Okewood Hill St. John the Baptist Memorial

To the Glory of God
And in Memory of the Men of Oakwood
Parish who laid down their lives in the
Great War 1914-1918
Lieut. H. De la Fosse Simpson 8th Batt. K.R.R.
2nd Lieut G. D. Lothian Nicholson Wor. Regt.
Sergt. Wm Frank Charman R.F.A.
Corpl. Henry J. Charman R.F.A.
L/Corpl. Alfred Roser Liverpool Regt.
L/Corpl H. Duffell D.C.M. M.M. 2nd R. I. Regt
Pte. Charles H. Etherington 9th Essex Regt.
Pte. George Cooper Manchestr. Regt.
Pte. Edward J. Curtis 6th. Bedford. Regt.
Pte Henry Elms Australian Regt.
Pte. John Muggeridge 1/6th Sth Staff Regt.
Greater love hath no man than this
that a man lay down his life for his friends
St John 15:13