stable. | |
DM1/1/2/7/83 | Sale particulars for 3 MooreÍs Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold & Son, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 27 May 1909, 4pp. A manuscript amendment records that the property was unsold. Related records: for an earlier sale of the same property see: DM1/1/2/16/28. | |
DM1/1/2/7/84 | Sale particulars including a plan for 23 plots of building land on the Dorking Nurseries Estate to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 10 Sep 1896, 6pp.The property is bounded by London Road and Jubilee Terrace. Queens Road and Lonsdale Road were to be made by the vendor. The conditions of sale refer to the will of the previous owner, William Stevens (d. 25 Aug 1871). | |
DM1/1/2/7/85 | Sale particulars for nine plots of freehold building land from the Nurseries Estate on Lonsdale Road, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 Jun 1902. The conditions of sale refer to the will of William Stevens (d. 25 Aug 1871). | |
DM1/1/2/7/86 | Sale particulars for seven plots of freehold building land on the Dorking Nurseries Estate, to be sold by auction by White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 24 Jun 1909, 4pp. Reference is made to the plots of land fronting on to Lonsdale Road and that the sale will close the Estate. | |
DM1/1/2/7/87 | Sale particulars for numbers 50, 51, and 52 Orchard Road, Dorking, to be sold at auction by Messrs Frederick Arnold & Son at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking. 27 May 1909, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/88 | Sale particulars for numbers 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and 66 Orchard Road to be sold by auction by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 Jul 1887, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/89 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of mill machinery at Pipp Brook Mill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the premises,15 Jul 1893, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/90 | PhotoCopy of a plan of several pieces of land belonging to the estate of Thomas Piper at Pixham Lane, Dorking, 12 Jun 1826, | |
DM1/1/2/7/91 | Photocopy of the sales particulars for Pixham Mill in Pixham Lane, Dorking together with all the capital machinery, cottages with buildings, gardens and plantations, the whole containing over 3 acres to be sold by auction by Messrs Crawter, at Garraways Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, London, 01 Nov 1864, 5pp including plan. | |
DM1/1/2/7/92 | Sale particulars including a plan, for Hazelbourne, Pixholme Lane, (now Pixham Lane), Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs G A Wilkinson & Son at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 08 Jul 1901, 6pp. The property included land totalling over 15 acres. | |
DM1/1/2/7/93 | Coloured plan of Purbrook, Pixholme Lane, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs White & Sons, 15 Sep 1904, 1p, 29.7 x 42 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/7/94 | Sale particulars for Purbrook House, Pixham Lane, Dorking, for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1984, 4pp. The 3 colour photographs used for illustration purposes have become detached from the pages. | |
DM1/1/2/7/95 | Photocopy of sales particulars for the freehold of the residence "Burntwood" near Punchbowl Lane, Dorking. To be sold by auction by Messrs Daniel Smith, Oakley & Garrard at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 15 Jun 1932, 7pp with plan. The property was formerly part of the Hope Settled Estate and title commenced with a conveyance of 23 Jun 1915 between Lord Francis Hope; Alfred Henry Tarleton, the Rt Hon William Edward, Earl of Rosse and Nigel Leslie Campbell; Cummings & Sons Ltd; and Ernest Harry Coles. | |
DM1/1/2/7/96 | Sale particulars, including a plan, of 15 plots of freehold building land in Ranmore Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 31 Jul 1902, 4pp. 12 lots were fronting Ranmore Road, and the other two were approached from Station Road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/97 | Photocopies of a poster and bill of sale relating to the sale of a rick of meadow hay at Fosterwoods Meadows, Reigate Road, Dorking, 24 Mar 1853, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/97/1 | Photocopy of a large poster advertising the sale of a rick of prime meadow hay, standing on the Fosterwoods Meadows, Reigate Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Mar 1853, 42 x 59.4 cms. Manuscript additions note that the lot was purchased by Mr Coldman acting for J Evelyn. | |
DM1/1/2/7/97/2 | Photocopy of a bill of sale between James White, auctioneer and Edward Coldman as agent to Mr J Evelyn for the purchase of a stack of hay, 24 Mar 1853, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/98 | Large poster advertising the fifth annual sale of nursery stock, Reigate Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction on the instructions of Mr A. Chalcraft by Messrs White and Sons, 02 Nov 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/7/99 | Records relating to the sale of stock from The Nursery, Reigate Road, Dorking, 1917-1918, 6 items. The business had been run by Arthur Chalcraft until his death on 08 Jul 1916 when it then passed to his widow. (Source: national probate indexes) | |
DM1/1/2/7/99/1 | Catalogue for the eighteenth annual sale of nursery stock from The Nursery, Reigate Road, Dorking, for sale by the auctioneers White and Sons, 24 Oct 1917, 40pp. Manuscript additions note the purchasers and the amounts raised for each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/7/99/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of nursery stock, 24 Oct 1917, 1 sheet approx 59 x 84 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/7/99/3 | List of the names and addresses of persons who have received catalogues from Mrs Chalcraft, nurseryman of South Street, Dorking, prepared for White and Sons, auctioneers, [c.1917?], 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/99/4 | Bill from White and Sons, auctioneers to A Chalcraft & Sons for the proceeds, commission and expenses for the sale of the nursery stock, Dec 1917, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/99/5 | Manuscript letter from E M Chalcraft to White & Sons, auctioneers, acknowledging receipts for the sale of nursery stock, 31 Dec 1917, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/99/6 | Note from White & Sons, auctioneers, requesting payment to The Hon Mrs Victor Gibson of Peaslake, 23 Nov 1917, 1p. Receipted 16 Jan 1918. | |
DM1/1/2/7/100 | Sale particulars for 8, Rose Hill, Dorking, for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, Dec 1987, 4pp contained in colour brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/7/101 | Sale particulars for number 11, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, on the instruction of the executors of George Gardiner, deceased, 14 May 1935, 4pp. The property had been recently used as a telephone exchange. | |
DM1/1/2/7/102 | Sale particulars for a family house on Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White, [c.1900?],1p | |
DM1/1/2/7/103 | Photocopy of sale particulars for Claremont, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking,16 May 1895, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/104 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the freehold of Holly House, Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Chas. Osenton & Co at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, EC4 on 28 Jul 1925, 13pp. The property was originally copyhold of the Manor of Dorking, the title commencing with the admission of William Attlee as a tenant on 30 Oct 1879. | |
DM1/1/2/7/105 | A catalogue for the sale of the household furniture and effects of number 2, Rose Hill Villa, for sale by auction by James White on the premises, 30 Sep 1850, 12pp.The names of the purchasers and amounts raised for each lot are added in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/7/106 | Sale particulars for a warehouse or store on Rose Hill Approach, Dorking (formerly known as Lower Stake, Dorking), for sale by auction by order of the estate of John Sanford, by White & Sons, Dorking at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Feb 1905, 4pp. The warehouse is described as adjoining The BullÍs Head Inn. | |
DM1/1/2/7/107 | Correspondence relating to the sale of building land fronting St Pauls Road, Dorking by the agents White & Sons of Dorking, 1923, 19 items. Includes letters of enquiry and offers from prospective buyers. | |
DM1/1/2/7/108 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the household furniture, china, glass, linen, kitchen ware and other items belonging to Shrub Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons, at the premises, 15 and 16 Mar 1880, 30pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/109 | Records of the sale of Shrub Hill Estate, Dorking, 1887, 2 items. For photographs of Shrub Hill House see: DM1/12/13/10/22/3/4 and DM1/12/13/10/22/3/5. The estate comprised Shrub Hill House in the High Street with a frontage on Moores Road together with grounds and a gardener's cottage; the Mount House, High Street with an adjoining cottage let to Mr Bray and another cottage let to Mr Rowland; several plots of building land fronting the High Street, Moores Road and Cotmandene with freehold ground rents in High Street and Moores Road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/109/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Shrub Hill Estate, Dorking to be sold in 18 lots by Messrs Samuel Ridley & Co in conjunction with Messrs White & Sons of Dorking at the Tokenhouse Yard, Lothbury, London, 22 Jul 1887, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/109/2 | Plan of Shrub Hill Estate, Dorking, drawn up by Frederick W Ledger, architect and surveyor of London to accompany the particulars for the sale of the estate on 22 Jul 1887. Shows separate lots and manuscript amendments; also records those which had been sold. | |
DM1/1/2/7/110 | Records of the sale of the household furniture and effects of the late Joseph Sayers, South Street, Dorking, 1841, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/110/1 | Catalogue of the household furniture, china, glass, plate and other effects of Joseph Sayers, deceased, for sale by auction by James White of Dorking,18 Jun 1841, 16pp. The purchasers and amounts raised for each lot are added in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/7/110/2 | Bill issued by James White for the proceeds and charges of the sale of the furniture and effects of Joseph Sayers of Dorking, 18 Jun 1841, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/111 | Records of the sale of freehold building ground in South Street, Dorking, 1855, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/111/1 | Sale particulars for freehold building ground in South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons on 26 Apr 1855, 1p. The ground is described as previously occupied as a nursery garden. | |
DM1/1/2/7/111/2 | Plan of building ground in South Street, Dorking for sale by auction at Dorking on 26 Apr 1855. Signed by Chas A White of Dorking, 1p. The plan shows the plot abutting south to South Street and also shows the names of owners of the land adjacent to the plot. For the sale particulars see S69 and S188. | |
DM1/1/2/7/112 | Catalogue for the sale of the remaining furniture of Mrs Chennell of South Street, Dorking, [c.1890?], 10pp. The printed list of lots has been pasted onto the pages with manuscript additions of the names of the purchasers, the amounts raised by each lot and the final account. | |
DM1/1/2/7/113 | Sale particulars for numbers 10 and 11 South Street, Dorking and a cottage on Butter Hill, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 22 Oct 1903, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/114 | Sale particulars for Linden Cottage, 34 South Street, Dorking, (now 176 South Street, Dorking), two shares in the Dorking Villa Building Company and eight shares and debenture stock in the Dorking Gas Company, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 22 Mar 1906, 10pp. Manuscript amendments record the amounts bid for the lots. | |
DM1/1/2/7/115 | Sale particulars for a house, offices and gardens in South street, Dorking to be sold by auction, by order of the executors of the late Jarman Hope, by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 May 1857, 4pp. The tenant was George Kingman Paxon, surgeon. Evidence from trade directories suggests that the premises were at 58 South Street, Dorking. (now 80 _ 82 South Street) | |
DM1/1/2/7/116 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the freehold of a house known as ïWyngateÍ, at 66, South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold, at the Oddfellows Hall, High Street, Dorking, 17 May 1906, 6pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/117 | Sale particulars for two shops, a dwelling house with yards and stabling, at 78 and 78b South Street, Dorking, (now 8 and 10 South Street) to be sold at auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 31 Mar 1910, 4pp. The current tenants were Messrs Eastman & Sons, butchers at 78 South Street and Messrs Eastman & Sons, dyers and cleaners at 78b South Street. | |
DM1/1/2/7/118 | Sale particulars for The Electric Theatre and Tea Garden, South Street, Dorking, to be sold at auction by Arnold and Son, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 Jul 1921, 4pp. The current owners were Harold Thomas Edwards and Thomas Horace King and the sale was for the unexpired portion of the lease. A manuscript note on the back cover reads ïNo bidding put in at £2000.Í | |
DM1/1/2/7/119 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of books, experimental and scientific equipment, furniture and other household effects, the property of Samuel Wills, of Holder House, South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White, on the premises, 16 and 17 Jun 1840, 24pp. The lots include an electrifying machine and a refracting telescope. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers, the price of each lot and the final account. | |
DM1/1/2/7/120 | Sales catalogue for household furniture and a small collection of books, the property of Miss Illingworth of Mount House, Dorking, for sale by auction by James White, 19 Sep 1854, 25pp. Mount House was at 51 South Street, Dorking, (now 98 South Street). The purchasers and amounts raised for each lot are added in manuscript; one additional page in manuscript has been inserted. | |
DM1/1/2/7/121 | Sale particulars for Mount House, 51 South Street, Dorking, (now 98 South Street) to be sold by auction by F Davey & Co at the Red Lion Hotel,. Dorking, 19 Oct 1905, 6pp. Includes a map showing the house and its land fronting on to South Street and backing on to Vincents Road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/122 | Sale particulars including a plan, of the Old Police Station, South Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by order of Surrey County Council, by Gerard D Morrison at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 22 Sep 1898, 4pp. A manuscript notes reads: ñStarted 500. No other bids. Withdrawnî. | |
DM1/1/2/7/123 | Sale particulars for the freehold properties of The Spotted Dog Inn at 67 South Street, Dorking, and number 68 South Street Dorking, for sale by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 15 Oct 1896, 4pp. The properties were leased from 1859 by Mary Ede and the current tenants are shown as Miss Eleanor Greathurst at the Spotted Dog and John Sanford at no 68 (now 62 South Street). | |
DM1/1/2/7/124 | Photocopy of a plan showing the property of the late John Walker of Dorking, to be sold by auction by Fuller and Son at the Bull Head Inn, Dorking, 19 Jul 1850. The owners of the surrounding property are identified as Richard Chitty and Mrs Lockwood. The location is not named but is thought to be Spring Gardens on the following evidence: electoral registers for the town in 1853 show an Edward Walker as having a copyhold house and land at Spring Gardens. He is thought to have been the son of John Walker, a soap boiler of Dorking whose will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in 1824. The will names a son Edward Walker while the executor was a Richard Chitty who was also named on the plan as the owner of one of the surrounding properties. | |
DM1/1/2/7/125 | Sale particulars for numbers 6 and 7 Spring Gardens, Station Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 16 Apr 1908, 4pp. A manuscript addition notes the amounts bid. | |
DM1/1/2/7/126 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of wines and liqueurs, oil paintings and water-colour drawings, engravings and household furniture, to be sold by auction by White and Sons on the instructions of Thomas Wood, at the premises of Parsonage House, Dorking, 21 Oct 1889, 12pp. The 1881 census shows Thomas Wood as a provisions merchant living at Parsonage House in Station Road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/127 | Records of the sale of household furniture and effects from cottages at Stonebridge Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr J White, Oct 1851, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/127/1 | Catalogue of household furniture and effects from cottages occupied by James Croucher and Thomas Croucher of Stonebridge, Dorking under a distraint for rent, for sale by auction by J. White, 29 Oct 1851, 10pp. The printed list of individual lots has been pasted onto the pages with the names of purchasers and amounts raised for each lot added in manuscript; the last page records the accounts of the sums raised, fees and expenses, and balance due to the landlord Mr Dendy. | |
DM1/1/2/7/127/2 | Poster advertising the sale of household furniture and effects at the premises of James and Thomas Croucher, at Stonebridge near Dorking, as described in DM1/1/2/7/127/1, 29 Oct 1851,1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/128 | Sale particulars for a freehold building site at Stonebridge, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr Frederick L. Crow at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 05 Apr 1906, 6pp. Includes a separate coloured plan of the site. 2 items. The site extended to about 3 acres and was divided into some 70 plots. | |
DM1/1/2/7/129 | Photocopy of a plan showing building land at Stonebridge Brickyard or the Rushetts, Dorking, to be sold by auction by R D Sim, at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking,17 Mar 1902 | |
DM1/1/2/7/130 | Sale particulars for the building estate, known as The Rushetts, Stonebridge, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 14 May 1935, 12pp including a plan. The estate comprised an area of over 16 acres, two bungalows (one known as Brook Bungalow), farm buildings and deposits of brick earth. It abutted on land owned by Dorking Brick Company. | |
DM1/1/2/7/131 | Sale particulars for Woodbank and The Hermitage, Tower Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 28 Mar 1901, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/132 | Sale particulars for Woodbank Cottage, Tower Hill, Dorking, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1988, 3pp contained in a coloured brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/7/133 | Sale particulars for Woodcot, Tower Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons,at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London EC., 04 May 1908, 10pp.Includes two photographs of the house. A photocopy of the conditions of sale containing a manuscript addition is included. | |
DM1/1/2/7/134 | Sale particulars for the Tower House, Tower Hill Road, Dorking, together with an ornamental lodge and four plots of building land, being the remainder of the Tower Hill Estate, to be sold by auction by direction of the trustees of the estate of the late John Matthew, by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 24 Aug 1871, 4pp. Includes a plan showing the Tower Hill estate. | |
DM1/1/2/7/135 | Sale particulars for numbers 1 to 6 Victoria Terrace, Butter Hill, Dorking, to be sold at auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 22 Dec 1910, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/136 | Sale particulars for numbers 17 and 17a Vincent Road, Dorking, the Mineral Waters Factory, Vincent Road, and shares and stocks in the Dorking Gas Company, to be sold by auction by order of the estate of Mrs D Edwards, deceased, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 20 May 1914, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/137 | Sale particulars for thirteen plots of building land in Vincents Lane and Norfolk Road Dorking, and five shares in the Dorking Gas Company, to be sold at auction by Frederick Arnold, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking. 29 Mar 1901, 4pp.. A plan of the building plots is included. A manuscript note on the plan reads: ñBalloon went up from here Whit Monday 1874." | |
DM1/1/2/7/138 | Sale particulars for four plots of building land in Vincents Walk, South Street, Dorking, to be sold at auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 28 Mar 1901, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/139 | Sale particulars and plans for the Public Waterworks Estate, Dorking, 1848, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/139/1 | Sale particulars for the Public Water works; the residence known as Fountain Villa and two small ornamental cottages, a plot of garden ground; Gothic House with offices, coach house and stables the residence of the Rt Hon Mary Leslie; a house used as a baker's shop with oven and tow tenements in the rear situated on the north side of Church Street; freehold land of over an acre with two private houses and offices and cottage theron adjoining St Martin's churchyard and abutting on Mill lane and the Pipp Brook: to be sold by auction in 8 lots by Mr James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 15 Jun 1848, The document has added manuscript on p.5 dated 15 Jun 1848 and signed by James White which acknowledges the purchase by auction of Lot 3 for £240 and the payment of £48 as a deposit, with the agreement to pay the remaining sum of £192 at the office of William Ley, solicitor of Chancery Lane, London, before the 29th of Sep | |
DM1/1/2/7/139/1 ctd | Lot 1: the Dorking Waterworks: Lot 2: a small ornamental cottage situated in a garden at the north extremity of the estate occupied by William Fuller. Lot 3: a cottage with portico occupied by Peter Caffyn. Lot 4: a parcel of land let as garden plots. Lot 5: a freehold ground rent of £10 per annum with the reversion in fee of, in and to two cottage residences with offices, chaise houses, stables, gardens and pleasure grounds. Lot 6: Gothic House. Lot 7: a brick house with slated roof occupied as a grocer's and baker's shop with a good brick oven situated on the north side of Church Street, (west of the archway) in the occupation of Mr John Nichols, also two tenements in the rear in the occupation of Thomas Rose and Mrs Sugden. Lot 8: a freehold estate of just over an acre consisting of 2 cottage residences occupied by Mr Ceaton and Mrs Carter, also a cottage and garden in tenure of Mrs Sarah Payne and a plot of garden or building ground not let. In respect of Lot 1 the added information is given that the Dorking Waterworks was built in 1738 under the auspices of Abraham Tucker, Esq, the then owner of the Betchworth Castle Estate under the superintendence of Resta Patching. R W Philps had added to, renovated and restored the machinery and buildings. | |
DM1/1/2/7/139/2 | Coloured plan of the Water Works Estate, Dorking showing the location of Lots 1-7, 1848. | |
DM1/1/2/7/139/3 | Coloured plan of the Water Works Estate, Dorking showing the location of Lot 8, 1848 | |
DM1/1/2/7/140 | Sale particulars, inventories and correspondence connected with the sale of the Public Waterworks and Leslie House, Dorking; 1850-1862, 20 items. The previous manager of the Waterworks, Richard Wix Philps, had been made bankrupt in 1848. (Source: Morning Post 03 Feb 1848) which explains why several letters make mention of the "Philps property." | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/1 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the Dorking Waterworks Estate to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Sep 1850, 6pp with a separate coloured plan. The sale comprised 10 lots. Lot 1: Dorking Waterworks (originally built in 1738) and a residence known as "Fountain Villa;" Lot 2: the residence of "Gothic House;" Lot 3: a freehold estate of just over an acre including two cottages near St Martin's Church; Lot 4: an adjacent additional cottage and garden near Mill Lane; Lots 5-10: six adjoining plots of building land. With an additional original coloured plan. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/2 | Letter from Mr Wynne of 45 Paternoster Row, London to Mr White asking the prices of the different lots at the sale of the Dorking waterworks estate in 1848 and the rental "of Wilsmore's property," 24 May 1850. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/3 | Letter addressed to Mr James White of Dorking from William Ley of London asking that he demand possession of the water works on behalf of Messrs A H Dendy, S Dendy & J H Napper, 25 May 1850 with a reply from James White on the same document, 27 May 1850. Contains 2 additional slips of paper from James White with an update on the original request. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/4 | Letter from William Ley of Urwin's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London to Mr White, auctioneer of Dorking with a second request to demand possession of Dorking Water Works, 01 Jun 1850, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/5 | Letter from William Ley of Urwin's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London to James White, auctioneer of Dorking asking what repairs needed to be done at Dorking Waterworks, and what the cost would be. He also requests James White to state in writing on what terms he would undertake another sale, 18 Jun 1850, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/6 | Unsigned letter in the hand of James White of Dorking in what appears to be a reply to William Ley's letter of 18 Jun 1850 , 19 Jun 1850, 2pp. Repairs to the waterworks and their costs are itemised and he also gives the terms on which he would be willing to undertake the sale of the waterworks, | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/7 | Letter from William Ley of London to James White of Dorking expressing his disappointment that the water supply to Mr Deverell's houses was not yet established with further comments on the sale of the waterworks, 29 Jun 1850, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/8 | Letter from James White of Dorking to William Ley in reply to his of 29 Jun 1850, in which he states that "the correspondence between us is fast approaching the unpleasant shape it attained on a former occasion," 01 Jul 1850, 3pp. He gives the cause for the failure of the water supply referred to In Ley's previous letter which was due to one of the barrels bursting at the water works causing all supplies to be stopped. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/9 | Letter from William Ley of Chancery Lane, London to James White asking that the garden should be sold in lots, 12 Aug 1850, 2p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/10 | Letter from E C Duncombe of Guildford asking for alterations to be made to several of the lots in the forthcoming sale of the Waterworks estate, Dorking, 24 Aug 1850, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/11 | Letter to William Ley of London from James White regarding further problems with the sale of the waterworks estate, 02 Sep 1850, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/12 | Letter from William Ley to James White in response to his of the 02 Sep 1850, 03 Sep 1850, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/13 | Letter from William Ley to James White asking his opinion for the price of the different lots and also to know in what papers and how often he had advertised so that he could inform Messrs Dendy, 05 Sep 1850, 1p. Several other letters on the same document | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/14 | A listing of sales by auction at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, 12 Sep 1850, 1p. Includes names of owners and a very brief description of the property. Of 14 entries, 11 relate to the sale of the Waterworks Estate. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/15 | An inventory of the fittings and fixtures of lot 2 of the sale of the Dorking waterworks estate in Sep 1850, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/16 | Letter from William Ley to James White asking for particulars of "the Philps property" and asking his opinion on the best plan for obtaining a tenant for Gothic House, 13 Sep 1850, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/17 | Letter from James White to William Ley in response to his of the 13 Sep 1850 in which he replies to the points previously made and gives details of the amounts offered in the various lots for the sale of the Dorking Waterworks estate, 14 Sep 1850, 1p | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/18 | Letter from William Ley to James White discussing the "Philps sale,"16 Sep 1850, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/19 | Letter from William Ley to James White discussing lot 6 of the "Philps sale", 09 Oct 1850, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/140/20 | An inventory of the fittings and fixtures of Dorking Waterworks as Lot 1 of the sale of the Waterworks Estate taken at the time of the sale in 1850, 8pp. With an incorporated letter on the last page sent by [Messrs White] to J D Sadler Esq, 09 Jul 1862. | |
DM1/1/2/7/141 | Poster for the sale in two lots of a detached residence known as "Fountain Villa" to be sold by White and Sons at the Red lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 Mar 1878 on behalf of the directors of the Dorking Water Works Company. Lot 1: Fountain Villa located on the corner of the old Dorking Water Works, near Church Street including the garden and the machinery of the old waterworks. The latter included a breast shot iron wheel, with a set of plunger pumps and a 10 horse power high pressure beam engine. Lot 2: a piece or parcel of freehold garden ground containing 23 rods bounded by the Pipp Brook stream on the north and by property belonging to Mr J R Cousins on the south. The property in Lot 1 was then let to Lady Hughes at £45 per annum. | |
DM1/1/2/7/142 | Records of the sale of a portion of the Wathen estate, Dorking, 1889, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/142/1 | Sale particulars for the remaining portion of the Wathen freehold building estate, Dorking. Comprising 30 plots of building land, 2 shop plots and a block of 3 freehold houses with an unfinished house adjoining to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher, auctioneer, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 22 May 1889., 4pp.The property formed part of the estates settled by the will of Lady Elizabeth Jane Wathen, late of Shrub Hill, Dorking and sold by the trustees of her will under an order of the Chancery Division of the High Court. Two of the lots fronted on to the High Street, one onto Hart Road and the rest on to Rothes Road. | |
DM1/1/2/7/142/2 | Plan showing the lots described in DM1/1/2/7/142/1, 1889. | |
DM1/1/2/7/142/3 | A section of a second plan which shows additional lots to those in DM1/1/2/7/142/2. These are not mentioned in the sales particulars and may represent a later sale, [c.1890s?] | |
DM1/1/2/7/143 | Sale particulars for numbers 14 and 15 West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 04 Jul 1901, 4pp. The tenant of 14 West Street is shown as Messrs H & W P Wilson, bootmakers. | |
DM1/1/2/7/144 | Sale particulars for two freehold shops at numbers 14 and 15 West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 Jun 1902, 4pp. The tenants of 14 West Street are shown as M & W P Wilson, bootmakers and the tenant of 15 West Street as H Pettitt, confectioner. The conditions of sale refer to the will of the late Thomas Sparkes, proved 11 Jun 1873. | |
DM1/1/2/7/145 | Photocopy of sale particulars for freehold business premises, at 42, West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 04 Oct 1906, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/146 | Sale particulars for number 42 West Street, Dorking, a dwelling house and shop, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold on the instruction of the executors of the late Rev W H Summers, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 30 May 1907, 4pp.The tenant of the premises was then Thomas Copeman Dyball, grocer. Title to the property commenced with the will of William Lee Summers, who died on 29 Jan 1884 with the late William Henry Summers being the heir of the testator. William Lee Summers was a grocer of 42 West Street and was the father of the Rev William Henry Summers, a Congregational Minister. [Source: national probate indexes] | |
DM1/1/2/7/147 | Sale particulars for 47 West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 02 Sep 1909, 4pp. The property comprised a butcherÍs shop with cold storage, office, stabling, coach house, harness room, slaughter house, bullock pen and a dwelling house. | |
DM1/1/2/7/148 | Records of the sale of Bembridge House at 51 West Street, Dorking, 1919-1939, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/7/148/1 | Sale particulars for several premises including the freehold property of Bembridge House, 51 West Street Dorking; a small set of business offices at 50 West Street; the corn merchantÍs shop and stores at 49 West Street and a plot of freehold land with frontage to Church Street, Dorking. All were for sale by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, by White & Sons, auctioneers, 11 Aug 1919, 10pp, The current tenant of parts of the property of Beldhams House and the offices at 50 West Street was W & H Atkinson and representatives of the late A W Marsh. W H Atkinson was also the tenant of the corn merchantÍs shop and store at 49 West Street. | |
DM1/1/2/7/148/2 | Letter addressed to C Young of The Beeches, Betchworth from Messrs Crow suggesting that Bembridge House could be purchased by Dorking Congregational Church which it adjoined, 08 Dec 1939, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/148/3 | Brief manuscript notes summarising the layout at Bembridge House, 08 Dec 1939, 2p. | |
DM1/1/2/7/149 | Sale particulars for numbers 60 and 61 West Street, for auction by Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 29 Jul 1929, 12pp. The particulars are designed to look like an old parchment and include notes by the historian H E Malden, describing the building as once part of the QueenÍs Arms and tracing the site of the building back to the middle ages when it was known as Stockhouse. He also includes a list of former owners and occupiers up to 1622. A manuscript note includes the information 'Bidding started at £2000 Withdrawn at £3,100.Í | |
DM1/1/2/7/150 | Letting particulars for The KingsÍ ArmsÍ, West Street, Dorking, with yard, stabling and adjoining cottage, for letting by auction by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 20 Sept 1906, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/151 | Sale particulars for an estate lying between West Street and South Street, Dorking to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 10 May 1849, 4pp. The estate comprised a house with plumbers shop occupied by Mr Botting; a house with painterÍs and glazierÍs workshop, occupied by Mr Simmons; and a paddock. | |
DM1/1/2/7/152 | Sale particulars for a newly erected house and shop with garden and paddock in the centre of Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on 24 Jan 1850, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/7/153 | Statement of valuation for the estate of the Rev James Wayland Joyce signed by J H White, auctioneer and valuer of Dorking, 1851. 2pp. The Rev. Joyce was the eldest son of the Rev. James Joyce, Vicar of Dorking from 1837-1850. The younger James was Rector of Burford in Oxfordshire. No landed property is mentioned in the valuation. | |
DM1/1/2/7/154 | Sale particulars for freehold and copyhold building land to the north of Dorking town, for sale by auction by Messrs. Nash, land agents and auctioneers of Reigate, at GarrawayÍs Coffee House, Cornhill, London. 10 Jun 1853, 4pp. The land is described as being on the north side of Dorking, abutting south to the highroad from Dorking to Guildford or east to Spring Gardens or Dorking Main Railway Station (now Dorking West Station). Comprising over 10 acres, the tenant was then Richard Chitty. The purchasers and amounts realised by the lots are added in manuscript; some are lost to damage. | |
DM1/1/2/7/155 | Photocopy of sale particulars for freehold building land on the west side of Dorking, near to the Railway Station, to be sold by auction by Messrs Nash at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 May 1854, 6pp. A plan showing the 10 lots is included and manuscript additions note the purchasers and the prices of each lot. The owner of surrounding land is shown as Thomas Cubitt. The railway station referred to is the present Dorking West station. Duplicate of the original document and plan at R789/1/9=10. | |
DM1/1/2/7/156 | Large plan of "a freehold building estate at Dorking for sale by auction at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, London 12 Sep 1867." Scale 1inch =50ft. The land shown, comprising 59 building plots is to the north west of the present day Dorking station and also Deepdene Station. | |
DM1/1/2/8 | Gomshall sales records, 1850-1904, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/8/1 | Photocopy of sale particulars for the licenced Beer House known as ïThe CompassesÍ at Gomshall, for sale by auction by Messrs Hewett and Lee, at the Lion Hotel, Guildford, 19 Mar 1904, 4pp.The property was to be sold in two lots comprising the Beer House, a dwelling house, a block of 3 freehold cottages and a small parcel of copyhold garden land. | |
DM1/1/2/8/2 | Sale particulars for Gumshall Corn Mill, [modern spelling Gomshall] including a house, cottage, orchard and meadow lands totalling over 5 acres, and a bakerÍs shop and house in Shere, to be sold by auction by James White at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Dorking, 26 Nov 1850, 4pp, A3 size. A plan of Gumshall mill and lands is included. Several manuscript amendments have been made; and a note records the purchaser and cost of the second lot. | |
DM1/1/2/9 | Holmwood sales records, 1839-1935, 5 files. Includes records for North and South Holmwood, 1854-1858; and Holmwood Common, 1839-1936. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1 | Sales records for property in North and South Holmwood, 1854-1925 3 files and 1 item. These include the sale of household furniture and effects of Mr Hayter from premises near the Four Vents Pond, 1854; the sale of the household furniture of Miss Hancock, also at premises near the Four Vents Pond, 1858; and for the Old Potteries building land on Norfolk Road, Buckingham Road and Folly Farm, South Holmwood, 1871-1925. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/1 | Records relating to the sale of the household furniture and effects of Mr Hayter, at premises, near the Four Vents Pond, The Holmwood, 09 Oct 1854, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/1/1 | Catalogue for the sale of the household furniture and effects of Mr Hayter, to be sold by auction by James White on the premises, near Four Vents Pond, The Holmwood, 09 Oct 1854, 10pp. Manuscript additions note the purchasers and the prices of each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/1/2 | Bill for the sale from the auctioneer James White, made out to M Hayter, 09 Oct 1854, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/2 | Sale of the household furniture of Miss Hancock at the premises near the Four Vents Pond, The Holmwood, Dorking, May 1858, 4 items. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/2/1 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of household furniture and other effects, the property of Miss Hancock, to be sold by auction on the premises, near Four Vents Pond, The Holmwood by White & Sons of Dorking, 03 May 1858, 12pp. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers, the price of each lot and the final account. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/2/2 | Bill for the proceedings of Miss HancockÍs sale, as described in DM1/1/2/9/1/2/1, issued by White and Sons, 03 May 1858, 1p | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/2/3 | Letter from Miss Mayne to Mr White referring to the disposal of some of the lots in Miss Hancock's sale, 02 May 1858, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/2/4 | Photocopy of a flyer advertising the sale of the furniture, 03 May 1858, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/3 | Sales records for the Old Potteries, building land on Norfolk Road and Buckingham Road and Folly Farm, South Holmwood, 1871-1925, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/3/1 | Plan of Mrs MillerÍs property known as the Old Potteries, Holmwood, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs White & Sons, 29 Jun 1871, 42 x 59.4 cms. For a poster advertising the sale see: S171/1 | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/3/2 | Photocopy of the sale particulars for 15 plots of building land on Norfolk Road and Buckingham Road, South Holmwood, to be sold by auction by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Jun 1892, 8pp. Manuscript additions record the prices paid for some lots. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/3/3 | Plan of Folly Farm, Holmwood, Dorking, 1925, 1p. A manuscript note on the reverse reads ñsold 06 Jul 1926." There are no accompanying sales particulars and no other details of the sale are known. | |
DM1/1/2/9/1/4 | Sale particulars for the freehold of The Dutch House, South Holmwood, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, Jun 1983, 3pp. The property was grade II listed with architecture by Sir Edwin Lutyens and described as an important meeting place for the suffragette movement in the early 20th century. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2 | Sales records for property on Holmwood Common, 1839-1935, 3 files. These include the sale of the livestock and farming implements of George Cloud of Swyles Farm, 1852; the sale of livestock, faming implements and household furniture at Vigo Farm, 1858-1876 and records for the sale of other properties on Holmwood Commons, 1839-1935. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/1 | Records of the sale by auction of the livestock and farming implements of George Cloud, of Swyles Farm, Holmwood Common, Sep 1852, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/1/1 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of livestock, agricultural equipment, hay, wheat and other effects, to be sold by auction, at Swyles Farm, near the Windmill on Holmwood Common, on instructions from George Cloud, by James White, 22 Sep 1852, 11pp. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers and the price of each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/1/2 | Final bill for the sale from James White, auctioneer, 22 Sep 1852, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/1/3 | List of articles sold for Mr Gough, 19 Sep 1852, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/2 | Records relating to the sale of livestock, agricultural implements and household furniture at Vigo Farm, Holmwood and the sale of the lease of Vigo House and Farm, 1858-1876, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/2/1 | A catalogue for the sale of live and dead farming stock, agricultural implements and household furniture at Vigo Farm to be sold by auction by White & Sons on the premises, 21 Sep 1858, 12pp. Manuscript amendments record the purchasers and amounts raised for each lot. The farm was located near the Turnpike Gate on Holmwood Common. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/2/2 | Large poster advertising the sale at Vigo Farm, Holmwood, as described in DM1/1/2/9/2/2/1, 21 Sep 1858, 1p., 59.4 x 84.1 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/2/3 | Notice advertising the sale of the lease of Vigo House and Farm, Holmwood, by Messrs White & Sons, 1876, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3 | Sale Records for other properties on Holmwood Commons, 1839-1935, 8 items. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/1 | Photocopy of a plan showing land on Holmwood Common, Dorking, for sale by auction by James White, Jul 1839, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/2 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of furniture belonging to William Chambers for sale by auction on the premises by James White, 04 Feb 1840, 10pp. The sale was under a distraint for rent and the premises were described as opposite to Spook Fam, Turnpike Road, Holmwood Common. Manuscript notes identify William Shearburn as William ChambersÍ employer and Deverell as his agent. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/3 | Catalogue of the livestock and agricultural and household effects of Thomas Skilton, of Holmwood Common, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White at the premises, ñopposite the pottery, on Holmwood Common, Dorking,î 01 Nov 1841. The printed list of individual lots was originally pinned onto the pages with the names of the purchasers and amounts raised for each lot added in manuscript. A small poster advertising the sale was also included in the contents. With a receipt issued by Robert Best Ede, bookseller, printer and stationer of Dorking for printing the catalogue, 01 Nov 1841,1p. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/4 | Poster advertising the sale of The SawyerÍs Arms, an adjoining building planned and erected as a dissenting chapel, and a plot of freehold land, on Holmwood Common adjoining the Dorking and Horsham turnpike road, to be sold by auction by Mr White, at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Dorking, 30 May 1848. The tenant of the SawyerÍs Arms and of the freehold plot, cultivated as an orchard, was Edward Pledge. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/5 | Catalogue for the sale of livestock, farm carts, husbandry implements and hay to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons on the premises near the Windmill on Holmwood Common, 30 Mar 1857, 8pp. The names of the purchasers and the amounts raised by each lot have been added in manuscript. The outgoing tenant of the farm is named as John Jeal. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/6 | Photocopy of sale particulars for a building estate of seven acres on Holmwood Common, Dorking, to be sold by auction in 100 lots, by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 01 May 1873, 4pp. The lots are described as being on the new roads of Warwick Road, Norfolk Road and Buckingham Road, and the Turnpike Road near Holmwood Church, Holmwood Common. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/7 | Sales particulars for the freehold residence "Redlands Bank" at Holmwood Common with a pair of cottages at the rear and two meadows totalling five acres to be sold by auction at The Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Messrs Crow of Dorking, 26 May 1908, 10pp. | |
DM1/1/2/9/2/3/8 | Photocopy of sales particulars for the freehold property Oakdale, Holmwood Common with 11 acres of land. To be sold by auction by King & Chasemore at Harrod's Estate Sale Room, London, 26 Mar 1935, 10pp with plan. Title to part of the property commenced with a conveyance dated 14 Jul 1879 between Jane Brannan Dealtry and John Vivian Hampton. | |
DM1/1/2/10 | Leith Hill sales records, 1849-1921, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/10/1 | Plan of the Duke of Norfolk's Surrey Estate for sale by auction by Messrs White & Son, 1921. The plan shows that the land is surrounded by Wotton Common, Leith Hill and Coldharbour Common to the south and Friday Street, and the Evelyn Estate to the west. It features Tillingbourne House, Shootlands and the area of Broadmoor. For the matching sales particulars which have a different provenance see: S918 | |
DM1/1/2/10/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture - the remaining contents of Tanhurst and Parkhurst, Leith Hill, to be sold by auction under direction of the executor of the late Edmund Lomax, by Mr White, at Tanhurst House, 28 Mar 1849, 59.4 x 84.1 cms. One of the lots is described as an upright 8-day clock by Thomas Worsfold of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/11 | Mickleham sales records, 1850-1865, 1 file and 1 item. | |
DM1/1/2/11/1 | Catalogue of the household furniture, horse, cart and remaining stock in trade of Thomas Johnson, tallow chandler of Mickleham, deceased, to be sold by auction by James White, 06 Mar 1850, 12pp.The purchasers and amounts raised for each lot are added in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/11/2 | Records relating to the purchase of land in the parish of Mickleham on behalf of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, 1863-1865, 22 items. The land formed part of the Manor Estate in Mickleham then owned by the Misses Mary Ann and Georgiana Charlotte Talbot, previously owners of Norbury Park. The records include notices to treat for the purchase of the land and correspondence between William Gascoigne Roy, solicitors of Westminster and Messrs White and Sons of Dorking regarding compensation claims from the Misses Talbot. | |
DM1/1/2/12 | Sales records for property in Newdigate and Polesden Lacey, [c.early 1900s?]-1985, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/12/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Nightingales, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees, 1985, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/12/2 | Map of the Polesden Lacey Estate, Dorking, for sale by Hampton and Sons, auctioneers and surveyors of Cockspur Street, London. [c.early 1900s?] 1 sheet. | |
DM1/1/2/13 | Ranmore sales records, 1850-1985, 3 files. These include the sale of wood and timber at Ranmore Common, 1850; the sale of livestock, farming equipment and the household furniture of Abraham Kitchen near Ranmore Common Gate, 1851; and a residence named "The Forts" and St Barnabus Old School, Ranmore Common, 1983-1985. | |
DM1/1/2/13/1 | Records of the sale of house faggots, cordwood and other timber, to be sold at Ranmore Common by James White, 1850, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/13/1/1 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the sale of house faggots and other timber, the property of Mr D Barclay, to be sold by auction by James White at Ranmore Common, 26 Jun 1850, 12pp. The location for the sale is described as near to Mr BonsorÍs Lodge Gates, Ranmore Common. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers, the price of each lot and the final account. | |
DM1/1/2/13/1/2 | Letter from Mr D Barclay to Mr White, commissioning the sale of the faggots and timber, 17 May 1850, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/13/1/3 | Letter from D Barclay to Mr White, urging the sale of all the lots, Jun 1850, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/13/2 | Records relating to the sale of livestock, husbandry implements and household furniture, the property of Abraham Kitchen, to be sold by auction by James White, at the premises, near the Ranmore Common Gate, in the parish of Great Bookham, Aug 1851, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/13/2/1 | Catalogue of the household furniture, husbandry tools and livestock of Abraham Kitchen, to be sold by auction at his premises near the Ranmore Common Gate in the parish of Great Bookham by James White, 30 Aug 1851, 8pp. The printed list of individual lots has been pasted onto the pages, with the names of purchasers and amounts raised for each lot, added in manuscript; the last page records the accounts of the sums raised, fees and expenses, and balance. | |
DM1/1/2/13/2/2 | Poster advertising the sale described in DM1/1/2/13/2/1, and listing some of the lots, 29 Aug 1851, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/13/3 | Sales records for a residence named "The Forts" and for St Barnabus Old School, Ranmore Common, 1983-1985, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/13/3/1 | Sales particulars for "The Forts," a single storey residence on Ranmore Common on the site of a former ammunition fort adjoining Denbies estate; offered for sale by Cubitt & West of Dorking, 1983, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/13/3/2 | Sale particulars for St Barnabus Old School, Ranmore Common offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1985, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14 | Westcott sales records, 1821-1989, 2 boxes. Arrangement. Many of these, particularly the earlier ones, have no specific house or street name. These are listed first in chronological order, followed by those with house and/or street names, also in chronological order. | |
DM1/1/2/14/1 | Sales particulars for a cottage residence situated near the church in Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons on instructions from the devisees of the late J J Bond Esq at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Nov 1864, 4pp. The purchaser's memorandum is included on page 4 with the purchaser shown as George Balchin of Shalford, Surrey. The property was copyhold of the manor of Westcott. | |
DM1/1/2/14/2 | Photocopy mounted on card of the sales particulars for a copyhold estate at Westcott comprising a messuage in two tenements together with an additional tenement to be sold in two lots by James White at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Dorking, 18 Sep 1823. A Mrs Bullen is described as the proprietor then resident on the premises. One of the properties is thought to be what is now Bay Tree Cottage. | |
DM1/1/2/14/3 | Sale particulars for a copyhold estate at Westcott with an acre of ground, the late residence of John Whitbourne, deceased, to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 May 1839, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/4 | Sale particulars for a dwelling house, outbuildings and five acres of land at Westcott to be sold by auction on the instructions of the devisee under the will of Edward Stone deceased, by James White at the White Horse Inn, Dorking, 12 Apr 1847, 4pp. The property was copyhold held under W L Evelyn Esq, lord of the manor of Westcott. The exact location is not specified. | |
DM1/1/2/14/5 | Poster advertising the sale of four cottages situated near St John's Church, Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, [c.1850s?] The current tenants are shown as Edward Carroll, George Gadd and Thomas Warren. | |
DM1/1/2/14/6 | Sale particulars and other records of the sale of household furniture belonging to the late Mrs Weller of Westcott, 1851, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/6/1 | Bound sections of a small poster advertising the sale of household furniture from premises "at the east end of Westcott, lately in the occupation of Mrs Weller, deceased," and to be sold on the premises by Mr White, 02 Jun 1851. A catalogue of the 36 separate lots was originally incorporated in the lower half of the poster but this section has been cut in half and pasted on two separate pages bound together with the top half of the poster posted on the first page. The front cover is endorsed "Sale of Mrs Weller's Furniture removed from Westcott to the Three Tuns Inn, Dorking, 14 Jul 1851." | |
DM1/1/2/14/6/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture and effects to be sold by auction by Mr White at the Three Tuns inn, Dorking, 14 Jul 1851. The lower half of the poster incorporates a catalogue of the different lots. | |
DM1/1/2/14/6/3 | Folder containing sales particulars and a listing of the individual lots for the household furniture and books "removed from Westcott" to the Three Tuns Inn, Dorking to be sold by auction by Mr White, 14 Jul 1851. The itemised list of individual lots has been printed and glued to 4 pages bound in with the sales particulars. The amounts paid for each lot and the surnames of the buyers have been added in manuscript. The location of the property in Westcott is not given. | |
DM1/1/2/14/7 | A catalogue of the remaining furniture and other effects, the property of Mrs March of Westcott to be sold by auction by James White on the premises, 18 Aug 1851, 10pp. with an additional loose page in manuscript. The amounts paid for each lot and the surnames of the buyers have been entered in manuscript. No details of the address of the premises are given. | |
DM1/1/2/14/8 | Sale particulars and plans for a copyhold estate and the furniture and effects of the late Thomas Bravery of Westcott, 1853, 4 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/8/1 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture, tools, building materials and other effects, late the property of Mr Thomas Bravery, deceased, to be sold by auction by Mr Jas. White on the premises near the church at Westcott, by direction of the executors, 18 Apr 1853. A catalogue is incorporated at the foot of the poster. | |
DM1/1/2/14/8/2 | Small poster with sale particulars for a small copyhold estate held of the manor of Westcott consisting of three cottages with outbuildings, a bakehouse with brick oven and a well of spring water used in common by the tenants, situated near the church in Westcott to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, 12 May 1853 by direction of the trustees under the will of the late Thomas Bravery, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/8/3 | Small plan of the copyheld estate belonging to Thomas Bravery as described in DM1/1/2/14/8/2, [c.1853?] Scale: 66 feet to one inch. Marked in pencil on the reverse as Sale bundle 1104. | |
DM1/1/2/14/8/4 | Small, very rough plan of the estate belonging to Thomas Bravery as described in DM1/1/2/14/8/2. [c.1853?] Marked in pencil on the reverse as sale bundle 1104. | |
DM1/1/2/14/9 | Sale particulars and other sales records for several cottages and building land in Westcott, 1857, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/9/1 | Sale particulars for three pairs of cottages and eight plots of building land on the north side of Westcott, to be sold by auction in eleven lots by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, 26 Nov 1857, 4pp. Lot 1: - a pair of cottages in the occupation of Mr Torsell and Mr Gibbs. Lot 2: a pair of cottages adjoining in the tenure of Mr Mansell and Mr Margesson. Lot 3: - another pair of cottages with a carpenter's shop in addition, in the tenure of Richard Vincent and Frederick Ansell. Also 7 parcels of building ground on the south side of Lot 1.Title to the property commenced with a lease of 01 Sep 1855 between Esther Williamson and John Truelove. | |
DM1/1/2/14/9/2 | Plan of the property to be auctioned described in DM1/1/2/14/9/1, 1857. | |
DM1/1/2/14/9/3 | Large poster advertising the sale of the leasehold of three pairs of cottages and 8 plots of building land as described in DM1/1/2/14/9/1, 1857. | |
DM1/1/2/14/10 | Sale particulars with separate plan for business premises in Westcott comprising a cottage, garden and yard containing numerous trade buildings, coach houses, stables and other outbuildings suitable for the business of a timber merchant or builder; and two cottages, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 09 May 1861, 4pp. 2 items. The plan has a scale of 25 feet to the inch. | |
DM1/1/2/14/11 | Records relating to the sale of a residence in Westcott, Aug 1864, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/11/1 | Sale particulars for a residence in Westcott close to St John's Church with several outbuildings, garden, orchard and paddock, the whole containing over an acre of land, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Son at Garrick's Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, London, 25 Aug 1864, 4pp. The purchaser's memorandum is included on page 4 showing Edmund Goddard of 103 London Wall as the purchaser. The tenure was copyhold of the manor of Westcott with title commencing with the admission of John Worsfold Esq on 17 Jun 1794. | |
DM1/1/2/14/11/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of a private residence at Westcott as described in DM1/1/2/14/11/1, 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/14/11/3 | Letters between Edmund Goddard, purchaser of the property described in DM1/1/2/14/11/1 and Messrs White and Sons regarding the valuation of the fixtures of the property. 1864, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/12 | Records of the sale of a cottage in Westcott, Nov 1864, 7 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/1 | Sales particulars for a cottage residence situated near the church in Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons on instructions from the devisees of the late J J Bond Esq at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Nov 1864, 4pp. The purchaser's memorandum is included on page 4 with the purchaser shown as George Balchin of Shalford, Surrey. The property was copyhold of the manor of Westcott. | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of a cottage residence at Westcott as described in DM1/1/2/14/12/1, 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/3 | Coloured plan showing the property described in DM1/1/2/14/12/1, 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/4 | Page showing a list of expenses in connection with the sale of the property described in DM1/1/2/14/12/1, [1864?] | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/5 | Letters from W L Howell of Vestry Hall, Back Road, St George in the East, Middlesex addressed to Messrs White & Sons regarding the conditions of sale for the property described in DM1/1/2/14/12/1, Nov 1864. 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/6 | Page reciting in manuscript, the text of an agreement of 08 May 1855 between James White, as the agent of Mr J H Bond, and Mr John Hall relating to the tenancy of the property described in DM1/1/2/14/12/1, [1864?] | |
DM1/1/2/14/12/7 | A receipt for bottles of sherry and port and attendance at the sale room from E. Hay of the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking addressed to Mr White, 24 Nov 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/14/13 | A small printed poster pasted on card announcing the sale of a Shetland pony found straying in the Manor of Westcott and that unless previously claimed by the owner it would be sold in the public market of Dorking on 04 Jan 1865 by Messrs White & Sons, Issued at Westcott 29 Dec 1864. | |
DM1/1/2/14/14 | Sale particulars and posters for copyhold property in Westcott, Jun 1871, 5 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/14/1 | Sale particulars for a small copyhold property on the north side and in the centre of Westcott consisting of a brick and tiled cottage, a detached woodhouse and a shoemaker's shop in the tenure of Alfred Venn, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons under instructions from the executors of the late James Wells at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 08 Jun 1871, 4pp. The property was held of W J Evelyn, lord of the manor of Westcott, title commencing with the admission of Mr John Britt on 26 Oct 1811. "Clerk's Particulars" entered in manuscript at the top. The amounts of the biddings have also been entered in manuscript on page 3. | |
DM1/1/2/14/14/2 | A second copy of DM1/1/2/14/14/1 but containing the purchaser's memorandum on page 2, showing Alfred Venn of Westcott as the purchaser. The date of the sale has been altered on the first page to 20 Jul 1871. | |
DM1/1/2/14/14/3 | A third copy of DM1/1/2/14/14/1 with amendments in manuscript showing that a "resale" was made on 20 Jul 1871. Other handwritten amendments show that eight £25 shares in the Dorking Gas Company had also been added to the sale. The name of the purchaser, Alfred Venn, is shown in manuscript on page 3 with the figure of £175, presumably the purchase price. | |
DM1/1/2/14/14/4 | Large poster advertising the sale of a small copyhold property at Westcott as described in DM1/1/2/14/14/1, Jun 1871. | |
DM1/1/2/14/14/5 | Large poster advertising the sale of a small copyhold property at Westcott as described in DM1/1/2/14/14/1 and 8 £25 shares in the Dorking Gas Company, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 20 Jul 1871. | |
DM1/1/2/14/15 | Sale particulars for a freehold cottage with garden and five plots of building land at Westcott to be sold by auction in six lots by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Jun 1874. The property fronted the occupation road from the village to St John's parsonage. Includes a plan. | |
DM1/1/2/14/16 | Plan of a freehold cottage and building land at Westcott for sale by Mr E Butcher at the Prince of Wales Inn, Westcott, 23 Jun 1874 in 51 lots. Scale 50 feet to 1 inch. There are no accompanying sales particulars. | |
DM1/1/2/14/17 | Sale particulars for the freehold estate of the late John Cooke in the centre of the village of Westcott comprising a private residence of 10 rooms known as Wotton Cottage; five cottages with gardens and several building sites all to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher, auctioneer of High Street, Dorking at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 13 Jun 1878, 6pp. Includes a plan on a scale of 25 feet to one inch. The property was formerly copyhold which had "lately been enfranchised." | |
DM1/1/2/14/18 | Sale particulars for a freehold cottage near St John's Church, Westcott then in the tenure of Mr Edward Mercer, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Crown Inn, Westcott, 02 Nov 1881, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/19 | Sale particulars for three timber built and tiled cottages and seven plots of freehold building land at Westcott to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 01 Dec 1881, 4pp. The property had been copyhold of the manor of Westcott and was purchased in 1878 from the devisees in trust under the will of the late John Cook who had enfranchised it in 1877. | |
DM1/1/2/14/20 | Sale particulars for two freehold cottages in Westcott approached by a carriage way from the main Dorking to Guildford road, for sale by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 22 May 1884, 4pp. The tenants were named as Messrs Briggs and Hall. Condition: tears on folds. | |
DM1/1/2/14/21 | Sale particulars for a small copyhold tenure comprising three cottages in the centre of Westcott facing the Green and the main road from Dorking to Guildford, to be sold by auction by Mr Edward R Butcher under instructions from the executor of Mrs Elizabeth Wells at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 Mar 1895, 4pp. The property was copyhold of the manor of Westcott and two of the cottages were then occupied by James Dibble and Mrs Turner. | |
DM1/1/2/14/22 | Sales particulars for the freehold of a shop and dwelling house with a substantial detached bakehouse used for the business of a provision dealer and baker in the centre of Westcott. A range of outbuildings at the rear were used for the business of a fly proprietor and coal merchant and the property had one acre of grounds. To be sold by auction by Messrs White & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 14 Sep 1899, 6pp. The property formed part of the Wotton Glebe and the title commenced with a conveyance by the Rector of Wotton of 02 Jan 1892. | |
DM1/1/2/14/23 | Sale particulars for two enclosures of land at the east end of Westcott situated on the north and south side of an occupation road leading from the centre of the village to Bailey Road. Comprising 5 acres the land was intended for building and was for sale by auction by Frederick Arnold of Dorking, 22 May 1902, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/24 | Records relating to the sale of cottages in Alley Fields, Westcott, 1920-1921, 5 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/24/1 | Sale particulars for 3 pairs of freehold cottages in Alley Fields, Westcott for sale by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 28 Jun 1920, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/24/2 | A second copy of the above labelled for use by the Clerk with added amendments in manuscript showing the amounts of the bids. 1920. | |
DM1/1/2/14/24/3 | Manuscript list showing the names and addresses of those who were sent sales particulars for the properties, [c.1920?], 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/24/4 | Large poster advertising the sale of the properties, Jun 1920. | |
DM1/1/2/14/24/5 | Statement of account by White and Sons to H J Maw for the sale of the property at Alley Fields, 13 Jan 1921. | |
DM1/1/2/14/25 | Records relating to a proposed development on a site adjoining 25 Ashley Road, Westcott and the subsequent sale particulars, 1962-1964, 4 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/25/1 | Plan showing the location of site adjoining 25 Ashley Road, Westcott incorporating a block plan of 3 houses and 3 garages on land adjoining 25 Ashley Road, Westcott, Oct 1962. | |
DM1/1/2/14/25/2 | Plan showing proposed block of 3 houses at Ashley Road, Westcott, [1960s?]. | |
DM1/1/2/14/25/3 | Plan showing detached house and garage on land adjoining 25 Ashley Road, Westcott, Oct 1962. Produced by Scammell & Co, surveyors of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/14/25/4 | Sale particulars for 25 Ashley Road, Westcott offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees, estate agents of Dorking, 1964, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/26 | Records of the sale of Ebenezer Cottage, Bailey Road, Westcott, 1919, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/26/1 | Sales particulars for the freehold of a detached cottage and laundry in Bailey Road, Westcott known as Ebenezer Cottage; to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons as agents for Miss Mary Ann Fisher at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 06 Oct 1919, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/26/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the detached cottage and laundry known as Ebenezer Cottage in Bailey Road, Westcott to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 06 Oct 1919. | |
DM1/1/2/14/26/3 | Manuscript page containing a list headed "Fisher's Sale" containing over 20 names and brief addresses in the locality, [c.1919?] The purpose of the list is unclear but may represent the names and contact details of enquirers. | |
DM1/1/2/14/26/4 | Two pages of pencilled notes containing very brief notes and measurements of the rooms of Ebenezer Cottage, [c.1919?] | |
DM1/1/2/14/26/5-6 | Two manuscript letters from Mary A Fisher of Ebenezer Cottage, Bailey Road, Westcott to un-named recipient regarding the forthcoming sale of the property, [c.1919?], 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/27 | Sale particulars for four freehold cottages in Bailey Road, Westcott and a pair of freehold cottages in St John's Road, Westcott, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 Dec 1925, 4pp.The cottages in Bailey Road were then in the occupation of Messrs May, Baker, Peters and Brown. The cottages in St John's Road were in the occupation of Messrs White and Gravett. | |
DM1/1/2/14/28 | Sale particulars for "Deerleap," Balchins Lane, Westcott, Dorking offered for sale by Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 1983, 4pp. Illustrated with several colour photographs. | |
DM1/1/2/14/29 | Sale particulars for Mead House, Balchins Lane, Westcott, Dorking, offered for sale by Prudential Property Services of High Street, Dorking, [c.1988?], 3pp. Contained in an illustrated colour brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/14/30 | Sale particulars for the Old Mill House, Balchin's Lane, Westcott to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 07 Nov 1927, 9pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/31 | Sales particulars for Bay Tree Cottage, Westcott offered for sale by White & Sons of Dorking, 1989, 3pp includes colour photographs of the interior and exterior. | |
DM1/1/2/14/32 | Records relating to the sale of Brooklands Estate at Westcott Hill sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at Tokenhouse Yard in London, 07 Jun 1876. 33 items. Includes sales particulars; plans; a poster advertising the sale; accounts and receipts, correspondence from enquirers and correspondence between the estate agents and solicitors. The estate comprised the house known as "Brooklands," near the church with five acres of land. The property was copyhold held of the manor of Westcott. Title commenced with a surrender of 31 Oct 1823 by Sarah Bullen, spinster, to the use of William March. | |
DM1/1/2/14/33 | Sale particulars for "Brooklands," Westcott, for sale by auction at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London by Harrods Ltd of Brompton Road, London, 09 Dec 1919, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/34 | Catalogue of the furniture and effects at "Brooklands," Westcott for sale by auction by Messrs Chas Osenton at the premises, 11 and 12 Feb 1924, 25pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/35 | Sale particulars for "Brooklands," Westcott, for sale by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Aug 1948, 6pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/36 | Photocopy of sale particulars for a house known as "Broomfield," Westcott, with 11 acres of ground including "Ivy Cottage" and four other un-named cottages to be sold by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Messrs Walton & Lee, 28 Jul 1908, 12pp including a coloured plan. | |
DM1/1/2/14/37 | Photocopy of the conditions for the sale of underwoods on the Bury Hill Estate, Dorking, 1908, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/38 | Photocopy of sale particulars including a plan, for the Bury Hill Estate, Westcott, for sale by auction by Charles Osenton & Co,at Dorking Halls on 23 Jun 1952, [photocopy late 20th century], 34pp. The lots to be sold included: The Outer Lodge, Old Bury Hill; Milton Field; numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Milton Street, Westcott; Milton Cottage, 11 Milton Street, Westcott; numbers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Milton Street, Westcott; The Bungalow, 18a Milton Street, Westcott; Old Bury Hill Gardens; numbers 1 and 2 School Cottages, Westcott; Hill House Cottage, Westcott Heath; Hill House, Westcott; Durrants Cottage, Logmore Lane, Westcott; Westlees Brook Farm; Upper Logmore Farm; Squires Farm; Squires Cottages; Mill Cottage, Logmore Lane, Westcott; Chadhurst Farm, Coldharbour Lane; The Home Farm, Coldharbour Lane; Nower Lodge (known as Charlton House School), Dorking; numbers 1, 2, and 3, Ivy Cottages, Hampstead Lane, Dorking; numbers 21 and 22 Milton Brook, Milton Heath; Stone Lodge, Holmwood and building land and pasture land. The conditions of sale state that title to most of the properties commenced with the will of Robert Barclay, who died 03 Apr 1913. | |
DM1/1/2/14/39 | Sale records for Bushy Platt, Wescott, 1983-1988, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/39/1 | Sales particulars for "Bushy Plat," Westcott, Vendor: Gascoigne-Pees, of Dorking 1983, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/39/2 | Sale particulars for "Bushy Plat," Westcott. Vendor: Prudential Property Services of Dorking, 1988, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/39/3 | Sale particulars for "Bushy Plat," Westcott, Dorking. Vendor: Gascoigne Pees of Dorking, 1988, 6pp. Contained in a coloured brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/14/40 | Sale particulars for freehold cottages and land including Nos 1 to 6 Chapel Lane, Westcott and Tudor Cottages, Furlong Road, Westcott for sale by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Aug 1935. | |
DM1/1/2/14/41 | Sale particulars for a pair of cottages in Chapel Road, Westcott occupied by weekly tenants Messrs Elsey and Burrell and a row of four cottages in Bailey Road, Westcott let to weekly tenants Mrs May and Messrs Bridger, Marshall and Peters, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 16 May 1895, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/42 | Photocopy of the sale particulars for Churt Gate House, Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 08 Aug 1938, 6pp, illus. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 07 Aug 1895 between Mortimer Drewe Mallison, Arthur Clarges Loraine Fuller, Craven Bullen Fuller, Henry Claude Fuller, and Arthur Brooke and Landowners Ltd. | |
DM1/1/2/14/43 | Sale particulars for a freehold building site on the southern slope of Coast Hill, Westcott with a frontage to the main Guildford Road, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 16 Aug 1898 in one lot, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/44 | Sale particulars for the freehold residence "Rookhurst," at Coast Hill, Westcott with 3 acres of ground to be sold by auction by Messes Crow of Dorking on the instructions of the executors of the late A G Palmer, at the Star & Garter Hotel, Dorking, 29 Oct 1962, 7pp, illus. | |
DM1/1/2/14/45 | Coloured brochure issued by Mann & Co, estate agents containing sale particulars for Rookhurst, Coast Hill Lane, Westcott 1980, 3pp | |
DM1/1/2/14/46 | Sale records for "Woodlands," Coast Hill Lane, Westcott, 1983-1985, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/46/1 | Sale particulars for "Woodlands," Coast Hill Lane, Westcott. Vendor: Cubitt & West of High Street, Dorking, 1983, 5pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/46/2 | Sale particulars for "Woodlands," Coast Hill Lane, Westcott. Vendor: Hampton & Sons of Guildford, 1985, 6pp contained in a coloured brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/14/47 | Sale records for "Cradhurst," Westcott, 1901-1908, 8 items. There were sales of the property in 1901 and 1906 with a further sale proposed in 1908 although it is not known if this went ahead.The property was formerly copyhold. Title commenced with the admission of George Arthur Fuller dated 24 Sep 1872. | |
DM1/1/2/14/47/1 | Sales particulars for "Cradhurst," Westcott with six acres of ground to be sold by auction by Hampton and Sons, at the Mart, Tokenhouse, Yard, London, 24 Oct 1901, 8pp. . | |
DM1/1/2/14/47/2 | Sale particulars for the freehold property "Cradhurst," at Westcott with 6 acres of ground to be sold by auction by Messrs Millar, Son & Co at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 11 May 1906, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/47/3-8 | Correspondence between Messrs Rose, Johnson and Hicks of Delahay Street, Westminster, solicitors; Messrs White and Sons of Dorking, estate agents and the vendor H. Conlan of the Meadows, Brockham in order to stop the sale of "Cradhurst" and any associated advertising, 1908, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/48 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a house and shop known as "The Cricketers" Beerhouse with three adjoining cottages and gardens facing Westcott Common; 3 plots of building land also adjoining Westcott Common; a freehold cottage and large garden near St John's, Chapel, Westcott and 26 plots of building land near St John's Chapel and extending to the brook; all to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher at the Prince of Wales Inn, Westcott, 12 Jun 1872, 6pp. with 2 separate plans, one showing lots 1-5 and the other lots 6-33. 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/49 | A catalogue for the sale of the livestock and farming implements of Mr Samuel Drawbridge at Durrants Farm, Westcott to be sold by auction by Fuller & Son on the premises, 01 Oct 1821, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50 | Records relating to the sale of a builder's stock in trade at Furlong Road, Westcott, 1917, 7 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/1 | Catalogue of the stock in trade and plant of a builder in Furlong Road, Westcott to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons on the instructions of Mr William Smith, called up for military service, 09 Jul 1917, 15pp. Auctioneer's copy. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the stock in trade and plant of a builder including timber and builder's ironmongery, iron girders and stanchion, plumber and painter's stock etc, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, 09 Jul 1917 at Furlong Road, Westcott. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/3 | Letter to Messrs White & Sons from E. Martin & Son, builders and decorators of Oxted concerning the arrangements made by Messrs Smith & Co for the collection and removal of their purchases following the sale, 10 Jul 1917, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/4 | Letter to Messrs White & Sons from E. Martin & Son, builders and decorators of Oxted informing them that certain lots in the sale of Mr Smith's stock in trade were wrongly described and that items delivered to them were underweight, 17 Jul 1917, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/5 | Letter to Messrs White & Sons from E. Martin & Son, builders of Oxted acknowledging receipt of a cheque, 26 Jul 1917, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/6 | Draft account for the proceeds of the sale of builder's stock in trade from White & Sons to Mr William Smith, 28 Aug 1917, 1p | |
DM1/1/2/14/50/7 | Letter from William Smith, builder and contractor of Westcott to Messrs White & Son acknowledging a letter and enclosure, 29 Aug 1917, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/51 | Sale particulars for nos 1 to 7 Furlong Road, Westcott (since re-numbered as odd numbers 7-19): for sale by auction at the Red Lion Hotel Dorking by Cubitt & West under instructions from the executors of the late John Cooke, 03 Jun 1935, 6pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/52 | Sale particulars for Grinsted, Florents and part of Danehurst Farms at Westcott Hill with over 108 acres to be sold by auction by James White at the White Horse Inn, Dorking, 07 Sep 1840, 4pp. The estate was copyhold of the manor of Westcott then let on lease to John Savage Esq. | |
DM1/1/2/14/53 | Sale particulars for a private residence with outbuildings, an orchard, a small paddock and fruit plantation known as Grinstead Farm, Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at Garraway's Coffee House, Change Alley, Cornhill, London, 25 Aug 1864, 4pp with a photocopy of the original plan, 1p. The property was copyhold of the manor of Westcott and the abstract of title commenced with the admission of John Worsfold Esq on 17 Jun 1794. In a conveyance to John Worsfold of 02 Mar 1832. | |
DM1/1/2/14/54 | Sale particulars for freehold business premises with dwelling house, and two cottages with three building sites situated on the main road to Guildford in the centre of Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Jun 1874, 4pp with a separate plan on the scale of 25 feet to the inch. 2 items. The modern address would now be Guildford Road. | |
DM1/1/2/14/55 | Sales particulars for a freehold grocer's shop, house and outbuildings fronting the main road in the centre of Westcott and six plots of adjoining building land to be sold by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 27 Jul 1905, 4pp. The modern address would now be Guildford Road. Title to the property commenced with an indenture of enfranchisement of 17 Jan 1883 between William John Evelyn and James Attlee. | |
DM1/1/2/14/56 | Sale particulars for 5A Guildford Road, Westcott, Dorking. Vendor: Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, 1988, 2pp illustrated. | |
DM1/1/2/14/57 | Sale particulars for Draycote, Guildford Road, Westcott, Dorking offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, 1987, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/58 | Sales particulars for "Hillside," Guildford Road, Westcott for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, [c.1980s?], 4pp. Also includes a separate colour photograph of the front of the property, [c.1980s?] All contained in an outer brochure/folder. 2 items. Related records: for records concerning the history of the property see DM1/1/4/4 | |
DM1/1/2/14/59 | Brochure containing sale particulars for Little Manor House, Guildford Road, Westcott, RH4 3NJ. Vendor: Gascoigne-Pees, estate agents of Dorking, Aug 1986, 5pp. The photograph from the front cover is now detached. The property was formerly known as The Red House. David Knight has incorporated a note that although the house is described as 18th century it was actually built in the late 19th century for a Mr Cory-Wright. For earlier sales records of the Red House see: DM1/1/2/14/84 and DM1/1/2/14/85. For a photograph of an event in the grounds of the Red House in 1919 see: DM1/12/37/4/3/1 | |
DM1/1/2/14/60 | Sale particulars for "Heath Crest," Westcott with one acre of land, for sale by auction at Harrods Estate Sale Rooms, Brompton Road, London SW1, 31 Oct 1922, 10pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/61 | Records of the sale of "Hill House," Westcott, 1899, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/61/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of a "country cottage residence" facing Westcott Green with grounds of over 2 acres and known as "Hill House," in the occupation of Lady Florence Blunt, a yearly tenant; and 5 brick built and slated cottages, situated near the Westcott Institute and let to weekly tenants; to be sold in 31 lots by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 May 1899, 4pp including a plan and a summary on the back page of the purchaser's contract for lot 2, made out in the name of Edward Brooks of Westcott. | |
DM1/1/2/14/61/2 | Sale particulars as described in DM1/1/2/14/62/1, with a summary of the purchaser's contract for lot 1 on the back page made out in the name of Robert Barclay of Bury Hill, Dorking, 1899, 4pp with separate plan. | |
DM1/1/2/14/61/3 | Large poster advertising the sale described in DM1/1/2/14/62/1, 1899. | |
DM1/1/2/14/62 | Records relating to the sale of the furniture and effects of Johnson's Stores, Westcott, 1912, 3 items. Mr J. Johnson was retiring from the furnishing business. | |
DM1/1/2/14/62/1 | Catalogue of the remaining stock of furniture and effects of Johnson's Stores, Westcott to be sold by auction by Messrs White 08 May 1912, 20pp. Auctioneer's copy with many hand amendments. | |
DM1/1/2/14/62/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the remaining furniture and effects of Johnson's Stores, Westcott, 08 May 1912. | |
DM1/1/2/14/62/3 | Statement of account by White and Sons to Mr J Johnson for the proceeds of the sale of furniture at Westcott, 11 Jun 1912. | |
DM1/1/2/14/63 | Sale particulars for the copyhold estate of Little Chadhurst Farm, Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs Drury & Bullen at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 28 May 1872, 4pp. The property comprised a farm house, farm buildings, orchards and five and a half acres of arable and pasture land. | |
DM1/1/2/14/64 | Sale particulars for Broomhills, Logmore Lane, Westcott, Dorking, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, 1987, 4 pp illustrated. Contained in an illustrated colour brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/14/65 | Plan of Dorking Isolation Hospital at Logmore Lane, Westcott and the land proposed to be purchased from Robert Barclay Esq. Surveyed by William Shearburn, architect, 25 Sep 1907. | |
DM1/1/2/14/66 | Sale particulars issued by the Ministry of Health, for Dorking Isolation Hospital at Logmore Lane, Westcott, for sale by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 18 Apr 1955, 7pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/67 | Sale particulars for a pair of freehold cottages known as Grove Cottages, Main Road, Westcott with 2 acres of freehold building land between Watson Road and St John's Road, Westcott and known as "the Furlongs," to be sold by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 11 Jun 1923, 4pp. With notes added in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/14/68 | Records of sales relating to "Marienneville," at Westcott, 1853-18[8?]6, 2 items. By the 20th century the house was known as "Springfield House." Related material: for a later sale of the property see: DM1/1/2/14/98; for records relating to the history of the property see: DM1/1/4/5. | |
DM1/1/2/14/68/1 | Sales particulars for a copyhold estate at Westcott comprising a house known as "Marienneville," several parcels of arable, pasture and woodland of over 11 acres and an acre of freehold land, all to be sold by auction by Mr J Chapman at the Crown Inn, Westcott in two lots, 01 Aug 1853, 4pp. By the 20th century the house was known as "Springfield House." | |
DM1/1/2/14/68/2 | Letter from F G Marchburne of Westcott to an unnamed recipient regarding the sale of meadow hay, 15 Dec 18[8?]6. | |
DM1/1/2/14/69 | Page containing two black and white photographs of a house called "Mill Way" at Westcott, 1976, 1p. This would appear to have been part of sales particulars for the property, the rest of which is now missing. The origin is unknown. | |
DM1/1/2/14/70 | Front cover page only from the illustrated sales particulars for Milton Court Manor House, Dorking, with 83 acres. [c.1930?]. Contains three photographs of the house and grounds. The rest of the content is missing. The sale was under the direction of the administrators of the late Sir H M Mallaby-Deeley. | |
DM1/1/2/14/71 | Records relating to the sale by auction of household furniture, livestock and agricultural implements, due to the bankruptcy of Mr A Wells, miller and farmer, at Milton Court Mill and Farm, Dorking, Dec 1879, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/71/1 | Photocopy of the catalogue of household furniture, linen and other household items, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher, at Milton Court Mill, Dorking, 19 Dec 1879, 10pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/71/2 | Photocopy of the catalogue of livestock and agricultural implements, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher at Milton Court Mill, Dorking, 16 Dec 1879, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/72 | Advertisement for the leasehold of Milton Farm, Westcott issued by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking, [c.1888?], 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/73 | Sale particulars for Milton Farm, Westcott offered for sale by Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 1981, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/74 | Sale particulars for "Little Blandings," 18A Milton Street, Westcott, Dorking, for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, 1988, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/75 | Sale particulars for "Carpenters," Milton Street, Westcott, Dorking, for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, 1988, 3pp. Contained in a coloured brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/14/76 | Sales particulars for Crooked Acre, Milton Street, Westcott, Dorking for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of Dorking, Nov 1987, 4pp. Contained in an illustrated colour brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77 | Records of the sale of "Mount Pleasant," Westcott, 1904, 8 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77/1 | Sale particulars for a cottage known as "Mount Pleasant," Westcott with a large garden, gardener's cottage, coach house and stabling to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons on instructions of the executors of Mrs Pursey, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 17 Mar 1904, 4pp. Includes the purchaser's contract made out to Alfred Carr of Tower Hill Manor, Gomshall. The property was formerly copyhold, title commencing with the admittance of Julia Ann Francis Fuller on 22 Mar 1848. Freehold title commenced with an indenture of 13 May 1895 between William John Evelyn, lord of the manor of Westcott and Arthur Clarges Loraine Fuller. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of a cottage known as "Mount Pleasant," Westcott as described in DM1/1/2/14/77/1, 17 Mar 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77/3 | Draft statement of account by Messrs White & Son to the executors of Mrs Pursey for the proceeds of the sale of "Mount Pleasant," Westcott, 14 Nov 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77/4-6 | Correspondence between Messrs A.S Potter & Co, solicitors of 70 High Road, Kilburn' London and Messrs White & Sons, estate agents of Dorking, regarding the sale of the property, Feb-Mar 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77/7 | Letter from the purchaser Alfred Carr to Messrs White expressing his "satisfaction with the deal," 19 Mar 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/77/8 | An inventory of tenant's fixtures taken by valuation by the purchasers, 17 Mar 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/78 | Records of the sale the household furniture and effects of "Mount Pleasant," Westcott, 1904, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/78/1 | Auctioneer's copy of the catalogue of household furniture and outdoor effects of "Mount Pleasant," Westcott, to be sold by auction at the premises by Messrs White & Sons under the instructions of Mr Pursey, 22 Apr 1904, 10pp. Pencil amendments show the prices fetched by each lot and the surnames of the buyers. | |
DM1/1/2/14/78/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the household furniture and effects of "Mount Pleasant," Westcott, 22 Apr 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/78/3 | Statements of account for the proceeds of the sale of household furniture of "Mount Pleasant" made out to Mr Pursey, 1904, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/79 | Photocopy of sales particulars for a small cottage on the south side of the parish of Westcott [now known as Mount Tavy Cottage], to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 May 1851. [Date of photocopy c.1980s?] Related records: for records concerning the history of this property see: DM1/1/4/6 | |
DM1/1/2/14/80 | Records of the sale of freehold building land fronting the "occupation road" from the centre of Westcott to Bailey Road, Westcott, 1905, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/80/1 | Sale particulars for 21 plots of freehold building land in Westcott with a frontage "to the occupation road leading from the village of Westcott to Bailey Road, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 20 Apr 1905, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/80/2 | Large plan of the 21 plots described in DM1/1/2/14/80/1, 1905. | |
DM1/1/2/14/81 | Sale particulars for two small freehold residences known as Orchard House then let to Miss Fanny Cole, and "The Vale" at Westcott constructed for his own use and previously occupied by the late Mr Venn, both to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 17 May 1894, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/82 | Sale particulars for the Old Parsonage, Parsonage Lane, Westcott, Dorking, offered for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking,1988, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/83 | Sale particulars for "Pleasthatches" Estate near Westcott comprising a small cottage, farm yard with cattle shed, an orchard, garden and three enclosures of meadow land containing over 8 acres of land, to be sold by auction by Mr James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 02 Sep 1852 under instructions from the trustees of the will of the late John Worsfold Esq of Westcott, 4pp. The tenure was copyhold under W J Evelyn Esq as lord of the manor of Westcott. | |
DM1/1/2/14/84 | Records for the sale of furniture and outdoor effects of "The Red House," Westcott, 1904, 3 items. For later sales of the property later known as "Little Manor House," see: DM1/1/2/14/59 and DM1/1/2/14/85. | |
DM1/1/2/14/84/1 | Auctioneer's copy of the catalogue of the remaining furniture and outdoor effects of "The Red House," Westcott, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons on the premises, on instruction from Henry Allen, 22 Jun 1904, 12pp. Pencil amendments show the prices fetched by each lot and the surnames of the buyers. | |
DM1/1/2/14/84/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the remaining furniture and outdoor effects of the "Red House," Westcott, as described in DM1/1/2/14/84/1, 22 Apr 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/84/3 | Statement of account for the proceeds of the sale by auction of the furniture and effects of the Red House, Westcott made out to H.Allen Esq by Messrs White & Sons of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/14/85 | Sale particulars for the Red House and White House together with building land in Westcott, for sale by auction by Hampton & Sons at St James's, London, 26 Apr 1938, 17pp incorporating a plan. For an earlier sale of furniture and effects at the Red House see: DM1/1/2/14/84. For a later sale of the Red House then known as "Little Manor House," see: DM1/1/2/14/59 | |
DM1/1/2/14/86 | Sale particulars for "Rokefield," Westcott with 10.5 acres of land; a pair of semi-detached houses known as "The Firs," and "The Willows;" a pair of houses known as "The Old Barracks set back from Westcott Street; Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rose Cottages, Westcott Street; and a pair of cottages known as "Denbies Cottages at nos 1 and 3 Watson Road, Westcott. To be sold by auction by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 16 Jul 1945, 13pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/87 | Catalogue for the sale of livestock, dairy utensils, carriages, saddles, bridles, 30 loads of meadow hay and agricultural implements, all to be sold by auction by James White, on the instructions of the devisee of the late Rochard Fuller, Esq near the mansion on the Rookery Estate at Westcott, 26 May 1854. Marked as the clerk's copy, the catalogue contains amendments in manuscript showing the amounts raised by each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/14/88 | Records of the sale of the furniture and effects from the Rookery Estate, Westcott, 1854, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/88/1 | An inventory and valuation of a portion of the furniture and fixtures in the mansion and offices, implements in the garden, the stock and implements in the brick yard and other effects on the Rookery Estate in Dorking valued from Mrs Fuller to George Arthur Fuller, Esq by James White, auctioneer, valuer and estate agent of Dorking, Jun 1854, 1p. Printed lists of individual lots have been pasted onto the page together with the amounts paid and the surnames of the buyers in manuscript | |
DM1/1/2/14/88/2 | Small poster advertising the sale of household furniture, from the Rookery Estate, "the property of a gentleman who has removed to a distant county"; to be sold by auction by James White at the premises of Mr Cooke, carpenter at Westcott, to which they were removed for the convenience of sale, 03 Jul 1854. The poster incorporates a listing of the individual lots. | |
DM1/1/2/14/88/3-6 | Letters from Mary Price of the Parsonage, Yardley Hastings, Northampton, to James White, estate agent of Dorking in connection with the sale of furniture described in DM1/1/2/14/88/2, 1854. | |
DM1/1/2/14/89 | Sale particulars for the Rookery Estate at Westcott comprising also the Deer-leap Estate and the Westcott Mill Estate, all covering an area of 235 acres to be sold by auction in 33 lots by Messrs Dowsett, Knight & Co in conjunction with Messrs White & Sons of Dorking at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, EC, 16 Aug 1898, 18pp with 2 plans. | |
DM1/1/2/14/90 | Sale particulars of the Rookery, Coast Hill and Westcott Mill Estates at Westcott to be sold by auction in 32 lots by Messrs Dowsett, Knight & Co of London, 1898, 5pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/91 | Records of the sale of the remaining part of the household furniture at Rookery Farm, Westcott, 1904, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/91/1 | Catalogue of the remaining portion of the household furniture of The Rookery Farm, Westcott to be sold by auction on the premises by Messrs White & Sons under instructions from Mrs Wynn, 27 Jan 1904, 10pp. Marked as the clerk's copy it is amended with pencilled notes recording the amounts paid for each lot and the surnames of the buyers. | |
DM1/1/2/14/91/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the household furniture described in DM1/1/2/14/91/1, 27 Jan 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/91/3 | Receipt from Surrey Constabulary to Messrs White & Sons of Dorking for the services of a police constable at the sale at Rookery Farm in Jan 1904, 19 Feb 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/14/92 | Sales records for the freehold of the Rookery Estate, Westcott, 1911-1912, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/92/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of The Rookery Estate at Westcott extending to over 175 acres; to be sold by private treaty by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley, of 20 Hanover Square, London, 1911, 17pp with plan. Includes several photographs of the property and a very brief history of its ownership. | |
DM1/1/2/14/92/2 | Handbill for the sale of the Rookery Estate, Westcott of 175 acres, 1912. To be sold in three lots by Messrs Knight, Frank & Rutley of Hanover Square, London: lot 1 - the Rookery and about 136 acres; lot 2 - Gardener's Cottage, laundry, garden and glass houses with nearly 2 acres; lot 3 - Coast Hill Field and an area of 37.297 acres. | |
DM1/1/2/14/93 | Sale particulars for freehold building land adjoining the Rookery Estate at Westcott for sale by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jul 1930, 5pp incorporating a plan and including the purchaser's contract in the name of William Henry Monk. | |
DM1/1/2/14/94 | Plan showing freehold property fronting St John's Road, Westcott to be sold by auction in 7 lots by Messrs White & Sons, 27 Jul 1905. There are no accompanying sales particulars. | |
DM1/1/2/14/95 | Records of the sale of a freehold cottage, shop and other leasehold cottages in St John's Road Westcott, 1919, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/95/1 | Copy of plan traced from a lease dated 04 May 1889, of a piece of land at Westcott from Mr W Williamson to Mr William Mansell. 21 May 1919, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/95/2 | Sales particulars for the freehold of a cottage and shop and an adjoining cottage at St John's Road, Westcott (Lot 1); together with three blocks of four leasehold cottages also in St John's Road, Westcott (Lot 2) to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Jun 1919, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/95/3 | Large poster advertising the sale of the freehold and leasehold of properties in St John's Road, Westcott comprising a shop, dwelling house and cottage and 12 cottages and building land to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Jun 1919. | |
DM1/1/2/14/95/4 | Draft statement of account from White & Sons to the executors of the late Mr W Mansell for the sale by auction of freehold property at Westcott, 23 Jun 1919, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/95/5 | Page listing the amount of rent received from the properties of "the late Mr Wm Mansell's estate at St John's Road, Westcott with the names of tenants. [c.1919?] | |
DM1/1/2/14/95/6 | Page headed "Mansell's Sale," listing the names of people to whom sales particulars of the properties had been sent, [c.1919?], 2p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/96 | Sale particulars for two detached pairs of cottages known as Oak and Briar Cottages at St John's Road, Westcott for sale by auction by Messrs Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 23 Jul 1923, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/97 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture and effects to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Smithy, Westcott, 09 Oct 1906. A catalogue of the items is incorporated within the poster. | |
DM1/1/2/14/98 | Records of the sale of Springfield House Westcott, [c.1988?], 2 items. Related records: for an earlier sale of the property see: DM1/1/2/14/68; for records relating to the history of the property see: DM1/1/4/5 | |
DM1/1/2/14/98/1 | Sale particulars contained in a colour brochure for Springfield House, Westcott, Dorking, offered for sale by Prudential Property Services of High Street, Dorking, [c.1988?]. | |
DM1/1/2/14/98/2 | Illustrated coloured folder used as an outer container for the sales particulars of Springfield House, Westcott, Dorking. Vendor: Gascoigne Pees of High Street, Dorking. [c.1988?] The contents of the sales particulars are missing. | |
DM1/1/2/14/99 | Records of the sale of "Stowe Maries", Westcott, 1911-1983, 3 items | |
DM1/1/2/14/99/1 | Sale particulars for the house known as Stowe Maries at Westcott with three acres of land for sale by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London by Hampton & Sons, 29 May 1911, 8pp. Title to the property commenced with a conveyance of 31 May 1855 between Maria Fuller of the first part, George Arthur Fuller of the second part, Sir John Henry Pelly, and William Walter Fuller of the third part and John Coles Symes. | |
DM1/1/2/14/99/2 | Advertisement from Country Life magazine for the sale of "Stowe Maries" at Westcott, Jan 1980, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/99/3 | Coloured brochure containing sale particulars for "Stowe Maries," Westcott, Dorking offered for sale by King & Chasemore of Horsham, Sussex, 1983, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/100 | Sale particulars for three freehold cottages in Trueloves Road, Westcott for sale by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Prince of Wales Inn, Westcott, 06 Aug 1884, 4pp. The properties comprised a pair of semi-detached cottages then occupied by Sydney George Baptiste and William Edward Bravery and one detached cottage in the occupation of John Batcock. | |
DM1/1/2/14/101 | Records of the sale of building land fronting Watson Road, Westcott, 1906, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/101/1 | Sale particulars for 106 plots of freehold building land in Westcott all fronting Watson Road, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 22 Mar 1906, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/101/2 | Large plan showing the 106 plots of building land fronting Watson Road, Westcott, 1906, as described in DM1/1/2/14/101/1. | |
DM1/1/2/14/102 | Sale particulars for Nos 1 and 2, Hillview Cottages, Watson Road, Westcott for sale by auction by Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, 11 Apr 1921, 4pp.The property was shown as being let on weekly tenancies with the current tenants being, Messrs R Martingale and W. Wakeford. | |
DM1/1/2/14/103 | Sale particulars for 38 Watson Road, Westcott, Dorking, for sale by Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, May 1988, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/104 | Records of the sale of live and dead stock, farming equipment and waggons and carts at West Lees and Squires Farms, Westcott, 1919, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/104/1 | Catalogue for the sale of live and dead stock, farming implements and waggons and carts at West Lees and Squire's Farms, Westcott to be sold by auction by Messrs Nightingale, Phillips and Page in conjunction with White & Sons at West Lees Farm, 13 Mar 1919, 11p. Auctioneer's copy. | |
DM1/1/2/14/104/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of live and dead farming stock, farming implements, waggons and carts and 30 tons of mangold wurtzell to be sold by auction at West Lees Farm by Nightingale, Phillips and Page in conjunction with White & Sons, 13 Mar 1919. | |
DM1/1/2/14/104/3 | Statement of account from White and Sons for the proceeds of the sale of West Leas Farm, 05 Apr 1919, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/105 | Sale particulars for Westcott House, Westcott with 15 acres of land for sale by auction at the London Auction Mart, Queen Victoria Street, London EC4, 24 Apr 1923, 13pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/106 | Sale particulars for Westcott House, Westcott for sale by auction by Messrs Chas. Osenton & Co on the instructions of Mrs G H Rees at the London Auction Mart, 25 Jul 1935, 13pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/107 | Small brochure of sales particulars for Westcott Hill House, Westcott for sale by auction at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking by White & Sons and Messrs Crow of Dorking, 19 Nov 1962, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/108 | Sale particulars for Westcott Hill House, Westcott Heath for sale by White & Sons, Sep 1988, 4pp, illus. | |
DM1/1/2/14/109 | Sale particulars for Westcott Mill, a water mill with mill residence, farm buildings, cottages including "Sand Rock Cottage," and meadow land all comprising an area of over 32 acres, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons in conjunction with Messrs Hampton & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 28 May 1896, 8pp including a coloured plan. Abstract of title commenced with a conveyance of 31 May 1855 between Maria Fuller, widow, George Arthur Fuller, Sir John Henry Pelly, William Walter Fuller and John Coles Symes. | |
DM1/1/2/14/110 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture and other miscellaneous items to be sold by White & Sons on the premises in Westcott Street on instructions from Nathaniel Rowland "who is declining housekeeping," 03 Jun 1861. A catalogue is incorporated in the lower half of the poster and the prices fetched by the different lots are written in manuscript on the reverse. | |
DM1/1/2/14/111 | Sale particulars for Lower Springfield Farmhouse, Westcott Street, Westcott for sale by auction by Crow, Watkin & Watkin of Dorking, 17 Sep 1980, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/112 | Photocopy of sales particulars for the freehold of the cottage residence "Wintershaw" with an acre of ground at Westcott Green, to be sold by auction by Messrs Murrell, Scobell & Masterman at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 16 Jun 1880, 4pp. Copy made [c.1980s?] | |
DM1/1/2/14/113 | Records of the sale of Wotton Cottage, Westcott and a pair of adjoining cottages, 1913, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/2/14/113/1 | Sale particulars for the freehold of Wotton Cottage, Westcott let on 3 years agreement from 1911 to Mrs Rose; and a pair of cottages adjoining let to weekly tenants, all to be sold by auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 08 May 1913 in two lots, 4pp. Includes a memorandum of the purchaser's contract on the reverse with Dudley Cory Wright of the Red House, Westcott named as the purchaser. | |
DM1/1/2/14/113/2 | A second copy of the sale particulars at DM1/1/2/14/113/1, but with an amended note by hand that the different properties were to be offered in one lot by instructions from Mr Hodges, 08 May 1913. | |
DM1/1/2/14/113/3 | Plan of Wotton Cottage and pair of cottages adjoining at Westcott for sale by auction by Messrs White & Sons, 08 May 1913, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/14/113/4 | Large poster advertising the sale of the detached villa facing the village green at Westcott known as "Wootton [sic] Cottage." and a pair of cottages adjoining; for sale by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 08 May 1913. The property had been let on a three year tenancy to Mrs Rose from 1911. | |
DM1/1/2/14/113/5 | Draft statement of account by White & Sons in account with Mr J C Pannell's mortgagees regarding the sale by auction of freehold property of Wotton Cottage and the pair of cottages adjoining, 01 Aug 1913, | |
DM1/1/2/14/113/6 | Manuscript listing containing the names and addresses of those to whom the particulars of "the Westcott properties" had been sent, 1913, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/14/114 | Sale particulars for Vale House, Wotton Vale, Westcott, Dorking. Agents: Gascoigne-Pees of High Street, Dorking, 1988. 2pp. Contained in a colour brochure. The property was formerly the Rectory to St John's Church, Wotton. | |
DM1/1/2/15 | Wotton sales records, 1838-1884, 4 files and 2 items. These include the sale of the Tillingbourne Estate, 1838-1850; livestock and farming equipment at Park Farm, Wotton, 1850; and the freehold estate of "Laylands," at Broad Moor, Wotton, 1884. | |
DM1/1/2/15/1 | Records of the sale of the Tillingbourne Estate at Wotton adjacent to Leith Hill comprising correspondence with transcripts and an estate map, 1838-1850, 39 items. The correspondence is between James White, surveyor of Dorking and Messrs Hawkins, Bloxam and Stocker, solicitors of New Boswell Ct, London. The subject matter relates to the difficulties encountered in obtaining full possession of the estate for the new purchaser, Lord Surrey, as initially a Mr Harding was in possession with several tenants and had sold some adjoining pasture land. The handwriting in the letters is difficult and transcripts compiled by the donor are also included. The estate included several houses and 420 acres of land with extensive common rights over Leith Hill. It had previously been offered for sale by Messrs Brooks and Hedger of 28 Old Bond Street, London in 1835. The same estate agents again offered it for sale by private treaty in 1838. (Source: Morning Chronicle 30 Jul 1835 and 10 Jan 1838). | |
DM1/1/2/15/2 | Catalogue for the sale of livestock and agricultural implements to be sold by auction at Park Farm, Wotton, by James White on the instructions of Mr H Ellisby, 27 Mar 1850, 10pp. Park Farm is described as being near to the Evelyn Arms Inn, Wotton, [now the Wotton Hatch]. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers and the price of each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/15/3 | Sale particulars of the freehold estate known as "Laylands," [sic] at Broad Moor in the parish of Wotton comprising a small farm house, a cottage and 36 acres; and seven freehold cottages with gardens also at Wotton, for sale by auction in 2 lots by Messrs Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater in conjunction with Messrs White & Sons of Dorking at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 20 May 1884, 4pp including a separate plan. | |
DM1/1/2/15/4 | Records relating to the initial sale of the "Leylands," estate, Wotton, 1919-1986, 4 items. | |
DM1/1/2/15/4/1 | Sale particulars for "Leylands," at Wotton with 36 acres of land together with "Hillside," at Westcott for sale by auction in two lots by Harrods of Brompton Road, London in conjunction with White & Sons of Dorking, at Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, 08 Jul 1919, 15pp including a plan. | |
DM1/1/2/15/4/2 | Large poster for the sale of "Leylands," at Wotton and the freehold of "Hillside," at Westcott 1919. | |
DM1/1/2/15/4/3 | Letter from G Brooke at the Rookery Estate Office at Westcott to Messrs White & Sons of Dorking stating that he could not arrange for the sale of "Leylands." except by auction, 20 May 1919, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/15/4/4 | Letter addressed to David Knight from the then resident of "Leylands," at Wotton, 19 Sep 1986, 1p. Contains only a brief reference to her interest in the history of the property. | |
DM1/1/2/15/5 | Records relating to the sale of the remaining furniture and household goods at "Leylands," Wotton, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, 10 Sep 1919, 14 items. Includes the auctioneer' s copy of the catalogue of sale items with amended notes of the sums raised for each lot and the buyer's surname; a large poster publicising the sale, correspondence between the agents Messrs White and the vendor Alice Brooke, and between Messrs White and the Manager of the Estate Office of Harrods of Brompton Road, London, who were acting mutually in the matter, 1919. | |
DM1/1/2/15/6 | Sale particulars for Wotton House, Dorking offered for sale by Humberts of Grosvenor Street, London in association with King and Chasemore of Pulborough, Sussex, 1986, 16pp. Includes 2 maps, a plan and a survey by the architects Green Lloyd Adams of 36 Bedford Row, London. All contained in a coloured brochure. | |
DM1/1/2/16 | Sales of two or more properties at different locations, 1845-1929, 1 box. Arrangement: in chronological order | |
DM1/1/2/16/1 | Sale particulars for properties on East Street (now High Street) and Chertgate Lane, Dorking (now Dene Street) to be sold by auction on the direction of William Alloway and Charles Alloway, by James White at the White Horse Inn, Dorking. 07 May 1845, 4pp. The premises on the corner of East Street and Chertgate Lane are described as a butcherÍs shop, occupied by William and Charles Alloway; the premises on the west side of Chertgate Lane are described as a slaughter house. | |
DM1/1/2/16/2 | Sale particulars for four cottages near the Turnpike Road, Flint Hill, Dorking, two cottages and a house with garden near the pottery on the Holmwood Common, Dorking, and a cottage with over five acres of meadow and pasture land at Root Hill, Betchworth, to be sold by auction by James White at the BullÍs Head Inn, Dorking, 26 Apr 1846, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/3 | Sale particulars for two freehold cottages in KingÍs Head Yard, Dorking, and a cottage with orchard near the Norfolk Arms on the Holmwood Common, Dorking, to be sold by auction by order of the High Court of Chancery, by Mr White, at the White Horse Inn, Dorking, 08 Aug 1848, 4pp. The plaintiffs are named as: Alice Gowar and John Greaves and the defendants as: Solomon Bennett, James Grace, William Dean Gowar, Samuel Gowar, Joshua William Bennett, Samuel Cathcart, Samuel Sturgis, and Mary Ann Gowar. | |
DM1/1/2/16/4 | Sale particulars for Shrubs or Vachary Lands, a freehold farm of over seventy six acres of arable, coppice and wood land with a dwelling house and agricultural buildings situated on the south side of the parish of Cranleigh; and a residence with offices, garden and paddock at Westcott "near the site of a new church about to be erected," to be sold by auction in two lots by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 22 Aug 1850, 4pp with a separate plan for Shrubs or Vachery Lands at Cranleigh. | |
DM1/1/2/16/5 | File containing sales particulars, correspondence and accounts relating to the sale of two houses and shops on the south side of Dorking High Street and meadow land in Westcott, sold by James White, estate agent of Dorking, 1851, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/2/16/5/1 | Sale particulars for two adjoining freehold houses with shops on the south side of the High Street, Dorking; and a cottage with 5 acres of meadow land at Westcott to be sold by auction by James White at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 19 May 1851. Comprising 6 lots,. Condition: Unfit for production. Please use photocopy provided. Lot 1: the first of the houses in Dorking High Street. In the tenure of Alfred Fuller, tailor, as a yearly tenant. Lot 2: the second of the houses in Dorking High Street was held on lease by Richard Uwins, senior, baker, pastry cook and confectioner. Lot 3: a meadow known as The Catsfields fronting onto South Street and Vincents Lane then in the tenure of Joseph Fuller. Lot 4: a cottage situated near St John's Chapel, Westcott then occupied by William Bravey. Lot 5: a parcel of meadow land, copyhold of the manor of Westcott and adjoining Lot 4. It was then occupied by John Young. Lot 6: the sale of a bond for £125 of money secured on a mortgage on the tolls of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road | |
DM1/1/2/16/5/2 | Statement of account by James White, estate agent of Dorking for the sale of freehold estates in Dorking on behalf of the representatives of the late James Bravery, 19 May 1851, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/16/5/3 | Letter sent to Mr White, the Dorking estate agent from George Trimmer of Farnham discussing the sale of meadow land in South Street, Dorking, 06 Apr 1851, 2pp. John Attlee of Dorking is mentioned as a trustee. | |
DM1/1/2/16/5/4 | Letter sent to Mr White of Dorking from George Trimmer of Farnham with regard to the arrangements for the day of sale, 13 Apr 1851, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/5/5 | Letter sent to Mr White from George Trimmer of Farnham regarding the sale of the bond "for the Horsham Road tolls," 29 Apr 1851, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/5/6 | Letter sent to Mr White, the Dorking estate agent from George Trimmer of the Auction & Estate Agency Office at Farnham discussing the sale of copyhold land at Westcott, 26 May 1851, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/6 | Sale particulars for the freehold estate of Jarman Hope, deceased, to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Son, 08 May 1856, 4pp. The estate consisted of a house with offices and garden in South Street, Dorking, then occupied by Mr G K Paxon surgeon, (evidence from trade directories suggest tht this was 58 South Street, now 80-82 South Street); a house and shop on the north side of the High Street Dorking, then occupied by Frederick Gosling, tailor and manÍs mercer and three pairs of semi-detached villas and a cottage in Howard Road. [The will of Jarman Hope, gentleman of West Street, Dorking was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 19 Feb 1856] | |
DM1/1/2/16/7 | Photocopy of sales particulars for a freehold house, bakehouse, and large garden together with a freehold house and yard in Bridge Street, Leatherhead; the freehold licensed victualling house "The Old House at Home," in West Street, Dorking with a yard and two cottages adjoining and two tenements in the rear; seven freehold cottages in the Vale of "Broadmoor" in Wotton; and a substantial freehold messuage occupied as three tenements on the verge of Abinger Common; all to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 03 Jul 1856 in 7 lots on the instructions of the devisees in trust under the will of Mr William Lipscomb deceased, 3pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/8 | A poster and catalogue for the sale of underwoods in the parishes of Dorking and Newdigate, the property of the Duke of Norfolk, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 04 Nov 1858, 2 items. A poster advertising the sale has been sewn together with the catalogue showing the lots The names of the purchasers and amounts raised have been added in manuscript. The catalogue has been printed on to the reverse of copies of the front cover of sale particulars for the Public Water Works, Dorking, houses and building works. | |
DM1/1/2/16/9 | Records of the sale of an estate comprising Myrtle House and Chapel Cottages in Church Street and West Street, Dorking, 1873. 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/16/9/1 | Sale particulars for an estate comprising Myrtle House, two cottages, a malthouse (then used as a warehouse), barns, sheds and buildings, and Chapel cottages in Church Street and West Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by order of the trustees of William Stevens, deceased, by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 19 Jun 1873, Myrtle House was formerly used as the Tanyard and Chapel Cottages were previously known as The Barracks. | |
DM1/1/2/16/9/2 | Plan of the properties in Church Street and West Street described in DM1/1/2/16/9/1, 1873. Church Street is named as Back Lane. | |
DM1/1/2/16/10 | Photocopy of sale particulars for properties in Lewisham, Kent and Dorking, to be sold by auction by Hards, Vaughan & Jenkinson, at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, 16 Apr 1874, 4pp. The properties in Dorking were five freehold cottages on the west and north of Cotmandene Common. | |
DM1/1/2/16/11 | Sale particulars for 10 freehold cottages In Orchard Road and Falkland Road, Dorking known as "Mr Shearburn's" together with two plots of freehold building land adjoining the Star and Garter Hotel and close to the station on the London Brighton and South Coast Railway, [the present Dorking Station], to be sold by auction by Messrs Harvey and Davids at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 Jun 1879, 4pp incorporating a map of the freehold building land. Mr Shearburn was William Shearburn, a well known Dorking architect. | |
DM1/1/2/16/12 | Photocopy of sale particulars for number 59, West Street and number 44 Church Street, (formerly Back Lane), Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 26 Jun 1884, 4pp. 59 West Street is described as comprising a carpenterÍs workshop, paint shop, timber store, saw pit and builderÍs yard, then occupied by Mr E H English, builder. | |
DM1/1/2/16/13 | Records of the sale of land in Back Lane [later known as Church Street] and Meadowbrook Road, Dorking, 1884, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/16/13/1 | Photocopy of sale particulars for building land in Back Lane, also known as Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 03 Sep 1884, 4pp. The land is described as adjoining the Dorking Brewery and extending to the Pipp Brook, and according to the plan also extended into Meadowbrook Road. The property was to be sold under a decree of the Court of Chancery for the sale of the estates of Heathfield Young, deceased, who died 09 May 1836. Title to the property had commenced with a conveyance of 12 Mar 1877 between Dodsworth Haydon, William Fitzgerald Pilcher, Henry Drayson Pilcher and the vendor who is not named. | |
DM1/1/2/16/13/2 | Original plan of building land in Church Street and Meadowbrook Road, 1884. | |
DM1/1/2/16/14 | Photocopy of a catalogue for the three day sale of builderÍs plant, implements and stock-in-trade, due to bankruptcy proceedings regarding the late Mr C C Heselgrave, builder, to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher on the premises in Junction Road and Church Street, Dorking, 27, 28, 29 Oct 1884, 26pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/15 | Sale particulars for the business premises of Nos 6 and 7, on the north side of the High Street, Dorking', then occupied by Messrs Philps, tailors; Nos 31 and 32 Church Street then let to William Lewis, Henry Rumsey and Peter Foord, together with a plot of building land adjoining. To be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 05 Aug 1886, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/16 | Photocopy of sales particulars for two properties which include the freehold of the cottage "Brook House," including a blacksmith's shop at South Holmwood; business premises at 63 High Street, Dorking with the current tenant named as James White, baker; and the adjoining property at 64 High Street, Dorking, the current tenant then being Mrs Kelsey, confectioner; [original c.late 19th century?] 4pp. Date of copy [c.1980?] The copy has been made with the pages out of order. Information relating to the garden of Brook House, South Holmwood is upside down and on the reverse page to the main description of the house. | |
DM1/1/2/16/17 | Photocopy of sale particulars for eight cottages on Holmwood Common, and five building plots in Orchard Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 12 Jun 1890, 4pp. The cottages on Holmwood Common are described as being near the road leading from South Holmwood Church to the Four Vents Pond. | |
DM1/1/2/16/18 | Photocopy of sale particulars for 9 North Street and 36 Church Street, Dorking to be sold by auction by White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on the instructions of the trustees of the late Mrs Anne Bryant, 11 Jun 1891, 4pp. 9 North Street is described as being the mineral water manufactory. Title to the properties commenced with a conveyance to the late Mr Frances Blackwell Bryant of 05 Sep 1879. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19 | Records of the sale of building land at Westcott and Wotton, 1891, 7 items. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/1 | Sale particulars for a portion of the glebe lands of the parish of Wotton comprising an area of nearly 90 acres of building and accommodation land at Wotton with a house and shop with large garden in Westcott and detached portions of Wotton glebe land at Westcott in the parish of Dorking to be sold in 27 lots by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 05 Nov 1891. Lots 1 to 23 were then let to Mr J W Atkinson. Lot 25, the dwelling house and shop in Westcott had been let to Mrs Ellen Chitty for 21 years from Dec 1890. The shop is now Westcott Court. A purchaser's memorandum is included on p.8 recording the names of the purchasers of each lot, the amount paid, the deposit and the balance. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/2 | Plan of a portion of the glebe lands of the parish of Wotton as described in S1498/1, 1891. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/3 | Plan of property at Westcott in the parish of Dorking forming a portion of the glebe lands of Wotton as described in S1498/1, 1891 | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/4 | Receipted bill from Fredk. Cartwright, lithographer, engraver and printer pf 27 Southampton Buildings, London WC to Messrs White & Sons of Dorking for printing costs in connection with the sale of the Wotton Glebe Estate, 29 Jan 1892. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/5 | A detailed account of expenses of Messrs White & Sons, auctioneers of Dorking for the Board of Agriculture under the Glebe Lands Act of 1883 in connection with the sale of the glebe lands of the parish of Wotton as described in S1498/1, [1891?], 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/6 | Large poster advertising the sale of freehold building sites of 90 acres in Wotton and Dorking on the main road from Dorking to Guildford, being a portion of the glebe lands of the parish of Wotton divided into lots ranging from half an acre to 16 acres; also a house and shop in Westcott and the parish of Dorking in the occupation of Mrs Ellen Chitty, on lease, and two outlying parcels of land, also near Westcott in the occupation of R. Barclay Esq & L M Rate Esq, to be sold by auction in 27 lots by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 25 Nov 1891. | |
DM1/1/2/16/19/7 | Page headed "Land Agents Record" with pasted cuttings from an unidentified newspaper under the title of: Results of Recent Sales - Lands at Wotton, 07 Nov 1891, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/16/20 | Sale particulars for freehold building sites and shop and cottage plots with "Elm Cottage" at Brockham and a shop and dwelling house at no 77 South Street, Dorking to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Jul 1898 in 16 lots, 8pp with 2 plans, one showing building land and plots in Ockley and Capel (lots 1-10) and the other showing lots 11-13 at Beare Green. | |
DM1/1/2/16/20 ctd | Lot 1: a plot of freehold building land adjoining the garden of the "King's Arms," Ockley. Lot 2: meadow land adjoining lot 1 Lot 3: two enclosures of meadow land close to the village of Ockley Lot 4: freehold building land adjoining the Crown Inn at Capel. Lots 5-8: all similar plots of freehold building land in Capel adjoining Lot 4 Lot 9: two enclosures of meadow land in Capel on the main road from Dorking Lot 10: an enclosure of meadow land adjoining Lot 9 | |
DM1/1/2/16/20 ctd | Lot 11: two cottages with gardens and outbuildings facing Beare Green in the parish of Capel, part of which was used for the business of a grocer and draper with 3 enclosures of land of about 4 acres Lot 12: three enclosures of land adjoining north on Lot 11 Lot 13: three enclosures of land adjoining north on lot 12 Lot 14: a plot of building land adjoining the Crown Inn, Westcott Lot 15: Elm Cottage at Brockham facing the green in the centre of the village Lot 16: the freehold shop and dwelling house at no 77 South Street, Dorking | |
