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Thank you to Wendy Shuttleworth for the following research.
Mark Edwards was born at the Rose and Crown Pub, 10 West Street, Dorking in 1881. His father Mark Edwards was the publican. Also residing there was Mark’s mother Roseanna Sarah and his older sisters Fanny and Ellen.
In the 1911 Census he was living with his cousin George Albert Bassington, Ellen and Fanny. His trade was listed as general labourer, address 9 Rose’s Cottages, Dorking. By this time both his parents have died. His Mother in 1889 and his Father in 1895. His effects were given to his sister Ellen.

It has been ascertained that Pte. Mark Edwards, Middlesex Regt., who was officially reported missing in our columns last week, is slightly wounded, and a prisoner of war. A postcard has been received from him to this effect. Pte. Edwards’ home is at 9, Rose Cottages, Dorking, and he is one of the oldest members of the fire brigade. He joined up on March 24th last year and left for France in the second week of July following.
Mark Edwards POW Notice © Dorking Advertiser findmypast.co.uk

Information has been received of the death while a prisoner of war of Pte. Mark Edwards, Middlesex Regt, a Dorking man much represented by those who knew him. He joined up on March 24th, 1916, and went out to France on July 13th, and four months later was made a prisoner. The intimation of his death has been received through the Central Prisoners of War Committee of the Red Cross Society, according to which Pte. Edwards died in the prisoner’s camp at Hameln, on February 9th. In an updated letter which his fiancee received in Dorking on March 11th, and bears the German postmark of Feb 10th, deceased wrote that he was “alive and well.” No official information has yet been received from our own Government. Pte Edwards was the only son of the late Mr. Mark Edwards, who formerly kept the Rose and Crown in West Street; before joining the Army he was in the employ of the Urban Council. He lived at Rose’s Cottages, and was an old member of the Fire Brigade, having been fifteen years of service to his credit.
Mark Edwards Death Notice © Dorking Advertiser findmypast.co.uk

The Chairman mentioned that the death of Mark Edwards, who was in their service for some years before joining the Army was reported. He was wounded and taken prisoner, and had died in a prisoner’s camp. He thought the Council would like the Clerk to express its sympathy with the family.
This was agreed to.
Mark Edwards Council Notice 6th January 1917 © Dorking Advertiser findmypast.co.uk
Born | Dorking, Surrey | |
Lived | Dorking, Surrey | |
Son of | Mark and Roseanna Sarah Edwards | |
Enlisted | Ealing | |
Regiment | 17th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment | |
Number | G/44122 | |
Date of Death | 9th February 1917 | |
Place of Death | Germany | |
Cause of Death | Died in prisoner of war camp | |
Age | 36 | |
Cemetery | Niederzwehren Cemetery, Germany |