The exhibition ran at Dorking Museum from 24th January to 18th May 2018.
During the early 1960s, a club known as the Capel Arts and Crafts Group existed, which included a section for photographers. In 1963, the members of the photographic section formed their own independent group, which they called The Capel Camera Club.
Since then, the club has grown into a band of enthusiasts who practise the art of photography. Members meet up at Capel Village Hall on Wednesday evenings between September and April, with the season culminating in an annual dinner and awards evening.
There are summer holiday get-togethers at various local events and places of interest to develop skills.
Capel Camera Club endeavours to cater for the beginner as well as the advanced enthusiast. Various competitions are held throughout the year in all aspects of photography — prints, audio visual and digital projection. Guest speakers visit to give talks on variety of subjects and there are demonstration/training sessions for members to try out lighting equipment and experiment with different techniques.
There is always room for new members. By far the most popular question we are asked is “Can I come along to a meeting and see what you do at the club?” and the answer is always “yes, please come and join us!”
Trevor Williams
Trevor has lived in Dorking for five years, the same amount of time he has been a member of Capel Camera Club. He joined the camera club because he was coerced by his sister and son.
As a full-time videographer and image specialist, Trevor regularly shares his lighting and photography skills with members at club workshops. He took up photography at about the age of 14 in the mid-1970s and has been creating images on and off ever since.
The picture Trevor has entered was based on the original brief to take inspiration from the museum’s painting collection.

Liz Lamb
Liz has lived in Beare Green for 11 years — a huge change from her previous life in Croydon.

When asked what inspired her photo, she says: “No matter how busy or how much of a rush I am in as I cut through St Martin’s Churchyard between the car park and High Street, I cannot help but pause a few moments to watch the antics of these playful little creatures.”
Liz is has been member of Capel Camera Club for around five years. Before this, she had absolutely no interest in photography, but with a husband and brother (Trevor Williams) both keen photographers and club members, days out hanging around waiting for them to “get their shot” was sometimes rather tedious.
“Well, as the saying goes,” she says, “if you can’t beat them, join them, so I too began snapping. Now I am truly hooked.”
Dick Thomas
Dick has lived in Ockley for more than 40 years and took up photography when he was about eight years old, and then more seriously when he joined Capel Camera Club. He is a long standing member — joining in 1979. Dick wanted to improve his photography and felt advice and helpful, constructive criticism from fellow photographers was the best way of achieving this.

The photograph of a West Street window, although perhaps not entirely typical of West Street, has the advantage of being colourful.

Dick was inspired to create his other image of Pump Corner because he felt the old pump isn’t as obvious to the passer-by as it should be. He emphasised it by using differential focus.
Dick Thomas is an Associate Member of the Royal Photographic Society (ARPS).
Marion Maciuk
Marion Maciuk has been a member of Capel Camera Club for about four years. She has lived in Capel for nearly 20 years and, prior to that, she lived in Dorking for about eight years.
She has been interested in photography for the past five years. Marion loves travelling, but could never capture the beautiful, awe-inspiring scenery she came across in her pictures, which is why she joined the Capel Camera Club. She is still learning and, through club meetings and being among other people passionate about photography, she is encouraged to keep going out there to capture that perfect view.

She was inspired to create this image of the washing on Cotmandene as she was fascinated that the washing lines were positioned there, in full view of all passers-by on common land. She liked the way the clothes were rakishly blowing in all directions.

Tara Evans
Tara Evans has been a member of Capel Camera Club for four years.

Her first picture of Denbies was inspired by the autumn colours in the vines.

She created the Leith Hill Tower image as she has a fond memory of it from her childhood. Every Sunday before roast dinner, she would walk up to Leith Hill — often to the tower. It was always somewhere she regularly went with the family.
She has lived in Capel all her life — 42 years— and remembers always being keen on taking photos. She much prefers to be behind the lens than in front.
Tara says: “I always had a little compact camera, but my brother had a DSLR and I kept borrowing it. After a while, he got fed up and asked me when I was going to buy my own.”
Wanting to learn the technical side, Tara joined the camera club: “ I became the owner of a DSLR camera, which had all these buttons and settings, and I didn’t have a clue how to use
John Cole
John, who is in his 80s, has been a club member for 18 years and a resident of Capel for 20. He enjoys architecture and landscape photography and this shows in the two images he has submitted for this exhibition.
John travels extensively around the country, taking some wonderful landscapes.
John used to shoot primarily on slide film, but now regularly uses various editing software applications to do some “faffing”, as he fondly calls it, to his digital images to produce some stunning and unusual images. John is constantly experimenting with his work and invested in a drone only last year.

Jason Wharam

This image by Jason Wharam of a star trail over Ranmore Church is a combination of 197 images taken during a 4.5hr time-lapse between 10.30pm and 2.30am. It was achieved at the fourth attempt as the first three time-lapses were ruined by cloud and light pollution from planes and cars.
“I love trying new things in photography, but my passion is wildlife and sports,” says Jason.
Jason Wharam DPAGB (Distinction from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) has been a member of Capel Camera Club for more than a decade, is a Surrey Photographic Association judge and gives talks about his wildlife photography around the country. He was born and raised on a farm in Zimbabwe and is an expert on wildlife, having worked as a safari guide all over Africa for many years.

To see more of Jason’s work – visit his websites
Angela Rixon
Angela Rixon, is a new member to the club. Her photography has featured in numerous books. Her image Lychgate I & II are close-up studies of carvings at a local village church.

She says: “Countless visitors to Mickleham Church pass through the imposing lychgates without ever noticing the small and exquisitely carved regal heads on each of the shadowed supportive pillars.”