DM1/1/2/16/21 | Records relating to the sale by auction of a portion of the estate of the late Edward Randall of Myrtle House, Church Street, Dorking (d. Sep 1900), 1901. 3 items | |
DM1/1/2/16/21/1 | Sale particulars for the first portion of the estate of Edward Randall, deceased, to be sold by auction by White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking. 04 Jul 1901, 8pp.The lots for auction comprised: building land on Rothes Road, Dorking; building land on the south side of Orchard Road; building land on the approach road to Dorking Station; number 1 West Street, Dorking; Lower Stake, situated on the north side of the approach to Rose Hill adjoining the yard of The BullÍs Head Inn; building land sites known as The Rushetts, Stonebridge, Dorking; a property known as Rushetts, Stonebridge or The Stonebridge Brickyard; numbers 18, 19 and 23 North Street, Dorking; number 72 South Street, Dorking (now 32 South Street).A plan of the lots at The Rushetts, Stonebridge is included. Manuscript additions record the purchasers and amounts raised by the different lots. | |
DM1/1/2/16/21/2 | Large poster advertising the sale described in DM1/1/2/16/21/1, 04 Jul 1901. | |
DM1/1/2/16/21/3 | Plan of the building land at Stonebridge and the Stonebridge Brickyard, described in DM1/1/2/16/21/1, 04 Jul 1901. | |
DM1/1/2/16/22 | Sale particulars for numbers 39, 40, 41 and 42 (known as Rosenfels) High Street, Dorking (now 179 to 207 High Street); building plots in Hart Road, Dorking; numbers 27, 28 and 29 Dene Street, Dorking; and building land on the Ridgeway Road, Holloway Estate, Dorking, to be sold by auction by order of the executors of Elizabeth Hart, deceased, by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 04 Jul 1901, 6pp. The conditions of sale refer to the will written and proved in 1889 of John Hart, solicitor of Dorking, the brother of the Elizabeth Hart referred to above. | |
DM1/1/2/16/23 | Sale particulars for numbers 14 and 15 Howard Road, numbers 4, 5, and 6 Arundel Road and numbers 16, 18, and 20 Rothes Road, for sale by auction by White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 24 Oct 1901, 6pp. Title commenced with the will of Daniel Lifford, dated 12 Aug 1865. The reverse of the document contains a memorandum of agreement completed by Emily Worger for the purchase of number 4 Arundel Road, signed by the vendor, Abednego Trussler. Daniel Lifford was a carpenter of Back Lane, Dorking (d.25 Oct 1865) and the uncle of Abednego Trussler, the executor of his will. (Source: National probate indexes). | |
DM1/1/2/16/24 | Records relating to the sale of the properties known as Ellerslie and Westcott Villa both in Westcott and Rustic Cottage in Falkland Road, Dorking, 1903-1904, 16 items . | |
DM1/1/2/16/24/1 | Sales particulars for freehold and copyhold properties including a pair of semi-detached villas of copyhold tenure known as "Ellerslie" and "Westcott Villa," in Westcott let to Miss Kennedy and Miss Buchanan with an adjoining plot of freehold building land; and a detached freehold villa known as "Rustic Cottage," in Falkland Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons under instructions from the executors of Miss Caffin at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 28 Jan 1904 in three lots, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/16/24/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the properties described in DM1/1/2/16/24/1, 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/16/24/3-16 | Correspondence between Messrs Goole & Haddock, solicitors of Horsham acting for the executors of Miss E. Caffin, and the estate agents Messrs White & Sons of Dorking regarding the sale of the properties described in DM1/1/2/16/24/1, 1903-1904. | |
DM1/1/2/16/25 | Sale particulars for Sunnyside and Fernlea, London Road, Dorking, and Fernlea and Rockdene, Meadow Walk, Walton-on-the-Hill, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold, at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 22 Mar 1906, 10pp. Manuscript amendments record the amounts bid for the properties. | |
DM1/1/2/16/26 | Sale particulars for Normanholt, Tower Hill, Dorking and numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14 Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs Alex. H Turner & Co at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London EC, 28 May 1906, 4pp. Number 14 Rose Hill is known as Walnut Tree Cottage. | |
DM1/1/2/16/27 | Sale particulars for the butcherÍs shop and house at number 47 West Street, Dorking; Ashcombe Villa, London Road, Dorking; and numbers 2 and 4 Lincoln Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 27 Jun 1907, 10pp. Title to Ashcombe Villa and 2 and 4 Lincoln Road commenced with conveyances of 08 Aug 1888 and 10 Nov 1892 from the Box Hill Estate Trustees. The tenant of 47 West Street was Henry H Clarke, butcher. Manuscript amendments record that all the properties were withdrawn at auction. | |
DM1/1/2/16/28 | Sale particulars for number 3 Moores Road, Dorking, and number 6 VincentÍs Road, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 25 Jun 1908, 4pp. Related records: for a later sale of 3 Moores Road see: DM1/1/2/7/83 | |
DM1/1/2/16/29 | Sale particulars for number 29 Howard Road, Dorking, numbers 14 and 15 Vincent Road, Dorking, and numbers 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Orchard Road, Dorking, all to be sold by auction by Arnold & Son at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 21 Nov 1921, 4pp. The conditions of sale state that title to the properties commenced with the will of Henry Knight of 13 Aug 1890. Manuscript amendments record the amount of the bids made. | |
DM1/1/2/16/30 | Sale particulars for freehold cottages in Church Gardens, Mill Lane, and St Martin's Place, Dorking and also at Thorndalle Cottages, the Common, Westcott. To be auctioned at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking by Leonard Frederick Arnold of the firm of Arnold and Son and in accordance with an order of the Chancery Division of the High Court, 30 Dec 1929, 13pp. The current tenants of each property are named. Lot 1: thee blocks of freehold cottages comprising Nos 2,3,4.5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, & 14 Church Gardens, Dorking and Nos 15 & 16 Mill Lane, Dorking. Title to the properties commenced with a devise in the will of Daniel Pullen, builder of Dorking (d.11 May 1879). | |
DM1/1/2/16/30 ctd | Lot 2: two rows of freehold cottages comprising numbers 1-20 St Martin's Place, Dorking. Title commenced with an indenture of mortgage of 21 Jun 1870 between Daniel Pullen and Frederick Budgen. Lot 3: two blocks of freehold cottages comprising numbers 1-9 Thorndale Cottages, The Common, Westcott. Title commenced with an indenture of mortgage of 13 Jun 1870 between Daniel Pullen and George Wallington Grabham. | |
DM1/1/2/17 | General sales records including sales of livestock, farming tools and equipment, carriages and harnesses, household furniture and effects, stock in trade, shares, etc., 1840-1982, 9 files and 19 items. Arrangement: in alphabetical order ot the type of commodity being sold. | |
DM1/1/2/17/1 | Records of the sale of agricultural implements at Dorking Fatstock Show, 1864, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/17/1/1 | Poster advertising the Dorking Fatstock, Corn and Poultry Show and the sale of agricultural implements to be sold at auction by White & Sons at the Market Place, Dorking, 08 Dec 1864, 1p, 42 x 59.4 cms. Includes a listing of the lots to be sold. There are some manuscript amendments recording the names of purchasers and the amounts raised for some lots. | |
DM1/1/2/17/1/2 | Manuscript account of the proceeds of the sale referred to in DM1/1/2/17/1/1, [1864?], 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/2 | Catalogue for the sale of imported Alderney cows and heifers, to be sold by auction by James White in the Market Place, Dorking, 22 Apr 1841, 4pp. Manuscript additions record the purchasers and amounts raised for each lot and the expenses incurred. | |
DM1/1/2/17/3 | Manuscript list of carriages and carriage equipment sold in Dorking Market Place, showing the vendors, purchasers and amounts raised, 12 Aug 1840, 1p. The compiler of the list is unknown. | |
DM1/1/2/17/4 | Photocopy of a flyer advertising the sale of cart horses, carts and other effects to be sold by auction by James White, on the instructions of a railroad contractor, in the Market Place, Dorking, 19 Feb 1852, 2pp. The reverse of the flyer has been used for a letter of 16 Feb 1852, from James White to Edgar Corner, regarding a property dispute involving Mr Corner, Mr Byron and Mr Sturges. | |
DM1/1/2/17/5 | Records relating to a sale of carts and harness, to be sold by auction by James White in Dorking Market Place, 13 May 1841, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/17/5/1 | Manuscript listing of the individual lots of harnesses, carts and wagons showing the vendors, purchasers, prices, expenses and fees,13 May 1841, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/5/2 | Small pre-printed form with some information in manuscript, setting out the arrangements for witnessing an agreement for transactions at the auction between James White, the auctioneer; Moses Day and Thomas Bowring, 13 May 1841, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/5/3 | Poster advertising the sale of harnesses and carts, to be sold by auction by James White, in the Market Place, Dorking, 13 May 1841. | |
DM1/1/2/17/6 | Records relating to the sale of a collection of engravings and artistsÍ materials auctioned at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 05 and 06 Jul 1858, 10 items | |
DM1/1/2/17/6/1-2 | Catalogues for the sale of a collection of engravings, artistsÍ proofs, artistsÍ material and other stationery to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 05 and 06 Jul 1858, 2 items. The first catalogue describes lots 1 to 193 and the second, lots 193 to 298. The pages of each catalogue have been sewn into other pages which list in manuscript the names of the purchasers and amounts raised by each lot. The front page of the second catalogue bears the name Mr S Genese with the address of 29 Cranbourne Street, London. The 1861 census for the address in Cranbourne Street shows that Samuel Genese was a print seller. From the evidence of the other documents in the file he probably commissioned the sale. | |
DM1/1/2/17/6/3 | Large poster advertising the sale described in DM1/1/2/17/6/1-2, 1858, 1p, 42 x 59.4 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/17/6/4-9 | Correspondence between Mr White the auctioneer and Mr Genese discussing the final details of the sale referred to in DM1/1/2/17/6/1-2, Jul-Aug 1858. | |
DM1/1/2/17/6/10 | A brief manuscript note of the expenses and proceeds of the sale referred to in DM1/1/2/17/6/1-2, [1858?], 1p | |
DM1/1/2/17/7 | Records relating to the sale of farm implements in the Market Place, Dorking, 13 Feb 1840, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/2/17/7/1 | Manuscript list of farming implements belonging to Mr Coleman and others, sold in the Market Place, Dorking, showing purchasers and amounts raised for each lot, 13 Feb 1840, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/17/7/2 | Bill from James White, auctioneer, to William Coleman for the sale of farming implements, 13 Feb 1840, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/8 | Catalogue for the sale in Dorking Market Place of farming implements and household items, 12 Mar 1850, 4pp. The names of the purchasers of the lots and the prices paid are added in manuscript. The catalogue is partly in manuscript and partly printed. The section in print has been glued on to the page. | |
DM1/1/2/17/9 | Catalogue for a sale of furniture, effects and objets d'art at Dorking Halls by P F Windibank of Dorking, 26 Jun 1982, 18pp. A manuscript amendment draws attention to lot 45 - an oak cased wall dial clock inscribed Hubbard of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/17/10 | Records of the sale by auction of horses, carriages and harness by White and Sons at the Three Tuns Yard, High Street, Dorking 1904, 8 items | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/1 | Catalogue for the nineteenth periodical sale of horses, carriages and harness to be sold at auction by White & Sons, 14 Apr 1904,12pp. Manuscript additions note the purchasers and amounts raised by each lot. | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/2 | Large poster advertising the sale described at DM1/1/2/17/10/1, 14 Apr 1904, 59.4 x 84.1 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/3 | Blank entry form for items to be included in the sale described at DM1/1/2/17/10/1, 1904, 1p | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/4-5 | Two letters from R H Mackworth-Praed of Rotherwas, Herefordshire to Mr White referring to carriages he had submitted for sale, 1904. | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/6 | Receipt from Surrey Constabulary for the services of one Police Constable at the sale. 29 Apr 1904, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/7 | Printed circular letter issued by White & Sons of High Street, Dorking inviting submission of lots for the sale, Mar 1904, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/10/8 | Blank entry form for the sale of horses, 14 Apr 1904, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/11 | Catalogue of household items to be sold by auction on the premises, [c.mid 19th century?], 4pp. The premises are not identified. Manuscript additions note the names of the purchasers and the price of each lot. One lot is identified as a 30-hour clock in a painted case, by Thomas Worsfold of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/17/12 | Catalogue of household furnishings and furniture to be sold at the Auction Rooms, Dorking, 01 Aug 1853, 4pp. The purchasers and amounts raised for each lot has been added in manuscript. | |
DM1/1/2/17/13 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture at the Auction Rooms, Dorking by Mr Miller on the instructions of the executor of the late Mr Fowler, and others, 01 Aug 1853, 1p., 42 x 59.4 cms. An itemised list of the various lots is included. The address of Mr Fowler is not given but he may have been the George Fowler of Glory Farm, Dorking whose will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in 1853. | |
DM1/1/2/17/14 | Two lists of household furniture, [c.1900?]. No information is given as to the purpose of the lists or the location of the furniture but as lots are mentioned the furniture must have been intended for auction. | |
DM1/1/2/17/15 | Records relating to the sale by auction under a distraint for rent, of the household furniture and effects of George Neaves, of Dorking to be sold by auction by James White, 02 Jul 1840, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/17/15/1 | Auction catalogue for the sale referred to in DM1/1/2/17/15, which includes a printed list of lots, attached to the catalogue with manuscript additions of the names of purchasers and the amounts raised, 1840, 8pp. | |
DM1/1/2/17/15/2 | A receipt from Robert Best Ede, bookseller, printer and stationer of Dorking, for printing the auction catalogue, 30 Jun 1840, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/15/3 | Memorandum attesting a true valuation signed by Thomas Spokes, Constable of Dorking, James White, auctioneer and Thomas Chatfield, 02 Jul 1840, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/16 | Large poster advertising the sale of household furniture, livestock and other effects, to be sold by auction in West Street, Dorking, by James White on the instructions of the executors of the late Thomas Rose, baker, 27 Sep 1858, 42 x 59.4 cm | |
DM1/1/2/17/17 | Records relating to the sale of the household effects of the late Mrs Wilmot of Westcott, 1905, 5 items. The place of sale was at Westcott but the exact location is not specified. | |
DM1/1/2/17/17/1 | Auctioneer's copy of a catalogue of the household effects of the late Mrs Wilmot of Westcott to be sold by auction by White & Sons of Dorking, 30 Jan 1905, 22p. Amendments in pencil show the amounts paid for each lot and the surname of the purchaser. A duplicate copy at S1504. | |
DM1/1/2/17/17/2 | Large poster advertising the sale of the household effects of the late Mrs Wilmot of Westcott, to be sold by auction by White & Sons of Dorking, 30 Jan 1905. The effects included "an old harpsichord in mahogany case by John Broadwood." | |
DM1/1/2/17/17/3 | Statement of account addressed to the executors of Mrs Willmott for the sale of furniture and effects held at Westcott, 30 Jan 1905. 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/17/4 | Receipt issued by Surrey Constabulary to Messrs White & Son for the services of one police constable at the sale at Westcott, 30 Jan 1905, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/17/5 | Letter from K. Pitt (executor for Mrs Willmott) to Messrs White & Son acknowledging receipt of their accounts and statement of sale, 20 Feb 1905, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/17/18 | Catalogue for the sale of the husbandry and agricultural implements of John Sawyers at the Market Place, Dorking, 27 Nov 1851, 6pp. The purchasers, amounts raised for each individual lot and the final account are entered in manuscript. The only person of this name who appears in the census returns for Dorking in 1851 was a labourer in his sixties living in Pixham Lane. | |
DM1/1/2/17/19 | Catalogue for the sale of husbandry implements, horses, agricultural produce and stock, to be sold by auction by James White, under a distraint for rent, 29 Oct 1852, 8pp. Manuscript additions record the purchasers and amounts raised for each lot. The name of the person the distraint was served on, and the location of the sale, is illegible. | |
DM1/1/2/17/20 | Photocopy of a flyer advertising the sale of ponies, horses, a market cart and other effects, some being the property of James Upfold, deceased, to be sold by auction at the Stockmarket, Dorking, by James White, 14 Apr 1853. | |
DM1/1/2/17/21 | Sale particulars for forty shares in the Dorking Villa Building Company and nine shares in the Dorking Gas Company to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows' Hall, Dorking, 30 May 1907, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/17/22 | Records of the sale of the remaining stock in trade of John Balchin, pork butcher who was "declining the business and leaving the neighbourhood;"; to be sold by auction on the premises by Mr J. White of Dorking, 24 Sep 1852, 2 items. The location of the premises is not stated. | |
DM1/1/2/17/22/1 | Large poster advertising the sale, 24 Sep 1852. | |
DM1/1/2/17/22/2 | Printed listing of the individual lots for the sale with the prices fetched and the amounts paid added in manuscript, 1852, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/2/17/23 | Catalogue for the sale of the stock-in-trade of furniture, bedding, carpets and rugs, paper hanging and other effects to be sold by auction, on the instructions of Mr Miller, at the New Auction Room, East Street (now High Street), Dorking. 30 May 1853 and 31 May 1853, 24pp. The purchasers, amounts raised and final account are entered in manuscript. The sale was consequent to the dissolution of partnership in the firm of Miller and Davey of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/2/17/24 | Poster advertising the absolute sale of a reversion to the sum of £125 in cash, now placed on deposit at the Old Bank, Woking, in the name of trustees, receivable on the decease of a lady in the eightieth year of her life, to be sold by auction by Frederick Arnold at the Oddfellows Hall, Dorking, 30 May 1907, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/25 | Sale particulars for the public auction of materials from toll houses including gates and appurtenances, workmen's tools etc as well as the site of the toll house at Kingsfold. Sale conducted by Archibald White at the Red Lion Hotel, 15 Nov 1880, 4pp. The toll houses included turnpike gates on the Dorking to Horsham turnpike road: Leatherhead, Gyles Green, the Harrow, Holmwood, Kingsfold and Warnham Mill. | |
DM1/1/2/17/26 | Records relating to the sale by auction of 59 acres of underwood in the parishes of Dorking, Wotton and Newdigate, 1855, 3 items. | |
DM1/1/2/17/26/1 | Specification and conditions of sale for 59 acres of underwood in the parishes of Dorking, Wotton and Newdigate to be sold by auction by Messrs White and Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 20 Dec 1855, 4pp. The lot numbers, description and location, purchasers, price per acre, total raised and deposit are recorded in manuscript. The reverse of the document is signed by the purchasers E Kerrich, Thomas Bowring, Thomas Ede, and W Fell). | |
DM1/1/2/17/26/2 | Manuscript listing of the lot numbers, description and price per acre of the sale described in S127/1, 1855, 4pp. | |
DM1/1/2/17/26/3 | Manuscript accounts of the amounts raised by the sale of the lots described in S127/1, 1855, 1p. | |
DM1/1/2/17/27 | Large poster advertising the annual sale of 75 acres of underwood in the parishes of Dorking, Capel and Newdigate, to be sold by auction by Messrs White & Sons at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, 06 Nov 1857, 1p, 42 x 59.4 cms. An itemised list of the various lots is included. | |
DM1/1/2/17/28 | Poster advertising the sale of wagons, harness and other husbandry equipment from the Fosterwoods Lands, to be sold by auction by James White at Dorking Stock Market, on the instructions of Samuel Drawbrige, 02 Sep 1852, 59.4 x 84.1 cms. | |
DM1/1/2/17/29 | Photocopies of two fliers, one advertising the sale of goods by auction at the Windmill Public House, Dorking by White and Sons, 22 May 1857 and the other stating that the sale advertised for 22 May had been postponed to 21 May 1857, 2 items. The sale was by order of the County Court of Surrey, Dorking District but the type of goods for sale is not specified. | |
DM1/1/3 | Buildings and Estate Management records including architects drawings, specifications and records of alterations and repairs, 1857-[c.1970s?], 8 files and 9 items. Arrangement: in order of the location of the property. | |
DM1/1/3/1 | Photocopy of specifications for proposed works at Burford Bridge, Box Hill on behalf of J. Matthew Esq, Feb 1857, 6pp. | |
DM1/1/3/2 | Repairs at Crockhurst Farm, Coldharbour, 1917, 2 items. | |
DM1/1/3/2/1 | Specification for repairs at Crockhurst Farm, Coldharbour to be executed on commencement of Mr A J [Lessaman's?] tenancy, 23 Jan 1917, 4pp. There is no indication of the compiler. | |
DM1/1/3/2/2 | Additional pencilled notes relating to the main specification described in DM1/1/3/2/1, [c.1917?], 6pp. | |
DM1/1/3/3 | Correspondence between Messrs White and Son, estate agents of Dorking and the executors of Lady Elizabeth Wathen's estate, 1863, 55 items. The executors had purchased Mount House in Cotmandene Lane, Dorking through James White as their agent. The subject of the correspondence relates mostly to the lease and repair of the property. Lady Elizabeth Jane Wathen, formerly of Shrub Hill, Dorking had died in Jan 1861 and her will was proved in Feb 1861. (National probate indexes). | |
DM1/1/3/4 | Correspondence between J. Gater of Rose Cottage, London Road, Dorking and J. White concerning the rent for Rose Cottage, 1911-1912, 7 items. J. Gater was the tenant of the property and the correspondence reflects his difficulty in making the rent payments at the required time. | |
DM1/1/3/5 | Letter from Drury & Bullen, valuers of High Street, Guildford relating to a change of tenancy at "The Rose and Crown," West Street, Dorking, 25 Mar 1873. 2p. | |
DM1/1/3/6 | Receipt issued by the Auction and Estate Agency Office, Dorking to Frederick Palmer in account with Mr C A White for flint digging on Ranmore Common, 13 Jan 1877. | |
DM1/1/3/7 | Page with rubbings of inscriptions taken from the golden ball once under the weather vane of the medieval St Martin's Church, [c.1970s?], The first rubbing shows the names of John Attlee and William Risbridger, churchwardens. A second one has the inscription; 'John Fuller Fecit '. The original inscription is dated 1779. David Knight's additional notes record that the ball was found in Attlee's malthouse in North Street in 1971. It was made of gilded copper and stood "as high as a dustbin." When it was found the gilding had gone. Its present location unknown. | |
DM1/1/3/8 | Correspondence between Messrs White & Sons, estate agents, H. Jeater & Son of Westcott, plumbers and decorators and Florence M Hall of Holmesdale Road, Reigate, regarding the future sale and repairs to properties at 1 and 2, Bailey Road, Westcott and "The Vale", Westcott, 51 items, 1917-1921. | |
DM1/1/3/9 | Correspondence and receipts issued by Preston & Habgood, builders of The Hildens, Logmore Lane, Westcott for work done at Barnet Cottage, Westcott. Addressed to C B Raison of Barnet, Herts, 1939-1940, 6 items. | |
DM1/1/3/10 | Letters relating to the closure to public access of the Nower by its owner, Robert Barclay of Bury Hill, 1905, 3 items. The Nower, a hillside area of woodland and grassland, originally part of the Bury Hill Estate, was acquired by Dorking Urban District Council in 1931. | |
DM1/1/3/10/1 | Photocopy of a typescript letter from White & Sons, agents for Robert Barclay of Bury Hill, to the editor of the Dorking Advertiser, 20 Nov 1905, 1p. It contains a request for the editor to publish a notice that Mr Barclay had found it necessary to close access to the Nower. It contains many manuscript amendments and was probably a draft. | |
DM1/1/3/10/2 | Photocopy of a manuscript letter from White & Sons, to the editor of the Dorking Advertiser, 23 Nov 1905. This would appear to be a final version of the draft letter at R192/1. | |
DM1/1/3/10/3 | Photocopy of a circular letter from White & Sons, agents for Robert Barclay, informing keyholders to the private gate to the Nower from Coldharbour Lane, that between Dec 1905 and the end of March 1906,their privilege of access would be withdrawn, 24 Nov 1905, 1p. | |
DM1/1/3/11 | Photocopy of an enlarged plan of the pumping house and gauging tank on the Rookery Estate at Westcott, headed "Cubitt & The Dorking Water Company," [1876?] The plan was drawn by Bargman & Benson, surveyors of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/3/12 | Architects drawing for Westcott School by Joseph Clarke, FSA, of 13 Stratford Place, Oxford Street, London, 1854, 21 x 33 cms. This was the Church of England school in School Lane, Westcott which was opened the same year. For photographs of the building see: DM1/12/37/10/32/1. | |
DM1/1/3/13 | Photocopy of a letter from Arthur Brooke of Leylands, Wotton, Dorking, to Robert Barclay of Bury Hill, Dorking regarding the private water works and water rents on the Rookery Estate, Westcott, 02 Aug 1895, 1p. | |
DM1/1/3/14 | Fire insurance policy of the Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company issued to Frank Harry Trower of Epsom for 2 houses in St Johns Road, Westcott in the tenure of Bridger and Skilton, 14 Apr 1918. | |
DM1/1/3/15 | Rent Book issued to Miss Ruffell for The Barracks, Westcott Street, Westcott by the landlord's agent, Frederick Arnold & Sons,, 1916-1919. Contains a loose photograph of the exterior view of a cottage which the donor has endorsed on the back as "Kiln Cottage." | |
DM1/1/3/16 | Records relating to "Wintershaw," Westcott Green at Westcott, 1905-1909. 2 items. | |
DM1/1/3/16/1 | Domestic Servants Policy for the Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Company taken out by Miss Carmichael of 14 Rue de Cange, Amiens, France, 21 Jan 1905. Relates to a gardener and caretaker employed at Wintershaw, Westcott, Dorking. | |
DM1/1/3/16/2 | An application form for the connection of gas supply by Dorking Gas Company at "Wintershaw" Westcott, Dorking, 23 Aug 1909 | |
DM1/1/3/17 | Bills made out to Henry Attlee from W A Hamblin, builder and contractor of 16 West Street, Dorking, 1898-1899, 2 items. The first relates to work carried out at Farm Cottage, Westcott and the other at Farm Cottage, Milton which were probably the same premises. Henry Attlee, (1841-1908,) was the sixth son of Richard Attlee (1795-1873), miller of Dorking and was the father of the Labour Prime Minister Clement Attlee. He was a solicitor who lived in London and was a brother to both John and William Attlee who owned the business of J & W Attlee, corn merchants and seedsmen of Dorking. | |
DM1/1/4 | House and Building Histories, 1977-1985, 2 files and 6 items. | |
DM1/1/4/1 | Manuscript notes compiled by Marion Herridge on past landholders of the High Ashurst estate, Box Hill from the 18th century, [c.1990s?], 1p. | |
DM1/1/4/2 | Typescript notes listing the initials, names, dates and undated inscriptions taken from the graffiti dating back to the 18th century in the caves beneath the premises of Kingham & Co in South Street,Dorking, [c.1960s?], 4pp. Recorded by Alan Finch, Joyce Banks and David Knight. | |
DM1/1/4/3 | Report by Vivien Ettlinger on the history of Sondes Place Farm following a visit by Dorking Local History Group to introduce members to the recording of old buildings, 1986, 27pp. Illustrated with maps, plans and images of source material. | |
DM1/1/4/4 | Report compiled by members of the Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey) on the Georgian house "Hillside," at Guildford Road, Westcott, 1980, 15pp. Includes drawings, plans, and maps. Related records: for records of the sale of the property see: DM1/1/2/14/59 | |
DM1/1/4/5 | Records relating to the history of a house at Westcott originally known as "Marienneville," and by the 20th century as Springfield House, 1977-[c.1980s?], 6 items. Related material: for records relating to sales of the property see: DM1/1/2/14/68 and DM1/1/2/14/98 | |
DM1/1/4/5/1 | Report produced by the Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey) on Springfield House, Jul 1977, 2pp typescript with an additional page of manuscript notes and a plan. | |
DM1/1/4/5/2 | Two pages of rough notes relating to the Rate family of Westcot of the early 20th century. The family were owners of the property. One page is written on the reverse of a printed sheet produced by the Dorking and District Preservation Society relating to the celebrations for Silver Jubilee Year, 1977 so the notes probably date to the same period. | |
DM1/1/4/5/3 | Page of handwritten notes on the ownership of the property in the 20th century and further information about the Rate family, the former owners, [c.1970s?] | |
DM1/1/4/5/4 | A handwritten list of the names of past owners of Fuller's Bank from 1738 to 1968 taken from "A Handbook of London Bankers" by F G Hilton Price, 1876 and "Notes on the History of the London and County Bank,"1977. The Fuller family were owners of Springfield House in the 19th century. | |
DM1/1/4/5/5 | Letter addressed to Mr Goodyer setting out the history of the property from when it was first built about 1825. The writer is unknown but thought to be David Knight of Westcott, [c.1980s?], 2pp. | |
DM1/1/4/5/6 | Photocopy of a page relating to Dorking from the Post Office Directory for Surrey, 1862. The page contains a list of both private and commercial residents and includes entries for Westcott. Additional manuscript notes give details of places of worship in Westcott. | |
DM1/1/4/6 | Report of the Domestic Buildings Research Group (Surrey) on Mount Tavy Cottage, Westcott, 1979, 2pp. Related records: for sales of the property see: DM1/1/2/14/79. | |
DM1/1/4/7 | Records relating to the history of Lonesome Lodge, Wotton, 1979-1985, 6 items. The house was built in 1740 by Theodore Jacobsen, (d.1772) a Dutch merchant resident in England. A stream was artificially diverted to form what is now a picturesque waterfall, and a fountain and other ornamental waterworks were made in front of the house. These, with part of the garden mark its former site. The original house was neglected and by 1845 had become ruinous. It was pulled down before 1855 but a steward's house a little further north was enlarged to form what is now Tillingbourne House. (Source: Victoria County History of Surrey, Vol. 3, pub. 1911). Related records: for photographs of Tillingbourne House and waterfall see: DM1/12/38/9. | |
DM1/1/4/7/1 | Typescript report on Lonesome Lodge compiled by D M Herridge for the Domestic Buildings Research Group, (Surrey), 1981, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/4/7/2 | Photocopy of letter sent to Miss Herridge by the Librarian of the Royal Society in response to her enquiry about the architect Theodore Jacobsen with a copy of the extract from the Royal Society minutes recording his election in 1727, 21 Jan 1985, 1p. | |
DM1/1/4/7/3 | Photocopy of pages from "A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600-1840," pub 1978 with the entry relating to Theodore Jacobsen (d.1772) the architect of Lonesome Lodge, 2pp. | |
DM1/1/4/7/4 | Photocopy of sales particulars for Lonesome Lodge, to be sold by Mr Langford and Son at Covent Garden, London, 20 Aug 1767, 9pp. The original document is held by Surrey History Centre. Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
DM1/1/4/7/5 | Photocopy of map traced by Marion Herridge from the Wotton tithe map of 1835, which incorporates a line drawing of Lonesome Lodge, Nov 1979. | |
DM1/1/4/7/6 | Manuscript note of an entry from the burial registers of St John's, Westcott referring to the Harding family, owners of Lonesome Lodge in the early 19th century, [c.1980?], 1p | |
DM1/1/4/8 | Brochure produced by British Telecom for their residential training centre at Wotton House, Dorking, [c.1980s?], 6pp. Includes a brief section on the history of the building. | |
DM1/1/5 | Writs and notices for the seizure of goods and property, 1824-1877, 10 items. | |
DM1/1/5/1 | A warrant authorising James White to seize the goods of Thomas Young of Dorking for the sum of £12 representing half a years rent payable to John A Curtis, 09 Nov 1824. | |
DM1/1/5/2 | Two original copies of a notice issued by James White to Thomas Young that he had seized good and effects found on his premises in the High Street, Dorking as the equivalent of one half years rent due to Mr J Curtis for the sum of £12, 09 Nov 1824. It incorporates an inventory of the goods seized. From the description of items in the inventory it is evident that Thomas Young was in business as a hatter. | |
DM1/1/5/3 | A writ for the seizure of goods and chattels in Church Street, Dorking for rent due to Mr Samuel Bothwell in the sum of £7 5s 6d., 1840, 1p. Incorporates an inventory signed by James White. | |
DM1/1/5/4 | Photocopy of a writ from Justices of the Peace addressed to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of Dorking "to make distress of the goods and chattels of David Dennis of Dorking" for the non-payment of poor rate, Apr 1841. | |
DM1/1/5/5 | Photocopy of a writ from the Justices of the Peace to James Christopher White authorising him to seize goods on the premises of David Dennis in the parish of Dorking for non payment of poor rate due to the overseers and churchwardens of Dorking, 16 Apr 1841. | |
DM1/1/5/6 | Photocopy of a notice from James C White to David Dennis of Dorking, that he had seized goods at his premises in Chertgate Lane [now Dene Street] to the value of 15 shillings for the non payment of poor rate, 16 Apr 1841. Incorporates an inventory of the goods seized. | |
DM1/1/5/7 | Photocopy of a notice to quit the possession of lands called Gilham Mead, Middle Street, Upper Mead and an additional 2 acres and 8 acres at Tanhurst in the parishes of Abinger and Wotton, Mar 1869, 1p. The notice was signed by the landlord Roland L V Williams and addressed to Mrs Errett as the administratrix of the estate of the late John Errett. An added note records that the notice was served on Mrs Errett by Charles White. John Errett was a farmer, formerly of Felday in the parish of Shere who had died on 21 Nov 1868. (Source: national probate indexes) | |
DM1/1/5/8 | Photocopy of a notice for distraint of rent on Thomas Ede, tenant of premises numbered 2382a and D2382b in the apportionment of the rent charge of the parish of Dorking, the rent being payable to the Rev Peter Righton of Dorking, 24 Aug 1877. A note on the reverse indicates that a copy of the notice was served on Thomas Ede by Walter Jno White on 24 Aug. 1877. | |
DM1/1/5/9 | Notice of seizure and distraint of goods and a growing crop of potatoes found on premises occupied by Thomas Ede near Box Hill Station in the parish of Dorking, for arrears of tithe rent payable to the Vicar of Dorking, 05 Sep 1877. The notice was served by Walter Jno White and contains an inventory of the goods. | |
DM1/1/5/10 | Photocopy of a notice for distraint for rent on William Young. Young was the tenant of premises numbered 220 and 2216 in the apportionment of the rent charge of the parish of Dorking, the rent being payable to the Rev Peter Righton Atkinson, 22 Feb 1878. A note on the reverse signed by J Walter Jn White indicates that a copy of the notice was left with the housekeeper of William Young. | |
DM1/1/6 | Records relating to tithes commutation and re-apportionment, 1840-1878, 2 files. | |
DM1/1/6/1 | Correspondence relating to tithe comutation at Mickleham, 1840-1842, 4 items. | |
DM1/1/6/1/1 | Letter from Alfred Burmester, Rector of Mickleham addressed to Mr White, at the Tithe Agency, Dorking sending him a letter which he had found as it may be a guide "in the matter you are undertaking," 15 Aug 1840, 3pp. On the reverse is a printed letter from M Adams, surveyor, land and tithe agent of Isleworth on the subject of tithe commutation and offering his services as a tithe agent. | |
DM1/1/6/1/2 | Letter from Alfred Burmester, Rector of Mickleham addressed to Mr White, at the Tithe Agency, Dorking referring to enquiries he had received regarding "the cottage," the details of which are not named, 1840, 1p. | |
DM1/1/6/1/3 | Letter from Thos Whalley Bolton Esq headed Mickleham Common Fields, to Mr White, auctioneer of Dorking saying that he had forwarded a copy of Mr White's letter to Mr Burmester who was going away and the matter would stand until his return, 25 Apr 1842., 1p | |
DM1/1/6/1/4 | Letter to the Revd Alfred Burmester of Mickleham Rectory from T W Bolton Esq, solicitor of 4 Elm Court, Temple, London referring to a letter received from Mr White and a misunderstanding over a matter of previous accommodation which is unspecified, 22 Apr 1842, 1p. | |
DM1/1/6/2 | Photocopies of correspondence mostly between the Estates Department of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway and Messrs White & Sons of Dorking as tithe agents in relation to the re-apportionment of Leatherhead tithes, 1875-1878, 5 items. 1 letter was from the Estate office of the London and South Western Railway. | |
DM1/2 | Lawsuits. Photocopies of records from a case in the Court of Common Pleas between Samuel Dendy of Dorking, gentleman (defendant), Benjamin Allaway of Dorking, barber and William Finch (plaintiffs), 1759, 4 items. Date of photocopies [c.1980s?]. | |
DM1/2/1 | Photocopy of affidavits or statements by Samuel Dendy, and his attorney, 21 Jan 1759, 3pp. | |
DM1/2/2 | Manuscript transcript of DM1/2/1 and DM1/2/3, [c.1980s?], | |
DM1/2/3 | Photocopy of a notice addressed to Thomas Winckley, agent for the plaintiff and his attorney Henry Newman and signed by S. Hall, attorney for the defendant. It announced that proceedings were to be stopped and the plaintiff ordered to pay the defendant his costs, 24 Jul 1759. | |
DM1/2/4 | Photocopy of the cover page to DM1/2/3. | |
DM1/3 | Records of Local Government, (1692)-1983, 4 files and 1 item. These include Dorking Poor Law Union, [1799?]-1845; Dorking Local Board and its successor bodies, Dorking Urban District Council and Mole Valley District Council, 1886-1983; Local Magistrates, 1830-1849; and records of Parish and Manorial Government, (1884)-1911. | |
DM1/3/1 | Photocopy of an original printed report of the proceedings of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Surrey held at Dorking on 05 April 1692, 16pp. | |
DM1/3/2 | Dorking Poor Law Union, [1799?]-1845, 5 items. | |
DM1/3/2/1 | Photocopy of a memorandum of agreement between James Rudge and John Stedman, churchwardens of the parish of Dorking; George Eives, Robert Niblett, Thomas Philps and Thomas Moore, overseers of the poor of the parish of Dorking and John Attlee of Dorking, farmer, 14 Jun [1799?], 3pp. John Attlee was to provide for the care and maintenance of the inhabitants of Dorking workhouse and also for those receiving out relief, for the term of one year in return for a payment of £1075 from the churchwardens and overseers. This included the provision of food, clothing, heating and medical needs. An agreed bill of fare for food and drink is included at the end of the document. | |
DM1/3/2/2 | Photocopy of poster issued by the Central Workhouse Building Committee of the Dorking Union inviting tenders for the supply of 800,000 bricks for the construction of the new Workhouse to be built near the Harrow Turnpike Gate in Dorking, 17 May 1838. | |
DM1/3/2/3 | Photocopy of a poster issued by the Board of Guardians of Dorking Union inviting tenders for the digging of a well in the land intended for the new Union workhouse near the Harrow Turnpike Gate, 08 Jun 1839 | |
DM1/3/2/4 | Photocopy of a tender for provisions, and clothing for the Dorking Union Workhouse with a list of articles to be supplied, signed by John Smith, miller of Bennets, 28 Mar 1840, 3pp. The original record is at the National Archives MH 12 12220. Copyright: not to be reproduced without permission. | |
DM1/3/2/5 | Photocopy of a government issued document addressed to the Guardians of the Poor of the Dorking Union, rescinding an order of 1837 for feeding the inmates of the Dorking Union workhouse and making alternative arrangements for their food and diet, 1845, 1p. The original record is at the National Archives MH 12 12221. Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission, | |
DM1/3/3 | Records of Dorking Local Board and its successor bodies, Dorking Urban District Council and Mole Valley District Council, 1886-1983, 4 items | |
DM1/3/3/1 | Photocopy of the report of an enquiry by the Dorking Local Board into the circumstances of a fire at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking High Street on 03 Aug 1886, 17 Aug 1886, 14pp. The fire had caused largescale damage to the Inn with the loss of the ballroom and concern was expressed at the insufficiency of the water supply. | |
DM1/3/3/2 | Christmas card for use by the chairman of Dorking Urban District Council and Mrs Hurst, Dec 1954, 4pp. The front cover shows the Urban District Council's Coat of Arms which is described on the inside front cover. On the reverse of the card is a personal note dated Mar 1974 by Frank V. Kenward, then chairman of the Council, concerning the use of a new coat of arms. | |
DM1/3/3/3 | Footpath survey for Dorking Urban District; 1966, 53pp. Shows a description of each footpath, its width and condition and any additional remarks. | |
DM1/3/3/4 | Leaflet issued by Mole Valley District Council regarding arrangements for the first use of plastic sacks for domestic refuse, Apr 1983, 4pp. | |
DM1/3/4 | Records of Local Magistrates, 1830-1849, 3 items. | |
DM1/3/4/1 | Photocopy of a large notice issued by the Dorking magistrates warning against the actions of those who had stuck up hand bills and circulated them in the parishes of Capel, Ockley and Dorking "to excite discontent in the minds of the labouring classes and that honest labourers should not be excited into violations of the law." 28 Dec 1830. From the orignal held at the National Archives HO 52/10, 1p. Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission. | |
DM1/3/4/2 | Pre-printed notice addressed to the High Constable of the Division of Dorking appointing five special sessions for the coming year for the licensing of inns and alehouses, to be held at the Red Lion Inn, Dorking, 1840. 1p. | |
DM1/3/4/3 | Photocopy of a notice addressed to the High Constable of the Division of Dorking, from Justices of the Peace for the county, present at a petty sessions held at the Red Lion Inn in Dorking on 05 Feb 1849. Notice was given of a general annual licensing meeting to be held at the Red Lion Inn on 05 Mar 1849 for the purpose of granting licences to keepers of inns and ale houses, 05 Feb 1849. | |
DM1/3/5 | Records of Parish and Manorial Government, (1884)-1911, 2 items. | |
DM1/3/5/1 | Photocopy of a printed notice issued by W R Lloyd, Vicar of Westcott announcing a meeting to consider alterations to the village green at Westcott, 04 Dec 1884. | |
DM1/3/5/2 | Notice issued by the Steward of the Manor of Westcott, Arthur M Walters to Miss M S Carmichael, a tenant holder, regarding a future meeting of the Manor Court Baron. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss an application by Dorking Rural District Council to take a small strip of the waste of the Manor for road improvement at Wilmotts Corner, 23 Aug 1911. | |
DM1/4 | Records of Local Businesses, 1819- [c.1979?], 10 files. These include the records of J & W Attlee, millers and corn dealers of Dorking, 1865-1938; Dorking Banks, 1819-[1980s?]; Rowe's, printers and stationers of South Street, Dorking, (1865)-1984; Dorking Omnibus Company Ltd. 1904; and Miscellaneous records relating to several Dorking businesses, [c.1849?]-[1979?]. | |
DM1/4/1 | Business and Personal Records of J & W Attlee, millers and corn dealers of Dorking, 1865-1938, 3 files. These include customer orders for supplies, [c.1871?]-1905; bills, receipts and delivery notes for goods and services received, 1865-1945; and other miscellaneous records, 1871-[c.1920s?]. | |
DM1/4/1 ctd | Administrative History: John Attlee opened a corn dealer's shop in Dorking High Street in 1788. His son Richard (b.1795) played an important role in the expansion of the business. Richard's two sons John and William took over the business c.1860 and this eventually became J & W Attlee. The company continued into the 20th century and is now [in 2017] part of Lillico Attlee Country Store in Station Road, Dorking. (Source: Alec Bennett: 200 years - A History of J & W Attlee, 1788-1988.) | |
DM1/4/1/1 | Customer orders for Supplies, [c.1871?] -1905, 11 items. | |
DM1/4/1/1/1 | Small Manuscript note from "your umble servant Mr Terry," of the Punch Bowl, Oakwood Hill, "to send me some Malt down as soon as you can". 10 Apr 1843. | |
DM1/4/1/1/2 | Small postcard addressed to J & W Attlee Ltd, corn millers of Dorking, [c.1871?]. Includes an order for ïCamilla LaceyÍ at Westhumble, the former home of the novelist Fanny Burney, (1752-1840). | |
DM1/4/1/1/3 | Memorandum containing an order for Messrs Attlee from W. Payne, miller and corn merchant of Castle Mill, Dorking, 188[0?]. | |
DM1/4/1/1/4 | Letter from G Stone at Shiremark Mill, to Messrs Attlee placing an order, 02 Jan 1883. | |
DM1/4/1/1/5 | Letter from M(essrs?) Jonathan Coldman at Ockley Windmill placing an order, 1883. | |
DM1/4/1/1/6 | Letter from E Stone of Bonnets Farm at Capel placing an order for pollard and maize, 12 Aug 1890. | |
DM1/4/1/1/7 | Order placed with Mr Attlee from William Prewett, Steam Flour Mills, Horsham, 24 Apr 1900. | |
DM1/4/1/1/8 | An order from A J Wicks, baker and corn merchant of "Shellwood," at Leigh, [c.1900s?] | |
DM1/4/1/1/9 | Postcard addressed to J & W Attlee Ltd, corn millers, Dorking, 08 Dec 1901 | |
DM1/4/1/1/10 | Order for supplies placed by W H Elliott, baker of Westcott, 16 Dec 1903, 1p. | |
DM1/4/1/1/11 | Memorandum to Mr J & W Attlee from M. King, millers and corn merchants, placing an order for 15 qrs of No 1 maize, 21 Feb 1905. | |
DM1/4/1/2 | Bills, receipts and delivery notes for goods and services received, 1865-1945, 18 items. | |
DM1/4/1/2/1 | Receipted bill addressed to Mr William Attlee for watch repairs and winding clocks, from Thomas Marsh, chronometer, watch and clock maker of Dorking High Street, 10 Jan 1865. | |
DM1/4/1/2/2 | Photocopy of bill issued by William Stonestreet, chimney sweeper and soot dealer of Church Street, Dorking to William Attlee, 1872. | |
DM1/4/1/2/3 | Photocopy of bill issued by Henry Tate, "chimney sweep and fire extinguisher" of 42 Church Street, Dorking, to W. Attlee Esq, 1882. The Bill heading states that Henry Tate was the successor to William Stonestreet. | |
DM1/4/1/2/4 | Delivery note from E. Chitty at Guildford Mill, Shere to Messrs J & W Attlee for 23 sacks of flour, 19 Jul 1887 | |
DM1/4/1/2/5 | Memo to Messrs Attlee from W. Payne, miller and corn merchant of Castle Mill, Dorking, 03 Oct 1890 discussing payment of a bill. | |
DM1/4/1/2/6 | Receipted bill for clock repairs addressed to Mr John Attlee issued by James M Hubbard, watch and clock maker of 13 High Street, Dorking, 11 Jul 1891. | |
DM1/4/1/2/7 | Receipted bill issued by Hall & Davidson at Ewell Flour Mills to Messrs J & W Attlee, for 2 tons of bran, 11 Feb 1897. | |
DM1/4/1/2/8 | Bill from A Whittet & Co, seed importers of the Oil Mills, Weybridge to Messrs J & W Attlee, 30 Apr 1897. | |
DM1/4/1/2/9 | Recipted bill from E W Bowyer of Wonham Mill to Messrs J & W Attlee for quantities of bran and barley, Sep 1897. | |
DM1/4/1/2/10 | Receipted bill from Weller Bros, millers of Forest Green Mill, Ockley to Messrs J & W Attlee, 06 May 1898. | |
DM1/4/1/2/11 | Bill to Messrs J & W Attlee from Milton Court Farm for oats, 30 Dec 1899. | |
DM1/4/1/2/12 | Receipt issued by H. Moore & Son, millers, corn and seed merchants of Leatherhead mill to Messrs J & W Attlee for 2 bushels of spring tares, 10 Mar 1904. | |
DM1/4/1/2/13 | Receipt issued by H. Moore & Son, millers, corn and seed merchants of Leatherhead mill, to Mr Attlee for 3qrs nursery wheat to Mr Attlee, 10 Mar 1904. | |
DM1/4/1/2/14 | Receipt for 10 sacks of Winks Tares from Messrs J & W Attlee for H. Moore & Son, corn merchants and millers, Leatherhead, Horsley, Ashtead, Ockham and Fetcham Mills, 30 Aug 1904. | |
DM1/4/1/2/15 | Delivery Note from Netley Mill, Shere to Messrs J & W Attlee for 17 sacks of oats, 20 Jun 1906. | |
DM1/4/1/2/16 | Receipted bill from, Bowyer & Son of Stoke Flour Mills, Guildford to Messrs J & W Attlee, 1938. | |
DM1/4/1/2/17 | Detailed accounts of work carried out by Harry Leggett, haulage contractor of North Holmwood, for Messrs J & W Attlee, 1938. 10 sheets. Covers the months of Feb, Mar, Apr and Aug only. | |
DM1/4/1/2/18 | Receipted bill from W Egerton of Gomshall Flour Mills, 17 Feb 1945. | |
DM1/4/1/3 | Other Miscellaneous Records, 1871-[c.1920s?], 8 items. Includes letters of complaint, personal correspondence and publicity material. | |
DM1/4/1/3/1 | Photocopy of a letter from Mark Smallpeice, clerk to the Board of the Dorking Union to Messrs J & W Attlee complaining about the quality of flour recently supplied by them, 28 Sep 1871, 1p | |
DM1/4/1/3/2 | An official printed letter addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee informing them that a meeting of the creditors of Mary Gadd, spinster and bankrupt of Trellis Cottage, South Street, Dorking, had been summoned in Dorking following a county court hearing at Croydon, 1883, 1p. Signed by J Dundas Down, solicitor of South Street, Dorking as the solicitor for the debtor. | |
DM1/4/1/3/3 | Two letters from the Criminal Investigation Department, Great Scotland Yard, London, sent to Messrs J & W Attllee of High Street, Dorking regarding the loss of a half sack of flour between Wandsworth and the Brompton Road, 1887. One letter is an acknowledgement of a previous letter sent by J & W Attlee and the other reports that they could find no trace of the property. | |
DM1/4/1/3/4 | Letter from William Newnham, of Mickleham, coachman to T N F Monier Williams Esq, addressed to Mr Attlee in which he complains that his order for dog biscuits was under weight," 21 Oct 1887, 1p. | |
DM1/4/1/3/5 | Small postcard addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee of High Street, Dorking with a printed message from H G Kingham & Co of Dorking: "We regret to inform you that a Fire occurred on our premises last night, but that Business will be carried on as usual and Orders executed with as little delay as possible, 08 Mar 1898. | |
DM1/4/1/3/6 | Letter addressed to "My dear John," from S.A. Attlee writing from an address in San Geronimo, [South America?] relating her experiences during her sea crossing and her experiences since. She refers to Amy who had "met us at Buenos Aires," 27 Nov 1898, 4pp. S.A. Attlee has been identified as Sophia Amy, the wife of William Attlee, miller and maltster of Dorking. She had a daughter Amy who was probably the person referred to in the letter. | |
DM1/4/1/3/7 | Promotional booklet for Lawes Manures:, [c.1900?], 20pp. The local agent named on the front cover is Messrs J & W Attlee of Dorking. | |
DM1/4/1/3/8 | Paper bag printed with an advertisement for "The Roller Flour Mills" of J & W Attlee at Dorking [c.1920s?] | |
DM1/4/2 | Records of Dorking Banks, 1819-[1980s?], 4 files. These include Darking Bank, (1819-c.1825?); Reigate and Darking Bank, 1821 -[1980s?]; the Dorking branch of the London & County Joint Stock Banking Company, 1839-1892; and the Dorking Savings Bank, 1855-1856. | |
DM1/4/2/1 | Darking Bank [1819-c.1825?]. 3 items. | |
DM1/4/2/1 ctd | Administrative History: Darking Bank was established in 1803 by Robert Piper, his son Thomas Piper and George Dewdney who died a year later. The name Darking was simply an alternative spelling of Dorking at a time when there was little standardisation of spelling. The bank failed in 1825 and was declared bankrupt in Feb 1826. (Source: DM1/4/2/1/3) | |
DM1/4/2/1/1 | Photocopy of two bank notes to the values of £1 and £2, 1819. | |
DM1/4/2/1/2 | Photocopy of an order signed by solicitors to the Commission of Bankruptcy, to pay the Countess of Rothes the final portion of a dividend on her debt of £8 proved under the Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against Thomas Piper and George Dewdney of Dorking, bankers, dealers and chapmen, [c.1825?]. | |
DM1/4/2/1/3 | Letter to David Knight from the Archive Section of the Corporate Services Department of the Bank of England with a brief note that Piper and Dewdney began trading as bankers in 1803 and that the bank failed in 1825, 05 Jan 1990, 1p. | |
DM1/4/2/2 | Records relating to the Reigate and Darking Bank, 1821-[1980s?], 7 items. See also: DM1/12/13/1/3/7 | |
DM1/4/2/2 ctd | Administrative History: The Reigate & Darking Bank was started in 1808 by a partnership between Piper, Gale, Nash and Neale and the Dorking branch was in the draperÍs shop of I R Overton on the opposite side of the road to the Darking bank. (See DM1/4/2/1). By 1832 they also had a bank in Croydon and were known as the Reigate, Dorking and Croydon Bank. The business failed in 1850. (Source: DM1/4/2/2/6) | |
DM1/4/2/2/1 | Photograph of a specimen £5 bank note for the Reigate & Darking Bank. The donor has added a lot of background information on the bank on the reverse in very small writing which is overstamped with a handstamp so it is difficult to read. Date of original banknote [early 19th century?], date of photograph, [c.1980s?], 8 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/4/2/2/2 | Photocopy of an itemised statement for an unnamed account with the Reigate and Dorking Bank, 1821, 4pp. | |
DM1/4/2/2/3 | Photocopy of a receipt for £55 made out to Mr A Ellis issued by the Reigate and Darking Bank, 14 May 1840 | |
DM1/4/2/2/4 | Black and white photograph of a receipt for £113 12s made out to Mr K. [Crosier?] issued by the "Reigate and Darking Bank, 24 Sep 1840. With a printed signature for the bank by Joseph Nash and Thomas Neale. Photo taken [1980s?] | |
DM1/4/2/2/5 | A compilation of photocopies of blank or specimen cheques and others of the Reigate and Darking bank which are stamped with wording indicating that they were exhibited in the Court of Bankruptcy, [c.1851?], 8pp. Several are of poor quality. | |
DM1/4/2/2/6 | Printed letter from Thomas Neale addressed to the creditors of the Reigate Bank, giving a detailed account of the circumstances of the bank's failure, 12 Mar 1851, 2pp. | |
DM1/4/2/2/7 | Letter to David Knight from Dr G P Moss, Secretary of the Surrey Archaeological Society, with information on the history of the Reigate and Darking bank based on the engravings used in their bank notes, 14 Apr 1978, 1p. | |
DM1/4/2/3 | Copies of documents relating to the Dorking branch of the London & County Joint Stock Banking Company, 1839-1892, 3 items. Administrative History: The Bank was first established in Southwark in 1836 as the Surrey, Kent and Sussex Banking Company. The head office was moved to Lombard Street in 1837 and in 1839, when the Dorking branch opened, the bank was re-named as London and County Banking Company. In 1909 the bank merged with the London and Westminster Bank and was then renamed the London County and Westminster Bank. It eventually merged with the National Provincial Bank and became the National Westminster Bank in 1970. (Source: http://heritagearchives.rbs.com/companies/list/westminster-bank-ltd.html - accessed Jul 2017) | |
DM1/4/2/3/1 | Photocopy of an advertisement from the Sussex Agricultural Express of 27 Apr 1839 for the London & County Banking Company. The opening of the Dorking branch on 15 Apr 1839 is briefly mentioned. | |
DM1/4/2/3/2 | Copy of a report issued by the London & County Banking Company for the half year ended 31 Dec 1878, 2pp. With the exception of a listing of all the country branch managers, there is no local content. | |
DM1/4/2/3/3 | Copy of a letter signed by J. W. Smith, manager of the Dorking branch of the London & County Banking Company Ltd, addressed to John Attlee Esq of Rose Hill, Dorking which mentions that cottages in Chequers Yard had been condemned by the Local Board with the intention of pulling them down, 03 Mar 1892, 1p. | |
DM1/4/2/4 | Receipts issued by the Dorking Savings Bank, (est. 1819) in respect of deposits received and interest on account,1855-1856, 7 items. | |
DM1/4/2/4/1 | A receipt for £20 in the name of Thomas Weston with the signature of S. Higgins on the reverse, 06 Dec 1855. | |
DM1/4/2/4/2 | A receipt for £20 in the name of Thomas Mackrell with the signature of John Philps on the reverse, 14 Jan 1856. | |
DM1/4/2/4/3 | A receipt for £7 17s 4d in the name of Mary Niblett with the signature of W. Latter on the reverse, 17 Jan 1856. | |
DM1/4/2/4/4 | A receipt for £9 19s in the name of the wife of Henry Sturgess,with the signature of John Marsh on the reverse, 14 Feb 1856. | |
DM1/4/2/4/5 | A receipt for £29 11s 6d in the name of Sarah Bowers with the signature of S. Higgins on the reverse,, 15 May 1856. | |
DM1/4/2/4/6 | A receipt for £36 9s 6d in the name of Benjamin Haynes with the signature of Chas. Cal[gatty?] on the reverse, 10 Jul 1856. | |
DM1/4/2/4/7 | A receipt for £8 9s 2d in the name of Roger Fuller with the signature of S. Higgins on the reverse, 18 May 1856. | |
DM1/4/3 | Business and family records of Rowe's, printers and stationers of South Street, Dorking, (1865)-1984, 7 items. | |
DM1/4/3/1 | Photocopy of an indenture of apprenticeship between John Rowe of Dorking, printer of the first part; Henry Joseph Rowe, son of John Rowe of the second part and Henry Edward Miller of 10 Manchester Street, Brighton, Sussex, printer, of the third part, 07 May 1865, 4pp. Henry Rowe was bound apprentice to Edward Miller for the term of five years. | |
DM1/4/3/2 | Photocopy of a memorandum from Henry Edward Miller, general printer of 10 Manchester Street, Brighton stating that Joseph Rowe had served him as an apprentice "in a most satisfactory manner" and that he had pleasure recommending him "as an honest, sober and industrious person," 22 Mar 1871, 1p | |
DM1/4/3/3 | An advertisement card for the company with an old print of Rose Hill, Dorking on the front cover, described as "an old print in our possession," [c.late 19th century?], 4pp. For the original print see: DM1/13/1/4/12 | |
DM1/4/3/4 | Photocopy of a transcript from the 1851 census returns for West Street, Dorking with the entry for John Rowe, master printer and his family; together with the entry from the 1881 census of South Street, Dorking which shows the family of Charles Spratley, bookseller and stationer. | |
DM1/4/3/5 | Letter to Dorking Museum from Mrs M Burton of Herne Bay, Kent who was related to the Rowe family of printers, 09 Jul 1984, 2pp. The letter enquires whether there was any information relating to the early history of the business and gives details of Joseph Rowe who was killed during the First World War in 1915. | |
DM1/4/3/6 | Letters from Mrs M Burton to Mr Knight referring to the history of the Rowe family and their printing business in Dorking, 1984. 3 items. | |
DM1/4/3/7 | Compliments slip used by Rowes, printers and stationers at 34/36 South Street, Dorking, [c.1980s?] | |
DM1/4/4 | Records of Dorking Omnibus Company Ltd. 1904, 3 items. The company was established in 1904. The managing director was E H Swift and the company secretary Ernest Letts Sellick. It was wound up in the following year of 1905. For other records of this company see: SC.H/8; SC.R/6 and R58. | |
DM1/4/4/1 | Photocopy of the prospectus for the Dorking Omnibus Company Ltd, 13 May 1904, 4pp. | |
DM1/4/4/2 | Photocopy of an inventory and valuation of horses, rolling stock, harness and effects at the Three Tuns Inn yard, Dorking, at a field in Station Road, Dorking and at Betchworth Hill Farm, Surrey, the property of Mr W H Swift, used in his business of omnibus proprietor & livery stable keeper, 22 Feb 1904. | |
DM1/4/4/3 | Pencil rubbing of a badge used by Dorking Omnibus Company Ltd. Date of original badge, [c.1904?]. Date of rubbing, [c.1985?] The location of the badge is unknown. | |
DM1/4/5 | Miscellaneous records relating to several Dorking businesses, [c.1830?]-[c.1979?], 11 items. | |
DM1/4/5/1 | Photograph of a trade card for James Razel's Dorking Wagon. Original [c.1830?] photograph [c.1980s?], 20 x 16.5 cms. David Knight has added on the reverse that Razel is listed in local directories from the 1820s to 1840s where his name is spelt Razzell. Other information on the reverse gives the date on the back of the original card of Sat. Aug 25th 1832 in pencil and the name in ink of William Muggeridge. The original is in Dorking Museum's collection of objects. | |
DM1/4/5/2 | Photocopy of several printed sheets with the title "Mr Hunt's statement of his late connexion with Messrs John and William Chisholm," [c.1849?] It relates to the failure of the business of Robert Best Ede trading in Dorking as Ede and Co, which John and William Chisholm intended to purchase. The nature of the business is not stated, [c.1848?], 8pp. Evidence from contemporary newspapers indicates that Robert Best Ede, who died in Dorking in 1845, was a chemist and perfumier with a royal warrant from Queen Victoria. His business offices were in London but his manufactory was in Dorking. | |
DM1/4/5/3 | Business card for W J Rose, artist and photographer of Westcott, [c.1900?] | |
DM1/4/5/4 | Letter to unknown recipient from White & Sons, estate agents and auctioneers of Dorking, informing them of the closure of Milton Court mill on 31 Mar 1900 in order that other arrangements could be made for the supply of goods "which you have been in the habit of having from there." 22 Mar 1900. | |
DM1/4/5/5 | Two business cards for W. Thirtle, of the general provision store, 63 Dene Street, Dorking. On the reverse side of the cards are handwritten instructions from W. Thirtle to his supplier Messrs Attlee, corn merchants of Dorking, for bushels of flour. One is stamped 12 Apr 1905. | |
DM1/4/5/6 | Page from an unidentified publication with advertisements for W. Pannell's Dairy at Westcott; C & I Curtis, stationery, leather and fancy goods of 3 High Street, Dorking; and for Chas. Pilcher, fishmonger and poulterer of High Street, Dorking, [c.1906?] | |
DM1/4/5/7 | Page from an unidentified publication with advertisements for the Bricklayers Arms at Westcott opposite village green; C.Palmer & Son, bakers of 57 High Street and Lincoln Road, Dorking; and W M Emery & Son, upholsterers, and cabinet makers of High Street, Dorking, [c.1906?] | |
DM1/4/5/8 | Photograph of a notice of fare rates for buses run by Arthur King of 4 Junction Road, from the South Eastern & Chatham Railway at Dorking. Original [c.1910?] Photograph [c.1980s?], 14 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/4/5/9 | Photocopies taken from "The Henley Telegraph" the magazine of W T Henley's Telegraph Works at Holborn Viaduct, London and Milton Court, Westcott, 1939-1941. 80pp. Several pages contain references to the company's activities at Milton Court. | |
DM1/4/5/10 | Page printed with the advertisement and logo for Forrest Stores Ltd, grocers of Westcott, [c.1950s?], 1p. | |
DM1/4/5/11 | Photocopy of an article from the Dorking Advertiser relating to the hardware shop in Dorking High Street of L H and W Saubergue during the second half of the 19th century, [c.1979?], 1p. Additional notes by David Knight contain further information and corrections. | |
DM1/5 | Records of Local Organisations, Clubs and Societies, 1887-[c.1981?]. 9 files and 9 items. These include the Cabin Thrift Club, Westcott, 1956; the Dorking and District Association for Moral Welfare, 1950-1954; annual reports of the Dorking and Leatherhead Association for Social Work, 1965-1971; records of Dorking Charities, 1887-[c.1981]; Dorking Cycling Club, 1888; and Westcott Gardeners' Club, 1955-1976. | |
DM1/5/1 | Membership card for the ïCabin Thrift ClubÍ owned and used by B. Knight, 1956. Includes the rules of the club. The Cabin was a public house in Westcott which closed in 1968. (See: D. Knight - Growing up in Westcott, published by Dorking Local History Group, 1995). | |
DM1/5/2 | Records of the Dorking & District Association for Moral Welfare, 1950-1954, 4 items. Includes annual reports for 1950, 1951 and 1954 and a Treasurer's report for 1954. Administrative History: The Association was affiliated to the Guildford Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare which was established c.1928. | |
DM1/5/3 | Annual reports of the Dorking and Leatherhead Association for Social Work, 1965-1971, 3 items. Includes reports for 1965-1966, 1969-1970, and 1970-1971. Administrative History: The Association operated under the Church of England Moral Welfare Council. | |
DM1/5/4 | Records of Dorking Charities, 1887-[c.1981?], 3 files and 1 item. Includes a set of agendas for meetings of the trustees of Dorking Charities, Oct 1887-Jan 1898 with some gaps; statements of account of the trustees for the years ending 31 Dec 1887 and 31 Dec 1888; and histories of Cotmandene Almshouses, [c.1ate 1970s]-[c.1981}. | |
DM1/5/4 ctd | Administrative history: the Dorking Charities is the name given to a number of charities and legacies that were set up to benefit the poor or aged of Dorking during the 17th to 19th centuries. These charities and legacies had been brought together and named the Dorking Charities under a Charity Scheme of 1878. This provided for a single set of trustees who would apply the incomes of the charities mainly to the support of the Cotmandene Almshouses and its inmates and also to the apprenticing of poor children and donations to the sick and infirm poor. (See: R217/25). | |
DM1/5/4/1 | The first almshouses on the Cotmandene were erected in the 1670s; the buildings were replaced by new Almshouses in 1847/48, extended in 1975. The profits from the sale of the South Street poorhouse (built c 1613) was paid to the Trustees of the Cotmandene Almshouses (SC.R/3/12) | |
DM1/5/4/2 | The Dorking Charities are now known as Dorking Charity and continue to provide sheltered housing for residents in the Dorking area and grants for those in need. (Charity Commission http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithoutPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=207251&SubsidiaryNumber=0 Accessed 10/01/2016). Dorking Charities deposited the bulk of their records at Surrey History Centre in 1987. | |
DM1/5/4/3 | Statements of account of the trustees for the years ending 31 Dec 1887 and 31 Dec 1888. 2 items | |
DM1/5/4/4 | Histories of Cotmandene Almshouses, [c.late 1970s?]-[c.1981], 2 items. | |
DM1/5/4/4/1 | Printed sheet giving a brief history of the Cotmandene almshouses from 1931 to 1945. [c.late 1970s?]. The author is unknown. | |
DM1/5/4/4/2 | Printed sheet giving a brief history of the Cotmandene almshouses from the 17th century and information on how they are run. Probably produced by the trustees of the Dorking Charities, [c.1981?], 1p. | |
DM1/5/5 | Records of Dorking Cycling Club, 1888, 3 items. | |
DM1/5/5 ctd | Administrative History: the club was formed in May 1887 by a group of tradesmen and had over 100 members by 1900. It was re-established in Aug 2011 after its activities had ended after the second world war. (Source: http://www.dorkingcycling.co.uk/about/history - accessed Oct 2017) | |
DM1/5/5/1 | Poster for Dorking Cycling Club's First Annual Amateur Athletic Sports held at the Cricket Field, Pixholme Lane, Dorking, 05 Sep 1888. | |
DM1/5/5/2 | Programme for the event described in DM1/5/5/1, 05 Sep 1888. | |
DM1/5/5/3 | Entry forms for the event described in DM1/5/5/1, 1888, 14 items. The forms record the names of the entrants, their club and colours, the race applied for, the type of machine and the result. | |
DM1/5/6 | Photocopy of a programme for the 28th annual show of the Dorking Poultry Society held at the Public Hall, Dorking, 1887, 12pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
DM1/5/7 | Two volumes of scrapbooks containing a record of the Dorking Group of the Womens' Voluntary Services for Civil Defence during the second world war, 1939-1948. Contains some original photographs, extracts from magazines and original correspondence. A note at the front of Vol. 1 in the hand of David Knight states that "this is a copy of everything in the original book," indicating that the two volumes are copies, probably compiled from the originals by David Knight. | |
DM1/5/8 | Photocopy of a handbill issued by the Leigh Prosecuting Association offering £10 reward for information relating to the theft of hens from James Ivery's farm at Pixham Lane, Dorking, 20 Aug 1863. For other records of the Association see: R817/3. | |
DM1/5/9 | Annual report and financial statement of the Dorking British School known as the Powell-Corderoy School, Jan-Dec 1914. 20pp. Related records: for other records of this school see: R129, R312, R517, R671/2, R759, and E279. | |
DM1/5/10 | Photocopy of a press release by the Surrey & Sussex Aviation Society on the archaeological excavation of a Junkers JU88 aircraft which crashed at Folly Farm, Holmwood in 1940, 1976, 1p. For a photograph of the engine of this aircraft found during the excavation see: DM1/12/13/6/3/4 | |
DM1/5/11 | Financial statement of "Court Rescue" of the Dorking, Epsom and West Surrey District of the Ancient Order of Foresters, Westcott branch No 5258 and of Court "Hope of Westcott," for the year ending 31 Dec 1913. 8pp. | |
DM1/5/12 | Records of Westcott Gardeners' Club, 1955-1976, 3 files. These include: club rules and administrative records, [c.1955?]-1962; records of the annual flower, fruit and vegetable show, 1955-1971; and prizewinner's cards for the annual flower, fruit and vegetable show, 1971-1976. | |
DM1/5/12 ctd | Administrative History. The Club had its origins in the Horticultural Society, believed to have been established in the 1800s. It was active until 1915 but no further records of its activities are known until Aug 1954 when a show was held in St John's Hall. A further show was held the following year and the Club was re-formed in Oct 1955. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000) | |
DM1/5/12/1 | Club Rules and Administration Records, [c.1955?]-1962, 3 items. | |
DM1/5/12/1/1 | Leaflet containing the rules of the club, [c.1955?]. | |
DM1/5/12/1/2 | Agenda for the first annual general meeting of the Westcott Gardeners' Club, 06 Nov 1956 including the receipts and payments account for the year ending 30 Sep 1956. | |
DM1/5/12/1/3 | Membership cards issued to Mrs A Knight, 1958, 1959 and 1962. | |
DM1/5/12/2 | Records of the Annual Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show, 1955-1971, 7 items. | |
DM1/5/12/2/1 | Programme for the flower, fruit and vegetable show held at the Hut, Westcott in aid of the Countess of Huntingdon Congregational Church, Westcott, 06 Aug 1955. | |
DM1/5/12/2/2 | Programme for the Westcott Flower Show, 28 Jul 1956. | |
DM1/5/12/2/3 | Page recording income and expenses for the Summer Fruit and Vegetable Show, 28 Jul 1956. | |
DM1/5/12/2/4 | Listing of winners of trophies, diplomas and certificates of merit, 28 Jul 1956, 1p. | |
DM1/5/12/2/5 | Listing of prizewinners at the Westcott Flower Show, [1957?], 3pp. | |
DM1/5/12/2/6 | Schedule of the 1957 Westcott Flower Show, 10 Aug 1957, 8pp. | |
DM1/5/12/2/7 | Schedule of the 1971 Westcott Flower Show, 07 Aug 1971, 8pp. | |
DM1/5/12/3 | Set of prizewinner's cards for the Annual Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show, 1971-1976, 66 items. The cards are all in the names of various members of David Knight's family. | |
DM1/5/13 | Photocopy of a certificate awarded to Dolly Rose for nine years service with the First Westcott company of Girl Guides in Feb 1929. Dolly's full name was Emily Margaret Rose (b.1907) and she was the niece of the Westcott photographer Walter John Rose. For photographs of Dolly Rose see: DM1/12/37/6/25/4 | |
DM1/6 | Records relating to the Dorking and Horsham Turnpike Road, 1834-1880, 8 files. These include those relating to the widening of the road at Burford Bridge, Dorking, 1836-1838; road repairs, maintenance and improvements, 1836-1880; Income and expenditure, 1833-1855; and legislation, 1823-1835. | |
DM1/6 ctd | Administrative History. The road was established under the terms of the Dorking and Epsom Turnpike Act of 1755 and connected Horsham with London via Dorking and Epsom. James White, estate agent and surveyor of Dorking acted as Surveyor of the Dorking and Horsham Turnpike in the first half of the nineteenth century. His son Charles Alexander White, was also active in this role from at least 1872. | |
DM1/6/1 | Records relating to the widening of the road at Burford Bridge, Dorking, 1836-1838, 3 files. These include appeals for funding and surveyor's report, 1836-1837; correspondence sent to James White from those wishing to subscribe to the road widening fund,1836-1838; and lists of subscribers to the road widening fund, 1836-[1837?]. | |
DM1/6/1/1 | Appeals for Funding and Surveyors Report, 1836-1837, 4 items. | |
DM1/6/1/1/1 | Draft unsigned letter written by James White as Surveyor of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike, outlining that the trustees of the turnpike had asked him to remedy the situation of "the narrowness of the bridge and the inconvenience of its approaches" and that it had been decided to open a public subscription to meet the expected costs of £400 to £550. A list of the subscribers is attached to the letter which at the same time appealed for "your pecuniary aid", Sep 1836. Probably intended as a circular letter, the intended recipient is not named. | |
DM1/6/1/1/2 | Surveyor's report on the state of Burford Bridge with a plan and suggestions for improvement from a survey made by William Shearburn of Dorking, 13 Oct 1836, 4pp. | |
DM1/6/1/1/3 | Draft of a circular letter from the Surveyor of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road appealing for subscriptions for the widening and improvement of Burford Bridge, 10 Aug 1837, 2pp. | |
DM1/6/1/1/4 | Printed letter signed by James White as Surveyor of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road [ a formal version of DM1/6/1/1/1] with a list of subscribers to the fund for improvements of the Bridge attached, 10 Aug 1837, 2pp. | |
DM1/6/1/2 | Correspondence sent to James White from those wishing to subscribe to the road widening fund, 1836-1838, 8 items. | |
DM1/6/1/2/1 | Note from Sir Henry Leslie, 19 Sep 1836, 1p. | |
DM1/6/1/2/2 | Note from Mr Broadwood [identified as James Shudi Broadwood of Lyne, Capel], 23 Sep 1836, 1p. | |
DM1/6/1/2/3 | Letter from J W Freshfield, MP of Moor Place, Betchworth which also comments on the state of the roads in Surrey in general, 13 Oct 1836, 2pp. | |
DM1/6/1/2/4 | Letter from Josiah Iles Wathen of Juniper Hall, Mickleham with his seal attached, which also refers to the bad state of the highway leading from Mickleham to Headley at its junction with the London Road, 15 Oct 1836. | |
DM1/6/1/2/5 | Letter from Miles [Stringer?] of Effingham Hill, 24 Oct 1836, 2pp. | |
DM1/6/1/2/6 | Letter from William Strahan, [1836?], 2pp. The writer's seal is attached to the reverse of the letter. | |
DM1/6/1/2/7 | Note from Colonel Drinkwater Bethune, 24 Aug 1837, 1p. | |
DM1/6/1/2/8 | Letter with original envelope bearing the writer's seal, from J W Freshfield, of Moor Place, Betchworth, 06 Jan 1838, 1p. | |
DM1/6/1/3 | Lists of subscribers to the road widening fund, 1836-[1837?], 3 items. | |
DM1/6/1/3/1 | A printed list of subscribers to the fund, 1836. | |
DM1/6/1/3/2 | Manuscript list of subscribers to the fund, [1836?], 2pp. It mentions that the scheme was intended to widen the bridge "from 11 feet wide to 20 feet & to fill up the hollows upon each side." | |
DM1/6/1/3/3 | Manuscript list of subscribers, [1837?], 2pp | |
DM1/6/2 | Road Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements, 1836-1880, 3 files. These include posters issued by the trustees of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike inviting tenders for the supply and delivery of material for the repair of the road, 1836-1878; posters inviting proposals for the purchase of drift sand, scrapings and other refuse matter arising from the road, 1872-1978; and records of repair costs and improvements, [1867?]-1880. | |
DM1/6/2/1 | Posters issued by the trustees and surveyor of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike inviting tenders for the supply and delivery of material for the repair of the road, 1836, 1872, 1873 and 1878, 4 items. The poster of 1836 was issued in the name of the trustees of the turnpike and is a photocopy. Those of 1872-1878 are in the name of C. A. White as surveyor of the turnpike and are the original documents. | |
DM1/6/2/2 | Posters issued by C. A. White, Surveyor of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike, inviting proposals for the purchase of drift sand, scrapings and other refuse matter arising on the road, 1872-1878, 5 items. Items DM1/6/2/2/2 and DM1/6/2/2/4 have additional manuscript notes added with the names of purchasers and the prices paid and offered. | |
DM1/6/2/3 | Records relating to Road Repair Costs and Improvements, [1867?]-1880, 3 items. | |
DM1/6/2/3/1 | Photocopy of an abstract of the cost of repairs carried out in each parish through which the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road passed between 1863 and 1866, [1867?] 1p. Date of photocopy [1970s?]. | |
DM1/6/2/3/2 | Photocopy of a letter from James D. Down, Clerk to the Highways Board of the District of Dorking, to Messrs John and Charles Hart, Clerks to the Trustees of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road, that in the opinion of the Highways Board the road would be improved by the addition of the toll house with its garden and land adjoining Giles Green Gate and requesting the trustees of the road to make such improvement, 16 Aug 1880, 4pp including coloured plan. | |
DM1/6/2/3/3 | Photocopies of requisitions by the Highway Board of the District of Dorking to the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road Trustees for the improvement of the roads adjoining the Harrow Gate, in the parish of Dorking and the Holmwood Gate in the parish of Capel, 1880, 2 items. Both include a coloured plan. | |
DM1/6/3 | Income and expenditure, 1833-1855, 3 items. | |
DM1/6/3/1-2 | Two small paybooks recording wages received by workmen on the Dorking to Horsham Turnpike road, 1833 and 1834. Lists names, the number of days worked and the amount received with some additional entries at the back of each book for the amounts paid for materials. | |
DM1/6/3/3 | Photocopy of a printed notice showing monies received for the toll at the respective gates on the Dorking and Horsham Turnpike Road for the quarter ending 29 Dec 1855. | |
DM1/6/4 | Legislation relating to the Dorking and Horsham Turnpike Road, 1823-1835, 2 items | |
DM1/6/4/1 | Copy of "An Act for repairing and maintaining the turnpike road leading from Horsham through Dorking and Leatherhead to Epsom and from Capel to Stone Street at Ockley," Cap. LXXXVI, 30 May 1823, 16pp. | |
DM1/6/4/2 | Photocopy of the Horsham and Dorking Turnpike Road Act, 1858 or "An Act for repairing and maintaining the road from Horsham in the County of Sussex through Dorking and Leatherhead to Epsom," 1858, 15pp. [Copy made c.1980s?] | |
DM1/7 | Records of Local Events and Performances, (1827)-[c.1990s?], 1 box, 3 files and 12 items. The records include those relating to an attempted highway robbery at Givons Grove near Mickleham in 1827, [c.1980s?]; order of service leaflets used at various local church services, 1932-1936; programmes for productions of the Westcott Players, 1965-1966; and research carried out by David Knight into the crash of a German Dornier bomber on 24 Feb 1944 at Parsonage Lane, Westcott, 1976-1990s. | |
DM1/7/1 | Copies of records relating to an attempted highway robbery of the Mail coach at Givons Grove, near Mickleham which injured the driver in Jul 1827, [c.1980s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/7/1/1 | Photocopies with typescript transcripts of 2 letters from Edward Langley, the Dorking Post Master, to an unnamed recipient, relating to the attempted highway robbery, 13 and 15 Jul 1827. The first letter gives an initial report of the incident while the second is more detailed and sets out the attempts made to detect and apprehend the culprits. For other records of this incident see also: E234. | |
DM1/7/1/2 | Photograph taken from R C & J M Anderson's "Quicksilver - A Hundred years of coaching, 1750-1850," published by David & Charles 1973, of the notice offering 100 guineas reward for apprehension of the highway robbers at Givons Grove in 1827, 20 x 16.5 cms. Knight has added "This is claimed to be the last Highway robbery in the district. I think the Post Office own the original poster." Copied by J Mee, Westcott. | |
DM1/7/2 | Photocopy of a handbill advertising a lecture: ïOn the distress in Ireland: its cause and remedy without coercionÍ by Ernest Jones, Esquire,' held at the Lecture Room, West Street, Dorking, 20 Aug 1863. Ernest Jones (1819-1869) was a poet and novelist. | |
DM1/7/3 | Photocopy of a small printed notice advertising the forty eighth anniversary of the opening of St John's Church, Westcott,17 Jun 1888. | |
DM1/7/4 | Manuscript page with a description by an anonymous author of Odams & Irvings fair in Tuckers Field at Westcott at the beginning of the twentieth century, [c.1980s?] Tuckers Field is described as "from the Hut to the alley by the Prince of Wales." It mentions that "Granny Odam" died while the fair was being held and her body was burned in her caravan with all her belongings." | |
DM1/7/5 | Service sheet for the memorial service for Edward VII held at St Martin's Church, Dorking, 20 May 1910. | |
DM1/7/6 | Photocopy of a certificate awarded to Eric Smithers as the Best Baby of 6 months and under at the Westcott Baby Show, 27 Jun 1923, 1p. | |
DM1/7/7 | Order of service leaflets used at various local church services, 1932-1936, 6 items. | |
DM1/7/7/1 | Leaflet for the Friendly Societies' special service held at St MartinÍs Parish Church, Dorking, 17 Jan 1932, 6pp. | |
DM1/7/7/2 | Leaflet for the Remembrance Service organized by the British Legion at St MartinÍs Parish Church, Dorking, 11 Nov 1934, 2pp. | |
DM1/7/7/3 | Leaflet for a wedding ceremony between V K P and A E R at St MartinÍs Parish Church, Dorking, 29 Aug 1935, 4pp. The initials have been identified from the marriage registers as Albert Edward Robins, clergyman of Rothes Road, Dorking and Vera Kathleen Pickford of St PaulÍs Road, Dorking. | |
DM1/7/7/4 | Leaflet setting out special forms of service in commemoration of King George V, to be used in all churches in England on the day of his funeral, 1936, 8pp. | |
DM1/7/7/5 | Leaflet used at the memorial service for King George V at Dorking Parish Church, 28 Jan 1936, 2pp. | |
DM1/7/7/6 | Service leaflet for Evensong held at Dorking Parish Church with music conducted by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 24 May 1936, 7pp. | |
DM1/7/8 | Programme for the Westcott Coronation celebrations held at Belmont School, 12 May 1937, 8pp with a photocopy of the same programme which also contains a photocopy of a ticket to the earlier Silver Jubilee celebrations in Dorking of 1935, 2 items. For photographs of the 1937 coronation celebrations at Belmont school see: DM1/12/37/4/14. | |
DM1/7/9 | Background notes on the homecoming party of 1945 held in Church Street, Dorking for Mr Fred Haines who served with the Royal Army Service Corps in the Middle East and was later a prisoner of war in Italy and Germany. Author unknown, [c.1985?], 1p. For a photograph of the event see: DM1/12/13/4/11/5 | |
DM1/7/10 | Cast list for the Elizabethan Pageant held as part of the Westcott Coronation Celebrations, 02 Jun 1953, 1p. | |
DM1/7/11 | Ticket for a dance held at the Fire Service Staff College at Wotton House, 18 Dec 1980. The College occupied the premises from 1951 to 1981 and was a national college responsible for the training of senior officers in the British Fire Service. | |
DM1/7/12 | Invitation card for Mr & Mrs D E Knight to a reading of John E N Walker's paper on "Egyptian references in the Bible," at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 19 Nov 1990. | |
DM1/7/13 | Programmes for Productions of the Westcott Players, 1965-1966, 2 items. | |
DM1/7/13/1 | Programme for "Blithe Spirit," by Noel Coward at The Hut Theatre, Westcott, Nov-Dec 1965. | |
DM1/7/13/2 | Programme for "Where Angels Fear to Tread," by Elizabeth Hart, the Silver Jubilee production of the Westcott Players, 1966. | |
DM1/7/14 | Records of research carried out by David Knight into the crash of a German Dornier bomber on 24 Feb 1944 at Parsonage Lane, Westcott, 1976-1990s, 1 box. Comprises correspondence with German military archives; copies of the official Air Ministry report, 29 Feb 1944; correspondence with Julius Schurgers, (a surviving member of the German air crew),1976; photographs of the crew; correspondence with Flying Officer Raspin of the RAF, (one of the crew of a Mosquito which shot down the Dornier), 1986; correspondence with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission with details of the burial place of two members of the German crew, 1990; together with newspaper reports and the collected memories of those who were in Westcott at the time. | |
DM1/8 | Records of Services and Facilities, (1864)-1988, 4 files and 4 items. These include records of Dorking Fire Brigade, (1864)-1892; circular letters issued to patients advising them of changes to the medical staff at the doctor's surgery at Springfield, Westcott, 1969-1988; and records of the Hut Community Centre, Furlong Road, Westcott, 1947-1984. | |
DM1/8/1 | Booklet containing the annual report of Dorking Halls for the year 1976-1977. | |
DM1/8/2 | Records of Dorking Fire Brigade, (1864)-1892, 4 items. | |
DM1/8/2 ctd | Administrative History: Dorking Fire-Brigade was established in 1843 under the control of the Highways Board of the Parish of Dorking. Its rules were ñre-considered and confirmed by the parishî in 1864. It was then re-organised in 1870 as the Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade when it was funded entirely by public subscription. Dorking Urban District Council assumed responsibility from 1912 until 1941 when all fire brigades became part of the National Fire Service under war time conditions. When control was again transferred to local authorities in 1948, this was at county level so that Dorking's fire service then became part of the wider Surrey Fire Brigade. | |
DM1/8/2/1 | Photocopy of the ïRules and RegulationsÍ of Dorking Fire Brigade, 30 May 1864, 11pp. A note on the front cover indicates that the original belonged to the East Surrey Water Company. Contains a list of the locations of fire plugs (early fire hydrants) and a listing of all names and addresses of Dorking Fire Brigade members with their rate of pay. A hand written list of the names of 18 members of the ñFire Brigadeî in 1861 has also been added to the front cover. Comparison with the 1861 census returns for Dorking indicates that all 18 on this list lived either in Milton Street, Westcott or Westcott itself. Rather than being members of Dorking Fire Brigade the names on this list were probably members of the private estate fire brigade at Bury Hill, Westcott, their names having been added to the document at a later date. | |
DM1/8/2/2 | 9 slips of paper with the names of subscribers and amounts received as subscriptions to Dorking Fire Brigade, [c.1875?]. Only one is dated as 23 Mar 1875, which is the year that a large silver cup was presented to the Fire Brigade as a result of subscriptions by the townspeople of Dorking. The subscriptions may therefore be connected with the donation of the cup which is now in the museum's collection of objects. | |
DM1/8/2/3 | Photocopy of a circular letter from the Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade announcing their 21st annual dinner at the Red Lion Hotel on 14 Dec 1891, 1p. | |
DM1/8/2/4 | Photocopy of a printed balance sheet for the year ending 1891, a list of subscribers and a list of officers for Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade, Feb 1892, 3pp. | |
DM1/8/3 | Typescript notes giving a brief history of Dorking's electricity supply from 1903. Also covers the electricity supply of Cranleigh and Leatherhead, [c.1980s?], 2pp. The compiler is unknown. | |
DM1/8/4 | Information leaflet giving details of the replacement of gas mains in Dorking High Street issued by Surrey County Council and South Eastern Gas, Mar 1982, 4pp. Includes maps of gas mains in Dorking. | |
DM1/8/5 | Poster advertising the first Royal Mail Post Bus in Surrey between Dorking, Coldharbour and Ockley, 06 Aug 1973. Related records: for a photograph of the bus see: DM1/12/11/9. For newscuttings, timetables and other records of the bus see: R247. | |
DM1/8/6 | General circular letters issued to patients advising them of changes to the medical staff at the doctor's surgery at Springfield, Westcott, 1969-1988, 4 items | |
DM1/8/7 | Records of the Hut Community Centre, Furlong Road, Westcott, 1947-1984, 2 files. | |
DM1/8/7 ctd | Administrative History: The Hut was originally a wood and asbestos building built for the YMCA in France during the 1914-1918 war. It was erected in Westcott in 1919 as a memorial to that war. It was intended as a village centre and for a short time, an organiser was provided by the YMCA. Later, a village club was formed but this was not successful and the club was closed in the 1930s. For some years the building was disused and derelict. | |
DM1/8/7 ctd | In 1937 the Westcott branch of the British Legion became tenants. In 1940 they allowed the premises to be used as a canteen and club for the troops. In 1941 came the first show by the Westcott Players. It was largely owing to the support given to the British Legion by the Westcott players that the Hut was kept going. In 1957 the large hall was condemned as being unsafe for use and had to be closed. The expense of the maintenance and restoration of the Hut was beyond the resources of the British Legion and a successful appeal was launched to purchase the Hut and rebuild the hall. In 1959, a management committee was formed to administer the affairs of the Hut and to be responsible for the complete rebuilding of the premises, including the Club. The Westcott Players became an integral part of the newly formed Community Centre and all profits were handed over for administration by the management. | |
DM1/8/7/1 | Records of the British Legion Club, tenants of the Hut Community Centre, Westcott, 1947-1952, 3 items. | |
DM1/8/7/1/1 | Small rule book of the British Legion Club at Westcott. A national British Legion publication with local details inserted, 1947. | |
DM1/8/7/1/2 | An appeal leaflet for the purchase of "The Hut" from the Westcott branch of the British Legion, 26 Jul 1958. | |
DM1/8/7/1/3 | A share certificate for British Legion Club Limited issued to A J Smith of Westcott, 06 Aug 1952. | |
DM1/8/7/2 | Records of events marking the silver jubilee of the Hut Community Centre at Furlong Road, Westcott, 23-28 Jun 1984, 9 items. These include a programme of events, events tickets and invitation cards with a menu for a gala dinner signed by those attending. | |
DM1/9 | Records of People and Families, (1797)-1990, 4 files and 8 items. These include records of the Leslie family, Earls of Rothes and the Wathen family of Dorking, (1757)-1987; and David Knight's personal and family records, 1949-1990. | |
DM1/9/1 | Records relating to the Leslie family, Earls of Rothes and the Wathen family of Shrub Hill House, Dorking, (1797)-1987, 3 files . For photographs of Shrub Hill House see: DM1/12/13/10/22/3/4 and DM1/12/13/10/22/3/5. | |
DM1/9/1 ctd | Biographical History: Shrub Hill was purchased in 1792 by George-William, Baron Leslie (b. 1768) who succeeded in 1810 to the title of Earl of Rothes. It was in his honour, as Colonel of the Surrey Yeomanry, that the public house adjoining the Shrub Hill grounds, the Royal Oak, became the Surrey Yeoman. The Earl died in 1817. Although he had taken on his mothers name of Leslie, his father had been an Evelyn and the Earl was buried with the rest of the Evelyn family at Wotton. The Dowager Countess continued in residence for many years with her two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth Jane. The title then passed to the EarlÍs daughter by a previous marriage. | |
DM1/9/1 ctd | Lady Elizabeth Jane married Captain Augustus Wathen of the 15th Lancers, a veteran of Waterloo. Wathen endured a famous one monthÍs court martial at the end of 1833 after falling foul of his regimental colonel, Lord James Brudenell, who was later to achieve greater fame after succeeding to the title of 7th Earl of Cardigan and leading the charge of the Light Brigade in the Crimean War. The charges against Captain Wathen were found to be not merely groundless, but malicious, and as a result Lord Brudenell lost his colonelcy. On his return to Dorking, Wathen had his carriage drawn in triumph through the streets by the inhabitants, preceded by the town band. Rothes and Wathen are commemorated in the names of the roads in the Victorian estate built by the north side of the High Street. (Source: ñDorking _ a Surrey Market Town" pub by Dorking Local History Group, 1991) | |
DM1/9/1/1 | Copies of Orders given at Dorking for the Surrey Yeomen Cavalry, (1797-1804), 4 items. George William, Earl of Rothes, (1768-1817) was Colonel of the Regiment. | |
DM1/9/1/1/1 | Photocopy of orders for the First Division of Surrey Yeomen Cavalry, some of whom were to parade at Dorking, 16 May 1797, 1p. | |
DM1/9/1/1/2 | Photocopy of orders given at Dorking for the Surrey Yeomen Cavalry, 24 Jun 1799, 2pp. | |
DM1/9/1/1/3 | Photocopy of orders given at Dorking for the Surrey Yeomen Cavalry, 04 Aug 1801. | |
DM1/9/1/1/4 | Photocopy of orders for the Colonel's Troop of Surrey Yeomanry Cavalry given at Dorking, 16 Apr 1804, 1p. | |
DM1/9/1/2 | Correspondence, news cuttings and other miscellaneous items in relation to the history of the Leslie and Wathen families, of Shrub Hill, Dorking, (1843)-1987, 10 items. | |
DM1/9/1/2/1 | Photocopy of a page from Burke's Peerage and Baronetage (edition unknown) of the entry relating to George William, 13th Earl of Rothes (1768-1817) , 1p. | |
DM1/9/1/2/2 | Letter addressed to Mrs S M Gilbert of Westcott, Dorking from the Local Studies Department of Guildford Library which gives detailed information regarding Major Augustus Wathen and his connection with Lord Cardigan of Crimean war fame. It also contains details of the Wathen family of Shrub Hill, Dorking, 23 Sep 1985. | |
DM1/9/1/2/3 | Set of 4 photocopies of illustrations taken from Donald Thomas's, "Charge! Hurrah! Hurrah!; a life of Cardigan of Balaclava" pub by Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974. This was sent with the letter at DM1/9/1/2/2. | |
DM1/9/1/2/4 | Page from an unidentified publication showing photographs of survivors of the "Charge of the Light Brigade" in 1854, 1912, | |
DM1/9/1/2/5 | Photocopy taken from the Sussex Agricultural Express of 18 May 1843 with an account of the death and funeral at Wotton of Major A Wathen of the 13th Light Dragoons, 2pp. | |
DM1/9/1/2/6 | Photocopy from an unidentified newspaper reporting the death and funeral of Major A. Wathen of the 13th Light Dragoons,[c.1843?] 1p. | |
DM1/9/1/2/7 | Photocopy from an unidentified newspaper of the death announcement for Major Augustus Wathen of the 13th Light Dragoons. [c.1843?], 1p. | |
DM1/9/1/2/8 | Photocopy of a page from E. W. Brayley's "History of Surrey", Vol. 5 (pub. 1848) relating to the inscription in Wotton church in memory of Major Augustus Wathen of the 13th Light Dragoons, (d. 1843), 1p. | |
DM1/9/1/2/9 | Page from an unidentified magazine, [Country Life Magazine?] headed "Country House Sales" with a full page illustration of a portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds of John, 9th Earl of Rothes, (1679-1722), 1987. | |
DM1/9/1/2/10 | Typescript page with selected extracts from the will of Lady Elizabeth Jane Wathen who died at Dorking on 19 Jan 1861. Will written 29 Jul 1859 and proved 14 Feb 1861. Compiler unknown, [c.1980s?] | |
DM1/9/1/3 | Correspondence between David Knight of Westcott, the Earl of Rothes of West Tytherley, Wiltshire and other members of the Earl's family relating to the history of the Leslie and Wathen families of Shrub Hill, Dorking, 1986, 4 items. | |
DM1/9/2 | David Knight' s Personal and Family Records, 1949-1990, 3 items. | |
DM1/9/2/1 | Photograph of the inscribed flyleaf of the Ste(a)dman family bible which reads: Philip Stedman Junr born 26 Sep 1823, purchased this book Nov 28th 1839. Dorking Evening School for the Promotion of Learning." [date of photograph c.1970s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Philip Steadman Junior was the maternal great grandfather of David Knight. | |
DM1/9/2/2 | Photocopy of a page from "Picture Post" magazine of 20 Aug 1949 which includes a photograph of Mrs Dorothy Steadman of Dorking advertising the washing powder "Oxydol." Mrs Steadman was the aunt of David Knight. | |
DM1/9/2/3 | Typescript notes by David Higgins of the University of Liverpool on the clay pipes in David Knight's private collection, Jun 1990, 5pp. Illustrated. | |
DM1/9/3 | Photocopy of the will of John Worsfold, gentleman of Westcott, proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1852, 14pp. The original is held at the National Archives (PROB 11/2155/86). | |
DM1/9/4 | Small note pad with brief notes on Dorking artists during the 19th and 20th centuries, [c.early 20th century?]. Author unknown. | |
DM1/9/5 | Copy of the birth certificate of Walter John Rose (b.1857), the artist and photographer of Westcott. It was issued in 1927 for the purposes of Friendly Society membership and contains slightly less information than the usual full certificate. For photographs of Walter Rose see: DM1/12/37/6/25 | |
DM1/9/6 | Typescript listing of "names of householders, their wives and some other adults" extracted from the 1871 census returns for Westcott (National Archives : RG10 828) by A J McMillan, 1976, 14pp. | |
DM1/9/7 | Photocopy of a coat of arms for Barclay, source and provenance unknown, [c.1970s?], 1p. Probably obtained in connection with the Barclay family of Bury Hill, Dorking. | |
DM1/9/8 | Letter from Ruth Dyson of Westhumble, Dorking addressed to Ms Knight, with information on a photo of Honorine Williamson, a niece of the brother in law of Ralph Vaughan Williams, the composer, and a member of the Vaughan Williams household for about 12 years before the war. She and her husband were bombed in their London home during the Blitz, he was saved but she was killed. "It was a great grief to Vaughan Williams and his first wife Adeline." 21 Sep 1986, 1p. For the photograph of Honorine Williamson referred to see: DM1/12/13/6/3/3/2 | |
DM1/9/9 | Manuscript letter from David Knight to Mr Dixon in which he refers to a photo of the house next to the Cricketers public house when occupied by Mr & Mrs Brown, at Westcott. It also refers to a friend of Knight's who died in 1978 and who lived next door to "your uncle William Claxton." [c.late 20th century?]. | |
DM1/9/10 | Hand written family tree chart showing the descendants of William Claxton in the 19th and 20th centuries. No dates or places are included. Compiler unknown, [c.1980s?] The 1911 census of Westcott shows a William Claxton then aged 61, a pensioner of the Metropolitan Police who lived at 2 Empire Cottages, Westcott. | |
DM1/10 | Military and Wartime Activity, [c.1980s?]-1990, 1 file and 1 item Includes records relating to the German prisoner of war camp at Holmbury St Mary during the First World War, 1986-1990, and notes on the history of the destroyer HMS Westcott, 1918-1945, [c.1980s?]. | |
DM1/10/1 | Notes and correspondence compiled by Beattie Ede on the German Prisoner of War camp at Holmbury St Mary during the First World War based on her own reminiscences, 1986-1990, 3 items. | |
DM1/10/1/1 | Photocopy of manuscript compiled by Beattie Ede of her memories of the German prisoner of war camp at Holmbury St Mary during the First World War with sketches, 1986, 3pp. | |
DM1/10/1/2 | Map of Holmbury St Mary with the location of the former German prisoner of war camp superimposed, [c.1986?], 1p. | |
DM1/10/1/3 | Letter from the Imperial War Museum to Mr N E C Molyneux of Dorking regarding the First World War German prisoner of war camp at Holmbury St Mary, 14 Nov 1990, 3pp. The letter confirms that a camp was situated at Holmbury St Mary and that it was guarded by the 60th Company of the Royal Defence Corps, but that the Imperial War Museum had no printed or published reference to it in their collection. Two pages of an information sheet on the Royal Defence Corps is attached. | |
DM1/10/2 | Photocopy of typescript notes by an unknown author on the history of the destroyer "HMS Westcott,1918-1945", [c.1980s?], 3pp. Rather than being named after the place, the ship was named after Capt. G B Westcott who was Captain of HMS Impregnable at the Battle of "the Glorious 1st June" in 1794. The ship was nevertheless adopted by the people of the village. (Source: Westcott Local History Group's The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000). | |
DM1/11 | Scrapbooks compiled from records collected mainly, but not exclusively, from the business dealings of J & W Attlee, millers, corn merchants and seedsmen of Dorking and James White & Co, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking, 1839-1984, 35 vols. The contents comprise invoices, bills, receipts, and memoranda for goods received or ordered, and incorporate the headed stationery of many different Dorking businesses. Other records include licences, correspondence, business and visiting cards, event records and news cuttings. Additional background notes have sometimes been incorporated by the compiler, David Knight, many taken from the Dorking Advertiser. Arrangement: the contents of the scrapbooks are arranged and numbered in rough alphabetical order of the relevant business or organisation. The first volume only has been de-constructed and the contents conserved, retaining the numbering and original order of the documents within the album. | |
DM1/12 | Photographs and Photographic Postcards, (late 16th century?)-1987, 22 boxes. David Knight's collection of photographs and photographic postcards covered most of the villages surrounding Dorking, the town of Dorking itself and in a few cases areas outside Dorking and Surrey, including some from overseas. He knew the family of the Westcott photographer Walter Rose, (1857-1954) and there are many examples of the work of both Walter Rose and the Dorking photographer William Usherwood, (1821-1915) in his collection. There are often background notes or identification details on the backs of many of the photographs which Knight compiled himself. Although most are original images, there are also many reproductions which have been re-photographed or developed from the original negatives or prints which he had either collected himself or had given to him by friends and contacts. The date of creation of the copies is mostly unknown but thought to be in the period between the 1960s and the death of David Knight in 1995. All photographs are in black and white unless otherwise stated. The whole collection is also available in digital form. Arrangement: in alphabetical order of their location and then in chronological order. | |
DM1/12/1 | Views of Abinger, [c.1860s?] - [c.1980s?], 14 files. These include photographs of Abinger Common [c.1860s?]-1964; Abinger Farms, (1744)-[c.1900?]; Abinger Hammer, [c.1890s?]-[c.1980s?]; Abinger People, [c.1900?]-[c.1930?]; Abinger Trade and Industry, [c.1870s?]-[c.1930s?]; and the Memorial to Samuel Wilberforce,(1805-1873), Bishop of Winchester at Evershed's Rough, [c.1870s]-[c.1930s?]. Abinger is a large parish extending to the West Sussex border and includes several localities, the main centres being Abinger Common where the Church and Manor House are located and Abinger Hammer situated by the main A25 road between Guildford and Dorking. | |
DM1/12/1/1 | Abinger Common including views of Abinger Manor House and the Parish Church and Rectory, [c.1860s?]-1964, 3 files. | |
DM1/12/1/1/1 | Views of Abinger Bottom, the Abinger Hatch inn, the Manor House and Abinger Common Village Hall, [c.1860s?]-[c.1905?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/1/1/1/1 | Postcard showing a cottage at Abinger Bottom, with 3 figures in the middle distance, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/1/2 | View mounted on card of the Abinger Hatch inn with three figures standing by the doorway, [c.1890s?], 23 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/1/3 | Re-photographed image showing Abinger Manor house [original c.1889?], 12.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/1/4 | The stocks and whipping post to the east of the parish church at Abinger with a small boy standing to the right, [1860s?], 11 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/1/5 | Re-photographed image of the opening of Abinger Common Village Hall showing a group of people laying the foundation stone of the Abinger Reading Room, 21 Jun 1890. 9 x 14 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. David Knight has also added on the reverse that the original was badly hand coloured. | |
DM1/12/1/1/2 | The Parish Church of St James, Abinger, [c.1905?]-1964, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/1/1/2/1 | View mounted on card of Abinger Church with the lych gate in the foreground and 2 men by the postbox close by, one of them about to post a letter, [c.1905?], 11 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: J. Wilkinson of 18 Bavaria Place, Manningham. | |
DM1/12/1/1/2/2 | Re-photographed image of Abinger Church which shows the damage after it had been hit by a V1 flying bomb, 03 Aug 1944, 15 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/2/3 | Re-photographed image mounted on card of Abinger Church after bomb damage on 03 Aug 1944. 14 x 24 cms. Two figures are shown in the foreground. On the reverse is added: "Photo. Hoad Family." | |
DM1/12/1/1/2/4 | Colour photograph mounted on card, showing the spire of Abinger Church ablaze just after it had been struck by lightning in Jun 1964 during a heavy electrical storm, 10.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/2/5 | View showing the damage to the tower with tarpaulins over the roof shortly after the church was struck by lightning in Jun 1964, 12 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/1/3 | Abinger Rectory, [c.1870s -c.1890], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/1/1/3/1 | The front of the building with an open carriage standing outside drawn by two horses with a liveried coachman and two occupants of the carriage, [c.1870s?]. 9.5 x 13.5 cms. A domestic servant stands in the doorway. | |
DM1/12/1/1/3/2 | The front of Abinger Rectory, [c.1890?] 18 x 24 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/1/2 | Abinger Farms, (1744)-[c.1900?], 2 files. Includes views of Crossways Farm, [c.1900?] and maps of Paddington and Sheepwalk Farms, (1744-1772). | |
DM1/12/1/2/1 | Crossways Farm, Abinger, [c.1900?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/1/2/1/1 | Crossways Farm, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 11 cms. One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K424, K544, K734, K1540, K1814 and K2119. | |
DM1/12/1/2/1/2 | A group of people standing on a small bridge over a stream at Sleepy Hollow, Crossways Farm, [c.1900?], 16 x 21 cms. Photographer W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/1/2/2 | Maps of Paddington and Sheepwalk Farms, [1744-1772], 2 items | |
DM1/12/1/2/2/1 | Photograph of part of a map showing the north side of Paddington Farm, Abinger,owned by Sir John Evelyn. Surveyed in 1744 by Thomas Crews. Date of photograph [c.1980s?], 18 x 18 cms. Photographer: Derek Middleton. | |
DM1/12/1/2/2/2 | Photograph of part of a map or survey, of Sheep Walk Farm, Abinger part of the estate of Sir Frederick Evelyn. Surveyed in 1772. 23 x 18cms. Photographer: Derek Middleton [c.1980s?} | |
DM1/12/1/3 | Abinger Hammer, [c.1890s?]-[1980s?]. 4 files. Includes view of Abinger Hammer Clock, [c.1930?]; Abinger Mill, [c.1890s?]-[c.1980s?]; Abinger Mill Cottage, [c.1890?] and views of Abinger Hall, Kingsland Cottages and Paddington Pond, [c.early 1900s?]-[c.1905?]. | |
DM1/12/1/3/1 | Abinger Hammer Clock, [c.1930?], 2 items. Postcards of the village clock which projects over the main road through the village with the figure of a blacksmith striking the hours. The clock was given in memory of Lord Farrer of Abinger Hall who died in 1899. | |
DM1/12/1/3/1/1 | Postcard of the clock. [c.1930?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. The reverse is blank. Copyright: Photochrom Co. Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | |
DM1/12/1/3/1/2 | Postcard with a view of the clock taken from the reverse direction to the image at DM1/12/1/3/1/1, [c.1930?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. The reverse is blank. Copyright: Photochrom Co. Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | |
DM1/12/1/3/2 | Views of Abinger Mill, [c.1890s?] -[1980s?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/1/3/2/1 | Abinger Mill with a farm or mill worker in the foreground. [c.1890s?], 12 x 17 cms. The name "Mr Crane" is pencilled on the reverse which may relate to the person in the image as Abinger mill was also known as Crane's mill. Photographer - W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/1/3/2/2 | Postcard of Abinger Mill, [c.1900? ], 9 x 14 cms. The reverse is blank. | |
DM1/12/1/3/2/3 | Postcard with a coloured view of Abinger Mill on the front, [c.1907?], 13.5 x 19 cms. The reverse shows that it was posted to Mrs Voller at Warwick Lodge, Manor Lane, Sutton, Surrey, by a sister or brother with the initials L E S informing her of a future visit. Postmarked Aug 1913. | |
DM1/12/1/3/2/4 | The mill wheel at Abinger mill, 17 x 12.5 cms. Knight has added on the reverse that the photo was taken from: "The Country Home" May 1911 - Old Surrey Mills by Donald C. Bargaman. He has also added that in 1911 the mill was in a decayed condition and choked by the water weeds and ferns. In its last days it was known as Crane's Mill. | |
DM1/12/1/3/2/5 | Black and white photograph of a painting of Abinger Mill. Photograph [c.1980s?], 16 x 21cms. The artist is unknown. Notes on the reverse by David Knight indicate that the date of the painting was 1869 and that it was originally a lantern slide. "The date can be seen under the masking of slide." | |
DM1/12/1/3/3 | Re-photographed images of Abinger Mill Cottage, [c.1890?] 3 items. | |
DM1/12/1/3/3/1 | Abinger Mill Cottage. Original image [c.1890?]. 17 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/3/3/2 | A woman fetching water from the mill stream at Abinger Mill Cottage, [original c.1890?] 17 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/3/3/3 | Image showing a lady fetching water from the mill stream at Abinger Mill Cottage but taken from a different angle to that at DM1/12/1/3/3/2. Original [c.1890?], 21 x 16 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/1/3/4 | Views of Abinger Hall, Kingsland Cottages and Paddington Pond, [c.early 1900s?]-[c.1905?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/1/3/4/1 | Postcard with a view of Abinger Hall, [c.early 1900s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Addressed on the reverse to Miss A Woodhouse of Pinehurst, Abinger Common by Lizzie Scott thanking her for the safe receipt of a parcel. Postmarked 1906. The house was demolished in 1959. | |
DM1/12/1/3/4/2 | The house and garden at No 2 Kingsland Cottages, Abinger, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. A re-photographed copy which reveals damage to the original across the sky. | |
DM1/12/1/3/4/3 | Postcard showing Paddington Pond at Abinger Hammer. [c.early 1900s?], 9 x 14 cms. Copyright: T. Frith & Co, Reigate | |
DM1/12/1/4 | Abinger People, ([c.1900?]-[c.1930?]), 2 items. | |
DM1/12/1/4/1 | Page incorporating two photographs of Mrs Ellen Gander known as "Grannie Gander," of Ivy Thumb Cottage, Abinger Hammer who died in 1935 aged 100. One shows her sitting in the doorway of a house or cottage and the other shows her sitting in a chair with a pet dog. The location is not known but is probably her home at Ivy Thumb Cottage, [c.1930s?] 18.5 x 22.5 cms. The Surrey Mirror of 22 Jan 1934 records that her 100th birthday was cause for much celebration in the village with the verger ringing a 10 minute peal on the church bells in her honour. In a letter to the Dorking Advertiser Lord Farrer had written "that this old lady was the only midwife to our village and brought most of our village folk into a doubtfully happy world." Census returns show that her husband James, had been a thrashing machine proprietor and that the couple were originally from Sussex, having arrived in Abinger c.1870. | |
DM1/12/1/4/2 | Re-photographed image of "Old Shepherd Tanner" from Hackhurst Farm, Abinger in front of a small wooden structure with 2 of his sheep. Original image [c.1900?] 24 x 16 cms. He appears in the 1901 census as John Tanner of Abinger Hammer (b.c.1834), a farm shepherd. The hill in the background is High Hackhurst. Notes on the reverse recorded by David Knight add that the image is "from the Abinger Womens Institute Album, 1949, and that the parish of Abinger has always been agricultural and until a few years ago droves of sheep were brought up from the Romney Marshes to winter on the Surrey Hills in Spring and Autumn. The village green was alive with bleating sheep on their way to the richer pastures between Shere and Dorking. There were 12 gates across the road to control the movement of sheep and cattle. One gate stood where the yard of the Abinger Arms is now. People went through the farmyard to avoid the marsh and gradually it became the highway." | |
DM1/12/1/5 | Abinger Trade and Industry, [c.1870s?]-[c.1930s?], 3 files. Includes photographs of the Brickworks at Whitedown and the Wheelwright's shop at Abinger Hammer, [c.1895?]-[c.1930?]; Abinger Forge, [c.1870s?]-[c.1930s?]; and Abinger's Watercress Industry, [c.1890?]-[c.1910?]. | |
DM1/12/1/5/1 | The Brickworks at Whitedown and the Wheelwright's shop at Abinger Hammer, [c.1895?]-[c.1930?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/1/5/1/1 | Re-photographed image of eight workmen at the brickworks at Whitedown, Abinger [c.1895?], 8 x 13 cms. David Knight notes on the reverse that a number of Westcott men worked there. | |
DM1/12/1/5/1/2 | Photograph mounted on card of a group of workmen at Whitedown Brickyard, [c.1905?], 10.5 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: The Red Hill Photo Co, 71 Station Road, Redhill. Knight has added that a number of Westcott men worked there. It was owned by W & G King of Abinger Hammer and closed down in 1913. The picture shows a hand operated pugmill. | |
DM1/12/1/5/1/3 | Mr Bodle in his wheelwright's shop at Abinger Hammer, [c.1930?] 25 x 16.5 cms. A piece of typescript has been placed at the top of the image which gives the information that the Wheelwright's shop was contemporary with the smithy and contained wooden ploughs, wagons of the sunset type, farm carts and sledges. | |
DM1/12/1/5/2 | Abinger Forge, [c.1870s?] -[1930s?] 5 items. Additional information noted on the reverse of the first image states that "the original smithy at Abinger Hammer was established in 1835 where the butcher's shop now stands. Later it was moved to its present location. " | |
DM1/12/1/5/2/1 | Re-photographed image showing a group of workers outside the premises of W & G King, blacksmith at Abinger Hammer, [c.1870s?], 20 x 25 cms. On the reverse is the additional information that the image was taken from an album of Abinger Womens Institute of 1949. | |
DM1/12/1/5/2/2 | Re-photographed image of workers outside the premises of W & G King, blacksmith at Abinger Hammer, [c.1890?] 20 x 25 cms. Although very similar to DM1/12/1/5/2/1, this is taken from a slightly different angle. The workers are posed in much the same way but iit is thought to be slightly later in date. | |
DM1/12/1/5/2/3 | Composite photograph of 2 original images taken at Abinger Forge, the first showing two men "forging an iron tyre on to a wheel." and the second showing a view of the side of the forge building , [c.1920?], 25 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/5/2/4 | Composite photograph of 2 orignal images taken at Abinger Forge , one showing an exterior view of the front of the forge and the other a man holding a wheel, [c.1920?], 18 x 25 cms. Both show the sign board of W G King over the door. | |
DM1/12/1/5/2/5 | A view taken inside the forge, showing Mr Potter, the Abinger Hammer blacksmith, [c.1930?], 25 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/5/3 | Abinger's Watercress Industry, [c.1890?] -[c.1910?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/1/5/3/1 | Re-photographed image showing a group of workers at Abinger watercress beds, [original image c.1890?] 18 x 25 cms. David Knight has added information on the reverse taken from the Abinger Womens' Institute Survey of 1949 that "the business has been in the hands of one family for nearly 100 years. A Mr Coe reclaimed the boggy ground and laid out the first watercress beds. They are fed by spring water from specially constructed wells to ensure purity. Water cress is grown all the year round and gives full employment to 17 or 18 men, keeping the beds cleaned out and planted. " | |
DM1/12/1/5/3/2 | Horsedrawn wagon driven by a man and boy, [c.1910?], 14 x 21.5 cms. The name on the side of the cart shows that it belonged to W. Coe's watercress business. | |
DM1/12/1/6 | The Memorial to Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Winchester, (1805-1873), at Eversheds Rough, Abinger, with one image of Bishop Wilberforce, [c.1870s?]-[c.1905?], 7 items. Samuel Wilberforce was killed by a fall from his horse at Eversheds Rough on 19 Jul 1873. The memorial, in the form of a large cross was constructed shortly afterwards. The spire of St Martin's Church in Dorking (built c.1877) was also intended as a memorial to him. | |
DM1/12/1/6/1 | Photograph mounted on card of the memorial at Evershed's Rough, [c.1870s?], 11 x 13 cms. Photographer, W. Usherwood of Dorking. The photograph was probably taken soon after the memorial was built. | |
DM1/12/1/6/2 | Small photograph mounted on card showing the memorial with 2 onlookers, [c.1890?], 6 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/1/6/3 | Re-photographed image of DM1/12/1/6/2, [c.1890?], 8 x 13.5 cms. Original photographer: W. J Rose of Westcott. On the reverse is the information that one of the figures is Dick Brooks' father and the other is William Tarrant (on the right). | |
DM1/12/1/6/4 | Re-photographed image of the memorial at Evershed's Rough, Abinger, [original c.1889?], 12.5 x 17 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/6/5 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard which shows the memorial at Evershed's Rough, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/1/6/6 | Postcard of the memorial at Evershed's Rough, Abinger, [c.1905?] 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The reverse is blank. | |
DM1/12/1/6/7 | Re-photographed image of the head and shouders of Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, (d.1873), in his later years, 8 x 8 cms. The original looks to be a painting rather than a photograph. Date of photograph: late 20th cent. | |
DM1/12/2 | Colour photograph of several ceramic items which have been placed upside down to display the mark of Ashtead Pottery on the undersides. Date of photo: late 20th cent. Date of ceramic items, 1923-1935, 11.5 x 16.5 cms. Ashtead Pottery operated for only twelve years between 1923 and 1935 and had been set up to provide employment for disabled servicemen. Most of the workforce were not local but came from all over the south of England. A great variety of wares were produced ranging from figures to everyday crockery. The unexpected death of the company's driving force, Sir Lawrence Weaver, and increased competition at the time of the Great Depression, led to the closure of the business in Jan 1935. (Source: ashteadpottery.com/history/html -accessed Dec 2017) | |
DM1/12/3 | Beare Green Brickworks, [c.1920s?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/3/1 | Three workers at Beare Green Brickyard, [c.1920s?] two of them both holding a kitten. 8.5 x 13 cms. On the reverse David Knight has added that Bill Steadman is on the left. | |
DM1/12/3/2 | Postcard view taken at Beare Green Brickyard, [c.1920s}, 8 x 13 cms Shows 2 men with a steam traction engine on the left and a group of 7 workers on the right. One the reverse Knight has added: "Dad is 2nd left in group, his brother Tom is next to him 4th from left." Knight's father was Albert Knight (b.1903). Tom was his father's older brother (b. 1900). | |
DM1/12/3/3 | Re-photographed image showing a large group of workers at Beare Green Brickworks, constructing a kiln which was still in use in 1988. [c.1923?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/3/4 | Re-photographed image with a different view of the group of workers shown in DM1/12/3/3, [c.1923?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/4 | Views of Betchworth, [c.1860s]-1944, 8 files. Includes General Scenic Views of Betchworth, [c.1860s?]-[c.1960s]; Betchworth Castle, [c.1890]-[c.1922]; Betchworth Lime Pits and Quarries, (c.1830s?)-[c.1910?] Castle Gardens, Betchworth [c.1900]-1942; St Michael's Parish Church, Betchworth, [c.1860s-1890]; Transport Services, [c.1860s?]-[c.1918?]; the Wedding of Orliffe W. Presland and Annie Louisa Toms at Betchworth Parish Church on 11 Apr 1914; and Wonham Mill, Betchworth, [c.1890s?]; | |
DM1/12/4/1 | General Scenic Views of Betchworth, (c.1860)-[c.1960s?], 6 items | |
DM1/12/4/1/1 | An advertisement for St Peter's Gallery in Chesil Street, Winchester, from an unknown magazine showing a small image of a water colour painting "View of Betchworth Park, Dorking," by Thomas Picket, c.1860. 4 x 4 cms. Date of cutting [1980s?] | |
DM1/12/4/1/2 | An avenue of lime trees leading to Betchworth Castle, [c.1870?] Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking (stamped on the reverse). Also pencilled on the reverse is "Deepdene Avenue." | |
DM1/12/4/1/3 | A group of tall lime trees. Location unknown but thought to be at Betchworth, [c.1880?], 9.5 x 14 cms Photographer: W Usherwood of Dorking (stamped on the reverse). | |
DM1/12/4/1/4 | Bishops Cottages near Betchworth Lime Works with several residents in the roadway outside, c.1910 12 x 8 cms . Modern copy. | |
DM1/12/4/1/5 | Re-photographed image showing a team of three horses with Broom's farm hay binder at Sandy Lane Betchworth, [c.1930?], 16 x 21 cms. The driver of the team was Tom Mills. Knight has added on the reverse that Broom's farm had several locations at Sondes Place, Milton Court, Springfield & Coombe Farms and the family lived at Sondes Place. | |
DM1/12/4/1/6 | Photo mounted on card with a close-up of two players at Betchworth Golf Club, named on the reverse as Frank Loxley, (a professional) and Andy Kirk, [c.1960s?], 15 x 20 cms. Also marked on the reverse that the photo was given to David Knight by A. Upfold in May 1978. | |
DM1/12/4/2 | Betchworth Castle, [c.1890]-[c.1922], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/4/2 ctd | The Castle was originally built in the 11th century as an earthwork fortress and then turned into a stone castle in 1379. it was rebuilt in the 15th century by Sir Thomas Browne and was traditionally used as the home of the lords of the manor of West Betchworth. The house was bought by Henry Hope to add to his Deepdene estate in 1834 and much of the masonry was removed for work elsewhere. The Castle was then allowed to collapse to create a picturesque ruin. (Source: Dorking Museum website accessed Nov 2017).) | |
DM1/12/4/2/1 | [ c.1890?] with 3 figures in the foreground. 10 x 15 cms | |
DM1/12/4/2/2 | [c.1900?], 16 x 12 cms | |
DM1/12/4/2/3 | [c .1900?] 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/2/4 | [c.1910?] 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/2/5 | [c.1922?]. 6 x 8.5cms | |
DM1/12/4/3 | Betchworth Lime Pits and Quarries, (c.1830s?)-[c.1910?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/4/3/1 | Colour photograph of a painting of Betchworth Lime Pits by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864). Original painting [c.1830s?], 9 x 12 cms | |
DM1/12/4/3/2 | A large group of workers with a steam traction engine, [c.1870s?], 10 x 15 cms. The location is thought to be the pit bridge linking the large pit at Betchworth Quarries on the north, to the lime kiln on the south, about 100 yds from the top of the road called The Combe. | |
DM1/12/4/3/3 | Re-photographed image of cottages near Betchworth Lime Works with a small family group in the foreground. Original image, [c.1910?]. 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/4 | Castle Gardens, Betchworth [c.1900]-1942, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/4/4/1 | Re-photographed copy of a view of the Weir at Castle Gardens, original image [c.1900?]. Photographer: Tom Molyneux, 16 x 21 cms | |
DM1/12/4/4/2 | View of the new Reigate Road near Castle Gardens showing the road in the foreground which is noted on the reverse as " a serpentine arterial road about 7 years old, mellowing & not without grace," 1942, 8 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: W.R. Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/4/5 | St Michael's Parish Church, Betchworth, [c.1860s?]-1890. 2 items. | |
DM1/12/4/5/1 | Exterior view, [c.1860s?], 11 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/5/2 | Exterior view, 1890, 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/6 | Transport Services, [c.1860s?]-[c.1918?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/4/6/1 | Re-photographed image of Betchworth Railway Station and level crossing with three members of staff. Original image [c.1860s?] 10 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/6/2 | The livery stable of E A Kirby at Betchworth Railway Station showing a horse drawn carriage with a liveried driver, [c.1904?], 11 x 17.5 cms. Adhesive label on the reverse reads: No 334 of "The Betchworth Collection" copied and printed by Keith Harding of Goodness Gracious, 47 West Street, Dorking. Copyright: Goodness Gracious. | |
DM1/12/4/6/3 | An early open top, double deck motor bus with a full complement of passengers. From the signage on the bus it was a service between Reigate, Redhill and Beare Green. Exact location unknown but thought to be at Betchworth on the A25, [c.1918?] 12.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/4/7 | The wedding of Orliffe W. Presland and Annie Louisa Toms at Betchworth Parish Church on 11 Apr 1914, 4 items. For other photographs pf Orliffe Presland see: DM1/12/13/6/1/3 and DM1/12/13/9/4/7 | |
DM1/12/4/7 ctd | Orliffe Wilfred Presland, (1881-1966) was a Dorking carpenter and a member of Dorking Fire Brigade which he joined in 1904. His unusual first name, which the local news cuttings incorrectly gave as Oliver, was shortened to Ollie by his family. His older brother, Jack, was also a member of Dorking Fire Brigade and served for over 40 years, eventually becoming Deputy Chief Officer before he retired in the early 1940s. Both Orliffe and Jack feature in several photographs of Dorking Fire Brigade in Dorking Museum's collection. In addition, the Museum also has a collection of memorabilia and objects associated with Jack Presland. Orliffe later moved to Ashtead where he ran a firm of builders known as Presland Brothers. How many of his five brothers were involved in the firm is not known. (Source: www.leatherheadlocalhistory.org.uk/news.html accessed Jun 2018). | |
DM1/12/4/7/1 | Cutting from an unidentified local newspaper with 2 photographs of the wedding of Orliffe W. Presland and Annie Louisa Toms at Betchworth Church on 11 Apr 1914. The first photo shows the bride and groom, with the groom wearing the uniform of Dorking Fire Brigade, sitting on Dorking's manual fire engine which conveyed them to the bride's home at Lime Works Cottages, Betchworth. The second photo shows the bridal pair walking through an avenue of uniformed firemen forming a guard of honour with raised axes. | |
DM1/12/4/7/2 | Small original photograph of the bridal pair sitting on the Dorking fire engine, 1914, 6 x 5.5 cms. Walter Whaley, then Chief Officer of Dorking Fire Brigade is in the foreground and other members of the Brigade, including Orliffe's brother Jack who is third from the right, are standing behind the fire engine. | |
DM1/12/4/7/3 | Photograph of the bridal pair emerging from the church door and the head of the guard of honour, 1914, 5.5 x 4.5 cms | |
DM1/12/4/7/4 | News cutting from an unidentified local newspaper with a short account of the wedding, a larger photo of the bridal pair and the guard of honour of firemen, 1914, 9.5 x 12 cms | |
DM1/12/4/8 | Wonham Mill, Betchworth, [c.1890s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/4/8/1 | Re-photographed image of Wonham mill, Betchworth which shows several mill workers and a large waggon drawn by two horses drawn up outside, [c.1890s?], 8 x 12.5 cms. Notes on the reverse indicate that the mill was run by the Bowyer family. | |
DM1/12/4/8/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of the waggon at Wonham mill, Betchworth with 3 mill workers, and a girl pushing a baby in a perambulator in the foreground, [c.1890s?], 8 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/5 | "The Old Barn," (now the Village Hall) at Bookham, in the process of being re-located on rollers, [c.1906?], 2 re-photographed items. The barn was given to the villagers by the owner of the adjacent Sole Farm, Mr Arthur Bird, to be managed by a group of trustees. | |
DM1/12/5/1 | A large number of workmen engaged in the process of moving "the Old Barn," [c.1906?], 15.5 x 21 cms. A cutting from the Leatherhead and Dorking News of 13 Jun 1985 which mentions the barn is attached to the reverse. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott | |
DM1/12/5/2 | "The Old Barn" either just before or after it was moved. Several of the same workmen are visible on the right, [c.1906?]. 15.5 x 19.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/6 | Views of Box Hill and Burford Bridge, (c.1840)-1968, 9 files. Includes: General and scenic views of or from Box Hill, [c.1840?]-[c.1950?]; Box Hill Bridge, [c.1870?]-[c.1905?]; Box Hill Farm, [c.1880?]-[c.1890?]; Burford Bridge, [c.1840?]-1934; Burford Bridge Hotel, [c.1860s?]-[c.1920?]; the Floods at Box Hill Bridge, 1968; the Stepping Stones, [c.1930s?]-1970; Swiss Cottage, [c.1890?]-[c.early 1900s?]; and Zig Zag Road, [c.1890?]-[c.1920?]. | |
DM1/12/6/1 | General and Scenic Views of or from Box Hill, [c.1840?]-[c.1950?], 12 items. | |
DM1/12/6/1/1 | Photograph of a black and white sketch of "Broadwood's Folly, Boxhill" by the Dorking artist John Beckett, original sketch [c.1840?], 8.5 x 14 cms. The Folly is a circular tower which was built for Thomas Broadwood who purchased Juniper Hall at Box Hill in 1815. Broadwood was a partner in the piano manufacturing firm of John Broadwood & Sons Ltd. | |
