More news from Abinger from 131 years ago. Thank you once again to Melissa Schaupp for her reporting.

Cottage gardening is discussed as a male dominated practice attended to after work. Gardens were prided over allotments, for convenience and protect from ‘depredators’.

We are far from disparaging allotments, but….

The amalgamation of Council services is not a new concept. Here is a proposal under ‘pretext of amalgamation’ to remove the Dorking County Court to Redhill.

Vaxxers verus Ant-Vaxxers is not a new issue either. At the Dorking Petty Sessions a fine and 14 day prison sentence were imposed on a Wotton parishioner for refusing to vaccinate his child. The author appears to be anti-vaccination and these themes spans many issues. The author argues against such disciplinary action if a ‘reasonable’ excuse is presented. The Vaccination Act of 1867 reinforced compulsory vaccination of children up to the age of 14. On his release from prison he was celebrated with a procession through Dorking town and later awarded a subscription of £5 by members of the Abinger, Shere and District Anti-Compulsory-Vaccination Society.

The previous Abinger Glebe land sale proposal is delayed because public footpaths must be provided.

An account of a burglary at the Abinger Hatch Public House.

Divining Rod used at Wotton to find possible sites of springs in a field – ‘the outcome as yet untested’.

The first edition of The Rambler. It describes the local walk from a chantry in Okewood forest, to Ockley, passing along the Stane street where it was believed there was a Saxon battle in 851, to the King’s Arms in Ockley, to Leith Hill , to Abinger Church (found to be a ‘genuine old Saxon Church’ from its record in the Doomsday Book).

Gardening hints and tips from 1889. Remember to be like John Evelyn and ‘sweep and cleanse your walks’ – and watch out for worms fouling your garden.

The monthly query column.

And the replies… Last months enquirer – the Cockney Tourist gets some answers.

A Lover of Folklore is not a lover of the “rough music” discussed in last months edition.
The complete version of October 1889 – Abinger Record.