Angela holds two qualifications in photography, an Associate with The Royal Photographic Society and a Distinction Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.
Steve Woolven
Steve has been a member for 32 years and enjoys photographing landscapes and sporting action. He holds a CPAGB (Credit of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain).

In his photo, “Wait for me!” at the The Box Hill Stepping Stones, he used a slow shutter speed to create the milky movement of water, while trying to keep the people posing for him nice and sharp — not an easy task.

He also went to great lengths to capture the image of the bikes on Box Hill.
Steve comments: “I enjoy the great outdoors and being active. Things like skiing, caving and walking — all of which I enjoy photographing. Most of all, I love to walk the North Downs in all seasons to capture the glorious landscapes.”
Shelley King
Shelly starting taking photographs about eight years ago when she had the opportunity to study the subject as one of her A levels. She moved to Capel six years ago and joined the club within weeks of moving to area. Originally from London, she found the landscapes of Surrey the perfect way for her to continue her love for photography. The club has helped her make friends and learn new photography skills.

“With the theme ‘New View’ in mind, I wanted to take a photo of Dorking in a different way from how I would normally see it and so I headed to Box hill. I used the fisheye adaptor to give the image a globe-like effect as I wanted to display Dorking separated from the surrounding area, almost as if it was a planet.”
Geoff Palmer
Geoff Palmer has been a member of Capel Camera Club for three years. Geoff has gained a lot of knowledge through the club meetings and from other members, which has inspired him to study photography in more depth via an online course to improve his technical understanding.
“I enjoy taking photos of every subject matter. I always have my camera in my car because you just don’t what might catch your eye. The picture I have taken is something a bit different for me,” says Geoff.

He stepped up to the challenge of finding a different subject local to Dorking to create this image of the Old Cottage Hospital. Geoff has lived in the village for around 32 years; he loves the peace and quiet as well as lots of walks with his dog.
Leslie Bliss
Leslie Bliss LBIPP moved to the nearby village of Ockley in 2000 and became a professional photographer in 2012, the same year she joined Capel Camera Club. Having worked as a journalist for many years prior to this, Leslie’s passion for capturing moments in time developed into a career after she was asked to accompany her editorial features with images.

“Having been given the brief for this exhibition, I wanted to create an image using the Dorking Cockerel. To me, he symbolises this charming historic market town. I decided he needed to stand out, to take centre stage, without any distractions, which is why I found an angle of him with dark trees behind and then further darkened the background.”

Leslie’s second image was taken closer to her home, on Ockley Green.
“The Ockley pump was gifted to the village in the days when there was no running water. It was restored a few years ago and reminds me how lucky we are to have running water in our homes. I’ve photographed this lovely feature frequently over the years and chose this particular image because I’m fond of the ethereal feel created by shooting in fog at dawn.”
Leslie is a qualified member of the British Institute of Professional Photography and was awarded the best Licentiate of 2014.
Martin Robinson
Martin’s interest in photography started when the company he works for as a surveyor bought a DSLR camera to create 360-degree panoramas. While learning how to use the camera, he soon developed a passion for photography in general and has been taking photos ever since. Martin spends his evenings and weekends trying to keep up with his family, squeezing in as much photography as time allows.

Living in Brockham, he decided to take the picture of the bridge, but with a technical twist.
Martin explains: “The picture is a long exposure taken with a neutral density filter to try and smooth the water and create streaky clouds. I was lucky enough for a tractor to cross the bridge during the exposure to get the light trails, however, not so lucky walking home in the torrential rain that started soon after.

I submitted the picture of Dorking Caves as I don’t think many people have seen inside them. I was part of a team that did a 3D-laser scanning survey of the cave system, and spent a few days down there. The picture is a slightly cropped 360-degree panorama, with the camera being placed in the centre of a four-way cross passage, so each one can be seen in the resulting photo.”
Jayne Kemp
For about four years now, Jayne has been a member of Capel Camera Club. Having worked as a professional photographer in the past and recently spent three years working on a photography degree, it has now become a hobby.

“I absolutely love Dorking. We are so fortunate to live within the Green Belt of Surrey. The surrounding landscape offers so many opportunities for photography. St Martin’s is the heart of our market town and I caught this shot of the church one late afternoon.”
She then enhanced the image with imaging software by lighting the lamp to give more atmosphere.

Her second image of Tillingbourne waterfall is a hidden treasure and quite tricky to find.
“It’s a fenced-off waterfall, but you can just about get a good shot through the gap. Not many people know about the waterfall — it’s worth the walk
To see more of Jayne’s work – visit her website
Ann Bathes
Ann is a new member of the club.

She entered this lovely shot of a water garden with its interesting silver focal point.

She also ventured out and about in Dorking to capture an image of this row of historic houses in Spring Gardens.
Jean Parry
Jean is a new club member and holds a CPAGB (Credit of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) in photography. Jean particularly enjoys nature photography and captures many of her special images during holidays around the UK and world.

She has entered two interesting photographs. One is of a detailed panel from St Martin’s church.

The other is an intriguing old mangle she found in Gomshall.
David Chiverton
David has lived in Surrey all his life. He joined the club because his grandfather and father were members of Capel Camera Club. His grandfather was one of the original members of the club when it started. Now David helps support and keep the club running in his role of club secretary.

His image, a panoramic of Box Hill, adds a nice contrast to the other portrait and landscape images in the exhibition.
With special thanks Kathy Atherton, Peter Camp and David Burton from Dorking Museum for all their help in making this project successful.
If you would like any more information about these images or wish to purchase any, please contact Jayne Kemp and she will put you in contact with the photographer.