DM1/12/6/1/2 | Photograph of a painting showing the old Hand in Hand inn, Box Hill. The artists signature at the bottom left hand corner reads "R. Seg[ƒƒ? ] 1869, 16 x 20 cms. Date of photograph: [c.late 20th century]. Information on the reverse states that the original painting was owned by Miss Brodie of Headley, Boxhill. | |
DM1/12/6/1/3 | Little Switzerland, [c.1880?], 11 x 15 cms. The site was later filled in to make way for the A24 bypass. | |
DM1/12/6/1/4 | View from Box Hill over Dorking, with a boy and his dog in the foreground, [c.1880?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/1/5 | View of the slopes of Box Hill with the river Mole in the foreground, [c.1880?] 9.5 x 14 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood (stamped on reverse) | |
DM1/12/6/1/6 | A view of the River Mole with (Box Hill?) in the background, [c.1890?], 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/1/7 | Postcard with a view of Boxhill. Pixham Mill can be seen in the middle distance, [c.1890?], 9 x 13.5 cms. The card was sent to Miss M Baker in Crawley, Sussex by L. Sayer while on holiday and it is postmarked from Dorking in Aug 1912. | |
DM1/12/6/1/8 | View from Betchworth Clumps, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. Betchworth Clumps is the highest point of Box Hill. | |
DM1/12/6/1/9 | View of the pathway at the top of Box Hill, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/1/10 | View from Box Hill of Dorking and Pixham, [c.1890?], 14.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/1/11 | The River Mole surrounded by trees, [c.1900?], 10 x 15 cms. The exact location is unknown but thought to be in the Box Hill area. | |
DM1/12/6/1/12 | Postcard of Upper Farm Caravan Site, Box Hill, [c.1950?], 14 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/2 | Box Hill Bridge, [c.1870?]-[c.1905?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/6/2/1 | [c.1870?], 6 x 9 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood. | |
DM1/12/6/2/2 | [c.1870?], 6 x 9.5cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood. | |
DM1/12/6/2/3 | A view of Boxhill Bridge with the river Mole in the foreground and Boxhill in the background, 1870, 19 x 28 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/2/4 | Re-photographed copy showing skaters on the frozen River Mole at Box Hill Bridge. Original image: 1894, 16 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/2/5 | A postcard view of Boxhill Bridge, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms.The reverse is addressed to Messrs J & W Attlee, corn merchants of Dorking by J. Wilson of Yew Tree, Polesden Lacey placing an order for 5 cwt of Spratts dog biscuits. Postmarked 07 Mar 1905. | |
DM1/12/6/3 | Box Hill Farm, [c.1880?]-[c.1890?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/6/3/1 | Two small children among the stooks of corn, [c.1880?], 9.5 x 14 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood. | |
DM1/12/6/3/2 | View of the fields with the farm buildings in the middle distance, [c.1880?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/3/3 | Re-photographed image showing Dan Mariner, a shepherd of Box Hill Farm carrying a lamb under one arm and holding his sheeps crook with the other, [original c.1890?], 9 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/4 | Burford Bridge, (c.1840?)-1934, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/6/4/1 | Photograph of a black and white sketch of Burford Bridge by the Dorking artist John Beckett. Original sketch [c.1840?], photograph [c.1980s?], 8.5 x 14 cms | |
DM1/12/6/4/2 | The bridge at Burford Bridge with Burford Bridge Hotel in the distance, a horse and cart on the bridge and a small boy leaning over the parapet, [c.1915?], 8 x 7 cms. | K135.jpg |
DM1/12/6/4/3 | Postcard with an artists's impression of a boy fishing in the River Mole at Burford Bridge entitled "A Peep on the Mole, Burford Bridge." 9 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked 1912 and sent to Miss [Sue?] Williams, Lonsdale, Epsom, the message and name of sender is difficult to read. | |
DM1/12/6/4/4 | Postcard of 3 double deck buses and other motor traffic at Burford Bridge in 1934, 9 x 14 cms. A London Transport photograph published by Pamlin Prints, Croydon, [c.1980s?] | |
DM1/12/6/5 | Burford Bridge Hotel, [1860s?]-[c.1920?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/6/5/1 | [c.1860s?], 11 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/5/2 | [c.1870?] 6 x 10 cms. Photographer: Usherwood. | |
DM1/12/6/5/3 | [c.1880s?] Also shows a poster for the "Rocket" horse drawn coach displayed against the tree in the foreground, 18.5 x 23 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/5/4 | Similar view to DM1/12/6/5/3, but from a slightly different angle, [c.1880s?], 15 x 20 cms. Has the same poster for the "Rocket" coach against the tree. | |
DM1/12/6/5/5 | Postcard showing A G Vanderbilt's London to Brighton horse drawn coach, "the Venture," outside Burford Bridge Hotel, [c.1910?]. 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/5/6 | Re-photographed copy of the horse drawn Burford Bridge coach outside the Burford Bridge Hotel. Original image [c.1920?], 9 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/6 | Colour photographs of the floods which washed away the old Box Hill or Reigate Road Bridge, Sep 1968, 4 items. Photographer: David Knight. | |
DM1/12/6/6/1 | View looking down at the swollen river and the damaged bridge, 1968, 9 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/6/2 | Close up view showing the damaged road surface of the bridge, after the water had subsided, 1968, 9 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/6/3 | View from Box Hill of the floods at Burford Bridge, 1968, 9 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/6/4 | The floods viewed from Box Hill, 1968, 9 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/7 | The Stepping Stones, [c.1930s?]-1970, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/6/7/1 | Postcard of the Stepping Stones at Boxhill, [c.1930s?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: Photochrom Ltd, Graphic Studios, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | |
DM1/12/6/7/2 | Postcard with a view of the Stepping Stones at Boxhill. Original image [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postcard published by Photochrom Co. Ltd, [c.1980s?] Copyright: Graphic Studios, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | |
DM1/12/6/7/3 | Colour postcard with a view looking down on the stepping stones at Boxhill, 1970, 9 x 13.5 cms. Taken in winter with snow on the ground. Published by Surrey Federation of Women's Institutes. | |
DM1/12/6/8 | Swiss Cottage, Box Hill, [c.1890?]-[c.early 1900s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/6/8/1 | [c.1890?], 14.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/8/2 | Page from an unidentified book with a photographic illustration of the Swiss Cottage at Box Hill, [c.early 1900s?], 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/6/9 | Views of the Zig Zag Road on Box Hill, [c.1870?]-[c.1920?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/6/9/1 | [c.1870?], 6 x 9 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood (stamped on the reverse). | |
DM1/12/6/9/2 | View from the top of the Zig Zag road at Box Hill with a horse drawn carriage on the road to the right, [c.1880?], 10.5 x 15 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood . | |
DM1/12/6/9/3 | Postcard view of the Zig Zag road, [c.1906?], 9 x 14 cms. Copyright. F. Frith & Co. Reigate. Post marked 18 Aug 1909 and sent to Miss G Scragg of West Street, Dorking by Hilda c.of Homelea, Betchworth who comments on the awful weather and how "you nearly get plastered up to your neck with mud here." | |
DM1/12/6/9/4 | Postcard view [c.1906?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. This is a different view of the road to that shown in DM1/10/6/9/3. Addressed to Miss Langdon of 2 Solbys Road, Basingstoke, Hants, by an unknown sender. Postmarked 1907. | |
DM1/12/6/9/5 | Postcard view [c.1920?]. Copyright: Photochrom Co. Ltd, Graphic Studios, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 9 x 14cms. | |
DM1/12/7 | Views of Brockham, [c.1860s?]-[c.1930s?], 4 files. These include the Borough Bridge, [c.1880?]-[c.1920s?]; Brockham Green, [c.1890?]-[c.1930s?]; Brockham Limeworks, [c.1905?]; and the Parish Church, (1860s?)-[c.1880?]. | |
DM1/12/7/1 | The Borough Bridge, Brockham, [c.1880?]-[c.1920s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/7/1/1 | [c.1880?], 15 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/7/1/2 | Postcard showing the Borough Bridge and Brockham Green with 2 cows being herded down the road in the foreground. Postmarked 1964 but the original image seems much earlier, [c.1920s?]. Card was sent to Mrs Whiteman of Westcott by an unknown sender of Middle Street, Brockham. | |
DM1/12/7/2 | Brockham Green, [c.1890?]-[c.1930s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/7/2/1 | View of Brockham Green with the village well on the right, [c.1890?], 16 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/7/2/2 | View of the Green with a cricket match in progress in the foreground and a view of the parish church on the left, [c.1930s?]. Mounted on card, 25.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/7/3 | Brockham Limeworks, [c.1905?], 2 items. Re-photographed views which show workers of the Dorking Greystone Lime Company. The Brockham Brick Company, incorporated c.1872, operated brickworks, a hearthstone mine and lime works in Brockham but became a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dorking Greystone Lime Company at Betchworth, whose works adjoined the site. Source: http://www.brockhamhistory.org/business-and-industry/lime-works/ (accessed Nov 2017) | |
DM1/12/7/3/1 | A group of 17 workers with a steam train [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/7/3/2 | A group of about 40 workmen and one woman outside the company buildings at Brockham, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/7/4 | Brockham Parish Church, (1860s?)-[c.1880?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/7/4/1 | Re-photographed image showing a close up view of the church. Original image [c.1860s?], copy [c.early 20th century?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/7/4/2 | View of Brockham Parish Church with a group of small children in the foreground on Brockham Green, [c.1880?], 14.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/8 | Re-photographed image of St Mary's Church, Buckland, original image (c.1860s?), copy [c.early 20th century?] 11 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/9 | Views of Capel including images of the village, [c.early 1900s?]-[c.1950?], 1 file; and of Shiremark windmill, [c.early 1900s?]-1973, 4 files. | |
DM1/12/9/1 | Miscellaneous Views of Capel village, [c.early 1900s?] to [c.1950?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/9/1/1 | Postcard view of Bonnett's Farm, Capel, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms. The reverse is blank. The farmhouse is a Grade II listed building dating to the late 16th century. | |
DM1/12/9/1/2 | Postcard view of the Cottage Hospital, Capel, [c.early 1900s?], 9 x 14 cms. The card was sent to Messrs Attlee of High Street, Dorking by J Lucas placing an order for 2 bags of biscuits. | |
DM1/12/9/1/3 | Postcard with coloured view of the main street in Capel, showing the village store of E. Palmer, grocer and post master in the right hand corner and several early motor vehicles in the background, [c.1920?s], 9 x 14 cms. Published by E. Palmer & Son. Capel. The card was sent from Dorking and is postmarked 1945. It was sent to Master Laurence [Causall?] in the Children's Ward of Dorking Hospital by his brother and sister who were wishing him well. | |
DM1/12/9/1/4 | Postcard view showing William Spooner, postman, with his cycle by the post box at Clarke's Green, Capel, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/1/5 | Postcard view of the Kings Head Public House at Capel, [c.1950?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co, Reigate. The reverse is blank. | |
DM1/12/9/2 | Shiremark Windmill, Capel [c.early 1900s?]-1973, 4 files. Administrative History: Shiremark mill, also known as Kingsfold or Capel mill, was a smock mill originally built in 1774. It was named Shiremark because it stood just 20 yards from the boundary between Surrey and Sussex in the parish of Capel. It was acquired by the Stone family in 1802 who were to work it until 1919 when the mill became defective. It then became slowly derelict. The sails gradually fell off, the last one falling in 1956. The cap was intact in August 1958 but by May 1966 the roof had gone exposing the brake wheel to the weather. It was finally destroyed by fire in late 1972 leaving few remnants. (Source: K G Farries and M T Mason - "The Windmills of Surrey and Inner London," published by Charles Skilton, 1966). David Knight made several visits to the mill and took a number of photographs, which form part of his collection below. After his visit in 1969 he recorded on the reverse of his photos that he was unable to go upstairs as the whole building shook. | |
DM1/12/9/2/1 | Views of Shiremark mill, Capel before the decline of the building, [c.early 1900s?] to [c.1930s?], 2 items | |
DM1/12/9/2/1/1 | Re-photographed image of Shiremark mill in it's working days, [c.early 1900s?], copy (1970s?). Source of original unknown. | |
DM1/12/9/2/1/2 | Postcard view of Capel windmill, [c.1930s?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked 1938 at Hastings, the card was sent to Miss Hill, at Nomansland, near Salisbury by an unknown sender thanking her for the receipt of her card. In the Times "Windmill" series, the card was published by Photochrom Co. Ltd, of London and Tunbridge Wells. | |
DM1/12/9/2/2 | Colour Photographs of Shiremark Mill, Capel, taken by David Knight, 1954-1959, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/9/2/2/1 | The mill, with only one of its sweeps (or sails) remaining, 02 May 1954, 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/2/2 | The mill with none of its sweeps remaining, 11 Aug 1959, 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3 | Black and White Photographs of Shiremark mill, Capel. Photographer: David Knight, 1969, 10 items. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/1 | The external appearance of the mill "in its last years," 1969, 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/2 | A second view of the mill's external appearance, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/3 | View of what remained of the cap and the exposed workings, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. David Knight has added on the reverse that the large gear is the brake, the smaller gear which runs from it is the wallower. The two small wheels on the right are truck wheels for centreing the cap. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/4 | One of the sails of the mill on the ground and rotting in the nettles, 1969, 9 x 14 cms.. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/5 | The inner workings, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. David Knight's notes on the reversere that "the small gear is called the Stone Nut which drives the stone with another on the other side. It is connected to the Great Spur Gear. The Derbyshire Peak stone can be seen above. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/6 | The great spur gear, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/7 | The great spur gear on the left with the Derbyshire Peak stone on the right, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/8 | The Derbyshire Peak millstone, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. David Knight's notes on the reverse indicate that the stone was hewn solid and used for grinding oats and barley. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/9 | The French burr stone, 1969, 9 x 14 cms. Notes on the reverse record that burr stones "were hewn in pieces, cemented together and bound with iron strips and used for grinding wheat. | |
DM1/12/9/2/3/10 | Second view of the French burr stone, 1969, 9 x 14cms. | |
DM1/12/9/2/4 | Colour photographs showing all that remained of Shiremark mill, Capel after the fire which destroyed it in 1972. These are all different views taken by David Knight, 1973, 4 items, 13 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/10 | Pratt's oil delivery lorry outside Chilworth Station, [c.1920s?], 5.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/11 | Views of Coldharbour, [c.1880-?]-1973, 9 items. | |
DM1/12/11/1 | Re-photographed image of the main village street at Coldharbour showing the Plough public house, [c.1900?], 16.5 x 21.5 cms. David Knight has added on the reverse that the landlord of the Plough was A J Lipscomb and that the print was made from a slide by John Mee. | |
DM1/12/11/2 | Postcard with a coloured view of Coldharbour showing the church in the middle distance on the right,[c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked Dorking in 1907 the card was sent as a birthday card to Master H A Boscall in East Barnet, Herts. | |
DM1/12/11/3 | Broome Hall at Leith Hill, [c.1900?], 5 x 7.5 cms. Broome Hall is a Grade II listed stone mansion dating to the mid 18th century. It was once owned by the film star Oliver Reed in the late 20th century. | |
DM1/12/11/4 | The parish church at Coldharbour, [c.1880?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/11/5 | Photograph mounted on card showing a group of 24 cricketers, 17 May 1905, 11 x 16cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. On the reverse is the information that the photo was taken at the annual match between Mr Roffey's Eleven and Coldharbour Cricket Club. Mr Roffey kept the post office and village store at Coldharbour and most of his team were his own employees. The match had been the first of the season for the Coldharour Club for several years and a report of the occasion was published in the Dorking Advertiser for 27 May 1905. Henry Roffey with his dog is in the middle of the front row with his son in white "on the left." Second from the left in the middle row is Henry Cover or "Chick" who was the father of Mrs O'Connell, the wife of Hugh O'Connell of Westcott. The photo was given to David Knight by Hugh O'Connell who was born 29 Jan 1887 and died 10 Apr 1984. A postcard sent by Henry Chick to a member of his family can be seen at: DM1/12/13/2/4/1. | |
DM1/12/11/6 | Re-photographed image showing the result of an accident with a steamroller in Coldharbour, [c.1910?], 16 x 21 cms. David Knight has added on the reverse that "the steamroller went too near the bank and had to be pulled out". The man in the foreground is one of the Harris's. The driver was Charlie Laker (b.c.1885), who had started driving steam rollers when he was 18 years old. The Rural District Council had the engine for 40 years when it was sold to Wards of Egham. Bert Rapley drove the traction engine on left with Tom Knight. The front wheels could be taken off and made into a roller." Original image owned by Charlie Laker of Westcott (b. c.1909), the son of Charlie Laker, senior. For another photo of Charles Laker, senior see: DM1/12/37/10/5/9/2 | |
DM1/12/11/7 | Second view of the accident described at DM1/12/11/6, [c,1910?], 6 x 21 cms. A group of 8 men are standing next to the bank which was shored up to stop the steamroller falling on the house. Charlie Laker, (the driver) is front row, second left with his father's brother Bill. | |
DM1/12/11/8 | A team of 4 horses cutting corn at Coldharbour, [c.early 1930s?], 9 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/11/9 | Colour photograph of Surrey's first post bus taken outside the Plough public house at Coldharbour, 1973, 11 x 15cms. Copyright: Murray King, Studio Casa Mia, St Ives. Post Buses are Royal Mail vans that are also adapted to carry passengers. The bus in the picture served Dorking, Coldharbour, and Ockley. | |
DM1/12/12 | Views of Cranleigh. [c.1910?]-[c.1965?], 2 files. These include general views of the village, [c.1910?]-[c.1965?] and of Cranleigh Station and the railway, [c.1960s?]-[c.1965?]. | |
DM1/12/12/1 | General views of Cranleigh, [c.1910?]-[c.1965], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/12/1/1 | Postcard with 5 different small photos of Cranleigh. These include: St Nicholas Church; a view of the High Street; the windmill; National schools and Run Common, [c.1910?], 9 x 13 cms. The card is addressed to Mrs M Edmonds, Hawkins Arms Canteen, New Oxted, Surrey, by Vi of Parkgate, Cranleigh. Postmarked 12 Oct 1918 | |
DM1/12/12/1/2 | A single decker bus of the Aldershot & District company at Cranleigh, outside Cranleigh Motors and the Three Horseshoes pub in Cranleigh High Street, [c.1960s?] 8.5 x 12.5 cms. Photographer and Copyright: P Trevaskis of Guildford. The route displayed on the bus was the 33 from Guildford to Cranleigh. On the reverse David Knight has written: "This was the type of bus that we used to visit our relatives at Cranleigh during the late 1940s." | |
DM1/12/12/2 | Cranleigh Station and the Railway, [c.1960s?]-[c.1965?], 7 items. | |
DM1/12/12/2/1 | View [taken from a bridge?] of the track and platforms at Cranleigh station, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Photographer and copyright: J Eyres of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/12/2/2 | View of the station buildings and one of the platforms at Cranleigh station, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer and copyright: J Eyres of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/12/2/3 | "The old push and pull train from Guildford to Horsham at Baynards Tunnel," [c.1960s?], 8 x 12.5 cms. Photographer and copyright: E. Gamblin, of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/12/2/4 | The railway track looking towards Cranleigh station, [c.1960s?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Photographer and copyright: N Hamshere of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/12/2/5 | A steam train at Cranleigh station, [c.1965?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Shows the platforms and station buildings. Copyright and photographer: N Hamshere of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/12/2/6 | The front entrance and approach road at Cranleigh Station, [c.1965?], 9 x 14 cms. Photographer and copyright: N Hamshere, Guildford | |
DM1/12/12/2/7 | View of the yard at the side of Cranleigh station with the premises of H F Lucas, coal and coke merchants on the left, [c.1965?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13 | Photographs of Dorking, (early 18th century)-1986, 133 files and 26 items. | |
DM1/12/13/1 | Dorking Businesses, (1837)-[c.1940s?], 3 files. These do not include views of business premises which are arranged with photographs of the relevant street. | |
DM1/12/13/1/1 | Photographs of T W Broom's milk delivery business of Sondes Place Farm, Dorking, [c.1930s-1940s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/1/1/1 | Re-photographed image which shows T W Broom's horse drawn milk float [c.1930s?], 17.5 x 25 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/1/1/2 | Close-up of the horse which drew Broom's milk float taken at Rose Hill, [c.1940s?], 13 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/1/2 | Photographs relating to H G Kingham, grocers and wine and spirit merchants of 96 High Street, [c.1910?]-1912, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/1/2/1 | Re-photographed image of H G Kingham's meat cart [c.1910?], 8 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/1/2/2 | Photograph of an advertisement for "Me-malto," a tonic wine made by H G Kinghams, 1912, 11.5 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3 | Miscellaneous Dorking Businesses, (1837)-[c.1980s?], 12 items. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/1 | Re-photographed image of a horse drawn van advertising the British Vacuum Cleaner Company, [c.1906?], 11.5 x 16.5 David Knight has supplied the information that the first electric vacuum cleaner, invented by Hubert Cecil Booth, was very cumbersome and for domestic users it arrived on a horse drawn cart, (as shown here) with a team of men in white drill suits. This method was first introduced to Dorking in May 1906. the agent being F. Davey & Co. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/2 | Colour photograph mounted on card which shows a badge of the Dorking Omnibus Company. The Image was produced from a slide in 1977. The badge is part of Dorking Museum's object collection and can be dated to 1904-1905 as the company was formed in that year and wound up the following year. 11 x 15 cms. For other records of this company see: DM1/4/4 | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/3 | Photograph of a royal warrant for Robert Best Ede, chemist and perfumier of Dorking, 25 Aug 1837, 38 x 26 cms. For other records relating to Robert Best Ede see: DM1/1/2/7/4/2, DM1/1/2/18/15/2 and DM1/4/5/2. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/4 | Re-photographed image of a tradesman's tricycle advertising Hollier's Tea, [c.1880s?], 16 x 21 cms. Holliers were tea and coffee merchants of 18 West Street. Their shop was still in use in 1910. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/5 | Re-photographed image showing the steam traction engine of Longhurst & Sons, timber merchants of Epsom and Dorking at Ranmore, with a driver and assistant, [c.1912?].13.5 x 21 cms. David Knight has identified the engine as a Burrell engine no 3565 built between 1912-1914. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/6 | Re-photographed image of a milkman and his cart at an unknown Dorking location, [c.1914?], 8 x 13.5 cms. His identity and company are unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/7 | Photograph of an original cheque issued by the Reigate and Darking Bank in 1840, 15 x 20 cms. The business failed in 1851. For other records of this bank see: DM1/4/2/2. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/8 | Re-photographed image of a Rolls Royce Saloon hearse of Sherlock & Sons, funeral directors, of West Street, Dorking,[c.1920s?]. The location is thought to be outside Betchworth church. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/9 | Postcard of a horse drawn delivery cart of B. Turner, family butcher in Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. Blackmore Turner had a butcher's business at 50b High Street, Dorking between 1894 and 1906. (Source: Electoral roll and censuses for 1901 and 1911) | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/10 | Photograph of a trade card for Israel Walker, (c.1798-1882), coach builder of East Street, [now the High Street] Dorking. Original [c.1850s?]. 14.5 x 21 cms. Following his death his business premises were acquired by Charles Ventham, a coach builder of Leatherhead. Israel Walker was the grandfather of J E N Walker, the first curator of Dorking Museum. See also: DM1/12/13/7/17 | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/11 | Re-photographed copy of The Three Tuns Yard in the High Street with James White, auctioneer and estate agent, conducting a horse sale before a large audience, [c.1900?], 10 x 16cms. James White (1795-1872), who first established the firm of auctioneers and estate agents, White and Sons in 1817, was the grandfather of his namesake shown in the picture. | |
DM1/12/13/1/3/12 | Close-up of an Act of Parliament clock by John Wright of Dorking, c.1780, 16 x 12 cms. Date of photograph [c.1980s?]. Notes on the reverse by David Knight indicate that Wright was active in Dorking from 1791 until 1828. He also records that the clock was part of the estate of the late Miss Simpson of Slindon, Sussex. The same notes refer to the clockmaker as Jonathan Wright rather than John Wright whereas various reference works on clockmakers refer to him as John Wright. The confusion may have arisen over a misinterpretation of Wright's name on the clock which is abbreviated to Jno. | |
DM1/12/13/2 | Dorking Clubs and Organisations, 1870-[c.1980s?], 7 files. Includes photographs of Dorking Cycling Club and Early Cycling Enthusiasts, 1870-1885; Dorking Town Band, 1897-1911; Miscellaneous Clubs and Societies, [c.1907?]-1966; St Paul's Football Club 1907-1908; and Dorking Football Club, 1898-1956. | |
DM1/12/13/2/1 | Dorking Cycling Club and Early Cycling Enthusiasts, 1870-1885, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/2/1/1 | Re-photographed image of a group of Dorking cyclists pictured with velocipede bicycles while touring Germany, 1870, 12 x 17 cms. Left to right: J. Putney (a lime merchant), Richard Gilliam, ( a monumental mason) Sermmitz (a German) and L R Saubergue (ironmonger). The Dorking Cycle Club was not formed for another 15 years. | |
DM1/12/13/2/1/2 | Re-photographed image from a lantern slide of members of the Dorking Cycling Club taken on the lawn outside the residence of John Attlee at Rose Hill, 1885, 12.5 x 20.5 cms. The menbers include: J.W. Sugg, J. Atlee Junr, J. Wood, G. Graves, L H Saubergue, W. Lucock Junr, A. Isted, W. Attlee, F A Beaumont, W D Russell, J.O. Goddard, A J Fuller, F. Hickman, E W Attlee, E J Hubbard, A. Brandram, W. Rapley, T G Rix, G S Mathews and S W Fuller. See the reverse of the image for identification details. | |
DM1/12/13/2/2 | Dorking Town Band, 1897-1911, 4 items. The band was founded c. 1885 and enjoyed a high reputation. They were the winners of the second annual contest of the Southern Counties Amateur Brass and Reed Bands Association held at Denbies in 1894 and again at Dorking in 1903. They continued until 1939, and were re-formed in 1950. For other photos relating to the Band see also: DM1/12/9/4/1/2 ; DM1/12/13/4/1/2 and DM1/12/13/4/3/6 | |
DM1/12/13/2/2/1 | Photograph mounted on card of Dorking Town Band taken at the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, 22 Jun 1897, 19 x 23.5 cms. Top row: left to right: Alf Scrivens, Charlie Stonestreet, Tom Haggett, Dick Burberry, George Scrivens, Joe Black, Ted Cƒ.?. 2nd Row: Geo. Fuller, Ern Cummins, G Heselgrave, Bill Lynn, Alf Wilkins, Ted Moore, L Chitty, T Hills. 3rd Row: Jack Lucas, ? Jackson, Charlie Dudley, W Saunders, George Snelling, Albert Heselgrave, T Woods. Bottom row: Fred Boorer, Fred Beare,Frank Course, Trimmer Sawyers, George Denyer, Mark Stower, and Alf Simmonds. | |
DM1/12/13/2/2/2 | Photograph mounted on card of Dorking Town Band, winners of the First Prize and Challenge Shield, Southern Counties' Brass and Reed Band Association, 1903 and First Prize and Challenge Cup Championship Contest (Reed Section), Crystal Palace, 1903. Photographer S Yeo of Dorking, 24 x 29 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/2/3 | Re-photographed image of Mr Denier, of the Dorking Town Band pictured with a side drum, [c.1903], 11.5 x 7 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/2/4 | Photograph mounted on card which shows members of the Dorking Town Band on Coronation day in 1911, 23 x 29 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3 | Miscellaneous Clubs and Organisations, [c.1907?]-1966, 9 items. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/1 | Re-photographed image of a large group of members of the Dorking and District Whippet Racing Association with several of their whippets at Pixham Sports Ground, [c.1910?], 12 x 20 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. The man with a cloth cap standing on the far right is the father of Charlie Laker (b.c1885) and the man in the centre of the back row where the image has a white spot, is Charlie Laker's brother Bill. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/2 | Photograph mounted on card of members of the Dorking Angling Society taken near Betchworth Castle, [c.1907?], 14.5 x 20 cms. Mr Asslet is 3rd from left in the front row holding a young pike.Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. The club was founded in 1905. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/3 | Photograph mounted on card which shows a large group of members of Dorking Bowls Club at a club outing with a coach in the background, 1959, 14.5 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/4 | Postcard showing 10 members of Dorking Rambling Society taken on the Ranmore coach road just before the First World War, [c.1914?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/5 | Photograph mounted on card of a team from Dorking Wednesday Football Club, 1932, 11 x 15.5 cms. Standing 1st left: 'General' Dixon; 3rd left: Bernard Sawyer; 4th left: Harold Twamley; 5th left: Reg. Hampshire; 6th left: R. Taylor; 7th left: Len Dixon; 8th left: Lal Chapman (in trilby hat); 9th left: Aubrey Hunt. Seated: 2nd left: Cyril Gee; 3rd left: John Davis; 4th left: Harold Higdon. Location: thought to be Redhill Memorial Sports Ground. The club was originally named the Dorking Early Closers Team and was active from at least the early 1900s to the 1930s. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/6 | Postcard showing a group of 25 members of Dorking Working Mens Cricket Club gathered for a match at Cotmandene, 09 Sep 1911. The match was in aid of the Cottage Hospital and had teams representing "Married v Single." The view shows the group in three rows in front of a tent. They are nearly all wearing top hats with their cricketing whites. The photo also appears in the Dorking Advertiser of 16 Sep 1911. The card was given to David Knight by Hugh O'Connell (b. 1877) in 1977 when he moved from Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/7 | Photograph of John Parlett in action at an athletics meeting, 1948, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. The location is unknown. Parlett was a member of St Paul's Athletic Society in Dorking and ran in the final of the 800 metres at the 1948 Olympic Games at Wembley. | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/8 | Sondes Place School football team, 1965-1966, 16 x 21 cms. Copyright: N. Wells, Caterham. The school in West Bank closed in 1994 | |
DM1/12/13/2/3/9 | Photograph mounted on card of a group of 15 members of the Sun Cork Club, 1922, 15.5 x 20 cms. The exact purpose of the club is not known but local newspapers of the time indicate that cork clubs were based at several local pubs. This one probably operated from the Sun public house in the High Street as a social or benefit club. Photographer: W J Heal of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/2/4 | Photographs of the Old Paulonian Cycling Club, [c.1905?]-[c.1914?], 4 items. The club was formed in 1900 by former pupils of St Paul's School, Dorking. It remained active until the outbreak of war in 1939. | |
DM1/12/13/2/4/1 | Postcard showing a group of 26 members of the Old Paulonian Cycle Club, [c.1905?}. The card was addressed to Mr H G Cover of 16 Pennington Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent and was written on 09 Dec 1905 by someone signing himself "Chick." 9 x 13.5 cms. "Chick" has been identified as Henry Cover, the father of Mrs O'Connell, who was the wife of one of David Knight's contacts Hugh O'Connell of Westcott. For a photograph of "Chick" see: DM1/12/11/5 | |
DM1/12/13/2/4/2 | Postcard showing a large group of members of the Old Paulonian Cycling Club, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/4/3 | Postcard of the Old Paulonian Cycle Club at the Duke's Head, Beare Green, [c.1914?], 14 x 9 cms. Shows a group of 28 men. On the reverse David Knight has identified Ken Harris sitting on the grass at the right of the front row and records that he was in possession of Harris's badge which is hall marked 1913 or 1914. Ken Harris, (1889-1973) whose full name was Kenneth Cameron Harris, was the 1st cousin once removed of David Knight. For other photographs of Ken Harris and his family see: DM1/12/37/6/14 | |
DM1/12/13/2/4/4 | Post card of the Old Paulonian Cycle Club at the Duke's Head, Beare Green, [c.1914?] A similar grouping to that shown in DM1/12/13/2/4/3 but in this view, unlike the previous one, none of them are wearing caps. | |
DM1/12/13/2/5 | St Paul's Football Club, 1907-1908, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/2/5/1 | Photograph mounted on card showing 14 members of St Paul's Second XI football team, 1906-7, 11.5 x 15.5 cms. Second left on the front row is Hugh O'Connell (29 Jan 1882 - 10 Apr 1984) who had given the photo to David Knight. | |
DM1/12/13/2/5/2 | Postcard which shows 16 members of St Paul's Football Club, 1907-08, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6 | Dorking Football Club, 1898-1956, 2 files. The Club was formed in 1894 from an amalgamation of Dorking Town and Dorking Wanderers Football Clubs. Local press reports show that the earlier Dorking Town club was in existence by at least 1881 and that Dorking Wanderers, originally known as the Friendly Football Club had adopted the name of Dorking Wanderers in Jun 1889. (Source: Surrey Mirror 15 Jun 1889 and 28 Apr 1894) | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1 | Dorking Football Club, 1898-[c.1950s?], 11 items. All mounted on card with the exception of DM1/12/13/2/6/1/11. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/1 | Dorking Reserves Football team, winners of the Redhill League Challenge Cup, 1897-1898 season, 1898, 18 x 23.5 cms. In the back row from left: J C Meakins (Hon. Secretary); E. Batchelor, G. Edser, G.West, J. Ireland, M. Saunders, R J Clark (Referee); Middle row from left: G A Fuller, J. Wakeford, A F Collins, H L Moore; Front row from left: H E West, A W Bussant, A N Fuller, and T. Murphy. Photographer: S. Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/2 | Dorking Reserves Football team, 1900-1901, 14.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/3 | Dorking Football Club team, runners up in the 1st Division of Redhill and District League in 1901 and 1902, [c.1902?], 14,5 x 20 cms. Photographer: S. Yeo, Dorking. Back row from left: F P Down (Captain), H A Loughborough, F Beare, A W Bessent (Hon. Secretary); middle row: from left: C. Carlile, A. Sherlock, H. West, R. Cope, G. Sawyers; front row: P H Weller, G A Fuller, H L Moore. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/4 | Dorking Football Club team, winners of the Surrey Junior Cup, 1903-1904 and of the Sutton Charity Cup, 1903-1904, 14.5 x 20 cms. Back row: W. Mills (linesman), H Curtis, A Anderson, P Wall, H Arlett, F Fuller, A W Bessent (Hon. Secretary); Fron tow: H Brooker, H E West, F P Down, G A Fuller. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/5 | The 1st X1 of Dorking Football Club of the Redhill and District League, 1905-1906 season at Pixham, 14.5 x 19.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/6 | The 1st X1 of Dorking Football Club, [winners?] of the Redhill and District League, 1905-1906, 14.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/7 | Dorking Football Club, winners of the Surrey Senior League, 1928-1929, 16.5 x 21 cms. Photographer: W F Knight of Dorking. Back row from left: E W Russell, A E King (Chairman), F Kelsey (Hon. Secretary), A W Tanner, (Hon. Treasurer); Second Row: H Bravery (Team Secretary), E Denyer (Res.), G Heath, A V Tilley, G Griffin, T S Gates, E C Pullen, S Taylor (Res), F Scragg (Linesman); Front row: J Tyler( Trainer), W Stone, R C Hutchings, (Vice-Capt), F Denyer (Capt), A G Roberts, J H Ashby, S C Rimmer, H Lamb (Trainer) | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/8 | Dorking Football Club team in the season of 1930-1931, 10.5 x 15.5 cms. Back Row: 3rd from left: Kelsey; 5th from left: Ede. Middle Row: 1st from left: Fred Woolcot; 4th from left: Bob Stemp, (a bricklayer); 5th from left: John Stemp, (a decorator); 6th from left: Griffin; 8th from left: John Youdale (schoolmaster); 10th from left: Mr Woolgar ( a sweep). Front row: 2nd from left: Jesse Tyler; 6th from left: Jack Ashley, (dentist); 8th from left: Frank Denyer; 9th from left: Fred Scragg. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/9 | Dorking Football Club team, [c.early 1930s?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. Back row: 1st left - F Bryant, (Secretary); 7th left - Fred Scragg; 9th left - M. Sawyer. Middle row: 1st left- S. Wilkinson; 4th left-Bob Head. Front row: left- Bob Harris. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/10 | A team from Dorking Football Club at Meadowbank, 1946-1947, 15.5 x 21 cms. 3rd from right: C. Thrower, 5th from right: Len Coles; 3rd from left: Lionel Hanton, 4th from left: Ron Anderson. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/1/11 | A team from Dorking Football Club at Meadowbank, [c.late 1950s?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/2 | Photographs taken at the opening of the new stand at Dorking Football Club, Meadowbank, May 1953, 4 items. The event was attended by Sir Stanley Rouse, then president of FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/2/1 | Three men standing at the side of the pitch, two of whom have been identified as Sir Stanley Rouse, (in the centre) and Andy Kirk, 1953, 15.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/2/2 | View of a speech being made with an audience including Sir Stanley Rouse in the centre, sitting behind the speaker, 1953, 16.5 x 21.5 cms The names of Kirk and Blackmore are given on the reverse but without any specific identification details. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/2/3 | Sir Stanley Rouse shaking hands with players during the opening ceremony for the new stand, 1953, 16 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/2/6/2/4 | Sir Stanley Rouse (on the left) and three other unidentified guests standing outside the clubhouse at Meadowbank, 1953, 21.5 x 16.5 cms. The name of Trim is given on the reverse but without any identification guidance. | |
DM1/12/13/3 | Photographs of Dorking Chickens, a breed of domestic poultry which is named after the town, [c.early 1900s]-[c.1980s?], 4 items. Dorking was at one time considered to be the greatest poultry market in England and by the end of the nineteenth century, the breed with its distinctive five claws, had been adopted as the town's symbol. They varied in colour, some being a dark colour and others silver. | |
DM1/12/13/3/1 | A postcard which has been cut in half, the remaining part showing a "Dark Dorking cockerel" [c.early 1900s?], 8.5 x 9 cms. Photographer: A. Rice. | |
DM1/12/13/3/2 | Michael Belyavin and his mother of Westcott Road, Dorking, with a Dorking cockerel, 1975, 20 x 15 cms. Mr Belyavin kept about 100 of the breed. Copyright: East Surrey Newspapers Ltd. | |
DM1/12/13/3/3 | Colour postcard of a Dorking cockerel taken at Acton Scott Working Farm Museum, near Church Stretton, Shropshire,[c.1980s?]. 15 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/3/4 | Colour postcard of a Dorking hen with chicks taken at Acton Scott Working Farm Museum, [c.1980s?], 15 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4 | Dorking Events and Customs, 1887-1989, 17 files. Arranged chronologically. Incudes: Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee Celebrations, 1887; Shrove Tuesday Football, 1885-1897; Events Between the 1890s and 1908; Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 1897; "Lord" George Sanger's Circus, [c.1899?]-[c.1960?]; Dorking Pleasure Fair [c.1900?]-1976; the Visit of the Duchess of Albany, 1908; Celebrations for the Coronation of George V, 1911; the Funeral of Charles Rowe, Captain of Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade, 1912; the Visit of Princess Henry of Battenburg, 1914; Events Between 1917 and 1953; Sunday School and Church Outings, [c.1920s?]; Celebrations for the Silver Jubilee of George V, 1935; Celebrations for the Coronation of George VI, 1937; the Journey of the Olympic Flame through Dorking, 1948; Harrowlands Hospital Fete, 1957; and Dorking and District Preservation Society's Exhibition at Dorking Halls, 1969. | |
DM1/12/13/4/1 | Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, 1887, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card which shows members of the Queen's Jubilee Committee, 1887, 20 x 29 cms. The committee members are assembled in the garden at the rear of the Red Lion Hotel in the High Street. They were involved in organising the town's celebrations marking the Jubilee and the members include many of the town's prominent businessmen. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/4/1/1 ctd | Those present include: Back Row: from left: 1. R Collins, licensee of the Rock Brewery. 2. J M Hubbard, jeweller of the High Street. 3. J Gilliam, stonemason of West Street. 4. G Graves landlord of the Red Lion Hotel. 5. W J Shearburn, builder and architect of South Street. 6. J T Maybank, wine merchant of the High Street. 7. F Smith (nephew of W Saubergue but not a permanent resident). 8. F. Kendall, undertaker and upholsterer in the High Street next to the Red Lion. 9. W. Saubergue, iron monger of High Street. 10. W T Butler, grocer of South Street who lived at Tower Hill. 11. H W Kendall, undertaker and father of the previously mentioned Kendall. 12. John Putney, builder and lime merchant at Chalk Pit, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/4/1/1 ctd | Middle Row: 13. W A Marsh, draper of West Street. 14. Arthur Fuller, butcher of South Street. 15. E Butcher, auctioneer of the High Street. 16. J L Playfoot, draper of High Street. 17. J Southon, grocer's manager to T Wood. 18. F Durrant, (Chairman), chemist of High Street. 19. Neddy Neal, farm bailiff to R Barclay of Bury Hill. 20. Dr C W Chaldecott of South Street. 21. Dr Paxon of South Street. 22. W Goddard, builder. 23. G S Matthews, town surveyor, Secretary of the Local Board & District Council. Front row: 24. F L Crow, auctioneer of South Street. 25. A J Fuller, butcher of High Street, son of Arthur Fuller. 26. H J Ivery, nurseryman of High Street. 27. W Shearburn, architect of South Street (son of W J Shearburn). 28. E L Trower, corn merchant of High Street. 29. H J Chaldecott (Hon Sec), solicitor of South Street, (son of C W Chaldecott) . 30. S Edwards, licensee of the Three Tuns, High Street. 31. J Mason, grocer of High Street, corner of Chequers Yard. 32. James Putney, builder and lime merchant and brother of John Putney. | |
DM1/12/13/4/1/2 | Re-photographed image of Dorking Town Band at the Nower during the Jubilee celebrations of 1887, 16 x 21 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. The band was then referred to in the local press as Dorking Brass Band. It took part in a large Jubilee procession to the Nower and played selections of music during the afternoon. The original image was found in the Wheatsheaf inn in the High Street when it closed in 1974. For other photographs of Dorking Town Band see: DM1/12/13/2/2 | |
DM1/12/13/4/1/3 | Photograph mounted on card of a large group of people all in fancy dress at an outdoor location. They are thought to be part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of 1887, as the town procession included nearly 200 people wearing costumes of "every nationality and character." (Dorking Advertiser 25 Jun 1887), 23 x 28.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2 | Shrove Tuesday Football Matches in Dorking High Street, 1885-1897, 7 items. Shrove Tuesday football was a form of mass participation street football which was traditionally played in the town for at least two centuries before it was suppressed by the authorities at the end of the nineteenth century. The last official game was in 1897 but it was played for the final time in 1898 with many of its participants on that occasion being prosecuted and fined. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/1 | A composite photograph of 2 images mounted on card on what was originally a calendar, 16 x 10 cms. Both images show the annual custom of Shrove Tuesday football. From the notes on the reverse, the top image was taken outside the White Horse Hotel in 1885 and shows the main players, (some with blackened faces as a form of ritual disguise), at the front, with a crowd behind them, One carries three footballs suspended on a metal stand and there are several musicians known as "Taffer Boult's Band," one playing a drum, others have flutes or tin whistles and a small boy is carrying a triangle. The small boy with the blackened face and the triangle, on the left is David Knight's grandfather William Stedman (b.1876) The man with the top hat and blackened face on the left is William Stedman's father, (Knight's great grandfather), Philip Stedman Jnr (b. 26 Sep 1823). The person with the drum is "Ducky" Rose. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/1 ctd | The bottom image shows the game in progress at the west end of the High Street with a large throng of people near Pump Corner in 1897. Several policemen are visible in the centre who appear to be trying to catch the ball in order to stop the game on one of the last occasions that it was played. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/2 | Post card showing the crowd at the Shrove Tuesday football game outside the White Horse Hotel with the standard bearer in the centre flanked by musicians known as "Taffer Boult's Band," 1885, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. This is a larger version of the top image at DM1/12/13/4/2/1 | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/3 | Photograph mounted on card showing the three Shrove Tuesday footballs carried on their metal stand being paraded through South Street almost at the junction with Junction Road, [c.1896?], 6 x 8.5 cms. According to David Knight's notes on the reverse, this was the last time the footballs were paraded through the street. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/4 | Re-photographed image from a glass negative, taken in the High Street on the occasion of the last but one Shrove Tuesday football game in 1897. 17 x 24 cms. It shows large numbers of onlookers on either side with a line of policemen in the centre of the street. The game itself is not in evidence. The clock in the street shows 3pm, one hour after the customary kick-off time. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/5 | Re-photographed image of large crowds at a Shrove Tuesday football game, proceeding through South Street from the High Street accompanied by a brass band, 1897, 17 x 24 cms. The premises of William Newitt, draper can be seen on the left; the White Lion is near the junction with West Street and the Bull's Head is on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/6 | Re-photographed image of the Shrove Tuesday match in 1897, 15 x 20 cms. Looking towards the east end of the High Street, it shows a large crowd of men and boys coming towards the camera. Some of the boys are running. The clock on the left hand side of the street which also appears in DM1/12/13/4/2/4, shows 3.10 pm. The traditional time for the kick off was 2pm from Church Pavement, the lane connecting the High Street with the churchyard of St Martin's Church. | |
DM1/12/13/4/2/7 | Re-photographed image of the last official Shrove Tuesday football game, 1897, 17 x 24 cms. Shows a large procession of men and boys in South Street and a large police presence at the front. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3 | Events Between c.1890s and 1908, 8 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/1 | Re-photographed image showing the lower end of the High Street looking towards Pump Corner with a funeral procession of a hearse and four other carriages proceeding to the east end of the street, [c.1890s?], 16 x 20 cms. The head of the procession is level with the premises of F W Floyd's, grocers on the right with Cheesman & Bromley's the drapers, adjacent. The name of the person for whom the funeral was arranged is not known. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a large group of people at the laying of the foundation stone for the Oddfellows Hall in the High Street, [c.1893?], 11 x 15.5. The hall was opened in 1894 to a design by the local architect William Shearburn. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/3 | Re-photographed image of a large group of women and children gathered for a Baby Show outside the Friends Meeting House in South Street, [c.1900?], 16 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/4 | Photograph mounted on card showing the western end of the High Street decorated to celebrate the relief of Mafeking, May 1900, 11 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/5 | Close-up of the Wheatsheaf inn on the north side of the High Street decorated for the coronation of Edward VII in 1902, 8.5 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/6 | Postcard which shows a procession through the High Street at the 12th Annual contest of the Southern Counties Brass and Reed Bands Association held in Dorking on Whit Monday, 23 May 1904, 9 x 14 cms. The photograph was taken towards the west end of the High Street looking towards Pump Corner. Large crowds are on both sides of the pavement and the procession is headed by Dorking Town Band. With about 14 bands competing, the events started with a marching contest which is probably what is shown here. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 21 May 1904) | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/7 | Postcard showing a crowd gathered by the steps of the Red Lion Hotel in the High Street at an electioneering meeting with several "Vote for Rawson," posters displayed, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Three people standing at the top of the steps have been identified as Joey Mason, a High Street grocer, William Shearburn, the Dorking architect (standing with his hands over the "vote for Rawson" poster) and Col. Rawson himself in the centre. The image is probably from the 1906 general election campaign. Colonel Richard Hamilton Rawson (1863-1918) unsuccessfully stood for parliament in both the 1896 and 1906 general elections. He was eventually successful in the 1910 election becoming MP for Reigate by a large majority. Dorking was then included in the Reigate constituency. | |
DM1/12/13/4/3/8 | Post card showing a procession at the west end of West Street at the funeral of a Boer War veteran, [c.1908?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W F Knight, 27 Mount Street, Dorking. Reverse: blank. The identity of the veteran is not known. No local newspaper accounts can be traced of this event. | |
DM1/12/13/4/4 | Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/4/1 | Photo mounted on card showing a large group of people in fancy dress at the celebrations held at Pixham Sportsground, 1897, 15.5 x 21 cms. Some names have been identified although it is difficult to assign them to the relevant individual. They include: S W Fuller, T. Butcher, F. Philps, T. Sherlock Senr, Shearburn, G. Butcher, T. Sherlock Junr, A. (Gumbrell?), J. Butcher, A. (English?), Alloway, G. White, Charman, and W. Latter. | |
DM1/12/13/4/4/2 | Photograph mounted on card of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations in the High Street, 1897, 11.5 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: Tom Molyneux. Shows the large number of flags and decorations in the street and on the buildings. The view is looking towards Pump Corner. The street is lined with crowds to see the procession which is headed in this view by members of the Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade with three of their fire engines. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5 | "Lord" George Sanger's Circus, [c.1899?]-[c.1960?], 7 items. "Lord" George Sanger, (1927-1911) was one of the most successful circus entrepreneurs of the 19th century. Local newspapers show that his circus visited Dorking several times at the end of the nineteenth century in 1888, 1889, 1894, 1899 and 1901. The family business continued after his death well into the 20th century and the file also includes photographs of the circus at Littlehampton in Sussex and at Horley in Surrey which was used as their winter quarters for many years. Related material: for a photograph of "Lord" George Sanger see: DM1/12/13/7/14. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/1 | Photograph mounted on card showing a procession making its way down the High Street towards Pump Corner, [c.1899?], 8 x 10.5 cms Headed by two elephants the procession is pictured outside the premises of International Stores on the north side of the street, Photographer: Tom Molyneux. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/2 | Photo mounted on card of the procession at the same point as that shown in DM1/12/13/4/5/1. it is headed by 3 elephants, making their way in the opposite direction, [c.1899?], 8 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/3 | Re-photographed image showing a procession for Sanger's Circus in the High Street, [c.1901?], 11.5 x 16 cms. The view is looking towards Pump Corner with the procession making its way towards the camera. At the head of the procession is the "Britannia" coach pulled by ten horses. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/4 | Re-photographed image of the procession for "Lord" George Sanger's Circus, [c.1901?], 11.5 x 16 cms. Taken from about the same place as DM1/12/13/4/5/3, the procession here includes several elephants and camels and horsemen wearing Indian costume. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/5 | Re-photographed image of the "Britannia" coach of Sanger's circus pulled by twelve horses, at Littlehampton, Sussex, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/6 | Nine ponies belonging to Sanger's circus at Horley, [c.1960?], 8 x13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/5/7 | Ponies from Sanger's Circus assembled for their entrance to the circus ring [at Horley?], [c.1960?], 8 x 13 cms. The man in the frock coat with his back to the camera is the ringmaster Wally Luchen who started his own small circus. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6 | Dorking Pleasure Fair at Cotmandene, and the Fairground Family Business "Benson's Amusements," [c.1900?]-1976, 2 files | |
DM1/12/13/4/6 ctd | An annual livestock market and fair known as the Dorking May Fair, was held traditionally on Ascension Eve in the High street. On Ascension Day the fair devoted itself to the sale of other goods and to pleasure. The pleasure fair was originally held at Butter Hill, South Street but later moved to the Cotmandene. The fair still continues today but not on the traditional dates. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1 | Dorking Fair on Cotmandene, [c.1900?]-[c.1930s?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1/1 | Dorking Fair, [c.1900?], 8 x 11 cms. Shows swings and roundabouts in the background, a boy on a donkey in the foreground, several onlookers to the right and a man on the left who would appear to be supervising the donkey ride. Written on the reverse is "Mr Dulake, Dorking Fair. Gave donkey rides, 1900." This may have been Henry Dulake (b. c.1843) who appears in the 1901 census at Brockham as a general dealer with his wife and daughter as licensed hawkers. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1/2 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard with a view of Dorking Fair, [c.1905?]. 9 x 13.5 cms. Shows swings and roundabouts with a large group of people. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1/3 | Re-photographed image of Dorking Fair, [c.1905?], 10 x 14 cms. Shows several gypsy caravans in the background, a group of donkeys in the centre and onlookers on either side. Also shows an early perambulator on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1/4 | Re-photographed image of Dorking Fair, 26 May 1908, 8.5 x 11 cms. Shows swings, roundabouts, stalls and several small boys in the foreground. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1/5 | Dorking Fair, [c.1930s?], 5.5 x 8 cms. Several stalls and vehicles on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/1/6 | Dorking Fair, [c.1930s?], 6 x 8.5 cms. Shows a number of tents, swings and roundabouts. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/2 | Benson Amusements' fairground business, 1963-1976, 4 items. The Benson family, based at North Holmwood, have been in the travelling fairground business for over 100 years and visited Dorking on many occasions. Source: http://www.bensonsfunfair.co.uk/history.php (accessed Nov 2017). | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/2/1 | A fairground generator of Benson's Amusements at Cotmandene, 1963, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: W H McAlpine, Fairground Society. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/2/2 | A large vehicle with the logo "Benson's Super Amusements, pictured leaving Horsham, [c.1960s?], 8 x 13 cms. Copyright: W H McAlpine, Fairground Society. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/2/3 | One of Benson's fairground tractors pulling a trailer and shown leaving Horsham, 1962, 8 x 13 cms. Copyright: W H McAlpine, Fairground Society. | |
DM1/12/13/4/6/2/4 | Mourners behind the hearse at the funeral for Thomas Benson (b. c.1923), a member of the fairground family, following his murder at a fair in Clapham, 1976, 9.5 x 17 cms. The location is not known. | |
DM1/12/13/4/7 | Visit of the Duchess of Albany in 1908, 2 items. The Duchess was the wife of Queen Victoria's youngest son, Prince Leopold. The reason for her visit was to open a bazaar to raise funds for the Dorking and District Benefit Nursing Institution which had been founded 15 years previously to provide nursing care for "the respectable poor." A formal reception for her was held at the Council Offices in South Street. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 07 Nov 1908) | |
DM1/12/13/4/7/1 | Street decorations in the form of a large archway across South Street and a large crowd of people gathered to see the royal visitor, 1908, 10.5 x 8 cms. A ladder can be seen on the right of the archway. The man on the ladder and one standing next to it on the level below, are both wearing Fire Brigade uniforms. The man standing next to the ladder is thought to be Fireman Jack Presland. | |
DM1/12/13/4/7/2 | View of the archway across South Street, part of the street decorations for the royal visit, 1908, 10 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8 | Celebrations for the Coronation of George V on 22 Jun 1911, 16 items. The festivities featured a large procession through Dorking involving many of the town's organisations and societies. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/1 | Postcard with a view of the procession at the east end of the High Street, 1911, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/2 | View of the procession looking towards Pump Corner, 1911, 8 x 10.5 cms. The premises of the London Boot Company can be seen on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/3 | View taken looking towards Pump Corner, 1911, 8 x 10.5 cms. The head of the procession, proceeding towards the east end of the High Street, appears to involve the [Boys Brigade?] The premises of International Stores can just be seen on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/4 | Close up of Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade manning their steam fire engine (partially hidden by the crowd), 1911, 8 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/5 | The procession in the High Street headed by members of the Dorking Fire Brigade aboard their steam fire engine. 1911, 8 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/6 | A view of the procession heading away from Pump Corner, with a manual fire engine of Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade at the front and other members of the Brigade as the "Dark Town" Fire Brigade immediately behind, 1911, 8 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/7 | Photograph mounted on card with a close-up of the "Dark Town Fire Brigade," 22 Jun 1911, 10 x 15 cms. This was a popular comedy act at fetes and carnivals of the time, always arranged by members of the local fire brigade who would usually appear with blackened faces and fancy dress and make comical attempts to put out an imaginary fire. Those in the photograph are members of Dorking Fire Brigade. Fireman Jack Presland is on the extreme left. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/8 | Re-photographed image taken from a glass plate negative with a close-up of Dorking Fire Brigade's steam fire engine fully crewed as part of the Coronation procession in the High Street, 1911, 17 x 24 cms. The Engineer at the back of the engine is thought to be William Borer who held the rank and position of Engineer for over 40 years. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/9 | View of the procession looking towards Pump Corner with a close up of what appears to be a military band with a large banner (of a friendly society?) behind them, 1911, 8 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/10 | Close up of a float of the Prince and Princess of Wales' Lodge of Oddfellows, 1911, 8 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/11 | Looking up the High Street from Pump Corner showing the contingent of the Old Paulonians Cycling Club, 1911, 8 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/12 | Re-photographed image with another view of the Old Paulonian Cycling Club, looking towards the east end of the street, 1911, 12.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/13 | Re-photographed image taken in Wathen Road during the Coronation celebrations showing a car or float manned by schoolchildren with the theme of "Britannia & her Colonies,"1911, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/14 | Postcard of a school float in St Paul's Road, 1911, 9 x 14 cms. Photographer; William Smith of Dorking. Reverse blank. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/15 | Photograph mounted on card with a close up of one of the school carts or floats in the Coronation day procession, 1911, 11 x 15cms. Taken outside Dorking Cemetery in Reigate Road. | |
DM1/12/13/4/8/16 | Photograph mounted on card of the culmination of the town procession which had finally congregated in the meadows of the Deepdene Estate, 1911, 11 x 16 cms. Photographer: William Smith of Dorking and Redhill. Shows large crowds gathered with carts or floats manned by schoolchildren (centre left) and a military band on the right | |
DM1/12/13/4/9 | Photographs taken at the funeral of Charles Rowe, Captain of Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade, 08 May 1912, 3 items. Charles Rowe, (1843-1912), was a printer with the family business in South Street. He had joined Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade when it was re-formed in 1870 and was appointed Captain in 1908 on the resignation and retirement of William Shearburn, the Dorking architect who had held the post since 1870. The funeral was attended by large contingents of uniformed firemen from Dorking and many other neighbouring town and village fire brigades. | |
DM1/12/13/4/9/1 | Postcard showing the long procession of uniformed firemen at the funeral of Charles Rowe, 08 May 1912, 8 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/9/2 | Postcard with another view of the procession of firemen at Captain Rowe's funeral, 08 May 1912, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Major Rouse Chief Officer of Reigate Fire Brigade is thought to be in the centre | |
DM1/12/13/4/9/3 | Photograph of the hearse and procession at the funeral of Captain Charles Rowe, 08 May 1912, 14 x 8.5 cms. The person on the extreme right is William Shearburn, the former Captain of Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade and at the time of the photograph, Honorary Captain. | |
DM1/12/13/4/10 | Photographs of the visit of Princess Henry of Battenburg, 04 Jun 1914, 3 items. The Princess was Beatrice, the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria, who had married Prince Henry of Battenberg in 1885. The purpose of her visit was to open a fete to support the Church of England Waifs and Strays Society and it entailed a carriage procession through the town with a visit to the offices of the Urban District Council then in South Street. | |
DM1/12/13/4/10/1 | Postcard which shows the procession of carriages and the mounted troops of the Surrey Yeomanry in South Street, during the royal visit, 04 Jun 1914, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The premises of Charles Degenhardt, drapers, can be seen on the left, the Bulls Head is on the right and there is much evidence of street decorations. | |
DM1/12/13/4/10/2 | Postcard which shows the royal visitor in a carriage outside the Urban District Council Offices in South Street, surrounded by a large crowd of people, 04 Jun 1914, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/10/3 | Re-photographed image of the carriage of Princess Henry during her visit to the Council Offices in South Street, 1914, 12.5 x 20 cms. The carriage is surrounded by a large group of onlookers and followed by two military riders at the back. | |
DM1/12/13/4/11 | Events Between 1917-1945, 5 items | |
DM1/12/13/4/11/1 | Re-photographed image taken during Red Cross Week, 23 Jun 1917, 8.5 x 11 cms. Lady Lawrence, the wife of the local MP, Sir Trevor Lawrence, is sitting on a donkey which had been put up for auction to raise funds. She had been dared to ride the animal through Dorking market in return for £1 for charity. L F Arnold is on the extreme left. | |
DM1/12/13/4/11/2 | Photograph taken inside the Oddfellows Hall in the High Street with a large number of people gathered for peace celebrations organised by the Ancient Order of Foresters, 1919, 14 x 20 cms. Photographer: J W Moorhouse of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/4/11/3 | Photograph taken at the funeral of William B Borer, Engineer of Dorking Fire Brigade, 19 May 1928, 7.5 x 7.5 cms. Shows one of Dorking's fire engines being used as the hearse with a procession of several cars following. The hearse is surrounded by several uniformed firemen but the image is not clear enough to identify them. William B Borer (b. c.1845) had joined Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade when it was re-formed in 1870 and served for 40 years. | |
DM1/12/13/4/11/4 | Re-photographed image of the Peace celebrations in the High Street, 1945. A small procession is shown passing the entrance to the Market Place, top left, 9.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/11/5 | A street party for the home coming of Mr Fred Haines of 32B Church Street, Dorking, 1945. 12 x 24 cms. Mr Haines served in the Royal Army Service Corps in the Middle East and was later a prisoner of war in Italy and Germany. For brief background notes on this event see: DM1/7/9 | |
DM1/12/13/4/12 | Sunday School and Church outings, [c.1920s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/12/1 | Postcard which shows a large group of people thought to be on a Dorking Sunday School outing, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. A man wearing a clerical collar is in the centre but the identity of the group is unknown. The location is also unknown but pencilled on the back is "13 All Saints Road, Margate." Photographer: W T Heal, Wathen Road, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/4/12/2 | A postcard which shows a "Church group" in the gardens of an unknown location, [c.1920s?], 8 x 13cms. Photographer: William Smith of Dorking. A clergyman stands at the back but the occasion and all other identities unknown. The name of Clara Fanny Reeves has been pencilled on the back. | |
DM1/12/13/4/13 | Photographs of an outdoor service held on the Nower to mark the Silver Jubilee of George V, 1935, 2 items each 6 x 8.5 cms. For the order of service see: E61. | |
DM1/12/13/4/14 | Celebrations for the Coronation of George VI on 12 May 1937, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/14/1 | View of Dorking High Street looking east with the Post Office at the corner of Ansell Road on the left, showing the street decorations for Coronation Day 1937, 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/14/2 | Dorking Roundabout at Reigate Road looking east showing street decorations, 1937, 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/14/3 | Part of a Coronation procession near West Bank, 1937, 5.5 x 8 cms. Shows a lifeboat on a cart drawn by two heavy horses with lifeboat personnel aboard the boat. | |
DM1/12/13/4/14/4 | Coronation procession of decorated cars and lorries near West Bank, 1937, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/14/5 | Coronation procession near West Bank with a float in the form of a boat from South Street Waterworks 1937, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15 | The Olympic Flame passing through Dorking High Street just before the London Olympic Games, 29 Jul 1948, 10 items. Those carrying the flame through Dorking were John S H Williams (d.1978) and E J (Ted) Henton, both of St Paul's Athletic Club in Dorking. For photographs of the torch's journey through Westcott see: DM1/12/37/4/12 | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/1 | Dense crowds in the High Street gathered to see the Olympic torch outside the premises of F W Woolworth near the junction with Ansell Road, 1948, 13 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/2 | Re-photographed image which shows the crowds in the High Street outside the White Horse Hotel to see the Olympic torch, which can just be made out from the smoke of the flame, 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/3 | John Williams carrying the Olympic Torch, just past the Post Office near the White Horse Hotel where he transferred the flame to Ted Henton, 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/4 | The passing on of the Olympic flame at the White Horse Hotel from J S H Williams to E J Henton, 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/5 | Another view of the transfer of the Olympic flame in the High Street, 29 Jul 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/6 | Ted Henton and John Williams in front of Quick's cycle shop with the Olympic torches, 29 Jul 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/7 | Ted Henton and John Williams outside the White Horse Hotel with the Olympic torches, 29 Jul 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/8 | Ted Henton with the Olympic torch surrounded by onlookers in the High Street, 29 Jul 1948, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/9 | Ted Henton leaving the White Horse Hotel on his way to Westcott with the Olympic torch, 29 Jul 1948, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/15/10 | Ted Henton leaving Star Corner, West Street with the Olympic flame en route to Westcott, 29 Jul 1948, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/16 | Photographs, all mounted on card, taken at Harrowlands Hospital Fete, 1957, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/4/16/1 | The crowning of "Miss Dorking," 1957, 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/16/2 | "Miss Dorking" and two attendants, 1957, 15.5 x 11.5 cms. One of the two attendants is named on the reverse as Pat Watts. Copyright: Peter Ruck, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/4/16/3 | Sam Levy at the Hoop-la, 1957, 15.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/16/4 | Another view of Sam Levy at the Hoop-la, 1957, 11.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/17 | Dorking and District Preservation Society's exhibition at Dorking Halls, 1969, 4 items. Photographer: H C Harridge of Leatherhead. | |
DM1/12/13/4/17/1 | Bert Upfield with his display, 1969, 9 x 11.5 cms. In the background can be seen a large framed composite photograph of members of Dorking Fire Brigade in 1888 held in 2018 by the Surrey Fire Museum at Reigate. | |
DM1/12/13/4/17/2 | The large spherical golden ball formerly underneath the weather vane of the medieval St Martin's church, 1969, 16.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/17/3 | Another view of the golden ball from St Martin's church with many visitors in the background, 1969,12 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/4/17/4 | A view of the exhibition showing some of the display panels and several visitors, 1969, 11.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/5 | Dorking Market Day, [c.1890s?]-[c.late 1920s?], 2 files. Administrative History: a corn and livestock market was held in the High Street for several centuries until the needs of motor transport caused a move to a new location in the yard of the former Three Tuns inn just off the High Street in Mar 1926. Livestock markets continued to be held there until 1965 but the site is still used for weekly markets of fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, flowers, plants and household goods. | |
DM1/12/13/5/1 | A set of photographs taken in the High Street on a market day, [c.1890s?], 6 items. The photographer was T A Summers Scott, who according to notes on the reverse by David Knight, was testing out a new camera. They were probably all taken on the same day but at different times and slightly different locations in the High Street. | |
DM1/12/13/5/1/1 | A group of people in the High Street, opposite Shrub House, the premises of W. Usherwood, photographer, near the junction with Ansell Road, [c.early1890s?], 7 x 11.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/5/1/2 | A livestock sale of horses and cattle near the junction with Ansell Road, [c.early 1890s?], 7 x 11.5. | |
DM1/12/13/5/1/3 | A livestock market with horses tied to the railings on the south side, [early 1890s?], 7 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/5/1/4 | Cattle sale on the north side of the High Street, [early 1890s?], 7 x 11.5 cms. The offices of the Dorking & District Local Board are at no 35 on the extreme left. | |
DM1/12/13/5/1/5 | High street livestock market, [c.1890s?], 7 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/5/1/6 | The High Street looking east, [c.1890s?], 7 x 11.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/5/2 | Market Days, 1895-[c.late 1920s?], 10 items. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/1 | Photograph (in black and white) of the painting "Market Day," by the Dorking artist Charles Collins, (1851-1921), which shows the livestock market of horses and cattle in the High Street, 12.5 x 20 cms. Date of original painting: 1895. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. The full name of the artist was Alfred Charles Jerome Collins but he was usually referred to as Charles. Related material: for a photograph of the artist see: DM1/12/13/7/6. For photographs or reproductions of some of his other works see: DM1/12/29/1 and DM1/13/2/3/8 | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/2 | Re-photographed image from a collection of slides belonging to Ronald Scragg, (1890-1972), local historian of Dorking, showing a group of people gathered in the High Street outside the premises of Mackney & Pierce, linen drapers, including a man with a hand bell used on market days, [c.1900?], 16 x 15.5 cms. David Knight's notes on the reverse add that when the market finally closed the market bell was given to Dick Stanbridge by Whites, the auctioneers, and was last rung on 20 Dec 1965. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/3 | Re-photographed image of a view of the south side of the High Street on market day with a large number of goats for sale, [c.1904?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. The Red Lion brewery can be seen on the extreme right, next to the Dorking branch of the Capital and Counties Bank. On the left are the premises of Hickman, tobacconist; Doubleday; and Pilcher and Dye. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/4 | Re-photographed copy of a postcard showing the centre of the High Street on a market day looking east with the Three Tuns on the left, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Several animal pens can be seen on the pavement on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/5 | Post card which shows the centre of the High Street on a market day with several animal pens on the left hand side and several groups of people in the street, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The premises of the Three Tuns can be seen to the left, the Black Horse centre left, and the premises of the photographer W. Usherwood in the white painted building, two doors further down. The card was addressed to Miss May Razzell at 6 St Josephs Road, Aldershot, from her sister Nellie informing her of the safe receipt of a parcel. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/6 | Re-photographed image showing a market day in Dorking with a number of cattle in the street and several carts outside Shrub House on the north side of the High Street which were then the premises of J W Moorhouse, [c.1910?], 11 x 11 cms. Moorhouse had acquired the photography business of William Usherwood when it was sold in 1907. (Source: website: "Photographers of Great Britain and Ireland, 1840-1940," http://www.cartedevisite.co.uk/ - Accessed Sep 2017) | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/7 | Re-photographed image of market day in the High Street, looking towards the west end of the street,[c.1911?]. 15.5 x 21 cms. The Red Lion Hotel is on the left. A tall man with a bicycle is talking to an older man in the central foreground. The man with the bicycle is the Rev. Neville G J Stiff, author of "The Church in Dorking and District," pub 1912. He was curate at St Martin's church from 1911-1913. The older man with the bowler hat is Mr Turner of Stone and Turners, the High Street ironmongers. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/8 | Postcard with a coloured view of market day in the High Street, [early 1920s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Looking towards the east end from the centre with a large crowd of people. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/9 | Photocopy from an unknown publication of a photograph which shows the last market to be held in the High Street on 01 Mar 1925, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/5/2/10 | Re-photographed image of Dorking cattle market, [c.late 1920s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. The first market held at the new site on the former Three Tuns Yard was on 08 Mar 1926. Livestock markets continued to be held there until 20 Nov 1965. | |
DM1/12/13/6 | Military and Civil Defence Activities, [c.1899?]-1980, 9 files and 1 item. Includes Military Activity between c.1899 and 1913; First World War Military Activity, [c.1914?]-[c.1916?],and Military and Civil Defence Activity During the Second World War including bomb damage and the results of aircraft crashes, 1940-1980. | |
DM1/12/13/6/1 | Military Activity [c.1899?]-1913, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/6/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card of the gravestone at Rawalpindi in the Punjab of Lieut. Gen Sir Henry Marshman Havelock-Ellis, killed at the Khyber pass 30 Dec 1897. Date of photo:[ c.1899?], 29 x 21 cms. He was the son of Major Gen Sir Henry Havelock of Lucknow (who relieved Lucknow in Sep 1857) and was also the Commanding Officer of the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment which recruited in Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/6/1/2 | Re-photographed image which shows members of the 2nd Volunteer Battalion of the Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment at Dorking Drill Hall, [c.1900?], 22 x 29 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/6/1/3 | Photograph mounted on card which shows "G" Company, 2nd Volunteer Battalion of the Queens (Royal West Surrey) Regiment, at the Drill Hall, Dorking, 1905, 21.5 x 28 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. Front row: 3rd from left: Jack Neville Presland, (1878-1968). 5th from left: Orliffe Wilfred Presland, (1881-1966), (brother of Jack). The two brothers were also members of Dorking Fire Brigade. Front row: 1st right: Bill Razzell (c.1886-1916). Photo given to David Knight by Emily Smith, sister of Bill Razzell. Related material: for other photographs of the Presland brothers see: DM1/12/13/9/4/7 and DM1/12/4/7. For another photograph of Bill Razzell see: DM1/12/37/6/24/2 and for a postcard written by Bill Razzell see: DM1/12/37/5/1. | |
DM1/12/13/6/1/4 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard which shows the Hon Henry Cubitt addressing Dorking Boer War Veterans at the Drill Hall, Oct 1910, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. 15th from left in the front row is David Knight's grandfather William Henry Steadman (1877-1941) who also served in the First World war. 7th from left in the front row is Jim Mears (1880-1950) of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/6/1/5 | Re-photographed image from a glass negative which is thought to be HM Airship Delta over the Medical Hall on the south side of Dorking High Street. The airship was built in 1913 at the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough, Hants. It landed at Earlswood on 02 Jul 1913 so the photo may have been taken on the same day as it flew from Farnborough to Earlswood. 16 x 21 cms. See also: DM1/12/37/8/1 for the same airship over Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2 | First World War Military Activity, [c.1914?]-[c.1916?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2/1 | A large mustering of the London Scottish Regiment on what is now Deepdene Vale with Box Hill in the background. 2 horse drawn carts and the rear of an army ambulance can be seen in the foreground, [c.1914?], Produced as a postcard but not used by post. Addressed to "Dickey" wishing [Vince?] a happy birthday, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2/2 | Colour photograph, loose inside card, of a recruiting poster of Aug 1914, which announces the arrangements made by the District Recruiting Committee in Dorking and the local villages including a procession through the town attended by recruiting sergeants. Date of image [c.1980s?], 17.5 x 12.5 cms. David Knight has added a transcript from the Dorking Advertiser of 08 Aug 1914 which refers to the event. The original poster is on display in Dorking Museum. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2/3 | Re-photographed image of a postcard showing a large convoy of horsed transport teams and marching troops leaving Dorking by the Westcott Road, 28 Feb 1915, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2/4 | A contingent of the London Scottish Regiment returning from church parade at St Martin's parish church, Dorking, [c.1916?], 7.5 x 10 cms. The image is rather indistinct. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2/5 | A postcard showing a group of officers and NCOs of the Army Service Corps at an unknown Dorking location, [c.1916?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: F W Tigwell of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/6/2/6 | Photograph mounted on card which shows 21 men of the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment in India, [c.1916?], 20 x 25.5 cms. 1st front left is "Peggy" Lewer of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3 | Military and Civil Defence Activity During the Second World War, 1940-1980, 7 files and 1 item. The content includes: The Home Guard in Dorking, [c.1940?]-[c.1945?]; Air Cadets on parade behind Dorking Halls, [.1943?]; Air Raid precautions and Civil Defence, 1940-1945; the engine of a Junkers 88 plane which crashed at Holmwood in 1940, 1977; a wartime Covenanter tank found buried at Denbies, 1980; Dorking bomb damage, 1940; Dorking Fire Brigade and Auxiliary Fire Service, [c.1940?]; and a training exercise at Dorking Hospital by Dorking Fire Brigade and AFS crews [c.1940?]. Related material: for a photograph of tank traps in the High Street see: DM1/12/13/10/22/12/2. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/1 | The Home Guard in Dorking, [c.1940?]-[c.1945?],3 items | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card showing members of No 3 Platoon "A" Company, 7th Battalion of the Surrey Home Guard. Taken in the sand pit in Vincent Lane, [early 1940s?], 17.5 x 25 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/1/2 | The Home Guard on parade on the forecourt of the Embassy Cinema, Dorking, [c.1943], 8 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: J D Gilbert, White Gables, Cotmandene, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/1/3 | Photograph mounted on card which shows No 3 Platoon of the Dorking Home Guard in their final march past during a parade at the Recreation ground, [c.1945?], 16.5 x 24.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/2 | Air Cadets on parade behind the Dorking Halls, [c.1943?], 8.5 x 11 cms. 2 items. Photographer: J D Gilbert of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3 | Air Raid Precautions and Civil Defence, 1940-1945, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3 ctd | The Air Raid Precautions service (ARP) was set up in 1937 as the responsibility of local councils, to protect civilians against the danger of aerial attacks. The official title was changed in 1941 to the Civil Defence Service to reflect its wider role of duties which included organising ARP wardens, messengers, ambulance drivers, rescue services, first aid parties, and fire watchers. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3/1 | Re-photographed image mounted on card of Honorine Williamson as a member of the Dorking ARP, 1940, 25 x 16.5 cms. She was a niece of the brother in law of Ralph Vaughan Williams and was killed when her London home was bombed on 02 Sep 1940. See also: DM1/9/8 and DM1/12/13/6/3/3/2 | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3/2 | Re-photographed image mounted on card of Honorine Williamson and Miss Margaret Horne as members of the Dorking ARP at Pippbrook House, Dorking, 1940, 25 x 17 cms. See also: DM1/12/13/6/3/3/1 | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3/3 | Re-photographed image mounted on card which shows Mrs Kathleen Spooner of 39 Hart Road, as a fire watcher, [c.1940?], 24 x 16.5 cms. Standing in a back garden (of Hart Road?), she wears a steel helmet, water proof clothing and has a stirrup pump. Small parties of firewatchers equipped with stirrup pumps were formed in several streets to deal with incendiary bombs and small fires which might occur during air raids. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3/4 | A line-up of four ambulances of the Dorking ARP with 4 men and women standing at the front, [c.1944?], 8 x 13 cms. Left to right: unknown; Mrs Duckham; L V Piper (Clerk to the Urban District Council); Miss Probyn, (daughter of the Rev Probyn of Westhumble). | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/3/5 | Members of Dorking Civil Defence at Dorking area 2 HQ at Vincent Lane. Taken at a farewell party 16 Jun 1945, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/4 | Photograph mounted on card which shows a close up of the engine of the Junkers 88 German bomber which crashed on 21 Sep 1940 at Folly Farm, Holmwood. The remains of the plane were found by members of the Surrey and Sussex Aviation Society following an archaeological excavation at the site in 1976. The engine is pictured outside the Dorking Halls in 1977 where it was displayed along with other flight relics before it was sent to the Ottawa National Air Museum as a gift from the Society, 18 x 25 cms. (Source: David Knight - Dorking in Wartime published by the author in 1999, p. 42). For a press release on the excavation issued in 1976 see: DM1/5/10 | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/5 | Colour photographs of a Covenanter A13 MkIII Cruiser Mark V tank, one of two tanks found under 3 metres of clay soil in a field at Bradley Farm (now Denbies Wine Estate) in 1980, 11 items. It is shown in the process of being transported to Walton's Timberyard on Ranmore. The reason for its burial is uncertain but it is thought to have been unserviceable and buried by Canadian soldiers before D Day. It is now at the Bovington Tank Museum in Dorset. http://tank-photographs.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/a13-cruiser-mkIII-mkV-covenanter-tank-bovington.html (accessed Sep 2017) | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/6 | Photographs of bomb damage in Dorking taken by Beatrice E Kynaston (d.1953), 1940, 9 items. One item (K976) shows a bomb crater in Broom's field, Westcott Road on 30 Aug 1940, which later became part of Sondes Place school sports field. The rest (K802-809)show the result of bomb damage at Rose Hill, especially at Rose Hill House and Butter Hill House on 28 Sep 1940. Related material: for a photograph of bomb damage at Milton Heath by the same photographer see: DM1/12/37/5/6 | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/7 | Dorking Fire Brigade and Auxiliary Fire Service, [c.1940?], 3 items. The Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) was formed in 1938 to assist local fire brigades to combat the effects of aerial attacks in the event of war. The members were therefore auxiliaries to the local fire brigade rather than being a completely separate body. They were mostly unpaid volunteers but could be called up for whole time service when necessary. The AFS was later absorbed into the National Fire Service in 1941 when all fire services were nationalised. After the war the AFS was re-formed to deal with the threats posed by the Cold War and was not stood down until 1968. For other photographs of Dorking Fire Brigade see: DM1/12/13/9/4. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/7/1 | Re-photographed image mounted on card, showing a motor coach of E J Rapley of Dorking which is towing a trailer pump at the back and has several members of Dorking Fire Brigade on board, [c.1940?], 15 x 25 cms. Wartime conditions meant that all fire brigades had to greatly expand their range of equipment and vehicles. This led to a large number of unusual vehicles such as cars, taxis, lorries and coaches, as shown here, being pressed into service. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/7/2 | A crew of six Dorking firemen standing in front of a converted American car which is carrying a ladder and towing a trailer pump, [c.1940], 16 x 24 cms. The location is not known. The Dorking Advertiser of 31 May 1940 reported that a Buick car had been given to the Council by Mr R A Fulford of Punchbowl Lane and that a Chrysler car had been loaned for the duration of the war by Mr R F Colman. Both cars were to be used as towing vehicles for trailer pumps. | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/7/3 | Re-photographed image of a six man crew of Dorking firemen with their converted car used as a towing vehicle, at Ranmore, [c.early 1940s], 8 x 13 cms. Second from the right is Frank Coombes (d.1975) | |
DM1/12/13/6/3/8 | Photographs taken in the grounds of Dorking Hospital during a training session by members of Dorking Fire Brigade and Auxiliary Fire Service [c.1940?], 5 items. They show two six men crews of regular members of Dorking Fire Brigade and Auxiliary Fire Service at work with Dorking's converted car and trailer pump and with two jets of water in action. | |
DM1/12/13/7 | Photographs of Dorking People, [c.1860?]- [c.1980s?]. 4 files and 15 items. Arrangement: alphabetically by surname. | |
DM1/12/13/7/1 | Re-photographed colour image of John Beckett (1799-1864), the Dorking artist. He Lived in South Street on the site of what was the old bandstand. The image shows him seated holding a painting which shows two women, a group of small children and a horse. Date of original image c.1860? 15 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/7/2 | Lord Wiliam Beresford VC, (1847-1900) at Deepdene House, standing next to a small carriage drawn by a goat with his small son aged about 3 holding the reins as a passenger, [c.1899?], 10 x 11cms. Lilian, Duchess of Marlborough had lived at Deepdene since the death of her second husband the eighth Duke of Marlborough in 1894. She married Lord William Beresford, the younger brother of the Marquis of Waterford in 1895 and it was at Deepdene that Beresford died in 1900. | |
DM1/12/13/7/3 | Photographs of Reg and Ethel Betteridge, [c.1919- c.1925]. 2 items. Reginald Ernest (b. c. 1904) and Lucy Ethel Betteridge (b. c.1906) were the son and daughter of Ernest and Lucy Betteridge who in 1911 were living at 45 Bentsbrook Road, Holmwood. By 1915 Ernest and Lucy had moved to the Nower and in 1919 to Hart Road, Dorking where they lived for many years. Ernest was a printing compositor. (Source: Electoral registers and 1911 census returns) | |
DM1/12/13/7/3/1 | Postcard which shows Reg and Ethel Betteridge in fancy dress for the Armistice celebrations, [c.1919?], 13 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: F S Holden, Dorking. The location is not known. | |
DM1/12/13/7/3/2 | Postcard of Reg and Ethel Betteridge wearing fancy dress, [c.1925?], 14 x 9 cms. The occasion and the location are unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/7/4 | Re-photographed image of Dr John Shenton Bright, (c.1810-1895), Congregational Minister of Rose Hill, Dorking and author of "A History of Dorking and the Neighbouring Parishes," (pub. 1884) who is shown sitting in a chair, [c.1880?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/7/5 | Black and white photograph of an oil painting of William Broad, (1759-1862), of the Bull's Head in South Street, proprietor and driver for 25 years of the Dorking coach. He was supposed by some to be the person on whom Charles Dickens had based the character of Tony Weller in "Pickwick's Papers." The original painting hangs in Dorking Museum. Date of photograph: [c.late 20th century]. | |
DM1/12/13/7/6 | Photographs of the artist Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (1851-1921),of Dorking, (known as Charles Collins), [c.1885?]-[c.1900?], 3 items. For other material on Charles Collins see: R752/4; R752/10; E42/11-12; and H35. For other photographs of Charles Collins see: DM1/12/13/5/2/1 and DM1/12/29/1. | |
DM1/12/13/7/6/1 | Re-photographed image which shows the family of Charles Collins and his wife, both seated in the centre with their 10 children, [c.1885?], 16 x 20.5 cms. His son George Edward Collins, (1880-1968), who also became an important artist, is seated on his knee. | |
DM1/12/13/7/6/2 | Re-photographed image of Charles Collins at work in his artist's studio at 20, Horsham Road, [c.1895?], 16 x 20 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that Charles Collins was a close friend of Walter Rose, the Westcott photographer who took the original photograph; and that In 1915 Collins painted the signboard for the White Horse Hotel in the High Street. | |
DM1/12/13/7/6/3 | Re-photographed head and shoulders image of Charles Collins, [c.1900?], 10 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/7/7 | Re-photographed image which shows the artist William Teulon Blandford Fletcher, (1853-1936) standing in a garden with a bicycle at an unknown location, 1905, 21 x 16 cms. David Knight has added a lot of explanatory information on the reverse, gained from the late Mrs King of 15 Furlong Road, Westcott who was a distant relative of Fletcher and owned one of his paintings. Fletcher lived at "The Willows" in Westcott Street from 1905-1916. He then moved to Abingdon and lived there until he died in 1936. He had 2 daughters, the youngest of whom was born in Westcott. He was also a friend of W J Rose, the Westcott photographer. For reproductions of works by Fletcher see: DM1/12/29/3; DM1/13/2/1/2; and DM1/13/2/4/4 | |
DM1/12/13/7/8 | Postcard with a photograph of Tom Robert Grantham, (1866-1932), Minister of the Congregational Church in West Street from 1902. Pictured [c.late 1920s?], 12 x 8cms. Photographer; F J Holdern of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/7/9 | Photograph of a head and shoulders drawing or painting of the artist Denham Jordan, (1836-1920) of Dorking, 8 x 6 cms. Artists signature bottom right: [Conny?], 1864. Related material: for records relating to Denham Jordan see: R251 and E322. | |
DM1/12/13/7/10 | Photocopy of a print of Louis Philippe, King of the French, (1773-1850), 14 x 14.5 cms. Date of photocopy: [c.late 20th century]. Origin unknown. Louis Philippe spent part of his childhood at Rose Hill House in Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/7/11 | Re-photographed image of the head and shoulders of John Thomas Maybank, (d.1897), wine, spirit and beer merchant of Dorking, [c.late 1880s?] 12.5 x 8.5 cms. His shop was next to the Wheatsheaf in the High Street going east. | |
DM1/12/13/7/12 | Re-photographed image of Mr Mays from FW Mays Garage in South Street, with his new car at Upper Rose Hill, [c.1930s?], 9 x 11.5 cms. F W Mays was established in 1923 in Ansell Road. The business later transferred to South Street and closed in 2006. | |
DM1/12/13/7/13 | Photographs of Jack Sanford, [c.1900?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/7/13 ctd | Biographical History: John Sanford, [c.1830-1905], more commonly known as Jack, kept a furniture and bric-a-brac shop known as the Old Curiosity Shop next to the Spotted Dog public house in South Street. In his broad rimmed hat he was a well known character in the town. He was the bailiff of Dorking County Court for nearly 40 years as well as the town crier and collector of the market tolls. He originally had a business on the opposite side of South Street, at number 8 between 1886 and 1889 and then at number 68, next to the Spotted Dog from 1890. He eventually went out of business when a fire destroyed his entire stock in trade and the building was later pulled down in 1919. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 04 Mar 1905 and electoral rolls.) For other material relating to John Sanford see: DM1/1/2/7/101; DM1/1/2/7/118; and DM1/12/13/10/40/1/7 | |
DM1/12/13/7/13/1 | A Christmas card sent by Ernest Letts Sellick (1879-1960) of Southmead, Westcott Road, Dorking who signs himself as Letts Sellick, 1947. On the front cover is a photograph of Jack Sanford, [c.early 1900s?], 11.5 x 7.5 cms, with Sanford's signature in the bottom right hand corner. On the reverse of the card is printed: "A Dorking Character. Jack Sanford (Died 25 Feb 1905 aged 66 years.) The Town Crier, County Court Bailiff, Collector of Tolls and Proprietor of the Old Curiousity Shop in South Street." For records collected by Ernest Letts Sellick see: those at Sc. | |
DM1/12/13/7/13/2 | Photograph mounted on card of Jack Sanford, [c.1900?], 14.5 x 10.5 cms. Pictured wearing the wide brimmed hat with which he was associated. Photographer: S Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/7/14 | Re-photographed image of a postcard which shows the circus proprietor 'Lord' George Sanger, (1825-1911). Date of photograph: [c.early 1900s?], 13 x 8 cms. His head has been superimposed on another body as according to David Knight he didn't like having his photograph taken. Sanger's circus made several visits to Dorking in the late 19th and early 20th century. Knight has added that the last time his circus came to Dorking was 27 Aug 1904 at Cotmandene. For photographs of the circus in Dorking see: DM1/12/13/4/5 | |
DM1/12/13/7/15 | Re-photographed image of the head and shoulders of Walter Smithers, veterinary surgeon of Dorking, [c.1900s?], 13 x 8.5 cms. Notes on the reverse show that he was born in 1859 at Sondes Place Farm and died 13 Feb 1916. | |
DM1/12/13/7/16 | Colour photograph of the rare Chinese export porcelain portrait figure of the merchant Henry Talbot of Chart Park, Dorking, (1700-1784). Date of photograph [c.1980s?], 17 x 12.5 cms Originally part of the Dorking Museum collection, the figure was loaned to the National Trust and was on display at Clandon Park House for several years. It was subsequently lost in the disastrous fire at that property in Apr 2015. | |
DM1/12/13/7/17 | Re-photographed image of Israel Walker, (d.1882), coachbuilder of the High Street, seated in a chair, [c.1870s?] 13.5 x 8 cms. See also: DM1/12/13/1/3/10 | |
DM1/12/13/7/18 | Re-photographed image of Alf Wilkins, a Dorking chimney sweep, [c.1910?], 13.5 x 8 cms. He lived at Falkland Hill in a house which was demolished in the 1960s. | |
DM1/12/13/7/19 | Photographs of the musician and composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, (b.1872, d.1958), [c.1948?]-[c.1950?], 2 items. For other records relating to Ralph Vaughan Williams see: E44, E49, E59, E78, E83, E90, E97, E138, E139, E141/1-3, E264, E267/1, E300/6, H341, R46, R52/2/4, R57, R63, R107, R136, R160, R179, R455, R666, R749, S334,SC.C/17, SC.E/4/19, and SC.E/4/24 | |
DM1/12/13/7/19/1 | Ralph Vaughan Williams in the garden of his home at White Gates, just off the Westcott Road in Dorking [c.1948?], 13.5 x 21.5 cms. Photographer: Miss Horne of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/7/19/2 | West Street looking east with the figure of Ralph Vaughan Williams walking with the aid of a stick on the left, [c.1950?] | |
DM1/12/13/8 | Photographs of Roads and Transport, (1850s)-1986, 10 files. Includes Air Transport, 1874-1931; Bus Travel, [c.1923?]-1968; the Restored Horse Bus which formerly operated between Dorking and Holmwood, 1975-1986; Cars and other Four Wheeled Motor Vehicles, 1899- [c.1970s?]; Horse Drawn Coach Travel, [c.1870s?]-[c.1890?]; the Building of the Dorking Bypass (A24) at Deepdene, 1930; Deepdene Station, (1850s)-1964; the Construction of a New Railway Bridge at Deepdene, 1964; Rail Traffic at or near Dorking Station, [c.1880?]-1958; and Dorking West Station, (1860s?)-[early 1900s?]. | |
DM1/12/13/8/1 | Air Transport, 1874-1931, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/8/1/1 | Re-photographed image of a large crowd of people gathered to watch a balloon ascent in Fuller's Field between Vincent Lane and South Street, on Whit Monday 1874, 15 x 21 cms. Mr Fuller, a butcher, had arranged a fete in which the main attraction was the first balloon ascent from Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/8/1/2 | Re-photographed image of a Fokker FII aeroplane which had landed in Forty Acre field at Dorking (now Ashcombe Road). 1928, 13 x 21.5 cms. The view shows it surrounded by a group of onlookers. Photographer: William Molyneux (d. 1982) of Myrtle Road, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/8/1/3 | A breakdown lorry towing a light aircraft belonging to Alexander Duckham Ltd, which had crashed at Pebble Hill,1931. 11 x 15.5 cms. The photograph was taken near F W Mays garage in South Street. | |
DM1/12/13/8/2 | Bus Travel, [c.1923?]-1968, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/8/2/1 | Postcard with a close up view of an Aldershot & District bus (route 25) in the High Street outside the White Horse Hotel, [c.1923?], 8 x 13 cms. Postcard published by Pamlin Prints, Croydon, 1972 | |
DM1/12/13/8/2/2 | A London Country bus on route 414 making its way up Church Street in the floods of Sep 1968, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. There was also a burst water main at the western end of West Street, Dorking at that time causing traffic to be diverted up Church Street, into the car park and then through into West Street. The driver in the picture was Roy Bennett. | |
DM1/12/13/8/2/3 | View taken in West Street looking west, during the floods of Sep 1968. Shows a double decker bus driven by Roy Bennett turning out of the car park into West Street, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3 | Photographs of the restored horse bus which formerly operated between Dorking and the Holly and Laurel at Holmwood, 1975-1986, 7 items. It was built in 1897 for service in central London and was later sold to Mr Swift who ran the Three Tuns inn in Dorking High Street and was also the proprietor of the Dorking Omnibus Company wound up in 1905 after only one year. The bus was subsequently sold to Daniel Fairbrother, the landlord of the Windmill Inn on Flint Hill but stopped running in 1914. It was found in a derelict state in some woods off Boar Hill in the early 1970s but had been fully restored by 1979. See also: DM1/12/13/10/15/1. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/1 | Colour photograph of restoration in progress on the horse-drawn bus, 1975, 11.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/2 | Colour photograph of the bus undergoing restoration, 1975, 11.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/3 | Colour photograph of Dave Smith of Epsom on the stairs of the bus outside the Windmill Inn at Flint Hill, 1979, 17 x 12 cms. The occasion was a special run from the White Horse in Dorking High Street to the Holly and Laurel at Holmwood after its restoration. In the uniform of a conductor of the time, Dave Smith was a member of the Dickensian Society and an authority on costume of the period. Photographer: Peter Knight of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/4 | Black and white photograph of Dave Smith on the stairs of the bus in period costume as a conductor. Taken at the Windmill inn, 1979, 8.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/5 | Colour postcard of the restored horse drawn bus. Pictured at Chessington Zoo with a large number of passengers on the open top deck, [c.1979?], 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/6 | Colour postcard of the horse bus outside Regents Park Zoo, 1979, 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/3/7 | Colour photograph of the restored bus drawn by two horses with passengers in period costume at an event to mark its centenary, 1986, 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/4 | Cars and other Four Wheeled Motor Vehicles, 1899- [c.1970s?] 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/8/4/1 | Re-photographed image of what David Knight describes as Dorking's first motor car - a Benz owned by Mr Fuller of South Street, 1899, 8.5 x 10.5cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/4/2 | Photograph captioned "the Hill Climb," which shows an unknown man riding a [quadbike?] on the driveway leading up to Denbies hillside just above the fields near the present Dorking West station, with the town in the distance, [c.1970s?], 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/5 | Horse drawn coach travel, [c.1870s?]-[c.1890?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/8/5/1 | Photograph mounted on card showing a passenger coach drawn by four horses with a full complement of passengers outside the Red Lion Hotel in the High Street, [c.1870s?], 17 x 23.5 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Falkland Road, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/8/5/2 | Re-photographed image showing a full complement of passengers aboard the "Perseverance" horse drawn coach outside the White Horse Hotel, [c.1890?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/6 | Building of the Dorking Bypass (A24) at Deepdene, 1930, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/8/6/1 | Construction of the Dorking Bypass (A24) , 1930, 7.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/6/2 | Dorking By-pass under construction, [c.1930?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/6/3 | Cutting the bypass with Deepdene House on the left, 1930, 15 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7 | Deepdene Station, (1850s)-[c.1913?], 7 items. The station is on the route which runs between Reading, Guildford and Redhill and the line was first built in 1849. The first station in Dorking (now known as Dorking West on the same line),was located near the town's chalk pits. The present Deepdene station opened two years afterwards in early 1851. It was originally named Box Hill and Leatherhead Road, allowing a connection for travellers on the London turnpike road. The name was quickly changed however, to Box Hill station in March 1851. Another name change was made in 1923 when it became Deepdene station to avoid confusion with the station at West Humble which was closer to the hill. A further slight alteration occurred in 1987 to Dorking (Deepdene). (Source: Alan A Jackson - "Dorking's Railways, pub.by Dorking Local History Group, 1988. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/1 | Black and white photograph of a print or painting which shows a train east of Deepdene Station against the backdrop of Box Hill. Original painting [c.1850s?], 15 x 20.5 cms. Swiss Cottage on Box Hill can be seen in the top left corner. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/2 | Re-photographed image of a postcard showing Deepdene Station then named Boxhill Station, London Road, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/3 | Re-photographed image of a coloured postcard showing a private horse drawn coach at Deepdene Station, London Road, [c.1905?], 9 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/4 | Coloured post card of the railway bridge and entrance to Deepdene Station (then named Box Hill), [c.1905?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Published by Photochrom Ltd, London. Postmarked from Dorking on 06 Sep 1912 and addressed to Mrs Collyer, Easthampstead Cottage Laundry, Wokingham, Berks. Sent by an unknown person advising of a future visit. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/5 | The railway bridge at Deepdene Station, London Road, [c.1910?], 13 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/6 | Postcard showing a steam train passing over the railway bridge at Deepdene station, [c.1910?] 8 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked Dorking in 1911, the card was addressed to Miss B Tidey at Goffs Tower, Crawley in Sussex by an unknown sender discussing plans for a visit. Published by Pritchards of Croydon. | |
DM1/12/13/8/7/7 | View of a steam train at Deepdene Station with 3 railway staff on the platform and one on the track, [c.1913?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/8 | Photographs showing the construction of a new railway bridge at Deepdene, 1964, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/8/9 | Rail traffic at or near Dorking Station, [c.1880?]-1958, 3 items. The station, on the London, Brighton and South Coast line was opened in 1867, about 300 yards north of Deepdene Station, then known as Box Hill. From 1923 to 1968 it was known as Dorking North station and since then as Dorking Station. | |
DM1/12/13/8/9/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a train crossing the Mole Viaduct at Pixham with Boxhill in the background, [c.1880?], 8 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/9/2 | Re-photographed image of a steam train on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway near Lincoln Road and not far from Dorking North Station, [c.1880?], 16 x 21 cms. The locomotive is a Class 'D' Stroudley No. 1 built in Nov 1873. It was re-numbered 684 and later scrapped in 1927. | |
DM1/12/13/8/9/3 | Postcard of an excursion steam train from West Drayton to Bognor Regis at Dorking North station, 14 Jun 1958, 9 x 8.5 cms. Photo: John Scrace. Published by Pamlin Prints, Croydon. | |
DM1/12/13/8/10 | Dorking West station, (1860s?)-[early 1900s?], 5 items. The first of Dorking's three railway stations, it was built on the line between Reading, Guildford and Redhill and opened in 1849. It was named Dorking Town station in 1923 but was re-named in 1987 as Dorking West. | |
DM1/12/13/8/10/1 | Re-photographed image of Dorking Town Station, [1860s?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/10/2 | Photograph mounted on card showing 11 members of railway staff on the platform of Dorking Town station, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 15cms. Photographer: Universal Photographic Co of 16 Furnival Street, Holborn, London. | |
DM1/12/13/8/10/3 | Re-photographed image of Dorking Town Station which shows both platforms and the slopes of Ranmore on the right, [c.early 1900s?], 14 x 20.5 cms. A close-up of the poster on the right is at DM1/12/13/8/10/4. A railway ganger is at work on the track in the foreground. | |
DM1/12/13/8/10/4 | Re-photographed enlarged image taken from DM1/12/13/8/10/3, of an advertisement for a firework display [at Crystal Palace?] displayed on the platform at Dorking Town Station, [early 1900s?] 12 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/8/10/5 | A freight train which has just left Dorking Town station, travelling in the Guildford direction, [c.1930s?], 8 x 5.5 cms. Taken from Ranmore. | |
DM1/12/13/9 | Photographs of Services and Facilities, (c.1820)-[c.1940s?] 6 files and 3 items. These include: Dorking Ambulances, 1936-[c.1940s?]; Dorking Cemetery, [c.1860s?]; Dorking Cottage Hospital, [c.1870s?]-[c.1907?]; Dorking Fire Brigade, 1886-1933; Dorking Halls, [c.1930?]; Dorking's Motorised mail van [c.1918?]; Dorking Urban District Council Steamroller [c.1905?]; Womens Voluntary Service, [c.1940s]; and Dorking Workhouse:(c.1820)-(1822) | |
DM1/12/13/9/1 | Dorking Ambulances, 1936-[c.1940s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/9/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a new Dorking ambulance, 1936, 17 x 23 cms. The vehicle had not yet been fitted with number plates. The symbol of the Dorking cockerel was hand painted at the cost of £5 per side. The location may be Pippbrook. (Information supplied by Reg Chilvers, former Ambulance Supervisor, (d.1991) who was based in the 1960s at the Public Hall in West Street, which then housed both the fire station and ambulance station). | |
DM1/12/13/9/1/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a close up of a "Dorking and District Ambulance," [c.1940s?], 18 x 24.5 cms. The location is thought to be Beresford Road. The Morris ambulance had been bought in 1921 by public subscription and was operated by a voluntary committee. It became a Council responsibility in 1936 when a second vehicle was provided by voluntary subscription. By 1944 Dorking Urban District Council had decided to sell it as it was considered to have come to the end of its useful life, having transported 2,274 patients. (Source: David Knight - "Dorking in Wartime," published by the author, 1989) | |
DM1/12/13/9/2 | Dorking Cemetery, Reigate Road,[c.1860s?], 2 items. The cemetery was consecrated and opened in Nov 1855. Anglican and Non-Conformist cemetery chapels were opened in the following year. | |
DM1/12/13/9/2/1 | The chapel at Dorking Cemetery, [c.1860s?], 10 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/9/2/2 | The cemetery chapel and other buildings at Dorking Cemetery, [c.1860s?], 11 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/9/3 | Dorking Cottage Hospital, [c.1870s?]-[c.1907?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/9/3 ctd | Dorking Hospital evolved from the 1841 General Mixed Workhouse of the Dorking Union and the adjacent Poor Law Infirmary of 1901, these buildings becoming a County Hospital in 1936 and a National Health Service General Hospital in 1948. The nearby Cottage Hospital which had been opened in South Terrace, Dorking in 1871 and enlarged and modernised in 1926, became known as the Dorking & District Voluntary Hospital in 1919 and was amalgamated with the former County Hospital to form the Dorking General Hospital after the introduction of the National Health Service in 1948. The old Cottage Hospital was pulled down in 1986 and its site sold off for development as private residential flats. (Source: Dorking Local History Group - Dorking - a Surrey Market Town through Twenty Centuries. 1991). | |
DM1/12/13/9/3/1 | Photograph mounted on card of the exterior of Dorking Cottage Hospital from South Terrace, [c.1870s?], 9.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/9/3/2 | Postcard of the men's ward at Dorking Cottage Hospital, [c.1907?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by Lofthouse, Crosbie & Co, Trinity Square, London EC. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4 | Dorking Fire Brigade, 1886-1933, 11 items. For other photographs of their participation in town events during this period see: DM1/12/13/4/4/2; DM1/12/13/4/7/1'and DM1/12/13/4/8/4-8.. For their activities during the second world war see: DM1/12/13/6/3/7 | |
DM1/12/13/9/4 ctd | Administrative History: Dorking Fire-Brigade was established in 1843 under the control of the Highways Board of the Parish of Dorking. Its rules were ñre-considered and confirmed by the parishî in 1864. It was then re-organised in 1870 as the Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade when it was funded entirely by public subscription. Dorking Urban District Council assumed responsibility from 1912 until 1941 when all fire brigades became part of the National Fire Service during war time. When control was again transferred to local authorities in 1948, this was at a county level so that Dorking's fire service then became part of the wider Surrey Fire Brigade. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/1 | Large photograph mounted on card showing the members of Dorking Volunteer Fire Brigade with their three manual fire appliances at the rear of the Public Hall in West Street, 1886, 24 x 29 cms. The Public Hall was used as Dorking's fire station between 1881 and 1971.The members include the Dorking artist Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (known as Charles Collins), standing in the front row, extreme right. He was their Honorary Assistant Engineer and also their Honorary Artist. Their Captain, William Shearburn, (the older man with the beard and whiskers) is standing in front of the centre fire engine. The smaller fire engine on the left was donated to the Brigade in 1883 by the local MP Sir Trevor Lawrence of Burford Lodge. It was later referred to as "their small ancient engine." (Surrey Mirror 20 Jan 1883 and 07 Aug 1886). For other material relating to Charles Collins see: R752/4; R752/10; E42/11-12; H35; DM1/12/13/5/2/1 and DM1/12/1/13/7/6. For his connection with the Fire Brigade see the article "Charles Collins, - artist, fireman and model maker" in Dorking History, 2016. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a large group of members of Dorking Fire Brigade and their fire engines outside the fire station at the Public Hall in West Street, 1902, 10 x 14 cms. The building is decorated with flags and bunting for the coronation of Edward VII. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/3 | Photograph mounted on card showing members of Dorking Fire Brigade and their fire engines outside the Fire Station at the Public Hall in West Street during the Coronation celebrations, 1911, 24 x 28.5 cms. Flags and bunting are in evidence on the building. J N Presland is standing 4th from the left. Captain Shearburn is 8th from left; Capt Rowe extreme right; Walter Whaley second from right. William Borer, the Engineer is right at the back nearest the funnel of the steam fire engine. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/4 | Dorking's steam fire engine drawn by a team of 4 horses at Epsom Clock tower, then in use as Epsom fire station, [c.1914?], 14 x 19.5 cms. The engine is fully crewed with 9 Dorking firemen. Those that can be identified include Walter Whaley (Chief Officer) standing on the road and William Shearburn (the tall, older man immediately behind the driver) Chief Officer from 1870-1908 and Hon. Chief Officer from 1908. The Engineer, according to David Knight's notes on the reverse is probably W. Dennis who was appointed in 1914. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/5 | Re-photographed image of a horse drawn manual fire engine carrying several members of Dorking Fire Brigade passing the Wotton Hatch inn, in the Guildford direction, [c.1913?], 10.5 x 16.5 cms. Although there was an estate fire brigade at Wotton House, the fire brigade shown here can be positively identified as Dorking Fire Brigade from the personnel in the photograph. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/6 | Dorking Fire Brigade's new escape ladder outside the fire station in West Street, 23 Aug 1913, 12.5 x 7.5 cms. The ladder was going through a series of trials in front of an audience which included the Chairman of Dorking Urban District Council, Mr W Pardon Howe. The escape is shown fully extended with Fireman Billy Botting at the top of the ladder. The Chief Officer, Walter Whaley is standing 2nd from the left. Fireman Jack Presland is third from the right. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/7 | Postcard view of the trials for the new escape ladder, 1913, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Fireman Jack Presland is standing on the extreme left. His brother, Fireman Orliffe Presland is standing at the side of the ladder on the right. The Chief Officer, Walter Whaley, is 3rd from the right. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/8 | Walter Whaley, Chief Officer of Dorking Fire Brigade, [c.1914?], 10 x 7.5 cms. Shown in full uniform at an unknown location. First appointed in 1912 on the death of his predecessor Captain Charles Rowe, his post title was soon afterwards changed from Captain to Chief Officer after the Urban District Council had taken over the running of the Brigade in the same year. Whaley ran an ironmongers business in West Street. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/9 | A sample photograph sent by the fire engine manufacturers Dennis Brothers of Guildford, to Dorking Urban District Council shortly before the purchase of Dorking's first petrol driven fire engine, [c.1921?], 13.5 x 20 cms. It shows a Dennis fire engine with ladder in the livery of Glasgow Fire Brigade. | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/10 | 2nd sample photo of Dennis Brothers showing a Dennis chemical fire engine with an escape ladder in the livery of Southport Fire Brigade, [c.1921?]. Marked in red on the front of the photograph: "350 gallon type - price without escape £850." | |
DM1/12/13/9/4/11 | A small crowd of onlookers outside the fire station at the Public Hall in West Street, watching Dorking Fire Brigade responding to an alarm call, 08 Dec 1933, 5.5 x 8 cms. The firemen are in an open cab machine with one rider still dressing. The signboard over the doorway shows that the building was also used as the Playhouse Cinema. | |
DM1/12/13/9/5 | An exterior view of the entertainment venue Dorking Halls, first opened in 1931, [c.1930s?], 7.5 x 11 cms. Photographer: W R Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/9/6 | Re-photographed image of Dorking's motorised mail van with a uniformed driver, [c.1918?], 8 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/9/7 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of the Dorking Urban District Council steamroller with six workmen at Ranmore, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/9/8 | Womens Voluntary Service, Dorking, [c.1940s], 2 items. The Service was founded in 1938 to help recruit women into the Air Raid Precaution movement. Their role during and after air raids was to provide emergency rest centres and first aid and to assist with the evacuation and billeting of children. By 1943 the organisation was involved in every aspect of wartime life. (Source: https://www.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/about-us/our-history accessed Dec 2017) | |
DM1/12/13/9/8/1 | Photocopy which includes a photograph and report of the vist to the Women's Voluntary Services centre at Pippbrook, by Lady Reading, their founder and also the National Chairman of the Women's Voluntary Services. [c.1940s], 1p. The copy is poor quality and very dark. | |
DM1/12/13/9/8/2 | Members of Dorking WVS staff pictured with a new canteen van, [c.1940s?], 13 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/9/9 | Photographs of paintings or drawings of Dorking Workhouse. Date of originals (c.1820)-(1822), 2 items. The building in these photographs is the workhouse which was first built in South Street in 1728 replacing almshouses on an adjacent site. The new building housed 50-60 inmates and was extended in 1795. Following the creation of the Dorking Poor Law Union in 1836 the decision was taken to build a new Union workhouse completed in 1841 with the old building being largely demolished by 1845. (Source: Alan Jackson (ed.)- Dorking, a Surrey Market Town through twenty centuries published by Dorking Local History Group, 1991) | |
DM1/12/13/9/9/1 | Photograph (black and white) of a painting of Dorking Workhouse in South Street. Date of painting [c.1820?], 7 x 9 cms. Date of photograph [c.early 20th century]. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/9/9/2 | Photograph (black and white) of a water colour painting of Dorking Workhouse by John Hassall. Date of painting 1822, 20 x 25 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10 | Photographs of Dorking Streets, Localities and Townscapes, (c.early 18th century?) -1989, 73 files and 7 items. Arrangement: in alphabetical order of the street name or locality with views which are not specific to a particular street placed first. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1 | Views and townscapes which are not specific to a particular street, [c.1830s?]-[c.1947?], 22 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864) which looks south from the direction of the present Station Road towards Clarendon House (in the distance) in West Street. Original painting [c.1830s?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/2 | Photograph of an old print which looks towards the town from Dorking Town Station (now named Dorking West), in the early 1850s. 8.5 x 13.5 cms. St Martin's Church in the middle distance is the intermediate church, first built in 1835 and replaced again in 1873. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/3 | Colour photograph mounted on card of a coloured print which shows the slopes of Box Hill with the river Mole in the foreground, 1868, 11 x 16 cms. Dorking North station and a steam train crossing the railway bridge can be seen to the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/4 | A view from Leslie House, in Church Street, towards the gas works and Ranmore, [c.1870?], 14.5 x 20 cms. The entire area is now built over apart from the Ranmore slopes. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/5 | A view of Dorking from the Nower which also shows the Pest House in the left foreground, [c.1880?], 12 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/6 | A view of Dorking from the Nower, [c.1890s?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/7 | The view from Tower Hill over Dorking, 1890, 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/8 | A view of the town from the lower slopes of Ranmore, 1890, 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/9 | A view of the town from the north and the lower slopes of Ranmore, 1890, 19 x 28.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/10 | A view of the town from the east above Dorking Town Station, (now known as Dorking West), 1890, 19 x 29 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/11 | Re-photographed image of a view from South Street looking over the roofs of West Street, [c.1900?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/12 | A view of the town from fields to the west of Ranmore Road, with Dorking Town Station, (now Dorking West) to the right and the spire of St Martin's church on the left, [c.1905?], 17 x 22 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/13 | Postcard showing the spire of St Martin's, Dorking taken from Cotmandene with Ranmore in the distance, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5. Published by Judges Ltd, of Hastings | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/14 | Postcard of lightning across the sky during a storm over Dorking, 02 Aug 1906, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: A J Champion. Postmarked Dorking 28 Mar 1907 and sent to Miss l Cover, Grove Cottage, Westcott. The view is black apart from the lightning. The spire of St Martin's Church can just be made out in the centre. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/15 | Postcard with a view of a country house in an unknown location, [c.1911?], 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked Dorking on 21 Dec 1911 and addressed to Mrs Baldwin at 9 Charles St, Crisp St, Poplar, by her niece Emily. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/16 | Postcard depicting a uniformed postman with a large postbag bearing the words "Greetings from Dorking," The bag has been stuck on by the manufacturers as an object and contains several very small photographs of the town joined together in concertina fashion. Postmarked from Shere in 1914, it is addressed to Master Wille Steadman at Alley Fields, Westcott and was sent by E Knappett. 13.5 x 9 cms. (The Steadmans were relatives of David Knight). | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/17 | Colour photograph of a painting by A R Quinton, (1853-1934), which shows a general view of the town with St Martin's Church in the centre, [c.1920?], 9 x 13cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/18 | Postcard showing the spire of St Martin's, Dorking taken from Cotmandene looking towards Ranmore in the distance, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5. Published by Judges Ltd, of Hastings | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/19 | Two unidentified people in a town garden, exact location unknown, with the spire of St Martin's church on the left, [c.1930s?], 6 x 10 cms, | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/20 | Postcard with a view of Dorking from the Nower, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Judges Ltd of Hastings. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/21 | Photograph taken from a postcard of Dorking from Cotmandene with St Martin's church in the centre, [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/1/22 | Photograph mounted on card of Dorking from Milton Heath, with the slopes of Box Hill in the background, [c.1947?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/2 | View of the inside of the Old Forge at Ansell Road, [c.1903?], 15 x 20 cms. Shows George Green, the foreman farrier in the centre. On the reverse is an extract in manuscript from the Dorking Advertiser of 20 Apr 1912 which relates to George Green. According to this "He lived at No 1 Lyon's Cottages and was for 10 and a half years foreman in Mr Smither's forge." On deciding to emigrate to the United States he became a passenger on the ill fated Titanic and was one of the many who perished in 1912. | |
