
Capel St. John the Baptist Memorial


Capel War Memorial

Image © Royston Williamson 2015

This Memorial
is erected by
the People of Capel
in grateful memory
of the men of that
village who fell
in the Great War of
and in the World War
1939 – 1945

1st Class Stoker Arthur Brooker. H.M.S Redbreast.

Pte. Charles Sidney Button. 4th Middlesex.

2nd Lieut. Arthur James Carey. Gordon Highlanders.

Pte. Urban Carpenter. Hampshire Reg.
– Does not appear on the War Memorial, but does appear on Capel Roll of Honour

Lce Corp John Chapman. Sussex Yeomanry.

Capt. Edgar Ralph Coles. 3rd Dragoon Guards.

Corp. William Dawes. Oxf. & Bucks L.I.

Pte.  Harry W. Doody. London Regt.

Flight-Cadet Owen Drewitt. R.A.F.

Pte. Alfred Ede. The Queens R.W.S.

Gunner Reuben James Ede. H.M.S. Doris.

Trooper John Sidney Edwards. 9th Lancers.

Pte. Nathan Edwards. The Queens R.W.S.

Capt. G.B Pollock Hodsoll. 3rd Suffolk Regt.

Corp. Charles J. Holcomb. R. Fusiliers. *

Pte. Alfred John Hunt. The Queens R.W.S.

Pte. William Fred Jarman. A.S.C.  M.T.

Pte. John Kempshall. The Queen’s R.W.S.

Pte. Albert Leadbetter. The Queen’s R.W.S.

Pte. William James Linfield. Machine Gun Corps.

Pte. Fred Lintott. Royal Sussex Regt.

Pte. Oscar Elliott Marshall. Suffolk Regt.

Sergt. Harry Christmas Mitchell. Royal Fusiliers.

Pte. William John Pullen. The Queens R.W.S.

Pte. John Henry Pullen. The Queens R.W.S.

Lce Corp. Harry Puplett. Gordon Highlanders.

Pte. Ernest James Ranger. Essex Regt.

Pte. George Stenning. Rifle Brigade.

Sergt. Charles William Sanders. D.C.M. Rifle Brigade.

Pte. Fred Stonestreet. The Queens R.W.S.

1st Air Mech. Arthur William Tullett. R.N.A.S

Pte. Thomas Wales. The Queens R.W.S.

Pte. Ernest Worcester. Leicestershire Regiment

Lce. Corp. George Way. Leicester Regt.

Rifleman Harry Berry Worsfold. London Regiment (1st Surrey Rifles)

*wrongly listed on Memorial as Corp. Charles J. Holcombe. R. Fusiliers.

Soldiers with Capel connections not commemorated on St. John the Baptist Memorial

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