DM1/12/13/10/3 | Views of Cape Place, a small alleyway off the north side of the High Street, 1913-[c.mid 20th century?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/3/1 | Postcard with a coloured view of Cape Place, 1913, 14 x 9 cms. Published by Francis Frith. The reverse is addressed to Miss Emily Razzell of 3 Victoria Cottages, Bailey Road, Westcott, from a sender named Jane. The stamp and postmark are missing. | |
DM1/12/13/10/3/2 | A view of Cape Place, 1913, 20.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/3/3 | A small printed card which carries a very brief description of Cape Place with a small photograph beneath, [c.mid 20th cent?], 15 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4 | Castle Mill, Dorking, (c.late 18th century)-[c.1965?], 2 files. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4 ctd | Castle Mill is so named because it was once owned by Betchworth Castle and there may have been a mill on the site since the time of Domesday. However, the existing mill building was built by George Dewdney in the mid 18th century. A wing to the south was added in 1836. The mill was working until the mid 20th century but on a reduced scale after the first world war. It suffered a serious fire in 1933 and was then repaired from a near derelict state and converted to a house in 1970. (Source: Mole Valley District Council's Heritage and Design Statement from a planning application in 2008) | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1 | Exterior views of Castle Mill, Dorking, (c.late 18th century)-[c.1965?], 20 items | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/1 | Photograph of an old print captioned the Abbey Mill, (now Castle Mill), Dorking. The original print [c.late 1700s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Not complete, part of the top is missing. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/2 | Photocopy of the same print described at DM1/12/13/10/4/1/1. This is a complete verson. Printed for Edward Langley, Borough (Southwark?), 14.5 x 17 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/3 | Photograph of a drawing of Castle Mill by W. Biscombe Gardner, 1885, 16.5 x 21.5 cms. Drawing originally published in "The English Illustrated Magazine, by Macmillan & Co, 1887. Date of photo 1976. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/4 | Photograph mounted on card of two men sitting on a fence with Castle Mill in the background, [c.1895?], 12 x 15 cms. Photographer: Tom Molyneaux. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/5 | Re-photographed image of Castle mill, [c.1900?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/6 | Re-photographed image of Castle Mill, with a group of small children on the left, [c.1900?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/7 | View of Castle Mill, Dorking, [c.1900?], 12 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/8 | Postcard with the front showing a coloured view of Castle mill and weir, [c.1907?]. The reverse is addressed to Mrs W J Rose of Westcott, sent by her nephew Arthur advising of his safe return home to [Worthing?]. Postmarked Worthing, 1908, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Mrs Rose was the wife of the Westcott photographer Walter J Rose, (1857-1954) - see: DM1/12/37/6/25. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/9 | Photograph mounted on card with a view of Castle mill and the mill wheel, [c.1910?], 4 x 5.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/10 | Postcard view of the mill and mill race, [c.1910?], c. 9 x 14 cms. Publisher unknown - "The Wykeham Collection." | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/11 | Castle Mill, 1922, 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/12 | Floods at Castle Mill, Feb 1925, 8 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/13 | Re-photographed image with a close up of the side of Castle Mill showing the mill wheel, a mill worker carrying a sack of corn and a flock of geese in the foreground. The name of W H Atkinson, millers and corn merchants appears on the side of the building before restoration, [c.1930s?], 19.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/14 | View of Castle Mill, May 1933, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/15 | Postcard of a black and white drawing by A C Fare of Castle Mill, 1940, 11 x 14.5 cms. Published by Dorking Museum. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/16 | Castle Mill and the mill race, [c.1956?], 5.5. x 5.5, cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/17 | Castle Mill, [c.1965?], 8.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/18 | View showing the mill wheel and the name of W & H Atkinson on the side of the building, [c.1965?], 8.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/19 | Close up view of the mill before restoration in 1966, [c.1965?], 16.5 x 16 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/1/20 | Close up of mill wheel, [c.1965?], 8.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/4/2 | Set of photographs of interior views of Castle Mill showing the internal workings and machinery with internal views of the mill race, [c.1965?], 19 items, all 8.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/5 | Re-photographed image of Cooke's lime works, Dorking, [c.1910?], 9.5 x 10cms. John Cooke was a lime and builder's merchant at the Lime Works in Chalk Pit Lane in the early 20th centuries. (Source: 1901 census for Dorking and the Dorking Advertiser 23 Mar 1901) | |
DM1/12/13/10/6 | Views of Chart Lane, [c.1890?]-[c.1930?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/6/1 | A view of Chart Lane as a small path in dense woodland, [c.1890?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/6/2 | Re-photographed image of Chart Lane in the winter with Cotmandene on the left, [c.1900?] 11 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/6/3 | Re-photographed image from a glass plate negative of Glory Farm, Chart Lane, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/6/4 | A view of Chart Lane which shows an un-metalled road through woodland, [c.1900?], 14 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/6/5 | Postcard with a coloured view of Chart Lane, with a group of 2 adults and 2 children in the centre, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 9 cms. Blank on the reverse. | |
DM1/12/13/10/6/6 | Re-photographed image of Chart Lane with houses on the left surrounded by woodland, [c.1930?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/7 | Views of Church Pavement, the passage way connecting the north side of the High Street with St Martin's churchyard, [c.1890?]-[c.1920?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/7/1 | Re-photographed image of Church Pavement, [c.1890?], 9 x 14 cms. Shows a ladies outfitters on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/7/2 | Re-photographed image of Church Pavement, [c.1900?}, 17.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/7/3 | Postcard of St Martin's Parish Church and Church Pavement, [c.1920?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8 | Views of Church Street, [c.1800?] -[c.1939?], 9 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/1 | Photograph of a black and white drawing of the Wesleyan Church in Church Street opened by John Wesley on 23 Dec 1772. Date of drawing [c.1800?] 16.5 x 21 cms. David Knight has provided the following information: "The urn standing on the brick pillar now stands on the corner of Myrtle Road. The building was adapted to form cottages known as "Chapel Cottages" which are mentioned in J S Bright's History of Dorking, 2nd edition. From 1900-1920s it was a common lodging house. It was bought from Lord Ashcombe by Capt. Broadwood for £421 to be used as a museum but in the end proved too expensive. It was given to Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society just before Easter 1978 but the idea had to be abandoned as it was not possible to put it in repair." | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/2 | Re-photographed image of Myrtle House, Church Street when it was used as Young's Dorking Brewery, Original [c.1880?] 11.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/3 | Church Street looking west, 1922, 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/4 | Houses in Church Street, 1930, 8.5 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/5 | Houses in Church Street, 1930, 8.5 x 6 cms. From another angle. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/6 | Houses at the rear of Church Street, 1930, 6 x 8.5cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/7 | Old cottages in Church Street, [c.1930?], 7.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/8 | Photograph from an unknown publication captioned "Old Cottages, Church Street, Dorking, demolished in 1938." [c.1939?), 8.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/8/9 | Black and white postcard showing a painting of Church Street supposedly in 1940, 14 x 11.5 cms. Published by Dorking Museum. David Knight has added on the reverse that the date is not accurate as the buildings shown were demolished in 1936. | |
DM1/12/13/10/9 | Wooden building at the rear of Church Street Gardens which was the meeting place of the Good Templars, a temperance organisation, [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 6cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/10 | Views of Cotmandene, [c.1823?]-[c.1930s?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/10/1 | Colour photograph of a water colour painting by John Hassell of "Cotman Dene Almshouses," 1823, 9 x 13 cms. The original painting is held by the Surrey History Centre | |
DM1/12/13/10/10/2 | Black and white photograph of an engraving of "Cotmandene Common". Original 1850, 16.5 x 21.5 cms. Shows a group of cottages in the immediate foreground. | |
DM1/12/13/10/10/3 | Re-photographed image of a group of thirteen staff of Dorking Laundry at Cotmandene, [c.1900?], 16 x 21 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/10/4 | Lime Tree Cottage, Cotmandene when it was a laundry, [c.1900?], 16 x 20.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. of Westcott. David Knight has added: "the washing was hung on the Dene, I am not sure if the posts are still in the Dene but they were when I was up there a few years ago (in 1975)." | |
DM1/12/13/10/10/5 | Houses on Cotmandene, [c.1930s?], 9 x 14 cms. A pencil note on the reverse says that these were demolished in 1958. | |
DM1/12/13/10/10/6 | Houses on Cotmandene, [c.1930s?], 9 x 14 cms. According to information on the reverse these have been replaced by flats. | |
DM1/12/13/10/11 | A set of photographs which show the demolition and slum clearance in Cotmandene Square, at the top of Heath Hill, 1930, 4 items all 8.5 x 6 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/12 | Views of Deepdene House and Estate, [c.1820?]- 1969, 3 files | |
DM1/12/13/10/12 ctd | Administrative History: Charles Howard established his house at Dibden (later Deepdene) and laid out its ornamental gardens in the mid-seventeenth century. His family had owned most of the Manor of Dorking for centuries. His grandson, also Charles, built a Palladian mansion on the site in the 1760s. In 1808 Thomas Hope, one of the richest men in England, bought the Deepdene. He enlarged the house with orangeries, conservatories, a library and galleries, filling it with antiques, sculptures and works of art. The estate was further extended by the acquisition of the Chart Park and Betchworth Castle estates, which were incorporated into the Deepdene. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12 ctd | During the ownership of Hope's son, Henry, the grounds stretched twelve miles from Box Hill to Brockham. Further extension saw the mansion become the splendid Renaissance-style palazzo where Disraeli wrote part of Coningsby. Towards the end of the century the Deepdene passed to the Duke of Newcastle who had married into the Hope family. He let it to Lily, dowager Duchess of Marlborough and her nephew, Winston Churchill, often visited her there. In the 1920s the estate was broken up as Maurice Chance developed some of the grounds for housing. The house became a grand hotel. A bypass of the town, (one of the first in the country), ruined the gardens. Occupied by the Southern Railway throughout the Second World War, it never reverted to residential use. The Deepdene was demolished in 1967. Now a modern office block occupies the site and all that remains of the Hope treasure house is the family mausoleum which was, until recently, buried to roof level. (Source: http://www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk/themes/places/surrey/mole_valley/dorking/dorking_the_deepdene/ accessed Dec 2017. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1 | Deepdene House, [c.1820?]-[c.1923?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1/1 | Photocopy of a print engraving showing The Tower opposite the North west front of Deepdene House, [date of original engraving c.1820?] 10.5 x 10 cms. Copy taken from an unidentified publication. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1/2 | Re-photographed image of the front of Deepdene House, [c.1860s?], 10 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1/3 | Re-photographed image showing the rear view of Deepdene House, [c.1860s?], 10.5 x 14 cms. At the top of the building is displayed a funeral hatchment for Henry Thomas Hope who died in 1862. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1/4 | The Dell in the grounds of Deepdene House looking south, [c.1870?], 6.5 x 10cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1/5 | View of the front of Deepdene House taken from a right hand angle, [c.1890?] 18 x 22.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/1/6 | Coloured postcard of Deepdene House, [c.1923?], 9 x 13.5 cms, Published by Valentines Colourtype Series. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2 | Deepdene Grounds and Estate, [c.1900?]-1940, 10 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/1 | Re-photographed image of the Hope family Mausoleum on the Deepdene Estate, [c.1900?], 16.5 x 21 cms. Taken from a lantern slide belonging to Ronald Scragg, (1890-1972), a local historian of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/2 | Re-photographed image of a group of 8 workers standing next to the Bothy Clock (a large standing clock in the kitchen gardens of Deepdene House on the eastern side of Cotmandene), [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/3 | Photocopy of a postcard view of the Avenue at Deepdene, now the site of the A24 Bypass road, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/4 | Photograph mounted on card of the Hope family Mausoleum, Deepdene, 1919, 9.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/5 | Page from an unknown publication with a black and white drawing of the main entrance gate to Deepdene House by E. Goldsmith, 1922, 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/6 | The Cascade and Terrace at Deepdene, 1922, 9 x 16.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/7 | Re-photographed image of the gardens of Deepdene House with the house just visible on the right, [c.1930s?], 9 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/8 | Re-photographed image of the Terrace and Temple at Deepdene, 07 Feb 1939, 12 .5 x 8 cms. Photographer: Miss Beatrice Kynaston of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/9 | A second view of the Terrace and Temple, 1939, 12.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/2/10 | The Temple, Deepdene Terrace, 1940, 10.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/12/3 | Colour photographs taken at the start of the demolition of Deepdene House, Apr 1969, 4 items, 9 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13 | Views of Dene Street, [c.1830?]-[1950s?], 11 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/1 | Photograph of an old painting of Pear Tree Cottage in Dene Street, [painting c.1830?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/2 | Photograph of a painting which shows the view from Pear Tree Cottage, Dene Street, looking north over the town, [painting c.1850?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/3 | Photograph of a black and white drawing of Pear Tree Cottage, Dene Street by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864). Date of original drawing, [c.1850s?]16 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/4 | Re-photographed image of Dene Street, showing Pear Tree Cottage, and an old barn on the left, [c.1900?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/5 | Photograph mounted on card which shows Mr and Mrs Page at 25 Dene Street, at Christmas, [1911?], 15.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/6 | Re-photographed image of Dene Street, looking north from Heath Hill, [c.1930?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/7 | The Jolly Butchers Public House, Dene Street, with 2 men involved in building work on the right and the entrance to the yard of A & P Clear's on the extreme right, 1930, 6 X 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/8 | The Jolly Butchers Public House, Dene Street, 1930, 8 x 6 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/9 | Re-photographed image of Pear Tree Cottage, Dene Street with snow on the ground, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/10 | Re-photographed image with another view of Pear Tree Cottage, Dene Street with snow on the ground, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/13/11 | Cotmandene Lodge, Dene Street with Cotmandene in the background, [1950s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/14 | The Falkland Arms Public House at the corner of Falkland Road and Hampstead Road, [c.1913?], 2 items. The location was used as the termination point of a bus route to Dorking from Clapham Common and an early open top double bus can be seen on the right hand side of each photograph. Buses would turn round here and wait near the public house for the return journey to London. The fountain in the right foreground was installed in 1887 but removed during the blackout of the second world war as a traffic hazard. | |
DM1/12/13/10/14/1 | Re-photographed image mounted on card showing the Falkland Arms Public House, [c.1913?], 13 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/14/2 | Postcard showing the Falkland Arms Public House at the corner of Falkland Road and Hampstead Road, [c.1913?], 13 x 20 cms. An early open top double decker bus is shown on the extreme right on a route to Clapham Common via Box Hill, Leatherhead and Epsom, 8.5 x 14 cms. Postmarked 1920 and sent to Mr Longhurst at 65 West Street, Dorking by an unknown sender conveying birthday greetings. | |
DM1/12/13/10/15 | Photographs of Flint Hill, [c.1910?]-1926, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/15/1 | Re-photographed postcard which shows The Windmill public house at Flint Hill, with the horse-drawn bus of Fairbrother and Sons drawn up outside, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that the bus was found in a derelict state in some woods off Boar Hill in the early 1970s. It has since been fully restored. For other photographs of Fairbrother and Sons bus see: DM1/12/13/8/3 | |
DM1/12/13/10/15/2 | Re-photographed image of two RAC patrol men on a motorcycle with side car at Flint Hill, 1926, 8.5 x 15 cms. David Knight's notes on the reverse indicate that the pillion rider is a Mr Milton and that the Norton motorbike is in front of the houses that Milton owned. David Knight's father used to live in the end house at No 8 Holm Terrace and his uncle, Tom Knight, was the last tenant. These houses were pulled down 07 Feb 1975. The building on the right is the Windmill inn. | |
DM1/12/13/10/16 | Photographs of Glory Woods, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/16/1 | A view of Glory Woods, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/16/2 | A second view of Glory Woods, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/16/3 | Glory Woods with two small boys in the foreground looking for birds nests, [c.1895?], 19.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/16/4 | Postcard view of Glory Woods, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The card is postmarked Dorking in 1904 and addressed to Messrs Attlee, corn merchants of High Street, Dorking by Mrs [Longhurst?] asking them to send corn as usual. | |
DM1/12/13/10/17 | Photograph mounted on card showing 17 workmen building Martineau's House at Goodwyns, 1901, 11 x 13.5 cms. A note on the reverse adds that the house was being built for Mr Powell of Powell Corderoy School and that he died in 1901 before the building was completed. | |
DM1/12/13/10/18 | Views of Hampstead Lane, [c.1900?]-1940, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/18/1 | Old cottages in Hampstead Lane, [c.1900?], 8 x 10.5 cms. They were later demolished in the 1960s. A note on the reverse adds that they were once thought to have housed plague victims and were therefore known as the "Pest House" . | |
DM1/12/13/10/18/2 | Hampstead Lane Cottages, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/18/3 | Re-photographed image of a view of the Pest House in Hampstead Lane, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/18/4 | Re-photographed image of the plague cottages, Hampstead Lane, 13 Aug 1940, 9 x 13.5 cms. Original photographer: Miss Kynaston of Westcott Road, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/19 | Views of Hampstead Road, [c.1920s?]- [c.1929?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/19/1 | Postcard view of a charabanc with a large group of passengers on board, pictured outside the Prince of Wales public house in Hampstead Road, [c.1920s?], 9 x 14cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/19/2 | Re-photographed image of a group of people standing in front of a charabanc outside the Prince of Wales, Hampstead Road, [c.1929?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/20 | Harrow Road [c.1870?]-[c.1890?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/20/1 | Harrow Road tollgate, [c.1870?], 5 x 6.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/20/2 | Harrow Road with Arundel Lodge on the extreme left and the Arundel Arms adjacent to it, [c.1890?], 10 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/21 | Heath Hill, [c.1930s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/21/1 | Re-photographed image of cottages at Heath Hill, [c.1930?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/21/2 | Postcard of Heath Hill, [c.1930s?] 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Published by Judges Ltd, Hastings. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22 | Photographs of Dorking High Street, [c.early 18th century?]-1980, 12 files. These include photographs of earlier paintings and engravings. For original print engravings and other non-photographic reproductions of paintings see: DM1/13. Locations in the High Street are identified by being either on the north side of the High Street which has junctions with Mill Lane and Ansell Road, or on the south side, in the centre of which is the White Horse Hotel and which has junctions with Dene Street and Moores Road. Similarly the two ends of the street are referred to as the east end, near the junction with London Road, or the west end near the junctions with West Street and South Street. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/1 | Photographs of paintings of the Dutch House or Mansion in the High Street. 5 items. The dates of the photographs, (as opposed to the dates of the images in the original paintings) are unknown but are all thought to be c. late 20th century. The house stood adjacent to the White Horse Hotel on the south side of the High Street. A building had been on the site since 1585 but was re-built in the Dutch style with distinctive gables in the late 17th century. Following its sale in 1820 it was converted into three houses and during the late 19th century into shops, one of which is now incorporated into the White Horse. During this process it lost its frontage and its distinctive gables. (Source: Dorking Local History Group's -"Dorking, a Surrey Market Town," pub 1991.) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/1/1 | Black and white photograph mounted on card of a painting of the Dutch mansion house, 15.5 x 21 cms. Knight has added on the reverse that since the market house which can be seen on the right was demolished in 1813, the date of the painting would pre-date this. The original was given to him by John Coombes, antiquarian bookseller of Dorking in 1987. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/1/2 | Black and white photograph of a painting of the Dutch mansion and market house in the High Street, by Philip Daws (1844 - after 1900) Date of painting [c.late 19th century?], [9 x 13.5 cms] | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/1/3 | Colour photograph of a painting of the Dutch Mansion House in the 18th cent. Part of the White Horse Hotel can be seen on the left, Artist unknown. 8.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/1/4 | Colour photograph of a painting of the Dutch Mansion House in the High Street in the early 18th century. Artist unknown, 10 x 16 cms. Original painting owned by A. Upfold of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/1/5 | Colour photograph mounted on card showing the detail of a painting of the Dutch Mansion which shows the head of a drainpipe carrying the date of 1660, 11 x 16 cms. Artist unknown. The detail probably comes from the same painting shown in DM1/10/13/10/22/1/4, as the colours of the painting match and the images both have the same type of mounting. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/2 | Photographs of early paintings or prints of the Old Market House, (c.early 1800s?), 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/2/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting showing the old Market House in the centre of the High Street, 16 x 21 cms. The market house was demolished in 1813, so the original painting must pre-date this. The tall building on the extreme left is the old Dutch mansion house now incorporated into the present day shops. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/2/2 | Photograph of an old print from an unknown publication, showing the old market house in the High Street pulled down in 1813. 12 x 16 cms. David Knight had collected several duplicate copies of this and was of the opinion that despite the printed caption of "Dorking Market House," that this was incorrect and the building had more similarities with the market house at Reigate which still survives. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/3 | Photographs of early paintings or prints of the High Street before 1860, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/3/1 | Photograph of a print showing Dorking High Street, looking west towards Pump Corner, [c.1830?], 8 x 12.5 cms. Details of artist and engraver unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/3/2 | Black and white photograph of a painting of the south side of Dorking High Street, 1822, 16 x 18.5 cms. Date of painting: 1822. Artist: John Hassell, (1767-1825). One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K58, K544, K734, K1540, K1814 and K2119. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/3/3 | Black and white photograph of a painting of the White Horse Hotel, 17 x 21.5 cms. Date of painting: 1823. Artist: George Scharf, (1788-1860). | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/3/4 | Black and white photograph of a painting of Shrub Hill House on the south side of the High Street, 16.5 x 21.5 cms. Date of painting: [c.1830?]. Artist: John Beckett of Dorking, (1799-1864) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/3/5 | Black and white photograph mounted on card of a print of Shrub Hill, "the seat of Elizabeth Jane Wathen." Original print [c.1840?], 16.5x 21.5 cms. Published by M. Isard, Dorking and engraved by Harris Brothers, London. For other records relating to Shrub Hill House see: DM1/1/2/7/109 and DM1/9/1. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4 | Photographs of the High Street during the 1860s, 7 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/1 | Re-photographed image of the south side of the High Street near the junction with Dene Street, [c.1860s?]. 8.5 x 12.5 cms. Premises which can be identified are from the left: John Stringer, furniture dealer; Arthurs, working jewellers; and the Surrey Yeoman inn on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/2 | Re-photographed image showing the south side of the High Street near the junction with South Street, [c.1860s?]. 8.5 x 12.5 cms. The shop on the left with the bow windows is P. Caffyn, grocers, and the shop on the right is J & W Attlee, corn and seed merchants. Attlees were also agents for the Phoenix Fire Office, the signboard for which can be seen over the shop. Related material: for records relating to Attlees' agency for the Phoenix Fire Office see: R789/2/1. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/3 | The south side of the High Street near the junction with South Street and West Street, 1867, 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/4 | The north side of the High Street, [c.1860s?]. 8.5 x 13 cms. A shop on the left with a plough standing outside is that of William John Rossiter, ironmongers. To the right of these can be seen the signboards for the Sun inn, The Three Tuns and further down towards the right the sign of the Black Horse inn. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/5 | Re-photographed image showing a section of the north side of the High Street, [c.1860s?] Premises which can be identified include from the left: the signboard with the name T. Borer at the Black Horse inn where the landlord Thomas Borer was also a corn merchant; a boot and shoe warehouse and on the other side of the junction with Mill Lane - Shrub House. (Shrub House should not be confused with Shrub Hill House which was on the opposite and south side of the High Street). Photographer: Chaplin. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/6 | The High Street looking east and showing both sides of the street, [c.1860s?], 10 x 14.5 cms. The sign of the Three Tuns can be seen on the extreme left with that of the Sun a few doors down. Opposite is the White Horse inn. The trees of the Shrub Hill estate can be seen in the distance on the right. At that time the High Street on the south side ended at the Surrey Yeoman. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/4/7 | Photograph mounted on card of the High Street from the eastern end looking towards the town centre, with Shrub Hill House on the left, [c.1869?], 9.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/5 | The High Street during the 1870s, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/5/1 | Re-photographed image with a close-up view of the White Horse Hotel, High Street, with several figures standing outside [c.1870s], 16 x 21.5 cms. The name of the proprietor Frederick Cooke is shown over the archway. David Knight's notes on the reverse add that Cooke took over from Jane Goddard on 26 Feb 1872. He was succeeded by Richard S Cook (no relation) who died on Weds 19 Dec 1906 aged 74. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/5/2 | Close up view of the Red Lion Hotel, High Street, [c.1870s?], 6 x 9 cms. Taken from the west end of the street. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/5/3 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of Rossiter's ironmonger's store, [c.1870s?], 14.5 cms x 20 cms. Notes on the reverse carry the information that the business was sold to Pierson in 1881] | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/5/4 | Re-photographed image showing the school run by John Box at the corner of High Street and Moores Road with a master and several pupils standing outside, [c.1870s?], 12 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6 | The High Street during the 1880s, 6 items | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6/1 | View looking up the High Street from Pump Corner, [c.1880s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6/2 | Photograph mounted on an album page which shows the High Street taken from the Pump Corner end, [c.1880s?], 13 x 19 cms. The sign of the Wheatsheaf Tavern with the landlord's name of W. Sellman can be seen on the left. On the reverse of the page is a photograph of "Watt's Poor Traveller's Rest" buildings in Rochester, Kent, [c.1880s?] | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6/3 | Re-photographed image of the south side of the High Street looking towards the east end of the street, [c.1880s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The White Horse Hotel is in the centre, with the shops of Hickman and Dye and Theobald immediately adjacent to its right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6/4 | Photograph from an unknown local publication [1980s?] with a close-up view of the Surrey Yeoman public house on the south side of the High Street. Original image [c.1880?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6/5 | The south side of the High Street, near Pump Corner, [c.1880s?], 9 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/6/6 | Re-photographed image of a large horse drawn coach with several workers in the yard of C Ventham, coach builders, of 50 High Street [c.1880s?], 17 x 24.5 cms. It would appear from the wording on the packing case on the left that the vehicle was destined for New York. Related material: for records of the sale of carriages and harness of the business see: DM1/1/2/7/54. For other photographs of the premises see: DM1/12/13/10/22/8/18 and DM1/12/13/10/22/8/19. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7 | The High Street during the 1890s, 19 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/1 | View taken outside the Three Tuns, High Street with a large collection of farm machinery on the pavement and a large crowd of onlookers, [c.1890s?], 15.5 x 15.5 cms. This was probably an auction of farm equipment. Walter Smithers, a local vet had an office in the building and his name appears on the wall on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/2 | Re-photographed image of the north side of the High Street showing the premises of Trower Brothers, corn and seed merchants on the right, then the Three Tuns inn, (part of which was destroyed by fire in 1904) with the Sun inn next door to it, [c.1890s?], 16 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/3 | The High Street on the north side with a close up view of the premises of M E Baker and the site of Church Walk or Pavement, [c.1890s?], 10.5 x 8 cms. Mary Eliza Baker is shown in the 1891 census as the head of an outfitters and baby linen business at 19 High Street. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/4 | Close up view of Shrub House on the north side of High Street, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 12.5 cms. The house and shop were then the premises of Usherwood's, the photographer. It was later taken over by J W Moorhouse who was also a photographer during the early 20th century. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/5 | A corner of the Kings Head Yard, [c.1890s?], 10 x 7.5 cms. The King's Head was on the corner of North Street and High Street with its yard extending into the High Street. One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K58, K424, K734, K1540, K1814 and K2119. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/6 | A close up of the Old Post Office on the north side of the High Street at the corner of High Street and North Street [c.1898?], 7 x 10 cms. David Knight has added that this was when it was looking run down and that it was repaired in 1900. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/7 | Re-photographed image of the High Street looking towards the west end, [c.1890s?], 18 x 25 cms. A large horse drawn cart is in the centre of the road. The premises of the Black Horse can be made out on the right near the cart, with the Three Tuns slightly further down and the Sun inn just beyond it. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/8 | Re-photographed image which shows the High Street looking west towards Pump Corner, [c.1890?], 14.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/9 | Copy taken from a glass negative showing the bottom end of the High Street taken from South Street, [c.1890s?], 15 x 20 cms. The sign of the White Lion can be seen on the left with the premises of Cheesman & Bromley, drapers, in the centre. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/10 | The eastern end of the High Street, looking towards the town centre [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. The entrance to Moores Road is on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/11 | Re-photographed image taken from a glass negative showing a performing or dancing bear in the High Street, [early 1890s?], 21 x 15 cms. Shows the premises on the south side of the street of: Hickman (newsagent) who had moved out of the district by 1897; Doubleday, chemist, and Pilcher late Dye, fishmonger. David Knight's notes on the reverse indicate that the three small gables that can be seen on the roof of the premises are part of the old Dutch mansion. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/12 | Photograph mounted on card of the Oddfellows Hall on the south side of the High Street, [c.1890s?], 6.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/13 | Re-photographed image showing a close up of the offices of White and Sons, estate agents, on the south side of the High Street, [c.1890s?], 12.5 x 9.5 cms. Underneath White's signboard is another faded one which reads "Nightingale, Page and Bennett." This company of Kingston upon Thames had previously been amalgamated with White & Sons. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/14 | Photograph mounted on card with a close up of Clift & Co's, chemists on the south side of the High Street, [c.1890?], 14 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/15 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of Saubergue's ironmonger's store on the south side of the High Street, with a man with a hand cart standing outside, [c.1890?], 12.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/16 | Re-photographed image of a dancing bear in the High Street with Shrub House, later Woolworths on the right, [c.1896?], 21 x 16 cms. The building behind the bear's head with the advertisements is the Ram Inn. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/17 | The south side of the High Street, 1898, 7 x 10 cms. It shows from the right: the premises of Baxter's, grocers and pork butcher of 90 High Street; G. Moore & Co 's Rock Brewery at no 89 High Street; the Express Farm Dairy Co also at no 89; followed by James Ivery & Son, nurserymen, florists and fruiterers of 88 High St. (Source: Kelly's 1895 directory) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/18 | View of the Surrey Yeoman inn on the south side of the High Street, 1898, 7 x 9.5 cms. The building to its left carries the sign for Daws Pianoforte warehouse. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/7/19 | Re-photographed image of the aftermath of a fire at the premises of Robert Clark's the printers and booksellers of 16 High Street, 1898, 20 x 15 cms. The premises were on the south side of the street and the photo shows a large amount of debris. Two figures are standing on what is left of the top floor looking down at the scene below. The figure on the left wears the uniform of Dorking Fire Brigade. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8 | The High Street between 1900 and 1909, 19 items | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/1 | A view looking towards the east end of the High Street, [c.1900?], 15 x 21 cms. The White Horse inn can be seen on the right and the street traffic includes many different horse drawn vehicles with a cyclist on a three wheeler in the centre, 8 x 10 cms. David Knight's notes on the reverse name the photographer as "Mr Dinnage." This was probably William Henry Dinnage (1870-1963) of Dorking whose "Recollections of Old Dorking," were published by Kohler and Coombes under the title of "Memories of Old Dorking", in 1977. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/2 | Postcard of Dorking High Street looking towards the east end with the White Horse on the right. The premises of Usherwood, the photographer and the Black Horse are on the left, [c.early 1900s?], 9 x 14 cms. The card was addressed to Miss Langdon at 43 Southern Road, Basingstoke by an unknown sender. Postmarked from Banstead, 1905. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/3 | Postcard of the High Street taken from the south side but showing both sides of the street, with several horse-drawn vehicles, [c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms.The premises of F W Floyd, grocer and wine and spirit merchant can be seen on the left. The man with the walking stick on the right has been identified as Mr Clift of Clift & Co's chemists at 95 High Street. The reverse is blank but identifies the photographer as William Smith of Dorking of 16 High Street Buildings. (Source for the address: Kellys Directory, 1898) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/4 | Re-photographed image showing a close up of the premises of J & W Attlee's, corn and seed merchants at 104 High Street with one of their large, horse-drawn carts outside, [c.1900?], 17 x 23 cms. David Knight obtained the photo from Derek Middleton in 1978. The original had been kept at Attlee's premises at Parsonage mill in Station Road. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/5 | Re-photographed image of the High Street from Pump Corner, [c.1900?], 11 x 16.5 cms. The premises of J & W Attlee, corn and seed merchants can be seen on the extreme right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/6 | View of both sides of the High street looking west with the Ram Inn on the left, [c.1901?], 12 x 17 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/7 | Postcard with a view of Dorking High Street looking east published by Collectorcard of Croydon, [c.1970s?] 8 x 13 cms, Date of image, [c.1904?]. The Red Lion Hotel can be seen on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/8 | Postcard with a view of the centre of Dorking High Street, [c.1904?], 9 x 14 cms. The Three Tuns can be seen on the left. Postmarked from Dorking in 1904 the card was addressed to Mr W Capon of Squires Farm, Westcott by Bert who writes to arrange the collection of a parcel. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/9 | Photograph mounted on card showing the centre of the High Street looking east, with the White Horse Hotel on the right and an early motor vehicle in the foreground, [c.1906?], 7.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/10 | Re-photographed image of the north side of the High Street, showing on the left, the Sun Inn, then E.H. Swift's Market House, The Three Tuns and Trower Brothers Corn and Seed Stores, [c.1900?] 17.5 x 25 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/11 | Re-photographed image from a post card showing a close-up view of the Black Horse Inn in the High Street with the landlord J H Smith standing outside, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 11.5 cms. The site later became the Three Tuns Inn which was demolished in 1965. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/12 | Re-photographed image of J. Peters grocery shop which was at the foot of the steps in the old market place in the High Street looking towards Mill Lane, [c.1900?], 17.5 x 25 cms. The premises abutted the footpath leading from the churchyard to Mill Lane (Source: Dorking Advertiser 23 Sep 1899) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/13 | Re-photographed image showing a view of the north side of the High Street looking towards the east end, taken at a point just past the modern day, [in 2018] Post Office near the junction with Ansell Road, [c.1900?], 8 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/14 | A close-up of the Wheatsheaf inn on the left, on the north side of the High Street with the offices of the Dorking Advertiser on the right, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/15 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of the Wheatsheaf inn, [c.1900?], 12 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/16 | Post card showing the aftermath of a fire at the Three Tuns in the High Street, 1904. It shows the ruins of the building and a small group of people outside. About four uniformed members of Dorking Fire Brigade can be made out on the right, with the figure of Jack Neville Presland standing on the extreme right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/17 | Page from an unknown publication with a photograph showing the Black Horse inn on the north side of the High Street, [c.1905?], 7.5 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/18 | View showing the premises of Ventham & Sons, coach and motor builders and repairers at 50 High Street, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 10 cms. For other photographs of the premises see also: DM1/12/13/10/22/6/6 and DM1/12/13/10/22/8/19. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/8/19 | View showing eight members of staff gathered outside the premises of Ventham & Sons, coach and motor builders and repairers at 50 High Street, [c.1908?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. For other photographs of the premises see also: DM1/12/13/10/22/6/6 and DM1/12/13/10/22/8/18. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9 | The High Street between 1910 and 1920, 13 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/1 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of Edmonds Brothers Draper's shop, High Street, [c.1910?], 10 x 14 cms. The shop later became Inglefields and then W J Robins. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/2 | Postcard showing the staff gathered outside the premises of International Stores, [c.1910?] on the north side of the street at 11 High Street, [now no 51], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/3 | Re-photographed image taken from the south side of the High Street which shows buildings on the north side looking east, [c.1910?], 18 x 24 cms. Probably taken from an old post card. The premises of Peirson & Co's Furniture Show Rooms can be seen immediately opposite. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/4 | Re-photographed image showing a close-up of the Three Tuns Hotel on the north side of the High Street, [c.1914?], 17.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/5 | Photograph mounted on card showing a close-up of H G Kingham's, wine and spirit merchants with four members of staff standing outside at 96 High Street, on the south side of the street, [c.1910?], 14.5 x 19 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/6 | Photocopy taken from an unknown local publication [late 20th century?] with a photograph of the eastern end of the High Street looking east, [c.1910?], 8 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/7 | Re-photographed image of a postcard view of the High Street (east end?) [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/8 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of Webb's Stationery and Fancy Goods Emporium at the east end of the street at No 8 High Street, [c.1912?] 10.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/9 | Photograph mounted on card showing the premises of Spratley's, perfumier and hairdresser 's at 14 High Street, [c.1915?], 10.5 x 14.5 cms. Shows Mrs Spratley standing in the doorway holding her pet cat. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/10 | View of the High Street between the junctions with Mill Lane and Ansell Road, [c.1915?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. On the left can be seen the premises of Root's garage, next to J W Moorhouse, photographer. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/11 | Shrub House and the premises of J W Moorhouse, photographers, on the corner of Ansell Road, [c.1915?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. The building was later demolished and the premises of F W Woolworths & Co.was established on the same site. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/12 | Re-photographed image with a close up view of F Hudson's cycle makers and repairers and motor repairers on the north side of the High Street, [c.1915?], 14 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/9/13 | Re-photographed image showing a close-up of the Wheatsheaf inn and the offices of the Dorking Advertiser next door, on the north side of the High Street, [c.1918?] 20 x 17cms. The signboard of the Wheatsheaf shows the Landlord's name as W. Upperton. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10 | The High Street during the 1920s, 17 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/1 | Re-photographed image of the east end of the High Street, [c.1920?], 15 x 20 cms. Shows the London Road courthouse. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/2 | Re-photographed image taken from the east end of Dorking High Street near the junction of London Road looking west, [c.1928?], 11 x 17 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/3 | Re-photographed image taken from the bottom of the High Street showing Pump Corner on the left , with the junction with West Street in the centre, [c,1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The premises of M & F Gumbrell, milliners can be seen on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/4 | Postcard showing Pump Corner and the junction with South Street on the left and the junction with West Street on the right, [c.1922?], 8 x 13 cms. Published by Collectorcard of Croydon, CR0 1HW (c.1980s?) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/5 | Photograph showing a close-up of the premises of F J Rapley, "family oilman and hardware stores," on the north side of the High Street [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Rapley's were originally in South Street but re-located to 26a High Street in 1919 (Source: Surrey Electoral Registers) | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/6 | View of the High Street on the north side, [c.1920s?] 16 x 20 cms. The following premises can be identified from the left: F J Rapley, oilman, Friary Wine Stores, H. W Jay, corn merchant, the Three Tuns inn, Rootes garage, and J W Moorhouse photographer at Shrub House. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/7 | A view of the buildings demolished to make way for the present day (2018) Post Office near the junction with Ansell Road, [c.1920?], 6.5 x 11 cms. The offices of Arnold & Son, estate agents can be seen on the left. Demolition on the site took place between 1930 and 1931. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/8 | View of the rear of the premises shown in DM1/10/13/10/22/10/7, [c.1920s?], 11 x 6.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/9 | Close up view of the entrance to the Three Tuns yard on the north side of the High Street, and the premises of H W Jay, corn and seed merchants, [c.1920-1925], 16 x 21 cms. The building on the left was part of the original Three Tuns which was sited next to the Sun inn. It was moved to a new building on the site of the old Black Horse in 1914 and closed on 24 Sep 1960. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/10 | Close up view of the old Three Tuns yard looking into the High Street, [c.1920?], 15.5 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/11 | The offices of Arnold & Son, estate agents in the High Street on the corner of Ansell Road, [c.1928?], 7 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/12 | Photograph mounted on card with a close-up of the Three Tuns Hotel, with Mr Osbourne, the proprietor standing in the entrance, [c.1928?] 11 x 15 cms. The building was demolished in 1965 and later became Tesco Stores which itself closed in Jan 1986. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/13 | Close-up of the Three Tuns in the High Street, [c.1928?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: Coppard & Kester of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/14 | Photocopy of a photograph showing the north side of the High Street with the premises of J W Moorhouse, photographer at Shrub House on the left, and Laslett's Tea Rooms next door but one, [c.1928?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Source of original image unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/15 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of Timothy Whites store in the High Street, with two cars of the period outside, [c.1929?], 16.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/16 | The rear of Mason's grocer's shop on the south side of the High Street, [c.1920?], (in 2018 Robert Dyas), 7.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/10/17 | A view of Mason's grocer's shop taken from Chequers Yard, on the south side of the High Street, [c.1920?], 12.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/11 | The High Street during the 1930s, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/11/1 | Photograph of the High Street looking west showing the construction of what was to become the Post Office on the corner of Ansell Road on the right, [c.1930?], 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/11/2 | Postcard showing the view at the junction of High Street, Reigate Road and London Road, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Judges Ltd of Hastings. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/11/3 | Coloured post card mounted on card as an advertisement for post cards of Valentines & Sons Ltd of Dundee and London, [c.1930s], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The view is looking up the High Street from the Pump Corner end with the premises of Peeble's the chemists on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/11/4 | Postcard with a view looking from Dorking Halls and showing the junction of the High Street and London Road, [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Copyright: Photochrom Co Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/11/5 | Re-photographed image of the rear of the Three Tuns Inn on the north side of the High Street, [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12 | The High Street between the 1940s and 1980s, 12 items | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/1 | Postcard showing a black and white drawing of Mason's grocer's shop on the south side of the High Street, 1940, 13.5 x 11 cms. Published by Dorking Museum, [1980s?]. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/2 | The south side of the High Street, with a close-up of the premises of H G Kinghams, wine merchants on the left, Clark's the chemist next to it in the centre and Stone and Turner's, ironmonger's on the right, 1944, 18.5 x 24 cms. The signboard of the Medical Hall can be seen above Clark's the chemists which was not removed until 1973. Wartime tank traps are in evidence at the side of the road. The reverse carries the stamp of The National Monuments Records, at 10 Great College Street, Whitehall, London. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/3 | The Ram inn on the corner of Dene Street, [c.1950s?], with the "Treasure Chest" antiques shop adjoining it on the left, [c.1950s?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. Photographer: M. Russell of Furlong Road, Westcott. The Ram was demolished in 1958. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/4 | Close up of the Three Tuns on the north side of the High Street with Quick's cycles and radio shop on the right, and the entrance to Dorking Market Place on the left, 1958, 16 x 21 cms. Photographer: Mick Russell of Westcott. Notes by David Knight on the reverse record that "like the Black Horse in the early 19th century, a large proportion of the ground floor was used for pitching grain. Originally sited next to the Sun inn, the Three Tuns removed to a new building on the site of the old Black Horse in 1914. It was a Friary Brewery House and closed on 24 Sep 1960." | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/5 | Photograph of a black and white drawing by V M Warner of the yard at the rear of the Wheatsheaf inn looking towards the High Street, [mid 20th century?] 30 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/6 | The demolition of Mason's grocery shop in the High Street from the rear, [mid 20th cent?], 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/7 | A second view of the demolition of Mason's grocery shop, [mid 20th cent?], 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/8 | Colour photograph of a human skull found on the site of Barclay's Bank on the north side of the High Street and uncovered when the bank was re-built in 1963, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/9 | Close up of premises used as the Hearing Centre in the High Street, [c.1970s?} 11.5 x 16cms. A signboard also advertises the services of a chiropodist and medical supplies. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/10 | Colour photograph showing alterations in progress to the rear of Henry Weller's shoe shop in the High Street, 1980, 11 x9 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/11 | Colour photograph of a horse's skull in the ground, found during alterations at the rear of Henry Weller's shoe shop in the High Street, 1980, 11 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/22/12/12 | Colour photograph of the lower end of the High Street, looking towards Pump Corner, 1980, 8.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23 | Horsham Road, 1870-1937, 8 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/1 | The toll gate in Horsham Road, Dorking, 1870, 10.5 x 14.5 cms. This was closed in Nov 1880. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/2 | Re-photographed image of Townfield House, Horsham Road, [c.1880s?], 10.5 x 16.5 cms. The building was later demolished to make way for the bus station. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/3 | The house and garden of Townfield House, Horsham Road [c.1920?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/4 | The gardens and grounds of Townfield House, Horsham Road, [c.1920?], 11 x 15.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/5 | Photograph mounted on card of a large group of people on an annual coach outing standing in front of a coach outside G S Brown & Son, grocers in Horsham Road, [c.1920s?], 10 x 16cms. David Knight's notes on the reverse add that the outing was from the Bush in Horsham Road. One of the group is holding a large trophy cup so they may have been involved in a competition. The photo was obtained from Tom Knight in 1976, who is pictured standing 11th from the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/6 | Re-photographed image of the old Harrow toll house in Horsham Road, [c.1925?], 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/7 | Re-photographed image of the Queen's Head public house and the Bus Station, Horsham Road, [c.1933?], 13 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/23/8 | Re-photographed image of Harrow Tollgate Building, Horsham Road, decorated with flags and bunting for the 1937 Coronation celebrations, 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/24 | Photographs of Howard Road, Junction Road and Knoll Road, [c.1814?]-1921, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/24/1 | Photograph (black and white) of a painting of Sondes Court House, at the top of Junction Road. Date of painting, [c.1814?], 15.5 x 21 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/24/2 | Carte de visit of Howard Road looking north with the Arundel Arms just visible on the left, [c.1870?], 6 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/24/3 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of Washington Cottage in Junction Road, Dorking, [c.1890?], 12.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/24/4 | Close-up of Washington Cottage, Junction Road, [c.1900?], 16.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/24/5 | Postcard showing a house called "The Beechway," Knoll Road, 1921, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Very brief details of sales particulars for the property are written in manuscript on the reverse but are not dated. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25 | London Road, [c.1830s?]-[c.1930s?], 11 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/1 | Photograph (black and white), of a painting of a house near the present Deepdene Station. Date of original painting [c.1830s?], 13 x 8.5 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/2 | Photograph of a framed painting by John Beckett showing cottages near the present Deepdene Station which were demolished in the 1970s. Original painting [c.1840?]. 18 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/3 | Re-photographed image of the Tollgate and Beehive Inn, London Road looking north, [c.1860s?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. The location was opposite the entrance to Bradley Farm. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/4 | Re-photographed image of the Giles Green Turnpike Gate, near the Beehive Inn, [c.1870s?], 15 x 20 cms. On the reverse David Knight has written a description of the property from a sales catalogue of toll houses, toll gates and appurtenances held at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking on 15 Nov 1880. For the original sales catalogue see: DM1/1/2/18/22. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/5 | The toll gate in London Road with the Beehive inn on the right, [c.1890?], 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/6 | Photograph of a post card which shows the junction of London and Reigate Roads, where the old Embassy Cinema stood, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/7 | Re-photographed image which shows the blacksmith's shop which stood at the corner of London Road and Reigate Road with four bystanders, a policeman and a pony and trap standing outside, [c.1900?], 15 x 20 cms. The building was demolished about 1912 to improve visibility for road traffic. The large building behind it was demolished c. 1937 when the site was acquired for the Gaumont, (later Embassy) Cinema. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/8 | Re-photographed image of the blacksmith's shop shown in DM1/10/13/10/25/7 from another angle looking down the High Street with the same bystanders, [c.1900?], 14.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/9 | Re-photographed image of Shambles Farm, London Road, Dorking, with a woman and young child in the foreground, [c.1900?], 15 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/10 | Cottages at the junction of London Road and Reigate Road, [c.1920s?]. 7.5 x 10 cms. An AA patrolman can be seen standing on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/25/11 | Re-photographed image of the cottages at the junction of London Road and Reigate Road, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/26 | Meadowbank, [c.1890?]-[c.1930?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/26/1 | Re-photographed image of a view from Meadowbank looking towards the town with a flock of sheep in the foreground and St Martin's Church just visible on the left, [c.1890?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/26/2 | Re-photographed image of the footpath on the Recreation ground at Meadowbank looking towards Meadowbank House, [c.1930?] 16 x 21 cms. The present football ground is now on the other side of the footpath. The bridge over the stream is now gone and the stream has been piped and covered over. Copy taken from a lantern slide from the collection of the local historian Ronald Scragg, (1890-1972) of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27 | Mill Lane, [c.1840?]-1930, 11 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864) which shows The Evening Star inn in Mill Lane in the centre with St Martin's Church behind. Date of original painting, [c.1840?], 21 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/2 | Re-photographed image of a view looking up Mill Lane, [c.1890?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/3 | Re-photographed image of a horse drawn van of the Surrey Trading Company's Supply Stores at Parsonage Lane, Westcott, which is drawn up outside the premises of the Evening Star in Mill Lane, Dorking, [c.late 1890s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/4 | View of Mill Lane, 1898, 7.5 x 10 cms. The image is rather faded. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/5 | Photograph mounted on card of a field of sheep grazing opposite The Evening Star inn at Mill Lane near what is now the football field, [c.early 20th century?], 10 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/6 | Postcard of Mill Lane, Dorking, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/7 | Re-photographed image of Mill Lane, (from an old postcard?), [c.1909?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/8 | Photograph of Mill Lane taken from an unknown publication, 1912, 9 x 4.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/9 | Re-photographed image showing the Evening Star inn in Mill Lane, [c.1930?], 16 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/10 | Two houses in Mill Lane near the Evening Star inn, 1930. 8 x 5.5 cms. The buildings would appear to have the clapboard type of construction. They have since been demolished and replaced. | |
DM1/12/13/10/27/11 | Another view of the same two houses shown in DM1/10/13/10/27/10 but from further away showing the side and rear of the properties, 1930, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/28 | Rock House, Moores Road. Press photographs probably taken shortly before the house was demolished in 1969, [c.1968?], 2 items. Copyright: East Surrey Newspapers Ltd. | |
DM1/12/13/10/28/1 | A close-up of the building [c.1968?] 16.5 x 12 csm. | |
DM1/12/13/10/28/2 | Part of the interior of Rock House which was formerly part of a cave beneath the property, [c.1968?], 16.5 x 12 cms. A candle recess can be seen on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29 | North Street, 1898-1944, 7 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/1 | North Street, with the old Kings Head inn on the right, 1898, 7 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/2 | Re-photographed image of the Old Kings Head, North Street, [c.1910?], 20 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/3 | Photograph mounted on card with a view of North Street, [c.1910?], 29 x 24 cms. The premises of the Gun inn can just be seen on the left. The house in the centre carries a sign for "J. Pratt, Practical Tailor, alterations and repairs." Photographer: A. Gumbrell of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/4 | North Street Square, [c.1930?], 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/5 | Re-photographed image of North Street, showing the Gun inn on the right and the Old Kings Head, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/6 | Postcard with a black and white drawing of the Gun Inn in North Street in 1940. Published by Dorking Museum, [c.1990s?] 10.4 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/29/7 | Photograph of the Gun inn, 1944, 24 x 18cms. Copyright: National Buildings Record, Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. Also shows an air raid shelter on the right and the old Kings Head. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30 | Views of the Nower, [c.1880?]-[c.1950?], 12 items. The Nower is a sandstone hill on the south west edge of the town. Now part of the green belt, it is a large area of grass and woodland covering nearly 90 acres. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/1 | The Temple on the Nower, [c.1880?], 6.5 x 11 cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/2 | The Temple on the Nower, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/3 | Postcard of the Nower with the Temple in the centre, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The reverse is blank but bears a Dorking postmark with the date of 11 May 1905. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/4 | Photograph of a pencil sketch of the Nower, [c.early 20th cent?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Artist unknown | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/5 | Postcard of the Nower showing the Temple in the centre, [c.1903?], 8.5 x 10.5 cms. The reverse is addressed to Miss S Berry of Stanmer Farm, Stanmer Park, Lewes, Sussex and was sent by Maggie of Flint Villa, Arundel Road, Dorking informing her that she was "having a jolly time." | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/6 | Photograph mounted on card of the Temple at the Nower, 1905, 6 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/7 | Coloured postcard which shows the slopes of the Nower, 1905, 8.5 x 14 cms. The reverse is blank. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/8 | Postcard of a large group of people at a fete on the Nower, [c.1914?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/9 | Postcard showing a coloured painting of a cottage at the Nower, Dorking from an original water colour drawing by the Dorking artist George Gardiner, (1851-1930). Date of original painting [c.1910?]. 9 x 14 cms. Copyright: R T Voysey, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/10 | Re-photographed image of the entrance to the Nower and Hampstead Lane, [c.1915?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/11 | Postcard of a view on the Nower, [c.1950s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Copyright: Francis Frith | |
DM1/12/13/10/30/12 | Postcard of a black and white pencil sketch of a view of Box Hill from the Nower, [c.1950?], 8.5 x 10.5 cms. Published by F W Tigwell, 48, 48a, 58 and 67 West Street, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/31 | Pippbrook House. Alterations being made to the House after the building was acquired by Dorking Urban District Council, [c.1930?], 2 items, 7.5 x 11 cms. Photographer: W R Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32 | Views of Pipprook Mill, [c.1840?]-1978, 3 files. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1 | Pipprook Mill, [c.1840?]-[c.1935?], 10 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting by John Beckett showing Pippbrook Mill and farm in the middle distance and Box Hill in the background. Date of painting [c.1840?] 14.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/2 | Pippbrook Mill pond with Jay's farm on the left, [c.1900?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/3 | Pippbrook Mill pond showing Jay's Farm on the left and with Box Hill in the background, [c.1900?], 13 x 19 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/4 | Postcard of Pippbrook Mill, (printed in reverse), [c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by F W Tigwell of West Street, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/5 | View of Pippbrook Mill, [c.1900?], 10 x 14.5 cms. (A different view to DM1/10/13/10/32/1/4). | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/6 | Re-photographed image of Pippbrook Mill showing two men loading a large cart belonging to Trower Brothers, corn and seed merchants (which is also the name painted on the building), [c.1900?], 15 x 21 cms. Trowers were taken over by Herbert Jay in 1905. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/7 | Photocopy taken from an unknown local publication with a photograph of Pippbrook Millpond and 3 women standing on the path at the start of Willow Walk, [c.early 1900s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/8 | Pippbrook Mill, [c.1905?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/9 | Pippbrook Mill, [c.1920?], 5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/1/10 | Close up of the mill wheel at Pippbrook Mill, [1935?], 8 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/2 | Close-up views of Pippbrook mill and one view showing Pippbrook mill on the left and Pippbrook House on the right, [c.1930?], 10 x 6.5 cms and 7.5 x 10 cms, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/32/3 | Set of colour photographs of the internal mill machinery at Pippbrook Mill including one which shows the mill race from inside the mill, 1978, 6 items. All 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33 | Pixham Mill and Mill Cottage, in Pixham Lane, [c.1900?]-[c.1970s?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33/1 | Re-photographed image showing sacks of flour being loaded from Pixham Mill on to a cart drawn by a team of horses, [c.1900?], 17 x 23cms. The original image belonged to J & W Attlee, corn merchants of Dorking.The copy was acquired by David Knight from Derek Middleton in 1978. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33/2 | Re-photographed image of the river Mole in the foreground with Pixham mill and millhouse in the middle distance against the background of Box Hill, [c.1900?], 16 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33/3 | Re-photographed image taken from a lantern slide of Pixham mill and millhouse, [c.1920?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33/4 | Re-photographed mounted image which shows a close-up of Pixham mill with the mill wheel on the right, [c.1920?], 16 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33/5 | The exterior of Pixham Mill, [c.1970s?], 9 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/33/6 | Pixham Mill Cottage, [c.1970s?], 9 x 12.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/34 | Black and white photograph of a painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864), of Gunters Lane, Dorking, now called Punchbowl Lane. Original painting [c.1840?] 18 x 16 cms. The photograph appears to be taken from an unidentified catalogue, [c.20th century?]. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35 | Views of Reigate Road and of Longhurst's sand pit opposite Pippbrook House, [c.1880?]-[c.1930?], 2 files. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/1 | Reigate Road, [c.1880?]-[c.1930s?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/1/1 | A view of the road which is just past the Watermill inn, [c.1880?], 10 x 14 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/1/2 | Near the old Reigate Road bridge, [c.1880?], 10 x 14 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/1/3 | Re-photographed image of Spital Heath, Reigate Road with the Punchbowl inn on the left and the cemetery railings on the right, [c.1880?] 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/1/4 | Re-photographed image of floods in Reigate Road, [c.1920s?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/1/5 | Re-photographed image of the Deepdene Roundabout, [c.1930s?], 16 x 25.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/35/2 | Longhurst's sandpit opposite Pippbrook House, [c.1930?], 3 items. With the exception of K793 the photographer is W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36 | Views of Rose Hill, (c.1810)-[c.1905?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36/1 | Photograph of a black and white drawing of No 22 Rose Hill, Dorking. Original drawing [c.1810?], 13 x 20.5 cms. The artist is unknown. The house once belonged to a Mrs Rickman. David Knight has also added that the Friends Meeting House in South Street would now be behind the trees in the middle distance. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36/2 | The arch leading from Rose Hill to South Street, [c.1860s?], 15 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36/3 | Re-photographed image showing some of the houses in Rose Hill, [c.1860s?], 10 x16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36/4 | Rose Hill with Holly House on the left, 1891, 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36/5 | Photograph mounted on card showing Rose Hill Arch looking towards South Street, [c.1895?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: Tom Molyneux. | |
DM1/12/13/10/36/6 | Postcard of Rose Hill Arch, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 9 cms. Published by Francis Frith & Co. of Reigate | |
DM1/12/13/10/37 | The "Old House" in Rothes Road, [c.1920s?], 3 items. All are re-photographed images. | |
DM1/12/13/10/37/1 | The side of the "Old House," [c.1920s?], 7 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/37/2 | Outbuildings at the rear of the "Old House," [c.1920s?], 7 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/37/3 | The front of the "Old House," [c.1920s?], 7 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38 | Views of St Martin's Church, (1788)-1986, 3 files. These include photographs of prints or paintings of the medieval church, (1788-1835); the 'Intermediate Church' of St Martins, [c.1840s]-[c.1872]; and the present St Martin's Church, 1877-1986. The present parish church was originally built in the 12th century and extended in the 14th century. It later underwent considerable alteration and re-building at different times during the 19th century. The nave was rebuilt between 1835 and 1837 and this building is now referred to as the Intermediate church. The chancel was rebuilt between 1866 and 1868 and in 1872 the nave and aisles were restored again by Henry Woodyer. A new tower and spire were later added between 1873 and 1877 resulting in the building that can be seen today. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1 | Photographs of prints or paintings of the medieval St Martin's Church. The photographs are late 20th century while the date of the originals range from 1788-1835. 10 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/1 | Photograph (black and white) of a pen and ink with grey wash and water colour drawing by John Nixon (c.late 1750s-1818) of London. Entitled "Choristers in Dorking Church," It shows the Gallery at Dorking Church with five singers accompanied by musicians with a flute, an oboe and a bassoon. Date of original 1788, 11 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/2 | Colour photograph of St Martin's Church, artist unknown, 13 x 9 cms. Date of original painting [c.early 1800s?]. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/3 | Colour photograph of a painting showing the medieval church of St Martin's with a river in the foreground. Original [c.1820s?], 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/4 | Black and white photograph mounted on card showing a drawing of St Martin's Church. The name of R M Greenhalgh is pencilled on the reverse with the information that it is from a drawing by H. Gastineau, (1791-1876) in 1821. 16.5 x 21 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/5 | Colour photograph of a painting of the interior of St Martin's Church with two figures in the centre. Shows several funeral hatchments and memorials on the walls. [c.1830?], 8.5 x 12 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/6 | Re-photographed black and white image of an oil painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864) which shows the interior of the chancel of St Martin's Church, [c.1830?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/7 | Re-photographed black and white image of an oil painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864) which shows the interior of the nave of St Martin's Church, [c.1830?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/8 | Photograph of a painting of the exterior of St Martin's Church, [by John Beckett?] [c.1830s?], 14.5 x 19 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/9 | Photograph of a black and white print of "The Old Church at Dorking," 1835, 13 x 15 cms. Original print published by W. Scott of 120 Western Road, Brighton. Printed by J R Johnson. The nave of the church was rebuilt in the same year. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/1/10 | Photograph of an oil painting by John Beckett of the exterior of the medieval St Martin's Church, 1835. 8 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2 | The 'Intermediate Church' of St Martins, following the rebuilding of the nave between 1835 and 1837, [c.1840s]-[c.1872], 7 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a painting or drawing of St Martin's Church with two female figures walking towards the church. Artist unknown. [c.1840s?], 17 x 22 cms]. The women are wearing costume which appears to be of the first half of the 19th century. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/2 | Photograph of a black and white print entitled "The Choir of St Martin's Church, which shows a baptism ceremony in progress, [c.1840s?], 20 x 16 cms. Original print published for E W Brayley's "Topographical History of Surrey" in 1850. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/3 | Photograph of a black and white print of the exterior of St Martin's, [c.1850?], 9 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/4 | The exterior of St Martin's church looking towards the south doorway, [c.early 1860s?], 14 x 11 cms. The medieval chancel can be seen on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/5 | Interior view of the intermediate church looking east into the medieval Chancel, [c.early 1860s?], 15 x 10cms. As the chancel was completely rebuilt between 1866 and 1868, this view pre-dates that. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/6 | The exterior of St Martin's church, [c.1870?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/2/7 | The exterior of St Martin's church, [c.1872?], 6 x 6 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3 | The Present St Martin's Church, 1877-1986, 12 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/1 | Photo mounted on card showing the spire of St Martin's Church encased in scaffolding, 25 Apr 1877, 16 x 11 cms. Two figures can just be made out at the top laying the top stone. One of them is W J Rossiter and the other is thought to be the father of John E N Walker, Dorking Museum's first curator. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/2 | Carte de visite of the exterior of the present St Martin's Church, [c.1880?] 6 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/3 | The interior of the present St Martin's Church, showing the pulpit and the chancel screen, [c.1890?], 15.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/4 | St Martin's Church from the churchyard, 1890, 20.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/5 | Eternal view of St Martin's Church, 1890, 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/6 | Photograph mounted on card which shows repairs being made to the spire of St Martin's Church, 1899, 15 x 11 cms. A steeplejack can be seen at the top. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/7 | Photograph in black and white of a painting or drawing of the present St Martin's Church, [20th cent?], 16.5 x 12 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/8 | Photograph mounted on card showing the combined choirs of St Martin's Church, Dorking and St John's Church, Westcott taken outside St Martin's Church, [c.1910?] 19.5 x 29.5 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. The photograph was given to David Knight in Aug 1978 by Mrs Bridger of Broomfield stables where it was found in the loft. Some of the people in the Westcott choir on the right, have been identified as Arthur Grace, Arthur Ryde Snr, Mr Gore, Bill Balchin, Bill Etheridge, Rev Salzman, Ted Arthurs, Mr Wakefield, Donald Wakefield, 'Porky' Parsons, and Albert Killick. See the numbers given on the reverse for exact identification. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/9 | Re-photographed image which shows St Martin's Church from Church Pavement, [c.1920?], 20 x 15.5 cms | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/10 | A view of St Martin's Church from the High Street and Church Passage, 1922, 10 x 7 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/11 | A steeplejack at the top of St Martin's Church spire, 1930, 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/38/3/12 | Colour photograph of John Walker, first curator of Dorking Museum, at the re-installation of the weathercock on St Martin's Church after cleaning, 17 Jul 1986, 17 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/39 | The exterior of St Paul's School in St Paul's Road, [c.1860s?], 11 x 14 cms. The school had first opened in 1860. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40 | Photographs of South Street, [c.eary 1860s?]-[c.1966], 10 files. These include general street views, [c.1860s/]-[c.1950?]; the caves under Butter Hill House, [c.1966?]; the Co-operative Wholesale Stores in South Street at the time of the Silver Jubilee, 1935; Croucher's Fruiterers and Florists Shop at 69 South Street, [c.1920?]; floods at the top end of South Street near the junction with the Horsham Road, 25 Jun 1935; S W Fuller's Cycle Makers and Repair Shop, [c.1919?]; The Old Curiosity Shop, South Street, [c.1890s?]-[c.1903?]; The Old Vicarage, [c.1880s?]-[c.1920?]; Stapleton House, [c.early 1860s?]-[c.1905?]; and photographs relating to Stapleton House used as evidence in a Chancery court case, [c.1882?]. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1 | General street views, [c.1860s?]-[c.1950?], 16 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/1 | Close-up of Fielder's outfitters shop at Pump Corner, [c.late 1860s?] 11.5 x 8.5 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that Fielder's moved from this site in 1876. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/2 | Photograph mounted on card showing South Street, Butter Hill and the Rotunda on the left, [c.1873?], 17 x 24.5 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that the photo was given to him by the widow of A. Upfold in 1979. The photo was taken when Jack Sanford occupied the shop on Butter Hill (later a toy shop of Miss Spratley) before he removed to the opposite side of South Street and established the Old Curiosity Shop next to the Spotted Dog. Mrs Machin told Knight that her grandfather John Beckett, the artist, lived here at one time. It was at one time a pub called the Coach and Horses before 1789. Jack Sanford's shop was further up the street when he had the two curiosity shops operating at the same time. For other photographs of premises associated with John (also known as Jack) Sanford see: DM1/12/13/10/40/1/7 and DM1/12/13/10/40/7. For a photographs of Jack Sanford see: DM1/12/13/7/14. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/3 | Photograph in black and white of a painting showing a house formerly on the site of F W Mays Garage, [c.1890s?] 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/4 | The site of what became F W May's Garage in South Street, [c.1929?], 10.5 x 15.5 cms. The image shows an empty building site. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/5 | Re-photographed image from a lantern slide which shows a view looking up South Street from the High Street end with the Bulls Head on the left and the White Lion on the right, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. The man standing in the road on the right is Jack Sanford. For other photographs of Jack Sanford see: DM1/12/13/7/14. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/6 | Re-photographed image with a close-up view of the Friends Meeting House on Butter Hill, South Street, [c.1900?], 15 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/7 | Photograph mounted on card showing buildings in South Street which were demolished between 1919-21, Nov 1903, 15 x 19.5 cms. In the immediate foreground on the left are the premises of Spratley's bookseller and newsagent. Knight has added that Jack Sanford can be seen at the far end of the street (outside his new shop?) wearing a large cowboy type hat. For other photographs of Jack Sanford see: DM1/12/13/7/14. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/8 | Re-photographed image of the building at the corner of South Street and Junction Road, [c.1920s?]15 x 20 cms. It was originally the Post Office and in 2017 the site of Waitrose. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/9 | Re-photographed image of a close-up of "Ye Olde Oak Shoppe," newsagents and tobacconists in South Street, [c.1920s?], 10 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/10 | Postcard of view looking down South Street, with the war memorial and bandstand on the right, [c.1922?], 9 x 14 cms. Copyright: Francis Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/11 | Photograph mounted on card of South Street with Wyngate House in the centre; the premises of the jeweller H A Brewer next to it on the right; the Spotted Dog inn on the extreme right and the premises of L O King, stationers on the left, [c.1926?], 10.5 x 15 cms. Wyngate House was the home of Mr Doubleday, the proprietor of a chemist's shop in the High Street. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/12 | A view of South Street, [c.1928?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. The premises of W. Songhurst, plumber and decorator are on the extreme left adjacent to F W Mays Garage. D H Yates, confectioner's can be seen on the right. Notes on the reverse add that the bricked up window above the shop of W Songhurst was re-opened in 1985. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/13 | Postcard of South Street looking towards the High Street with the band stand on the right and the Spotted Dog inn on the left, [c.1936?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co Ltd, Reigate. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/14 | View of Jasmine Cottage, South Street opposite F W Mays garage, [c.1936?], 5.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/15 | Photograph taken at the rear of Butter Hill House, South Street, 8 x 13 cms. Image taken from a sales catalogue of 1937. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/1/16 | Re-photographed image with a close-up view of the Spotted Dog inn in South Street, [c.1950?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/2 | The Caves under Butter Hill House in South Street, [c.1966?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/3 | The Co-operative Wholesale Stores in South Street at the time of the Silver Jubilee, 1935, 2 items. One image is out of focus so that the window decorations cannot be seen. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/4 | Croucher's Fruiterers and Florists Shop at 69 South Street, [c.1920?], 3 items. All are re-photographed images. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/4/1 | A close up of the shop, [c.1920?], 12 x 16.5 cms. An employee wearing a bowler hat stands in the doorway. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/4/2 | View of the front of the shop, [c.1920?], 15 x 11.5 cms. An employee (without a hat) is in the doorway. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/4/3 | A view of the front of the shop, [c.1920?], 16.5 x 11.5 cms. A woman employee is in the doorway with a large display of produce outside. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/5 | Floods at the top end of South Street near the junction with the Horsham Road, 25 Jun 1935. 2 items, 6.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/6 | S W Fuller's Cycle Makers and Repair Shop, [c.1919?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/6/1 | Photograph mounted on card showing the premises of S. W. Fuller's cycle makers and repair shop before the start of demolition, [c.1919?], 15 x 20.5 cms. The premises of Rowe's, the printers can be made out immediately opposite. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/6/2 | Photograph mounted on card showing the premises of S. W. Fuller on the left with demolition work in progress to the right of it, [c.1919?], 20 x 14.5 cms. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/7 | The Old Curiosity Shop, South Street, [c.1890s?]-[c.1903?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/7 ctd | John, also known as Jack, Sanford (c.1830-1905), kept a furniture and bric-a-brac shop known as the Old Curiosity Shop next to the Spotted Dog public house. In his broad rimmed hat he was a well known character in the town. He was the bailiff of Dorking County Court for nearly 40 years as well as the town crier and collector of the market tolls. He originally had a business on the opposite side of South Street, at number 8 between 1886 and 1889 and then at number 68, next to the Spotted Dog from 1890. He eventually went out of business when a fire destroyed his entire stock in trade and the building was later pulled down in 1919. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 04 Mar 1905 and electoral rolls.) For records relating to John Sanford see: DM1/1/2/7/101 and DM1/1/2/7/118. For other photographs of premises associated with Jack Sanford see: DM1/12/13/10/40/1/2 and DM1/12/13/10/40/1/7. For other photographs of Jack Sanford see: DM1/12/13/7/14. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/7/1 | Re-photographed image of the "Old Curiosity Shop" next door to the Spotted Dog pub in South Street, [c.1890s?]. 15.5 x 20 cms. A signboard for Elliotts Dairy can be seen next door and Rowe's the printers just beyond it. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/7/2 | Jack Sanford (on the right) outside his shop in South Street, [c.1890s?], 15.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/7/3 | Re-photographed image of Jack Sanford (2nd from the left) outside his "Old Curiosity Shop" in South Street, [c.1895?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/7/4 | Photograph mounted on card showing a close up of Jack Sanford's shop in South Street. 6 men are standing outside with Jack Sanford in the centre, [c.1903?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: S. Yeo of Dorking. David Knight has dated this as 1903 from one of the posters shown on the wall in the image. The rounded end of the building shown was originally the old lock up. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/8 | The Old Vicarage in South Street, [c.1880s?]-[c.1920?], 2 items. This was a Georgian style house which was used as a temporary Vicarage in the early 19th century until 1839. The building was later demolished at the end of the 19th century and the site later used for Mays Garage, c.1928. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/8/1 | Photograph mounted on card of the old Vicarage, [c.1880s?] 15.5 x 21 cms. A fire insurance mark is in evidence over the central top floor window. The shape indicates that it is probably of the Phoenix Assurance or possibly the Sun Fire Office. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/8/2 | Close up view of the Old Vicarage in South Street, [c.1920?], 14 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/9 | Stapleton House, South Street, [c.early 1860s?]-[c.1905?], 3 items. All are re-photographed images. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/9/1 | Stapleton House, [c.early 1860s?], 13.5 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/9/2 | The interior of the first Co-operative shop in Dorking. Located in Stapleton House in South Street, [c.1905?] 16 x 20.5 cms. The shop opened in Jun 1904 as the Dorking branch of the Reigate Industrial and Provident Society. The image is from a glass plate negative taken by W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/9/3 | Image from a glass plate negative of W J Rose, showing the first co-op shop in Dorking in the former Stapleton House in South Street, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. The gates to Stapleton House can be seen on the right. The building has since been demolished. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/10 | Photographs relating to Stapleton House, South Street used as evidence in a case at the Court of Chancery, [c.1882?], 2 items. The case was before Vice Chancellor Hall in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice in 1882. The plaintive was John Young, a maltser and brewer, then the resident of Stapleton House and the defendant Charles Alexander White, (1831-1905), then resident in the High Street who derived his income from house rents. Young maintained that the footpath or driveway connecting South Street with the approach to his property was not a public right of way and wished to prevent access to wheeled traffic. The court ruled in his favour. (Surrey Mirror, 01 Apr 1882). The photos were presented as evidence in the case and probably came from the records of White & Sons, the estate agents in the High Street. The defendant, Charles White, was a son of James White, the founder of the business and at that time was probably a partner in the company. David Knight derived some of his collection from the records of White and Sons. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/10/1 | Photo mounted on card of Stapleton House, [c.1882?}, 17.5 x 24.5. The card mounting carries the information that the view is a "photograph of Stapleton House from Holder House" and is labelled at the top as "In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division Young v. White." Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/40/10/2 | Photograph mounted on card which shows the position of a gas lamp on a grass area about 2 feet from the wall near the path connecting Stapleton House with South Street. The top left hand corner bears the information: "V C Hall 27 Mar 1882 Young v White, produced to Plt (Plaintiff) on his oral examn. at the trial." 18 x 24.5 cms. The photo is referred to in the Surrey Mirror's report of the Court hearing in its issue of 01 Apr 1882. | |
DM1/12/13/10/41 | Station Approach and Dorking Station, (formerly named Dorking North station), [c.1890s?]-[c.1909?], 4 items | |
DM1/12/13/10/41/1 | Re-photographed image of The Star and Garter Hotel with the station in the background], [c.1890s?] 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/41/2 | Postcard of the entrance to Station Approach showing the Star and Garter Hotel on the right and the station in the distance. A horsebus, thought to be Mansfields of Westcott, stands outside the hotel, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/41/3 | Postcard of the Star and Garter Hotel on the corner of Station Approach with the station in the background, [c.1908?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Copyright: Frith & Co of Reigate. | |
DM1/12/13/10/41/4 | Coloured postcard of the Star and Garter Hotel on the corner of Station Approach with the station in the background, [c.1909?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Postmarked from Dorking on 22 Sep 1909 and addressed to Miss Fosker of 118 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London by a sender with the initials W.H. Published by the Photochrom Co. London. | |
DM1/12/13/10/42 | Colour photographs of seven different paintings of Parsonage Mill and mill yard off Station Road and one painting of the view from Ranmore looking towards Dorking, 8 items. The style indicates that they are all by the same unidentified artist. Date of original paintings [c.1820s?], 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43 | Photographs of Station Road including Parsonage Mill and the Railway Hotel, [c.1890s?]-[c.1950?], 8 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/1 | Re-photographed image of Taylor & Brookers timber yard near Dorking Town station, [c.1890s?], 8 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/2 | Re-photographed image of Parsonage Mill, Station Road, [c.1900?], 17.5 x 23.5 cms. Shows several mill workers and sacks being loaded onto a horse drawn wagon. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/3 | Close up of the exterior of Parsonage Mill, [c.1950?], 25 x 20 cms. Shows one of the millstones leaning against the outside wall. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/4 | Re-photographed image of buildings near the entrance of Dorking Gas Works, Station Road, [c.1900?], 21 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/5 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard of the Railway Hotel in Station Road, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 14 cms. A building to the right of the hotel occupied by A.King, advertises wagonettes and brakes and open and closed carriages and a horse drawn carriage is drawn up outside. A photocopy of the reverse of the original postcard has been attached - addressed to [L?] Dowking and J Tahle at 53 Mess, RN Barracks at Chatham and sent by Nellie who writes to let them know that "Rawson got in by a majority of 2,624." The card was postmarked from Dorking on 25 Jan 1910 and must refer to the victory of Colonel Richard Hamilton Rawson (1863-1918), the candidate in the 1910 General Election campaign for the Reigate constituency, which then included Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/6 | Re-photographed image of a horse bus in Station Road, [c.1910?], 13 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/7 | Photograph mounted on card of H G Kingham's grocery warehouse in Station Road, [c.1910?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/43/8 | Floods in Station Road, 25 Jun 1935, 7 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/44 | Vincent Lane, (c.1840?)-[c.1890s?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/44/1 | Black and white photograph of a drawing or painting of the Vicarage in VIncent Lane. Artist - John Beckett, (1799-1864). Date of painting [c.1840?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/44/2 | Vincents Lane, [c.1880?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/44/3 | Dorking Vicarage on the corner of Vincent Lane, taken from the Westcott Road, [c.1890s?], 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/45 | Photograph mounted on card of Mary, Eleanor and Emily Gumbrell learning to ride a bicycle in Vincent Road, [c.1898?], 7 x 10 cms. The 1911 census shows two sisters, Mary (b. c.1859) and Eleanor Gumbrell (b. c.1863) living at 106 High Street, Mary being a ladies outfitter and Eleanor a "maker of millinery." | |
DM1/12/13/10/46 | Photographs of West Street, (c.1830s?)-[c.1950s?], 5 files. These include: general street scenes (c.1830s?)- [c.1930?]; the Congregational Church, (1825)-[c.1920s?]; the forge or smithy at Star Corner, [c.1890?]-1930; The Kings Arms inn, [c.1910?]-[c.1930?]; and Star Corner, [c.1910?]-[c.1950s?]. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1 | General street scenes including close-ups of specific premises in West Street, (c.1830s?)- 1930, 17 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864), which shows West Street looking east with Clarendon House on the right and the Star Inn on the left, [c.1830s?], 14.5 x 20 cms. The original painting is in Dorking Museum's collection of artwork. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/2 | Black and white photograph of a painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864), which looks down West Street from Pump Corner, with the Queens Arms on the right, [c.1830s?], 14.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/3 | Black and white image of a painting by the Dorking artist John Beckett (1799-1864), looking west along West Street, [c.1840?], 16 x 21 cms. Clarendon House can be seen on the left with the Old Smithy opposite. The original painting is now thought to be lost. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/4 | Photograph mounted on card which shows a close-up of the draper's shop of T W & W A Marsh on the corner of West Street and North Street, [c.1860s?], 10 x 9 cms. The shop on the left is of Mrs M A Robertson, cooper and basket maker. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/5 | Photograph mounted on card of Clarendon House Mathematical and Commercial School, West Street, with several pupils and staff standing outside, [c.1860s?], 15 x 20 cms. The school closed in 1883 when the Rev P R Atkinson started up Dorking High School for Boys in the upper south room of the Public Hall in the following year. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/6 | Photograph mounted on card with a view of West Street looking east, [c.1880s?], 10 x 14.5 cms. The image is rather faded. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/7 | West Street looking east, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The Rose and Crown Inn can be seen on the right and the Bell Inn, centre left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/8 | A view of West Street facing the bottom of Junction Road, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/9 | West Street looking east with the Star Inn on the left, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/10 | Re-photographed image showing two women with a barrel organ. The location is thought to be at the smithy opposite Clarendon House, West Street, [c.early 1900s?], 15 x 20 cms. One of the women is holding out a card which says "Reservist." The costume would date this nearer to the early 1900s than the 1st World War. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/11 | Re-photographed image looking west along West Street near the junction with North Street on the right, [c.1910?], 10 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/12 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of the premises of R J Cook, fishmongers and poulterers at 12 and 13 West Street, 1911, 14 x 20 cms. Two members of staff are standing outside and the shop has an extensive (Christmas?) display. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/13 | Re-photographed image of workmen at the furnace of the Dorking Foundry, [c.1918-1920?], 11 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/14 | Re-photographed image of West Street looking west, [c.1925?], 14.5 x 20.5 cms. The Bell Hotel is on the right and the premises of A Eade & Son, furniture dealers, on the left. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/15 | Re-photographed image of West Street looking west, [c.1925?], 15 x 20 cms. The premises of W L Bodman and the Dorking Foundry, (site of the present Dorking Museum), is on the right, with the Bell Inn further down on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/16 | The rear of No 9 West Street, 1930, 5 x 7.5 cms. The premises have since been re-built. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/1/17 | The rear of No 9 West Street, [c.1930s?], 8 x 5.5 cms. Taken on a different occasion to that shown at DM1/12/13/10/46/1/16. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2 | Photographs of the Congregational Church in West Street, (1825)-1910, 7 items. The Congregational Church in Dorking was founded in 1662. Worshippers originally met in the houses of local ministers but from 1695 they met in a barn on Butter Hill. Growing numbers led to the building of a new meeting house, known as the Independent Chapel, on the site of the present church in 1719. This was replaced by the present building in 1834 to a design by the local architect and builder William Shearburn. In 1972 the Congregational Church in England and Wales combined with the Presbyterian Church of England to form the United Reformed Church. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting by J. Hasson of the Independent Meeting House in West Street, 1825, 10 x 15.5 cms. This building was replaced by the present United Reformed Church in 1834. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/2 | Black and white photograph taken from an illustration in an unknown publication which shows a drawing of the home of Mrs Mary Alexander, "an eminent Christian and a succourer of many distinguished ministers of the gospel," who died 26 Mar 1833 aged 92. The house was on the site of the present Congregational Church in West Street, According to David Knight's information: "When the Church was rebuilt in 1834, Joshua Wilson gave up the house to improve the approach and give publicity to the structure." Date of original illustration: [c.1850s?], 11 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/3 | A close up of the Congregational Church in West Street, [c.1860s?], 14.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/4 | Re-photographed image of the Congregational Church in West Street, [c.1890?], 15 x 20 cms. This was before the church hall was built on the right. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/5 | Postcard image showing a large congregation of men emerging from the Congregational Church [c.1910?], 14 x 9 cms. A small insert at the bottom carries the message "Dorking Mens Own - A Happy New Year" with the name of the minister Tom R Grantham, whose photograph is inset in the top right hand corner. Dorking Mens Own was a Sunday afternoon church meeting open to all men over the age of 17. It also organised social events. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 07 Nov 1903) | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/6 | Photograph mounted on card which shows members of the Dorking Mens' Own Society Orchestra, Apr 1910, 24.5 x 29.5 cms. The location is thought to be outside the Congregational Church. Photographer: Samuel Yeo of Dorking. Top row from left: F. Weller (pianist), J Lucas, A Waterman, M. Mansfield, E Snelling, G Heselgrave. Middle row: F Chalcraft, T Borer, Upfold, F Child, G Snelling (conductor), H Freelove, C Sparks, T Peters, T Langdon (doublebass). Bottom row: A W Eade (aged 12), C Peters Snr, Charles H Peters Jnr, A Bowshall, D Hunter, F Smith. Chas Peters (1890-1968) was an accomplished musician and composer. His father, also Charles Peters was a West Street hair dresser and an amateur musician who played the violin in the Mens' Own Orchestra. His son joined the orchestra at about the age of 12. Within a few years he became the leader under the conductorship of Mr George Snelling. (Information supplied by David Knight from the Dorking Advertiser of 1968). | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/2/7 | Postcard which shows Dorking Mens Own Orchestra with their instruments outside the Congregational Church in West Street, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The group is 30 strong and includes one woman. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/3 | Views of the forge or smithy at Star Corner, West Street, [c.1890?]-1930, 5 items. The forge was demolished in the early part of the 20th century. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/3/1 | Re-photographed image of Henry Dobson, blacksmith outside the forge, opposite Clarendon House, West Street, [c.1890?], 15 x 17.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/3/2 | Close-up of the blacksmith's forge at Star Corner, West Street, [c.1890s?], 8 x 11.5 cms. Several bystanders are at the side of the building and a horse and a rider are at the front. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/3/3 | Black and white photograph of a water colour painting showing the forge at Star Corner in West Street. Date of painting [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/3/4 | Close up of the Smithy opposite Clarendon House, [c.1920?], 12.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/3/5 | Site of the old forge or smithy in West Street, 1930, 8 x 5.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/4 | Views of the Kings Arms inn in West Street, [c.1910?]-[c.1930?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/4/1 | A close-up of the Kings Arms in West Street, [c.1910?], 11 x 13cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/4/2 | Re-photographed image of the Kings Arms in West Street, taken from the corner of Junction Road, [c.1910?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/4/3 | The Kings Arms with the premises of S J Clear (Electrical and Radio Engineers) on the right, [c.1930?], 9.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/4/4 | A close-up of the Kings Arms, [c.1930?], 7 x 10.5 cms Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/5 | Photographs of Star Corner, West Street, [c.1910?]-[c.1950s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/5/1 | A view taken from Westcott Road of Star Corner with the Star Inn, centre right, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/46/5/2 | Close up showing the door to the Public bar of the Star Inn and the signboard above, [c.1950s?] 10 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/47 | Westcott Road, Dorking, [c.1905?]-1982, 2 files. | |
DM1/12/13/10/47/1 | General street views of Westcott Road, [c.1905?]-1926, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/13/10/47/1/1 | Coloured post card of Westcott Road, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Dorking on 18 Dec 1908, the card was used as a birthday card and sent to Miss Fosker at Tillingbourne House, Wotton. | |
DM1/12/13/10/47/1/2 | Faded photograph of Westcott Road, 18 Jan 1926, 7.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/13/10/47/2 | Colour photographs of Milton Brook Cottage, Westcott Road, 1982, 2 items, 12.5 x 17.5 cms. Taken by the estate agents Messrs Crow of Dorking for sales purposes. | |
DM1/12/14 | Epsom High Street with the clock tower in the centre, [c.1920s/], 8 x 5.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/15 | Photographs of Gomshall, [c.1880?]-1965, 3 files and 1 item. The views include those of the Black Horse inn, [c.1880?]-[c.1920s?]; trains at or near Gomshall station, 1956-1965, a major rail accident in 1904 and a view of Gomshall mill, [c.early 1900s?]. | |
DM1/12/15/1 | Re-photographed images of the Black Horse inn at Gomshall, [c.1880?]-[c.1920s?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/15/1/1 | The Black Horse, Gomshall with 2 horse drawn wagons or delivery lorries outside, [c.1880?], 20 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/1/2 | Image taken from an old post card of the Black Horse inn looking towards the direction of Guildford, [c.1900?], 12.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/1/3 | Image taken from an old postcard which shows the Black Horse inn with a motor bus and two cars of the period outside, [c.1920s?], 13 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/2 | Re-photographed images of trains at or near Gomshall station, 1956-1965, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/15/2/1 | Re-photographed image taken from the front cover of the programme for the Model Railway and Hobby Show at Dorking in 1971 which shows the Redhill to Reading train at Gomshall, 1956, 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/2/2 | Image which shows the Western Region train No 7829 "Ramsbury Manor," approaching Gomshall with the 11.35 Redhill to Reading Southern train on 28 Dec 1965, during the last week of steam operation of the line, 9.5 x 17 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/3 | Re-photographed images of a major rail accident at Gomshall, 20 Feb 1904, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/15/3 ctd | The engine of a troop train carrying a draft of the Northumberland Fusiliers became de-railed when running through Gomshall station, on its journey from Gravesend to Southampton. It eventually collided with the coaches which had kept to the rails. The driver and firemen of the train and four soldiers were injured. (Source: http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk/docsummary.php?docID=2203 -accessed Dec 2017). | |
DM1/12/15/3/1 | A view of the wrecked train carriages following the accident just outside Gomshall station, 20 Feb 1904. Several men and boys are looking on. 17 x 24 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/3/2 | Another view of the train accident at Gomshall, 1904. The large number of onlookers include many members of the military with other men, women and children, 12.5 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/12/15/4 | Postcard of Gomshall mill with several children standing in the Tillingbourne stream in the foreground, [c.early 1900s?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Pub by Francis Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/16 | Headley Rectory, 07 Jul 1944, 3 items. 8 x 10.5 cms. Showing damage caused by a flying bomb which had been dropped a few days earlier on 02 Jul 1944. | |
DM1/12/17 | Views of Holmbury St Mary, [c.1890?]-[c.1960?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/17/1 | Re-photographed image taken from a glass negative which shows a pony and cart in a street at Holmbury St Mary with cottages on either side, [c.1890?], 12.5 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/12/17/2 | Re-photographed image at the same location as DM1/12/17/1, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Pencilled on the reverse is "near the Volunteer at Little Sutton, Holmbury." | |
DM1/12/17/3 | Postcard of the Post Office at Holmbury St Mary, [c.1905?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Published by H. Bullen, Holmbury St Mary. | |
DM1/12/17/4 | Re-photographed image of a coach operated by the Brown Motor Services Company on a route to Holmbury St Mary, [c.1960?]. 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: N. Hamshere of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/18 | Photographs of Holmwood, [c.1860s?]-[c.1930s?], 7 files and 3 items. These inlude Holmwood businesses, [c.1922?]-[c.1930?]; Holmwood events, 1876-1911; Holmwood Fire Brigade, [c.1910?]- [c.1930?]; general scenic views of Holmwood, [c.1860s?]- [c.1930s?]; St John's Church, North Holmwood, 1875-1890; St Mary Magdalen Church, South Holmwood, [c.1860s?]; and Holmwood schools and youth organisations, [c.1910?]-[c.1920s?]. | |
DM1/12/18/1 | A six man crew of the Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) sub-station at South Holmwood. Behind them is a converted car which carries a ladder and would also have been used for towing a trailer pump, [c.1940?], 5.5 x 8cms. The AFS sub-station had no connection with the village fire brigade in Holmwood which had been disbanded in 1930. (See: DM1/12/18/4). Its members assisted with the activities of Dorking Fire Brigade and the unit at South Holmwood was one of several AFS sub-stations in the Dorking area. All fire services including the AFS were absorbed into the National Fire Service on its creation in Aug 1941. | |
DM1/12/18/2 | Holmwood Businesses, [c.1922-c.1930], 1 file and 1 item | |
DM1/12/18/2/1 | Photographs of a steam lorry used by the haulage contractor, Harry Leggett of North Holmwood, [c.1922?-c.1930?], 3 items. The same lorry is thought to feature in all three photographs. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that it was manufactured by Foden and bought for £25. It was later sold to Smith's the fairground business for £50. | |
DM1/12/18/2/1/1 | Re-photographed image which shows Harry Legett's steam lorry with four employees at Dorking Brickyard, [c.1922?], 13 x 20 cms. From left: Percy Skilton, Harry Leggett, Alf Knight (d.1976), (the uncle of David Knight); and Stan Racey who according to notes on the reverse, later drowned in one of the London docks. | |
DM1/12/18/2/1/2 | Harry Leggett's steam lorry at Holmwood[c.1930?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/2/1/3 | Harry Leggett's steam lorry at Holmwood, [c.1930?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/2/2 | Photograph mounted on card of a large group of workers at Dorking Brickworks, North Holmwood, [c.1930?], 13.5 x 36 cms. The group includes include Ted Turner of Westcott (d. Apr 1985 aged 83), Alf Knight, (Uncle of David Knight), William Steadman, (grandfather of David Knight), and William Steadman Jnr. | |
DM1/12/18/3 | Holmwood Events, 1876-1911, 1 file and 1 item. These include photographs of a monoplane which landed at Holmwood Farm during the Circuit of Europe Air Race, 03 Jul 1911 and on of a review of the 2nd Army Corps at Holmwood Common, 1876. | |
DM1/12/18/3/1 | Re-photographed image which shows a review by the Duke of Cambridge of the 2nd Army Corps at Holmwood Common, 17 Jul 1876, 11.5 x 16.5 cms. Photographer of original: W. Usherwood of Dorking. This was an inspection of the 1st Brigade of General McMurdo's Division which numbered about 3,000 men and took place in the Marquis of Blandford's Park. (Source: Reading Mercury 22 Jul 1876). The formations which can be identified include: the Armagh Monaghans on the left; the Royal Perthshire Rifles and the Renfrewshire Militia in the centre and the Prince Regent's Royal Regiment of Ayr and Wigtown Militia on the right. Also attached is a news cutting [from the Dorking Advertiser?] with a letter discussing the event from Bill Smith, [c.1980s?] | |
DM1/12/18/3/2 | Photographs of a Robert Esnault Peltarie monoplane which landed at Holmwood Farm during the Circuit of Europe Air Race on 03 Jul 1911, 6 items. The pilot, Gilbert, who was flying from Shoreham to Hendon stopped at Holmwood for minor repairs although the wings had to be taken off to get the plane up the lanes. It took off again from the cricket field behind the church. Of 52 entrants only 9 planes finished and Gilberts was the only one to do so without major repairs. One of David Knight's contacts, Ken Harris of Westcott (1899-1973), witnessed the event - according to him the pilot couldn't speak English, so the French cook at the Falkland Arms in Dorking acted as an interpreter | |
DM1/12/18/3/2/1 | Re-photographed image of a large group of onlookers at Gilbert's monoplane, 1911, 15 x 20.5 cms. Photographer of copy: John Mitchell from the original taken by his father. The plane can only just be seen middle left. | |
DM1/12/18/3/2/2 | Re-photographed image from a glass plate negative originally taken by the father of John Mitchell. Shows another close up of the monoplane, with a crowd at close quarters, 1911, 15.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/3/2/3 | Re-photographed image from a glass plate negative which shows a close up of the monoplane with a crowd on either side, 1911, 11.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/3/2/4 | Photograph pasted on card with a close up of the monoplane, 1911, 11 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: William Smith of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/18/3/2/5 | Re-photographed image of the monoplane at the back of North Holmwood Church, 1911, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/3/2/6 | Re-photographed image of a postcard which shows the monoplane with a policeman in the centre of the onlookers, 1911, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/4 | Re-photographed images of Holmwood Fire Brigade, [c.1910?]- [c.1930?], 3 items. The Brigade was first formed in 1909 and was disbanded in 1930 . | |
DM1/12/18/4/1 | Members of Holmwood Fire Brigade aboard their horse-drawn manual fire engine; [c.1910?], 12.5 x 17.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/4/2 | Holmwood Fire Brigade at drill, pumping water from Four Wents Pond using a converted Model T Ford as a fire engine, [c.1928?], 14 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/4/3 | Members of Holmwood Fire Brigade with their converted Model T Ford, [c.1930?], 8 x 11 cms. Photographer: J W Moorhouse of Dorking. Those identified inlcude T E Bassett; L. Jupp; G. Francis MM; J. Humphries, A. Knowles; W. Reynolds; G. Peters; R. Larkin (Supt); C. Tuppen (Foreman); G. Kingham (Chief Officer); W. Smith (Callboy); W. Worsfold (Callboy); C A Worsfold (callboy); J Turner (Asst Engineer); C W Parsons (Fireman) Holmwood Fire Brigade held their final drill night in Apr 1930. | |
DM1/12/18/5 | General scenic views of Holmwood, [c.1860s?]- [c.1930s?], 11 items. | |
DM1/12/18/5/1 | Re-photographed image of a view looking towards Holmwood Windmill which can be seen in the distance, [c.1860s?], 8.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/5/2 | Re-photographed image of the windmill opposite the Holly and Laurel inn at Holmwood, [c.1870s?], 8 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/5/3 | Re-photographed image of the road past Holmwood windmill, [c.1870?], 14.5 x 20.5 cms. Photographer: William Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/18/5/4 | The Royal Oak inn, Chart Lane South, Stonebridge,North Holmwood, with several men standing outside, [c.1900?], 11 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/5/5 | Postcard of a view at South Holmwood looking north west from the site of the war memorial, [c.early 1900s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Addressed to Mrs Hallett, Elm Cottage, Worthing Road, Smithwater, Horsham by E.C. Postmarked Southwick, Sussex,26 Sep 1906. | |
DM1/12/18/5/6 | Postcard of Holmwood Memorial and Post Office, [c.1910?], 9 x 14 cms. Copyright: Francis Frith & Co of Reigate. | |
DM1/12/18/5/7 | A coloured postcard with a view of South Holmwood, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Fields "Surrey Series" No 180. Addressed to Miss E. Collyer, Easthampstead Cottage Laundry, Wokingham, Berks by "Nellie." | |
DM1/12/18/5/8 | Re-photographed image of the garage next to the Norfolk Arms, Holmwood, wth a model T Ford car drawn up outisde, [c.early 1920s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/5/9 | A view of Spook Hill and Willow Green, North Holmwood, [c.1930?], 7.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/5/10 | The Royal Oak public house, Stonebridge with snow on the ground, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/5/11 | Re-photographed image of Holmesdale Road with the chimney of the North Holmwood Brickyard in the distance, [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/6 | St John's Church, North Holmwood, 1875-1890, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/18/6/1 | An exterior close-up of St John's Church, 1875, 17.5 x 24 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood. | |
DM1/12/18/6/2 | The exterior of St John's Church, 1875, 17 x 24 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/6/3 | Close up of the exterior of St John's Church, 1890, 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/7 | St Mary Magdalen Church, South Holmwood, [c.1860s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/18/7/1 | St Mary Magdalene Church, South Holmwood, showing the tower and south door, [c.1860s?], 14.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/7/2 | Photograph on card of South Holmwood Church, [c.1867?], 10.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/18/8 | Holmwood Schools and Youth Organisations, [c.1910?]-[c.1920s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/18/8/1 | Re-photographed image which shows a class of North Holmwood school children, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. The outside location is unknown. | |
DM1/12/18/8/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a large group of Holmwood and Westcott Boy Scouts, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/19 | International Views, 1911-1983, 4 items. Arranged in order of the country. | |
DM1/12/19/1 | Photograph taken in Montreal, Canada of a family of 5 people in a large, early car outside a rural home, 1911, 8 x 13.5 cms. The exact location is unknown. | |
DM1/12/19/2 | The devastation after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in Japan, taken shortly after 06 Aug 1945. 7.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/19/3 | Cutting from an unknown magazine which shows a lithograph of a painting by Cadolle of Red Square, Moscow in the nineteenth century with St Basil's Cathedral in the middle distance and the Kremlin on the right. Source of illustration: Laurence Kelly's "Moscow: a traveller's companion pub 1983. | |
DM1/12/19/4 | Cutting which shows a black and white illustration of an oil painting by G G Chernetsov of a military parade in the Kremlin, 1839. From the same source as DM1/12/19/3. | |
DM1/12/20 | Commemorative plaque in a wall at Young Street, Leatherhead which records that the street was built by a company of Canadian engineers and named after their commanding officer and also that the road was opened on 28 Aug 1941 by the Rt Hon W M Lyon Mackenzie King, Prime Minister of Canada. 13 x 8.5 cms. Date of photo: [c.late 1980s?] | |
DM1/12/21 | Views of Leith Hill, [c.1870?]-[c.1930?], 19 items. | |
DM1/12/21/1 | Photograph mounted on card of Leith Hill Tower and the summit of Leith Hill, [c.1870?], 10 x 14.5 cms. Photographer: A. Seeley, Richmond Hill. | |
DM1/12/21/2 | Photograph mounted on card of a man and boy on a pathway in the midst of woods thought to be in the Friday Street and Leith Hill area, [c.1870s?], 11 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/3 | Photograph of Leith Hill Tower and the summit of the hill, [c.1880?], 13.5 x 19 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/4 | A view of Leith Hill seen in the distance from Jayes Park, Ockley, [c.1880s?], 10 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/5 | Re-photographed image of Henry Roffey's shop at Campfield House, Leith Hill, [c.1890s], 16 x 21 cms. The signboard shows that he was a grocer, draper, baker, and confectioner with another shop at Coldharbour. He had been "established over 100 years." | |
DM1/12/21/6 | Postcard showing Leith Hill tower with many daytrippers, [c.1890?]. Copyright: F Frith & Co, Reigate, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/7 | Re-photographed image of Leith Hill Tower from the summit, [c.1890s?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/21/8 | Photograph of Leith Hill Tower and the summit of the hill with a group of ladies picnicing in the foreground, [c.1890s?], 4.5 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/9 | Re-photographed image showing the summit of Leith Hill and the tower, [c.1900?], 16 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/10 | Re-photographed image of a group of visitors at the summit of Leith Hill with the tower in the background, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 15 cms. Those identified include Mrs Rose (Back row 3rd from left. Miss Mundy, 4th from left; Miss Hallwood, 5th from left. In the front row 1st and 2nd from the left are Mr and Mrs George Bird | |
DM1/12/21/11 | Leith Hill Tower, with the lower half surrounded by scaffolding, [c.1900?], 10 x 7 cms. Photographer: W J Rose of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/21/12 | Postcard showing Leith Hill and the tower, [c.1900?]. Postmarked from Coldharbour on 28 Sep 1904. 8.5 x 14 cms. Addressed to: Miss Lottie Cover at Grove Cottage, Westcott from Hubert informing her of an intended visit. | |
DM1/12/21/13 | Postcard showing the path leading to the summit of Leith Hill with the tower at the top, [c.1900?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Postmarked from Leatherhead on 10 Oct 1905 and addressed to Miss [Parvis?] at 7 Kingston Road, Leatherhead without any accompanying message. | |
DM1/12/21/14 | Re-photographed image of the bonfire at Leith Hill made to celebrate the coronation of Edward VII in 1902, 15.5 x 21 cms. A group of men who have built the bonfire are standing in the front with a horse and farm cart on the right. Those identified include: from the left: Mr Francis, Walter Baker, Tim Fuller, A. Holland (Toby), Arthur Childs, unknown, Mr Bates Snr, and Icky Spratley. The photo was obtained from Mr Bates Jnr. | |
DM1/12/21/15 | Postcard showing Leith Hill Tower postmarked 01 Sep 1904 and addressed to Miss Lottie Cover at Grove Cottage, Westcott from Hubert who apologises for not visiting the day before as it was "too wet." 9 x 14 cms | |
DM1/12/21/16 | Re-photographed image of a postcard which shows the bonfire at the top of Leith Hill built for the coronation of George V in 1911. Ladders have been placed at the side with several people still adding to the top of it. 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/21/17 | Postcard showing the scarp slope of Leith Hill with the tower at the top, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: Photochrom Co Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. | |
DM1/12/21/18 | Postcard of Leith Hill Tower, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Judges' Ltd, Hastings. | |
DM1/12/21/19 | Postcard of the view from Leith Hill, [c.1930?], 8.5. x 13.5 cms. Published by Judges Ltd, Hastings. | |
DM1/12/22 | Photographs of early 19th century Mantraps, Spring guns, and other Curios, [c.1980s?], 2 files and 1 item. These relate to items outside the Dorking area - at Torquay Museum, Devon and at Clandon Park, Surrey. | |
DM1/12/22/1 | Set of colour photographs taken at Torquay Museum showing displays of mantraps and spring guns from the early 19th century, [c.1980s?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/22/2 | Colour photographs of early 19th century mantraps, at Clandon Park House, West Clandon, [c.1980s?], 10 x 12 cms. 2 items | |
DM1/12/22/3 | Colour photograph of a cast iron notice which warns that "any person willfully injuring any part of this County [Middlesex] bridge will be guilty of felony and upon conviction liable to be transported for life," [dated c.1830s?]. Date of photograph [c.1970s?], 10 x 12.5 cms. The original location of the notice is unknown except that the word Middlesex appears in large letters at the top of it and must therefore have come from somewhere on the borders of that county . | |
DM1/12/23 | Photographs of maps of locations in Surrey including Dorking, [late 16th century]-[late 18th century], 4 items | |
DM1/12/23/1 | Colour photograph of part of the detail of a map of Shamley Green, Surrey, dated 1640 by Nicholas Lane. The wording on the map is too small to read. [c.1980s]? 12 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/23/2 | Colour photograph showing detail from a late 16th century map of Pyrford, Surrey. Name of the mapmaker: unknown. 16.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/23/3 | Photograph taken from a map of Surrey of 1762 showing Dorking and Westcott, 16 x 11.5 cms. The mapmaker's name is unknown. | |
DM1/12/23/4 | Colour photograph of a section of a map which shows the town centre of Dorking, extending as far as Betchworth Castle and Castle mill at the top, Deepdene in the centre and Parsonage Mill, [late 18th century?] Mapmaker unknown, 21. 5 x 16.5 cms | |
DM1/12/24 | Photographs of Mickleham, [c.1870s?]-[c.1980s?], 2 files. These inlcude general views of the village, [c.1870s?]-[c.1980s?]; and those of St Michael's Parish Church and Churchyard, [c.1870s?]-[c.1980s?]. | |
DM1/12/24/1 | General views of Mickleham, 1899-1920, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/24/1/1 | Re-photographed image of the Boxhill 'Rocket' coach drawn by four horses outside Mickleham Hall, 1899, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/24/1/2 | Postcard of West Lodge, Mickleham with a bridge over the river on the right, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Abinger Common on 04 Apr 1910 and addressed to H A Boxall, the Cold School House, Holt, Norfolk, from an unknown sender. | |
DM1/12/24/1/3 | Re-photographed image showing 14 members of the Mickleham Parish Council Fire Brigade, [c.1910?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. The Brigade was established in 1902 with a Chief Officer, Second Officer and 16 men. (Dorking Advertiser 03 May 1902). As a small parish fire brigade they operated with only a hose cart, with the hose being attached directly to the fire hydrant. Their hose cart can be seen in the picture. Most village fire brigades were phased out with the arrival of motor fire engines which meant that they could then rely on the attendance of fire appliances from Dorking reaching them far more quickly than horsed transport. Mickleham Brigade's equipment including an "engine" was advertised for sale in the Dorking Advertiser in 1930 which indicates that they may eventually have obtained a manual fire engine and must have disbanded about this time. | |
DM1/12/24/1/4 | Re-photographed image of a steam tractor and a team of six horses in a field at Mickleham on the site of where the present bypass now stands, 1920, 8 x 13 cms. Mr Berry on far right | |
DM1/12/24/2 | Photographs of St Michael's Parish Church and Churchyard, Mickleham, [c.1870s?]-[c.1980s?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/24/2/1 | The tower and west door of St Michael's Church, Mickleham, [c.1870s?], 14.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/24/2/2 | Colour postcard with a close up of the tower and spire of Mickleham Church, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Pub by Christian Novels Publishing Co. | |
DM1/12/24/2/3 | Colour photograph of a copper plate which bears the image of an early monoplane and marks the grave of Graham Gilmour, (1885-1912) in Mickleham Churchyard,[c.1980s?], 16.5 x 11.5 cms. . Gilmour was an early aviator and was killed when his Martin-Handasyde monoplane suffered a structural failure and crashed in the Old Deer Park at Richmond in 1912. | |
DM1/12/25 | Photographs and postcards of wind and water mills outside the Dorking area, [c.1890?]-[c.1950s?], 45 items. Although outside the Dorking area, most are in Surrey and a few beyond the county boundaries. Arrangement: in order of location. David Knight would seem to have had an interest in collecting views of the mills that featured in the records he had collected in connection with the Dorking corndealers, J & W Attlee. See DM1/14. | |
DM1/12/25/1 | Postcard of Charlwood windmill, [c.ealy 1900s?], 12 x 8.5 cms. Postmarked from Crawley, 15 May (1905?). Addressed to the Misses Lansdell, 2 Holmesfield Villas, Streatham High Road, London with no message. | |
DM1/12/25/2 | Postcard of the rear of Charlwood mill which shows a horse drawn delivery cart of M King, corn dealer of Charlwood outside, [c.early 1900s?], 14 x 9 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co. Postmarked from Horley on 17 Nov 1906, the card is addressed to Miss G Lee, of 13 Post Office Road, Crawley, and sent by Wilf arranging to meet. | |
DM1/12/25/3 | Postcard of Abbey Mills, Chertsey, [c.1906?], 8 x 14 cms. Postmarked Chertsey, 10 Aug 1907 and addressed to Mr F J Heath, Ivy Place, 21 St Peters Road, Wokingham, Berks by a sender with the initials V H. | |
DM1/12/25/4 | Coloured postcard of the watermill at Cobham, Surrey, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The name of Henry Moore & Son, millers, and corn and seed merchants is on the side of the building. | |
DM1/12/25/5 | Coloured postcard of the windmill on Coulsdon Common, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by W A Field, South Norwood, London. | |
DM1/12/25/6 | Postcard of the old mill at Waddon, Croydon, [c.1906?], 9 x 14 cms. Pub by H M & Co, London. Postmarked from Farnham on 06 Jul 1907 and addressed to Miss Richardson at 4 Rectory Place, Portsmouth Road, Guildford by Mabel thanking her for a parcel. | |
DM1/12/25/7 | Postcard of the watermill at Dunsfold, [c.early 1900s?], 8 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/25/8 | Postcard of Elstead watermill, [c.1930s?], 8 x 13 cms. Copyright: Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/25/9 | Hand coloured postcard of the Mill pond at Ewell, [c.1900?}, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked London SE Aug 18 1906 and addressed to Mrs Cassell, (Flora) 26 Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London from Maud inviting her to stay. | |
DM1/12/25/10 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of Ewhurst windmill with three lady cyclists standing beside it on the left, [c.1895?], 25.5 x 20 cms. Ellen, the wife of Walter Rose, the Westcott photographer is on the left. | |
DM1/12/25/11 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of Ewhurst windmill from a different angle and with the three lady cyclists now in the centre, [c.1895?], 25.5 x 20 cms. Ellen, the wife of the Westcott photographer, Walter Rose, is sitting on the left. | |
DM1/12/25/12 | Postcard of Ewhurst windmill, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked Bramley 1912 and addressed to Master L Creigh, 79 Melrose Avenue, Mitcham. Surrey by A Timms thanking him for his post card. | |
DM1/12/25/13 | Postcard of the windmill at Pitch Hill, Ewhurst, 1925, 9 x 14 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. Postmarked from Cranleigh in 1932 and addressed to Miss Norah Wiles at Higham, Burgess Hill, Sussex by Ivy, arranging to meet in Horsham. | |
DM1/12/25/14-15 | Remains of the mechanism from Glynde windpump, Sussex [c.1980s?]12.5 x 8.5 cms. 2 items | |
DM1/12/25/16 | Postcard of Ivy mill, Godstone, 1898, 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked South Godstone, 1914 and addressed to Miss L G (Wilson?), Northern House, South Parade, Summertown by Pam advising of her safe arrival at Bletchingley. 9 x 14 cms. Published: F Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/17 | Coloured post card of Leigh Mill, Godstone, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked Godstone, date illegible. Addressed to Mr E (Sarfleet?) at 18 Halford Road, North End Road, Fulham by his son or daughter, signing as "W" who writes to tell him of the safe arrival of a parcel. Copyright: F Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/18 | Coloured postcard of Stoke Mill, Guildford, [c.1906?], 9 x 14 cms. Addressed to Miss J Jessup at the Post Office, Batts Corner, Farnham, by a sender with the initials K C D. It carries 2 postmarks one from Normandy, Surrey of 30 Mar 1907 and the other from Guildford of 30 Mar 1907. Published by the Surrey Pictorial Post Card Company of Guildford, "The Surrey Series." | |
DM1/12/25/19 | Postcard of The Town mill at Guildford, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Addressed to Miss B Quennell, Piccards Cottage, St Catherines, Guildford by Ethel arranging a visit, Published by Boots the chemist. | |
DM1/12/25/20 | Coloured postcard of The Old Mill at Horley, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Published by W Walkins, Stationer of Horley. Postmarked from Horley in 1907 and addressed to Miss M Rise, at 19 Grange Road, Eastbourne, by Gertie who was sending the card for her to add to her collection. | |
DM1/12/25/21 | Coloured postcard of Horsham Town Mill, [c.early 1900s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/22 | Postcard of the mill pond at Leatherhead, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Ashtead in 1905 and addressed to Miss Lodwick at Fosse Andre, Guernsey by M J. | |
DM1/12/25/23 | Postcard of the Mill at Leatherhead, [c.1910?], 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked from Great Bookham and addressed to Mrs Humphreys at 26 Herries Street, Kilburn Lane, London by an unnamed sender who comments that they were expecting 15 students to stay. | |
DM1/12/25/24 | Re-photographed image of Shellwood windmill at Leigh which also shows several people in the foreground and a horse drawn waggon, [c.1904?], 8 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/25/25 | Postcard of Netley mill at Shere, [c.1906?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/25/26 | Postcard of the post mill and smock mill at Outwood, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Produced by H. Camburn of Tunbridge Wells for W. Rice of Outwood Post Office. Postmarked 1924 and addressed to Miss K Lakey, (address illegible) | |
DM1/12/25/27 | Postcard of the Manor Mill Pond at Pirbright, [c.1908?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/28 | Postcard of Heath Mill, Bullswater Common, Pirbright, [c.1914?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Guildford on 29 Apr 1916 and sent to Miss Elsie Candlin, at 78 St James Street, Brighton by Em arranging a future visit. | |
DM1/12/25/29 | Postcard showing the inside of Heath Mill church at Reigate, 1925, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher: F Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/25/30 | Coloured postcard with an external view of Heath Mill Reigate, [c.1910?], 9 x 14cms. Postmarked from Reigate in 1912 and addressed to Mrs [Sadler?] at Undershaw, Hindhead by Edith who informs her that she was enjoying her holiday and was going to London tomorrow. | |
DM1/12/25/31 | Postcard of Wray Common windmill, Reigate, 1893, 8.5 x 14 cms. Postmarked from Nutfield in 1908 and addressed to Mrs Rose at Westcott Street, Dorking by an unnamed sender who thanks her for her postcard and comments on the weather. Mrs Rose was Ellen, the wife of the Westcott photographer Walter Rose. | |
DM1/12/25/32 | Postcard of the windmill at Wray Common, Reigate, [c.1950?], 10 x 14 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/33 | Postcard of Wanford watermill, Rudgwick, Sussex, [c.1950s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/25/34 | Postcard of Salfords mill [c.1906?], 14 x 9 cms. Published by T J Flint, Salfords Store, Horley. Postmarked from Horley in 1907 and addressed to Mr W Jarvis, of 102 Camden Road, Camden Town, London by Dolly at Mill Cottage, Salfords thanking him for cards. | |
DM1/12/25/35 | Postcard of Salfords mill, [c.1907?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Pub By F. Frith & Co. A wider panorama than the last. | |
DM1/12/25/36 | Photocopy of a black and white drawing by G Harper of Salfords mill captioned "floods on the Brighton Road at Salfords Mill." [c.mid 20th cent?], 10.5 x 14 cms. (non-photographic) | |
DM1/12/25/37 | Postcard of Oliver's mill at Shottermill, [c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms. Shows 2 horse drawn wagons in the centre and several workers. Postmarked [Haslemere?] in 1906 it was addressed to Miss F Mearing at Tentercroft, Cuckfield, Sussex by A M at Brownscombe, Shottermill who reported that she had witnessed "a terrible accident with a traction engine where the driver was nearly killed. It was an awful shock." | |
DM1/12/25/38 | Postcard of Bridge Mills, Wallington, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. A large notice on the side of the building advertises the business of C G Smith, hay, straw and corn merchant. Published by T C Holloway,Household Requisite Store,Wallington, Postmarked 1907, and addressed to Mr J Elmer, Contractor at High Street, Mitcham by E G Smith asking him to send an account for everything owing up to 31 Dec 1906. | |
DM1/12/25/39 | Postcard of the Oil mills and lock, Weybridge, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked from Weybridge on 17 Mar 1906 and addressed to Mrs John James, Hatton Road, Harlington, Middlesex by Annie to say when she would be returning home. | |
DM1/12/25/40 | Re-photographed image of Wimbledon windmill, [c.1890?], 21 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/25/41 | Postcard of Enton watermill at Witley, Surrey, with the mill pond in the foreground, [c.1907?]. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/42 | Postcard of Enton watermill at Witley, Surrey, with a close-up of the mill buildings. [c.1907?]. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/25/43 | Postcard of Rickford watermill, Worplesdon, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Woking on 24 Jul 1937. Addressed to Mr J May, Flat 2, 216 Pavilion Road, Chelsea by M Richmond, who was staying 5 minutes walk away from the mill. | |
DM1/12/25/44 | Re-photographed image of an unknown windmill in the Fens, 1920, 15.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/25/45 | Re-photographed image of a tower mill by a river, location unknown, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. Photographed by W J Rose, | |
DM1/12/26 | Views of Newdigate, [c.1890s?]-[c.1924?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/26/1 | Re-photographed copy of an image from an old post card which shows the Surrey Oaks inn at Park Gate, Newdigate, [c.1890s?], 16.5 x 25.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/26/2 | Postcard showing the planting of fruit trees at Cudworth, Newdigate, 1904, 9 x 14 cms. A panel of information at the bottom of the card describes the "Cudworth Colony" as The Garden Village of the Small Holders Association Ltd. Land was sold at £20 to £30 an acre on a ten years system of payment to deserving working men, the object being "to promote the re-population of the land by the provision of small farms in a district in which very little is grown and in which fruit, vegetables, poultry etc are dear." Postmarked from Dorking on 08 Aug 1904 and addressed to Messrs Attlee, Corn Merchants, High Street, Dorking, with an order for barley and oats from Newdigate Rectory. | |
DM1/12/26/3 | Coloured postcard of St Peters Church, Newdigate, 1921, 9 x 14 cms. Published By M Dean, Post Office, Newdigate. | |
DM1/12/26/4 | Postcard which shows Horleys grocery shop opposite the Surrey Oaks inn at Park Gate, 1924, 8 x 13 cms. It became a caf_ in the late 1950s. | |
DM1/12/26/5 | Photograph of an early open top double deck bus run by the East Surrey Bus Company outside the Six Bells Inn at Newdigate, [c.1924?], 15 x 20 cms. The bus was on the S26 route which served Redhill, Reigate, Leigh, Parkgate and Newdigate. | |
DM1/12/27 | Photographs relating to Norbury Park, [c.1784?]-1867, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/27/1 | Photo illustration taken from a catalogue of the Antique Dealers Fair and Exhibition, 1958 which shows a painting by John Hoppner RA, (1758-1810) of William Locke the younger (1767-1847) of Norbury Park. From the Angerstein collection - painted c.1784. 19 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/27/2 | Black and white photograph of a painting which shows a view of Norbury Park from Box Hill. A party of picnicers in the right hand corner. Date of painting [c.1840]. Artist unknown. 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/27/3 | Black and white photograph of a painting which shows a view of Norbury Park from Box Hill. Similar to DM1/12/27/2 but from a different view point. Date of painting [c.1840]. Artist unknown. 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/27/4 | Photograph of a print taken from the Illustrated London News showing the Norbury Tunnel, 14.5 x 21 cms. Date of original print 1867. | |
DM1/12/28 | Photographs of Ockley, [c.1890?]-[c.1920?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/28/1 | Photograph mounted on card which shows a huntsman on horseback and staghounds at an unknown location in the district, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. David Knight has identified the huntsman as "Lee-Steere." probably Henry Lee-Steere, (b. c.1860) of Jayes Park, Ockley and lord of the manor of Ockley. | |
DM1/12/28/2 | Ockley windmill, [c.1900?], 14 x 8.5 cms. This was a smock mill known as Elmer's windmill or Almer's Mill. Almer held the tenure of the land on which the mill is situated in the reign of Eward the Confessor. The mill was first built in 1803 for Robert Harrison of Harley Street, London by Thomas Coldman who then rented the land. The Coldman family remained as millers until the mill went out of use from about 1912. The building then deteriorated and finally collapsed in 1944 leaving only the base. In 2017 work is in progress to restore the mill. (Source: http://www.ockleywindmill.co.uk/Index.htm accessed Dec 2017) | |
DM1/12/28/3 | Coloured postcard of the green and pump at Ockley, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/28/4 | Postcard of the south view of Stone Street at Ockley, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/29 | Photographs of paintings by local artists of subjects not connected to the Dorking area. [c.late 19th cent?]- (1914), 2 files and 2 items. | |
DM1/12/29/1 | Photographs of paintings by Alfred Charles Jerome Collins, (1851-1921) (known as Charles Collins)[late 19th cent?], 2 items. For other material relating to Charles Collins see: R752/4; R752/10; E42/11-12; and H35. For other photographs see: DM1/12/13/5/2/1 and DM1/12/13/7/6. | |
DM1/12/29/1/1 | Black and white photograph of a painting of coastal scenery in Cornwall, 8.5 x 13 cms. Date of painting [c.late 19th cent?]. | |
DM1/12/29/1/2 | Photograph of a painting of a rural cottage in an unknown location, [c.late 19th cent?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/29/2 | Re-photographed image of a photograph of a painting of swallows by George Edward Collins,(1880-1967). Date of painting, 1914,.Date of original photograph, [c.1920s?], 16.5 x 21 cms. Original photographer, W J Rose. George Collins was the third son of Charles Collins (full name Alfred Charles Jerome Collins), referred to at DM1/12/29/1. For other material relating to George Collins see: R736/1; R752 and H35. | |
DM1/12/29/3 | Colour photograph of a painting of Bruges by William Teulon Blandford Fletcher, (1858-1936). Date of painting 1897, 5 x 4.5 cms. Date of photo: [c.1980s?]. For other works by Fletcher see: DM1/13/2/1/2, DM1/13/2/6 and DM1/13/2/4/4. For a photograph of Fletcher see: DM1/12/13/7/7 | |
DM1/12/29/4 | Photographs of paintings by Denham Jordan, [c.late 19th cent?], 3 items. For other records relating to Denham Jordan, (1886-1920) see: R251, E322, H165 and H212. | |
DM1/12/29/4/1 | Photograph of a painting of a dog, [c.late 19th cent?], 3.5 x 4.5 cms | |
DM1/12/29/4/2 | Colour photograph of a painting of polar bears, [c.late 19th cent?], 5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/29/4/3 | Colour photograph of a painting of an elk or moose. [c.late 19h cent?] Date of photo [c.1980s?], 9 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/30 | Photographs of National Personalities, and National Events, [1650]-[c.1980s?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/30/1 | Postcard with a photograph of a painting of Frances Burney, (also known as Fanny Burney), Madame D'Arblay, (1752-1840) by Edward Francis Burney. Date of postcard [c.1980s?], 13 x 10.5 cms. Copyright: National Gallery. Frances Burney was a novelist, diarist and playwright and lived at Camilla Cottage in Westhumble (later known as Camilla Lacey) between 1797 and 1801. The artist Edward Francis Burney, (1760-1848) was her cousin. | |
DM1/12/30/2 | Postcard with a head and shoulders image of Charles Darwin, (1809-1882), from a painting by the Hon. John Collier at the National Gallery. Copyright: National Gallery. [c.1980s?] 15 x 10.5 cms. Darwin often used to visit Leith Hill Place as his sister Caroline was the wife of Josiah Wedgwood who had bought the house in 1847. | |
DM1/12/30/3 | Postcard which shows a water colour portrait of the novelist George Eliot, the pen name of Mary Ann Evans, (1819-1880) by Caroline Bray. Date of portrait: 1842. Date of postcard: late 20th cent, 15 x 10 cms. Copyright: National Portrait Gallery. Notes on the reverse by David Knight indicate that she lived for a short time at Hill Farm. Westcott Common in 1876. | |
DM1/12/30/4 | Postcard with a drawing of George Eliot by Sir F W Burton, 1865. Date of postcard late 20th cent., 14.5 x 10.5 cms. Copyright: National Portrait Gallery. | |
DM1/12/30/5 | Postcard with a photograph of a portrait of the diarist John Evelyn of Wotton, (1620-1706) drawn and engraved by Robert Nanteuil, 1650. Date of postcard late 20th cent, 15 x 11 cms. Copyright: National Portrait Gallery. | |
DM1/12/30/6 | Re-photographed image which shows a group of people watching the passing of Queen Victoria's funeral train at Carshalton, 02 Feb 1901, 11.5 x 16 cms. The train was en route to London hauled by the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway engine No 54 "Empress." The white coach which is 3rd from the engine contains the bier while the Kaiser of Germany was a passenger in the 4th coach. Taken from an original owned by Elsie Elson of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/31 | Views of Polesden Lacey, [c.early 1800s?]-[c.1929?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/31/1 | Cutting [from an auctioneer's catalogue?] containing a black and white photograph of a watercolour by John Varley, (1778-1842,) entitled Polesden Lacey. The view shows the Polesden Lacey estate with the house in the distance. Date of painting [c.early 1800s?]. Date of reproduction: late 20th cent, 7.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/31/2 | Postcard showing the front view of Polesden Lacey, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 12 cms. Copyright; J F Stevens. The card was addressed to Miss F Lewis, Hesperia, Roman Road, Dorking by a sender named Alice. | |
DM1/12/31/3 | Postcard with a view showing the rear of Polesden Lacey in the middle distance, [c.1929?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: F Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/31/4 | Postcard showing a close-up of Polesden Lacey taken from the gardens at the back, [c.1929?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/32 | Photographs of Ranmore and the Denbies Estate, [c.1820?]-[c.1970], 6 files. These include: general views, people and organisations at Ranmore, [c.1920?]-1962; St Barnabus Parish Church, Ranmore, [c.1860s?]-[c.1970?]; wartime activities and Incidents at Ranmore, [c.1940s]; views of Denbies House and Estate, [c.1820?]-[c.1890?]; the Auxeto gramophone concert held in the grounds of Denbies, 19 Aug 1908 and the Denbies Estate Fire Brigade, [c.1910?]. | |
DM1/12/32/1 | Photographs of views, people and organisations at Ranmore, [c.1920?]-1962, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/32/1/1 | A view from Ranmore Common towards Ranmore Church, [c.1920?], 4.5 x 7 cms. The image is small and very dark so that not much of the detail can be seen. The spire of the church is only just visible. | |
DM1/12/32/1/2 | The Covey triplets (b.1923) from Dingle Dell, Ranmore in their pram, [c.1924?}, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/1/3 | Re-photographed image which shows a car in the foreground somewhere on Ranmore, [c.1930s?], 7 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/1/4 | The Ranmore Womens' Institute at a meeting in the old school, Ranmore Common Road, 1962, 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/1/5 | Colour photograph of the old Ranmore Post Office after its conversion to a private house, [c.1970s?], 8.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2 | Photographs of St Barnabus Parish Church, Ranmore, [c.1860s?]-[c.1970?], 8 items. | |
DM1/12/32/2/1 | An exterior view, [c.1860s?], 14.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/2 | An exterior view, [1860s?], 14.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/3 | An exterior view, [c.1870?], 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/4 | An exterior view, [c.1880s?], 13 x 19 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/5 | A postcard showing Ranmore Church with a number of children at play in front of the lych gate, [c.1905?], 9 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/6 | Re-photographed image of the inside of the chancel at Ranmore Church, 1905, 12 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/7 | Exterior of Ranmore Church, [c.1950s?], 13.5 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/2/8 | Colour postcard of the exterior of Ranmore Church, [c.1970?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by the Surrey Federation of Women's Institutes. | |
DM1/12/32/3 | Re-photographed images all mounted on card of Wartime Activities and Incidents at Ranmore, [c.1940s], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/32/3/1 | A large bomb crater on Ranmore Common, [c.1940s?], 15.5 x 25 cms. On the western end of the common, Garlic Cottages can be seen on the right. | |
DM1/12/32/3/2 | A gun pit at the lodge to Denbies on Ranmore Common during the second world war, [c.1940s?], 25 x 17 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/3/3 | A platoon of the Ranmore Home Guard, [c.1943?], 17 x 25 cms. David Knight has added the information that this platoon had the last of the stand down dinners. | |
DM1/12/32/4 | Views of Denbies House and Estate, [c.1820?]-[c.1890?], 7 items | |
DM1/12/32/4/1 | Photograph of a print of the original house at Denbies on top of the hill in the distance with two women and some children in the foreground. Date of original print {c.1820?], 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/4/2 | Denbies mansion house, [1860s?], 10.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/4/3 | The front view of Denbies mansion, [1860s?], 10.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/4/4 | A view from Denbies looking towards Box Hill, [c.1860s?], 10.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/4/5 | Re-photographed image which shows a view at or near Dorking Town railway bridge with a small girl at the gate in the foreground, corn fields beyond and the slopes of Ranmore where the mansion at Denbies can be clearly seen at the top of the hill, [c.1860s], 19 x 24 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/4/6 | Carte de visit which shows Denbies mansion, [c.1870?], 6 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/32/4/7 | Postcard showing the view of Box Hill from Denbies, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Sutton on 29 Aug 1905 and addressed to Miss B Langdon of 19 Vincents Road, Dorking, frm an unknown sender advising her of their safe arrival. | |
DM1/12/32/5 | Views of the Auxeto gramophone concert held in the grounds of Denbies, 19 Aug 1908, 2 items. An Auxeto gramaphone used compressed air and a pneumatic amplifier to amplify the recorded sound. The event was held to raise funds for the Dorking Hospital Saturday Fund and the programme included records by artists such as Nellie Melba, Enrico Caruso, Harry Lauder and the Coldstream Guards Band. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 15 Aug 1908) | |
DM1/12/32/5/1 | Postcard which shows the large outside audience at the Auxeto gramaphone concert at Denbies 19 Aug 1908, 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/32/5/2 | Re-photographed image of the Auxeto Gramaphone concert, 1908, 13.5 x 21 cms. David Knight has copied out the report from the Dorking Advertiser of 15 Aug 1908 on the reverse. | |
DM1/12/32/6 | Photographs of the Denbies Estate Fire Brigade, [c.1910?], 2 items. Large country estates in rural areas where water supplies were often poor, were vulnerable to outbreaks of fire particularly where assistance from the nearest town took some time in the days of horse drawn transport. It was therefore not unusual for them to operate their own private fire brigade. Very little is known about the Denbies brigade apart from these photographs. It was probably disbanded in the 1920s when Dorking Fire Brigade first acquired a motor fire engine. For a photograph of the estate fire brigade at Wotton House see: DM1/12/38/11/6. | |
DM1/12/32/6/1 | Photograph mounted on card which shows the members of Denbies Estate Fire Brigade aboard their manual fire engine, [c.1910?], 14 x 19.5 cms. The senior officer standing beside the engine is believed to be Henry Cubitt. The date of 1904 is painted on the fire engine and might indicate the year that the estate fire brigade was first formed. The date could equally relate to the purchase of the fire engine or the date of its repair. | |
DM1/12/32/6/2 | Another view of the Denbies Fire Brigade, probably taken at the same time as DM1/10/32/6/1. The same Senior officer is this time sitting on the machine, [c.1910?], 14.5 x 20 cms | |
DM1/12/33 | Photographs of Reigate, [c.1908?]-[c.1912?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/33/1 | Re-photographed image which shows Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, (1877-1915), with his coach and four "The Venture" going under the Reigate suspension bridge, [c.1908?], 14.5 x 20.5 cms. An AA patrol man with a bicycle is seen saluting on the left. Photographer: Frith & Co of Reigate. Alfred was a member of the wealthy Dutch-American Vanderbilt family. He was also a sportsman and a business man and had a particular interest in English coaching. For other photographs of "The Venture" see: PALB.2 | |
DM1/12/33/2 | Postcard of "The Old Berkly" coach, owned by Bertram Mills in Bell Street, Reigate. [c.1920], 10.5 x 14 cms. Date of postcard, [c.1970s?] Drawn by 4 horses the coach is shown carrying a full complement of passengers. | |
DM1/12/33/3 | Postcard which shows Superintendent Fred Legg of Reigate Fire Brigade in full uniform, [c.1912?], 13.5 x 9 cms. Photographer: Henry Snook, Reigate. Published The Milton Studio, 14 Lesbourne Road, Reigate. He is shown wearing 3 medals, the middle one of which is a long service medal of the National Fire Brigades Association with one bar for (twenty?) years service. The third medal on the right appears to be a Reigate Fire Brigade medal depicting a fireman climbing down a ladder holding a child. This design was also used by fire brigades in other towns and was awarded either for bravery or for valuable and efficient services. | |
DM1/12/34 | Re-photographed views of the tollhouse at Shalford on the Guildford to Horsham road, [c.1863?], 3 items. Photographer: Chaplin of Guildford. | |
DM1/12/34/1 | Image taken from one half of a stereo photo which shows Shalford tollhouse, [c.1863?], 10.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/34/2 | A close-up of the Shalford tollhouse, [c.1863?], 17.5 x 12.5 cms. The wooden board displaying the list of charges and which bears the date of 1786 beneath it, can be seen on the wall of the house. | |
DM1/12/34/3 | A close-up of the board of charges, [c.1863?], 17 x 12 cms. The details of the text are clearer in this image, but can only be read with difficulty. | |
DM1/12/35 | Shere and Albury including the Silent Pool and Peaslake, [c.1890?]-[c.1930s?] 8 items | |
DM1/12/35/1 | The Silent Pool, [c.1890?], 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/35/2 | The view from the Boat House at the Silent Pool, [c.1890?], 13 x 19.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/35/3 | Coloured postcard of The Silent Pool, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked from Epsom in 1906 and addressed to Miss l Cover at Grove Cottage, Westcott with the message in mirror writing. Pub By Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/35/4 | Photograph mounted on card taken from a print showing Billy Hicks of Shere (1780-1854). Hicks was an eccentric individual who committed suicide at the age of 74. David Knight has written extensive notes on the reverse taken from newspaper accounts of the inquest. | |
DM1/12/35/5 | Postcard which shows an old cottage at Shere with an elderly man carrying a large bundle of twigs and branches across his back, [c.1908?], 12 x 9 cms. Postmarked from Dorking in 1908, the details of the address have been crossed out. | |
DM1/12/35/6 | Re-photographed image of a First World War field gun in Lower Street, Shere, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. The gun stood next to the Tillingbourne river in Shere until the beginning of the second world war when it was melted down for scrap. (Source: http://www.sheredelight.com/history.html -accessed Mar 2018) | |
DM1/12/35/7 | Re-photographed image of houses and fields at Peaslake, 1889, 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/35/8 | White Cottage, Peaslake, [c.1925?], 15.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/36 | Transport relating to unknown locations or to those outside the Dorking area, [c.1914?]-1949, 7 items. | |
DM1/12/36/1 | Photograph of a Latham flying boat on a beach with several onlookers, [c.1925?], 6.5 X 11 cms | |
DM1/12/36/2 | Re-photographed image of a British rigid airship over Norwich, [c.1917?], 16 x 16cms. | |
DM1/12/36/3 | Postcard showing a bus of the Aldershot & District Traction Company on the Aldershot to Leatherhead route, at an unknown location with the driver and conductor standing beside it, [c.1914?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/36/4 | Postcard of a man in army uniform sitting on a Douglas motorcycle, outside a house in an unknown location, [c.1917?], 13.5 x 9 cms. Addressed to Miss Peggy Crase, at the Grange, Huyton, Liverpool by David who mentioned that he had just come back from the Midlands. | |
DM1/12/36/5 | A train crossing the Forth railway bridge. The photo is part of a postcard which has been cut in two, [early 20th cent?], 7 x 5.5 cms. Photo obtained from Bert Smith of Bailey Road, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/36/6 | Re-photographed image which shows Edith Sheppard (later Mrs Cyril N Turner) station master at Ardingly, Sussex during and after the 1914-1918 war, [c.1916?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. She is believed to be the first woman station master in England. Her father Mr Sidney Sheppard was stationmaster at Fittleworth and Lancing in Sussex and then Ockley near Dorking. He died in 1939. Edith later became a station master in Dorking following her marriage to Cyril Turner in 1912. The picture shows her in railway uniform wearing a cap and long overcoat. | |
DM1/12/36/7 | Steam locomotive 'Box Hill' formerly of the London, Brighton and South Coast railway undergoing restoration, 1949, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Built in the Brighton works in 1880 it is now permanently preserved and on static display at the National Railway Museum in York. | |
DM1/12/37 | Photographs of Westcott, (1822)-1987, 140 files and 45items. These include: agricultural activities, [c.1880?]- [c.1970s?]; businesses, 1905-1952; clubs and organisations, 1899-[c.1965?]; events and performances, 1897-1971; military and wartime activity, 1912-1940; people, [c.1860s?]-[c.1974?]; public houses, [c.1870?]-[c.1960s?]; roads and transport, [c.1902?]-[c.1970s?]; services and facilities, [c.1900?]-[c.1950s?]; streets and localities, (1822)-1986; and unidentified photographs, [c.1880?]-[c.1900?]. | |
DM1/12/37/1 | Agricultural Activities in or near Westcott, [c.1880?]-[c.1970s?], 10 items | |
DM1/12/37/1/1 | Re-photographed image of an elderly shepherd holding a sheep's crook at an unknown location, [c.1880?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. His identity is unknown. Original photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/1/2-4 | Two men harvesting in fields near the village, [c.1890s?], 8.5 x 13 cms, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/1/5 | A two horse team [sowing?] at an unknown location in the Westcott area, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/1/6 | A farm waggon loaded with hay and drawn by two horses at an unknown location, [c.early 1900s?], 7.5 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/1/7 | Re-photographed image showing peppermint harvesting in the Hungry Hill area, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 21 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/1/8 | A young girl with a calf at Sandrock Hill Farm, Westcott Street, [c.1911?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Identified as Mrs Holden. | |
DM1/12/37/1/9 | Bill Howick driving Broome's tractor during haymaking, [c.1960?], 8.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/1/10 | Photograph which shows a model of a traditional Surrey farm waggon of c.1800, Date of photo [c.1970s?], 7.5 x 13 cms. The model maker and its location are unknown. | |
DM1/12/37/2 | Westcott Businesses, 1905-1952, 1 file and 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/2/1 | Photographs of Mr Bird in his saw mill yard in Watson Road, and at an unknown location with a horse, [c.1920s?], 8 x13 cms. 4 items. Mr Bird is believed to be George Bird (b.c.1877) who had previously been a fencing manufacturer in Furlong Road. (Source: 1911 census) . | |
DM1/12/37/2/2 | Re-photographed image which shows the damage left by a fire in Canter's yard, 1921, 8 x 13 cms. William Canter, a carpenter and joiner had a business on the Guildford Road at Westcott Green. (Source: 1911 census) | |
DM1/12/37/2/3 | Re-photographed image of "Dixon's greengrocer's cart thought to be in Furlong Road, Westcott", [c.1930], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/2/4 | A close up of Loyns baker's delivery van with its driver Mr Wotton, [c.1920s?], 13 x 8 cms. Loyns was a Dorking business who made regular deliveries to the surrounding areas. Evidence from census returns however, suggests that the Loyns family lived in Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/2/5 | Colour photograph of a heavy horse named Lionel, the last horse of Westcott's village carter, Mr Mansfield, 1952, 23.5 x 29.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/2/6 | Re-photographed image of Tucker's tea shop with Mr Mansell and Mr Judd standing outside, 1905, 13 x 8 cms. The location of the tea shop is not known. Edward Judd, a 53 year old confectioner and his wife appear on the 1901 census in Guildford Road, Westcott next door to a unnamed pub where a 56 year old William J Tucker was the publican. A second census return in 1901 for William J Tucker shows that he was the publican of the Prince of Wales in 1901. Mr Mansell may have been the 53 year old William Mansell who appears in the 1901 census as a cordwainer in St Johns Road. | |
DM1/12/37/3 | Westcott Clubs and Organisations, 1899-[c.1965?] 6 files and 4 items. Includes the Westcott Branch of the Ancient Order of Foresters, 1899-[c.1905?]; Westcott Bowling Club, [c.1910?]; Boy Scouts, [c.1919?]; the British Legion, c.1953?]-[c.1965?]; Westcott Cricket Club, [c.1880s?]-[c.1953?]; Westcott Cycling Club, 1908; Westcott Football Club, 1910-1951; Westcott Gardeners Club, [c.1948?] and Westcott Rifle Club, [c. 1912?]. | |
DM1/12/37/3/1 | The Westcott Branch of the Ancient Order of Foresters, 1899-[c.1905?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/3/1/1 | Re-photographed image taken from a glass plate negative which shows a gathering of the Ancient Order of Foresters on Westcott Green, 1899. The event was probably part of the annual church parade of "Court Rescue," the name of the Westcott branch of the Order of Foresters founded in 1868. The Dorking Advertiser of 22 Jul 1899 reported that the members, together with visitors from Dorking, Holmwood and neighbouring branches, assembled with their banners at the school gates, preceded by the Dorking Town Band. Marching to St John's Church, where a short evening service was read, they then moved to Westcott Green (as shown in the picture) where the service was conducted. | |
DM1/12/37/3/1/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a large number of people watching a procession of the Ancient Order of Foresters in the main street, [c.1905?], 11 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/2 | Re-photographed image of the Westcott Bowling Club team sitting at two tables in the grounds of Kingscote, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/3 | Postcard showing a large party of Boy Scouts pulling by ropes a large, heavily laden cart outside Arthur Ryde's garage in Guildford Road with the premises of Brooklands next door, [c.1919?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Card obtained from Nellie Ryde in 1968. For a photograph of Westcott Scouts at Holmwood, [c.1920s?], see: DM1/12/18/8/2 | |
DM1/12/37/3/4 | The Westcott Branch of the British Legion, [c.1953?]-[c.1965?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/3/4/1 | A group from the Westcott British Legion on an outing, [c.1953?], 8 x 12 cms. The location is unknown. | |
DM1/12/37/3/4/2 | A group from the Westcott British Legion on an outing at Portsmouth, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/4/3 | Colour photograph of members of the Westcott British Legion marching in procession with standards at the gates of the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Berkshire, 1962, 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/4/4 | A British Legion procession with standard bearers at Sandhurst, Berkshire, [c.1965?], 8 x 8 cms. The two rows on the right are all members of the Westcott branch. Fred Wakeford is the standard bearer on the right. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5 | Westcott Cricket Club, [c.1880s?]-[c.1953?], 2 files. Includes views of club activity, [c.1880s?]-1938; and the construction of practice nets, [c.1953?]. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1 | The Cricket Club from the 1880s to 1938, 7 items | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card showing what is thought to be a Westcott cricket team; [c.1880s?], 7 x 9.5 cms. The location is unknown. The date of the formation of Westcott Cricket Club is also unknown but they were certainly in existence by 1883 from a report in the Surrey Mirror of 28 Apr of that year. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/2 | Re-photographed image of a group of members of Westcott Cricket Club, [c.1880s?], 8 x 13 cms. Arthur Ryde senior, is lying on the ground on the right. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/3 | Photograph of a page from an unknown publication which shows a list of office holders of the Westcott Cricket Club, 1911, 13 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/4 | Three members of Westcott Cricket Club, 1931, 8 x 6 cms. Left to right: Bill Jeater, C S Herridge and W H Loynes. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/5 | Photograph mounted on card showing seven members of Westcott Cricket Club, 1933, 5.5 x 7.5 cms, Left to right: Frank Denyer, Rev Salzman, [? ], Pewsey, [? Child?], F W G Clinton, and sitting in the front Mr Canter. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/6 | Postcard of Westcott Cricket Club team, Sep 1935, 8 x 13 cms. Back row from left: Garber (umpire), W H Loynes, E Loynes, Hobday, Child, Babe Denyer, Lindsay Horne, Coldman (scorer). Front row from left: Alan Horne, Rev Salzman, C S Herridge, Frank Denyer, and Mrajah Cooch Schar. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/1/7 | Three members of Westcott Cricket team pictured coming out to lunch at an August Bank Holiday match between Barclay Perkins and Westcott at Langley Park, Eden Park near Beckenham, Kent, 01 Aug 1938. 17.5 x 14 cms. Left to right: M Graham, Ronald Howard (son of the film star and Wescott resident Leslie Howard) and K. Trimby. For other photographs of Leslie Howard and his family see; DM1/12/37/6/15. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/2 | The Construction of Practice Nets, [c.1953?], 3 items.1.5 x 15.5 cms. Shows members of Westcott Cricket club and others engaged in constructing the base for practice nets at the club. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/2/1 | From the left: C S Herridge (Club wicket keeper for years and when he retired Captain of Westcott 2nd XI; Babe Denyer; Bill Jeater and Sid Denyer (?) or one of Bill Jeater's men. [c.1953?]. | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/2/2 | From the left: Bill Jeater, one of Bill Jeater's men, another of Bill Jeater's men, and David Jeater. [c.1953?] | |
DM1/12/37/3/5/2/3 | Bill Jeater on the extreme left. Several others are unidentified. [c.1953?] | |
DM1/12/37/3/6 | Re-photographed image of 11 cyclists from Westcott Cycling Club outside the Prince of Wales public house in Guildford Road, 06 Jul 1908, 8.5 x 10.5 cms. The date was written on the back of the original image owned by Harry Jeater. | |
DM1/12/37/3/7 | Westcott Football Club, 1910-1951, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/3/7/1 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Football Club team, 1909-1910 season, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/7/2 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Football Club team, 1910-1911 season, 8.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/7/3 | Postcard showing the Dorking and District Football League Cup presented by J H C Evelyn to Westcott Football Club, for the 1913-1914 season, 1914, 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/7/4 | Re-photographed image of members of Westcott Football Club team with the Dorking and District League cup in front of them, 1914, 8.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/7/5 | Westcott 2nd XI football team, 1950-51 season, 15.5 x 21 cms. Back row from left: Vic Smith, J. Edge, Michael Vennis, Roland Kempthorne, Gordon Tunnell, Ted Bravery, Frank Plaw, Harry Jeater, and Pat Croucher. Front row from left: John Webb, Brian Divine, Bob Eade, Fred Stone and Peter Miller | |
DM1/12/37/3/8 | Seven members of Westcott Gardeners Club not long after it was first formed by Mr Keeping , the Pastor of St John's Church, Westcott, [c.1948?], 8 x 13 cms. Left to right: Ted Shepherd, John Inwood, Percy Lillywhite, Mr Hermes, George Pearce, and Mr Hussey. | |
DM1/12/37/3/9 | Westcott Rifle Club, [c.1912?], 4 items. The Rifle Club was first formed in 1909 with Dr Waterhouse as its honorary secretary, but had a short life and was disbanded c.1913. It was located in the corner of the field opposite the Rookery Lodge. | |
DM1/12/37/3/9/1 | Postcard which shows Mr Sawyers of Westcott Common, a member of Westcott Rifle Club, [c.1912], 13.5 x 8 cms. He is shown sitting with a rifle and a challenge cup which he had won for a club event. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/3/9/2 | Re-photographed image of the obverse of a copper medal for the Bell trophy for rifle marksmanship won by Dr Waterhouse, the secretary of Westcott Rifle Club, [c.1912?], 9 x 8 cms. The medal was first awarded in 1909 by the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs and continued to be awarded until 1939. The design has a statue of Britannia in the centre with figures of riflemen on either side. | |
DM1/12/37/3/9/3 | Re-photographed image of the reverse of the Bell medal with the wording "Presented by the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, [c.1912?], 9 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/3/9/4 | Re-photographed image of a second medal won by Dr Waterhouse, [c.1912?] 9 x 8 cms. The wording round the outside reads "N R A Rifle Clubs 1500-1860" with 2 central figures, a rifleman on the left and a man in costume from the middle ages period holding a long bow. | |
DM1/12/37/4 | Westcott Events and Performances, 1897-1971, 12 files and 4 items. These include: events between [c.1890?]-[c.1910?]; celebrations for the Coronation of George V, 1911; events between [c.1919?]-1920; Westcott baby shows, [c.1921?]-[c.1923?]; the Westcott Minstrels, [c.1920?]; a childrens' Christmas play, [c.1930s?]; the wedding of Elizabeth Rate of Milton Court, 1931; celebrations for the Coronation of George VI, 1937; a road safety campaign, 1937; a Victory in Europe celebration party, 1945; celebrations for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 1947; the Olympic Torch in Westcott, 1948; Westcott Fete, 1947-[c.1958?]; celebrations for the Coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953; the Parish Church's Harvest Supper, [c.1963?]; and the opening of the Girl Guide Camping Centre at Lince Lane, 1971. | |
DM1/12/37/4/1 | Events Between the Period of c.1890-c.1910, 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/4/1/1 | An unidentified shooting party gathered at the front of a large house at an unknown location, [c.1890?], 7 x 10 cms. The photo was found at Milton Court and was originally thought to have been taken at Springfield House in Westcott Road but according to David Knight's notes on the reverse, Springfield Court does not have a porch like that which features in the photograph. | |
DM1/12/37/4/1/2 | Postcard which shows a large group of people In Kiln Meadow during the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. June 1897. A (military?) bandsman with a brass instrument at his side is iin the left foreground, 8.5 x 14 cms. Published by Redhill Photo Company. | |
DM1/12/37/4/1/3 | Re-photographed image which shows stalls and roundabouts for two fairground companies on Westcott Green - Cotts Royal Excelsior Riding Circus and G Odam, [c.1904?], 16 x 21 cms. The last fair to be held on the Green was on 15 Apr 1910. The original photo was found in Norfolk in June 1974. | |
DM1/12/37/4/1/4 | A large number of people at a funeral procession, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. The cortege would appear to have a military bearer party. The band at the head of the cortege is thought to be a military one rather than a silver or brass band as there are clarinets as well as brass instruments. David Knight's notes on the reverse indicate that he thought the funeral might be for a member of the Wills family of Westcott House but no trace has been found in the parish registers or in the Dorking Advertiser of a funeral for a member of the Wills family in Westcott at that time. The occasion and the location are therefore unidentified. | |
DM1/12/37/4/2 | Celebrations for the Coronation of George V, 1911, 2 items | |
DM1/12/37/4/2/1 | Re-photographed image of a women's race in the Rookery fields during the coronation celebrations, 1911, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/2/2 | Photograph mounted on card showing the Westcott Fife and Drum band during the Coronation celebrations in Norfolk Road, Dorking, 1911, 10 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: William Smith of Dorking. Some individuals have been named including Bert Rice, George Tunnell, Ken Harris,(1889-1973), Charlie Wright, Alf Spooner, Bill Woods(?), Charlie Baker(?), Ted Woodnut and A. Tunnell. See the diagram on the reverse for identification purposes. | |
DM1/12/37/4/3 | Events Between c.1919-1920, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/4/3/1 | Mrs Salzman, wife of the Rev Frederick Salzman, in front of an audience at an event in the grounds of Red House, now Little Manor House, Guildford Road, Westcott, [c.1919?], 13 x 8 cms. The house was then the home of Mr and Mrs Cory Wright. News reports in the Dorking Advertiser suggest that Mrs Cory Wright often organised fetes, concerts and other fund raising events in the grounds of the Red House. A piano is being played on the right hand side and Mrs Salzman is in the process of talking to or addressing an audience just out of camera shot. | |
DM1/12/37/4/3/2 | Re-photographed image of Princess Marie-Louise opening the Hut Community Centre, 15 Dec 1919, 13.5 x 20 cms." Original photographer: J W Moorhouse of Dorking. The Princess, a grand daughter of Queen Victoria, is in the centre of a large group of people. David Knight has identified some of these as follows: On the left in uniform is Mrs Hatfield, head of "the Womens Auxiliary committee of the association." The small girl in the centre is Margaret Grace Salzman (b.1911), daughter of the Vicar of Westcott, Rev. Frederick Salzman. (Source: Westcott Baptism Registers). To the left of the Princess is Capt M L Fryer, the organising secretary. To the left of the policeman on the right is Mrs Barclay of Bury Hill. Capt R W Barclay is on the extreme right. | |
DM1/12/37/4/3/2 ctd | The Hut was originally a wood and asbestos building built for the YMCA in France during the 1914-1918 war. It was erected in Westcott in 1919 as a memorial to that war. Its original use was to provide a recreation room, library facilities, billiards rooms and a smoking room for the 230 men of the parish who had returned safely from the war. It was also home to the Westcott branch of the British Legion. For other records relating to the Hut see: DM1/7/13; R317 and R321 | |
DM1/12/37/4/3/3 | Re-photographed image of George Irvin's Fairground engine Foster No 14057, "Marvellous," at Barnet, Herts, 1920. 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Irvin's fair used to be held on the site of the Hut "and all that side of Furlong Road at the turn of the century." | |
DM1/12/37/4/4 | Westott Baby Shows, [c.1921?]-[c.1923?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/4/4/1 | Postcard of a large group of mothers and babies at a Baby show at Holcombe, [c.1921?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/4/2 | Large group of mothers and babies at a Baby show at Holcombe, 1923, 10 x 14 cms. 2nd right: Nurse Evans; 1st left sitting: Mrs Brooke. The mother with baby in the middle of the seat at the front is Mrs Smithers of Milton Street with her son Eric. She celebrated her 100th birthday on 30 Aug 1992. 5th right in the back row is Mrs Barclay of Bury Hill. | |
DM1/12/37/4/4/3 | Re-photographed image of prize giving at the baby show at Holcombe, 1923, 8.5 x 13 cms. Mrs Brooke is on the far left and Mrs Barclay is presenting the prize. | |
DM1/12/37/4/5 | The Westcott "Minstrels" [c.1920?], 8 x 13 cms. With the exception of a clergyman and two other people the group are all wearing top hats and blackened faces. The location of the event is unknown. For a photograph of the Bury Hill Minstrels see: DM1/12/37/10/5/6/2 | |
DM1/12/37/4/6 | Nine children in costume for a Christmas play or pantomime, at an unknown location [c.1930s?], 10 x 17.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/7 | Photographs taken at the wedding of Elizabeth Rate, daughter of Lachlan Rate in 1931, 10 x 15.5 cms, 4 items. The Rate family were the owners of Milton Court. The marriage registers for Holy Trinity Church, Westcott record the event on 14 Nov 1931 when Elizabeth Angela Rate aged 26 of Milton Court, daughter of Lachlan Rate, gentleman, married Michael Lavallin Wroughton of Woolley Park, Wantage, Berks. | |
DM1/12/37/4/7/1 | The bride, Elizabeth Rate entering the parish church, Westcott on the arm of (her father?), 1931, 10 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/7/2 | View of the crowd outside the church, 1931, 10 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/7/3 | The bride and groom outside the church with their bridesmaids, 1931, 10 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/7/4 | A group of eight bridesmaids, 1931, 10 x 15.5 cms | |
DM1/12/37/4/8 | Festivities for the Coronation of George VI, 1937, 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/4/8/1 | Reg Sherlock in fancy dress as a nurse, pushing a hand cart past Westcott church during Coronation celebrations, 1937, 8 x 5.5cms. Arthur Ryde Senior, from Ryde's forge and garage business in Guildford Road, is sitting on the fence post in the foreground looking on. | |
DM1/12/37/4/8/2 | Postcard showing Reg Sherlock in fancy dress as a nurse with Eric Harvey in costume as a baby in a pram, 1937, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/8/3 | Reg Sherlock and Eric Harvey in fancy dress with a crowd in the background, 1937, 8.5 x 13 cms. Taken on the same occasion as DM1/12/37/4/8/2 | |
DM1/12/37/4/8/4 | Photograph of the front cover of a programme for the Coronation celebrations held in the grounds of Belmont Schol, 12 May 1937, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/8/5 | A car belonging to Mr Colam decorated as a float and carrying a ladder to depict a fire engine, 1937, 6.5 x 10.5 cms. Four uniformed members of the Westcott Fire Brigade, which was disbanded in the following year, are standing beside it. The car is a Rover 2 cyl of the 1920s. | |
DM1/12/37/4/8/6 | Members of Westcott Fire Brigade with a car converted to look like a fire engine and decorated with bunting, 1937, 8 x 5.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/9 | Photographs probably connected with a road safety campaign, 1937, 5 items. 8 x 12.5 cms. They show a car on the road in School Lane and a large road side sign which reads "Danger, School Children." A group of children and an adult are gathered at the side of the road in K1718 with a car just about to pass them. | |
DM1/12/37/4/10 | A large group of people gathered across the street for a group photograph at the V E (Victory in Europe) day party in Bailey Road, 1945. 11 x 15.5 cms. David Knight adds the information that all the roads in Westcott had a party but that Furlong Road residents attended the one in Bailey Road. | |
DM1/12/37/4/11 | Westcott celebrations for the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 1947, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/4/11/1 | Children in fancy dress commemorating the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip, 1947, 8 x 13 cms. Taken at Furlong Road. | |
DM1/12/37/4/11/2 | Four children in fancy dress as a bride and groom, a clergyman and a bridesmaid, [c.1947?], 7.5 x 13 cms. The children are from left to right: June Morgan, Peter Ruck, Janice Elsbury and Gerald Morgan. | |
DM1/12/37/4/12 | The Olympic Torch in Westcott, Jul 1948, 3 items. The route of the Olympic torch passed through Dorking and Westcott just before the Olympic Games were held in London on 29 Jul 1948. The flame was carried through Westcott by D S Vaughan of Herne Hill Harriers. For other photographs of the torch's journey through Dorking see: DM1/12/13/4/15. | |
DM1/12/37/4/12/1 | D S Vaughan carrying the Olympic flame at the Cricketers, Westcott, 29 Jul 1948, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/12/2 | D S Vaughan at the Cricketers, transferring the flame from Ted Henton whose face can just be seen on the left, 29 Jul 1948, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Ted Henton had carried the flame from Dorking. | |
DM1/12/37/4/12/3 | K Vaughan with the Olympic flame at the top of Sandrock Hill, 29 Jul 1948, 11.5 x 16 cms. Photographer: Michael Russell of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/4/13 | Westcott Fete, 1947-[c.1958?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/4/13/1 | Photograph taken at Belmont School Sports Ground on 04 Aug 1947 which shows Jonah Barrington on the left, Mary Nash (Miss Westcott) and Dr & Mrs Billings. 8 x 13 cms. Jonah Barrington was a radio critic and during the last war lived at "The Old Barracks," in Westcott Street. (Source: Wescott Local History Group - "The History of Westcott and Milton," pub . 2000, p. 30) | |
DM1/12/37/4/13/2 | Re-photographed image taken at Westcott Fete, Belmont School Sports Ground with Sonia Knight being awarded the title of Miss Westcott, 1948, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/13/3 | Albert Upfold inside Belmont School with a display as part of the village fete, [c.1950?], 7.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/13/4 | Six competitors in the Miss Westcott competition, [c.1958?], 8 x 14 cms. Copyright: Peter Ruck, Westcott. The proceedings were probably part of the annual Westcott Fete. | |
DM1/12/37/4/14 | Westcott Coronation Celebrations, 1953, 2 items | |
DM1/12/37/4/14/1 | Children in fancy dress at the Coronation Fete at Belmont School, Westcott Street, 1953, 8 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/14/2 | A view of the Elizabethan pageant as part of the Westcott Coronation celebrations at Belmont School, 02 Jun 1953, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/1/37/4/15 | Views of guests at the Parish Church's Harvest Supper held in the Reading Room, Institute Road, [c.1963?], 2 items, 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/4/16 | Colour photograph of Lady Olive Baden-Powell opening the new Girl Guide camping centre at Faurefold, Lince Lane, 10 Oct 1971, 11.5 x 11.5 cms. This was intended as a holiday and camping centre for Guides from the London area. A history of the site can be found at: http://www.girlguidingsurreyeast.org.uk/faurefold/faurefold-brief-history-site/ - accessed Oct 2017. | |
DM1/12/37/5 | Military and Wartime Activity in or associated with Westcott Including civil defence and bomb damage, 1912-1940, 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/5/1 | A postcard which shows soldiers marching, captioned "Surrey Brigade at Eastbourne 1912," 8 x 13 cms. Published by The Brighton Mezzograph Co, York Hill, Brighton. The card was sent by Bill Razzell (b.c.1886-1916) to his mother Mrs A Razzell at 3 Victoria Cottages, Bailey Road, Westcott. He tells her that the photo was taken "on Sunday marching to Camp. We are going on alright, some fine weather now. " A report in the Dorking Advertiser of 10 Aug 1912 stated that the Surrey Infantry Brigade were territorials and that they were encamped over several days at Whitbread Hollow, near Beachy Head, Eastbourne The proceedings included a military tattoo, a field day and a drumhead service. For photographs of Bill Razzell see: DM1/12/37/6/24/2 and DM1/12/13/6/1/3. | |
DM1/12/37/5/2 | A group of about 20 soldiers in Palestine during the 1st world war, 6 x 10.5 cms. David Knight's grandfather, William Henry Steadman of Westcott is sitting on the left of the middle row. He was a member of the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment and also served in France and Egypt. | |
DM1/12/37/5/3 | Re-photographed image of Miss Margaret Horne of Westcott in Civil Defence (?) uniform, [c.1940?], 12.5 x 9 cms. Notes on the reverse indicate that she served in the Ambulance service during the war and wears a Civil Defence badge in her lapel. | |
DM1/12/37/5/4 | An airman in RAF uniform standing by a car with an air raid shelter visible in the background at the top of Ashley Road, Westcott, [c.1940?], 8 x 13 cms. The headlights of the car have been covered to comply with blackout regulations. The shelter was later taken down and a flat roof put up in its place. The old Hut can also be seen in the background. The airman's name was Marcel Demont (b.1920), the son of Auguste and Pauline Demont of Dorking. He was a friend of the Cooke family and lived on the Westcott Road. He was killed on 22 Sep 1942 and was buried in Belgium. At the time of his death he was a Sergeant in the RAF Volunteer Reserve and a member of 226 Squadron. (Source: Commonwealth War Graves Commission database) | |
DM1/12/37/5/5 | A troop train passing through Westcott carrying survivors from the evacuation of Dunkirk, 01 Jun 1940, 9 x 12.5 cms. The onlookers in the foreground are Mrs Horne and 3 evacuees - Kathleen, Dick and Harry Purslow whose parents were chemists from Fulham. | |
DM1/12/37/5/6 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Road at Milton Heath showing bomb damage to trees from an air raid, 30 Aug 1940. Original photographer: Miss Beatrice Kynaston of Dorking. 8.5 x 13.5cms. See also: DM1/12/13/6/3/6 for other photographs of bomb damage in Dorking by the same photographer. | |
DM1/12/37/6 | Westcott People, [c.1860s?]-[c.1974?], 13 files and 28 items. Arranged in order of surname, followed by photographs of two or more unrelated people and those who are unidentified. | |
DM1/12/37/6/1 | Re-photographed image of an elderly couple, Mr and Mrs Aubrey, outside their home at Holly Cottage, Parsonage Lane, Westcott, [c.1920?], 8 x 13 cms. Mr Aubrey was the cowman to Mr Cory Wright. | |
DM1/12/37/6/2 | Re-photographed image of Silven and Sarah Baker with their baby grand-daughter Eileen and a large sheep near allotments at the bottom of Ashley Road, Westcott, 1918, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Silven and Sarah Baker and their family are shown on the 1911 census as residents of Furlong Road in Westcott. Silven (b. c.1866) was a stationary engine driver with Dorking Rural District Council. Eileen, (b.1916) was the daughter of Silven and Sarah's older daughter Alma who had married Henry Cooke in 1915. (1911 census and General Register Office indexes). | |
DM1/12/37/6/3 | Re-photographed image of 11 members of the Balchin family around Chapel Lane, Westcott,[c.1898?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Notes on the reverse indicate that the older girl in the foreground on the right is the mother of Bert Upfold. | |
DM1/12/37/6/4 | Re-photographed image of Arthur Kett Barclay, (1806-1869), the brewer and astronomer and owner of Bury Hill House. Date of original: [c.1860s?], Date of copy: late 20th cent, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/5 | Re-photographed image of George Bridger (b. c. 1879) and his baby daughter Nellie, [b. c.1905?], in the garden of their home at the top of St John's Road, Westcott, [c.1907?], 16 x 20.5 cms. The 1911 census shows that George was a house carpenter. The full name of his daughter was Ellen Ada Bridger who later became Ellen Duffield. In 1979 the same house was known as The Cottage. | |
DM1/12/37/6/6 | Small head and shoulders image of Mr Brooks, the grandfather of Dick Brooks, (b.1920), [c.late 19th century?], 8.5 x 6 cms. This is thought to be Edward Brooks, (b. c.1838) who is shown in the 1901 census as a carpenter and joiner living at Westcott Green. | |
DM1/12/37/6/7 | Re-photographed image of a man on a bicycle identified by notes on the reverse as Dick Brook's father, 1890, 13 x 8.5 cms. A Richard Brooks was born in the Dorking Registration district in 1920 (General Registration Indexes) but his father's name is not known. | |
DM1/12/37/6/8 | Carte de visit identified from notes on the reverse as "Dick Brooks father," [c.1890s?], 9 x 6 cms. Photographer: Caleb C Smith, Norman Place, Lincoln. | |
DM1/12/37/6/9 | Re-photographed image which shows a man with a tricycle at an unknown location, [c.1890?], 10 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Notes on the reverse identify the man as Mr C Brown. This is probably Charles Brown who was headmaster of Westcott School between 1866 and 1888 and later ran a private school at his home in Merton House, Westcott Road. For other photographs of Charles Brown see: DM1/12/37/10/31/5/1 and DM1/12/37/10/32/1/10. | |
DM1/12/37/6/10 | Re-photographed images of Maurice or Morris Charman of Westcott, [c.1880s?]-[c.1890s?]. 4 items. Born at Warnham in Sussex c.1827, Charman was living in Westcott by 1841 where he worked mostly as a farm or general labourer. From notes on the reverse of DM1/10/37/6/10/1, he used to work for the Fullers of the Rookery, Westcott, but on one occasion when he was going down the hill between Milton Avenue and Milton bridge without the skid pan on his cart, he fell off and broke his legs. After that he was unable to work for the Fullers, so they set him up as a carrier on his own. This story was told by the photographer Walter J Rose to his niece Dolly, who then told it to David Knight on 03 May 1977. Charman was buried at Westcott on 04 Sep 1899 aged 73. (Sources: census returns for Westcott and Westcott burial registers) | |
DM1/12/37/6/10/1 | Maurice Charman in his cart drawn by two donkeys near Rookery Bridge, [c.1880s?], 16.5 x 25.5 cms. The photo was taken near Sandrock on the main road. Rookery farm is in the background. The words "G A Fuller, The Rookery, Dorking" are painted on the side of the cart, so this picture must have been taken before his accident in the 1880s. G A Fuller died in Jul 1892 and the Rookery was sold in 1894. | |
DM1/12/37/6/10/2 | Maurice Charman sitting on his cart drawn by two donkeys on Westcott Common, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/10/3 | Maurice Charman driving his cart with two donkeys at Sandrock Hill, [c.1890s?], 11.5 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/10/4 | Maurice Charman with his donkeys and cart at the bridge in Westcott Street, [c.1890s?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/11 | Norman Croucher of Bailey Road, Westcott in the uniform of the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). Photograph taken in Germany, 1951, 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/12 | Colour photographs of Harry Dixon and his horse, [c.1963?], 2 items, 16 x 11 cms and 11 x 16 cms. Harry was a grocer and used to keep the stables in Chapel Lane, Westcott. The family had been trading in the district for about 70 years. He died c.1963. His father Samuel, of St John's Road, Westcott who died in 1940 aged 70, also traded as a fruiterer and greengrocer and for many years had a shop in Dene Street, Dorking and a stall in Dorking Market. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 12 Jan 1940) | |
DM1/12/37/6/13 | Re-photographed image of a tall gentleman standing by a gate in a stable or farmyard at an unknown location. [c.1890?], 10 x 7.5 cms. He is wearing a traditional smock and a hat and he is probably aged about 60 or 70. On the reverse is the information that this may have been Z Greenfield of Chadhurst Farm. Related material: for a photograph of Zephaniah Greenfield of Chadhurst Farm see: DM1/12/37/10/32/1/3 | |
DM1/12/37/6/14 | Photographs of Ken Harris and his family, [c.1905?]-[c.1915?], 4 items. With the full name of Kennard Cameron Harris, (1889-1973), Ken was the first cousin once removed of David Knight and the source of many of Knight's photographs. | |
DM1/12/37/6/14/1 | A very small head and shoulders image of Ken Harris, [c.1905?]. 4 x 2.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/14/2 | Ken Harris at Spring Cottage, Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 10.5 x 6 cms. He is shown in the 1911 census as a 21 year old grocer's shop assistant who was then living with his parents at Thorndale Cottages in Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/6/14/3 | A postcard which shows a studio photograph of Ken Harris in the uniform of the Queens Royal West Surrey Regiment, [c.1914-18?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer : W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/6/14/4 | A postcard of Mr and Mrs William James Harris, of 1 Thorndale Cottages, Westcott, the father and step mother of Ken Harris, [c.1915?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The postcard is of the first world war period as the reverse carries pencil information written by Private K C Harris, G/69805 of 2/24 London Regt. "in the event of my death please communicate with my father at his address at Thorndale Cottages. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15 | Photographs of the actor and film star, Leslie Howard and his family, [c.1930?]-[c.1940?], 8 items. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15 ctd | With the full name Leslie Howard Steiner (1893-1943), Leslie Howard had a British mother and a Hungarian Jewish father. His family Anglicised their surname to Stainer in the first world war but in 1920 he altered the name by deed poll and from then on was known as Leslie Howard. He bought the 16th century house Stowe Maries in Balchins Lane, Westcott and his name first appears on electoral registers for that address in 1935. It became the family home where he and his wife Ruth lived with their two children Ronald Howard (1918-1996) and Leslie Ruth Howard, (1924-2013). | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/1 | A composite photograph of 4 separate head and shoulder images of Leslie Howard [c.1930?], 7 x 19 cms. Source: National Portrait Gallery. Copyright: Not to be reproduced without permission of the owner of the portrait. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/2 | Leslie Howard, his wife and two children sitting in a garden thought to be at Stowe Maries, Westcott, [c.1930s?], 8 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/3 | Postcard which shows a painting of Leslie Howard by Reginald Grenville Eves. Date of postcard late 20th cent. Date of painting [c.1930s?], 15 x 10.5 cms. Copyright: National Portrait Gallery. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/4 | Head and shoulders image of Leslie Howard, [c.1930s?], 11.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/5 | Head and shoulders image of Ronald Howard, (1918-1996), the son of Leslie Howard [c.1930s?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/6 | Leslie Howard in army uniform, at an unknown location, [c.1940?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/7 | Leslie Howard in army uniform standing by a car with his wife, [c.1940?], 12.5 x 8 cms. Location unknown | |
DM1/12/37/6/15/8 | Leslie Howard, his wife and two children standing in a garden [at Stowe Maries?], [c.1940?], 8 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/16 | Re-photographed image showing members of the Johnson family, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. An elderly couple are sitting surrounded by 8 younger family members. Photographer: W J Rose. The younger woman sitting on the ground on the right would seem to be the same person identified as Lily Johnson at DM1/12/37/10/32/2/10. The identity of the family is uncertain. There would seem to be no connection with the family of Mr E W Johnson, the Headmaster of Westcott School from 1895-1910. There is a stronger possibility that they were related to the family of John Johnson, the landlord of the Bricklayers Arms. The census of 1901 shows that he had a daughter named Lilian who was also a teacher. | |
DM1/12/37/6/17 | Sir John Kirk of Westcott, [c.1915?]-[c.1922?], 2 items. Sir John Kirk (1847-1922) was a philanthropist and JP and known for his work with the Ragged School Union of which he was at various times Secretary, Director and Treasurer and for which he was knighted. (Source: Aberdeen Press & Journal 05 Apr 1922). Electoral registers show that he lived in Westcott Street from 1915 until his death in 1922. | |
DM1/12/37/6/17/1 | Postcard of a house in Westcott Street with Sir John Kirk at the front gate, [c.1915?], 7 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/17/2 | The front of a dustjacket from David Williamson's book "Sir John Kirk, the life Story of the Children's Friend" published by Hodder and Stoughton in 1922, which includes a photograph of Sir John Kirk with three children all sitting on a see-saw. 12 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/18 | Postcard which shows Peggy Lewer with her two children Archie and Joan, [c.late 1920s?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Peggy's full name was Florence Olive Ada (nee Lewis) and she had married Victor Henry Lewer in Wandsworth in 1919. They came to St Johns Road in Westcott c.1920. (Source: General Register Office indexes and electoral roll) | |
DM1/12/37/6/19 | Re-photographed image of Mr Ludlow shown as a liveried coachman driving a coach belonging to Mr Wills of Westcott House near Westcott Green? [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Fred Ludlow (b. c.1854) is shown on the 1911 census as a domestic coachman living at The Lodge, Westcott House. See also: DM1/12/37/10/9/17. | |
DM1/12/37/6/20 | Photograph mounted on card of Bill Martin of Furlong Road, Westcott standing in a photographer's studio with a bicycle, [c.1905?], 14 x 9.5 cms. At the time of the photograph he worked at Meadowbank House. Photographer: The Redhill Photo Co, Station Road, Redhill. | |
DM1/12/37/6/21 | Postcard showing a photograph of Mr and Mrs James Mears [c.1915?], 13 x 8 cms. Mr Mears (b. c.1880) is in army uniform. Electoral registers show his home address at Thorndale Cottages, Westcott from 1915 until about 1939 when he moved to Furlong Road. His army service record shows that he joined the 3rd Battalion of the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment in 1896 aged 18. He had previously been a labourer working for Mr Barclay at Bury Hill. (National Archives WO 96 23/289.) Medically discharged in 1901, he re-enlisted in the 5th Battalion of the Queen's in 1915 when he was 37. (National Archives WO 363) | |
DM1/12/37/6/22 | Re-photographed image which shows Alfred John Mitchell (b c.1864) in his grandmother, Louisa Weller's arms at Milton Street, 1864. The figure in the top hat on the right is James Anscombe. 13 x 9 cms. The identification details come from amendments on the reverse. Alfred was the son of Alfred Mitchell, a steward of Milton Street and his wife Mary Ann. They are found in the 1871 census living at Carpenters Yard, Milton Street with Alfred John's grandmother Louisa Mitchell. | |
DM1/12/37/6/23 | Re-photographed image of Phil Muggeridge feeding pigs, [c.1890?], 12 x 16 cms. The location is uncertain but is thought to be either in the garden at The Willows or Uncle Tom's Cabin pub in Westcott Street. Photographer: W J Rose. The 1891 census for Westcott gives no indication of a Philip Muggeridge living in Westcott although there is a person of that name resident in Abinger. Notes on the reverse of the image give the information that Uncle Tom's Cabin was a pub behind Spring Cottages in Westcott Street and was formerly known as the Drum and Monkey. | |
DM1/12/37/6/24 | Postcards of the family of Bill Razzell, (b. c.1886) of Westcott, [c.1890s?]- [1917?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/6/24/1 | A postcard of a middle aged couple, [c.1890s?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. According to notes on the reverse they were the parents of Bill Razzell of Westcott. This information also indicates that "Gran Razzell" was aged 39 in 1876 and that the original photographer was Huck of Leatherhead. These details do not tally when trying to make an accurate identification. The date of 1876 appears too early for the age of the photograph. Bill Razzell, the son of the couple identified is most likely to have been the William Razzell who was born c.1886. His father (b. c.1859) and grandfather (b. c.1837) were also named William. His grandmother Sarah (b. c.1839) would have been 39 in 1876 but the Westcott burial registers indicate that she died in 1862. The couple are more likely to be William Razzell (b.c.1859), a gardener on the Bury Hill estate and his wife Alice Jane (b. c.1860) who were residents of Victoria Cottages in Bailey Road for many years until at least the 1930s. (Source: census returns and electoral registers) | |
DM1/12/37/6/24/2 | Postcard of two boxers sparring, [c.1910?], 13.5 x 9 cms. William James Razzell, known as Bill (c.1886-1916) is on the right. The other man is unknown. Bill Razzell enlisted in the 1st/5th Battalion of the Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment at the start of the 1914-1918 war and was posted to India and then Mesopotamia where he was subsequently killed in action in Sep 1916. (Source: http://www.westcotthistory.org.uk/pdf/WWM%20-%20Razzell.pdf accessed Mar 2018) | |
DM1/12/37/6/24/3 | Postcard which shows William (or Bill) Razzell (c.1859-1930) and his dog, [c.1917], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/24/4 | Postcard which shows a studio shot of Emily Razzell, (later Mrs Smith) (1896-1976), [c.1917?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Emily was the daugher of William and Alice Jane Razzell of 3 Victoria Cottages, Bailey Road, Westcott. (Source: 1911 census) | |
DM1/12/37/6/25 | Personal Photographs of the Westcott photographer and artist, Walter John Rose, which include those of himself and his friends and family, 1877-[c.1940s?], 5 files. These include photographs of: Walter Rose's parents and brother Ernest Rose, 1877-[c.1895?]; Walter John Rose, photographer of Westcott, [c.1880?]-[c.1940s?]; Mrs Ellen Rose, (1865-1935), wife of Walter John Rose, [c.1890s?]-[c.1915?]; Emily Margaret Rose, (1907-1991), known as Dolly, [c.1907?]-[c.1913?]; and Friends and Relatives of Walter Rose, [c.1895?]-[c.1910?]. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25 ctd | Biographical History: Walter John Rose, (1857-1954), was the second son of John Rose, a farm labourer and Jane Rose, formerly Jane Wilkins. His parents had lived most of their lives in the Westcott area where Walter himself was born. He started his working life a a gardener, in line with his two brothers Amos, (1850-1931) and Ernest, (1862-1951), who were both gardeners for many years, but by 1901 Walter had set up his own photography business working from the family home at 1, Westcott Street using a wooden shed in the garden as his darkroom. Walter and his wife had no children but brought up Walter's niece, Emily Margaret Rose, (1907-1991) known as Dolly. Dolly was the youngest daughter of Walter's brother Amos Rose (1850-1931), her mother Alice having died in childbirth. She herself never married and lived with her Uncle until his death in 1954. She then inherited her Uncle's collection of over 900 glass plate negatives and asked David Knight to store them for her. This explains the presence of so many of Walter Rose's photographs in Knight's collection. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25 ctd | On the back of K1752 Knight has written in a note dated 02 Nov 1991, "that I have only seen one of his photos taken with flash and that was about 1923, he took it with Dolly [his niece] and two friends and they looked rather scared, they thought it was gunpowder. Since Dolly died on 25 Jun 1991, the last link with W J Rose has gone. There is not one old person in the village where I can get any accurate facts now." | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/1 | Re-photographed images of Walter Rose's parents and brother Ernest Rose, 1877-[c.1895?], 5 items, date of copies: c.late 20th century. Walter Rose's parents were John Rose (1826-1892) and Jane Rose, formerly Jane Wilkins (b. c.1827),who had married at Holmwood in 1849. Walter had two brothers Amos George Rose (c. 1850-1931) and Ernest William Rose, (1862-1951). A younger sister Sarah had died at the age of 6 in 1872. (Westcott Burial registers) | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/1/1 | Walter Rose's father, John Rose, 1877, 10.5 x 8 cms. Photographer: Mr C Brown. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/1/2 | Walter Rose's father, John Rose pictured in old age seated in a studio, [c.1880s?], 10.5 x 8.5. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/1/3 | Jane Rose, (nee Wilkins), (1826- 07 Aug 1887), the wife of John Rose and the mother of Walter Rose, [c.1880s?], 10.5 x 8 cms. . Photographer; W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/1/4 | Two men on a sociable bicycle at Havant, Hampshire, [c.1880s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Ernest Rose, the brother of Walter, is at the back. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/1/5 | Ernest Rose riding a bicycle, [c.1895?], 12.5 x 8 cms. Photographer W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2 | Photographs which show Walter John Rose, (1857- 1954), photographer of Westcott, [c.1880?]-[c.1940s?], 10 items | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/1 | Small carte de visit with a photograph of Walter Rose, [c.1880?], 5.5 x 3 cms. Photographer: A Debenham & Sons of Ryde, Isle of Wight. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/2 | A group of four men, three holding violins and the other a flute. Identified as W J Rose and friends, with Walter Rose in the centre, [c.1880s?] 13 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/3 | Re-photographed image of Walter Rose seated by a garden wall, [c.1886?], 10.5 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/4 | Re-photographed image of a head and shoulders drawing of Walter Rose by William Egerton Hine, dated 1889, 15 x 11 cms. Photographer of original image: W J Rose. Hine was an art master at Harrow between 1892 and 1922 and lived in Parsonage Lane, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/5 | Re-photographed image of Walter Rose sitting in his back garden, [c.1895?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/6 | Re-photographed image which shows Walter Rose holding a small terrier dog, [c.1900?], 10.5 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Houses in Chapel Lane can be seen in the background. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/7 | Postcard which shows Walter Rose in his garden with six beehives, 1908, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/8 | Re-photographed image of Walter Rose standing by the trunk of a tree, [c.1910?], 13.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/9 | A postcard of Walter Rose in later life seated in a chair, [c.late 1930s?], 13.5 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/2/10 | Walter Rose sitting at an easel painting a picture with an artist's palette in one hand, [c.1940s?], 12.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3 | Photographs of Mrs Ellen Rose, (1865-1935), wife of Walter John Rose, [c.1890s?]-[c.1915?], 7 items. Ellen Johnson had married Walter Rose at Dulwich in 1897. (Source: Marriage registers of St John's, East Dulwich) | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/1 | Ellen Rose and a young female relative taken near the Durance Woods, [c.1890s?], 7.5 x 10 cms, Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/2 | Re-photographed image of Ellen Rose riding a bicycle at Leylands, Wotton, [c.1897?], 16 x 11.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/3 | Re-photographed image of Ellen Rose (on the left), an unidentified older woman and a boy with a honey extracting machine, [c.1898?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/4 | Ellen, the wife of Walter Rose with her chickens in their garden at Westcott Street, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 16 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/5 | Re-photographed image which shows Ellen Rose and a young girl beside the main road looking down into Westcott village, [c.1900?], 13 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/6 | Ellen Rose in the garden at Westcott Street, by an outbuilding used as a photographer's studio, [c.1902?], 11 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/3/7 | Ellen Rose, outside her front door in Westcott Street wearing two post bags at a time when she was an assistant postwoman, [c.1915?], 9 x 12 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4 | Photographs of Emily Margaret Rose, (1907-1991), known as Dolly, [c.1907?]-[c.1913?], 6 items. Dolly was the youngest daughter of Amos George Rose, the older brother of Walter Rose. After her mother died in childbirth, she was brought up by her Uncle Walter Rose and his wife Ellen and continued to live with him until his death in 1954. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4/1 | A baby in a perambulator in the garden of Walter J Rose, [c.1907?], 7.5 x 9.5 cms. The identity of the baby is not certain but is very probably Dolly Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4/2 | Postcard which shows Miss Lyon, a district nurse, holding Dolly Rose as a baby, [c.1907?], 14 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4/3 | Re-photographed image which shows the district nurse Miss Lyon, holding Dolly Rose as a baby. The photograph was taken in a garden at an unknown location, [c.1907?). 11.5 x 16cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4/4 | Re-photographed image of a small child (very probably Dolly Rose) with a Victorian style perambulator containing several toys, 1910, 9 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4/5 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard which shows Dolly Rose aged 3 with several toys in Walter Rose's garden at Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 9 x 13.5 Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/4/6 | Dolly Rose sitting on a bicycle in a garden with an older boy relative, [c.1913?], 14 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5 | Friends and Relatives of Walter Rose, [c.1895?]-[c.1910?], 7 items. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/1 | Re-photographed image of a lady on a bicycle identified as a friend of Walter Rose, [c.1895?], 10 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/2 | A view looking towards Westcott Green which shows a young girl, (aged about 12-14?) on a bicycle, [c.1907?], 11 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The name of Ellen Mary or Nellie Rose, (born in 1896) an older sister of Dolly Rose, the niece of Walter Rose, is written on the reverse. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/3 | A man using a large wooden mallet in Walter Rose's back garden in Westcott Street, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/4 | Re-photographed image which shows an elderly lady sitting on a bicycle with a man and a woman on either side of her, identified as friends of Walter Rose and his wife, [c.1903?], 16 x 11.5 cms. Photographer : W J Rose. Location unknown | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/5 | Re-photographed image of a lady relative of Dolly Rose standing with a bicycle in a photographer's studio, [c.1905?], 14 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/6 | Two unidentified people in Walter Rose's garden at Westcott Street, [c.1905?], 11 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/25/5/7 | Re-photographed image of a woman riding a tricycle and a man with a bicycle, [c.1910?], 10 x 8 cms. Both are thought to be relatives of Walter Rose. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/26 | Miss Lizzie Ruffell, (b. c.1872) who kept a school at The Old Barracks in Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 8 x 5.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/27 | A group photograph at a Ryde family wedding. Miss Kitty Ryde and Miss Madge Ryde are in the front row, [c.1905?], 8 x 13 cms. The date makes it likely that the wedding was either that of Annie Ryde in 1906 or Eliza Ryde in 1904, both of whom were sisters of Arthur Ryde Senior and married at Holy Trinity Church in Westcott. (Source: marriage registers of Holy Trinity, Westcott). For photographs of Arthur Ryde's Forge and Garage in Wescott see: DM1/12/37/10/9/11. | |
DM1/12/37/6/28 | David Knight's Aunt Florrie when she was 16 or 17 pictured with three goats, [c.1926?], 8 x 13 cms. Florence Mary Stedman (b.1911) was the daughter of William and Emily Stedman of Chapel Lane, Westcott (Baptism register of Holy Trinity, Westcott). David Knight has supplied the information that the picture was taken "near the site of the dairy which was later a timber yard from about 1930 until just after the war." Westcott Dairy had at least three locations during the 20th century and it is not clear which one Knight was referring to. | |
DM1/12/37/6/29 | Violet Taylor, (b. c.1904) (later Mrs Holden) with a young calf at Springfield Farm, [c.1911?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Violet was the daughter of James and Celia Taylor of Springfield Farm where her father was a cowman. (Source: 1911 census) | |
DM1/12/37/6/30 | Mrs Wakefield, mother of Mrs Smithers of Milton Street, Westcott with the radio and television personality Freddie Grisewood at the opening of Newra, a residential care home, Sep 1954, 8.5 x 8.5 cms. There is a Newra Residential home at Harrow Road West in Dorking (in 2018) which is probably the location of the photograph. Ellen Wakefield (b. c.1865) was the wife of John W. Wakefield, a gardener of Milton Street. (Source: 1911 census) | |
DM1/12/37/6/31 | Re-photographed image which shows Winnie Wakefield as a baby in an early pushchair, 1893, 16 x 10 cms. She was born in 1892 at No 3 Milton Street, Westcott, the daughter of John and Ellen Wakefield and later became Mrs Smithers reaching the age of over 100. | |
DM1/12/37/6/32 | Re-photographed image of Joe Walton of Parsonage Lane, Westcott in old age, [c.1910], 10.5 x 7.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Joseph John Walton is shown in the 1911 census as a 67 year old market gardener living at Viewlands in Westcott (now no 39 Parsonage Lane), with his wife and family. | |
DM1/12/37/6/33 | Dr Waterhouse, his wife and a friend (on the right), at an unknown outdoor location, [c.1890?], 8 x 10.5 cms. Dr William Dakin Waterhouse (b.c.1848-1922), a medical practitioner, formerly of Hampstead in London retired to Kingscote, Westcott between 1901 and 1911. (Source: census returns of 1901 and 1911). For photographs of Dr Waterhouse's early cars, [c.1902-1907?] see: DM1/12/37/8/5. | |
DM1/12/37/6/34 | Re-photographed image of Ted Woodnut on a horse belonging to Colonel Barclay of Bury Hill, [c.1910?], 8 x 8 cms. Edward Henry Woodnut, (b. c.1859) was the landlord of the The Cabin public house in St John's Road. | |
DM1/12/37/6/35 | Mounted colour photograph of a portrait of John Worsfold, founder of St John's Chapel, Westcott, (d. 17 Apr 1852 aged 84). Amended notes on the reverse give the information that the original portrait hangs in the Vestry at St John's and the artist was W. Watson in 1849. Date of photo {c.1980s?] 16.5 x 11.5 cms. Worsfold was a landed proprietor of Westcott who gave the land for the chapel to be built in 1838. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36 | Photographs showing two or more unrelated people, [c.1890s?]-[c.1974?], 9 items. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/1 | Re-photographed image showing Leon Chitty on the left and Arthur Ryde Snr (on horseback) outside the Bricklayers Arms, Westcott, [c.1890s?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. The names have been supplied in notes made on the reverse but the identity of Leon Chitty is uncertain. The 1891 census shows a Chitty family at the grocery shop in Westcott Road. Arthur and Ellen Chitty had a son named Leopold then 15 who may have been the person in the photo. Arthur Ryde (b. c.1870) was a blacksmith with premises on the Guildford Road, For photographs of Arthur Ryde's Forge and Garage see: DM1/12/37/10/9/11. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/2 | Three women at an outside location, [c.1890s?], 9 x 6 cms. The mother of Dick Brooks standing left; Miss Monday standing with a parasol on the right and Mrs Ellen Rose, (wife of Walter Rose, photographer) sitting in the foreground. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/3 | Re-photographed image which shows a group of seven young Westcott men, [c.1914?], 9 x 12 cms. In the back row: Wally Bourne, Fred Wright, B Smithers, Ern Woodnutt. Front row: from left; Charlie Mills, Charlie Baker and Walter Gardiner, | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/4 | Mrs Mallinson with her Bible class at an unknown location in Westcott, [c.1915?], 8 x 10.5 cms. Standing 3rd from left: Mabel Bourner; 4th left: Kitty Ryder; 5th left: Kate Hubbard. Sitting 1st left: Maggie Woods. Sitting on the right: Mrs Mallinson who lived at Ellerslie in Guildford Road, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/5 | Postcard which shows Mr W Razzell, on the right and Mr Wright on the left outside the Crown inn, [c.1920s?], 9 x 13.5 cms. For another photograph of Bill Razzell, (b. c,1859) see: DM1/12/37/6/24/1 | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/6 | Three men at an unknown location identified as Mr Johnson, Bill and Bobbie, [c.1930s?], 8 x 13 cms. Information supplied on the reverse of the photograph indicates that Mr Johnson was the first person to be christened at Holy Trinity Church in Westcott. The first entries in the church's register of baptisms show that there were two ceremonies carried out on 04 Jul 1852. The record for John Johnson, son of John and Ann Johnson, was in fact the second entry rather than the first. John Johnson is shown in the 1911 census as a beer retailer of Sancrest, Westcott. Any further identity of Bill and Bobbie is unknown. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/7 | Three young boys Martin Lillywhite, Bill Beasley and Harold Libiter with David Knight's mother, (Mrs Ethel Knight, nee Steadman) in the Knight's back garden at Furlong Road? 1948, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/8 | Sam Levy and Jack Locke inside the Hut community centre at Westcott, [c.1957?], 15 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/36/9 | Colour photograph of Bill Baker and Dennis Miles at the entrance to Forrest Stores in Parsonage Lane with their dog Dandy, [c.1974?], 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/37 | Unidentified People, [c.1890s?]-[c.1928?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/6/37/1 | A young lady riding a bicycle along a rural road at an unknown location, [c.1890s?], 16.5 x 11.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/6/37/2 | A unknown man standing with an Edison Home Phonograph in W J Rose's photographer's studio at Westcott Street, [c.1901?], 20.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/6/37/3 | Re-photographed image of a group of three people , (a woman in her 20s or 30s, a girl aged 12 and a younger girl aged 6), with "the old Hut" in the background on the site of the present Ashley Road, Westcott, [c.1928?], 8 x 13 cms. They are named as Eileen at the age of 12 years and Peggy aged 6. Eileen is probably Eileen Cooke pictured as a baby at DM1/12/37/6/2. | |
DM1/12/37/6/37/4 | A relative of A J (Bert) Smith sitting on a BSA motor cycle, [c.1920s?], 5.5 x 8 cms. Location not known. | |
DM1/12/37/7 | Westcott Public Houses, [c.1870?]-[c.1960s?], 3 files. | |
DM1/12/37/7/1 | Re-photographed images of the Bricklayers Arms, the Crown and the Prince of Wales Public Houses, [c.1900?]-[c.1910?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/7/1/1 | A close-up of the Bricklayers Arms on the corner of Guildford Road, and Parsonage Lane,[c.1905?], 20 x 16cms. The business closed on 19 Nov 1967. | |
DM1/12/37/7/1/2 | The Crown public House, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. The pub in Guildford Road closed in 2007 and was trading as Bertram Bees, a wine bar, coffee shop and delicatessen until Jan 2018. | |
DM1/12/37/7/1/3 | The Prince of Wales inn, [c.1910?], 10 x 15.5 cms. Alterations were made to the building in 1922. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2 | The Cabin Public House, Westcott, [c.1910?]-[c.1960s?], 9 items. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2 ctd | Located at the top of St John's Road, the pub closed in Nov 1968 and has now been converted into a private house. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/1 | A large group of men at the rear of the Cabin public house, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 10 cms. William Steadman, maternal grandfather of David Knight is 3rd left in the front row. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/2 | Group of working men outside the Cabin pub, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/3 | Two men sitting at a table outside the Cabin, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/4 | Five men sat at a table outside the Cabin, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 10 cms. A blackboard is displayed which shows the names of people who had been fined 6d for swearing. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/5 | Fred Woodnutt, identified as a local carrier, sitting at a table outside the Cabin, [c.1910?], 13 x 8 cms. The 1911 census shows him as a 22 year old domestic groom living with his parents in St John's Road, his father Edward being a beer retailer. This suggests that Edward Woodnutt was the landlord of the Cabin at the time that the photograph was taken. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/6 | Three men identified from left as Ern Woodnutt, Ed Woodnutt and ? Sharp with beer barrels at the rear of the Cabin, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. Ern and Ed Woodnutt were the sons of Edward Woodnutt, the landlord. Both are shown on the 1911 census with their parents at St Johns Road. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/7 | A group of men on an outing from the Cabin pub, pictured outside the building, [c.1930s?], 8 x 13 cms. Standing back row from left: Alec Sayers, Arthur Griswood, Harry Doc Raggett, Bill Tidy, Alf Nightingale, Jim Stent, Bill Williams and Jim Navvy Mears. Sitting from left: Porky Parsons, George Bridger, Jim Holmes and Bill Steadman. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/8 | A group of 5 men sitting in front of a coach on an outing from the Cabin, [c.1930s?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/7/2/9 | Close up of The Cabin public house in St John's Road, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/7/3 | Photographs of the Cricketers Public House, Heath Rise, Westcott, [c.1870?]-[c.1920?], 2 items. The pub closed in 2007. | |
DM1/12/37/7/3/1 | Re-photographed image with a close up of the Cricketers pub, with members of staff and bystanders including a boy with a cricket bat standing at the fence in the foreground, [c.1870?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/7/3/2 | A group of six people standing outside the front entrance of the Cricketers with a Daimler car parked outside, [c.1920?], 15 x 20.5 cms. According to David Knight's notes on the reverse, Mr Woodnutt who was the landlord of the Cabin in St John's Road married the landlady of the Cricketers and therefore gave up the Cabin. He is the first man on the right. | |
DM1/12/37/8 | Photographs of Westcott Roads and Transport, [c.1880?]-[c.1970s?], 8 files and 3 items. These include HM Airship Delta, [c.1913?]; bus transport, [c.1919?--[c.1920?]; early cars, [c.1900s?]-[c.1913?]; road traffic accidents, 1905-1914, and rail transport, [c.1890?]-1966. | |
DM1/12/37/8/1 | Re-photographed images of HM Airship Delta, [c.1913?], 2 items. The airship was built in 1913 at the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough. On 02 Jul 1913 it made a flight from Farnborough to Earlswood and it is thought the original photograph was taken on the same day. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 27 Dec 1913) See also: DM1/12/13/6/1/5 for a photograph of the same airship over Dorking High Street. | |
DM1/12/37/8/1/1 | HM Airship Delta, over Westcott. [c.1913?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/8/1/2 | An enlarged image of the non-rigid airship Delta as it flew over Westcott, [c.1913?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/8/2 | Re-photographed image of an unidentified man wearing a boater, with a large penny farthing bicycle, [c.1880?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/8/3 | Bus Transport, [c.1919?--[c.1920?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/8/3/1 | A bus of the Aldershot & District Traction Company on the Aldershot to Leatherhead route, passing Westcott Church towards Dorking, [c.1919?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/8/3/2 | Postcard which shows a bus conductor in uniform with the front of a bus just visible, [c.1920?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. The manufacturers name of Tilling-Stevens is on the bonnet. The location is unknown but pencilled on the reverse is the information that the bus conductor is the husband of Florrie Landers. The family are thought to have come from Westcott, but further identification has not been possible. | |
DM1/12/37/8/4 | Early Cars, [c.1900s?] -[c.1913?], 6 items | |
DM1/12/37/8/4/1 | Re-photographed image which shows Walt Harvey from Watson Road, Westcott, driving a 1904 Renault at Warninglid, near Horsham,Sussex, [c.early 1900s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. David Knight has recorded information on the reverse that he obtained from Walt Harvey in 1970. This states that Harvey worked at Haywards Heath and that he took the novelist George Meredith for his first ever car ride round Leith Hill in the car which is pictured. | |
DM1/12/37/8/4/2 | Postcard which shows Mr Asslet driving a French De-Dion Boulton car belonging to Mr Geake in Westcott Street, 1908, 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The 1911 census shows a Boyd Burnet Geake aged 23 with the occupation of a motor car agent. He lived with his parents at Hillside, Westcott and his father John Burnet Geake was the managing director of a furnishing fabrics company. | |
DM1/12/37/8/4/3 | Photograph mounted on card which shows Mr Asslet in Mr Geake's De-Dion Boulton car, [c.1908?], 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/8/4/4 | Another view of Mr Asslet in Mr Geake's De-Dion Boulton car, [c.1908?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/8/4/5 | Re-photographed image which shows a Daimler motor car belonging to Mrs Charlotte Pringle outside her home at Wintershaw on Westcott Green, [c.1910?], 14.5 x 20.5 cms. A chauffeur is standing against the front wheel of the car while the person in the driving seat is Mrs Pringle's gardener. Her maid is sitting in the back seat. | |
DM1/12/37/8/4/6 | Re-photographed image which shows a car of about 1912 manufactured by the Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerne, in Westcott Street near the Pound, [c.1913?], 8.5 x 14 cms. On the reverse is the added information that the driver later became mayor of Chiswick and was a relative of Walter Rose, the Westcott photographer. | |
DM1/12/37/8/5 | Early Cars of Dr William Waterhouse, [c.1902?[-[c.1905?], 3 files. William Dakin Waterhouse (b.c.1848-1922) was a medical doctor who had retired from Hampstead in London to Kingscote at Westcott between 1901 and 1911. (Source: census returns of 1901 and 1911). He was also the Secretary of Westcott Rifle Club. See also: DM1/12/37/3/9. | |
DM1/12/37/8/5/1 | Photographs which show friends of Dr Waterhouse in an early car on Sandrock Hill, [c.1902?], 8 x 10.5 cms. 3 items. The car is thought to be a Leon Bollee | |
DM1/12/37/8/5/2 | Dr Waterhouse, with three friends driving a Leon Bollee car at an unknown location, [c.1903?], 4 items. The photographs appear to have been taken at the same time. Some show Dr Waterhouse driving and in others the driver is a male friend with two women passengers and a dog. | |
DM1/12/37/8/5/3 | Dr Waterhouse's Panhard Levassor car at Deerleap Woods and at an unknown location, [c.1905?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/8/6 | Colour postcard which shows a model of a coach and four at the Bath Carriage Museum. Postcard published by Photo Precision Ltd, St Ives, Huntingdon, [c.1970s?], 10.5 x 15 cms. The actual coach was owned by Mr Higgs of Broomfield Park, Westcott, [c.1930]. | |
DM1/12/37/8/7 | Road Traffic Accidents, 1905-1914, 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/8/7/1 | Postcard which shows an accident with a traction engine at Coast Hill, 16 Oct 1905, 9 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The engine belonged to the Dorking Brick Company and was drawing two lorries laden with 5,000 bricks to Peaslake. The incident was caused by a fault with the gears which made the engine go backwards as it was turning the curve at the steep part of the hill. The man holding his lapel is Naurie Mears who used to live at Rabbit Hutch Row on the common and later at 17 Furlong Road. Nelson and Frank Carpenter were the driver and firemen. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 21 Oct 1905 and information obtained by David Knight from Tom Knight who worked at Dorking Brickworks for many years). | |
DM1/12/37/8/7/2 | Postcard with a different view of the incident shown in DM1/12/37/8/7/1 with several onlookers on the left, 1905, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The man almost out of the picture on the left is Naurie Mears. The man with the bowler hat is Mr Gibbs who was sexton at the church and lived in Westcott. The woman in the centre is thought to be Mrs Nash. (Information added on the reverse by David Knight) | |
DM1/12/37/8/7/3 | A photograph showing a car belonging to Mr W Harvey of Watson Road, Westcott overturned and on its side following an accident, [c.1906?], 8 x 11 cms. According to David Knight's information on the reverse it was being driven through the New Forest by Mr Harvey when his lady passenger took the controls and collided with a motor cycle coming the other way. | |
DM1/12/37/8/7/4 | Re-photographed image of an accident at Coast Hill, 29 Jun 1909, 16 x 20.5 cms. A traction engine would appear to have shed its load of bricks. Photographer: W J Rose. Original image owned by Charlie Laker of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/8/7/5 | Re-photographed image of the first motor accident in Westcott involving a collision between a bus of the Aldershot & District Traction Company and a motor car, in front of Ivy Cottage, Guildford Road, Westcott on 29 Jun 1914, 14.5 x 21 cms. A report of the incident was published in the Dorking Advertiser of 04 Jul 1914. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/8/7/6 | Re-photographed image of another view of the accident between the bus and the car, shown in DM1/12/37/8/7/5, 1914, 14.5 x 20.5 cms. Details of the report in the Dorking Advertiser have been added on the reverse. | |
DM1/12/37/8/8 | Rail Transport, [c.1890?]-1966, 3 items. The railway between Reading and Redhill runs east-west along the foot of the North Down slopes, about a mile away from Westcott at its closest point. There were two manned railway crossings at Milton Court and Hole Hill until the 1960s when they were left with unmanned gates. Each crossing had a keeper's cottage on the edge of the eastbound line. (Source: Westcott Local History Group's "The History of Westcott and Milton, pub.2000). | |
DM1/12/37/8/8/1 | Re-photographed image of the keeper's Cottage at Coombe Crossing with the Keeper standing outside and a train approaching, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/8/8/2 | Re-photographed image of the crossing keepers Cottage at Coombe Crossing on Hole Hill, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Mrs. Hubbard is in the centre and a relative of Mrs. Holden on the left. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/8/8/3 | The crossing-keeper's Cottage at Milton Crossing, 30 Oct 1966, 8.5 x 12 cms. Built in 1849 it was demolished between Jun and Jul 1967. | |
DM1/12/37/8/9 | A steam traction engine at the bottom of Sandrock Hill, 29 Feb 1964, 8 x 13 cms. The engine is model no 1215 built by Fowler, c.1917. Photographer: David Knight. | |
DM1/12/37/9 | Westcott Services and Facilities, [c.1900?]-[c.1950s?], 3 files and 1 item.Includes Westcott Fire Brigade, [c.1914?]-1924; Health Services, [c.1905?]-[c.1916?; Postmen, [c.1900?]-[c.1908?]; and Refuse Collection, [c.1950s?]. | |
DM1/12/37/9/1 | Westcott Fire Brigade, [c.1914?]-1924, 3 items. A Volunteer Fire Brigade was established in 1898, with a small fire station housing a manual fire engine, adjacent to the main road at the exit from the Reading Room. The village was later served by Dorking's motor fire engine from 1930 and the Westcott Fire Brigade was eventually disbanded in 1938. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000.) | |
DM1/12/37/9/1/1 | A group of 14 uniformed members of Westcott Fire Brigade at an unknown location, [c.1914?], 9.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/9/1/2 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Fire Brigade and their manual fire engine drawn by 2 horses in Brooklands Field (now the Paddock). [c.1914?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. Nine uniformed firemen and a driver are aboard the pump, with 5 others standing. | |
DM1/12/37/9/1/3 | Six uniformed members of the Westcott Fire Brigade, winners of the Kingham Challenge Cup which is displayed on the small table beside them, 27 Jul 1924, 8 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The cup would have been awarded for a pump competition with other local fire brigades where most of the members were either volunteers or part time. | |
DM1/12/37/9/2 | Westcott Health Services, [c.1905?]-[c.1916?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/9/2/1 | Re-photographed image of three district nurses whose rounds included Westcott, Ranmore and Wotton. From the left Nurse Wilcox, Nurse Young, and Nurse Ward, sitting in a garden, [c.1905?],11.5 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/9/2/2 | Re-photographed image of staff at the Isolation Hospital in Logmore Lane, [c.1916?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Six members of nursing staff are seated in the foreground with seven men in military uniform, (probably patients), standing behind them, [c.1916?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/9/3 | Re-photographed images of Westcott Postmen, [c.1900?]-[c.1908?], 3 items | |
DM1/12/37/9/3/1 | Mr Molyneux, Westcott's first uniformed postman, [c.1900?], 13 x 8 cms. The bars on the front of his coat denote long service. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/9/3/2 | Mr Molyneux, postman of Westcott, at the time of his retirement, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/9/3/3 | Dick Best, in his uniform as a postman, [c.1908?], 10.5 x 8 cms. He retired in 1948 after 43 years service. | |
DM1/12/37/9/4 | A refuse lorry of Dorking Urban District Council in Watson Road, Westcott, [c.1950s?], 6 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10 | Westcott Streets and Localities, (1822)-1986, 87 files and 3 items. Arrangement: in order of the street or locality with composite and general scenic views being placed first. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1 | Composite and General Scenic Views, [c.1900?]-[c.1950s?], 7 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/1 | Re-photographed image of a postcard comprising 10 separate photographs, [c.1900?], 10 x 14 cms. The views include Milton Court Mill (top left), the Silent Pool (middle top row), Kingscote, Westcott Street (right top row); Westcott Church (left of middle row); Crooked Clere?? (timbered building) middle of middle row; the Ford at Westcott Street (right of middle row; unknown field (bottom left); Uncle Tom's Cabin pub in Westcott Street (2nd left in bottom row) Bay tree Cottage (bottom row 3rd from left); and an unknown view. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/2 | Re-photographed image looking down into Westcott from the hill above Holy Trinity Church with the church on the right, [c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/3 | Re-photographed image of a view over Institute Road towards Ranmore Common, [c.1900?], 16 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/4 | Re-photographed image which shows a view of Westcott in the distance from Ranmore, [c.1904?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/5 | A postcard showng storm clouds and lightning looking towards Westcott, 02 Aug 1906, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: A J Champion. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/6 | Postcard with a view looking towards Ranmore from Westcott Road, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: R. Wood, Westcott. Addressed to Miss F Stedman (David Knight's aunt), c/o Mrs Squelch, 6 The Bƒ.., Cranleigh. Postmarked from Westcott 19 Aug 1918. The sender's name is illegible. | |
DM1/12/37/10/1/7 | Postcard with 5 different views of Westcott which include: The Rookery and Lake (top left); a view from Ranmore at Rickets Hole (top right); the church and war memorial (centre); the Green (bottom left); and Milton Street (bottom right); Published by Frith & Co. [c.1950s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/2 | Photographs of or relating to Bailey Road, Westcott, [c.1926?]-[c.1980s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/2/1 | Mrs Razzell and her neighbours the Nash family in the garden at 18 Bailey Road, [c.1926?], 8 x 5.5. cms. Those identified on the reverse include Agnes Nash (2nd from left) holding baby, Jim Nash (b.1924), Gert Nash (3rd from left) and Ede Nash (1st right). Mrs Razzell is probably Alice Jane, (b. c.1860), the wife of William Razzell (senior) who can be found in the 1911 census and on electoral rolls until about 1936 at 3 Victoria Cottages, Bailey Road, Westcott. For other photographs of the Razzell family see: DM1/12/37/6/24. | |
DM1/12/37/10/2/2 | Photograph of an original fire insurance mark of the Phoenix Assurance company, originally on 29-31 Bailey Road and which fell off in 1979, [c.1980s?], 12.5 x 8.5 cms. The use of fire marks was gradually phased out from about 1840. This type of design was the last batch of Phoenix marks issued for the use of country agents in Dec 1865. (Source: Brian Wright - The British Fire Mark, 1680-1879, pub Woodhead-Faulkner, 1982) As the houses in Bailey Road were not built until the 1890s the mark must originally have been used for another property and its use here can only have been for decorative or advertising purposes. According to information on the reverse of the photo, the mark was originally owned by Frank Croucher of no 31 Bailey Road, (d.1981). Photographer: Pip Mee of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3 | Photographs of Balchins Lane,Westcott including views of Churt Gate House, Coombe Farm, the Ford and Stowe Maries, and Mead House, [c.1890?]-1962, 4 files. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/1 | The front and rear view of Churt Gate House, Balchins Lane, [c.1950s?], 8 x 11.5 cms. 2 items. Part of the Rookery Estate, the house was used at one time as the laundry for Rookery House. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/2 | Views of Coombe Farm, Balchins Lane, Westcott, [c.1890?]-1962, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/2/1 | Re-photographed image of Coombe Farm in Balchins Lane showing the farmhouse, the farmyard and an empty cart in the foreground, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/2/2 | Re-photographed image of the farmhouse at Coombe Farm, Balchins Lane, [c.1908?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. A figure carrying pails can be seen in the centre who may be J. Freeland which is a name pencilled on the reverse of the photo. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/2/3 | The rifle butts at Coombe Farm, 1962, 11 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/3 | Views of the Ford in Balchins Lane and a Field at Stowe Maries, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/3/1 | The ford in Balchins Lane, [c.1890?], 10.5 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/3/2 | A field with cattle, several onlookers beyond the fence and a barn beyond it at Stow Maries in Balchins Lane, [c.1900?], 11 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/4 | Re-photographed images of Mead House, Balchins Lane, Westcott, [c.1920s?]-1925, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/4/1 | Hay making in the grounds of Mead House, Balchins Lane, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/4/2 | A close up of Mead House, 1925. 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/3/4/3 | Mead House from the gardens at the rear, 1925, 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/4 | Broomfield House, Westcott, 1908-[c.1912?], 4 items. The house was built in 1868 for Sir Thomas Paine and later bought in 1908 by Sir George Touche. It remained in the family until its demolition during the 1960s. The site is now occupied by the developments of Broomfield Park and Pointers Hill. (Source: Westcott Local History Group's - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub.2000). | |
DM1/12/37/10/4/1 | Photograph mounted on card of Broomfield House from the north west, 1908, 10 x 7. 5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/4/2 | Postcard of Broomfield House from the gardens, 1909, 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: Johnsons Photo Series, The Green, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/4/3 | A closer view of Broomfield House from the gardens, [c.1910?], 8 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/4/4 | A postcard of Broomfields and the gardens, [c.1912?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher: Johnsons Photo Series, The Green, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5 | Bury Hill House and Estate, Westcott, (1844)-1983, 9 files. These include: views of the House and Lake, (1844)-1931; Bury Hill Gardens, [c.1890?]-[c.1910?]; the roof of the remaining parts of Bury Hill House and the views from the roof, 1983; Bury Hill Lodge and Entrance, [c.1890?]-1936; Bury Hill Estate Workers, 1869-[c.1946?]; charcoal burning activity on the Bury Hill Estate, [c.1910?]; Hurdle Making and Hoop Making Activities on the Bury Hill Estate, [c.1910?]; and Bury Hill stables, [c.1910-1914?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5 ctd | Administrative History: Bury Hill Estate was created by Edward Walter who purchased Chadhurst Farm in 1735 and bought up neighbouring agricultural lands to build up a large estate which ran from Westcott and Milton to Coldharbour and the fringes of the Holmwood. He built Bury Hill House following the purchase of land in Milton manor in 1753. The estate was sold in 1815. Nearly a thousand acres were bought by Robert Barclay, a wealthy Southwark brewer and the Barclay family retained ownership for 150 years. After occupation by the military in the Second World War, the centre part of the house was destroyed by fire in 1949. The outer parts remain and have been converted to apartments. The rest of the estate was then split and sold off. (Source: Dorking Museum website accessed 2017) | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1 | Views of the House and Lake, (1844)-1931, 13 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/1 | Photograph of a painting of Bury Hill House and lake. The painting is dated 1844 but the artist is unknown. Photo: [late 20th cent?] 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/2 | View of Bury Hill House before alterations, [c.1880s?], 6 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/3 | Re-photographed image of a group of 14 decorators outside Bury Hill House, [c.1890s?] 15.5 x 20 cms. Information on the reverse reads: "these are Canter's or Jeater's men. "Porky" Mills, back row left. On careful study of the windows they do not match up with the ones at Bury Hill. Could well have been taken before alterations in the 1890s." William Canter had a carpentry and joiner's business on Wescott Green while H. Jeater had a decorating business in Guildford Road, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/4 | Coloured postcard view of Bury Hill House and lake, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co of Reigate. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/5 | Re-photographed image of the front or north side of Bury Hill House, [c.1900?], 16 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/6 | Re-photographed image which shows the rear or south side of Bury Hill House, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/7 | The rear of Bury Hill House, [c.1900?], 11 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/8 | South front of Bury Hill House, [c.1905?], 12.5 x 7 cms. Photographer: W.J. Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/9 | South front of Bury Hill House, [c.1905?], 12 x 16.5. Photographer: W.J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/10 | The South Front of Bury Hill House, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/11 | The Terrace of Bury Hill House, [c.1905?], 17 x 12 cms. Photographer: W. J. Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/12 | Postcard showing Bury Hill House in the middle distance, [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: Francis Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/1/13 | Postcard which shows the north front of Bury Hill House in the foreground and the lake behind it, 1931 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/2 | Views of Bury Hill Gardens, [c.1890?]-[c.1910?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/2/1 | The gardens of Bury Hill House, [c.1905?], 16.5 x 12 cms. The small figure of Mr Graysmark, the head gardener can just be seen in the middle distance. Photographer: W.J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/2/2 | The formal gardens at Bury Hill House with a fountain on the left, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 11cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/2/3 | A tree lined avenue at Bury Hill known as the Broad Walk, [c.1890?], 9.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/2/4 | Re-photographed image showing the Broad Walk, [c.1900?], 12 x 16.5 cms | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/3 | Colour photographs showing the roof of the remaining parts of Bury Hill House and the views from the roof, 1983, 10 x 13 cms, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4 | Bury Hill Lodge and Entrance, [c.1890?]-1936, 7 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/1 | Re-photographed image of a view from the inner lodge, [c.1890?},9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/2 | Re-photographed image of the Inner Lodge, [c.1900?] 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/3 | Re-photographed image of the view from Milton Street, Westcott to the Inner Lodge, Bury Hill, [c.1900?], 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/4 | The lodge gate and entrance to Bury Hill House on Milton Heath, [c.1900?], 16.5 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/5 | Colour postcard of view at Milton Heath and the entrance to Bury Hill, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/6 | Bury Hill Lodge [c.1930?], 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/4/7 | Bury Hill Lodge, 1936, 15 x 21.5 cms. Notes on the reverse add that this is also the Lodge to the Nower and that in 1985 it was called Bracken Lodge and much altered. The wood turning in the porch is the same as that at Little Brook in Milton Street. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/5 | Cattle in the farmyard of Home Farm at Bury Hill, [c.1907?], 2 items. 5 x 16.5 cms. The name of "Podge Newman" has been written on the reverse of both items and may refer to the farm worker shown in the first image. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6 | Bury Hill Estate Workers, 1869-[c.1946?], 7 items | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/1 | Photograph mounted inside card showing "a mudding gang" of 21 labourers at Bury Hill lake, 1869, 11 x 16 cms. The men have been identified on the reverse. Top row: left to right: Foreman R. Mitchell (steward at the carpenter's yard, Milton Street); 2. William Ede; 3. William No 2; [possibly 2 William Edes?] 4. Elias Pullen; 5. Isaac Johnson; 6. Charles Friday Junior; 7. David Peters; 8. Stephen Best; 9. Charlie Friday; 10. George Friday of Mile House Cottage, agricultural labourer; 11. Henry May; 12. Isaac Botting; 13. William Worsfold. Bottom row: 1. Edmond Carrol; 2. Jesse Bax; 3. William Ansell, ganger and member of Bury Hill Estate Fire Brigade in 1861. (see DM1/8/2/1); 4. Jesse Francis; 5. Henry Best; 6. William Lawrence; 7. James Fuller; 8. Peter Knight. Notes on the reverse by David Knight indicate that only one small section of the fence in the background now remains. Original photo owned by John Mitchell of Westbank, Dorking. The photographer is named as ABK - possibly Arthur Kett Barclay, the owner of the Bury Hill estate, who died in Nov 1869. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/2 | Re-photographed image showing "The Bury Hill Minstrels," a group of five men with blackened faces in keeping with the popular Minstrel acts of the time, [c.1895?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Three are wearing top hats and some are carrying instruments including a violin, banjo and tambourine. Mr Langdale, the butler is in the centre. For a photograph of the Westcott Minstrels see: DM1/12/37/4/5. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/3 | Mr Graysmark, the head gardener, standing in the gardens at Bury Hill, not far from the fountain, [c.1900?], 16.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/4 | Four estate workers with a horse drawn mower in the grounds of Bury Hill House, [c.1909?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/5 | Postcard view of a group of 16 gardeners on the Bury Hill Estate, [c.1910?], 9 x 14 cms. They are identified on the reverse as Back row: Messrs: Razzle, Rose, Hopkins, Horley, Best, Taylor, Woods, Graysmark. Middle Row: Messrs Huggett, Duddridge, Wakefield, Lemon, Bignold. Front Row: Messrs Woods, Smith and Page. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/6 | Re-photographed image taken from an old post card which shows 4 gardeners with the same horse drawn mower as in DM1/12/37/10/5/6/4, [c.1911?], 8.5 x 14 cms. The original postcard was postmarked 11 Jan 1912, and the card was addressed to Miss Wakefield of 35 Queens Gate, London by her mother. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/6/7 | A group of 9 women and 2 men thought to be workers at Bury Hill Nursery, [c.1946?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Some names have been identified: back row: May Nash, Charlie Beale? --?--, Mr Jupp, Em Smith, Mrs Sayers, Mrs Crowther. Front row; --?--, Mrs Bullett, Mrs Smithers, Mabel Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7 | Charcoal Burning Activity on the Bury Hill Estate, [c.1910?], 13 items. All photographs are modern copies and made [c.late 20th century]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/1 | A charcoal burner with a charcoal burner's barrow, [c.1910?], 9 x 12cms. According to notes on the reverse, "what looks like a triangular flue can be seen in the centre and left of stack, the wood to be charred is then stacked against it. A brushwood screen can be seen to the right of the photograph." | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/2 | A charcoal burner and his shelter, [c.1910?] 8.5 x 13 cms. Notes on the reverse record that amongst European woodland workers, only charcoal burners use this type of shelter. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/3 | A kiln, [c.1910?], 9 x 12 cms. According to notes on the reverse: "the brushwood screens are clearly seen, they were sometimes called "lews" and are set round the kiln to protect it from the wind. The charcoal burner's wheelbarrow can be seen on the left. When the wood to be charred is in place, small wood of about one or two inch diameter is set around and over it to help keep out draughts." | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/4 | Lighting the kiln, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5cms. Notes on the reverse record that the photograph was taken at the timber yard to the Bury Hill Estate at Milton Street. The house is now known as "Carpenters." Condition: adhesive label on reverse. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/5 | Water barrels for damping before cooling and opening of the kiln, [c.1910?], 9 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/6 | "Sorting the crop" after a burn, [c.1910?]. Note the rib shovel on extreme right and the brushwood screens, sometimes called "lews" which are set round the kiln for wind protection. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/7 | Filling sacks using a rib shovel, [c.1910?], 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/8 | The charcoal burner's kiln, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/9 | Lighting the kiln, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/10 | Covering the kiln, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/11 | Raking the covering of the kiln, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/12 | A charcoal burner's hut, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/7/13 | Two charcoal burners with what appears to be an ordinary bonfire, [c.1910?], 9 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/8 | Hurdle Making and Hoop Making Activities on the Bury Hill Estate, [c.1910?], 5 items. All are modern copies made [c.late 20th century]. The hoop maker used chestnut strips to make hoops which enclosed barrels or casks. Chestnut branches would be cut from the tree and their nodes removed using a two handled blade known as a drawknife. The wooden strips were then put through a bending machine to give them their circular shape. 24 of them would then be put into a wooden mould, then linked together with iron rods to form the final hoop. A hurdle maker made wattle hurdles which are fence panels woven from hazel or willow to a traditional pattern. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/8/1 | A hoopmaker at work, [c.1910?], 9 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/8/2 | A hoopmaker and a boy using draw knives, [c.1910?], 9 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/8/3 | Tying hoops in bundles, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/8/4 | Two men making wattle hurdles, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/8/5 | A hurdle maker at work, [c.1910?], 12.5 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/9 | Bury Hill Stables, [c.1910-1914?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/9/1 | Dorking Rural District Council's steam roller at Bury Hill stables. 15 x 20 cms, [c.1910-1914?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W.J. Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/5/9/2 | Re-photographed copy of the original photo at DM1/12/37/10/5/9/1, [c.1910-1914?], 16.5 x 21.5 cms. Notes on the reverse record that when it was being used in Westcott the steam roller was always kept at these stables overnight. The original image was owned by Charlie Laker of Westcott (b. c.1909) whose father, also named Charles, was the driver of the engine shown. Charlie Laker, senior, (b.c.1885) had started driving steam rollers when he was 18. The steam roller was owned by Dorking Rural District Council for 40 years and then sold to Wards of Egham. For another view of the same engine see: DM1/12/11/6 | |
DM1/12/37/10/6 | Views of Coast Hill and Coast Hill Lane, [c.1890s?]-[c.1960s?], 7 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/1 | Re-photographed image which shows a group of women and children in the woods at Coast Hill, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. One of the ladies is seated at an easel, painting. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/2 | Postcard looking down Coast Hill, [c.1905?], 14 x 8.5 cms. Addressed to Miss Parris at the Post Office, Leatherhead Common by an unknown sender arranging a meeting. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/3 | Re-photographed image looking east near the bottom of Coast Hill, [c.1930?] with motor traffic of the time, 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/4 | Garden House, Coast Hill, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/5 | A gardener at work in the grounds of Rookhurst at Coast Hill, the home of the Palmer family, [c.1890s?], 8 x 12 .5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/6 | Re-photographed image of "Woodlands" at Coast Hill the newly built home of Mr Geake with a group of about 18 workmen standing outside, [c.1908], 15.5 x 20 cms. Attached to the back are sale particulars for the property from Bridgers Property Guide of Mar 1984. | |
DM1/12/37/10/6/7 | Close up of the house at Coneybury, Coast Hill Lane, c.1900, 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/7 | Furlong Road, Westcott, 1966-1982, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/7/1 | View of part of Furlong Road, 18 Sep 1966, 8 x 12 cms. Notes on the reverse indicate that the hedge in the centre was removed and a wall built in June or July 1967. I | |
DM1/12/37/10/7/2-3 | Colour photographs of a brick wall in Furlong Road, prior to its collapse on 09 Mar 1982, 1982, 8.5 x 11 cms. 2 items | |
DM1/12/37/10/8 | Guildford Road, Westcott, [c.1860s?]- 1982, 18 files. Arrangement: firstly of general street views followed in order of the house names or localities. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8 ctd | Guildford Road is the main A25 road between Dorking and Guildford which passes through the centre of the village. It is a location with several village shops and businesses as well as residential homes and was known as Westcott Road in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1 | General non-specific views of Guildford Road, 1890-[c.1960?], 10 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/1 | Re-photographed image of a view from the Crown public house, 1890, 8 x 13 cms. Merton House is in the centre distance. Lime trees obscure the Prince of Wales public house. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/2 | Re-photographed image looking towards the Crown inn from Ivy Cottage, Guildford Road, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. On the back is pencilled W Mansell's shoe shop. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/3 | Colour postcard showing houses in Guildford Road, Westcott, taken from the church, [c.1900], 8.5 x 14 cms. Copyright: Frith & Co, Reigate. Postmarked 09 May 1908 from Dorking and addressed to Miss F (surname overstamped), at Tillingburne House, Wotton by "Snooks." | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/4 | A postcard showing the main Guildford road through the village, 1905, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/5 | Re-photographed image of Guildford Road opposite the church showing Bay Tree Cottage and Long Acre, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/6 | A postcard showing the houses on the main Guildford road, 1906, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. Postmarked from Dorking on 31 Dec 1910 and addressed to Miss {Shotter?], 31 Stockwell Crescent in Brixton by E. Scammell?? | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/7 | Re-photographed image of five workmen building a wall opposite Gear's shop In Guildford Road, [c.1914?], 8 x 13.5 cms. Those identified include on the extreme left: Mr. Canter; 3rd left: Jim Grantham; 5th left: Mr. Balchin. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/8 | Coloured postcard of the main street in Westcott, 1919, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/9 | Postcard showing Guildford Road [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Copyright: Frith & Co, Reigate. Notes on the revers add that the photograph shows the view "before Canters was altered." This is assumed to be the premises of W. Canter's carpentry business. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/1/10 | Postcard which shows the main Guildford road through the village, [c.1960?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The Crown inn is on the left. Copyright: F Frith & Co, Reigate. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/2 | Colour photographs which show the section of the Guildford Road opposite the Cricketers public house, before, during and after the renewal of the roadside fence, 1981, 3 items, 13 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/3 | Views of Bay Tree Cottage, formerly Robinson's the wheelwrights, in Guildford Road, [c.1890?]-1897, 4 items. The photographer in all cases was W J Rose of Westcott. Between 1891 and 1901 it was home to the wheelwright Stephen Robinson (b.c.1845) and his family but by 1911 they had moved to Bailey Road, Westcott. (Source: Westcott census returns) For sales particulars for the property see: DM1/1/2/15/2 and DM1/1/2/15/33. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/3/1 | Re-photographed image of a cottage with outbuildings identified on the reverse as "Robinson's the wheelwrights, now Bay Tree Cottage, "[c.1890?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/3/2 | Robinson's the wheelwrights with a wider view to the hills beyond, [c.1890?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/3/3 | Re-photographed image which shows the roadway past Robinson's the wheelwrights and a large traditional farm cart standing outside, [c.1890?], 11 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/3/4 | Postcard which shows Robinsons the wheelwrights with Ranmore Common in the background, 1897, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The outline of the tree formation on Ranmore known as the "Spectacles," planted to mark Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, can be seen under construction. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4 | Photographs of Brooklands, Guildford Road, [1868]-1919, 6 items. With the exception of DM1/12/37/10/8/4/6, all are re-photographed images. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4/1 | "Old Brooklands," 1868, 15 x 11 cms. Three men and a dog are in the foreground, overlooking the road with houses beyond. Photographer of copy: W J Rose. Date of copy: [1900?] | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4/2 | The rear of Brooklands taken from the gardens, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 11 cms. Original photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4/3 | The Dowager Marchioness of Hertford (d.1902) and her daughter Lady Florence Blunt (d.1921) in the garden of her home at Brooklands, [c.1900?], 15 x 20 cms. Knight has added that the Marchioness came to Westcott in 1895 and that Lady Blunt was a lady in waiting to Queen Victoria. She rode about in a small carriage pulled by white horses, a present from the Queen. Original photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4/4 | The Dowager Marchioness of Hertford (d. 1902) seated in a chair in the garden at Brooklands, [c.1900?], 20 x 16 cms. Original photographer; W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4/5 | The rear view of Brooklands, [c.1911?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/4/6 | A view of Brooklands from the gardens, 1919, 5.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/5 | Set of photographs which show Gear's newsagents and confectionery shop in Guildford Road, known as "The Chocolate Box," before, during and after demolition, [c 1963?], 9 x 8.5 cms. 5 items. The first three images are before demolition with the shop still in business and the last two are during and after demolition. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/6 | Photographs of the houses known as Heathcote and Ellerslie, Heath Crest, Ivy Cottage, Long Acre and the Old House, [c.1890?]-[c.1970s?] 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/6/1 | The houses known as Heathcote and Ellerslie, Guildford Road, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/6/2 | Re-photographed image of the garden at Heath Crest, opposite the church in Guildford Road, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Identified on the reverse as "Dyson-Moore's garden now called Heath Crest." The 1901 census shows a Mary Harriet Dyson-Moore (b. c.1855) as head of the household at Heath Crest. A person of private means, she shared the house with a cook and a housemaid. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/6/3 | Re-photographed image of Ivy Cottage, Guildford Road, [c.1890?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/6/4 | A close-up of the house "Long Acre," Guildford Road, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/6/5 | The Old House, Guildford Road, [c.1970s?], 8 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/7 | The Premises of H. Jeater, house decorator and plumber in Guildford Road, Westcott, [c.1900?]-1912, 2 items. The firm was established in 1862 and closed early in 1966. The building is now known as Penny's Cottage. (Source: amended notes on the reverse of DM1/12/37/10/9/7/1. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/7/1 | Re-photographed image which shows the premises of H Jeater, house decorator, with two men and two women standing on the doorstep, [c.1900?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The building adjoining it on the left is part of the Prince of Wales pub. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/7/2 | A window at Jeater's plumber's shop smashed by lightning, 22 Mar 1912, 13 x 8.5 cms. According to David Knight's notes on the reverse: "Bill Jeater said it was a thunderbolt which came down on the opposite side of the road and came just below the surface across the road and stopped at his window. An aunt or his mother was sitting doing needlework at the time but was not hurt. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/8 | Colour photographs of the restoration of Jeater's house in Guildford Road, 1982, 3 items, 8.5 x 11 cms. The photos show the wattle and daub construction dating back to c.1570. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/9 | Merton House, Guildford Road, [c.1890?]-[c.1895?], 3 items. A demolished house which stood in front of Robin Cottage and to the right of Ivy Cottage. It was at one time run as a private school by Charles Brown who had been the Headmaster of Westcott school from 1866-1888. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/9/1 | View of the garden of Merton House in winter, [c.1890?], 9.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/9/2 | Postcard showing Merton House, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/9/3 | Postcard of Merton House, [c.1895?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/10 | Views of the Rookery Bridge, Guildford Road, Westcott, [c.1880?]-[c.1890?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/10/1 | The Rookery Bridge, [c.1880?], 15 x 10 cms. Photographer: Mr C Brown. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/10/2 | The Rookery Bridge, Guildford Road, [c.1890?], 14.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11 | Arthur Ryde's Forge and Garage, Guildford Road, Westcott, [c.1895?]-1964, 15 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11 ctd | The forge had been in existence since 1763 and for most of that time was owned and run by the Ryde family, and during the late 19th and 20th centuries by Arthur Ryde (b. c.1870) and his son Arthur John Ryde (b. 1908). The business was next to Brooklands House on the main road opposite the church and originally offered the traditional blacksmith, farrier, wheelwright, and ironmongery service which later evolved to include the village bicycle repair shop, (just before the First World War) and garage. The Shell petrol company bought the premises in 1965 and demolished the buildings to make way for a new petrol station. This in turn was later demolished to be replaced by a private house. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000) | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/1 | Re-photographed image of Arthur Ryde at work in his smithy, [c.1895?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/2 | Re-photographed image of 2 men at work inside the smithy, [c.1895?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/3 | Re-photographed image of 2 men at work inside the smithy, [c.1895?], 8 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/4 | Re-photographed image of 2 men at work inside the smithy, [c.1895?], 11.5 x 7 cms | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/5 | Re-photographed image of an outside view of Arthur Ryde's smithy, with 3 men and a boy standing in front of the premises [c.1895?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/6 | Photograph of a poster advertising the sale of household furniture to be sold at Westcott Smithy by White & Sons, estate agents of Dorking, under instructions from Mrs Ryde, 09 Oct 1906, 20.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/7 | Close-up of the premises of Arthur Ryde, with four children standing outside, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/8 | A view of Arthur Ryde's premises, [c.1912?], 8 x 13 cms. A cycle store is on the left and an early chauffeur driven (Lanchester?] car is parked outside with several cycles and wagons. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/9 | Re-photographed image of the inside of Arthur Ryde's garage showing four members of staff and 3 cars, [c.1920?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/10 | External view of Arthur Ryde's garage, [c.1920?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/11 | Close-up of the living quarters of the garage, 1923, 10.5 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/12 | A woman operating the first petrol pump at the garage with a small group of onlookers, 1926, 8.5 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/13 | Re-photographed image of the first petrol tank being installed at the garage, 1926, 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/14 | External view of Arthur Ryde's garage, Apr 1939, 6 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/11/15 | Colour photograph of an external view of Ryde's garage with the slopes of Ranmore Common in the background, 1964, 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/12 | The demolition of Ryde's forge and garage, Guildford Road, Wescott, 30 Oct 1966, 8.5 x 12 cms. 7 items including K1495 which shows the last remains of the forge and K1470 which shows a fire insurance mark of the Phoenix Assurance company originally attached to the garage building, [c.1965?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/13 | The clearing up operation following demolition of Ryde's garage in Guildford Road, Westcott with views of the site taken on 13 Nov, (K1496), 04 Dec (K1497-8) and 18 Dec 1966, (K1499) 8.5 x 12 cms. 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/14 | Views which show the building of the new petrol station following the demolition of Ryde's garage, Guildford Road, Westcott, Jan 1967, 8 x 11.5 cms. 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/15 | Sandrock Cottage, Guildford Road, Westcott, [c.1880?]-[c.1890?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/15/1 | Re-photographed image of Sandrock Cottage in the foreground with Rookery farm in the background, [c.1880?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/15/2 | Sandrock Cottage, [c.1890?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/15/3 | Re-photographed image of Sandrock Cottage, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/15/4 | Sandrock Cottage with Rookery Farm in the background, [c.1890?], 8.5 X 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/16 | Wallflower Cottage, Guildford Road, [c.1920?], 2 items. Both are re-photographed images. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/16/1 | Wallflower Cottage, [c.1920?], 10.5 x 16 cms. The sign post by the front gate reads: "W. Kilton - For High Class Boot repairs." | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/16/2 | A small shed with advertising signs for "Wood-Milne, Boot & Shoe Repairs," above it, [c.1920?], 11 X 16 cms. Fred and Ruth Skilton who lived at Wallflower Cottage are standing in front of the shed and the view was probably taken in the cottage's garden. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17 | Westcott House, Guildford Road, [c.1905?]-1935, 19 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17 ctd | Westcott House was completed in 1906 and built for Mr Wills who was related to the cigarette family of the same name. It had a swimming pool known as the Vitapools and a grand stable block. The swimming pool was open to the public but was later filled in. The main house is now a nursing home while conversions to the old stable block and coach house in the mid 1970s have created residential flats and a new house and stable yard. The lodge to the house was demolished in 1970. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000). | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/1 | Westcott House, [c.1905?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/2 | Postcard showing the waterfall and lake at Westcott House, [c.1905?], 7.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/3 | Re-photographed image of The Lodge at Westcott House, 1909, 7.5 x 12.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/4 | Re-photographed image of Westcott House in the winter with snow on the ground and a horse drawn passenger sledge drawn up outside, 1909, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/5 | Re-photographed image which shows a man in riding outfit and top hat, mounted on a horse in the grounds of Westcott House, [c.1910?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. David Knight has identified the horseman as Mr Ludlow. The 1911 census for Westcott shows a Fred Ludlow living at the Lodge to Westcott House. He is described as a domestic coachman aged 57. (b.c. 1854). For another photograph of Fred Ludlow see: DM1/12/37/6/19. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/6 | Re-photographed image of Westcott House from the lake, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/7 | Re-photographed image of the stables at Westcott House, 1910, 8.5 x 13 cms. The coachman Fred Ludlow is on horseback in the centre with a donkey and trap on the right. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/8 | Re-photographed image of a horse and groom in the grounds of Westcott House, [c.1910?], 8 x 12.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/9 | Postcard which shows the coachman, Fred Ludlow, with a horse in the grounds of Westcott House, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/10 | Close-up of Westcott House, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 12 .5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. A man with a donkey and cart is standing on the left. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/11 | Postcard of the waterfall and lake at Westcott House, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/12 | Postcard showing Westcott House, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/13 | Re-photographed image of a small boat on the lake at Westcott House with two women passengers dressed in Japanese (?) costume, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/14 | A view of Westcott House from the lake, 23 Apr 1923, 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/15 | The lake at Westcott House, 1923, 11 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/16 | The stream at Westcott House looking west, 1923, 15 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/17 | The public swimming pool known as Vitapools in the grounds of Westcott House, 1933, 8 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/18 | Westcott House, 25 Jul 1935, 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/17/19 | View from the lake at Westcott House, 25 Jul 1935, 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/18 | Westcott Vicarage, Guildford Road, [c.1860s?]-[c.1880?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/18/1 | Re-photographed image which shows Westcott Vicarage, [c.1860s?], 16 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/18/2 | The rear view of Westcott Vicarage, [c.1880?], 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/8/18/3 | A view of Westcott Vicarage from the roadway, [c.1880?], 10.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/9 | View of the old brickyard in what is now Hawthorndene, [c.1880?], 8.5 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/10 | Heath Rise, Westcott, [c.1900?]-[c.1905?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/10/1 | Heath Cottage next to the Cricketers public house, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. According to notes on the reverse, Edward VII stopped to look at the cottage when he was on his way to the Rookery for the weekend c.1905. | |
DM1/12/37/10/10/2 | Re-photographed image of Hillside Cottage, Heath Rise, just past the Cricketers, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. A note on the reverse records that the cottage was demolished on 13 Mar 1965. | |
DM1/12/37/10/10/3 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard which shows Hillside (Cottage?) looking towards Holy Trinity Church with a group of three women in the roadway on the left, [c.1905?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/11 | A view of Drydown, The Hildens, [c.1900?] seen from across allotments in the foreground, 10.5 x 15 cms. Photo given to Knight by Bert Upfold in 1977. He adds that "Pa Cannon was born here in 1889." | |
DM1/12/37/10/12 | Hole Hill, Westcott, [c.1890?]-[c.1910?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/12/1 | Re-photographed image of Landbarn Farm at Hole Hill, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/12/2 | Postcard which shows workmen at Hole Hill on the track down to the old sewage works or council tip, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: William Smith, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/37/10/12/3 | Re-photographed image of a woman and a group of nine children, one in a pram, thought to be at Hole Hill, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/13 | Holy Trinity Parish Church, Westcott, (1857)-1975, 4 files. These include: external views of the Church, (1857)-[c.1960?]; interior views of the Church, [c.1890?]-1974; repairs to the Church spire, 1900-1975; and Church Clergymen [c.1920?]-[c.1970s?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1 | External Views of the Church, (1857)-[c.1960?], 28 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/1 | Photograph of a print with the title "New Church at Westcote," A date can just be made out In the bottom right hand corner of 1857. 16 x 18.5 cms. No other details of engraver or publisher are known. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/2 | Re-photographed image which shows a close up of Holy Trinity church from the west end, [c.1860?], 20.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/3 | Holy Trinity Church, Westcott from the road, [c.1860s?], 10 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/4 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Church looking east before the vestry was built, 1868, 10.5 x 15 cms. Photographer W J Rose. Acording to pencilled information on the reverse, this is "from an old print," which indicates that is is a re-photographed image from an ol photographic print as Walter Rose would only have been 11 years old in 1868. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/5 | Close-up of Westcott church, [c.1880?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/6 | Re-photographed image of Westcott church taken from the Guildford road looking west, [c.1880s?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/7 | Westcott church looking towards Dorking with the village in the background, [c.1880?], 5.5 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: W. Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/8 | View of Westcott church from the hill above it, [c.1885?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/9 | Photograph mounted on card of Westcott church taken from the hill above it, [c.1885?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. (Taken at a different angle to the previous image). | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/10 | View of Westcott Church, 1890, 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/11 | View of the church taken from above and looking down into the village, [c.1890?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/12 | View of Westcott Church shortly after the construction of the lych gate, 1890, 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/13 | Colour photograph of a coloured postcard of Westcott church and village, [c.1891?], 10 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/14 | Postcard of Westcott Church, [c.1890s?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Published for G. Austin, High Street, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/15 | View of Westcott church from a distance, [c.1895?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/16 | Postcard of Westcott church and churchyard, [c.1900?], 9.5 x 14 cms. Published as "The Wrench Series No 5825." | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/17 | View of Westcott Church with the village below, [c.1900?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/18 | Colour postcard of Westcott Church, [c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms. Sent as a Valentine card to Miss E Razzell, 3 Victoria Cottages, Bailey Road, Westcott, by Arthur. Copyright: H B Series, London. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/19 | Colour postcard in the "Picturesque Surrey Series II" published by Raphael Tuck & Sons of a painting which shows Westcott church and the Guildford Road, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Portslade, Brighton 26 Aug 1907 and addressed to Miss Jessie Parker, 19 St James Chambers, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, London, EC, by Ethel. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/20 | Colour postcard of Westcott Church looking towards Ranmore and Box Hill, 1905, 8.5 x 14 cms. "Valentines Series." | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/21 | Large post card showing Westcott church with the road into Dorking and the village below it, 1905, 14.5 x 20 cms. Pub by Francis Frith. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/22 | Postcard showing Westcott church and the main Guildford road looking towards the Guildford direction, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Pub by Francis Frith. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/23 | Postcard showing Westcott church looking down into the village, [c.1908?], 9 x 14 cms. Postmarked from Dorking 11 May 1905 but otherwise blank on the reverse. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/24 | Postcard of Westcott church from the common, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published as "Johnsons Photo Series, The Green, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/25 | Photograph mounted on card of the War memorial to the fallen of the First World War in the churchyard at Westcott, taken after its unveiling on 07 Nov 1920, 14 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/26 | Postcard showing the outside of Westcott Church and the War Memorial in the churchyard, 1921, 9 x 14 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/27 | Postcard showing Westcott church and village, 1927, 8.5 x 14 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/1/28 | Appeal leaflet published by Holy Trinity Church, Westcott which has a photograph of the tower and spire of the church as a front cover, [c.1960?], 17.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/2 | Interior views of Holy Trinity Church, Westcott, [c.1890?]-1974, 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/2/1 | Interior view of the chancel and east window, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/2/2 | The interior of Westcott Church which shows part of the nave and the chancel, [c.1900?], 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/2/3 | Postcard showing the interior of the chancel and east window from the nave of the church, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Pub by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/2/4 | Photograph mounted on card of the First World War memorial plaque inside the church at Westcott, taken after its unveiling, 07 Nov 1920, 14 x 10.5 cms. Shows a listing of individual names and regiments. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/2/5 | Colour photograph of the internal works of Westcott church clock, 1974, 11.5 x 16.5 cms. The clock was given to the parish by the people of Westcott to celebrate Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1887. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/3 | Repairs to Holy Trinity Church Spire, 1900-1975, 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/3/1 | Steeplejacks repairing the shingles on the spire of Westcott church, 1900, 13 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that a notice on the side of the church reads: "Charles Smith & Sons, Lamble Street, Gospel Oak, London NW, Contractors and repairs, church spires, chimney shafts, manufacturers and erectors of copper lightning conductors." This is impossible to see with a magnifying glass which suggests that David Knight had access to an enlarged version. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/3/2 | Re-photographed image which shows three steeplejacks at the top of Holy Trinity church spire carrying out repairs, 1914, 13 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/3/3 | Colour photograph mounted on card of a steeplejack at the top of the church spire engaged in repairs to the shingles, Christmas Eve, 1975, 16 x 11 cms. Photographer: Pip Mee of Westcott. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that the repairs cost £1200 and that the shingles were previously repaired in 1900 for £64. He also adds "it was a superb day." | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/4 | Clergymen of Holy Trinity Church, Westcott, [c.1920?]-[c.1970s?], 5 items. These include photographs of the Rev Frederick Salzman who was Vicar of the parish from 1910-1944 and Canon Douglas Samuel Curry who held the post of Vicar from 1959-1976. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/4/1 | Re-photographed image which shows the Rev Frederick Salzman with his wife and four children (in the Vicarage garden?) [c.1920?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/4/2 | Postcard of the Rev Frederick Salzman in clerical dress outside Westcott church, [c.1930s?], 13 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/4/3 | Head and shoulders photograph of the Rev Frederick Salzman. [c.1930s?], 13 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/4/4 | Canon Curry, standing in an outside location with snow on the ground, [c.1960s?], 8 x 5.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/13/4/5 | Colour photograph of Canon Curry in clerical vestments, outside the church and holding a baby before or after a christening ceremony? [c.1970s?], 13 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/14 | Colour photographs of a giant oak tree in Logmore Lane, shortly before it was felled and removed, 1983, 10 x 12 cms. 8 items. K1582-1585 show the tree before felling on 18 Oct 1983 and K186-1589 after it was removed. | |
DM1/12/37/10/15 | Photographs showing the former site of Milton Pound, at Milton Bridge, 1986, 10 x 12.5 cms. 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16 | Photographs of Milton Court House and Estate [c.1845?]-[c.1970s?], 4 files. Thse include: Milton Court House, [c.1845?]-[c.1906]; views of the grounds and lake , [c.1890?]-[c.1970s?]; Milton Court Farm, [c.1900?]-[c.1939?], and Milton Court Mill, [c.1906]-[c.1911?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16 ctd | The manor of Milton can be traced from the eleventh century with an estate which comprised around 100 acres. .Milton Court House was built in the late 16th century and rebuilt in 1611 by Richard Evelyn. The Evelyn family sold Milton Court to Robert Barclay in 1812. It was later sold to Douglas Biggar in 1850 and to Lachlan Macintosh Rate in 1864. With the architect William Burgess, Rate was responsible for many of the extensions and alterations which make up the present house. The Rate family sold the property to Sir H M Mallaby-Deeley in 1936. After his death in 1937 the estate was sold again in 1939 and was occupied by the cable manufacturer W T Henley, who eventually became the owners from 1953-1965. It was then acquired by the insurance company National Employers' Life until it was sold to UNUM the present owners in 1990. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub by the Group, 2000) | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1 | Milton Court House, [c.1845?]-[c.1906?], 11 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/1 | Black and white photograph of a drawing of Milton Court House and Mill by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864). Date of drawing [c.1845?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photo: late 20th cent. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/2 | Black and white photograph of a drawing of Milton Court House by the Dorking artist John Beckett, (1799-1864) Date of drawing: [c.1850?]. Date of photograph: late 20th cent. 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/3 | Re-photographed image of Milton Court House in Jul 1857, 15 x 21 cms. Copy obtained from the National Monuments Record, cat no 8876/2866. Crown copyright. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/4 | Re-photographed image of Milton Court House, Jul 1857, 15 x 21 cms. Taken from a slightly different angle to the previous image. Copy obtained from the National Monuments Record. Crown copyright. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/5 | Re-photographed image showing one of the rooms inside Milton Court House when it belonged to the Rate family, [c.1900?], 14 x 20 cms. Photo obtained from Derek Middleton, 1978. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/6 | Re-photographed image of a postcard view of Milton Court House, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/7 | View of the rear of Milton Court House and gardens, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/8 | Hand coloured postcard mounted on card of the rear view of Milton Court House and the gardens, [c.1900?], 9 x 13.5cms. . Exactly the same image as K674 which is not coloured. The reverse was intended for postal use as a picture card. Publisher: Francis Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/9 | Photograph from an old calendar showing the rear view of Milton Court House. Date of image [c.1900?] Date of calendar: early 20th cent? 10 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/10 | Page taken from a "Supplement to the Gardeners' Chronicle," 20 Jun 1903 with 2 photos of Milton Court, "the residence of L M Rate Esq." Captioned "Views in the grounds," it shows the flower garden and a rose arch from a photograph by F. Mason Good. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/1/11 | Postcard of the front of Milton Court House, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher: Francis Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2 | Views of the grounds and lake at Milton Court House, [c.1890?]-[c.1970s?], 8 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/1 | View of cottages at Milton Court with two figures in the right foreground [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/2 | Two boys in the stream at the entrance to Milton Court Lake, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/3 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard of the "Entrance to Milton Court" with the lake in the foreground, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/4 | Milton Court Lake, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/5 | The stream flowing into Milton Court Lake, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. Also shows a boy fishing in the stream, another boy on the bridge over the stream and a man with horses on the left. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/6 | Re-photographed image of an Auxiliary Fire Service crew with "Apex" trailer pump and ladder in the grounds of Milton Court, 1939, 13 x 9 cms. The crew are thought to be employees of W T Henley's Telegraph Works where they manned an AFS sub-station. The cable manufacturer W T Henley had purchased Milton Court in 1937 and occupied it until 1965. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/7 | Milton Court lake when empty for cleaning, 13 Apr 1969, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/2/8 | Colour photograph of the outer lodge at Milton Court, [c.1970s?], 12.5 x 18.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3 | Milton Court Farm and Milton Court Mill, [c.1900?]-[c.1939?], 10 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/1 | Milton Farmhouse, [c.1900?], 10 x 14.5 cms. One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K58, K424, K544, K1540, K1814 and K2119. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/2 | Photograph mounted on card of Sidney Chalk as a small boy dressed in a smock and holding a sheep's crook with a large sheep standing next to him, [c.1900?], 14.5 x 10 cms. Taken at Milton Court Farm. Photographer: W J Rose. Sidney Chalk was born at Milton Farm in 1895. He was the nephew of Henry Chalk, the farmer at Milton Farm in the early 1900s. His family moved from Westcott in 1907 when his parents gave up the peppermint business and in later life he lived at Goring on Sea in Sussex. (Source: notes on the reverse and Westcott census returns) | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/3 | Re-photographed image showing Sidney Chalk standing with a sheep and several cows at Milton Farm, [c.1900?], 10 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/4 | A waggon and two horses from Milton Farm in a field on a site which is now Milton Avenue, [c.1905?], 11.5 x 16 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/5 | Milton Court Farm house at Westcott Hill, [c.1905?], 16 x 21 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The figure standing in the farmyard to the right has been identified as Mr Chalk, the farmer. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/6 | Haymaking [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. The site is now Milton Avenue. A large farm cart drawn by 2 horses, loaded with hay is in the centre with another farm cart to the left and several hay makers. The farmers in the early 1900s were Henry H Chalk (b. c.1867) and James Kent (b. c. 1854) as joint occupiers By 1911 Henry Chalk had retired and was living in Dorking. (Source:: census returns for 1901 and 1911). | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/7 | Re-photographed image showing two men with a large heavy horse, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/8 | The farm buildings at Milton Court Farm, [c.1939?], 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/9 | Re-photographed image of Milton Court Mill with a close-up of the mill wheel, [c.1906?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. The mill closed on 31 Mar 1900. | |
DM1/12/37/10/16/3/10 | Photograph taken from Donald C Bargman's article on Old Surrey Mills from "The Country Home," of May 1911 showing Milton Court Mill, 12.5 x 17.5 cms. Notes on the reverse add that "it is thought that the wheel and machinery were removed for scrap metal during the first world war. Date of photo: late 20th cent. | |
DM1/12/37/10/17 | Milton Heath, [c.1900?]-[c.1920?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/17/1 | Postcard of the view at Milton Heath, [c.1900?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by Frith & Co of Reigate. Postmarked Dorking in 1905, the card was sent to Miss King in Wetherley, Yorks by her Aunt Agnes. | |
DM1/12/37/10/17/2 | Milton Heath, [c.1910?], 12 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/17/3 | Postcard with a view of Milton Heath, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Judges Ltd, Hastings. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18 | Milton Street, Westcott, [c.1880?]-1986, 23 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/1 | View of Milton, Street, Westcott, [c.1880?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/2 | Hand coloured postcard of Milton Street, [c.1880s?], 9 x 14 cms. Publisher: Francis Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/3 | Re-photographed image of Milton Street showing the roadway surrounded by trees with cottages in the distance and the figure of a girl on the right, [c.1890?], 11 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/4 | View of Milton Street with cottages on the left hand side, a travelling peddler crossing a bridge over the stream and a boy and his dog in the foreground, [c.1890?], 15.5 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/5 | Re-photographed image which is an enlarged detail of DM1/12/37/10/18/4 showing the travelling pedler, [c.1890?], 12.5 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/6 | View of Milton Street with two small bridges over the stream and two cottages in the middle distance, [c.1890?], 15 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/7 | Burgess Cottage, Milton Street, [c.1890?], 15 x 9.5 cms. According to notes on the reverse Miss Burgess kept a sweet shop there. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/8 | Postcard of Wyvern Cottage, Milton Street, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/9 | Post card of Milton Street, [c.1900?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight give the information that the little girl in the left hand corner is Nellie Rose who died 29 Dec 1981 aged 97. She was the niece of the Westcott photographer Walter Rose. For another photograph of Nellie Rose see: DM1/12/37/6/25/5/2 | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/10 | Postcard with a view of a cottage called "Crooked Acre," at Milton Street, [c.1900?]. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/11 | Re-photographed image of the cottage named "Crooked Acre" at Milton Street, [c.1900?], 10 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/12 | Re-photographed image captioned "Industry and Sport at Milton Street, Westcott", [c.1904?], 14 x 9 cms. It shows four young children, with a boy on the left holding a football and three girls wearing pinafore smocks who are all either knitting or crocheting. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/13 | Postcard of cottages in Milton Street, Westcott, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher:: F. Frith & Co, Reigate. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/14 | Postcard of a view of Milton Street with cottages on the left and 2 women having a conversation while standing on a bridge over the stream, [c.1906?], 14 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/15 | Photograph of 2 women standing at the gate of a cottage in Milton Street, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. One of the women has been identified as Mrs Woods. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/16 | View of Nos 3 and 4 Milton Street, with a group of 3 children in the foreground, [c.1918?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/17 | Mrs Ansell, an elderly resident of Milton Street, [c.1920?], 7.5 x 5 cms. The exact location is unknown, possibly a garden or a farm. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/18 | Postcard of Milton Street, [c.1950?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Published by Frith & Co. of Reigate. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/19 | Mrs Ames at her front door at the Laundry in Milton Street, surrounded by flood water, 17 Sep 1968, 12.5 x 8.5 cms. The photograph was taken during the major floods of that year. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/20 | View of floodwater from Miss Still's gate in Milton Street during the floods of Sep 1968, 12.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/18/21-23 | Three colour photographs taken in Milton Street, after a clearance of brambles, revealing decorative ironwork to a brick wall, 1986, 10 x 12.5 cms | |
DM1/12/37/10/19 | Parsonage Lane, Westcott, [c.1890?]-1968, 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/19/1 | Re-photographed image showing Mr Harding with two women and a dog in the front garden at Beau-Sejours in Parsonage Lane, [c.1890?], 14.5 x 19.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/19/2 | Re-photographed image with Mr Harding and the same women and dog pictured in DM1/12/37/10/19/1 in the front garden of Beau-Sejours but on a different occasion, [c.1890?], 15.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/19/3 | Re-photographed image with a family of four in the front garden of Beau-Sejours, Parsonage Lane, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/19/4 | Colour photograph of the view from Westcott Green looking towards Arthur Gardiner's house at Pear Tree Cottage at the top of Parsonage Lane, May 1968, 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: David Knight. | |
DM1/12/37/10/19/5 | Colour photograph of Arthur Gardiner's house at Pear Tree Cottage, Parsonage Lane, May 1968. 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: David Knight. David Knight's notes on the reverse record that the house had a firemark of the Northern Assurance Company with a motif of a lion and the date 1836 but that it was taken off or stolen from the building when Art Gardiner moved. The Northern Assurance Company was Scottish and first established in 1836. Its business expanded to England and the rest of the world from about 1848. (Source: Brian Wright - The British Fire Mark1680-1879,pub.Woodhead-Faulkner, 1982) | |
DM1/12/37/10/19/6 | View of Westcott Lodge, Parsonage Lane, (formerly Albany Home), [c.1960s?], 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20 | Photographs of the Rookery, Westcott, (1822)-1971, 5 files. These include those of Rooery House, (1822)-[c.1930?]; the demolition of the Rookery mansion, 27 Apr 1968; the Rookery Entrance and Drive, [c.1890?]-1936; The Rookery Farmhouse and Grounds, [c.1890?]-1971; and the Rookery Laundry, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20 ctd | Administrative History: the estate was originally known as Chert Gate Farm and is at the south western edge of the village at the foot of Coast Hill. It was later developed to become the Rookery. It was originally owned by Abraham Tucker of Betchworth Castle before being purchased in 1759 by David Malthus who built the large house and landscaped the grounds including ponds and a waterfall. His son the Rev. Thomas Malthus, an economist, was born at the Rookery in 1766 and was famous for his "Essay on the Principle of Population." In 1768 the house was bought by a banker, Richard Fuller. It was sold again in 1892 to Mr Brooke of the Brooke Bond tea company. It was then let out to various tenants including Lord and Lady Wolverton who entertained Edward VII and Queen Alexandra for tea in Jun 1904. The mansion was demolished in 1966. The estate had two water mills known as Upper and Lower Rookery mills. One was on the embankment between the two lakes and one below the lower lake. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000.) | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1 | The Rookery House, Westcott, (1822)-[c.1930?], 8 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/1 | Photograph of an old print of the Rookery, 8 x 13 cms. Date of print: 1822. Shows the house in the centre with a lake in the foreground. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/2 | The millpond with The Rookery in the distance, [c.1890?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/3 | Re-photographed image of The Rookery seen from the grounds, [c.1895?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/4 | Photograph of Rookery House, 1898, 22 x 28 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/5 | Postcard of Rookery House with a pond in the foreground, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher: F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/6 | Re-photographed image of the Rookery from the grounds, [c.1910?], 11 x 14.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/7 | Postcard of the Rookery with the pond in the foreground, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/1/8 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard which shows Rookery House with the pond in the foreground, [c.1930?], 13 x 20.5 cms. Originally published by Raphael Tuck & Sons for R Wood at the Chocolate Box, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/2 | Photographs showing the demolition of the Rookery mansion, 27 Apr 1968. 9 items, 9 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3 | The Rookery Entrance and Drive, [c.1890?]-1936, 9 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/1 | Postcard of Rookery House from the drive, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Postmarked from Dorking on 21 Sep 1906. The card is addressed to Miss Adelaide Dunbar, at 1, St John's, Terrace, Kings Lynn, Norfolk by Florrie of 105 High Street, Dorking thanking her for her card. Published by Frith & Co, Reigate. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/2 | Re-photographed image of the entrance to the Rookery before the Lodge was built, 1894, 15.5 x 21 cms | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/3 | Re-photographed image of the Drive at the Rookery, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 11 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/4 | Postcard showing the entrance drive to the Rookery, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 14 cms. Publisher: "Bond's Series." Postmarked from Dorking on 02 Aug 1904, the card was addressed to Miss Agnes King at Rowan Croft, Roman Road, Dorking, by her sister Nancy. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/5 | Re-photographed image of the Rookery Lodge when new, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/6 | Postcard showing the entrance drive to the Rookery, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms. Publisher: F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/7 | A duplicate of the postcard at DM1/12/37/10/21/3/4 with a printed addition at the bottom announcing: Early intention of sale of eleven ricks of hay on the Rookery Estate, Westcott by Messrs White & Sons on Thursday Feb 23, [1905?]. Particulars will follow." | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/8 | Re-photographed image which shows the damage to a lodge or cottage in the Rookery Drive, caused by a fallen tree during a storm, 07 Jan 1909, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/3/9 | The drive with Rookery mill on the right and the house in the background, 1936, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4 | The Rookery Farmhouse and Grounds, [c.1890?]-1971, 15 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/1 | The remains of the old mill at the Rookery, [c.1890?], 15 x 10 cms. Notes on the reverse record that this was the remains of the very old mill between the two ponds more or less in the same line as the ice house and was not to be confused with the main mill by the waterfall. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/2 | Re-photographed image of the Rookery bridge from the waterfall, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. The bridge was washed away in the floods of 1968. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/3 | Re-photographed image of the waterfall between the two ponds at the Rookery, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/4 | Re-photographed image of Rookery Water, [c.1890?], 13 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/5 | Re-photographed image of the view from Rookery House towards a lake in the distance, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/6 | Re-photographed image of the waterfall in the grounds of The Rookery, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/7 | Re-photographed image of one of the ponds near the Rookery, [c.1900?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/8 | The Rookery mill and pond, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/9 | Rookery House and Drive in the centre distance with Rookery mill centre left, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/10 | Postcard with a closeup of Rookery farmhouse, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Copyright: F. Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/11 | Re-photographed image looking towards the pond in the grounds of the Rookery. The house can just be seen in the distance, [c.1930s?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/12 | Rookery Mill and pond, 1936, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/13 | Re-photographed image of the Rookery millpond in the centre and the house in the distance, [c.1940?], 9.5 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/14 | Logging at the Rookery, [c.1950?], 13 x 8.5 cms. A waggon drawn by two horses is in the foreground. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/4/15 | Colour photograph which shows the "mudding" of the Rookery Lake, summer 1971, 13 x 9 cms. Photographer: David Knight. The term mudding probably refers to the draining and cleaning of the pond or lake. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/5 | The Rookery Laundry, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?], 3 items. The estate's laundry was located at Churt Gate House at the Guildford Road end of Balchins Lane, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/5/1 | Churt Gate House and entrance to the Rookery from the Sandrock, [c.1890?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/5/2 | A front view of the Rookery Laundry at Churt Gate House, [c.1900?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/20/5/3 | A view of the Rookery Laundry at Churt Gate House, from the right hand side of the building, [c.1900?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: unknown. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21 | St John's Church, Westcott, [c.1860s?]-[c.1960s?], 8 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21 ctd | The church was opened in Dec 1840 on land given by John Worsfold, a Westcott resident and a considerable land owner. It was first associated with the Countess of Huntingdon's Connection, a non-conformist denomination. It had a free church tradition for much of its history but the church was vested in thirteen trustees - six Dissenters and seven from the established church. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 05 Mar 1892) The Church is now, in 2018, owned by the parish church of Holy Trinity, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/1 | Photograph of a painting of St John's Church, Westcott, 6 x 9 cms. Date of painting: [c.1860s?]. Date of photo: [c.1900s?]. One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K58, K424, K544, K734, K1540, and K2119. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/2 | Re-photographed head and shoulders image of the Revd John Nash, minister of St John's, Westcott [c.1880s?], 11 x 8.5 cms. The Rev Nash was appointed minister following the death of the first incumbent, Mr H Lambert, in Dec 1874. He died in Aug 1896 aged 83 having retired a few years prior to that. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 05 Mar 1892 and 13 Aug 1896) | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/3 | Re-photographed image of Rev Frederick E Ault, minister of St John's, Westcott [c.1890s?], 11 x 8.5 cms. The Rev Ault succeeded the Rev John Nash as incumbent but stayed only a few years in the post before moving to Devon. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/4 | Postcard showing the interior of St John's Church decorated for a harvest festival, [c.1905?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/5 | A large group of Sunday school children and their teachers at Dixon's/Ahey? Field, [c.1912?], 8 x 13.5 cms. Front row 3rd from left: William Steadman, (the uncle of David Knight). Front row 8th from left: Ethel Steadman, (mother of David Knight). The clergyman in the centre is Rev Heber Rosier, minister of St John's Church, first appointed in 1912. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/6 | A large group of Sunday School children at St John's Church Harvest Festival, [c.1948?], 12.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/7 | The Revd. Arthur Kew on the right and Mae Fren, a missionary from Africa, outside St John's Church, [c.1952?] 10 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/21/8 | Photograph which shows bricks incorporated in the wall of St John's Church, on some of which are written the names of those who originally subscribed to the building of the church in 1840, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22 | St John's Road, Westcott, 1905-1966, 8 items | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/1 | Postcard showing a collapsed building in St John's Road, 20 Oct 1905, 9 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/2 | A collapsed house in St John's Road, 29 Oct 1905, 8 x 13 cms. This appears to be the same building as shown in DM1/10/37/10/23/1 but on a different date and taken from a different angle. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/3 | A group of children by the Pippbrook, near St John's Road, [c.1906?], 11 x 15.5 cms. The building on the right is the pumping station at the bottom of St John's Road which was opened about 1905 and pumped sewage to the old sewage beds at the foot of Ranmore. The building was demolished in 1966 but had not been used since 1939. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/4 | Postcard showing a large number of women and some young children and babies outside the Mission Hall in St John's Road, [c.1913?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/5 | Houses In St John's Road, 18 Sep 1966. 8 x 12 cms. The third house from the left used to be a sweet shop which belonged to David Knight's great-grandmother Emma Steadman (b. c. 1842) around the 1880s. His mother Ethel Steadman was born there in 1905. His great-grandmother moved to Chapel Lane in 1907. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/6 | Houses in St John's Road, 18 Sep 1966, 8 x 12 cms. The house of Dixon's the greengrocer is on the left. All of these houses were later demolished in 1967. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/7 | The pumping station in St John's Road, 18 Sep 1966, 8 x 12 cms. Built in 1904 and demolished in 1967. The steps to the old Mission Hall can still be seen in front of the car parked between the two buildings. A deep air raid shelter was behind the pumping station during the war which was made from the sewage tank. | |
DM1/12/37/10/22/8 | The house and yard of Dixon's the greengrocer in St John's Road, 04 Dec 1966. 8 x 11.5 cms. The property was demolished in 1967. | |
DM1/12/37/10/23 | St John's Schoolroom, [c.1953?], 2 items. Built at the rear of St John's Church of corrugated iron and matchboarded inside , the schoolroom was opened in 1895 and demolished in 1966. It was intended for the use of various groups connected with St John's Church including the Sunday School, the Band of Hope and the Mother's Meeting. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 06 Jun 1895) | |
DM1/12/37/10/23/1 | A Christmas party in progress at the old St John's school room, [c.1953?], 7.5 x 12.5 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight give the information that the seats in the picture are the originals from St John's Church of about 1840. | |
DM1/12/37/10/23/2 | Another view of the same party shown in DM1/12/37/10/24/1, [c.1953?], 7.5 x 12.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24 | Sandrock Hill, [c.1905?]-[c.1925?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24/1 | A large number of workers laying the main drains at Sandrock Hill, [c.1905?], 6 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24/2 | A postcard which shows the effect of storm damage at Sandrock Hill, 14 Dec 1907, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Several fallen trees are in evidence with a large group of people and clearing up operations in progress. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24/3 | A horse drawn cart belonging to the carter Mr Mansfield, at the Sandrock, with workmen (digging sand?)[c.1910?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24/4 | Re-photographed image of the Aldershot and District Traction Company's Aldershot to Leatherhead bus on Sandrock Hill, [c.1914?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. 1914 was the first year of this service's operation. This is quite a dark print and the bus is not in close-up. Copied from one of Friths prints, 1975. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24/5 | Postcard showing a view from the Sandrock, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/24/6 | Postcard of a view from the Sandrock, [c.1925?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher: F. Frith & Co | |
DM1/12/37/10/25 | School Lane, Westcott, [c.1960s?]-1987, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/25/1 | Close up of a bungalow named "Kidogo" in School Lane, [c.1960s?], 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/25/2 | Colour photograph which shows the garage at Mount Tavy Cottage in School Lane, after the "great storm" in Oct 1987 with cutting up of fallen timbers in progress, 12.5 x 17 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/26 | Views of "Megs Well" at Squire's Wood and of Taws Farm, [c.1900?]-[c.1905?], 2 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/26/1 | Postcard showing "Meg's Well," at Squire's Wood, south of Westcott and the source of the Pippbrook, a tributary of the River Mole, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Published by F Frith & Co, Reigate. The well had a reputation for its medicinal qualities and was more commonly known as Mags Well. | |
DM1/12/37/10/26/2 | A view of fields at Taws Farm, looking towards Holy Trinity Church in the distance, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/27 | Watson Road, Westcott, [c.1910?]-[c.1960s?], 2 items | |
DM1/12/37/10/27/1 | Re-photographed image which shows Mr and Mrs Martingale outside a house in Watson Road, [c.1910?], 13 x 8 cms. This may be Russell Martingale who appears in the 1911 census as a 64 year old gamekeeper with his wife Mary at Springfield Cottage, Westcott . | |
DM1/12/37/10/27/2 | View of 7 Watson Road, [c.1960s?], 8.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28 | Views of Westcott Common, [c.1880?]-1968, 3 files and 1 item including General Scenic Views, [c.1900?]-1968; Hill Farm, [c.1880?]-1905; Holcombe, [c.1880?]-[c.1910?]; and Thorndale Cottages, [c.1900?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1 | General Scenic Views of Westcott Common, [c.1900?]-1968, 9 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/1 | A view of Drydown Cottages, (now demolished), from the allotments on Westcott Common, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/2 | Re-photographed copy of a postcard with a view of Westcott from Westcott Common, [c.1910?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/3 | Postcard showing the view from Westcott Common looking towards Ranmore and the plantation of trees known as the Eyeglasses or Spectacles, [c.1942?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Valentine & Sons Ltd, Dundee and London. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/4 | View from three lime trees on Westcott Common looking towards Ranmore, [c.1947?], 21 x 15 cms. Photographer: Mick Russell of Westcott. Notes on the reverse by David Knight add that in 1986 the view was so overgrown that Ranmore couldn't even be seen and that the lime trees were dying. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/5 | Colour postcard of Westcott Common, [c.1950?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Valentine & Sons Ltd, Dundee and London. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/6 | Black and white postcard of the same image as DM1/12/37/10/29/1/5, [c.1950?]. Published by Valentine & Sons Ltd, Dundee and London. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/7 | View of the tree plantation known as the Eyeglasses or Spectacles on the slopes of Ranmore, Jul 1952, 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/8 | Westcott Common in deep snow with the church in the distance, 1961, 8 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/1/9 | Colour photograph of a view from Westcott Common towards Thorndale Cottages, Rabbit Hutch Row and the top of Parsonage Lane, May 1968, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/2 | Hill Farm, Westcott Common, [c.1880?]-1905, 2 items. Both are re-photographed images. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/2/1 | The rear view of Hill Farm, Westcott Common, [c.1880?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/2/2 | Hill Farmhouse, 1905, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3 | Holcombe, Westcott Common, now known as Pippacre, [c.1880?]-[c.1910?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3/1 | The Gardens at Holcombe, [c.1880?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3/2 | The house at Holcombe surrounded by a high fence, [c.1880?}, 8.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3/3 | Re-photographed image of a close-up of Holcombe, [c.1890?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3/4 | Re-photographed close-up image of Holcombe, from a side angle, [c.1900?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3/5 | Re-photographed image of the front of Holcombe, [c.1905?], 10 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/3/6 | Postcard of Holcombe, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Published by Johnson's Photographers, The Green, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/28/4 | Re-photographed image of Thorndale Cottages on Westcott Common, [c.1900?], 11 x 16 cms. Several of the inhabitants are standing at the fence surrounding the cottages. Identified as from left to right: Mrs Miles, Mrs Parsons, Mrs Wright and Mrs Sawyers. Mary Balchin (Polly) is in the foreground of the picture with Frank Brown as a small boy at the side of the building to the right. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29 | Photographs of Westcott Green, [c.1880?]-1982. 3 files. Westcott Green is a triangular piece of land surrounded on two sides by Westcott Street and on the other by the main Guildford Road. Some houses, shops or businesses although identified by the compiler, David Knight as Westcott Green are actually opposite the Green on the main Guildford Road or on Westcott Street. It has not always been possible to supply the correct local address where houses or shops no longer exist, so reference should also be made to views of Guildford Road at DM1/12/37/10/9 and to views of Westcott Street at DM1/12/37/10/33. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1 | General and street views at Westcott Green, [c.1900s?]- [c.1970s?], 9 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/1 | The thatched dove cote on Westcott Green, [c.1900s?], 10 x 7.5 cms. One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K58, K424, K544, K734, K1814 and K2119. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/2 | A large group of workers and a surveyor engaged in laying the main drains in the street, outside the premises of the Surrey Trading Company's Stores on the Green, [c.1904?], 15.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/3 | Re-photographed image of The Green which shows the premises of the Surrey Trading Company's Store on the left, Johnson's Stores in the centre, F Dixon's, bakers and A. Balchins, butcher on the right, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/4 | Postcard with a view taken from Westcott Green, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/5 | Postcard with a view of Westcott Green just before the shelter was built, [c.1919?], 8 x 13 cms. Addressed to Mrs Hall at 77 St Mary Road, West Cowes, Isle of Wight from Grace arranging a future visit. Copyright: R. Wood, Westcott. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/6 | The Dovecot on the Green, [c.1920s?], 10 x 7.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/7 | Postcard of The Green showing Geakes Memorial seat and shelter and the dovecot, 1933, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. "Frith's Series" published by E L Johnson, stationer, Westcott. The card was addressed to S(?) Taylor Esq, Holcombe. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/8 | Postcard showing the main road and the Green with the shelter and dovecote looking towards Dorking, [c.1950?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by Valentine & Sons Ltd, Dundee and London. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/1/9 | Close up of an unidentified house on the Green, [c.1970s?], 8 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2 | Houses, Shops and Businesses Surrounding Westcott Green, [c.1880?]-1970, 11 items. Arrangement: in chronological order. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/1 | The Bricklayers Arms seen in the distance from Westcott Green with the premises of the grocers Dyke & Dixon adjacent, [c.1880?], 8.5 x 13 cms. The latter was originally part of a row of cottages pulled down about 1900. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/2 | Postcard showing Johnson's Supply Stores on Westcott Green with a large street water pump in the foreground, [c.1880?], 9 x 13.5 cms. The card was addressed to Miss Eunice F King of 28 Church Gardens, Dorking by an unnamed sender. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/3 | A stall and posters advertising Hospital Saturday outside the premises of Johnson's Gift Shop on Westcott Green, 08 Jul 1899, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/4 | Re-photographed image which is an enlargement taken from an ambrotype photo originally in very poor condition. It shows two women standing outside Fred Dixon's grocery shop on the Green, [c.1900?], 18 x 24 cms. David Knight has added information that the family first came to Westcott in the 1890s but had moved to Send by 1908. The business was originally under the name of Dyke and Dixon but Mr Dyke had later moved to Kingston. For an earlier photograph of the premises of Dyke and Dixon see: DM1/12/37/10/30/2/1 | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/5 | Postcard showing W Pannell's Dairy on Westcott Green, [c.1904?], 9 x 13.5 cms. The card is postmarked from Dorking in 1904 and was sent as a Christmas card to Miss Campbell, of 2 Garden St, Manby Road, Old Kent Road, London. The sender is not named. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/6 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of Frederick Dixon's grocer's and baker's shop on the Green with several members of staff or family outside, [c.1905?], 11 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/7 | Re-photographed image which shows a close-up of the outside of the premises of A Balchin & Sons, family butchers on the Green, [c.1905?], 20.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/8 | Postcard with a view of the Dairy taken from Westcott Green, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/9 | Close-up of Tunnell's Dairy on the Green with several members of staff or family outside, together with a horse drawn delivery cart [c.1920?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/10 | The former butcher's shop on the Green in late Jan or early Feb 1967 before the building was demolished in Sep 1967. It had been a butcher's since it was built in 1900. 8 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/2/11 | Postcard showing Wintershaw and Pound House on the Green, 1970, 8.5 x 14 cms. Supplied (published?) by the Post Office at Abinger Hammer. | |
DM1/12/37/10/29/3 | Set of colour photographs showing Partons Stores (selling fruit and vegetables, fish and poultry) just before it closed in 1982. Nos K1532- 1536 show a close-up of the store with John Gibson and his delivery bicycle outside. Number K1537 and 1538 show Mr Gibson and his cycle looking towards the Green, all 9 x 13cms. 7 items | |
DM1/12/37/10/30 | Westcott Mill, [c.1900?]-[1970?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/30 ctd | Westcott mill was located at the end of a drive leading off Westcott Street. After a large fire in 1843, a new building with a slate roof was built around 1850. With three pairs of millstones it had a 15 foot overshot wheel capable of producing 55 sacks of flour a week. Mill owners from the late 19th century included King & King until 1882, Edward Willcox until 1895 and Charles Hall until 1904. The mill stopped working in 1909 and the machinery was sold for scrap in 1912. It has now been converted to a house. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000) | |
DM1/12/37/10/30/1 | Re-photographed image of Westcott mill house with four people and a dog standing outside, [c.1900?], 11.5 x 14.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/30/2 | A view of the mill with a horse drawn wagon of "C B Hall of Westcott Flour mill" drawn up on the right and a group of people gathered outside, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/30/3 | Close-up of a small cottage at Westcott mill, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/30/4 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard which shows a close-up of the mill wheel, 04 Feb 1912, 24.5 x 15 cms. Original photographer: W J Rose. David Knight's notes on the reverse indicate that this was the only known photograph of the mill wheel. | |
DM1/12/37/10/30/5 | Colour postcard of Westcott mill pond, 1925, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/30/6 | Colour photograph of Westcott mill, [c.1970?], 11.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31 | Westcott School, [c.1880?]-1955, 5 files which include the School Building and Fixtures, [c.1880?]-[c.1906?], School Classes, [c.1894?]-1955; School Plays, [c.1918?]-[c.1930?]; Sports Teams, [c.1922?]-1955; and Members of Staff, [c.1880s?]-1946. Related material: for an architect's drawing of the school, 1854 see: DM1/1/3/12 | |
DM1/12/37/10/31 ctd | Administrative History: Westcott Church of England School was established in 1854 as a co-educational church day school when the original school at Milton Street became too small for the increasing number of children in both Milton and Westcott. The building was located towards the end of School Lane near the Vicarage and was extended in 1912 to provide an additional two classrooms. Pupils would stay at the school until they reached the leaving age of 14 or 15. It later became a primary school in 1948 for children up until the age of 11. In 2010 it amalgamated with a school in Abinger, both operating from their original sites as the Surrey Hills Church of England Primary School. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1 | Westcott School Building and Fixtures, [c.1880?]-[c.1906?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1/1 | The School seen through trees from the Plantation with snow on the ground, [c.1880?], 15 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1/2 | A view of the School gardens in snow, [c.1880s?], 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1/3 | A close-up of one corner of the School, [c.1880?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1/4 | Westcott School, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1/5 | Coloured postcard of the School, [c.1906?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/1/6 | Re-photographed image of the School Honours Board, [c.1906?], 19.5 x 15 cms. The board has 9 names recording exam successes between 1901 and 1906. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2 | Westcott School Classes, [c.1894?]-1955, 32 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a large group of school children and pupil teachers at the School, [c.1894?], 10 x 14.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/2 | Re-photographed image of a group of schoolboys and two girls (pupil teachers?) at the School, 1896, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/3 | Re-photographed image of a large group of school boys and their teacher, Miss Freemantle, [c.1896?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/4 | Photograph mounted on card which shows a class of boys during a chemistry lesson. The teacher is out of camera shot but the writing on the blackboard and the apparatus set out on the staff desk suggest that the subject being taught is chemistry, [c.1900?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/5-7 | A class of boys and girls during physical training in the grounds of the school, [c.1905?], 16 x 20.5 cms. 3 items. The photographer of K1741 is Walter J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/8 | Re-photographed image which shows a number of boys playing cricket in Westcott School playing fields, [c.1905?] 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/9 | Several boys and a master in a school carpentry class in the Reading Room, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/10 | Re-photographed image of a needlework class in progress at Westcott School with their teacher Lily Johnson, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/11 | Re-photographed image of Mrs Florence Johnson, the wife of the Headmaster, conducting a class in the infant school, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/12 | Re-photographed image of Mr Johnson, the Headmaster, conducting a class in the infant school, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/13 | Re-photographed image of a class of boys being instructed in bee-keeping in the school gardens, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Mr Johnson, the headmaster is on the left. Mr Chalke, who ran the peppermint distillery in Milton Street, is on the left with the protective net over his head. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/14 | Re-photographed image of a class in progress, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/15 | Re-photographed image of a cookery class in progress, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 19.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. From the wording on the blackboard the class would appear to be making jam pudding. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/16 | Re-photographed image of Miss Greathurst teaching an infant class, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Ann Greathurst, then aged 41 appears in the 1901 census at Brook Farm with her occupation given as "Assistant School Mistress." | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/17 | Re-photographed image of evening classes being conducted at the school, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Several older boys are engaged in different activities. The man kneeling in the foreground in front of a beehive is the photographer W J Rose. He cnnot have taken the picture himself but he evidently processed it. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/18 | Re-photographed image of a master conducting [an art?] class at the school, [c.1905?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/19 | Re-photographed image of a lesson in progress with a teacher and a class of girls, [c.1905?], 15 x 20 cms. Most of the pupils are holding dolls which would tie in with the subject of "feeding and changing a baby," the words of which can just be made out on the blackboard. [c.1905?], 15 x 20cms. Photographer: W J Rose. On the reverse is the information that the teacher was a student teacher from Dorking High School named Ostick. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/20 | Re-photographed image of Class IV at Westcott School, [c.1911?], 13 x 21 cms. The wording "A Merry Xmas" appears at the bottom which indicates that the original image was used as a postcard. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/21 | A postcard with the words "A Merry Xmas" at the bottom which shows a large class of school children at Westcott School, 1911, 8 x 13 cms. David Knight's mother, Ethel May Steadman (b. c.1905), is in the second row from the back and third from the left with pig tails. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/22 | Re-photographed image of a group of children in the school grounds, [c.1917?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Walter Rose's niece Dolly is in the back row, 4th from the left. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/23 | Re-photographed image of a large class of children with the Headmaster Mr Gore, [c.1920?], 8 x 12 cms. Mr Gore had been appointed Headmaster in 1910 to succeed Mr E W Johnson. He had previously been Headmaster at Capel for 17 years. (Dorking Advertiser 15 Jan 1910) | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/24 | Postcard of a large group of children and the Headmaster Mr Gore in the school grounds, [c.1920?], 8.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/25 | A class of older pupils with their Headmaster, Mr Earl, [c.1924?], 14.5 x 19.5 cms | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/26 | A class of infants, [c.1924?], 14.5 x 19.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/27 | Postcard of a large group of children in the school grounds, [c.1925?], 8.5 x 14 cms. Their teacher Miss Gore is on the extreme left. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/28 | A large group of children outside the school building with a challenge cup and several banners used at the Leith Hill Musical Competition, [c.1925?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/29 | Children from Westcott School celebrating the Coronation on Westcott cricket field with their teacher, Miss Hayden, 1953, 7 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/30 | A class of infants outside the school, 1955, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/31 | Mr. Bravery, Mrs. Davies (formerly Miss Beasley?) and Miss Jane Hayden with children on a school outing. Location unknown, 1955, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/2/32 | Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Richards, Tony Bravery and Mrs. Blomfield with children on a school outing, 1955, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/3 | Westcott School Plays, [c.1918?]-[c.1930?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/3/1 | Re-photographed image of 12 girls from the school all holding dolls, members of the cast of a play called "Twelve Little Mothers," [c.1918?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/3/2 | A large group of children outside the school building wearing costume for the school play, [c.1930?], 11 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/3/3 | Children in costume for the school play, [c.1930?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4 | Westcott School Sports Teams, [c.1922?]-1955, 7 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/1 | Re-photographed image of the school football team for the 1921-22 season," [1922?], 8 x 13 cms. The team are pictured with a large cup or trophy. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/2 | The school netball team, 1927, 17 x 24.5 cms. Photographer: Scholastic Company. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/3 | The school netball team for the 1928-1929 season, with their teacher Miss Port, 8 x 13 cms. One member of the team is holding a large cup or sports trophy. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/4 | The school football team for the 1928-1929 season with the headmaster Mr S F Williams, (headmaster between 1926 and 1932), 8 x 13 cms. One of them holds a challenge cup. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/5 | The school netball team with their teacher Miss Port, 1930, 10.5 x 15 cms. One of them holds a challenge cup. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/6 | The school netball team in the school grounds with their teacher Mrs Blomfield, 1955, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/4/7 | The school football team in the school grounds, 1955, 8 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5 | Members of Staff, [c.1880s?]-1946, 14 items. Arranged chronologically. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/1 | Re-photographed image of Charles Brown of Merton Cottage, (on the left) with George Brown (standing), [c.1880s?], 16 x 11 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Charles Brown was the Headmaster of Westcott School between 1866 and 1888 and kept a private school at Merton House after his retirement. He was also the organist at the church for 30 years and died in 1905. An account of his funeral was carried in the Dorking Advertiser of 04 Mar 1905 from which it is evident that he was a prominent member of the Ancient Order of Foresters and that George Brown shown in the photograph was his brother. For other photographs of Charles Brown see: DM1/12/37/10/33/1/10 and DM1/12/37/6/9. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/2 | A group of seven women members of staff at Westcott School with the Headmaster, Mr Prescott, 1888, 11 x 18 cms. Miss Greathurst is sitting third from left. Mr Prescott who was the Headmaster from 1888 to 1895, was appointed Headmaster of Holy Trinity Boys' School, Guildford in Dec 1894 (West Surrey Times 28 Dec 1894) | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/3 | Re-photographed image of Mr Ernest W Johnson, (b. c.1868), the headmaster of Westcott School between 1895 and 1910, [c.1900?], 13 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Ernest Johnson came from Norfolk. His previous post had been at Stradbrook Road School, at Gorleston, Norfolk followed by a short period with the London School Board. (Source: Yarmouth Independent of 02 Feb 1895). Following his fifteen years at Westcott he was then appointed Headmaster of Merton Boys School. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 01 Jan 1910). | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/4 | Re-photographed image of a group of three women teachers from Westcott School: Rosa B Dodges (standing); Lily A Sutherland (on the left) and Beatrice M Venis, 1914, 12.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/5 | Photograph mounted on card of two women in a garden at an unknown location. Identified as Mrs Roberts, (left), and Miss Venis. (right) [c.1914?], 10 x 8 cms. According to notes on the reverse, Mrs Roberts was from Parsonage Lane and her husband was the carpentry teacher at the school. The 1911 census shows that Mr and Mrs Roberts lived at West Hill Lodge in the village and that Beatrice May Venis, a teacher at the school, was their lodger. The occupation of Leonard Plato Roberts was recorded as "Certificated teacher of Building, Carpentry and Joinery, Brickwork, Woodwork, Masonry and Horticulture." | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/6 | Re-photographed image of James Gore, headmaster of Westcott School, [c.1920?], 13.5 x 8.5 cms. Mr Gore had been appointed Headmaster in 1910 to succeed Mr E W Johnson. He had previously been Headmaster at Capel for 17 years. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 15 Jan 1910) | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/7-11 | Set of photographs taken on a visit to the Talyllyn railway in Snowdonia by Mr H M Earl, headmaster of Westcott School, 1923, 5 items. No children are present and Mr Earl only appears in two of the images, the rest are of trains and railway buildings. | |
DM1/12/37/10/12/5/12 | Miss Beatrice M. Venis, teacher at Westcott School, 1908-1945. [c.1930s?], 13 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/13 | A passport photograph of Miss Buck, a teacher at Westcott School, 1945, 8.5 x 6.5 cms. Taken when she went to Australia. | |
DM1/12/37/10/31/5/14 | Miss Buck (on the left) and a friend in the garden of a bungalow at an unknown location, 1946, 6 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32 | Westcott Street, [c.1870?]-[c.1970?], 10 files. These include general street views, [c.1870?]-[c.1914?]; views of No 1, Westcott Street, [c.1910?]-1914; Cradhurst House and Belmont School, Westcott Street, [c.1880s?]-[c.1930?]; the house named Fixby, [c.1970?]; Kingscote Cottage, [c.1890?]-[c.1970?]; "The Old Barracks," [c.1890?]-[c.1930s?]; Rokefield, Westcott Street, [c.1900?]-[c.1910?]; Rose Cottages, [c.1880?]-[c.1890?]; Springfield Farm and Springfield House, [c.1899?]-1968; and views of Tanglewood,' the 'Willows' and 'Wintershaw' in Westcott Street, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?]. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1 | General Views of Westcott Street, [c.1870?]-[c.1914?], 20 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/1 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Street, [c.1870?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/2 | Re-photographed image of Westcott Street, [c.1870?], 7.5 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/3 | Re-photographed image of an old postcard showing Westcott Street [c.1870s?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. The barn at Chadhurst Farm is on the left. Amended notes on the reverse indicate that the figure on the right with a yoke and milk pails is Zephaniah Greenfield from Chadhurst Farm. Modern copy: [c.late 20th cent]. Related material: for another possible photograph of Zephaniah Greenfield see: DM1/12/37/6/13 | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/4 | Re-photographed image of two men in the brickworks at Westcott Street, 1880, 8 x 10.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/5 | A man with a horse and cart in Westcott Street, 1887, 7.5 x 10.5 cms. Flags and bunting for Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee celebrations are in evidence behind him. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/6 | Mr Hubbard with a horse drawn cart belonging to Rakes, in Westcott Street, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/7 | Re-photographed image of cottages in Westcott Street, c.1890?], 10 x 12 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The cottages with wooden clapboarding were demolished in 1891. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/8 | Photograph mounted on card of cottages in Westcott Street, [c.1890?], 5.5 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/9 | Re-photographed image taken from an old postcard of cottages in Westcott Street, [c.1890?], 10.5 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/10 | A man standing at the bridge in Westcott Street, near the junction with Balchins Lane, [c.1890?], 9.5 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The figure at the bridge has been identified by David Knight as Charles Brown who was the headmaster of Westcott School between 1866 and 1888 and later ran a private school at his home in Merton House, Guildford Road, Westcott. For other photographs of Charles Brown see: DM1/10/37/10/31/5/1 and DM1/12/37/6/9. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/11 | Re-photographed image of the ford in Westcott Street, [c.1890s?], 16 x 20.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/12 | Re-photographed image of a house in Westcott Street, later occupied by the village doctor in the late 20th century, [c.1898?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/13 | Re-photographed image of cottages in Westcott Street which were demolished in 1964, [c.early 1900s?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/14 | Colour photograph of a painting of Westcott Street by L Merritt. Date of painting [c.1905?]. Date of photograph, [c.late 20th century], 14.5 x 21.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/15 | A postcard with a street scene at Westcott Street [?], 1905, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/16 | Re-photographed image showing a steamroller laying the first tarred surface on the road in Westcott Street, [c.1906?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/17 | Re-photographed image of a street view in Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/18 | Re-photographed image which shows a group of five women, one with a bicycle, and eight children in Westcott Street near the bridge, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/19 | Re-photographed image of a postcard which shows a horse-drawn cart and workmen laying flints on the road at the Pound, Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 8 x 13cms. Information on the reverse says that this was the last lot of flints that were used for the road in 1911. The cart is Mansfield's and the man bending down is Hugh Nash. The pony and trap in the background is thought to belong to a fishmongers, either Johnsons or Partons. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/1/20 | Postcard which shows workmen laying tar by the Pound in Westcott Street, [c.1914?], 8 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/2 | No 1, Westcott Street, [c.1910?]-1914, 2 items. No 1 was the home of the photographer Walter John Rose, (1857-1954). For other photographs of Walter Rose and his family see: DM1/12/37/6/25. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/2/1 | Re-photographed image of No 1, Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 7.5 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/2/2 | An electrical storm looking over Chadhurst from Walter Rose's window at 1 Westcott Street, 22 May 1914, 7 x 10 cms. Photographer: W J Rose (1857-1954) | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3 | Cradhurst House and Belmont School, Westcott Street, [c.1880s?]-[c.1930?], 7 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3 ctd | Belmont School was founded in London as a day school in 1880 but became established at Cradhurst House, (now demolished) in Westcott Street, [c.1900?]. It later transferred to a site in Holmbury St Mary in 1955. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/1 | Re-photographed image of a barn at Cradhurst, [c.1880s?], 7.5 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/2 | Re-photographed image of a view from Cradhurst looking to what is now the allotments, with Pear Tree Cottage, 2nd left and Rabbit Hutch Row in the centre, [c.1890s?], 16 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/3 | Re-photographed image of Cradhurst, [c.1895?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/4 | Re-photographed image of a man driving a pony and trap outside Cradhurst, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/5 | Re-photographed image of Cradhurst, [c.1910?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/6 | Colour postcard of "Belmont,"[c.1920?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Publisher: F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/3/7 | Postcard with an interior view of a room in Belmont School, (possibly the dining room), [c.1930?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/4 | Views of the house named Fixby, Westcott Street [c.1970?], 3 items 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/5 | Kingscote Cottage, [c.1890?]-[c.1970?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/5/1 | A view from a side angle of the timbered framed house at Kingscote, Westcott Street, [c.1890?], 10.5 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Taken from the side. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/5/2 | The front view of Kingscote, [c.1890?], 10 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/5/3-5 | Three views of Kingscote Cottage, [c.1970?]. Copyright: A R & J Gascoigne-Pees, estate agents of 258 High Street, Dorking. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/6 | Views of "The Old Barracks," in Westcott Street, [c.1890?]-[c.1930s?], 4 items. The property is a 15th century house extended in the 17th century. Soldiers are supposed to have been quartered there during Elizabeth I's visit to Milton Court, hence its name. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/6/1 | Re-photographed image of "The Barracks," [c.1890?], 8 x 12 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/6/2 | The Old Barracks, [c.1900?], 13 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/6/3 | Re-photographed image of an old postcard with the title "Smith's Laundry, Westcott," [c.1900?], 13 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. The building is an extension to "The Old Barracks," in Westcott Street, which was used as a laundry for Rokefield House. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/6/4 | Re-photographed image of The Old Barracks, [c.1930s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/7 | Views of Rokefield, Westcott Street, [c.1900?]-[c.1910?], 4 items. The house was built during the 1850s for Mrs Maria Fuller, the widow of the owner of the Rookery Estate and was afterwards the home of the Carey Druce family from about 1896. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/7/1 | Re-photographed image of Rokefield at Westcott Street, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/7/2-3 | Photographs of Mrs Carey Druce's female choir, in the garden at Rokefield, [c.1905?], 5 x 7.5 cms. 2 items. The choir were contestants at the Leith Hill Musical Festival. Mrs Carey Druce is thought to be on the extreme left. She was a musician and composer who wrote under the name of Mary Travers, (Source: Dorking Advertiser 02 Aug 1913) | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/7/4 | Re-photographed image of Miss Constance Travers standing with a banner used at the Leith Hill Musical Festival and a prize winners cup in the gardens of Rokefield, Westcott Street, [c.1910?], 13 x 8.5 cms. The wording on the banner reads: Leith Hill Challenge Banner. Male Voices. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/8 | Rose Cottages, Westcott Street, [c.1880?]-[c.1890?], 2 items. The cottages were demolished in the 1960s. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/8/1 | Re-photographed image of two men at the doorway of Rose Cottages, [c.1880?], 11 x 8 cms. Notes on the reverse indicate that the man on the right is John Rose, (c.1826-1892,) the father of the Westcott photographer Walter Rose. The name of the younger man on the left is unknown but he was always referred to as the "boy-chap." Related material: For family photographs of Walter John Rose including his father John Rose, see: DM1/12/37/6/25. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/8/2 | Re-photographed image of Rose Cottages, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/9 | Views of Springfield Farm and Springfield House, Westcott Street, [c.1899?]-1968, 10 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/9/1 | Re-photographed image of Springfield Farm in the snow, [c.1900?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/9/2 | Re-photographed image of a large shooting party assembled outside Springfield House, [c.1899?], 11.5 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/9/3 | Re-photographed image of Springfield House, Westcott Street, 1900, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/9/4 | Springfield House with members of the resident family standing or sitting by the front entrance. [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/9/5-10 | Colour photographs which show the well in the kitchen at Springfield House, 1968, 10 x12.5 cms. 5 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/10 | Re-photographed images of 'Tanglewood,' the 'Willows' and 'Wintershaw' in Westcott Street, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/10/1 | The rear view of 'Tanglewood' in Westcott Street with a family group in the garden, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 21 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. An entry in Kelly's Directory for 1905 shows that the property was then owned by Rowland Lawford. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/10/2 | A garden party at the 'Willows' in Westcott Street, [c.1895?], 15 x 20 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/10/32/10/3 | View of the house named "Wintershaw,"in Westcott Street, [c.1890?], 8 x 13 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. A postman with his postbag stands outside the front gate. | |
DM1/12/37/11 | Unidentified Westcott Photographs, [c.1880?]-[c.1900?] 3 items. | |
DM1/12/37/11/1 | Re-photographed image of an unknown bandsman holding a cornet?, [c.1880?], 13 x 8.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. This is thought to be a Westcott man as the photograph was originally stored with other Westcott photographs. | |
DM1/12/37/11/2 | An unidentified half timbered cottage at an unknown location in the Westcott area, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/37/11/3 | A view which has been described in notes on the reverse as "looking over Colonel Todd's property" [in Westcott?], [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The identity of Colonel Todd and the location are unknown. | |
DM1/12/38 | Photographs of Wotton, including views of the hamlets of Broadmoor and Friday Street, (1650) -1983, 12 files and 1 item. These include Wotton events and customs [c.1872]-[c.1915?]; farming and forestry activities, 1899- [c.1910?]; Broadmoor, [c.1900?]-[c.1950s?]; Friday Street, [c.1890?]-[c.1930?]; Leylands, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?]; he Parish Church of St John's, Wotton, [c.1860s?]-1928; Tillingbourne House and Waterfall, [c.1870?]-[c.1914?]; Wotton Hatch Public House, 1904-[c.1950s?]; Wotton House, (c.1844?)-[c.1970s?] and Wotton Rectory, [c. 1890?]-1905. | |
DM1/12/38/1 | Wotton Events and Customs, [c.1872]-[c.1915?], 4 items. | |
DM1/12/38/1/1 | Re-photographed image showing the annual custom connected with the Glanville Charity in Wotton Churchyard, 02 Feb 1872, 10 x 17.5 cms. Image taken from Martin Goff's "Victorian and Edwardian Surrey from old photographs," pub by B T Batsford, 1972. | |
DM1/12/38/1/2 | Re-photographed image of Empire Day Celebrations at Wotton School, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms. Shows a large number of school children and adults gathered in a field with an Australian flag flying from a large flagpole in the centre. | |
DM1/12/38/1/3 | Postcard of a pigeon shooting contest between Wotton and Abinger, 17 May 1909, 9 x 14 cms. Location unknown. It shows the winner Mark Rose, shooting for the cup. Photographer: S Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/38/1/4 | Cutting from an unknown publication which includes a photograph of the ceremony at the Glanville tomb in Wotton churchyard. Date of photograph [c.1915?], 8 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/2 | Re-photographed images of Farming and Forestry activities in Wotton, 1899- [c.1910?], 3 items. | |
DM1/12/38/2/1 | W J Evelyn's Indian cattle at Wotton, Oct-Nov 1899, 8 x 10.5 cms. William John Evelyn, (1822-1908) was an MP, landowner and philanthropist of Wotton House. According to information published in Keith Hading's "Dorking and District in Old Photographs," Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd, 1993, W J Evelyn had asked the photographer Walter Rose to take a photograph of his recently introduced cattle for a payment of a brace of pheasants. | |
DM1/12/38/2/2 | Four men engaged in felling timber, [c.1910?], 10 x 16.5 cms. The exact location is unknown but thought to be in the Wotton area. | |
DM1/12/38/2/3 | Four workmen at Wotton timber yard with a steam traction engine, [c.1910?], 10.5 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/3 | Views of Broadmoor, Wotton, [c.1900?]-[c.1950s?], 4 items. These include photographs of Broadmoor Tower, an 18th century folly of Bargate stone possibly built at the same time as Leith Hill Tower. | |
DM1/12/38/3/1 | Photograph mounted on card of cottages at Broadmoor near Wotton, [c.1900?], 11 x 15 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/38/3/2 | Photograph mounted on card of Broadmoor Tower, [c.1900?], 14.5 x 10 cms. Condition: Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that the photo was developed by Clark & Co, chemists of Dorking and would have been taken by Tom Molyneux who worked for Clarks and lived on the premises. Also recorded is an extract from the burial registers of St John's, Westcott of the burial of Thomas Henry Houghton Harding of Tillingbourne House who died on 01 Jun 1832 and was buried on 02 Aug 1846 aged 2 yrs and 5 mths. The lead coffin was kept in the house for 2 years and afterwards buried in Broadmoor Tower now standing in woods at Tillingbourne. It was taken up on the sale of the estate and re-buried in the vault which now forms a watertank. The vault was never paid for and was removed in 1895. | |
DM1/12/38/3/3 | Re-photographed image of Broadmoor Tower, Wotton [c.1915?], 9.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/3/4 | Broadmoor Cottages, [c.1950s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4 | Photographs of Deerleap Woods, including general scenic views and hoopshaving activities, [c.1880?]-[c.1900?], 2 files. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1 | General Scenic Views of the Deerleap Woods, [c.1880?]-[c.1900?], 9 items. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a tree lined path in Deerleap Woods, [c.1880?], 10 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/2 | Re-photographed image which shows Mr C Brown walking through the woods, [c.1890s?], 10 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/3 | Re-photographed image of Deerleap Woods under snow, [c.1890?], 13 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/4 | Re-photographed image of a woodland view in Deerleap Woods with a man seated on the ground in the foreground, [c.1890?], 15 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/5 | Re-photographed image which shows the Deerleap Road looking towards Balchins Lane, [c.1890?], 15.5 x 21 cms. Lake View Cottages are now on the left. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/6 | Woodland scene in Deerleap Woods, [c.1900?], 15.5 x 20 cms, | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/7 | Scenic view of Deerleap Woods, [c.1900?], 20 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/8 | The pond in Deerleap Woods, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/1/9 | In Deerleap Woods, [c.1900?], 15 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/4/2 | Hoopshaving Activities in Deerleap Woods, [c.1895?]-[c.1900?], 5 items. | |
DM1/12/38/4/2 ctd | Hoopshaving is the practice of making the hoops for barrels and cases and required the wooden hoops to be shaved on both sides and cut into uniform lengths. The wood for the hoops was tied in bundles and in 1900 sold for 3d per bundle. The hoop shavings were used as roof thatch. (Source: Westcott Local History Group - The History of Westcott and Milton, pub. 2000) | |
DM1/12/38/4/2/1 | A hoopshaver standing by a thatched hut or shelter, [c.1895?], 10.5 x 15 cms. The name of Mr Anscombe has been supplied on the back but crossed out at a later date. | |
DM1/12/38/4/2/2 | Re-photographed image of the same hoopmaker in Deerleap Woods, [c,1895?], 11 x 15 cms. Named as Mr Anscombe. | |
DM1/12/38/4/2/3 | View showing several hoopmakers in the Deerleap Wood besde a very large thatched shelter, [c.1895?], 8 x 13 cms. Names on the reverse include Aston Smith, W. Harris?, J. Henton, Char Miles, and W. Page but the means of precise identification have not been given. | |
DM1/12/38/4/2/4 | Re-photographed image of a hoopshaver in Deerleap Woods, [c.1900?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms, | |
DM1/12/38/4/2/5 | A hoopshaver standing by a shelter in Deerleap Woods, [c.1900?], 7.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/5 | Views of the hamlet of Friday Street, near Wotton, [c.1890?]-[c.1930?] 9 items. | |
DM1/12/38/5/1 | A woodland scene by the hammer pond at Friday Street with two picnickers in the foreground,[ c.1890?] 13 x 19cms. | |
DM1/12/38/5/2 | Re-photographed image taken from a postcard of The Bakery at Friday Street, Wotton, [c.1890?], 10 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/5/3 | Re-photographed image with a close-up of the Bakery at Friday Street, [c.1890?] 10 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/5/4 | Very small image of a woodland path leading to the pond at Friday Street, [c.1900?] 4 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/5/5 | Kempslade Farm, Friday Street. Shows a group of occupants and staff gathered at the front of the farmhouse, [c.1900?], 16 x 20.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/38/5/6 | A farm worker with two horses in harness at Friday Street, [c.1910?], 10 x 8 cms. Photographer: W J Rose,. | |
DM1/12/38/5/7 | Postcard with a colour view of Friday Street, [c.1920s?] , 9 x 14 cms. Publishers: "Valentine's Series." | |
DM1/12/38/5/8 | Postcard with the front showing the "Entrance to Woods, Friday Street near Dorking," [c.1924?] 9 x 14 cms. The card was addressed to Miss M Davis of Wootton, Esher Park Avenue, Esher, by a sender with the initial 'C ' who comments on the weather. | |
DM1/12/38/5/9 | Postcard showing a view of Friday Street, [c.1930?], 9 x 14 cms. Copyright: Photochrom Co. Ltd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent | |
DM1/12/38/6 | Views of Leylands at Wotton, [c.1890?]-[c.1900?], 3 items. The Leylands estate was acquired in 1885 by Arthur Brooke, who had built up the company of Brooke Bond and was one of the largest tea merchants in Britain. He and his wife Alice already had two daughters and five sons when they moved in. Their sixth youngest child Justin became close friends with the poet Rupert Brooke, (no relation), while they were at Cambridge and Rupert was a frequent visitor to Leylands. (Source: Mike Read - Forever England, the Life of Rupert Brooke, Biteback Publishing, 2015. ) | |
DM1/12/38/6/1 | Re-photographed image of the house at Leylands, Wotton, [c.1890?], 11.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/6/2 | The Brooke family sitting in th garden at Leylands, [c.1895?], 16 x 20 cms. Standing centre: Gerald (b. 1881); standing left: Rupert b.1884; standing right: Justin b. 1886, seated on the ground on the right: Neville (b.1887); Dora sitting on left; The older couple seated centre are not named. The youngest girl sitting on the ground on the left is Alice Arrowsmith Brown (b.c.1889) | |
DM1/12/38/6/3 | Postcard of a wagonette or phaeton in the grounds of Leylands at Wotton, [c.1900?], 9 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. | |
DM1/12/38/7 | The Parish Church of St John's, Wotton, [c.1860s?]-1928, 8 items. | |
DM1/12/38/7/1 | The tower and porch of St John's Church from the south west, [c.1860s?], 15 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/7/2 | Photograph mounted on card which shows an exterior view of the tower and south porch of St John's Church, [c.1870s?], 10 x 14.5 cms. Photographer: A. Seely of Richmond Hill. | |
DM1/12/38/7/3 | Carte de visit which shows Wotton Church and churchyard from the south, [c.1880?], 6 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/38/7/4 | The north side of Wotton Church, [c.1885?], 10 x 15 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/7/5 | Photograph mounted on card of St John's Church from the south east, [c.1900?], 11 x 15 cms. Shows an exterior view of the south porch and tower. | |
DM1/12/38/7/6 | Photograph of the church taken from the path leading to the south porch, [c.1900?], 10.5 x 15 cms. One of 7 photographs showing views in Abinger, Dorking, Westcott and Wotton mounted on a single, loose album page. For other images on the same page see: K58, K424, K544, K734, K1540 and K1814. | |
DM1/12/38/7/7 | Wotton Church from the south west, [c.early 20th cent?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/7/8 | Part of the clerical procession during the consecration of the new Wotton churchyard, 1928, 13 x 8.5 cms. The first Bishop of Guildford, Bishop John Greig is on the left. | |
DM1/12/38/8 | Colour photographs of a well head or pump located in a wood at the junction of Sheephouse Lane and the A25, on the opposite side to the Wotton Hatch inn, 1983, 13 x 9 cms. 2 items. One image shows a view of the well head in the wood and the other shows a close-up of its mechanism. Photographer: Marion Herridge of Westcott. | |
DM1/12/38/9 | Tillingbourne House and Waterfall, Wotton, [c.1870?]-[c.1914?], 2 files. The original house known as Lonesome Lodge was built in 1740 by Theodore Jacobsen, a Dutch merchant resident in England. A stream was artificially diverted to form what is now a picturesque waterfall, and a fountain and other ornamental waterworks were made in front of the house. These, with part of the garden mark its former site. The original house was neglected and by 1845 had become ruinous. It was pulled down before 1855 but a steward's house a little further north was enlarged to form the Tillingbourne House shown in the photographs. (Source: Victoria County History of Surrey, Vol. 3, pub. 1911) | |
DM1/12/38/9/1 | Tilingbourne House, [c.1900?]-[c.1914?], 9 items. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card of Tillingbourne House, [c.1900?], 6.5 x 10 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/2 | Re-photographed image of a Charron-Gardot-Voight car at Tillingbourne House with a uniformed driver and a second man in uniform standing next to it, 1906, 15.5 x 21 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/3 | A phaeton and two coachmen at Tillingbourne House, [c.1906?], 8 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/4 | Re-photographed image of a Hotchkiss car with a uniformed driver and passenger at Tillingbourne House, [c.1908?], 14 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/5 | Postcard showing Tillingbourne House, [c.1909?], 8 x 13 cms. Addressed to Mr W Harris, I Thorndale Cottages, Westcott, with greetings from B F. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/6 | Postcard showing a garden ornament in the form of a sphinx in the grounds of Tillingbourne House, [c.1910?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Notes on the reverse by David Knight record that it was stolen about the time of the First World War by a wandering scrap merchant who cut it in half and sold it. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/7 | Postcard of a (coachman?) cleaning a brougham at Tillingbourne House, [c.1911?], 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/8 | An early motor car with a woman in the driving seat at Tillingbourne House, [c.1912?], 7 x 11 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/1/9 | Postcard which shows the stable yard at Tillingbourne House with a small pony and trap with 2 passengers, and a man with a horse, [c.1914?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. Photographer: William Smith of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2 | Tillingbourne House waterfall, [c.1870?]-[c.1905?], 6 items. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2/1 | The Tillingbourne waterfall, [c.1870?], 9 x 6 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2/2 | The Tillingbourne waterfall, [c.1890?], 14 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2/3 | Re-photographed image of a close up of the Tillingbourne waterfall, [c.1900?], 20 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2/4 | The Tillingbourne waterfall, [c.1900s?], 9.5 x 7 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2/5 | Colour postcard of Tillingbourne waterfall, [c.1900?], 14 x 9 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/9/2/6 | Postcard of Tillingbourne waterfall, [c.1905?], 13.5 x 9 cms. Published by Edmonds Bros, "Dorking Series." | |
DM1/12/38/10 | Re-photographed image of a view at West Lane, Wotton, [c.1910?], 10 x 16.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/11 | Wotton Hatch Public House, 1904-[c.1950s?], 6 items | |
DM1/12/38/11/1 | Postcard of the Wotton Hatch, 1904, 9 x 14 cms. Published by F. Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/38/11/2 | Re-photographed image of the Wotton Hatch public house, [c.1915?], 8.5 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/11/3 | Re-photographed image of Mr. Shepherd in a Model T Ford car at the Wotton Hatch, 31 Dec 1919, 8.5 x 13 cms. With white ribbons attached to the bonnet, the car is shown in use for the wedding of William Bartlett, a gardener of Westcott and Winifred Cannon, daughter of Charles Cannon, a farmer, which took place at Westcott church on 31 Dec 1919. | |
DM1/12/38/11/4 | Postcard which shows a meeting of a local hunt outside the Wotton Hatch, [c.1920s?], 9 x 14 cms. Photographer: W J Rose. Publisher not named. | |
DM1/12/38/11/5 | Postcard of the Wotton Hatch public house, [c.1925?], 8.5 x 13 cms. Published by Kingsway | |
DM1/12/38/11/6 | Photograph of a black and white sketch or painting of the Wotton Hatch public house, [c.1950s?], 27 x 34.5 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/12/38/12 | Wotton House, (c.1844?)-[c.1970s?], 6 items. The house was the home of the Evelyn family from the 16th century and was the birthplace of the celebrated diarist John Evelyn, (1620-1706), the author of Sylva. | |
DM1/12/38/12/1 | Photograph of a black and white print showing Wotton House and the gardens at the rear, [original c.1844?] date of photograph: late 20th century, 8.5 x 13 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/12/2 | Carte de visit of the front view of Wotton House with the gardens beyond it in the distance, [c.1870?], 6 x 9.5 cms. Photographer: Usherwood of Dorking. | |
DM1/12/38/12/3 | A horse drawn carriage with passengers and a liveried coachman at Wotton House with a man and a small girl standing at the side. [c.1900?], 11 x 15 cms. Mr F Davey, coachman at Wotton House is identified by name on the reverse but its not clear whether he is the liveried driver or the man standing at the side of the carriage. | |
DM1/12/38/12/4 | Postcard of the entrance drive and front view of Wotton House, [c.1905?], 9 x 14 cms. Published by F Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/38/12/5 | Re-photographed image which shows 17 members of Wotton House estate fire brigade at the front of the house, with their horse drawn manual fire engine, 1912, 8.5 x 11.5 cms. Those sitting on the fire engine are fully unformed unlike those standing beside the fire engine whose only items of uniform are their sailor type caps and leather belts. For photographs of the estate fire brigade at Denbies see: DM1/12/32/6. | |
DM1/12/38/12/6 | Photograph of the title pages of a prayer book used by Charles I on the scaffold in 1649 The prayer book was given by Isaac Herault to Sir Richard Browne, father in law of the 17th century diarist John Evelyn and kept at the Evelyn family home at Wotton House. Typescript background notes on the reverse are taken from a catalogue of an exhibition held at Glasgow about 1900, at which the Prayer Book was exhibited by the Evelyn family. Date of photograph [c.1970s?], 21 x 26.5 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/13 | Wotton Rectory, [c.1890?]-1905, 2 items. | |
DM1/12/38/13/1 | Wotton Rectory with a pony and trap on the drive leading to the house, [c.1890?], 17 x 24 cms. | |
DM1/12/38/13/2 | Postcard of Wotton Rectory, 1905, 9 x 13.5 cms. Published by Frith & Co. | |
DM1/12/39 | Listing of the numbers originally assigned by Dorking Museum to the Knight collection of photographs, [c.2000?], 29pp. These are thought to be the first set of numbers used for the collection. At some point afterwards a system of numbers with the prefix K was adopted. How the first set i=of numbers were used is not known. | |
DM1/13 | Print Engravings, Paintings and Drawings of Local Views and People and of subjects by local artists, [1788], 1985, 2 boxes. | |
DM1/13/1 | Print Engravings, 1788-[c.1890s?]. All items are in black and white unless otherwise stated. Arranged firstly by location and then chronologically. . Extent: 7 files and 3 items | |
DM1/13/1/1 | A view of Abinger Parish Church, [c.1850s?], 12 x 19 cms .The names of T.Allom and M J Starling as artist and publisher are printed on the bottom left and right respectively. Thomas Allom was the artist who produced the illustrations for E W Brayley's "Topographical Hisory of Surrey" published in 1850. | |
DM1/13/1/2 | Betchworth, 1788-[c.1850?], 3 items. | |
DM1/13/1/2/1 | The east view of Betchworth Castle published 20 Aug 1788, 26 x 22.5 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/13/1/2/2 | Betchworth Castle, [c.1830s?] 21 x 14cms. Artist L. Byrne. | |
DM1/13/1/2/3 | Betchworth Parish Church before its restoration, [c.1850?], 19 x 13 cms. Artist unknown. | |
DM1/13/1/3 | Boxhill and Burford Bridge, 1816-[c.1860s?], 4 items. | |
DM1/13/1/3/1 | Burford Lodge, "the seat of George Barclay Esq." originally published in the Gentlemans Magazine, 1816. "Engraved by J. Greig from a drawing by a Lady.", 16.5 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM1/13/1/3/2 | Page from an unknown publication with a print of "Burford Bridge, Dorking - a century ago." Publication [c.1900?] Shows the bridge and the river with Box Hill in the background and a figure in the foreground. No details of engraver. | |
DM1/13/1/3/3 | "Swallows in the Banks of the River Mole near Burford Bridge, sketched on the spot in September 1840." 22.5 x 15 cms. Marked as "engraved for Brayley's History of Surrey." Drawn by L R Thompson and etched by J. Archer. "Swallows" refers to swallow holes where the river sinks into a series of holes formed in the chalk. | |
DM1/13/1/3/4 | "The Dorking Railway & Box Hill from Denison's Hill, drawn and engraved for the British Gazetteer." [c.1860s?], 25.5 x 16 cms. Drawn by J E Burrell and published by A. Ashley. | |
DM1/13/1/4 | Prints of Dorking, [c.1817?]-[c.1890s?], 14 items | |
DM1/13/1/4/1 | Coloured print of Dorking showing a river in the foreground with St Martin's Church on the left. Possibly a mill in the middle distance on the left, [c.1817?], 6.5 x 9 cms. Published by W. Clarke, New Bond Street, London. Engraved by J. Matthews from a drawing by J. Hassell for the Antiquarian Itinerary. | |
DM1/13/1/4/2 | Page taken from an unknown publication with a print labelled "High Street, Dorking, a century ago," 7.5 x 11.5 cms. The image would appear to be [c.1820?] with a view looking from the centre of the High Street towards Pump corner. | |
DM1/13/1/4/3 | Coloured print showing a view of "Dorking from Cotman Dene." Pub Aug 1821 by Longman & Co, Paternoster Row, London. 6 x 8.5 cms. "Engraved by J.Greig from a drawing by H. Gastineau for the Excursions through Surrey." | |
DM1/13/1/4/4 | Coloured print of a view of Dorking with fields in the foreground, the medieval church in the centre and the buildings of the town in the distance against the backdrop of the hills, [c.1830?] 9 x 15cms. The names of J. Fletcher and J. Rogers appear underneath as [engraver and artist?]. Published by Edward Lacey, 76 St Paul's, London. | |
DM1/13/1/4/5 | Coloured print of St Martin's Church, [c.1835?], 10 x 15 cms. The image appears to show the original medieval church with scaffolding around the north transept. The windows of the tower also appear not to be intact so it may be in the process of demolition as the nave was completely re-built between 1835 and 1837. The names of J C Allen and J. Henshall who were both engravers, appear underneath. | |
DM1/13/1/4/6 | Coloured print with a view of Dorking looking south, [c.1840?}, 12 x 17.5 cms. Engraved by Newman & Co, 43 Watlling Street. | |
DM1/13/1/4/7 | Print mounted on card showing the interior of the Hall at Deepdene House, Drawn by T. Allom and engraved by M J Starling,[c.1845?], 11 x 16 cms. | |
DM1/13/1/4/8 | "High Street, Dorking looking south," [c.1840s?], 11.5 x 18 cms. The view looks towards Pump Corner. Drawn by D McKewen and engraved by Shury & Son. | |
DM1/13/1/4/9 | "Willow Walk, a century ago," 10 x 14.5 cms. Original image [c.1820?], date of publication of print [c.1910?]. Willow Walk is the name of the footpath adjoining the millpond at Pippbrook. | |
DM1/13/1/4/10 | "Denbies from the Railway," [c.1850?], 7 x 10.5 cms. Published by J. Rowe. The foreground shows a train at Dorking Town Station, (now named Dorking West), with a view looking towards Denbies House which can be seen in the distance on the top of Ranmore. | |
DM1/13/1/4/11 | "Dorking from the Railway Station, [c.1850?], 7 x 10 cms. The station is now called Dorking West. The buildings of Dorking Gas Works are on the right. A horse bus is in the centre and the buildings of the Station Hotel are on the left. Published by J. Rowe. | |
DM1/13/1/4/12 | Rose Hill with a horse drawn carriage in the foreground, [c.1850?], 7 x 10 cms. Publisher: J. Rowe | |
DM1/13/1/4/13 | St Paul's Church and Rectory, [c.1857?], 7 x 10.5 cms. Published by Rowe of Dorking. | |
DM1/13/1/4/14 | Mounted print entitled "Old Customs Die Hard," How Shrove Tuesday is Kept at Dorking," [c.early 1890s?], 23 x 30 cms. Artist: Frank Gillett. Shows boys and some adults in the street engaged in the football game with a policeman in the centre. For photographs of Shrove Tuesday Football see: DM1/12/13/4/2 | |
DM1/13/1/5 | A "View of Leith Hill, from a sketch taken during the Government Survey in 1844," [c.1850s?], 11.5 x 17 cms. Artist: T Allom. Engraver: T Fleming . | |
DM1/13/1/6 | Prints of Mickleham and Norbury Park, [c.1840?]- [c.1850s?], 3 items. | |
DM1/13/1/6/1 | The interior of Mickleham Church with a view from the chancel looking towards the west end, [c.1850s?], 11 x 16 cms. Engravers/ artists: T Allom and J H Kernot | |
DM1/13/1/6/2 | The entrance lodge to Norbury Park, [c.1840?], 7 x 10.5 cms. Artist/engravers: T. Allom and Radclyffe. | |
DM1/13/1/6/3 | "Ancient yew trees in The Druids Grove at Norbury Park," [c.1840?], 7 x 10.5 cms. Artist/engravers: T. Allom and Radclyffe. | |
DM1/13/1/7 | Prints of Oakwood, Ockley and Ranmore, 1840-[c.1880?], 3 items. | |
DM1/13/1/7/1 | Oakwood Chapel, [c.1850?], 8 x 12 cms. Artists/engravers: T Allom and M J Starling. | |
DM1/13/1/7/2 | View of Ockley Green with the Red Lion on the right, [c.1880?], 9.5 x 14 cms. | |
DM1/13/1/7/3 | "Denbies, seat of W J Denison, Esq MP" engraved for Brayley's History of Surrey." Published by and for R B Ede, 01 Nov 1840, 11.5 x 18 cms. Artist/engraver: Shury & Sons. | |
DM1/13/1/8 | Prints of Milton Court House, Westcott, [c.1840s?], 2 items. | |
DM1/13/1/8/1 | Coloured print of Milton Court Manor House, [c.1844?], 7.5 x 10.5 cms. Artists/engravers: T. Allom and J H Kernot. | |
DM1/13/1/8/2 | Coloured print of the staircase at Milton Court House, [c.1840s?], 7 x 10 cms . An inscription: "presented by W J Evelyn," appears underneath with the names of T. Allom and J H Kernot as artist and engraver. | |
DM1/13/1/9 | Coloured print of Wotton Church, [c.1850?], 8.5 x 12 cms. Artist/engravers: T Allom and M J Starling . | |
DM1/13/1/10 | Prints of People and Personalities, [c.1850s?]- [c.late 19th century?], 7 items. | |
DM1/13/1/10/1 | A print of "Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie, Bart, FRS, Serjeant Surgeon to the Queen" published by the London Printing and Publishing Company, [c.1860s?], 18 x 27.5 cms. Benjamin Collins Brodie, (1783-1862) was a physiologist and surgeon who specialised in bone and joint disease. Made a baronet in 1834, his family home was at Brockham Warren at the top of Box Hill and he is buried at Betchworth. | |
DM1/13/1/10/2 | Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778-1868). Date of print: [c.late 1800s?], 12.5 x 10 cms. Engraved by W Hall from a photograph by Herbert Watkins. Brougham had no known connections to the Dorking area. | |
DM1/13/1/10/3 | Madame de Stael, (1766-1817). Date of print: [c.late 19th cent?], 26.5 x 19.5 cms. Artist/engravers: Gerrard and E. Finden. Publisher: A Fullarton & Co. Anne-Louise Germaine de Stael-Holstein, nee Necker, commonly known as Madame de Stael, was a French woman of letters and one of Napoleon's principal opponents. She was one of the distinguished French emigres who took refuge in Mickleham during the early days of the French Revolution. (Source: Victoria County History of Surrey, Vol. 3, London 1911 pp.301-310) | |
DM1/13/1/10/4 | Print of John Locke engraved by J Posselwhite from the original picture by Sir Godfrey Kneller in the Hall of Christ Church, Oxford and published by William Mackenzie of London, [c.1860s?] 13 x10 cms. John Locke, (1632-1704) has been described as one of the most famous philosophers and political theorists of the 17th century. The family of William Locke, (1732-1810), the owner of the estate at Norbury Park claimed connections with John Locke, and there is a possibility that the families were related. | |
DM1/13/1/10/5 | Print with a three quarter length portrait of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, (1751-1816), [c.mid 19th cent?], 12 x 9.5 cms. Engraver: W. Holl. Published by A Fullerton & Co, London and Edinburgh. Sheridan was the owner of the original house at Polesden Lacey which he bought in 1804. The present house on the site was built in 1824. | |
DM1/13/1/10/6 | Print of the French politician Charles Maurice Talleyrand, (1754-1838). Shows him seated in formal dress. Artist/engravers: Gerrard and Freeman. Published by A Fullarton & Co of London and Edinburgh, [c.late 19th cent?} 26.5 x 19.5 cms. Named in the Victoria County History of Surrey, Vol. 3, London 1911 pp. 301-310, as one of the distinguished French emigres who took refuge in Mickleham during the early days of the French Revolution. | |
DM1/13/1/10/7 | Print of William Wilberforce, (1759-1833), politician, philanthropist and leader of the anti-slavery movement. Date of print: [c.late 1800s?}, 13 x 10.5 cms. Artist: G. Richmond; Engraver: E. Scriven. Published by William Mackenzie, of Glasgow, Edinburgh and London. | |
DM1/13/2 | Paintings, drawings and sketches of local views or other works by local artists, 1905-1985. Most have been reproduced on greetings cards or postcards published in the late 20th century but there are also a few original works. 8 files and 1 item. Arranged firstly by location where this is known and secondly in order of the artist where the location is unknown or the work has a different subject matter. | |
DM1/13/2/1 | Reproductions of Paintings of Abinger, published late 20th century, 5 items. Includes works by, William Teulon Blandford Fletcher, (1859-1936) who lived in Dorking from 1904; Edward Wilkins Waite, (1854-1927; working 1880-1920) and Frank Walton (1840-1928) who lived at Holmbury St Mary. Edward Wilkins Waite was born in Leatherhead and lived at Peaslake and Abinger Hammer before moving to Berkshire in 1910.Source: (https://cornwallartists.org/cornwall-artists/william-teulon-blandford-fletcher accessed 2017) | |
DM1/13/2/1/1 | "Cross Ways Farm, Abinger" by William Teulon Blandford Fletcher. Date of copy: [c.late 20th century]. Date of original painting: 1915. 13.5 x 19 cms. Copyright: unknown. | |
DM1/13/2/1/2 | "An Afternoon's Fishing," by Edward Wilkins Waite. Date of copy: [c.late 20h century?]. Date of original: 1893. 13.5 x 17.5 cms. Shows a boy fishing by the river with a building in the distance which appears to be Abinger Mill. Copyright: Parnassus Gallery, London. | |
DM1/13/2/1/3 | "Beechwoods in May" by Edward Wilkins Waite. Date of copy: [c.late 20th century?]. Original: [c.1890s?], 13 x 19 cms. Shows a figure gathering wood in bluebell woods thought to be in the Abinger area. Copyright: Bucentaur Gallery Ltd, London. | |
DM1/13/2/1/4 | "Crossways Farm, Abinger" by Edward Wilkins Waite,Date of copy: [c.late 20th century?]. Date of original: [c.1890s?], 11 x 15 cms. Copyright: The Bridgeman Art Library Ltd. | |
DM1/13/2/1/5 | "Near Abinger, Surrey," by Frank Walton. 19 x 13 cms. Shows a woodland scene, the original being signed and dated 1865. Date of copy: [c.late 20th century?]. Copyright: the Bucentaur Gallery Ltd. | |
DM1/13/2/2` | Copies of Paintings of Box Hill and Coldharbour. Date of copies: [c.late 20th century?]. Date of originals: [c.1850s]-[c.late 19th century?], 2 items. | |
DM1/13/2/2/1 | Postcard showing the painting of "The Stonebreaker." by John Brett (1830-1902), 15 x 10 cms. Copyright: unknown. It shows a youth breaking stones to create a road surface against the brightly lit detailed landscape of Box Hill. The original painting is at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool. Postcard published [c. 1980s?]. John Brett was born at Bletchingley, Surrey and was an artist associated with the Pre-Raphaelites, noted for his highly detailed landscapes. "The Stonebreaker" was first exhibited in 1858 and made Brett's reputation. (Source: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artists/john-brett-53 accessed 2017) | |
DM1/13/2/2/2 | Reproduction mounted on card of a painting of a view at Coldharbour looking south from Leith Hill. The artist is unknown. Date of copy: [c.late 20th century?]. Date of the original [c.late 19th cent?], 15 x 22.5 cms. | |
DM1/13/2/3 | Paintings and drawings of Dorking, 1905-[c.late 20th century?], 12 items. | |
DM1/13/2/3/1 | Black and white print mounted on card of "Dorking from Cotmandene from a drawing by H. Gastineau in 1821," [c.1930s?]. 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM1/13/2/3/2 | Greetings card with a painting of Castle Mill, Dorking by William Pilsbury, (1840-1908). Date of card [c.1970s?], 16 x 23.5 cms. Reproduction by courtesy of the Royal Watercolour Society. Copyright: Royle Publications Ltd. | |
DM1/13/2/3/3 | Coloured painting reproduced on card of Walker's stage coach at the Bull's Head Inn in South Street in 1828. Painting by Douglas Young, 1968. 17.5 x 24 cms. | |
DM1/13/2/3/4 | A Christmas card with a reproduction of a black and white engraving on the front which shows a view of "Dorking from the Chalk Pits, a century ago," 7.5 x 11 cms. The message inside the card is printed and was sent by Ernest Letts Sellick of Southmead, Westcott Road, Dorking, in 1937. For other material relating to Ernest Letts Sellick, (1879-1960), see: DM1/12/13/7/13/1 and SC | |
DM1/13/2/3/5 | Small cutting from an unknown magazine with an illustration of an oil painting by Walter Wallor Caffyn (1850-1897) "Driving Geese: a scene near Dorking, Surrey," painted c. 1880. Date of magazine, [c. late 20th cent?]. Black and white, 6 x 9 cms. There is an error in the caption which has named the artist as William Wallor Caffyn instead of Walter Wallor Caffyn. | |
DM1/13/2/3/6 | [Photocopy?] of a black and white reproduction which shows a view of South Street, "after a water colour by the late Geo. Gardiner," It shows the Post Office on the left and the Spotted Dog inn on the right. 10 x 14.5 cms. Date of copy: [c.late 20th century?]. Date of original: 1901. Reproduced on a paper page. | |
DM1/13/2/3/7 | Coloured post card showing a man playing an [oboe?] outside the Spotted Dog Inn in South Street, 1905, 9 x 14 cms. From an original water colour drawing by George Gardiner. Published by R T Voysey of Dorking. | |
DM1/13/2/3/8 | Reproduction in black and white of a drawing or painting by Charles Collins, RBA of the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 15 x 22.5 cms. Date of copy: [c.late 20th century?]. Date of original painting [c.1880s?] The full name of the artist was Alfred Charles Jerome Collins (1851-1921). | |
DM1/13/2/3/9 | A birthday card issued by the Embassy Cinema in Reigate Road, Dorking with a line drawing of the cinema on the front cover.8.5 x 12.5 cms. Addressed inside to Master David Knight, 1949. | |
DM1/13/2/3/10 | Black and white original drawing of houses on the south side of West Street by V M Warner, [c.mid 20th cent?], 25 x 30 cms. | |
DM1/13/2/3/11 | A black and white line drawing from an unknown publication titled "The Marquis of Granby", Dorking [c.1956?] 14 x 10 cms. The name of the inn comes from one of the same name in Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens which is generally thought to have been modelled on the Old Kings Head in North Street which is shown in the drawing. | |
DM1/13/2/3/12 | A coloured post card which shows a painting or drawing of a silver Dorking cockerel and hen, 1912, 9 x 14 cms. Published as a supplement to "The Feathered World," 22 Mar 1912. | |
DM1/13/2/4 | Paintings of Guildford, Leith Hill, Shere and Westcott, 1957-1985, 5 items. | |
DM1/13/2/4/1 | Cutting taken from an unknown magazine of an advert for The Hinton Gallery of Hookwood near Horley, [c.late 20th cent], 5 x 7 cms. It includes a small illustration of a painting by Walter W Caffyn of "The Old Ferry House, Guildford." | |
DM1/13/2/4/2 | Greetings card with a colour reproduction of a painting by Helen Allingham, (1848-1926) of Leith Hill. Date of card: 1985, 17 x 11.5 cms. Published by Gallery Five. | |
DM1/13/2/4/3 | Greetings card with a reproduction of a painting in oils of "Wootton [sic] Woods near Shere Church" by Edward Wilkins Waite (working 1880-1920). Date of card: [c.1970s?], 23 x 17.5 cms. Copyright: The Bucentaur Gallery Ltd, London. | |
DM1/13/2/4/4 | Colour illustration of a painting "The Time of Roses," by William Teulon Blandford Fletcher (1858-1936) which shows Milton Street, Westcott with Wyvern Cottage in the centre. 18 x 23 cms | |
DM1/13/2/4/5 | Black and white drawing of the stables at Wintershaw on Westcott Green, 1957. Artist unknown. The building has now been replaced by Pound House. | |
DM1/13/2/5 | Greetings card with a colour reproduction of "The Haystack," a watercolour by George Vicat Cole (1833-1893). Date of card: late 20th century, 10.5 x 15 cms. Copyright: the Bucentaur Gallery Ltd, London. Most of the artist's subjects were in Surrey and Sussex but the exact location of this picture is unknown. | |
DM1/13/2/6 | Reproductions of works by William Teulon Blandford Fletcher, (1859-1936), who lived at "The Willows" in Westcott Street from 1905 to 1916, [c.1970s-1980s?], 6 items. All are reproduced on greetings cards with the exception of DM1/13/2/6/5. For other works by Fletcher see: DM1/10/29/3; DM1/13/2/1/2 and DM1/13/2/4/4. For a photograph of Fletcher see: DM1/12/13/7/7 | |
DM1/13/2/6/1 | "The Farm Garden." Painted in 1914 at Northampton Farm, Ombersley, Worcs. 24.5 x 19.5 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Copyright: The Medici Society and the Ashmolean Museum. | |
DM1/13/2/6/2 | "Golden Hedgerows," 15 x 22 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Copyright: The Medici Society. | |
DM1/13/2/6/3 | "The Old Mill," 14.5 x 23cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published by The Medici Society | |
DM1/13/2/6/4 | "The Time of Roses,"12 x 9.5 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Copyright: The Medici Society. | |
DM1/13/2/6/5 | "The Tithe Barn; Northcourt, Abingdon," 11.5 x 17 cms. Date of copy {c.1980s?] Copyright: The Medici Society Ltd. | |
DM1/13/2/6/6 | "The Wool Gatherer,"12.5 x 9.5 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Copyright: The Medici Society. | |
DM1/13/2/7 | Copies of paintings by George Gardiner, (1851-1927); William Biscombe Gardiner, (c.1847-1949); and Fred Hall, (1860-1948), [c.1920s?]-[c.late 20th century?], 3 items. | |
DM1/13/2/7/1 | Page containing a colour reproduction of an original water colour painting by Dorking resident George Gardiner, (1851-1927), entitled "A Surrey Lane," [c.1920s?], 14 x 9 cms. Published by R T Voysey, Dorking. | |
DM1/13/2/7/2 | Greetings card with a colour reproduction of "Tomlin's Wharf, Old Leigh, Essex" by William Biscombe Gardner (c.1847-1919). Date of card, [c.1970s?], 9 x 13 cms. Gardner lived for a time in Surrey and then at Tunbridge Wells. Copyright: The Bucentaur Gallery Ltd, London. | |
DM1/13/2/7/3 | Cutting from an unknown newspaper or magazine which shows a small illustration of a painting by Fred Hall (1860-1948), entitled "Waiting for a Breeze," signed and dated 1886. 7 x 10 cms. Date of cutting: c. late 20th century. Hall was an impressionist painter of landscapes, rustic subjects and portraits. He lived for a short time at The Willows in Westcott Street and appears at that address in the 1901 census. The same house was occupied by the artist William Teulon Blandford Fletcher between 1905 and 1916. See: DM1/12/13/7/7 | |
DM1/13/2/8 | Reproductions of paintings by Walter Dendy Sadler, [c.1970s-1980s?], 4 items. Walter Dendy Sadler, (1854-1923) was born in Dorking and brought up in Horsham. He exhibited at the Royal Academy and painted contemporary people in domestic and daily life pursuits. | |
DM1/13/2/8/1 | "The Chorus," [c.1970s-1980s?], 18 x 23 cms. Copyright: The Bucentaur Gallery Ltd, London. | |
DM1/13/2/8/2 | Cutting from an unknown magazine which shows a small black and white illustration of Walter Dendy Sadler's painting, "London to York," 6 x 7.5 cms. [c.1979?] | |
DM1/13/2/8/3 | "Outside the Church," [c.1970s-1980s?] 23 x 18 cms. | |
DM1/13/2/8/4 | "A Village Celebrity", [c.1970s-1980s?] 12.5 x 20 cms. | |
DM1/13/2/9 | Greetings cards with colour reproductions of paintings by Percy Tarrant, [c.1970s-1980s?], 8 items. | |
DM1/13/2/9 ctd | Percy Tarrant, (1855-1934), painted figurative and genre subjects as well as contributing to several periodicals such as the Illustrated London News, The Quiver, Cassell's Family Magazine and the Graphic. He exhibited at several London galleries, including the Royal Academy and lived in South London for many years before moving to Leatherhead and then to Gomshall in Surrey. | |
DM1/13/2/9/1 | "Gathering the Corn," 12 x 8 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published: Medici Society | |
DM1/13/2/9/2 | "Kittens", 17 x 11.5 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published: Pictura Graphica AB, Karlstad, Sweden. | |
DM1/13/2/9/3 | "Picking Foxgloves," 1985, 12 x 8 cms. Published: Medici Society | |
DM1/13/2/9/4 | "The Picnic," 8 x 12 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published: Medici Society | |
DM1/13/2/9/5 | "The Pink Frock," 8.5 x 12 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published: Medici Society | |
DM1/13/2/9/6 | "Seeds that Travel," 12 x 8 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?] | |
DM1/13/2/9/7 | "An Upland Song," 11.5 x 17 cms. Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published: Pictura Graphica AB, Karlstad, Sweden | |
DM1/13/2/9/8 | "A Visit to the Pigsty," 9.5 x 11 cms.Date of copy: [c.1970s-1980s?]. Published: Medici Society. | |
DM1/14 | Newspaper Transcripts and Personal Research, 1964-[c.1980s?], 2 files. | |
DM1/14/1 | Volume of manuscript transcripts compiled by David Knight from copies of the Dorking Advertiser between 1910-1941, 359 pp. Compiled [c.1980s?].The first page is headed "Early Aeroplane Incidents around Dorking" and the first 47 pages are devoted to this subject. Otherwise the subjects seem to have been selected at random by the compiler. An index to the contents is available. | |
DM1/14/2 | A manuscript book with the title "A History of Westcott," compiled by David Knight in 1964. It contains facts from published works, extracts from local newspapers and from the Womens Institute Survey of Westcott in 1949; his own observations on the changes in the village and stories from some of his elderly relatives who were Westcott residents. | |
DM1/15 | Ephemera, [c.1900 - 1982], 3 items. | |
DM1/15/1 | Two cigarette cards for Ogden's Tab Cigarettes one showing a Maxim Gun and the other an express train. Both inside an envelope addressed to W J Rose Esq, Westcott and postmarked 1894. Cards early 1900s? | |
DM1/15/2 | Dog licence issued to Mrs Emily C Steadman of 4 Chapel Lane, Westcott, 1963. Emily Steadman was the grandmother of David Knight. | |
DM1/15/3 | British Rail ticket for travel between Dorking and London, 16 Aug 1982. | |
DM2 | Records of the family of Walter Stone, of Newhaven, Sussex and Dorking and of Stone and Turner, ironmongers of Dorking, 1829-[c.1960s?], 2 boxes. These include a small collection of business and company records of Stone and Turner, 1869-[c.1960s?] and family records, 1868- [c.mid 20th century?]. | |
DM2 ctd | Biographical History: Walter Stone, (1854-1934) was born in Newhaven in Sussex where many of his family were tradesmen. The family originated in the Epsom and Ewell area of Surrey, and first established themselves in Newhaven at the end of the 18th century. Walter was the son of William Daniel Stone, a Newhaven grocer. He first came to Dorking in the late 1870s when he acquired the Dorking Foundry and ironworks at 62 West Street in partnership with his cousin Henry Edward Turner, (b. 1855), also of Newhaven. In 1893 they took over the ironmonger's business of L H & W Saubergue at nos 98 and 99 Dorking High Street, which they ran until their partnership dissolved in 1919 when Henry Turner retired. (London Gazette 08 Apr 1919). Walter then carried on as sole proprietor. Following his death in 1934 the business was carried on by other members of his family until it was finally sold in the 1960s. Walter Stone was a prominent member of the Dorking Freemasons and for 37 years was connected with St Martin's Church serving as a member of the choir, a sidesman and a churchwarden. He was a member of Dorking Bowling Club and both he and his family took an active part in local dramatic and musical productions. | |
DM2 ctd | Provenance: The records were deposited by Walter Stone's great-grand daughter Gillian Lambert in 2018. | |
DM2/1 | Business and Company Records of Stone and Turner, ironmongers of Dorking, 1869-[c.1960s?],12 files. Includes company records, 1869-1918; property and title deeds, 1875-1952 and photographs, [c.1860s?]-[c.1960s?]. | |
DM2/1/1 | Company Records, 1869-1918, 5 files. These comprise a notebook containing sales records, 1869-1874; company bye laws, 1882-1918; transcripts of employment agreements with staff members and company standing orders, 1887-1918; a store catalogue, 1896; and a file containing loose company documents originally placed within DM2/1/1/3. | |
DM2/1/1/1 | Bound notebook with the legend "Saubergue, Ironmonger, Dorking" embossed on the front cover. It itemises sales of products with name of purchaser, and the name and price of the items of stock sold, 1869-1874. | |
DM2/1/1/2 | Bound exercise book containing at one end ,"Bye Laws by order of H E Turner" At the other end of the book are complaints against the work of individual members of staff and the cost of correcting the errors they have made, 1882-1918. | |
DM2/1/1/3 | Soft bound notebook containing transcripts of employment agreements with staff members, 1888-1916; at the other end of the book are entered in manuscript, standing orders for the company, 1887-1893 and minutes of annual meetings held at 98 High Street, 31 Oct 1894-1897, 5th Jan 1899, 8 Dec 1899-1907, 1909, 1913, 1914, 1916, 1918. | |
DM2/1/1/4 | One hardbound illustrated brochure or catalogue for Stone and Turner's products, 1896, 21pp. | |
DM2/1/1/5 | Miscellaneous company records, 1880s -1917, 16 items. The records were found placed inside DM2/1/1/3. They include headed company stationery, printed company notices and announcements, sales advertisements, time sheets, and manuscript notes. | |
DM2/1/1/5/1 | Blank page of headed stationery for Stone & Turner, 1880s. | |
DM2/1/1/5/2 | Store sale advertisement for "the large surplus stock purchased with the business from the late firm of L H & W Saubergue," [c.late 19th cent?]. | |
DM2/1/1/5/3 | Printed notices of 22 Sep and 18 Oct 1893, the first announcing that Stone & Turner had purchased the "old established business of Messrs L H & W Saubergue and would take possession tomorrow (23 Sep 1893), and secondly a ready money sale on 21 Oct 1893. The first gives the company address as Dorking Foundry and Ironworks at 62 West Street and the other as both 98 & 99 High Street and Dorking Foundry. 2 items. | |
DM2/1/1/5/4 | Newspaper advertisement [from the Dorking Advertiser?] making the same announcement as in DM2/1/1/5/3, [c.1893?]. | |
DM2/1/1/5/5 | Blank invoice sheet for Saubergue & Co's Rotunda Ironmongery Stores, South Street, Dorking, [c.1893?], 1p. [The company were listed at that address in Kelly's Directory, 1895]. | |
DM2/1/1/5/6 | Leaflet advertising a sale of general and furnishing ironmongery surplus stock purchased with the business of Saubergue & Co by Stone and Turner at the Rotunda Stores, South Street, Dorking, 13 Oct 1898. | |
DM2/1/1/5/7 | Manuscript note on the reverse of a worker's time sheet addressed to Mr Turner from F. [Stock?] advising that a workman named Batchelor was taking too long for breakfast before starting work and was not filling in his time sheet correctly, [c.1890s?], 1 p. | |
DM2/1/1/5/8 | Small handwritten note headed "Very Urgent" and that "Sir H Bell, Mynthurst - above must have binder at once as his oats are ready." [c.1890s?] | |
DM2/1/1/5/9 | Leaflet advertising Stone & Turner's special nett price list of galvanised wire netting and galvanised pea guards, Feb 1894. | |
DM2/1/1/5/10 | Cutting from an unknown local newspaper with a report of a trial of 3 ploughs at Mr F L Crow's Ewood Farm near Dorking including one from Stone & Turners - a steel beam Dorking plough which was judged to be the best. [c.early 1900s?] | |
DM2/1/1/5/11 | Printed notice of May 1919 announcing that the partnership between H E Turner and W Stone had been dissolved by mutual consent as from 31 Mar 1919 and that the business would in future be owned and conducted by W Stone as sole proprietor. | |
DM2/1/1/5/12 | Manuscript memorandum of agreement between Walter Stone & Henry Edward Turner of Dorking trading as Stone and Turner and John William James, son of Susan Elizabeth James of 6 Mount Street, Dorking, that the wages to be paid to John William James, engaged by Stone & Turner as an employee, should be at the rate of 7s per week of 59 hours. 25 May 1918. | |
DM2/1/1/5/13 | Large printed diploma of membership of the Ironmongers Federated Association incorporated, made out in the name of Stone & Turner of 98 & 99 High Street, Dorking who were enrolled as incorporated ironmongers in the register of the Ironmongers Federated Association Incorporated, 09 Oct 1907. Sealed & signed. The surface is darkened and the text rather faint. | |
DM2/1/1/5/14 | Hand written note headed "Stock, West St," advising that "Hanton says he has had a warrant from the War office to attend at Guildford at once & he has gone. [c.1915?], 1 p. | |
DM2/1/1/5/15 | Handwritten sheet headed "Duplicate copy of Haulton's time Sat 17 Jul 1915." Marked at the bottom "false pretences - he did not work and was not paid for the 5 and a half hours." | |
DM2/1/1/5/16 | Workman's time sheet for Stone and Turner's Foundry and Ironworks, in the name of J. Sleigh for work done for Mr [Nixey?] Smith of Hale Farm, Nutfield, 24 Nov 1917. | |
DM2/1/2 | Property Records and Title Deeds, 1875-1952, 2 files. These include records relating to Dorking Foundry in West Street, 1872-1892 and to premises at 98 and 99 High Street In Dorking, (now no 32 High Street) | |
DM2/1/2 ctd | Administrative History: the High Street property at Nos 98 and 99 (now no 32) were acquired in 1893 when Stone and Turner took over the ironmonger's business of L H and W Saubergue. Lewis Henry and Walter Saubergue were both the sons of Peter Lewis Saubergue who had previously run the business from c. 1848. The previous occupiers of the premises can be identified from the names appearing in the title deeds and from trade directories. Pigots Directory of 1826-9 shows Samuel Fuller and Son as a furnishing and general ironmonger while Robsons Directory of 1838 has Margaret Fuller together with William Deane and Thomas Ward as ironmonger and smith. | |
DM2/1/2/1 | Property records for Dorking Foundry in West Street, Dorking, 1879-1892, 6 items. | |
DM2/1/2/1/1 | Lease of freehold property on the north side of West Street, Dorking , between Joseph Todman of Dorking, draper (the lessor) and Joseph Fletcher of Dorking, (the lessee), 30 Dec 1879, 4pp. It refers to "All that freehold house on the north side of West Street, now in the occupation of the said lessee and the shop, buildings, yards and hereditaments used as an iron and brass foundry and shop connected therewith on the north side of West Street, Dorking and now in the occupation of the said lessee." Term: 21 years. Annual rent: £100. | |
DM2/1/2/1/2 | Licence to underlet premises in West Street, Dorking, 30 Dec 1879. Term: one year. Joseph Fletcher of Dorking, ironmonger (lessee) applied to Joseph Todman of Dorking, linen draper (lessor) for permission to underlet to Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner both of Dorking, ironmongers, " a messuage with a shop, outbuildings and appurtenances in West Street, (the premises demised in a lease of 30 Dec 1879 for the term of 21 years now or late in the occupation of Joseph Fletcher). | |
DM2/1/2/1/3 | Assignment of 30 Nov 1882 between Joseph Fletcher, late of Dorking, ironmonger but now of Caterham, grocer of the one part; and Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner both of Dorking, co-partners and ironmongers of Dorking on the other part relating to premises mentioned in a lease of 30 Dec 1879, between Joseph Todman and Joseph Fletcher, involving "all that freehold on the north side of West St, Dorking, then in the occupation of Joseph Fletcher and all the shop buildings, yards and hereditaments used as an iron and brass foundry and shop connected with them on the north side of West Street, then in the occupation of Joseph Fletcher except those of Joseph Todman." Term: the residue of the term of 21 years stated in the lease. | |
DM2/1/2/1/4 | Two notes from Joseph Todman to the solicitors Hart, Hart & Martin that he had no objection to the underletting and that the amount offered by Stone & Turner of £1850 against their insurance policy was sufficent, 1882-1883. | |
DM2/1/2/1/5 | A letter from Hart, Hart and Martin solicitors of Dorking to Messrs Stone & Turner informing them that Mr Fletcher had settled with them with a list of the documents sent 09 Jan 1883 | |
DM2/1/2/1/6 | Report on the state of repair of 62 West Street drawn up by White & Sons of Dorking, for Messrs Stone & Turner, 08 Dec 1892, 6pp. With a letter from Colls & Sons, builders and decorators of London and Dorking addressed to Messrs Stone & Turner stating that they entirely agreed with the statement by White & Sons, 22 Dec 1892, 1p. | |
DM2/1/2/2 | Property records for Nos 98 and 99 High Street, Dorking, 1875-1914, 9 items. | |
DM2/1/2/2/1 | Counterpart lease of a house, shop and premises on the south side of Dorking High Street, between Margaret Fuller and Elizabeth Fuller both of Barnstable, Devon, spinster of the one part; Samuel Fuller of Rawut Pindee in the province of the Punjaub in the East Indies, a surgeon in Her Majesty's 70th Regt of the second part and Peter Lewis Saubergue of Dorking, ironmonger of the third part, 31 Dec 1875. Commencing 25 Mar 1876 for a term of 21 year at a rent of £90. Cites a previous lease of 17 May 1855 made between Samuel Fuller of the one part and Peter Lewis Saubergue of the other, by which the premises on the south side of the High Street then in the occupation of Peter Lewis Saubergue were conveyed to P L Saubergue for 21 yrs from 25 Mar 1855 at the yearly rate of £85 It is signed and sealed on the reverse by Peter Lewis Saubergue with a note that as he was blind the content had been carefully read over to him by John Hart, solicitor of Dorking. | |
DM2/1/2/2/2 | Lease for 7 years at a rate of £30 pa of a house, shop and hereditaments at 99 High Street, Dorking, 01 Mar 1887. Between Eliza Dendy of Parkfield, Paignton, Devon, widow and Lewis Henry Saubergue and Walter Saubergue, both of Dorking, general ironmongers. | |
DM2/1/2/2/3 | Licence to assign the leasehold of premises at 99 High Street, Dorking. Between Stephen Woodbridge of No 5 Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street, London, solicitor and John Henry Seale of Wonastow Court, Monmouth, Esq to Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner both of Dorking, ironmongers, 21 Oct 1893. Cites the former lease of 01 Mar 1887 between Eliza Dendy "of the one part and yourselves of the other part," 1p. | |
DM2/1/2/2/4 | Assignment of leasehold of the messuage and premises at no 98 High Street, Dorking between Messrs Lewis Henry Saubergue & Walter Saubergue of Dorking, ironmongers and Charles Alexander White of Dorking, land agent and valuer of the second part and Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner of Dorking, ironmongers of the third part , 18 Jan 1894. Cites lease of 31 Dec 1875 made between Margaret Fuller and Elizabeth Fuller of the first part, Samuel Fuller of the second part and Peter Lewis Saubergue of the third part: referring to "all that messuage on the south side of the High Street then in the occupation of Peter Lewis Saubergue. | |
DM2/1/2/2/5 | Lease of 99 High Street, Dorking between Stephen Woodbridge of No 5 Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street, London, solicitor and John Henry Seale of Monastow Court, Monmouth, Esq (lessors) and Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner, (lessees) both of High Street, Dorking , ironmongers , 17 Mar 1894. Term: 21 years for a yearly rent of £30. | |
DM2/1/2/2/6 | Counterpart lease between Margaret Fuller and Elizabeth Fuller, of Bideford, Devon, spinsters, of the one part, Samuel Fuller of Bideford, Surgeon General in the Army, retired, of the other part and Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner, both of Dorking, ironmongers, (the lessees) of the third part, 26 Mar 1894, 5pp. Term: 21 years from 25 Mar 1894. Yearly rent of £90. Cites lease of 31 Dec 1876 between Margaret Fuller and Elizabeth Fuller; Samuel Fuller of the second part and Peter Lewis Saubergue of the other part of premises on the south side of Dorking High Street, then in the occupation of Peter Lewis Saubergue for the term of 21 years from 25 Mar 1876; the lessees had requested the parties to accept a surrender and to grant them a new lease. | |
DM2/1/2/2/7 | Schedule of documents relating to Nos 98 and 99 High Street, Dorking belonging to Messrs Stone & Turner compiled by Hart, Scales & Hodges, solicitors of Dorking, 1895. | |
DM2/1/2/2/8 | Lease for 21 years of a house, shop and premises at Dorking, 09 Jun 1897. 11 pp incorporating a plan. Between Elizabeth Fuller of Bideford, Devon, spinster of the first part; Samuel Fuller, of Bideford, Surgeon General in Her Majesty's Forces, retired of the second part and Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner both of Dorking, ironmongers (the lessees) of the third part. Cites lease of 26 Mar 1894 made between Margaret Fuller since deceased and the said Elizabeth Fuller of the first part, Samuel Fuller of the second part and the lessees of the third part, "for all that messuage or tenement, orchard gardens, outhouses, backside, croft of land, and premises appertaining on the south side of the High Street, Dorking, then in the occupation of the lessees, demised to Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner for 21 years from 25 Mar 1894 at a rent of £90; in consequence of an exchange of a piece of garden ground being part of the premises demised by the said lease having been carried out between the parties of the first and second parts and Thomas Gray Rix, an adjoining owner, the parties of the first and second parts have accepted a surrender of the recited lease and agreed to grant the lessees a new lease for the term of 21 years from 25 Dec 1890 for a quarterly rent of £90." | |
DM2/1/2/2/9 | Lease for 14 years at a yearly rent of £55 for No 99 High Street, Dorking between Edith Mary Simpson, wife of the Rev Francis Russell Benedict Simpson of Combecote, Dartmouth, Devon and John Carteret Hyde Seale and Henry Dendy Seale both of Wonastow Court, Monmouth (the lessors) of the first part and Walter Stone and Henry Edward Turner both of 98 High Street, ironmongers (the lessees). It refers to "all that piece of land situate and being on the south side of the High Street, Dorking with the messuage or tenement, shop and outbuildings known as no 99 High Street and all that piece of land in Chequers Yard, High Street and at the rear of the premises together with the stable and building standing thereon, all which premises are now and have for many years past been in the occupation of the lessees,"22 Jul 1914 | |
DM2/1/2/3 | Property records for a workshop and store at the rear of numbers 155/157 High Street, Dorking which included a yard used by Stone and Turner for the purposes of standing a lorry, 1931-1960, 2 items. | |
DM2/1/2/3/1 | Lease of workshop and store at the rear of numbers 155/157 High Street, Dorking between Pearks Dairies Ltd of 179/189 City Road, London (the lessors) and Charles Thomas Richards of 155/157 High Street, Dorking, company director (the lessee) for "all that workshop and store as already occupied by the lessee and his sub-tenant at the rear of and adjoining the lessors premises numbers 155/157 High Street, Dorking together with the joint use with the lessors and others authorised by them of the yard adjoining and of the two entrances, one from Ansell Road and the other from the cul-de-sac at the rear of the yard." Term: 3 years from 29 Sep 1952 for a rent of £100. 29 Oct 1952, 7 pp. Incorporates an additional lease on the last page dated 12 Apr 1960 between Pearks Dairies Ltd and Stone and Turner Ltd of High Street, Dorking to include a right to stand a lorry in the yard mentioned in the original lease for a term of 7 years from 28 Sep 1959 for 7 years. | |
DM2/1/2/3/2 | A covering letter from the solicitors Hart, Scale and Hodges of Dorking addressed to Rex Lambert of Stone & Turner which accompanied the new lease {ie DM2/1/2/3/1] giving Stone and Turner a right to stand a lorry in the yard, 13 Sep 1960. | |
DM2/1/2/4 | Records relating to the tithe rent charges for garden ground in Back Alley, (now known as Church Street), 1931-1937, 2 items. The connection with Stone and Turner's company is not known. | |
DM2/1/2/4/1 | Letter from the Bounty Office in Westminster addressed to the estate agents White and Sons of Dorking "in respect of the garden ground Back Alley regarding the extinguishment by way of merger under the Tithe Acts of the tithe rentcharge in respect of which parts of the consideration money was paid through you to the Governors of the Queen Anne's Bounty in December 1930 has now been effected." 18 Mar 1937. Particulars of the tithe rent charge are set out on the reverse. | |
DM2/1/2/4/2 | Letter from White and Sons, estate agents addressed to Mrs Barnard of Sondes Place Estate, Westcott Road, Dorking advising that they had received from the Bounty Office, notification of the merger of the tithe rent charge to be filed with the deeds of the garden ground Back Alley. 26 Mar 1931. | |
DM2/1/3 | Photographs and photographic postcards of Stone and Turner's Premises, in Dorking, [c.1860s?]-[c.1960s?], 3 files. These include exterior views of the ironmongers shop in Dorking High Street, [c.1860s?]-[c.1890s?]; interior views of the shop and the company's workshop, [c.1950s?]-[c.1960s?]; and photographs taken at external displays and exhibitions, [c.1930s?]-[c.1960s?]. | |
DM2/1/3/1 | Exterior views of the ironmonger's shop in the High Street which includes earlier photographs when the business was run by P L Saubergue , [c.1860s?]-[c.1890s?], 4 items. | |
DM2/1/3/1/1 | Photograph taken from the west end of the High Street looking east, showing the premises of Philps (tailors) on the left next to the Wheatsheaf inn. The premises of what became Stone & Turners is on the extreme right. [c.1860s?], 11 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM2/1/3/1/2 | A close up of the exterior of the store showing a man standing by a delivery cart. [c.1880s?] 9.5 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM2/1/3/1/3 | Two identical (stereoscopic?) photographs mounted on card marked on the reverse as "stables 98 High Street after 2nd fire." 7 x 8.5 cms. Shows the gutted roof with the spire of St Martin's just visible on the left, c.1890s. | |
DM2/1/3/1/4 | The garden at the back of Stone & Turner's premises in High Street, [c.1890s?], 9 x 9 cms. | |
DM2/1/3/2 | Interior views of the ironmonger's shop in the High Street, and of the company's workshop, [c.1950s?]-[c.1960s?], 8 items. | |
DM2/1/3/2/1 | Postcard showing the interior of the store, [c.1950s?], 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM2/1/3/2/2 | Another view of the interior of the store, [c.1950s?], 6 x 8.5cms. | |
DM2/1/3/2/3 | A display of domestic fireplaces, [c.1950s?], 10.5 x 14.5 cms. Photographer: B W Burridge. | |
DM2/1/3/2/4 | An unknown man inside a workshop with the mechanism of a lawn mower, [c.1950s?], 13.5 x 19cms. Photographer: Cosser Photographic Service, E. Station Approach, Sanderstead. | |
DM2/1/3/2/5 | A second man inside a workshop working on the mechanism of a lawn mower, [c.1950s?], 19 x 24 cms. Photographer: Cosser Photographic Service, E. Station Approach, Sanderstead. | |
DM2/1/3/2/6 | A different shot of the same man as in DM2/1/3/2/5, working at machinery, [c.1950s?]. | |
DM2/1/3/2/7 | A close up of the window at Stone & Turners shop showing a display of handsaws, [c.1950s?] 16 x 9 cms. | |
DM2/1/3/2/8 | A display of aga/rayburn cookers inside the store [c.1960s?], 15 x 16 cms. Photo by Bev Burbidge. | |
DM2/1/3/3 | Photographs taken at external displays and exhibitions, [c.1930s?]-[c.1960s?],4 items. | |
DM2/1/3/3/1 | A display of general household equipment taken at an unknown location, [c.1930s?] , 15.5 x 21 cms. The address shown on the name board of the display suggests that the location was somewhere in Dorking. | |
DM2/1/3/3/2 | A display of Atco lawn mowers and garden equipment at a display or exhibition at an unknown location, [c.1940s?], 15.5 x 19 cms. | |
DM2/1/3/3/3 | A group of eight men at an "Ironmongers Conference," [c.1940s?], 11 x 16 cms. The location is unknown. Frank Eveleigh is 3rd from left. | |
DM2/1/3/3/4 | Photograph taken at an agricultural show [at Wotton Hatch?] showing a tent with a display by Stone & Turner, [c.1960s?], 12 x 17 cms. | |
DM2/2 | Family Records comprising event programmes, personal papers and family photographs, 1868- [c.mid 20th century?],4 files. | |
DM2/2/1 | Programmes and notices for events and performances, 1876-1889, 9 items. These mostly relate to the Stone family's life in Newhaven, Sussex. | |
DM2/2/1/1 | Programme for an entertainment in aid of the Newhaven Fire Brigade held at the National School-room, Newhaven, Tues 07 Mar 1876, 4pp. The entertainment comprised a musical concert and a play "The Unfortunate Lover." The concert was of several songs and duets which featured various members of the Stone family. Of nine cast members in the play, all except two were also from the Stone family including Walter Stone. Walter's brother Smith Stone was First Engineer of Newhaven Fire Brigade at the time, (Source: Sussex Advertiser 28 Aug 1875) | |
DM2/2/1/2 | Leaflet of the programme of processions for the Lewes Bonfire Borough Society, 05 Nov 1877. | |
DM2/2/1/3 | Programme of a musical and comic entertainment at Newhaven Fort, 26 May 1879, 4pp. Mr W Stone features in several of the acts. | |
DM2/2/1/4 | Leaflet with the programme of a concert at Brockham Reading Room, 30 Jan 1883 by Mr Fielder's Glee party. One of the songs was contributed by Mr Stone, 3pp. | |
DM2/2/1/5 | Printed notice advertising the Newhaven Literary Institute's "the sixth of a series of Popular entertainments to be given in the Board school room," 30 Dec 1884. The programme for the event is incorporated in the lower half of the poster and includes a song by Walter Stone, a vocal duet by Mr & Mrs W Stone with performances by other members of the Stone family. W Stone's name as honorary Secretary is featured at the bottom. | |
DM2/2/1/6 | Small pamphlet entitled "A Christian Soldier," Record of a Special Service held in the Garrison Church of All Saints, Aldershot on 10 Jun 1888, in memory of the late Colour-Sergeant Douglas G Huntly, Staff Clerk," 15 pp. The relationship between Colour Sergeant Huntly and the Stone family is not known. The 1881 census shows Douglas Huntly as a Private in the Army Hospital Corps at Aldershot aged 30 and born in Dover. A newspaper report in the Aldershot Military Gazette of 28 Sep 1889 mentions his name in connection with the Church of England Soldiers Institute at Aldershot where a stained glass window in his memory was given "by many who knew and loved him." It also records that he died at sea on 08 May 1888. | |
DM2/2/1/7 | Flyer advertising a performance by the Newhaven Minstrels on 19 Jan 1886 at the Board School. The cast includes Mr B Stone, Mr S Stone, and Mr W Stone. | |
DM2/2/1/8 | Programme of entertainment at the Wotton and Abinger Institute on Sat Jan 23 1886. It featured mostly musical items including several songs by Mr Walter Stone, 4 pp. | |
DM2/2/1/9 | Programme of entertainment for a "Mothers' Dinner," 21 Jan 1889. The programme featured a presentation to Minnie Murrell who saved 3 young children from a fire following a gas explosion at Mr Inglis's shop. .No location for the event is given but a report in the Dorking Advertiser of 26 Jan 1889 shows that it was an annual event held at the Public Hall, Dorking where the mothers of children attending the National Schools were entertained at dinner. Minnie Murrel was a servant girl who had been working at Mr Inglis's tailor's shop at No 3 High Street, Dorking when a gas explosion followed by a serious fire occurred there on 10 Sep of 1888. Her story drew national attention and she subsequently received an award of £5 and an illuminated scroll from the Society for Protection of Life from Fire for her bravery. | |
DM2/2/2 | Apprenticeship Records, 1829-1871, 2 items. These include the original apprenticeship indentures for Walter Stone of Dorking and for his father William Daniel Stone of Newhaven, Sussex. | |
DM2/2/2/1 | Apprenticeship indenture of 01 Jun 1829 for William Daniel Stone, son of William Stone of Newhaven, Sussex, coal merchant, bound to James Smith of Worthing, Sussex, grocer and draper for the term of 5 years for £70. Signed and sealed by William Daniell Stone, Jas Smith and William Stone. Witness: F Hendy and John J Rogers, solicitor of Worthing, 3pp. | |
DM2/2/2/2 | Apprenticeship indenture for Walter Stone, son of William Daniel Stone of Newhaven, Sussex apprenticed to Charles German Reed, James Alfred Newman & John Maunders Reed trading as Palmer & Co, ironmongers, from 24 Jun 1871 for 4 years, for wages of £15 for the first year, £20 for the second and third years and £25 for the 4th year. Witness: Alfred Stone. | |
DM2/2/3 | Personal Papers and Correspondence, 1868- [c.mid 20th century?], 15 items. | |
DM2/2/3/1 | Letter addressed to "Dear Walley," from his cousin Harry from an address in Poissey, France, 02 Sep 1868. Walley is thought to be Walter Stone (b.1854) who would have been 14 at the time the letter was written, while the writer is probably his cousin Henry, (b. 1855), also known as Harry, who later became his business partner in Dorking. Harry tells of his pleasure "when I heard that you had beaten the Lewes boys," and that "I was so delighted to think you had beaten the Lewes boy that I did not know how to write properly! " He goes on to say "Have you got any fresh boys this half? Is there anything more in the playground now? Give my compliments to the Messrs Leaver, the French master & my love to Austin, Lawrence & Miller etc ." The Messrs Leaver probably referred to William Castle Leaver and his brother Frederick Leaver, who were both schoolmasters at the Albert school at Sussex Lodge, a grammar school in Newhaven High Street, at which both Walter and Harry were evidently pupils. (Source: 1871 census for Newhaven) | |
DM2/2/3/2 | An Associate member's card for the Young Men's Friendly Society in the name of W Stone, 10 Jan 1886. | |
DM2/2/3/3 | Letter addressed to "My dear Wallie," from "your aff" son W D Stone of Newhaven, 13 Mar 1888 on London & County Banking Company headed notepaper. The content discusses a family disagreement. Names mentioned include Everard, Henry, "your aunt Laura" the Phillips's and Lucy. [Everard was the brother of Harry or Henry Turner (of Stone & Turner of Dorking). W D Stone was the father of Walter Stone of Dorking and at the time, he was the manager of the Newhaven branch of the London and County Bank. The identity of "Wally" is uncertain, as W D Stone signs himself as "your aff son," even though his own father William had died in 1855. The letter was written just a few months before W D Stone died in November of the same year so the word 'son' might possibly be a clerical error when he in fact meant father. | |
DM2/2/3/4 | Postcard sent to Mr W Stone, at 11 Meeching Road, Newhaven, Sussex and postmarked Dorking on 08 Jul 1897. The reverse has the printed wording "The Queen's Reign, 1837-1897", and was sent by H Edward Miller as Secretary of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Committee, to remind members of a meeting at the Oddfellows Hall in Dorking, 08 Jun 1897. | |
DM2/2/3/5 | Release from the trusts of the will of William Daniel Stone, late of Newhaven, deceased, 10 May 1898., 20 pp. Between William Stone of Newhaven, Sussex, grocer and draper, Lucy Knight, the wife of Thomas Earle Knight of 73 Oakhill Road, East Putney, Surrey, cashier; Walter Stone of High Street, Dorking, ironmonger, Sidney Stone of Newhaven, grocer's assistant; Fanny Sarah Lee of Newhaven, spinster; Florence Lee of Capel, spinster; Charles Clayton Lee of Capel, mariner in merchant service; Gertrude [Emelina?] Lee of Capel, spinster; Ethel Stone of 28 Meeching Road, Newhaven, spinster; and William Daniel Stone of 28 Meeching Road, Newhaven, engineer's apprentice on the one part and the said William Stone, Thomas Earle Knight and Walter Stone of the other part. William Daniel Stone died in 1888 and was the father of Walter Stone of the ironmonger's firm of Stone and Turner in Dorking. | |
DM2/2/3/6 | Manuscript of a poem entitled "There and Back" on the subject of cycling, signed by W S "Capt L BL", 3pp (c.1910?) The initials WS probably stand for Walter Stone who was earlier the Captain of Lewes Bicycle Club of which Mr H Turner was also a member (Source; Sussex Advertiser 21 Oct 1879) | |
DM2/2/3/7 | Memorandum addressed to Mr Dickenson from the Ewhurst Dairy, Wote Street, Basingstoke dated Jul 1912, The contents are a personal letter from "Ted" in which he asks "have you seen any of the Polesden people lately and "the old firm.". The identities of "Ted" or Mr Dickenson are unknown. | |
DM2/2/3/8 | Registration card Issued under the National Registration Act 1915,for Walter Stone, master ironmonger of 98 High Street, Dorking, 1915. | |
DM2/2/3/9 | Permit Book issued under the Defence of the Realm Act 1914 for Walter Stone, ironmonger of 9 High Street, Dorking, 21 Sep 1917. (b. 24 Jun 1854 at Newhaven) Includes a small passport type photo. The stated purpose of the permit was for "visiting relatives in Newhaven Military area." | |
DM2/2/3/10 | Permit Book issued under the Defence of the Realm Act 1914 for Laura Forster Stone (b. 09 Oct 1849) of 9 High Street, Dorking, 21 Sep 1917. Includes a small passport type photo. The permit was issued for the purpose of visiting relatives in the Newhaven Military area. | |
DM2/2/3/11 | Envelope titled "Leaves out of Bible Oct 1919," It contains transcriptions taken from a family bible and relates to the Stone and Forster families during the period 1838-1880. 3pp. The transcripts concern the immediate family of Walter Stone of Dorking (b.1854) and his wife Laura Forster Stone, (b. 1849), the daughter of Alfred Stone of Everton, Liverpool and his wife Sarah Bird Forster. | |
DM2/2/3/12 | Letter from Laura F Stone wishing her daughter Mabel many happy returns on her birthday, 29 Oct 1925. | |
DM2/2/3/13 | Picture postcard of an unnamed Cornish scene, sent from Newquay in Cornwall to Miss M Stone of 98 High Street, Dorking by Linda. Postmarked Sep 1927 | |
DM2/2/3/14 | Letter in original envelope addressed to Mrs Barnard, Sandycroft, Sondes Drive, Dorking and postmarked from Liverpool 18 Jul 1939. Addressed to "My dear Mabel by her affectionate friend Janet of Dunscore, Garden Lane, Fazakerley, Liverpool. The content discusses news of her personal circumstances, the weather and plans for holidays. Mabel (b. 1882) was the older daughter of Walter and Laura Stone of Dorking. | |
DM2/2/3/15 | Cutting from unknown publication with a photograph of a tombstone at St Michael's, Newhaven in memory of Thomas Tipper who died in 1785 [c. mid 20th century?] It is notable for the rhyming epitaph. Tipper was a Newhaven brewer. His brewery was later acquired by Thomas Stone, (the great-uncle of Walter Stone), around 1839, who then went into partnership with Robert Towner in 1855. The brewery was purchased by the Towner family in 1886 and sold by Charles William Towner of 124 Old Shoreham Road, Portslade to the Rock Brewery in April 1922. (Source: https://www.gravelroots.net/history/newhaven/244.html accessed Oct 2018) | |
DM2/2/4 | Family Photographs and Photographic Postcards, [c.1860s?]-1939, 8 files. These include views of Newhaven, Sussex, [1860s?] -1939; Dorking town centre, [c.1890s?]-1897; Dorking Bowling Club, [c.1930s?]-1933; Walter Stone of Dorking, [c. early 1900s?]-[c.1930s?]; Walter Stone's family, [c.1885?]-[1910?]; family excursions, 1939; and unidentified personal photographs, [.1880s?]-1939. | |
DM2/2/4/1 | Photographs mounted on card which show views of Newhaven, Sussex, [c.1860s?]-[c.early 20th cent?], 4 items. They mostly relate to the family business of W D Stone, draper and grocer of Newhaven. W D Stone was William Daniel Stone, (1815-1888), the father of Walter Stone of Dorking. | |
DM2/2/4/1/1 | The premises of W D Stone, draper and grocer, in Newhaven High Street, with staff members and boys outside, [c.1860s?]. 21 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/1/2 | The premises in Newhaven of W D Stone, tea dealer, tobacconist, and provision merchant, with several staff and boys outside, [c.1870s?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/1/3 | The outside of W D Stone's grocer's premises in Newhaven, [c.1880s?], 15.5 x 20.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/1/4 | A paddle streamer moored in [Newhaven?], [c.early 20th century?]. 11.5 x 14.5 cms. Local newspapers of the time indicate that several members of the Stone family had shipping interests in Newhaven and this particular ship might have had family connections. | |
DM2/2/4/2 | Set of 10 postcards of various views of Newhaven, Sussex, published [early 20th cent?], all 9 x 14 cms. The captions include High Street, Newhaven, 1880; Top of High Street, Newhaven, 1888; top of High Street, Newhaven, 1890; Bannisters first shop; Old High Street, Newhaven; (the same view as DM2/2/4/1, [c.1880s?]; High St, Newhaven, 1880; Old Toll bridge & toll house, Newhaven, [c.1880s?]; Brighton Road Entrance, Newhaven, 1895; Fort Road, Newhaven, 1880; High Street, Newhaven, 1870. | |
DM2/2/4/3 | Photographs of Dorking Town Centre, [c.1890s?]-1897, 3 items. | |
DM2/2/4/3/1 | Photograph mounted on card which shows St Martin's church, (right centre foreground) against the backdrop of Ranmore Common, clearly showing the chalkpits behind the church. Dated on the reverse as 24 May 1897, 11 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/3/2 | Photograph mounted on card of the south side of the High Street towards Pump Corner which shows the shop fronts of Thomas Wood, wine and spirit merchants, and Clarks, the chemists , [c.1897?], 11 x 15.5 cms. The buildings are decorated with flags and bunting probably for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. | |
DM2/2/4/3/3 | Photograph taken from a garden area in an unknown location with the spire of St Martin's church in the centre distance, [c.1890s?], 9 x 9 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4 | Photographs and postcards of Dorking Bowling Club and its members, [c.1920s-1933], 11 items. | |
DM2/2/4/4/1 | A close-up view of the Clubhouse, [c.1920s?], 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/2 | A view of the green and the clubhouse, [c.1920s?], 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/3 | A view of the green with several members in front of the clubhouse, [c.1920?], 4.5 x 8 cms | |
DM2/2/4/4/4 | Photograph mounted on card which shows a match in progress and several club members, [c.1920s?], 6 x 8.5 cms. The location is thought to be Dorking Bowling Club although this is uncertain. | |
DM2/2/4/4/5 | Two men participating in a match at Dorking, [c.1930s?], 6 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/6 | A view of the green in the foreground and the clubhouse with several club members engaged in a match, [c.1930s?], 5.5 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/7 | Postcard showing two club members taking part in a match at Teignmouth, Devon, Jun 1931, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. The member actually bowling is possibly Walter Stone. | |
DM2/2/4/4/8 | Postcard showing two club members in a match at Teignmouth, Devon, Jun 1931, 8.5 x 13.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/9 | A view of the clubhouse in the distance and turf laying activity on the green, Feb 1933, 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/10 | A side view of the clubhouse and turf laying activity on the green, Feb 1933, 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/4/11 | A centre view of the clubhouse and turf laying activity on the green, Feb 1933, 6 x 8.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/5 | Photographs of Walter Stone, [c.early 1900s?]-[c.1920s?], 6 items. These mostly feature him in masonic regalia. He had joined the Dorking Lodge of the Freemasons in 1896. (Source: membership registers of the United Grand Lodge of England - ancestry.co.uk accessed 2017) | |
DM2/2/4/5/1 | Photograph of a group of 9 people sitting or standing outside a hotel [?] at [Newhaven?]. The figure in the centre of those seated is Walter Stone, with his wife Laura next to him and second from the right, [c.early 1900s?], 8 x 10 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/5/2 | An indoor shot of Walter Stone in masonic regalia, [c.1920?}, 9 x 6 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/5/3 | A second indoor shot of Walter Stone in masonic regalia, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 6 cms. This appears to have been taken at the same time and in the same room as the previous one but he has adopted a different pose and the image is much fainter. | |
DM2/2/4/5/4 | An outdoor shot of Walter Stone in masonic regalia at an unknown location, [c.1920s?], 8 x 5.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/5/5 | A second outdoor shot of Walter Stone in masonic regalia at an unknown location, [c.1920s?], 8.5 x 6cms. This view must have been taken at a different time to the previous one as he is here shown wearing long gauntlets. | |
DM2/2/4/5/6 | A photograph which combines the two images of the previous outdoor shots, [c.1920s?], 7.5 x 6.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/6 | Photographs of Walter Stone's family, [c.1885?]-[c.1910?], 8 items. These include images of his two daughters: Mabel (b.1882) and Fanny (b. 1887). | |
DM2/2/4/6/1 | Circular photo graph mounted on card of an unidentified lady [c.1890s?], 7 x 7 cms. Although previously unidentified it looks very similar to the photo of Laura Forster Stone, Walter Stone's wife, (b. c. 1849 at Everton, Liverpool). at DM2/2/3/8. Photographer: Vanderbilt of Liverpool. | |
DM2/2/4/6/2 | Carte de visit of Fanny Stone aged about 2, [c.1889?], 9.5 x 6 cms. Photographer: Saml Yeo of 54 High Street, Dorking. | |
DM2/2/4/6/3 | Carte de visit of Fanny Stone aged 2 and a half, [c.1889?], 9.5 x 6 cms. Photographer: Saml Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM2/2/4/6/4 | Carte de visit of Fanny Stone aged about 8 , [c.1895?], 9 x 5.5 cms. Photographer: Saml Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM2/2/4/6/5 | Faded circular photograph mounted on card showing Fanny Stone, 09 Jul 1904. 7 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/6/6 | Photograph mounted on card which shows Fanny Stone , [c.1910?], 14.5 x 9.5 cms | |
DM2/2/4/6/7 | Carte de visit of Mabel Stone as a young child aged about 3, [c.1885?], 9 x 6 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/6/8 | Carte de visit with head and shoulders of Mabel Stone as a young child c. 4 or 5 years of age [c.1886?], 9 x 6 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/7 | Photographs of Family Excursions, 1939, 4 items. | |
DM2/2/4/7/1 | A residential house at un unknown hillside location, [c.1930s?], 5.5 x 8 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/7/2 | Photograph endorsed on the back "view from bedroom window Royal Hotel, Docking, Jun 1939." 6 x 10.5 cms. The location of Docking is uncertain. There is a village of that name in Norfolk but the view in the photograph shows hills which are not characteristic of that county. | |
DM2/2/4/7/3 | A group of 4 people, having tea in a garden at Docking, Jun 1939, 6 x 10.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/7/4 | A cottage in Hawkshead, Cumbria, Jun 1939, 6.5 x 10 cms | |
DM2/2/4/8 | Unidentified Personal Photographs, [c.1880s?]- 1939, 4 files. These include unidentified individual people, [c.1880s?]-[c.early 1900s?]; groups of people, [c.1880s?]--c.1930s?];an unknown wedding, 1929; and an unknown couple in a garden dressed in fancy dress , [c.1930s?]. | |
DM2/2/4/8/1 | Unidentified Photographs of Individuals, [c.1880s?]- 1939, 5 items. | |
DM2/2/4/8/1/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a military man in cavalry uniform and wearing a cuirass, [c.1880s?], 15 x 10 cms. The uniform does not appear to be British as the cuirass is too short for a British uniform and the crossband and helmet are also incorrect. It was very probably worn for an amateur production of a play or musical as the records indicate that the Stone family took an active part in such events. There is a possibility that the person in the photograph is Walter Stone but no other photographs of him for that period are available for comparison. Photographer: Saml Yeo of Dorking. | |
DM2/2/4/8/1/2 | Photograph mounted on card of an unknown young lady, [c.1890s?], 14 x 9.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/8/1/3 | Carte de visite of the head and shoulders of an unidentified elderly man, [c.1890s?], 9 x 6 cms. Photographer: Parkinson, photographer to the Queen & the Admiralty, Rue Aguado, Dieppe. | |
DM2/2/4/8/1/4 | Cabinet card of the head and shoulders of an unknown middle aged man with a moustache and goatee beard, [c.1890s?], 14 x 10 cms. Photographer: Parkinson, Rue Aguado, Dieppe. | |
DM2/2/4/8/1/5 | Carte de visite of a young child (unidentified), 9 x 6 cms. [c.early 1900s?] | |
DM2/2/4/8/2 | Unidentified Photographs of Groups of People, [c.1880s?]-[c.1930s?], 6 items. | |
DM2/2/4/8/2/1 | Photograph mounted on card of a group of 24 men in semi-formal dress, some of them elderly, taken at an unknown outdoor location. [c.1880s?], 15 x 20 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/8/2/2 | Photograph mounted on card of a large wedding group pictured in the garden of an unknown property, [late 19th century?], 14.5 x 20cms. Photographer: W M Thomas, Liverpool. Walter Stone's wife Laura, came from Everton, Lancashire and the couple were married at West Derby, Liverpool in 1881 so there is a possibility that the photograph may feature their own wedding. | |
DM2/2/4/8/2/3 | Two unknown middle aged women sitting in a garden, location unknown. [c.1900s?], 10 x 7.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/8/2/4 | Photograph mounted on card of a large group of people including men, women and children at an unknown outdoor location, [c.early 1900s?] 11 x 15.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/8/2/5 | Photograph mounted on card of a large group of military men, [c.early 20th century?], 15 x 20 cms. This may be of the First World War period or possibly earlier. There is a tent in the corner so it may have been a training camp. The regiment is unidentified. A church spire is behind them in the distance. | |
DM2/2/4/8/2/6 | Five elderly men outside a house numbered 17 and named Laurel House at an unknown loation, [c.1930s?], 7.5 x 5.5 cms. Some of them are wearing blazers with a badge. Possibly Dorking Bowling Club? For other photographs of Bowling Club members see: DM2/2/4/4. | |
DM2/2/4/8/3 | Photographs of an unidentified wedding, 1929, 2 items. One is of the bride and groom and [bridesmaids?] dated on the back in German as 26 Aug 1929. 11.5 x 8 cms. The names written on the back are Denise Dyckmaus, Christiane Wyckm[orus?]; Franz Bruck; Marie Louise; Cecil Dyckmaus; Emma Jose Berger although there is no means of identifying which people they are in the image. Location: unknown. The second photo is of the same couple but with a much wider group in a large garden. 8 x 11.5 cms. | |
DM2/2/4/8/4 | Photographs of an unknown couple in an unidentified garden dressed in fancy dress, c.1930s? 7 items, 8 x 5.5 cms. The views include 4 of the couple dressesd as a farm labourer and his wife with the man in farm smock and top hat; and 2 showing them dressed as a country gentleman and his wife. An additional view shows the same man and woman in ordinary contemporary dress with an unknown woman taken in the same garden. | |
DM3 | Records of Wotton Charities with additional correspondence relating to parochial matters and rights of way in the parish of Wotton, 1831-1945, 3 boxes. The records include those relating to Lady Mary Evelyn's Charities, 1871-1933; Henry Smith's Charity, 1831-1945; the Glanville charity, 1900-1907; the Haynes Charity, 1901 -1932; and correspondence relating to parochial matters and to footpaths and rights of way in th parish of Wotton, 1890-1930. Provenance: the records were donated by Maria Pail of Dorking on 17 Feb 2017. The deposit originally included 3 other volumes: the logbook to the John Evelyn School, Wotton, 1967-1970 and letter books kept by J V Moore as clerk of Wotton Parish Council and secretary to the trustees of Wotton charities, 1901-1905. These items were transferred on long loan to Surrey History Centre on 11 Aug 2017 (acc no 9804) | |
DM3/1 | Records relating to the administration of Lady Mary Evelyn's Charities, 1871-1933, 1 box. Includes minutes of the trustees, 1871-1932; memoranda containing details of apprenticeships in the parish, 1902-1922; and records of the recipients of the charity, 1898-1933. Administrative History: Lady Mary Evelyn was the widow of Sir Frederick Evelyn, Baronet of Wotton, (1734-1812). She died in 1817 and under the terms of her will dated 12 Sep 1814 and proved on 22 Dec 1817, she left £500 from her estate to purchase annuities in the names of the Rectors of Wotton and Abinger; the interest, dividends and proceeds were to be distributed in bread on Easter Sunday annually amongst the poor of those parishes, one moity to each parish. | |
DM3/1/1 | Bound volume of minutes of the Trustees for "Lady Evelyn's Charities," signed by the Chairman, 20 Nov 1871-14 Apr 1900. | |
DM3/1/2 | Memoranda containing details of applications for apprenticeships made between 1902-1922. Originally kept loose in the minute book at DM3/1/1. Recorded on double sided paper with one application record on each side in a rough chronological order. | |
DM3/1/2/1 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Arthur Edward Frederick Gadd, son of William Frederick Gadd, of Friday Street, Wotton. Trade: plumber. Master: William Walker of Purley, plumber. Term: 3 yrs and 9 mths. Date of indenture: 12 Apr 1902. 2) David William White, son of David White of King George Hill, Wotton. Trade: painter and glazier. Master: Joseph Harrison of Abinger, builder. Term: 3 yrs. Date of indenture: 01 Oct 1901. | |
DM3/1/2/2 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Oliver Elcome, son of Elias Elcome of Ockley. Trade: blacksmith. Master: Edward Holden, junior of Ockley. Term: 3 yrs & 9 mths. Date of indenture: 16 Mar 1903. 2) William Campbell son of Thomas Campbell of Wotton. Trade: coach painter. Master: Mrs Melissa Ann Ventham, coachbuilder of Dorking.. Term: 5 yrs. Date of indenture: 19 Apr 1902. | |
DM3/1/2/3 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Albert James Richard Winter, grandson of Ellen Strudwick of Wotton. Trade: blacksmith. Master: Edwin John Ryde of Wotton. Term: 5 yrs. Date of indenture: 06 Nov 1903. 2) Archibald Holland, son of William Holland of Westcott. Trade: blacksmith. Master: Messrs S H Sherlock & Son of Dorking. Term: 4 yrs. Date of indenture: 04 Apr 1903. | |
DM3/1/2/4 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) William John Osmond son of William John Osmond of Wotton. Trade: printer. Master: Walter George Boorer of Dorking . Term: 5 yrs. Date of indenture: 29 Feb 1904. 2) Alfred John White son of David Whire of King George Hill, Wotton. Trade: wheelwright and carpenter. Master: Joseph Harrison, builder of Abinger. Term: 4 yrs. Date of indenture: 14 Oct 1905. | |
DM3/1/2/5 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Archibald John Skilton son of Frederick Skilton of Wotton. Trade: coach builder. Master: Messrs S & H Sherlock & Co of Dorking. Term: 5 yrs Date of indenture: 30 May 1907. 2) Frank Charman son of Frank Charman of Ockley. Trade: wheelwright. Master: Alfred Farley of Forest Green. Term: 4 yrs. Date of indenture: 21 Mar 1907. | |
DM3/1/2/6 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Edwin Strudwick.son of William Strudwick of Jayes Park, Ockley . Trade: blacksmith. Master: Alfred Dewedsney of Greenmead Forge, Holmbury St Mary. Term: 4 years. Date of indenture: 17 Jun 1907. 2) Henry Smith son of William Smith of Campfield, Wotton. Trade: baker and confectioner. Master: Henry Roffey, baker of Coldharbour. Term: 3 yrs. Date of indenture: 31 May 1907. | |
DM3/1/2/7 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Edwin Thomas King son of John King of Broadmoor, Wotton. Trade: painter and decorator. Master: Arthur Chisnell & F T Rolph of Colchester, Essex. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 28 Sep 1907. 2) Vincent Strudwick of Jayes Park, Ockley. Trade: blacksmith. Master: Alfred Etheredge of Capel. The indenture not stamped within 28 days of date and became invalid. 1907? | |
DM3/1/2/8 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Archie George Spratley, son of Richard Spratley of Mundies, Wotton. Trade: cycle and motor engineer. Master: Thomas Hersey of Epsom. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 28 Feb 1910. 2) Harry Sell, son of Samuel Sell of Rickmans, Oakwood Hill. Trade: engineer. Master: Harn Brothers of Leatherhead. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 12 Mar 1904. | |
DM3/1/2/9 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Alfred Cooke, son of Amos Cooke of New Barn, Albury. Trade: farming. Master: Archibald Freeland of Albury. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 16 Apr 1910. 2) William Henry Dawes, son of Henry Dawes of Portslade South Lodge Industrial Schools. Trade: carpentry. Master: H Baker. Term: 5 years. Date of indenture: 10 Mar 1910. | |
DM3/1/2/10 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Percy William Perry, son of Elizabeth Perry of Abinger Hammer. Trade: carpenter and joiner. Master: Joseph Harrison of Abinger Common. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 26 Jul 1911. 2) Stephen Ralph Beecher, son of Stephen Beecher, of Broadmoor, Wotton. Trade: blacksmith. Master: Esau Tyler of Coldharbour. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 13 Mar 1911. | |
DM3/1/2/11 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) William Sidney George Smith, son of William Smith of Campfield, Wotton . Trade: wheelwright and carpenter. Master: Alfred Farley of Forest Green. Term: 4 years. Date of indenture: 18 Mar 1912. 2) Frederick Ernest James Luff, son of Donald Luff of Leith Hill Cottages. Trade: baker. Master: Arthur Henry Jay of Forest Green. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 18 Mar 1912. | |
DM3/1/2/12 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) Robert James Andrews son of William Andrews of Wotton House Lodge, Wotton . Trade: blacksmith. Master: Edwin John Ryde of Homefield, Wotton. Term: 4 years. Date of indenture: 09 Feb 1914. 2) William Frank Beecher son of Stephen Beecher of Broadmoor, Wotton. Trade: Body Building (Carriage & Motor). Master: T H Sherlock and Son of West Street, Dorking. Term: 4 years. Date of Indenture: 25 May 1916. | |
DM3/1/2/13 | Page of memoranda with details of apprenticeship applications for: 1) William George Tidbury son of William Tidbury of Tilingbourne Lodge, Wotton. Trade: motor and general engineer. Master: Bartholomew [Sintes?] of Croftside Motor Works, Dorking. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 12 Apr 1920. 2) Ronald Edward Cox, of Ockley, son of Arthur Thomas Cox. Trade: cycle building and repairs and motor repairs Master: Charles Richard Kendall of Ockley. Term: 3 years. Date of indenture: 08 Feb 1918. | |
DM3/1/2/14 | Page of memoranda with apprenticeship applications for: 1) Henry John Rudge of Broadmoor, Wotton., nephew of Frederick Leonard White. Trade: smith and farrier. Master: Edwin John Ryde of Homefield, Wotton. Term: 4 years. Date of indenture: 07 Jul 1921. 2) George Daniel Overington of Abinger Common,son of Daniel Sharpe Overington. Master: Joseph Harrison, builder of Abinger Common. Trade: painter and decorator. Term: 4 years. Date of indenture: 21 Jun 1922. | |
DM3/1/3 | Bound ledger containing minutes of the trustees of Dame Mary Evelyn's Charity, Wotton, 1901-1932. | |
DM3/1/4 | Bound ledger recording recipients of Dame Mary Evelyn's Charity, Wotton, 1898 -1933. Records name of recipient; marital status; place of residence, and the number of loaves distributed. | |
DM3/1/5 | File of correspondence between W J Evelyn of Wotton House and the Rector of Wotton relating to the administration of Dame Mary Evelyn's Charity, 1901-1917, 31 items. Most relate to the distribution of bread and the difficulties in dispensation of the charity through the absence of several trustees. Also includes a printed copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of the Trustees of the charity held on 15 Aug 1898 | |
DM3/2 | Records relating to Henry Smith's Charity, 1831-1945, 3 files. The records include minutes of the trustees, 1898-1945 and notebooks recording recipients of the charity, 1831-1887, 3 files. Administrative History: the charity is today one of the largest grant making charities in Britain and the land it owns has been the foundation of its income since its formation. It was established by Henry Smith (1549-1628) who was born in Wandsworth and lived in London. He made his fortune lending money to landed families. By the 1620s he was the owner of thousands of acres and the mortgagee of thousands more. Under the terms of his will a separate fund makes grants to relieve poverty in some 200 specific parishes including Wotton. (Source: the charity's website at www.henrysmithcharity.org.uk/about-us/history/ accessed Mar 2019) | |
DM3/2/1 | Bound minute book containing minutes of the trustees, 30 Jun 1898-27 Jun 1945. | |
DM3/2/2 | Bound notebook recording recipients of Henry Smith's Charity to the poor of the parish of Wotton, 1831-1887. Also contains 2 loose receipts, one of 1886 and the other of 1887 from G Latter, linen and woollen draper of 94 High Street, Dorking addressed to the churchwardens of Wotton for calico. | |
DM3/2/3 | Bound ledger recording recipients of Henry Smith's Charity, Wotton Parish (Okewood), 1899-1919. Records name of recipient, marital status, no of children under 14 yrs of age, residence, and gifts in kind (usually so many yards of calico). | |
DM3/3 | Records relating to the administration of the Glanville charity, 1900-1907, 2 files. Administrative history: the charity aims to relieve poverty amongst the elderly and also makes charitable donations to young people within the parish of Wotton. It was established under the terms of the will of William Glanville, who died in 1718, and left £40 for five poor boys of Wotton under the age of 16. On the anniversary of his death they were to attend at his tombstone in Wotton churchyard and repeat from memory the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments read 1 Cor xv and write two verses of the same chapter. For this they received £2 and could later apply to the trustees for a sum not exceeding £10 for apprenticeship to a trade or husbandry. (Source: Terence O'Kelly - The Villages of Abinger Common and Wotton, 2nd edn 2011) | |
DM3/3/1 | File containing loose minutes of the trustees of the Glanville Charity, 02 Sep 1900 -11 Sep 1901, 5pp. | |
DM3/3/2 | File of correspondence between W J Evelyn of Wotton House, the Rector of Wotton and solicitors in London and Dorking, relating to the administration of the Glanville Charity, 1902-1907, 14 items. | |
DM3/4 | Bound ledger containing the minutes of the trustees of Haynes Charity, Wotton, 1901-1932. Administrative History: David Haynes of Lonesome in Wotton who died in 1787, left £50 to be invested with instructions that the interest should be distributed to the poor of the parish of Wotton. When his wife died ten years later she left a further £100 to the parish. The Rectors of Wotton distributed the charity as money while the Vicars of Okewood distributed it as flour. (Source: Terence O'Kelly - The Villages of Abinger Common and Wotton, 2nd edn 2011) | |
DM3/5 | Correspondence relating to parochial matters and to footpaths and rights of way in the parish of Wotton, 1890-1930, 2 files. | |
DM3/5/1 | File of correspondence on Wotton parochial matters, 1890-1908, 8 items. The subjects covered include a dispute between the Rector of Abinger and W J Evelyn of Wotton House over the use of a road at Chandlers Gate, Wotton, 1890; repairs to the 18th century monumental chancel of Wotton Parish Church, 1937 with notes relating to the conveyance of the chancel to Wotton Parish Council in 1908; and the election of a delegate to represent the parish at the Ruri Decanal Conference, 1906. | |
DM3/5/2 | File of letters between Wotton Parish Council and Down, Scott and Down, solicitors relating to the diversion of a footpath at Leylands Farm, Wotton , 1929-1930 with a small map and a copy of a resolution of Wotton Parish Council regarding this, of 06 Mar 1930, 14 items. | |
DM4 | Documents and photographs resulting from e-mail correspondence between Dorking Museum and Eric Bruneau in France in response to his enquiries on the Arrowsmith family, residents during the 19th century at Wintershaw in Westcott. 2021. 17 digital items including e-mail correspondence, 14 photographs and 2 documents. The family lived at various times in Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Camberwell, Dublin and Westcott The photographs and documents were originally sent as attachments to the e-mail correspondence. The photographs are all jpg images. Related material: for earlier correspondence between Eric Bruneau and Dorking Museum see R600. | |
DM4/1 | E-mail correspondence between Dorking Museum and Eric Bruneau in response to Eric Bruneau's request for information on the Arrowsmith family, former residents of Wintershaw at Westcott, Mar-Jul 2021. 1 digital file. 12.4 mb. | |
DM4/2 | Pdf file of a Word document entitled ñLa Famille Arrowsmith.îUndated c.21st century. 6pp. It contains a timeline of dates relevant to the family history commencing in 1680 and ending in 1879. Also includes notes on the family by Eric Bruneau and by Mary Turner of Dorking Museum. The family lived at various times in Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Camberwell, Dublin and Westcott. | |
DM4/3 | Pdf file reproducing a document which contains extracts from the will of George Arrowsmith (1815-1879) of Dorking, Surrey, then resident in Paris. The document is written in French but is undated c. 1879. 3pp. Pdf document created 2021. The original is from the French National Archives (cat. no MC/ET/V1 6 Huiller 6 registre 1294). The will was proved in London and information from the British national probate indexes gives the following: the will of George Arrowsmith, formerly of Dorking, Surrey but late of 120 Avenue Wagram, Paris in France who died 10 Jan 1879 at 120 Avenue Wagram was proved by Margaret Jane Arrowsmith of 120 Avenue Wagram, spinster, the daughter and Charles Kennerley Hall of 19 Rue des Moulins, Paris, advocate, two of the executors | |
DM4/4 | Reproduction of a photograph of Alfred Arrowsmith (1860-1908) Original c.late 19th century. Date of reproduction c.2021. | |
DM4/5 | Reproduction of a photograph of Ann Margaret Arrowsmith (1852-1877) c.mid 19th century? The original is contained within an oval embossed frame and has been coloured at a later date. Date of reproduction c.2021? | |
DM4/6 | Photograph which reproduces two earlier individual photographs of Ann Margaret Arrowsmith (1852-1877) and her husband Oscar Siegel. Date of original photographs c.late 19th cent. Date of copy c.2021? | |
DM4/7 | Photograph of a painting of George Arrowsmith (1815-1879) as a young man Date of original painting (c.1840s-50s?). Date of photograph (c.2021?) | |
DM4/8 | Reproduction of a photograph of George Arrowsmith (1815-1879) shown seated at a small table. Date of original c.1860s? Date of copy [c.2021?] | |
DM4/9 | Reproduction of a photograph which shows a head and shoulders image of Jenny Arrowsmith, (1850-1940). Date of original c.1880-90s? Date of copy c.2021? | |
DM4/10 | Reproduction of a photograph of Jenny Arrowsmith (1850-1940) in later life seated in a chair with two basset dogs. Location unknown. Date of original c.early 20th century? Date of reproduction: c.2021? | |
DM4/11 | Reproduction of a photograph of Jenny Arrowsmith (1850-1940) as a young child. Date of original c.1850s? Date of copy c.2021? | |
DM4/12 | Photograph of a painting which shows an unidentified family group of an older woman with three small children. Date of original: c.early 19th century? Date of photograph c.2021? | |
DM4/13 | Reproduction of a photograph which shows a family group of parents and three young children at an unknown location. Their identity is uncertain but they are thought to be the family of William Arrowsmith, (1859-1908) Date of original: c.early 20th century? Date of copy c.2021? | |
DM4/14 | Reproduction of a photograph of three young children taken by a commercial photographer in Chambrai, France. Date of original: c.late 19th cent? Date of copy c.2021? The children are identified as Louise, Jane and Marie Siegel, the children of Ann Margaret Arrowsmith and Oscar Siegel | |
DM4/15 | Reproduction of a photograph of Jane Ward, (c.1824-1871), the wife of George Arrowsmith, who is shown seated. Date of original: c.1860s/70s? Date of copy c.2021? | |
DM4/16 | Photograph of a painting of Jane Ward (c.1824-1871), the wife of George Arrowsmith. Date of original painting c.mid 19th cent? Date of reproduction: c.2021? | |
DM4/17 | Reproduction of a photograph of Jane Ward (c.1824-1871), the wife of George Arrowsmith. Date of original: c.1860s? Date of copy: c.2021? | |
DM5 | Digital photographs of the contents of two station log books of the Auxiliary Fire Service (later National Fire Service) sub-station at Capel, 1941-1942. The content includes records of the movement of personnel and equipment to and from the Capel sub-station including all arrivals and departures. 2 files each of 40 images. Several images are out of focus. | |
DM5 ctd | Provenance: the original log books are from the collection of the Surrey Fire Museum at Reigate and were photographed by Jane le Cluse of Dorking Museum in 2015-2016. | |
DM5 ctd | Administrative History: The Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) was formed in 1938 to assist local fire brigades to combat the effects of aerial attacks in the event of war. The members were therefore auxiliaries to the local fire brigade rather than being a completely separate body. They were mostly unpaid volunteers but could be called up for whole time service when necessary. | |
DM5 ctd | There were several AFS sub-stations in the Dorking area, and the members of the unit at Capel would have assisted with the activities of Dorking Fire Brigade All fire services including the AFS were later absorbed into the National Fire Service on its creation in Aug 1941. After the war the AFS was re-formed to deal with the threats posed by the Cold War and was not stood down until 1968. | |
DM5/1 | Digital photographs of the content of the station log book of the Auxiliary Fire Service (and from Aug 1941 National Fire Service) sub-station at Capel. Vol. 1. 1941-1942. Photographs taken 2015-2016. 40 jpg images. | |
DM5/2 | Digital photographs of the content of the station log book of the National Fire Service sub-station at Capel. Vol. 2. 1942. Photographs taken 2015-2016. 40 jpg images. | |
DM6 | Digital photographs of documents exhibited in the Court of Chancery in the case of Mason v. Clark. These include the will of Jeremiah Smith, distiller of Butter Hill, Dorking with probate and an inventory of his goods, 1760 and 1763; and papers relating to the bankruptcy of James Clarke, gardener of Dorking with catalogues of his goods and gardener's stock, 1767. 39 images together with an excel spreadsheet containing an index to the different lots in the sale of James Clarke's gardening stock in 1767. The photographs were taken from the original records at the National Archives, catalogue reference C110/174. Date of photographs [c.early 21st century?] | |
DM7 | Oral history interview recordings with interview summaries and interview consent forms conducted as part of the Deepdene Trail Lottery project named ñHope Springs Eternal,î 2015-2019. Extent : 6 files, 5 of which are digital with a total of 1.9 gigabytes All of the interviewees were born in the 1930s and either lived or worked in the Deepdene area. | |
DM7 ctd | Administrative History: The Deepdene estate first came to prominence in the mid 17th century when it was inherited by the Hon. Charles Howard in 1652. He then built a new house and began creating one of the earliest true Italian gardens in the country. It was this unique setting that attracted the young Thomas Hope to purchase the estate 156 years later. | |
DM7 ctd | At the heart of the Deepdene Trail is the Hope Family Mausoleum. Built by Hope in 1818, this structure is the last complete surviving building of the estate and final resting place of Thomas Hope himself. The project led by Mole Valley District Council and supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and other local organisations including Dorking Museum, aimed to restore architectural and landscape features and relink the fragmented parcels of land of the historic Deepdene estate with the new Deepdene Trail. | |
DM7 ctd | Part of the project involved collecting oral histories from those who had lived or worked on the estate. Summaries of these recordings were then made by a team of volunteers from Dorking Museum. (Source: the projectÍs website at ïHOPE SPRINGS ETERNALÍ: THE DEEPDENE TRAIL PROJECT accessed May 2022] | |
DM7/1 | Records of Interview with Brian Buss (b. c.1930s) including the interview recording, and interview summary, c.2015. 2 items in digital format. These recall his childhood memories of the area during the war including the crash of an RAF plane on the Dorking bypass. | |
DM7/1/1 | Recording of interview with Brian Buss conducted by S. Stronge c.2016? Digital format. 1 wav file of 294mb. Duration: 29 minutes. | |
DM7/1/2 | Summary of interview with Brian Buss c.2016? Format: Digital Excel file 13.97kb. | |
DM7/2 | Records of interview with Alan Edwards (b. 1930) including the interview recording and interview summary. 2016. 2 digital items. His memories are of Deepdene House between 1942 and 1944 when his father worked there at the Southern Rail offices. | |
DM7/2/1 | Recording of interview with Alan Edwards conducted by Linda Tobitt, 14 Jul 2016. Digital format. 1 wav file of 218 mb. Duration: 21 minutes. | |
DM7/2/2 | Summary of interview with Alan Edwards, c.2016. Digital format. Excel fil of 13.78 kb | |
DM7/3 | Records of interview with Mrs Pam North (b. 1937), 2016. Includes the interview recording and transcript 2 digital items. She describes her childhood memories of Deepdene and when the Southern Railway moved their offices from the house in the 1960s. | |
DM7/3/1 | Recording of interview with Mrs Pam North conducted by Donna Leigh, 05 Aug 2016. Digital format. 1 wav file of 464 mb. Duration: 46 minutes. | |
DM7/3/2 | Transcript of the interview with Mrs Pam North. c.2016? 14pp. Digital format. 1Word file 40.4 kb. | |
DM7/3/3 | Summary of interview with Mrs Pam North c.2016. Digital format. Excel file of 14.7 kb. | |
DM7/4 | Records of interview with Philip Sait (b. 1933), 2016. Includes the interview recording and interview summary. 2 digital items. Philip Sait left school at 15 to work as a messenger in the post room of Deepdene House. | |
DM7/4/1 | Recording of interview with Philip Sait conducted by Frank Turner, 09 Nov 2016. Digital format 1 wav file of 260 mb. Duration: 25 minutes. | |
DM7/4/2 | Summary of interview with Philip Sait, [c.2016.?] Digital format. Excel file of 15.3 kb.[ | |
DM7/5 | Records of interview with Clifford Weight (b. 1932) 2016 Includes the interview recording, and the interview summary. 2 digital items. He worked for Southern Railways at Deepdene House from 1949-1966 and was involved with several different departments there including accounts, book keeping and payroll. | |
DM7/5/1 | Recording of interview with Clifford Weight conducted by Frank Turner, 03 Jun 2016. Digital format. 1 wav file of 662 mb | |
DM7/5/2 | Summary of interview with Clifford Weight, [c.2016?] Digital format. Excel file of 16.1 kb. | |
DM7/6 | Interview consent forms. 2016. 5 items in pdf format.. Access closed until 2039 | |
DM8 | A single digital photograph showing a group of Dorking Football Club players during the 1946-1947 season. Donated by Adam Fisher in 2022, the picture shows his grandfather Ron Fisher, a goalkeeper for the club during the 1940s, in the middle of the back row in a different top to the rest of the players. A jpg file of 3.43 mb. | |
DM9 | A collection of 6 short films covering different aspects of Dorking's history, [c. 1923?] - [c. 2020?]. Provenance: collected or created by Dorking Museum and transferred to the museum's archive in 2022. | |
DM9/1 | A film in two parts produced by the photographic department of the London General Omnibus Company of a bus journey made on route 107 from Clapham Common to Dorking c. 1923. It shows views of the double decker bus and the towns and villages along the route. Obtained from the collection of the London Transport Museum ref. no. 2009/103. 2 items | |
DM9/1/1 | Film showing part of the bus journey made between Clapham Common and Dorking on the London General Omnibus CompanyÍs route 107, c. 1923. Includes views of Clapham, Morden, Nonsuch Park Gates, Ewell, Epsom and Leatherhead. Mpg file. Duration: 4.5 minutes. Extent: 14.6 mb. For copyright information see: DM9/1/3. | |
DM9/1/2 | Film showing part of the bus journey made between Clapham Common and Dorking on the London General Omnibus CompanyÍs route 107, c. 1923. Includes views of Mickleham, Juniper Hall, Burford Bridge Hotel, Box Hill, Castle Mill and Dorking. Mpg file. Duration: 5.5 mins. Extent: 220 mb. For copyright information see: DM9/1/3. | |
DM9/1/3 | Jpg image of a copyright licence signed by the London Transport Museum and Dorking Museum relating to copyright rules for the films described at DM9/1/1 and DM9/1/2. [c. 2009?]. | |
DM9/2 | Film with the title ñMovie Palaces _ The Gaumont/Embassy at Dorking,î [c. 2020?] Produced by Compton Lodge Studios. mp4 file. Duration: 2.05 mins. Extent: 5.64 mb. It includes views of the interior and exterior of the building in London Road, Dorking at different dates between its construction in 1938 and demolition in 1983. | |
DM9/3 | Short film taken from a car travelling through the centre of Dorking which shows views of the buildings and streets and also of passing traffic, [c. early 1960s?]. Source unknown. mp4 file. Duration: 1.01 mins. Extent: 45mb. | |
DM9/4 | Film with the title ñSuffragettes in the Surrey Hills,î [c. 2017?]. Presented by Kathy Atherton, Chairman of Dorking Museum and author of ñSuffragettes, Suffragists and Antis _ the fight for the vote in the Surrey Hills,î published by the Cockerel Press in 2017. The film was created by Dorking Museum and Royal Holloway College of the University of London with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. It tells the story of Emmeline and Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, residents of Holmwood, Dorking and their activities in the suffragette movement during the early part of the twentieth century. Mp4 file. Duration: 12.4 minutes. Extent: 1.34gb. | |
DM9/5 | Film with the title ñPlesiosaur Locomotion Studyî compiled by Max Hawthorne, 2015. The film shows the underwater flight of a plesiosaur, an extinct marine reptile from the Jurassic period, which is relevant to the plesiosaurÍs skull in Dorking MuseumÍs fossil collection. Mp4 file. Duration: 0.12 minutes. Extent: 4.13 mb. | |
DM9/6 | Film titled ñDorking Virtual Voyage" which tells the story of John Mullins, a shoemaker from Dorking and one of the original Pilgrim Fathers who crossed the Atlantic in 1620 to found the first permanent colony in New England. Mp4 file. Duration: 11 mins. Extent: 167mb. | |
DM9/6 ctd | Ernest Letts Sellick was born on 28 June 1879 and came to Dorking with his parents when he was fourteen months old. He attended BrownÍs School at Westcott until he was fourteen when he took up a post as a junior clerk with Messrs Down, Scott & Down, solicitors. He remained with this firm for forty three years. During the last years of his life with failing health, he lived at Finchley. He died on 27 September 1960, in Leicester Infirmary, aged eighty one years. His funeral service was held at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking and he is buried in Dorking Cemetery. Throughout his long career he held many local appointments. He became Assistant Clerk to the Dorking Rural District Council in 1920 and was Clerk to the Dorking and Horley Rural District Council from July 1936 until he retired in 1947. In addition he was Secretary to the Dorking Omnibus Company, 1904, Police Court Collecting Officer, 1914, Secretary of the Dorking Sub-Committee set up under the Naval and Military War Pensions Act, 1915, Secretary to the Box Hill Management Committee, 1920, Clerk to the Governors of the High School for Boys, 1927 and Clerk to the Joint Fire Brigade Committee. He was a Director of the Dorking Villa Building Company and of the Dorking Public Hall Company. | |
DM9/6 ctd | An active participant in the work of many voluntary organisations in the town, he was Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the Dorking Swimming Club, Honorary Auditor of the Dorking Charities, the Honorary Local Secretary of Surrey Archaeological Society and a member of the Management Committee of the Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society for many years. He was, to the end, a keen antiquarian and local historian and published the results of his research in the Surrey Archaeological Collections and elsewhere. It was his ambition that a permanent home should be found for the great accumulation of local bygones and historical material which was gradually being assembled by those who were interested in preserving the townÍs antiquities. He was a founder member and the first Honorary Secretary of the Committee set up to promote the establishment of a Dorking Museum. He did not live to see this project fulfilled, but in the hope that it might one day be realised, he gave his important collection of books, local views and newspaper cuttings of Dorking and district, together with many notes and papers, the fruits of his research, to his friend, Mr R F Philpott. (Reginald Frederick Philpott 1911-2002) In Jan 1976, Mr Philpott transferred the Sellick collection with additions from his own collections, to the newly opened Dorking Museum. | |
SC.A | Albums, scrapbooks, newspapers and news cuttings. | |
SC.A/1 | Large, bound album of views of Dorking and district comprising engravings, photographs (including those taken by the late Mr T Molyneux), postcards, reproductions of old prints and a few water colours. 213pp. Compiled [pre 1950?] .The items are arranged roughly by subjects covering the town centre, individual houses and general views of Dorking and neighbourhood; also photographs of local events and ceremonies pasted into the album on both sides of the pages. The following information has been entered by hand on the inside front cover. ñMany items are dated but some dates are thought to be conjectural. The dates and notes added in ink and in square brackets have been added after careful research by Mr and Mrs Mee and Mr David Knight. An alphabetical index by place and subject, giving the page reference of each item was prepared by E L Sellick on alphabetical sheets and is kept loose at the front of the album. A typed copy of this index forms an appendix to this list. Pp 21-26 of Section 6 of the paper copy of the Sellick collection catalogue on shelf E5. | |
SC.A/2 | Album of newspaper cuttings mostly from Dorking Advertiser, 1877-1969. | |
SC.C | Correspondence selected for preservation by Ernest Sellick and Mr R F Philpott on account of their local history contents, 1930-1973. 1 box. | |
SC.C/1 | Letters relating to the proposed museum at Dorking and the donation of items for display together with lists of committee members of the Dorking and District Museum Committee, 1944-1960. 6 items. SC.C/1/5 mentions especially the record and photograph collection of Ernest Lets Sellick (d.1960) A committee for the formation of a Museum was set up just after the war and active collecting then started, although a permanent home in the old Dorking Foundry buildings in West Street was not found until 1974. | |
SC.C/2 | Lists of paintings and sketches loaned for exhibitions. [c.1930?] 4 items Includes lists of paintings loaned for an exhibition at the Red Lion, Dorking, an exhibition of Dorking scenes by the Surrey Anti-Litter League and the paintings and sketches belonging to Mr G Gardiner. The ownership of most of these items is not stated. | |
SC.C/3 | Lists of parcels of documents from the 17th to the 19th centuries collected by Ernest Sellick. [c 1950?] 3 items. Itemised lists of deeds, wills, indentures, manorial rolls and bills of sale. A large number of the records gathered by Ernest Sellick were donated to the National Archives, the Surrey Record Office and Dorking Museum; this listing does not mention where these documents were ultimately deposited. | |
SC.C/4 | Documents relating to Ernest Sellick's deposit of the Philps papers in Surrey Record Office, 1950, 3 items. Includes correspondence between Ernest Sellick and the Surrey Record Office and a listing describing 32 deeds for the sale and lease of properties in and around Dorking between 1617 and 1861 with other documents including indentures and wills from 1824 to 1864. The Philps family were originally yeomen in the 16th century and later became tradesmen in the Dorking area. The papers, relating mostly to family property were passed to Ernest Sellick by Miss Clara Philps, the last surviving member of her family then living in Dorking. (Source: Surrey History Centre catalogue) | |
SC.C/5 | Correspondence between Ernest Sellick, the Surrey Record Office and the Surrey Archaeological Society concerning the books, papers and notes accumulated by Dr Wilfred Hooper (d. 1950) in preparation for writing a History of Dorking, 1950-1951. 15 items. | |
SC.C/6 | Correspondence and notes regarding the return of books and other material borrowed by the late Dr Wilfred Hooper (d.1950) from various people including Ernest Sellick and St Martin's Church in Dorking, 1951. 8 items. SC.C/6/1 consists of notes and extracts from an original vestry minute book in the 18th century, possibly for an article on vestry minute books. The parish is not stated but names given in part of the entry identify it as St MartinÍs Parish Church, Dorking. | |
SC.C/7 | Letter from the historian H E Malden to Mr Down, possibly W J Down, Clerk to the Dorking Magistrates and member of the solicitors' firm of Down, Scott and Down, suggesting material for a speech. It is possible that the speech was intended for the Shrove Tuesday Supper; topics suggested included pancakes, salted herrings as a Lent food and the changing road and traffic conditions in Dorking, 16 Feb 1931. | |
SC.C/8 | Correspondence with Howard J Chaldecott, 1931-1932, 6 items. Howard J Chaldecott (b.1854) was a solicitor and a member of the Local Board (which later became Dorking Urban District Council) | |
SC.C/8/1 | Letter including a comment from Mr Chaldecott on a recent local interpretation of the Licencing Act 1872, 13 Feb 1931. | |
SC.C/8/2 | Letter from Howard Chaldecott referring briefly to Dorking Rural Sanitary Authority of which he was a member 1886-1888; 1931. | |
SC.C/8/3 | Letter from Howard Chaldecott which refers to a book of newspaper cuttings of incidents during his Chairmanship of the Council in the 1890s which he had sent to Ernest Sellick, 09 Nov 1931. The letter also refers to the results of local elections and the defeat of Chuter Ede, a future Home Secretary in the Attlee government, and a former pupil of Dorking High School, where he expresses the opinion "that nothing delighted me more than the defeat ... of Chuter Ede, whom I consider the most poisonous member of a pestilential authority." | |
SC.C/8/4 | Note in the hand of Howard Chaldecott with an extract from the Surrey Standard of 1860 relating to the appointment of H J Hope (d.1863) to the chairmanship of the Dorking Bench. The reverse details the names of those who succeeded him in the chairmanship, [c.1931?], 2pp | |
SC.C/8/5 | Typescript letter from Howard J Chaldecott to A H Lyne referring to Mr Lyne's "address on old Dorking." He corrects inaccuracies and gives additional information about the Archway at the entrance to Rose Hill, the pest house, the site of the fair stalls, Chequers Inn and Mason's shop, Dec 1931, 2pp. | |
SC.C/8/6 | Typescript letter from Howard J Chaldecott to A H Lyne on the history of Rose Hill House, 04 Jan 1932, 2pp. The letter also mentions Chaldecott's role and that of his father and grandfather as trustees of the Dorking Charities and of the Cotmandene Almshouses. He mentions his task as a younger man of giving the inmates of the Almshouses their weekly payments. | |
SC.C/9 | Letter from Henry C Lee Steere of Jayes Park, Ockley, lord of the manor of Ockley and Chairman of the Dorking Magistrates to Ernest Sellick, possibly referring to the content of a memorial or article, 20 Mar 1927, 1p. | |
SC.C/10 | Correspondence and newscutting relating to Peter LaBilliere, 1934, 2 items. Major Peter Labilliere, (1725-1780) was a Dorking eccentric who was buried upside down on Box Hill. | |
SC.C/10/1 | Letter from Eric Bligh of the Vintage Book Shop, Dorking to Ernest Sellick relating to his work compiling information on the life of Peter Labilliere, 09 Dec 1934. | |
SC.C/10/2 | Cutting taken from a local newspaper of a letter from Eric Bligh requesting information or anecdotes about Major Peter Labilliere, 30 Nov 1934. | |
SC.C/11 | Typescript letter from Greville Poke of Everybody's, Fleet Street, London to Mr Donald McMorran, 02 Feb 1943, 2pp. The letter discusses a possible article involving the Minister for Town and Country Planning, Mr Morrison, on Deepdene House, Box Hill or Leith Hill. 'Everybody's' was a journal that started in 1913 under the name of the Competitor's Journal and eventually merged with John Bull in 1959. Source: http://www.magforum.com/general_weekly_magazines.html#eve. Accessed Oct 2105. Donald Mc Morran was a local architect and also Secretary of the Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society. | |
SC.C/12 | Typescript letter from the historian Dr W Hooper to Ernest Sellick about the origins of the place names Westhumble, Camilla Lacey, and the Fox and Hounds inn now the Burford Bridge Hotel, 16 Nov 1948, 1p. | |
SC.C/13 | Letter from C A Calvert of Beare Green to Ernest Sellick including an anecdote relating to Betchworth Castle, 12 Dec 1950, 2pp. | |
SC.C/14 | Letter from Gordon Clark, probably Mr C S Gordon Clark, a previous county councillor, to Ernest Sellick with a brief mention of a public meeting about Boxhill, 20 Mar 1950, 2pp. | |
SC,C/15 | Typescript letter from the Clerk of Surrey County Council to Ernest Sellick, acknowledging the good wishes sent on his appointment as Clerk, 22 Mar 1951, 1p. | |
SC.C/16 | Letter of acknowledgement of condolences on the death of C S Gordon Clark from Mrs Helen Gordon Clark to Ernest Sellick, 23 Jul 1951, 1p. | |
SC.C/17 | Postcard sent to Ernest Sellick and signed by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 12 May 1951. The autograph text of the card reads: "Thank you very much for your kind sympathy," and probably relates to the death of Vaughan William's first wife Adeline, who died on the 10 May 1951. | |
SC.C/18 | Correspondence between Ernest Sellick and Marylebone Cricket Club relating to an early painting of Dorking showing a game of cricket on Cotmandene then in the possession of the MCC, 1952-1953, 11 items. | |
SC.C/19 | Correspondence relating to Westhumble caves and chalk mine, 1933-1953. 4 items. | |
SC.C/19/1 | Letter from Archibald Gordon Pollock of Mickleham to Ernest Sellick in which he mentions a local tradition that the chalk pit in the RectorÍs meadow provided the chalk for the church in Westhumble, 09 May 1933 | |
SC.C/19/2 | Letter from Arthur Bonner, Hon Treasurer of the Surrey Archaeological Society, to Ernest Sellick, about the sketch he had provided of the Chapel Lane chalk mines, 08 Aug 1933, 2pp; Typescript. | |
SC.C/19/3 | Pencil sketch of cave near Chapel Farm probably drawn by Ernest Sellick, May 1933. | |
SC.C/19/4 | Typescript letter from a Chief Inspector of the Surrey Constabulary at Guildford, acknowledging and returning SellickÍs sketch and correspondence relating to the caves at Westhumble, which had been borrowed in connection with a recent rescue of a young man who had been trapped there, 08 Apr 1953, 1p. | |
SC.C/20 | Records relating to St MartinÍs closed churchyard, Dorking, including extracts of the orders in council of 1855 to discontinue burials. 1950-1954. 4 items | |
SC.C/20/1 | Typescript copy of an extract from a Privy Council order of 21 Nov 1855 referring to the discontinuance of burials and the postponement of the discontinuance as applied to the parish churchyard of Dorking, from 1 Nov 1855 to 15 Dec 1855. [c.1950], 1p. | |
SC.C/20/2 | Typescript copy of an extract from a Privy Council order of 08 Feb 1855 referring to the discontinuance of burials in the churchyard and burial grounds of the Parish church, Dorking, the Wesleyan Chapel Dorking and the West Street Chapel Dorking. [c.1950] 1p. | |
SC.C/20/3 | Typescript copy of letter from F G Sutherland, Clerk of the Council, Dorking Urban District Council to Rev K D Evans, St MartinÍs Parish Church, Dorking confirming the CouncilÍs annual contribution towards the maintenance of the churchyard. 06 May 1954, 1p. | |
SC.C/20/4 | Unsigned draft of a letter, on behalf of St MartinÍs Parochial Council, requesting that Dorking Urban District Council undertake levelling work in the churchyard, May 1954, 2pp. Manuscript. | |
SC.C/21 | Letter from L S Emms of Tower Hill, Dorking to Ernest Sellick referring to an article written by Ernest Sellick in the Dorking Advertiser (unspecified). It includes mention of an inscription, of the date 1828 and the name Stedman, on a stone in the tower. This was probably the tower known either as DendyÍs Tower, DendyÍs Folly or Prospect Tower. May 1954 | |
SC.C/22 | Correspondence about the Fuller family and The Rookery at Westcott, the house where they lived during the eighteenth century, 1954. 3 items. | |
SC.C/22/1 | Typescript copy of a letter from Major L M Kenyon-Fuller, of Darlington, to the Clerk of Dorking Urban District Council, requesting information on his ancestors, the Fuller family, and of The Rookery at Westcott, 02 Jun 1954, 2pp. The letter includes brief details of the family already known to the author. | |
SC.C/22/2 | Letter from the Clerk of the Dorking Urban District Council to Ernest Sellick, enclosing Major Kenyon-FullerÍs letter, described in SC.C/37/1, and giving additional information on the Rookery, 08 June 1954, 1p. | |
SC.C/22/3 | Manuscript notes in the hand of Ernest Sellick, on the Rookery and the Fuller family. [1954?] 1p | |
SC.C/23 | File of correspondence and other items relating to the will of William de Arundel, Rector of Mickleham Church during the 13th century, 1954, 12 items. The will was written in 1294 and proved in the following year and the original is now in the National Archives (catalogue ref: E 327/771). Most of the items are letters either from Raymond Jennings of Dorking or the archaeologist O G S Crawford of Southampton, in response to Ernest SellickÍs request for the location or a copy of the will. The file also includes a copy of part of the original will and a transcription and translation of a charter or letter of attorney of William de Arundel of 22 Ed I (1293/4) which refers to land holdings in Southampton. | |
SC.C/24 | Correspondence from K G Farries of Coulsdon requesting information on a windmill at Dorking known as the Popper or Pupper mill located near Sondes Place, 1954-1955, 3 items. This was in preparation for the book written jointly by K G Farries and M T Mason, ñThe Windmills of Surrey and Inner London,î and published by Charles Skilton in 1966. SellickÍs response revealed little detailed knowledge of it. | |
SC.C/25 | Correspondence relating to Daniel Defoe and his connection with Dorking in response to Ernest SellickÍs article 'The View of Dorking,' published in the Surrey Archaeological Collections, Vol 54, p142-143. 1956, 6 items | |
SC.C/25/1 | Manuscript letter from F Bastian of Ashtead to Ernest Sellick, describing Daniel DefoeÍs connections as a boy and young man to Dorking and the possible location of the school that he attended, 30 Mar 1956, 5pp. F Bastian's article,' Daniel Defoe and the Dorking District' was published in the Surrey Archaeological Collections, Vol 55, 1957, p.41-64. | |
SC.C/25/2 | Manuscript letter from Florence Marsh of Dorking, to Ernest Sellick, commenting on the possible connection between the Marsh family and Daniel Defoe, 06 Apr 1956, 2pp. | |
SC.C/25/3 | Letter from Florence Marsh to Ernest Sellick, including her memories of the custom of Shrove Tuesday football in Dorking during the late 19th century, 19 Apr 1956. | |
SC.C/25/4 | Letter from F Bastian to Ernest Sellick, acknowledging Mrs MarshÍs letters and suggesting it was unlikely that her family was the same as that resident in Dorking in the 17th century, 30 Apr 1956, 2pp. | |
SC.C/25/5 | Letter from Florence Marsh to Ernest Sellick, commenting on and accompanying a genealogical chart [not deposited] of the Marsh family, 05 May 1956, 4pp. | |
SC.C/25/6 | Manuscript letter from F Bastion to Ernest Sellick, acknowledging Mrs MarshÍs genealogical chart, but suggesting that a connection between Daniel Defoe and this branch of the Marsh family was unlikely. 24 May 1956., 2pp. | |
SC.C/26 | Correspondence relating to the one-hand clock at Betchworth House. 1958. 2 items. | |
SC.C/26/1 | Letter from [A. Nisseaman?] to the Surrey Record Society, requesting information on the one-hand clock in the turret of Betchworth House. 07 Jul 1958 | |
SC.C/26/2 | Letter from [A. Nisseaman?] to Mr Philpott on the Betchworth House clock. The author of the letter comments on the poor state of the clock and dates it to the mid 18th century. He also describes the one-hand clocks at Clandon Park and at the Whitgift Foundation, Croydon. 14 Aug 1958, 5pp. | |
SC.C/27 | Correspondence with F C Wakeford of Brixham, Devon relating to the history of the Wakeford family, of Denbies and Shere in the 17th and 18th centuries, 1958. 3 items. The Wakeford family were at one time owners of Denbies and in 1754 William Wakeford purchased the manor of Shere Eboracum. | |
SC.C/28 | Correspondence and other records relating to the sculptor Louis Francois Roubiliac, (b.1695) and the Gilliam family of Dorking, masons, 1962. 7 items. . Roubiliac was a famous sculptor, with commissions for the Vauxhall Gardens and Westminster Abbey; one of his early works was commissioned by Jonathan Tyers, owner of Vauxhall Gardens, for a temple at his estate of Denbies. | |
SC.C/28/1 | Typescript letter from Ronald F Newman, of Littlehampton, Sussex to R F Philpott, referring to a published History of the Stilwell family of Dorking, 28 Apr 1962. 1p. Typescript. | |
SC.C/28/2 | Typescript copies of extracts from the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser, September 1947, reporting Dr W HooperÍs discovery from the Dorking parish registers of the previously unknown marriage of Louis Francois Roubiliac in 1742, [1962?] | |
SC.C/28/3 | Typescript extract from the Times Literary Supplement of 13 Sep 1947, being a letter from the biographer of Roubiliac, Katharine A Esdaile, recording Dr Wilfrid HooperÍs discovery in the Dorking parish register of his marriage to Catherine Smart, [1962?] | |
SC.C/28/4 | Typescript extract from Rupert Gunnis's 'Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660-1851,'published by Odhams Press, 1953, referring to the sculptor William Atkins and his servant Joseph Gilliam in 1761,[1962?] | |
SC.C/28/5 | Typescript extract from Rupert Gunnis: Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660-1851, published by Odhams Press in 1953 referring to the sculptor John Gilliam, 1776-1798. 1953 | |
SC.C/28/6 | Typescript extract from the Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser of 21 Jul 1950 relating to the Gilliam family of monumental masons. 1950 | |
SC.C/29 | Correspondence between Susie Jeans and R F Philpott of Dorking relating to the birthplace and date of birth of the 18th Century musician John Marsh, 1962-1968, 3 items. Includes an extract of an entry referring to John Marsh from C Sainsbury's A Dictionary of Musicians Vol II London: 2nd edition, 1827. | |
SC.C/30 | Correspondence from Peter O W Barker of Copenhagen, to Mrs Meakins of Dorking and to Mr R F Philpott of Dorking, relating to the history of Dorking North Railway Station,(now known as Dorking Station) electrification of the lines and signal boxes. 1968 - 1970, 6 items. | |
SC.C/31 | Copy of a letter from Major Michael Crichton Stuart, Keeper of Falkland Palace,, Falkland, Fife (the recipient is not named) relating to the use of the Coat of Arms and the motto of the Royal Burgh of Falkland. The writer suggests that the location and place names of Falkland Arms and Falkland Road in Dorking are more likely to have been derived from Viscount Falkland of the Cary family, an English family of royalists ennobled by James VI and I in 1620. 09 Aug 1973, 2pp. | |
SC.E | Ephemera including obituaries, invitation cards, and programmes, catalogues and invitations for local events, 1879-1972, 2 boxes. | |
SC.E/1/1 | Unidentified newspaper cutting headed ï18th Century Dorking. An old review of the town and district.Í The body of the article is an extract from The GentlemanÍs Magazine of May 1763. [c.20th Century?], 1p. | |
SC.E/1/2 | Booklet entitled ïHow to cure and prevent small-poxÍ, by Charles Rose. Published by F Pitman, London. Printed by C Rowe of Dorking, 1896, 12pp. Manuscript notes on the front cover. | |
SC.E/1/3 | Pamphlet headed ïunrevised proofÍ and entitled ïRecent works in the Urban District of DorkingÍ, by S S Gettings, engineer and surveyor to the Dorking Urban District Council. It contains the paper ïMickleham by-passÍ by W P Robinson, county engineer of Surrey, 1937, 16pp. The papers were prepared for a meeting of the South-Eastern District of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers at Dorking, 12 Jun 1937. | |
SC.E/1/4 | Booklet entitled 'Dorking By-Pass with an additional map [c.1929?],' 2 items. The booklet provides details and illustrations of the alternative routes for the proposed By-Pass, named as the Deepdene route and the Western or ïNowerÍ route. The author is not stated but the wording indicates that the booklet was produced by a pressure group opposed to the Deepdene route. The date of Nov 1929 is inscribed in pencil on the front cover. Printed by RoweÍs of Dorking. 16pp; 19 illus. The map shows the proposed Nower route, 1p. | |
SC.E/1/5 | Membership leaflet for Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society, Feb 1932, 1p., folded. | |
SC.E/1/6 | Pamphlet entitled "The Fire Service College," published by the Home Office and the Scottish Home and Health Department,1951; 3rd reprint Dec 1967. 4pp. The booklet has an historical note on the founding of the Fire Service College, which later became the Fire Service Staff College and was situated at Wotton House, the former home of the Evelyn family in Wotton between 1951 and 1981 when the College was transferred to Moreton in the Marsh, Gloucs. There are also brief notes on the history and architecture of Wotton House. | |
SC.E/1/7 | Handbook of the Old Dorkinian Association, 1968, 32pp. The booklet contains a brief history of Dorking schools, written by R S Scragg, lists of the AssociationÍs members and officers and of school activities during 1967. The Association was an alumni organisation for former pupils of the then Dorking County Grammar School which in 1976 merged with the neighbouring Mowbray Secondary School to become a comprehensive known as the Ashcombe School. | |
SC.E/1/8 | Leaflet published by Capel Parish Church entitled 'Our Village of Capel,' [c 1960?] providing information about the churches, clubs, institutions and other recreational activities in Capel. | |
SC.E/1/9 | Published copy of the periodical: the 'Official Circular of the Rural District Councils Association,' Vol XLII no 11, pp. 566-623, Dec 1936. 57pp. Pp 594-496 report on the first meeting of the Surrey County Branch of the Association, 20 Oct 1936. | |
SC.E/1/10 | Typescript entitled ''Notes on Archaeological First Aid,' prepared by Surrey Archaeological Society, Wimbledon. Jan 1945, 4pp. The notes were written by S S Freres, Hon Secretary, Post War Planning Committee, for use by observers of sites where archaeological discoveries may result from enemy action or activities of reconstruction or industrial exploitation. Some manuscript corrections. | |
SC.E/1/11 | Typescript entitled 'Notes for the Guidance of Regional Groups,' prepared by the executive committee at the request of the Council for British Archaeology. [c.1945?], 5pp. Endorsed on reverse of last page: "S.A.S, notes from Frere". | |
SC.E/1/12 | Page entitled: Field Clue, [c.1960?], 1p. A page of archaeological specimen drawings. | |
SC.E/1/13 | Copy of a printed circular letter to members of the Surrey Archaeological Society, Guildford. [c.1960?], 1p. The letter invites members to contribute to a register of interests. | |
SC.E/1/14 | Records relating to an exhibition of Surrey records, accompanying a meeting, arranged by the Surrey County Council in furtherance of the aims and objects of the National Register of Archives, at Surbiton Assembly Rooms on 19 Nov 1949. 1949. 7 items. | |
SC.E/1/15 | Catalogue for an exhibition of source material relating to the history of education in Surrey, held at the Gipsy Hill Training College, Kingston-upon-Thames and prepared by the Surrey Educational Research Association, 04 Jul 1953, 28pp. | |
SC.E/1/16 | Typescript page advertising the work of Surrey Record Society, 1954. 1p. | |
SC.E/1/17 | Typescript catalogue headed 'Some recent accessions to the Surrey Record Office. An exhibition arranged on the occasion of the 51st annual meeting of the Surrey Record Society. 14 May 1964, 2pp. | |
SC.E/1/18 | Booklet entitled ïA brief guide for local historians in Surrey,Í issued by the Surrey Local History Council, Guildford. 1967. 15pp | |
SC.E/1/19 | Leaflet entitled ïConservation in Surrey,Í issued by Surrey County Council, Jul 1968. 1 sheet folded. The booklet contains a statement of policy and a provisional list of conservation areas. | |
SC.E/1/20 | Booklet entitled 'Open Spaces in Surrey,' issued by Surrey County Council, 1969. 1 sheet folded. Contains a list of open spaces and a map. | |
SC.E/1/21 | Typescript containing a report of a visit to Dorking by the Conservation Committee of Surrey Archaeological Association. 21 Jul 1971, 2pp. The report briefly comments on buildings of historical interest threatened with demolition in connection with a proposed relief road in Dorking and the associated Comprehensive Development Area. It lists 35 buildings in the Comprehensive Development Area in Dorking considered worthy of preservation. | |
SC.E/1/22 | Leaflet entitled ïZeppelins: Insurance against personal injury,Í Issued by the London Guarantee and Accident Company Ltd [c.1915?] 2 items including a loose form listing the benefits and the premiums of the insurance. | |
SC.E/1/23 | Large government issued poster promoting the Food Hoarding Order, 11 Apr 1921. The poster warns against excessive purchasing of food. | |
SC.E/1/24 | Unused rent book. Part of The Rent Restriction Act, 1933, is printed on the inside front cover. 8pp | |
SC.E/1/25 | Catalogue of the exhibition of illuminated royal portraits from the KingÍs Bench Plea Rolls, issued to commemorate the centenary of the building of the Public Record Office, 1851_1951, 24 May 1951, 5pp. | |
SC.E/1/26 | Typescript issued by the Standing Conference for Local History entitled ïProtection of Ancient Monuments and Buildings,Í [c.1953?], 5pp. Contains advice for local groups on preserving ancient monuments and buildings. | |
SC.E/1/27 | Leaflet issued by the Office of Population Censuses on the 1971 census. 2 items | |
SC.E/1/28 | LakeÍs Weekly Programme of Local Excursions,' Jul 1910, 16pp. A booklet listing excursions and local advertisements for Falmouth, Cornwall. Published by J H Lake and Co, Falmouth. | |
SC.E/1/29 | Published guide to Yarmouth Castle, Isle of Wight produced for the Ministry of Works: Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings, 1958, 16pp. | |
SC.E/2/1 | Invitation card from a Mr Clift to dinner at the Dorking Coffee Palace, 11 Dec 1880. | |
SC.E/2/2 | Postcard addressed to Private E L Sellick of Dorking, inviting him to the Volunteer Review at Horse Guards in London, 08 Jul 1899 | |
SC.E/2/3 | Invitation card issued by the Chairman and members of Surrey County Council inviting the Clerk of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council to the laying of the foundation stone of St Helier Hospital at Carshalton by HM Queen Mary, 26 May 1938. | |
SC.E/2/4 | File containing records of a luncheon given by the Lord Lieutenancy at County Hall in Kingston-upon-Thames to mark the retirement of Lord Ashcombe as Lord Lieutenant, 1939. 3 items. They include an invitation card addressed to the Clerk of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council; a seating plan and a menu card. Henry Cubitt, 2nd Baron Ashcombe (1867-1947), who lived at Denbies in Dorking, served as Lord Lieutenant from 1905-1938. | |
SC.E/2/5 | Christmas greeting card, with humorous text, from Lucy and Frank Whitworth, Leylands, Wotton. Dec 1946. | |
SC.E/2/6 | Invitation card from the National Trust to a ceremony marking the handing over to the Trust of Holmwood Common by Surrey County Council, Dorking Urban District Council and Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, 20 Sep 1955. A map of the Common and the surrounding area is on the reverse. | |
SC.E/2/7 | Manuscript page listing the subscribers to a presentation made to E L Sellick by the officers and men of the Dorking Division of Surrey Constabulary on the occasion of his marriage, Jul 1910, 1p. | |
SC.E/2/8 | Letter from F W Doubleday of Wyngate House, South Street, Dorking requesting contributions for a testimonial for Superintendent George Boon on his retirement from Surrey Constabulary after 37 years of service, 08 Feb 1912, 1p. | |
SC.E/2/9 | Circular typescript letter from the Vicar and Chairman of St PaulÍs School Managers requesting contributions to a presentation fund for the headmaster, Mr W J Wareham, on the occasion of his retirement, [c.1969?], 1p. The letter describes the career of Mr Wareham, his contribution to school sports and to St PaulÍs Athletics Club. | |
SC.E/2/10 | Records of to the memorial service held at Dorking Parish Church on 04 Jan 1901 for Colonel Lord William Beresford, V.C. (d. 30 Dec. 1900) of Dorking. 3 items. The records include a four page order of service leaflet for the memorial service, 1901; a manuscript page showing the order of the funeral cortege, [c.1900]; and a copy of a photograph of Lord Beresford by W. Usherwood of Dorking published in the supplement to the Surrey Times of 04 Jan 1901, 1p. | |
SC.E/2/11 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of William John Down, (d. 22 Jul 1936) at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking. 25 Jul 1936. A solicitor by occupation, his last address was at Claremont, Rose Hill, Dorking. [Source: 1911 census for Dorking and National Probate indexes) | |
SC.E/2/12 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of Alfred Smith, the Town Clerk of Reigate at Reigate Parish Church age 91 years, 31 Mar 1943. 4pp. [Funeral reported in Surrey Mirror 09 Apr 1943.] | |
SC.E/2/13 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of William Archibald Calvert, (1868-1943), farmer of Ockley Court at St MargaretÍs Church, Ockley. 29 Jul 1943, 4pp. | |
SC.E/2/14 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of Tom Walwin Broom (1871-1944), of Sondes Place Farm, Dorking at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking. 17 Mar 1944. | |
SC.E/2/15 | A cutting from an unidentified newspaper with an obituary for Canon Edward Arthur Down, curate of St John the Divine, Kennington (d. 22 Mar 1949) with an order of service leaflet for his funeral at St Martin's Church, Dorking on 26 Mar 1949. 2 items. His last address was at the Cottage, Rose Hill, Dorking. (National probate indexes) | |
SC.E/2/16 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of Clifford James Ivery, (23 Sep 1885-12 Nov 1954) at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking. 16 Nov 1954. 4pp. A retired accounts clerk of Fourways, Reigate Road, Dorking. (Source: national probate indexes). | |
SC.E/2/17 | Records relating to the death of Francis Patton Down, solicitor, (known as Frank Down), of the Cottage, Rose Hill, Dorking, (b.10 Mar 1876, d.12 Mar 1955), 3 items. These include the order of service leaflet for his funeral at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking on 16 Mar 1955, 4pp; a cutting from an unidentified newspaper with a notice of his death; and a cutting from the ïDorking and Leatherhead AdvertiserÍ containing an obituary, Mar 1955. | |
SC.E/2/18 | Order of service leaflet for the funeral of Archibald Carter, (19 Aug 1875-4 Mar 1957) at St John the Baptist Church, Capel. 09 Mar 1957, 8pp. | |
SC.E/2/19 | Order of service leaflet for the memorial service held for Harry Laker Moore, the proprietor of Rowe's printing works in South Street, Dorking (d.28 Apr 1957), at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking. 01 May 1957. 4pp. See also E9 and H3 | |
SC.E/3/1 | Handbook and programme of the Dorking Torchlight Society, 1892, 12pp. Lists the committee and members of the society and describes the programme for the processions, order of procession, bonfire and tableaux for Bonfire Night. Includes local advertisements. | |
SC.E/3/2 | Booklet containing a catalogue of the ïGreat Gift Sale of the Dorking and District Red Cross WeekÍ, held at the Public Hall, Dorking, on 18 and 19 June 1917, 58pp. Includes local advertisements; lists the donated items and their donors and describes other events taking place during Red Cross Week. | |
SC.E/3/3 | Programme of events for Dorking Peace Celebration, 19 Jul 1919, 12pp. | |
SC.E/3/4 | Order of service for the unveiling and dedication of the Dorking War Memorial to the Fallen. 17 Jul 1921, 12pp. Includes the Roll of Honour, listing the names inscribed on the monument. | |
SC.E/3/5 | Souvenir programme for the Conservative Demonstration and fete on the Nower, Dorking. Organised by the Reigate Division of the Conservative and Unionist Association. 20 Sep 1922, 8pp. Includes photographs of the President: Mr H C Lee Steere and the Chairman, Captain Robert E Neale, and others. Includes local advertisements. | |
SC.E/3/6 | Souvenir programme for the Medieval Village Fayre held at the Drill Hall, Dorking, 24 and 25 Jun 1925, 32pp. Contains an historical note by H E M[alden] on old Dorking markets and fairs, 2 photographs of St MartinÍs Church by J W Moorhouse and a reproduction of an engraving of Dorking parish church described as: Exterior, South and East, between 1837 and 1869, Nave and Tower of 1837, Medieval church. Also includes local advertisements. The Fayre was organised to raise £1,000 to pay off debt on the CaretakerÍs new cottage, opposite St MartinÍs Church and for the proposed new Committee Rooms | |
SC.E/3/7 | Catalogue of the gift sale for Dorking Hospital Extension Appeal Fund held at the Drill Hall, Dorking, 09 Jun 1926, 20pp. Contains some manuscript notes of prices. | |
SC.E/3/8 | Programme for the Dorking and District Hospital Carnival, 1932, 63pp. Includes articles on the history of Dorking, the Dorking Caves, Leith Hill Tower and some short stories. Also includes local advertisements and two reproductions of paintings of old Dorking High Street. | |
SC.E/3/9 | Souvenir programme of the opening of the new Head Post Office on the corner of High Street and Ansell Road, Dorking, 03 Aug 1932, 16pp.The programme includes a description of the post office, the telephone exchange and the garage and an historical note on the Dorking post office and the programme of the opening ceremony. | |
SC.E/3/10 | Records relating to the inauguration of the house ïBurfordÍ by the London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority, 04 Jul 1936. 4 items. The property was formerly Burford Lodge and was previously owned by John Eckersall, George Barclay M.P., Sir J.J. Trevor Lawrence and othersÍ The items include an illustrated booklet giving information on the history of the property and how the electricity authority proposed to use it, by H. Chuter Ede MP, the chairman of the authority, 15pp; an invitation card to attend the event from J. Chuter Ede to Mr and Mrs E L Sellick; and an order of proceedings for the event, 4pp. | |
SC.E/3/11 | Entry form and competition rules used for a 'History-Mystery' competition at Dorking Hospital Fete, 12 Jul 1939, 1p. The competition was based on the names of Dorking shops and buildings. | |
SC.E/3/12 | Order of service booklet for the consecration of a burial ground in the Diocese of Winchester. Published by S.P.C.K., London. [c.1948?] 8pp. A manuscript note on the front cover indicates that the Bishop of Guildford consecrated an additional part of Dorking Cemetery, Reigate Road on the 20 Oct 1948. | |
SC.E/3/13 | Pamphlet containing the menu, toast list and a list of artistes for the centenary dinner and concert at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking for the Ancient Order of ForestersÍ Court of Good Intent, (Dorking), 30 Jun 1950, 4pp. | |
SC.E/3/14 | Catalogue of the fifth annual exhibition of the Dorking Arts and Crafts Club, held at the Dorking Halls, Thursday 19 Oct 1950, 8pp. | |
SC.E/3/15 | Competition rules, notes and questionnaire for senior Boy Scouts and Rangers, [c.1952?], 10pp. Mostly of local interest, the answers are supplied with notes of competing patrol scores on an additional slip of paper. | |
SC.E/3/16 | An invitation card and programme of music for a reception given by the High Sheriff of Surrey, Capt. E H J Broadwood, at Lyne House, Capel, 27 Jul 1957. 2 items. The programme has an historical note on Lyne House and its association with the Broadwood family, 8pp. The invitation card is addressed to Mr and Mrs R F Philpott. | |
SC.E/3/17 | Typescript pages giving an account of a visit to Betchworth House by the Betchworth Society on 12 May 1964, 3pp. Lists the notable contents, furniture and pictures in the different rooms of the house. | |
SC.E/3/18 | Typescript page giving the order of parade with an historical note of the County review and inspection of St John Ambulance at Dorking, 08 Jun 1969, 1p folded. | |
SC.E/3/19 | Poster advertising ïThe Battle of Dorking, a centenary lectureÍ by Paul Bethell, at the Martineau Hall, Dorking Halls, Monday 17 May 1971. Published in 1871 ïThe Battle of DorkingÍ was a fictional account by George Tomkyns Chesney of an imaginary invasion of Britain by a German speaking army of an unnamed country. | |
SC.E/3/20 | Booklet setting out the order of service for the service held at Guildford Cathedral to mark the centenary of the granting of the Charter of English Municipal Liberty under the Municipal Corporations Act 1835, 8pp; with a circular letter correcting an error in the first issue of the form and order of service, 15 Oct 1935, 1p. | |
SC.E/3/21 | Booklet giving a programme of events for the celebrations to mark the 700th anniversary of the renewal of the first charter to the Borough of Guildford by Henry III, 1957, 16pp. | |
SC.E/3/22 | Programme for the presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Reigate to Arthur Windsor-Spice, Deputy Mayor and Alderman of Reigate, 28 Jun 1947, 4pp. | |
SC.E/3/23 | Programme for the British LegionÍs Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall, London. 07 Nov 1953, 8pp. | |
SC.E/4/1 | Programme for a concert given by the choir of the Dorking United Temperance Association at the Public Hall, Dorking. 28 Apr 1879. 1p folded. | |
SC.E/4/2 | Programme for the 14th Annual Festival of the Dorking Band of Hope, at the Lecture Hall, Junction Road, Dorking. 17 Feb 1880. 1p folded. | |
SC.E/4/3 | Programme for a concert at the Dorking Baptist Chapel, in aid of the ChapelÍs building fund, 20 Apr 1880.1p, folded. | |
SC.E/4/4-5 | Two programmes for the North Holmwood SchoolsÍ Penny Readings, 09 Feb and 24 Nov 1881,1p folded. Penny readings were entertainments of music and readings for the admission fee of one penny. | |
SC.E/4/6 | Programme for the Wotton and Abinger InstituteÍs entertainment of readings and music, 21 Nov 1881. | |
SC.E/4/7 | Programme for the United Young MenÍs Bible Class readings and music at the West Street School Rooms, Dorking. 01 Dec 1881, 1p folded. A manuscript note of the name ïMiss ChallacombeÍ is written on the front cover. | |
SC.E/4/8 | A programme and book of words for an evening concert as part of the Christmas Musical Festival held at the West Street Schoolrooms, Dorking. 12 Jan 1882, 2 items. The book of words gives the words of the musical items performed. | |
SC.E/4/9 | Programme for a musical entertainment, held at the Parish Church Room, Dorking under the auspices of the Dorking branch of the Church of England Temperance Society, 01 May 1882. With 2 duplicate copies | |
SC.E/4/10 | Programme for a concert at Dorking Baptist Chapel, Junction Road, Dorking, in aid of the Sunday School Extension Fund, 05 Apr 1883. | |
SC.E/4/11 | Programme for an original comedy ñMarried in Hasteî, by Henry J Byron at Dorking Public Hall, on 29 and 30 October 1885. A manuscript note of the name ïMrs EadeÍ is written on the front cover | |
SC.E/4/12 | Programme for an entertainment given by the children of the Dorking British School, at West Street Schoolroom, Dorking. 14 Dec 1888. | |
SC.E/4/13 | Programme for a smoking concert held at the Red Lion Assembly Rooms, Dorking, 02 April, [c.1895?]. Although the year is not stated a report of the performance in the Dorking Advertiser of Sat 06 Apr 1889 indicates that it took place on Tues 02 April 1889. The committee of the Dorking Smoking Concerts is listed. | |
SC.E/4/14 | Records relating to a performance given by Dorking Comedy Company of ñThe Magistrate,î a farce by A W Pinero at the Public Halls, Dorking on 04 and 05 May 1908 in aid of funds for the Lads Club. 3 items including a handbill advertising the performances, a programme and a notice of the replacement of a member of the cast due to ill health. | |
SC.E/4/15 | Programme for ñMerrie Englandî, a comic opera by Basil Hood and Edward German, performed by the Leatherhead and District Amateur Dramatic and Operatic Society, 26, 27, 28, 29 January 1910 at the Victoria Hall, Leatherhead. Jan 1910. | |
SC.E/4/16 | Programme for a performance by the ITÍS IT concert party at the Electric Theatre, South Street, Dorking. 24 Aug 1918. | |
SC.E/4/16 ctd | Music and entertainment: The Pageant of Abinger; notes E M Forster; music Ralph Vaughan Williams [see book SC.87]; 1934 | |
SC.E/4/17/1 | Illustrated programme for ñEnglandÍs Pleasant Landî, a pageant play written by E M Forster, music directed by R Vaughan Williams, produced by Tom Harrison, presented by the Leith Hill and District Preservation Society and performed at Milton Court, Westcott on the 9th,14th and 16 July 1938, 24pp. | |
SC.E/4/17/2 | Invitation card to a lecture on ñThe Preservation of the Countrysideî, given by George L Pepler at Dorking Halls 02 Nov 1938. | |
SC.E/4/17/3 | Membership Application form for the Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society, [c.1930s?] 2pp. | |
SC.E/4/18 | Programme and book of words for a concert by the Croydon Philharmonic Society and the London Symphony Orchestra, presented to Dr Ralph Vaughan Williams on the occasion of his 75th birthday, at Dorking Halls, 11 Oct 1947, 12pp. Cover photograph of R Vaughan Williams. | |
SC.E/4/19 | Programme of an orchestral concert of the works of Vaughan Williams by the London Symphony Orchestra, held at Dorking Halls, 09 Nov 1949, 14pp. Conductors: Ralph Vaughan Williams and William Cole. The programme states that ñthis performance is given by friends of the Leith Hill Musical Festival to Dr Ralph Vaughan Williams O.M. as an expression of their affection and gratitudeî. Cover photograph of R Vaughan Williams. | |
SC.E/4/20/1 | Programme for the production of A W Pinero's "The Magistrate," by the Westcott Players, [c.1951?]. A handwritten note of the date, 23 Feb 1951, has been added at the bottom of the front cover. | |
SC.E/4/20/2 | Letter addressed to Ernest Sellick from Norman Touche of Broomfield, Westcott concerning the 1908 production of Pinero's "The Magistrate" at Dorking, 03 Mar 1951. 1p. See SC.E/4/14. | |
SC.E/4/21 | Programme for recitals held at St MartinÍs Church, Dorking on 04, 10, 11 and 18 Nov 1951 to celebrate the re-opening of the organ, 8pp. Includes photographs of the clergy, choir, organists and servers of the church. | |
SC.E/4/21/ | These items were not catalogued and withdrawn for an exhibition in 1998. | |
SC.E/4/22 | Programme for a garden party with music given by the Worshipful Company of Musicians at Lyne House near Capel, 03 Jul 1954, 4pp. Brief information on Lyne House, the home of the Master of the Company, Capt Evelyn Broadwood is given on p.4. Also includes an invitation card for the event addressed to Mr & Mrs R F Philpott. 2 items. | |
SC.E/4/23 | Poster for a performance of J.Stainer's "The Crucifixion" at St Paul's Church, Dorking by St Paul's Church Choir, 30 Mar 1969. | |
SC.E/4/24 | Envelope containing a letter from John Lunn of Sheffield addressed to Mr R F Philpott of Dorking and enclosing a photograph of Ralph Vaughan Williams, 16 Apr 1969. 2 items. The letter mentions an anecdote of Mrs Vaughan Williams concerning the roof of Dorking Drill Hall, and the photograph shows Vaughan Williams conducting at the Drill Hall, Dorking, [c.1930s?] | |
SC.E/4/25 | Leaflet publicising a performance of J S Bach's Passion according to St Matthew at Dorking Halls, 26 Feb 1972, 4pp. This was part of the Leith Hill Musical Festival. Summaries of other future performances are also given on p.2. | |
SC.E/5/1 | ñBooklet issued during the Dorking celebrations for Queen VictoriaÍs Golden Jubilee, containing a report, a statement of accounts and list of subscribers. Printed by C. Rowe, 1887, 20pp. The report includes a description of the celebrations. Duplicated at R479. | |
SC.E/5/2 | Booklet containing a programme for the Dorking celebrations of Queen VictoriaÍs Diamond Jubilee on 22 Jun 1897. Includes local advertisements. Printed and published by W G Booker, High Street, Dorking. | |
SC.E/5/3 | Blank sheet of paper with the printed heading of ñThe QueenÍs Reign 1837_1897. H Edward Miller, Secretary. 2 Wathen Road, Dorking. 1897. 1p. Folded. | |
SC.E/5/4 | Poster giving notice of a resolution by Dorking Urban District Council to hold 02 Feb 1901 as a day of mourning for Queen Victoria (d. 22 Jan 1901). Printed by R J Clark, printer, High Street, Dorking. 28 Jan 1901. 1 sheet. | |
SC.E/5/5 | Programme for the celebrations held in Dorking to mark the coronation of Edward VII, 09 Aug 1902. 4pp. | |
SC.E/5/6 | Programme for celebrations organised by Dorking Urban District Council to mark the Silver Jubilee of George V, May 1935, 48pp. Includes local advertisements and a short article by the Dorking solicitor Howard Chaldecott, providing his memories of the QueenÍs Golden Jubilee of 1887 and the Diamond Jubilee of 1897, and a list of the chief events in Dorking during the reign of King George V, 1910 _ 1935. | |
SC.E/5/7 | Order of service booklet for an open air service of thanksgiving held at the Nower, Dorking on 12 May 1935 to mark the Silver Jubilee of King George V and at which Ralph Vaughan William conducted the hymns, 4pp. | |
SC.E/5/8 | Programme for the Dorking celebrations marking the coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth, May 1937, 48pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
SC.E/5/9 | Records relating to the service of commemoration for King George VI held in Dorking in 1952, 2 items. Includes a booklet giving the form of service to be used in churches throughout England to mark his funeral held at Windsor on the 15 Feb 1952, published by Eyre and Spottiswood, 1952, 4pp; and a sheet of hymns used for the Dorking service at St MartinÍs Church,1952, 2pp. | |
SC.E/5/10 | Programme proposed by the Dorking Coronation Committee to celebrate the coronation of Elizabeth II,1953, 4pp. | |
SC.E/5/11 | Programme of Dorking Coronation celebrations, taking place on 31 May and 02 Jun 1953, 30pp. | |
SC.E/5/12 | Programme for the Coronation celebrations in Guildford, 02 Jun 1953. | |
SC.E/5/13-15 | Items relating to national royal events | |
SC.E/5/16 | Booklet describing the Jubilee Stamp Room, at the ïRising SunÍ, North Bersted, Bognor, Sussex. [c.1898?]. 4pp. Includes a brief description of rooms at the Deepdene, Dorking, covered with English-woven silk, made from designs prepared by Lily, Duchess of Marlborough. | |
SC.E/5/17-23 | Items relating to national royal events, | |
SC.E/6/1 | Programme of the seventh annual swimming competition for children attending the Dorking Elementary Public Schools, held at the Swimming Bath and sponsored by Dorking Urban District Council, 28 Sep 1910, 12pp. | |
SC.E/6/2-3 | Programmes for Dorking High School's 21st and 24th annual athletic sports held at the cricket ground, Pixham, 26 May 1926 and 17 Jul 1929, 2 items. | |
SC.E/6/4 | Programme for Dorking High School for BoysÍ Speech Day, at the Lecture Hall, Dorking, 30 Oct 1928. | |
SC.E/6/5 | Programme for the formal opening of Dorking County School, published by Surrey Education Committee,19 Dec 1931, 4pp. | |
SC.E/6/6 | Menu leaflet for the Old Dorkinian Association's 10th annual dinner, at the White Horse Hotel, Dorking, 17 Oct 1953, 4pp. The occasion included a presentation to Mr C W Goffin on his retirement from Dorking County Grammar School. | |
SC.E/7/1 | Programme of events for Dorking Amateur Athletic Sports held on the Cricket Ground, Pixham Lane, Dorking, 05 Aug 1895, 24pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
SC.E/7/2 | Booklet issued with Army Orders entitled Cyclist Drill 1897. HMSO London. 1897 30pp. | |
SC.E/7/3 | Programme for Dorking Gymnasium's grand assault-at-arms, held at the Public Hall, Dorking. 16 Feb 1898, 4pp. | |
SC.E/7/4 | Annual report and balance sheet of Dorking Gymnasium, for the season 1906-1907, Dec 1907, 4pp. The report notes that the Gymnasium, which was the oldest recreational society in Dorking, having been in existence since 1858, closed during 1907 due to lack of support. | |
SC.E/7/5 | Programme for Dorking Swimming Bath Company's "Grand swimming entertainment," being a list of events for Dorking swimming sports, 12 Sep 1900, 8pp. | |
SC.E/7/6-7 | Dorking and District Amateur Athletic Club programmes for Annual Sports Meetings held at Pixham, 1928 and 1929. 2 items each of 24pp. Includes local advertisements. | |
SC.E/7/8 | Official handbook of the Dorking Golf Club Ltd at Chart Park, Dorking. [c.1938?] Includes local advertisements. 24pp.illus. Contains a history of the club, club rules, and golfing hints by Henry Cotton. | |
SC.E/8/1 | Laminated photograph of a banknote issued by the Reigate and Dorking Bank for the sum of five pounds, [c.early 19th century?]. Formed in 1808 the Reigate Bank later opened a branch in Dorking. It changed its name to the Reigate and Dorking Bank around 1827, issuing its own notes until the business failed in 1850. | |
SC.E/8/2 | Booklet advertising RoweÍs Printers and Stationers of 71 South Street Dorking, issued with the title "Over 100 years in business in Dorking." [c.mid 19th Century?], 10pp. 1 illus. | |
SC.E/8/3 | Deepdene Hotel illustrated brochure; 20pp; n.d. [c.1920s?] | |
SC.E/8/4 | Records relating to Dorking Trades Exhibition, held at Dorking Halls 10-15th Oct 1932, 2 items. The exhibition was intended to promote local business. | |
SC.E/8/4/1 | Booklet listing the exhibitors, with many descriptive advertisements of the local businesses, 1932, 36pp. The cover design is a copy of the TownÍs Poster. | |
SC.E/8/4/2 | Flyer for RoweÍs Printing Works, South Street, Dorking, 1932. | |
SC.E/8/5 | Records relating to Dorking Trades Exhibition held at Dorking Halls, 07-12 Oct 1935, 4 items. The exhibition was intended to promote local business. | |
SC.E/8/5/1 | Booklet listing the exhibitors with many descriptive advertisements of the local businesses, 1935, 36pp illustrated. Includes a one page article with the title "A Glimpse of Old Dorking," illustrated with a late 19th century photograph of South Street. | |
SC.E/8/5/2 | Advertisement for garden ornaments made by Newdigate Brickworks,1935, 8pp. | |
SC.E/8/5/3 | Price list for garden ornaments made by Newdigate Brickworks, 1935 | |
SC.E/8/5/4 | Price list for Ernest, tea and coffee specialist of 10 Reigate Road, Dorking, 1935, 4pp. | |
SC.E/8/6 | Advertisement card for the Kings Arms, West Street, Dorking, [c.1950s?]. The proprietors were Major and Mrs Anthony J. Scarfe. Contains a brief history of the King's Arms and claims it as the original "Marquis of Granby," in Charles Dickens "Pickwick Papers." | |
SC.H | Historical research notes on Dorking and district compiled by Ernest Sellick, A H Lyne and others including personal reminiscences of Dorking by old inhabitants, 1934-1952, 4 files. | |
SC.H/1 | Typescript pages containing memories of Dorking collected from a Mrs Copus who was a schoolchild in the 1890s, [c.1940s?], 2pp. The exact identity of Mrs Copus is unknown but the document captures her recollections of Dorking in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These include mention of Lady HopeÍs house on the Cotmandene, several breweries in the town, Stapleton House in South Street, the Albany Home for orphan children, the Co-operative Society meeting rooms and the old post office on the corner of North Street and High Street. She also recalls outbreaks of fire ar the White Horse in 1900 and the old custom of Shrove Tuesday football in the town including the arrests on the last occasion the game was played in 1897. | |
SC.H/2 | Memories of Dorking collected from Miss Clara Philps (1859-1949), 1944, 2 items. Although the author of the first item is not named, the details supplied fit the family background of Clara Philps whose family papers were included in the records deposited at Dorking Museum by Ernest Sellick at SC.R/25.She was then the last member still resident in Dorking, of a family who were known to be in the town from at least the eighteenth century and who traded as woolstaplers, tailors, drapers, hosiers and wine merchants. The two sets of memoirs also complement each other since one contains memories of the north side of the High Street and the other of the south side. They were probably collected at the same time although only one is dated. | |
SC.H/2/1 | Typescript foolscap pages containing personal memories of Dorking in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, principally of the area on the north side of the High Street, [c.1940s?] 2pp with many corrections and additions. The author's name is not supplied but the details given fit the identity of Clara Philps (1859-1949). There are descriptions of the family home (probably 6-7 High Street, now 29-35 High Street) next to the Wheatsheaf. She also describes the houses, shops, businesses and past and current occupants, on the north side of the High Street, from the corner with North Street to Wathen Road. The period the recollections are based on is not specified but would appear to cover c.1880 to 1920. | |
SC.H/2/2 | Typescript foolscap pages with manuscript corrections and additions, containing memories of the south side of the High Street, Butter Hill and South Street, Dorking collected from or written by Miss Clara Philps, 08 Feb 1944, 4pp. There are descriptions of houses, shops, businesses and past and current occupants. These include several schools in Butter Hill and South Street including Spreydon House, kept by Miss Cunningham where the author was schooled, Holder House, where her aunt (b.1823) went to school, Hookes School for Boys and Miss Reeves school. The period that the recollections are based on would appear to be c.1880 to 1920. | |
SC.H/4 | Typescript notes and memories compiled by Ernest Sellick (d.1960) which were prepared to accompany the notes compiled by Dr Wilfred Hooper (d. 1950) for his intended book on the History of Dorking; together with correspondence with the Surrey Archaeological Society regarding the notes, 1952, 3 items. | |
SC.H/4/1-2 | Correspondence from Surrey Archaeological Society with the suggestion that Ernest SellickÍs notes should be deposited with Guildford Muniment Room, then a branch of the Surrey Record Office, 1952. 2 items. | |
SC.H/4/3 | Typescript memories and notes of interest on Dorking written by Ernest Sellick and based on his recollections of Dorking from the 1880s to the 1950s, Nov.1952, 26pp with some manuscript corrections. He describes the houses, shops, businesses and their past and current occupants in the High Street, Butter Hill, Rose Hill, South Street and Rose Street. His anecdotes include memories of the annual metalling of the High Street with flint, that caves behind the Rock Brewery and Beer House (now 74 High Street) were used for the commercial cultivation of mushrooms and that Clark and Co, chemists at 97 (now 87) High Street was previously the site of DorkingÍs first post office. He lists the licensed premises that were closed in 1904 and the subsequent occupants of their premises and also lists trades and occupations no longer carried out in Dorking. He describes the public buildings erected between 1890 and 1950, the entertainment, sports and leisure activities prevalent, including the August Bank Holiday Sports and Shrove Tuesday Football, and describes extinct customs and events, including Oak Apple or Shick-Shag day, cheap jacks and Christmas window displays of poultry and meat. | |
SC.H/5 | Manuscript notes in pencil, probably written by Ernest Sellick, in preparation for his Memories and Notes of interest on Dorking (at SC.H/4/3), 1952, 12pp. | |
SC.H/6 | A notebook containing working notes probably written by Ernest Sellick and drawn from work prepared by Dr W Hooper, as preparation for his projected History of Dorking, 1948, 16pp. (see SC.C/12 and SC.H/4). It includes brief descriptions of the history and activities of Dorking Public Hall Company Ltd., Dorking Villa Building Company., Dorking Omnibus Company Ltd., Dorking Swimming Club, Dorking Gymnasium, Dorking Brick Company. Chart Lane Institute and the Girls and Boys High Schools. Some of the notes are incomplete or corrected. | |
SC.H/7 | Manuscript note of the owners of DendyÍs Tower, also known as Prospect Tower and DendyÍs Folly, and its sale in 1851, [c.1950s?], 1p. | |
SC.H/8 | Manuscript notes on the history and activities of the Dorking Omnibus Company, founded in 1904 and wound up in 1905, [c.1950s?], 1p. | |
SC.H/9 | Manuscript notes on the Re-distribution of Seats Act, 1885, listing the Members of Parliament representing the Reigate Division from 1886 to 1951 and the later Dorking Division, [c.1950s?], 1p. | |
SC.H/10 | Manuscript notes with population figures for the parish of Dorking from 1801 to 1948, derived from census returns, [c.1950s?], 2pp. | |
SC.H/11 | Records relating to DorkingÍs Shrove Tuesday football custom collected or produced by Ernest Sellick and used for notes published in Vol. 54 of the Surrey Archaeological Collections in 1955, 1905-1953, 4 items. | |
SC.H/11/1 | Typescript article, "Dorking _ Shrove Tuesday Football," published in the Surrey Archaeological Collections, Vol. 54, 1953-54, pp 141-142. 1953, 4pp. | |
SC.H/11/2 | Postcard of a photograph showing the last football day in Dorking,1905. This is a copy of a photograph by Thomas Molyneux taken outside the White Horse Hotel, Dorking. A fair copy of the photograph is used as an illustration to the article published in the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1953-54, Vol 54, pp 143. The reverse of the postcard is addressed to Mrs Higgins, South Street, Dorking. | |
SC.H/11/3 | Typescript text of a Christmas card from Ernest Sellick with a description of the football game in Dorking streets, Dec 1946, 2pp. | |
SC.H/11/4 | A sketch showing the measurements of the Shrove Tuesday Football standard, 05 May 1948, 1p. | |
SC.H/12 | Manuscript notes on St MartinÍs Church, Dorking, taken from a history by H E Malden and others, written by Ernest Sellick, 28 May 1948, 1p. | |
SC.H/13 | Typescript notes prepared by A H Lyne and Ernest Sellick made from their inspection of an "Old Parish Tithe Map," surveyed by Bushell and Vine, London in 1811, 15 Jan 1939, 2pp.The notes list property owners and occupiers of various properties in Dorking and Coldharbour with acreages shown in some cases. The location of the original map is not stated. | |
SC.H/14 | Typescript notes listing sand caves in Dorking, known to A H Lyne, 1934, 2pp with manuscript additions. Lists the sites of 16 sand caves, some with additional descriptions of their status, in South Street, High Street, Rose Hill, Butter Hill, Clifton Terrace and Dene Street, Dorking. | |
SC.H/15 | Typescript notes describing St MartinÍs Parish Church, the old inns and the sand caves of Dorking, Jan 1938, 3pp. The notes give a particularly full description of the White Horse Hotel, Dorking and of the sand cave under Butter Hill House. | |
SC.H/16 | Manuscript notes on the monumental inscriptions in St MartinÍs Church Dorking which commemorate the Beckett family, 1790 to 1843, copied by the Rev W B Bax; and of entries relating to the Beckett family in the Poor Rate register of 09 Oct 1846. [c.1950s?], 1p. | |
SC.H/17 | An article reprinted by the Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society entitled "Talking of Old Dorking," by R S Scragg, [c.1950s?], 2pp. Includes descriptions of the churches and inns of Dorking as well as some of the famous people connected with the town. | |
SC.H/18 | Manuscript notes with translated extracts from the Domesday Survey. [c.1950s?], 8pp. The transcriptions refer to the land of the King in Wotton Hundred, the land of the Bishop of Bayeux in Blackheath Hundred, the land of Richard of Tonbridge in Wotton Hundred and Woking Hundred and the land of William, son of Ansculf in Wotton Hundred. | |
SC.H/19 | A notebook containing manuscript entries from the Dorking Poor Rate Book from 1759 to 1771 copied by Dr W Hooper, 1950, 238pp. Entries have been made on 41 pages of the notebook with some alphabetical indexing in the later pages. The first 18 pages have been cut out and removed. | |
SC.H/20 | Manuscript notes on Dorking taken from J EdwardÍs Companion Road Book, London to Brighthelmston (Brighton), published in 1801, [c.1950s?], 2pp. The items selected include large hogs kept by Thomas Philps at the Wheatsheaf Inn, cherry orchards said to produce wine of a fine quality, the market which was noted for its poultry and corn, caves on the Butter Hill, a water engine supplying households with water from a spring by the church, the chalkpits, stagecoaches, and Abinger Iron Mill. | |
SC.H/21 | Manuscript notes on roads in Dorking shown on the 1816 edition of the Ordnance Survey and also on Bryants Map of 1823. [c.1950s?], 1p. | |
SC.H/22 | Typescript notes on Holmwood, [c.1950s?], 2pp. Subjects mentioned include Holmwood Common, Holmwood Church and its vicars, Holmwood Park House, Broome Hall, Oakdene, toll pike gates, Holmwood Mill, Capel Mill and Four Wents Pond. | |
SC.H/23 | Manuscript notes on Mickleham, [c.1950s?], 8pp on slips cut from letter heads.The notes cover properties and their owners and occupiers including Camilla Lacy and Fanny Burney; Box Hill and Sir L Salomans; and Juniper Hill. | |
SC.H/24 | Typescript sheets with descriptions of forest walks at Ranmore and Abinger Forest produced by the Forestry Commission, Sep 1968, 2 items. One contains a general description of the area and the other a more detailed description of the stops on the walk. | |
SC.H/25 | A description of Stoke dÍAbernon Church and Lawrence Weaver House, Leatherhead. A reprint of an article published in the Journal of the London Society, pp123-126. [c.1950s?], 4pp; 1 illus. | |
SC.H/26/1 | Bound notebook of carbon copy typescript notes by A H Lyne with the title ñSome Notes on Old Dorking,î 1936, 22p. Covers aspects of the history of the town including sections on roads, industries, the military, churches, local government, sports, inns, and old houses. | |
SC.H/26/2 | Second copy of the above containing many amendments and additions, 1936. | |
SC.H/26/2 ctd | Typescript notes by A H Lyne on Surrey parishes and other local places mostly in the neighbourhood of Dorking, [c.1930s?], 35pp. Arranged alphabetically by place name. Includes very brief sections on the following: - Abinger Common, Abinger Hammer, Albury, Brockham; Betchworth, Box Hill, Burford Bridge, Capel, Coldharbour, Deerleap Woods, Friday Street, Holmbury St Mary, Holmwood, Leith Hill, Leigh, Mickleham, Newdigate, Oakwood Chapel, Ockley, Peaslake, Ranmore, Shere, the Silent Pool, Westcott and Wotton. | |
SC.H/28/1 | Page of manuscript notes on the subject of Wotton Hatch and the Dibble family. The writing appears to be that of Ernest Sellick, [c.1950s?].The content is mostly extracts from Wotton parish registers with a note on the last two Dibbles to hold the licence of the Wotton Hatch public house. | |
SC.H/28/2 | Typescript notes containing ñExtracts from the parish registers of Abinger and Wotton of entries of members of the Dibble Family.î 4pp. [c.late 20th century?] | |
SCH/28/3 | Page with a photograph from an unknown publication of the annual custom for the administration of the Glanville Charity in Wotton churchyard, 1872. | |
SC.H/28/4/1 | Photocopy of the title page from the prayer book used by Charles I at his execution in 1649 [c.1950s?] Duplicate at H36 | |
SC.H/28/4/2 | Typescript explanatory note on the above (SC.H/28/4/1) from a catalogue of an exhibition held at Glasgow about 1900 at which the Prayer book was exhibited by members of the Evelyn family. Originally given to the father in law of John Evelyn (the diarist). | |
SC.H/29 | Typescript notes on the forestation of Surrey in the middle ages, [pre 1950?] 6pp. Author unknown. | |
SC.H/30 | Typescript transcript from Surrey Archaeological Collections IX _ The Plundered Ministers of Surrey by Alfred Ridley Bax 16pp with an anonymous supplementary note, 14pp | |
SC.H/31 | Paper bound typescript notes by A H Lyne ñNotes on Flora and Fauna: some miscellaneous Surrey records. Includes sections on coins, fossils and flints, bees, butterflies and moths; birds, flora and ferns etc, trees, hammer ponds and edible snails.î 16pp. Contains at the back a letter from Arthur H Lyne to E L Sellick enclosing the notes and dated 23 Apr 1944 | |
SC.H/32 | Typescript notes on the history of Betchworth House, [c.1950s?] 2pp. Author unknown. | |
SC.M | Printed maps, 1820-[c.1971?], 2 files | |
SC.M/1 | W. Raffe's Map of Dorking, scale 3ins to 1 mile; 12.5 x 12," 1886; linen backed. The area covered is from Juniper Hall in the north to Blackbrook in the south and from Brockham in the east to Westcott in the west. | |
SC.M/2 | Plan of part of the west side of Chart Lane, Dorking showing a proposed improvement line in front of numbers 1-8; scale 1" to 88ft; 10.25 x 10.25" [c.mid 1930s?] | |
SC.M/3 | Street map of Dorking issued by White and Sons of High Street, Dorking with street index; scale 5_" to 2 miles; [c.1965?] Based on Ordnance Survey maps. | |
SC.M/4 | Map issued by Dorking and Horley Rural District Council of Dorking Rural District, scale 2" to 1 mile; [c.1971?] with a street index and based on Ordnance Survey maps. Also carries local advertisements. | |
SC.M/5 | Photostat of a part of the Surrey sheet XXXIII of an Ordnance Survey map of 1869-1870 showing Deepdene Wood, Cotmandene, and Rosehill. Scale: 6" to 1 mile; 8.5 x 6.5" | |
SC.M/6 | Ordnance Survey map, Surrey sheet XXXIII of the Dorking area; 1st edn survey of 1869-1870 with additions to 1880. Scale: 6 ins to 1 mile. | |
SC.M/7-8 | Photostats of two maps based on parts of Surrey sheets XXV, XXXIII and XL of the Ordnance Survey maps, 1880-1894 showing the boundaries of Dorking Local Board and adjacent civil parishes heavily outlined to show proposed alterations of boundaries in Coldharbour (Anstiebury Camp) and Holmwood (Oakdene). Scale: 6ins to 1 mile; each 24"x 18". Dorking Local Board ceased in 1894. Overprinting shows a detached portion of Mickleham civil parish added to Dorking civil parish and similarly detached portion added to Abinger. | |
SC.M/9 | Surrey sheet XXXIII of an Ordnance Survey map of the Dorking area. 1920 edition of an original survey of 1868-1870, reprinted in 1932. Scale: 6ins to 1 mile. Stamped London & Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority and marked "Application No 9, Fredk. W. Purse, MIMech.E, Millbank." Shows Dorking Rural Council Development Scheme on the west side of Chart Lane, north of Bents Brook, with overhead lines and distributors along Chart Lane beyond Blackbrook and from Park Farm to Blackbrook. | |
SC.M/10 | Surrey sheet XXV SE of an Ordnance Survey map of the Mickleham and Box Hill area. 1920 edition of an original survey of 1868-1870, reprinted in 1931. Scale: 6 ins to 1 mile Stamped London & Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority and marked "Application No 11; Fredk W Purse, MIMech.E, Millbank." Shows overhead lines and distributors in the area of Box Hill Farm and Castle Gardens. | |
SCM/11 | Surrey sheet XXV SE of an Ordnance Survey map showing the Mickleham and Box Hill area. 1920 edition of an original survey of 1868-1870, reprinted in 1932. Scale: 8ins to 1 mile. Stamped London & Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority and marked "Application No 16, Fredk W Purse, MIMechE, Millbank." Shows overhead lines to Birchingrove Farm and Bullen Wood Cottage. | |
SC.M/12 | Surrey sheet XXXIII of an Ordnance Survey map of Dorking. A 1934 revision of an original survey of 1868 published in 1935 showing the house numbers of Cleardene entered in red ink and Marlborough Road and Beresford Road estates hatched in green ink. Scale; 25 ins to 1 mile. | |
SC.M/13 | Reproduction of a coloured map of the county of Surrey from Speed's "Miniature Atlas" originally published between 1627 and 1646, 5.5 x 4," [c.late 20th century?] on folded card. | |
SC.M/14 | Coloured map of Surrey engraved by T. Starling and published by Longmans & Co of London, 1820. Scale: 3/16 inches to 1 mile; 9.25 x 6.5 ins. Paper mounted on card. | |
SC.M/15 | Coloured map drawn and engraved by J Archer for Dugdale's "England and Wales Delineated,"1840. Numbered 37. Scale: 1 inch to 5 miles. 9 x 7". Paper mounted on card. | |
SC.M/16 | Map of Surrey published by Kelly's Directories, [c.1900?]. Shows the county hundreds, parliamentary divisions, railways, canals and rivers and the London County Council boundary. The course of the River Mole is marked in red ink. Scale: 7/8 inch to 1 mile; 39 x 27ins. | |
SC.M/17 | Map of part of Surrey published by Kelly's Directories Ltd of London, [c.1910?], with Dorking advertisements on the reverse. The area covered is from Thames Ditton and Mitcham in the north to Charlwood and Cranleigh in the south and from Warlingham and Blindley Heath in the east to Addlestone and Albury in the west. Scale: 2.5 ins to one mile. 17 5/8 x 18.5 ins. | |
SC.M/18 | Map of part of Surrey published by Kelly's Directories Ltd of London, [c.1910?]. The area covered is the same as that in SC.M/17. Scale: 2.5 ins to one mile. 17 5/8 x 18.5 ins. It carries one Dorking advertisement only for Croucher & Co, fruiterers and seedsmen of 69 South Street, Dorking. | |
SC.M/19 | Footpath map produced for the Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Society and reproduced from an Ordnance Survey map by Cook, Hammond and Kell Ltd, ref: 5/38 6263. [c.1938?]. It covers the area between Weybridge and Long Ditton in the north; as far as West Byfleet in the west, Little Bookham to the south and Chessington and Ashtead in the east. Scale: 6ins to 1 mile, 12" x 10ins. | |
SC.M/20 | Great Western Railway schematic map of routes and ferries in England and Wales,[c.1920s?] 26 x 20 ins. | |
SC.R | Miscellaneous records relating to institutions, societies, and clubs in Dorking and the neighbouring villages, 1692-1959; papers of the Philps family 1767-1949; and papers of other miscellaneous families, 1701-1888, 2 boxes. | |
SC.R/1 | Records relating to the Chart Lane Institute in Dene Street including its use by Dorking High School for Boys, 1871-1952, 16 files. | |
SC.R/1 ctd | Administrative History: The Chart Lane Institute, later known as the Dene Street Institute, was founded in 1872 by William John Evelyn of Wotton House, Thomas Farrer of Abinger Hall and others on land donated by Anne Adele Hope, the widow of Henry Thomas Hope of Deepdene. The purpose of the Institute was ñthe promotion of Science, Literature the Fine Arts, for adult instruction, and the diffusion of useful knowledge, ...î Over time the building has been used for a Mechanics Institute, Young ManÍs Friendly Society, Dorking High School for Boys (1892-1931), and a secondary school. Between 1931 and 1935 the premises were leased to Surrey County Council for technical education purposes with the powers of the Chart Lane Institute Trust being transferred to Surrey County Council in 1935. In 1964 the building became a full time Adult Education Centre but closed c. 2010. Dorking High School for Boys was founded in 1883 and was first sited in the Public Hall. It transferred to the Chart Lane Institute in 1894 and became Dorking County Grammar School with the Girls High School in 1931. The records were collected by Ernest Sellick in his capacity as Clerk to the Governors of Dorking High School for Boys. | |
SC.R/1/1 | Copy of a deed of conveyance for the site of a reading room etc. in Chart Lane Dorking, between Anne Adele Hope of Deepdene, Dorking, widow, William John Evelyn of Wotton House, Wotton, Esq, Thomas Hughes of Lincoln Inn, London, Esq Thomas Henry Farrer of Abinger Hall, Surrey,Esq, Charles Maw, Esq, Arthur Powell, Esq, Charles Hart, Esq and Williams Woodland, Esq of Dorking. 11 Jul 1871, 3pp. | |
SC.R/1/2 | A block, or site plan of the High School for Boys, Chart Lane Dorking, showing the drains to the building, prepared by F J Dibble, architect and surveyor of Dorking for the Committee of Dorking High School, Apr 1892, 1p.The plan has a manuscript note recording the purchase of additional land in 1921 and 1924. . | |
SC.R/1/3 | Prospectus for Dorking High School for Boys, [c.early 20th century?], 12pp. Missing in Dec 2015. | |
SC.R/1/4 | Deed of conveyance of a site for reading rooms etc. In Chart Lane Dorking, between Anne Adele Hope, widow of Deepdene, Dorking and William John Evelyn of Wotton House, Wotton Esq, Thomas Hughes of Lincoln Inn, London Esq, Thomas Henry Farrer of Abinger Hall, Surrey, Esq, Charles Maw Esq, Arthur Powell Esq, Charles Hart Esq, and Williams Woodland, Esq of Dorking. Enrolled in the High Court of Chancery. 22 Jul 1871. 3pp. | |
SC.R/1/5 | Correspondence relating to the use of the Gymnasium Room at the Chart Lane Institute, 1892-1898, 8 items. Most of the correspondence is between the Secretary of the local Gymnasium Society and the Honorary Secretary of Dorking High School which then occupied the premises at the Institute. The file also includes a letter from the pastor of the Congregational Church in West Street, protesting at the exclusion of the Boys Brigade from using the Gymnasium room in 1895. | |
SC.R/1/6 | Typescript invoices from Down, Scott & Down, solicitors of Dorking to the Dorking High School for Boys for investigating the title of DendyÍs trustees to the barn in Dene Street adjoining the school and also for the conveyance of the purchase of the barn, 1924, 2 items. | |
SC.R/1/7 | Correspondence between the Post Office Engineering Department, Surrey Education Committee, Ernest Sellick in his capacity of Clerk to the Governors of Dorking High School for Boys and the Trustees of the Chart Lane Institute regarding the siting of a telegraph pole and underground cable on land adjoining the School in Dene Street, 1928, 6 items. | |
SC.R/1/8 | Final statement of accounts for Dorking High School for Boys, for the five months ending 31 Aug 1931, Aug 1931, 1p. | |
SC.R/1/9 | Correspondence between H.M. Inspector of Taxes and Ernest Sellick as Clerk of the Governors of Dorking High School for Boys, regarding the property tax valuation of the school at the Chart Lane Institute, 1931, 3 items. | |
SC.R/1/10 | Documents relating to the disposal of furniture from Dorking High School for Boys and payments made by the Trustees of the Chart Lane Institute, 1931, 5 items. Includes a sales catalogue of furniture from St MartinÍs High School for Girls, Dorking and Dorking High School for Boys, for sale by auction on 25 Sep 1931, 12pp, annotated with prices of individual lots. This was at the time of the amalgamation of the two High Schools and their re-location to a new building in Ashcombe Road, Dorking. | |
SC.R/1/11 | Records relating to the proposals for leasing the Chart Lane Institute to Surrey County Council for technical education purposes, 1931, 7 items. | |
SC.R/1/12 | Records relating to the tenancy agreement for the leasing of the Chart Lane Institute to Surrey County Council, 1931, 11 items. | |
SC.R/1/13 | Draft agreement between the Trustees of the Chart Lane Institute and Surrey County Council for the tenancy of Chart Lane Institute Dorking with manuscript amendments, 1931. | |
SC.R/1/14 | Signed and sealed agreement between the Trustees of the Chart Lane Institute and Surrey County Council for the tenancy of Chart Lane Institute, Dorking from 01 Sep 1931 to 01 Jun 1932 for the purposes of technical education under the provision of the Technical Education Act 1921, 4pp. Endorsements of 16 Jun 1932 and 05 Sep 1934 record further agreements to extend the tenancy. | |
SC.R/1/15 | File of correspondence concerning the extension of tenancy agreements for the Chart Lane Institute by the Education Department of Surrey County Council and the eventual transfer of ownership of the site and buildings to Surrey County Council, 1932_1935, 33 items. | |
SC.R/1/16 | Report on the status and disbursement of the Roberts Memorial Prize of Dorking County Grammar School, thought to have been written by the Divisional Education Officer, 30 May 1951; together with a covering letter from the Headmaster to Ernest Sellick of 15 Jan 1952, 2 items. The prize was established in 1927 by the Old Boys Association of Dorking High School in memory of the Rev. Henry Roberts, MA, Headmaster from the schoolÍs inception in 1883 to 1911. Funds belonging to the Prize included an investment made in 1940 derived from the balance in the deposit account of the Chart Lane Institute. | |
SC.R/2 | The first two annual reports and balance sheets for the Dorking Ballot & Sale Mutual Building Society for the years ending 02 Apr 1889 and 08 Apr 1890, 2 items. The Society was formed in 1888 with its main offices at 72 High Street, Dorking. Members subscribed 6d per share per week, each share entitling the holder to the loan, either by ballot or purchase of £100, free of interest for 12 and a half years. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 22 Nov 1890). | |
SC.R/3 | Records of Dorking Charities, 1875-1954, 1 file. The records were collected by Ernest Sellick in his capacity as Honorary Auditor for the Dorking Charities. | |
SC.R/3 ctd | Administrative History: the Dorking Charities is the name given to a number of charities and legacies that were set up to benefit the poor or aged of Dorking during the 17th to 19th centuries. These charities and legacies had been brought together and named the Dorking Charities under a Charity Scheme of 1878. This provided for a single set of trustees who would apply the incomes of the charities mainly to the support of the Cotmandene Almshouses and its inmates and also to the apprenticing of poor children and donations to the sick and infirm poor. (See: R217/25). The first almshouses on the Cotmandene were erected in the 1670s; the buildings were replaced by new Almshouses in 1847/48, extended in 1975. The profits from the sale of the South Street poorhouse (built c 1613) was paid to the Trustees of the Cotmandene Almshouses (SC.R/3/12) The Dorking Charities are now known as Dorking Charity and continue to provide sheltered housing for residents in the Dorking area and grants for those in need. (Charity Commission http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithoutPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=207251&SubsidiaryNumber=0 Accessed 10/01/2016). Dorking Charities deposited the bulk of their records at Surrey History Centre in 1987. | |
SC.R/3/1 | Notes containing a summary of the conveyance by Richard Browne of Dorking, Esq on 15 July 1613, to William Radcliffe, Richard Day, Ralph Brashall, gentlemen, Hugh Mason and Richard Brand, tanners, William Heather, William Eliot, John Wood, John Palmer and William Love, - as trustees of eight newly built tenements on the west side of South Street as almshouses "for poor and impotent inhabitants of Dorking"; also of "a capital messuage" adjacent let to Lawrence Evans for life at 32s rent a year The notes also mention that William Radcliffe held land called ñCardinalÍs Hatî and that the land on which the almshouses were built was part of the Old Brotherhood Lands, i.e. land of the Guild of St Mary. The notes are thought to have been written by Ernest Sellick who has entered "Mr H E Malden's note on perusal of above deed on 16 Apr 1928." | |
SC.R/3/2 | Notes containing extracts of income and expenditure between 1846 and 1911 from [minute books?] numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5, kept by the trustees of Dorking Charities,[c.1947?], 4 items. | |
SC.R/3/3 | Typescript report to the Trustees of the Dorking Charities, on a public inquiry held by the Inspector of the Charity Commissioners, on 01 Jun 1875, into the Dorking Charities and the Cotmandene Almshouses, prepared by James D Down, Clerk to the Trustees. It included a proposal to extend the Almshouses by building four additional rooms and matters such as the representation of dissenters on the Board of Trustees, 14 Jun 1875, 4pp. | |
SC.R/3/4 | Statement of accounts by the Trustees of the Dorking Charities as trustees of Queen VictoriaÍs Diamond Jubilee Fund and Mrs Lois UwinÍs Bequest, for the year ending 31 December 1948, 05 Jul 1950, 1p. | |
SC.R/3/5 | Annual statements of accounts of Dorking Charities, 1951, 2 items. | |
SC.R/3/5/1 | Statement of receipts and expenditure of the Trustees of the Dorking Charities for the year ended 31 Dec 1950, 03 Apr 1951, 4pp. | |
SC.R/3/5/2 | Statement of accounts by the Trustees of the Dorking Charities as trustees of Queen VictoriaÍs Diamond Jubilee Fund and Mrs Lois UwinÍs Bequest for the year ending 31 Dec 1950, 03 Apr 1951,1p. | |
SC.R/3/6 | Annual statements of accounts of Dorking Charities, 1952, 2 items. | |
SC.R/3/6/1 | Statement of receipts and expenditure of the Trustees of the Dorking Charities for the year ended 31 Dec 1951, 07 Oct 1952, 4pp. | |
SC.R/3/6/2 | Statement of accounts by the Trustees of Dorking Charities as trustees of Queen VictoriaÍs Diamond Jubilee Fund and Mrs Lois UwinÍs Bequest for the year ending 31 Dec1951, 07 Oct 1952 1p. | |
SC.R/3/7-8 | Letters from F E Hatswell of Westcott acknowledging historical information regarding Cotmandene Almshouses and Dorking Charities, 1952-1954, 2 items. | |
SC.R/3/9 | Letter from T E Roberts and Ernest Sellick, Honorary Auditors, to F P Down of Down, Scott & Down, solicitors of Dorking, concerning an error in the accounts for the Queen Victoria Jubilee Fund,10 Apr 1953 with a page of brief notes of expenditure, [c.1953?], 2 items. | |
SC.R/3/11 | Letter from E L Sellick and T E Roberts, Honorary Auditors to F P Down, Secretary of Dorking Charities querying certain elements of the accounts of the Dorking Charities for the year ending 31 December 1953, including the sale of land not fully recorded in the accounts, 21 May 1954 2pp., together with a letter of acknowledgement from F P Down, 24 May 1954, 1p, 2 items. | |
SC.R/3/12 | Draft notes for a history of Dorking Charities and Cotmandene Almshouses with a list of donations made by 22 individuals at unspecified dates; [c.1950s?], 3pp. | |
SC.R/4 | Records relating to Dorking Highways Board, 1853-1885, 3 items | |
SC.R/4/1 | Balance sheet of the board appointed for repair of the highways in the parish of Dorking, submitted to the General Vestry, for the year 25 Mar 1852 to 25 Mar 1853, 29 Mar 1853, 1p. It shows the work carried out with an inventory of the tools and equipment of the engine house used by the Fire Brigade, then administered by the Highways Board. | |
SC.R/4/2 | Printed circular letter, signed by J D Down, inviting attendance at a meeting to close the business connected with the improvement of Harrow Road and Tower Hill Road, at Dorking Public Hall, 30 Mar 1875, 1p. | |
SC.R/4/3 | Manuscript agenda for the first meeting of the Dorking District Highway Board, 21 May 1885,1p. | |
SC.R/5 | File of documents relating to the Dorking Sanitary Authority, Dorking Rural District Council and Dorking Urban District Council. 1877_1971. 8 item. | |
SC.R/5/1 | Petition to the Dorking Sanitary Authority, appealing against restrictions on the hours during which manure may be removed, Nov 1877, 4pp. The petition is signed by 31 Dorking residents, principally residents of the High Street and South Street Dorking. | |
SC.R/5/2 | Petition to the Board of Guardians of Dorking Union as the Rural Sanitary Authority, seeking their help for a recent application to constitute Dorking as an Urban Sanitary Authority, Oct 1873, 4pp. The petition is signed by 13 Dorking residents. Under the Public Health Act of 1872 the Board of Guardians were entitled to apply to the Local Government Board to grant them the powers of an Urban Sanitary Authority. The application was subsequently granted in Jul 1874. (Source: London Gazette of 31 Jul 1874) | |
SC.R/5/3 | Typescript leaflet describing the standing orders and regulations of Dorking Rural Parish Council, [c 1870?], 12pp. | |
SC.R/5/4/1 | Notice of audit of Dorking Rural District for the half year ended 30 Sep 1906, to be held on 09 Jan 1907 in the Board Room of Dorking Union Workhouse, 20 Dec 1906, 1p. | |
SC.R/5/4/2 | Leaflet, entitled "Helping you to build and buy a house," issued by Dorking Rural District Council, Apr 1924, 4pp. It explains the terms and conditions under which the Rural District Council could financially assist persons to build their house. | |
SC.R/5/4/3 | Report on the boundaries of the Rural District of Dorking, by Lt Col C E Norton and F C Allworth, Boundary Consultants to Local Authorities, 27 Jul 1931, 10pp with map. The report reviews three proposals, made by Surrey County Council, under the auspices of the Local Government Act, 1929 to transfer the Parish of Mickleham and a northern part of Dorking Rural District to Dorking Urban District; to transfer the parish of Effingham to the Rural District of Guildford; and to form a new Rural District of Dorking and Horley. The report includes current statistics of the area, population figures and rateable value of the constituent parishes of Dorking Rural District with a diagram map showing the northern area of Dorking Rural District. It concludes by finding against all three proposals. | |
SC.R/5/5/1 | Leaflet giving the order of proceedings for the presentation of a Grant of Arms and ChairmanÍs Insignia to Dorking and Horley Rural District Council, 23 May 1959, 12pp. lncludes the text of the grant of arms and their interpretation. | |
SC.R/5/5/2 | Calendar of Dorking and Horley Rural District Council for the year ending 20 May 1960. It includes the names of members of the Council and constituent committees, principal officers and parish council officers together with the population, area and rateable value of the parishes in the District, [1959?], 32pp | |
SC.R/5/6 | Records of Dorking Urban District Council relating to the promotion of Dorking Halls as a venue, traffic management problems and the proposals for an inner relief road, [c.1950s?]-1971, 2 files | |
SC.R/5/6/1 | Documents issued by Dorking Urban District Council advertising the Dorking Halls, [1950s?]-1971, 2 items. | |
SC.R/5/6/1/1 | Circular letter advertising Dorking Halls as a venue for meetings or events, 4pp, illus. [c.1950s?] | |
SC.R/5/6/1/2 | Circular letter promoting the beauties of Dorking and advertising Dorking Halls as a venue for meetings or events. [c.1950s?], 4pp, illus. | |
SC.R/5/6/2 | Documents of Dorking Urban District Council relating to Dorking Halls, and to traffic management proposals. 1971, 3 items | |
SC.R/5/6/2/1 | Leaflet advertising the Dorking Roads Exhibition, promoted by Surrey County Council and Dorking Urban District Council. The purpose of the exhibition is presented as an opportunity to consider the options for relieving DorkingÍs traffic problems, Oct 1971,16pp; plans. | |
SC.R/5/6/2/2 | Leaflet, headed ñTo those who care about Dorking," discussing the proposed Inner Relief Road. [c.1971?], 1p. | |
SC.R/5/6/2/3 | Circular letter from Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society, urging its members to vote against the proposed Inner Relief Road, [c.1971?], 1p. | |
SC.R/6 | Directors report and accounts with notice of the first general or statutory meeting of shareholders of the Dorking Omnibus Company, to be held on 29 Sep 1904 at the company offices, 72 High Street, Dorking, 21 Sep 1904, 2pp. The company was wound up after only a year. Its managing director was E H Swift and the company secretary was Ernest Sellick who deposited further company records at Surrey Record Office in 1955. | |
SC.R/7 | Documents relating to the Dorking Public Hall Company Ltd, 1871-1923, 26 items. The Company was created in 1871 as a limited liability company, with the object of erecting a Public Hall, with committee rooms, offices and other facilities for public and private meetings, events, lectures, concerts or other meetings and entertainments The Company continued to operate and maintain the Hall for the next fifty years. In 1920 the Directors and Shareholders agreed to sell the Hall to Mr G B Wayne for use as a Cinema but the company continued to function until 1923 whilst the sale of the Hall to Mr Wayne was completed. The Company went into voluntary liquidation in October 1923 (London Gazette 12 Oct 1923). | |
SC.R/7/1 | Memorandum and articles of association of the Dorking Public Hall Company Limited, 24 Jun 1871, 12pp. Includes the name and addresses of subscribers and the number of their shares. | |
SC.R/7/2 | Typescript receipt issued by the Dorking branch of London and County Bank for the sale of twenty shares in the Dorking Public Hall Company, at £1.00 per share, made out to J D Down, the company solicitor, 28 Dec 1871, 1p. | |
SC.R/7/3 | Report and statement of accounts of the Dorking Public Hall Company from its formation in 1871 to Dec 1873. The report lists all existing shareholders. Mar 1874, 4pp. | |
SC.R/7/4 | Statement of accounts for the Dorking Public Hall Company for the year ending Dec 1874 and announcement of the fourth annual general meeting on 27 Mar 1875, 13 Mar 1875, 4p. | |
SC.R/7/5 | Manuscript letter from W H Lenham, Secretary of the Dorking Public Hall Company proposing the take up of additional capital and the payment of a dividend,13 Mar 1875, 4pp. | |
SC.R/7/6 | Manuscript statement giving details of a proposal to take up additional capital and to issue a dividend to shareholders. [c.1876?], 3pp. | |
SC.R/7/7 | Letter from J Clift on behalf of the board rejecting proposals for additional capital, 03 Apr 1876, 1p. This was probably the scheme referred to in SC.R/7/6. | |
SC.R/7/8-21 | Notices of annual general meetings of the Dorking Public Hall Company each containing a report and statement of accounts for the previous year, 1876-1885, 1887-1889 and 1913, 13 items. | |
SC.R/7/22 | Report of the directors and notice of an extraordinary general meeting of the Dorking Public Hall Company on 30 Jan 1914, 19 Jan 1914, 4pp. The meeting was called to consider an offer from Dorking Urban District Council to purchase the premises of Dorking Public Hall, for use as a Technical Institute. | |
SC.R/7/23 | Notice of the annual general meeting of the Dorking Public Hall Company on 18 Mar 1920 with a report and statement of accounts for the previous year, 12 Feb 1920, 4pp. | |
SC.R/7/24 | Notice of an extraordinary general meeting of the Dorking Public Hall Company on 03 Aug 1920 with a report of the directors, 22 Jul 1920, 4pp. The meeting was called to consider an offer from Mr G B Wayne to purchase the premises of the Dorking Public Hall. Mr Wayne was described in the report as a Cinema picture producer and public entertainer who was already renting part of the Halls, and would use the Large Hall as a cinema. | |
SC.R/7/25 | Notice of the annual general meeting of the Dorking Public Hall Company on 17 Mar 1921 with a report and statement of accounts for the previous year, 10 Feb 1921, 4pp. | |
SC.R/7/26 | Notice of the annual general meeting of the Dorking Public Hall Company on 15 Mar 1923 with a report and statement of accounts for the previous year, 08 Feb 1923, 4pp. | |
SC.R/8 | Records of the Dorking Swimming Sports Committee, 1899-1900, 1 file. The committee organised an annual Swimming Sports at the Dorking Baths in Station Road which had opened in 1893, and later came under the control of Dorking Urban District Council in 1900. The committee's year of formation and the number of years it operated are unknown. | |
SC.R/8 /1-3 | Reports and balance sheets for the Dorking Swimming Sports Committee, 1899-1900, 3 items. The records consist of a combined balance sheet and report for both years and an audited copy of the balance sheet for 1900. | |
SC.R/9 | Records of Dorking Swimming Bath Club, 1905-1908, 1 file. | |
SC.R/9 ctd | The Club was re-formed in 1903 having previously been founded in 1893 when a covered swimming bath was opened in Station Road. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 10 Oct 1903 and 'Dorking - a Surrey Market Town,' by Dorking Local History Group, 1991). Their objective was to encourage swimming and to teach life saving. The Dorking Swimming Club, had already been in existence for over half a century by 1903. (Dorking Advertiser 25 Jun 1904) For related records of the Swimming Bath Club see R16 and E184. | |
SC.R/9/1-5 | File containing a booklet of rules for the Dorking Swimming Bath Club. [c.1905?], 4pp; together with annual reports and balance sheets for the club from 1905-1908, 5 items. The annual reports contain lists of donors to the club's prize fund. | |
SC.R/10 | Records of Dorking Swimming Club, 1901-1924. 3 files. The records comprise those relating to club rules, [c.1910?]; annual reports and balance sheets, 1901-1921; and membership subscriptions and club events, 1912-1920. | |
SC.R/10 ctd | The Swimming Club had a much longer history than the Swimming Bath Club and was said to have been in existence for at leat fifty years by 1903. From references in the Dorking Advertiser it was certainly in existence by the 1870s and would appear to have made use of the River Mole for its activities for most of that time. Ernest Sellick was a member of both clubs and was elected as the honorary secretary for Dorking Swimming Club in 1901. (Source: Dorking Advertiser 15 Jun 1901) | |
SC.R/10/1 | Records of Dorking Swimming Club rules, [c.1910?]. File of 2 items | |
SC.R/10/1/1 | Booklet containing the rules of Dorking Swimming Club. [c.1910?], 4pp. | |
SC.R/10/1/2 | Booklet containing the rules of the Challenge Cup which also includes the general club rules and the rules of the Half Mile Challenge Cup, [c.1910?], 4pp. The race for the Half Mile Challenge Cup was swum between the weir at Castle Mill and Boxhill Bridge. | |
SC.R/10/2 | Annual reports and balance sheets for Dorking Swimming Club, 1901-1921, 15 items. The records for 1901 consist only of a covering letter and those for 1904-1905 have balance sheets without reports. Records between 1906 and 1920 have both annual reports and balance sheets. From 1911 the reports listed the current and previous winners of the Half Mile Challenge Cup. The club was inactive during the first world war and no records were produced between 1916 and 1918. | |
SC.R/10/3 | Records relating to Dorking Swimming Club's events, membership and subscriptions, 1912-1920, 7 items. | |
SC.R/10/3/1 | Programme for Dorking Swimming Club's annual sports at Castle Mill, Dorking, on 21 Aug 1912, 4pp. Amended with pencil notes of the winners. | |
SC.R/10/3/2 | Programme for Dorking Swimming Club's annual sports at Castle Mill, Dorking, on 20 Aug 1913, 2pp. | |
SC.R/10/3/3 | Manuscript list of members of Dorking Swimming Club, 1912, 1p. | |
SC.R/10/3/4 | Covering letter from Ernest Sellick, Honorary Secretary of Dorking Swimming Club, to accompany the annual report and also requesting additional contributions, [c.1913?], 2pp. | |
SC.R/10/3/5 | Entry form for the Dorking Swimming Club Sports at Castle Mill, Dorking, on 20 Aug 1913, 1p | |
SC.R/10/3/6 | Blank headed notepaper for Dorking Swimming Club with the address of Bathing House, Castle Mill, River Mole, Dorking and the Honorary Secretary as E.L.Sellick of 72 High Street, Dorking, [c.1913?] 1p. | |
SC.R/10/3/7 | Letter from E L Sellick, Honorary Secretary of Dorking Swimming Club, requesting donations towards the club's deficit, 06 Jan 1920, 1p. The reverse has manuscript notes of names, probably of potential donors. | |
SC.R/11 | Records relating to Dorking Town Hall and Market House Company, 1847. 2 items. A market house had been built in the High Street west of the White Horse Inn in the 1590s and contained the town jail and civic offices in the upper storey. By the late 18th century it was in decay and was demolished in the early 1800s. The object of the Company was to erect a new town hall with accommodation for the County Courts, a Corn Exchange and Market House. | |
SC.R/11/1 | Prospectus for the Dorking Town Hall and Market House Company, 09 May 1847, 1p.The prospectus offered 320 shares of £25 each, 1pp. | |
SC.R/11/2 | Form of application for shares in the Dorking Town Hall and Market House Company, 1847, 1p folded. Addressed to the company secretary, Mr John Dendy Sadler of East Street, Dorking on the reverse. | |
SC.R/12 | Documents relating to the Dorking Villa Building Company. [c.1850?]-1946. 17 items | |
SC.R/12 ctd | The company was founded in 1846 to build and then let or sell villas and private houses in the Dorking area and was responsible for the Rose Hill development. It was put into voluntary liquidation in 1946 and the six properties that it owned, numbers 3 _ 8 Rose Hill, Dorking, were sold at auction. The founding directors were Isaac Brown, schoolmaster; James White, auctioneer; Robert Marsh, draper; William Miller, auctioneer and William Thomas Butler, grocer. The first secretary was John Dendy, Sadler of East Street, Dorking. Ernest Sellick was secretary from 1945 just before the company was wound up.For other records of the company see R26. | |
SC.R/12/1 | Blank share certificate for shares in the Dorking Villa Building Company. Marked in manuscript as Specimen share certificate. [c.1850?] | |
SC.R/12/2-7 | Notices of shareholders' meetings with a report of the directors and statement of accounts for the previous half year, Dec 1937, Dec 1942, Dec 1943, Jun 1944, Dec 1944 and Jun 1945, 6 items. Meetings were half yearly and were held in Jun and Dec. | |
SC.R/12/8 | Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held on 05 Oct 1945, proposing the voluntary liquidation of the Company, 04 Sep 1945, 1p. | |
SC.R/12/9 | Circular printed letter to shareholders from F P Down, Secretary of the Company, accompanying the notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting and a form of proxy, 04 Sep 1945, 1p. | |
SC.R/12/10 | Blank form of proxy for voting at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company, 1945,1p. | |
SC.R/12/11 | Notice of a special resolution of the voluntary winding up of the Dorking Villa Building Company, agreed on 05 Oct 1945. 1p. | |
SC.R/12/12 | Booklet of sales particulars for numbers 3 _ 8 Rose Hill, Dorking, to be sold by order of the liquidator of the Dorking Villa Building Company at an auction at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, on 25 Feb 1946, 12pp. Manuscript notes of the prices received and the purchasers for the six lots on the outside back cover. | |
SC.R/12/13 | Circular letter from the liquidator, F P Down with notice of a final meeting of the shareholders of the company and a detachable receipt for settlement of claims, 17 Sep 1946.1p. | |
SC.R/12/14 | Notice of a final general meeting to be held on 30 Oct 1946 and a statement of accounts of the winding up of the company, 17 Sep 1946, 2pp. | |
SC.R/12/15 | Agenda for the general meeting of the company on 30 Oct 1946. Manuscript amendment of item 3 to read that the records of the Company be passed to the Dorking Museum and House of Records after a period of two years, 30 Oct 1946, 1p. | |
SC.R/12/16 | Manuscript list of the names and addresses of the shareholders of the Dorking Villa Building Company, [c.1946?], 1p. | |
SC.R/12/17 | Manuscript notes for a history of the Dorking Villa Building Company written by Ernest Sellick, company chairman from 1945. 2 items [c.1946?] The notes are in a very small and difficult hand. | |
SC.R/13 | Documents relating to the Dorking Water Company and its amalgamation with the East Surrey Water Company, 1958, 3 items. | |
SC.R/13 ctd | The company was first formed in 1859 and amalgamated with the East Surrey Water Company on 01 Jan 1959 following financial problems. For other records relating to the company see: R14, R36/1, R756 and H30. | |
SC.R/13/1 | Draft of the East Surrey Water Order, produced by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, legislating for the amalgamation of the Dorking Water Company with the East Surrey Water Company, to come into force on 01 Jan 1959, 30 Jul 1958, 34pp. | |
SC.R/13/2 | Newspaper cutting, provenance unstated, [Surrey Mirror?] of a Parliamentary Notice on the proposed amalgamation of the Dorking and East Surrey Water companies, 19 Sep 1958, 1p. | |
SC.R/13/3 | Circular letter to shareholders of the Dorking Water Company from F Lewis Crow, Chairman, announcing an Extraordinary General Meeting on 15 Oct 1958 to approve the draft order for amalgamation of the two companies, with a copy of the press notice of the order, 23 Sep 1958, 4pp. | |
SC.R/14 | Documents of the Dorking Sub-Committee for Naval and Military War Pensions, 1916, 3 items. The Secretary was Ernest Sellick. | |
SC.R/14 ctd | As the First World War progressed and huge numbers of servicemen began to return with life-changing physical or psychological damage, the authorities realised that existing arrangements for the payment of military pensions had to be overhauled. In November 1915, the Naval and Military War Pensions Act was passed by which responsibility for pensions for disabled men and their dependants, formerly shared between the Admiralty, Chelsea Hospital and the Army Council, passed to a Statutory Committee of the Royal Patriotic Fund. To assist the work of the Statutory Committee, Local Committees were set up in each county, with Special Sub-Committees at district level. The 25 members of SurreyÍs Local Committee, set up in 1916, included representatives from the County Council, employers, labour, servicemen, the Surrey Territorial Forces Association, Surrey SoldiersÍ and SailorsÍ Families Association and the Surrey SoldiersÍ and SailorsÍ Help Society. At least three members were to be women. The duties of the County Local War Pensions Committee and the District Sub Committees were to supplement, in cases of need, pensions and allowances made from public funds to wives and dependants of servicemen, make grants to widows, make interim payments and so on. They also arranged for the care and the subsequent employment of disabled servicemen and collected public contributions. | |
SC.R/14 ctd | The system was further changed when a Ministry of Pensions was created by Act of Parliament of December 1916. Following this, the Statutory Committee was dissolved as from September 1917, though the Surrey Local Committee continued in existence until, under the War Pensions Act 1921, its functions were transferred to five new district committees appointed by the Minister of Pensions; the new committees took over from December 1922. The five Surrey districts were Aldershot, Farnham and District; Croydon, Godstone and District; Guildford, Reigate and District; Surbiton, Richmond, Chertsey and District; and Wimbledon, Epsom and District. | |
SC.R/14 ctd | Pensions could be awarded ïwhere the disablement... is due to, or aggravated by, military serviceÍ. Awards were no longer to be based on an assessment of a veteran's ability to earn a living wage but were granted according to a standardised schedule. The loss of two or more limbs, for example, entitled a man to a 100% pension, whereas amputation of a leg above the knee was assessed at 60% and below the knee at 50%. Pension Boards also endeavoured to distinguish between mental disorders entirely due to war service (termed ïattributedÍ) and those (Source: http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/36767/Part-9-War-Pensions-and-Postwar-Relief-for-Veterans.pdf accessed Jan 2016) | |
SC.R/14/1 | Circular letter from E L Sellick, Temporary Secretary, announcing that the Sub-Committee is to take over the duties of the SoldiersÍ and SailorsÍ Families Association and of the SoldiersÍ and SailorsÍ Help Society, Dec 1916, 1p. | |
SC.R/14/2 | Typescript list of names and addresses of members of the Naval and Military War Pensions Committee. [c.1916?], 1p with some manuscript amendments. | |
SC.R/14/3 | Blank headed letter paper for the Naval and Military War Pensions Act, 1915, Dorking Sub-Committee. Secretary: E L Sellick of 72 High Street, Dorking [c.1916?],1p. | |
SC.R/15 | Photostat of the minute and account book for the Beare Green Prosecuting Society for the period 1823-1890, 78pp. It is not known whether Ernest Sellick had any official connection with the Society. The records may have been added to the collection by his friend R F Philpott who deposited SellickÍs records with Dorking Museum in 1976. The copies probably date from the 1950s. | |
SC.R/15 ctd | Pages 1-40 contain the minutes of the Committee and Annual Meetings of the Society held at the DukeÍs Head, Beare Green from 21 Feb 1825 to 07 Jun 1889. They give details of offences and of individuals who the Society decided to prosecute and the expenses involved. There were usually one or two meetings a year. The minutes of the annual meeting for the 04 Jun 1889 gives a listing of the current committee members with a similar list for 1890. Pages 41-78 show accounts, receipts and payments. The receipts include subscriptions paid for the ñentryî of members while the payments include the cost of printing bills, announcing thefts, rewards for information or for the apprehension of thieves and the cost of prosecuting etc. The original volume is in the Surrey History Centre ref 69/1/1/ See also R55 and R409 | |
SC.R/15 ctd | Administrative History: Until the creation of police forces in the mid nineteenth century, law and order was in the main the responsibility of elected parish constables. Costs of prosecution, including the cost of bringing witnesses to court, had to be borne by the complainant or by the constable. Towards the end of the eighteenth century therefore, the propertied classes formed co-operative associations to cover the costs of providing and advertising rewards for the apprehension of criminals and for the costs of bringing cases to court. The Beare Green Society was one such association. It was established in June 1779 and met at the DukeÍs Head Inn at Beare Green with a membership covering a wide social spectrum. This included anyone who had property liable to theft in a wide area from Dorking in the north to Horsham in the south and from Shere in the west to Charlwood in the east. A small police force was formed in Dorking in 1838 and the Surrey Constabulary was established in 1851. This must have reduced the demands on the SocietyÍs funds but its activities nevertheless continued until 1930. (Source: material drawn up by Brian Overell in 1995 (see R409)). | |
SC.R/15 ctd | Records relating to Box Hill, 1923-1955, 13 items. The records comprise those connected with public appeals to enable the purchase of additional land in order to ensure its preservation, 1923-1935; correspondence with the warden of Juniper Hall Field Centre relating to the publication of a booklet on Box Hill, 1951; and copies of the schedule to the Betchworth Castle estate survey of 1801 used in 1948 by the National TrustÍs Box Hill Management Committee. The records were collected by Ernest Sellick in his capacity as Secretary of the Box Hill Management Committee in the 1920s. | |
SC.R/15 ctd | In the early 1900s Deepdene Estate began to offer part of Box Hill for sale for use as building plots. Leopold Salomans of Norbury Park then stepped in and bought 230 acres of the hill and gave it to the National Trust in 1914. Further purchases were made, some through public appeals, notably those of 1923 and 1935, and by the mid 1980s the National Trust's estate comprised some 1,200 acres. (Source: Mickleham Parish Magazine, Nov 2014). | |
SCR/16/1 | Cutting of an article from "Country Life" magazine entitled ïBox Hill: a cityÍs paradise: Country LifeÍs appeal to save 248 acres of land," written by P A G., 27 Jan 1923, 4pp, illus. The land was then owned by Lord Francis Hope and was described as "ripe for development." | |
SC.R/16/2 | Cutting of an article from "Country Life" magazine - ïA first list of contributions to the Box Hill Fund,' 03 Feb 1923, 1p. | |
SC.R/16/3 | Poster requesting public subscriptions "to save Box Hill," [c.1923?], 1p. The funds were to go to the "Box Hill Fund" at 20 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2. | |
SC.R/16/4 | Map of Box Hill, showing the National Trust property including the 248 acres acquired as a result of the 1923 appeal. Scale: 13 ins to the mile. [c.1924?], 1 sheet. | |
SC.R/16/5 | Booklet of 'Bye-Laws for the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty,' published by the National Trust, 1927, 16pp. Several sections have been underlined and annotated. | |
SC.R/16/6 | Published article from "Country Life" magazine - ïBox Hill threatened: an appeal to save a famous viewÍ, written by the Box Hill Management Committee, 23 Feb 1935. This was an appeal to acquire the Burford Lodge Estate offered for sale by the trustees of the late Sir William Lawrence with the aim of preserving the view from the top of the hill down into the Mole valley. | |
SC.R/16/7 | Map of Box Hill, White Hill and Cockshot Wood, showing the 653 acres of land owned by the National Trust. Scale of 6 inches to the mile. [c.1920s?]. Based on an Ordnance Survey map and published by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, London, [c.1925?], 1 sheet. Scale: 6 ins to 1 mile. | |
SC.R/16/8 | Correspondence and notes in connection with Ernest Sellick's contribution to a booklet on Box Hill to be published by the Friends of Box Hill, 1951, 3 items. | |
SC.R/16/8/1 | Manuscript letter to Ernest Sellick from G E Hutchings, the Warden of Juniper Hall Field Centre, asking for corrections or additions to the proposed Box Hill booklet, 08 May 1951, 1p. | |
SC.R/16/8/2 | Typescript letter to Ernest Sellick from G E Hutchings, the Warden of Juniper Hall Field Centre, acknowledging SellickÍs contributions, 01 May 1951, 1p. | |
SC.R/16/8/3 | Manuscript notes by Ernest Sellick, on Major Peter Labilliere, (1725-1780), the Dorking eccentric who was buried upside down on Boxhill, [c.1951?], 1p. | |
SC.R/16/9 | File containing two copies of the schedule to the Betchworth Castle estate survey of 1801, together with a note that the survey map and letters had been sent by Major Heyder to Brian Hope Taylor on 03 May 1955. One copy of the schedule is dated 18 Apr 1948 and is stamped "Box Hill Management Committee," the other is typescript, [c.1948?] The schedules show names and areas of premises, names of occupiers and the corresponding numbers on the plan. | |
SC.R/16/17 | Pro-forma notice issued by the Steward not to damage or encroach on the common or wasteland of the manor of Bramley, [c.late 19th century?], 1p. | |
SC.R/18 | Lease of Thorncroft Farm Leatherhead by the Warden and Scholars of Merton College, Oxford, to Amos Charles Loxley, farmer of Thorncroft farm, 01 May 1885, 8pp. | |
SC.R/19 | Documents relating to Mickleham footpaths and rights of way, 1902, 2 items. Mickleham Footpaths and Rights of Way Committee was appointed by the Parish Council on 23 Oct 1900 ñto delineate upon a map, the public footpaths, bridle roads, and rights of way in the parish.î | |
SC.R/19/1 | Report of the Mickleham Footpaths and Rights-of-way Committee, presented to Mickleham Parish Council, Jan 1902, 12pp. The report lists the footpaths, bridle roads and occupation roads in the parish of Mickleham. Typescript. | |
SC.R/19/2 | Map, showing in colour the parish boundary, roads, bridle paths and footpaths. Scale: 6 ins to one mile. [c.1902?]. Drawn on Ordnance Survey sheets Surrey XXV NE & NW, 2nd edn, 1897. | |
SC.R/20 | Documents relating to the Mole Valley Drainage Board and District. 1915-[c.1920s?]. 3 items. The River Mole Drainage Board was established by an order of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries on 20 Nov 1919 for a district which included several Surrey parishes including Betchworth, Dorking, Dorking Rural, and Mickleham. (Surrey Mirror 19 Dec 1919). | |
SC.R/20/1 | Draft of an order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, under the Land Drainage Act, 1918, for alteration of the boundaries of the River Mole Drainage District, 1922, 4pp. | |
SC.R/20/2 | Hand drawn map showing the area of the River Mole Drainage District. [c.1920s?], 1p. | |
SC.R/20/3 | A note on the history and geography of the River Mole and a report on the decision of a Conference of Adjoining District Councils held in Jun>? 1915. The decision recorded was that the engineers of the councils of Esher and The Dittons, East and West Molesey, and Walton-on-Thames should report on the works necessary to remove causes of flooding. [c.1915?], 1p. Typescript. | |
SC.R/21 | A printed booklet entitled: A charge given at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Surrey holden at Dorking on Tuesday the 5th day of April, 1692. The text consists of a ïchargeÍ or direction delivered to the jury, on the benefits and virtues of a society ruled by law and the types of lawless or uncivil behaviour that may undermine society. A twentieth century manuscript note on the front cover of the booklet reads: ñNB. Hugh Hare, the legal gentleman who delivered the above charge resided at Betchworth. The above Quarter Sessions were held at the Red Lion Hotel,î 84pp. | |
SC.R/22 | Yearbooks for the Surrey Quarter Sessions for 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1936, 4 items. The contents include the names of the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, county officials, magistrates, Justices of the Peace, chairmen of the County Licensing Committees and the Visiting Committees of prisons, lay assessors, Justices of the Petty Quarter Sessions and coroners. The 1936 edition also listed the prisons to which different categories of prisoners were to be committed, with a list of the High Sheriffs since 1888, a list of the Deputy Lieutenants and of the chairmen and deputy chairmen of the Quarter Sessions. | |
SC.R/23 | Records of Special Constables appointed at the Petty Sessions for Dorking Division, Aug 1914-Mar 1915, 5 items. | |
SC.R/23 ctd | In 1911, the Home Office issued a circular asking every Police District to hold a register of persons whose services could be called upon if a serious emergency arose. The suggested structure consisted of a First Police Reserve of police or army trained constables, and a Second Police Reserve of volunteer special constables. Nothing more of this directive was heard of until November 1914, when the outbreak of war inspired the enrolment of 2000 special constables in the Surrey Constabulary area. They were provided with uniforms, armlets and truncheons, and apparently gave valuable service throughout the First World War. In 1919 they were stood down but allowed to keep their truncheons. (Source: Robert Bartlett - The Working Life of the Surrey Constabulary 1851-1992. Open University, 2016) | |
SC.R/23/1 | A list of special constables appointed at the Petty Sessions for Dorking for 13, 15, 17, and 21 Aug 1914; 1914. The names are entered in manuscript on printed forms, 3pp. | |
SC.R/23/2 | A list of special constables appointed at the Petty Sessions for Dorking on 19 Nov 1914; 1914,1p. Manuscript. | |
SC.R/23/3 | A list of special constables for Dorking, Capel, Ockley, Dorking Rural and Mickleham appointed at the Petty Sessions for Dorking on 21 Nov 1914;1914, 1p. Manuscript. | |
SC.R/23/4 | A list of special county constables and special constables for Dorking and Mickleham appointed at the Petty Sessions for Dorking on 02 Jan 1915 and 06 Mar 1915; 1915, 1p. Manuscript. | |
SC.R/23/5 | A list of special constables for the parishes of Dorking, Dorking Rural, Abinger, Mickleham, Newdigate, Ockley, Capel, Wotton and Holmwood. [c.1915?], 16pp. Manuscript. A manuscript addendum reads: (Defence of the Realm only).The name of E L Sellick appears in the list as a special constable for Dorking. | |
SC.R/24 | Correspondence received by Dorking Magistrates Court, mainly concerned with the payment of fines and other small matters connected with the court, 1906-1925. 1 file | |
SC.R/24/1 | A letter from ToBill, of Cox Corner near Ockley, stating that four shillings had been paid to the School Board, following a letter from Fuller, the School Officer. [c.1900s?], 1p. Manuscript. | |
SC.R/24/2 | A letter from John Tapsell of Wellpoules, Charlwood, Horley. [c.1900s?] 1p. Manuscript. The letter-writer apologised for the presence of his cattle ïthereÍ. He explains that this was an accident caused by his pony jumping the hedge when he was taking his heifers to some waste ground. | |
SC.R/24/3 | A letter from William Crawford Mayer (or Major) to ñMr Inspector of Police, Dorkingî. 06 May 1906, 1p.The letter-writer complains that he had been set on by ñ20 Lades courdelay Ruffins, blong to the town of Dorkingî as he was coming through the ñParkî. The letter is headed ñI am his Majesty Mayer (or Major) Wm. Crawford) and is ill-spelt. Accompanied by an envelope addressed to ñHis Worship the Majestarete Dorking Town Hall Surryî, postmarked from Betchworth, Manuscript | |
SC.R/24/4 | Records relating to a charge against George Kelsey of Dorking, 25 Feb 1908, 2 items. | |
SC.R/24/4/1 | Summons to George Kelsey of the Jolly Butcher, Dene Street, Dorking, to appear at Dorking Police Court to answer a charge laid by his wife, Harriet Kelsey of aggravated assault, 25 Feb 1908, 1p. | |
SC.R/24/4/2 | A letter from Harriet Kelsey, saying that she has forgiven her husband, on condition that he never loses his temper or strikes her again. The letter is signed by Harriet Kelsey and Geo Kelsey. 25 Feb 1908, 1p. Manuscript. | |
SC.R/24/5 | Recognisance for Ernest Letts Sellick of Dorking, clerk, to appear at the Assize Court for the County of Surrey at Guildford, on 26 Nov 1908, to give evidence against John James Fairbrother on the charge of murder, 09 Oct 1908, 1p. | |
SC.R/24/6 | A letter from Harry Humphries alias Thompson, of 16 Dane Street, Bedford, about his marital troubles. 04 Nov 1908, 4pp, manuscript. He explains that he formerly lived in Dorking but following a prison sentence for assaulting his wife, he set up a business in Bedford selling potatoes. Allegedly incited by her parents, his wife had left him and returned to Holmwood with their children. He states that he is willing to have the children back. | |
SC.R/24/7 | Records relating to an application for exemption from a dog licence in the name of George Laker of Abinger, 1909, 3 items. | |
SC.R/24/7/1 | An application form claiming exemption from a dog licence for a sheepdog, under Section 5 of the Dogs Act 1906, partially completed by George Laker, farmer, of Hoopwick Farm, Abinger. 09 Feb 1909, 1p.The form has not been counter-signed by the Clerk of the Petty Sessional Court. | |
SC.R/24/7/2-3 | A compliments card from William J Down (Clerk of the Court) instructing the applicant where to sign, accompanied by its envelope. 01 Mar 1909. | |
SC.R/24/8 | Manuscript letter from Thomas Smart of 20 Hemans Street, Wandsworth Road, London SW to The Magistrates Clerk, Dorking, 21 Oct 1909, 4pp. He states that he is enclosing a postal order for the 7s.6d. which the clerk had lent to him and asks that the Registrar, Royal Fleet Reserve, Eastney Barracks, Porstmouth be informed. He also says that when he presented himself for drill, he was found to be unfit for further service, which was ñvery sad after 17 years service and to get nothing out of itî. | |
SC.R/24/9 | A letter from Annie M Avenell, asking recipient not to ñpost to Mr Avenell as she has just received of himî. 08 May 1910, 1p. Accompanied by an envelope addressed to ñThe Counsler of the Bench, Police Court, Dorking, Surrey.î 2 items. | |
SC.R/24/10 | Manuscript letter from F Ford of Stonebridge, Dorking who states that ñI am writing for the situations for to look after the Capel suwer works work at the Dorking brick works nearly 6 years,î 13 Feb 1913, 1p. | |
C.R/24/11 | Manuscript letter from Beatrice Elson of 69 Orchard Road, Dorking who complains that Daisy Wilkinson of 63 Orchard Road Dorking used insulting language towards her daughter and asks to have it stopped, 27 Jul 1923, 1p. | |
SC.R/24/12 | A letter from W R Croydon of Yew Tree Lodge, Effingham, enclosing a 5s postal order in connection with a summons issued against him, 06 Mar 1925, 1p; together with the original envelope addressed to Mr Down, Magistrate Clerks Office, Dorking, 2 items. | |
SC.R/25 | Records of the Philps family of Dorking, 1767-1950s. 1 file. The Philps family were originally yeomen in the 16th century and later became well known tradesmen in Dorking from the 18th to the early 20th century. The records relate mostly to Thomas Philps, (1758-1835), a woolstapler and fellmonger and his descendants. Provenance: Ernest Sellick deposited the majority of the Philps family papers with the Surrey Record Office in 1950. At one time the family had extensive property in the area and the records deposited in 1950 were mainly land and property records. These were passed to Sellick by Miss Clara Philps (1859-1949) who was then the last surviving member of the family still living in Dorking. The papers deposited here are more of a personal nature. For other records relating to the family: See: SC.C/4; SC.H/2; SC.H/20; R8;R19 ;R657; H3; H269; H307; S192; S491; S741; S132; S1331; S1508; and S1520. | |
SC.R/25/1 | A copybook writing exercise in the form of a poem copied by Thomas Philps, 18 Dec 1767, 1p. A repair has been made by pasting on to an old newspaper dated c.1812. | |
SC.R/25/2 | "Fameley Account Book" kept by Thomas Philps, (1758-1836), woolstapler and tailor of Dorking, 1817-1834, 24pp. It records gifts and loans of money or property to his children John, James, Richard Wix, Sarah and Robert. The back of the notebook also records annuities and stocks, 1817-1834, and dividends received, 1829 _ 1834. On the first page is inscribed: "This is a memoranda book, of what I have Given my Children that it may be made Equal to all of them what I give them.î The book is specifically referred to in Thomas's will proved by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in 1836 (National Archives PROB 11/1867) | |
SC.R/25/3 | Contemporary copy of a page from the marriage registers of St Botophs, Bishopsgate, London, recording the marriage by licence of Thomas Philps, widower of the parish of Dorking, and Eunice Edmonds, spinster of the parish of St Botolph's, Bishopsgate, 23 Nov 1830. Thomas is the person referred to in SC.R/25/2 above. | |
SC.R/25/4 | Manuscript pages with the title "The Perambulation of Dorking Parish 1831." 13pp. This relates to the custom of beating the bounds of the parish and gives a detailed route of a perambulation made over three days from 27 Sep 1831. They are not signed or attributed but are reputedly by J. Philps, who was churchwarden of St Martin's, Dorking in the same year. They were originally kept in an envelope with the words "grandfather's perambulations 1831" and the name of Miss Philps. This was Clara Philps, who was the grand daughter of John Philps (1786-1864), a tailor and woolstapler of the High Street, Dorking. | |
SC.R/25/4/2 | Envelope originally containing the papers referred to in SC.R/25/4. [c.20th century?]. | |
SC.R/25/4/3 | Typescript pages containing a transcript of the papers in SC.R/25/4., Oct 1994, 4pp. | |
SC.R/25/5/2 | Letter from E G Tarrant of Dorking to Miss [Clara] Philps on the subject of the place names "Fruens" and the "Pray bridge" near Fredley meadows at Mickleham, [c.1940s?], 2pp. | |
SC.R/25/5/3 | Notes written by E G Tarrant suggesting the origins of the names Pray Meadow and Fruance. [c.1940s?], 2pp. | |
SC.R/25/6 | A bill from James Cheeseman, brewer and maltster of South Street, Dorking, to the representatives of the late Mr Thomas Philps for ale supplied on 23 Apr 1836 and 10 May 1836, and receipted on 13 Jan 1837, 1p. | |
SC.R/25/7 | Itemised bill from John Niblett, [undertaker] of Dorking to the executors of Thomas Philps for funeral expenses, Jul 1836, together with a receipt for the same of 06 Dec 1836. 2 items. | |
SC.R/25/8 | Bill issued by Robert Best Ede, bookseller, printer & stationer of Dorking, to the executors of the late Thomas Philps for inserting a notice of death in the "Morning Chronicle and County Herald," 07 Jul 1836 and receipted 03 Feb 1837. | |
SC.R/25/9 | Manuscript notebook containing the accounts of John Philps and Richard Wix Philps, the sons and executors of the late Thomas Philps, 1836-1837, 44pp. Only the first 12 pages have been used. | |
SC.R/25/10 | Printed sale catalogue of the household goods and furniture of the late Thomas Philps to be sold on the premises by Fuller and Miller of High Street, Dorking, 17 Feb 1837, 10pp. The premises were not named but the contents are described room by room. Amendments inserted by hand show the prices fetched for the different lots. | |
SC.R/25/11 | Inventory of the goods taken by Mrs Eunice Philps for her own use according to the will of Mr Thomas Philps, 28 Jan 1842, 4pp. Eunice Philps was the widow of Thomas Philps and the document is signed by her. | |
SC.R/25/12 | Sale particulars and conditions of sale of the copyhold estate of the White Hart Public House together with three tenements in Chergate Lane, (now Dene Street), Dorking, for sale by auction by James White at the Wheatsheaf Inn, 16 Nov 1849, 4pp. The description notes that the property includes a tailor's shop and as several members of the Philps family were tailors there was probably a connection. A manuscript note on the front cover indicates that the property was sold to a Mr Rolls, brewer of Kingston for £600. | |
SC.R/25/13 | Copy of the London Gazette of 14 Mar 1854 with a note on p. 845 of the dissolution of partnership of Knowles Thomas Joyes and John Philps, tailors of Dorking, as from 31 December 1853, 34pp. The pages are spine sewn but are out of order. | |
SC.R/25/14 | Marriage licence for Walter Philps, bachelor and Fanny Webster Latter, spinster both of the parish of Dorking issued 06 Oct 1855 with an official date stamp of 25 Oct 1855 and a paper seal of the Office of Faculties, Doctors Commons attached, 1p. The marriage took place at St Martin's, Dorking on 10 Nov 1855. (Source: parish registers) | |
SC.R/25/15 | Certificate for the burial of James Philps, woolstapler, aged 70 of Drake Street, Rochdale in Rochdale cemetery, Lancs, 14 Jul 1858, 1p. James Philps was baptised in Dorking in 1788 and was the son of Thomas Philps (1758-1836) also a woolstapler. | |
SC.R/25/16 | Manuscript note recording information from a certificate of burial for Richard Wix Philps aged 66 in the parish of All Saints, Hastings on 07 Dec 1857, 1p. The page is dated 1858 and is a copy of one supplied to a Mr Austin of Golden Square, London. | |
SC.R/25/17 | General Register Office's certified death certificate for John Philps, tailor, of High Street, Dorking, on 21 March 1864, aged 77 years. The copy is dated 11 Apr 1864, 1p. | |
SC.R/25/18 | Certificate issued by Dorking Burial Board for the grant of grave space no. 2338 in consecrated ground to Walter Philps, tailor, of Dorking, 09 Nov 1865, 1p | |
SC.R/25/19 | Manuscript transcript in pencil from J. Edwards -"The Companion from London to Brighthelmstone," pub. 1801, p.53, relating the story of "The Wheatsheaf Hog," [c.1950s?], During the 18th century Thomas Philps (d.1780) who kept the Wheatsheaf Inn in the High Street, was known for rearing extremely large and record breaking pigs. One of them was apparently stuffed and kept at the Wheatsheaf Inn. The note was probably copied by Ernest Sellick in connection with a short note on the subject which was published under his name in Vol LI of Surrey Archaeolgical Collections in 1951. | |
SC.R/25/20 | Typescript note written by Ernest Sellick with the title "A 1792 Bequest - The Wheatsheaf Hog," [c.1950?], 1p. It refers to the bequest made by Sarah Philps (d.1795) in her will written in 1792 of the large stuffed hog reared by her husband Thomas Philps (d.1780). A note also written by Ernest Sellick with the same title was published in Vol LI of the Surrey Achaeological Collections in 1951. | |
SC.R/25/21 | A pencil note witten by C P [Clara Philps} referring the Philps family papers to Ernest Sellick and then to Dorking Museum, [c.1940s?], 1p. | |
SC.R/26 | Probate inventory of the goods, chattels and credits of Henry Napper, late of Dorking, apothecary, appraised 19 Mar 1700/1701. Signed by Master Waller, procuator for the executrix, 18 Jun 1701, 1p. The will of Henry Napper was proved by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 21 May 1701. (National Archives PROB 11/460). | |
SC.R/27 | Apprenticeship indenture of Thomas Brown, son of James Brown of Dorking, weaver, to Jonathan Pullen of Dorking, baker, to serve from 26 April 1758 for 7 years, 1760, 1p. | |
SC.R/28 | Contemporary copy of an entry from the marriage registers of the parish of St Giles without Cripplegate, London recording the marriage of Alexander Forchion, widower and Jane Elliott, spinster, both of St Giles without Cripplegate on 14 Apr 1816, 1p. | |
SC.R/29 | Letter from J Williams of 8, Belgrave Square, London to Mr R Bartlett, iron founder of Dorking asking that the construction of a fence at his Brockham property should be completed and complaining that 'the workmen hang about the place and spin out their time,' 06 May 1842, 4pp. The letter carries a stamp on the reverse and is postmarked Knightsbridge 07 May 1842. Mr Bartlett was the proprietor of the Dorking Foundry, now the Dorking Museum. | |
SC.R/30 | A letter from Thomas Hudson of Bysh Court to James White of Dorking regarding a valuation of ash timber and ash poles, 18 May 1844 with a reply endorsed of 21 Mar 1844 accepting the proposal and terms to purchase 226 ash trees and 225 ash poles at Horsted Keynes, Sussex, 4pp. Postmarked East Grinstead 19 Mar 1844 and Dorking 21 Mar 1844. | |
SC.R/31 | Bills and receipts of the Rt. Hon. Peter Campbell Scarlett for household and estate expenses, 1852-1854, 1 file. | |
SC.R/31 ctd | Peter Campbell Scarlett (1804-1881) was the youngest child of James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger. He pursued a career as a diplomat and was appointed as Deputy Lieutenant for Surrey in 1856. The property of Parkhurst at Abinger Common was left to his wife in 1847 and it was here that he died in 1881. Many of the bills and receipts therefore relate to work done at Parkhurst. (Sources: Victoria County History of Surrey, Vol. 3, 1911 and national probate indexes) | |
SC.R/31/1 | A bill from Charles Harris for various items of ironmongery supplied between 1852 and 1853, receipted 27 Jan 1854, 2pp. | |
SC.R/31/2 | A bill from T Evershed for various items of animal fodder, supplied during 1853, 31 receipted 31 Jan 1854, 2pp. | |
SC.R/31/3 | Bill from Thomas Spencer for hurdle, cupboard lock, carpenter's bench saw, linseed oil, turpentine, paint etc supplied during 1853 and receipted 25 Jan 1854. | |
SC.R/31/4 | A bill from Henry Worsfold for cartage of mould at Parkhurst during Apr 1853. The account was paid by Messrs Smallpiece & Down and receipted by Henry Worsfold who made his mark, 01 Dec 1853, 1p. | |
SC.R/31/5 | A bill from James Mansbridge for loads of straw supplied between 1853 and 1854. Receipted 27 Jan 1854, 1p. | |
SC.R/31/6-8 | Three receipts for the payment of the Dorking Union poor rate for the parish of Abinger. One is undated, [c.1853?] and the others are for the 15 Sep 1853 and 09 Jan 1854. | |
SC.R/31/9 | Receipt signed by P Muggeridge for payment of the Highway rate, 03 Nov 1853, 1p. | |
SC.R/31/10 | Bill from M Muggeridge for carting poles from the warren, drawing timber, carting straw and hay etc between 12 Jan and 06 Aug 1853.Receipted by Martha Muggeridge who made her mark 10 Nov 1854, 1p. | |
SC.R/31/11 | Receipt from Charles Carter for payments made to William King, Edward Hazeltine, William Hook and Henry Child for cart and for labour. Receipted by Charles Clark who made his mark, 27 Oct 1853, 1p. | |
SC.R/31/12 | Bill for labour supplied by William Hook, Henry Child, .. Gad and Charles Carter during October and November 1853. Receipted by Charles Carter who made his mark, 25 Nov 1853. | |
SC.R/31/13 | Bills for labour supplied by William Hook and ƒ. Carter during Nov and Dec 1853. Receipted by Charles Carter who made his mark, 05 Jan 1854, 1 p. | |
SC.R/32 | Receipts for rates paid by John Brewer for properties in London, 1887-1888, 3 items. | |
SC.R/32/1-2 | Two receipts for rates paid by John Brewer to the parish of St Mary, Battersea, Ward No 2, London, 02 Sep 1887 and 10 Feb 1888. | |
SC.R/32/3 | Receipt for two quarters water rate paid to Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company by John Brewer on the property of 1 Kasalla Road, 06 Feb 1888, 1p. | |
SC.R/33 | Small catalogue or brochure issued by Pearson, Cole & Shorland, auctioneers, house, land & estate agents, surveyors and valuers of High Street, Dorking. Lists freehold houses for sale, properties to let unfurnished, business premises for disposal, and building land for sale. Contains map of the town and local illustrations. [c.1930s?] | |
SC.R/34 | DepositorÍs book for Dorking Savings Bank belonging to John Chart, ñson of James Chart, servant to Messrs Bothwell of Dorking, limeburnersî; entries made between 1858 and 1859. Contains rules and regulations for management as agreed on 05 Nov 1844; with list of office holders 9pp text; 1p with ms entry and 7pp. blank. The address of the bank was at Messrs Hart & HartÍs, East Street | |
SC.R/35 | Magazine of the Westminster Bank staff, ñThe Westminster,î Vol. LV No 1, Dec 1961. 67pp, illustrated. pp 6-13 have an article on "Country Branches: Dorking." | |
SCR/36 | Printed listings of registers of electors for the Western Division of Surrey, 1847-1932, 2 files. | |
SC.R/36/1/1 | Printed listing: ñList of persons entitled to vote in the election of a Knight or Knights of the Shire for the Western Division of Surrey in respect of property situate within the parish of Dorking, 23 Jul 1847, 8pp. Signed by four of the overseers of the poor. Lists name, place of abode, and nature of qualification. | |
SC.R/36/1/2 | Printed listing: ñThe register of the electors for the polling district of Dorking comprising the parishes of Abinger, Capel, Dorking, Mickleham, Newdigate, Ockley and Wotton, in the Western division of the County of Surrey, 1856, 22p. | |
SC.R/36/2 | Printed listings of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division, 1932, 12 items. | |
SC.R/36/2/1 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: the polling district of Abinger (A) _ Parish of Abinger (North Ward) in the County Electoral Division of Capel, 15 Oct 1932, 12pp. | |
SC.R/36/2/2 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Abinger (A) _ Parish of Wotton (Outside Coldharbour), in the County Electoral Division of Capel, 6pp | |
SC.R/36/2/3 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Ockley (B). Parish of Abinger (South Ward) in the County Electoral Division of Capel, 11p. | |
SC.R/36/2/4 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Ockley(B), Parish of Ockley in the County Electoral Division of Capel. 10pp. | |
SC.R/36/2/5 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division:polling District of Ockley (B). Parish of Wotton (within Coldharbour) in the County Electoral Division of Capel, 4pp | |
SC.R/36/2/6 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Holmwood No. 1 (C). Parish of Dorking Rural (Holmwood Ward No. 1) in the County Electoral Division of Dorking Rural, 25pp. | |
SC.R/36/2/7 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Holmwood No 2 (D). Parish of Dorking Rural (Holmwood Ward No. 2) in the County Electoral Division of Dorking Rural, 4pp. | |
SC.R/36/2/8 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Mickleham (E). Parish of Mickleham in the County Electoral Division of Dorking Rural,12pp. | |
SC.R/36/2/9 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Newdigate (F). Parish of Newdigate in the County Electoral Division of Capel. 13pp | |
SC.R/36/2/10 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: Polling District of Capel (G). Parish of Capel in the County Electoral Division of Capel, 25pp. | |
SC.R/36/2/11 | Register of electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division: polling District of Effingham (H). Parish of Effingham in the County Electoral Division of Dorking Rural, 14pp | |
SC.R/36/2/12 | Register of Electors for the Reigate Parliamentary Division; polling District of Dorking (T). Parish of Dorking Rural (Westcott Ward) in the County Electoral Division of Dorking Rural, 33pp. | |
SC.R/37 | Set of draft notes compiled by W J Beetham Wilson on ñDorking during the 1914-1918 War,î [c.1920?], with photographs taken from newspapers and magazines for use as illustrations. 2 files. | |
SC.R/37 ctd | The author was a Dorking chemist and a member of Dorking Urban District Council. The notes were probably intended to form the basis for a small publication on the subject | |
SCR/37/1/1 | Typescript draft of notes on foolscap sheets by W J Beethan Wilson which includes the following subjects: Departure of the Territorials; Recruiting Committee; Emergency Committee for the Relief of Distress; Defence of the Realm Emergency Measures; Soldiers and Sailors Families Association; Special Constables; Troops in Dorking; The Dorking Branch of the British red Cross Society; Surrey Guides; and Dorking War Savings Committee. | |
SC.R/37/1/2 | Typescript draft of notes on foolscap sheets by W J Beetham Wilson which includes the following subjects: Food Economy; Coal Committee; War Agricultural Committee; Woman's Work; National Savings Committee; Remembrance Day; Belgian Relief Committee which includes the official report and statement of accounts for the Dorking Belgian Relief Committee, 1916; Alien Invasion of Dorking (referring to air raids); Flag Day Committee; War Hospital Supply Depot; Waste Paper Depot; Anstie Grange Hospital; Boy Scouts; Technical Education; St Martin's Soldiers Club; What the Churches Did; Spy Scares; Reducing Lighting; H.M.S. "Dorking;" the Armistice and After; Victoria Cross; German Prisoners of War," and Peace Celebration; c.1919. | |
SC.R/37/2 | Illustrations taken from newspapers and magazines in connection with W J Beetham Wilson's notes on "Dorking during the 1914-1918 war, 25 items. These include photos which are unidentified; 9 illustrations of regimental cap badges; and odd cartoons from unknown publications. | |
SC.R/37/2/1 | Photo of HMS Dorking, [c.1918?], 3.25 x 1.75î | |
SC.R/37/2/2 | Photo showing a group of people at unknown location, [c.1918?]. Endorsed L/C C S Robertson VC, MM with some members of the Committee. Left to right: E R Wells, C. Walker, L/C Robertson; A W Sherlock; H W Trimon[?], C. Walker, and M Robertson Snr. | |
SC.R/37/2/3 | Photo of Dr Hugh T Blakeney, [c.1918?] | |
SC.R/37/2/4 | Photo of Mr F H Harding, JP, Chairman of the Food Control Committee, [c.1918?] | |
SC.R/37/2/5 | Photo of Mr W Easton-How JP, [c.1918?] .Chairman of the Urban District Council, 1913-1917; and Executive Officer of the Food Control Committee. | |
SC.R/37/2/6 | Photo of a scout rally at Denbies 1919 with Lord Ashcombe and General Sir E Elles, [c.1918?], 3.25 x 2.25î | |
SC.R/38 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine, 1903-1908, 8 items. They contained short articles on aspects of local history, local events, current affairs and natural history in the parish and surrounding area. | |
SC.R/38/1 | Supplementary number for Aug 1903. No 3., 24pp | |
SC.R/38/2 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine, No 7, Jul 1904, 18pp. | |
SC.R/38/3 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine, No. 10, Apr 1905, 18pp. | |
SC.R/38/4 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine, No. 13, Jul 1907, pp.41-56 | |
SC.R/38/5 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine No 14, Oct 1907, pp 59-77. | |
SC.R/38/6 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine No 15, Jan 1908, pp. 79-99. | |
SC.R/38/7 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine No 16, Apr 1908, pp. 100-126. | |
SC.R/38/8 | Wotton Quarterly Magazine No 17 Jul 1908, pp. 127-144. | |
SC.R/39 | Typescript transcript of a "Survey of the Manor of Dorking with Capel" originally made by William Forster in 1649 and copied in 1753 by Joseph Connor for Charles Howard, lord of the manor. Typescript copy made for the late Dr Wilfrid Hooper; 143 pp (from the original in Surrey Record office 196/2/2) | |
SC.R/40 | Volumes of typescript transcripts of Dorking Parish Registers, with indexes to surnames and places, [c.1948-1949?], 9 items. Bound with soft covers and stamped with the name and address of Dr Wilfrid Hooper of Redhill. | |
SC.R/40/1 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Baptisms 1538 to 1646 and Marriages 1539-1646, 214pp. | |
SC.R/40/2 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Baptisms 1647-1684 and Marriages 1647-1683, 97pp. | |
SC.R/40/3 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Burials 1538-1683, 196pp. | |
SC.R/40/4 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Book 3 of the original. Baptisms 1684-1718; marriages 1684-1718; and Burials 1684-1718, 138pp. | |
SC.R/40/5 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Baptisms 1719-1770; Marriages 1719-1738 and Burials 1719-1739, 137pp. | |
SC.R/40/6 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Baptisms 1770-1783 and Burials from 1739-1785. Copied July 1947. 134pp. | |
SC.R/40/7 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Marriages 1739-1754 and 1754-1802. Copied by L N B,1949 | |
SC.R/40/8 | Typescript transcript of the Registers for the Parish of Dorking. Baptisms for Jul 1785-Dec 1812 and Burials for Oct 1785 _Dec 1812, 206pp. ñCopied by L N B from original register, 1948.î | |
SC.R/40/9 | Copy of a typescript index to surnames in Dorking Parish Registers which includes christenings for 1538-1646 and marriages for 1539-1646. | |
SC.R/41 | Typescript transcript of the Governor's Daily Record Book of the Board of Guardians for the Dorking Union,1836-1840, [c.1940s?], 144pp. | |
SCS | Records of property sale notices and sale particulars, some with plans of property and goods, in Dorking and the surrounding area. Arranged chronologically according to area, 1811-1974, 2 boxes. | |
SCS1 | Poster advertising freehold land for building to be sold by auction by Mr Robins of Warwick Street, Golden Square, London, 25 Mar 1816. The lots include a freehold estate in South Street, Dorking; land adjoining the turnpike road to Horsham then used as a timber yard in the occupation of Mr Stent; and materials of a house in South Street, Dorking. | |
SCS2 | Poster advertising the sale of livestock and farming equipment, bricks, tiles and pottery, the effects of Joseph Peters, bankrupt of Dorking. The lots to be sold by auction by Mr Gale of Reigate at Dorking and at Holmwood Pottery, Dec 1819. The second lot appeared to have included equipment for a working pottery. References in the London Gazette indicate that Joseph Peters was formerly a banker, the company of Joseph Peters & Co being responsible for the Darking Bank which failed in the same year. | |
SCS3 | Records relating to the sale of livestock and meadow hay, the property of William Cooper, Junior, for sale by auction by James White of Dorking at premises near the Windmill, Holmwood Common, 19 Sep 1825, 3 items. Includes a poster advertising the sale and an account of the monies raised with the estate agent's and the printer's costs. | |
SCS4 | File of records relating to the sale of the household furniture and effects of Mr Roberts of Harrow Cottage, near the Harrow Turnpike Gate, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White, estate agent of Dorking, 24 Sep 1827.4 items. | |
SCS4/1 | Catalogue of the household furniture and effects of Mr Roberts of Harrow Cottage, Dorking giving a detailed listing of the contents of each room, 1827. 8pp. The amounts raised and the purchasers of each lot have been entered by hand. | |
SCS4/2-4 | Accounts of sums raised and costs for the sale of the furniture and effects of the sale of Harrow Cottage, Dorking, and a receipt for printing costs from the printer E Langley of Dorking, 1827. 3 items. The last item incorporates an elaborate bill head for the printer E. Langley. | |
SCS5 | Records of the general sale of carts, carriages and farm equipment, sold by auction in the Cattle Market, Dorking by Mr White, 13 Dec 1827, 3 items. Includes a poster advertising the sale, a list of individual lots, owners, purchasers, and sums raised; and a receipt for printing costs issued by E. Langley, printer of Dorking. | |
SCS6 | Poster issued by Mr James White, estate agent of Dorking, for the letting by tender of the property known as Harrow Lands, near to the Harrow Gate Turnpike Dorking, of arable land, a barn and other buildings. The let was advertised for four years, commencing from the previous Michaelmas. 14 Feb 1828. | |
SCS7 | Large poster advertising a sale by auction by Mr White, estate agent of Dorking, of three lots on Holmwood Common, Dorking, comprising freehold cottages and tenements, 16 Oct 1848. The tenantsÍ names and rents are included. Lot 1 of four cottages: tenants are William Watts, Ann New, John Davis, Joseph Marshall. Lot 2 of two cottages: the tenants are William Moore and Widow Lawrence. Lot 3 of two tenements: the tenants are Daniel Hamsher, Henry Packham. The poster has been annotated with auctioneerÍs notes. | |
SCS8/1 | Large plan of freehold building land at Holmwood, Dorking, [c.mid to late 19th century?] The plots included are situated between Buckingham Road, Norfolk Road, The Turnpike Road and Warwick Road Holmwood. The plan was issued by White and Sons, estate agents of Dorking, and Hart, Hart and Marten of Dorking. | |
SCS8/2 | Photocopy of a plan of the Harrow Lands Estate, Dorking, 1851. The plan shows the sizes and names of the fields and the names of the surrounding landowners: Henry Napper, Charles Denyer, Henry Thomas Hope. Partially duplicated in SCS/9(a) and (b). | |
SCS9/1 | Poster and specifications for the sale by auction by James White, estate agent of Dorking, of the estate of Arthur Dendy, deceased, of Dorking, 20 Oct 1851. 21pp. The 31 lots include: cottages near Chart Lane Dorking; the Plough at Black Brook; cottages on London Road Dorking; houses and shops on the High Street Dorking; houses on West Street Dorking; cottages and houses in Westcott; houses, cottages and pastureland on the south entrance to Dorking; cottages at Uswards and Bromhalls Dorking; pastureland near the Harrow Turnpike Gate Dorking; the Harrow Lands Dorking; houses and cottages in South Street Dorking (including Stapleton House); pastureland on Boar Hill Dorking; Waterden Farm Coldharbour; Redfold, Parkland, Fishfold, Pisley farms in Ockley and Oakwood; properties in Wisborough Green and Adversane. The file includes plans of the 31 lots. | |
SCS9/2 | Photocopy of poster and specifications for the sale by auction by James White, estate agent of Dorking, of the estate of Arthur Dendy, deceased, of Dorking, 20 Oct 1851. | |
SCS10 | Plan of the freehold estate at Dorking purchased for distribution among the members of the National Freehold Land Society, [c.1852?]. The plan shows lots along West Street, Arundel Road, Vincent Lane, Howard Road and Vincent Walk Dorking. The National Freehold Land Society was the more common name of the National Permanent Mutual Benefit Society. It was founded in 1849 by, among others, Richard Cobden, Samuel Morley and John Bright. Its purpose was to enable men of small means to acquire freehold property, thereby gaining the vote. (Source: catalogue of the National Archives) | |
SCS11 | Large plan produced by the National Freehold Land Society showing plots of land along Harrow Road, South Terrace and Tower Hill, Dorking, [c.1854?]. 3 items. Two original documents with marking and amendments and a photocopy of a version with no markings as indicated. | |
SCS11a | Photocopy of a version of SCS11 without any markings or amendments, [c.1854?]. | |
SCS11b | Original document with crossed lines shown through several of the lots, [c.1854?]. | |
SCS11c | Original document with various hand written amendments, [c.1854?]. | |
SCS12 | Photocopy of a plan showing plots of land along Harrow Road West, Hampstead Road, Coldharbour Road, Falkland Road and Horsham Road, Dorking. Issued by the British Land Company Ltd of Moorgate Street, London, [c.mid to late 19th century?], 4pp. The lots were to be offered to members of the National Freehold Land Society and others. | |
SCS13 | A plan showing plots of land between Coldharbour Road, Falkland Road and Horsham Road, Dorking. Issued by the National Freehold Land Society, Moorgate Street, London, 1855. Includes a photocopy of the original. 2 items. | |
SCS14 | Sale particulars of a freehold property on the Holmwood, Dorking, to be sold by auction by James White, estate agent of Dorking. 13 Apr 1854. The property was previously owned by Edward Swan, deceased. Five lots included an estate named as Whitefields or Postern Gate, together with cottages, tenements and houses in Holmwood, Betchetts Green, Holmwood Common and Chart Lane, Dorking. Tenants of the properties were named as: George Gough, John Sayers, William Rose, George Booker, George Edwards, William Knight and Henry Jupp. 4pp. | |
SCS15 | Papers compiled by R F Philpott (Hon. Treasurer of Surrey Record Society and Parish Clerk of Holmwood) relating to Holmwood windmill and the history of the Swan and Bis(s)hop families, 1855-1953. 20 items. Holmwood windmill was built in the 1760s and remained in the ownership of the Swan and Bis(s)hop families until the 1860s. The windmill was later demolished in the 1870s. | |
SCS15 ctd | The records include: sale particulars for Holmwood windmill with three additional tenements in KingÍs Head Square, Dorking, all previously owned by Edward Swan (d.1845), 1855; manuscript extracts obtained from the court records of the manor of Dorking during the late 18th and 19th centuries concerning the mill, its lands and owners, particularly members of the Swan and Bis(s)hop families, [c.1950s?]; manuscript extracts from the minutes of Dorking Vestry relating to the Swan family of Holmwood mill between 1760 and 1781, [c.1950?] and correspondence between R F Philpott and Bernard Thistlethwaite, author of ñThe Bax Family,î published in 1930 by Headley Brothers regarding the relationship between the Swan and the Bax families, 1951. | |
SCS16 | Plan of building land at Myrtle Road, Dorking for sale in 27 lots by Messrs Crow, surveyors of Dorking. 1912. | |
SCS17 | Plan of a portion of the Deepdene Estate, situated at Brockham, Betchworth and Dorking, for sale by auction by Humbert and Flint, auctioneers of London. 1921. | |
SCS18 | Sale of the Deepdene Estate. 1921: Note in box: in exhibit case. | |
SCS19 | Particulars, plan and condition of sale of Nos 60 and 61 West Street, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs White and Sons, estate agents of Dorking, 05 Dec 1927. To be sold by instruction of Mr F A Allatson. The particulars contain an historical note, which states that the house occupies the greater part of the old QueenÍs Arms, dating from the late 16th Century. 12 pp | |
SCS20/1 | Illustrated sale particulars for the Grove and the Old Beehive, Dorking for sale by auction by White and Sons, estate agents of Dorking, 28 Sep 1931. To be sold by order of Andrew W Arnold and Miss Arnold. Contains an historical note on the origins of the houses, Two copies, one with a manuscript note on the front cover stating that the Grove was demolished in Sep 1933. | |
SCS20/2 | Typescript letter from J E C Walker to Mr Sellick acknowledging the loan and return of The Grove catalogue, 24 May 1955. | |
SCS21 | Catalogue of the sale of the contents of Denbies Mansion, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Cubitt and West, auctioneers of Dorking by direction of Lord Ashcombe, Jul 1952, 60pp. | |
SCS22/1 | Catalogue for the sale of the livestock, dairy herd and farming equipment of Anstie Grange and Anstiebury Farms, Holmwood, Dorking, to be sold at auction by Messrs Crow, by direction of Captain L C Heath. 10 Sep 1952. | |
SCS22/2 | Newspaper cutting giving notice of a tree preservation order for trees in Anstie Grange, Holmwood. 10 Oct 1952 | |
SCS23 | Large poster for the sale of 48 _ 51 Church Street, Dorking, to be sold by auction by Cubitt and West, auctioneers of Dorking. 27 Apr 1953. | |
SCS24 | Plans for the Deepdene Estate, Dorking, for sale by auction by Messrs Cubitt and West, auctioneers of Dorking. Jun 1955. 5 items including the original envelope cover and 4 separate plans. Plan 1 shows lots in Betchworth and Chart Lane, Dorking; Plan 2 shows lots along Punchbowl Lane, Dorking; Plan 3 shows lots between St Paul's Road, South Terrace and Horsham Road, Dorking and Plan 4 shows lots along the River Mole from Reigate Road, Dorking. | |
SCS25 | Sale of Brookhurst (Mallquods) with declaration of purchase; & sale of bonds: 1845. Longley James: Young Heathfield: Pullen Mrs Jane. | |
SCS26 | Plan of lands and premises in the Vale of Mickleham for sale by James White, estate agent of Dorking, 1850. The plan shows 4 lots between the River Mole and Westhumble Street. | |
SCS27 | Sale notice and catalogue of household furniture, the effects of Thomas Cresswell of Ockley, 26 May 1827. 2 copies. One contains auctioneer's notes of lot prices and purchasers. | |
SCS28 | Large poster for the sale of a cottage with stable and garden in Shere, to be sold by auction by Mr J.White, estate agent of Dorking, 29 Apr 1848. Described as a copyhold property in the manor of Shere Eborum. | |
SCS29 | Sale particulars and plan for the freehold estate of the late John Cooke in Westcott to be sold by auction by Mr E Butcher, 13 Jun 1876. 3 items | |
SCS29/1 | Sale particulars of the freehold estate including several lots of freehold building land, a house, five cottages, workshop, shed and stabling to be sold in 1 or 17 lots. | |
SCS29/2 | Plan showing lots 1-17. 2 copies. | |
SCS30 | Sale particulars for the effects of Oakwood Hill Brickyard near Ockley to be sold by auction by James White, estate agent of Dorking, 15 Jun 1827. 3 items. | |
SCS30/1 | Sale notice and catalogue of sale for bricks, tiles, growing crops and other effects of Oakwood Hill Brickyard. 2 copies, one with a handwritten note on the reverse: "Bricks, tiles etc, Mr Westbrook, Oakwood Hill 15 Jun 1827." | |
SCS30/2 | Account of James White regarding the sale of Oakwood Hill Brickyard, made out to Mr Westbrook, 15 Jun 1827. 1p. | |
SCS31 | Particulars for sale of livestock, agricultural implements and household furniture to be sold by auction by Mr James White, estate agent of Dorking by direction of James Tebbit of Potnell's Farm near Wotton Hatch, 11 Dec 1827. 2 items. Also includes James White's account made out to James Tebbit, 11 Dec 1827. | |
SCS32 | Poster of notice of sale and catalogue for crops and growing straw and tithes of corn and straw from farms in and around Farleigh, 04 Aug 1828. 1p. | |
SCS33 | Plan on tracing paper of unidentified property in 'High Street' in unidentified place. Surveyor: George Brown of Barnstable, Devon. 2 items including plan of the High Street and plan of a portion of the street. [c.19th century?] | |
SCS34 | Priced catalogue of birds' eggs for sale issued by James Ellison of Steeton, Keighley, Yorks, [c.19th century?] 4pp | |
SCS35 | Sales Particulars: Boxhill, Brockham and Dorking. 13 Freehold Farms, woods Accommodation Lands Small Holdings and Cottages, (also S1121), 1921. 4 items | |
SCS36 | Sale of Pixham Mill House: 1922: Anson Admiral C E. | |
SCS37 | Particulars, plans and conditions of sale of Folly Farm, The Holmwood, Dorking, for sale by auction by A H Lyne and Co, estate agents of Dorking, by direction of Colonel J B L Stilwell. 25 Sep 1922. 8pp, 1 illus; and fold out plan. The freehold estate includes the farm house, farm buildings, 2 dwellings known as Bushy Croft Cottages and 87 acres of farm land. | |
SCS38 | Particulars and conditions of sale of Stone House, Rose Hill, Dorking, for sale by auction by A H Lyne and Co, auctioneers of Dorking. 16 Jun 1924. 4pp; 1 illus. | |
SCS39 | Particulars, plans and conditions of sale of Holmwood Park, Holmwood Corner, Dorking, for sale by auction by Brodie, Timbs and Ford, auctioneers of London, by instruction of the executors of J B Nichols, deceased. 02 Jul 1929. 18pp (pp 9-12 are loose); fold-out plan. The freehold residential and agricultural estate, includes the house and gardens, Holmwood Park Farm, the farm buildings, 129 acres of farm land, Holmwood Cottage, Grandon Lodge, Ross Cottage, Grandon Cottages. The tenants were Mrs G F Rutter, Mr T Tickner, Mr Renville. | |
SCS40 | Particulars, plans and conditions of sale of Folly Farm, South Holmwood, Dorking, for sale by auction by White and Sons, estate agents of Dorking. 15 Jun 1950. 12pp; 5 illus. The freehold residential and agricultural estate included the farm house, the BailiffÍs house, Bushey Croft Cottages, farm buildings and 77 acres of farm land. The vendors were Robert Thomas Brammall and Kathleen Brammall. | |
SCS41 | Particulars for the sale by auction of Anstie Grange Estate, Holmwood, Dorking, by Weller, Son and Grinsted, auctioneers of Cranleigh. 28 Jul 1952. 22pp; 6 illus; fold-out plan. 2 copies. The property included Anstie Grange house and gardens, 2 smallholdings, cottages, the dairy farm known as Anstie Grange Farm, a mixed farm known as Anstiebury Farm and 202 acres of farm land. The tenants were Mr R T Meech, Mr H A Andrews, Mrs Bovill, Mr Taylor, and Mr Hill. The previous vendor of the land, under a contract dated 26 May 1952, is Captain Leopold Cuthbert Heath. One copy includes manuscript notes and amendments. It also includes a typescript loose insert of 4pp supplementing or amending the printed particulars. An unidentified newspaper cutting, dated 1 Aug 1952, describing the sale is pasted on the inside front cover of this copy. | |
SCS42 | Sale particulars and plans for the sale of the remaining parts of the Deepdene Estate, Dorking, for sale by auction by Cubitt and West, auctioneers of Dorking, by order of the Metropolitan Railway Company Ltd and Ortem Estates Ltd. 20 Jun 1955. 5 items including four numbered plans and an Illustrated catalogue, listing 59 lots in Brockham Green, Dorking, Betchworth, North Holmwood, Holmwood, and including properties and plots in Castle Gardens Dorkin; South Terrace, Dorking; St Pauls Road, Dorking; Punchbowl Lane, Dorking, and Betchworth Golf Course including the ruins of Betchworth Castle, of a total of about 576 acres, 1955. 26pp. | |
SCS43 | Plans, particulars and conditions of sale for The Three Tuns, High Street, Dorking, for sale by auction by Charles Osenton and Co, auctioneers of Guildford, by order of Friary Holroyd and HealyÍs Breweries Ltd of Guildford, 04 Jul 1960, 8 pp including detailed plan of the High Street Dorking, with the names of shops and plan of property. | |
SCS44 | Particulars and conditions of sale of Woodside, Holmwood, Dorking, to be sold by auction by White and Sons, estate agents of Dorking, by instructions of Misses E and M Webber. 12 Sep 1960, 4pp. | |
SCS45 | Particulars and conditions of sale of Brookwood Corner, Holmwood, Dorking, for sale by auction by White and Sons, estate agents of Dorking, by order of the executors of B W A Watney, deceased, 1961. 8pp, a plan of the estate is lightly affixed to the inside back cover. The small agricultural property, in the parishes of Capel and Ockley, consists of the house and gardens, farm buildings, 3 cottages in Moorhurst Lane, Jersey Farm Cottages and 92 acres of farm land. | |
SCS47 | Sale particulars for Dorking Methodist Church site, South Street, Dorking for sale by tender by Crow, Watkin and Watkin, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking, Dec 1973, 9pp with site plan. | |
SCS48 | Sale particulars of Mizbrooks (formerly Misbrooks) Farm, Capel for sale by auction by Crow, Watkin and Watkin, auctioneers and estate agents of Dorking, 19 Jun 1974, 8pp, 4 illus. The property comprises the house and outbuildings and 10.5 acres. Map of site loosely affixed to inside front cover. | |
SCS49 | Illustrated sale particulars with plan of Camilla Lacey, Box Hill, Dorking, for sale by auction by Knight, Frank and Rutley, auctioneers of London by direction of H A Van Nievelt, 23 Nov 1922, 12pp with fold-out plan. The property comprises the freehold estate including the mansion, gardens, cottages, stud farm buildings, riding school, parkland and woodland comprising over 80 acres. Camilla Lacey was the home of the eighteenth century novelist Fanny Burney. | |
SCS50 | Sale particulars for Fredley, Mickleham, for sale by auction by Nightingale, Page and Bennett, auctioneers of Kingston-on-Thames, by direction of Surrey County Council, 28 Sep 1931, 14pp with fold out plan. The property comprises the house, lodge, outbuildings and grounds of 20 acres together with Fredley Cottage, farm buildings, meadow and woodland of 15.75 acres. | |
SCS51 | Illustrated sale particulars for Camilla Lacey, (recently known as Leladene), Mickleham, for sale by auction by Messrs Knight, Frank and Rutley, auctioneers of London on behalf of the executors of the late Victor E. Freeman, 21 Jan 1932, 20pp with fold out plan. The property comprised the mansion, lodge, riding school, grounds, farm and farm building, totalling 80 acres and was the former home of the eighteenth century novelist Fanny Burney. | |
SCS52 | Illustrated sale particulars for Newdigate Place Estate, Newdigate, for sale by auction by Knight, Frank and Rutley, auctioneers of London, 24 Jun 1954, 18pp with plan. The estate included Newdigate Place, Home Farm, Cidermill Farm, Boothland Farm and other cottages and lodges, with fields and woodland totalling 512 acres. Some prices are noted in pencil. | |
SCS53 | Plan entitled ïA reduced plan of an estate called Berry Hill in the parish of Dorking in the county of SurreyÍ. 1811. The plan of Bury Hill has inset plans of: Ansty Farm, Damphurst Farm, lands called Rushet let with Shambles Farm, a strip in Mickleham Common Field abutting the River Mole, and a small plot of unidentified land at the junction of 3 roads. The plan carries the legend: W Leonard, delin. The plots are numbered but there is no key or book of reference. The plan has a manuscript pencilled note on the reverse: From M A Bray, The Manor House, Shere, 1927. | |
SCS54 | Sale particulars for Bury Hill Estate, Dorking, for sale by auction by Charles Osenton, auctioneers of Guildford, 23 Jul 1952, 3 items including 2 plans. The estate includes includes Westlees Farm, Chadhurst Farm, the Home Farm, Old Bury Hill Gardens and land, cottages in Milton Street Westcott, other houses and cottages in Westcott, Nower Lodge, Dorking and Stone Lodge, Holmwood. 36pp. Some prices are noted in pencil. | |
SCS55 | Illustrated sale particulars of the outlying portions of the Wotton Estate in the parishes of Wotton and Abinger, for sale by auction by King and Chasemore, land agents of Horsham, 1922, 53pp including 3 plans. The estate comprises residences and lands in Walliswood, Mayes Green, Forest Green, Ockley, Holmbury St Mary, Wotton Common, Abinger Bottom and Abinger Common, including Waterland Farm, Goster Wood, Upfolds Farm, Leyland Farm, Lemons Farm and Paddington Farm and Leith Hill Tower. | |
SCS56 | Sale particulars for the Sussex portion of the Broadwood Estate, Kingsfold, for sale by auction by Messrs Crow, chartered surveyors of Dorking, on the instruction of Captain Evelyn Broadwood, 06 Oct 1955, 26pp; 5 illus; fold out plan; map affixed to inside front cover. Some manuscript notes. The estate comprises 7 dairy and stock farms, woodlands and 2 cottages, totalling 814 acres. It includes Stone Farm, Warnham, Denne Farm, Ockley and Warnham, Brookhouse Farm, Warnham, Marches Farm, Warnham, Tickfold Farm, Warnham, Wattlehurst Farm, Capel and Ockley, and Hewells Farm, Warnham and Capel. | |
O.SC.255.1-8 | Typescript transcript of Dorking parish registers with index of names & places: baptisms 1538-1812; marriages 1539-1802; burials 1538-1812 | |
Audio | A collection of audio CDs compiled by the Dorking and District Talking Newspaper Group which produces audio recordings of material published in the Dorking Advertiser for the benefit of blind and partially sighted people in the Dorking area, [c.2000?], 32 items. | |
Audio 1/1 | Duration:25 mins; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Ruth Dyson the celebrated harpsichordist telling about her long-standing connections with Dorking | |
Audio 1/2 | Duration:2 mins; piece read by Jessica Thurtell. Refers to a piece of music named after "The Shippen" the house at West Humble on the Pilgrims Way where Ruth Dyson lived with her husband Edward Thomas | |
Audio 1/3 | Duration: 12 mins 30 secs; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Alan Jackson during the 150th Anniversary Exhibition of Dorking Museum. Describes a tour of the train section of the exhibition and railway history of Dorking | |
Audio 1/4 | Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Edward Thomas talents, work and connection with Dorking | |
Audio 2/1 | Duration: 15 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Dr Harry Bramma Principal of the Royal School of Church Music at Westhumble. Describes the work of the school and its former location at Addington Hall | |
Audio 2/2 | Duration: 10 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Roger Minty a metal detectorist. Describes hs modus operandi and find in Reigate in September 1990 of 6,700 medieval coins | |
Audio 2/3 | Duration: 13 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Jim Flockhait senior anti-smuggling officer at Gatwick Airport. Describes his work and daily finds including cigarettes, prohbited animals, drugs and pornography | |
Audio 2/4 | Duration: 23 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Bronwen Mills a blue badge guide who took Helen on a virtual tour of Leatherhead | |
Audio 2/5 | Duration: 20 mins; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Margaret Arminson joint owner of the Abinger watercress beds and farm shop describing the running of the business and maintenance of the beds. Concludes with a poem "The Watercress Girl" written by the late Kathleen Herbert a Dorking poet | |
Audio 3/1 | Duration: 23 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; Peter Amy held at Denbies Wine Estate talking about the progress of the proposed new winery and sample the wine | |
Audio 3/2 | Duration: 12 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; John Mitchell a blind mountaineer approaching attempt to climb Mount Everest | |
Audio 3/3 | Duration: 11 mins 30 secs; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; Gail Lowe Choreographer and Jamie Cordell Music Director at the newly formed Dorking Academy of Performing Arts speaking during a rehearsal of "Dracula The Spectacular" | |
Audio 3/4 | Duration: 11 mins 30 secs; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Doctor Richard Hearn a professional picture restorer called in to restore several paintings of Old Dorking and portraits of its former inhabitants | |
Audio 3/5 | Duration: 14 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; attending the Dorking Fairground Organ Festival organised to raise funds for Dorking's christmas lights | |
Audio 4/2 | Duration: 16 mins; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Kate Cameron Captain of St Martins Chruch Bell Ringers at the time of the interview | |
Audio 4/3 | Duration: 12 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Vivien Ettlinger co-author of "Dorking, A Market Town Through The Ages" | |
Audio 4/4 | Duration: 11.5 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; Victoria Houghton historian talking about "Dorking Town 1899 - 1999" | |
Audio 4/5 | Duration: 10 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; Victoria Houghton historian describing the River Mole and its swallow holes and Pump Corner and its history | |
Audio 5/1 | Duration: 19 mins 30 secs; Presenter: Diana Gibbans reads from Miss Joan Ryde's book " Memories of Westcott Forge, 1890 - 1920" Miss Ryde was the youngest daughter of the last Westcott blacksmith; Paul Davies landlord of the "Crown" Public House in Westcott talking about its history | |
Audio 5/2 | Duration: 13 mins 30 secs; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; Geoff Collins member of the Dorking Dramatic and Operatic Society since 1956 and its President for 10 years talking about the annual musical performed each February in The Dorking Halls | |
Audio 5/3 | Duration: 10 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; John Bebbington director of the Juniper Hall Field Centre in Mickleham talking about that winters' weather, 1990. | |
Audio 5/4 | Duration: 16.5 mins; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Neil Caiter of the Caiters Garage in Capel; part interview | |
Audio 5/5 | Duration: 11 mins; Presenter: Joyce Robinson: Neil Caiter of the Caiters Garage in Capel; concluding part of interview | |
Audio 6/1 | Duration: 43 mins; Presenter: Joyce Robinson; Cliff Weight tour guide gives tour of Dorking South Street caves describing the caves' history and that of some adjacent buildings; caves lit with candles alone some 60 or 70 in 1988 | |
Audio 6/2 | Duration: 5 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Harry Tyler Caves Officer in 1999 talking about the South Street caves and their history | |
Audio 7/1 | Duration: 25 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Virginia McKenna a local celebrity describes her life and family. She started a charity called Zoo check, which became the Born Free Foundation to protect endangered species around the world and formed Elefriends to protect elephants from human traffickers in ivory | |
Audio 7/2 | Duration: 6 mins 7 secs; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Shelia Nehra Black appointed Poet Laureate by Mole Valley District Council in 1999 as winner of a competition talking about her win; reads her own poem about Fanny Burney | |
Audio 7/3 | Duration: 7 mins 30 secs; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Lorna Dowell Poet Laureate for Mole Valley District Council following Shelia Nehra Black talking about her plans. She held the laureateship for 2 and a half years; During her tenure she published a book of poems and encouraged poetry in schools and public reading in libraries. | |
Audio 7/4 | Duration: 23 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; tours Dorking Farmers Market and talks to stallholders, 2000. | |
Audio 7/5 | Duration: 12 mins; Presenter: Helen Duffy; Michaela Edge currently Surrey's only cheese maker describing how the cheese is made and spiked to turn it into Norbury Blue; She lives in Mickleham and uses milk form their own cows to make 20 cheeses every other day | |
Audio 7/6 | Duration: 10 mins; Presenter: Jessica Thurtell; Simon Cornwall of the Cottage Bakery talking about Baker's day, different types of bread and confectionary made and what is done with "left over" bread |
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Museum Library
The Museum library comprises a varied collection which can be of great help with local history and family research. We have extensive sections on the history of Dorking, the surrounding villages and Surrey as a whole, plus a variety of works of memoir and biography and a very useful section of reference books which can be of great help with your research. Our collection of local directories, parish magazines and guidebooks are a vital resource and we also have a complete set of the Surrey Archaeological Collections.
Please see the full library catalogue here.
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Research Charges
Research pass : in person research including using your own camera: | £10.00 | |
Research by an archivist | ||
Each 30 minutes | £15.00 | |
Supply of Digital Images – If large amounts of digital material are required – a price will be discussed. | £2.00 per image | |
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For-profit print-runs | £90.00 cover page | £40.00 inner page |
Newspapers / magazines National & International publications | £100.00 cover page | £60.00 inner page |
Commercial posters/advertising/merchandise (per image, per use) | £200.00 | |
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Other Local History Societies, History Centres and Resources
Surrey History Centre | https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/culture-and-leisure/history-centre |
Surrey LiDAR | https://surreylidar.org.uk/wp_sur/wp/ |
Betchworth Archives | https://www.betchworth-pc.gov.uk/betchworth-village-archives/ |
Brockham History | http://www.brockhamhistory.org/ |
Capel History Group | http://www.capelvillage.co.uk/clubs-societies/history-group/ |
Dorking Local History Group | https://dlhg.org.uk/ |
Holmwood History | https://www.holmwoodhistory.co.uk/ |
Leigh History | https://leigh-surrey.org.uk/directory/history/ |
Mickleham & Westhumble History Group | http://www.micklehamwesthumblehistory.co.uk/community/mickleham-westhumble-local-history-group-13483/home/ |
Newdigate Local History Society | https://nlhs.org.uk/ |
Ockley History | https://www.ockley.org.uk/history |
Okewoodhill Church | https://friendsofokewoodchurch.org/ |
Walliswood Village Hall | https://www.walliswoodvillagehall.org/local-history |
Westcott History Society | https://www.westcotthistory.org.uk/ |